Session 134: Final Retribution

[DeathStar] Time Chart: Immediately after Part 2
[DeathStar] Location: Near the Asteroid Core
* DeathStar watches the last person step onto the elevator and he prepares to hit the button when the express elevator near them begins to come down
* Snipe rubs his jaw
[Snipe] Who the hell is it now?
* Garland sheiths his sword
[Slasher] Maybe it's the pizza man finally?
[DeathStar] Express Elevator: *arrives and opens*
* Dias shakes head at Slasher
* DeathStar growls and waits
[Slasher] Come on Pizza man...
* Garland steps out
* Garland looks around cautiously
[DeathStar] Wiendigo: *blows out some smoke* Who the hell is holding us up?  We don't have all day here.
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Pizza?
* Slasher looks at Garland
[Slasher] He not coming along?
[DeathStar] It looks like it's more Wraiths.
[Garland] NRP: Am I the only one that took the "Arrives and opens" differently?
[DeathStar] Kyouki, is that you?
[DeathStar] NRP: Yes.
[Slasher] NRP: yeah...
[Garland] NRP: Well shit. Nix it.
[Slasher] NRP: Can't
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Well, yeah...
[DeathStar] Then come on over into our elevator.  We have to move it.  Anyone else in there with you?
[DeathStar] Wiendigo: Tick.  Tock.  Tick.  Tock.
[Slasher] Damnt, it's only Kyouki...i was hoping for my friggin pizza...
[Alysia] NRP: I guess yes?
[DeathStar] NRP: Ariel should be with you
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] *heads over*
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Ariel's here too.
* Garland crosses his arms in the elevator
* DeathStar pauses, then looks to the elevator again
[Snipe] It's doomsday, as we know it, and I'm just fine..
*** Hikaryuu is now known as Ariel
[Ariel] Snipe, do us a favor.  DON'T sing.
[DeathStar] Gravedigger: *whacks Snipe*
[Snipe] Ow!
[DeathStar] Wiendigo: This is the voice of reason.  Lets move our asses.
[Dias] I could play the bagpipes?
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] NO!
[Ariel] ...only if you know how.
[Dias] I do tho..
[Dias] Kinda...
* DeathStar hits the button and the elevator begins to move down to the core
[Dias] NRP: *is hungry*
[DeathStar] NRP: *offers Elayne's leg*
[DeathStar] Seraphna: *stays close to Garland, looking calm*
[Garland] NRP: *just ate undercooked burger and didn't notice*
[Snipe] Uh...guys/
[Snipe] I have to use the bathroom.
[DeathStar] ....
[Dias] NRP: Why does this always have to be about you Garland? WHY?!
[Ariel] can't be serious...
* Garland looks at her, and smiles lightly
[DeathStar] Wiendigo: ... *looks like he's about to lunge at Snipe*
[Dias] ...*points to the corner*
[DeathStar] Elayne: *looks a bit surprised*
[Garland] NRP: Because I'm the cute on.
[Garland] NRP: one.
[Alysia] NRP: No, I am!
[Garland] NRP: Got me there, Ali. :)
[Snipe] Hey!  You try running around for 2 hours or so with everyone trying to kill you.
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] ... why did I come?
* DeathStar lets hios head smack against the side of the elevator
[Dias] Cannon fodder
* Garland glances at DS
[Snipe] You think this place has a restroom?
[Dias] You'd think they would with all the people..
[DeathStar] GM: *elevator slowly goes down*
[Dias] You'd think with all the technology we have, we'd come up with an easier way to go to the bathroom on the go..
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] @.@
[DeathStar] *thunk thunk*
[Snipe] How much longer do you think this elevator ride is?  I really have to go...
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Garland] .oO(I knocked a screw loose....)
[DeathStar] Kara: *stands next to Ariel, smiling*
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] We're confused...
[DeathStar] Wiendigo: You're all going to die.  
* Ariel blinks, noticing Kara
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] All of us?! Wait...
[DeathStar] Wiendigo: I said you are.  Not me.
[DeathStar] Elayne: *touches Snipe and the urge to go to the bathroom leaves*
*** Galvatron is now known as SpeakY10k
[Garland] NRP: I'm telling...
[Alysia] NRP: [Snipe] Damn, now I've wet myself.
[Dias] NRP: Yes the urge but not the pressure, and sadly Snipe pisses his pants
[DeathStar] NRP: She always seems to have a cure for everything!
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator opens*
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Yay! We're here!
[Dias] Bout damn time
* DeathStar steps out, looking at a spinning green generator that goes down as far as the eye can see
[DeathStar] The core....
[Dias] So we uhh blow it up?
[Snipe] That would blow US up.
* Snipe crosses his arms
[Dias] *Shrugs*
[Ariel] Fun stuff.
[Dias] You find the off switch then.
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] But it's such a nice core...
[DeathStar] Forget the core.  *says harshly*
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Okay.
* Garland looks around
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] *looks around*
* DeathStar judges the distance and steps off, falling
*** Kara has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Kara
[Dias] NRP: Get to the killing of the ATLANS!
[Alysia] NRP: DAMMIT, NO!
* Dias looks at DS falling
[Snipe] Kara: *looks over the edge*
* Snipe steps off, falling
* DeathStar falls next to the core, looking around
[Snipe] Kara: Are they all crazy or am I just not getting the point in this?
[Dias] ....Uhh....*steps off, falling*
* Garland appears near them
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] I'm crazy!
* DeathStar back flips and lands on a the platform.
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Not sure about the others.
* DeathStar looks up, having saved about a mile worth of walking
[Slasher] NRP: How far of a drop?
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Wiendigo's crazy too.
[DeathStar] NRP: Quite a bit
[DeathStar] Gravedigger: *takes up position guarding the elevator*
[DeathStar] Wiendigo: *vanishes*
* Dias forms a hangglider on his back and he floats down
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] *sprouts wings again*
* Snipe grabs DS' arm and spins himself up onto the platform
* Slasher phases to the bottom, appearing next to DS
[DeathStar] Kara: *jumps off*
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Why are we going down, anyway?
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] I guess I should follow... *flies down*
* DeathStar points at a doorway
[DeathStar] The only one I saw.
* DeathStar walks over to it and studies it
[DeathStar] Locked.
* Dias lands next to Snipe, the hangglider merging back into the armor
* Slasher looks for a console pad for thedoor
* Garland looks at the door
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] If it's locked, unlock it!
* Snipe crosses arms and looks at Kyouki
[DeathStar] Kara: *falls past the group, still falling*
[DeathStar] GM: *console pad is next to the door*
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] That's what I do to unlocked doors.
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] LOCKED DOORS@!
[Snipe] Elayne and Seraphna: *both arrive*
* Slasher starts tapping buttons on the console pad
[Snipe] ...
* DeathStar looks to where Kara just fell past, shrugs, then looks back at the door
* Garland is silent
[DeathStar] GM: *the door opens*
[Slasher] OPEN SAYS ME!!
[Snipe] Delayed reaction there, Slasher.
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] It listens! COOOL!
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] It even listens before you say it!
[Snipe] GM: *on the otherside is a dark hallway*
[Slasher] It happens...
* Snipe glances at Kyouki again
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] I'm sorry, did you want something?
[Dias] Guys?
[Alysia] NRP: Kyouki's utterly crazy.
[Snipe] Yes?
[Dias] Where's Kara?
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] What then?
[DeathStar] ...
* DeathStar looks around
[DeathStar] I'm...not sure.
[Snipe] Haven't seen her since the top.
[Dias] She'll find her own way...
[Dias] Lets go..*Walks down the hallway*
[DeathStar] Hopefully.  There is no more platforms under this as far as I could tell
* DeathStar notes Ariel is missing to
* DeathStar shrugs and steps through into the hallway
* Snipe follows, looking around
* Ariel isn't missing, people just have forgotten to notice her again.
* Garland keeps a steady hold on the holt of his sword
[Snipe] Well, we're down three people.  Now what?
[Dias] NRP: Did you guys hear something? *looks around*
[Snipe] Elayne: *Stays close to Snipe*
[Ariel] *behind Snipe* Three?
[Snipe] Yes, three.
[Garland] Stay sharp, Ariel.
[Snipe] Wiendigo, Grave, and Kara.
[Ariel] Always Gar.
* DeathStar sees another door at the far end of the hallway.
[DeathStar] Less talk, people.
[Ariel] Oh.  I could have sworn you said people, but if you count Wien...
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Right... except in my head, where's there's always talk.
[Garland] ...
* Snipe kneels down, not moving anymore, about half-way through the hallway
* Ariel shrugs, and pulls her sword out of the air.
* Dias stops and looks at Snipe
[Dias] What is it boy? Did timmy fall down the well again?
* Snipe flips Dias off in the dark and looks around
[Snipe] I say it's a bad idea to go any further.
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Oh, Timmy can stay down the well, we're on a mission
[Snipe] But then again, no one listens to me.
* DeathStar halts for a moment, looking ahead.
[Ariel] ...what's up?
[Garland] Why isn't it a good idea?
* Snipe grabs some gil from his pocket
* Snipe throws it out and suddenly lazers shoot out from both sides of the wall at a rapid pace, dusting the gil
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Oh, that's why.
[DeathStar] Seraphna: I didn't even detect that.
[Ariel] ...nice call.
[Garland] NRP: -1 to your gil pool!
[Snipe] Standard technique.
[Slasher] All that sitting does that you Sera..
[DeathStar] Seraphna: ...
[DeathStar] Elayne: So, what do we do now?
[Garland] Sera, no one can see everything.
[Slasher] Should I try phasing across?
[Garland] NRP: Sera: *burns things*
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] Go ahead. I could use a smoke bomb to detect the lasers...
[Snipe] It's possible.  But, this is Spade here, he might be expecting that.
[Alysia] 3[4Kyouki3] That would work, wouldn't it?
[Slasher] True...
[Slasher] Mirrors?
[Snipe] As fast as those lazers were firing?  You'd have to be super fast and have about 30 mirrors.
[Slasher] We could have Sera here make a wall of ice along side the walls to reflect the lasers back
[DeathStar] Do it.
[Garland] ... 
[Slasher] NRP: *makes Sera do it*
[Garland] Ice doesn't reflect...
[DeathStar] Seraphna: *begins to ice both walls, the lazers firing at the ice, chipping into it and it breaks out
[Slasher] Guess your right...
[Garland] NRP: it REFRACTS.
[Garland] NRP: All: *sizzle(
* DeathStar begins to talk forward
[DeathStar] (walk)
*** Alicia has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alicia
[Snipe] .....*debates stopping him, but decides not to*
* DeathStar keeps walking, right to the point the lazers begin
* Garland crosses his arms
[DeathStar] I could walk across..
[Snipe] ..and become swiss cheese.
*** Alysia has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[Slasher] Why don't we send Garland through? He seems to be pretty dense.
[DeathStar] How about we destroy the turrents?
* DeathStar turns around
[DeathStar] Throw out a bomb.
[Garland] I'd love to, but my blood isn't THAT reflective.
[Slasher] Who said it had to be reflective...your still pretty damn dense..
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Do I have any regular explosives?
* Garland nods. "Lead based."
[Snipe] you....?
[Garland] Unless you were saying what you probably were...
* Slasher smiles innocently
[Garland] Mm-hm... I'll remmeber that.
[Slasher] You do that..
* Snipe pulls out his rifle and aims it at the first turrent and fires, the attack doing little or no damage.
[Dias] Uh guys...back to the business at hand
* DeathStar debates just running through and dying, which would be easier than standing around listening to them
[Garland] Hm...
* Dias pulls out a glob of his metallic armor and forms it into a ball he then throws it down the hall
* Garland looks around for anything that could be used
[DeathStar] GM: *the wall lights up with red laser fire*
[Slasher] NRP: Oi boy am I lagging..
[Slasher] NRP: Now I'm good
[Dias] Youch......
[DeathStar] GM: *though it's noted the lasers have a 5 second recharge time*
[Garland] Hm....
[Garland] Are all of them firing at once?
* Dias throws a gil down there
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Think we could get through in 5 seconds?
[Snipe] Looks like it.
[Snipe] GM: *they open fire*
[Slasher] It looks like the lasers have a 7 second recharge time guys..
[DeathStar] I counted 6.
[Garland] I counted 5.
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Think that's enough?
[Slasher] You can count Garland..
[Slasher] NRP: Can't.
[Snipe] Lets find out
* Snipe pulls off his trench coat and throws his rifle to Elayne, who barely catches it
* Snipe throws a gil out and then runs after the lasers open fire
* Garland looks at Slasher, but doesn't dignify it with a respoce.
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] One at a time. Okay.
* Snipe dives across as the 5 second mark is hit and the lasers fire
[Garland] NRP: reponce
* Snipe rolls and slams into the door
[Slasher] Hmmm...maybe it was 5 seconds..
[Ariel] ...
[Snipe] You'll need to have a speed as fast as mine.
[Snipe] GM: *has a 270 SL speed*
[DeathStar] ...I'd be a second too late.
[Garland] ..... I'll handle this.
* Dias flicks a gil and races across it after teh lasers open fire SL 270
[Garland] Who's slower than snipe?
* DeathStar nods
[DeathStar] Me.
[Garland] You wait.
[Slasher] Oooh Me..
[Garland] I'll need you to get me across.
[Slasher] *raises hand*
* Garland points at slasher
[Garland] Get ready.
[Slasher] For what?
* Garland gives Slasher 150 SL
* Snipe looks around for controls
[Slasher] Oooh I feel kinda funny...
[DeathStar] But you're just making yourself slower, Garland....
[Garland] (Make him....?)
[Garland] I know.
* DeathStar looks back across.
[Garland] I'll need you to run me across when I give it to you.
[Garland] Go Slasher
* DeathStar looks at Sera, Elayne, Ariel, and Kyouki
[Slasher] *flicks one of Garlands gil into the hallway, and then blurs across after they open fire*
[DeathStar] And them?
[Alicia] NRP: Only has 105.
* Garland had no gil on him.
[Slasher] NRP: Did too
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] I'm way too slow.
[Ariel] I can make it.
* Garland is tempted to pull it off of Slasher mid way
* Slasher is already across
* Garland pulls it back when he makes
[Garland] it
* Snipe opens the door and looks into the next room, stepping in. The door shuts after him
* Dias looks at Slasher
[Dias] Hi...
[Slasher] Hi...Where's he going?
[Dias] I don't know...*turns to the door trying to open it*
[DeathStar] GM: *door opens*
* Garland gives it to Sera and sends her across, and then Elayne
[Dias] Let's find out...*steps through the door with Slasher*
[Garland] Who's next?
[Ariel] I'm going.
[DeathStar] GM: *door shuts again*
[Garland] Need any help?
[Dias] NRP: *notes that Garland weighs a lot so that would add a lot of weight for DS to carry, making it even harder
[Garland] NRP: *has thought this through*
* Ariel tosses a coin
[Dias] NRP: Hyper..
* Ariel blurs as she speeds across, slashing on laser for good messure after the lasers fire.
[Garland] NRP: Only DS left?
[DeathStar] NRP: Kyouki
[Alicia] NRP: ANd Kyo
* DeathStar looks at Kouyki
[DeathStar] You're up.
* Garland gives 190 to Kara
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] I'll never make it...
[Garland] NRP: Kyouki...
[DeathStar] Have a lttle faith.  You have 295 right now.
* DeathStar hands her a coin
[DeathStar] Elayne: *looks at the door and tries to open it*
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Huh? *throws a gil then runs*
[Alicia] NRP: After the lasers stop*
[DeathStar] NRP: Kyo: *throws the gil and immediately runs..into the lasers*
* Garland turns to DS
[Garland] You're up. You have to get me there, too.
[Dias] NRP: Door: *doesn't budge power level +1 more than Elayne*
* DeathStar shrugs, not showing any signs of emotion other than a hard look
* Garland gives DS 190 SL AND PL (so he can carry Gar easily--PL means easy)
* DeathStar grabs Garland, throws a coin, and runs
*** WereWolfBob has joined #taw
*** Dias has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
* DeathStar slides to the end with a second to spare
*** WereWolfBob is now known as Dias
* Garland recalls it when they make it
[Garland] Let's hurry on.
[Dias] NRP: DS: GUH!! *falls over from Garland sheer weight*
* DeathStar opens the door open and steps through, seeing Snipe, Dias, and Slasher all slammed into the walls, bleeding
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] ...?!!
* Snipe wipes his lip, shaking head
*** GreyFox has joined #taw
* Dias wipes some blood off his face
[Garland] ...
* GreyFox stands there, giggling insanely, holding his red saber
[DeathStar] You!
* Garland draws his sword
* Snipe grabs his rifle
* DeathStar twirls his saber
* GreyFox slashes at Garland
*** Ariel has quit IRC (BBS!)
* Garland parries
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] GREY!
* Dias reaches for a Sabre but remembers he doesn't have one
[Dias] Shit...
* GreyFox kicks Garland back
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] WHat the hell are you doing?
* Snipe fires a blast
[Garland] Grey. Stop this now... *jumps back, moving with the kick if he can*
* GreyFox parries the blast
* Garland draws both swords
* GreyFox leaps back and slashes again at Kyouki's head, only to have Ds' saber stop it
* DeathStar shakes head
* Dias blurs into Grey's parry throwing several punches
[Garland] It's not worth dying.
* GreyFox stumbles back
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] ... O.O
[GreyFox] Heh heh.
* GreyFox flips backwards and holds the saber up, it glowing
* Dias stands infront of him, in a fighting position
* Garland throws his hand out, spread blasting Grey
* GreyFox slams into a wall
* Snipe fires three shots
* GreyFox takes two but knocks the other one back
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] He sounds almost like a maverick...
* GreyFox blurs, slashing at DS' back
* Dias blurs forward slamming in behind the 3 shots, into Grey
* DeathStar parries it
* Garland blurs, kicking GreyFox in the neck
* GreyFox grabs Dias and stabs him in the gut
* GreyFox falls on top of Dias from the kick
[Dias] Guh...*falls to one knee*
* Snipe blasts Grey while he's down
* GreyFox rolls off Dias
* Dias holds his gut
* Garland looks at GreyFox
* DeathStar slams his saber through Grey's arm, pinning him
[GreyFox] GYAAAH!
* Garland looks a DeathStar
[Garland] ...
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] ... I can't do this...
* GreyFox grips his saber and growls
* Snipe blasts the saber
* Garland steps on his wrist
[Garland] Let it go.
[Snipe] Saber: *explodes*
[Dias] NRP: *wouldn't his sabre like melt through the rest of greys arm if he wanted it to..
[DeathStar] NRP: Yes, it's quite possible.
* GreyFox passes out after the saber explodes
[GreyFox] Elayne: *looks shocked and a bit horrified*
* Garland looks to the side
[Garland] *wispers* This is wrong...
* Dias stands up slowly, stumbling around
[GreyFox] Seraphna: *shakes her head* He looks like he's out cold.  That saber must have had something to do with it.  I sensed evil from it.
* DeathStar removes the saber, causing it to turn off.
[DeathStar] No, the saber isn't the evil.  It took what was inside Grey and warped it.
* Slasher grabs onto Dias
* Snipe holds Dias up, holding his own gut
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] @.@
[Snipe] Yo-You okay?
[Dias] Ye...yeah..
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] I... don't think I should go on...
* DeathStar looks across at the door
* Garland narrows his eyes
[DeathStar] I doubt you'll make it back out of here, Kyouki.
[Dias] *places his hand onto his gut and clenches, the spot glowing red, and sealing up* That...should hold it..
[Garland] We have a planet and a girl to save. Stop dabbling.
* Garland looks onward
* DeathStar walks over to the door, running hand along it
[Snipe] Our numbers are dropping faster and faster.  If we strike now, we're as good as dead.
*** Seraphna has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Seraphna
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] I'm still no good to you.
[Snipe] Seraphna: We have to do what we have to do.
[Garland] True, but the remaining are sharper and sharper.
[Snipe] Elayne: I'm...ready.  *nods, looking once at Grey's limp form*
[Seraphna] NRP: :)
[Seraphna] NRP: Fill me in!
[DeathStar] If we make it, we'll come back and take Grey with us.
[Seraphna] *Elayne nodds
[Dias] No time to lose guys...*starts walking forward*
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] I should stay with him.
[DeathStar] ...
* DeathStar nods
[DeathStar] Alright.
[DeathStar] I won't force you to go on.
* DeathStar hits the open button, the door sliding open. It's dim inside, but it looks like a large open room
[Alicia] NRP: I hate it when characters make decisions like this, but...
[Garland] .... *holds his swords ready*
* Dias steps into the room
* DeathStar walks in behind Dias
[DeathStar] GM: *the room is like a larage auditorium.  The seats work their way down to a stage, where a chair is set up like a throne.  On it is Spade, sitting there, waiting*
[Kara] NRP: ok, OAV 1 is over
* Seraphna moves in, letting her cloak drape over her arms
[Kara] NRP: how can I jump in?
[DeathStar] NRP: Watch
* DeathStar narrows his eyes and walks forward slowly until he's only 20 feet from Spade
* DeathStar stands there
* Snipe walks in after him, stopping
*** GreyFox is now known as Spade
* Dias stops next to DS
* Slasher steps in and watches
* Spade props his head against his arm, watching them with mild interest
[Spade] You really took your sweet time, Wraiths.  
[Garland] Sera, El... *looks at them and looks at Spade*
* Snipe grips his gun
[Garland] It's our specialty, Club.
[Seraphna] *Elayne looks down at her beam saber
* Spade straightens up some
* Slasher turns to Garland
[Spade] I was hoping you would make it.  I haven't fired the cannon because I especially wanted to talk with you.
[Seraphna] And it do be a pleasure to finally be within blaster range of ye Spade...
[Slasher] Club? Thats the best you can come up with?
* Garland rolls his eyes
* DeathStar doesn't respond, merely is controlling his anger
* Spade points at a keypad in his chair
[Spade] See?  Not touched.  And you all thought you were on a countdown.
* Spade chuckles
[Seraphna] NRP: Oh hell...
* Garland holds his sword ready, not looking at Slasher but saying "I inflict physical pain, not emptional pain. Don't need to thing things through.
[Garland] NRP: ?
[DeathStar] NRP: Knock it off.
[Slasher] Sure....
* Seraphna stands there, staring coldly at one of her past tormenters
[Snipe] So, what is your game, Spade?
[Spade] Game?  *looks at Snipe* Oh, yes, you....
[Spade] You almost killed me with that feedback, boy.
[Snipe] I'll try harder this time.
[Kara] NRP: *Waits ...
[DeathStar] NRP: It'll be a little bit.
[DeathStar] NRP: Like 5-10 mins
* Spade stands up and looks over them all
[Kara] NRP: alright alright
[Spade] So you've come all this way just to look at me...?
* DeathStar grinds his teeth
[Garland] Where is the girl?
[Spade] Ut tut.  First thing's first.  We'll get to her.
[Dias] NRP: *strokes Star's helmet* Get im boy get him!
* Spade waves hands out and grins boldly
[Spade] Please, have a seat, all of you.
[Garland] I'm an impatient man, Spade.
[Spade] Don't try mine, Project: Hyper.
* Slasher looks around for a seat not finding one
[Snipe] Project: Hyper?  What the hell is with all these Projects?!
[Garland] I'm not one of your damned experiments, Spade.
[Slasher] Actually you were Garland
[Spade] You weren't one of mine.  But you were CorSec's.
* Garland doesn't look at Slasher "Shut up."
* Spade pulls out a vile of hyper
[Garland] NRP: No one really knows about that...
[Slasher] I found a whole stack of info on how they carefully picked you out..
[Spade] Recognize this, 'Garland'?
* Seraphna growls a bit
* Garland narrows his eyes
[Garland] ....
* Dias zooms in on the vile
[Spade] Thanks to the tests we ran on you, we managed to perfect Hyper.
[Garland] Shut up, Slasher.
[Dias] Ain't that?
[Seraphna] *Elayne just watches, her own mind in a struggle
[Garland] I'm no project of CorSec's!
[Spade] Our perfect little warrior.  Doing anything and everything we told it to.  Tell me, 'Garland', how was it?  To be manipulated?
* Spade grins, shaking the vile
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] (still back there) Maybe I should still go... *stands up*
[Spade] To know Hodges, who was manipulated himself, the fool, led you straight to our "happy" home.
* Snipe looks back at Garland and Spade
* Garland tightens his fist so tightly blood drips from it
[DeathStar] I grow...tired of this....Spade...
[Seraphna] Ai know of yer munipulations Spade... git to the point...
* Spade looks at DS
* Garland glares at Spade
* Dias looks at Snipe
[Spade] Oh?  Thinking back to when you tried to kill 'Garland'?  It was nice.  Watching you all battle him.  You would have easily granted him death.
[Dias] *whispers* We should destroy that bottle...
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *arrives where the others are*
[Spade] And from what my recordings picked up, you'd kill him again.  Wouldn't you, Death Star?
[Snipe] Agreed.
* DeathStar growls
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] ...?
* Dias begins to look around the room, looking for anything reflective
* Spade closes hand around the vile and steps up to the chair
[Spade] Hyper, yes...a nice little addiction.
[Spade] Tell me, 'Garland', how long did it take to break the addiction?
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* Garland bears his teeth
[Spade] Was it painful?  I bet it hurt.
[Seraphna] Ai'm tellin ye Spade, SHUT YER PIE HOLE!
[Garland] I thank God for cold turkey.
* Spade reaches behind the chair and pulls out Kara
* Seraphna draws her blaster
* Slasher looks at Garland
[Spade] Say, 'Garland', what if I gave HER the hyper.
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] What is Hyper?
* Garland narrows his eyes
[Spade] How would she feel, becoming addicted to it.  A mindless fighter.
[Slasher] oO(Cold turkey?)
[DeathStar] Grrrr.
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] SHUT UP!
[Garland] You're heartless... I pray you're not demonic enough to..
* Spade looks up at Kyouki
[Spade] Ah, another guest!
* Spade throws Kara down at everyone's feet
[Garland] Spade! *glares, calling his name*
[Dias] Snipe, we gotta becareful, he's gonna make DS and Garland snap..
* Spade looks at Garland
[Seraphna] *Elayne goes over to Kara and checks her condition
[Spade] Yes?
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Not just them...
[Kara] Ouch..
[Spade] Kara: *is bruised and banged up, but will live*
* Snipe nods
[Seraphna] *Elayne treats her wounds
[Dias] Any plans?
[Garland] I swear to the high heavens, You know better than anyone that Hyper cosses me to loose control, but I swear... I'll use it if I have to--and only destroy YOU!
* Kara looks at Elayne "Hey... I think I'm gonna faint... How about some CPR?"
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Can we kill this monster?
* Spade chuckles
[Seraphna] *Elayne grins, "Nice try Kara..."
[Spade] Say, Garland?  What if I gave WIENDIGO here hyper?
* Spade slams Wiendigo to the floor, who was beating the chair
[Spade] Think you could beat a raving lunatic like him on hyper?
[Spade] (behind)
* Garland glares
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] You haven't SEEN raving lunatic...
[Spade] Wiendigo: *is out cold*
[DeathStar] Dammit1
* Garland looks at Spade
[Seraphna] Gar...
[Garland] Remember the tests, Spade.
[Spade] I remember the tests well
[Garland] Remember the upside to hyper on me!
[Kara] Would someone tell me what the hells goin on..?
* Spade injects the hyper into himself
* Spade pushes the entire vile into his system with the needle
[Garland] ....Spade, don't!
[Snipe] Oh God!
* Spade finishes, stops, and pulls the needle out, his muscles buldging
* Spade throws it against the wall, the entire vile shattering
[Spade] Yes, Garland?
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *laughs slightly* I... will kill you... Spade... *pops her claws out*
[Ariel] ...he's lost it...
[Dias] Fuck..
[Garland] Idi--*blinks*
[DeathStar] Dammit to fucking hell!
[Seraphna] Ye gods!
* Spade crosses his arms, looking at them all
[Garland] .....Oh God...
[Spade] Shocked, Garland?
* Dias scans Spades power levels
[Seraphna] *Elayne looks up... "What..."
[Spade] GM: PL - 600  SL - 600
[Dias] ....*mouth drops*
[Spade] As you can see, thanks to your tests, I've improved hyper.  Your version is inferior.
[Garland] You.. fixed the..... the clause of the stonger hyper!?
* Spade grins, letting the realization sink in.
[Dias] His levels are off the chart..\
* Garland grimances...
[DeathStar] I know...
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *doesn't really look sane. At all*
[Spade] However, I have no intention of fighting you all.
* Spade sits back down
* Seraphna gasps...
[Snipe] ---what?
[Garland] NRP: Original Hyper just made you stronger, Gar made it a LOT stronger but at the cost of sanity--thus creating the Hyper everyone else used thereafter.
* Kara trys to stand
* Garland looks up at Spade
[Spade] As our 'dead' friend here, *indiciating Wiendigo* said - no need for cliche battles.  No need for big heroic fights to the death.  None of that.  There is nothing for you to win.
[Dias] NRP: Not everyone else
[Garland] How did you do it, Spade?
[Spade] It took years, Garland, but I'm not about to explain it.
[Alicia] NRP: And Kyouki's just about ready to attack Spade, power levels or not.
[Garland] ...
[Spade] First off, the girl.
[Garland] I'm glad I was such a thorn.
* Spade points at Death Star
[Kara] What the hell?
[Spade] The second you guys defeated Genesis, I sent my men to kill her.  She's dead.  
[DeathStar] Wha--What!?
* DeathStar stumbles forward
[Garland] Katrina....!?
[Kara] Oh shit..
[DeathStar] NOOOOO!
[Dias] ....Oh shit..
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* DeathStar roars, then falls to his knees, his hands the only thing supporting him
[Ariel] KATRINA?!
* DeathStar blinks, as wet spots hit the floor under his face
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *tries to hold back the urge to kill Spade*
* Garland growls
[Spade] Correct.
[Garland] She was innocent!
[Sera] ...
[Spade] Neeeext.  *hits button and Elayne slams into the wall behind his chair, knocking her out.  A forcefield goes up between them and the Wraiths*
[Sera] Elayne] K... K...
[Spade] If Garland, Sera, or Snipe moves, Elayne dies.
[Ariel] You 4BASTARD!
[Sera] *Elayne slips into unconciousness
[Slasher] You haven't changed Snipe..
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* Garland bursts into flames, his aura black
[Garland] You... will... die.
[Slasher] GARLAND DOn'T DO IT!
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *lunges at Spade*
[Slasher] Don't risk Elayne for your petty revenge
[Sera] No Garland...
[Garland] Slasher, for once, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
[Spade] Slasher - there's 30 turrents pointed at Dias.  If you try aynthing, he dies.
[Sera] Don't...
[Spade] GM: *the forcefield slams Kyouki back*
* Snipe tries to control his rage
* Slasher stands still
* Garland holds his ground steadfast
*** Sera is now known as Seraphna
* DeathStar isn't responding anymore
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *tries to claw down the forcefield, failing miserably*
* Garland seems to bend reality around himself, his eyes red
[Snipe] Sp-Spad-SPade..
* Spade stands up
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*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Dias
[Spade] Are we understaning each other now?
[Slasher] What do you want Spade
[Spade] ...
* Spade points at Kyouki
[Spade] Remove her from my shield or I'll kill her.
[Slasher] I cna't move remember..
[Garland] Kyouki!
* Seraphna grabs her psionically and forces her back
[Spade] Thank you.
[Seraphna] Ye not dyin today...
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] ...?! What are you doing?!
* Spade sits back down
* Spade hits a button on his controls
[Seraphna] His power is too much fer ye...
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *has, BTW, dropped her canister launcher*
[Spade] Now, Seraphna, I think you should recall that I created the ATLANs.
* Kara takes a stryke pistol, and silently trying not to be noticed aims at Spade's head
* Kara fires
[Spade] GM: *the forcefield stops it*
[Spade] ...tisk tisk tisk
[Seraphna] Yes... ai know that...
[Kara] Oh hell
* Spade hits button and 30 blasts hit Kara, knocking her back
[Slasher] NRP: *laughs as Sera's voice makes her sound burly*
[Spade] Try that again, and I'll kill you, girl.
* Kara hits the ground out cold
* Spade leans back in his seat, relaxing
[Dias] Snipe, any plans yet?
* Snipe is controlling his rage, looking around
[Snipe] No-No.
* Spade hits button
[Spade] You know, every CorSec weapon has a fail-safe.
[Dias] Tell me when you come up with one..
* Garland radiates an unearthly energy, glaring at Spade
[Spade] I designed the ATLANs, but lately, all they want to do is kill me.
* Spade taps a few buttons and stops, a red light flashing
[Seraphna] Ai... ye were thier torcherer...
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] So do I!
* Spade turns to Seraphna
[Spade] I'm their executioner.
* Seraphna nodds
[Spade] Everyone outside this base who is an ATLAN shall be dead.
* Spade hits button.
[Snipe] What!?
* Seraphna nodds
* Spade dusts hands off
[Dias] NRP: She nodds?
[Alicia] NRP: What about half ATLANs?
[Spade] I pity your x-husband andh is friends.
[Spade] NRP: Hota is alive.
[Ariel] NRP: Er... would that kill Hotaru...?
[Dias] NRP: all she does is nodd and agree?
* Spade steps up, standing on the other side of the force field
* Seraphna seems to be trying not to laugh
[Spade] You know, if I had the chance to kill you back when Cran first found you....*Stares at Sera*
[Dias] Snipe, do you think he really did it?
[Garland] ....
* Snipe nods
[Snipe] At least Sarlen was on the base.
[Dias] *narrows eyes*
[Spade] Was he?
* Spade turns to Snipe with interest
[Spade] A pity.
[Seraphna] Ye're wrong about someone...
* Spade walks over to the controls
[Seraphna] Very wrong...
[Spade] It doesn't really matter, Seraphna.
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* Spade hits another button
* Garland flares to himself, in Angry Father mode
* Spade glances at Elayne, still out cold, but who is waking up
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Killkillkillkillkill...
* DeathStar still is in his kneeling position
[Seraphna] *Elayne begins to stir
[X1] NRP: *is just here because he's pissed and has nothing else to do, so he'll watch*
* Spade turns around
[Spade] Like I said, I hate cliche battles.  This is how I fight.  And when I fight, you can't win.
[Spade] It's just not in the playbook.
* Spade hits a few more buttons and the asteroid begins to shift
* Ariel twitches...
* Garland narrows his eyes, his hair whipping and eyes flare red.
[Spade] Now for the main event you've all been waiting for.
* Slasher tries to figure out the calculations of the shifting asteriod
[Spade] GM: *a viewscreen appears with the cannon rising up*
[Snipe] Oh hell..
* Kara slowly trys to get up, but falls forward groaning
[Kara] My skull feels like its spliting in half... ow..
[Seraphna] *Elayne moves her arm a little and begins to push herself up
[Snipe] God, .. Blow this asteroid up!
[Ariel] ...give me one good reason not to tear you limb from limb you bastard...
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Killkillkillkillkill...
[Snipe] Eve Comm: Hang on on firing, X2.  We're launcing our mechs to intercept the cannon.
[Alicia] NRP: Yes, Kyouki's snapped.
[Dias] Eve...
* Spade ignores Ariel, looking at the screen of two mechs flying at the cannon
[Dias] No..
[Spade] What in---?
[Seraphna] Sarlen Comm] We'll handle this...
[Spade] Bah.
* Spade locks in the location of Earth
* Spade powers the cannon up
[Snipe] Fire X2, FIRE!
[Dias] If she dies...I'll kill Sarlen myself
[Seraphna] Sarlen Comm] Finally a day in the sun...
[DeathStar] Eve Comm: Think we can blast it?
[DeathStar] Goddess: *opens fire on the cannon uselessly*
[Seraphna] Sarlen Comm] Eve, I need you to do a sweep back near the entrance...
* Garland 's feet slowly slide into ready position, unnoticably
[DeathStar] Eve Comm: What?  We need to stop this cannon!
[Spade] 10.
[Spade] 9.
[Spade] 8.
[Spade] 7.
[Seraphna] Sarlen] I've got a plan...
[Kara] NRP:LAAAG! I'm lost because of my major huge big ass lag
[Spade] 6.
[Spade] 5.
[Spade] 4.
[Seraphna] *Sarlen's mech speed at the cannon
[Spade] 3.
[DeathStar] Eve Comm: What!?  Sarlen!
[Seraphna] Sarlen] GOODNIGHT WORLD!
[Spade] 2.
[Spade] 1.
[Spade] 0.
* Spade hits the fire button
[Seraphna] Sarlen] Eve... watch Hotaru for me!
[Garland] ...
[DeathStar] Cannon: *lights up and a beam errupts from it, flying out into space in a steady stream*
[Spade] And he's vaporized.
[Seraphna] *Sarlen's mech slams into the cannon, "HERE I COME ZIRANTH!"
[DeathStar] GM: *the cannon is dented, but the explosion causes the feedback to blow the cannon up*
* Snipe stumbles as the entire asteroid shifts
* Garland looks at Spade
* Dias braces himself
[Seraphna] Elayne] S--Sar... Sa..Sarlen... no...
* Spade stands there, laughing
* DeathStar looks up, his eyes flashing dangerously
* DeathStar eyes elayne
* Garland 's single wing appears, with black feathers
[DeathStar] .oO (I will protect her)
[Snipe] Dammit to hell!
[Spade] You think this it?
[Garland] Let my daughter go.
[Spade] I'll just use the back up cannon.
* Dias clenches his fists
* Spade shakes head, laughing hard
[Spade] You've only delayed me a few hours.
[Seraphna] *ELayne begins to stand slowly
[Snipe] Fuck you!
[Ariel] I...will kill you.
* Kara gets up holding her head
* Garland glances at Elly, then Sera
[Spade] You all really had no chance.
[Seraphna] *Elayne looks up slowly
* Garland looks back to Spade
* DeathStar stands up
* DeathStar nods at Elayne
* Garland 's crackles with electricity
[Seraphna] Elayne] I finally... know what Ziranth adn Sarlen meant...
[DeathStar] Eve Comm: Sarlen...*softly*
* Garland grins slowly
* Snipe watches Elayne, confused
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *twitches*
* Spade turns to Elayne
[Spade] And what is that?
[Seraphna] *Elayne looks serious... "I can do it... I HAVE THE POWER!"
* DeathStar closes his eyes, as if concentrating
[Snipe] Yes...!
* Garland gives Elayne all of the Charged energy he got from the father-mode, adding onto whatever she has
* Dias heres Eve's voice over the comm and his rage begins to build up, something in the recesses of his mind glimmers
* Seraphna turns on her beam saber, and suddenly surges in a firey aura
[Seraphna] *Elayne
[Seraphna] (typo!)
[Spade] ...
* Garland bursts into flames
[Garland] NRP: :P
[Kara] How the hell is that Scientifically possible?
* Ariel seems to burn with a holy light...
* Spade raises his eyebrow
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] LET ME GO!!!
* Snipe cheers Elayne on
[Garland] .... Get'em, kid. *looks at El, his appearance normal*
[Seraphna] Elayne] Like mom said... Mess with a hunter and you get burned Spade... I'm not your pet any more... I'm not an ATLAN....
[Spade] Then show me what you can do.
[Seraphna] *Elayne walks towards him slowly, and her image vanishes
[Dias] NRP: Oh no...she's a Cheiratlan
* Spade stands there
[Garland] NRP: Catiere.
[Seraphna] *Elayne slashes at his from behind
*** Garland sets mode: +o Seraphna
* Spade grabs her arm, sensing her approach
[Spade] Naughty girl.
* Ariel uses her power to try to form an open forcefield in the middle of Spade's forcefield.
[Seraphna] *ELayne kicks him in the jaw
* Spade stumbles back
[Seraphna] Elayne] NOT LIKE LAST TIME!
* Garland gives Elly 190/190
[Spade] GM: *the open forcefield fails*
[Seraphna] *Elayne fires a blast at him and rushes into him, pummeling
* DeathStar grins, as if noting something
* Slasher stands there waiting for the right time
[Seraphna] Definatley my daugter...
* Garland looks at Sera
* Spade stumbles back, his concentration wavering. He raises his fist to smash in Elayne's head, when his forcefield weakens slightly. DS suddenly vanishes. Elayne then vanishes. Elayne is now in DS' spot.
[Garland] Our daughter.
* Spade slams his fist over DS' head, him hitting the floor in going into it
[Snipe] How!?
[Garland] !?
* DeathStar looks up
[DeathStar] I told...him...I wouldn't...let you get...him
[Kara] NRP : How the hell does someone fire a blast? how does that work? I thought this was a sci fi RPG?
[DeathStar] (her)
[Slasher] She broke his concentration..
* Garland bursts into flames
[Seraphna] *Elayne nodds
[Spade] BASTARD!
[Garland] ELLY! NOW!
* Spade kicks DS into a chair
[DeathStar] GAH!
[Seraphna] *Elayne nodds to Garland
[DeathStar] I'll kill you...Spade...
* Garland charges a blast
[Seraphna] *Elayne charges one of her won
* Spade grabs DS' throat
[Garland] Sera! Snipe!
[Spade] Join your dead adopted daughter!
[Seraphna] Elayne] Ki...
* Garland falls back a little
* Snipe raises his rifle
[Snipe] Eat this forcefield.
* Snipe charges it
[Garland] Go back to hell, Spade!
* Spade begins to crush DS' head off
* Seraphna slashes the forcefield rapidly
* Dias forms wavers, the ground below him denting as he does so
*** Dias is now known as DarkHeart
* Snipe fires at the forcefield
[DeathStar] Hurk1
* DarkHeart fires a Dark Energy ball at the spot Snipe shot
[Spade] Heh heh
* Garland rears back, throwing a blast as charged as he can without recalling the levels from Elly
[Snipe] GM: *the forcefield begins to overload*
* DeathStar weakly kicks Spade, trying to stall him
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *drops down, charging at Spade*
* Seraphna fires one of her own as well, "AMA!"
* Spade chokes him with both hands
[Seraphna] *ELAYNE
[Snipe] GM: *the forcefield begins to blink*
* Garland smiles to Elly
[Snipe] GM: *it then overloads and explodes*
* Ariel almost vanishes as she slashes Spade down the back with her charged crystal blade.
* Slasher throws a charge up Chi ball at Spade
[Spade] RAAAGH!
* Spade is hit by both attacks, letting DS go
[Seraphna] *Elayne smiles and then vanishes appeaing over spade to dropkick him
* Spade grabs Elayne and swings her at Ariel
* Kara focuses fire into a a small ball infront of her
[Seraphna] *Elayne then slams her fist into him
* DarkHeart blurs forward and appears infront of Spade, biting his neck
[Garland] You're my daughter, Elayne... GET HIM WHILE THE COALS ARE HOT!
* Spade leaps back
[Spade] ...
[Seraphna] *Elayne flips and rebounds off a wall
* DarkHeart smiles wickidly
* Spade throws up a force field around himself, panting
[Spade] Very...good...
[Spade] But trust me, this one isn't falling
* Spade slumps to his knees
* DarkHeart darts into the forcefield
* DarkHeart over and over
[Seraphna] *Elayne fires a Kiama at Spade and then attacks him almost madly
* Kara grabs the ball of flame, and hurls it at Spade [???]
* Garland throws a Dark Kiama into the sheild
[Spade] GM: *the forcefield takes all hits, though Spade is pushed around*
* DeathStar rubs his throat, watching
[DeathStar] ...kat..
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *tries to claw down the forcefield again*
[DeathStar] Voice: That's enough of this!
[Garland] You're not taking anything else from us, Spade. EVER!
* Slasher fires a barrage of chiballs at it
[Kara] *The forcefeild is suddenly surounded in a tornado of flame
* Snipe looks behind him at the voice at the top of the room
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] O.O
* DarkHeart slams throug the toronado of flame and into the forcefield again clawing at it wildly
[DeathStar] GM: *an older man stands there, his black eyes shining down.  It's definitely Cran*
* Garland looks up *anime lense flare!*
[Seraphna] *Elayne stops and looks up
[DeathStar] Cran: *holds Katrina, who sees them all, crying out with joy*
[Spade] You!?
[Seraphna] YOU!
[Ariel] KATRINA!!
[Seraphna] Y-YOU!
[Garland] Cran..!?
[DeathStar] Cran: *lets Katrina run down to them*
[Kara] Its,,, THE DUDE!
[Slasher] Cran? When would Cran help us..
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *claws at the forcefield despite the flames, ignoring everything else*
* Garland glanes at DS
[DeathStar] Cran: You pathetic fool!  *to Spade*  Look at what you've become.  Using the decaying corpse of CorSec...
[Garland] Well, get over to her!
* DarkHeart continues to beat on the forcefield
* DeathStar runs over to Katrina, scooping her up
* Spade looks at DH, then at Cran
[Spade] You're the fool, Cran!  Hidingin the shadows!
* Garland grins
* Ariel hugs Katrina tightly
* Garland looks at Cran
* DarkHeart leaps back and floats in the air, creating a Dark Matter Ball the size of the forcefield
[DeathStar] Cran: You have to change with the times, Spade.  I've saw this long ago when I was defeated.  When you become PResident, I became your advisor and worked against you
[Seraphna] *Elayne smiles
[DeathStar] Cran: Thus why I picked Snipe to lead the team . And you, thinking he would fail, agreed.
* Spade flips to the side
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Kill...Spade...
[Snipe] Whaaaat.?
[Garland] Cran...?
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *returns to normal...ish*
[DeathStar] Cran: *shakes head* You're going to die here, Spade, along with CorSec.  You should have moved with the times.
[DeathStar] Cran: *looks at Garland*
* DarkHeart throws the ball over the forcefield, envolping it within the DarkMatter
* Spade roars in pain
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] OWWWWW!!!!! *leaps back out of the flames*
[Seraphna] Cran...
* Seraphna blinks
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Huh?
[Seraphna] You...
* Spade gapes as his shield breaks apart. He stumbles. Suddenly a new blast, from another direction, comes out and goes through his chest, blowing out his heart
* Garland looks at him with both hurt and amaze, both from the pain he caused him with the hyper project, and the current events
* Slasher glares at Cran
* Spade falls to his knees
[DeathStar] Cran: ...
[Seraphna] [You have a lot of explaination later... Cran Wily...
[Seraphna] ]
[Garland] You and Hodges... Both... Even Albert... at one time...
* DarkHeart blurs forward slamming his hand through Spades chest
* DeathStar keeps hugging Katrina, blinding her from the sightof the fight
* Garland shakes his head
[Seraphna] Elayne] Nice work Dias...
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] ... I shouldn't have come...
* Spade is dead
* Garland blinks
* Snipe looks up to the shot where another man stands
[Snipe] Who the hell is HE?
* DarkHeart drops Spades body, ignoring Elayne
*** Spade is now known as Paladin
[Garland] Spa-....? *walks over to him*
* Paladin lands on the ground, his armor broken and blood spots appearing
* Slasher looks up seeing Paladin
* Garland checks his pulse
* Paladin throws his gun to the side
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[DeathStar] Cran: *vanishes during the commotion*
[Seraphna] *Elayne warps over to him and looks for anything he may have had on him, her own mind now searching for answers
[Paladin] It's over.  Finally.
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Who are you?
[Seraphna] CRRAAANNNNNN!!!!!!!!!
* Paladin looks at Kyouki
[Paladin] ...
* Garland picks up spade by his neck
* Snipe runs over to the computers
[Garland] He's staying dead this time.
* Seraphna clenches her fists and scans mentally for him
[Snipe] Everyone, the CorSec bases are beginning to log off the cannon
[Snipe] We need to send a feedback now or it'll be too late.
[Garland] No one follow me. I'll be back in 3 minutes.
* Paladin glances at Wiendigo, still out cold
[DarkHeart] *runs to the computer and begins to work on sending a feedback*
[Paladin] I see he's how better days.
[Seraphna] No trace...
* DeathStar pulls back from Katrina
[Seraphna] *Elayne aura fades and she faints
[DeathStar] I am SO glad to see you..
* Garland walks down three corridors, a bright light flashing even through the walls, and then he comes back
* Snipe catches Elayne
* Snipe gently lays her down on the ground
* Seraphna looks at her daughter
*** X1 is now known as Wiendigo
* DarkHeart hits a button sending the feedback
[Seraphna] It was too much for her too quick...
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Who is this guy, anyway?
[Garland] ..... *grimances at the incineration* He sure as hell better stay dead.
[Snipe] GM: *around the galaxy, all CorSec bases go boom*
*** Gravedigger has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Gravedigger
[DeathStar] Katrina: DS!  *keeps hugging him and ARiel*
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] I'm confused.
* Ariel holds Kat close, tears of joy running down her cheeks
* Garland smiles to Kat
* DarkHeart downloads all the CorSec information and the location of all those bases to his data pad
* Garland looks to the side slowly
* Seraphna walks up to the reunited group and ruffles Kat's hair, "How's me favorite niece?"
* Kara finds a wall to lean on and winces, still bruised from whatever the hell happened
* Paladin looks up as the room's roof cracks
[Paladin] It looks like the asteroid is falling apart now.
[DarkHeart] NRP: That was Slasher
* Snipe nods
*** SpeakY10k has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o SpeakY10k
[Garland] *wisper* He got his daughter back.... *fades into the background*
[Snipe] Time to go
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] We'd best go... I'll get Grey...
* Slasher disconnects the data pad
[Slasher] Lets get going...
* Snipe goes to pick up Elayne when a large piece of the roof begins to fall toward her. He shoves her out of the way as it lands on his back, pinning him face first to the floor
[Kara] Oh shit...
[Garland] *wisper* I'm glad..
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *heads out to where she left Grey*
* DarkHeart howls in pain
[Snipe] RAGH!
* DeathStar looks over
[Paladin] Hell.
* Seraphna nods and lift it off him psionically
* DarkHeart blurs into the piece of the roof, shattering it
[Snipe] GM: *the psionic is dampeend again*
[Snipe] Roof: *doesn't shatter*
[Seraphna] Grrr...
* Snipe blinks his dazed eyes
[Seraphna] What now...
* DarkHeart tries picking it up and off of him
[Snipe] GM: *it's too heavy to budge right now*
[Snipe] Just go, dammit..
[Seraphna] NRP: Yeah... the classic way... never works...
* Snipe huffsin pain
* DeathStar looks back at Katrina
[Seraphna] We're not leaving ye...
[DeathStar] Remember, KAt---everything I did, I did for you
* DarkHeart shakes headm continuing to push
* DeathStar pushes her to Ariel and Sera
[Slasher] Lets go guys
* DeathStar walks over to and vanishes. He's in Snipe's spot. Snipe is standing now
*** Gravedigger has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Seraphna blinks
* Snipe stands there, stumbles, then falls down, his legs crushed a bit
[Seraphna] DEATHSTAR!
[Ariel] DS!
* DarkHeart looks down at DeathStar
*** X1_the_Weirdo_God has joined #taw
*** Wiendigo has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* DeathStar pushes up against the floor, struggling to get it off
* DarkHeart helps DS
[DeathStar] Move it people!  You got 5 minutes at most!
*** X1_the_Weirdo_God is now known as Wiendigo
* Paladin rests hand on DH's shoulder
[Paladin] I got him.
* Slasher picks up Snipe and runs down the halls
*** Gravedigger has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Gravedigger
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *returns with GreyFox*
[Garland] *out of view* Idiot....
* DarkHeart looks at him and nods running down the hall
[Kara] NRP: Damn i'm lost again..
* Paladin grabs the roof pinning DS down and begins to lift
[Ariel] Sera, get Kat out of here. *tries to help DS*
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] What's taking you so long?
[Paladin] Gaaaah!
* Snipe is carried
[Snipe] What--what's going on?
* Garland blurs
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *is carrying Grey*
[Seraphna] Right...
[Slasher] We're getting the fuck out of here..
* Snipe keeps pushing up
* Wiendigo staggers to his feet
* Paladin looks at Wiendigo
[Paladin] You better go too.
* Seraphna picks up Kat, "Come on hun..."
* Snipe looks at Pat
[Wiendigo] Gragh...what the fuck was the number on the truck that hit me..
[Snipe] (Pal)
[Snipe] Why?
* Seraphna gets out of there...
[Wiendigo] Go? What?
[Snipe] NRP: DS did the why
[Slasher] It's falling apart..
[Paladin] Lets say, this is evening the score board
[DeathStar] GM: *the asteroid cracks in half*
[Seraphna] *Elayne lays there?
* Garland blurs, grabbing Elly
[DeathStar] GM: *the team who is running arrives in the Core chamber*
[Slasher] ...*looks around
* Snipe looks up at the mile stairway
[Slasher] How the fuck do we get out?
[Snipe] We get up
* Wiendigo shakes his head, fighting past the groggy feeling and runs off
* Garland blurs ahead, seeming to phase in and out of existance as he moves with her
* Paladin nods at Ariel
[Paladin] On 3.
* Ariel nods
[Slasher] *a rope shoots up from his armor and heads towards the top*
[Paladin] 1.
[Paladin] 2.
[Paladin] 3.
* Paladin lifts
* Snipe pushes upward
[Snipe] NRP: DS did that
* Ariel lifts with all her strength
[Alicia] NRP: I'm lost.
[Snipe] GM: *the roof is lifted up*
* Seraphna hauls tail
* DeathStar rolls out
* Garland moves, makins sure Sera doesn't fall back at all
*** DarkHeart has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
*** WereWolfBob has joined #taw
[Seraphna] NRP: Now that I think about it I could have just gone dragon... or Ari even...
* Slasher the rope attaches to the cieling and he gets recoiled to the top with Snipe in tow
[Snipe] GM: *everyone but DS, Ariel, and Pal are running up a stairway that is a mile long*
* WereWolfBob spins as he heads up
* Ariel jumps back as it falls, almost loosing her toes
*** WereWolfBob is now known as DarkHeart
* DeathStar stands up, wobbily
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *carries Grey up the stairs*
[DeathStar] Thanks
* Seraphna glows, refreshing everyone as they run
* Paladin walks off the opposite way the team is going
* Wiendigo sprints, catching up to the group
[DeathStar] ...Gordon..?
* DarkHeart reaches the top of the stairs and lands onthe ground
* Paladin turns around
* Slasher zips to the top of the stair and lands on the ground with Snipe
[DeathStar] ...take care.
* Garland blurs
* Paladin nods, running through the fire
*** Paladin is now known as gM
* Snipe reaches the top where Grave is
* DeathStar turns to Ariel
[DeathStar] Lets run
[Slasher] Can you walk yet?
* Snipe nods
[Gravedigger] Took you guysl ong enough.
* Slasher sets him down
* Ariel nods with a smirk.
* Snipe stumbles into the elevator
* Garland flips up
* DeathStar takes off running
* Slasher steps into the elevator
* Gravedigger helps hold Snipe up
* DarkHeart floats into the elevator
[Ariel] I was just going to say the same thing...
[Garland] NRP: Load bearing boss. :P
* Ariel runs after him
[Slasher] Should we wait for the otherS?
* Wiendigo leaps in
* Seraphna floats steps on
[Snipe] Yes.
[Slasher] K.
[Snipe] GM: *the core cracks and shatters*
[Seraphna] (ACK! *beats up justin)
[Snipe] Katrina: DS?  Where is Ariel!?  DS!
[Wiendigo] They better haul some fast ass back here.
[Seraphna] NRP: TYPO DEMON!!!
[Seraphna] They'll be here in a moment hun...
* Snipe looks at Kyouki and Grey
[Seraphna] Trust yer auntie Sera okay?
[Snipe] Katrina: *nods, worried*
* Garland stays with Sera
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] What?
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator groans as the stairway begins to break away*'
[Snipe] Nothing.  *smiles*
* Snipe pets Elayne's forehead, smiling warmily
[Slasher] *holds the elevator door open PL120*
[Snipe] (warmly too)
* DeathStar can be seen running
[Slasher] Here he comes
* Ariel isn't far behind him.
[Slasher] And here she comes!
[gM] *the stairway splits in half, causing a 10 foot gap*
* DeathStar leaps across
* DeathStar lands
[Wiendigo] *yawns* Great, one of them last-minute death-defying escapses. Whoop=de-fuck.
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Great, let's get the hell out of here!
[gM] *a piece of the roof slams into the elevator, pinning it down*
[DarkHeart] FUCK!
* DeathStar reaches the elevator, panting
* Slasher swears
* Ariel leaps across, glad for her wings
* Wiendigo snarls
[Seraphna] Let's... get goin...
* Wiendigo punches his fist through the roof
* DeathStar steps in, looking back at Ariel
[DeathStar] Going up.
* Slasher phases up through the elevator and fires a chi ball into the piece of roof
[Alicia] NRP: BRB
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator begins to lift up*
* Slasher phases back onto the elevator
[DeathStar] GM: *below them the lower levels of the asteroid explode into fire*
[Wiendigo] ...*grumbles under his breath* Fuckin' show off..
* Seraphna smiles, holding Kat still
[Slasher] I can be...
* DeathStar hugs Katrina
[Seraphna] See, they made it just like ai said
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator arrives in the room they fought Genesis in*
[Ariel] Hi Kat... were you worried?
[Slasher] Quickly to the other elevator!
* Snipe steps out and walks over to the express elevator, hitting the button, but just as he does, it shorts out and explodes
* Snipe leaps back
[Snipe] Oh shit!
[Slasher] DAMN'T SNIPE!
[Snipe] The only way to lower it would be if someone from the top hits the button
* Snipe looks at them all
[Wiendigo] Smooth move, you little shit.
[Alicia] NRP: Back
[DeathStar] Katrina: *nods*
* Slasher disapears and phases to the top
[DeathStar] GM: *phasing is stopped*
[Seraphna] Shall I make a path???
* Slasher reappears
[Slasher] Fuck I can't phase
[Snipe] Too hard and too long.
* DeathStar looks around
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] What then?
[DeathStar] I say we have 3 minutes.  Max.
[DeathStar] This asteroid is going to hell.
* Gravedigger steps forward
[DeathStar] Comm: Hello?
[Gravedigger] I'l ldo it.
[DeathStar] Comm: Anyone there?
[Seraphna] Ai could fly ye all...
[DeathStar] Comm: *female voice* Y-yes?
[DeathStar] Eve...?
[Garland] .... *thinks...*
[DeathStar] Eve, lower the elevator.
* DarkHeart stands there waiting
[DeathStar] Eve: *pauses, then the groan of the elevator can beh eard*
[Snipe] Yes!
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Thankyou!
*** gM is now known as ProjectGenesis
[Ariel] Whew...
* ProjectGenesis forms behind Ariel
* ProjectGenesis raises it's claws
* Snipe looks behind him
[Gravedigger] ...Or I won't..
[Snipe] LOOK OUT!
* DarkHeart spots Genesis and blurs into it
* ProjectGenesis stumbles back
* Seraphna fires her blaster at the claw
[Slasher] Genesis...
[DeathStar] That thing is alive?!
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *swipes at PG*
[Alicia] NRP: With VC.
[Slasher] I'm gonna show you Old School still rocks...*fires a chiball into it's gut*
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator arrives with Eve on it.  Her face is wet from crying*
[Wiendigo] Oh don't looks so surprised.
* Garland narrows his eyes
* Seraphna moves and nodds to Eve
* Snipe carries Elayne onto the elevator by Eve
[Garland] I thought it was too easy.
[Ariel] ...damn monster...
* DarkHeart throws punch after punch into it
* Garland blasts it
[DeathStar] Eve: *looks to the side, trying not to face them*
* DeathStar carries Kat on
* Slasher leaps onto the Elevator
[Slasher] Come on Dias!
[DeathStar] We don't have time to fight it!
* DeathStar hits the up button
* ProjectGenesis roars
* Seraphna puts a hand on Eve's shoulder, "You should be proud..."
* ProjectGenesis walks towards them
* Gravedigger leaps on
* Ariel steps in
[ProjectGenesis] Die...
* DarkHeart darts backwards firing a shot into it
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator rises*
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *carries Grey in*
* Wiendigo fires a charged blast into PG's face
[Wiendigo] After you.
* ProjectGenesis stumbles back
* DarkHeart sees the elevator going up
[Alicia] NRP: I think...
[Snipe] DIAS! NOW!
* Wiendigo dives into the elevator
* ProjectGenesis leaps to tackle Dias
* DarkHeart burst through the door and into the eleavtor
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator continues up, silence now growing*
* Wiendigo looks down
* DarkHeart stands on the elevator
[DeathStar] Eve: *slumps against the elevator door, silent*
[Wiendigo] You know it's going to hit us from below, right?
[Snipe] Of course
* Snipe aims rifle at the floor and fires
* ProjectGenesis roars in pain, letting go
* Slasher phases his head down throug hthe elevator floor and looks down
* ProjectGenesis falls
[Seraphna] Eve... I know what ye feel... ai've lost me love too...
* DarkHeart kneels down next to Eve and places his hand on her shoulder
[DeathStar] Eve: *looks at them momentarily, then back down*
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator door opens to the hanger, where the Excalibur was...but is now gone*
* Snipe steps out
* Slasher steps out looking
[Snipe] Oh shit!  VELOCITY LEFT!
* Seraphna blinks
[Slasher] Where's the Excalibur?
* DarkHeart looks at Eve, still kneeling
[Seraphna] Nice shuttle Slasher...
[DeathStar] GM: *the asteroid begins to break up more below them*
[Seraphna] Darkheart...
[Slasher] Hey, blame it on Velocity, not me
[Seraphna] Help her up...
* DarkHeart offers his hand out ot her
[Snipe] He left to save himself!  How could Dom let him do that!?
* DeathStar holds Katrina, looking around, seeing the hanger is in ruins, no other shuttle surviving
[Seraphna] Dominator wouldn't...
[Gravedigger] Can't we contact X2 to get us out of here?
[DeathStar] Not from the hanger
[DeathStar] He'd have to nab us on the way out
[DeathStar] And even then, the explosion could kill us all.
[DeathStar] GM: *suddenly the Excalibur zooms in, hovering there*
[Seraphna] Better than just givin up...
*** ProjectGenesis is now known as Velocity
[Seraphna] AI...
[Gravedigger] ...
* Velocity opens the door
[Velocity] Comm: Need a lift?
[Velocity] Dominator: *stands there, waving*
* Seraphna moves to Eve and DH
[Snipe] ...he came back.
* Snipe carries Elayne onto the shuttle
[DeathStar] Eve: ....
* Wiendigo gets on, slamming past Dom
[Seraphna] Can ye carry her?
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *carries Grey onto the shuttle*
* Gravedigger jumps on
* DarkHeart doesn't listen to Sera, leaving his hand out for her to grab
[DeathStar] Eve: *looks at it, debating whether to live or die, then looks away, shaking her head*
* DarkHeart form wavers
[Seraphna] Or would ye prefer to move Eve, Sarlen would hate to see ye die here... let alone cryin...
*** DarkHeart is now known as Dias
[Dias] I won't let you know that.
[Seraphna] He died for ye...
* Velocity holds the Excalibur steady
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Dias
[Velocity] I can't wait here long.
[Seraphna] Git up...
[Velocity] We're not going to make it out as it is.
[Wiendigo] Someone fucking grab her already, we don't have time for this.
* DeathStar looks at them all then back
[DeathStar] We'll wait.
* Dias shakes head, grabbing Eve
[Velocity] WE WON'T MAKE IT!
* Seraphna nodds
[DeathStar] Eve: Hey!
* Seraphna moves!
* Dias tosses her onto her back and runs to the shuttle
[Seraphna] Get her on the shuttle
* Wiendigo looks hard and cold at DS
[Dias] NRP: His..notr her
* Seraphna hops on herself
[Velocity] Project Genesis: *Grabs Dias and slams him down*
* Dias slams into the ground
[Snipe] DIAS!
[Snipe] Dammit!
* Dias gets up
[Gravedigger] Oh no you don't!
[Dias] ....Thats it you asswipe...
* Seraphna roars and fires a beam of energy at the thing
* Gravedigger dives off the shuttle and lands on PG's back
[Seraphna] GIT OFF EM NOW!
[Velocity] Project Genesis: *grins, but blinks*
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Shit... I lost my canister launcher.
* Velocity spins the Excalibur around and faces the exit.
* Dias blurs forward uppercutting it
[DeathStar] Eve: D-Dias..
[Velocity] Genesis: *stumbles back*
[Dias] Eve get onthe shuttle now..
* Gravedigger jams his sai into the base of its neck
* Dias throws another punch to it's face
[DeathStar] Eve: *grabs a rifle she was given and fires at Genesis' face, knocking him further into Grave's sai*
[Velocity] Genesis: *roars in pain, falling down*
* Snipe waves hand
[Snipe] Come on, nOW!
[Gravedigger] Dias, get your ass on the ship!
[DeathStar] Eve: *jumps on*
[Dias] Not with out you...
[Garland] NRP: Eep.
* Seraphna hops back on
* Dias grabs Grave and runs towards the shuttle
[Velocity] Genesis: *starts rising again*
[DeathStar] Dammit.
[DeathStar] They like to cut it close?!
[Seraphna] Good job You guys...
* Garland gets on the Excalibur
[DeathStar] GM: *the hanger explodes in half*
* Gravedigger dives for the shuttle
* Dias throws Grave onto the shuttle
* Garland sets Elly down
* Velocity flips the door shut as the oxygen is gone now
[Snipe] DIAS! NO!
[Velocity] Genesis: *floats in space*(
* Dias a face mask forms over his face
* Dias floats there
* Velocity hits the boosters and flies down the tunnel shaft
* Dias latches onto the shuttle wing
* Velocity tries to concentrate long enough not to hit anything
[Gravedigger] Open the door, you idiot! H's still out there!
[Velocity] IT'll kill the humans.
[Seraphna] Don't...
[Velocity] GM: *the asteroid begins exploding behind them*
[Seraphna] Gar can ye grab em?
[Velocity] No time!
* Dias form wavers again
*** Dias is now known as DarkHeart
[Velocity] Hold on tight, guys!
* Seraphna turns to Velocuity, "MOVE!"
* Velocity points ahead
[Velocity] We're going to blow up, ---nOW!
* Velocity spins the Excalibur, sending into a faster spin
* DarkHeart continues to hold onto the shuttle wing, his armor attaching to it, the mask still covering his face
[Velocity] GM: *the asteroid's explosion hits them, sending them forward*
*** Kara is now known as Rita
[Velocity] Heat shields holding...
* Velocity pulls back on the controls
[Velocity] We need Horizon now!
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] C'mon...
* DeathStar nods at Velocity
[Velocity] GM: *the heat shields fail finally*
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] Hey, you think Hotaru'll be okay?
* Snipe watches the armor on the shuttle begin to melt
* Seraphna backs up the shields with ice
* DarkHeart armr begins to spread over the shuttles hull
[Seraphna] Ai, she's fine...
* Velocity flies them out out of the asteroid, riding the explosion wave
[Snipe] Dominator: Hold on, guys!
[DeathStar] GM: *the Excalibur explodes, due to the fact Horizon wasn't there to tractor them.  Thank you, Good night!  Session Ends*
Session Close: Mon Jul 09 00:26:24 2001
[DeathStar] Time Chart: previously!
[Velocity] We need Horizon now!
* Velocity throws the Excalibur into a spin
[Snipe] Dominator: Hold on, everyone!
* Seraphna turns on her comm
* Velocity rides the explosion wave, the ship beginning to overheat
[Kyouki] 5[4Hotaru5] Hey, X1? When do we expect everyone back?
[Gravedigger] X2: Comm: Someone call?
[Seraphna] Comm] X2... we need a pick up... NOW!
[Kyouki] NRP: X2
* DarkHeart hangs onto the shuttle wing
[Velocity] 3..
[Kyouki] 5[4Hotaru5] O.O
[Velocity] 2...
[Velocity] 1...
[Garland] Comm: Hit the tractor beam as soon as you can!
[Velocity] God, here we go!
* Seraphna backs up the shielding with cold elemental
* Velocity prepares himself for the explosion
* Kyouki winces.
[Gravedigger] NRP: GM, take over
[DeathStar] NRP: Can't.
[DeathStar] NRP: *counts in his head*
[DeathStar] NRP: Okay, blam time
[Gravedigger] X2: *hits teh tracotr beam*
[DarkHeart] NRP: HAR!
[Velocity] Excalibur: *gets caught and is slung into the hanger*
[Gravedigger] NRP: Tractor beam, even.
[Velocity] GM: *the explosion hits the Horizon, charring it's sides*
[Garland] ... I knew we'd make it.
[Seraphna] WOOHOOO!!!
* Velocity pants, leaning into the controls
*** Alysia has joined #TAW
* DarkHeart goes flying off the wing and into a wall, slamming in through it
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alysia
* Seraphna blinks and regains her composure
[Snipe] Funny.  I feel strange to be alive.
* Seraphna is still unconcious
*** Alysia is now known as Hotaru_Airier
* DeathStar hugs Elayne tightly
[Hotaru_Airier] 3[4Kyouki3] Me too...
[Garland] I'm here. You know every time I die I come back.
* DarkHeart snarls from the pain
* Velocity leans back in
[Velocity] In all sense, we shouldn't have lived.
[Seraphna] NRP: Yeah... like... as if we shouldn't be but our human slaves bribed the GM!
[Hotaru_Airier] 3[4Kyouki3] No, that's Hotaru.
* Snipe ignores his pain, still cuddling Elayne
[Hotaru_Airier] 3[4Kyouki3] But still, I never expected to survive.
[DeathStar] NRP: GM - *is the true final guy of TAW*
* DarkHeart armor retracts, the mask leaving, he falls to the ground gasping for air
* Garland gets out, wanting away from a few people there
* Velocity walks off the shuttle, stumbling
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: All ATLANs dead except Hota?
[Velocity] NRP: And one other.
[Seraphna] NRP: Well...
* Velocity falls to the ground, panting and heaving
*** Kyouki has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Hotaru_Airier rushes down to the hangar.
* DeathStar lets Katrina go, who looks scared
[DeathStar] We're safe now.
* DarkHeart stands up slowly stumbling a lil
[DeathStar] Katrina: *nods*
* Snipe walks off the shuttle and wraps DH into a hug
[Snipe] YEAH BABY!
[Hotaru_Airier] Is everyone okay?
[Seraphna] [So DS... ye get why I fret for me children so much?]
[Snipe] Eve: *sits in the shuttle, silent*
* DarkHeart gives him a hug back
* DeathStar smiles, but doesn't respond.
* DarkHeart form wavers
*** DarkHeart is now known as Dias
[Dias] We made it...
[Hotaru_Airier] Yes...
[Hotaru_Airier] What happened?
[Seraphna] *Elayne lays unconcious, seemingly in a peaceful sleep
[Seraphna] Too much little un...
* Dias lets go of Snipe and heads onto the shuttle
* Snipe watches him go, nodding
* Snipe looks over at Vel and walks next to him
* Seraphna lays a hand on her head
[Dias] Eve..
[Snipe] *ahem* You, uh, did pretty good.
[Velocity] ...
[Velocity] Well, thanks...
[Seraphna] Ai have something to tell ye Hota...
[Snipe] Eve: ...
[Hotaru_Airier] What is it?
* Seraphna kneels down
[Seraphna] Sarlen... well...
* Wiendigo storms off the shuttle
* DeathStar looks at Wiendigo
* Garland leans against the farest wall of the hanger
[Hotaru_Airier] He's dead, isn't he?
[Seraphna] Sarlen sacrificed himself... for everyone...
* Snipe looks at his red shirt
* Seraphna nodds
[Snipe] Well, I didn't die...
* Hotaru_Airier sniffs, then blinks.
[Hotaru_Airier] THAT'S what the red shirt means?!
[Dias] I know you loved Sarlen....and he...loved you...but he sacrificed his life so everyone else could live...
* Snipe looks to Hotaru, blinking
[Dias] He'll always love you...just remember that.
[Snipe] Eve: I'm...just so confused...I don't know my left rom my right.
* Seraphna hugs Hota
* Hotaru_Airier nods.
* Gravedigger climbs off the shuttle
* Hotaru_Airier hugs Sewa back.
[Dias] It happens. 
* Snipe leans against Grave
[Snipe] Hey there bucko.
[Hotaru_Airier] I know... I know too well...
[Snipe] Eve: Dias...*stops* nevermind.
[Dias] What?
[Snipe] Eve: *shakes her head, her pigtails flying* Nothing.
*** Retrieving #taw info...
* Dias squats down next to her
[Dias] So what do you plan on doing now?
[DeathStar] Eve: ... I don't...know..
[Seraphna] *A small disk for a datapad falls out of eve's pocket
[DeathStar] Eve: *blinks and looks down*
* Hotaru_Airier blinks
[Seraphna] *it has some writing on it
[Snipe] EvE: *scoops down and picks it up*
[Hotaru_Airier] What is it?
[Seraphna] *it has her name on it
[Dias] NRP: Hota, your not in the shuttle
* DeathStar walks over to a viewport, leaning against it
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Oops.
[Snipe] Eve: *pockets it, to read it later*
*** Gravedigger has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Velocity stands up
[Velocity] Lets get this bucket home....
[DeathStar] Session Ends