Session 116: The Trap Is Sprung!

[X`] Time Chart: I'll have to check records.
[X`] Location: Forest, 5 Miles from Mega City
[Ariel] NRP: Fine... I'll join in...
[X`] NRP: It could cheer you up.
* Zero`` stands on a tree limb, scanning the area
[Gorgon] NRP: YEAH!
[Ariel] NRP: Doubt it...
* SlashReaver sits on the ground, smoking a cigerette
* Gorgon leans against the tree below Zero, his head leaning down
* X` is watching a couple of butterflies
[Ariel] [[6Kokuei]] "......"
[X`] NRP: Wasn't he----Hikari?
[SlashReaver] NRP:No, Kokuei
[X`] NRP: Oooops
[Gorgon] NRP: I thought he was Bob..
[Ariel] [[6Kokuei]] "......"
[X`] You know, it's been real quiet the past few weeks.  I wonder what's going on in Mega City since our defeat.
* X` turns away from the butterflies
[Ariel] [[6Kokuei]] "...anyone have anything to eat...?"
[Gorgon] Probably not much..
* Zero`` kicks an apple down from the tree
[SlashReaver] They're probably getting ready to do some killing.
[Gorgon] I doubt it Slash
[Ariel] [[6Kokuei]] *catches it* "...arigato."
[SlashReaver] I guess, still, I'm worried about seeing DeathStar...
[X`] I don't know.  Excaliber seems different than Sigma.  He seems to like the idea of having the humans as slaves to work for the reploid race.  Which is growing in numbers, again.
[SlashReaver] Well whats better, an enemy who simply attacks humans, or an enemy who enslaves them and uses them againest us?
[X`] NRP: Okay, the date is Sept. 1st, many weeks have past since Mega City and a 1 or 2 since cipher arrived.
[X`] Who can say, Reaver.
[Ariel] [[6Kokuei]] *takes off 'his' helmet, reveiling a Japanese human girl with long black hair*
[Zero``] Whoa, he's a she!
[SlashReaver] Whoa..your a girl!
* Zero`` looks down
* SlashReaver hops up and stomps out his cigerette, "Man, you can sure fight for someone of the opposite sex!"
[Gorgon] NRP: *is reminded of the Anime Rune Exploreres*
[X`] You know, I'm wodnering about Death Star myself.  If we can get some type of...communication device...
[Ariel] [[6"Kokuei"]] "What? You didn't think that computerized garbage was my real voice, did you?"
[Gorgon] ....Reaver, it's not wise to say something like that to someone who can obviously kick your as.
* X` doesn't seem to notice Kokuei
[SlashReaver] Gorgon, although she can fight, I doubt there would be much speculation over who would win in a fight.
[X`] How can we possibly end this war...?
[X`] Reploids fighting reploids...humans fighting do we make it stop...
[Gorgon] Her..
* SlashReaver whistles and walks over to X, "We could try another assault, or we could try and find some sort of resistence?"
[Ariel] [[6Kokuei]] *smirks*
* X` shakes head
[X`] I'd like to find another way than an assault.
[Gorgon] ....maybe if we tried...
[Zero``] Heads up people, someone is heading this way.
[Gorgon] no...that couldn't work very well
* Zero`` crouches on the tree limb
[SlashReaver] Well, somebody has to be resisting Excaliber...*looks around*
[Ariel] [[6Kokuei]] *puts her helmet back on and flips to her feet*
[Zero``] It's...human.  Followed by some reploids.
[Gorgon] Hey X..
* SlashReaver eyes Kokuei, "Man..I'm gonna have a distraction this whole mission.."
[X`] ...hmmm?  *looks around* Yes, Gorgon?  *looks up* Which way, Zero?
[Zero``] Entering the forest that way.  *points East*
[Ariel] [[6Kokuei]] "Call me Kesshi. It's my real callsign."
* Zero`` begins to hop from tree limb to limb
[Gorgon] ...What if we tried a campaign...try not to use violence but words..rally the people together?
* SlashReaver looks east and pulls out his pistol, "Sure thing Kesshi."
[X`] It could work, Gorgon.  I like it.  But for now, lets follow Zero.
* X` runs after him
[SlashReaver] Always be cautious *runs after Zero*
[Zero``] Human: *runs, stumbling, his clothes torn, followed by mavericks trying to kill him*
* Zero`` lands on a tree branch and watches
[Zero``] ...
[Zero``] Dammit!
* Gorgon runs after them
* SlashReaver spies from behind a tree
* X` charges blaster and moves behind a tree
[Zero``] Human: *trips and rolls along the ground into the forest; no way he's going to escape*
* Gorgon whips out his staff and leaps up onto a branch and watis
[Zero``] Maverick 1 of 6: We got you now, scum.
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] [Not so fast!]
* X` moves out from behind the tree and fires his blaster, taking the Maverick's arm off
* SlashReaver pulls one of his sabers in his other hand and runs out shouting, "HALT!"
[Zero``] Mavericks: Dammit!  Kill them!
* Gorgon drops from the branch, landing on one the mavs
* SlashReaver fires a shot at one of the Mavericks and thrusts his Saber at another
* Zero`` lands on the ground, slashing one in half
[Zero``] Human: *pants*
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *leaps out, grabs the human, and leaps into cover*
[Gorgon] Back off..*cracks him across the head with his staff, causing him to spin in the air*
[X`] Mavericks: *retreat, those that can*
[X`] Let them go!
* Zero`` growls and puts up his saber
* SlashReaver quickly holstes his pistol and pulls out his other saber and stands defensivly, "Sure thing boss.."
* Gorgon turns around and sighs looking at where his right arm should be..
[SlashReaver] NRP:Holsters even
* X` looks around
[X`] Is that human okay?
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] Look behind you X.
[X`] Huh?
* X` blinks and turns around
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *is standing there with the human*
[X`] Whoa.  I didn't hear you come up.
* SlashReaver spins around sheathing his sabers and looks at Kesshi and the human
[Zero``] Human: *passes out*
[Zero``] Looks like he exhausted himself.
[SlashReaver] Man, must have been chased for miles.
[Gorgon] Man, if only we could harness Reavers looks..we could knock out an entire Mav arm..
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "Funny."
[Gorgon] I try to be..
[X`] Someone go to the river we found and get some water.
* SlashReaver turns his nose upwards, "My looks are just fine thank you."
* SlashReaver heads to the river, muttering curses
[Gorgon] Compared to your stench....maybe
* Zero`` crosses arms
[Zero``] So, think he'll live?
* Gorgon looks at the human
[X`] Hard to say.  Maybe if we can get him some rest.
[Gorgon] I think he long as he isn't over exhausted 
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *checks over his injuries, doing what she can to help*
* SlashReaver grabs a large rock with a small bowl like crevice in it and fills it with water, then walks over and gives it to X
[X`] Thanks
* X` kneels down and slowly pours some water onto the man's mouth
* SlashReaver salutes and lights up another cigerette, offering one to Gorgon
[X`] Human: *coughs and opens his eyes weekly*
[SlashReaver] Smoke 'em if you got 'em, thats what I say.
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "You okay...?"
[X`] Human: ...
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *nods* "We're all friends here."
* Gorgon grabs it and smashes it in his hand flicking it at Reaver
[Gorgon] I'll keep my health
[X`] Human: I must...find...X...and...zer...o..
* SlashReaver shrugs and sits down, "I forgot you humans get cancer from these things."
[X`] I'm X.
[Gorgon] Well your in luck..
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "The girly one is Zero."
[Zero``] Hey!
[X`] Human: here....
* Gorgon lets out a light chuckle
* Zero`` looks ruffled
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "Do you deny it?"
[Zero``] I'll show you "girly", woman.
* SlashReaver flicks his cigerette off into the woods and stands up, "Zero may look girly, but I wouldnt say that when he has a saber out."
[X`] Human: his...*coughs* name is...Cipher...he...escaped...with me...somewhere...hiding...they could...have...found him
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "Is it that time of the month for you?"
* Zero`` grabs his saber
[Zero``] I'll show you!
* SlashReaver puts a hand on Zero's chest, "Come on come on, shes only teasing..think she likes you, hehe"
[Gorgon] ...Woh there ladie...err it for the mavs..
[X`] Human: *takes a breath and head falls back, eyes closing*
[X`] What...?  no!
* Zero`` glares at Gorgon then turns to the human
[Zero``] Another time.
* Zero`` puts up his saber
* SlashReaver looks at the human and says a prayer, "May he rest in peace."
* X` stands up and shakes his head
[X`] Another casuality..
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *says a silent prayer*
[SlashReaver] Its war, death happens...but at least we're trying to stop it.
[X`] I think we should find this Cipher fellow.  I recognize the name.
[X`] It's one of Death Star's people.  Could be here to give us a message.
[Gorgon] How we gonna do that?
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "Cypher... Cypher... Sounds familiar."
[SlashReaver] Hopefully not another death threat.
[Gorgon] Are only source is dead..
[Zero``] Well, if the human wanted to buy Cipher some time and ran this way, Cipher could be the opposite way.
[SlashReaver] Do we really wanna find one of DeathStar's people, I mean, DeathStar just tried to kill Zero awhile back.
[X`] True.  I want to find out more about that myself.
[X`] Maybe Cipher knows.
[Gorgon] Hopefully..
[SlashReaver] I guess, lets just get walking..
* Zero`` is already moving out
* SlashReaver starts hiking east
[Gorgon] Not to put a damper on this moment, but who says he ran straight?
* X` glances at the human then follow
* Gorgon starts walking after X
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "...I'll catch up."
[X`] Nothing says that.  That's why we look for people chasing Cipher.
[SlashReaver] Well do you have a better idea?
[Gorgon] Good point.
* Zero`` runs over to a hill and glances at the grass, seeing blood stains
[Zero``] Hmmm.
* Zero`` runs down the hill
* SlashReaver zips after Zero
* Zero`` glances back at the forest then around the plains
[Zero``] Hiding out in the open wouldn't be a smart thing to do.
[SlashReaver] Hmm..I've got an idea
[X`] And that is?
[Gorgon] *runs next to X* I think if we try to use a peaceful way to fight the mavs we may win..
* SlashReaver points his Wind Blasters located on his wrists downwards and blasts them full gall, shooting himself upwards into the air
[Gorgon] Or atleast stop them from hurting anyone..
[X`] It could happen.  But that doesn't mean the mavericks won't kill everyone.
* SlashReaver rockets upwards, able to see for miles on end, then coms down to X
[X`] GM: *SlashReaver spots a crashed shuttle near a rocky area*
[SlashReaver] [COM] Over there is a shuttle crashed on the ground, near those rocks!
[Gorgon] Well, if we state that we're here only to see peace between the humans and mavs and get the humans and reploids to support us, they shouldn't dare attack us, in fear of having a revolt..
[X`] Hmmm.
* SlashReaver lets loose his blasters a little and glides gently to the ground and starts running towards the area he saw
* Zero`` follows Reaver
[X`] Perhaps.  But first, lets find this Cipher fellow.
* X` runs after them
[Gorgon] But it would also mean we couldn't possible take down the mavs...
* Gorgon runs after X
* SlashReaver stops and looks around, "Do you think this was Cipher's shuttle?"
* Zero`` skids to a stop when he arrives
[Zero``] It's definitely got the Wraith symbol on it.
* Zero`` head jerks up
[SlashReaver] Aye, well lets search the wreckage for any clues
[Zero``] I just detected an amazing evil power source!
* Zero`` glances around
[SlashReaver] Whoa..*looks around*
[Zero``] But now it's gone.
[Gorgon] I only sense Reavers amazing b.o...
* X` crosses arms
[SlashReaver] That is strange..*starts digging through the wreckage and flips off Gorgon*
*** Rita is now known as Awayness
[X`] I think I'm detecting an average power nearby...I think it's Cipher.  Two of us should stay here and look at the wreckage while I go look into that other power I sensed.
[Zero``] I'll go check it out.  X, you stay here.
* SlashReaver keeps looking through the wreckage and waves at Zero
[Scooter] NRP: Huh? What? Session? What? What session number is it?
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[X`] ....Fine.
[Gorgon] I'll stay with X
* X` steps next to SlashReaver and digs
[SlashReaver] NRP:We are in session
[X`] NRP: 116.
[Scooter] NRP: I know. Okie, thanks. I'll watch.
* SlashReaver walks over to Zero, "Well great, guess I'll go with you."
[Zero``] Sounds fun
* Zero`` leaps over a few rocks
* SlashReaver shrugs and leaps after Zero
* Gorgon starts rummaging through looking for anything important
* X` rips in and finds a communicator
[X`] Try to find a data log.
* Zero`` moves behind a huge boulder
[Zero``] It's nearby.
[Gorgon] Roger..*jams his hand through some debris grabbing something*
[Gorgon] ...?
* X` hits the communicator
* SlashReaver looks around standing behind Zero
[Gorgon] Well why the hell would a reploid want these? 
[X`] Weak, but I think if we can find a power generator, we can get a message back to their base.
[X`] Want what?
[Gorgon] *tosses him some magazines with naked girls on 'em*
[X`] ...
[X`] Better not let Reaver see those.  He'll be distracted for dayd.
* Zero`` holds out hand to Reaver
* Gorgon shrugs, going back to searching
[Zero``] It's...right here.
[Cipher_Sigma] Comm] Anybody picking up on this? SOS!
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "Ewww..."
[Gorgon] heh....Hey, maybe that could be a good thing..
* X` flicks on the comm
[X`] Hello, who is this/
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* Zero`` leaps onto a boulder
* SlashReaver takes the com
[SlashReaver] [COM] Hello?
[Zero``] NRP: Reaver, you're not near X, remember?
[Cipher_Sigma] Hey X! This is Cipher, any good walls where you are?
[X`] ...walls?
[SlashReaver] NRP:Oops, thought Zero held out a com to me
[Gorgon] ...*looks at X* How the hell does he know who you are?
[X`] We've met before.
[X`] So have you.
[Cipher_Sigma] The remodeling here just tastes really bad
* SlashReaver leaps on the boulder beside Zero, "Where are we looking?"
[Gorgon] ....I suppose....
* Zero`` glances around
[Zero``] I think Cipher is behind these boulders.
[X`] I kind of like it.
[SlashReaver] Alright, lets go find him
* Zero`` leaps behind the boulders
* Gorgon continues rummaging looking for anything else of significant value
* SlashReaver leaps after Zero
[Cipher_Sigma] Hey, watch it!
* Zero`` lands on Cipher
[Gorgon] NRP: *Behind the boulder is....MORE BOULDERS~!*
[X`] Watach what?
* X` glances at the comm
[Cipher_Sigma] Where Zero is going
* Zero`` rubs his head
[Zero``] I think I found it...
[X`] Zero found you?  Excellent!
[Gorgon] They found him?
* X` flips the comm off
[X`] Yeah, lets go join them
[X`] And bring that data log.
* SlashReaver looks at Cipher, "Well, looks like we've found the wraith."
* Zero`` crosses arms
[Zero``] Why are YOU here/
* Cipher_Sigma munches on a piece of the boulder
[Gorgon] Ok..*grabs it and tosses it in one of his pockets*
* X` runs through the maze of boulders
* Gorgon follows behind X
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *keeps pace with X*
[Cipher_Sigma] I was in the area and had engine trouble
[X`] So, *glances at Kesshi* What were youdoing?
[SlashReaver] Sounds suspicious..why were you around?
[Zero``] Oh?  Any messages from Death Star?  Like why he attacked me earlier last month?
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] " him a proper burial."
* X` nods
* X` hops onto the boulder and leaps down beside the others
[X`] We're here.
[Cipher_Sigma] I was checking up on you guys, we had a nice break in the war... he attacked you?
* Gorgon leaps and lands next to X` causing the ground to shake slightly
[Zero``] Yeah.  You don't know anything about that?
[SlashReaver] Last I heard there was a big battle...
[Cipher_Sigma] Not sure, I haven't seen DS since he got trapped in hyperspace... I kinda thought he would be dead after that
[X`] So, you said there was a break in the war....?  Things are going good then?
* Cipher_Sigma nods
[X`] NRP: Awww, is Sigma disappointed?
[Zero``] Well, whatever happened, he's not the same.
[X`] That's good to hear.  Maybe soon you guys can help us here with Excaliber and his goons.
[SlashReaver] Hell no! I've never seen him try and kill somebody for pure gratification.
* Cipher_Sigma starts on another rock
[X`] How do you plan on getting back home?
[Gorgon] Have you even seen him besides our encounter awhile back?
[SlashReaver] Twice actually, but only from a distance, most of it I've heard from pure reputation.
[Zero``] Pfft.
* Cipher_Sigma mumbles though the mouthful, 1"I'll need your help to get back and no I haven't"
* X` nods
[X`] What can we do?  We're pretty low on numbers.
[Cipher_Sigma] Maybe we can break in to whatever works for a spaceport around here
[Gorgon] Sounds good
[Gorgon] But nearly impossible
[X`] That would require us going back into Mega City.  The last time we did that, Excaliber handed us a blow.
[Cipher_Sigma] Hmmm... maybe I got something on the scan while I was crashing that might help
[Gorgon] Oh really?
[Zero``] Hmmm
* Zero`` studies Cipher
* SlashReaver thinks of something to do
[X`] Well, we did retrieve the recordings your shuttle made.
[X`] Perhaps we can jump wire it and watch it.
* X` glances back at the direction of the shuttle
[SlashReaver] Hmm, I could try and repair it I guess.
[X`] All we would need is one monitor to watch this on.
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *is quiet*
[X`] If you could get some power to it, Reaver, it'd be helpful.
* Cipher_Sigma begins walking toward the shuttle
* SlashReaver points to the Diamond on his forehead, "EMP generator, dont leave home without it."
* Gorgon hands X` the data log
[X`] Alright, lets go back to the shuttle
* SlashReaver jogs back to the shuttle
[Gorgon] Umm...don't EMP's usually erase date if big enough?
[X`] GM: *at the shuttle..., to save time...*
* Zero`` leans against the shuttle
* X` sits there, waiting for them to finish hooking it up
* SlashReaver looks at Gorgon, "Yes, but I think I could magnify it into a power source...worth a shot."
[Gorgon] That's a bad thing numbskull
* Cipher_Sigma munches on a shuttle wall
* SlashReaver hooks a wire to the diamond on his forehead, "The shuttles power is blown, this is all we can do."
[Zero``] If he blows that thing up...
* SlashReaver waits for them to finish up and starts powering the diamond as low as he can possibly power it
[Gorgon] If you were to generate that strong of an emp, you'd probably knock out any Reploid near you and yourself..
[X`] Shuttle: *doesn't respond*
[Gorgon] ....*punches it*
[SlashReaver] *still charging*..well, I have that taken care of, my armor is specially modified to resist the pulse.
[SlashReaver] Higher?
[X`] Yes.
* SlashReaver kicks it up a notch, but not to to much
[X`] Shuttle: *monitors flicker inside*
* Cipher_Sigma turns to SR, how does your armor work exactly?
[Cipher_Sigma] How does your armor work exactly?
[X`] Okay, hook that data log into the slot and lets watch this baby.
* X` hands it to Reaver
[SlashReaver] Well, you see, the inside is fitted with with Rubber, making the outside generate the electrcity but keeping my wiring safe inside *puts in data log and his eyes go blank as he searches through it and starts playing it on the monitors*
[X`] Monitor: *Slasher's face appears, crammed against it*
[Zero``] What the hell!?
[Gorgon] AHHHHH!!
* SlashReaver makes an adjustment and starts playing the record
[X`] Monitor: *Slasher screwdrives the camera in, muttering to himself as he works*
[X`] I guess this is the beginning of the records...
[X`] Fastforward some.
[SlashReaver] Want me to fast forward?
[X`] ...yes.
* SlashReaver makes another adjustment and sends it forward six months
[SlashReaver] Better?
[X`] Yes.  Lets see...
[X`] Monitor: *flickers on when a loud explosion goes off*
[X`] Monitor: *Cipher is seen entering the shuttle*
[Zero``] This is it.
[X`] Monitor: *Cipher launches, chaos can be heard in the background*
[Gorgon] Hey Cipher, when did this all happen?
[Zero``] Hmmm.
[Cipher_Sigma] Ol' Wienbag went crazy
[X`] Monitor: *Wiendigo suddenly attacks Cipher*
[X`] Turn the volume up.  I want to hear what the two are saying.
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* SlashReaver grins and sends an image of Kesshi doing gymnastics in nothing but a toga in the top left corner of the monitor while turning up the volume
[X`] ...
* Cipher_Sigma looks around bored and backs out of the shuttle
[X`] Windigo: This is it, Sigma!
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *smacks Slash*
* Gorgon goes to cross his arm, but stops realizing he only has one arm...
[Zero``] ...what?
[Gorgon] *sigh*
[Gorgon] Sigma?
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "...Sigma?"
* SlashReaver winces and looks around blindly, "Gorgon..stop hitting me!"
[X`] Monitor: *shuttle is being pounded from the outside*
[Cipher_Sigma] As I said, he went crazy
* X` turns to Cipher
[X`] But why call you "Sigma"?
[Gorgon] You know if you didnt' play with it so much, you wouldn't be blind right now.
[X`] Monitor: *Frazzels and goes blank*
[Cipher_Sigma] Not sure, who can figure him out
[X`] ...dammit!  What happened to the rest?!
* SlashReaver flips off in the direction of where he just heard Gorgon and pulls out the wiring
* Zero`` studies Cipher
[SlashReaver] None left Boss, that was the end of tape, to damaged to go any farther.
[Cipher_Sigma] So there's no data on how to get into the starport?
[Gorgon] Apparently not oh bugboy
[SlashReaver] Well..I can look through all records, but I don't know how much I'll find.
* Cipher_Sigma mutters under his breath
[X`] Wait a minute, we didn't check the sensors.
[X`] They could have logged something.
* SlashReaver mutters and hooks up his wiring to the sensors and parts to the monitor
[Cipher_Sigma] Stupid Mark I's, wasn't that what we were suppose to be looking at in the first place?
* SlashReaver powers it up and displays all data on screen
[X`] Come again?
[Gorgon] Eh?
[X`] GM: *The sensor data shows all the weak points and not heavily defended areas in Mega City, including a few entrances into the Starport*
[Cipher_Sigma] Ooo... I did get a good picture
[Zero``] A little "too" good.
[SlashReaver] Look there *makes small red check near one of the entrances* The guards only go by there once every two hours, its not guarded heavily, and no cameras or sensors near it.
[Gorgon] ....Yeah...for someone who came crashing down...this shots way to good.
[Cipher_Sigma] Mark II Reploids are inately superior, we allways get good shots!
[Zero``] I see..
[X`] Lets go with Slash's entrance.
* Gorgon whispers to X "Didn't he have a lisp last time he was here?"
[X`] Not that I can recall.  But he might have.
[Cipher_Sigma] But you're right, it is really good
[SlashReaver] Insanly good, I've never seen a Mark II get info this good unless he was spying on someone or working for them.
[X`] *suddenly a low whine goes off*
[Zero``] What the--?
* SlashReaver makes an internal copy of the map with the check in his data banks and pulls out the wiring looking around, "What the hell?"
* Gorgon spisn towards the low whine pulling out his staf
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[X`] Shuttle: *explodes with the force of 4,500 AP damage to all*
* X` is thrown back
* Zero`` slides along the ground
* Gorgon flies back rolling across the ground
[Scooter] NRP: Ow, that's gotta hoit.
* SlashReaver flies into a boulder
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *skids along the ground* "....Kuso..."
* Cipher_Sigma switches into ball mode and goes flying
* X` tries to push himself up
* SlashReaver barely can move but manages to mutter, "Is this heaven..?"
[Zero``] ...what...the...hell?
* X` stands up and looks around
[X`] Everyone okay?
* Zero`` stands up
[Zero``] Fine.
[Zero``] Shuttle: *lays in ruins*
[Gorgon] I'm good..*pushes him self up*
* SlashReaver crawls over to them, "Ugh..I think my right leg has lost all wiring..."
[Zero``] ...great.
[Gorgon] Now how did that explode...
[Gorgon] Doesn't matter, we need to get moving, that's sure to attract unwanted attention
[SlashReaver] Got hit off guard..wasnt protecting myself..throw me the parts over near the sensor and the whole monitor.
[SlashReaver] I cant move...I can barely crawl...
* Zero`` studies the remains
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "That... HURT."
[Zero``] I think all parts there is...toast.
* Cipher_Sigma floats back toward the group
[SlashReaver] Crap.
[SlashReaver] Damnit...Zero, hand me your saber would you.
[X`] That was pretty powerful for just a shuttle explosion
* Zero`` flips him the saber
[Cipher_Sigma] We better get going, the mavericks might attack 'any time now'
* SlashReaver catches it and sits up
[X`] Voice: Anytime is right.
[X`] What!?
* X` turns around
*** Excaliber has joined #taw
* Gorgon spins to the voice kicking his staff into the air, catching it
* Excaliber stands on a boulder, with his reploid monkey
[SlashReaver] Oh god Oh god, oh god, oh god...*slices off his left leg*...OW...*flips Zero the saber and jumps up on one foot* Well, without the wait I can stand.
*** WereWolfBob has joined #taw
* Zero`` grabs the saber and turns around
*** WereWolfBob is now known as Coko
* Cipher_Sigma switches back into Mantis mode
[Coko] HOOO HOOO!!
* SlashReaver picks up his leg and slings it from his back
[Excaliber] I see we found ourselves a few..."Hunters".
[Zero``] Grrr.
* Coko screeches loudly
* Cipher_Sigma shudders in a sort of seizure
[Zero``] Looks like Cipher is having problems.
*** `Mina` has joined #taw
* Coko screeches more
[Excaliber] Coko, Mina...kill them.  All.
* Cipher_Sigma grins and recovers
[Cipher_Sigma] No, I'm perfectly fine... now
* Coko shoves himself off of Excal's shoulder and into Reaver's face, clawing at him
[X`] That's good to hear, Cipher.  Now, help us out!
* X` fires at coko, missing
[X`] Dammit.
* Cipher_Sigma opens fire on X
[X`] ARGH!
* X` falls on the ground
[X`] Wha-What!?
[Coko] NRP: Luckily Life isn't here.....grrr..
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] "N-nani?!"
* X` turns around
[Gorgon] What?! *spins towards Cipher*
* SlashReaver shoots Coko and flings him at Mina
* Excaliber begins to laugh
[Excaliber] HA HA HA HA HA HA HA]
* Coko spins in the air landing on the ground
[Zero``] ...Sigma?!
* `Mina` pulls up her rifle and fires a shot at Coko then at Zero
* Zero`` gets hit in the back and hits the ground beside X
[Cipher_Sigma] In the metal alloy shell
* Coko gets nailedi n the back
* SlashReaver looks at Kesshi, "Mind helping me out here dollface?"
* Cipher_Sigma keeps firing at X
[Excaliber] fight...begins!  Our leader is back...and you all will...die.
* Coko spins around and flings his banarang at Mina's rifle knocking it between two boulders
* X` slides back against the boulder, his armor sparking
[Excaliber] Stop fighting you two!
* Excaliber glares at Mina and Coko
[Excaliber] Help our Lord!
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *lets loose the psionic shockwave she was building up at Sigma*
[Cipher_Sigma] Personal guard open fire!
* `Mina` shouts a cry of rage and grabs her rifle, and opens fire upon X
[X`] Humans: *leap around Sigma to protect him*
* X` slides down
[X`] Wha-Wha?'re...helping him!
[Coko] ....*hisses at Mina nad spins around, flinging several bananarangs at X*
[X`] Humans: *fire at Kesshi*
* Cipher_Sigma nulls the Psi blast
[Gorgon] Try not to hurt them...
* SlashReaver hops over a boulder and lands in a pile of dirt
[Excaliber] Forget the one that is running away.
[Gorgon] ...Reaver, EMP!!!
[Excaliber] Take out those four.
* Zero`` runs at Mina
[Zero``] DIE!
* SlashReaver ignites his EMP full blast
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *takes a few hits before taking cover behind a boulder*
* Zero`` pulls back
* Cipher_Sigma keeps firing on X
* Zero`` is hit by the EMP and collapses
[Gorgon] X, ZERO!!
[Gorgon] ...SHIT!!
* X` is hit by the EMP and slumps down, sparking
[Gorgon] A CRAP!!
* Excaliber nullifies his end
[Excaliber] Heh.
[Excaliber] This is rich!
* SlashReaver curses and passes out from pain
* Cipher_Sigma nulls down the EMP
[Ariel] [[6Kesshi]] *goes limp*
[Gorgon] Ahhh shit...
[Excaliber] Kill the human.
* Excaliber points at Gorgon
* Coko leaps behind Excal to block the emp
[Excaliber] Session Continued.