Session 11-Mission 110: On the Path of Heroes

[Snipe] Time Chart: 10 minutes later 
[Snipe] Location: Qatz
* Snipe leans back in the jeep, asleep
* Gravedigger blinks
* Maki draws pictures in the dirt
* Gravedigger scratches his head over how he actually got with the group, then shrugs it off
* Ripple is leaning against the window, one arm around Spirit, stroking her hair
* Garland stands there, keeping watch
* Maki starts laughing histericly then quickly wipes the picture off the ground
[Snipe] Kyp: Alright, lets go
[Ripple] NRP:
* Gravedigger leans back, then topples out of the jeep
[Snipe] Kyp: *starts the jeep, there being two of them*
* Garland steps into the jeep
[Spirit] This trip has been...
* Garland gets in the back
* Maki hops into the seat by Snipe
[Spirit] *trails off*
* Gravedigger scrambles back up into the jeep
[Snipe] Kyp: I'll brief you on your mission as we go along...someone wake your Commander.
[Ripple] NRP: Dont turn up the bass when playing the megamix... its not safe.  I blew my subs playing it
* Gravedigger whacks Snipe
* Maki pokes Snipe
[Maki] Wakey wakey!
* Snipe drives into the jungle
[Snipe] Ouf?  What?
[Snipe] Kyp: Welcome back...*said dryly*
* Ripple listens to Kyp
* Garland looks at Kyp
[Ripple] So Kyp, what are we up against...
[Snipe] Kyp: We'll be driving ten miles into the jungle where you will find the base...
* Maki takes a picture or two of wildlife
[Ripple] Infiltrate and destroy?
[Snipe] Kyp: Once there, your mission objective will be to blow up the satalite and get the hell out of there before reinforcements show.
[Snipe] .....sounds easy..
[Ripple] Good... Lucky thing we practiced something like this....
[Snipe] Kyp: Rumors are that Cain is hanging around the project, so avoid a battle with him at ALL costs.  Understood?
* Snipe balls his hands into fists
* Maki takes a picture of Kyp
[Ripple] ..... *eyes blaze purple*
[Maki] Got it ^-^
[Gravedigger] ...
[Snipe] Kyp: Hey, me and you should have dinner sometime  *Grins at Maki*
* Maki blinks
* Snipe glares
[Ripple] NRP: *waits for the punch*
[Maki] Well... I'm a little busy... all the time that is
[Garland] Isn't Cain the guy that hurt Garland...?
* Snipe the jeep hits a bump
[Snipe] Yes, and the person who killed though high school students..
[Ripple] .....
[Snipe] Kyp: AVOID fighting him...That's an order from Spade himself!
* Ripple eyes blaze further
* Spirit manages to hold back a startled eek
[Garland] ......
* Ripple doesnt notice the bump
[Maki] Hey Kyp... what was that just then?
[Snipe] Kyp: Bump, we are in the jungle you know.
[Maki] Hmm... I guess
[Snipe] ......*glances around*
[Ripple] NRP: Someone has to send me these midis, i dont have any
[Snipe] NRP: X1, send them to Ripple and Garland
[Garland] NRP: how do you think I feel, I NEVER have the midis.
[Spirit] NRP: I need them too.
[Snipe] NRP: I'll send them to Spirit and Maki
[Garland] NRP: I mean NEVER
[Maki] NRP: Yay!
[Spirit SOUND]
[Ripple] (the !(nick) (file).mid usually works, but DS cant send over ICQ
[Ripple] NRP: Blasted ctrl X...
[Ripple] NRP: Failed to connect..
[Ripple] NRP: not working....
[Gravedigger] NRP: Let me send to UO first
[Gravedigger] NRP: What?
[Snipe] NRP: Send to Nipple, Garland
[Garland] NRP: Who?
[Ripple] NRP: *kicks the crap out of Snipe*
[Garland]  NRP: ....
[Snipe] NRP OW!!!  OWWW!
[Snipe] NRP: *meanwhile, they continue to drive in silence*
[Ripple] NRP: Dont make me beat 7 different kinds of "Coffee" out of you..
[Maki] NRP: I was looking for that mid too
[Gravedigger] NRP: THese things just ain't going!
[Snipe] NRP: Send through ICQ
[Ripple] NRP: I noticed.
[Snipe] NRP: Then Garland will send through IRC
[Ripple] NRP: yea, i cant get over ICQ
[Snipe] Kyp: We're getting closer
[Ripple] NRP: got em
* Ripple yawns
* Maki looks ahead
[Ripple] Good... been one bumpy ride
* Snipe head rests on Maki's shoulder...asleep again
[Garland] We need to hurry, Kyp.
[Garland] NRP: FF8 music.... ehh
[Snipe] Kyp: ..... Got a date?
* Maki nods
[Snipe] NRP: I have battle music, but that's 2.3 meg
[Maki] Like I said...
[Snipe] NRP: Do you REALLY want that?
[Maki] I'm busy
[Ripple] NRP: I assume its mp3..
[Snipe] Kyp: I'm talking to Gar
[Snipe] NRP: Aye.
[Garland] NRP: I have Laguna song, 200k and just as good.
* Gravedigger falls asleep, leaning on Garland's shoulder
* Maki shrugs
* Snipe is distrubbed
* Garland looks at Grave, then just lets him sit there
[Garland] ....I think he's tired....
[Snipe] Kyp: *glances ahead and stops the jeep* Alright, you walk the last quarter of mile to the base....
[Ripple] Do we have any visual info on the base?
* Maki shakes Snipe gently
[Snipe] Kyp: Me and Tom here will inflitrate the base for information....until then
* Snipe the two bound off
[Maki] We're here...
* Snipe wakes up
[Snipe] ....Right, gotcha...
[Garland] NRP: Conviction is near! Dang! I have the GOOD version of this song!
* Snipe holds up the information Kyp gave him
* Maki hops out of the Jeep
[Snipe] NRP: Really?  Send
[Snipe] Alright...*hits a button and the satalite tower and base appears
[Garland] NRP: *snort*
[Garland] NRP: in a min......
[Ripple] NRP: I would play hero of the day, but you see..... not fitting till END of missions..
* Snipe the base turns around in circles and many points light up that they may try to enter
[Snipe] ....Alright....We can try to enter through the base and enter the tower up on the 9th floor, or just enter the tower directly.  Probably be more security directly.
* Snipe leans against the jeep, glancing at his group
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*** Rejoined channel #taw
*** Topic is 'Next Session (Session 12-Mission 110):  Alright, part 2...lets go! |  | TAW MARATHON soon as you come on| Hey, a muskrat!'
*** Set by Snipe on Fri Sep 24 21:26:07
*** Ripple sets mode: +o DS
*** Snipe was kicked by DS (DS)
[Maki] *Shrieks of terreor*
*** DS is now known as Snipe
* Maki comes back
* Snipe the base turns around in circles and many points light up that they may try to enter
[Ripple] Kill snipe by /msg nickserv ghost Snipe (password)
[Maki] Alright...
* Snipe leans against the jeep, glancing at his group
[Snipe] ....Alright....We can try to enter through the base and enter the tower up on the 9th floor, or just enter the tower directly.  Probably be more security directly.
[Ripple] Best bet would be going through the 9th floor
[Ripple] And having distractions along teh way
* Ripple points to 3 of the corners
[Ripple] Arnt those guard towers?
* Spirit listens to the other make plans, since she isn't too great at that herself
[Snipe] Yes.
[Ripple] Anyone have gernades/rockets around here?
* Garland looks closly at them
* Gravedigger sleepily walks up behind the others
[Snipe] ....Er, are we preparing for World War IV here?
[Ripple] Just a little distraction...
[Garland] I could do that.
[Spirit] I don't know, but I think it might be best if they don't know anything is going on.
[Snipe] ....That would give us away, wouldn't it?
[Ripple] It might, then again, it also could clear the way to get in...
[Garland] Maybe so, but they won't know you got in.
[Snipe] ....*decides to let the team make the decision on their own*
[Ripple] Ahh hell.  Lets Jet....
* Maki sneaks towards the base
[Garland] Maki!
[Maki] *Snap* heh heh
* Ripple waits for Snipe
[Snipe] ....*glances at Maki* Alright, lets head out..we'll decide on the hike
* Snipe hikes through the forest
* Gravedigger slips in behind Maki, watching her
* Maki sneaks back to Snipe "Almost out of film"
[Garland] I could be a distraction.... I'll have to run away and pray they chase me.
* Ripple follows Snipe
[Snipe] ...Already?
* Spirit follows close behind Ripple
[Maki] Only one roll left
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Ripple] You better be running quick.. I hear they pack Phase disruptor cannons..... Nasty when you get caught by one..
[Garland] When we get there...
[Garland] I can teleport... too.... you know.
* Snipe they arrive at the base
[Snipe] ....Okay, there it is....
* Ripple looks at it, seeing...?
[Snipe] NRP: A normal looking every day villianous base with a huge satalite tower next to it, the satalite on the very top
[Garland] I could distract them...... at your dicresion, Snip.e
[Snipe] ....It could also alert them to us
[Garland] Not if they chase me in the oppisite direction as your entrance to the base.
[Snipe] Eaaaah, alright, I'm not one to make stragies...where's Spirit?
[Spirit] I'm here.
[Snipe] Alright...I want you to keep a mental lock on Garland's location at all times, okay?
[Spirit] Alright.
[Garland] right, and you can give me the teleport coordinaces, so I can join up with you guys.
[Ripple] If you need to pull him out, give his location mentally to me, and I'll pull him to use *pats warp generator on his belt*
* Snipe hands Ripple one of the warp blades
[Garland] .....Good, a failsafe plan.
[Snipe] Alright...we'll give Garland a good 2 minutes before we head in
* Ripple takes it
[Ripple] Thanks Snipe.
[Garland] Lets hope I live through this. *laughs*
* Ripple sheaths it
[Snipe] ....*glances at Garland* Like YOU, a Hunter, will die..
* Garland puts his hand on Snipes shoulder
[Garland] I'm not as good as they say. But... thanks for beleiving in me.
[Snipe] ....Just don't say 'remember', okay?
[Snipe] Good luck to you
* Ripple chuckles
[Ripple] Good luck
[Garland] I'll...... keep thing sinteresting...
* Garland salutes
* Ripple returns the salute
[Garland] I'll see you later.... 3.....2.....1....... GO! *runs out in the open
[Garland] Hey you! Mavs!
[Snipe] ....Some countdown....
* Garland waves at them, and teleports around
[Ripple] Hey, it works..
[Garland] Over here!
* Garland teleports
* Snipe the gun towers open fire on him
[Garland] Here!
* Garland teleports again
* Maki sneaks a short distance away, camera in hand
* Snipe mavericks pour out after him
[Garland] Can't hit the side of a barn!!
* Ripple activates his armor, which slides from his watch encasing him
[Garland] Come on!!!!
* Snipe actives his armor
[Ripple] NRP with a homing missile!
* Garland runs around, up down all over the place.
* Gravedigger pulls his hood over his head
* Snipe 50 MAvericks chase after him
* Garland blasts one of them
[Ripple] Ok.... Ready everyone?
[Garland] ACK!
* Garland teleports around FAST
[Snipe] Lets go
* Snipe takes off
* Garland gets them into a group, chasing him
* Gravedigger sprints off
[Garland] Yoo hoooo!!!!
[Snipe] ....He's actually doing it....jeeze
* Maki sprints after Snipe
* Garland teleports a lot
* Ripple flows across the landscape like liquid
* Garland rounds them up
[Garland] C'mon!!!
* Snipe runs into the empty base
* Spirit follows, activating her armor.
[Ripple] Well, I give to him that he has guts...
* Snipe Ripple and Spirit pick up on a strong force.
* Garland teleports above them, and fires LOTS of Kiamas blasting them
* Maki skids in, almost hitting a wall
[Snipe] You okay, Maki
[Spirit] [Uh oh...]
* Garland teleports, and blasrt from another angle
[Ripple] HOly crap.. what in the HELL is that?
[Maki] Yeah ^-^¡
* Snipe more MAvericks chase after Garland, angry
[Ripple] [I sense something BIG...]
[Garland] YOO HOOO!!!
[Spirit] [Real big...]
* Garland plays with them
* Snipe it's a familiar force too, and one that's not fooled by Garland's performance
[Gravedigger] ...
[Snipe] ...Sense what?
[Ripple] ...
* Garland happily slashes them and trick them into blasting one another
[Ripple] [Its.... familiar...... almost like... we have seen it before...]
[Snipe] Leader: GET HIM!!! STOP HIM!! HE'S BUT ONE MAN!
[Maki] Umm... are we in trouble Snipe?
[Snipe] I don't know Maki...lets head for the tower.
* Snipe steps into an elevator
[Ripple] [Arm yourselvs.. I have no idea what it is..]
* Ripple draws one warp blade and the rifle
* Maki nods and walks into the elavator
* Ripple charges one, and follows snipe into the elevator
* Spirit holds her rifle in both hands.
* Snipe 70 mavericks are not chasing Garland around
* Gravedigger climbs into the elevator
* Spirit slips into the elevator
* Snipe hits the ninth floor
* Garland taunts them
[Garland] YOU SUCK!
* Garland blasts them
[Snipe] Leader: GAAAAAHHHHH!!!  He's doing cartwheels at us!!!!
* Gravedigger whistles to the elevator music
* Snipe taps to it
* Garland blasts the leader in the mouth (heh heh)
* Ripple hums in time to it
*** Shine_Hyena ( has left #taw
[Ripple] Blasted elevator music..
* Garland lands on the leaders head
[Garland] HI!
* Garland teleports
[Snipe] Leader: WHAT!? *screams*
* Snipe it dings at the ninth floor
* Garland kills the mavs around the leader
[Snipe] Elevator: Thank you for riding me.
[Garland] Scary, ain't it?
[Spirit] o.O
* Maki blinks
[Ripple] Uhh.....
* Garland blasts more mavs
* Maki hops out
[Ripple] Run?
[Snipe] Leader: ...... SHOOT HIM WITH THE FROGS!
* Snipe steps out quickly
* Ripple walks out
* Garland blasts the leader
[Ripple] Weird...
[Maki] That's an evil elavator
[Garland] Can't have that, now can we?
* Snipe Ripple and Spirit pick up on the force, in the tower ahead
* Snipe runs across the walkway to the tower
* Ripple stumbles back
[Spirit] [It's straight ahead guys...]
[Ripple] WAIT
[Snipe] Leader: *hits the ground*
[Ripple] Snipe.. careful...
[Snipe] I me...
* Garland continues playing around, pecking off mavs in his own fasion
* Gravedigger rolls around, watching the area
* Ripple follows him
* Maki runs through the walkway
[Maki] Snipe! Wait up!
* Garland blasts another mav
* Snipe a sharp whistle sound is heard in front of them and suddenly the walkway explodes, sending Snipe down the new hole it made, falling to the ground nine stories below
* Garland slashes 5 of them, teleporting constantly
[Ripple] Snipe
* Ripple catches him in a telekentic net
[Snipe] Mavericks: EEEP!  Who IS this guy?
[Snipe] ....Whoa...thanks...
[Maki] Snipe!
* Maki runs to the hole
* Ripple helps him back up
[Garland] Names Garland... MAVEIRCK HUNTER!
[Maki] You okay?
* Garland blasts another
[Gravedigger] !
[Snipe], Ripple, land me on the other side of the hole
* Garland slashes another 5
[Snipe] Mavericks: *fire exploding frogs at Garland*
* Garland teleports around the frogs
* Gravedigger backups, then sprints to the hole and flips over towards the other side
* Garland gets hit by one
[Garland] Damnit!
* Ripple floats Snipe to the other side of the hole
* Garland slashes the mavs more aggresivly now
[Snipe] Thanks...*nods at Grave and then steps through the door into the tower*
[Maki] Hey!
[Snipe] Leader: HE SHOT ME!!! KILL HIM!
* Gravedigger lands safely on the other side
* Maki steps back
* Ripple floats over
* Garland slashes the leader in half
[Garland] Quiet!
[Snipe] Alright, Ripple, beam up Garland.
* Maki dashes at the hole and leaps across
* Garland slashes the others in half too, before the teleport
* Spirit sends rip the co-ords
* Snipe watches Maki from within the doorway
* Ripple scans for him and warps him into the midst of the group
* Garland lands there
* Ripple grabs head
* Ripple falls to one knee
[Snipe] ...Ripple....?
* Garland sheiths his sword
[Ripple] I DONT like using that thing...
[Garland] Looks like it worked...
* Maki catches up to Snipe
[Snipe] ...Then maybe you should st----*suddenly the tower shakes*
[Ripple] Im ok... that thing is hard to power...
[Gravedigger] ...
[Garland] Sorry Ripple.....
[Ripple] It feels like its pushing my brain through my ears..
[Snipe] ....What the hell?!  *glances up the walkway and sees the satalite light up*
[Spirit] This doesn't look good
* Ripple head snaps up
[Maki] Uh oh...
[Ripple] ....
* Snipe the walkway begins to collapse as the tower begins to rise into the air
[Ripple] Incoming....
[Garland] We can't let them do whatever they're doing!
[Snipe] Alright, lets move it....
* Snipe points at the stairway
[Snipe] We gotta move.
[Garland] Oh, that was articulate of me! *laughs*
* Ripple gets up slowly, and armor steadies him
[Maki] Ahh! *Dashes up the stairs*
* Snipe runs
* Spirit shifts into a half cheetah and sprints
* Garland grabs maki and flies up the stairs
* Snipe Spirit and Ripple pick up the force even stronger now and are beginning to recognize it
* Ripple moves like quicksilver up the stairs
* Snipe they all arrive in a small room where Kyp lays on the ground, his gut torn out
[Ripple] NRP: AHHH 
[Maki] Ack... oh it's you Gar... thanks ^-^¡
[Ripple] NRP: SOB, someone got to my virus scanner
[Snipe] Kyp: *swallows some blood* So-so you made it....
* Gravedigger leaps to the stairway
* Spirit turns away at the sight
* Garland rolls his eyes at "Gar"
[Ripple] .....
[Ripple] Kyp...
[Gravedigger] ....
[Maki] Huh!? Kyp!!
* Ripple takes away some of Kyps pain, into himself
[Snipe] Kyp: C-Cain's activated the----....the satalite...y-you must have picked up his powers by now..
[Maki] W,What happened! Or should I say who!
* Gravedigger kneels over Kyp and performs the last rights
[Ripple] [Guys... we have company.... Its Cain....]
[Snipe] ....Kyp....
[Garland] Cain?
[Gravedigger] NRP: Errr, n/m if he ain't dead....
[Snipe] Kyp: S-Stay away fr-om*falls over, dead*
[Garland] KYP!
[Ripple] ...
[Maki] Ohh....
* Garland clenches his fist
* Gravedigger now performs the last rights, kneeling over Kyp
[Snipe] .....*fists tighten up and he glances at the stairs to the roof, where the satalite is
[Ripple] ... He has killed too many.
[Spirit] Dammit...
* Ripple eyes blaze
[Spirit] Cain will pay...
[Snipe] C'mon, Maki...I'm sure he's in a better world now...
[Maki] Kyp... -_-
[Snipe] But we gotta stop the satalite...
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*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** Rejoined channel #taw
*** Topic is 'Next Session (Session 12-Mission 110):  Alright, part 2...lets go! |  | TAW MARATHON soon as you come on| Hey, a muskrat!'
*** Set by Snipe on Fri Sep 24 21:26:07
[Garland] NRP:....
[Ripple] Yea, thats getting annoying
[DS] NRP: Kick Ripple
[DS] Er, Snipe
[Maki] Heh heh
*** Snipe has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** DS is now known as Snipe
[Snipe] Where did we leave off?
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Snipe
[Garland] the satelite was rising up.
[Snipe] Right...
* Snipe points at the flight of stairs
[Snipe] We gotta stop Cain...or others will die, just like Kyp here...and like those students...
[Garland] I know it's not the smartest thing, but I say we blast it!
[Ripple] .....
* Ripple eyes blaze
* Maki starts climbing the stairs
[Ripple] Lets kill the bugger...
* Snipe follows Maki and the two arrive on the roof, where a huge satalite is
[Maki] I... hate... stairs...
* Ripple moves like quicksilver up the stairs
[Maki] Wow...
* Snipe it is glowing with energy and begins to move around, locking onto it's location
* Gravedigger leaps up the stairs
* Spirit heads up catiously
* Snipe sound Cain steps out, grinning
* Garland flies up the stairs, helping maki again...
[Snipe] Cain: WELCOME!
[Ripple] Crap....
* Maki growls
* Garland skid on the air to a stop
[Garland] Cain.. I presume?
[Snipe] .....Alright, some of us need to take on Cain, the others take out the satalite...
* Ripple glares at Cain
[Snipe] Cain: Correct...
[Maki] I got Cain!
[Ripple] *To group* [Cover me]
[Garland] You hurt my son. I wish to know why.
[Spirit] [I'll watch your back]
* Garland stands there
[Snipe] ....*head for the satalite but stops, stepping up beside Maki* Me too
* Ripple moves slowly to the side
[Gravedigger] ...
* Snipe pulls out rifle
[Garland] Don't attack yet. I'm talking to him.
[Snipe] Cain: *laughs*
[Ripple] *To Spirit* [Think your strong enough to lend me a bit of power?]
[Snipe] Cain: That's rich..LETS talk
* Maki takes an offensive stance
[Garland] You....resemble......Crucifixion!?
* Snipe the satalite stops moving and begins to glow a new color as rises into the air
[Snipe] Cain: Yes, I do.
* Ripple his fist glows a dull blue
[Spirit] *To Ripple* [I'll try... I've never done that sort of thing before...]
[Garland] ...... *motions to the others to conitnure to the satelite*
[Snipe] can't take him on alone, Garland
[Garland] .....Will you answer my question?
* Maki doesn't budge
[Snipe] Cain: About what?
[Garland] Snipe: I have no intention!
[Garland] Why did you hurt my son?
[Snipe] Cain: Well, I know alot about your race...and if you and your friends could kill Crucifixtion, why take that chance with the newer generation.  Nothing personal.
* Snipe charges rifle
[Garland] I see....
* Garland looks at him
[Ripple] *To Spirit* [Then hang on *closes eyes and concentrates* Im coming through you..]
[Snipe] Cain: Ah, it's done...
[Garland] Then when we do fight, I won't have done it for my son, if you simply appologize.
* Snipe the satalite begins to glow as it charges to fire
* Ripple Spirit begins glowing, as his power begins saturating her
[Snipe] Cain: ........ I got another idea, Garland.
* Garland raises his hand to the satelite, and blasts it, not taking his eye off cain
* Snipe shoots Garland's blast, nullifying it
* Spirit concentrates so not to be overwhelmed.
[Snipe] NRP: Er, Cain did that
* Garland looks at Cain
[Garland] So...
[Snipe] Cain: Here's that idea...*raises hand at Garland and he shot over the edge of the roof, a hole in his chest*
[Snipe] .....GARLADN!
* Snipe grabs Garland's leg before he can go over the edge
* Maki has disapeared out of sight
[Spirit] !!!
[Ripple] *To Spirit* [Aim at the sattlite]
[Garland] ARGH!!!!!!!
[Snipe] UGHHH...he's heavier..than I thought..*slides to the edge*
* Ripple keeps pushing power into Spirit, draining his reserves
* Garland lands hard on the ground, falling 30 feet from the air
[Gravedigger] ...
[Snipe] Cain: Now....for....the rest of you
* Ripple reaches out and grabs Snipe, still concentrating
[Snipe] Cain: *blasts at Grave*
[Gravedigger] !
* Maki jumps down onto Cain's back then trys to force him onto the ground
* Gravedigger dives out of the way
* Garland staggers to his knee, spitting up blood
[Snipe] Cain: WHAT THE?!
[Ripple] [NOW SPIRIT]
[Snipe] ...MAKI!!!!
* Snipe aims rifle at Cain
[Garland] OKay.... NOT IT'S PERSONAL!!! *falls over*
* Gravedigger pitches his sai at Cain
* Spirit blasts the spirit with all of the gathered power, but collapses afterwards
[Snipe] Cain: *bends down and lets the sai hit Maki*
* Ripple collapses also
[Spirit] NRP: Satellite even!
* Garland holds his chest/gut
[Maki] Agh...
* Ripple struggles to get up
[Ripple] Maki....
* Snipe the satellite explodes, sending a force wave out taht destroys the tower, it crumbling to the ground
[Gravedigger] !
[Snipe] Cain: Time I made tracks...*teleports*
* Ripple eyes ignite anew
* Snipe holds onto Garland
* Gravedigger holds his head, jaw dropped
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Snipe] ....*the roof breaks under him and the two fall off*
* Ripple flys back skidding across the room
[Snipe] SHIT!
* Gravedigger drops to his knees in disbelief
* Ripple slowly gets up
* Snipe the tower literally splits into two, each side falling over
[Ripple] Spirit...*Glances at where she fell* SPIRIT!
* Maki slumps to the ground
[Garland] Remind....*cough* me that all Crucificion models aren't big on talk like him..... *cough*
* Ripple jumps to Maki, and pushes her out of the way of a falling block of cement
[Snipe] ....Well, if we survive this fall, I will...
* Snipe Garland and Snipe hit the ground hard, 20 stories high
[Snipe] ARGH!
* Snipe skips along the ground and hits a tree, coming to a stop
[Ripple] NRP: That would have killed you...
* Garland takes the blunts for snipe
[Snipe] NRP: I used Garland for the blunt
[Garland] ARGH!!!....
* Spirit morphs into a falcon as she slips off the tower
* Gravedigger runs to Ripple and Maki, grabs them, and starts dragging them to safety
[Garland] NRP..... well make it pointless then!
* Ripple slides off the edge, GD just missing him
[Snipe] NRP: Nah, you saved his life, Garland
* Snipe the tower hits the ground seconds later
[Gravedigger] !
[Ripple] NRP: yep
* Ripple falls, limply
* Gravedigger alys Maki back down quick and tried to grab Rip
* Garland is on the brink of losing consiousness
* Snipe is out of it
[Ripple] NRP: *through a qurik of nature, lands on Gd*
[Garland] Damnit...... Why is it......that I always get beat......up......? *bloodlied laugh*
* Ripple is about half way down now
* Gravedigger grabs Rip's leg
[Gravedigger] NRP: Or not....
* Spirit lands hard on a branch, barely keeping her balance.
[Ripple] NRP: Well, to do that you would have to be falling, and that would not be useful would it?
[Snipe] are you two falling when the tower crashed landed seconds ago?
[Ripple] NRP: I never studied gravity
* Gravedigger checks on Maki, removing the sai and tryng to tend to her as best he can
[Snipe] NRP: While falling?
[Ripple] NRP: yea
* Maki digs herself out of the rubble and looks around, holding her wound
* Ripple wakes up and slows his decent to something semi-managable
* Maki groans
* Garland wishes right now his healing skills didn't rust up so much over the years, so he could be healing himself and the others right now
* Ripple hits the ground rolling
* Ripple winces
* Snipe the shuttle can be seen in the distanced, piloted by the squirrel
[Ripple] Thats..gonna *coughs up blood* hurt...
* Snipe a lightning bolt strikes Grave
[Ripple] NRP: LOL
* Maki crawls on the ground looking for Snipe
[Spirit] I think... I think that I used up too much in that shot...
[Ripple] NRP: 3rd running gag of the season!
* Snipe is leaning against a tree, KOed
* Gravedigger waves his hands at Maki, motioning for her to lay still
* Snipe the shuttle does loops in the air
* Maki staggers to her feet and stumbles to Snipe
* Garland crawls, trying to find a way to get up
* Ripple presses his hand to Maki's wound, nanotech machines attempting to heal what was done
[Maki] Thank you Ripple...
* Garland spits up more blood
* Maki smiles
* Snipe the shuttle lands beside them, a stop sign coming out beside it and lights flickering, like a school bus
[Ripple] Im... *cough* here to help....
[Maki] ...Snipe...?
* Gravedigger climbs into the shuttle
* Snipe doesn't move
* Ripple picks up Snipe carefully
[Ripple] Hes out like a light...
* Maki sighs "It'll be alright Snipe... I promise"
* Spirit goes to fly over to the shuttle, but ends up falling out of the tree instead
[Snipe] Squirrel: Chitter!   Chitter!
* Garland crawls twards the shuttle
* Ripple places Snipe in the shuttle, and goes out to help Spirit
* Maki walks with Rip and Snipe to the shuttle
* Ripple helps garland up, and carries Spirit to the shuttle
[Garland] AGH!!!
[Ripple] What a day.... I need a shower
* Spirit looks up at Ripple and smiles weakly
[Snipe] NRP: Hah!  I took one!
* Maki sits down next to Snipe, tending to her wound as well as Snipe's
[Ripple] NRP: Not gonna do you much good now is it?
[Snipe] NRP: ....No
* Gravedigger runs his hand through his hair, sighing
* Ripple checks Spirit over carefully
* Snipe the shuttle lifts off into the air and heads for home
[Snipe] Steel: *appears on the comm* You saved the world.  Spade is most pleased.  Looks like you'll be staying operational after all, AGAINST my wishes.
* Garland gets lies down on the floor of the shuttle
* Ripple is burnt, battered and cut
[Ripple] NRP: everyone hit !Ripple herooftheday.mid
* Spirit stays in her falcon form, too weak to turn back.
[Garland] Steel: SHUT THE HELL UP-----AGH!!!!! *holds chest, bleeging*
[Snipe] Steel: Head on home, I hear the team's got some cookies and milk for you
[Garland] !Ripple herooftheday.mid
* Maki sits there running her hand through Snipe's hair
[Snipe] !Ripple herooftheday.mid
* Snipe Steel vanishes from the screen
[Ripple SOUND]
[Ripple] NRP: Bah just played it.
* Garland laughs just a bit
* Snipe eyes flicker open weakly
* Maki smiles down on him
[Snipe] ....So...did I screw up...again?
[Ripple] No Snipe...
[Maki] Not at all...
[Ripple] We did it.
[Garland] This.... has been a think I...... scared those mavs......*looks at all the bodies of them* mebbie not.....
[Maki] You handled the situation like a true hero!
[Snipe] ...Yea...*coughs from the yea* Well, nighty night.  *goes to sleep*
[Snipe] Session Ends