Session 136: Hauntings Conclusion

[DeathStar] Location: Various places around Origin
[DeathStar] Chip: Alert.  All battle ready Wraiths report to the control room, stat!
* Snipe looks at Elayne
[Snipe] Lets go.
* Velocity floats in space in his dead starfighter, waiting to be towed
[Seraphna] *Elayne nodds
* Eve` looks at the squirrel chained, with a sense of satisfaction
* Eve` looks up, then at Kara
[Eve`] Lets go.
* Garland isn't to be seen
* Kara dusts hands off after chaining a certain rodent to a pole and makes her way to the controll room
* Seraphna also is not to be seen
* Dias walks towards the Control Room shaking.
* Snipe runs for the control room
* Slasher heads up from the lower subsections
[Seraphna] *Elayne follows
[DeathStar] GM: *the control room is barricaded by strange wires and can't be entered*
* Snipe arrives a few minutes later.
[Kara] ...?
[Snipe] ?!  *looks at the wires* What in the hell---?
* Eve` walks up behind Snipe
* DeathStar is NO WHERE to be seen
* Dias walks up still shaking
* Scott runs to the control room...
* Kara examines them, and tries to touch them experimentally
* Slasher phases inbehind the group
[Slasher] BOO!
[DeathStar] GM: *they drain her of energy*
* Scott tries to see where the wires go.
[Seraphna] *Elayne blinks... "Right..." She holds out her hand and charges a Kiama
* Garland walks down the hallway
[DeathStar] GM: *they just block the doorway, they go nearwhere*
[Garland] Damn.. I shouldn't drink so much...
[Scott] Interesting...
* Kara gets a sleepy look and yawns.... falling to her knees
* Garland holds his head
* Velocity is slowly towed in
[Snipe] What's going on here?
* Seraphna fires a blast at the wires
[Eve`] Kara!
* Eve` shakes her
[Dias] Apparently somethings not wanting us to go in there..
[DeathStar] GM: *they are not phased*
[Seraphna] No need Ellie...
[Kara] hmmmm...?
[Slasher] Chip...whats up with the wires?
* Seraphna holsters her gun and sighs
[Seraphna] What now..
[DeathStar] Chip: Unknown.  I didn't even know they were there.
* Seraphna then appears from the shadows
[Garland] Ugh... *leans against the wall*
* Kara shakes her head
[Slasher] Well now that you do...any idea?
[Kara] I'm fine... i'm fine... I think
[Snipe] Chip: Well, they seem to be alive.
[Seraphna] I have one....
[Slasher] Alive?
[Alicia] 5[4Hotaru5] *would be with Em*
[Snipe] Katrina: *runs around the corner, crying*
* Snipe looks ath er
[Snipe] Katrina?
* Kara gets up
* Garland walks down the hallway
* Velocity finally reaches the hanger, nods at the towers, and heads for the control room
* Seraphna focuses on the wires, using her elementalist abilities to take control of the wires metal nature and tear it apart
[Kara] Tonights... has been weird..
[Scott] I've heard of live wires, but _alive_ wires??
[Snipe] GM: *Reform instantly*
[Seraphna] Elayne] Kat? WHat's wrong?
[Snipe] Katrina: *sobs harder*
[Garland] ....Midnight... *looks at his watch* Should I even bother... going?
[Seraphna] Ye gods..
[Dias] Why don't we have this meeting here?
[Snipe] Katrina: Da-Dad is trapped.
[Snipe] Dad?  Who's her dad?
[Seraphna] *To Garland* [Hun? WHere are you?]
[Seraphna] Elayne] DS...
* Garland notes the psionics, but doesn't respond
[Snipe] Katrina: *cries harder, pointing at the control room* He's in there.  
[Dias] NRP: oooh the cold shoulder.
[Garland] Tch... Tell that the nap-sack....
[Seraphna] *To Gar* [Hun? Hello? You're worrying me...]
* Garland walks into the shadows, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, using tylenol (Cheire biology skill!)
* Slasher phases and tries to go through the wall
[Snipe] GM: *it slams Slasher back*
[Seraphna] To Gar* [Please... answer me...]
[Snipe] Katrina: *is now crying uncontrolably*
[Slasher] NRP: *switches the tylenol with the Tsiv poison
* Kara rubs her arm watching all
* Eve` walks over to Katrina
* Seraphna falls to her knees
[Eve`] Someone should take her away from here.
[Slasher] ...Ouch...
[Snipe] Sera?
[Seraphna] He's just sleeping... he has to be...
[Dias] Probably drunk off his ass...
[Seraphna] Garland's not responding...
[Snipe] I'm sure he's fine.
* Snipe looks back at the door
[Snipe] IF DS is in there---
[Slasher] We need to be in there..
[Seraphna] No... I felt him... its like he just ignored my call...
* Eve` picks up Katrina, carrying her off
* Garland throws his fist back into the wall he's leaning on
* Velocity passes Eve, arriving
[Velocity] What did I miss?
*** Eve` has quit IRC
[Snipe] Late, as usual.
[Velocity] Shove it.
[Alicia] 3[4Kyouki3] *sits in her room, guarding the entrance paranoidly*
* Snipe grabs his rifle and fires into the door, the wires just repairing themselves quickly
[Snipe] Chip: Hey, Gar---?
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[Garland] They've made me fall, aren't they happy yet!? Tch.... *looks to the side* I never did even really verify if this was my dimention. pulls his hood deep over* What, Chip.
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[Snipe] Chip: You okay?
[Garland] Leave me alone.
[Garland] NOW!
[Snipe] Chip: What did I do?
* Garland teleports
*** Seraphna has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
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[DeathStar] NRP: It's a death wr!
*** Seraphna has joined #TAW
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*** Kara has joined #Taw
[DeathStar] NRP: *is Peer*
[Garland] NRP: *dances to Sera's theme*
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*** Slasher has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[Garland] NRP: *uses the ancient art of Ping-peer on DS*
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[Seraphna] Seraphna] *desperatly scans for Garland*
*** Scott1111 is now known as Scott
[DeathStar] Chip: Uh, Sera?  Garland wants to be left alone.
[Scott] NRP] Did I miss anything?
[Kara] where has everyone been tonight anyways?
[DeathStar] NRP: Not much.
* Snipe looks at Kara briefly, ignoring her question for now
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[Seraphna] Seraphna] SOmething's wrong... his behaviors not at all normal...
[Snipe] We don't have time to worry about Garland, Sera.
[Snipe] We need to break in.
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[Snipe] And restore power.
[Seraphna] *Seraphna scans harder
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[Seraphna] Elayne] Should I teleport?
[Snipe] GM: *scans are blocked at all attempts*
* Snipe aims his rifle at the door
*** WereWolfBob is now known as Dias
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Dias
* Kara trys to torch the wires
[Snipe] I got a better idea.  Everyone, attack the door on the the count of 3.
* Velocity aims his stolen blaster pistol at the door
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* Garland growls to himself
[Dias] NRP: *growls pissed off even more as he just ripped his pants hardcore*
[Kyouki] NRP: Where should Hota be?
[DeathStar] NRP: I don't know..
[Kyouki] NRP: I'd say with Emily, but Hika's not here.
* Kara stops and looks at snipe
[Seraphna] NRP: With the Lucas I guess, he's the only other kid besides Emily on board
* Scott aims his... uhh...
[Kara] Well, count already.
* Dias looks down at his shaking hand and grabs it, sweat still beading off his forehead
[Scott] NRP] Forgot what I have. Will go check.
[Snipe] NRP: Katrina's only 5, but she's with Eve.
* Slasher charges up a chi-ball
[Snipe] 1.
[Snipe] 3.
* Snipe fires
[Seraphna] *Elayne fires a Kiama at the Door
[Seraphna] *Seraphna fires a blast of fire at the door, a HUGE blast, "BURN!"
* Velocity fires
* Slasher throws it at the door
[Seraphna] *A HUGE blast comes from behind them all and hits the door
* Kara torches the door
[Kyouki] 5[4Hotaru5] (assuming she's there) *telekinetically attacks the door*
* Slasher spins around to see where the blast came from
[Seraphna] *Dalton walks up to them, a mage-large gun strapped to hus arm
[DeathStar] GM: *the live wires try to restore themselves, but the constant hits tears it away completely.  The control room lies dark*
* Kara looks back
* Snipe glances at him, then at the room
[Seraphna] *Seraphna creates a light torch fire inside the room
[Slasher] ......
* Kara creates a floating flame, and walks into the controll room
[DeathStar] *a shadow can be seen hanging on the wall in a cross form*
* Snipe steps in
[Velocity] Here we go.
* Velocity walks in
*** Kyouki is now known as Hotaru_Airier
[Seraphna] Ye gods...
* Seraphna walks in
[Kara] I sense a boss battle....
* Slasher steps in and looks at the shadow
[Seraphna] *Elayne stays with Snipe
[Slasher] ....Is that...
[DeathStar] GM: *hanging there as if being crucified, is Death Star.  Blood seeps from the live wires that surround his body.  Two spikes are driven into his hands also
* Dias walks in slowly
* Seraphna casts a light over the shadow
[Snipe] Shit!  Death Star!?
[Scott] !! What the...
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
[Slasher] Deathstar...
* Garland sits cross-legged
[Seraphna] *Elayne falls to her knees
[Velocity] This is not a funny joke.
[Hotaru_Airier] Elly?!
* Slasher runs up and grabs onto the live wires
[Snipe] Elayne!
* Kara looks up
[DeathStar] GM: *the feedback slams Slasher back*
* Velocity looks at DS
[Slasher] OUCH!! *recoils in pain*
[Seraphna] Seraphna] *to Garland* [Garland... please! We need you here! I don't know what's wrong but please come!]
[Velocity] He's alive, but I don't see how...he should be dead with all those wires.
[Kara] .....
* Snipe kneels down by Elayne.
[Kara] Weird shit....
[Garland] ..... *shakes his head as if to clear his head*
[Seraphna] *Elayne suddenly rushes forward, healing him
[Dias] ...*looks up at DeathStar*
* DeathStar is out of it, but his face is twisted up in pain and concentration
[Seraphna] Elayne] DS!
* Garland 's brow quirks up
[DeathStar] GM: *the wires block all healing attempts*
* Garland teleports
[Seraphna] Elayne] PLease... *tears at the wires blocking him psionically
* Dias his eyes glow diff. shades of color as he scans the room for anything out of the ordinary.
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: I'll just say Em's asleep in Hota's head. It's fairly IC, at least...
[DeathStar] GM: *nothing else is odd*
[DeathStar] Chip: Is DS okay?
* Garland appears in the control room
* Hotaru_Airier telekinetically pulls at the wires
[Slasher] Not sure Chip..
[DeathStar] GM: *the wires are resistant and reform*
* Garland turns to everyone
[Snipe] ---Garland?
[Garland] Tch. *looks over to DS*
* Seraphna loks at Gar and rushes to him
[Seraphna] Garland...
* Garland is beyond the wires
[Hotaru_Airier] Garly! Please help!
* Seraphna looks at him, "You worried me..."
[DeathStar] Ghh...ghhhh...
* DeathStar looks at Garland weakly
* Garland looks at DS
[DeathStar] R-Run...
[Slasher] WhaT?
[Seraphna] *Elayne teleports to them
[Garland] No.
* Kara stands silent
* DeathStar passes out again, grimacing in pain
[Garland] ....
* Snipe clenches his hands
[Snipe] Elayne!  BECAREFUL!
* Garland narrows his eyes
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
[Kara] Dont reploids have something in them to turn off pain receivers?
[Seraphna] Elayne] *reaches out to heal him, now beyond the wiring
[Snipe] GM: *DS is surrounded literally by wiring, there's no space in between them*
[Dias] ..Somethings wrong with Garland.....
[Seraphna] Seraphna] Garland...
* Garland crosses his arms
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
* Garland looks at her
* Snipe remembers his vision
[Garland] Hm?
[Seraphna] Seraphna] *to Gar* [Tell me what's wrong... please...]
[Seraphna] Please Garland...
* Snipe brings out his scanner and scans DS
[Snipe] He's dying...
[Garland] Nothing's wrong.
* Garland looks back to DS
[Velocity] Well, gee, why don't we stand here and chat some more?
* Hotaru_Airier winces.
[Seraphna] *Elayne constanly tears at the wires, starting to glow as she powers up
[Slasher] ....*charges up Chi around both his hands and grabs onto the wires sending a wave into them*
[Snipe] RAGH!
* Garland reluctantly draws his sword
* Snipe throws himself into the wires
[Garland] I'll get him down.
[Snipe] GM: *immediately begin to switch from DS to Snipe*
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Velocity] Shit, that wasn't my fucking plan!
* Slasher stops watching
[Seraphna] Elayne] JOHN!
* Snipe kicks back off DS before the wires can attack
* Garland rolls his eyes
[Slasher] Snipe...
[Snipe] GM: *They begin to revert back to DS*
[Snipe] Hit it now!
* Slasher fires a wave of Chi balls into the wires
* Garland slashes the wires
* Velocity blasts the wires
[Seraphna] *ELayne attacks the wires
[DeathStar] GM: *swirvel up and drop DS*
* Slasher runs up and catches DS
* DeathStar hits the ground, dead weight, his armor totally broken and blood seeping through it
[DeathStar] NRP: Or is caught
* Snipe pants
[Seraphna] *to Gar* [I know you better... Gar... please tell me what's wrong...]
* Kara walks over to Slasher and DS, and looks at DS
[Kara] How...
[Slasher] Elayne..
[Kara] How the hell do reploids bleed blood...
[Garland] I'm too old and slow, remember!
[Slasher] ...Something Star hasn't told us yet..
[Seraphna] *Elayne falls to her knees
[Seraphna] What?
* Snipe kneels by Elayne
[Hotaru_Airier] I don't know...
[Seraphna] Garland.. what are you talking about?
[Slasher] ELAYNE....
[Snipe] I think DS needs your help.
[Kara] He must not be a reploid at all..
* Velocity looks around.
[Slasher] .....He is..
[Seraphna] *Elayne nodds and rushes to DS, healing
[Garland] .....
[Slasher] O
[Velocity] I'm more afraid of the person who put him up there.
[Slasher] I've known him..
* Slasher looks at the holes in DS's hands
* Garland takes a step back
* Seraphna walks up to Garland
[Slasher] We're gonna find him...
* Snipe nods at Vel
[Kara] Who did this? This is SICKENING
[Seraphna] Please...
[Snipe] He'll probably find us.
[Slasher] The better...
[Seraphna] Don't... don't run from me... not when I don't even know why you are in pain...
* Scott looks around warily. "Where could they be...?"
* Scott looks around warily. "Where could they be...?"
[Garland] Lies... *looks at everyone*
[Scott] NRP] I can't see anything I'm typing...
[Seraphna] Garland?
[Hotaru_Airier] What are you talking about?
[Scott] NRP] Now I can.
[Garland] I just don't get it!
* Garland looks at Sera
* Seraphna blinks confused
* Snipe looks at Garland strangely
[Garland] Ki... Kill them!? I can't---!
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
[Seraphna] Gar?
[Slasher] *sits there holding DS*
* Snipe gets into a battle stance
[Garland] Isn't there another way!?
* Velocity spins on Garland
[Seraphna] *Elayne contines to heal DS
[Kara] ... huh?
* Dias slowly shifts into a fighting stance
* Seraphna reaches out towards Garland, glowing with not only psionic force, but soemthign else
[Garland] The... only way? 
[Dias] NRP: PMS?
[Kara] Gar, you cant kill all of us. Your outnumbered, and you know it
[Seraphna] Garland... Let me help you...
* Garland looks down at his sword
* Garland looks at her
[Dias] Kara....He's stronger than he looks..
[Seraphna] PLease...
* Garland takes a step back
[Seraphna] *tears run down her cheeks
[Kara] What? are you suggesting hes from some super powerfull alien race or something out of an Anime or comic book?
* Garland looks at an empty space in the room
[Garland] I'll get you for this! I swear!
[Snipe] He's losti t.
[Dias] He's not human...
* Seraphna looks and apparently sees this too
[Kara] See, this is the insanity I'm talking about.
[Garland] Now... whil.. lyi---*pulls out his sword*
[Dias] ...Guys...
[Scott] ...garland did this??
[Seraphna] Gar...
* Slasher strains to pick DS up
* Snipe raises his gun slowly
[Snipe] Garland --- I have to detain you
[Garland] Put... the weaapon DOWWWWWN!!!! *slashes Snipe's shoulder*
[Snipe] ARGH!
* Snipe grabs his shoulder as blood oozes out
[Seraphna] *Elayne suddenly appears, hugging Snipes arm
* Dias roars in pain as he grabs his shoulder
[Kara] HEY! *Jumps at Garland kicking for his chin
[Seraphna] *Elayne heals him as she does
[Seraphna] Elayne] DOn't!
[Garland] Leave me ALONE!!!!
* Garland flip kicks Kara in the chin
* Seraphna falls to her knees
[Kara] OUGH!
* Snipe grabs his rifle
[Garland] Let my daughter go!!!!
* Garland tackles Snipe
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[Snipe] OUF!
*** WereWolfBob has joined #taw
* Kara flies into a wall of important equipment in the room
[Seraphna] *Elayne blinks
* Snipe rolls along the floor, puncing into Gar's stomach
*** WereWolfBob is now known as Dias
[Seraphna] Elayne] DAD! NO!
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Dias
[Snipe] He's faster---and stronger than he was before.
* Snipe grunts
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
* Kara falls over spitting out blood
* Garland punches him in the chest
* Dias blurs towards Garland trying to ram him
* Snipe gasps in pain
[Garland] I won't lose another!
[Hotaru_Airier] I'm sorry... I can't fight...
* Dias grunt as he plurs
* Velocity aims at Garland
* Garland spins, kicking Dias away
[Velocity] Should I aim to kill or wound?
[Seraphna] *Elayne jumps at Garland, crying and yelling
[Slasher] Come on DS..*carries him out of the room*
[Hotaru_Airier] WOUND!!!
[Seraphna] Elayne] Daddy no!
[Dias] OOF!! *flies back*
[Seraphna] Elayne] No! PLease!
* DeathStar grips the door suddenly
* Garland moves out of Elaynes way
[Slasher] Star?
* Slasher stops
[DeathStar] ...*opens his eye*
* Kara punches the air, then yanks her fist pack thrusting her palm forward, 6 balls of flame fly at Garland
* Seraphna collapses
[Hotaru_Airier] DeathStar!
[Garland] I'm trying to help you, Elayne, out of the way!!!!!
* Snipe runs at Garland
* Garland glares at Snipe
* Dias flips up and runs at Garland
[Seraphna] Elayne] Don't hurt John! PLease!
* Snipe leap kicks at him
* Dias slide tackles him
* Garland blurs behind him, kicking him in the back
[Snipe] ARGH!
[Seraphna] Elayne] John! Don't fight him!
* Snipe hits the ground
* Dias coughs in pain as he slides
[Kara] *6 orbs of flame fly at Garland's back
[DeathStar] Gar--Garland..
[Hotaru_Airier] STOP IT!!!
* DeathStar hisses in pain
[Seraphna] *A ball of electricity slams into Gar
* Garland bats the orbs away
[Seraphna] Dalton] THAT'S ENOUGH!
* Dias flip up and throws an uppercut
[Kara] C'mon..
* Garland glares
[Seraphna] *Dalton reloads the gun
[Garland] Gh....!
* Garland hits the ground
[DeathStar] *a blast knocks everyone back from Gar except snipe*
[Seraphna] *The orb stays
* Dias stands there breathing heavily
* Seraphna rolls into the wall
* Garland flips to his feet
* Dias slides back
[Kara] *the orbs arnt batted away, they disolve after hitting garland
* Garland narrows his eyes to Snipe
* Snipe tries to stand up
[Slasher] Star...whats wrong with Garland?
* Scott is knocked on his back and slides into a wall. "Ow..."
[Seraphna] *Elayne flips to her feet and runs at them
[DeathStar] Pos--Possessed..
[Slasher] what?
* Garland looks at Snipe
[DeathStar] Gho--Ghost...
* Hotaru_Airier looks scared witless.
[Seraphna] He's... not Garland...
[Slasher] Shit....
* Garland grabs him by the collar
* Seraphna stands slowly
[Kara] Possessed? *looks at Garland* DONT BE STUPID! theres no such thing as ghosts!
* Hotaru_Airier looks at DS
* Snipe shoves his rifle into Garland's gut
[Seraphna] *Voice] You guessed it!
[Slasher] There is....
* Hotaru_Airier looks at Kara.
[Garland] So much... for needing hyper to win, eh, JOHN?
[Hotaru_Airier] I used to BE one, Kara.
* Garland throws him down
[Seraphna] Voice] Garland's on a mental break!
[Snipe] OUF!
* Garland throws his hand out to Snipe, his hand crackling
[Seraphna] *A small, fat man appears next to DS
* Dias tries darting towards Garland
[Garland] Let... my... daughter go.
[Snipe] Never.
* Garland backhands Dias into the wall
* Hotaru_Airier looks over at the small fat man.
* Dias slams against the wall
[Dias] OOOF!
* Garland glares, forming a ball in his hand
* Scott stands up. "Who are you??" he asks of the ghost.
[Garland] I won't... ask again.

[Seraphna] Jopiah] Unfortunatley... I can;t help here!
[Kara] ................. *just watcghes everyone
* DeathStar looks at the man weakly
[Snipe] NEVER!
* Snipe stands up
[Seraphna] Jopiah] This... is a family matter!
[DeathStar] isn't...
[Garland] I warned you!!!!!
* DeathStar lurches forward
* Garland blasts Snipe
* Snipe takes the blast, engulfed
[Hotaru_Airier] You can't let them k...k...k...
[Snipe] ARGHGHHHH-----
* Dias roars in pain
* Hotaru_Airier falls to her knees.
* Snipe vanishes in the blast
* Garland lowers his hand, reality cracking into nothingness like zero-space around him.
[Velocity] Holy shit...
* Kara growls gathering flaming energy into a small ball "I'll teach you to take me lightly you garlic eating prick!"
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[Garland] Useless..........
[Dias] .....*grabs his head* Snipe....SNIPE!!
[DeathStar] DAMN YOU!
[Hotaru_Airier] o_o
* DeathStar walks towards Garland
[Slasher] SNIPE!
* Slasher sets DS down
[DeathStar] I will kill you.  You should have stayed...dead...*grunts*
[Sera] Elayne] JOHN!
[Kara] HEY YOU GARLIC @#$%@^#$@&@$@$! LOOK OVER HERE!!!!!!!!
* Garland looks at DS
[Sera] *ELayne rushes to where John is(was?)
* Garland grins sadistically
[DeathStar] NRP: He was vaped.
[Sera] *Elayne falls to her knees
* Velocity tackles Garland
[Kara] *A wall of flames comes roaring at garland
[Garland] ......
[Sera] Elayne] *cries... just collapses and mourns*
* Velocity spins Garland into the wall of flames
[Dias] Theres...nothing left...*breathes heavily*
* Garland bursts into flame, roaring
* Sera slips unconcious again
[Garland] Gh........AAAGHHHHH!!!!!!!
* Garland hits the ground
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[Dias] ....But...I don't want to...
* DeathStar faints
[Sera] Elayne] I can't... believe...
[Scott] Wha... what...?
[Sera] Elayne] *just cries
* Velocity rolls off Garland, burnt too
[Hotaru_Airier] 'mnotatsivrishi'mnotatsivrishi'mnotatsivrishi'mnotatsivrishi'mnotatsivrishi'mnotatsivrish
[Slasher] CHIP..
* Kara runs over to garland, and trys to kick him in his head while he's down
* Scott looks up at the cieling and mumbles, "If this is another sim, can we end it now? please...?"
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: Fine time for Hota to have a nervous breakdown, huh?
[DeathStar] Chip: YeSD/
[Slasher] Chip place a forcefield all around Garland now..
* Velocity sways
* Garland lets off a final shockwave, knocking Kara off his feet
[Slasher] NRP: hehehee
[DeathStar] Chip: *does so*
[DeathStar] NRP: Kara is a  she
[DeathStar] *spirit appears before them*
[Sera] ELayne] No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Dias turns to the spirits
* Slasher looks at them.
[DeathStar] Azrael: I am Azrael.
[Dias] ...I..I know you...
[Velocity] Hrm.
[Dias] You my vision..
[Kara] NRP : Yeah
* Kara falls back, getting up again
[DeathStar] Azrael: I am the cause of all your pain.  All your suffering.  It is like music in my ears.
[Hotaru_Airier] i'mnotatsivirishi'mnotatsivirish...
* Slasher turns to Jopiah
[DeathStar] Azrael: *walks towards Death Star*
[Slasher] What the hell is your problem?
[Slasher] And who the hell are you anyway?
[Sera] Jopiah] Problem?
* Velocity tries to tackle Azrael, but goes through him
* Dias blurs infront of DS
[Dias] St...stay away.
[Sera] Jopiah] I'm the guardian of Time and all Reality...
[DeathStar] Azrael: *strolls confidentally forward* Why not morph into Dark Heart, Dias?  *says mockingly*
* Kara raises a brow at Azrael, and then kicks Garland idly
[Dias] .....*Starts shaking*
[Slasher] ....I think we have a nice home for you in the brig.
[Sera] *Elayne throws up and fall into unconciousness
[Dias] NRP: KINKY!
[Garland] NRP: Ew.
[Dias] I...I do'nt...need..him..
[DeathStar] Azrael: *winces in pain*
[DeathStar] Azrael: *waves hand at Kara, slamming her into a wall*
[Scott] ...I am completely lost. . .
* Garland clenches his fist, still on the ground
[DeathStar] Azrael: *Stands before Dias* Why not shoot?
* Dias stands there shaking, looking at Azrael
* Velocity grabs Scott and points at Azrael
[Dias] .........*Falls to one of his knees*
[Velocity] KILL.  GHOST.
[Kara] AECK!
[DeathStar] Azrael: *steps around Dias and before Death Star*
* Kara slowly gets up rubbing her gut
[DeathStar] Azrael: ... Garland.  Rise.
[Kara] What the hell was that for...?
[Sera] */me stands and fires a blast of fire at the Ghost
* Slasher walks over to Azrael
[Slasher] Leave him be...
[DeathStar] Azrael: *is unaffected*
* Sera stands and fires a blast of fire at the Ghost
* Garland gets up, his face never having been seen through the cloak
*** Azrael has joined #taw
[Hotaru_Airier] Nokill...
[Slasher] Chip: Keep that forcefield up..
[DeathStar] Chip: Right.
[Hotaru_Airier] Cannotkillmustnotkill...
[Slasher] What do you want...
[Azrael] Garland --- break that force field down.
* Garland runs his finger down the forcefield
[Kara] If thats a ghost.. no worldly thing can stop it.
* Velocity growls
* Garland pulls the field into his hand
[Velocity] Well, we have to try, don't we?
[Slasher] Chip...SHOCK HIM
[Velocity] Chip: *fires stunning lazers*
[Azrael] Remember, woman, it was by your husband's hand he killed the boy.
* Garland waves them off
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
[Slasher] Sera....get him wet..
* Hotaru_Airier gets to her feet.
[Azrael] I merely suggested it to him.
* Sera creates water all around Azreal
[Slasher] Chip, shock him again
[Snipe] Chip: *socks Garland again*
* Garland sheiths his sword with a loud clang
[Sera] NRP: Bye guys
[Azrael] Garland --- kill Death Star.
[Garland] Stop. Chip.
[Azrael] Chip: *stops*
[Slasher] Chip don't listen tohim..
* Garland turns to DS
[Hotaru_Airier] Right... no-one can stop a ghost...
[Azrael] Chip: *starts shocking him again*
*** Sera has quit IRC (My future profession = PRINCESS!!! | PS... I WUV GARLY!)
* Kara looks at everyone "........ why is this happening...?"
* Hotaru_Airier looks strangely confident now.
* Slasher grabs DS and throws him over his shoulder
* Garland tackles Slasher
[Slasher] OOOF!! *drops DS an falls to the ground*
* Garland grabs DS by the ankles off of him, dragging him
* DeathStar rolls to the side
[Hotaru_Airier] You. *points to Azrael*
* Garland looks up to Azrael
* Slasher pulls himself up
[Hotaru_Airier] I will stop you.
[Garland] Sera: Garland....!
[Azrael] Yes?
[Slasher] ....DROP HIM GARLAND..
* Garland looks at DS
* Garland ignores Slasher
[Dias] ....Don't care....
* Garland lifts him up by the collar, pulling his fist back, aimed at his face
* Dias glows red as his rage builds up
[Garland] ...... I... Can't.
* Garland drops him
[Kara] Ghosts..... That cant be.... I WONT beleive it!
* DeathStar opens his eyes
* DeathStar pushed himself up to his feet
* Snipe flips into the room
[Dias] No...*fights off his rage*
[Hotaru_Airier] Believe it Kara.
[Snipe] Which is a good thing, since I was about to blast you.
[Garland] Sera: *looks at John* Snipe!
[Slasher] Snipe?
* Snipe is badly burnt and wounded
[Hotaru_Airier] Why are you doing this?
[Azrael] *sounds disappointed* Garland---
* DeathStar points at Azrael
[Garland] Gh.... *steps back, looking down*
* Garland grabs his head
[Azrael] ....
* Azrael morphs
*** Azrael is now known as Crucifixtion
* Crucifixtion stands there
[Slasher] .....It's you...
[Kara] Who?
[Crucifixtion] Who else would it me, seeing revenge on you damn Hunters?
[Snipe] Er?
[Garland] Get out of my head..... GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!
[Velocity] Who's this?
* Garland falls to one knee
[Garland] Sera: Garland!!! *runs to his side*
* Slasher runs forward and throws a punch at Crux
* Crucifixtion watches it go through him
[Crucifixtion] But Slasher --- you can't hurt me --- unless you hurt him.  *nods at Garland*
* Snipe gapes, realizing his vision
[Slasher] Could never fight your battles without using someone could you..
[Garland] Sera... GET AWAY!
[Kara] NRP: DAMN LAG! I cant keep up because of it!
[Hotaru_Airier] ... no... can't...
* Garland pushes her away, but not hurting her
[Crucifixtion] You interrupted my fight with this boy.  You and HIM  *nods at DS* And the rest of you Hunters.
* Crucifixtion walks over to Garland
* Crucifixtion kneels down
[Slasher] ...Chip....try to pick someonething up from Crux...something we can hit him with..
[Crucifixtion] Now the boy is mine.  Like he has been since the day I met his father.
* Garland holds his head in pain
[DeathStar] Chip: Scanning.
[DeathStar] Ki-Kilath?
[DeathStar] Chip: A link between him and Garland exists.
[Slasher] Is there anything we can do to break it?
[DeathStar] Chip: Kill Garland.
[DeathStar] N-no!
* Garland punches the ground full force, his fist ripping through it like tin-foil
* Crucifixtion laughs, walking around Garland
[Slasher] Garland....don't lose to him...
[Hotaru_Airier] ... cannot... killlllll....
[Crucifixtion] Your father is a part of me Garland and now I am part of you.
* Velocity calmly aims his rifle at Garland
[Garland] ....... Gh......?
[Velocity] Sorry.
* Hotaru_Airier telekinetically throws Velocity against the wall
[Velocity] OUF!
[Hotaru_Airier] NO KILLING!
[Slasher] Garland fight him..
* Snipe has had his rifle trained Garland, not moving
[Slasher] Your stronger than he is..
* Crucifixtion forms two of himself
* Crucifixtion has one half enter Garland
*** Kara has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Garland glares at Slasher, pulling off his hood, standing
[Snipe] Dammit.
[Velocity] You should have let me fire when I had the chance!
* Snipe aims Garland fires at his head
[Slasher] .....Garland...*Stares back*
* Garland 's eyes are now yellow, and his pupils no longer natural.
[Hotaru_Airier] And kill Garland? NO!
* Garland catches the bullet
[Snipe] NRP: Plasma.
* Garland glares at Snipe
[Slasher] If your in there....don't give up...
* Garland bats it away! ^^
[Garland] ......
* Crucifixtion stands off to Garland's side
[Scott] ...
[Crucifixtion] Heh heh
* DeathStar weakly falls to one knee
[Slasher] Chip...scan Crux again..
* Garland speaks, giving off both Crux's and Gar's voice
[Garland] You never gave a damn, SLASHHHHHER!
[DeathStar] Chip: Scanning.  Full possession in contact.  Garland IS Crucifixtion.
[DeathStar] NOOOO!
[Slasher] .....I did too...Remember when I helped you bury those dead..
* Garland slams into him
* Velocity struggles to his feet, glaring at Hotaru
[Slasher] OOOF!! *recoils in pain*
[Velocity] You probably doomed us ALL!
[Garland] Yessss.... Then I listend and agreeeeeeed with everthing you said!
[Slasher] And look...*coughs* At how you ended up...
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
* Garland be backhands Slasher on the side of his head
[Snipe] .oO (If I kill Garland, will - ... will what happen happen?)
*** Kara has joined #Taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Kara
* Slasher falls to the ground
[Dias] Dad....
* DeathStar moves in front of Slasher, his arms out
[DeathStar] STOP!
[Hotaru_Airier] .oO(I can't allow myself to become like the mavericks... like the tsivirish...)
[Garland] Khee-hee! *floats upside down* Fun, isn't it? *bursts into flames*
* Garland eyes DS
[DeathStar] ----Garland---!
[Garland] To be aliiiiiive again... *speaks with both voices in a demonic tone* 
[Dias] Only makes you...vurneable.
[Scott] WHo _IS_ this crucifiction guy? What's he want from us??
[Garland] It's a shaaaaame the boy is such and... idiot.....
[Slasher] ...Revenge...
[DeathStar] Then who are you?  Kilath?  Crucifixtion?
* Garland grins broadly, showing his vampiric teeth
[Hotaru_Airier] Revenge... ... ...
[Hotaru_Airier] In the end, it's pointless.
* DeathStar holds his ground, his energy fading fast
* Garland is inches from DS's face, as if he never moved
* Snipe aims the rifle at Garland's back
* Garland wispers into his ear
*** WereWolfBob has joined #taw
*** Slasher has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[Garland] Who said it had to be one of ussssss........
* DeathStar blinks in surprise
[DeathStar] But why --- Kilath---?
[WereWolfBob] Chip...suggestions...
*** WereWolfBob is now known as Slasher
* Garland scratches his chin, spinning in the air clockwise
[DeathStar] Chip: Stun Garland, then call can exorist.
[Slasher] ...We have any exorcists?
[Garland] HAAHAH@
[DeathStar] Chip: no.
* Snipe fires
[Hotaru_Airier] ... I don't know much about it, sorry.
[Garland] You're looking at the only one on the ship!!! HEHEE!
[Garland] Gh.....!
[Slasher] ...Can you preform an exorcism?
* Garland feels his back
[DeathStar] Chip: No...
* Garland blinks at the blood on his hand
[Dias] Where's Eve...
[Snipe] Back off, whatever the hell you are.
* Garland turns to Snipe, blurring to his face
[DeathStar] Chip: MedBay with Katrina
[Dias] t
[Garland] Break the vessel... jeopardize the young.... *points at Elayne*
* Snipe grabs Garland's throat
[Dias] Tell her we need her help..
* Garland grins, daringly
[DeathStar] Chip: Roger.
* Kara watches Garland, without saying a word
[Garland] Do we look like we care what you do to the boy?!?
[Snipe] I will protect the cost
* Snipe begins to choke him
* Garland blasts Snipe into the wall
[Snipe] OUF!
* Garland turns to DS
* DeathStar stands over Slasher
[Garland] You want to know why?
[DeathStar] Yes.
* Garland grins
* Slasher pushes himself up
* Dias coils in pain
[Garland] Hehee....... because.... Kilath enjoyed shoving broken glass into his back!---I LOVED IT!
* Velocity tries to tackle Garland
[Garland] To see him bleed.....!
* DeathStar trembles in rage
[Slasher] Your sick...
[Garland] Gh......!
* Garland glares at Velocity, opening his arms up
[Garland] Go on! Hit me!
[Garland] Hah!
* Velocity punches Garland
[Velocity] Eve: *runs into the room*
* Garland takes it, looking at the blood from the welt
[Dias] EVE!!! 
[Garland] Hehe.....
* Crucifixtion looks at the newcomer.
[Dias] Use your powers...
[Crucifixtion] Eve: On...uh...who?
[Dias] ...Garland.
[Garland] Sera: Garland... I never knew....
[Crucifixtion] Eve: *looks at Garland* Right.  *concentrates*
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
* Garland flips to his feet
* Garland looks at Eve
* Velocity punches again
* Dias looks at Garland
* Garland elbows Velocity
[Crucifixtion] Eve: Garland....quit this....obey me...
* Velocity gasps in pain, falling
* Slasher grabs Velocity
* Garland 's hand trembles
[Kara] I can do nothing... why am I even here...
* Crucifixtion waves hand, slamming Eve into a wall
[Dias] Keep it up Eve..
[Garland] Bah.
[Dias] EVE!!! *blurs behind her and catches her*
[Crucifixtion] I can play with pretty girls later.
[Dias] *takes the blow from the wall*
[Crucifixtion] Eve: *blinks, surprised and dazed* Dias?!
* DeathStar bear hugs Garland
[Hotaru_Airier] Sarlen... what do I do?
* Kara is confused as hell
* Garland looks at him
[Dias] ...*looks at her*
* Snipe raises to his feet
* Garland rests his forhead against DeathStar's
* Garland speaks normally
* Snipe aims his gun at the back of Garland's head
* Scott just watches them. Is kinda lost as to why all this is hapenning. Doesn't know what to do.
* Dias sets her down
* Crucifixtion walks around Scott
[Crucifixtion] Eve: Th-Thanks.
[Garland] Oh.. please Mr. Death St----*eyes go blank*
* Dias nods
* Snipe fires
[Slasher] Crux....
[Garland] AGGGHHHH!!!!!!! *eyes go wide, devoid of emotion*
[Snipe] Forgive me.
* Velocity aims his gun at Garland's gut, firing
[DeathStar] Garland --- noooo!
[Garland] Sera: GAARLAND!!!!
* Dias looks onward with wide eyes
* Crucifixtion staggers in pain
[Crucifixtion] Gaaah..
[Crucifixtion] Da---Damn you
* Crucifixtion opens up a portal in the middle of the room and both he and Garland vanish into it
* Hotaru_Airier mumbles incoherently.
[Slasher] .......this isn't the last of it..
* Dias turns to Eve
* DeathStar falls to his knees, looking at the open portal
*** Crucifixtion has left #taw
[Dias] Are you ok? I'm sorry for putting you in danger.
[DeathStar] Eve: F-Fine.
* Velocity walks to it
[Velocity] Can we close it?
[Snipe] But Gar---
[Dias] We're going after him....*looks at DS*
[DeathStar] Chip: The portal goes to some unknown dimension.
* DeathStar nods
[Kara] What..? Unknown demension? This is crazy, what if its like the demension of the undead?
[Slasher] If it's where I'm guessing it leads to...then maybe we can still save Garland..
* DeathStar leaps through
[Kara] The underwordl!?
[Velocity] I'm staying.
* Slasher walks through
* Snipe walks through
[Dias] wanna stay or come with?
[Kara] You guys cant go through! Your dealing with forces like... GOD!
[DeathStar] Eve: I'll...stay.
[Dias] Aright..I'll be back...
[Kara] YOU PEOPLE ARE SICK! Aw damnit!
* /sound: no such file 'TGC-WeAreHunters.mid'
[Garland] Sera: I'll s...sta.....y...
[Hotaru_Airier] I don't think I can go on.
[DeathStar] NRP: To #tawdimensions
* Dias turns away, and walks slowly towards the portal and takes a deep breath before walking in
* Kara runs after them
[Velocity] ..
[Scott] ...
[Velocity] Those crazy idiots.
[Scott] Is that really a portal to... some kind of afterlife?
* Hotaru_Airier sighs
*** Crucifixtion has joined #taw
* Crucifixtion appears before them
[Crucifixtion] I'll make sure to make your lives end quickly
* Hotaru_Airier looks over at Crucifixtion.
[Hotaru_Airier] You're going to try and kill us?
[Hotaru_Airier] Why?
*** X1 has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o X1
[Crucifixtion] Why?
* Crucifixtion moves forward
[Crucifixtion] Because I want to kill all of your kind.  Every one of you damned Hunters.
[Hotaru_Airier] For what?
* Hotaru_Airier 's eyes start to glow.
[Scott] Why?
* Garland looks up st Crux
[Scott] What did we ever do to you?
[Garland] NRP: Sera did that.
[Crucifixtion] Because 20 years ago the Hunter defeated and killed me.  Unfairly.
[Hotaru_Airier] *A* hunter.
[Scott] Yeah, what she said.
[Hotaru_Airier] .oO(Mustnotkillmustnotkill...)
[Scott] Why are you out to get all of us?
[Crucifixtion] A Hunter?
[Crucifixtion] They all teamed up.  It should have been me killing HIM!
* Crucifixtion raises hand and begins to crush Hotaru's heart
* Hotaru_Airier ignites her beam saber, wings of ki appearing of her.
[Crucifixtion] Why, my dear, there is every reason to kill you.
* Hotaru_Airier slashes wildly at Crucifixtion.
* Crucifixtion watches it go through him
* Crucifixtion laughs loduly
* Crucifixtion lands on the ground and kicks DS' limp body
[Crucifixtion] NRP: Er, wrong chan
* Hotaru_Airier blinks, staring down at her hands.
* Crucifixtion throws a ball of energy at Scott
[Crucifixtion] Fight or be killed, Hunters.  Earn your namesake.
[Hotaru_Airier] What... what am I doing...?
* Crucifixtion waves hand, slamming Hotaru in the wall
[Hotaru_Airier] ... ].[;;;
[Crucifixtion] I will destroy you all!
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
* Hotaru_Airier throws a ball of energy at Crucifixtion
* Crucifixtion side steps
* Crucifixtion begins to throw ten negative energy orbs at her
* Hotaru_Airier tries to block with her 'wings'
*** Dias is now known as DarkHeart
* Crucifixtion appears to her side
[Crucifixtion] Tell me...are you ready for some pain, my dear?
* Hotaru_Airier bursts out laughing.
* Crucifixtion wraps his hand around her throat, though they are phased, she can feel the coldness as he begins to drain her life
[Hotaru_Airier] I don't think there's anything you... *throws another energy ball of Crucifixtion*
[Hotaru_Airier] VAMPIRIC MONSTER!!!
* Crucifixtion flies back, laughing
[Hotaru_Airier] HOW DARE YOU?!!
[Crucifixtion] Eve: *Tackles Crux, but goes through him*
* Scott tried to block the energy ball with his shield
* Crucifixtion appears before Scott
[Crucifixtion] DIEEEE!
* Crucifixtion opens his hands and begins to form a dark ball
* Scott jumps back, whipping out his hunter rifle and charging it... Holding his shield ready to block...
* Crucifixtion throws the ball of energy at him
* Hotaru_Airier keeps throwing energy balls at Crucifixtion.
[Hotaru_Airier] Abomination, I will end your existance.
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: And HOW old is Hotaru physically, ATM?
* Crucifixtion fades each time he's hit, growing weaker
[Crucifixtion] NRP: I don't know
* Scott tries to dodge if possible, if not, he blocks. Either way, he returns fire with a charged hunter rifle shot.
[Scott] NRP] Blocks with his shield, that is.
* Crucifixtion falls to his knees
[Crucifixtion] Heh...beaten again..
* Kara slides across the floor, coming back from the portal
* Snipe lands in the room
* Kara leaves a blood trail
* Snipe grabs his throat in pain
* Scott takes a step towards crucifiction, but assumes a defensive stance. "..."
[Snipe] GACK!
* Snipe stumbles
[Hotaru_Airier] NRP: She was about 14 when she went ATLAN, right?
* Scott looks over at the people comingf rom the portal. "Kara! Snip! Are you okay??"
[Hotaru_Airier] We won.
* Slasher lands next to Snipe
* Velocity looks at them
* Snipe falls to his knees
[Kara] Get away from me... ALL OF YOU!
[Hotaru_Airier] ...?
* Kara crawls to a wall, leaving a bloodtrail as she does
* Scott takes a few steps away from Kara. .oO( ? )
[Hotaru_Airier] I really think she needs medical attention...
* DarkHeart comes flying out and into a wall, blood pooring from his body
[Hotaru_Airier] O.o
[Crucifixtion] Eve: *picks Kara up, heading for the MedBay*
* Kara looks at DH "Good. I'm glad your F***ed up"
* Velocity grabs Dh, heading for the MedBay
* Snipe lays there, grunting
* Crucifixtion stands there still
* Hotaru_Airier telekinetically picks up Snipe, and carries him to the MedBay
[Crucifixtion] Even in death....
[Crucifixtion] ....I....striketh at thee...
* Crucifixtion raises his hand, forming an orb
[Crucifixtion] Chip: High levels of energy detected
* Slasher forms a Chi Ball
* Slasher begins to increase its size
* Crucifixtion throws it at the computer
* Slasher flings it at the the orh
[Slasher] NRP: Orb
[Crucifixtion] GM: *on contact, both explode in a brilliant light, blowing everyone still in the Control room back and blowing up several computers*
* Crucifixtion fades away
*** Crucifixtion has left #taw
* DarkHeart slides against the wall
[DarkHeart] nRP: DOH
* Kara crys into eve's shoulder as she is carried away to the med bay
* Slasher slides against the wall as he shields his eye
[Scott] Welcome back, guys-- Who's that?" He doesn't recognize Dark Heart.
[Velocity] Eve: Shhh, it's okay.  We'll get you help.
* DeathStar grunts in pain as the wave hits him
* DeathStar sees the portal is closed
[DarkHeart] NRP: *is in the medbay* or on the way to it*
[DeathStar] ...and he's gone.
[Velocity] Eve: *lays down Kara on one of the tables* X2!!!!
* DarkHeart lies on a table, reverting back to Dias
*** DarkHeart is now known as Dias
* Hotaru_Airier lays down Snipe on another.
[Hotaru_Airier] O.o
* Dias blood appears from the gut wound
[Velocity] Man where they banged up
* Scott followed everyone to the medbay?
* Velocity watches X2 run in, docting the people up
* Dias groans in pain
* DeathStar leans against the wall
* Hotaru_Airier tries to heal Dias.
[DeathStar] Is ... Katrina okay, Slasher---?
* Slasher nods
* DeathStar nods
[DeathStar] She called me...daddy..
[Hotaru_Airier] Is Elly okay?
* Dias isn't affected by Hotaru's help
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
[Garland] Elly: *is unconscious*
[Garland] Sera: ...Where's Garland....?
[Kara] They should.. die.!.. them... then they'll feel what its like.... damn... damn them...
* Dias opens eyes slowly and looks over at Eve
[Slasher] You don't get it Kara...
[Velocity] Eve: *looks over at Dias, confused*
* Hotaru_Airier glares at Kara.
* DeathStar looks at Seraphna
[DeathStar] His body was left back in the dimension of death.
[DeathStar] That means...even if he lived...he'd come back there.
[Garland] Sera: *recoils* No....
[Hotaru_Airier] I'd say it's pretty obvious she doesn't get it.
* DeathStar looks at the portal, barely visible
[DeathStar] In a few more seconds, it'll close forever.
[Dias] NRP: *Watches the Life Wave activate, bringing all the undead alive..
[Garland] Geeze, you guys have no faith in me... *leans against the wall*
* DeathStar looks at Garland for a moment, then back at the portal
[Garland] .... Occupation.
[Hotaru_Airier] Heya Garly
[DeathStar] Yep, any second now it'll close...
[DeathStar] GM: *the portal closes*
* Garland nods to Hota
* Dias closes eyes and falls asleep
[DeathStar] Katrina: *throws herself at DS* DS!@
[Garland] ..... Um.. Why were you watching the portal?
[DeathStar] Waiting for you to come back out of it.
[Garland] Sera: *tackles Garland* GARLY!!!!!
[Garland] Want me to reverse time and make an entrance...--ACK!
* Garland hugs Sera
* DeathStar hugs Katrina back, holding her
[DeathStar] Chip: *hasn't said anything yet*
[Garland] Snipe!
* Garland looks around
* Snipe is on a med bed, passed out
[Garland] Where the hell is he? .... I get so foul mouthed after thigns like that...
* Garland moves over to him
* Garland looks over him
[Garland] Hey? I bet you can hear me if nothing else...
* Snipe grunts
[Garland] .... Sorry I beat the shit out of you, but I think you get it....
[Garland] You killed me.... so.... Even?
* Snipe grunts again
[Hotaru_Airier] Why can't I heal Dias?
[Garland] Sera: Here hun... *heals Snip till he can talk a bit*
[Slasher] PRobably the side affect of him transforming into DarkHeart.
[Hotaru_Airier] Oh...
[Velocity] Eve: *sits down by Kara and Dias* What happened in there, anyway?
[Slasher] NRP: *wonders how psionics can heal Snipe*
* Garland looks at him
[Snipe] NRP:  Psionics can't.  Elly can.
[Slasher] NRP: Says Sera did....
* Velocity shrugs
[Velocity] I think that blast fried the computer.
[Garland] NRP: It's in the family!
[Garland] Elly: JOHNN!!!!!!
[Hotaru_Airier] Oh well, it's only a comput... ELLY!
[DeathStar] NRP: *flinches*
[Garland] Elly: *has woken* OHHH!!! *heals as much as she can* DON'T DIEE!!!!!!
[Garland] .... That's Elly for you....
* Hotaru_Airier giggles.
[Garland] Sera: *giggles*
[DeathStar] NRP: Yeah, but she fell face first into her own throw up
[Dias] NRP: Heheh..
[Garland] Elly: *nuzzles and kisses Snipe*
[DeathStar] NRP: *gags* You fiend!
[DeathStar] NRP: You KNOW she fell into her own throw p!
[Kara] Why do I still feel like a nameless pawn....
[Slasher] Uhh..Snipe you got somethiing on you...
[Garland] NRP: *falls out of his chsir, laughing madly*
* Snipe decides to remain passed out
[Garland] NRP: chair
[Slasher] ....Looks kinda like a piece of corn..
[Garland] Uh.. John.. uh-John!
* Garland pulls back
[Garland] Elly..... 
* Velocity looks at Kara
[Garland] Elly: DAD!!! *jumps and hugs him, wiping her face on his shirt*
[Garland] ACK!!!!!!!
[Velocity] Hey, we're all just trying to get by.  If you think you're a pawn, think that, but I choose to think I'm making a difference.  Like when I shot Garland in the stomach.
[Garland] ....... *looks up* Payback...
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
* Velocity glares at Hotaru
* Garland looks at Velocity and walks over to him
* Hotaru_Airier glares back at Velocity
* Scott is leaning against a wall, watching.
* DeathStar is still hugging Katrina, near Scott
[Garland] I'm not mad. I'm glad you guys did fight back...
[Slasher] Chip...
[Velocity] I did what I had to.
* Garland nods
[DeathStar] Chip: *silence*
[Garland] Come by the bar later, eh?
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
[Garland] But uh.. *rubs the back of his head* That one hurt... a lot.
[Velocity] I hear it's just the latest fad---being burnt and all.
* Slasher waits
[Garland] Chip?
[DeathStar] Chip: *silence*
[Garland] ..... Chip!?
* Garland looks at the computer
[Hotaru_Airier] Ummm... anyone seen Kyouki?
[DeathStar] Chip: Egad---did anyone get the name of that bus...?
[DeathStar] Chip: *powers the station back online*(
* Slasher waits again
[DeathStar] Chip: *sprays water on Garland*
[Slasher] ....Thats for kicking my ass..
[Garland] ......
[Garland] Ahem...
[Garland] That wasn't me. Slasher.
[Slasher] Still was your body...
[DeathStar] Chip: A-hem, Kyouki is in her room.
[Hotaru_Airier] ... she's been there all the time?
[Garland] Whatever, you still don't care.... *sighs*
[DeathStar] Chip: Yes, mumbling things.
* Garland looks over to Snipe and Elly
[Hotaru_Airier] I thought she... oh... I think we should leave her there.
* Velocity looks at Elayne
* Garland looks at Sera who's so happy she's literally beaming rays of sunshine
[DeathStar] NRP: AAH!  BLIND!
[Garland] *rainbows, too.*
[DeathStar] NRP: Can you possibly slaughter Sera's characters anymore?
[Garland] NRP: Yes.
[DeathStar] NRP: Remind me never to ask you to play one of mine...
[Slasher] NRP: Butcher: *walks in and cuts up Sera's NPCS
[Garland] *Sera walks over to Gar*
[Garland] Sera?
[Garland] Gar: The reason... I've been so quiet is....
[Garland] NRP: Gar == Sera
[Garland] Sera: I'm pregnant.
[Kara] NRP: END..!
[Garland] ....GAH!?!!?!?
[DeathStar] Session Ends!