Random Ages: Impact 3

TAW Session 107: The Prime Reality Part III - The Discovery

[Snipe] Time Chart: Time has no meaning here
[Snipe] Location: Balance Point
[Snipe] GM: This takes place shortly after the other team has entered TCT's reality
[Snipe] GM: Those not present are exploring Balance Point and aren't in the main chamber
[Dias] Hey Snipe, are any of the female members wearing skirts?
* Snipe looks up from watching windows of other realities, startled
[Snipe] Huh?
[Dias] You heard me.
[Snipe] I try not to.
* Kiki keeps flying around, trying to look at all the windows at once
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] ......
[Dias] ...You know you like listenin to me...
* Iceheart sits in the corner, meditating
[Dias] I give some excitement to your dull life.
[Snipe] ...you call this 'dull'?
* Snipe waves hand around Balance Point
[Dias] Well it could use a new interior decorator.
[Snipe] I'm sure you'll be chosen for the job.
* Snipe looks back at the windows, trying to spot the Prime Reality
[Dias] You really think so?! *eyes widen*
[Snipe] Of course.
[Dias] So how do you know if it's the prime reality or not?
[Snipe] I have no idea.
[Dias] So your saying it coulda always flashed by?
* Kiki stops at a color filled window and chirps
* Gravedigger stands with his arms folded, watching the realities float by
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[Snipe] Yes, it could have flashed by.  Hell, *points at one window with tons of naked women dancing* THAT could be the glorious prime reality.
[Seraphna] BOO!!
[Snipe] NRP: ... session
[Dias] We could only wish.
[Dias] What the hell was that...*looks around*
[Snipe] You never know what our glorious creator could have intended the true reality to be.
[Seraphna] NRP: OOPS!)
[Snipe] Winds.  Definitely the winds.
[Seraphna] NRP: ME THERE????
[Snipe] NRP: Elayne is.
[Dias] Yeah....Has to be the wind....Really freaky.
* Snipe points at a snow field in one reality
[Snipe] That could be in.  The hidden secrets buried beneath the ice.
[Snipe] (it)
* Kiki pounces on Snipe's back
[Snipe] Or, *waves hand at a desert with dead trees and mountains* that could be it.  Or maybe that *points at a glorious garden* AAH
* Snipe looks at Kiki
[Dias] What about that one *points at one which is a turle floating around*
[Kiki] ¿chirp?
* Snipe lets his long hair bury Kiki
* X2 examines the overall structure of the place
[Aiji] Maybe something that resembles the garden of Eden?
[Aiji] NRP: Ack!
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] Maybe something that resembles the garden of Eden?
[Iceheart] Basically, you guys have no idea what the hell you're doing.  *says quietly without opening her eyes*
[Dias] ...What's the Garden of Eden?
[Snipe] ...baka.
* Snipe looks at Cheryl
[Dias] And you do Iceheart?
* Kiki flutters out of Snipe's hair, tying it in knots as it left
[Snipe] That could very well be it.
[Dias] And how do we even know what it looks like?
[Snipe] ...*feels his hair and sighs*
* Snipe glances at the window that once showed Death Star and the others, not to blurry to watch anymore
[Snipe] (now)
[Snipe] Wonder how "Lets kill them all" is doing.
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[Dias] I don't know, turn to it...*stomach growls* Gah...
* Kiki lands on top of Snipes's head
[Snipe] Sorry, Dias, no food here.
[Gravedigger] I'd rather not find out.
* Snipe looks at Grave
[Dias] Great////
[Snipe] Why didn't you follow Wiendigo, anyway?
* Gravedigger watches the realities float by, not turning away
[Dias] Cuz he doesn't have the killer instinct like Wien does
*** Diamondback has quit IRC
[Gravedigger] Because they're ready to kill anyone they have to, for the supposed sake of saving the universe.
[Snipe] Or tons of universes, so to speak.
[Dias] Why do you say Supposed Grave?
* Kiki curls up on Snipes head and closes its eyes
[Gravedigger] Yet, when it comes down to it, in any reality, if we live through this, would any of you be able to live with yourselves, knowing that you took an innocent life?
* Snipe looks back at the realities, spotting one which is another him, standing by a strange women. He briefly flashes back to all the memories of other Snipes that he experienced
[Dias] How do you know they killed anyone int he first place?
[Gravedigger] How do you know they haven't?
[Iceheart] Why worry about things that you cannot control?
[Gravedigger] Besides, just deciding one can do that is bad enough.
* Kiki sits back up and shakes its head painfully
* Gravedigger nods his head back
[Dias] Well then Grave why do you fight the Tsiv? They could be innocents..who says there not being forced to fight us
[Gravedigger] You haven't exactly done much to disuade any of them from making, pardon the term, 'making a grave mistake' yourself.
[Gravedigger] I attack when attacked. Do you?
[Iceheart] *glances at Grave* I don't see you attempting to prevent it either.
[Dias] Yes, because I want to survive. 
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[Aiji] NRP Wb
[Dias] And even if we tried to dissuade them, it wouldn't have helped.
[Iceheart] Besides, in the end, there would be nothing you could do to stop either Wiendigo or Death Star once their minds are made up.  I know.
[Gravedigger] I've done more than you couldp ossibly imagine.
[Seraphna] NRP: THX, quick update?
* Snipe lets out a short breath
[Dias] Maybe you have Grave, but that doesn't mean you should condem them.
[Snipe] Does any of this matter?  We all stayed on the sidelines for our own reasons, no reason to bite each others' heads off.
[Gravedigger] NRP: Teams just standing around, debating whether the others were right or not
[Seraphna] NRP: Just enter?
[Snipe] NRP: Elayne could have been exploring Balance Point
[Dias] NRP: Just come back from scouting the area
[Gravedigger] I'll condem them for throwing their very purpose out the window.
[Seraphna] *Elayne enters, looking around at everyone, having had the need to be alone
[Dias] You never seemed to condem Wien when he threatened to kill your fellow teammates
* Kiki chirps and flutters over to Elayne's shoulder
* Snipe stands up and walks off the platform where the windows are.
[Snipe] Look, if you guys want to debate to your blue in the face, go ahead.
[Gravedigger] I step in when I need to.
* Snipe wanders off the opposite direction of everyone else
[Seraphna] *Elayne giggles softly and pats Kiki's head
* Dias shakes his head
[Seraphna] *Elayne walks after Snipe
[Kiki] *chirp*
* Iceheart watches Snipe go
[Iceheart] He's frustrated and not attempting to defuse the situation.  Not very leader like.
* Iceheart closes her eyes, meditating again
* Dias looks at Ice and shakes his head
[Seraphna] Elayne] John?
[Dias] Maybe he's just sick of it.
[Snipe] Not now, Elayne.  Not now...
[Gravedigger] He has his own issues right now. Let him work 'em out first.
* Snipe glances back
[Seraphna] *Elayne looks down
[Snipe] I have too much bouncing around in my head right now.
[Snipe] Memories that aren't even my own.
[Seraphna] Elayne] You promised me you'd talk with me...
[Seraphna] Elayne] Come, lets go off somewhere and try forgetting those.. memories...
* Snipe chuckles darkly
[Snipe] Alright, lead the way.
[Seraphna] *Elayne walks off to some other room 
* Iceheart stands up and sits down in Snipe's spot at the windows
[Iceheart] I suppose I should take over his job.
* Dias looks down seeing his reflection
* Snipe follows, wondering just how big and endless Balance Point really is.
[X2] Are you sure that's wise?
[Iceheart] Are you sure you want to risk this precious prime reality going by without us seeing it?
[Dias] But Ice, we already figured that we might not know if we find it or not
[Iceheart] True.  But it's not in our job description to stop trying.
[Dias] What is our job description anyway?
[Iceheart] That's for you to decide.
[Gravedigger] Who knows anymore.
[Dias] Grave, whats up with you? You seem to be so pessimistic lately.
[Gravedigger] Let's just say some of the realities I experience were less than plesant.
[Dias] What ever happened to that funny side I enjoyed being harrased by?
[Seraphna] *Elayne stops in some room and turns around to him
[Dias] And you think mine were a field day?
* Snipe skids to a stop
[Gravedigger] He's dead. I killed him. Then burried him in a large hole.
[Seraphna] Elayne] In your... memories... did you and I ever...
[Dias] Who?
[Dias] NRP: Elayne]You know....hugged?
* Iceheart shakes head at Dias' denseness
* Snipe hesitates, trying to think of how to conduct his words
* Kiki flutters off Elayne's shoulder and back to the main room
[Seraphna] NRP: ACK!
[Gravedigger] ...
[Seraphna] Elayne] Get together.. I mean really?
[Snipe] Yes...but there were others.  It wasn't always ... me and you... in every reality.
[Dias] Your old master? Or you pap Wien? or maybe Snipe..
[Dias] It doesn't matter tho Grave, they're not you in anyway besides looks. 
[Seraphna] *Elayne nodds, "I know..."
[Gravedigger] ...God you're a dumbass. Can't even recognize a joke when you here one.
* Iceheart makes a grunt and keeps looking
[Seraphna] Elayne] But this is our reality... 
[Gravedigger] (hear, even)
[Snipe] Yeah, our reality is in the verge of insanity thanks to Chronos.
[Dias] Whatever Grave..*walks off*
* Snipe glances down at his reflection
* Kiki flutters in front of one of the windows and stares at it
[Snipe] Sometimes I don't recognize him.  *nods at his reflection*
[Seraphna] Elayne] Yeah... so?
[Seraphna] Elayne] John, we are the Hunters, SU, Wraiths.. whatever...
[Iceheart] You should go after your friend, Grave.
[Aiji] NRP: [Snipe] There's something I have to tell you Elayne... I'm going to marry Emily and Hotaru. You want to join in on the fun? *evil grin*
[Gravedigger] Talking to him's like talking to a rock. Only with a rock, the conversations are more entertaining.
[Seraphna] Elayne] We've been on the verge of insanity since Earth...
[Iceheart] Still, he's hurting.  We've all been through a lot.  We could use each other's support and friendship.
[Dias] NRP: Dias: Thanks Grave..*sniffles a tear and hugs him* DATA BOY*
[Gravedigger] I can't talk to him right now.
[Snipe] You're right, Elayne.
* Snipe looks up at her
[Seraphna] *ELayne tries to smile
[Snipe] Been one helluva ride.
* X2 leans against the windows, tracing his finger aorund tiredly
* Snipe smiles back
[Seraphna] Elayne] I mean.. look at me.. I've lost a lot too... I'm smiling...
[Seraphna] *Weak smile
[Snipe] I'm so sorry about all that's happened to you, Elayne.  It isn't fair...really.
* Kiki watches an exploding landscape
[Snipe] If I could change anything that has happened, I would.  I even would go after Garland if need be.
* Dias stops at a window and stares out sighing
* Iceheart turns to face Grave
[Seraphna] *Elayne doesn't respond, just tries to keep up what is obviously a mask
[Iceheart] Well...you care to talk to me?
* Gravedigger shrugs
* Snipe sighs and looks down again
* Kiki walks back into the room with Elayne and Snipe
[Seraphna] *Elayne looks down at a small device... "At least Lucas, Jonas, and Sarlen are safe..."
[Snipe] That's good.  *glances at Elayne* Are you safe?
[Iceheart] Well, what's ailing you?
* Kiki looks at Snipe and Elayne and chirps questioningly
* Dias clenches his fist and punches at a nearby wall
[Iceheart] Wall: *repels Dias*
* Dias shakes his hand
[Gravedigger] My life's been one long roller coaster ride. Let's call this the dangerous drop off hill.
[Seraphna] *Elayne shruggs*
[Iceheart] And what adjustments are you aming to slow it down?
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[Iceheart] making
* Kiki jumps back on Elayne's shoulder
[Snipe] Elayne...tell me what you're feeling.  Deep down.  
[Gravedigger] None, anymore.
[Iceheart] You shouldn't let yourself crash and burn.  
[Gravedigger] It's all or nothing at this point.
[Seraphna] Elayne] I'm torn... I never thought I'd loose another Dad...
* Snipe sits there, listening until he's positive Elayne's done
[Seraphna] Elayne] But something inside me is strong... I don;t know what to feel
[X2] If you don't have anything to look forward to, it is.
* Gravedigger turns to X2
* Iceheart looks at X2
[Gravedigger] Either we win or we don't. It's that simple.
[Iceheart] Black or white?  No shades of gray?  That'
[Iceheart] s what a real war is.
[Iceheart] There's always a shade of gray/
* Kiki just sits quietly on Elayne's shoulder
[Seraphna] *Elayne looks down
[X2] How is that different form any other crisis you've faced?
[Seraphna] ELayne] I guess the kid inside me is the stronger...
* Gravedigger looks back out the window
[Gravedigger] It just is.
* Dias continues on walking around with his head down
[Snipe] Elayne...you're VERY strong.
[X2] You know, Gravedigger, there's a word for people like you.
[Seraphna] *Elayne sighs
[Seraphna] *Elayne looks up
[Gravedigger] Yeah, and what's that?
[Kiki] *chirp*
[Gravedigger] ...Oh screw off, what would you know?
[Snipe] You're very presence shows it.  You've gone through all this and still you refuse to stop moving.  Sure, you're confused, hell, all of us are.  But you don't let that stop you.  
* Iceheart watches the two
[X2] "Oh, poor me, my life is a cesspool! Boo hoo, I'm a puddle of goo! Waaaaa, somebody love me!"
[Gravedigger] Just keep it up.
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] ......
[Iceheart] ...since when did you develop this since of doctoring...?
[Iceheart] (sense)
[Seraphna] Elayne] John...
[Snipe] Elayne...I'm proud just to be around you.  You bring a calm into a storm of a situation I can't begin to explain.
[X2] Since the boy can't get it through his head that universe doesn't stop due to the fact things don't work out the way he expects them to.
[Seraphna] *Elayne ries to smile again
[Snipe] Come on, let me see a real smile.
* Dias passes by the room where Snipe and Elayne are and stop peering in but can't be seen
[X2] Things happen, plans change, the unexpected rears its ugly head.
[Iceheart] Especially in this job description.
[X2] We pick up the pieces and move on as best we can.
[Seraphna] *ELayne smiels more, for real...
* Snipe grins
[Snipe] Thatta girl.
[X2] Fine, so you've had a hard life Grave. You're still alive, which is hope enough.
[Dias] ...*whispers to himself* Go Snipe...*laughs lightly and walks off*
[X2] Not all of us have had exceptionally well lives, we've all had our share of tragedies.
[Iceheart] Voice in Dias head: (Aaaah...Dias...)
* Gravedigger snorts
[Seraphna] *Elayne looks at him, shaking her head
[X2] I'm not finished.
[Seraphna] Elayne] I'll never figure you out... but I like you for that
* Dias stops and looks around
[Snipe] You know what, Elayne?
[X2] You say you have nothing to look forward to through this?
[Snipe] As soon as I figure myself out, I'll clue you in.
[Seraphna] *Elayne giggles
[X2] I, for one, do. In one of the many realities I drifted through, I encountered one where I was with my father again. Another where he died in my arms.
[Dias] I really need to eat...*continues walking*
[Iceheart] (Looking for me, Dias...?)
[Dias] *stops* What the hell?
[X2] Now, why those things never actually happened, I still retain memories. I still wake up in them iddle of the night from nightmares.
* Dias looks around
[Seraphna] *Elayne, "I feel alone still...", She sighs, "Since Emily left me..."
* Snipe hugs Elayne
[Snipe] She'll be back soon.
[Snipe] And 'sides, you got me here.
[Seraphna] *Elayne feels comforted
[Iceheart] (Keep looking, Dias...)
[X2] While you may not feel you have nothing to keep you going, I do. The hope that one day I'll be reunited with my father. That's my motivation.
[Seraphna] Elayne] Are you mad at me?WHen I stayed behind before.. coming home?
[Dias] .....Ok this is seriously freakin me out..*starts walking ahead again*
[Snipe] Of course not.
* Gravedigger slams his fist into the window
[Iceheart] (It is I...Dias.)
[Seraphna] *Elayne smiles again, and blushes a silvery crimsom
* Snipe steps back and looks at Kiki
[Snipe] ..you're the one who tied my hair into knots.
[Gravedigger] That's all fine and dandy for you, but I can't realyl seem to care right now.
[Dias] .........
[Kiki] ¿chirp?
[Iceheart] (Chronos)
* Seraphna giggles at Kiki
[Dias] Oh shit....
* Snipe looks at his long hair now in knots
[X2] Then maybe you truly have no hope at all.
[Snipe] Windows: *shake softly*
* Iceheart glances at the reality windows
[Iceheart] Hrm.
[Dias] *starts heading back towards where he saw Snipe*
[Gravedigger] Oh just..just...*sighs bitterly and looks away*
* Kiki hisses at the shaking windows
[Iceheart] (Bad Dias.)  *Dias is thrown back by an invisible force*
[Seraphna] ELayne] WHat.. oh no...
[Snipe] ...*looks out into the main room at the others* What?
[Dias] Oof..*slides across the ground*
[X2] If we're to truly appreciate anything in life, it's the things we fight for that make us most satisfied.
[Iceheart] (Thanks to you Wraiths...I have found my prize)
[Dias] *gets up* What the hell do you want with me..
[Dias] Enjoy it while you can...
[Snipe] Windows: *begin to explode and the realities vanishing*
[Snipe] Whoa?!  Is that suppose to happen1?
[Iceheart] ...?  *leaps back*
* Gravedigger shields his face
[Gravedigger] IT WASN'T ME!
[Kiki] ¡CHIRP!
[X2] Egads...
[Snipe] C'mon, Elayne
* Snipe runs into the room with Grave and the others
[Seraphna] *Elayne nodds
[Gravedigger] Everyone okay?
[Iceheart] Fine.
[Dias] Show yourself Chronos..
[Snipe] Great.
* Kiki flutters into the air hissing
[Iceheart] (Your friends...they shall die.  Now.)
[Gravedigger] What the hell was that?
[Dias] NOOOOO!!!
[X2] Something not happy.
[Iceheart] Balance Point: *shakes and the floor cracks*
*** Chronos has joined #taw
[Seraphna] *ELayne follows
* Chronos appears in the center of the room in the group of Wraiths
* Chronos looks at them, his eyes glowing white
* Dias starts running towards the main room
* Kiki hisses at Chronos
[Gravedigger] Suggestions?
[Snipe] Oh, look, it's the white beard demigod.
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] "...pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...?"
[Seraphna] [Oh great...]
* Iceheart backs away
[Gravedigger] Right after you on that one, Cheryl...
* Dias comes sliding in
[Dias] He's found the Prime Reality!!!
[Snipe] What!?  HOW!?
* Kiki flutters angrily
* Chronos laughs, it echoing around the room
[Gravedigger] I think...we be fucked.
[Iceheart] But I never saw it.
[Dias] Grrr...*blurs towardes Chronos throwing a punch at his gut*
[Seraphna] *Elayne tenses, blinking when she notices she went unconciously into a battle stance
[X2] Perhaps we missed it after all.
[Chronos] Now I shall be reborn as a true god.
* Chronos repels Dias back
* Dias slides across the floor flipping back up
[Gravedigger] In a pig's eye!
[Chronos] Once I enter The Prime Reality, I shall rule all realities.
[Aiji] [Cheryl] I bet he doesn't even know which one it is.
* Kiki spits acid at Chronos
[Chronos] Let us see, girl.
* Chronos raises staff
* Dias blurs at him again kicking at the staff
[Seraphna] .oO(He can't see them if we shut down the monitors...)
* Chronos blasts Dias back (5,000 AP)
[Chronos] Fool.
* Kiki spits acid at Chronos's staff
* Chronos waves staff, realities shaking
* Dias flies past Snipe slammign into a wall
[Snipe] What?!
[Seraphna] .oO(What can I do...)
[Chronos] I can feel it's power from here!
* Snipe looks at dias then at a monitor of the TAW universe, buildings shaking apart.
[Gravedigger] Feel...THIS!
[Seraphna] DIAS!
* Gravedigger hurls his sai at the staff
[Dias] NRP: Sera you should really change your name
* Chronos begins to warp time around himself
* Chronos the sais stop and reverse at Grave due to the nature of time
[Seraphna] NRP: OOPSIE)
[Iceheart] Damn!
* Gravedigger catches it
* Dias gets up coughin blood
[Snipe] Dias!  
*** Seraphna is now known as Elayne
*** Elayne is now known as Elayne
* Snipe begins to use his virus power
[Dias] .....*runs at Chronos again slowed down from his attack*
[Elayne] John! Do;t...
[Chronos] Excellent.  Let us raise the ante.
[Dias] Keep pushing me old man..
* Chronos waves staff and they all enter a reality warp
* Kiki begins drawing in power from around him
* Gravedigger throws his arm forward, sending out a spike
[Snipe] GM: *all members vanish*
[Sigma] HMM
[Sigma] did anyone buy X5 yet?
[Snipe] NRP: sigs, session, don't speak
*** Snipe sets mode: +m
*** Snipe sets mode: +o Chronos
[Snipe] GM: *members appear 10 feet above the State of Liberty's torch and land on it 
* Snipe slams into the torch and begins sliding down
* Elayne blinks
[Elayne] This is...
[Elayne] New York?
* Gravedigger catches Snipe by the back of his shirt
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *Grabs the edge*
* Iceheart bounces and grabs the edge before plunding off into an abyss of water
[Kiki] ¿chirp?
[Iceheart] The world has been..flooded?!
[Dias] NRP: Woh there people...how the heck would we know what this thing is seeing as it mostl ikely was destroyed durin the wArs
* Elayne lands psionically
[Gravedigger] There're easier ways to sitesee, you know...
[Snipe] Thanks..Grave..owe you one
* Kiki starts drawing in energy again
[Gravedigger] You own me seven.
[Snipe] True.
[Snipe] NRP: Point, Dias.
* Dias slams through the torches top and into it landing on a walkway
[Snipe] We can do this!
[Dias] Guh....*coughs up some more blood*
* Chronos appears over the Statue of Liberty's head
* Chronos begins to open the gateway into the prime reality
[Gravedigger] Riiighhttt....you know how to swim to our home reality?
*** Dias is now known as DarkHeart
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *tackles Chronos
[Snipe] Yeah.  We catch that fish!  *points at Chronos*
* Chronos rolls with Cheryl
* Iceheart swings onto the arm of the statue
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *attempts to grab his staff
* Kiki dives at Chrono, its claws at the ready
*** DarkHeart is now known as Dias
[Dias] NRP: NEvermidn that
* Gravedigger pulls Snipe up
* Chronos lets her, but once grabbed, it slams 1000 volts of pure unholy energy into her
* Dias punches a hole through the flame and steps out of it
[Snipe] Thanks...lets get to that head.
* Elayne blinks, her mind not allowing her to attack Chronos
[Dias] He's gonna pay...
[Rose] NRP: Pity Oshi isn't here...
[Elayne] To the head?
[Gravedigger] Can't find any weaknesses, can we?
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *grits her teeth and drops it
* Snipe points at the statue's head
* Elayne floats into the air slowly
[Dias] CHERYL!!!\
[Snipe] Let me scan him
* Snipe forms his Tsivrixsh scanner
[Elayne] AUNTIE!
* Dias blurs over to her grabbing onto her
[Dias] You ok?
* Chronos begins to power up, the entire statue shaking
* Kiki grabs onto Chronos's arm and digs its claws in
* X2 tries to grab Chronos from behind
[Snipe] Scan: Demi-God Chornos
[X2] Oh no you don't!
[Snipe] HP: 35,000
[Snipe] 300 PL, 700 SL
* Chronos looks at X2
* Kiki tries to draw off power from Chronos to increase the damage of its own claws
* Chronos repulses him over the edge of the Statue
* Snipe scans the gateway
* Dias looks at Cheryl
[X2] ...Oh dear...
[Snipe] Gateway: 30% open
[Snipe] ...damn!
* Snipe runs for the head
* Elayne blinks, landing again and going Dragon
[Chronos] I can't be stopped.
* Elayne wings into the air and head to the head
[Snipe] I'll try.
* Snipe runs up the arm and activates two of his attack balls to fly him up
[X2] *as he falls* Um, a little help...?
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *picks up the staff again, gritting her teeth as she attacks Chronos with it
* Iceheart grabs X2
[Dias] Cheryl no...
* Iceheart grunts as she drives her ice spike into the statue's side
[X2] Wheew...Thank you kindly, madame...
[Iceheart] You know...I doubt I can climb up with you
* Chronos isn't affected by the staff
* Kiki attacks Chronos with telekinetic blades
[X2] I can climb up, I believe.
* X2 rams his fist through the statue
* Chronos begins to overload Cheryl with power like she's an outlet
* Snipe arrives over the gateway and lands on the head of the statue
[Snipe] I am here.
* Dias grabs the Staff from Cheryl
* Chronos begins to slam the current into Dias
* Elayne lands on Snipe's shoulder
* Snipe fires at the gateway
* Dias grits his teeth
[Snipe] Collapse!
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *doesn't let go as she builds up her own aura
* Iceheart climbs up the side of the head
* Kiki holds on to Chronos arm, digging its claws in deeper
* Elayne looks at teh gateway, and fires a Kiama at it
[Chronos] Insects.  I'm on the verge of godhood.
* Chronos keeps flooding Cheryl and Dias with a painful outlet of energy that is burning their insides slowly
[Snipe] Dias!  CHERYL!
* Snipe keeps firing at the gateway
* Kiki bites Chronos
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *trys to channel all of the power Chronos is throwing at her to smash the portal
* Chronos repulses Kiki in anger
[Dias] CHERRRRYL!!!! 
* Gravedigger jams his sai into his arm cannon and aims at Chronos
[Snipe] Gateway: *feeds off the power*
[Elayne] AUNTY!!!
* Kiki regains its balance and hisses angrily
[Gravedigger] Verge this.
-Aiji- I think Cheryl is about to have her true element switched to unholy
* Gravedigger fires
* Dias tries tuggin it away from Cheryl
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *throws Dias away*
* Chronos raises hand and repulses the sai into the air and sends it spinning away
* Chronos floats into the air with the staff
* Gravedigger calls it back
[Gravedigger] ...Dammit.
[Snipe] We can't touch him!
[Snipe] And the portal is growing bigger.
* Dias rolls along side the head grabbing onto one of the things
[Snipe] Statue: *begins to break up and tilt*
[Gravedigger] ...Maybe we don't have to?
* Dias slowly pulls himself up
* Kiki spits electrically charage acid at the area where it bit
* Dias runs up the head leapin off one of the points towards Chronos morphing in mid-air
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *holds on tight to the staff. Her scarlet armour turned crimson
*** Dias is now known as DarkHeart
* Chronos lets go of the staff and appears over the flame
[Snipe] ?!
* Snipe looks at Chronos
* DarkHeart spins and darts towards Chronos throwing a punch at him
[Snipe] He's...pissing me...off
* Snipe begins to leech off the virus
[Snipe] Gateway: 80%
[Elayne] John.. no.. please...
* Elayne looks at the portal
* Kiki shoots telekinetic blades at Chronos
* Snipe calls his deadlocks and uses them fly at Chronos
* DarkHeart growls as a an aura of Dark Matter appears around him and grows
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *throws a fireball at Chronos
* Chronos is hit by the punch
[Chronos] ...
* DarkHeart follows up with a backhand
* Chronos repulses all flying attacks at their users
* Chronos takes that too
[Elayne] HE can repulse ranged attacks!
* DarkHeart blurs into Chronos throwing all his force into his elbow
[Elayne] GET PHYSICAL!!!
[Chronos] OUF!
[Snipe] Elayne'
[Snipe] s right!
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *dives at Chronos, a flamming aura around her*
* Snipe throws a dark energy ball at Chronos
* Elayne blinks
* DarkHeart blurs above Chronos and whaps him with his tail
* Kiki dives at Chronos clawing wildly
[Gravedigger] NRP: ...Weren't we trying physical attacks before?
[Chronos] Enough!
[Elayne] I am???
* Chronos repulses everyone into each other
[Snipe] OUF!
[Elayne] !
[Snipe] Gateway: 95%
* Iceheart remains climbing up the head
[Iceheart] Hey, X2...we need to hurry.
* DarkHeart slams into Snipe his Dark Matter Aura connecting onto Snipe's Black Hole Aura
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *STILL refuses to drop that staff.*
* Kiki teleports out of the way over to the Gateway
[Snipe] ARGH!
* DarkHeart looks at Snipe
[X2] A plan of attack would be intrigal here...
[Elayne] It won;t work fighting him.. we need to stop the portal...
* Snipe pants
* Snipe nods at DH
[Snipe] Do it.
* Kiki tries to drain energy from the Gateway
* Snipe begins to activate more of the virus energy
* DarkHeart shoves his hands above his head creating a massive ball of Dark Matter
* Snipe forms a ball of dark energy
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *starts absorbing the energy from the staff*
* Iceheart flips onto the head
* DarkHeart crackles with energy, as he forces every ounce of his strength into his attack
[Iceheart] Staff: *loses energy*
* X2 follows IH
[Snipe] ...this...is...it
* DarkHeart nods
* Snipe throws everything he has at Chronos
[Elayne] THE STAFF!
* DarkHeart throws his hands forward sending a massive wave of Dark Matter at him, it intertwining with hte Black Hole
[Snipe] GM: *the two attacks combine into one large attack that engulfs Chronos*
[Snipe] Gateway: 100%
[Gravedigger] ...I think we know that by now, Elayne...
[Snipe] Gateway: *opens up completely, the staff now drained*
* DarkHeart points to the Gate
* Kiki keeps trying to drain energy off the Gate
[Elayne] No...
* Chronos slams onto the statue, badly burnt and oozing dark energy
[Chronos] ...I...am...beaten...?
* Elayne wonders
[Gravedigger] Yes.
[Elayne] Dark?
* Gravedigger kicks Chronos in the chest
[Elayne] Will a Kiama...
[Chronos] ...never...I...will...become a god...
* Chronos falls off the statue into the water
* Elayne watches him
* Snipe blacks out due to his head energy and begins to fall off his deadlocks
* DarkHeart falls onto his knees then face forward, sliding down the side of the torch and towards the water
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] Ariel will hate to have missed this...
* Snipe falls towards the water
[Iceheart] Damn, they're both falling.
[Gravedigger] Try Posiden, I hear he loves water.
* DarkHeart falls down nexto Snipe, he morphs from loss of control
*** DarkHeart is now known as Dias
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *descends and catches Snipe
* Gravedigger catches Dias
* Elayne changes normal and catches him
* Elayne holds him psionically
* Dias coughs from the force of falling and being caught
[Iceheart] Well...we beat him.
* Iceheart sits down on the head of the statue
[Gravedigger] Hmm...maybe I should drop you. You need a bath.
[X2] Now what?
[Snipe] Gateway: *turns from a green to a red*
* Kiki flutters over near where Chronos fell, looking for a body
* Elayne flies to the tablet, setting Snipe down...
* Elayne loks at the Gateway
* Chronos stands next to it, feeding off it's energy
[Elayne] What now?
[Chronos] Yes...I feel...the power.
[Elayne] NOOO!!!
* Chronos steps inside it
[Elayne] STOP!
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *dives after Chronos
[Iceheart] NOOO!
[Dias] NRP: *thought he fell into the water*
* Elayne fires a blast of Kiama at him
[Gravedigger] ..How the hell did he do that?
[Dias] NRP: Yeah he fell into the water
[Iceheart] Gateway: *closes and Cheryl lands onto the head of the statue*
*** Chronos has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Kiki dives toward the portal
[Dias] NRP: Nevermind misread it
* Snipe coughs and forces himself up
* Elayne takes out her baem-saber, having kept it all this time
[Snipe] ...we...failed...he's...entered...the prime reality...now...all is...hopeless...
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *glares angrily, her armour now black as onyx
[Elayne] I can't attack, but I can defend...
[Dias] *coughs* He's...weak tho...Snipe...
[Elayne] No...
[Snipe] Wrong...he'll be reborn as a God.
[Gravedigger] NRP: Um, he did though, didn't he?
[Elayne] We have a chance! WE HAVE TO HAVE ONE!
* Snipe stands up weakly
[Snipe] NRP: Yeah, he fell in the water.
* Kiki flutters over to the staff and wraps its tail around it, 1 ¿Chirp?
[Iceheart] ...guys...
* Iceheart looks at them
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] *attempts to open a new portal with the energy she drained
[Gravedigger] We can;t get back.
[Iceheart] It's hopeless.  We can't leave this reality.  
[Elayne] No...
[Iceheart] GM: *Cheryl at this time can't open it, but she can identify the Prime Reality*
[Iceheart] We have no means of moving through realities.
[Elayne] Wait guys.. where are we?
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] "...I know where it is."
[Aiji] [[6Cheryl]] "We just have to get there."
[Snipe] Statue: *groans and begins to tilt some more towards the water*
[Elayne] !
[Snipe] ...yeah...and time is now our enemy.
[Elayne] Wed better get out of here...
[Snipe] Session Continued