Session 115: Cipher Sigma

[Excaliber] Time Chart: August 30th
[Excaliber] Location: Maverick HQ, Mega City
* Excaliber leans back in his chair, the room repaired after the battle with the Hunters a few weeks back
* Stormweaver cracks his neck and leans back in his chair
* BackFire farts
[Excaliber] So, you Mavericks still haven't found the Hunters?
[Stormweaver] Not yet.  They'll show up
[Seraphna] *Lightbreaker leans against a wall, seethign in anger
[Seraphna] Lifebreaker] Not a damn thing boss...
[Excaliber] I can't believe Mina and you guys let them escape.
[Excaliber] I'm very disappointed.  Imagine what our Lord Sigma would think...
* Excaliber shakes head
[Excaliber] I mean, we own this entire planet, and you can't find 5 or 6 stupid Hunters.
[Stormweaver] He'd sit and wait.  Thats what he's always done.  He IS a very patient boss.
[BackFire] It's a big farking planet!
[Excaliber] Well, he's gone now and I'm in charge.  And I'm not so patient.
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker smashes his fists together... "I wanna piece of dem so bad..."
[Excaliber] Lifebreaker, you said someone interrupted your fight a few weeks back?
* Excaliber glances at the maverick
* Stormweaver shrugs
* Stormweaver plays with lighting around his fingers
[Seraphna] *Life nodds
[Excaliber] ...hmmm.  I wonder if the humans are deciding to aid the hunters.  For now the humans are in submission, grateful that their planet is back.
* Excaliber stands up, walking around the table
[Seraphna] *Life, "...some black fellah... I'd swear he was farmilliar..."
[Excaliber] You see, my Mavericks, we own this planet and everything on this planet.  I don't know how many of you remember what it was like when reploids were first created, but we were their slaves.
[Excaliber] But now, now the humans will become OUR slaves.
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker grins...
* Stormweaver smiles
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[Stormweaver] Ahh.. how the tables have turned.
[Excaliber] Yes, now we shall rule the planet with the humans as OUR slaves.
* Excaliber twirls his excalibur and lands it on the table
* Stormweaver salutes
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[Stormweaver] You got it.  One batch of extra crispy hunters, coming up *grins evilly, lightning crackling around his head*
[Excaliber] ...*smacks forehead* No puns!
[Seraphna] Life] Or sliced, diced.. and served as cold meats...
[Excaliber] ....idiots....
[Seraphna] *Life grins... letting his arm blades unsheath
*** X1 is now known as BackFire
[Excaliber] Computer: *beeps*
[Hikaryuu] Anyone remember who Aikuchi was?
[Excaliber] NRP: ... we're uh...RPing!
[Hikaryuu] NRP: Oops!
[Stormweaver] NRP: *cough*
* Stormweaver glances at the computer
[Hikaryuu] NRP: Well, it didn't look much like it -.-
[Excaliber] NRP: ... HEY!
[Stormweaver] NRP: *hands DS the golden mallet of bonking*
[Excaliber] NRP: *bonks Hikaru*
[Excaliber] Computer, what is it?
[Hikaryuu] NRP: *bonks back*
* BackFire blows a hole in the chair accidentally
[Excaliber] Computer: Sensors indiciate a shuttle heading into the atmosphere.  Will land near Mega City.
[Stormweaver] Backfire... Get one of those chairs with the filters..... it'll make the air and surrounding area in here MUCH safer..
[Stormweaver] Who's in it?
[BackFire] ...Uh, I seem to've set the chair on fire..
[Excaliber] Computer: Unknown.
[Excaliber] ....IDIOTS!
[Excaliber] Go investigate that shuttle!
[Excaliber] Go! Now!  Stupid mother fucking idiots!  GO!
[Seraphna] *Life walks out to investigate
[Seraphna] Life]Idjits... always missin the practical cut...
* Stormweaver nods and stands, walking out, leaving the fresh scent of Ozone in his wake
[Seraphna] *Life moves to teh shuttle, his blades out
[BackFire] BackFire...HO! *farts loudly and propels himself out with a trail of stinky fire*
[Excaliber] ....
[Excaliber] God damn idiots.  I swear to God I'm going to kill them one day.
[Seraphna] *LIfebreaker slashes the shuttle dorr opens swiftly
[Seraphna] *Life jumps into the entrance
* BackFire slams through the shuttles side
[Seraphna] Life] Come out in the name of Exaliber!
[BackFire] OW!
* Stormweaver opens the shuttles door
* Excaliber remains back at the HQ
[Stormweaver] Idiots
* Cipher_Sigma exit the shuttle
* Stormweaver blinks for a second
[Cipher_Sigma] And who thinks they can command me?
[Stormweaver] Uhh.... he..hey boss...
[BackFire] ...Dat don't look like da boss..
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[Stormweaver] You sure?  He looks like he'll kill us at any second... sure LOOKS like the boss..
[BackFire] WE get dat look a lot.
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* Cipher_Sigma tilts his head and stares at Lifebreaker
[Stormweaver] Oh yea..
[Stormweaver] Who the hell are you?
[Cipher_Sigma] Sigma
[Stormweaver] Riight.. Prove it.
* Cipher_Sigma shoots Stormweaver
* BackFire eeks one out
[Seraphna] *Life blinks and stares hard... "B-Boss?"
* Stormweaver blinks at the hole in his armor
* Cipher_Sigma grins evilly
[Excaliber] NRP: A giant praying mantis is kicking your asses...oy.
[Stormweaver] Hi boss.
[Seraphna] Lifebreaker] Sigma? HEY YOU GUYS! ATTACK HIM AGAIN AND I DICE YAH!
[BackFire] NRP: I'm a fat-ass farting gallout, whadda ya expect?
[Stormweaver] NRP: Comedy relief!
[Stormweaver] Chill out life.. I havent attacked him...
[Cipher_Sigma] So, what's the Earth situation?
[Stormweaver] Well, there are a few hunters left...
[Stormweaver] But other then that, the world is ours.
[Stormweaver] Or will soon be.
[Cipher_Sigma] Good, so how is the progress going on those few hunters?
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker grins, "Yeah, only a few bunglers left that can;t even beat the weakest of us!"
[Cipher_Sigma] Then why haven't you finished them yet?
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker, "I got a track on several of them.. I'm packling my gear and going out for a shishcabob!
[Stormweaver] We're just about to send out us to search for them.  They are like rats.
[Cipher_Sigma] OK, take me to the command center
* Stormweaver salutes
[Stormweaver] This way sir.
[Seraphna] *Life cloaks and walks nearby, keeping guard
* Stormweaver heads back towards the command center, occassionally glancing at the hole
* Cipher_Sigma follows Stormweaver
[Stormweaver] Uhh.. backfire... can you go to the repair bay and get those nanotech thingys?
[Stormweaver] This hole is starting to itch
* Excaliber remains in his office, leaning back in his seat
* Stormweaver walks in
[Stormweaver] Uhh.. Excaliber.... there's someone here...
* Cipher_Sigma follows
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker uncloaks against a wall
[Excaliber] Who?  I'm busy ruling the world.
[Cipher_Sigma] Not anymore
[Stormweaver] I'd better let him tell you..
* Excaliber leans forward
[Excaliber] ...a giant talking mantis...
[Seraphna] Life] Meet teh boss... Ex!
[Excaliber] Hey, it's one of those Hunters.
[Stormweaver] Not hardly...
* Cipher_Sigma grins evilly
* Excaliber stands up and looks at the mantis
* Stormweaver makes sure to sidle out of the line of fire
[Excaliber] Cipher, wasn't it?
[Cipher_Sigma] It was Cipher...
[Cipher_Sigma] Now it's Sigma
[Excaliber] ...
* Excaliber remains silent
* Excaliber begins to laugh
[Excaliber] That's a good one.
* Stormweaver whispers to Life 1"I'm sure there was a better body for him around.. why a bloody Mantis?"
[Cipher_Sigma] Do you doubt my word?
[Excaliber] Prove it to me, "Lord".  You did afterall give me this planet and all my power.
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker growls in anger
* Stormweaver avoids looking at Sigma or Excaliber
[Cipher_Sigma] Planetary Command: Autorization Sigma: Immobilize Excaliber
[Excaliber] GM: *nothing happens*
[Excaliber] ...wuh?
* Cipher_Sigma glares at the ground
[Stormweaver] ...
[Stormweaver] I'll be damned...
[Stormweaver] Stupid mantis shot me.... 
[Excaliber] ...okay, remove this thing from my sight.
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker growls, "HOW DARE YOU INSULT LORD SIGMA!"
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker unsheathes his blades
* Stormweaver shrugs, and looks at the mantis
* Cipher_Sigma activates his time stopper
* Cipher_Sigma walks over to the computer and tries a direct interface to take it over
[Excaliber] ...
[Stormweaver] .oO{I wonder who the hell that... thing really is.. if it is Lord sigma, it would be easy for him to destory all of us..}
* Cipher_Sigma deactivates the time stopper
[BackFire] NRP: Sorry, had an emergancy t otake care of
[Excaliber] What was that all about?
[Seraphna] *Life grins his scanner explaining it all to him
[Cipher_Sigma] Your proof...
[Stormweaver] NRP: Computer on fire again?
[BackFire] NRP: ...NO...
* BackFire hands Storm a vile of nanos
* Excaliber walks over to the computer
[Stormweaver] NRP: hee hee
[Cipher_Sigma] Computer, why didn't the planetary command work?  I thought I put that into the redesign
[Stormweaver] Thanks
* Stormweaver activates them, beginning to repair his armor
[Excaliber] Computer: I didn't think you were the true Sigma.
[Stormweaver] Told you he was da boss.
* Cipher_Sigma glares at the computer
[BackFire] Dis ain't gonna be pretty...
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker grins
[Stormweaver] nope.
[Seraphna] Life] You go BOSS!!
* Cipher_Sigma ignores the others
[Stormweaver] .. Lets go find those hunters...
* Excaliber stares at Cipher
[Cipher_Sigma] Computer, please list the remaining Hunters
[Excaliber] Computer: X.  Zero.  Gorgon.  Slashreaver.  Unknown black reploid.
[Seraphna] Life] That's the one! That fucker tried tah shot me!
* Cipher_Sigma looks around the room and looks at Lifebreaker
[Excaliber] ...
[Excaliber] shut up, Life.
[Seraphna] *Life leans against the wall... "Yeah... okay..."
[Excaliber] If you're really Lord Sigma, then you would know that you gave me incredible powers to extract your revenge on this planet.
[BackFire] What's with da black, huh? S'it suddenly fashionable to dress in black? Maybe we all should start wearin' black outfits...
[Cipher_Sigma] That's why I'm not killing you for your initial insubordination
* Excaliber looks smug.
[Excaliber] And what are your plans for this planet, Lord Sigma?
[Stormweaver] Take it over duh.
[Cipher_Sigma] They're my plans.  The first step is to finish those Hunters
* Excaliber points finger at Storm
[Excaliber] Shut up.
* Stormweaver crackles lightning in a menacing way
[Excaliber] The Hunters have gone into hiding ever since I defeated them here.
[Seraphna] *Lightbreaker looks at Exalibur and rolls his eyes
* Excaliber snaps finger and a beam smashes Light into a wall
* Cipher_Sigma stands back with ammusement
[Stormweaver] Send a transmission from... someone they might trust..
[Excaliber] Alright, Lord Sigma.  Tell us your plans and I shall see to it they are followed through.
[Stormweaver] Someone they know... 
[Cipher_Sigma] Hmmm...
[Cipher_Sigma] Stormweaver has a good idea
[Stormweaver] Lead them into a trap..
[Excaliber] True.  But who on this planet would they know?  Except, maybe your body, my Lord.
[Seraphna] *Light struggles to stand... mumbles
[Excaliber] They did meet you, right?
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* Cipher_Sigma nods
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[Excaliber] Then it would be an excellent trap, my Lord, if you were to go meet them.
*** X1 is now known as BackFire
[Cipher_Sigma] OK, I'll deal with the message momentarily
* Stormweaver nods
* Cipher_Sigma turns toward Excaliber
*** Minako is now known as Tsu-chan
[Cipher_Sigma] Who is the best engineer we have?
* Excaliber glances at his men
[Seraphna] Light] I'm just good fer rippin open Hunters...
[Excaliber] That would be BackFire, on occasion.
* Stormweaver glances at Excaliber
[Stormweaver] NRP: HA!  The Irony..
* BackFire slautes
[Cipher_Sigma] I have a project for him to work on, then...
* Cipher_Sigma hands BackFire a data chip
[Cipher_Sigma] This has highest priority
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* BackFire catches it, fumbling with it momentarily
[BackFire] Aye aye, cap'n.
[Excaliber] ...I have a bad feeling about this....
[Cipher_Sigma] Excaliber, have we had any trouble from the aliens?
[Excaliber] Negative.  They either don't have the resources or no longer care about this planet.
[BackFire] What if it's both?
[Excaliber] Then we're lucky.
[Stormweaver] Or if they have something else to worry about?
[Excaliber] ...then we're luckier.
[Cipher_Sigma] Next, what's the status on the surviving humans?
[Excaliber] They are submissive.  They no longer care to fight now that their planet is back to normal.  Their morale is broken and their spirit weak.
[Cipher_Sigma] No indications that they are prepairing for any counterefforts?
[Excaliber] No.  Just those who have joined the Hunters.
* Cipher_Sigma grins
[Stormweaver] The world is in your hand, ready to be shaped the way you want it
[Seraphna] *Life appears to be asleep, leaning against teh wall
[Excaliber] .oO ( .... yes...his world...not mine...)
[Cipher_Sigma] I'd like to start brainwashing humans to serve a my personal bodyguard... hostages and bodyguards at the same time *clicks his mandibles together*
[Excaliber] Right away, Sir.
[Excaliber] Stormweaver, go capture some humans in the neighboring villages.
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[Excaliber] NRP: I'll repeat: 
[Excaliber] Stormweaver, go capture some humans in the neighboring villages.
*** Jetmaster is now known as Stormweaver`
[Stormweaver`] NRP: I missed all after the world is in your hands bit
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[Excaliber] NRP: Sigma wants humans to serve as bodyguards/hostages (brainwashed style).  Excaliber ordered you to go capture some in the neighboring villages.
* Stormweaver` nods and salutes
[Stormweaver`] I'll get right on that sir.
* Stormweaver` walks out
[Cipher_Sigma] Next, about that message.  I assume the Hunters are aware that 'Cipher' has landed and was 'captured' by your forces.  He should 'escape'.  Where's the most likely communication area he could get to?
* Stormweaver` overhears
* Stormweaver` pokes his head back in
[Excaliber] Well, since we're in control of all communication.  They're in the dark.
[Excaliber] We COULD brainwash a human that escapes and finds them.
[Excaliber] That human could inform them about you.
[Cipher_Sigma] And the human could lead them where 'he' was last spotted
* BackFire raises his hand
[Excaliber] Correct.  Yes, BackFire?
* Cipher_Sigma turns toward BackFire
[BackFire] Uh, not to cramp such a ingenious plan, bosses, but couldn't Sigma make a distress message to go out that the Hunters would pick up...or something'?
[Excaliber] ...they have no communication sources!
[BackFire] If ya sent a human, they might be suspicious like, but if the bug was in danger and sent out an sos..
[BackFire] They probably do! They're sneaky like that!
[Stormweaver`] But wouldnt the shuttle have had one?
[Excaliber] would only do us any good if they TOOK the shuttle after YOU left.
[BackFire] Couldn't we recrash it near 'em?
[Stormweaver`] There is auto pilot isnt there?
[Cipher_Sigma] How do we know they aren't piggybacking on out comm net?
[Excaliber] How can we be sure about anything?
[Seraphna] *Life sighs
[Cipher_Sigma] The human idea has be better chance of success. Stormweaver, add that to the bodyguard trainies
* Stormweaver` nods
* Stormweaver` goes off to kidnap some humans
[Excaliber] So, what shall our course of action be, Lord Sigma?
[Cipher_Sigma] BackFire, get to work on that new body... this Mantis one is getting annoying
[Cipher_Sigma] Excaliber, you and Lifebreaker need to find a good ambush that is not too obvious
[BackFire] Right, boss bug.
* BackFire salutes and waddles out
[Excaliber] Of course, my lord.
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker salute, "Right me'Lord Boss man!"
* Cipher_Sigma thinks for a second
* Excaliber teleports
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker grins, "Glad tah have ye back sir..."
[Cipher_Sigma] Go help Excaliber
[Seraphna] *Lifebreaker nodds, "Right sir!" He teleports away
* Cipher_Sigma goes to the computer and begins reexamining his Earth
[Cipher_Sigma] Soon...
[Excaliber] NRP: The world will be eaten by a mantis!
[Excaliber] Session Ends, I suppose.