Session 114: The Maverick Hunters

[X`] Time Chart: Shortly After Session 86
[X`] Location: Some Plains, Earth
[X`] GM: The Earth has been taken over by the Mavericks in the events of 85.
[X`] GM: Though restored from the wasteland that it was, Sigma had recreated where Mavericks are in control of every major city that been recreated.
[X`] GM: The survivors of the entire Earth conflict now live under the rule of Excaliber, who is the leader of the Mavericks.  X and Zero are trying to get together members to fight back and reclaim Earth...
[Gorgon] NRP: So most of the mavs are "fake"
* X` looks up at the blue sky in silence
[X`] NRP: Real or fake, they're alive.
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[Gorgon] NRP: K
[Gorgon] NRP: So I wouldn't have a new arm I'm guessing
[X`] NRP: No
* SlashReaver stands firmly next to Zero, a new member to the resistence
* Zero`` glances around, silent as usual
* Gorgon sits on a rock his left(?) arm no longer there
[X`] This doesn't look good...
[Zero``] It never does.
[SlashReaver] Course it doesnt...we're outmatched, outnumbered and overpowered, what can we possibly do?
[X`] *sighs* I don't know.  I was hoping we could find more people willing to fight the Mavericks.  But most seem too happy that the Earth is back to normal to care.
[Zero``] What do you expect, X?  The Earth was a dying wasteland.  Sigma restored it.  The people are all too happy to have greenlands, fresh water, and clean air again to even think about fighting.
[Gorgon] But how long will such false happyness last?
[X`] *shakes head* Not long.  The Mavericks will grow tired of the humans sooner or later and begin the mass genocide.
[X`] All this fighting is senseless...
[SlashReaver] Aye, not long, Sigma will start tightening his grip soon, and the people will see what true evil is...
[Gorgon] And thats when we'll be there to give them a new sense of hope
[Zero``] It'll be too late by then.  We need to strike them before they get bored.
[SlashReaver] But we have to act before he can start mass genocide...
[X`] I don't know much about this Excaliber fellow.  I mean, is he as evil as Sigma...?
[SlashReaver] Even the loss of one human life is to high a price to pay.
[SlashReaver] Who knows...perhaps he has good intentions?
[SlashReaver] Maybe we should go talk to him before we start an attack.
[Gorgon] I doubt it..
[Zero``] Doubtful.  He rubbed it in our faces he had control of Earth.
[SlashReaver] He may have just been caught up in the heat of the moment, we must remeber, he had reason to boast...
[X`] Yeah, maybe talking is a good idea...if we can work this out peacefully.
[Zero``] *snorts* Don't be so naive.  He'll take the chance to kill us.
[SlashReaver] Not if we come prepared.
[Gorgon] Always the pacifist you were claimed to be..
[X`] ..
* X` sighs
[Gorgon] Sorry...*gets up*
[SlashReaver] X, you've fought your war out of harder battles then this...Im sure if he turns hostile on us we can at least make an escape.
[Gorgon] We should make our move..
[Zero``] Well, if you want to go chat with him, lets head for Mega City.  He set up his headquarters there, my sources tell me.
[SlashReaver] (Way even*)
* SlashReaver mutters, "Do we have any chasers?"
[Zero``] No.
[SlashReaver] Guess we're walkin...
* X` adjusts his tanish helmet
[X`] Let's go.  It's only a few miles.
[SlashReaver] Aye *starts walking in the direction of Mega City*
* Zero`` follows
* X` jogs after them
* Gorgon jobs after him
[Hikari] 10* A seems to vanish
[Hikari] NRP: A SHADOW even
* X` walks along, enjoying the scenary.
[Gorgon] NRP: YEAH!!! *Got his Doughboy clip on watch*
[X`] The Earth is as beautiful as it was 90 years ago...
[Gorgon] Your that old?
* SlashReaver walks along, "I wasnt around to see it then..Ive only seen wasteland..."
[X`] I suppose I am.
* Zero`` gives X a glance
* X` nods and shuts up
[X`] GM: *a while later, outside Mega City*
* X` crouches and glances at the city
* Zero`` stops and leans against a tree, looking around
[Zero``] It looks deserted.  I detect no human life.
* Gorgon plucks and apple down from the tree Zero's leaning against
[Gorgon] Reploid life?
[Zero``] Yeah, around 200.  Looks like a lot of mavericks came with the recreation of Earth.
[Zero``] Plus they have lots of goons.  Attack tanks, cars, planes...
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[X`] ...
[X`] Alright, let me think...
* SlashReaver glares at the city, "Lets do this then..."
[Gorgon] Sewer system?
[X`] If we just walk casually towards the city, we shouldn't look threatening.
[Gorgon] Besides me being human?
[X`] You can stay here if you want.
[SlashReaver] Hope their security isnt to tight.
[Gorgon] I'm coming...
* Gorgon wraps his cloak around him and pulls the hood over his head
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* X` begins to walk towards the city
* Gorgon follows behind X1
[DS] Zero: *follows after him, shaking his head*
* SlashReaver walks toward the city after Z and Zero
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[SlashReaver] (X even*)
*** DS is now known as Zero``
* X` walks down a small road that leads towards the major highways
[X`] This is eerie.  No traffic.  No patrols.
* Gorgon follows after X keeping his face covered
[Gorgon] Probably no need to..
* SlashReaver looks around, "Nope..what do they have to fear?"
[Zero``] Who would be stupid enough to 'walk' into their stronghold?
* X` steps onto a six lane highway and looks up and down the streets
[SlashReaver] Us.
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[X`] Mega City sure has changed...
[Zero``] That didn't require an answer, SR.
* `Mina` flies up to the group in her chaser, a group of Reploids with her, all on chasers
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*** WereWolfBob is now known as Coko
[`Mina`] HALT, state your business!
[X`] We have company.
[X`] We're here to talk to your leader, Excaliber.
* `Mina` comes to a stop and signals for the group to surround them
* Gorgon keeps his face covered
* Zero`` gives her a shark grin
[`Mina`] Who are you to think you can just talk to Lord Excalibur?
* Coko pops up from behind Minas shoulder and sits on it
[Coko] HOo HOo?!
* `Mina` looks at Coko, "NO Coko, get down darnit!"
[X`] NRP: Note, it IS ExcalibEr.  His sword is Excalibur.
* Coko screeches
* SlashReaver glares at Mina, ready to draw his weapons at any second
[`Mina`] NRP:Er..sorry
[X`] NRP: Misspelled on purpose, like Crucifixtion was.
[Coko] NRP: Isn't Mina the chick Grey wants
[X`] We would like to know whath is intentions for this planet is.
[`Mina`] NRP:DIng Ding Ding Ding
* Coko pulls himself up on Mina's head and rummages through it
[`Mina`] Not just anyone can see Lord Excaliber...if you cant prove you are important leave or be retired...*looks at Coko and smacks it*
[X1] NRP: Crucifixtion was misspelled because we didn't know how to spell it.
* Coko screeches and falls to the ground
[Zero``] I am Zero.  *brings out his saber* I am a Maverick Hunter.
[Zero``] I am here to see if I need to retire your lord.
[X`] ...*hisses* Zero!
* Gorgon shoves his right hand to the side, his staff sliding out into his hand
* `Mina` trains her rifle on Zero's head, "You think you can kill all of us?"
* SlashReaver pulls his duel wind energy sabers
[Zero``] If that's what it would take to get an audiance with your Lord/
* Coko leaps onto the rifle and hoo's
[Hikari] 10* A black reploid with a visor over it's face has slipped into the group, previously unnoticed.
[X`] We would prefer not to fight.
[Gorgon] Peaceful terms...
* `Mina` shakes Coko off the rifle and curses, "Fine...but its only because you have precedence...M'lord wanted to see you anyways.."
* Zero`` puts up his saber
* SlashReaver sheathes his sabers and nods towards Zero and X
[Zero``] Lead the way.
[Coko] HOO HOO!! *sits on Mina's shoulder
* Gorgon leans against the staff with his only arm
* `Mina` motions for some of the other reploids to get off their bikes and offer them to the group
* X` hops onto a bike
[`Mina`] You four continue the patrol, and walk back.
[Hikari] [BlackReploid] *hops on a bike*
* `Mina` revs her engines and heads off towards Hq
* Zero`` jumps up onto another
* SlashReaver hops on an empty bike
* Gorgon leaps onto a bike, placing his staff across his back and revs the engine with his right hand
* X` glances at the BlackReploid, guessing he's a maverick, and looks back
* X` follows Mina
* SlashReaver starts up the engines and zooms off after Mina
* Zero`` revs it up and follows
* Coko follows after the group
[Coko] NRP: *doh!
* SlashReaver pays no mind to the maverick and keeps following them
* Gorgon follows after the group
[Hikari] [BlackReploid] *stays with the group*
* Zero`` pulls up next to X
[Zero``] This is a trap you know.
[Coko] HOO HOO!!! *falls back grabbing onto the bike seat*
[X`] We can't be sure...
* `Mina` looks at the maverick, guessing its one of their companions
[Zero``] ...X...
* X` nods
[X`] Right.
* SlashReaver pulls up beside X, "Lets just take this step for step...we shouldnt show any hostility unless they show it first."
* `Mina` pulls into the hanger and parks her chaser, hopping off and waiting for the others to show up
* Zero`` slides his bike next to Mina
* Gorgon slides to a halt slamming the bike into other ones
* X` slows down and jumps off
[Gorgon] ...Oops...
* SlashReaver pulls his bike in the hanger and leaps off
[Gorgon] *gets off the bike*
* Coko slides off the bike
[Hikari] [BlackReploid] *appears with the group, the bike parked with the rest*
* Zero`` studies the reploid
* `Mina` curses, "YOU TWIT..thats my custom chaser!!!...DAMNIT...jeez..gonna cost me a months pay...damnit...lets go you five, off to see Excaliber." walks off towards the elevator
* Coko turns to the BlackReploid and scratches the back of his head "Hoo?"
* Zero`` follows Mina
* SlashReaver walks after Mina and whispers to X, "Who is that guy?"
[X`] Who's who?
* Gorgon walks after Zero keeping his watch
[SlashReaver] That black guy.
[X`] I'm not sure.  One of their men, I guess.
* `Mina` waits until the are all in the elevator and pushes the 21st floor, which leads directly into the commander's office
[Hikari] [BlackReploid] *is a fairly short reploid, with black armour with a little grey.  A visor covers the face and two swords hang on the back*
* Coko scurrys across the floor after the group
* Zero`` dusts his red armor off, which seems different in some ways
[Coko] NRP: DIGO!
* SlashReaver nods and looks forward
[Hikari] NRP: Looks somewhat simular actually...
[X1] NRP: *snickers*
* `Mina` pushes the open door once their destination is reached, and walks out into a large office, with vaulted ceilings and rococo decorations, she leades them in front of a large desk, in which a chair is turned toward a window looking out upon Mega City
[Hikari] NRP: LoL
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[Hikari] NRP: WB
* SlashReaver follows Mina out in front of the desk
[Ukchan] (Thanks)
[Hikari] [BlackReploid] *steps out, but stays near the back*
* Gorgon glances through the hood looking at the chair
[`Mina`] Sir, we have some..visitors...
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* Excaliber turns his chair around
* Coko pulls himself onto the desk almost slipping
[Excaliber] The Maverick Hunters.
[`Mina`] Yes Sir, I lead them here for you.
[Zero``] *Growls* Excaliber.
[Coko] HOO!! *leaps into Excalibers lap and hugs him*
[Excaliber] ...
* Excaliber knocks Coko away
* `Mina` turns toward them, "Watch your tongue stand in the presense of greatness!"
[Excaliber] Why are you here, Hunters?  Here to kill me?
* Coko slams into the window and slides down it
[Gorgon] If we wanted you dead, it'd have happened already.
[X`] Not right now, Excaliber.  We want to know what your plans for Earth are.
* SlashReaver glares at Mina and turns his attention towards Excaliber, "No...we are only here to talk."
* Excaliber looks at Gorgon, squinting
[Excaliber] Is that so?
* Gorgon smiles underneath the hood.
* `Mina` looks at Excaliber, "Sir, am I dismissed?"
[Excaliber] Of course, Mina.  Good job.
* Excaliber stands up
* `Mina` salutes and gets in the elevator, going down to the hanger to fix her chaser
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[Excaliber] My plans are simple.  I shall rule this planet as it's leader.  Everything on this planet belongs to me.
[Zero``] And the humans?
[Excaliber] They can live.  As long as they serve me.
* SlashReaver stays silent
* X` clenches his fist
[Gorgon] You didn't like it when you were forced to serve someone correct? Then why do it to smeone else?
* SlashReaver whispers to X, "Sir..why didnt the black one leave if he is one of theirs..?"
[Hikari] [BlackReploid] *holds a small black orb passively*
[Excaliber] Revenge.  Pure and simple.  You created reploids to serve you.  Now you shall serve reploids.
* X` glances back'
[X`] Good question...
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* SlashReaver points his wind buster at the Black Reploid, "Who are you?"
[Excaliber] Hmmm..fighting among yourselves now?
* SlashReaver glances at Excaliber, "He isnt one of ours!"
* Coko pulls himself back up on the desk and reaches a banana eating it
[Hikari] [BlackReploid] *is perfectly still*
[Excaliber] He isn't one of mine, either.
[SlashReaver] Answer me damn you!
[X`] Who are you?
[Hikari] [BlackReploid] *Alienish Computery voice* "Kokuei."
* Excaliber watches them all with a bit of amusement
[SlashReaver] And what are you here for?
* Zero`` keeps his eyes on Excaliber
[Hikari] [BlackReploid] "..."
[Zero``] You do know the humans will enver serve you!
[Excaliber] Is that so, Zero?  And what will you, the legendary Zero, do?
[Zero``] Stop you.  Of course.
[Gorgon] We'll stop you of course..
* Excaliber chuckles
[Excaliber] You cannot stop what Lord Sigma has begun here...
[Gorgon] With out your leader Sigma to help you, your at a disadvantage
[Excaliber] You're quite wrong.
* SlashReaver looks at Excaliber, "Sigma has been stopped before..and it shall happen again."
* X` seems to be having mixed emotions
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[Excaliber] But I'm not Sigma.
[Excaliber] I am unlike anything any of you have ever faced before.
[SlashReaver] No..but your weaker than he cant stand up to anyone by yourself.
[SlashReaver] Oh, and what would that be?
[Excaliber] Then let the battle begin, Hunter.
* SlashReaver looks at X, "Do we fight?"
* Excaliber stands up, his cape flapping. He's 6'5 and looks like a human, except for his black armor stretches out like arms
[X`] We have to.  We have no choice.
[Coko] Uh hoo.
* Zero`` activates his saber
* SlashReaver pulls his duel wind energy sabers, and leaps at Excaliber, performing a double slice towards his neck
* Coko leaps under the desk
* Excaliber holds up his hand and repulses SR into a wall
* Gorgon stands there waiting
[Excaliber] I was weaker than Sigma.  But when the earth was recreated, by power increased ten fold.
[Excaliber] My Master's final act of vengence will be through me.
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* SlashReaver hits a wall with a thud, "What the hell is he..ugh..." falls to the ground and comes up in a crouch, looking at Excaliber with a glare
[X`] This can't be!
[Hikari] NRP: Hi Sera
* Zero`` runs at Excaliber
[SlashReaver] strong....
* Zero`` leaps up and slashes
* Excaliber grabs Zero's arm and throws him beside SR
* Gorgon pulls out his staff and darts forwards slashes at Excal while he's throwing Zero
[Seraphna] NRP: Dern can I join in?
* SlashReaver stands up and sheathes his sabers pointing his wind buster and firing off a charrged shot at Excaliber
* Excaliber holds up his other hand and repulses Gorgon out the window
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *throws the grenade at Excalibur, attempting to teleport to his side and slash him with a beam sabre*
[SlashReaver] Gorgon!
* Excaliber takes all the hits and stands there silently
[Excaliber] ...
[X`] I think we did it!
* SlashReaver runs at the window and catches Gorgon by the hand
* Gorgon spins out and ignites the end of his staff and slams it into the wall stopping himself
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *flips backwards*
* Excaliber begins to laugh
* SlashReaver helps Gorgon back into the office
[Excaliber] Ha...Ha.  Ha ha ha ha.
* Gorgon is farther down
[Excaliber] Is that your best?!
* Zero`` growls
* SlashReaver curses
[Gorgon] Hmpf...*kicks a window thats below him out and drops in there with his staff*
* SlashReaver looks at Excaliber
[Gorgon] Asshole's gonna die...*runs through the door knocking it off it's hinges*
[SlashReaver] Find something funny?
[Excaliber] Yes.  You.
* X` charges his blaster to a level 5
* SlashReaver walks slowly toward the center of the room his buster charging up and pointed at Excaliber
[X`] Cover me...*says in pain as he charges*
* X` goes up to a level 7
[Seraphna] *A mav in the corner] Get em boss!
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *steps back, a purple aura building around him*
* SlashReaver fires a Gale Force Blast at Excaliber
* Zero`` runs at Excaliber
* Excaliber blurs to the side
* Gorgon punches the door down and walks in
[Excaliber] Missed.
* Excaliber trips Zero into a wall
* Gorgon punches the Mav in the corner through the wall
[SlashReaver] Damnit..*starts charging up again for a rapid shot*
[Zero``] *wham*
* Excaliber advances towards X
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *swings his hand, sending a wave of Psi energy at Excalibur*
[Seraphna] *LifeBreaker dodges him and rools over, cloaking
* X` charges up to a level 10
* SlashReaver fires a Rapid Hurricane Shot at Excaliber
[Seraphna] LifeBreaker] Try hearder you HUnter crap...
* Excaliber grunts
[Excaliber] ...that your best...?
[SlashReaver] No hardly
[SlashReaver] (Not even*)
* Coko hoots at the sound of Life's voice
* Excaliber steps up before X
* X` fires the level 10 blast into his stomach
[Seraphna] *Life is already away from there
* Excaliber slides back
* SlashReaver pulls his sabers and charges Excaliber, rolling and slashing at his feet
* Excaliber glances at SR
[Excaliber] You all bore me.
* Excaliber raises both arms
[Excaliber] Game over, Hunters.
* SlashReaver upper cut slashes at Excaliber's head
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *builds up a psi shield*
[Seraphna] *Life rushes around Coko and slashes at him
* Excaliber sends flying orbs into SR, knocking him out the building and onto the street below
* Coko is under a desk
* Excaliber sends one smashing into Zero, sending him flying out
[Hikari] NRP: Um... Mav fighting mav?
* Zero`` smashes into the street below
* Gorgon darts forwards slamming his body towards Excal
* SlashReaver lands with a thud on the street below
* Excaliber slams one into X, sending him flailing out
* X` bounces off the ground
[Seraphna] *He's in a rage...
[X`] ...too..strong...*looks up at the building*
* SlashReaver gets up, his right leg severed in one place, his left arm sparking, and sheathes his sabers
* Excaliber slams one into the black reploid, even knocking him out
[Seraphna] Life] Shut up you.. I'll deal with ye later..
[SlashReaver] *cough*..Sir...we..cant beat him....
[Zero``] We need to retreat and regroup.
* Zero`` stands up, holding his shoulder
* Gorgon leaps out the building using his spear to slow him down by driving it down the side of the building
[Seraphna] *Life retracts his blades and decloaks...
* SlashReaver looks at the open hanger doors
* Coko darts out of the desk and scratches Life's face
[Excaliber] Comm: All Mavericks who want some sport, KILL THE HUNTERS.
[SlashReaver] Sir..must...get some chasers...I cant limp out of here.
[Seraphna] Lafe] Damn a-hole always... DAMNIT!
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *falls, picking up speed, but stops an inch above the ground*
[Zero``] Right.
[Seraphna] *Bashes Coko
* SlashReaver limps into the open hanger
* Excaliber sits down and relaxes
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *flips to his feet*
* Coko drops and Life bashes himself in the face*
*** Excaliber has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Gorgon drops to the ground
*** `Mina` has joined #taw
[Gorgon] To the sewers!
* Zero`` runs into the hanger and leaps onto a chaser
* X` leaps onto one behind zero
[Gorgon] Or not...*runs into the hanger leaping onto a chaser
* `Mina` looks up, "HEY! thats my bike you asshole!"
[Gorgon] THANKS! *takes off hood revealing he's a human*
[Seraphna] Life] Hey boss you were great! SHowed dem Hunter crap what a maverick is!
* Zero`` grins and revs it up
* SlashReaver hops on a bike and zooms off
[Seraphna] *Life sighs and walks off
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *appears on the back of SlashReaver's bike, holding on*
* `Mina` chases after Zero, "YOU LOUSY SON OF A..."
* Zero`` zooms off
* Coko throws a banana peel infront of Life
* X` follows X
[X`] NRP: Zero even
* `Mina` curses, "DAMN YOU, I'll kill you all!"
* Zero`` takes the lead
[Zero``] Okay, lets avoid all Mavericks.
* Gorgon zooms out after them
* `Mina` leaps on the second fastest chaser besides hers and zooms toward them
[Gorgon] That happens to be everyone pretty much
[Zero``] Welcome to hell.
* Zero`` zooms down a side alley
[Seraphna] *Life steps over it
[`Mina`] [COM] Level 5 alert, all patrols in the area come in on my position and follow after the Hunters!
* X` jerks after Zero
* Gorgon slides in behind Zero
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *throws a grenade back over his shoulder*
* SlashReaver follows closely behind Zero and looks to the guy behind him, "Fire some shots at her or something, slow her down, she is gaining...good job!"
[Seraphna] Life] I ain't amused monkey...
* Zero`` blinks and sees a dumpster blocking the way
* Coko turns around and waves his ass at Life
[SlashReaver] BLAST IT!
* Zero`` leaps above the dumpster
* Zero`` lands on the ground and revs down a main highway
[X`] ...oh dammit
* X` leaps over the dumpster on his bike
[Seraphna] *Life cloaks and heads towards the comm transmissions location
* SlashReaver revs the engines and leaps above the dumpster, "Hang on"
* Coko revs the engine leaping over it
* X` barely gains control and chases after Zero
* Coko lands on the ground and zooms off after X
* `Mina` easily hops the dumpster, still following after the group, quickly gaining on them
[Seraphna] *Life rushes, using his dash to gain ground
[X`] Where can we hide?
[Hikari] NRP: Coko is a busy monkey
[Coko] Underground?
[Seraphna] *Life chases after Zero
* Zero`` revs his bike
* SlashReaver curses, "This guy is slowing me down...we cant outrun them."
[Coko] NRP: Yea...ahh crap
* Zero`` zooms up a ramp onto a highway going over the city's downtown area
[Hikari] Which Characters will be in the TC?
[Hikari] *Cloud, *Zack, *Zidane, *Squall, *Agrias, *Tidus, *Vincent, *Red XIII, *Vivi, *Aeris, *Terra, *Edea, *Garnet, *Celes, *Relm, *Barret, *Steiner, *Amarant, *Cecil, *Reno, *Seifer, *Cid, *Yuffie, *Shadow, *Kain, *Quistis, *Setzer, *Irvine, *Kuja, *Chocobo, *Mog, *Tifa, *Rufus, *Elena 
[Hikari] NRP: Dammit!
[Gorgon] NRP HAH HA!!
* X` zooms after Zero
* Gorgon flies after Zero keeping up
* `Mina` fires two blasts of Plasma, one after Slash, the other at X
[X`] ...damn!
* X` jerks to the right
* SlashReaver jerks left
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *indignant* "Hey! I'm not THAT heavy!"
[Seraphna] *Life] Damn.. I need a viehicle...
[SlashReaver] AH shit, we're gonna crash!
* X` rams Slash
[X`] OUF!
* Gorgon pulls out a rope and zooms ahead of Zero
* SlashReaver veers left wildly
* X` veers right crazily
* SlashReaver goes into a flat spin, "SHIT, we're busted, we gotta fight!"
[Gorgon] EVERYONE DUCK!! *throws the rope to one side and to the other creating a line across two buildings*
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *squeezes SlashReaver as they spin*
[Seraphna] *Life loks around and sees the Crash... "Bingo...
* X` smashes into the side of the road and goes flying over the bridge toward the ground
* `Mina` slows up upon reaching them and and starts firing off shots from here rifle at X
* Gorgon looks back seeing the crash
[Gorgon] ZERO!!
* X` smashes into a tree
[Zero``] I see it
* Zero`` slams on breaks
* Gorgon slides to a halt
* Zero`` flips his bike around
* SlashReaver jumps off the bike and runs after X
[Seraphna] *Life leaps after him dashing...
* X` has fallen 10 stories
* Gorgon bikes front end rises off the ground as he floors it forward
* Zero`` zooms back
[SlashReaver] X!!!
* X` stands up
[X`] I'm fine!
* X` looks up at the bridge, wondering how to get back up
* SlashReaver looks back at Zero and sees the enemies approaching, "We're screwed!"
[Seraphna] *Life decloaks in the tree near teh tree...
* Zero`` draws his saber
[Seraphna] Life] Bad job X...
* X` turns around
[Gorgon] NRP: *coughs* Yeah....Life sure seems to be faster than MINA ON A BIKE!!!
[Seraphna] *Life unsheaths his baldes
[X`] Can't we talk about this?
* `Mina` draws her Katana, circling around Zero with a grin on her face
* Gorgon comes flooring off the bridge and kicks the bike into Life
* Zero`` leaps off his bike and sends it flying at Mina
[Seraphna] LIfe] I bring you in.. my boss promotes me... so... no...
* `Mina` easily dodges the bike by dashing right
[Seraphna] *Life slashes at X
* X` sees the bike coming at Life and dives to the side
[X`] Bike: *smashes into life*
* SlashReaver curses and fires his wind buster at Mina
* Zero`` lands on the ground and rolls
[Seraphna] *Life flies back... cloaking as he goes
* Zero`` stands up
* `Mina` deflects the shot at Zero
[Seraphna] *life rolls into something
* Zero`` leaps off the bridge
[Seraphna] Life] Dammnit...
* Zero`` lands next to X
* `Mina` looks at Zero and runs to the edge looking down
* Gorgon throws the bike where the Damnit came from
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *lands lightly next to Zero and X*
* SlashReaver jumps off the bridge and fires a wind blast downwards, slowing his fall
[Seraphna] *LIfe stands slowly, his eyes shakinging into a red glow
[X`] We need help.  Reinforcements will be coming.
[Seraphna] Life] Fuckin luck is all...
* SlashReaver lands with a soft sound, "Damnit....we cant get away this way!"
[Seraphna] Life] DAMN HUNTERS!!!
*** Unknown has joined #taw
* Gorgon looks down at Life
* `Mina` sheathes her katana and fires some shots down at X and Zero with her rifle
* Unknown lands on the ground next to them, wrapped up in a cloak
* Zero`` deflects them with his sabers
[`Mina`] [COM] DAMNIT..where are our reinforcements!
* Unknown aims his blaster at Life
[Unknown] Go.  
* `Mina` fires some shots at the Unknown figure
[Seraphna] *Life leaps out of the way
[Seraphna] Life] Damn hero now eh?
* SlashReaver nods at the unknown figure and limps in escape
* X` follows SR
* Unknown turns around and fires a blast into the shots and it keeps going at Mina
*** X1 has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o X1
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *helps SR*
[Zero``] ...
* Zero`` follows SR
[Unknown] Not exactly.
* `Mina` ducks and rolls, "OH SHIT!"
[Unknown] He is my prey.
* Gorgon follows after
[Seraphna] *Life scream] BLOODBATH CANNON!
* `Mina` screaches as the blast barely avoids her, "SCREW IT, Im going back to the base! Eeeee"
[Seraphna] *Life fires a blast from his chest, all red plasma
* `Mina` hops on whats left of her chaser and heads back toward the base
* Unknown shakes his head and throws the cloak off, revealing himself to be a well known reploid
[`Mina`] [COM] LIFE, get the hell outta there, they escaped, theu had help!
*** Unknown is now known as DeathStar
[Seraphna] Life] FUCKIT ALL!
[`Mina`] [COM] Im signing off, GET BACK TO BASE, thats an order!
* X` ducks into a side alley
*** `Mina` has left #taw
* Gorgon ducks in behind X
* SlashReaver limps in with Kokuei into the alley
[Seraphna] *Life teleport
* Zero`` follows
[Zero``] Who was that guy?  *glances back* All dressed up in black.
* DeathStar teleports
* X` pants
[X`] We need to escape this city.
[X`] Excaliber is insanely powerful.  Sigma must have really done something to him.
* SlashReaver huffs and puffs, "Wasnt that the...leader of those wraiths or something??????"
[Seraphna] *Life appears in teh base, loking for a repair station
[X`] What?  Death Star?  He's dead though.
* DeathStar appears behind X
[DeathStar] Not exactly.
* X` whirls around
[X`] Death Star!?
[SlashReaver] But it looked just like him I swear!, I saw him when they were here earlier...*looks at DS*...jesus...he isnt dead...
[Zero``] ---how did you survive hyperspace?
* DeathStar draws his saber
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] "So here's the infamous hero..."
[DeathStar] That's not important.
[Zero``] ---DS?
[Gorgon] NRP: TIME TO GO!!
* DeathStar slashes at Zero
[DeathStar] I'm here for my duel.  To prove I am the better.
* Zero`` blocks with his saber
[Zero``] What!?
*** Gorgon is now known as Dias-Work
* SlashReaver yells, "WHAT THE HELL!...I thought you were one of the good guys!"
*** Coko has quit IRC (Leaving)
[X`] ...I don't know what's going on, but he seems to be Maverick.
* DeathStar keeps slashing at Zero
[SlashReaver] Maverick...but why did he help us back there?
* Zero`` parries the slashes
[DeathStar] I *ugh* don't know, but run!
[DeathStar] NRP: Zero said that
[Zero``] But hurry while I hold him off!
* Zero`` slashes at DS
[Seraphna] Life] That jerk didn't retaliate... what they fuck did he mean by "prey..." I'll go tell the boss...
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *watches*
* SlashReaver nods at Zero then turns to X, "Come on..lets go quick!"
* DeathStar slams his saber into Zero's, throwing him off balance
[X1] NRP: Evil DS from TCTverse! Ahhh!
* SlashReaver limps off towards safety
[DeathStar] NRP: No...This is normal DS.
[X`] ...Zero...
[Zero``] Go!
* X` runs after SR
* DeathStar slashes at Zero while he's off balance
[Seraphna] NRP: DS] Ariel... I have split personalities...
[Zero``] ARGH!
[X1] NRP: Yer no fun!
* SlashReaver glances back at Zero, "He'll be alright..right?...he is the best swordsman ever to be created!"
[Seraphna] NRP: Ariel] What else is new...
[Zero``] NRP: .... *sighs* This is DS before 100, remember?  DS went insane?
* Zero`` slams into a wall, bleeding
[Seraphna] NRP: :)
[X`] Hard to say.  DS trained him.  Zero grew superior.
[X`] But that was 90 years ago.
* DeathStar slashes at Zero to finish him off
[SlashReaver] Well..we must follow his wishes and get the hell out of here!
* Zero`` grabs his saber and parries
[SlashReaver] Lets go..*hurries away quickly*
* X` leads SR out of the city
[X`] We made it.
* Zero`` flips into the air and slashes
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *just watches Zero and DS fight*
* DeathStar is hit in the shoulder and steps back
[SlashReaver] Whew...guess that idea sucked...what do we do now?
[DeathStar] Damn you
[X`] We wait for Zero...
* Zero`` presses his advantage and leaps forward
[SlashReaver] Alright...*sits down and looks at his injuries*
* DeathStar stabs forward and nails Zero in the side
[Zero``] Urk!
* Zero`` falls to his knees
[SlashReaver] ...*looks up*..what if he doesnt come back?
[X`] He'll come back!
* X` looks worried
[SlashReaver] *nods*...I hope so...
[Zero``] --Dea--Death S--tar..
* DeathStar stands there for a few moments, panting
* DeathStar puts his saber up and turns around
[DeathStar] I've proven my point.  I'll let you live.  Don't ever cross my path again.
* DeathStar walks off towards a field where flowers are growing
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] *helps Zero up* "You alright?"
* Zero`` holds his side, glad his armor is repairing his damage
[Zero``] I'm...fine...
* DeathStar bends down, picking up two flowers growing intertwined, and walks off
*** DeathStar has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Zero``] We just..had an old score to settle...
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] "Let's get you back to the others..." *helps Zero to the others*
[Zero``] Right...
* X` sees Kokuei coming with Zero
[X`] Zero!  You're hurt!
[SlashReaver] Thank god he's alive though.
* Zero`` winces in pain as he walks towards the group with Kokuei's help
[Zero``] It we'll be fighting after all, X.
[SlashReaver] Where should we go now..?
[X`] ...yeah.  *sighs* I just hope we can win.
* X` glances up across the field
[X`] Lets search the area.  Maybe we can find some others who will be willing to join us.  I know this fight is going to take many, many months.
[X`] We'll come back to Mega City when we're sure we can win.
[Hikari] [[6Kokuei]] "That's optimistic."
* SlashReaver stands up and glances out towards the field, "Perhaps we should find somewhere to get some rest and repair?"
[Zero``] Sounds like a plan...
* X` gives Mega City one glance, then turns forward
* SlashReaver nods and starts limping off into the field in search of shelter
[X`] Lets go.  We'll be back.  Some day.
[X`] Session Ends.