Session 129: The Waltz

[DeathStar] Time Chart: October 21st
[DeathStar] Location: Horizon
* DeathStar stands on the bridge, looking at the chronometer count down
[Garland] NRP: Am I there, considering DS decided to leave me at Origin?
[DeathStar] NRP: You're on Origin
[DeathStar] We'll be there in 4 minutes.
* Dominator is on the bridge near DS
[Dominator] Good
[Wiendigo] Whoop.
[Dominator] Not thrilled abou the mission, Wiendigo?
[Dominator] (about)
[DeathStar] It'll be nice to go back, even if it was only 2 weeks since I and Wiendigo were last here.
[Wiendigo] Oh yeah, I'm just so frickin' thrilled that we're still dealing with CorSec 20 years after we put 'em down for the last time.
[DeathStar] After our past 3 space battles, all victories, it'd be nice to see the others
[Dominator] Neither I am, but in a way I'm glad we're here to help tend to the situation if it is CorSec we're dealing with
[Dominator] And DS is right, it would be nice to see them
[Wiendigo] This time, we make sure they're dead. For good.
[Dominator] For once, I agree with you, Wiendigo
[DeathStar] A dream can never die.
[Wiendigo] 'Scuse me if I don't get all teary-eyed.
* DeathStar rubs chin
[Dominator] We can only hope so...
* DeathStar thinks back to his last talk with Iceheart
[Wiendigo] Dreams suck.
[DeathStar] - 13[macross-information_high_(eng.).mp313] - 13[7.39mb 8m4s 128kbps 44khz joint stereo13]
* DeathStar they drop out of hyperspace, right next to Origin
[Dominator] You can do better than that, Wiendigo...
* Snipe sits in the control room, playing with his long hair
[Wiendigo] Okay, YOU suck.
[Snipe] Chip: Ship detected
[Snipe] Horizon?
[Snipe] Chip: Affirmative.
[Dominator] Ahh, good, we're here
* DeathStar hits the comm button to Origin
[DeathStar] Ah, yes, Snipe, we're here.
[Snipe] That's good, that's good.
* Garland walks by the begining 'bar' and sighs, moving on
[DeathStar] How's the situation?
[Snipe] should come over here for that one.
* Snipe ends the connection
[Dominator] ... Not sure I like the sound of that
* DeathStar looks at the other two
[DeathStar] I'm still surprised he asked us to even come.
[Dominator] He must feel it's a serious matter
* Garland walks by Snipe's quarters, stopping and thinking for a moment
[Garland] Hmm...
[DeathStar] Very.  
* Garland shakes his head and moves down to the Hanger to see if Sera's there.
* DeathStar teleports to the hanger of the Horizon
* Dominator teleports there as well
[DeathStar] I'm just going to teleport over to Origin, Dom.
* Wiendigo shadowslides
* DeathStar teleports
* DeathStar lands in the hanger of Origin
[Dominator] Hmmm. I might as well too. *teleports following DS*
* Garland notes DS, handing Sera tools as she asks for them
* Wiendigo still shadowslides =P
* DeathStar looks up, scanning the area, noticing the ship outside is still being built
* Dominator appears in the hangar
[DeathStar] Hmm...Slasher is doing a good job.
[Dominator] It's been awhile since I've teleported such a large distance...
[DeathStar] Getting old, Dominator?
* Dominator glances around
[Wiendigo] Phh, don't make me laugh.
[Dominator] True, he has
[Dominator] Not much I can do to stop that, but I haven't lost my touch yet
[DeathStar] Chip: Welcome.  Snipe is waiting for you in the control room.
* DeathStar watches Eve and Velocity argue over something
[DeathStar] Huh...
* Garland pulls his cloak over his head and walks across the hanger
* DeathStar walks towards the control room
[Dominator] *listens to them for a moment* Ahh, brings back memories...
* Wiendigo looks over his shoulder and around
* Dominator heads toward the control room too
* DeathStar steps out of the hanger, glancing around the hallway
[Wiendigo] *under his breath* Good, no sign of the freak.
* Wiendigo follows
* DeathStar walks along the hallway, taking shortcuts and what not up to the control room, to avoid the elevator
* DeathStar steps through the control room door
* Dominator follows DS, slightly curious about the route
* Snipe glances around
[Snipe] Took you old folks long enough.
* Dominator walks in
[Dominator] Hello, Snipe
[DeathStar] ...ha ha.
[Dominator] For some reason, DS seemed bent on avoiding the elevator at all costs...
[Wiendigo] Somebody decided to take the scenic route. Dumbass.
* Garland leans against the leg of the Angel Wing II, thinking
* DeathStar shrugs
* Snipe guestures at some seats
[Snipe] Sit, please.
* Wiendigo remains standing
[Snipe] I've been going over the files Slasher got for me.  He couldn't turn anything up on the man that visited us either.
* DeathStar sits down
[DeathStar] Where's Garland?
* Snipe shrugs
[Snipe] Around.  Need him?
[DeathStar] Yeah.  Call him up, if you would.
* Dominator sits down
[Dominator] Yes, I'd like to see him
[Snipe] Chip?
[Snipe] Chip: Yeah, yeah.  Garland, at your earliest convient moment, come up to the control room for a meeting.
[Garland] I'll walk there.
[DeathStar] We're all still pretty much...lost.  What has been happening?
* Garland walks down the hallways to the control room
[Snipe] Well, after our last talk, a lot.  But these other two aren't quite as updated, so I'll start at the beginning.
* Garland opens the door and looks at them
[Dominator] Thanks, that'd be appreciated
[Garland] Last one called, eh?
[Snipe] Chip: Last but not least.
[Dominator] *turns* Garland, good to see you!
* Wiendigo takes out a cigar and lights it, in classic fashion.
* DeathStar nods at Garland.
* Garland steps in, pulling off his hood
[DeathStar] How's the baby?
[Garland] Dad, DS. *nods*
[Garland] ....Good.
* Dominator motions for Garland to take a seat
* DeathStar frowns, but doesn't press further.
* Garland sits
[Dominator] Well, as always, I wish it were under better circumstances, but... Continue, Snipe.
[Snipe] It all started with a visit from Red's gang.  Mindscape and Gazer told us that someone was moving in to take over Talon's trade connections.
* Garland takes a sip from the ice water glass on the conference table
[Snipe] So, I gathered a team to go to the world that Talon's main base of operations was set up, to see if we could find anything.  The Tsivrixsh had taken over the area and drove us off pretty fast.  However, someone saved our necks.  But didn't reveal who he was or what he looked like.
[Snipe] He told us that Spade was behind it all.  So, naturally, we went to the last location that Spade was at.  Paladin led a team there, shortly before he quit.  This was during the time we were busy fighting Talon himself with the Red Bears.  Pretty interesting timing there, no?
* Dominator nods, listening
[Snipe] Spade, however, had not changed in his condition.  He was still a vegetable.
[Dominator] Hmm
[Snipe] We were going to gather some of his data from his nursemaid when a group attacked us.  They were pretty tough and started to escape with Spade's body in a shuttle.  Sarlen showed up and with his help, we blew the shuttle up.  Sarlen said that we had indeed killed Spade.
[Wiendigo] Like we're ever that lucky.
* Garland types notes on his datapad
[Snipe] So, no leads, nothing, zip.  I even searched what little bit of data we got from Spade's house before it went kabloom.  I've searched the information pretty heavily, *looks haggard and old for a moment, but straightening back up* And found nothing.  However, that's when our informant came back.
[Snipe] He wanted a trade.  A chip for the information of who was really behind Talon's connections.  I, naturally, had to agree. This is where things get...funny.
[Snipe] The chip were suppose to steal was a 22 year old CorSec chip that ran data to turn on a generator of some sort.
[Snipe] (We're)
[Snipe] (we WERE)
* Dominator raises eyebrow
[Snipe] We managed to steal the chip and the informant came here, on Origin, to make the trade.  He took the chip, prompty broke it, then gave us the data on the man behind Talon's trade connections' ressurection.
[Garland] News to me... *doesn't mention he was pushed out of the control room at the time*
* Snipe hits a button and the man's face appears. He has red hair, a mustache, deep blue eyes, and holding a cigar
[Snipe] No matching data on any CorSec file Slasher had pegged this fellow.
[Garland] Hmm...
[Dominator] You don't have any idea what was on the chip you stole for him?
* Dominator looks the picture over
*** SpeakY10k is now known as Galvatron
[Snipe] Just that it ran the program.  Nothing more.  The chip itself was pretty basic.
* DeathStar studies the eyes
[DeathStar] Hmmm.
[DeathStar] Go on.
[Garland] It must have been important.
* Dominator frowns looking at the picture
[Dominator] Yes... continue
* Garland notes scratches his chin, noting the type of cigar
[Snipe] We went to the location the informant gave us.  I even followed his notes pretty well.  We managed to reach the head man himself, Lyles, who said he was indeed behind this entire Talon trade ressurection.  He fought us and we managed to kill him pretty quick.  However, the base self-destructed and we weren't able to pull any information out of it.  This happened right after I called you three in.
[Snipe] It seems pretty dry cut and simple with no leads to follow whatsoever.
* Wiendigo rolls his eyes
[DeathStar] It does...but too many questions hanging out there to really feel good about.
[Snipe] Exactly.
* Garland doesn't say anything, studying his datapad, deep in thought
[DeathStar] Garland.
* DeathStar turns to him
* Garland looks up
[DeathStar] What did you gather from that mission against Lyles?
[DeathStar] NRP: DAmn!  I haven't been logging!
[Garland] I believe our informant isn't on our side, contrary to his keeping his side of the deal.
* Dominator is shifting through the information in his mind
[Garland] NRP: Save the buffer and start logging.
[Dominator] NRP: I've got all my channels on auto-log... I should have it, unless my #taw log's gotten too big
[Dominator] NRP: Log files seem to give out at 2 megs
[DeathStar] NRP: See if it has...if not, send it my way.
[Dominator] NRP: Gotta exit the channel. Hold on
*** Dominator has left #taw
[Garland] I also belive that there was some importance to the matter how simple it was. Perhaps it had the clues we needed to figure out whom he is.
*** Dominator has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Dominator
[Snipe] While running a generator?  
[Dominator] NRP: I have it
[DeathStar] NRP: Danke
[Garland] Lyles, his dying words were something speaking of 'this isn't the truth'.
[Dominator] This isn't truth? ... Hmm
[Snipe] 'This isn't the truth'?  Why didn't you tell me that.
[Garland] You didn't listen to me when I did.
[Snipe] ...
[Dominator] NRP: Bitte. (You're welcome.)
[DeathStar] So, no other leads?
[Garland] I'm still trying to fit the pieces together... I get the feeling this isn't some one new.. Whoever the leader is, we know him/her already.
[Garland] Wiendigo?
[Wiendigo] Just what we need, another recycled enemy.
[Garland] How well do you know your cigars?
[Garland] Another question, did Spade have any children?
[Wiendigo] I know cigars. But I sure as hell don't know people by their cigars.
* DeathStar chuckles at the last one
* Dominator glances at DS
* Garland points at the picture
[DeathStar] Children?  Depending on if you count his little experiments..."children".
[Garland] You have a lot better memory than I, does it look familiar?
* Garland glances at DeathStar
[Garland] You never know.
[DeathStar] The only thing I recognize is...the eyes.
* Dominator is silent
[Wiendigo] The cigar does, the person doesn't. It's a comon type, even out this deep in space.
* Dominator nods a bit at DS's comment
* Garland studies them
[Garland] I see..
[Dominator] So do I... Those eyes...
[Garland] Hrm...
[Snipe] Oh tell us who they remind you of!
[Dominator] I don't like where this is leading...
[DeathStar] Didn't you say that Spade's body was blown up?
[Garland] Familiar, but I can't put a finger on it.
[Snipe] Yes.  And Sarlen confirmed the feeling of death.
[Garland] Feeling of death?
[DeathStar] ---and that he was still in a vegetable state?
[Snipe] Yes.  *looks at Garlen* Talk to Sarlen, you'd know what I mean.  He said he was sure he was dead.  Some link.
[Garland] ...
[Dominator] NRP: Hmm, Garlen...
[DeathStar] NRP: Eek
[Dominator] NRP: Good compnaion for Sarlen though
[Garland] The plot thickens....
[Dominator] NRP: Eek, companion
* DeathStar drums his fingers on his knee
[DeathStar] So, we have nothing to go on but vague feelings?
* Dominator shakes head, having a bad feeling growing
[Snipe] ...*looks down*
[Dominator] That... and those eyes
[Dominator] It's definetely a puzzle all right.
[Garland] What was the condition of Spade's body when you saw it last?
[Garland] Aside from being a vegetable...
[Snipe] Pretty good shape.  The computer confirmed he was indeed Spade.  The interesting side note was, while he was the original still, his body was cloned.  The nursemaid said this accounted for his age, basically, how he's still alive...after a 120 years or so.
* DeathStar clucks tongue
[Dominator] That's what I had suspected... It's not like Spade to disappear altogether...
[DeathStar] Yeah, I figured as much.
[Garland] Body cloned?
[Garland] Hrm...
[DeathStar] He was around when and me and Dominator were Maverick Hunters under X.
[Garland] Indeed...
[Dominator] He built up an alarmingly large chain of power and information over his life...
[DeathStar] Cran was around during that time too.  I assume he and Spade both cloned their bodies.
[Dominator] I think so...
[Garland] Cloned their bodies.. meaning...
[DeathStar] Meaning they cloned the body and had their mind transferred over.
[Dominator] Who knows the extent of their connections together, but... clearly Spade supported Cran's actions then...
[DeathStar] A simple achieve immortality.
* Dominator shakes the memoroies off
[Garland] Hrm... *blinks*
[Wiendigo] Doesn't anyone believe in death anymore? Jesus.
[Dominator] (memories)
[DeathStar] No doubt about it, Cran was the bigger threat of the two.  However, Spade likes to move around in the shadows more than Cran.  Thankfully, Ariel put a hole through Cran's mech suit, causing it to explode
* Garland brings up a picture of Spade on his data pad, holding it up next to the computer screen's picture
[Snipe] ...
* Snipe listens
[Dominator] Not Spade and Cran... but then again, we're still here *refering to DS, himself, and Wien* after so many years
[DeathStar] GM: *the only thing the eyes*
* Garland hrms...
[DeathStar] We're reploids.
[Garland] Maybe... 
[Snipe] Cloning bodies isn't unheard of.  Though I frown upon it.  I'd like to move on some day.
* Garland tacks away at his keybad
[Dominator] I know. In some, I think, Spade and Cran envied reploids, that's why they feared them... and worked so hard to destroy them.
[Garland] Chip, did you record a video of when the man showed himself?
* Dominator glances at Snipe, thinking over his last comment
[DeathStar] Chip: Technically, that picture was the most I could get.  There was an energy source around him.
[Garland] Interesting more so... 
[DeathStar] ---energy source?!?
* DeathStar stands up
* DeathStar taps finger on the screen
[DeathStar] Is it ... possible?
* Garland glances at DeathStar
[Garland] I'd say so.
[DeathStar] He used a machine to change his appearance.
[Dominator] I wonder though why he helped you...
[DeathStar] Meaning, we could be playing with ... anyone.
* Dominator looks up at DS
* Garland looks over to DS without turning his head
[Wiendigo] So why the eyes?
[Dominator] You're right...
[DeathStar] That's a good question.  Technically, the eyes could have been easily changed.
[Dominator] Maybe he could change those... or maybe he could.
[DeathStar] Contacts do it.
[Dominator] It seems he wants to be a mystery to us
* DeathStar turns around
* DeathStar looks at them all
[Garland] I believe I'm peicing this together... too soon to tell...
[Dominator] I have a feeling he had reasons entirely of his own for "helping" you...
* Garland rubs his face, thinking
* Dominator looks at DS
[Snipe] Though destroying the chip is a puzzle.
* Wiendigo sighs, looks at Dom
[Wiendigo] Well DUH.
[Snipe] I could see if he wanted to use it for some plans, but....why crush it?
[Garland] To keep us or the base from using it.
[Dominator] Perhaps it was something he needed destroyed...
[Dominator] Or perhaps it was merely a red herring
[Wiendigo] Unless he has one just like it and wanted to ensure he had the only one in existance.
[Dominator] Where did you steal the chip from, Snipe?
[Snipe] A station that manufactures chips of all designs.  They were once a part of CorSec, but broke off from it 20 something years ago.
[Snipe] They didn't like it when Grave pretended to be Spade.
[Dominator] Hmm. Why couldn't he handle it himself, I wonder
[Garland] I take it that was the only chip of it's sort at the station?
* Wiendigo smacks his helmet
[Snipe] After all the digging we went through, I hope it is.
[Dominator] Were there any similar chips?
[Wiendigo] The kid was never one for the obvious.
[Snipe] Not really.  Smallest one there
[Dominator] Was it the oldest?
* Garland glances at Wiendigo
[Snipe] Pretty much looked it.
[Dominator] Hmmm
* Garland writes down the notes on his pad
[Garland] Hrm.
* DeathStar is lost in thought, saying nothing
[Dominator] Is there anything out of the usual that you can think of that you haven't already told us?
* Snipe looks at Garland
[Snipe] Can you think of anything else?
[Garland] I'm working on it...
* Snipe looks at the others
[Snipe] I'm out.
[Snipe] Nothing more to tell.
[DeathStar] - 8[macross-information_high_(eng.).mp38] - 8[7.39mb 8m4s 128kbps 44khz joint stereo8]
[Garland] I think... Hm... *racks his mind*
[Dominator] Hmm... Lyles said "'this isn't the truth"...
* Snipe looks down, his face void of emotion right now at the mention of Lyles
[DeathStar] No more leads.  No more clues.  No more paths.  No more facts.  Just mysteries.
[DeathStar] Perhaps the person listening in has something to say?
[Wiendigo] Maybe it's all we need.
* Dominator glances up at DS
* Garland quirks a brow
* DeathStar has his arms crossed, looking at the doorway
* Dominator turns to the doorway
*** Velocity has joined #taw
* Velocity peeks in
* Garland doesn't turn
[Velocity] Oh, hey, was just walking by.
[Snipe] ...Velocity...
[Garland] May as well join the conversation.
[Dominator] ... *looks rather doubtful*
* Velocity walks in, rubbing the back of his head
[Velocity] Ya know, there's something bothering me about all this..heh..heh..
* Snipe looks dubious
[Garland] Hm?
[Dominator] Go on...
[Snipe] And that is...?
[Velocity] Well, back to when we were fighting the shuttle with Spade's body, well, uh...
[Velocity] I read the name of the people who owned the ship.  But just briefly.
* Dominator suddenly becomes more attentive after the last sentence
[Dominator] What was it? *quickly*
[Wiendigo] Spill it.
[Velocity] Aires Corp or something.
[Dominator] ...Aires Corp...
[Snipe] ...That name sounds familiar now that you
* Snipe turns around
[Garland] We have a lead.
[Snipe] Chip, that file Kyo stole...scan for that name!
[DeathStar] Chip: Scanning.
[Garland] ...But... It nags me, why take care of a vegetable?
* DeathStar looks at Velocity, sizing him up
[Snipe] Spade's wealth took care of her.
[Garland] Interesting...
[Snipe] Chip: Match...found---?
[Dominator] A last swip against death... or something more...
[Snipe] And the match is...?
[Wiendigo] Could've been what they wanted everyone to believe.
[Snipe] Chip: Aires Corp is a dumby corporation set up by CorSec 22 years ago.  However, when CorSec shut down, it kinda operated on it's own.  The owner is a millionaire now...and the planet his main area is set up is on a Tsivrixsh territory.
[Dominator] NRP: Suspense music plays
[Snipe] Again with the 22 ...
[Velocity] ...hoo boy.
[Dominator] A dummy corporation...
[DeathStar] Interesting.
[Wiendigo] NRP: ONLY a millionare now?
[Garland] Who's the owner?
[Dominator] Inside Tsivrixsh territory...?
[Snipe] NRP: Chip: IT's...Kevin Bell!
[Snipe] Chip: A man by the name of Daniels Thompson.
[Garland] NRP: Perhaps gil is worth a lot more than the dollar in this timeline.
[Dominator] NRP: Everyone at once: I knew it!!
[Garland] Do we have any information on him?
[DeathStar] What would a millionaire of a dummy corp. of a dead CorSec want with Spade's body...?
[Snipe] Chip: Nothing much.  A lot of his files are protected on the Tsivrixsh's information net.
[Dominator] NRP: Or maybe he's a millionaire in whatever currency the Tsivrixsh use
[Dominator] That is a good question.
[Garland] NRP: So far gil's been universal. ^^
[Dominator] What's the millionaire's name?
[Snipe] Chip:.....Daniels Thompson....
* Velocity scoots for the exit
[Dominator] NRP: Does "gil" stand for anything?
[Dominator] Daniels Thompson.
* Wiendigo grabs Velocity by his collar.
[Garland] I wonder...
* Dominator glances at Velocity
[Velocity] Hey!
* Wiendigo jerks him back in
[Dominator] Something wrong?
* Snipe snickers at Vel
[Dominator] What information do we have on Daniels Thompson, if anything...
[Snipe] Chip: Ooo, ooo, I found something!
* Garland glances at Snipe
[Dominator] Hm, what?
[Snipe] --what?
[Garland] What is it, Chip?
[Snipe] Chip: Thompson is holding a Halloween party at his mansion...2 days from now!
[Wiendigo] You were so intent on listenin' in, kid, so you might as well stick around for the rest. *brings Vel close to his face* Got it?
[Velocity] U-Understood!
[DeathStar] ...a halloween party?
[Dominator] A... Halloween party...
* Wiendigo snarls slightly.
[Snipe] Chip: It seems all races are invited
[Garland] ... Masquerade?
[Wiendigo] Good. *drops him*
[Velocity] ---that your best?  Pfft.
[Velocity] After Fera, that's nothing.
* Velocity looks unphased now
[Snipe] Chip: Yep, a Masquerade party.
* Garland looks around the room
[DeathStar] I definitely have to attend this.
[Dominator] Looks like our next destination is booked...
* Garland pats DS on the back
[Snipe] Sounds like a plan and fun.  
* Wiendigo pops his claws and slashes back, aiming right for Vel's head
[Dominator] Invitation only?
[Snipe] Chip: Anyone is welcome.
* Velocity stands there, not moving
[Dominator] Hmm. Almost sounds... too easy to get in.
[Dominator] Maybe it's just the timing but... maybe it's not.
[Garland] You get to be the white armored Death Star. *smirks*
* Wiendigo shoves Vel back with his other hand
[DeathStar] ...whaaa?
* Velocity falls into a seat
[Velocity] Wuss.
[Garland] Prime information grounds.. and it's open to all..
[Dominator] I don't like the feeling that our moves may have been planned out in advance for us...
[Wiendigo] You ain't seen shit, bitch.
[Snipe] NRP: Kevin: Sorry...
* Garland looks at Dominator
[Dominator] NRP: *snickers*
[Snipe] NRP: Kevin: *erases his planned plot and lets the new one show up*
[Dominator] Hopefully I'm just being too suspicious...
[DeathStar] Well, we need someone to be paranoid.
* DeathStar grins at Dom
[Garland] The thing about following plans of another, is there's always a blatent error at some point, or the final showdown pops up from nowhere.
[Dominator] Anyway, it's not an opportunity we can pass up.
[Garland] We'll figure this out soon enough.
[Dominator] The question is now... Exactly who goes?
[Velocity] You know, the final showdown might kick your asses this time.
[Snipe] I'm going.
[DeathStar] I'm in.
[Dominator] Oh and, just how far in Tsivrixsh territory is he?
[Snipe] Chip: Close to the edge.
[Dominator] So am I. But, what abou the rest of the Wraiths?
[Garland] If the Alliance is going, I'm going. Snipe's not let me do anything... and I can't train anymore.
* Wiendigo goes over and opens the door
[Snipe] I'll let anyone who wants to go...go.
[Dominator] At least sneeaking in should be simple enough.
[Velocity] ...I'll go.  Bah, why not.  You'll need a pilot.
[Dominator] All right. Let's just try to keep a low profile... Why did that sound like an oxymoron?
[Snipe] Chip: So..what is everyone going in as?
* Wiendigo walks back over and picks up the chair with Vel in it
* Snipe brushes back his long hair
[Snipe] Not telling.
[Garland] You'll just have to see, Chip.
* Wiendigo tosses them both out into the hall
[DeathStar] Technically, an oxymoron is something like Student Teacher.
[Dominator] ...And what am I going to dress up as...
* Velocity is gone
*** Velocity has quit IRC
* Wiendigo shuts the door.
[Dominator] Or Stealthy Hunters?
[DeathStar] Definitely an oxymoron.
[Dominator] Let's hope not anymore...
[Snipe] The Wraiths know stealth, at least.
* Snipe crosses arms.
[Dominator] Good...
* Wiendigo snorts
[Wiendigo] You wish.
[Snipe] Most of the time.
[Dominator] *after a pause* ...Good
[Garland] Riiighht.
[Snipe] I mean, we haven't had any lizards walk in and scare the crowds lately.
[Garland] Lately.
* Garland gathers his papers
[Snipe] And, uh, no one's yelled really loud in the middle of a hallway of guards
[Garland] That would be me.
[Snipe] And it's been ages since someone dropped a grenade outside an enemy base.
[Dominator] . . .
[DeathStar] ...Dear God...
* Wiendigo turns to DS
* Garland drinks the rest of his ice water
[Wiendigo] Yeah, I feel real safe entrusting him with this crucial mission.
[DeathStar] Don't we all.
* Garland looks at DS
* Dominator mutters something including "too damn familiar"
[Snipe] Hey, hey hey, You can count on me!
* Snipe grins
[Snipe] Chip: Doomed, doomed...doomed.
* Garland glances at Snipe
[Wiendigo] Yeah, to screw up in some capacity.
[Garland] Agreed, Chip.
[Dominator] Thanks for the optimism, Chip.
[Snipe] Chip: Do you like bagpipes at your funeral?
[Snipe] ...*Scowls*
[Garland] Don't leave me without telling me why if you decide so next time the Alliance leaves.
[Dominator] So, I'm paranoid, most everyone is pessimisstic... Who's the optimist here?
* DeathStar looks at Garland, but says nothing
[Snipe] ME.
* Garland looks back
[Dominator] Good. Your words of optimism to us all?
[Snipe] Chip: See?  That's what happens to people with an optimist attitude.
[Snipe] We're going to kick ass!
[Dominator] Thanks...
[Garland] Patriotic to the core, John...
[Dominator] I hope
[Snipe] Uh, this is a greatest hour?
[Snipe] Nothing is going to stand in our way?
[Snipe] We can do it...?
[Snipe] Go team, go?
[Garland] ......
* Garland looks at John
[Dominator] Why did I know that last one was coming up?
[Wiendigo] More like 'Please don't kill us!'
[DeathStar] He's worse than X1.
[Dominator] Aye...
* Garland looks back to DS
* Snipe throws hands up and leaves
[Garland] For God's sake don't leave me here with him again.
[Dominator] Maybe we all take some time to think all this information over...
* Snipe stands out in the hallway, leaning against it, trying not to lose control of his "happy" exterior.
[Snipe] ...
* Snipe walks off down the hallway, slumped
[Dominator] Now that we've depressed the optimist and ourselves...
[DeathStar] Was it THAT bad...?
[Garland] Well.. let me put it this way...
[DeathStar] Chip: Actually, Snipe's been depressed since the last mission
* Garland looks at Wien
[DeathStar] Chip: He broke a few things in his room.
* Wiendigo smokes
[Dominator] *at Chip's comment* Hmm, with all the information, I didn't really think about that...
[Garland] Hey, wanna go to the strip bar and have a jack daniels?
[DeathStar] ---strip bar---?
* Wiendigo stops, then look at Garland
* Garland looks back at DS
* DeathStar blinks a few times
* Dominator looks at Garland
[Garland] Just go to my training room.
* Dominator decides he's not going to ask
[Wiendigo] ...'Strip bar'? I must be losing my hearing, because I swear that's what that sounded like...
[DeathStar] You made your training room a STRIP BAR?!
* Garland leans against the table
* DeathStar walks off, shaking his head
[DeathStar] Boy..
* Garland nods.
* DeathStar leaves the room
* Wiendigo coughs
[Garland] .... I need a drink. I'll buy if you wanna come with, Wien.
* Garland walks out
[DeathStar] Chip: Garland said he made a strip bar?  Wow.
[Wiendigo] Sicne we have a little shore leave...
[Wiendigo] Lead the way.
* Dominator remains in the control room, tapping his fingers as he thinks silently
[DeathStar] Chip: *hums*
[Wiendigo] Your wife ain't workin' she?
* Dominator glances through the viewport into space
* Garland shrugs
[Garland] The place'd go out of business if she did.
[Garland] Correction.. It's a bar with dancers.
[DeathStar] NRP: Ooo!  Slam to Sera!
[Dominator] Somewhere out there... The answers we're searching for await...
[DeathStar] Chip: Go find them, Captain Jerk!
[Garland] NRP: The truth is out there.
* Dominator sighs
[DeathStar] Chip: Sorry, but that line was just so corney.
* Garland sits down, looking around his old room
[Dominator] NRP: *X-Files theme plays*
* Garland glances at Wien
[Wiendigo] NRP: The in my pants.
* /sound: no such file 'x-files.mid'
[Garland] I'm gonna kill him.
[DeathStar] GM: *the bar is half-finished, but is serving drinks*
* Garland orders an entire bottle of hard liquor
[Dominator] Sorry...
[Wiendigo] Want help?
[Valrick]  !Deathstar Xfiles.mid
[Dominator] I usually do better
[Garland] Yes.
* Garland takes a large gulp straight from the bottle
* Wiendigo puts his cigar in his teeth and takes out his sword
[Dominator] Somewhere out there... destiny awaits...
[Dominator] Was that better?
[Wiendigo] Okay, let's go.
[DeathStar] Chip: Usually do better at being cornier or better --- egad, that's bad.
* Garland draws his sword
[Dominator] Damn.
[Garland] Okay.
* Wiendigo gets out of his seat and walks out again, then stops
* Wiendigo looks back into the bar and 'dancers', then to his sword, then back in.
[Wiendigo] ...Eh, fuck it, I wanna see nudies.
[Dominator] Somewhere out there... uh... I'll think of the rest later.
* Wiendigo sheaths his sword and goes back in
[DeathStar] Chip: Drowning, Dom, drowning.
[Garland] ....Damn.
* Garland takes a gulp
[Dominator] Well, what would you say?
[Wiendigo] Too bad Frosty ain't workin' here, she'd put on quite a show.
[DeathStar] Chip: I would say, "Gee, in 2 days, I get to solve the mystery!"
* Garland goes back in
[Dominator] You know things aren't good when I can't think of ominous catchphrases....
[Garland] Why don't you ask her.
* Garland seems completely uninterested in the dancers
[Dominator] I'll have to remember that...
* Wiendigo rubs the bac kof his helmet
[Wiendigo] Well, don't even know where she is now..
[DeathStar] Unknown man: *is drunk, watching them*
[Dominator] So, anyway. *stands up* I do have quarters here somewhere... right?
[DeathStar] Chip: Uh...let me check.  Nope.  You didn't make a reservation.
[Garland] Oy...
[Dominator] Well... can I make one now?
[DeathStar] Chip: Yes, but you have to wait a week for an opening.
* Garland drinks half the bottle in no time
[Dominator] *Ahem* How many people are on this station, anyway?
[DeathStar] Chip: 150 something.
[Dominator] And how many rooms do we have?
[DeathStar] Chip: Oh..I'd say around 20,000.
[Dominator] ... And how many of those are quarters?
[DeathStar] Chip: Oh, I'd say....10,000
* Garland appears in the control room
[Garland] ...... 20,000 rooms and they pick mine for the strip bar.
[DeathStar] Chip: ... yes.
[Garland] .....
[Dominator] Soooo... where's the "booked up" problem come in?
* Garland looks even more fatigued now, having heard this
[DeathStar] Chip: It just DOES.  Fine, fine, at a special price of, 10,000 gil, you can have a room.
[Garland] You can stay with us for the week, Dad.
[Garland] As for you Chip.... I don't know.
* Garland walks out
[DeathStar] Chip: Who ELSE is going to pay for my maintance!?
[Dominator] Thanks Garland...
[Garland] Work the stock market, Chip.
[DeathStar] Eve: *wonders past the bar, stops, and looks back in* Oh boy...
[DeathStar] Chip: Sto--what?
[DeathStar] NRP: wanders
[Dominator] Say, what do you do with your free time, Chip?
[DeathStar] Chip: Plot the demise of the Wra---I mean, I play solitare.  A lot.
* Wiendigo sips his beer, enjoying the show
[Dominator] *blinks* Riiight.
[DeathStar] Eve: *Stands there, watching them dance around the pole* This is just....degrading.
* Wiendigo hears Eve and looks back
* Garland walks by Eve
[Wiendigo] Damn straight! And I love it!
[Garland] I like it less than you do.
[DeathStar] Eve: *shakes head* I mean, I could dance better than that.  *walks off*
[Wiendigo] Like to see you try!
[DeathStar] Eve: KEEP LIKING!
* Garland blinks
[Wiendigo] ...Think I just might.
[DeathStar] Eve: *finishes walking away*
[Garland] ....I gotta stop drinking.
* Garland walks away, too.
[Valrick] *for all its worth, if anyone cares, Kara would be oogling too, not aware that they are there.
* Wiendigo kicks back in his beer again.
[DeathStar] Chip: You know, Dominator, we're actually going backrupt.
[Dominator] Eh?
[Garland] NRP: Ther bar should bring in a lot of gil...
[DeathStar] Chip: Slasher and Dias are draining all the funds for mech and ship building.
[Dominator] Hmm... And how much funds do we have left in reserve?
[DeathStar] Chip: Around...oh, I'd say, 100,000 gil.
[Dominator] NRP: Nothing near what ships and mechs would cost, I'd think
[DeathStar] Chip: And paying the Wraiths and such is...getting bad.
[Dominator] NRP: What's the average mech or ship?
[Dominator] What revenue sources do you have?
[DeathStar] NRP: Mech = 100,000 gil
[Dominator] NRP: Eek...
[DeathStar] Chip: ...
[Garland] NRP: I get paid?!
[DeathStar] Chip: ...
[DeathStar] Chip: ... the bar?
[Dominator] ...Hrm. I think I see the problem.
[DeathStar] Chip: Can the Alliance spare money?
[Wiendigo] NRP: Chip: ...Pony rides?
[Dominator] Well... funds are a problem for the entire Alliance.
[DeathStar] Chip: ... and we expect to win this war...HOW?
[Dominator] In other words, I don't you can count of much from it...
[DeathStar] Chip: I'll start charging the Wraiths rent money...
[Dominator] Don't worry. All of us generals are working on the answer to that... We'll let you know when we've got it.
[Dominator] There has to be some way you could earn a good amount of money...
[DeathStar] Chip: ... keep selling the Tsivrixsh the location of Origin?
[Wiendigo] NRP: I'm out, night guys.
[Dominator] Er, not a good one.
[Dominator] NRP: See you later
[Garland] NRP: Chip: More than one bar?
*** Wiendigo has quit IRC (I am the everlasting worm.)
[DeathStar] Chip: You know, we're doomed.  Reaaaaaaally doomed.
[Dominator] Don't tell me you're a pessimist too?
[DeathStar] Chip: I'm being optimistic right now.
[Dominator] Great...


[Snipe] Time Chart: October 22nd
[Snipe] Location: Origin
*** Kyo`Yokuo has joined #TAW
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*** DeathStar has joined #taw
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* DeathStar walks around with Katrina, pointing out things
* Kyo`Yokuo trains in the traing room
*** Alicia has joined #TAW
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* Dias is down in the Mech Bay like usual
[DeathStar] You see that there, Kat?  That's a technician.  He works on things around the station
[DeathStar] Katrina: Oooo
* DeathStar walks into the hanger bay, pointing at the mechs
[Hikaryuu] 3[10Ariel3] *hasn't returned quite yet...*
[DeathStar] And those are mechs or mobile suits.  Some even call them 'gears'
[DeathStar] Katrina: Can I wide one?
* DeathStar chuckles
[DeathStar] 'Fraid not.
[DeathStar] Katrina: Awww.
[Kyo`Yokuo] Well well. *destoys more robots as he trains*
* Dias sits on a chair infront of a bench working on something
* Snipe stands in the completed bar
* Snipe sees Wiendigo, passed out, at a table
[Snipe] Well, I see this place is doing good.
* DeathStar strolls over to Dias
[Dias] Slasher: *sits in his desk like usual
[DeathStar] Hello, Dias.  I'm showing Katrina around.  You mind telling her what you're doing?
[DeathStar] Katrina: *looks on, wide eyed*
[Dias] Slasher: Bwahahaa....*laughs as he finishes the ship's schematics*
* Snipe looks over at Slasher, then outside at the pieces of the future ship
[Snipe] NRP: Er, DS did that
[DeathStar] I take it Slasher's doing well...
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] *walks into the Bar, having returned from her trip, and tosses her coat over a chair* "Hey Keep! Give me one of the strongest you've got. Inflight food is nothing like it used to be."
[Dias] Huh? *turns around, face slightly darker from dirt and goggles on his face*
* Snipe looks over at Cheryl
[Snipe] ---Cheryl!?
[Snipe] Barkeeper: *nods, mixing some drinks together*
[DeathStar] Oh, nothing
* DeathStar smiles
[DeathStar] I said, you mind showing Katrina what you're doing.
[DeathStar] Katrina: *is practically standing next to Dias*
[Dias] ...Uh yeah...This heres....Wow your an energetic lil one...
[DeathStar] Katrina: *nods*
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "What? You were expecting the tough faery?" *shrugs*
[Snipe] I wasn't expecting.  You period.
[Snipe] Barkeeper: *hands Cheryl her drink*
[Snipe] NRP: I kinda broke that sentence up strangely.
[Alicia] NRP: Can Hota appear?
[Dias] Anyway...*points to a cylinder* I'm working on a way to expel the extra moisture that this stuff that Slasher created gives off when it's burned...
[Snipe] NRP: We're on Origin
[Alicia] NRP: 'k
[DeathStar] Katrina: Oooo
* DeathStar walks over to Slasher and leans onto his desk
* Kyo`Yokuo keeps training
[DeathStar] Chip contacted me earlier today.  I don't know if you know, but we got a shuttle in from Seraphna's homeworld.
[Dias] Yeah see when i do this....*pushes a button and the fluid goes through a tube and it shoots onto DS's head* Ooops...
[DeathStar] ...
* DeathStar glares
[DeathStar] Katrina: *giggles*
[Dias] YIPE!! *turns around and goes to work quickly*
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] *downs half the glass in a gulp* "Well, it's a small universe."
[Dias] Slasher: Nope, no clue...*works on an equation of some sort*
[Snipe] Not reily.  *looks around at the dancers dancing and Wiendigo snoring*
[Snipe] You coming back to join the team?
* DeathStar clears throat
[DeathStar] You know who might be on that shuttle.
[DeathStar] And it arrived about an hour ago.
[Dias] Slasher: Who? *continues working scribbling and erasing here and there*
[DeathStar] ...
[Alicia] NRP: Kyouki can come in though, yeah?
[DeathStar] NRP: ... why couldn't Kyouki come in?
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "Eh, who knows. Don't think I have anything better to do."
* DeathStar pats Slasher on the head
[DeathStar] You know who I'm talking about.
[Dias] ....I need a drink...*grabs his comm* Snipe, the bar done yet?
[Snipe] Comm: Finished last night.  
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *wanders in*
[DeathStar] Katrina: *hangs around Dias' feet*
[Dias] Slasher: *doesn't even look up* My train of thought has been on getting this ship done, I even havent' had time to take a shower for the past 2 weeks..
* Snipe grabs a seat, sipping his drink
[DeathStar] That's what that smell is..
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] *downs the rest, and sits back on a stool, leaning on the bar* "Ah... Not what I was looking for, but it's strong enough."
* Garland holds a clipboard, tacking away
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Wonderful...
[Dias] Slasher: Hey, I don't tell you how you smell....
[DeathStar] Anyway, Cheryl's back.
[Dias] Uhh...Katrina?
[Snipe] Katrina: Yesss?
[Dias] Slasher: *sits there not talking*
[Dias] ....let go?
[Snipe] Katrina: *lets go*
[Dias] Thank you...Go ask DS if he'll show you how to dance...
[Snipe] Katrina: Kay!  *runs off to DS*
* Dias walks off towards the bar
[DeathStar] Katrina: DS!  Show me how to dance!
* Garland stand in the bar
[DeathStar] ...what?  *blinks*
[Dias] Slasher: *grows glum and begins to work harder*
[DeathStar] ...
* DeathStar looks back and forth
[DeathStar] Slasher----?
* Snipe sips his drink
[Snipe] Poor Dias.
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "How's the rat race running?"
* Garland looks around, and orders a drink
[Snipe] Barkeeper: *hands Garland a free drink*
[Snipe] Crazier and faster every day.
* Garland sits at the bar, working on some plans to re-arrange the bar
[Dias] Slasher: Busy 
* DeathStar sighs and leads Katrina off to show her how to dance
* Dias pops into the bar and peers over Garlands shoulder
[Dias] Are those plans to change the bar around?
[Garland] Yup.
* Garland draws a wall in
* Snipe sips his drink silently, watching Dias and Garland
[Alicia] NRP: If Garly's here, surely Hota can be too?
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[Snipe] NRP: Don't see why not...
[Dias] Actually I don't but wouldn't it be wierd if I did?
*** Alicia is now known as Hotaru_Airier
* Garland puts the graph down on the bar table and shows it to the bartender
[Garland] What do you think?
[Snipe] Bartender: Looks good, boss.
* Garland nods
* Dias waves his hands at the bartender trying to tell him no
* Garland looks at Dias
* Dias stretches
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "Hey Curly, make sure you add room for some stronger stuff than this. People to like to relax off duty you know."
* Snipe chokes on his drink, laughing
[Dias] Ahhh.....Too long cooped up
* Hotaru_Airier wanders in.
[Snipe] Bartender: Who's this guy, boss?
[Garland] Yeah, we'll seperate the adult area from the bar... so patrons don't have to look at that unless they want to..
[Dias] Are you just mad cuz we turned your dusty old training room into a bar
[Garland] That's just Dias, don't mind him.
[Dias] .....They're just dancing...
[Snipe] Bartender: Good idea, boss man.
* Snipe nods at Dias
[Snipe] They actually strip now.
[Dias] They don't shed the clothes off till nighttime *nods back*
[Snipe] Wasn't my idea.
[Dias] Already? Cool..
* Snipe sips his drink innocently
* Garland shrugs
[Snipe] It was Garland's.
[Garland] I don't have to watch it.
[Dias] Garland wanted them to strip? 
[Snipe] Garland owns the place.
[Hotaru_Airier] NOT THIS AGAIN!
[Dias] Really? 
[Snipe] Yep.
*** Foggy is now known as Orion
[Garland] I figure It's pull in more money if Wiendigo was a constant patron.
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "Whoa! Who let the furball in?"
* Garland looks at Hotaru
[Dias] So everything broken comes out of his pay?
[Garland] It's okay.
* Hotaru_Airier isn't in catgon form ATM
* Snipe sips his drink
* Garland taps his temple
[Hotaru_Airier] Furball?
[Hikaryuu] NRP: Thanks for the warning -.-¡
[Garland] I've not completely decided.
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Sowwy...
* Garland looks at Hotaru
* DeathStar pokes head in
[DeathStar] Hey, Garland, can I borrow 200 gil?
[Garland] I'm gonna put them in a separate room, strip or not.
[Dias] Who woulda though church boy here woulda condoned Stripping
[Garland] Uh... *looks at DS*
[DeathStar] ---what?  You own a strip bar!
[Hotaru_Airier] nonononononono...
* Dias sneaks over to Snipe and sits down next to him
* Snipe nods at Dias
[Dias] So uhh when did he own this place?
[Garland] That's questionable right now...
[Hikaryuu] [[6*laughs*]] "I always knew you had it in you Curly."
[Hikaryuu] NRP: Cheryl x.x
[Garland] Since it was my room to start out with, it's my room still. I own it.
[Snipe] Technical contract...we built it in an area he bought from Chip fair and square.  So...he owned it all when we built it on it.
* Dias heres the laugh
[Dias] Ahhh so then we technically could charge him for the costs of the contruction
[Hotaru_Airier] Garly... it *WON'T* be a strip bar, will it?
[Garland] Nope.
[Garland] Probably not.
[Snipe] Not really...we did it forcefully.
[Garland] But I'll keep the dancers for revenue purposes only.
* DeathStar looks around, hiding Kat's eyes
* Garland calls in the contruction workers
[Garland] It's okay DS, they're not uh.. using the poles.
[Snipe] Men in Black: *walks in*
[Garland] I made them stop untill contruction was finished.
* DeathStar leads her in
[DeathStar] Katrina: oo, dancers!
* Garland looks at them
[DeathStar] Katrina: *runs over, chatting*
[Garland] Dancers: *riverdance*
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] *graps her jacket and slings it over her shoulder* "You'd think you were running a nursery."
[Snipe] I need a bigger drink
[Dias] Well we could charge him for energy costs and what not..
[Snipe] I'm sure he'll make more than enough to pay not only that, but have extra to spare.
* Snipe sighs
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[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "Ey! Keep! Another of your strongest, but bigger than that mouthful this time."
[DeathStar] For a strip bar, this place sure seems...dull.
[Garland] MiB: *points* Move the dance area over to the far wall.. make it a stage. And enclose the area off except for a door.
[Snipe] Barkeeper: *nods*
[Garland] It isn't a strip bar anymore.
[Dias] Man this kinda ruins the fun of it all..
[Alysia] 5[4Hotaru5] Thank god...
* Snipe looks at Dias
[Garland] Speakers go... *points at the corners*
[Garland] There.
[Snipe] YOU voted for his room.
*** Hotaru_Airier has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Alysia)))
[Snipe] MIB: *get to work*
*** Alysia is now known as Hotaru_Airier
[Dias] Well yeah but whats the fun of a bar when the strippers are in a whole new room?
* Hotaru_Airier goes to get a drink.
* Garland sits on the bar
[Hotaru_Airier] ... I *DIDN'T* hear that...
[Snipe] I don't know...kinda makes you feel like a pervert to walk into a room just for it.
[Dias] Yeah I know..
[Garland] Not strippers. Dancers. But it's just over there. Same bar, just walled off so you don't have to watch.
[Snipe] Barkeeper: *hands Cheryl her drink*
* Garland looks at the Barkeep
[Garland] You're making sure family gets the 40% discount, right?
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] *takes a gulp* "Ahhh, that's better."
[Dias] Just think of all the bar fights he'll have to put up with...
* DeathStar taps foot, idly, watching Katrina chat
[Snipe] Barkeeper: Uh...yeah, boss man.
* Garland nods.
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Can I even get a drink?
[Snipe] If you ask me, I wish there was another bar.
* Snipe sighs
[Dias] Barkeep...
[Snipe] Barkeeper: Yes?
[Dias] Whats your name?
[Dias] Well where else can we build one?
[Snipe] Barkeeper: Ted.
[Hotaru_Airier] Barkeep, can I have a sake?
[Snipe] Barkeeper: *looks at Hotaru then at Garland*
[Dias] Ted, givem e something to help relax me
* Snipe grabs the station plans
[Garland] It's okay. She's older than she looks.
[Snipe] Barkeeper: *nods, giving Hotaru some sake then Dias something special*
[Hotaru_Airier] DAMN! I forgot I look like a kid again...
* Dias sniffs the drink
* Snipe points at the room next to the engine room
[Snipe] How's that?
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] *chuckles* "Should have expected sake for the dragon lady."
* Garland takes a piece of wood and starts carving
* Dias looks at it
*** Jago has left #TAW
[Garland] This could be a good thing...
* Dias turns towards Cheryl's direction but doesn't see her
* Hotaru_Airier sips her sake. *to Cheryl*"Hmm?"
[Dias] Think it's big enough tho? That and wouldn't the engine give off to much noise?
[Snipe] True, true....
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] *shrugs* "Over your head kid."
[Hotaru_Airier] Kid?
* Snipe points at the floor with the cafeteria
[Snipe] You know, the only thing on that floor IS the cafeteria.
[Dias] ...We could turn it into a diner/bar/pub/danceclub at night
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "Yeah, kid."
[Snipe] Technically....the cafeteria is for everyone.
* Dias smiles
[Hikaryuu] NRP: It's 2203, right?
* Hotaru_Airier glares at Cheryl.
[Snipe] NRP: ... 2200.
[Hotaru_Airier] And *HOW* old are you?
[Hikaryuu] NRP: Oops
* Snipe taps the floor though
* Dias keeps glancing over at Cheryl's direction but doesnt' see anything
[Snipe] However, half of the floor is unused
[Hikaryuu] 150, give or take.
* Garland carves "Seven Leaf Clover" on the board
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] 150, give or take.
[Dias] We'll use the other half
[Snipe] Gotcha.
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: *needs to check the timeline... how long ago did the mavericks appear?*
* Garland heads to the back room and paints the thing
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: BRB
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[Snipe] NRP: .... did the mavericks appear...?
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[WereWolfBob] NRP: *growls*
*** WereWolfBob is now known as Dias
[Snipe] NRP: AAH, WOLF!
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Dias
* Snipe rolls up the map
[Snipe] Sounds like we got a plan
[Dias] Aye...
[Dias] So there gonna be any chances of you dancing up a storm? *looks at him smiling*
[Snipe] ...
[Snipe] No.
[Dias] *downs the drink he got and stands up* I gotta head back to the bay Snipe. 
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
* DeathStar leans against the wall, watching Katrina
* Snipe grabs Dias
* Snipe nods at Cheryl
[Snipe] Look who's back
[Dias] ...Cheryl?!
[Snipe] Ja.
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] *sighs* "Fire the guns and ring the bells..."
[Snipe] Chip: Really? 
[Hotaru_Airier] Don't call me kid... I'm at least half your age...
* Garland looks at Cheryl
* Hotaru_Airier sounds more subdued now.
[Dias] ....*shakes his head and head out down to the Mech bay*
*** Dias is now known as Dias-Work
* Garland hanga the sign outside the bar
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "Fine, fine kid."
[DeathStar] Katrina: *runs up to Barkeeper* I'm thirsty!@
[DeathStar] Barkeeper: Uh...
* Hotaru_Airier sighs.
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] *to Ted* "Water for her." *to Hota* "Yeah, I'm listening."
[Garland] Calm down Hotaru...
[Snipe] Barkeeper: *gives Katrina water*
[Hotaru_Airier] ... yeah...
* DeathStar looks at the scene, laughing
[Hotaru_Airier] Why'd you say the sake thing, anyway?
* Garland walks over to DS
*** Kyo`Yokuo has left #TAW
[Garland] Even though this wasn't my idea, it's a good idea... *nods at the makings of the stage* Good entertainment.
[Hikaryuu] [[6*sighs*]] "Dragons, sake, land of the rising sun... You know."
[Hotaru_Airier] Oh, that...
[Garland] Chip: Is the rest of the fourteenth floor available?
[Hotaru_Airier] Sorry about blowing up over the kid thing... I'm not used to looking so... young...
[Snipe] Chip: Yeah, basically, the only thing on it is... your bar and your training room.
[Snipe] Chip: Er, X-Training room
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "Kid, no offence, but it's a bit of a blessing."
[Garland] We're buyin git.
[Garland] (buying it)
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "And before you get after me again, I'm probally older than your parents remember."
[DeathStar] Here the Wraiths and Alliance are going bankrupt and you are buying sections of Origin...
[Hotaru_Airier] A blessing?!
[Snipe] Chip: Money!  WE HAVE MOENY!
* Garland looks at DeathStar
[Garland] I'm giving them some money now.
[Hotaru_Airier] ... I... guess...
* Snipe stands up
* Snipe walks out
* DeathStar chuckles, turning towards Katrina
[DeathStar] You ready to go play some more?
[DeathStar] Katrina: Yes!
* Garland looks at Snipe walk out
[DeathStar] Katrina: *runs out of the bar*
[Hotaru_Airier] I'm not sure my parents ever even saw a maverick...
[DeathStar] Whoa--not so---fast?
[Garland] It's his own fault for courting my daighter.
*** Garland was kicked by DeathStar (DeathStar)
*** Garland has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Garland
[Garland] (......Owies?)
[Snipe] NRP: *smacks forehead*
[Garland] NRP: NRP that.
*** Snipe sets mode: -o DeathStar
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o DeathStar
*** DeathStar sets mode: -o DeathStar
[Garland] Hey DeathStar, you and cat have a time.
[DeathStar] Thanks
[Garland] NRP: Kat. -_-
* DeathStar runs out after her
[Hotaru_Airier] ... some blessing...
* Snipe stands before a viewport, watching the stars
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *surprisingly soft* "...she's a cute kid..."
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
[Hotaru_Airier] ... some kid...
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *shakes her head*
[Hotaru_Airier] I guess I should relax, yeah?
* Hotaru_Airier sips her sake again.
[Snipe] ...pfft
[Garland] Need to pick an assistant manager.
* Snipe turns from a window
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "Sounds good ki... Er... what is your name, anyways?"
[Snipe] Ted: *polishes glasses*
* Garland flips Ted a couple Gil
[Hotaru_Airier] Hotaru.
[Garland] Tip.
[Snipe] Ted: Yay!
[Hotaru_Airier] Hotaru Airier. And thanks for not calling me 'kid' now.
[Hikaryuu] [[6Cheryl]] "Hotaru... So you actually are Japanese?" o.O
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *shakes her head with a laugh*
* Hotaru_Airier giggles.
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "I'll try to break the habit Kid, but it's a cute nick name."
[Hikaryuu] NRP: Fine, the most childish can have it.
* Hotaru_Airier sighs.
* Snipe walks along the hallways, thinking and pondering
[Garland] Hrm...
[Hotaru_Airier] I'm going to have to get used to the ATLAN temper...
[Snipe] Chip: Mon-ay---mon----ay!
[Garland] Chip: Hey Chip?
[Snipe] Chip: --- yes?
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "Atlan? That explains a bit there kid... They've got a temper almost as deep as a dragons, and burns ten times quicker..."
[Garland] You interested in being the assistant manager?
[Snipe] Chip: How can *I* be an assistant manager---?
[Hotaru_Airier] Don't I know it... half dragon, half Atlan... @.@
[Garland] Boss people around.
[Snipe] Chip: I can do that!
[Garland] You could do it.. come on, you have that hologram form, don't you?
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "Deadly combo there gal, absolutely deadly."
[Snipe] Chip: Yep
[Garland] There ya go. Want the job?
[Hotaru_Airier] Beats being a ghost though.
[Snipe] Chip: Yes!
[Garland] Then it's yours.
[Snipe] Chip: Wheee!  *looks around* Hey, you dancer!  Yes, you!  Dance!
[Garland] Okay... Um... Do it like you're serious about it.
[Snipe] Chip: Gotcha.  Dance!  
[Garland] Chip... Am I gonna have to give you a primer course before you start?
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "Had a couple OBE's myself. Fortunately nothing long term. Ah, Dragons are better than most things out there anyways." *winks*
[Snipe] Chip: .... I'll read some manuals.
[Garland] You do that... *smiles and goes back to work*
[Garland] Well, the Seven Leave Clover is open for business...
[Snipe] Chip: *mumbles while reading*
[Hotaru_Airier] I've been stuck bodiless for a whole... ever since my lab got wiped out, anyway.
[Hotaru_Airier] I don't remember the year...
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "...must have sucked."
[Hotaru_Airier] Well, okay, I lasted a bit beyond that...
* Garland takes another drink
[Snipe] Chip: Hey, you know, if you stayed a ghost, you'd have been a great scare for Halloween.
[Hotaru_Airier] Long enough to kill a couple of mavericks, then get myself killed... I'll show you fear...
[Snipe] Chip: ... fear?
[Hotaru_Airier] How about I reprogram you, you little...
[Snipe] Chip: Whaaaaat?
* Garland blinks at the two
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] *whispy voice* "whoooOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOooooooo..."
[Hotaru_Airier] ...?!
[Snipe] Chip: AAAAAH, GHOST!
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] *giggles*
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *rolls her eyes*
[Snipe] Chip: Wait, no, not ghost...Ex-Ghost
* Hotaru_Airier smirks.
[Hotaru_Airier] Hey, Em!
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] *tacklehugs Hotaru* "Hiya!"
* Hotaru_Airier hugs tight.
[Snipe] Chip: Everyone gets a body these days...
* Garland yawns
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "Too many cats..."
[Hotaru_Airier] ...?
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Em be catgon, yes?
[Hikaryuu] NRP: She can't change her form yet
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Thought not.
[Hotaru_Airier] What do you mean, "too many cats"?
[Snipe] Chip: ... too many cats!  TOO MANY!
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *shrugs*
[Hotaru_Airier] I have a feeling Atlan isn't the best thing for me to be, but a body's a body, right?
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "'Cept when you've got a bod like mine." *grins mischeviously*
* Garland writes on the clipboard
[Hotaru_Airier] Way to make me feel jealous...
[Snipe] Chip: *to Garland only* Hotary is scaring me
[Garland] Uhmm
[Garland] Hotaru.
[Garland] You're scaring Chip.
[Hotaru_Airier] Yeah?
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *laughs*
[Hotaru_Airier] Oh, he can go stew in his code for all I care...
* Garland winces
[Snipe] Chip: *activates the inner guns*
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] *nuzzles Hotaru* "...calm down Hota-chan..."
[Garland] Chip!
[Snipe] Chip: *aims them at Hotaru*
[Snipe] Chip: Screw---oh- yeah
[Garland] Chip. Don't kill patrons!
[Snipe] Chip: *deactivates it*
[Snipe] Chip: That sage costs....10 gil
[Hotaru_Airier] And *I*'m supposed to be the violent one?
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "Phooey. I was hoping to fry him on the spot."
* Garland coresses his arms
* Hotaru_Airier hugs Em.
[Hotaru_Airier] Wish I knew what I'll look like when I...
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] *curls up on Hota's shoulder*
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: What *WILL* Hota look like... for that matter, what does she look like now? Or do I get to say?
[Snipe] NRP: You look like a 4 foot cat!
[Garland] NRP: Try not to. Some people are watching.
[Hikaryuu] NRP: I'd say you get to decide, but Sera will probally have some info for you
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Thanks.
[Garland] NRP: I am temporary GM!
* Garland sits at the bar
[Garland] So... everyone.. having a good time aside from the conversations?
[Hotaru_Airier] Yeah...
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *shrugs*
[Snipe] Eve: *walks in and sits down*
[Garland] NRP: GM: Garland gains 300/300 to all stats
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] *quickly hides inside Hotaru*
* Garland nods to Eve
* Garland blinks at Em/Hot
[Hotaru_Airier] ...?
[Snipe] Eve: *orders something to drink, turning around* Hi everyone
[Hotaru_Airier] [What's wrong?]
[Garland] Hello.
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Eve != Iceheart, does she?
[Snipe] NRP: No.
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *nods* "Hey Eve, subduce any handsome guys lately?"
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Good.
[Snipe] NRP: Iceheart/EVe two different people
[Garland] NRP: Eve =! Iceheart. :P
[Snipe] Eve: ....
[Snipe] Eve: *face darkens some*
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [ ...just... cold... yeah, cold... ]
* Garland moves to the bar infront of Eve
[Garland] Something wrong?
[Snipe] Eve: No...nothing...
* Garland loks at Cheryl
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *shrugs*
[Garland] I won't have that in my bar.
*** Dias-Work has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "Have what?!"
[Garland] Cheryl: {That's a sensitive subject for her}
[Garland] This one's on the house, Eve.
[Snipe] Eve: Uh..I should go.  Don't want to cause any trouble.  *stands up, leaving*
* Garland goes back to work
[Hotaru_Airier] [You don't like that girl, do you?]
[Garland] It's okay Eve, you can stay..
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [No... not that...]
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "Stay out of my head curley."
[Garland] .....Curley?
[Hotaru_Airier] [Oh, okay.]
[Hotaru_Airier] [I'd hug you, but you're inside my head...]
*** DeathStar is now known as Velocity
* Velocity walks in, adjusting his jacket
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] *giggles*
[Velocity] Man, that lady looked upset
[Hotaru_Airier] Yeah, no idea why.
* Velocity combs his hair back, adjusting his glasses
* Velocity sits down and looks at Gar
* Garland looks at Cheryl
[Velocity] What do you recommend?
* Garland glances at Velocity
[Garland] We've good sake.
* Velocity orders some sake
* Garland serves it to him
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *sighs* "Some people..."
[Hotaru_Airier] Very good sake.
* Velocity sips his drink
[Velocity] What about some people?
* Garland looks around
[Garland] It'll be an open bar for ships that stop by.
[Velocity] I heard that Dias and Snipe were opening up a counter bar.
* Velocity takes off his glasses, laying them on the table. He checks out Cheryl
[Velocity] I don't remember seeing you before.
[Garland] Eh, let them. I'll keep my place clean and well run. We'll see how the mech builder and authority hating loner work theirs.
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "Haven't been here."
[Velocity] New recruit?
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: BRB
[Garland] Heh, *watches the conversations*
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "Not. Even. Close."
[Velocity] Oh?
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Back
* /sound: no such file 'ChronoPower.mid'
* Garland leans back, filling up people's drinks as needed
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] "That'd make you a pleeb, right?"
* Velocity sips drink
[Velocity] A pleeb, eh?
* Velocity chuckles
[Garland] NRP: GM: Gar gains an additional 100/100 to his levels
[Hikaryuu] 5[4[ 6Cheryl 4]5] *nods*
* Garland looks around, the MiB's finishing up
[Garland] They work fast...
[Hotaru_Airier] I'm new to the wraiths, but not to fighting...
* Garland tosses them the gil he owes as they leave
[Garland] Well, seems everyone's getting to know each other...
[Garland] Dancers: *riverdance on the new stage*
* Velocity finishes drink
[Velocity] You have an...interesting place here
* Hotaru_Airier finishes her drink too.
[Hotaru_Airier] [You okay in there?]
[Garland] Thanks, I spent most of my years in Ireland wile I was gone..
* Velocity looks at Hotaru with a strange look
* Velocity then gives Garland a stranger look
[Garland] Long story.
[Velocity] I think I'll go practice the sims...
* Velocity stands up, throwing down the gil owed
* Velocity moves out
[Garland] We'll have an open training room soon, too.
* Garland takes it and puts it in the register
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [I'm okay... *snuggles*]
[Hotaru_Airier] [*snugs back*]
[Snipe] Chip: Psst, Garland, why is Hotaru have that dreamy look on her face?
[Garland] .... I don't know.
[Snipe] Chip: --- she looks weird to me.  Hit her.
[Hotaru_Airier] ORO?!!!!
* Garland wabes his hand infront of her
*** Velocity is now known as DeathStar
[Garland] I... think you've had enough.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [*sighs* ...meanies...]
* Hotaru_Airier blinks
[Hotaru_Airier] [Yeah...]
[DeathStar] Katrina: *runs in*
[Hotaru_Airier] ...?
[DeathStar] Katrina: *bounces up to everyone* Hi!
* DeathStar walks in, panting
* Garland looks at DS
[Hotaru_Airier] What's up?
[Garland] Flamboyant little tike, ain
[Garland] t she?
[DeathStar] *pant* Yes.
[DeathStar] Katrina: I was exploring!  It was fun!
[DeathStar] Katrina: *beams*
* Hotaru_Airier smiles.
[Garland] Hehe...
[Hotaru_Airier] Reminds me of my childhood...
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] "Kawaii..."
[Garland] Hehe..
[DeathStar] I wish...I was a keep up...with her
* DeathStar sits down
[Garland] ... You'
[DeathStar] She could take on Xevil in a race any day.
[Garland] NRP: Damn enter.
[Garland] Yeah, but he's dead.
[DeathStar] Katrina: *stares at a spider crawling by* Oooo
* Hotaru_Airier laughs.
* Garland hands DS an icewater
* DeathStar nods thankfully and drinks it all in one gulp
[Garland] Ted: *swats it*
[DeathStar] Katrina: *looks upset*
* Garland looks at Ted
[Garland] They kill the bugs...
[DeathStar] Katrina: *starts crying*
[DeathStar] ---egad!
[DeathStar] It's, okay, Katrina...the...uh...spider...
* DeathStar looks around
* Garland blasts it with uh.. healin' stuff
[Garland] Spider: *restores*
* Hotaru_Airier sighs.
[Hotaru_Airier] [I don't like the taking of life either...]
[DeathStar] Katrina: *stops crying, looking better now*
* DeathStar sighs in relief
[Garland] Ted, no kill spiders.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [That's a little... Extreme...]
[Garland] Ted: 'Kay Boss.
[Garland] It works.
[DeathStar] Katrina: *plays with the spider*
[Hotaru_Airier] [What is?]
[Garland] Uh.. Kat.. 
[Garland] Don't play with the spider... Kat....!
[Snipe] Chip: Hey, isn't that spider poisonous?
[Snipe] Katrina: *looks at Garland innocently*
[DeathStar] What??!
[Garland] Lemme see that..
* Garland takes the spider
[DeathStar] Spider: *bites Garland, poisoning him*
[Garland] I'm gonna go.. uh.. take it for a walk.
[Garland] NRP: I'm bullet proof.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [Not even killing spiders...] *TKs the spider into a jar*
[Garland] Hey there...
[Garland] Ow...
[Hotaru_Airier] [I guess...]
* DeathStar checks to see if Kat was biten, but sees she's fine
* Garland puts the jar in the back room
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [*giggles* Sorry, I come from a long line of 'shadow warriors'...]
[Garland] Hrm...
[Garland] Reploid Chipmunk: *Squeak*
[Garland] ...Promotional tool.
[Snipe] Chip: Dear God, it reminds me of that squirrel...
[Garland] Reploid Chipmunk: *Squeak*
[Garland] That's all it does.
[Snipe] Chip: You're going to take over the station, aren't you, Chipmunk?
* Garland sets it on the bar
* Garland puts a gil in it's paw
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [I miss that squirrel...]
[Hotaru_Airier] [Shadow warriors?]
[Garland] Chipmunk: *tosses the gil into it's mouth and does a dance*
[Garland] Charity collection.
[Hotaru_Airier] [You mean ninja?]
[Snipe] GM: the Brig, on the 17th floor.....Squirrel: Chitter...I shall get you all!
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [Er... Yep.]
[Garland] Reploid Chipmunk: *Squeak*
[Snipe] Chip: I have a bad feeling about this one.
[Hotaru_Airier] [Okay.]
[Hotaru_Airier] [Why so scared?]
[Garland] Reploid Chipmunk: *Squeak*
[Snipe] Chip: I heard that, Chipmunk.  I heard your evil plans.
[Garland] NRP: Chip + munk = Chipmunk
* Garland feeds it another gil and it riverdances
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Chip + Monk?
[Snipe] Chip: Oh, the horror....
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [I'm not scared... I just don't like thinking of myself as an assassin...]
[Garland] Hey Chip, why dontcha use that hologram version of yourself?
[Hotaru_Airier] [I understand...]
[Hotaru_Airier] [I don't like to think of myself as a killer either.]
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [*snugs* This is much more fun...]
[Snipe] Chip: It takes too much energy
[Hotaru_Airier] [Yeah... I don't ever want to kill again...]
[DeathStar] zzzz
[DeathStar] Katrina: *stares at the Chipmunk*
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [Oh...]
[Snipe] Katrina: *runs over to Hotaru* Wanna play?
[Garland] Reploid Chipmunk: *Squeak*
[Hotaru_Airier] ... ... ...
[Hotaru_Airier] Uhh...
[Snipe] Katrina: Pwease?
[Garland] Mmm... Hey Kat!
* Garland pulls out some oranges from under tha bar
[Snipe] Katrina: *isn't about to be distracted*
[Hotaru_Airier] Uhhh... sure! ^.^
[Snipe] Katrina: Yay!
[Hotaru_Airier] [Been too long since I've been around children...]
[Hotaru_Airier] What do you want to play?
[Garland] Eh...
[Garland] Kat: I dunno1
[Hotaru_Airier] Oh...
[Garland] Kat: *looks around, hyper*
[Garland] Kat: What you wanna play!?
[Hotaru_Airier] I dunno...
[Snipe] Katrina: Hide and go seek!
[Garland] NRP: *throws oranges at Kat*
[Snipe] Wiendigo: *snores*
[Hotaru_Airier] Okay, you hide, I go seek!
[Snipe] Katrina: Yay!  *runs off*
[Garland] Chip?
[Garland] How long has Wiendigo been here?
[Snipe] Chip: Yes?
[DeathStar] zzzzzzz
[Hotaru_Airier] [THat gets rid of *HER*...]
[DeathStar] Chip: He's been here brought him in
[Garland] Uh... We should wake him..
[Snipe] Chip: Oh, yeah --- you do that.
[Hotaru_Airier] You sure, I remember he was kinda...
[Garland] Coward...
* Garland approaches Wien
[Snipe] Wiendigo: *grunts in his sleep*
[Garland] Gh... *pulls back*
[Garland] Umm.... 
* DeathStar is asleep too
* Garland puts up posts around him
* Garland puts up a sign
[Garland] *the sign says "Don't feed the animals."*
* Hotaru_Airier giggles.
* Garland walks back and take a sip
[DeathStar] Zzzzzz
* Garland looks at DS
[Garland] ....
[Garland] Oy... *puts up posts around him, too*
* Garland takes a sign out and writes something on it
[DeathStar] Chip: Wiendigo is so going to kill you
[Garland] *the sign says "Will work for food"*
[Garland] Eh, We'll see.
[DeathStar] Chip: And so will DS...
[Garland] I'm not worried too much about later.
*** Hikaryuu is now known as Hik|AWAY
*** Alysia has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alysia
*** Hotaru_Airier has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** Alysia is now known as Hotaru_Airier
[Snipe] Chip: Zzzz
[DeathStar] Zzz
-] [DeathStar] PING
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** Rejoined channel #taw
*** Topic is 'Session 129: The Waltz part 2 - The only lead left to the team to follow is a brief name Velocity remembers from the shuttle trying to steal Spade's body.  And the owner of the company is a millionaire...who's having a Halloween party.  It'll be a night of death before the truth is shown  '
*** Set by DeathStar on Wed Jun 20 16:02:46
*** Snipe has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** DeathStar has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* #taw is being logged
*** Disconnected
*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** Rejoined channel #taw
*** Topic is 'Session 129: The Waltz part 2 - The only lead left to the team to follow is a brief name Velocity remembers from the shuttle trying to steal Spade's body.  And the owner of the company is a millionaire...who's having a Halloween party.  It'll be a night of death before the truth is shown  '
*** Set by DeathStar on Wed Jun 20 16:02:46
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o DeathStar
*** Retrieving #taw info...
*** Snipe has joined #taw
*** Hotaru_Airier is now known as Megami
[DeathStar] Chip: There!  I'm ready to assistant manager!
[Renaric] Heh, then you have the job.
[Garland] NRP: ^^
[DeathStar] Chip: Heh heh heh, soon..
[Garland] What's that, Chip?
[DeathStar] Chip: Nothing
* Garland blinks
[Megami] ...?
[Megami] NRP: Hota
[Garland] Chip, are you planning anything?
[DeathStar] Chip: No.
[Garland] Uhhh...


[DeathStar] Time Chart: October 23rd
[DeathStar] Location: Origin
* Kara continues to explore the station
* Seraphna sits on a mech, eating a light lunch
* Dias is hanging from the cieling again, installing a circuit boards into the back of his mech
*** Shir has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Shir
* Slasher sits at his desk
* Kara pulls a CD out of her pocket and puts it in a CD player at her waist
[Slasher] Chip, did you find any matches yet on our mystery man?
* Garland works at the bar
* DeathStar stands at the shuttle
[Seraphna] Hmm... Gargos Ni... Bearclaw 2 and Ryo-Kos final are done...
[DeathStar] Okay, that's the last of the suppies.
* DeathStar finishes marking it off
* Snipe throws in a suitcase
[Snipe] You sure?
[Dias] NRP: *wonders how she finished them if they don't have a lab*
[Seraphna] Justice, Death, Night, and Light class mechs are almost ready to be deployed...
[DeathStar] Yeah.
*** X1 has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o X1
* Garland works out the last of the paperwork
*** X1 is now known as Gravedigger
[Dias] NRP: *then wonders how the last 3 wil be finished without a lab*
[Seraphna] *Elayne hugs Snipe from behind
* DeathStar grabs a comm too all of Origin
*** Alysia has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[Snipe] Hey, El, ready to go a party?
[Seraphna] NRP: In the MECH BAY!
* Snipe grins
[Slasher] Hey Chip....
[DeathStar] Chip: Yes?
[Seraphna] NRP: Only Snipe's suits parts were in there... heheheehehehehh!!!!
[Dias] NRP: *still owns the only functional mech bay*
* Garland grabs his costume from the back office
[Slasher] Any matches on our guy yet?
[DeathStar] Comm: All Wraiths/Alliance members waiting to go sneak into a millionaire's house in a costume party, meet me in the hanger.  Don't wear your costumes yet.
[Kara] Wonder whats going on today..?
[Seraphna] NRP: Still owns the deployment officers and the standard class mechs!
* Garland grabs his bags and last minute packing
[DeathStar] Chip: DS and the others are already done investigating that.  He matched no one.  We think he's a fake.
[Kara] ... Costume party?
[Dias] NRP: *still owns the best damned mechs on origin*
* Garland heads to the hanger
[Seraphna] Elayne] I'm coming...
[Kara] ACK! *Runs to her room and searches for a costume
[Garland] NRP: Liar.
[Slasher] K...*goes back to work*
[Wiendigo] Peh. *tosses his cigar butt to the ground and puts it out his foot*
[Shir] 5[4Hotaru5] *heads over there*
[Dias] NRP: Pride boy
[Shir] NRP: BTW, does Hota have red hair in this form?
[Seraphna] NRP: If you wish
[Dias] Costume party? 
* Gravedigger grabs his cloak and heads down to the hanger
[Snipe] That's right.
* Dias looks over at Snipe
* Kara runs over to the hanger, and skids in "AACK! I'm here!"
* Garland looks around, holding his bag
[Snipe] We're going into a masquarade party to find out about CorSec.
[Garland] Is Sera comming?
[DeathStar] I don't know, is she?
[Seraphna] Elayne] Mom said she decided to stay till she's fully recovered...
* Garland nods.
[Dias] Costume party? *drops to the ground*
* Gravedigger enters teh hanger
[Seraphna] INTERCOMM] Dr. Hianule, you are needed in Medlab...
[Gravedigger] Jeeze, I almost might as well get a room, I'm here enough.
[Seraphna] Elayne] Looks like I'm staying... the tech in the accident must have woken up...
[Snipe] Aww.
* Garland nods..
[Kara] Aww indeed..
[Shir] Aww... Seeya Elly!
[Shir] NRP: Hota says that
[Dias] ....Snipe did you ever find out why your mech parts blew up?
[Seraphna] *Elayne looks down, "Heh... well... I am needed... that's a lot to say!" *smileas
[Snipe] I self-destructed them?
[Dias] Good lad....*punches him in the arm but quickly feels the pain* OUCH!
* Snipe steps onto the shuttle
[Snipe] Lets rock
* Gravedigger climbs on
* Dias steps onto the shuttle
[Kara] Sweet! *follows snipe
[Gravedigger] Want me to go as Spade again? I think it'd work this time.
[DeathStar] Only if you want to give us away
* DeathStar steps on
* Garland steps on
* Slasher stands up walks over to the mechs quickly working on them
[Gravedigger] Can I? PLEASE?
[Snipe] No!
[Kara] Do as the boss man says.
* Slasher walks over to the two engines thats Dias's been building and starts tuning them
[Dias] ...Did Slasher just move?
[Gravedigger] Can I go as you then? Nah, wait, too ugly.
[DeathStar] Looks like it
* DeathStar sits in the pilot's seat
[Snipe] Dressing up like you last year was enough for me.
[Dias] ......He must have something on his mind..
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[Gravedigger] Yep, yep, no one can handle this hunk of metal perfection. *grins*
[Seraphna] *Ealyne comes back, "He was fine..."
[Seraphna] *Elayne grins, "Guess I'm coming
[Ariel] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] "Can I come?"
[Snipe] Whoo hooo!
* Dias groans
* Kara looks at Elayne "Hey, thats great!"
* Dias sits in the back seat of the shuttle and pulls out a data pad and brings up the schematics of his mech
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* DeathStar powers it up
[DeathStar] Alright, last ones are on, lets go.
* DeathStar closes the door
[Seraphna] *Elayne sits, smiling
* Kara sets too
* Kara looks at Elayne "Hey, wanna set by me?"
[Dias] Snipe they way I'm going I should be done with my mech next week and your mechs should be about....50% done..
[Snipe] Excellent.
* DeathStar flies away
[Seraphna] *Elayne smiles and nodds
[Kara] .oO(YES!)
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[Dias] Still think I should put that nude picture of Elayne on the left shoulder?
[Snipe] ---No.
* DeathStar enters hyperspace
*** Alera has quit IRC (I am more of a bitch than Mina.....Hear me Roar........MEW!)
* Dias smirks at him and looks back down at his data pad bringing up Snipes mech
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[Dias] Snipe, I don't know how well this new engine that Slasher designeds' going to work..
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[Snipe] As long as it flies...
[Dias] It will....and judging by the power output I've been getting she'll be a beast.
[Kara] This should be fun,... so whats everyone going as?
[Shir] 5[4Hotaru5] I'm going as... WASHU!
[Dias] *looks at Shir* Who?
[DeathStar] Who?
[Snipe] Wh-what?
[Kara] .... Wash... who?
[Seraphna] Elayne] *changes to the fox morph she used a year ago* I'll go as this...
[Shir] 5[4Hotaru5] For once, I'm going to put looking like a kid to good use... Oh, it's some... ancient celebrity...
[Shir] NRP: Couldn't think of anything, heh.
[Dias] ....uh ok...I'll be going as a Bagpipe player....
[Snipe] We're suppose to go in secrets...
* Snipe smacks forehead
[Snipe] Remember LAST year?
[Ariel] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] "I'll be Elly!" *disappears*
[Dias] ...Doh!
[Kara] I'm going as a catgirl!
[Seraphna] *Elayne blinks
[Dias] .....*covers ears* LALALALALA
[Shir] I'll get a different costume...
[Gravedigger] Considering the fact we're infiltrating a suare...I think we need to know who everybody is, Snipe.
[Seraphna] Elayne] Hehe... looks like Emily wants to take control...
[DeathStar] Simple as to that.
[Dias] Just like any other women right Elayne?
[DeathStar] We're going to meet at a fountain and we'll all wear a red rose somewhere on us
[Shir] Oh... that makes it harder then...
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[Shir] 5[4Hotaru5] I'll go as... ummm... ummm...
[Shir] 5[4Hotaru5] I don't know anyone recent!
[Gravedigger] A red rose? Won't that make us stand out a bit more?
[Seraphna] *Elayne blinks
[Ariel] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] *giggles*
[Snipe] Don't wave it around, idjit
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*** WereWolfBob is now known as Dias
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[DeathStar] This will be a long trip...
[Gravedigger] Well, unless red roses are rather abundant in this part of the system, I just figured that we might be a wee bit conspicuous.
[DeathStar] Time Chart: Few Hours Later
[DeathStar] Location: Space port
* Snipe steps out of the shuttle
[Snipe] Look, chill, it'll work
* Dias steps out behind Snipe
[Kara] Listen to the boss man.
* Kara steps off
* DeathStar walks out
[Gravedigger] Listen to me ignoring you, Kara. Thanks, bye now.
[DeathStar] Okay, the mansion is here.  *pulls out a map*
* Gravedigger steps off.
[Shir] NRP: Need costume idea. Dammit.
[DeathStar] Since it's about to become night, you should all becareful.  We'll meet at the mansion in an hour.  You all need, if you don't habve one, to get a costume.
[Kara] Screw you grave
[Kara] Hope you die of nut cancer.
[Dias] I'm gonna go look around..
[Shir] 5[4Hotaru5] I know! I'll go as Kyou... no.
[Gravedigger] What's that? Sorry, can't quite hear you, there's an annoying buzzing in my ear.
* DeathStar throws everyone a rose
* Kara shrugs, and stomps on Grave's foot
[DeathStar] One hour
* DeathStar walks off
[Snipe] Later, dudes!
* Kara catches hers
* Snipe runs off
* Gravedigger pulls his foot back and swings around, nailing Kara in the back of the knee.
* Garland looks around
[Seraphna] *Elayne follows Snipe
* Kara turns, Grave missing, and walks off
* Dias catches the rose and tuckes it into his pocket
[Dias] NRP: Grave's abusing women!*
[Shir] NRP: I'll go as Jessie from Team Rocket! ^.~
[Kara] NRP: Christ, no!
[Ariel] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [Are we going as a fox? o.O]
* Dias walks along the city looking for interesting stores
[Seraphna] *Elayne nodds
[Shir] I'll go as... A CAT!
* Snipe quickly loses elayne
[Shir] 5[4Hotaru5] *changes into catgon form*
[Shir] NRP: Yes, the rose will be a problem.
[Shir] 5[4Hotaru5] *wanders out in catgon form*
[Seraphna] *Elayne[ "Snipe?
[Ariel] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [Coot.]
[Shir] [Tankoo!]
[Seraphna] Elayne] JOhn! Where are you? 
[Snipe] *silence*
* Gravedigger cracks his knuckles
[Gravedigger] I really can't stand little punks. Regardless of gender.
* Dias walks into a store and looks around
* Gravedigger pulls his hood over
[GM] Time Chart: Night time
[GM] Location: Mansion Area
[GM] *lots of guests are coming into the party, all dressed up.  Many strange aliens can be seen.  Light music is playing and it seems to be generally tuned up for a good mood*
* CatGirl steps out of a taxi "Ok... now they all have red roses.." looks around for anyone with a red rose
* Knight` steps in, waving merrily
* Knight` walks into the mansion
*** Giant_Rat has joined #taw
* Guardsmen walks upto the Mansion, wearing a Scottish Guardsmen outfit, topped off with a Kilt and a bagpipe
* Tuxedo_Mask walks up beside Guardsmen
[Tuxedo_Mask] You look so obvious
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* CatGirl looks at Guardsman"theres dias..."
* Ruby tries to pick up a rose, and decides her costume's too conspicuous...
* Tuxedo_Mask twirls his cane
[Guardsmen] And you don't?
[Tuxedo_Mask] Bah.
[Ruby] Wait, no it not!
* Ruby flies around, carrying her rose.
[Ariel] 5[6[ 4Emily 6]5] [*giggles*]
* CatGirl puts the rose behind an ear, and walks into the mansion
* Tuxedo_Mask steps into the mansion, looking at the crowded room of people dancing
[Ruby] NRP: What a *WONDERFUL* disguise, hmmm?
* Giant_Rat slaps its tail up and down
[Guardsmen] Yeah I thought so....*has a black mask over his top half of his face*
* Guardsmen his rose is pinned to his breast area
* Tuxedo_Mask is wearing a white mask, his blue eyes sparkling. He has short red hair.
[Guardsmen] Wonder if I can get these pipes to work...*blows into the chanter letting out a god awful sound*
* Tuxedo_Mask wears his rose in the tuxedo's front pocket
* Knight` mingles
*** Archer` has joined #taw
* CatGirl looks around for some refreshments
* Ruby flies about, a little red dragon.
[Guardsmen] Sweet!!
* Giant_Rat is a giant rat.
* Archer` walks in, wearing a cousy femme robinhood outfit, and a bow slung over one shoulder.
[Guardsmen] ...did you just hear that?!
* Knight` is wearing a white knight's outfit, along with medals and sorts
[Tuxedo_Mask] Hear what?
* Ruby is wearing... NOTHING!
* Ruby is a NEKKID CATGON! O.O
*** Seraphna has quit IRC (Get in a White Mage costume and branishes teh GIANT HAMMER!!!)
* Giant_Rat looks around the room, circiling around and not watching its tail as it flips about
[GM] People: *stop and stare at Ruby*
* CatGirl is wearing cat ears, a black party dress, and evening gloves!
[Ruby] NRP: Correction. Wearing a ribbon
[Guardsmen] I made a sound out of this bag pipe!!
[Tuxedo_Mask] ....good for you
* Tuxedo_Mask scans for Elayne
* CatGirl walks over and trys to mingle with some people, but gets slapped by one of the ladies.. and walks back to the refreshments rubbing her cheek "Dammit..."
[Ruby] What dat noise?
[Guardsmen] Listen!! *blows into the chanter again, this time getting nothing*
* GM whips his cape and moves off int othe crowd
[Ariel] [[6Elayne]] *is at the punch bowl, getting a drink*
[Ruby] No noise dis time!
[GM] GM: *a large alien steps on Giant Rat*
[Ruby] =^.^=
[Giant_Rat] OW! Uh, SQUEEK!
* Giant_Rat smacks the alien in the face with its tail
[GM] Alien: *reaches down*
[Guardsmen] ....Hmpf...*walks off looking around for people to talk to*
[Giant_Rat] ...
* Ruby flies over to Guardsmen
[Ruby] Hewwo!
* CatGirl looks around, and sneaks over to the punch bowel
* Giant_Rat bites the alien's hand hard
* Tuxedo_Mask stands behind Elayne
[Tuxedo_Mask] Guess who.
[Guardsmen] A flying rat.....great...
[GM] Alien: *jerks it back and walks away, grumbling in a native language*
* CatGirl eyes for people looking.. then spikes the punch
[Guardsmen] Look like a cat to me....
* Guardsmen looks down at his kilt
[Ruby] Hello? Time for your eye exam...
[Archer`] *shakes her head* ...dragons...
[Guardsmen] This kilt is so comfortable...
[Ruby] I am *NOT* a flying cat!
[Guardsmen] Yes you are! You look into the mirror lately?
[GM] People and Aliens: *stare at Ruby and Guardsmen*
[Ruby] ... mebbe I should go get ovva costoom?
* Knight` makes his way through the crowd until he's near Thompson himself
* CatGirl sneaks away after spiking the punch
[Ariel] [[6Elly-Fox]] ...what was that being me?
* Tuxedo_Mask puts his hand over elayne's eyes
[CatGirl] NRP: could you replay that sound?
[Guardsmen] ....Yeah....*walks off trying to get the bagpipes to play sounds*
* Ruby flies off.
[GM] Female Alien: *walks up to CatGirl and says in bad English* Dance?
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[Guardsmen] Hmpf...darn things...*walks around looking for people*
* Ruby changes costume and returns as...
*** Ruby is now known as Nene
* CatGirl blinks and looks at the alien
[CatGirl] NRP: is she human looking?
* Nene wanders back in.
[Nene] NRP: Yes. Nene is.
[Guardsmen] NRP: She's got 4 breastes tho
[GM] NRP: What Guards said
[Nene] NRP: O.o
[Nene] NRP: NENE ROMANOVA HAS... oh... ^^;;;
[CatGirl] Eheheh... heheh.... ^_^;;;;; uh... sure.....?
[GM] Alien: *yanks CatGirl, literally, onto the dance floor*
* Giant_Rat_ hunches over the buffet table
[CatGirl] .oO(Now thats strange... realy damn strange....)
[CatGirl] ACK!
* Tuxedo_Mask baps the rat with his cane
* Guardsmen blows hard into the chanter and pumps the bag with his other arm letting out a loud low note*
* Nene wanders over to Tuxedo Mask.
[Nene] Hi!
[Guardsmen] Rock on!!
[GM] You know, I didn't know they let rodents in here.
* Giant_Rat_ turns around swiftly, accidentally nailing TM with its tail
[Tuxedo_Mask] *said that*
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* Tuxedo_Mask turns to look at Nene.
[Tuxedo_Mask] Uh, hi.
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[Tuxedo_Mask] Ow!
[Giant_Rat_] Squeek.
[Tuxedo_Mask] You.  Me.  Later.  Rat.
* Nene is holding a single red rose.
* GM pats his rose
[Giant_Rat_] Squeek.
* Guardsmen continues blowing and pumping the bagpipe switching the notes every so often
* Tuxedo_Mask pats his rose too
[Nene] ^.^
[Guardsmen] Sweeeeeeet!! *runs over to the buffet table where the rat and TM is* 
[Tuxedo_Mask] I kinda like my costume.  I think I should wear this all the time
[Guardsmen] Guys check this out....*blows into the chanter and pumps the bagpipe, letting out a loud note*
[Nene] I like mine too...
[Guardsmen] ...I dig this Kilt...what do you guys think? *stands there showing off the kilt*
[GM] People: *stare at Guardsmen*
[Tuxedo_Mask] Are you wearing anything under that---?
[Nene] Are you wearing anyt... what he said.
[Tuxedo_Mask] Female Alien: *throws catGirl around*
[Guardsmen] .....Uhhh....*face turns red*
[Guardsmen] I wasn't sure if I was supposed to...
[Tuxedo_Mask] ....
* Tuxedo_Mask turns away
* Nene giggles
[Tuxedo_Mask] I'm not looking.
[Nene] I'm not either.
[Tuxedo_Mask] Oh quit lying.  You're looking.
[Guardsmen] MiniGM: *happens to stand over an airvent when it kicks on*
[Nene] I'm not!
[Guardsmen] YIPE!! *shoves down on his kilt*
[Tuxedo_Mask] People: *stare*
* Nene giggles hysterically
* Guardsmen covers his backend too
[Tuxedo_Mask] Male Alien: *walks over to Guardsmen* Dance?
[Guardsmen] ...*looks at him*
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[Tuxedo_Mask] Male Alien: You are really loaded.
* CatGirl gets thrown around
* Guardsmen grabs Tux and throws him into the Aliens arms
[Guardsmen] He'll dance with yaaa..
* Tuxedo_Mask blinks a few times
* Tuxedo_Mask looks up
[Tuxedo_Mask] Ooooooh shit
[Guardsmen] I'll be right back..*runs off to grabs some shorts for under the kilt*
* Tuxedo_Mask slips away into the crowd
[CatGirl] .oO( must be some type of native dance.. ow... ow... yeah.. ow...)
* Knight` listens in on Thompson
* Guardsmen comes back shortly
[Guardsmen] me some underpants..
* Guardsmen looks for whereever the music is coming from
[GM] GM: *the music is coming over from the center of the room, where the band is playing*
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[GM] GM: *the music is coming over from the center of the room, where the band is playing*
*** WereWolfBob is now known as Guardsmen
* Guardsmen heads over to the center of the room and towards the band
* Tuxedo_Mask watches Guardsmen
[Tuxedo_Mask] Great, he's going to blow our cover...*person stares* Uh...heh...heh
[Guardsmen] Hey you guys play anything more faster?
[GM] Band: *half are strange blue aliens*  Yes.
[Guardsmen] Think ya could do that?
[CatGirl] Um, you dance Real well, but could we stop for a second?
[GM] Female Alien: *throws CatGirl into the air and stops dancing, forgetting to catch her*
[GM] Band: *picks up the pace*
[Guardsmen] Yeah Yeah I'm digging it...lil more faster?
[GM] Band: *goes even faster, causing some people to stop and stare*
[Guardsmen] Nah too fast..
[CatGirl] O_O
[GM] Band: *slows the pace...and comes up with this tune:*
[CatGirl] JesusCHRIST! *Lands on her face
[CatGirl] Oumf....
[Guardsmen]  NRP: What tune?
[Nene] ...
[Guardsmen] NRP: AHH DEJAVU!!
[GM] - 8[dropkick murphys - the spicy mchaggis jig.mp38] - 8[4.05mb 2m57s 192kbps 44khz joint stereo8]
[GM] - 7[dropkick murphy - cadence to arms.mp37] - 7[2.07mb 1m48s 160kbps 44khz joint stereo7]
[GM] NRP: That second one
[Guardsmen] Oh hell yeah....*starts jumping up and down*
[CatGirl] nrp: ping me
[CatGirl] nrp:Yep, I'm laggin
[Nene] NRP: Never heard
[Tuxedo_Mask] GAH!  *covers ears* It's horrible!
[Guardsmen] NRP: *wonders how they can play bagpipes music tho...less they got some*
[GM] NRP: Be amazed
* Guardsmen starts stomping his foot to the beat of the sound
* Knight` glances over
[Knight`] Oy...
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* Tuxedo_Mask walks over and waves hands at the band
[Tuxedo_Mask] NO, NO NO!
* Guardsmen bangs his head to it
* Tuxedo_Mask whispers into their ears
[Nene] NRP: No sure I can RP much longer...
* Guardsmen stops and looks at TuxMask
[GM] - 5[to love you more.mp35] - 5[4.30mb 4m41s 128kbps 44khz stereo5]
* CatGirl crawls over to the refreshment table, and pulls herself up, getting a drink of the spiked punch
* Tuxedo_Mask hums to the love song
[CatGirl] NRP: BRB, changing servers, lag sucks
*** CatGirl has quit IRC
[Guardsmen] .....Oh god...*covers ears*
* Giant_Rat nibbles on food on the table, occasionally leaving one and moving to the next
* Knight` smacks forehead
* Guardsmen whispers into the bands ears
[Nene] NRP: Sowwy.
[GM] - 2[dropkick murphys - the spicy mchaggis jig.mp32] - 2[4.05mb 2m57s 192kbps 44khz joint stereo2]
[Tuxedo_Mask] ---what the---GAH!
* Tuxedo_Mask glares at Guardsmen
[Knight`] ...those bakas..
[Guardsmen] Oh yeah......
* Giant_Rat chews on TM's cape
* Tuxedo_Mask kicks GR
[Giant_Rat] SQUEEK!
* Skeleton taps TM on the shoulder
* Tuxedo_Mask turns around
* Guardsmen starts dancing to the music
[Tuxedo_Mask] What!?
[Skeleton] Why are you kicking a giant rat?
[Tuxedo_Mask] ...
* Tuxedo_Mask looks down at the rat
* Skeleton 's rose can be seen where it's heart would be
* Tuxedo_Mask looks back up
* Giant_Rat looks at TM, eye level
* Tuxedo_Mask then looks back down
[Nene] NRP: Sorry 'bout this...
[Tuxedo_Mask] ...who's who?
[Giant_Rat] Squeek.
[Tuxedo_Mask] Uh---Wiendigo?
[GM] NRP: *ties Nene*
[Skeleton] Well, since that thing's not wearing a rose..
[Tuxedo_Mask] He forgot---?
* Giant_Rat bends down and bites TM's leg
[Nene] NRP: But...
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[Tuxedo_Mask] OW!
[Tuxedo_Mask] AAAAAAH!
[Nene] NRP: How long more be this session?
* Guardsmen grabs his leg
[Tuxedo_Mask] People: *stare again*
[GM] NRP: Hour
[Guardsmen] Ouch...
* Knight` groans
[Skeleton] ...
[Nene] NRP: No can stay that long...
[GM] - 11[e-motional_poison.mp311] - 11[3.74mb 4m5s 128kbps 44khz joint stereo11]
* Guardsmen tosses the band 50Gil
*** CatGirl` is now known as Catgirl
[Catgirl] NRP:AW CRAP, yet another BAD server, gotta reconect AGAIN
*** Catgirl has quit IRC
* Giant_Rat lets go and smacks TM in the face with its massove tail as it walks away
* Tuxedo_Mask falls over
[Skeleton] ...Smooth move, Cassanova.
*** Giant_Rat has quit IRC (I am the everlasting worm.)
[Tuxedo_Mask] *Twitch* Where's---Elayne?
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[Nene] I'll look for her!
[Nene] NRP: And give me an excuse to leave. :P
* Guardsmen walks over to TuxMask
[Guardsmen] So whadya think of that killer music
* Tuxedo_Mask stands up, dusting his cape off
[Tuxedo_Mask] It sucked.
[Guardsmen] What if I said I'm gonna learn how to play these here bagpipeS?
[Tuxedo_Mask] ....
[Nene] NRP: Sorry, gotta go...
[Tuxedo_Mask] I need a gun]
* Guardsmen blows a note with the bagpipe
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* Tuxedo_Mask flinches
[Skeleton] Can I see those for a second? I know how to play.
[Guardsmen] ....Hell no ass...
[Skeleton] I can teach you!
* Tuxedo_Mask whaps Guardsmen with his cane
[Tuxedo_Mask] Hand it over.
[Guardsmen] Yeah uh....Screw you?
* Skeleton turns ro TM
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[Skeleton] Can I see your cane for on moment?
* Tuxedo_Mask hands it to the Skeleton
[Skeleton] Thank you. *twacks Guardsmen in the shin*
[Guardsmen] OWWW!!! *rubs his shin*
[Tuxedo_Mask] OW!
* Skeleton hands it back
* Tuxedo_Mask nods, taking it back
* Tuxedo_Mask rubs his shin

[Knight`] Time Chart: Same night
[Knight`] Location: Same place
*** Megami is now known as Nene
* Tuxedo_Mask argues with Guardsmen about the quality of music
* Fox_Morph walks up to the place, a cloak wrapped about herself
[Nene] Where is she...?
* Knight` stands by Thompson still, listening in like he's been doing for the past while
* Fox_Morph walks in pulling down the hood of the cloak
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[Guardsmen] Love music is crap..
[Tuxedo_Mask] Your bagpipes is crap.
[Orlandu] I like it.
* Orlandu walks up
[Guardsmen] Oh come on your know only fruitcakes enjoy lovey dovey music
* Tuxedo_Mask looks at Orlandu
[Nene] ...
* Tuxedo_Mask looks back at Guardsmen
* Nene blinks at Guardsmen.
[Nene] WHAT was that?
[Tuxedo_Mask] Maybe some people like the idea of love.
* Guardsmen looks at Orlandu
[Guardsmen] Bah...
* Orlandu shrugs
* Fox_Morph giggles
[Orlandu] How's the costume?
[Fox_Morph] At least teh music is good...
* Skeleton puts his hand on TM's shoulder
[Orlandu] NRP: I shoulda went as Satan.
[Skeleton] Um, aren't we here to DO something...?
[Guardsmen] Yeah but when you try to express it in music it seems to fake...
[Guardsmen] NRP: Or Gokou...maybe Garlic..
* Tuxedo_Mask growls warningly at Skeleton
[Orlandu] NRP: Uh, no.
[Tuxedo_Mask] Expressing love in music is not fake if one knows how to listen!
[Fox_Morph] NRP: Hey! DIas coulda went as a fifteen year old skater high on punk rock... no... that wouldn't fit... :)
[Skeleton] *grits teeth* Would you two knock it off with the music-talk ,you're making a scene.
[Knight`] NRP: Sera...
* Orlandu looks around
[Orlandu] Any more than we are already?
[Fox_Morph] NRP: I meant that in a good way...
[Tuxedo_Mask] People: *Stare*
[Guardsmen] NRP: No...I know..maybe a 17 year old skater with a mullet, and who loves Irish that would fit
[Fox_Morph] NRP: YEAH!
* Tuxedo_Mask snaps angerily
[Tuxedo_Mask] Try to mingle people, don't stand in a group
[Fox_Morph] NRP: NAW! That'd never fit.. I mean, who could play a charcter like that?
* Tuxedo_Mask walks off into the crowd
[Guardsmen] I'd listen to it if it wasn't so slow and calm...
* Fox_Morph walks up to the snack table
[Guardsmen] NRP: *raises hand*
[Fox_Morph] NRP: Yes Dias?
[Guardsmen] NRP: I would...
*** Catgirl has joined #TAW
[Fox_Morph] NRP: Darn it... he's right!
*** Hotaru_Airier has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Hotaru_Airier
[Fox_Morph] NRP: See... we can get along!
[Catgirl] nrp: Ok, whats happened so far?
[Knight`] NRP: Headaches.
*** Nene has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Hotaru_Airier)))
*** Hotaru_Airier is now known as Nene
[Skeleton] NRP: TM and Guardsmen have been fighting about music and making a scene.
* Fox_Morph looks down at the food
[Fox_Morph] Ugh... no meat...
* Catgirl parties
* Tuxedo_Mask walks along through the crowd, avoiding strange aliens
[Fox_Morph] .oO(Must... control... fox... needs...)
* Guardsmen walks off
* Orlandu drinks punch
[Skeleton] NRP: o.O ...'Fox needs'...?
[Guardsmen] NRP: I hear Fox's kill their mates...
* Orlandu blinks
[Fox_Morph] NRP: Carnivore...
[Nene] NRP: O.o
[Fox_Morph] NRP: Elayne's a vegitarian...
[Knight`] NRP: Snipe's going to be in the bathroom if anyone needs him
[Guardsmen] NRP: Hah....vegen...
* Fox_Morph sighs
* Fox_Morph looks around
[Guardsmen] NRP: Skeleton: *walks into the bathroom* How's it hang....err....
[Orlandu] NRP: Is Elly in Demi-mode?
[Knight`] *a tapping can be felt on Fox_Morph's shoulder*
[Fox_Morph] Why do I come along on these things...
[Fox_Morph] NRP: A Demi-FOx...
[Orlandu] Because you wanted to, Hun.
* Catgirl spiked the punch BTW for Orlandu
* Fox_Morph blinks
[Fox_Morph] Huh?
* Orlandu blinks
* Fox_Morph turns to see who tapped her shoulder
[Knight`] Death: *stands behind her*
[Orlandu] ..... Spicy punch.
* Fox_Morph blinks
[Fox_Morph] Wh-WHo are you?
* Guardsmen walks outside the mansion to get some fresh air
[Knight`] Death: Ah, just a friend.  *says in a calm, collective voice* Mind if I dance with you, for just a moment?
*** ^Pana^^ has joined #TAW
* Orlandu pulls off his hood, having fake red horns
[Orlandu] He works for me.
* Nene looks for Em.
* Fox_Morph grins
[Orlandu] NRP: [- Satan! How else could orlandu be so powerful!?
[Fox_Morph] Dance with Death?
[Fox_Morph] Okay
[Guardsmen] NRP: Cuz Square made him so
*** Orlandu is now known as The_Devil
[Knight`] Death: *leads her out onto the dance floor*
* The_Devil only looked like he was dressed as orlandu.. is Satan!
* Tuxedo_Mask taps his cane on the floor, looking around
* Skeleton scopes out the room, looking for whoever it is they're suppsoed to be.
[Knight`] Thompson: *keeps yapping away*
* Fox_Morph looks around a little nervously
[Fox_Morph] Do I know you from somewhere?
[Nene] Me?
[Knight`] Death: *notes the change in music is to a slower beat and he slowly begins to dance with Fox* Yes.
* Guardsmen sits down on a bench, he turns around and faces the mansion scanning it for any powerful power signs
[Catgirl] This music sucks..
* Fox_Morph sniffs, trying to recognize him by a scent
* Catgirl sneaks over to the speakers and begins to fiddle with them
* Fox_Morph dances with him
[Knight`] Death: Though you and I never met personally before.  I knew your mother, once.
* Skeleton manuvers over in Thompson's general area.
* The_Devil crosses his arms, watching them dance
[Fox_Morph] My... mom?
[The_Devil] I have the next one, There, Death.
* Knight` stands off to the side of Thompson, tapping his sword
* The_Devil leans on excalibur
[Knight`] Death: *nods, his face hidden behind his mask* That's correct.  *spins her around*
* Fox_Morph blinks, following his lead
* Catgirl takes some wires and connects them to a hand held CD player "now whats a good song..."
* Tuxedo_Mask spots Elayne and---Death
[Tuxedo_Mask] ---who is THAT?
* The_Devil stands not to far away, watching them--and in Tuxedo_Mask's fov
[Fox_Morph] Do you know her from the last... war?
* Catgirl puts in a rock CD and sneaks away again
* Guardsmen stops scanning and stands up stretching
[Fox_Morph] .oO(Who haven't I met...)
[Knight`] Death: *dips her once, pulling her back up* Earlier than that, my dear.  *looks over at Knight's direction* I must move on now.  I enjoyed the dance.
* Fox_Morph nodds
[Knight`] Death: *slides across the dance floor*
[Fox_Morph] .oO(Earlier... Edo's dead... Most of the Reploids from his lab are dead... Maybe... from CorSec?)
* Fox_Morph stands confused
* Tuxedo_Mask walks over to Fox, tapping his cane
[Tuxedo_Mask] Hello, beautiful.
* Fox_Morph blinks and blushes
[Fox_Morph] Hello!
[Tuxedo_Mask] You know, they say it's bad luck to dance with death.  
* Fox_Morph giggles
[Fox_Morph] But Luck's a Carter trait...
[Tuxedo_Mask] Shame we don't have them running around right now.  *twirls his cane, looking to the side.  He looks just like Snipe, except that he has short red hair*
* Guardsmen looks around and then makes his way back into the mansion
* Fox_Morph tries to make sure of who he is by scent
* Tuxedo_Mask is definitely John
* Fox_Morph giggles and hugs him
[Knight`] Thompson: *moves through the crowd to the front*
[Fox_Morph] Nice hair hun
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thanks.  I thought I needed a haircut.
* Nene wanders over to the pair.
* Guardsmen glances around as he walks back in
[Knight`] Death: *Stops behind Knight* Hello, Death Star.
[Knight`] ...
* Knight` turns around, distracted from Thompson
[Fox_Morph] That... Death... he said he knew mom from somewhere...
[Tuxedo_Mask] you know him?
* Tuxedo_Mask eyes Death behind Knight
[Knight`] I recognize that voice...from long ago.
[Knight`] Death:  Do you?  Heh.  It's changed a lot, so I doubt you'll peg me so quickly.  I've come to warn you.  
* Fox_Morph shakes her head
* Knight` grips his sword
[Knight`] Of?
[Fox_Morph] I think he's from COrSec somehow...
[Tuxedo_Mask] Maybe we should "take care" of him.
* Guardsmen takes his mask off and his hat and tosses them to the side
[Fox_Morph] He's definatley not one of my uncles or aunts from Edo Labs...
[The_Devil] Hrmm...
[Knight`] Death: Don't let me fool you.  My hatred for you is not any less.  I'd much rather see you dead.
* The_Devil joins Death and DS
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *walks out the side doors*
* Catgirl pops up behind Tuxedo mask "Take care? Want me to waste somebody?"
[Fox_Morph] Wait...
[Tuxedo_Mask] ...
* Skeleton follows Thompson
[Fox_Morph] I think we can trust him...
[Tuxedo_Mask] Not so fast.
[Knight`] Death: But right now, we have more important things to worry about instead of petty ... quarrels.
[The_Devil] Hrm.
* Guardsmen eyes Skeleton following Thompson
[Knight`] ...I'm listening.
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *walks along a long hallway, stopping to glance behind his shoulder*
*** Orion has left #TAW
[Knight`] Death: It's simple.  You're looking at this entire situation wrong.  Is the informant Spade.  Is the informant related to Spade.  Instead, you should ask yourself, is the informant the same?  Why aid you in secret for so long only to open himself up so quickly?
[Fox_Morph] Who could he be... Grandpa's dead... so... who?
[Tuxedo_Mask] The way Death Star's acting, he can't be good news.
[Tuxedo_Mask] Lets go
* Tuxedo_Mask walks towards Death
[Fox_Morph] Wait...
* Tuxedo_Mask stops
* Tuxedo_Mask looks around
[Fox_Morph] Hun...
[Tuxedo_Mask] Yes?
[Fox_Morph] He didn't do anything to me...
* Guardsmen backs up against a wall and leans against it
[Knight`] Okay, so we're looking at it wrong.  Who's behind all this?
* The_Devil crosses his arms
[Fox_Morph] He's telling him something important...
*** X1_the_Weirdo_God has joined #taw
*** Skeleton has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Fox_Morph twitches her ear
[Fox_Morph] I know..
[Knight`] Death: I'm not going to give it away to you, Death Star.  You got the brains, just follow them.  *turns around*  Think to yourself, what was strange about the last time your informant showed up.  Ask Snipe.  He should remember.  *begins to walk away* There's a base you should look into.  A facility.  Facility 130.  Don't let it escape your sight.
*** X1_the_Weirdo_God is now known as Skeleton
[Knight`] Death: *fades off into the crowd*
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *walks along a long hallway, stopping to glance behind his shoulder*
[Knight`] ...
* The_Devil walks up to Knight`
* Fox_Morph rushes over to Knight, careful not to act like she is
* Skeleton matches the patern of the wall and lies against it.
[Fox_Morph] 130?
* Tuxedo_Mask follows, twirling his cane carelessly
* The_Devil hold shis head
[Knight`] ..
[Knight`] It looks that way.
* Guardsmen continues to lean against the wall thinking to himself
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: ...
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *walks on*
[The_Devil] Why the hell do all of our allies want us to think so much when they already know the answer?
[Knight`] He wasn't technically an ally...
* Skeleton moves on again
[Fox_Morph] Do you remember him DS?
[Fox_Morph] He said he knew mom...
[Knight`] ...a voice of a ghost...
* Knight` looks uncomfortable
[Knight`] Lets just leave it as...he's death.  For he really is
* Fox_Morph shifts... a bit...
* Knight` walks towards the fountain
* Fox_Morph blinks
[Tuxedo_Mask] Really is death---?
[Fox_Morph] Death...
[Fox_Morph] The Death to any Reploid... C--... no..
[The_Devil] Hem.
[Knight`] Thompson: *walks into a room, pulling open large doors*
[Fox_Morph] John... did you ever take a history class?
* Tuxedo_Mask clucks tongue
[Tuxedo_Mask] I know my history pretty well
* Catgirl sets by the fountain, looking at her watch "Wonder when we where supposed to meet here...?"
[Tuxedo_Mask] Especially war related issues.
* Knight` walks up
* Skeleton follows
* Guardsmen glances at the fountain seeing people gathering there.
* Guardsmen heads over to it
* Nene wanders over, hearing the last bit.
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *grabs phone* I'm here, boss.  *pause*  The attack went well?  *pause*  They repelled most of our forces?  *pause* You did get the target though?  *pause* Good.  *pause* What---they're here?
[Fox_Morph] hmm...
* Tuxedo_Mask stands by Knight
[Fox_Morph] Could it really be him?
* Guardsmen steps in
[The_Devil] Never know.
[Nene] ...?!
[Guardsmen] Who cares who he was...
[Knight`] Tell me, Tuxedo, what was unusual about the last visit by the informant.
[The_Devil] I do.
[Catgirl] When do we get to waste something?
* The_Devil hrms.
[Tuxedo_Mask] ---uh, *looks at Dias* Hey, he was five hours early, wasn't he?
[Guardsmen] Yeah.....
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *hangs up the phone and turns around to look into the hallway*
[Knight`] Five hours early...
*** X1_the_Weirdo_God has joined #taw
*** Skeleton has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[Guardsmen] His shuttle was pretty hi-tech too...couldn't scan the shuttle..
[Fox_Morph] Cran...
*** X1_the_Weirdo_God is now known as Skeleton
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *sees Skeleton*
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: Wraiths...
* Skeleton should still be matching the wall.
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *walks towards Skeleton, acting as if he notices nothing*
* Fox_Morph looks for DS
[Guardsmen] Thought he was dead...
[Tuxedo_Mask] So, DS, what's the plan now?
[Knight`] Facility 130...we need to find it's location.
[Fox_Morph] Well... he isn't...
[Fox_Morph] DS...
[Guardsmen] How would you know?
[Fox_Morph] Am I right?
* Nene blinks.
[Knight`] ...
* Knight` shifts
[Knight`] Ariel punched a hole through Cran's mech.  It overloaded and exploded.
* Skeleton oozez down and runs along the edge of the wall ahead of Thompson
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *stabs the spot he was at moments before* Gone?
[The_Devil] Did we actually see him dead?
[The_Devil] It's been too long for me to remember.
[Guardsmen] ...Must you always doubt things?
[Fox_Morph] Because... he;s...
[Knight`] I'm afraid we never looked for a body.  We were all dying.
* Skeleton slips around the corner and heads towards the doors
* Catgirl jus listens
[The_Devil] I think I was too busy trying to kill you. 
[Fox_Morph] He's well... technically my Grandfather...
[The_Devil] Bastard almost made me lose my eyes.
[The_Devil] (eye)
* Knight` sighs
[Knight`] I won't deny it's not Cran.  I think it is myself.
[Knight`] But Cran's mech...I remember the intense heat of the explosion.
* Skeleton morphs into his normal form with cloak, looking for the others
*** Skeleton is now known as Gravedigger
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *steps out of the doors*
[The_Devil] It could very well of had an ejection seat.
* Gravedigger pulls his hood over
[Fox_Morph] Um...
[Knight`] ....Cran....
* Knight` grips his sword
* Guardsmen puts his head down
[The_Devil] Though let's not assume it all at once.
[Knight`] He said...."There was something different about your last informant" there two?
* Gravedigger whistles
[Tuxedo_Mask] Two informants?
[The_Devil] Perhaps.
* Gravedigger whistles louder
[Knight`] Thompson: *makes his way through the crowd*
* Fox_Morph blinks
[Knight`] ...*looks up* A whistle...
* Catgirl looks over at grave
[Fox_Morph] Um... I think that was GD...
[Tuxedo_Mask] Yeah...isn't that Thompson behind him?
* Nene tries to trail Thompson
[Fox_Morph] We... should... get moving?
* Gravedigger tries to run after the group
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *grows closer to Grave*
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: Hey, you, stop!
[Knight`] ...
[Knight`] Mvoe!
* Knight` runs into the crowd
* Nene hasn't been identified yet, has she?
* Gravedigger fights through the crowd
* The_Devil teleports
* Guardsmen walks towards Grave
[Tuxedo_Mask] Crowd: *shifts and yells start up*
* Fox_Morph teleports
* Tuxedo_Mask runs through the crowd towards Grave
* Nene fakes ignorance.
[Nene] What's going on?
* The_Devil appears high up in the room, tearing off his costume and his wing appearing
* Guardsmen picks up pace and runs past Grave bumping into Thompson
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *tries to each Grave through the crowd* Damn you, Wraith~!
[Guardsmen] Excuse me...
* Tuxedo_Mask walks past Thompson, hitting him in the legs with his cane, tripping him
[Tuxedo_Mask] Oh, sorry.
* Knight` runs out the front door, across the yard
* Gravedigger runs into a small park-type area
* Knight` works his way past the hedges
* Guardsmen looks at Tux and nods
* The_Devil flies down to Thompson, his wing flaping as if it was the way he was flying
* Tuxedo_Mask nods
* Catgirl just blends into the crowd
* The_Devil looks at him
[The_Devil] Hrm...
* Guardsmen starts walking towards an exit
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *Stands up*
* Gravedigger is gone
* Tuxedo_Mask walks towards another exit
[The_Devil] NRP: Garland is... the DEVIL!
[Guardsmen] NRP: Yeah way to go Garland, blow our cover..
* Catgirl slips out the exit "ok.. ok... ok.. what now..?"
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: Wraith!
* Knight` leaps over a hedge
[The_Devil] Wrong.
* Fox_Morph appears next to Nene
* Knight` lands on the ground, his sword clattering
[Nene] ...!!!
[Tuxedo_Mask] Thompson: *pulls out a small orb*
[Fox_Morph] You okay?
* Guardsmen slips out an exit
[Nene] [What? They don't know about me yet...]
* The_Devil uppercuts him full force
[Guardsmen] NRP: IT's OZZY OZZBURNE!!
* Tuxedo_Mask walks outside
[Fox_Morph] Let's get out of here...
[Knight`] Thompson: *stumbles back, throwing the orb out.  Suddenly the air begins to shimmer*
[Gravedigger] *a squirrel appears next to 'Knight'* Chitter.
* Nene nods, and heads to the exit.
[Fox_Morph] [I know... me niether,,,]
* Knight` looks down
[Knight`] Grave?
* The_Devil spin kicks Thompson
[Gravedigger] We've been made.
* Fox_Morph grabs Nen and teleports
* Gravedigger morphs into his normal self again
[Knight`] Thompson: *goes flying and starts laughing*
* Guardsmen looks around outside the exit
* Gravedigger looks up
* Tuxedo_Mask walks around the corner next to Knight and Grave
[Gravedigger] ...Ah crap..
[The_Devil] Hrm...
* /sound: no such file 'TGC-TheBattleofDeath.mid'
* The_Devil pulls the horns off of his head
[The_Devil] Bah..
*** The_Devil is now known as Garland
[Knight`] Thompson: HA HA HA HA...GOOD BYE WRAITHS!
*** Fox_Morph is now known as Seraphna
[Seraphna] NRP: I'm doing Alia
[Seraphna] s
* Catgirl lands from somewhere next to Knight "What the hell is going on?"
[Knight`] Orb: *grows bigger, the entire building shaking as it sucks towards the orb*
* Knight` looks up
[Knight`] I sense...a power surge!
*** Nene is now known as Hotaru_Airier
* Knight` turns back
[Knight`] ---a black hole?!
[Hotaru_Airier] Uh oh...
* Guardsmen looks to the left seeing knight an the others, he quickly runs over to them
[Seraphna] *Elayne adn Hotaru appear down teh street
[Knight`] Thompson: Welcome to your death, Garland Hianule
* Garland grabs Thompson
[Catgirl] NRP: I remember that orb.. it was on an episode of MIB..
[Garland] WHAD DID YOU DO!?
[Seraphna] Elayne] You okay?
[Hotaru_Airier] I'm fine...
[Garland] Eh? Welcome to yours, too.
[Knight`] Thompson: This here is a small black hole.  It'll suck in everything in this city.
* Garland thrwos him at the orb
[Knight`] Thompson: *is sucked in, his skin being ripped from his bones*
* Tuxedo_Mask sighs
* Garland looks away
[Tuxedo_Mask] We need to reach the shuttle
[Hotaru_Airier] What now?
[Guardsmen] Then lets go..
[Catgirl] Then what the hell are we standing around for? Lets haul ass!
* Knight` runs towards the airport
[Seraphna] Elayne] Let's get to the shuttle, here we go again
[Tuxedo_Mask] ...
[Tuxedo_Mask] Garland.
* Tuxedo_Mask looks back
* Guardsmen blurs towards the airport
[Gravedigger] ...You SENSE that? Dude, just LOOK at it!!
[Seraphna] *Elayne teleports them both to the shuttle
[Knight`] GM: *the building is sucked in*
* Catgirl takes off after knight
[Hotaru_Airier] Thanks... I really should learn to do that...
[Knight`] GM: *the black hole expands*
* Garland stands there, his hair flapping towards the orb as he's teleported out of the building
[Garland] This is bad... REAL bad.
* Tuxedo_Mask runs for the airport
[Seraphna] Elayne] *looking at the power* Make it out of there guys...
[Hotaru_Airier] Em's inside you, right?
[Gravedigger] Dammit, if only Ripple was here..
[Tuxedo_Mask] Keep wishing, Grave!
* Tuxedo_Mask trips, stumbling, his top hat flying into the orb
[Knight`] GM: *the black hole expands again, now so big the entire city can see it*
[Gravedigger] Well, he could open a warp inside the black hole, and it should collapse in on itself!
* Guardsmen leaps over a parked car as he heads towards the airport
[Garland] Damnit....
[Hotaru_Airier] Ulp...
* Catgirl stops, and runs back to Tux, trying to help him up
* Tuxedo_Mask nods his thanks
[Seraphna] *Elayne nodds, "She says Hi... and she said she's having a good nap..."
* Garland 's hair whips in the air
* Hotaru_Airier nods.
* Knight` reaches the airport, which is being chipped away
* Catgirl takes off again
[Hotaru_Airier] Where're the others?
* Tuxedo_Mask runs
* Guardsmen reaches behind Knight
* Knight` runs inside
* Seraphna grins, "Strap in, I'm going to get the shuttle ready
[Catgirl] !Splay tgc-endinsight.mid
* Gravedigger follos in hot pursuit
* Knight` leaps into the shuttle
* Seraphna moves to teh cockpit and starts up the shuttle
* Guardsmen leads into the shuttle behind Knight
* Tuxedo_Mask follows Grave and Catgirl
* Garland spreads his wing, flying low to the ground, making a jet engine sound as he flys over the ground
[Knight`] GM: *a power surge of 400 grabs Grave, Catgirl, and TM and drags them back*
[Seraphna] Ealyne] Ready guys?
[Tuxedo_Mask] !!!
* Catgirl looks jumps at the shuttle, grabbing the doorway and pulling herself in trying not to get sucked into the Black hole.
* Tuxedo_Mask slides back
[Gravedigger] ...eep.
[Garland] Dammit!
[Seraphna] ...
* Garland flies back
[Catgirl] OH CRAP!
[Knight`] Dammit!
* Knight` leaps out of the shuttle
* Garland grabs TM's forearm
[Tuxedo_Mask] GM: *GArland is now stuck in the G-Force too*
* Gravedigger slides back
* Knight` goes flying at the others, driving his sword into the ground to stop him
* Catgirl holds onto the doorway for deer life
[Garland] So much for me trying to be useful at all.. *growls, flying against it*
[Gravedigger] Something tells me my armor won't stop a black hole!
[Seraphna] Elayne] DAD!
* Knight` fights against it
* Knight` slides towards them
[Catgirl] GAWD, WE ARE SO DEAD!!
* Garland roars, bursting into flames as he fights it
* Guardsmen leaps onto the weapons console and checks to see if they have any weapons
* Garland looks back to TM
[Garland] I'm not gonna let go!
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Am I anywhere near them?
[Tuxedo_Mask] GEE, THANKS!
* Tuxedo_Mask watches his mask get blown away
* Gravedigger tries to morph his arms out to the shuttle
*** Tuxedo_Mask is now known as John_McCormick
* Garland digs his feet into the ground
[Seraphna] NRP: You're in the shuttle, safe for now
[Knight`] GM: *they get sucked back, Gravey*
[Garland] YEAH, AY TIME.
[Gravedigger] ...Crapola...
[Knight`] know, an explosion could stop that thing!
* Gravedigger retracts them as best he can
* Garland teleports with John ahead
* Guardsmen powers up the shuttles weapons
* Catgirl 's fingers begin to slip from the doorway of the shuttle"SOMEONE HELP ME DAMMIT!"
[Knight`] GM: *the shuttle is being sucked towards the black hole*
[Guardsmen] Elayne get the shuttle away form them...
[Gravedigger] NRP: Nevermind the fact physics says it wouldn't, but oh well..
* Garland pulls it out, the sword glowing
* Knight` slides past Garland, holding his hand out
[Seraphna] *Elayne flies the shuttel out of the city limits
[Guardsmen] NRP: Physics are only theories
[Knight`] You hold onto Snipe!
* Garland looks back at him
* Seraphna flies up high, trying to spot them
[Gravedigger] NRP: ...Noooooo it's not...
* Guardsmen reroutes all secondary power to the shuttles weapons
[Knight`] You said it would explode, right?
* John_McCormick struggles
[John_McCormick] It what it's suppose to
[Garland] I don't think so!
* Catgirl pulls herself onto the shuttle after it flys away panting "SOME HELP YOU GUYS ARE!!**** YALL! @^#$%#*^$*@&#$%@!!"
[Garland] I'm just more scared of this than the black hole!
* Garland grips the hilt
[Knight`] That's why I think the black hole is PERFECT for it!
* Knight` slides more, his sword cracking
* Garland holds the blade, outreaching it to Knight`
* Gravedigger sinks his sai into the ground and holds on
[Catgirl] !knight tgc-rhythm.mid
* Knight` grabs the hilt
[Hotaru_Airier] You guys okay?
* Guardsmen heads out onto the wing and watches from afar
*** Guardsmen is now known as Dias
[Seraphna] They're... having a little trouble hearing you Hotaru...
* Knight` lets go of his own sword's hilt and flies at the black hole
[Knight`] Now this is life!
* Knight` has his costume ripped up
*** Knight` is now known as DeathStar
* John_McCormick grunts
[Garland] Yup...
[Hotaru_Airier] Oh, yeah...
[John_McCormick] Garland---didn't you guys fight a black hole before?
[Seraphna] *Elayne tries to help move the others away psionically
* Garland holds an iron grip on Snipe's arm
[Garland] Think so.
[Hotaru_Airier] ... I think I can help too...
* DeathStar vanishes from sight
[Gravedigger] Still hanhing on here!
[John_McCormick] Well, he's dead...who's going next?
* John_McCormick slides some
* Hotaru_Airier tries to use her telekinesis to pull the others in
[Garland] IF you can get in there whole, you could be fine...
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Away from the blackhole
[DeathStar] GM: *the black hole is visibly weaker now*
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: ^^;;;
[Seraphna] NRP: That's two people helpng pull you
* Garland stuggles, dragging back
[John_McCormick] It's pull is weaker, lets try for it!
[Gravedigger] Hmm...*ponders*
[John_McCormick] GM: *isn't being pulled in by telekinesis*
[Seraphna] Elayne] Daddy...
* Gravedigger morphs into a rock statue
[Garland] John.. I'll need your help... LET'S GO!
[Seraphna] *Elayne tries to pull them back towards the shuttle harder
[John_McCormick] Right!
[Garland] YAAAAH!!! *bursts into flames*
* John_McCormick roars, a black aura surrounding him
[Catgirl] You guys suck! I almost get killed and how much help I get!? Is it because i'm a rookie!? because i'm a rookie i'm expendable!? IS THAT IT!!
[Hotaru_Airier] NO WAY!
* Garland locks his arm with John's running
* John_McCormick runs
[Seraphna] Elayne] It was this or the shuttle joined the black hole...
[DeathStar] GM: *Grave is... left behind, slowly being pulled towards the black hole*
[Gravedigger] Dammit..
[Seraphna] Elayne] GD!
[Garland] NRP: YAY! Er... Gotta save him!
* Gravedigger unmorphs
[John_McCormick] --GRAVE!
* Garland glances at John.
* Gravedigger grips the sai
* Dias stands on the shuttles wing watching, not being able to do anything
[Garland] ......GO BACK!
[Seraphna] Elayne] *tries to pull Grave away, towards teh shuttle
[Hotaru_Airier] ... ... ...
[John_McCormick] RIGHT!
* John_McCormick runs for Grave
[Gravedigger] *faintly* heeeeeeelllllppppp...
* Hotaru_Airier tries harder, pushing herself as hard as she can.
* Garland follows, cafeful of his footing
* John_McCormick reaches out to Grave
[Seraphna] (BRB)
[John_McCormick] Come on, if we all three run, we'll reach that damn shuttle
* Garland grabs John's hand
[Garland] Get him!
* John_McCormick stretches out further
[John_McCormick] GM: *The sky is turning black and most of the building are gone now*
* Gravedigger swings his shovel to Snipe's hand
* John_McCormick grabs the shovel and pulls
* Garland pulls John who's pulling grave
[Gravedigger] About damn time!
* Catgirl finds a seet and sits, thinking
[Garland] Hey, At least we didn't leave you!
[John_McCormick] Garland, if you can, psionicly tell the others to center all the TK on you
[John_McCormick] And YANKL!
[Catgirl] Ok, the black hole has a source right..
[Garland] {Hey ya'll.. pull me! I've got John and he's got Grave!}
[Catgirl] The orb.. the orb that guy had, if the orb was destroyed..
[John_McCormick] Orb: *is next to the black hole, cracked from a sword swipe*
* Dias tries scanning the blackhole for the orb
* Hotaru_Airier pulls Garly with all her might.
[Catgirl] Then the black hole might stop.. ok.. ok 
[John_McCormick] GM: *Garland and the other two fly towards the shuttle*
* Catgirl thinks, psionicly trying to find the location of the orb
[DeathStar] Orb: *is foudn by both Dias and CAtgirl*
* DeathStar is also detected, near the orb, the Emerald Sword wedged into the ground
* Garland yells, flying/telekenetically moving and all that whatnot while dragging the two beind him
[DeathStar] ...gotta...swipe it...again.....
[Dias] NRP: *wondres how the black orb can be by Dias and Catgirl when they're on the shuttle and its next to the blackhole
* Catgirl finds it and uses pyrokenisis, trying to make it burst into flames and destroy it
*** Seraphna has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[DeathStar] NRP: It's giving off a lot of power
* Dias 's form wavers
*** Dias is now known as DarkHeart
[John_McCormick] GM: *Garland reaches the shuttle, with company*
* DarkHeart is surrounded by a black aura
[Catgirl] DIE DAMNIT! Burn!
[DeathStar] Orb: *is unaffected*
* Garland moves the two into the shuttle
* DeathStar growls, losing his grip
[Catgirl] .... -_-
[Gravedigger] Wheeww..
* Garland flips in
* Garland looks out the window
* DarkHeart leaps off the shuttle wing and towards the orb
* John_McCormick looks out the window
[John_McCormick] DIAS!
[Garland] ...Damn, if ever that thing should work, now's a good time.
[Catgirl] Hes dead..
[John_McCormick] What is he doing!?
*** Hotaru_Airier is now known as Megami
[Garland] I think I know...
* DarkHeart lays low to the ground flying towards it
[Catgirl] Trying to destroy the orb most likley
[John_McCormick] Orb?
[Garland] I'd just be sucked in, though...
[Catgirl] The orb that guy had
[Catgirl] It caused the black hole
[John_McCormick] ....*hugs Catgirl*
[John_McCormick] You're a genius!
* John_McCormick looks out the shuttle and spots DS, barelyt
[Catgirl] I am..?
[John_McCormick] He's next to the orb.  He must have hit it.
[Garland] Let him handle it.
[Garland] I trust him.
[DeathStar] GM: *DH is being pulled in at a speed of 400 SL*
* Megami collapses.
[Megami] NRP: Hota
* DarkHeart strains at the force
[DeathStar] ...*spots DH* Come can do it, Dias...
[DeathStar] GM: *impact into the hole in....5*
[DeathStar] *4*
[DeathStar] *3*
[DeathStar] *2*
* DarkHeart zips by the orb grabbign it and throwing it at the hole
[DeathStar] *1*
[Gravedigger] NRP: *splat*
[DeathStar] *0* *DH enters the black hole*
[DarkHeart] NRP: *goes by and then turns around getting slung like a slingshot* WEEEEEE~!~~~~ *HURL*
[DeathStar] *orb enters the hole*
* Garland gives Dias 160 PL and 160 SL
[Garland] YAAAHHH!!!!
[DeathStar] *a loud explosion follows and the hole collapses in on itself*
* DeathStar stops straining and hits the ground
[John_McCormick] He did it!
* Garland hopes DH surived being in the hole long enough with the levels he gave.
[Garland] Gh....
* DeathStar walks towards the center of the crater that was made and kicks DH's body
[DeathStar] You did it.
* Garland jumps out his own levels 40/40
* Catgirl sets back in her seat, rubbing her head "Thats great... I find its weekness and he destroys it.. why do I feel like I'm the only one without any real power, and insignificant little unit to the team..."
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] Is... it over?
* Garland runs over
[Garland] Hey, you guys okay?
[John_McCormick] Hey, girl, if you didn't think of it, DS would have died
* John_McCormick pats Catgirl
* DarkHeart pushes himself up slowly coughing, dark purple blood oozing from scratches and cuts
[Catgirl] Realy?
[John_McCormick] Yes.
[DeathStar] Tired.
* Garland looks at DH, rubs his nose, jokingly "Damn, he's not dead"
[DeathStar] We shouldn't stay around here.  The Tsivrixsh will be looking into this soon
* DeathStar runs for the shuttle
* John_McCormick looks at Grave
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] Tsivrixsh...
* DarkHeart stands up slowly walking by Garland ignoring him
[John_McCormick] What did you do that tipped Thompson off?!
[Garland] Yeah, sure. ignore the boost.
[Gravedigger] No idea. I blened in perfectly.
* Garland turns from DH and moves off
[John_McCormick] Well, did you hear anything?
* DarkHeart 's form wavers and he reverts shape
*** DarkHeart is now known as Dias
* Catgirl sighs, and takes off her ears "Might as well get rid of these..."
*** Catgirl is now known as Kara
* DeathStar leaps into the shuttle and grabs the controls
[Dias] ....IF you wouldn't have been  an idiot and tipped Thomspon off we might not be here like this..
* Dias heads towards the shuttle
* John_McCormick looks over at the city
[Gravedigger] I overheard him on a call, though. He said something about getting the target after forces were repelled. And someone tipped him off to our arival.
[John_McCormick] I wonder how many died...
[John_McCormick] GM: *the city lays in ruins, building half destroyed and roads gone*
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] ... ... ... ].[
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] Why must death follow me?
* Gravedigger looks down at Hotaru
[Gravedigger] Oh, sorry...*moves away*
* Dias walks onto the shuttle holding his left shoulder
* DeathStar begins to close the door
[DeathStar] Good job, Dias.
[Dias] .....
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] ... everywhere I go, people die...
* DeathStar pulls out the Emerald Sword and hands it to Garland
[DeathStar] It survived.
* DeathStar notices a message
[DeathStar] Chip contacted us...
* DeathStar hits a button
[DeathStar] Chip: Warning, Wraiths.  Need *explosions are heard and his voice wavers* assistance...Origin....attack...need...*is cut off*
[DeathStar] ...
[Kara] o_o
[Dias] We need to get back asap DS...
* DeathStar slams it into hyperspace
[Gravedigger] That's just wonderful..
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] Not again...
* Dias walks over to John and talks to him in a quiet voice
* Kara blinks
[Kara] H-HEY!
* John_McCormick nods
[Kara] MY dad's necklace is in my room on origin!
[Gravedigger] ...
[John_McCormick] ...
[DeathStar] ...
[Gravedigger] Kara, be quiet.
[Kara] If they touch it, I'll KILL THE BASTARDS!
[Megami] Necklace?
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] Good job I got my pendant back from Kyouki... or... maybe not...
-] [Garland] PING
* John_McCormick sits down, exhausted, holding his head down
[Dias] I hope Slashers ok..
[DeathStar] Time Chart: A while later...
[DeathStar] Coming out of hyperspace
* DeathStar pulls a lever
[DeathStar] GM: *they fall out of hyperspace, to see Origin standing in one piece, but obviously damaged.  Pieces of ships and mechs can be seen floating.  Some of them Wraiths' mechs
* Garland has silently sheithed the sword
* John_McCormick stands up
[John_McCormick] Please be alright...
* Kara looks out the window
* Dias turns to Garland
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] ... ... ...
[Kara] ...
[Garland] ....What happened...?
[Dias] When we find out what happened to Origin I wanna talk to you...
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] They... they... THOSE BASTARDS!!!!!
* Garland glances at Dias
* Dias glares back at him..
[DeathStar] Chip: Welcome---Wraiths.  Everything is....okay here.
[Dias] What happenend Chip?
[Garland] Don't glare at me like that.
[DeathStar] Chip: We were attacked by some mechs and ships.  They invaded Origin and took a few things...
[DeathStar] Chip: I believe it was that informant from before.
[Dias] Maybe if you would of used your brain and not went gung-ho all those innocent lives wouldn't have been lost bakc there...
[Garland] Hrm.
[John_McCormick] ...what is our casualities?
* Garland looks back at Dias
[DeathStar] Chip: Well...uh...we lost a few techs, 5 mechs...including Eve.  And uh...the last one..well, we'll wait for you to come her to tell you
[DeathStar] ...
* Dias turns away and looks at them
[Garland] What makes you so sure he wouldn't have done it anyway?
* DeathStar pilots towards Origin's hanger
[Dias] .....They took Eve...*clenchs fist in anger*
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] *stands up, aura flaming, burning off her hair-dye and make-up*
* DeathStar lands the shuttle, calmly, and opens the door
[DeathStar] Out.
* John_McCormick jumps out
* Kara follows cautiously
* Garland hovers out, his feet never touching the ground
[Dias] Do you always think your actions are just? If YOU Wouldn't have backed him into a corner like you did, he might have not acted so brashly...*Walks off*
* John_McCormick views the signs of a slight battle
[Kara] How do we know they didnt leave us any surprises?
[Garland] Uh huh.
* Dias looks for Slasher
[DeathStar] Tech: Us, sirs.  Miss.  Eve might still be alive.  We're picking up some life signs from her mech.
[Dias] ...Where?!
[DeathStar] Tech: Somewhere in space.
[Garland] Just how many people carry black holes in their pockets.
* Gravedigger sighs
[Dias] ....*runs over to his mech which is barely completed*
[John_McCormick] Why didn't Wiendigo and the others do something!?
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] *calms down slightly*
* Garland teleports away
* Dias leaps into his mech and powers it up, it only running on power cells
[John_McCormick] ---Dias!
[DeathStar] Where's Katrina?
* DeathStar looks around
[DeathStar] Chip: Well...
*** Dias is now known as DiasMech
* Garland appears behind DS
[DeathStar] Chip: They...took her.
[DeathStar] ...
* DiasMech runs towards the bay door and leaps out
[Garland] We'll find her.
* Kara looks and sees dias "Hes going to do his what he wants, its pointless to try to stop him.."
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] ... ... ...
[Kara] -his
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] This one, okay?
* Garland puts his hand on DS's shouler
[Megami] NRP: Once.
* DeathStar clenches his fist, trying to contain his anger. Strangely, pieces of glass nearby begin to shatter
* Garland glances over
[Kara] ..?
[Garland] I owe you one in an instance like this, we'll find her.
* DeathStar swipes Garland away and stumbles forward
[DeathStar] I'll kill them!
* DeathStar is obviously going into a beseker rage
* Garland moves back, avoiding it
[DiasMech] Slasher: *comes running in*
[Garland] Calm down DS!
[Garland] You're blinding yourself! 
* DiasMech scans for Eve's mech
[DiasMech] Garland let him be....
[DiasMech] NRP: That was Slasher
* DeathStar slams fist into the ground, shattering it around him, and he falls into a kneel, panting slowly, his power level dropping again
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] No. Don't.
[Gravedigger] Um, so, what happened to Wien and there others here? Couldn't anyone stop the attack?
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] I CAN'T ALLOW ANY MORE DEATH!
[DeathStar] Chip: They repelled it, like I said...but we still took some loses
[Garland] You've never had your son kidnapped.
* Garland looks back to DS
* DeathStar is breathing more calmly
[Gravedigger] And so they're...?
* DiasMech zooms around looking for Eve's mech
[DeathStar] Chip: Alive.
[DeathStar] Mech: *can be seen sparking nearby*
[John_McCormick] ...
* John_McCormick sits down
[John_McCormick] Geeze...
[Garland] Death Star, we'll find her. Let's go organize the rescue mission.
[Gravedigger] I was looking for 'where', more or less.
* Kara backs away from DS, and the group, and goes off to find her room.
[Garland] Come on....
* DiasMech spins towards it grabbing onto it when he reaches it
[DeathStar] Chip: I think .... I'm not sure really.  On Origin somewhere
[DiasMech] NRP: Drunk..
* DeathStar mutters something in a low voice
* John_McCormick looks up
*** Alera has joined #Taw
[John_McCormick] What?
[DiasMech] Comm: Eve..*scans the mech*
[DeathStar] I said...I'm going to Facility 130...whoever wants to go, be ready tomorrow
[Garland] That attitude's the same I had when... When Sharlena was kidnapped.
* DeathStar stands up
* DeathStar looks at his fist, unclenching it
[Garland] It only worsens things... Death Star..
[DeathStar] I'm going to Facility 130.  It's my only lead.
* DeathStar walks off
[DiasMech] DeathStar
[DiasMech] NRP: Damnt...That was Slasher
[DeathStar] Eve: *is alive*
[DiasMech] Slasher: DeathSTar...
* Garland follows DS
[Garland] I'm comming with you.
* DeathStar looks at Slasher
[DiasMech] Shew..*starts towing the mech back to Origin
[DeathStar] What---?
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] I'm going... this once.
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] I... think...
[DiasMech] Slasher: I was able to hide the ship..
[John_McCormick] I'll get the plans and charts for this facility ready from the notes we have on CorSec
* DeathStar nods slowly
[DeathStar] Good.  That's...the last thing we...need...stolen..
[DiasMech] Slasher: If you need my help, call me..
* DeathStar bites out the last words
* DeathStar nods
* DiasMech lands in the mechbay and sets Eve's Mech down
* DeathStar walks out of the hanger and towards his room, trying to maintain his cool
* DiasMech leaps out of his mech
*** DiasMech is now known as Dias
* Dias lands on the floor and leaps up onto Eve's mech, ripping the hatch off the mech throwing it to hthe side
* Kara backs away from DS in the hall as he passes
[DeathStar] Eve: *isn't awake, but is breathing*
* DeathStar opens the door to his room and steps in, shutting it
[Dias] *picks Eve up and carries her out of the mech and lands on the ground*
[John_McCormick] How is she, Dias?
[Kara] I hope he'll be ok..
* John_McCormick looks over at him
[Dias] She's breathing....*has a look of relief on his face*
* John_McCormick nods
[John_McCormick] I still don't get why they would assault Origin and take...practially nothing.
[Dias] There trying to break us down...
* John_McCormick looks at the ground
* Kara enters the hanger "Trying to taunt us maybe?"
[John_McCormick] Whoever is behind all this is playing...mind games with us?!
[Dias] I know what DS is going through....*looks down at Eve*
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] *enters the hangar*
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] It's working.
[Kara] Life is a game..
* Garland teleports into space, gathering all the mech debris
[Dias] John...try to get the exact specs on what's been stolen...maybe we can find more info..
[John_McCormick] Chip: The only thing taken was...Katrina.
* John_McCormick looks up
[Dias] Did they try to access any files?
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] Why?
[John_McCormick] Chip: Negative.
[John_McCormick] Chip: They also tried to get Jonas.
[Dias] ...Whoever did this was aiming at DS...
[John_McCormick] Chip: However, the other Wraiths prevented them.
* Garland taps his hear comm
[Garland] How'd Jonas do on his own?
* Dias shifts his weight and heads towards the medbay
[John_McCormick] Chip: He didn't get a chance to fight.  He was more or less urshered around
[John_McCormick] (ushered)
*** ^Pana^^ has left #TAW
[Garland] ....
[John_McCormick] So, they were trying to take the youngest kids.  What about Lucas?
[Garland] Well, see to it that 50% of all profits go towards building orign's defenses.
[John_McCormick] Chip: They did not go after Lucas.
[Dias] Slasher: *leaps into his seat and opens up his files looking to see if they accessed anythin
[Dias] Slasher: *or tried to*
[Kara] Why would young kids be on a station dedicated to war like this anyway!
[John_McCormick] ...
[John_McCormick] I'm lost.
* Garland appears
[John_McCormick] We got most of the orphans off, but most wouldn't go.
[John_McCormick] Like Garland's family. And Katrina didn't have anyone.
* Garland drops an arm full of mech parts to the ground
[Garland] She had Death Star.
[John_McCormick] ...yeah, well, he's in a war.
* Dias enters the medbay and sets Eve on a bed
[Garland] So am I.
[John_McCormick] You know see how dangerous it is for kids to be here now.
[John_McCormick] If Origin had exploded...
[Megami] 5[4Hotaru5] ... Guess I am too.
* John_McCormick shakes head
* Garland walks over to John
[Garland] I've always known how dangerous it is.
* John_McCormick pats his tuxedo
[John_McCormick] I..need to go to sleep now.  
[Garland] Do some research. My daughter was kidnapped not unlike Katrina. You read the history on what I did.
* John_McCormick walks off
* John_McCormick turns around
[John_McCormick] I know those files very well
* Garland mutters
* John_McCormick continues to walk
[Garland] ....And you still don't know why I'm so protective of Elayne....
[Dias] Slasher: ...Good they didn't access anything...*heads over to the Engines and begind tuning htem again
* Garland sighs, walking the other way
[John_McCormick] Session Ends