Session 123: Deep Throat

[Snipe] Time Chart: 10 minutes after last session
[Snipe] Location: Immediate Area of the Crash Site.
* Snipe kneels down, looking at the grass
[Snipe] I have an uncanny feeling when I look at grass.
[Velocity] ....freak.
* Velocity crosses arms, looking back at the wrecked shuttle
* Fera jams his hand into the ground and scoops up a handful of it, letting it crumble and fall back down
[Fera] It reminds me of death.
[Velocity] ...idiot.
[Dias] Maybe it's because you spent most of your time laying face down in it?
[Snipe] We can't wait on Grey and Scooter to get back on their scouting trip any longer.  The Tsivrixsh will be looking into our crash soon.  We need to move out and find clues.
* Snipe stands up
[Snipe] Lets go.
[Fera] The organics die, they rot, worms crawl in and out of their skulls, maggots rip the little pieces of flech off of their half-rotten corpses.
[Velocity] You know what?  *points at Fera* Why don't you have a nice chat with the authorities when they get here?  Kay?
[Dias] Reminds me of the time Grave tried cooking..
* Snipe grabs a backpack and starts hiking away
[Fera] They're buried in the dirt, and the dirt and grass suck away their essence.
[Velocity] ...
[Velocity] Yeeep, insane.
* Velocity jogs after snipe
[Fera] You don't know the half of it!
* Gravedigger shakes his head and sighs
* Dias picks up a backpack, throwing it across his back. He turns towards Grave and then starts walking towards Snipe and Velocity
* Snipe moves through the trees, listening out for sounds of incoming patrols
[Snipe] If I'm right, Talon's mansion was outside the city...which should be nearby.
[Velocity] If the aliens left the city standing.
* Dias weaves through the trees zoning in and out with his optic eyes looking for anything
* Velocity grumbles, swatting a gnat
* Fera bites the gnat out of the air
* Fera crunches loudly and gulps it down
[Snipe] ...
[Snipe] God.
[Garland] (A gnat? Uh.. can that really be loud?)
[Velocity] ...
[Velocity] Would you quit coming near me!?
* Snipe adjusts his glasses and trenchcoat, leaping onto a rock, then hopping onto a tree stump
* Dias switches his scanning to heat vision and looks ahead
* Fera wraps his arm around Velocity's shoulder
[Velocity] GM: *a few animals can be seen by Dias*
[Velocity] ...
[Fera] Let me suck your blood dry and we'll talk.
[Velocity] How about you kiss Dias' ass?
[Dias] So far so clear Snipe..
[Fera] Can I suck his blood dry too?
*** SpeakY10k is now known as Speak-Away
[Velocity] Go right ahead.
[Fera] After yours, of course.
[Speak-Away] gnight
* Fera smiles, showing off his long fangs
[Velocity] ...would you go eat some more bugs?
[Snipe] Fera - Velocity...Knock it off.
[Fera] Nah, that bores me now.
* Dias switches scanning modes to look for anything giving off energy i.e. electricty
* Snipe hops onto the ground
* Fera licks his lips looking at Snipe
* Snipe flips Fera off with his finger
[Snipe] GM: *Dias picks up something about half a mile away*
[Fera] Looks delicious.
* Velocity moves away from Fera
[Gravedigger] ...
[Dias] ...Snipe...Somethings giving off energy about half a mile away...*tries zooming in as far as he can to see if he can make an outline of it*
* Gravedigger slings his shovel over his shoulder
[Gravedigger] Anyway..
[Snipe] GM: *a building of some sort is seen*
[Dias] I see a building...
* Snipe picks up his pace
[Snipe] Maybe it's the city.  Lets go.
[Dias] *switches scannign for heat and looks into the building*
[Snipe] GM: *jammed*
[Snipe] There's something I don't like about this.
[Dias] ..somethings jamming my scans for the building...might be important...
* Snipe moves around a tree
[Snipe] If someone is starting up Talon's Trade Empire once more, why hasn't the Tsivrixsh crushed them?
* Dias zooms back to normal sight, barely catching himself from tripping.
* Fera lifts into the air and flies along
[Dias] Maybe there in cahoots with them?
[Snipe] That's a scary thoughtl
[Gravedigger] Maybe they're working together.
* Snipe leaps over a log
[Dias] A lil' peace treaty...ya know? You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
[Snipe] But the person, Mindscape said, WAS human.
* Snipe turns to Dias
[Dias] Human kind is known to be greedy..
[Snipe] Yeah, but couldn't they just run it themselves?
* Dias almost runs into him
[Gravedigger] Like there hasn't been that in the past?
* Velocity moves along silently.
[Dias] Wouldn't it be easier tho if they had it so the Tsiv weren't attacking their ships every 5 minutes
[Snipe] Remember a few months ago?  The Tsivrixsh had robbed all of Talon's money off of him?  We even recovered some.
* Snipe moves in and out of the trees
* Dias shrugs leaping up onto a branch and swinging to another one
[Gravedigger] Who says it has to be Talon running this operation?
[Snipe] I don't think Talon is running it.
[Snipe] I'm positive we killed him.
[Fera] Ooo! can we go dig him up and see?
* Snipe stops outside the trees
[Dias] We'll find out sooner or later...*drops down next to Snipe*
* Snipe looks at a huge, black fortress of metal and sensors
[Snipe] Daaaaamn.  This is built right where the city used to be.
* Snipe looks off to the side at the ruins of Talon's mansion.
* Velocity crosses arms
[Dias] Guess this is our destination?
[Velocity] Told you, wiped it all out.
[Snipe] Hopefully it'll give us some leads, since we have no idea where else to look.
[Snipe] The question is, do we want to check out the stronghold or the ruins first?
[Fera] Ruins!
* Dias looks over at Grave
[Dias] We should all agree on it...
[Velocity] Ruins is fine by me.
[Gravedigger] I say stronghold...since Fera's motives always involve sometihng sick and demented.
[Dias] I think we should check the my opinion it'd be the ruins..
[Fera] Oh you're no fun!
[Gravedigger] Bite me.
[Fera] Promise?
[Dias] Grave...he might take ya s...too late
[Snipe] We could split up.
[Dias] Would it be wise tho..
[Gravedigger] ...Can we just leave him here or something?
[Snipe] We're already down in our forces with Grey and Scott missing, but...
[Velocity] If we split up, I'm NOT on that THING'S team.
* Snipe studies the stronghold
[Snipe] I really want to see what's in there.
[Snipe] Dias, you, Fera, and Velocity - check out the ruins.
* Fera trails hs finger down Velocity's neck
[Fera] I love you too.
[Velocity] I just---HEY!
[Velocity] Fuck you!
[Fera] Please?
[Dias] Snipe, Grave, don't do anything stupid...
[Velocity] ...
* Velocity pushes Fera away and stumbles off
[Velocity] Yuck!
[Dias] Ok you nimbrods lets go...*walks back into the woods and makes his way along the treeline towards the ruins*
[Fera] Ooooo, fiesty!
* Gravedigger blinks
[Gravedigger] That was...disturbing.
*** Garland has quit IRC (I wuv my wittle wittle Sewa!)
[Snipe] Agreed.
* Velocity walks off into #taw2
*** Velocity has left #taw
[Dias] NRP: DIE!!! *swings at Garland*
* Snipe turns back to the stronghold
*** Fera has left #taw
[Snipe] Any idea on how to get in
[Gravedigger] None of them fun.
[Snipe] Well, I do have an idea, but it might be disturbing for you.
[Gravedigger] Going through the water pipes?
[Snipe] Nope.
[Snipe] You'll just love this one.
[Snipe] You can morph into things, right?
[Gravedigger] Yeeaaahh...
* Snipe leans over and whispers his idea into Grave's ear
[Gravedigger] ...That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard.
[Snipe] It could work!
[Snipe] A female Tsivrixsh!
[Gravedigger] Wouldn't they wonder WHY there's a female Tsivrixsh out here?
[Snipe] ...Uh...
[Snipe] Your vechile broke down...?
[Gravedigger] Exactly. Try again.
[Gravedigger] ...
[Snipe] A joke!
* Snipe scans the building
[Snipe] Well, I know one QUICK way to get in there.
[Gravedigger] I still say I should go through the water pipes.
[Snipe] Okay, you go through the water pipes, I'll go my way.
[Gravedigger] ...Fine.
* Snipe pulls out his rifle
* Gravedigger turns into a make-shift drill and goes into the ground
* Snipe walks out into the open
* Snipe opens fire on the door
* Snipe blows out the decorations on it
[Snipe] Heh, this is surely going to piss someone off.
[Snipe] GM: *door opens and a giant robot guard steps out*
[Snipe] ...yep...
* Gravedigger works his way into the water pipes and travels along
* Snipe runs off into the woods, being chased
* Snipe leaps up onto a tree branch, hops over the robot, and runs inside the building
* Snipe looks around the hallway, makes his way into the bathroom, and waits for Grave
* Snipe looks around the strange facilities
* Gravedigger comes out in the kitchen sink
[Snipe] These Tsivrixsh are just creepy.
[Snipe] Cook: ...
[Gravedigger] ...Hey, look!
[Snipe] Cook: *grabs a large sword* TSIVA!  *slashes at Grave*
* Gravedigger turns into an oversized boxing glove and floors the chef
[Snipe] Cook: *Stumbles around and becomes angry*
[Gravedigger] ...
[Snipe] Cook: TSIVA!  *grabs a pot*
* Gravedigger sighs and turns into a Tsivrixsh female
[Snipe] Cook: *pauses*
[Gravedigger] ...Wow, that worked?
[Snipe] Cook: ... *pokes Grave*
* Gravedigger kicked the cook in the nads
[Snipe] Cook: *falls over*
* Snipe exits the bathroom
[Snipe] Bah.
[Dias] NRP: Here we see two Tsiv's...The male here's in mating season and whats this he spots one of his own!!! 
* Gravedigger changes into the cook and shoves him into some cupboards
* Gravedigger walks into the hall
* Snipe wanders the hallways, noticing the alarms are going off now
[Snipe] Hrm.
* Snipe pulls out his rifle and looks around, seeins a cook
* Snipe aims rifle at him
* Snipe opens fire with two quick bursts
* Gravedigger looks at Snipe
[Gravedigger] AHH!
[Gravedigger] ...You idiot!
* Snipe aims at Grave's head and fires another shot
[Snipe] Dammit!
* Gravedigger doesn't duck, as it rips a hole through his head
[Gravedigger] ...Are you satisfied now?
[Snipe] AAAAAH!
* Snipe turns around and runs
[Gravedigger] ...
* Gravedigger reforms his head
[Gravedigger] Snipe, you moron...
* Snipe runs around the corner and runs into three Tsivrixshs.
* Snipe aims and fires at their heads, this time, they fall over dead
[Snipe] ...waitaminute.
* Snipe walks back down the hall
* Snipe spots the "cook"
[Snipe] Ass.
[Gravedigger] Blow me.
[Snipe] No thansk.
* Gravedigger drops his guise
[Snipe] GM: *Feels the fortress shake*
[Snipe] What the?  It feels like we just fired.
[Gravedigger] ...Okay.
[Snipe] ..nevermind, we should---*looks behnid Grave* Oh shit.
* /sound: no such file 'TGC-LessTalkMoreBoom.mid'
[Snipe] One word.  RUN!
* Snipe turns around and runs off
[Gravedigger] ...Is this one of those situations where I can turn into a female Tsivrixsh, is it?
[Snipe] GM: *a shadow falls over Grave*
[Gravedigger] ...Eep.
* Gravedigger drops and rolls
[Snipe] GM: *the giant robotic guard towers there, the entire size of the hallway just about*
[Gravedigger] ...Wonder if I can turn into a female robot and distract it.
[Snipe] GM: *punches at Grave*
* Gravedigger leaps back to the side
[Snipe] GM: *punches straight through the ground, causing it to rip apart for a good 6 feet from the impact*
[Snipe] GM: *the robot guard pulls back and locks onto Grave again*
[Snipe] GM: *pulls back and punches again*
* /sound: no such file 'TGC-RescueRangerWeAreNot.mid'
* /sound: no such file 'TGC-RescueRangersWeAreNot.mid'
* Gravedigger goes gooey and latches onto the guard's fist
[Snipe] GM: *nails Grave straight through the wall, slowly beginning to burn him with it's massive heat energy*
* Snipe runs around the corner and fires into the guard's eye
[Snipe] EAT THIS!
[Snipe] Guard: *pauses, locks onto Snipe, and begins to advance*
[Snipe] ....
[Gravedigger] Um...owwwwwww...
[Snipe] GM: *slams Grave onto the wall in a gooy mess*
* Gravedigger leaps onto its face
* Snipe runs under the guard's legs
[Snipe] We need to take this fight outside.  IT's too big to fight in here!
[Snipe] Guard: *uses it's lazer eye to burn Grave* (4,000 AP)
* Snipe shoots the guard, his attacks bouncing off of it
[Gravedigger] NRP: S'that with or without armor reduction?
[Snipe] NRP: Without
[Snipe] GRAVE!
[Snipe] Dammit
* Snipe rams into it's leg, bouncing off
[Snipe] OUF!
* Gravedigger leaps off
[Snipe] GM: *the robot guard powers up*
* Gravedigger lets out his arm cannon and charges
[Snipe] It's powering up!
* Snipe rolls back
[Gravedigger] So am I.
[Snipe] Guard: *aims his hand at the roof and fires, blowing the entire ceiling out and burying everyone but itself*
[Gravedigger] ...
[Snipe] Guard: *Steps onto the rubble and scans for it's targets*
* Gravedigger coughs, digging himself out
[Snipe] GM: *Tsivrixsh warriors look down from the 2nd floor* TSIVA!
[Gravedigger] much for that plan...
* Snipe drags himself out, his glasses broke
[Snipe] Brilliant..
* Snipe stands up, looking around
[Snipe] We can still escape!
[Snipe] Lets GO!
* Snipe runs for the half-buried hallway exit
[Gravedigger] ...Don't we need to find out about this palce?
[Snipe] LATER!
* Snipe dives through the small hole into a part of the hallway that's more stable
[Snipe] Guard: *locks onto Grave*
[Gravedigger] Newrg.
* Gravedigger dives through the hole
* Snipe runs down the hallway towards the exit to the outside
[Snipe] Guard: *smashes his way through the rubble and runs down the hallway after them*
*** Velocity has joined #taw
* Snipe dives out the door and rolls
* Snipe looks up at the night sky


[Velocity] * Velocity walks along, shivering
[Velocity] [Velocity] Bitch.
[Fera] No, silly, you're the bitch!
[Velocity] * Fera giggles
[Velocity] ....Listen here you BASTARD!
* Velocity pulls back fist
* Dias looks back...and then forward making his way towards the ruins, scannign for any life
[Fera] Ohhhhh, so you like it rough!
[Velocity] GM: *life...none*
[Velocity] I'll show you rough!
* Velocity swings
* Dias turns back
[Dias] Knock it off you asswipes
* Velocity grumbles
* Fera giggles as Vel's punch goes right through him
[Velocity] Bitch.
* Velocity follows Dias
* Dias shakes head looking towards the ruins
[Fera] Yes, lover.
[Velocity] Up yours.
[Fera] Later, later!
* Dias stops and looks along the tree line and then out at the ruins
[Velocity] GM: *The ruins, are of course, on a cliff's edge, looking out on the sea...*
[Dias] It's clear guys...Keep it quiet. I don't want company..*walks out towards the ruins*
[Fera] Ooo...long way down to the jagged rocks below...
* Velocity follows him
[Velocity] Don't get any ideas, fraek.
[Fera] Too late.
* Velocity looks at the ruins of the door
[Velocity] Should we knock?
-] [Velocity] PING
[Dias] Go ahead..*steps through a hole and looks around
[Dias] Look for papers, disks...anyting.
* Velocity steps in and glances at the ruins of files and desks
[Velocity] In this mess?!
[Dias] Yes...
[Velocity] ...
* Velocity walks up the crumbling stairway onto the second floor
* Fera floats along
* Velocity leans over a desk, noticing there's no wall between him and the cliff side
[Velocity] shiiiit
* Dias walks around looking at papers here and there
* Velocity opens the desk and looks around, finding nothing
[Velocity] Dammit, this place has been ransacked
[Velocity] We're not going to find anything here.
[Dias] Keep checking...he's gotta have a hidden place somewhere...*looks aorund and then at the ground scanning it*
* Velocity kicks the desk off the cliff side
* Velocity turns around and looks at the fortress
[Fera] Keep looking! Maybe there's some bloodied corpses here!
[Velocity] Uh...sir?
[Dias] What?
* Velocity points
[Velocity] You see that tower?  It's starting to glow red...
* Dias looks up
[Dias] ..What the..*zooms in on the tower scanning for the energy type*
[Velocity] GM: *plasma surge*
[Dias] Uhhhh....guys....
[Velocity] ...what?
[Dias] I think we better leave now...
[Fera] Yeeeeeesssss...?
* Dias starts backing up
[Fera] Awww, but I didn't find a skull!
[Dias] All we'll find is our skulls if we don't move...
[Velocity] GM: *the tower opens fire and hits the cliff side, the entire building begins to shift*
[Fera] Really?
[Velocity] WHOA!
* Velocity slides towards the broken wall and the cliff sidwe
[Fera] ...Again!
[Dias] HOLY SHIT!!! *falls to the ground*
[Dias] EVERYONE OUT NOW!!! *pulls himself up and starts leaping towards the outside of the ruins
* Velocity grabs onto the floor
* Fera shrugs
[Fera] Okay.
[Velocity] GM: *the building tilts completely over, dangling Velocity over the water*
[Velocity] I'd LOVE TO!
* Velocity hangs on for dear life
* Fera floats to safety.
* Fera yawns
[Fera] Yea.
* Dias starts pulling himself up
* Fera floats over and boredly offers him a hand
* Dias leaps onto solid ground and scans the tower again
[Velocity] GM: *the cliffside breaks off and everything plummets and Vel grabs Fera's hand*
[Velocity] This is in no way a date, FERA!
[Velocity] Tower: *isn't charging*
[Fera] Awww.
[Dias] ....Ok I'm not sure if they fired on the ruins to get rid of it or because they think they got us...
[Velocity] Maybe both?
[Dias] Well aslong as they think they got rid of us...
[Dias] I guess the only place we can go now is the fortress.
[Velocity] I think we should rest.
[Dias] ....*scans the area*
[Velocity] GM: *nothing found*
[Dias] Aright...we'll rest in the woods then...*heads over to the woods*
[Dias] BRB: Gotta....bathroom
* Velocity follows
* Dias sits down on a log stump thinking to himself
[Dias] Oww....
* Velocity sits down
* Dias rubs his shoulder
[Dias] Ahhhh...
[Dias] ..Snipes in trouble..
* Dias leaps up
[Velocity] What?
[Dias] Snipe and Grave must be in me
* Dias stands there waiting..
* Velocity stands up
[Velocity] Lets go
[Dias] Wait...*zooms his sight and looks at the Fortress walls for any movement
[Dias] THERE!! *points towards where Snipe came out and blurs towards there*
[Snipe] Greaaaat.
* Velocity runs after them
*** Fera has joined #taw
[Snipe] GO GO GO G!
* Snipe runs past them
* Dias skids to a halt and waits for Grave
[Snipe] Guard: *skids around the corner, right behind Grave*
* Gravedigger blazes by
[Snipe] Guard: *bursts out the door and stands there*
* Dias throws a grenade at the guards
[Snipe] Guard: *knocks it away*
* Snipe stops, panting
[Dias] Heres a house warming gift!! OH hsit!! *runs away*
* Snipe watches grenade blow up nearby
[Snipe] We'll never escape this thing!
* Dias comes running towards them
[Fera] Wheeeeeeee!
* Snipe scans it
* Fera leaps onto the guards
[Snipe] GM: Robo Guard #001, Boss Type: 20,000 HP
[Snipe] Guard: *grabs Fera and throws him into the wall*
[Snipe] ...awww shit.
[Snipe] This thing is no ordinary guard.
[Dias] Awwww son of a bitch..
* Fera goes through the wall, not leaving a trace
[Velocity] Oh, gee, really?
[Dias] Maybe we can let Fera annoy him?
[Snipe] Guard: *aims hand at the group*
[Snipe] ...looks like it wants us.
[Dias] Nevermind..
[Snipe] Tower: *charges up*
[Dias] ScatteR?
[Snipe] Yes
[Dias] AWWW CRAP!!! 
* Snipe dives to the side
* Gravedigger picks up a rock and chucks it at the guard
* Dias points to the tower
* Velocity dives
[Snipe] Guard: *fires at Dias and Grave*
* Dias leaps up
* Gravedigger dives away
[Snipe] GM: *the ground explodes underneath them*
[Gravedigger] Tower + Guard
[Snipe] Equals boom!
[Dias] Watch out for the tower..I got an idea...*lands in the hole*
[Dias] Yep..
[Dias] We'll just need to stay near the guard long enough..
[Snipe] Guard: *marches towards them*
[Velocity] Are you crazy!?
[Dias] No not really...*blurs towards the Guard*
[Snipe] Tower: *glows bright red and targets the group*
[Snipe] Guard: *grabs Dias and begins to break his bones*
[Snipe] ARGH1
[Dias] OOF!!!...RARRRRR!!!!! *Screams in agony*
* Snipe grabs his arms
* Fera leaps out of nowhere onto the guard's back
[Snipe] AAA!
[Snipe] Tower: *fires at the guard*
[Fera] C'mon, big boy!
[Snipe] Guard: *drops Dias and turns around, nailed by the shot*
[Snipe] Guard: *stands there, sparking, bolts of electricity shooting off of him*
* Dias drops and darts away
[Snipe] Guard: *Falls over*
[Velocity] Whoa!
[Fera] Fun!
[Dias] ...that was...painful...
* Snipe sighs a sigh of relief, holding his side in pain
[Dias] Guess I'm gettin slow..
[Snipe] GM: *the guard rises*
[Snipe] What!?
[Fera] ...
[Snipe] GM: Boss Type: HP - 10,000
[Dias] ....*looks at the guard, holding his ribs* Now what...
[Fera] Meanie! Stay dead!
[Snipe] Guard: *turns around and aims at them*
[Snipe] Tower: *charges up*
[Dias] Any suggestions?
* Fera pounds his fists into the back of the guard's head
[Dias] I sure as hell can't take another beating...
[Gravedigger] Another shot fro mthe tower?
* Snipe aims his hand in Fera's face and fires (10,000 AP blast)
[Dias] Sounds good...
[Snipe] Guard: *advances*
[Snipe] Whoa, IT shot Fera
* Fera pulls his head back
* Snipe runs at the guard
* Snipe leaps up and kicks it
[Snipe] OW!
* Snipe lands on the ground
[Dias] .....*grabs foot*
[Snipe] Tower: *locks onto the others, not Snipe*
[Fera] ...Okay, now I'm pissed! *screeches and starts biting and clawing into its face*
[Snipe] Guard: *raises fist and smashes Fera into Snipe*
[Snipe] Tower: *glows bright red*
* Dias darts towards the Guard
* Velocity dives at the guard
* Fera goes through Snipe
[Snipe] ?!
* Snipe ish it by the fist
[Snipe] OUF!
* Dias slide tackles into the guard
[Snipe] Tower: *fires at the group by the guard*
* Gravedigger spins his shovel and jams it into the back of the guard's leg
[Dias] ARG!!! *grabs his chest while sliding*
[Snipe] ...!
* Snipe dives to the side
* Velocity jumps
[Velocity] Guard: *is hit again---this time, it explodes*
* Dias is flung back by the explosion
[Dias] ARG!!
[Velocity] GM: * the explosion hits Fera, Dias, and Grave*
* Snipe blinks in surprise
* Gravedigger flies back, landing on his feat
[Snipe] Retreat into the woods!
* Fera looks charred.
* Snipe stands up, holding his side in pain
[Fera] ...Fun!
* Snipe limps into the woods
[Dias] ...IF we retreat...then they'll have moredefense...
* Dias stands up
* Fera flies backward
* Velocity races after Snipe, still in pretty good shape
* Dias hobbles towareds the woods
* Snipe leans against a tree
[Snipe] We can't possibly take that fortress on with just the five of us.
[Gravedigger] Okay, I have an idea.
[Dias] We're gonna need help...
[Velocity] Yay.
[Dias] Think there's any groups that are fighting agianst them?
[Gravedigger] We need to build a trap.
[Snipe] ---a trap.
[Dias] ..A trap?!
[Gravedigger] A trap.
[Velocity] Idiot.
* Dias glows a dull green slowly healing his wounds
* Gravedigger takes out his shovel
[Gravedigger] You wanna be the bait? I can arrange it.
[Velocity] Kiss Fera's ass.
[Dias] Yeah...lets just dig a giant hole and we'll lure all the guards there into it...
[Gravedigger] ...Well if YOU can come up with a better idea...
[Snipe] GM: *suddenly three more robot guards leave the fortress*
[Dias] .....*looks at the fortress* Guys...
[Velocity] Oh no!
[Snipe] Oh, great...a trap for these guys?
[Fera] Yea!
[Snipe] Voice: If you want to
[Snipe] Vel, shut up.
[Velocity] I didn't say anything!
[Snipe] Huh?
[Dias] Wuh?
* Snipe looks around in the dark
[Snipe] Voice:  Go.  Now.
[Snipe] Robot Guards: *Advance on their position*
[Dias] Uh where?
[Gravedigger] I really hate disembodied voices.
* Snipe spots a shadow in the fortress
[Snipe] Do we follow it?
[Snipe] NRP: forest
[Gravedigger] When haven't we?
[Dias] Uhh we either take a risk with that or face 3 Robots..
* Gravedigger shrugs and follows
[Velocity] Follow a strange shadow at night in a forest?!
[Fera] This isn't any fun, dammit!
* Snipe runs
* Fera floats
* Dias runs towards the shadow
[Velocity] You IDIOTS!
* Velocity runs after them
[Snipe] Shadow: *runs along a path*
* Snipe runs after him
[Snipe] Robot Guards: *chase after them*
[Snipe] I hate this job!
* Snipe leaps over a tree stump
[Dias] We definetly are building that specialty bar Snipe..
* Snipe suddenly slams face first into a shuttle
[Snipe] OUF!
* Snipe falls back
* Dias slams into Snipe
* Velocity stops
[Snipe] OW!
[Dias] Ooof...
[Dias] Why the hell did yout stop?
[Snipe] Shadow: *Stands off to the side, smoking a cigar* You want to know who's calling the shots in Talon's Trade Empire?
* Snipe leans against the shuttle and looks at the shadow
[Snipe] Huh?
[Snipe] .
* Dias looks at Snipe
[Fera] No.
[Velocity] .
[Gravedigger] ...
[Velocity] Shadow: *shrugs* Alright then.
[Gravedigger] Don't mind him. He's retarded.
[Velocity] Shadow: *blows out a puff of smoke* You won't find what you're looking for here.
[Snipe] ...who are you?
[Velocity] Shadow: That's not important.  What's important to you who's calling the shots, am I right?
* Snipe glances at Dias
* Snipe then looks at Grave
[Gravedigger] Uhh...sure.
[Dias] Yeah..
[Velocity] Shadow: Who you're looking for is Spade.  He's behind this.  IF you find him, you'll find the answers you're looking for.
[Velocity] Shadow: *throws down his cigar, turns, and vanishes into the shadows*
[Snipe] Spade?
[Velocity] Who's that?
* Velocity looks confused
[Dias] you think that the same one..
[Gravedigger] ...Wasn't he dead or something?
[Snipe] Didn't you, Grave, run into him, with Paladin and the rest on the Fury, on some planet?
* Snipe looks at Grave
[Fera] Yea! Zombie! Maybe he's really decomposed and smells like sulfur. Liquidy flesh...
[Gravedigger] Yeah, but he was a vegetable...I thought he was dead by now..
[Snipe] ....hmmmm'
[Snipe] I think we should head back to that planet and see how much of a vegetable our friend Spade really is.
[Dias] ....I guess we should...
[Velocity] -----I'm totally lost.
[Snipe] But who was THAT character?  *nods at the cigar*
[Dias] ....Who do we know that smokes cigars?
[Gravedigger] Dunno, but he seemed kinda like how Wien described Spade as before.
[Gravedigger] ...Don't make me smack you.
[Snipe] Spade smokes cigars.
[Snipe] Steel smokes them.
[Snipe] ---Steel?
[Snipe] GM: *sounds of the guards can be heard*
[Dias] He's dead though isn't he..?
[Velocity] I think we should, uh, like, go.
[Dias] Take the shuttle?
[Snipe] Well, we thought Spade was dead too
[Snipe] Yeah, lets
* Snipe looks in the window and sees Grey asleep
[Snipe] Pfft.
* Snipe opens the door and hops in'
* Fera cries
* Velocity leaps in after him
* Dias leaps in
[Fera] I didn't get to find any dead people!
[Gravedigger] ...
* Gravedigger shoves Fera in
[Snipe] Dias, get us out of here.
[Fera] Ack!
[Dias] Let Velocity fly...*closes eyes, holding his left side*
[Snipe] So, if what this shady character told us is true, Spade is trying to restore Talon's trade empire...but why?
* Velocity grabs the controls and starts it up
[Gravedigger] He's probably working with the aliens.
[Snipe] Spade?  Sink that low?
* Gravedigger shrugs
* Velocity lifts off and flies forward into the night
[Dias] He did try killing us off...and he did work for CorSec
[Gravedigger] He probably has a plan.
[Snipe] ...
[Snipe] And who was that guy down there?
[Dias] I wouldn't be surprised if we were meerly pawns in his game..
[Velocity] This shuttle has hyperspace abilities.  Where should we go?
[Snipe] Origin.
[Snipe] Then we'll head to the planet Grave and the rest found our vegetable friend Spade.
* Velocity flies from the planet, the ships opening fire on him. He opens up the jump and leaps into hyperspace
* Snipe leans back in his seat
[Snipe] I have a bad feeling about this....
[Gravedigger] Wel lduh.
[Snipe] Oh shush.
[Fera] A fight!
[Gravedigger] Keep out of this.
[Snipe] Shut up, Fera!
* Fera hisses
[Dias] Agreed...*breaths deeply*
* Snipe seems to be better off than Dias, despite his pain
[Snipe] Lets rest up.  Because tomorrow, we'll be continuing this little...trip.
[Snipe] Session Ends