Random Ages: Impact 3

The Alien Wars Session 106: The Prime Reality Part I - Time and Time Again

[DeathStar] Time Chart: Time Has No Meaning Here
[GreyFox] NRP:Boo, no countdown...
[DeathStar] Location: The Balance Point
[DeathStar] GM: All TAWers are present in what was Chronos' watch tower area.  Those not here are currently scouting the area.  Everyone has been restored back to their normal selves except Garland, who remains missing.
* Dias leans against a pillar thinking deeply
* Snipe stands near the stars that seem to be swirling, tapping it, his hand going through and vanishing
[Snipe] This place is weird.  Really weird.
* GreyFox cracks his knuckles, sitting on the ground cross legged
* Kiki lands on Snipe's shoulder and chirps
* Diamondback nods, looking around
* Kyouki nods.
[Ariel] That's an understatement...
* DeathStar stands near the monitors of other realities, having said hardly anything since coming back from the battle with Chronos
* Snipe looks at the ground that casts reflects of them all
[Snipe] Do you think Chronos will come back here?  Or are we just wasting our time.
* Slasher sits on the ground waiting
[Kyouki] I don't know.
[Dias] Who knows..
[Ariel] I'd place my bet on it.
* Kiki jumps to the ground and chirps at the reflection
[GreyFox] Damnit!...what are we gonna do then, just sit here and wait to die?
[Ariel] [[6Stiletto]] [I don't want to die AGAIN!]
[Snipe] Time doesn't seem to effect this place.  *points at the reality of TAW, the time still August 31st*
[Slasher] Why so pessimistic Grey
[Diamondback] He's not coming back... Call it a strange feeling...
[Ariel] [[6Stiletto]] [I'm sick and tired of always dying!]
* Seraphna looks around
* DeathStar remains quiet, his hair falling into his eyes
* Elayne cringes on her shouilder
[Elayne] [I know sis...]
[Kyouki] [...?!]
* Seraphna seems in shock
[Kyouki] [You die a lot?]
* Snipe can no longer here Stiletto, his powers having returned
[Snipe] (hear)
* Kiki begins fluttering around the room like a hummingbird, looking at everything with interest
[GreyFox] Why so pessimistic, Im pessimistic for so many reasons though, Hermes is dead, Garland is missing, we're all stuck in this god awful place, and I just got my ass whooped by the chronos, does that answer your question?
* DeathStar sighs and turns around
[Kyouki] ...
[DeathStar] I guess we should explain what has happened to those who weren't there to fight Chronos.
[Ariel] [[6Stiletto]] [In about every reality...]
[Slasher] Nothing new for the Hunters..
[Seraphna] Where...
[Seraphna] Where... is he?
[Kyouki] [And I'm crazy in about every reality. You have it lucky.]
*** X1 is now known as Wiendigo
* DeathStar lifts his head up to Sera, then looks back down, letting his hair cover his face again
[DeathStar] I can't find him.  I've been running through all realities with Hermes' staff.  I can't...find him.
*** X1 has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o X1
*** X1 is now known as Gravedigger
[Elayne] [I... WHAT????
[Elayne] ]
* GreyFox shudders, "Maybe Garland is..gone..."
[Snipe] I doubt he's dead.
*** X1 has joined #taw
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[Snipe] We'll meet up with him sooner or later.
[Dias] He's too stubborn to be dead
*** X1 is now known as X2
[Ariel] [[6Stiletto]] [I just wanna be alive again... is that so much to ask... *sniffles*]
*** Rose-AWAY has joined #TAW
[DeathStar] Alright, I guess I should tell you guys what's happened.
* DeathStar lifts his head up again
* Elayne falls to her knees
[DeathStar] For some of you, you weren't present when Hermes reawakened some of us.  I had to go find you personally and bring you back here.
[Kyouki] [I wanna be sane again...]
* Snipe bends down next to Elayne and puts his arm around her shoulder
[Seraphna] (SEWA THERE!)
[Seraphna] (N/M)
* DeathStar looks at Kyouki
* Snipe glances at Kyouki
* Diamondback looks at Kyouki
[Kyouki] ... They never shut up...
* Seraphna bows her head
[Diamondback] [At least you're not in the collective.]
[Kyouki] [Collective?]
[Seraphna] I.. know he's alive...
[Ariel] [[6Spirit]] [The one good thing about not being an enhanced.]
* Dias scratches the goatee thats grown on his chin
* Diamondback snickers as he projects the other 998 telepathic voices of the collective into Kyouki's mind for a moment
* Elayne cries into Snipe's shoulder
* DeathStar decides to pause and let Kouyki, Sera, Elayne, and Stiletto work with their crisis
* Kyouki doesn't seem to notice.
[Kyouki] (Much.)
* GreyFox looks at Kyouki, "Jeez...a psycho, chicken wuss, and idiot boy, all I ever wanted was a good paying job...*mutters a few curses*"
* Snipe pats Elayne's head
[Ariel] [[6Stiletto]] [Well, I'm stuck in the collective AND dead. *sobs*]
* DeathStar lowers his head again to the floor
[Kyouki] ...
* Slasher stands up and walks over to DeathStar
* Kiki goes back to staring at its reflection
[Kyouki] Great. Now I've got a bunch more voices to contend with.
* Diamondback grins and cuts the connection
[Diamondback] [See?
[Diamondback] ]
[Wiendigo] NRP: Okay, I'm fielding four characters, so if I screw upo, this is an advanced apology
[Kyouki] [You don't have it as bad as you think.]
[Slasher] Sure got ourselves in a big mess eh Star?
* DeathStar looks at Slasher out of the corner of his eyes
* GreyFox concentrates a second to get his mind straight so he can talk with it
[DeathStar] We're not battle ready.  Too many of us have problems that won't allow us to go into combat right now.
[Kyouki] Bah.
[DeathStar] We have no chance of beating Chronos in our state.
[Kyouki] I've had this problem for a *LONG* time.
[Slasher] Heh...reminds me of the old days.
[GreyFox] [Kyouki, Ive come to haunt you, I am the voice inside your head, it is me, GreyFox.]
* Diamondback shakes his head
* Seraphna sits down, holding her head in her hands
[Kyouki] [I know of no voice named that.]
* GreyFox chuckles, "At least she isnt gullible..."
[Elayne] [Emily...]
[DeathStar] Slasher...this isn't the old days.  And we're not like we were.  We're fighting what could possibly become a God.
[Ariel] [[6Stiletto]] [*sobs* ...what? ]
[Slasher] Odds are stacked against us..
[DeathStar] Yes.
[Slasher] Any plans?
[Kyouki] I want... to be normal.
[Elayne] [We... we... have to be strong...]
* Kiki flutters over to Kyouki's shoulder and chirps
[Diamondback] If only we could've made it before Chronos got here...
[Snipe] Hey, DB, how does it feel to be on Origin one minute, then the next thing you know, DS is standing over your head with a staff and bringing you here?
[Ariel] [[6Stiletto]] [*sniffle* yeah... ]
[DeathStar] Uh...people?
[GreyFox] I should have never joined, I should have joined the military, became some sergeant first class, killed a few wraiths, got a medal, and had kids,*changes his voice to a whine*But no, I wanted to be Mr. Hero, Mr. Save the Universe,*voice changes back*No look where Im at..
[Diamondback] ...
* DeathStar looks up
[Ariel] Huh? *looks*
* GreyFox looks up
[DeathStar] Could I have your attention for a moment?
* Diamondback follows DS's gaze
* Kyouki starts crying. "Why must I be like this?"
* Dias looks up ready
* Seraphna continues to look down...
* Kiki flies over to DS's shoulder
[DeathStar] GM: *DS is just looking up from the floor*
[Ariel] What's up DS?
* GreyFox looks at DS, "Yeah, whats up?"
[Ariel] No pun intended.
[DeathStar] I know a lot of you have gone through a lot these past few hours..days...years.  *shakes head* Whatever Chronos put us through.  I know a lot of memories aren't yours, but someone elses'.  I know a few of you have lost loved ones or are dead, wishing to be alive.  And some of you wish not to be crazy.
[Kiki] ¿chirp?
[DeathStar] I can't guarentee any of this will ever clear up.  I just know we have a job we owe to ourselves and others to stop Chronos from ruining others' lives and finding this Prime Reality.  If he gets his hands on it, it's game over folks.  We'll be fighting a newborn God.
[Kyouki] *interrupts at the "memories aren't yours"* DAMN RIGHT!
* Snipe glances at Kyouki interrupting then abck
[Kyouki] I'm not sure that's a bad thing any more.
* Diamondback shakes his head
* GreyFox mutters
* Dias shakes head
[DeathStar] I'm willing to give you whatever time you need to recover and enter this battle, but the longer we wait here, the more chances are we'll never win.
[Elayne] [Emily... I don't know what happened to you... but... I...]
* Elayne stops her crying
[DeathStar] I don't mean to seem cold hearted...but that's th facts.
[Kiki] ¡chirp!
* Diamondback slams his fist into the ground
[Dias] I'm ready...
[Diamondback] [If we could've just gotten here sooner, dammit!]
* GreyFox stands up, "Well, lets get this over with, Ive got nothing better to do, and Im not getting any prettier, so lets move out."
[Kyouki] I'll fight.
[DeathStar] I'm going to go over briefly what has happened.  Perhaps this will help some of you.
[Kyouki] I'll rip the creep's heart out and eat it.
*** Dias has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
* GreyFox pats Kyouki on the back, "There ya go, just dont go hearing voices during battle, might mess up your train of thought."
* Wiendigo tosses his cigarette butt across the floor
*** Dias has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Dias
[Kyouki] Like I have a choice.
[DeathStar] On August 31st of our time, the Horizon came to a stop.  The members who went to...stop me.  *says this bitterly, having remembered* ... Anyway, we were stopped by some force.  Chronos.
[Kyouki] I hear them all the time.
[Wiendigo] Gods, monsters, madmen -- you seem to think any of us should be afraid by this by now.
[DeathStar] We entered this place, *waves his hand around Balance Point* and Chronos told us that every 1000 years a new chronos rose to watch over all realities and made sure there was no disturbances.  Chronos said one of the Wraiths was the new chronos.
* DeathStar looks at Wiendigo, ignoring him
[Diamondback] [Yeah, it's all in our line of work, remember DS?]
* GreyFox thinks back to the memory of one reality, where he was a madman, shudders and looks to Kyouki, "Dont worry gal, I know how ya feel."
[DeathStar] Chronos was 'attacked' and seemingly died.  Then the attacker knocked all of us, even those of you on Origin *to DB and BJ*, into different realities.
[Kyouki] Thanks Grey...
[DeathStar] The New Chronos was Hermes.  He found a group of us and fixed our memories to where we weren't affected by what Chronos had done.  But chronos, waiting for the moment the new Chronos appeared, killed his successor.  We were forced to retreat and I brought us all here.
[Snipe] I always loved a good flashback story.
[Kyouki] So now what?
[Gravedigger] Now we do what we always do. Kick ass and look good while doin' it.
[DeathStar] Good question.  We have to find the Prime Reality.  Hermes' staff is almost too weak to open gateways between realities.
[Dias] Grave, you never looked good at that
* Snipe snickers
* Gravedigger morphs his face into Dias
[Kiki] ¿chirp?
[Gravedigger] ...Nah, now I look ever worse.
[Dias] Now your lookin good
[GreyFox] Yeah...and what are we gonna do when we find the prime reality, put a pad lock on it?
[DeathStar] That'll explain itself to us when we reach there.
* Gravedigger morphs back
* Kiki begins looking around for a way to recharge the staff
* DeathStar turns to the realities flipping by
[DeathStar] ...wha?
[X2] There are theories on how to collapse entrances to parallel dimensions.
* DeathStar holds up the staff, stopping on one reality.
[Ariel] Great... So what are we going to do about a dimension hopper?
* DeathStar glances at it
* Elayne looks up
[GreyFox] Well, it seems we have alot of ass kicking to do, and a demi-god to kill, so lets get out butts in motion, find this prime reality, and stop an evil keeper of time.
[DeathStar] I think I have it...
[Snipe] ...have what?
[Elayne] S- Stopping them?
[Diamondback] ...What's up?
[Kyouki] How do we kill a half god?
[DeathStar] This reality here...it's our old friends.  And they have...a reality crossing machine.
[GreyFox] Maybe if Dias belched on it?
[Snipe] We stab it.  Alot.
[Ariel] A what?
* Dias glares at Greyfox
[Slasher] Hey I remember those goons.
[DeathStar] Don't ask me.  There's this machine and they seem to use it to enter other realities.
[Diamondback] ...Somebody else?
[Seraphna] A half-god?
[DeathStar] Yeah...*turns to DB* It's a group of people we met back when your father was a Hunter.  A group of Hunters who's reality we entered.
[Diamondback] At least they can control it.
[Seraphna] I.. know how...
[Snipe] A group of Hunters?
[Snipe] Huh?
[GreyFox] Heh, what is this, peers over DS's shoulder, look, four idiots sitting in a room, and one just broke a punching bag.
[Wiendigo] If he's a half-god, that means he can be killed.
[DeathStar] Wiendigo's right.  He's not immortal yet.
[Slasher] Well half of him atleast
* DeathStar looks at Grey
[DeathStar] Yeah, that's exactly what I'm talking about.  *points at Speedblade* I recognize him.
[Diamondback] ...Hmm.
[Slasher] ...Hey, isn't that the guy we stole stuff form?
[DeathStar] Yes, yes it is Slasher.
[Slasher] Hah, he got pretty mad..
[DeathStar] Yeah...
* DeathStar turns grim
[Slasher] Thinks he remembers us?
[DeathStar] We're going to rob him again, too.
[Wiendigo] Think it matters.
[Slasher] Nah...
* DeathStar turns around towards everyone
[DeathStar] Listen carefully, Wraiths.
* Kyouki nods.
[DeathStar] We're going to invade that reality with the last bit of juice we got and we're going to steal both their time technology and those machines that cross realities.
[Dias] Sounds fun
[DeathStar] And we're going to do whatever it takes to get them.  Even if it means killing them.  This battle is on the scale of thousands of realities depending on us stopping Chronos.
[Gravedigger] Whoa, hold up...
[Snipe] Kill them?
[Gravedigger] KILLING them? DS, c'mon, ain't that a bit, uh, DRSATIC?
[Dias] Why not just knock 'em out?
[DeathStar] They're Hunters.  They won't stop until their dead.
[DeathStar] We'll try to reason with them, of course.
[Diamondback] [DS, I normally think your ideas are the best... uh, but ARE YOU CRAZY!?]
* Kyouki grins.
* DeathStar turns to DB
[Dias] What if we ask 'em?
* GreyFox sighs and stands up, "Think DS ruined that the last time he stole stuff from them."
[Kyouki] They're hunters?
[Slasher] He didn't steal stuff, I did.
[DeathStar] If they won't give it to us, we'll have to take it.  We can't let the lives of a dozen people stop us from saving the lives of billions of people in millions of realities.
[Wiendigo] WE'll do what we need to do to get the job done. That's teh difference between us and them.
[DeathStar] Wien's right.  I'm playing hardball here.
* Kiki keeps looking around only half paying attention to the conversation.
[Kyouki] Kill.
* Diamondback sighs
[Slasher] I'm upfor it, even tho I don't like the idea of killin people who don't need to be..
[Diamondback] Whatever...
[DeathStar] Alright, I'm splitting you guys into two groups.  1 group needs to say here and monitor the Balance Point.  The other will come with me.
[DeathStar] NRP: Okay, guys
[Gravedigger] 'The sacrifice of few to save the majority'? Uh, no, I'm not doing it.
* Seraphna seems as if lost in all her thought
[Kyouki] I'm coming to kill them.
[DeathStar] NRP: Split your guys accordingly.
[DeathStar] NRP: Whoever is left behind will be in Part 3.  Whoever goes with DS will be in Part 2/4
[Diamondback] [I'm going with DS...]
[Seraphna] I'm going...
[Diamondback] [I've missed most of the dimensional travel. I don't want to miss out.]
[Slasher] ...I'll stay...
[Ariel] I'm with you DS.  Always.
* Wiendigo looks at Grave, and walks by him with a sneer
[Snipe] I'll stay...we have to make sure everything here is fine.
[Wiendigo] Thought I taught you better, kid.
* Elayne sniffs
[Kyouki] [Stilleto? Are you coming, little voice-in-my-head?]
[Elayne] I'll stay...
* Kiki keeps looking around the balance point, making his discision obvious by his actions
[Dias] ...Slasher you go I'll stay...
* Snipe smiles at Elayne.
[GreyFox] Well darnit, I was gonna stay, but I guess I gotta go*mutters as he grabs his rifle and puts it on his back*
[Elayne] [Emily?]
* Slasher look at Slasher
* Slasher looks at Dias
[Gravedigger] I'm not going to commit murder. No matter the stakes.
* Elayne tries her best to smiles back...
[X2] ...*gulps*
[DeathStar] X2, you stay here.
[Slasher] Ok...Fine, I guess I can visit my buds again...*walks over to DS*
[X2] Right.
[Ariel] [[6Stiletto]] [Sure. If Andrea...]
[Ariel] [[6Spirit]] [I'll go.]
[Kyouki] [Andrea?]
[Ariel] [[6Cheryl]] I'll stay here.
[DeathStar] NRP: Hey, Grey, you got a TCTer player, right?  Keep Grey here.
[DeathStar] NRP: That way you can be in Part 3
[Elayne] [Good luck.. EMily...]
* Elayne tears up again
* Snipe looks at Grave
[Kyouki] NRP: I have a TCTer, but Kyouki's more IC going.
* Slasher looks at Cheryl
[Slasher] I'll be back Cheryl.
[Snipe] If you ask me, DS looks a lot more menacing now that Gar's missing.
* Gravedigger watches Wien go over to the group leaving
* Elayne blinks
[Dias] Maybe it's just the way your looking at him.
[Ariel] [[6Cheryl]] You better be.
* Kyouki grins evilly, looking forward to the bloodshed.
[Gravedigger] Whatever, man, whatever..
[Snipe] I mean, he's going to go kill...good guys.
* DeathStar raises the staff
[Ariel] [[6Stiletto]] [Stay safe Elly...]
[Kyouki] NRP: She's gone half-maverick again, since she can.
* GreyFox walks over to Kyouki, "I guess Im with you girlie, ready to kill some stuff?"
[Slasher] I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself If I didn't.
[Kyouki] YES!!!
[Kyouki] KILL!
* Diamondback jogs next to DS
* DeathStar opens up a weak portal into the TCT dimension
* GreyFox grins a bit, "I really need to get you into some other habits..."
* Gravedigger isn't paying any attention to Snipe, lost in his own thoughts
[DeathStar] NRP: Head into #tct2200 if you go through.  Leave chan afterward
[Dias] Yeah well....We're accepting killers *points at Kyouki*
* Ariel follows close to DS
*** Slasher has left #taw
* GreyFox hops through the portal, "Later folks, bombs away!"
* Wiendigo jumps through
*** GreyFox has left #taw
* Seraphna leaps through
*** Diamondback has left #TAW
*** Seraphna has left #TAW
*** Wiendigo has left #taw
* DeathStar steps through
[Snipe] ...I have a bad feeling about this
[Ariel] <[6Spirit]> *follows*
[Dias] So do I..

* Fuu practises her skills, seeming to dance with fans, but actually performing a kata.
* #tctshield is being logged
[Garmsian] ...
* Speedblade strikes the cue ball, sending it colliding into the 9-ball, but doesn't pocket anything
[Speedblade] ...Damn. Your shot, Garmsian.
* Adun stands up
* Hikari is playing darts, and arguing with herself about where to aim.
* Garmsian whips out his pistol
[Speedblade] GAH!
* Speedblade drops behind the table
[Speedblade] With the STICK!
[Fuu] ...
* Garmsian shoots the cue ball knocking it into another ball that which goes in the hole
* Garmsian smirks
[Fuu] What are you people doing?
* Uplink watches
[Speedblade] ...Damn showoff.
[Speedblade] Killing time.
* Adun extends his psi-staff and starts spinning it around
* Fuu nods.
[Speedblade] Even though that's what we're supposed to be preventing. *snickers*
[Fuu] So... why are you doing it?
[Adun] I would rather be killing enemies...
* Fuu obviously doesn't understand
[Garmsian] I only joined the police to find out who their boss is...
[Fuu] Why is that important?
* Garmsian pulls his fist
* Garmsian pulls his fist back
* Adun starts walking around the room, still spinning his staff
[Hikari] I joined... for personal reasons... *sighs*
* Hikari chuckles.
* Speedblade shrugs
[Hikari] Hey!  It's not funny.
[Speedblade] I hate sitting on the sidelines.
[Hikari] Ah, not from your point of view...
[Hikari] What does THAT mean?!
* Uplink snores
[Hikari] Nothing......
[Hikari] Hmph...
[Speedblade] ...Ignore Miss Split-personality here.
* Garmsian punches a wall and makes a giant hole
[Hikari] [Double voice] I do NOT have a split personality!
[Fuu] ...
* Speedblade drops back
[Speedblade] Eep...
[Fuu] Split Personality?
[Fuu] That sounds painful.
* Uplink is asleep...don't disturb him
[Fuu] I joined because...
[Fuu] Because...
[Fuu] I don't know why.
[Garmsian] I just have a short temper...isn't that right...Speedblade?
[Fuu] I just wanted to, so I did.
[Speedblade] ...
* Adun walks over to Uplink and starts spinning his staff around, allmost hitting him
* Garmsian looks towards the giant hole that could be mistaken for a doorway
[Speedblade] ...Would you take your shot, Garmsian?
[Hikari] ...I'm starting not to find this fun anymore...
[Garmsian] oh okay...
* Garmsian shoots the cue ball again making it hit Speedblade in the head
[Garmsian] Erm...sorry there...still getting used to it
* Adun 's staff becomes shorter every time it's about to hit Uplink
[Speedblade] OW!
[Speedblade] ...Why YOU!
* Speedblade grabs the 8-ball and fastballs it at Garm
* Garmsian grabs it and crushes it
* Garmsian sheepily grins
[Speedblade] ...Now we'll never finish.
[Hikari] Hey Speedy... toss me an anti-virus?
* Hikari winces suddenly
[Garmsian] yes we will
[Hikari] ...not funny.
[Hikari] Owww.... -.-
[Fuu] You have a virus?
* Garmsian smashes the cue table
*** Ratshoot (wiendigo@C03-135.netonecom.net) has joined #tctshield
* Speedblade sighs
[Speedblade] That's comin' outta your paycheck, strong-man.
* Adun puts away his staff
[Garmsian] I smell rat
[Garmsian] I smell a rat
[Garmsian] Great...
[Hikari] Yeah...  I'm starting not to like it...
* Fuu shudders.
* Speedblade spins his cue stick in a circle, then throws it towards the rack
[Fuu] I'd hate to have a virus.
[Garmsian] Well since I'm paying for it
[Hikari] He...she...it... can be a pain at times...
* Garmsian snaps his cue stick one-handed
[Speedblade] Quit showing off.
[Hikari] ...but has saved my life many times...
[Fuu] ...
* Speedblade watches his cue stick miss the rack and land right beside Ratshoot
* Garmsian shrugs
[Ratshoot] O_O
[Ratshoot] Jeeze oh PETES! Just try an' kill the rat why don'tcha?
[Speedblade] Eh... sorry, Rat...
[Fuu] I don't know.
* Speedblade mutters the words to the spell Bolt, remembering the time spent in Velsan
* Speedblade points at Ratshoot as he finishes murmuring
[Fuu] A talking rat?
* Speedblade shakes his head as nothing happens
[Ratshoot] ...Yeaahhh, I'm a talkin' rat, Got a problem wit' that?
[Adun] are we gonna sit here all day?
* Ratshoot looks at Speed
[Ratshoot] What the 'ell are you doin'?
[Speedblade] Just testing.
[Hikari] *sighs* Maybe I have outstayed my welcome...
* Fuu blinks.
[Fuu] Why?
[Ratshoot] I'm a sewer rat, not a lab rat!
[Fuu] Is that an insult?
[Ratshoot] Do yer damn tests on the Ruskie over there. *nods to Uplink*
* Garmsian chuckles
[Fuu] What's wrong with being born in a lab?
[Garmsian] ...
* Speedblade pulls out an unignited sabre
* Speedblade slashes the air with the hilt
* Adun acctivates his psi-sabres and starts training
[Ratshoot] ...'Cuase I'm WASN'T?
[Fuu] BUT I WAS!
[Hikari] Ditto.
[Adun] so was I
* Speedblade jumps at Adun, whipping out his other sabre and ignites them both, quickly slashing at Adun. 1"En guarde!"
[Fuu] All reploids are born in labs?
[Garmsian] probably.
* Adun parries Speeds slash 1 "Finally some fun!"
[Speedblade] Well, some are mass-produced. *swings the other sabre around*
* Ratshoot waves his tail
[Ratshoot] Whatever, sister.
[Fuu] Oh.
* Adun parries again and slashes at Speed with his other sabre
[Hikari] Ha!  I was custom designed, one of a kind!
* Speedblade parries and jumps behind Adun
[Speedblade] ...You or you, Hik? *snickers*
[Fuu] I think I must have been.
[Fuu] I'm not sure.
[Garmsian] So was I...
[Fuu] All I remember is that I was born in a lab.
* Adun spinns quickly and slashes with both sabres before jumping over Speed
[Hikari] Wha?  I'm pretty much a mass produced model.
* Speedblade parries and dives the other way, morphing into a half-cheetah at the same time
[Fuu] ...
[Speedblade] And yes, I'm human.
[Garmsian] But you were Reploid...
* Speedblade nods
[Speedblade] Weird time-crash-paradox thingy.
[Fuu] Time-crash-paradox?
[Fuu] What does that mean?
[Speedblade] Don't ask.
[Ratshoot] I was mass-'duced to go out and kill rats. Don't talk to me about tragic backgrounds, alright?
[Fuu] .oO(And why's it important?)
[Fuu] I must know!
[Fuu] I just... have to!
* Adun turns off his sabres
[Fuu] Please tell me.
[Speedblade] Here's the basics: I was nearly killed, and converted to a Reploid. We discovered time travel. I go back and kill the woman that converted me's great-great-blah-blah-grandmother. She's never born, I'm never converted. I'm human again.
* Ratshoot scratches his head
* Fuu blinks.
[Garmsian] yeah...
[Fuu] That's possible?
[Garmsian] bearly
[Adun] I was killed by a mad scientist, put into this body, then I killed my creator and was shut down for centuries
[Speedblade] Apparently.
[Ratshoot] Dammit, Speed, I told you not to tell that story when I'm around...always gives me headaches...
[Fuu] I... see...
* Fuu suddenly stares into the distance.
[Speedblade] ...Ever feel like you were being watched?
* Speedblade looks around
* Hikari shivers.
[Garmsian] BECAUSE WE ARE?!
[Ratshoot] Only when I'm goin' to the bathroom.
[Adun] Any timetravel might end up making me an automated killer for a mad scientist
* Garmsian bashes down the door
[Fuu] ...
* Garmsian runs out of the room
* Fuu shakes her head.
[Speedblade] ...The door was unlocked...
[Fuu] What a wierd feeling.
* Garmsian fires many shots from his pistol
[Ratshoot] Ya didn't need to watch, ya pervert!
[Adun] Shooting at something specific?
[Speedblade] Intercom: Would whoever is firing a gun in hall 23B please discontinue? Thank you.
[Garmsian] NEVER!
* Garmsian fires up at the ceiling till a steel beam hits him in the head
[Adun] smart...
[Garmsian] Alright...I'm done
* Garmsian walks back into the room
[Speedblade] Intercom: *snickers* I love that auto-release beam...
[Hikari] *shakes her head*  Anyone want to take a "user friendly" virus off my hands?
[Uplink] zzz
[Fuu] Ummm... the idea scares me.
[Speedblade] Sorry, I'm human.
* Adun puts an apple on Uplinks head
* Garmsian sprints out of the room and towards the room with the intercom
* Adun walks to the other side of the room
[Ratshoot] And we love ya anyway, Speedy.
[Fuu] I'd say yes, but I'm... scared.
[Speedblade] ...
* Adun turns on his psi-blasters
* Adun aims at the apple
* Speedblade throws his sabre at Ratshoot, it stabbing into the wall directly above and behind him
[Hikari] He's harmless... though he's still working on ways to make humans valid hosts... *shivers*
[Hikari] I don't like the idea of DNA reseqing...
[Fuu] Are you sure?
* Adun shoots the apple
[Speedblade] Hey, stay away from me...
* Ratshoot scoots next to Speed
[Hikari] Hey, hurting a host doesn't help me.
* Speedblade suddenly looks upwards, tensing
* Adun looks up
[Fuu] I don't know why I'm so scared...
[Speedblade] Something's coming...
[Adun] whats up there?
* Uplink wakes up
[Uplink] Da?
* Garmsian smashes toward the wall running into Adun to stop
* Speedblade shakes his head
[Speedblade] Damn weird feelings... *reverts*
[Hikari] Any takers?  Please?
[Adun] There is an apple on your head Uplink
[Fuu] I would, but...
* Fuu shivers with terror.
[Adun] HEY!!! Find someone else to run into!
[Speedblade] Hey Hik, go to Shield HQ and ditch him.
* Uplink stands up
[Uplink] Apple?
* Uplink looks up
* Ratshoot smacks Uplink with his tail
[Fuu] I mustn't be afraid. I mustn't be afraid. I mustn't be afraid. I mustn't be afraid. 
[Garmsian] I think Tusk is pissed wondering where I am.
[Ratshoot] Stop thinkin' with yer stomach, ya dumb Vodka-whore!
[Hikari] Hey, just because she's booting me, doesn't mean I'm staying behind.
* Garmsian smirks
[Fuu] I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller, the little death that brings total oblivion. I must not fear.
[Fuu] I must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller, the little death that brings total oblivion. I must not fear.
[Ratshoot] ...
* Ratshoot steps away from Fuu
[Hikari] ...you okay?
[Fuu] I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm so scared...
[Uplink] Da?
* Speedblade winces as the red alarm flares
[Hikari] *nods* It's okay...
* Hikari wonders what she's to do...
[Speedblade] There's our cue, boys.
* Speedblade jogs for the briefing room
* Adun follows Speed
[Garmsian] Ah hell I'll go this way
* Uplink follows Speed
[Uplink] Nyet!
* Fuu follows too. "I'm okay now..."
* Garmsian follows everyone else
[Hikari] Speed!
[Speedblade] Come on!
[Hikari] *tosses him a data unit*  C'ya when you get back!
* Ratshoot follows
[Speedblade] ...*stops* The hell is this?]
* Fuu follows Hika.
* Garmsian runs into everybody infront of him
[Hikari] I'm sitting this one out.  Hold onto Yuu for now. *waves*
* Speedblade shakes his head and enters the briefing room.
* Uplink walks into the briefing room
[Garmsian] gah..
[Fuu] You are? Why?
* Adun follows Speed into the room
[Speedblade] [Veteran] I figured you'd want to handle this one. Some people are causing some trouble in 2200.
* Garmsian dusts himself off and walks into briefing room
[Speedblade] [Veteran] More along the old Hunters' line, so I just called you in.
*** Hikari is now known as Datapad
* Datapad blinks.
[Speedblade] [Veteran] They're just blowing things up... makes me wonder what their motives are.
[Adun] 2200... after my creation so its safe
[Garmsian] Veteran, should I join in this or should I stay out since I am Cop?
[Speedblade] [Veteran] *glances at Garmsian* You're not mine to command, Cop.
[Ratshoot] Could they be, oh, I dunno, say...NUTS?
[Garmsian] heh
[Speedblade] Eh, it could be fun.
[Uplink] ...why blow things up?
[Fuu] ...
[Garmsian] I'm going with you guys...
[Speedblade] Fire up the time machine, General.
[Fuu] I'm going to stop them.
[Garmsian] Like old times
[Speedblade] [Veteran] *nods, and a portal forms* Carenia's on the ball today.
* Datapad glows slightly purple.
* Adun walks over to the portal
[Garmsian] I'll kick their asses bear handed
* Uplink stays there
[Speedblade] ...Hold it, Yuurei. Maybe you can take over one of these idiots.
* Uplink looks like he's araid t ogo
[Speedblade] What's up, 'Link?
[Speedblade] NRP: *snickers*
* Uplink edges away
[Garmsian] ...
[Garmsian] Always follow the leader is my maxim.
[Speedblade] C'mon, Kane, it'll be fun.
[Garmsian] so when Speed goes in...
[Uplink] Nyet!
[Garmsian] I'll go in
* Speedblade grabs Uplink's arm
[Ratshoot] Got any others? Like 'Kiss ass"?
[Speedblade] You'll go when I tell you to go.
* Speedblade enters the portal, carrying Uplink
* Speedblade dragging, even
[Uplink] Eeeeek!
* Adun follows Speed
[Speedblade] GM: Ok, into #tct2200 everyone. And out of here.
*** Speedblade (blackjack@dial14.progressivetel.com) has left #tctshield
* Garmsian walks into the portal

[Speedblade] Location: Time Cops HQ recreation room.
* Sickle strikes a punching bag repeatedly
* Friday sits back against a wall, his fedora pulled down over his eyes
* CrossFire stands in a corner, trying not to think to much
* Sickle hits the punching bag a final time, bursting it and sending sand over the floor
[Sickle] ...Dammit. That's the fifth one today.
[Avalon] NRP: who are these characters?
[Sickle] So... hey new guy, what's your name?
* Sickle looks at Friday
[Friday] Friday
[CrossFire] NRP:Ive been around for a bit.
* Sickle looks at him for a second
* Friday lifts his hat and looks at Sickle with ageless eyes
* Avalon sits in a chair looking out a window
[Sickle] ...That's right, you're that guy that slipped in when the guys were doing some dimensional travel. I've heard about you.
* Friday smiles and shrugs
[Avalon] NRP: im going to be a little while
[Friday] So, what's the point of bursting all those punching bags?
* Sickle rubs his knuckles
[Sickle] A little training...
[Sickle] The bursting's kinda accidental.
[Friday] So, how long have you been with this group?
[Sickle] About four months now.
[Friday] Does that include time travel time?
[Sickle] That's real time.
[Sickle] I guess that including time travel errors when coming back adds a couple days to that.
* Sickle drops into a fighting stance and punches at the air where the bag used to be
* Friday grins and begins mumbling to himself
* Friday a mist begins forming where the punching bag used to be
[Sickle] Gaah!
* Sickle jumps back
* Friday the mist forms into the shape of a punching bag
* Sickle looks at the bag quizzically, then edges forward, reaching his hand forward cautiously, finally nudging the bag
* Friday the punching bag grabs him
[Sickle] AAAH!
* Friday the bag vanishes
* Sickle drops back, panting in fear
[Sickle] ...WHO DID THAT?
* Friday slides his hat back down over his eyes
* Avalon gets interested and stands up
[Avalon] Well, that was entertaining.
* Friday head turns toward Avalon, still covered by the hat
* Avalon looks at him and grins a little
[Avalon] NRP: gah  this plays like a room at noon
* Sickle sighs
[Sickle] I wish SOMETHING would happen!
* CrossFire stands in sleep mode
* CrossFire comes out of sleep mode
* Friday throws his had and cuts down one of the remaining punching bags next to Sickle and catches it as it returns
* CrossFire walks into the center of the room, yawning, and looking at Friday, "You the new guy?"
[Avalon] Now you are making me wonder...
[Avalon] Where did you come from?
[Friday] NRP: hat=hat
[Friday] Me?
* Sickle shudders
[Avalon] Yes.
[Sickle] Y'know, I get the sudden feeling somebody's staring at me...
* Avalon looks around
[Friday] Here and there... More there than here.... I call it home, some call it Nexus
* Avalon doesn't move for a few seconds
[Avalon] ...Something dimensional that I would rather not deal with then?
* CrossFire stares at Avalon, "Are we being watched...like there are surveilence cameras in here or something?"
* Friday nods
[Avalon] I would hope not.
[Avalon] Have you seen anyone unusual today?
[CrossFire] Feels like it, nah, other than this new guy I havent seen anyone.
[Avalon] Well then, maybe it is just upper management distrusting us.
* Friday slides his hat back down over his face
* Avalon snickers a little
* CrossFire glances at Friday, "SO, what do you do for fun?"
[Friday] Practical jokes mainly
[CrossFire] Wow, any good ones?
[Friday] They're better than the impractical ones
[Friday] A few
[CrossFire] I would think, lets see one.
* Friday gets up from the walls and trips
* CrossFire chuckles, "You ok?"
[Friday] Sure, just help me up
* CrossFire extends a hand to friday to help him up
* Friday takes his hand and activates an electric device he was holding
[Friday] The classics are always the best
* CrossFire gets shocked, "ACK...what was that?"
[Friday] Electric staff
* Friday extends the staff to its normal length
[Friday] Doubles as a joy buzzer
* Avalon teleports out of the room and begins to check around the base
[Friday] Where's he going?
[CrossFire] I dunno..
[CrossFire] Well, I think Im gonna try to sleep some more...hollar if ya need something*walks to corner and gos back to sleep mode*
[Friday] "Here is not where I want to be..."
[Friday] "...by the other guy, now you shall see me."
* Friday appears next to Avalon
[Friday] What are you doing?
* Avalon is in his room standing over a locked file cabinet
* Avalon looks up
[Avalon] Well, you got tired of their company quickly didn't you?
[Friday] No, it just looked like you were headed somewhere interesting
[Avalon] Well then you are just bored.
[Avalon] Anyway, I am making sure there is no truth in the suspicions.
* Friday shrugs
[Friday] Suspicions?
[Avalon] Scouting around in other words.
[Avalon] No one has been in here, or touched any of my files.
[Avalon] So I am half relieved.
* Friday reaches over and tries to grab one
[Avalon] Would you like to open the cabinet?
[Friday] What's so important about your files?
[Friday] Sure
[Avalon] They are important to me, probably not to most.
* Friday tries to open it
* Speedblade jumps as the red alert goes off
* Sickle does that
* Avalon unlocks the cabinet and it...
* Sickle sighs and runs for the briefing room
[Avalon] Oh well, we will have to another day.
[Friday] What was that?
[Friday] "Here is not where I want to be..."
[Avalon] A crisis, maybe a catastrophe.
[Friday] "...in the breifing room, you shall see me."
* Friday appears in the breifing room
* Avalon steps into an outline of himself and steps out in the briefing room
[Avalon] What has happened?
[Sickle] [Supernova] Looks like there's a little problem in 2200. Some terrorists are blowing stuff up. Want to have some fun?
* Friday shrugs
* CrossFire wakes up when he gets the call through his circuit, "On my way, where do I go?"
[Sickle] [Supernova] *points at a newly formed portal* There.
* CrossFire runs to the portal and jumps through
*** CrossFire (answerboo@AC883B9F.ipt.aol.com) has left #tctcops
[Speedblade] NRP: Shield, into #tct2200
* Avalon hovers through the portal
*** Sickle (blackjack@dial14.progressivetel.com) has left #tctcops
* Friday goes through

* DeathStar lands on the ground
* Slasher lands besides DS
* Diamondback looks around
[Diamondback] [...Looks kind of like Mega City... where are we, DS?]
* GreyFox lands near DB
[GreyFox] Jeez..where the heck am I?
* /sound: no such file 'noturnigback.mid'
* Seraphna looks around
* Wiendigo hovers
[Wiendigo] It's...bright.
[Kyouki] Where are the hunters to kill?
[DeathStar] I'm not sure.
* Diamondback looks at someone nearby stare at them, then run off, screaming in Japanese
[Slasher] ...Chill out there Kyouki...
[Kyouki] ...?
* DeathStar glances around
[Diamondback] [...We're in Japan...]
[Kyouki] What?
[DeathStar] Damn, we're in the wrong year!
[Ariel] [[6Stiletto]] [...nice enterance people...]
[Diamondback] [You sense well... but you're right.]
* Diamondback grins
[Diamondback] [I have an idea...]
* GreyFox glances to Kyouki and walks over, "Gonna blow em all to smithereens?"
[DeathStar] Lets cause a little ruckus!
* Slasher looks at Diamond
* DeathStar charges blaster
* Diamondback builds up energy and lets a large psionic blast fly at a building
* Kyouki smirks evilly.
[Slasher] Don't get to carried away...
* DeathStar fires ata truck
[Diamondback] [Aah, I never knew blowing stuff up could be so fun!]
* DeathStar watches the truck explode
* Wiendigo sighs
[DeathStar] That'll bring them here.
* Slasher fires a chiball along the ground letting it uproot the earth and road as it goes
[Wiendigo] Amatures.
* Kyouki fires a poison gas canister through a letterbox.
* Ariel refuses to blow up anything.
[DeathStar] Remember.  We'll try to neogiate with them first.
* DeathStar crosses arms and waits
* GreyFox pulls his rifle and fires a few shots at the gas tank of a nearby oil carrying truck
* Diamondback throws his hands forward, picking up Slasher and throwing him at a running civilian
[Wiendigo] ...You're an idiot, you know that?
* DeathStar ignores wiendigo
[Slasher] GAH!!! *leaps ontop of the civilian and runs over to DB punching him in the gut*
[Wiendigo] We're commiting terrorist acts, and you THINK they're going to listen for us to REASON?
* Diamondback grabs SLasher's hand and swings him around, throwing him at a car
[Diamondback] [But terrorism's fun!]
* Seraphna crosses her arms
* Slasher fires a small chiball as DB grabs him
* Diamondback dispels the ball
[Kyouki] But that's no fun...
[DeathStar] I'm not counting on them to, Wiendigo.
[Slasher] .....Watch it Diamond..
* GreyFox fires a few shots at a nearby open window
[DeathStar] That's enough guys
[DeathStar] I'm sure they're on their way.
[Kyouki] What? But I've hardly killed anyone yet!
[Slasher] NRP: 1 day later- DS: Anytime now...
* Diamondback stops
[Diamondback] [Aww...]
[DeathStar] Cool it, Kyouki.  Save it for when it's needed.
[Kyouki] ...
* GreyFox puts his hand on Kyouki's shoulder, "Dont worry, you'll get to kill pplenty of hunters later, they are fun to kill too."
[Kyouki] ^_^
[Seraphna] They are so... impatient...
* DeathStar looks down, his hair covering his eyes again
[Slasher] Your tellin me...In our day we didn't hire any psychotic killer.
[DeathStar] I think Wien fits the bill on that.
[Slasher] Fluke..
* Wiendigo takes out his katana, about to advance through the city
[Slasher] And why do you think we didn't hire anymore after him?
[Kyouki] You hired me.
[Slasher] Not 20 years ago..
[GreyFox] You hired me, but Im not psycho, Im just couragous and brave!*beems with pride*
* Seraphna sighs
[Kyouki] 20 years ago, we'd have been enemies.
[Seraphna] Brave... there's a laugh...
* GreyFox glares at Sera
* GreyFox taps his foot, "Are these people gonna come or what?"
* Kyouki yawns.
* DeathStar slowly charges his blaster
* Wiendigo begins wrecking havoc and mayhem in the city
* Seraphna takes out her staff, turning it on
* DeathStar blasts in front of Wiendigo
*** Speedblade has joined #tct2200
[Slasher] ....What if they already went back in time, but because we defeated them already, they dont' exist anymore?
*** Adun has joined #tct2200
[DeathStar] Stay.
*** Fuu has joined #TCT2200
*** Garmsian has joined #tct2200
*** Ratshoot has joined #tct2200
*** Uplink has joined #tct2200
[Speedblade] GM: A portal opens in front of the Wraiths.
[Fuu] NRP: Whee! Clone!
* DeathStar looks at the portal
[Slasher] Or...there right there!
[Diamondback] [There's the party.]
*** Datapad has joined #tct2200
* Speedblade drops out, in human form
* Wiendigo ignores DS' warning
* Uplink lands on Wiendigo
* Adun walks out of the portal
* Datapad is on Speed's belt.
* Speedblade looks up. 1"Heeey, nice placement..."
[GreyFox] Oh crap, DS, you said a bunch of goons, not an army.
[Wiendigo] The hell?
* Wiendigo catches Uplink
[Uplink] Da!  Thank you!
* Kyouki fires a poison gas grenade at them.
[Ratshoot] BONZAI!
[Seraphna] Who are these?
*** Datapad is now known as Dataunit
[Fuu] Alright you! I'll...
* Wiendigo throws him into a wall
[Kyouki] WHAT?!!!
[Uplink] OUF!
[Adun] Cops...
* Speedblade stretches
[Garmsian] AH!
[Kyouki] I WANT TO KILL!!!!
* Slasher fires a chiball at the gas grenade blowing it in midair
[Speedblade] Ok, before we kill you, who ARE you?
[DeathStar] ...oh shit.  So much for neogiations.
[Kyouki] ...
[Ariel] What a crowd...
[DeathStar] Speedblade, do you remember us!?
[Ratshoot] They're pretty funky lookin'...
[Fuu] Is that a maverick?
[Slasher] Hi Speedblade!!
* Speedblade looks at DS strangely
* Uplink slides down the wall
[Speedblade] Uh... nope.
[DeathStar] Damn, this must be a different Speedblade
* Seraphna glares at them
[Garmsian] ...
[Fuu] Then why are you hurting innocents?
* Wiendigo holds his sword at Uplink's throat
[Kyouki] It's fun.
[Slasher] ....Maybe...Hey Speedy, do you remember anyone stealin something from you?
[Wiendigo] Please make a move.
[Speedblade] Different Speedblade...? You mean there's another guy named Speedblade somewhere in time?
[Garmsian] THIS IS NOT RIGHT NOT ]_[
[Uplink] ....nyet!  *stays very still*
[Garmsian] AT ALL!
[Speedblade] HOLD it, Shield.
[Uplink] SAVE ME!
* DeathStar looks back at Wiendigo
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** Rejoined channel #tct2200
* Diamondback looks at Slasher
* DeathStar looks back at Wiendigo
* Fuu pulls out her Beam tessen
[Diamondback] Only Ratshoot here.
* Speedblade said/did that
* Ratshoot taps Speed on the leg. "Uh, I think the Ruskie's in trouble..."
* Speedblade shrugs
* Uplink trembles in terror
* Adun looks at Speed 1 "What are we gonna do?"
[Slasher] Don't remember anyone goin through your desk stealin personal things?
* DeathStar turnsb ack
[DeathStar] Give us your time technology and your reality crossing technology.
[Fuu] ...
[DeathStar] I have NO time to explain to you.
[Speedblade] ...Uh... no.
[Fuu] WHAT?!!!
[Fuu] NO!
[Fuu] NEVER!
* DeathStar draws his saber
* Wiendigo presses the tip of the blade deeper to Link's throat
[Speedblade] Sorry, our goal is to destroy time travel, not give it away.
[DeathStar] Give us the technology.
* Garmsian snorts like a bull
* Uplink yelps in pain
[Fuu] I said no!
[Speedblade] And if we don't?
[Kyouki] Want to die?
* Speedblade winces a a portal opens nearby
* Adun extends his staff
[DeathStar] We'll fight you for it. 
*** CrossFire has joined #tct2200
[Speedblade] No... please, not now...
[Kyouki] Time travel, or we kill.
[Ariel] We need the dimension crossing technology.  All of our fates depend on it.
* Seraphna stands in a ready position
[Ratshoot] Boss, I think we'd better come up with a plan here..
*** Sickle has joined #tct2200
* CrossFire hops through, landing on GreyFox
[Ariel] We don't want to have to hurt you... but we will fight you if we have to.
[DeathStar] There's someone who wants to take over all realities and we need your technology!
*** Friday has joined #tct2200
[Uplink] Don't kill me...da!
[Fuu] ...
[DeathStar] What the hell?!  More?
* Sickle falls out of the portal and slams into the ground
* Fuu blinks.
[GreyFox] What the*throws him over near SpeedBlade*Get off of me!
* Speedblade hits his forehead
*** Avalon has joined #tct2200
[Speedblade] Not the damn Time Cops...
* Friday lands on his feet
[Fuu] ...
[Slasher] The what?!
* Sickle stands up. 1"...Shield?!"
[Seraphna] They never end...
* CrossFire lands near Speed, "Crap, Shield!"
[DeathStar] I should have brought Snipe and the others...
[Fuu] Take over realities...
* Adun swings his staff at the sword at 'Links throat
* Speedblade sighs
[Garmsian] eh?
* Avalon steps out and becomes mischevious 
[Speedblade] I'm TIRED of you Cops interrupting in our business!
* Wiendigo growls, then turns away from Uplink to focus on the new group
[Garmsian] Crossfire?
* CrossFire stands up and pulls his double Dark Sabers
[Ariel] [[6Spirit]] "...what a party."
* Speedblade turns to the Cops, now oblivious to the Wraiths
* Avalon starts to laugh and doesn't draw any weapons
[Speedblade] WHY are you always following us around?!
[Speedblade] Leave our business to US!
* Fuu is now oblivious to pretty much everyone.
[Slasher] ...My head hurts..
[Adun] You ok 'Link?
* DeathStar watches the two teams
* Uplink hugs onto Adun's leg
[Sickle] Hey, whoa there. It seems that it's YOU that's interrupting us!
[Uplink] Thankyouthankyouthankyou
[Speedblade] ...Who got here first?
[DeathStar] Hey, guys, they seem to be distracted.
[Ratshoot] Cops to the right of us, jokers to the left...an' here I am, stuck in the middle with mooks...
* Diamondback shakes his head
[CrossFire] This is a terrorist offense, we are here to get rid of it, its YOU who are in the way.
* Friday takes off his hat, and it extends to form a small shield
[Diamondback] [You sure we're in the right place, DS?]
* Kyouki yawns. "There'll be nothing left for me."
* DeathStar turns to DB
[Sickle] Well...
[DeathStar] We just gotta get through one of those portals.
* Slasher smirks
[Garmsian] HOLD IT!
[CrossFire] Freeze!
* Slasher 's form slowly fades away
[Speedblade] TCTGM: The portals blink closed.
[DeathStar] Damn!
* Fuu snaps out of her trance.
[Diamondback] [So much for that...]
[Garmsian] I'm a Cop....
[GreyFox] Damnit...
[DeathStar] Wiendigo, grab Uplink!
[Diamondback] [How about we... let them fight among themselves for now?]
[Avalon] Hah, and we are now stuck here.
[DeathStar] We'll use him as a hostage!
[Wiendigo] ...Who?
[DeathStar] That guy they call Uplink1?
* DeathStar points at the cowering idiot
[Slasher] ARG!! *cloud of dirt appears as he kicks the ground*
* Speedblade guards Uplink
* Slasher un cloaks and his form appears
[Speedblade] Oh, no you don't.
[Kyouki] Can I kill someone?
* Sickle shakes his head
* Wiendigo turns and looks at Speed
[Ariel] Can't we resolve this peacefully?
[Sickle] Changing the subject, Vector?
* Garmsian dashes at Wiendigo like a raging bull
[Wiendigo] You've GOT to be kidding me.
* Friday a mist begins forming around him
* GreyFox pats Kyouki on the back, "It'd be nice if you could kill him*points to Speedblade*"
[Uplink] Savemesavemesaveme
* Kyouki fires poison canisters at Speedblade
* Wiendigo steps back and grabs Garm as he goes by, hurling him through a nearby window
* Seraphna sighs
* Avalon looks around, enjoying this immensely
* Speedblade flashes into Falcon enhancement, grabs Uplink, and takes to the sky
[DeathStar] ...damn
[Speedblade] HEY! The hell are you trying to pull?!
[Fuu] ...
* Garmsian grabs onto the window sill
[Avalon] All this struggle over that one?
* Ariel puts a shield around the canister.
[Kyouki] WHat?!
[Slasher] This is really...screwed up.
* Wiendigo lets out his arm cannon and starts firing up at Speed
* Garmsian flips back in
[Kyouki] I was ordered to kill him!
* Diamondback sighs
[Kyouki] Don't mess with my orders!
[Diamondback] [You sure this is a great idea?]
* Avalon looks at Friday and CrossFire
* DeathStar looks at DB
[DeathStar] Let those who want to fight, fight.
[Ariel] He didn't have the authority.
* Speedblade drops Uplink on a short building, whips out his sabres, and starts parrying
* DeathStar leaps into a nearby tree.
[DeathStar] We'll wait for our chance.
* CrossFire looks to Avalon, "What do we do here?"
* Uplink pants
[Kyouki] .oO(I don't care.)
[Slasher] ...Who do we go after DeathStar?
[Avalon] This is not our mission, I move to do nothing.
* Sickle shakes his head
[Sickle] That's it. ATTACK!
* Adun spinns his staff and hits Wiendigo with it
[Slasher] Deathstar? *looks around*
* Wiendigo flies up into the air and throws a punch at Speed
* Friday just watches the battling as a mist keeps forming around him
[Avalon] Unless something interesting comes our way.
* Speedblade yells out, 1"ATTACK!"
[DeathStar] Damn.  ATTACK WRAITHS!
* DeathStar draws his saber.
* Fuu charges.
[Speedblade SOUND]
* Kyouki charges too.
[Avalon] Wraiths?
[Wiendigo] I've got no qualms over spilling your guts.
* GreyFox jumps at Ratshoot, swinging his sabre wildly
* Garmsian sniffs the air
[Ratshoot] Ack@
* Adun puts away his staff and acctivates his sabres
[Slasher] ...*flips back flinging two chi-balls along the ground towards CrossFire*
* DeathStar leaps out of the tree and tackles Adun
* Ratshoot runs the other way
[Avalon] This may go into the interesting category.
* Speedblade dives out of the sky and towards Slasher, quickly slashing twice before going back up
[Ratshoot] Helpmehelpmehelpmehelpme!
[Seraphna] NRP: I'M AWAY GUYS...
* Ariel draws her crystal bladed sword, her white and silver armour forming around her.
* Avalon still does not make a move
* Fuu flips over Kyouki, and charges at Ariel.
* Diamondback throws up a psionic shield and forms two psionic blasts, sending them flying at Friday
*** Adun has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
* DeathStar rolls
*** Daedalus has joined #tct2200
* CrossFire jumps into the air at Slasher, over the chi-balls, and swings his dark sabers at Slashers head
* DeathStar stands on top of Adun
[Diamondback] [I sense you can use psionics... you shall die first.]
* Wiendigo takes the opportunity to grab Uplink
[Uplink] Eek!
* Slasher phases and they fly through him, he unphases and uppercuts Crossfire
* GreyFox lands and chases after Ratshoot, "Come 'ere you!"
* Kyouki inflicts agony on Ratshoot psionicallt.
* Speedblade swings around and whips out his shotgun
* Ariel vanishes suddenly, and appears beside Fuu, and trips her.
*** Daedalus is now known as Adun
[Speedblade] This isn't going well...
[Avalon] The forced neutrality policy didn't last very long...
* Garmsian stands there watching
* DeathStar twirls his saber toward Adun's throat
[Ratshoot] GAH!
[DeathStar] Don't move.
* Speedblade fires a quick blast at Ariel
* Ratshoot stops
* CrossFire flys forward and smashes into a wall
* Friday leans over to Avalon
* Sickle swings his scythe at DS
* Adun falls backwards
* Fuu lands on the ground, before flipping to her feet.
* Ariel takes the shot and stumbles back a step
* DeathStar looks at Sickle and parries
[Avalon] Not satisfied?
[Friday] So which group is the terrorists?
* Slasher grabs his his fish
[Avalon] I think neither are.
[Slasher] NRP: Err...fist!!
* Kyouki leaps at Friday
[Sickle] The guys you don't recognize!
* CrossFire gets up and turns back to regard Slasher, "All right you, Im gonna have to arrest you for that."
[Ariel] [[6Spirit]] *throws a telekenetic blast at Speed*
[Slasher] Gah...he's got a hard head...
* Wiendigo holds Uplink by the collar high up in the air over the street
* Garmsian yawns
[Avalon] I don't know one, and the other is not normally like this.
* Speedblade fires at the blast, but can't stop it and takes it headon
* Adun runs forward, slashing wildly with his sabres
[Uplink] savemesavemesavemesaveme
* DeathStar leaps back
* CrossFire throws a wide punch at slasher's jaw
[DeathStar] Open up a time portal or we'll kill that uplink guy
* Speedblade swings around in midair and thinks of a new strategy
* Speedblade whips out a sabre
* Slasher head snaps back from the punch
[Speedblade] Never!
* GreyFox runs into Ratshoot, knocking them both down
* Fuu blinks at Ariel. "You didn't kill me?"
[DeathStar] Wiendigo, DROP HIM!
[Slasher] Guh...*shakes his head and darts forward tackling Crossfire*
* Wiendigo shrugs
[Wiendigo] I was going to do that anyway.
* Wiendigo lets go
[Ariel] I am a holy knight.  I have no wish of blood shed.
* Uplink falls
* Kyouki claws at Friday.
* CrossFire takes his left sabre and tries to stab Slasher in the leg
[Friday] "Falling people are bad to see..."
* Speedblade dives from the sky and levels out as he nears the ground, sabre ignited. He flies directly for DS, sabre ready for the kill.
* Avalon rises into the air gradually, higher and higher
* Ratshoot gets up
[Friday] "... next to be he soon shall be"
[Speedblade] I hope you've said your prayers!
[Ratshoot] Okay, the rodent's TICKED!
* Uplink falls
* Slasher phases and goes through Crossfire, unphasing behind him
* Adun catches Uplink and puts him on the ground
* Friday teleports Uplink to the ground next to him
[Fuu] I'm sorry then. *charges at DeathStar*
* GreyFox sits up over Ratshoot, and punches at his face
* Slasher spins around letting out a chi-ball into Crossfire's face
* DeathStar leaps up above the saber
[DeathStar] I think not, Speed.
* Avalon looks at Kyouki
* Uplink looks dazed
* Ratshoot bites Grey's fist
[Slasher] NRP: head...face...whatever
* Speedblade immidiately whips around and darts upwards, sabre slashing
* CrossFire ducks and does a backward sweep at slashers legs
* DeathStar parries downward before gravity pulls him down
[Kyouki] NRP: Ummm... Friday's not dodging?
* Speedblade drops the datapad as he flies around
* Dataunit falls @.@
* GreyFox screams in pain and brings the tip of his beam saber down flying towards Ratshoots neck
* Garmsian fires his a shotgun round into the air
* Slasher leaps over it and punches into Crossfire's shoulder
* Sickle looks upwards, the datapad falling directly for him
* Friday in hidden in mist
[Sickle] Uh...?
* Wiendigo flies down, grabing Adun as he goes
* Uplink watches them fight
* Kyouki growls, inflicting agony on Friday psionically.
* Avalon looks at Uplink
[Ratshoot] Eek!
* Ratshoot ducks
* Speedblade swings his sabres forward, colliding them and sending a wave of flame flying at DS
* CrossFire falls over, rolls, and comes up in a run, backflips off a wall, turns around, and throws his right sabre at Slasher
[DeathStar] Give us your technology and we'll lave.
* Adun slashes for Wiendigo
* Fuu slashes at Deathstar with her Beam tessen
* Dataunit hits Sickle in the head, then shots glowing as it hits the ground.
* DeathStar lands on the ground and shakes off the flame attack
* Garmsian aims and fires a Explosive round at Sickle
[Speedblade] You seem to forget our goal!
* Slasher spins to his left
[Avalon] Give them the technology.
[Slasher] MISSED ME!! *sticks tongue out*
[Fuu] What?
* Wiendigo rolls, then lets go of Adun, letting him fall wherever
[Fuu] ...
[Speedblade] Destroy time travel! Not give the damn thing away to anybody that asks!
* GreyFox stands up and pulls his rifle, putting his saber away, then aims at Ratshoot and fires off two shots
[Fuu] I'm... I'm not sure...
* Friday shakes his head and throws his hat at Kyouki
* Sickle catches the dataunit and pockets it
[DeathStar] We'll kill you all if you refuse.  Too many lives are at stake!
* Kyouki catches the hat and tears it to shreds.
* Ratshoot starts spinning wildly, then digs into the ground and disapperas
* Speedblade hovers far above the battle
[Sickle] Now!
* Avalon looks at Speedblade now
[Ariel] I... I'm sorry it has to be this way...
* Garmsian aims and fires a Freezing round at Sickle
[CrossFire] NRP:THis reminds me off DC vs. Marvel
* Friday reappears on his head
* Adun acctivates his blasters and starts shooting at Wiendigo
* Friday hat reappears on his head
[Fuu] NRP: Lol, yes.
[DeathStar] NRP: Go DC!
[Avalon] Are you really going to let this go on?
[Kyouki] ...
* Wiendigo starts absorbing the blasts
[Kyouki] KILL THE HAT!!!
* Sickle dives at Wiendigo, scythe ready, and strikes at him in a wild swing
[Avalon] Bad judgement.
[Wiendigo] NRP: You know, Marvel actually did win that by one match.
* Kyouki randomly claws at the hat.
* Friday takes out his thunder rod
[Speedblade] Of course! NEVER give in!
* DeathStar fires a level 3 blast at Speed
* Slasher punches the ground sending a massive surge of chi towards Crossfire, the ground uprooting in it's path
[Fuu] ...
* Speedblade beats his wings to gain a little height, then falls into a dive, letting the blast fly above him as he falls
* GreyFox looks at the tunnel where Ratshoot dug in and shudders, turns around and starts firing some shots at the hovering form off Speedblade
[Avalon] You're men will be bled to death along with them.
* Friday fires an electrical blast at Kyouki
* DeathStar flips backwards behind Friday
* Wiendigo catches the sickle in his hand
* Kyouki absorbs it.
[Avalon] But I will help.
* DeathStar slashes at Friday's back
* Ariel tackles Speed.
[Wiendigo] Learn how to weild this thing before you use it.
* Speedblade thrusts both sabres forward as Ariel does
[DeathStar] ARIEL!
* Friday spins and blocks with his thunder rod
* Wiendigo decks Sickle in the face
[Fuu] If this guy really exists...
[Garmsian] Too many to aim at...
[Sickle] Uh... GAH!
[Fuu] Shouldn't we be helping these guys?
* Wiendigo throws him down the street some
* Avalon starts chanting, and starts his attack summoning a fog and a black sparking cloud
[Fuu] It's better than letting some monster cause a crisis...
* Adun jumps towards Wiendigo, extends his staff and hits him with it several times
* Friday sends a blast of wind knocking everybody away from him
* Sickle drops backwards, and the dataunit falls out of his pocket and next to his face
* Ariel winces as she takes both blades in the side, taking Speed down to the ground.
* DeathStar runs at Speed
* Wiendigo takes the kinetic blows
[DeathStar] Damn you!
* Garmsian runs towards Sickle
* CrossFire backflips, and grabs onto a building, looking down at Slasher, than jumping down when the shots go by and running at slasher with the sword that is left, swing at his head
[Speedblade] You mean to tell me you think they're telling the TRUTH?!
* Kyouki flies backwards.
[Fuu] I don't know...
* DeathStar pulls his saber back
* Speedblade flips to his feet, both sabres ready
* Adun falls away from Wiendigo
* Wiendigo smirks, turning to Adun
[Wiendigo] Bad move, meat.
* Speedblade rushes DS, the killer intent in his eyes
* Ariel still has Speed in a bearhug
* Adun stands up
* Avalon starts calling down black bolts in random locations
* GreyFox pulls a grenade from his belt and drops it down Ratshoot's tunnel
* Speedblade drags Ariel along
* DeathStar runs, not about to stop until Speed's down
* Slasher phases again and lets Crossfire fly by
* Wiendigo punches after Adun, making holes in the street
* DeathStar pulls back his saber to jab forward
* Garmsian grabs the dataunit
* Kyouki jumps at Adun, clawing wildly.
[Uplink] Da...they are good...
* Ratshoot taps Grey on the shoulder
* Friday charges toward Kyouki and attacks him with a blast of wind
* Speedblade breaks loose of the hold and draws his sabres back
[Kyouki] NRP: Her.
* CrossFire ducks into a roll, and comes around with his sword at Slashers crotch
* Uplink steps between Speed and DS, his hands out
[Uplink] Speed, stop!
* Adun backflips over Wiendigo and slashes him from behind
* Kyouki flies backwards again.
* GreyFox spins around firing wildly
* Slasher stands phased
* Ratshoot hands him his grenade back with his tail
[Ratshoot] Bye bye!
* Speedblade thrusts his sabres forward, shooting for the kill
* Ariel falls to the ground.
* Ratshoot dashes off
[Fuu] ...
* DeathStar jabs forward, the saber going through Uplink's shoulder/stomach area
[DeathStar] Wha?!
[Wiendigo] RAGH!
[Speedblade] ...UPLINK!
* Avalon sends them in the areas of Speed, Wiendigo, and Kyouki
* Friday pulls his hat off again and expands it, activating the buzzsaw blade this time
* Wiendigo spins around, slashing at Adun with his claws
* Speedblade jabs through Uplink at the same time as DS
* Slasher unphases 10ft back and fires several chiballs at Crossfire
* Uplink stands there, imapled on both ends
* Wiendigo abosrbs the blasts
[Uplink] ...nyet?  *looks down* Ouch...*passes out*
* Speedblade dispels his blades and drops them
* GreyFox drops it and backflips flying through the air at the explosion and landing with a thud near speedblade
[Speedblade] N... no!
* DeathStar pulls his saber out
* Avalon drops one a foot from Uplink
[Ratshoot] RUSKIE!
* GreyFox stands up and looks at the situation
* Uplink slams onto the ground
* Ratshoot runs over
* Kyouki fires a poison gas grenade at Friday
* Adun jumps backwards, hitting someone
[Speedblade] ...Re...retre...NO!
[Speedblade] STOP!
* Adun stops
* DeathStar edges way from Uplink in horror and bends down next to Ariel
[DeathStar] Are you...okay?
* Friday blows it back at Kyouki
* Avalon looks at Speed from the air
[Kyouki] ...
[DeathStar] WRAITHS, STOP!
* Speedblade reverts, stunned
* Kyouki runs away from the grenade...
[Ariel] *coughs up some blood* "...been better... but I'll live."
[Kyouki] ... but...
* CrossFire leaps into the air, and dives at Slasher, sword held forward
[Avalon] Now you all see.
[Kyouki] I'll stop, sir.
* Slasher cancles the chi-balls and stops
* Speedblade drops
* Wiendigo stops, just about to clobber Adun
[DeathStar] It'll be okay.  We'll get you some help...somehow.
[Speedblade] Uplink! You alive, Ruskie?
[Wiendigo] ...Just when it's fuckin' gettign GOOD!
* Avalon stops summoning bolts but does not disperse the cloud
* Slasher phases over to DS and Ariel
* CrossFire backflips in mid air and lands near Slasher, still mad, but calmed down
[Slasher] She ok?
* Sickle is still a good distance away from the battle
* GreyFox puts away his rifle
[Ratshoot] C'mon, you dumb bear, wake up..
* Adun looks at Wiendigo, his eyes flashing red for a moment
* Friday forms the heavy mist around himself again and steps back away from the battle
[Ariel] *smiles weakly* "Just need some rest DS... *coughs*  Nothing to worry about..."
[Wiendigo] Do it, and die.
* Diamondback turns his healing energies on the injured - both Ariel and Uplink
* Adun walks over to 'Link
[Kyouki] I...
* Uplink coughs painfully, but is breathing
[Kyouki] I can't believe I let myself go maverick again...
* GreyFox walks over to Ariel
[Ratshoot] Someone get this boy some vodka!
[DeathStar] Everything will be okay...God...everything will be fine...
[Diamondback] [...It's no use. I can't do anything... we need a hospital.]
* DeathStar sits back in shock
* Avalon falls out of the air and lands near Friday, sending the cloud away
* Speedblade stands up
[GreyFox] Is..is..she gonna be ok..?
[Fuu] I knew that one was crazy.
[Avalon] Well, what do you think of the way things are done around here?
[Adun] ...my psi-energy cant heal anyone but myself...
[Ariel] *hugs DS* "I'm supposed to be the hurt one here..."
* CrossFire walks over to Avalon and Friday, "what the hell was that all about?"
[Speedblade] *into Comm* Veteran... bring us home... We have guests.
* DeathStar hugs Ariel back
* Garmsian flips the dataunit from hand to hand
[Avalon] Who knows...insanity.
[DeathStar] Of course, you get the special treatment...
[Slasher] ...You two make me sick sometimes..
[CrossFire] Wanna go back to HQ?
[Avalon] Apparently the shield wont grant concessions to these ?Wraiths?
[Wiendigo] Goddammit, I wanted to kill something...
[Speedblade] Come on. We'll go back to Shield HQ and get the injured in MedBay...
[Avalon] Yes, but there is no telling what could happen here.
* DeathStar picks up Ariel in his arms
[DeathStar] Lead the way.
[Speedblade] I'm a Lieutenant General, they'll listen to me... *looks at the injured Uplink*
* Slasher stands up
[Fuu] If he exists, we have to stop the reality jumper.
[CrossFire] WHo knows..I just wanna go back to HQ and get some more sleep, that damn guy was impossible to kill...
[Ratshoot] Theoretically.
[Speedblade] [Veteran] ...Visitors? Oh well...
[Adun] You able to walk 'Link?
[Friday] What guy, CrossFire?
* Uplink lays in a pool of his own blood
[Uplink] ...nyet...
[Garmsian] ...
[Kyouki] Do you know how to remove the maverick virus?
* Speedblade watches as a time portal opens
* Adun picks up 'Link
[Speedblade] Cops, come with us.
[Fuu] WHAT?!!!
[CrossFire] *points to Slasher*That guy, dont think he's with shield, must be one of those "Wraiths"
[Avalon] I never got into battle, so I couldn't tell.
[Seraphna] NRP: BACK
[Dataunit] NRP: WB
[Wiendigo] NRP: You missed the good stuff.
* Sickle limps back into the area
[Fuu] NRP: WB
* Garmsian follows Speedblade
[Sickle] Did I... miss anything?
* CrossFire looks to Speed, "What, so you can kill us?"
* Avalon looks at Speed and then back to the others
* DeathStar walks into the portal
* Speedblade walks through the portal. 1"Trust me."
[Ariel] [[6Spirit]] *follows DS*
[Wiendigo] Yeah. My kicking your worthless ass.
* GreyFox walks next to DS
[Avalon] He wont, but it is still bad business...
* Slasher steps through the portal laughin to himself
* Friday shrugs and follows after Speedblade
[Avalon] I don't like it.
* Adun follows Speed, carrying 'Link
* Wiendigo transplants through the portal
[CrossFire] Well, we going or not?
* Avalon hovers toward the portal amazingly slowly
* Kyouki follows DS.
* Fuu follows Speed.
[Diamondback] NRP: Take it to #tctshield. Easier to keep track of location.
[Avalon] At least we know what we are in store for with the shield.
* GreyFox puts his arm around Kyouki, "You did fine girlie, dont worry, you didnt do bad."
[Avalon] These wraiths are just something else.
*** Slasher has left #tct2200
*** Uplink has left #tct2200
*** Garmsian has left #tct2200
*** Friday has left #tct2200
* Diamondback shakes his head as he enters the portal
*** Diamondback has left #tct2200
* CrossFire walks through the portal

* Garmsian watches people flow in
*** CrossFire (answerboo@AC883B9F.ipt.aol.com) has joined #tctshield
*** Avalon (Malachite@dialup-49.beaufortco.com) has joined #tctshield
* Sickle steps in
*** Ariel (Ryuujin@CDR18-158.accesscable.net) has joined #tctshield
* DeathStar steps through, holding Ariel still
*** Wiendigo (wiendigo@C03-135.netonecom.net) has joined #tctshield
* Kyouki steps in.
[Sickle] Hey, nice place ya got here, SHield...
*** GreyFox (answerboo@AC883B9F.ipt.aol.com) has joined #tctshield
* Speedblade drops in
* Slasher steps in behind DS
[Speedblade] Home sweet freaking home...
[Friday] Hey Sickle, join the party!
* Fuu steps through too.
*** Ratshoot (wiendigo@C03-135.netonecom.net) has joined #tctshield
*** Dataunit (Ryuujin@CDR18-158.accesscable.net) has joined #tctshield
* Adun leans to a wall, looking at the prevoius enemies
[Fuu] Keep an eye on her. *points to Kyouki*
* Avalon doesn't say anything and starts to wander
* DeathStar looks at Garmsian
[Sickle] ...Garmsian, let me handle this.
[Wiendigo] Fuck off, kid.
* Kyouki wanders to the wraiths section.
* GreyFox walks in next to Kyouki, "Wellm guess we wont be killing anything for awhile..."
*** Seraphna (seraphna@209-130-180-112.nas1.MON.gblx.net) has joined #TCTSHIELD
[Kyouki] ...
[Sickle] DS, Adun, take the injured to MedBay. Adun, lead the way. The rest of you, come with me.
[Fuu] Damn right you won't.
* DeathStar steps behind Adun
* Garmsian growls
* CrossFire walks in with Avalon, "What do we do?"
* Adun carries 'Link towards MedBay
* Speedblade said that
* DeathStar follows Adun
[Avalon] I am going to collect information, but I would suggest following them.
* Seraphna follows
[CrossFire] Which ones, the wraiths?
* Seraphna is still in her daze
* Avalon turns around and starts to go along with it
* Speedblade walks off
* Fuu follows then.
* Wiendigo follows Speed, taking care to keep his claws out
* Kyouki follows too.
* Ratshoot dashes behind Speed
* Adun walks into MedBay, and puts 'Link down on a table
[Ratshoot] I don't like this, boss-man...
* Slasher follows Speed
[Speedblade] This is bizarre... who are these guys?
* CrossFire follows speed
* DeathStar places Ariel down on a table next to Link
* Fuu stares at Kyouki.
[Adun] MEDIC!
[Speedblade] I don't either... something's up.
[Avalon] Let's just go with the shield.
[Avalon] We are in their base.
* GreyFox runs after Kyouki, "Wait up doll face!"
* Friday heads toward where most of the rest are going (AKA Medbay)
[Dataunit] [[6Hikari]] *starts taking care of the wounded*
[Kyouki] Doll face?
* Garmsian walks in a total different direction then everyone else
* Speedblade turns into another door than where DS and Adun were headed
[Ariel] "I'm... *cough* Fine..."
[GreyFox] Er..nevermind...
[Speedblade] [Comm, to Hik] How do they look?
[DeathStar] You lay there and rest, Ariel.
[Kyouki] Shut up you stupid maverick.
* Fuu blinkblinks.
* Seraphna waks to DS and Ariel
* Slasher grabs a small painting as he walks by it
* Friday begins looking around MedBay, picking up tools and investigating them
* DeathStar looks exhausted, tired, and even afraid
* Speedblade sits, in a rather well decorated, and empty, lounge area
[GreyFox] Maverick..where?
[Dataunit] [[6Hikari]] *shakes her head* "Not great... But they'll live. So... One Russian and one... *doubles checks the scans*...dunno."
[Kyouki] WAAAAAAHH!!!! I'm a murderer!!!
* Wiendigo runs his hand along the wall, making a screeching noise with his claws
* Garmsian goes into the security room
[Speedblade] Sit down.
[Speedblade] All of you.
[Fuu] Hikari... I think the crazy one has your problem.
* Avalon looks around for Fortuna
* Diamondback glares at Speedblade
[Wiendigo] I'll stand.
* Slasher sits down and looks around
[DeathStar] Ariel...I have to go talk to Speed and the others.  Will you be okay?
[Diamondback] [You've probably got this whole area surrounded right now.]
[Dataunit] [[6Hikari]] Problem? What problem?
[Speedblade] Can't you trust me at all?
* GreyFox puts his hands on Kyouki's back, "No your not, its not your fault, you'll be ok someday soon ok."
[Adun] See you later 'Link
[Diamondback] [Not in the least.]
[Fuu] Ummm... she's talking to herself.
[Ariel] *nods*  I'll be fine DS.
* Uplink nods slowly
[Speedblade] Eh, your choice...
* Adun walks to Speed and sits down
[Wiendigo] Oh, it's nothing personal, I don't trust anyone.
[DeathStar] Sera, watch her, please.
* DeathStar runs out into the room where speed is
[Kyouki] Well, sure I am.
[Dataunit] 2[12[6Hikari12]2] I never talked to myself...
* Avalon sits down at the end of the table
[Speedblade] But right now, I believe that you all are in a rather compromising position.
[Fuu] You didn't?
* Seraphna nodds as if far off...
* Ratshoot hops up on a table
* CrossFire sits down near the door, making sure to keep his hand near his blaster just incase
* Seraphna sits near Ariel
* DeathStar walks into the middle of the room and crosses his arms
[Speedblade] So I'd just sit down and listen to my questions.
* Garmsian keeps his eye on the Wraiths from cameras all over the place
* Diamondback shakes his head and flops on a chair
* Slasher looks to his side and grabs a magaizine, sliding it under his shirt
[DeathStar] We don't have time for you, Speed.
[Kyouki] ...
[Speedblade] I just want you to answer some damned questions.
[Wiendigo] Just talk.
[Kyouki] What's one more voice?
[Speedblade] Now, why are you here?
[DeathStar] To get your technology.
[Speedblade] Let's try to do it PEACEFULLY this time.
[Kyouki] I'm sorry!!!!
[Speedblade] We've established that already. Why?
* Friday leaves the Medbay and wanders into the lounge
[DeathStar] To stop a God from taking over all realities.
[Diamondback] [I get the feeling you wouldn't believe us if we told you.]
[Fuu] A god...
* GreyFox glares at Speed, "She has a problem ok, dont blame her, it would have happened anyways."
* Avalon winces
[Speedblade] A God, eh... *thinks back to Velsan*
[Wiendigo] Half-god.
[Slasher] Well...soon to be God..
[Avalon] Are you fanatics?
[DeathStar] Half-god.
* DeathStar looks at Avalon
[Seraphna] He.. He's gone isn't he...
[DeathStar] We're here to save the world.  And you?
[Fuu] I don't know why, but ir feels right.
[Speedblade] I actually believe you more than you might think... uh, psionic-boy.
* Avalon wonders what file a god would go in
[Avalon] I am here to regulate it.
* Avalon laughs
[Diamondback] [...The name's Carter, Mr. Trench.]
* DeathStar turns back to Speed
[Kyouki] You're psychotic?
[DeathStar] You don't know us.
[Fuu] ...
* Speedblade is lost in thought
[DeathStar] But we've met another Speed before.
[Speedblade] Never met you before in my life...
[Slasher] Real nice fellow too
[Wiendigo] And he was just as much an ass as you are.
[Kyouki] [Hello.]
[DeathStar] You see...there's thousands upon thousands of realities.  We're in quite a few.  Your people are in quite a few.
* Speedblade nods
[DeathStar] Some of them have neither of us.
[Slasher] Showed me some Baseball wiht the name Babe Ruth on it
[Speedblade] It seems you've met another me in another reality.
[DeathStar] Correct.
[Fuu] My head is spinning.
* Speedblade thinks
* Avalon looks around, being repulsed by this quickly
[Speedblade] Want to explain the situation to me a little more in detail?
[DeathStar] The half-god is Chronos.
[Fuu] Hikari... I might just take you up on your offer.
[Ratshoot] WE get the freakin' 'bazillion different possibilities' plug, pal, we wanna know the DETAILS of WHY you need the tech.
[Speedblade] All you've said so far is that this half-god thing, Chronos, is trying to destroy the realities. Why?
[DeathStar] Chronos is the watcher of all realities.  But he dies every 1000 years and is replaced.
* Speedblade nods
* CrossFire scratches his head, "Look, different realities are a nice thought, but we have enough to deal with managing different times, thank you."
* Friday sits silently against the wall and pulls his fedora down over his eyes
[DeathStar] He stopped that cycle by killing the successor Chronos.  And now he wants the 'Prime Reality' to take over all realities.
[Speedblade] That's all good, and I'm assuming that 1000 years has passed.
[Kyouki] Yes...
[Speedblade] Sounds fun. Any idea which reality is the Prime one?
[Seraphna] Sis?
[Kyouki] ...?
* Avalon grumbles
[DeathStar] We have no clue.  I have a group of Wraiths looking for it now back at Balance Point.
* Slasher laughs as he pockets a coaster
* Seraphna looks at Ariel
* CrossFire looks at Avalon, "What the hell is wrong with you?"
* Speedblade whips his shotgun out in the blink of an eye
[Speedblade] Put it back.
[Avalon] You know the world is falling over the edge when the powers that be can't even follow simple rules.
* Ariel is resting, eyes closed.
[DeathStar] He robbed the other Speed and is trying to test you.
* Avalon looks surprised
[Slasher] ...Bah...just as fun as the last one..*tosses it back onto the table*
*** Kyouki is now known as Scarlet
[CrossFire] So true.
*** Scarlet (ukchan@host213-1-75-71.btinternet.com) has left #TCTShield
[Fuu] NRP: Using aliases now.
* Speedblade thinks
[Speedblade] So, what do you need our tech for?
[Slasher] To stop him.
[DeathStar] We can no longer cross realities.
* Diamondback swipes a painting on the wall while Speedblade is preoccupied
[DeathStar] It took our last bit of juice to get here.
[Ratshoot] So yer stuck here?
[DeathStar] Yes.
[Slasher] Yep
* GreyFox stands up, "Look, can I ask a question first, is there even a remote chance you are gonna give us this tech stuff?"
[Slasher] Grey shut up.
[Ratshoot] Great, so if we don't give ya our stuff, we have to watch your ugly mugs...
* DeathStar glances at Grey
[Avalon] Hehe, knowing the shield you are likely to be arrested.
[DeathStar] That's right.
* Seraphna sighs
[Fuu] [Kyouki] So... we'll fight anyway?
[Seraphna] That's a good idea...
[CrossFire] Figures..*mutters*
[Speedblade] ...Funny, Avalon.
[Avalon] Well, isn't that what policy dictates?
[Speedblade] So... Looks like our goals are similar, apparently.
[Slasher] Not to sound cocky, we wouldn't allow ourselves to be arrested.
[Fuu] So, why don't we work together?
[Ariel] This... sucks.  I shouldn't be stuck here...
[Wiendigo] You'd all be dead first.
[Speedblade] That Chronos guy gave us some problems while we were stranded in another dimension...
[DeathStar] Right.  I don't know why you and they *nods at the Cops* hate each other, but we need your technology.
[GreyFox] Damn right we wouldnt*mutters as he sits back down*
[Seraphna] Come on sis...
* Speedblade muses
[Adun] How about we help you with your problem, then you help us close off time-travel?
[Ariel] [[6Spirit]] *helps out Hikari in the medbay*
[Speedblade] I could probably talk Veteran into letting you temporarily join the Shield.
[DeathStar] We cannot do that.
* DeathStar looks at Adun
[Seraphna] We get stuck in these places al teh time...
* Wiendigo leans over the table
[DeathStar] I came here under the wrong motives.
[DeathStar] It is not our place to change other realities.
* Speedblade shakes his head
[Wiendigo] There's no time, you idiot.
[Speedblade] You leave, you're gone from the Shield.
[Avalon] This craziness is out of our jurisdiction.
[Speedblade] And don't call me an idiot, tres stupide.
* CrossFire whispers to Avalon, "This could be a chance to stop Shield once and for all, howbout we talk with these wraiths, Im sure the superiors could dig them up some stuff."
[Slasher] NRP: Stupid Three?
[Ariel] NRP: Very stupid
[Speedblade] NRP: Too lazy to put in the accent.
[DeathStar] You see, we're not gods either.  We cannot alter other realities.
[Seraphna] Time...
[DeathStar] We shouldn't even BE here.
[Ariel] NRP: Trois = three
* Speedblade shakes his head
* Avalon was thinking something similar
[DeathStar] But then again, Chronos shouldn't be trying to become a God.
[Fuu] [Kyouki] So, as soon as we kill Chronos, we're going.
[Speedblade] It's not about changing our reality.
[Wiendigo] As we sit here diliberating, universes are being destroyed. So fuck off and give us what we want. We'll be gone, then you can go bac kto your dumb-ass little fueds.
[DeathStar] Right, Kyouki.  And destroying all reality technology with us.
[Fuu] [Kyouki] Poof, out of your lives.
[Speedblade] It's about stopping this guy before any damage is done!
[DeathStar] Speed, damage HAS been done.
[Slasher] NRP: Sorry, I was thinkin Spanish..
[Avalon] *Back* We unlike them, would not have to violate procedure to do it.
[Ariel] I shouldn't me stuck in the med-bay... I'm not THAT hurt.. *winces*
[Speedblade] Ok, MORE damage.
[DeathStar] We have memories that aren't even ours.  We were thrown through several realities where we were other versions of ourselves.
[DeathStar] I don't care to speak of what I did in some realities.
* Avalon doesn't like that at all
[Fuu] [Kyouki] *looks a little sad* That's true...
[Speedblade] Monsieur Tres Stupide is right, for once... we're wasting time.
[Slasher] Yeah...either would I..*Shudders at some of the thoughts*
[CrossFire] *whisper*Yes, and I could get that big promotion, hehe, lets do it, which one should we talk to*scans the area, then whispers back*Howbout that one*points to Wiendigo*
[DeathStar] So, will you help us?  Both ... Shield...and Cops, is it?
[Wiendigo] Don't make me psionically bitch-slap you, skin-shit.
[Speedblade] I'll go talk to Veteran. The rest of you, stay in here. I'll be right back.
* Avalon has apparently realized something else
[Speedblade] See if you can keep Tres Stupide under control. Je vais etre right back.
[Fuu] I'll go check on that girl who tripped me.
* Avalon gets in a daze for a few seconds
* Speedblade exits
[Adun] Working with Cops...
[Seraphna] Easy sis...
* Fuu wanders to where Hikari is.
[Speedblade] C'mon, Shield, Cops, I might need the backup.
* Wiendigo kicks over the table
[Seraphna] I'm not in the right mind to heal you...
* Ratshoot flies off
[Seraphna] And you are hurt...
[Ratshoot] ACK!
* Diamondback waits until everyone is gone except the Wraiths
* CrossFire mutters and sits back in his chair, staring pointedly at Ratshoot
[Diamondback] [...You really trust these guys, DS?]
[Fuu] [Kyouki] [So... what now?]
* DeathStar looks at DB
[DeathStar] We have to, for now.  But they won't want to give up the reality technology
* Adun leans towards a wall
* Friday tries to stay unnoticed in the corner
[Wiendigo] [We should steal their technology now.]
[Diamondback] [It seems that the only person not worried about the feud between teams is the guy in the trenchcoat.]
* DeathStar looks at wiendigo
[Fuu] Hikari?
[DeathStar] We're in their base.  Doing that will get us in bigger trouble.  And Ariel's hurt.
* Avalon looks at Friday and motions to CrossFire
[GreyFox] [Howbout we just kill them all, that always works, and Im sure Kyouki wouldnt mind.]
[Ariel] 2[12[6Hikari12]2] Yes?
* Diamondback sighs
[DeathStar] Now, we will not attack them.
[Wiendigo] [We've gone through worse.]
* Friday heads over toward Avalon
[Diamondback] How did I get stuck with such a bunch of PSYCHOPATHS?! Think with your minds, not your weapons!
[DeathStar] Wiendigo, we're talking about the fate of more lives than any of us has ever comprehended
[Avalon] Did you find anything?
[Slasher] That's our last resort..
[DeathStar] Do you REALLY want to risk that?
* CrossFire shouts in a whisper, "Hey Friday, get over here."
* Friday shurgs
[Slasher] Wien wouldn't care unless it consisted of naked girls
[Wiendigo] [Do you think I realyl fucking care at this point?]
[Fuu] Have you heard about those wraith people yet?
[Diamondback] [I just think there's something wrong.]
* Wiendigo grabs Slasher by the collar
[DeathStar] We'll trust them.  But ocne they try to double cross us, then we'll react.
[Diamondback] [Monsieur Francais seems almost too trusting...]
* Slasher crosses his arms
[Wiendigo] I should smear you...
[DeathStar] But remember, we cannot aid them in this reality.  We can only stop Chronos.  So NO altering this reality.
[Fuu] [Kyouki] My head hurts... mind if I visit your medical station?
* GreyFox jumps between Wien and Slash, "Hey hey ladies, break it up."
* Avalon is getting annoyed at the lack of communication
[Fuu] [Kyouki] I'm insulted.
[Slasher] What? I could...*glares at Grey* Wien..
[Friday] What were we supposed to be looking for?
[Ariel] 2[12[6Hikari12]2] Yeah... Quite a crowd... *to sera* What IS she anyways?
* Wiendigo towers over Grey
[Wiendigo] Move.
* Seraphna blinks
* CrossFire looks at Avalon, "So what do we do?"
* Slasher towers over Grey also, but only cuz he's bein held up.
[Avalon] I don't know, but you seemed to be interested in something here.  But nevermind.
[Seraphna] My sister?
[Adun] ...In any other possible reality I would be a private killing-machine for a mad scientist...
[Avalon] Well, I am afraid to make any moves when the opposition is in the room.
* Diamondback sighs
[Ariel] 2[12[6Hikari12]2] *nods*
[Diamondback] [This is taking too long...]
* GreyFox walks backwards and sits down, "Yes Mr. Psycho killer..."
*** Kyouki (ukchan@host213-1-104-9.btinternet.com) has joined #TCTShield
[DeathStar] Think it's a trap?
[Seraphna] She's Lunarian, we're kinda like a dragon...
[Wiendigo] Of course it is. It always is.
* DeathStar sighs
[Slasher] Like I was saying before I was rudely interupted..Hey I coulda said naked guys. 
[Avalon] I say let them go about their business and catch them in the field.
[Wiendigo] Which is why we should have one of our own.
[DeathStar] Alright, perhaps we should get ready then.
[Ariel] 2[12[6Hikari12]2] D-dragon? O.O
[CrossFire] Well, lets see, how many cops are here and how many shield and wraiths?
* Ratshoot twitches his whiskers, sitting in the corner
[Kyouki] [Fuu] DRAGON?!
[Avalon] We are outnumbered, I think.
* Diamondback cracks his knuckles
[CrossFire] Yes, by quite a bit.
[Diamondback] [I know where they are. I'm going after them.]
* Ratshoot tapps his comm and whispers
[DeathStar] They obviously want us to follow them
[Kyouki] Mind if I visit your medlabs?
[Avalon] That is the reason for my hesitation.
[Slasher] *whispers* I don't trust those cops people...
[Ratshoot] Boss, we got trouble...
[Friday] I don't think that'll work, they'll probably stay here until they get what they want
* Diamondback stands up and moves for the door
* Seraphna nodds
* Kyouki wanders towards the medlabs herself.
[Diamondback] [Anybody else that's coming, co...]
* Diamondback bumps into Speedblade
[Seraphna] Something wrong?
[DeathStar] Wiendigo, conceal yourself in the ----
* DeathStar looks at speed
[DeathStar] Trap is sprung.
[Diamondback] [Uh... hi?]
[Avalon] It don't really object to either getting their way.
[Speedblade] ...Trap? What're you talking about?
* DeathStar reaches for his saber and stops
*** Fuu has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Speedblade hands DS a sheet of paper
[Kyouki] Hello...
* DeathStar looks at the paper
* DeathStar takes it
* Avalon blinks angrily
[Slasher] Care to let me down Wien?
[Wiendigo] NRP: [Speed] Hahahahha! Face...THE PAPER!
[DeathStar] I'm a Chrono Shield?
[Speedblade] Your entry papers. Welcome to the Chronological Shield.
[Kyouki] You have a cure for the maverick virus?
* Wiendigo tosses Slasher aside
[Ariel] 2[12[6Hikari12]2] "I don't really know how to treat dragons... Oh, hello."
* DeathStar looks up at the other Wraiths
[Slasher] NRP: DeathStar: GAH! Paper cut! *sucks on his finger*
[Avalon] Now we really have no chance in this.
[Speedblade] You don't have to assist us... that's just a way that you can assist us, without having the rest of the Shield ready to kill you.
* Slasher lands on his feet
[DeathStar] You know, this WAS some trap....we've been recruited.
[Slasher] We don't have to pay any fees do we?
[Speedblade] Um, I mean, a way for you to use our systems.
* Kyouki seems to fight some sort of inner battle.
[Seraphna] I can...
[Ariel] 2[12[6Hikari12]2] "Maverick virus? *nods* I have something to help with that..."
[Wiendigo] Whoop.
* Garmsian pushes the intercom button
[Speedblade] You're free to leave after we finish.
* CrossFire looks at Avalon nervously, "Ok Av, how do we get out of this..?"
[DeathStar] You got yourself a deal, Speed
* DeathStar holds out his hand
[Garmsian] Intercom: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Speedblade shakes his head
[Avalon] We are going to have to go along with it.
[Speedblade] Idiot.
[DeathStar] What was that---?
* Speedblade shakes DS's hand
* GreyFox looks at Kyouki, "You ok?"
[Kyouki] [Fuu] She scares me.
[Avalon] Bail out at first oppurtunity.
* DeathStar looks around
[Speedblade] Ignore him.
[Ariel] 2[12[6Hikari12]2] *digs out a small energy capsule and tosses it to Kyouki*
[Speedblade] Our intercom system's a little too advanced.
* Kyouki swallows it.
[Speedblade] Now, let's figure out a battle plan...
[Kyouki] NRP: Whether it has any effect or not.
[DeathStar] Right...
* DeathStar looks spooked
[DeathStar] Session Continues in TCT Session #15
[CrossFire] Sure thing.
[DeathStar] Basically, Session Ends