* Gravedigger parries with his shovle a few times, then spills over the couch [Snipe] Balkin: Well, you guys can set off as soon as your pilots feel like they're ready...*walks off* * Snipe walks into the room Maestro is being taught [Paladin`] Sorry . . . [Garland] Paladin, you, too should know that duty comes before comfort, even if we goto the artic. [Spirit] *To Ripple* [Poor thing... I'll see if I can think of anything to do about that] * Snipe grabs a coat for himself and for Maki as he does so, laying hers on her [Paladin`] You always go prepared, Garland * Ripple smiles [Dias] NRP: Wha abouut me Snipe [Snipe] NRP: You left it I thought * Gravedigger gets back up to his feet [Dias] NRP: Nevermnd * ShellX flickers and a coat appears over his lab coat * Garland looks at himself waering a sleevless shirt, and not having his sword [Snipe] Alright, Maestro....you feel confident? [Garland] ....Not always. [Ripple] *to Spirit* [Being with you keeps me warm ;)] [Dias] Yo commander...I'm confident you know [Snipe] ..I know you are.... [Snipe] You have a big enough ego for all of us... [Maestro`] As always! But are we piloting an antique? * Dias smirks and leaps out of his seat [Dias] Oooh..a classic. [Snipe] No, Maverick model 145...pretty new * Garland mutters somehting that continues to bug him [Snipe] ....*glances at Garland* Thinking about Cain? [Dias] Wha...hmm..think I've messed around with one before..*shrugs* [Garland] No.... * ShellX fits his Grav-a-rangs into the specially designed pockets of his coat and fits his beam saber into a holster at his side [Snipe] ....Lets head to the sub...someone wake up Maki for me * Snipe walks into the hanger * Dias the necklaces forms his armor which doubles as a coat [Maestro`] Ha! They don't stand a chance! I'll out manuver them! * Gravedigger pokes Maki with the tip of his shovel * Paladin` shakes Maki and walks to the hanger [Dias] Umm..No.. * ShellX walks right behind Snipe * Dias heads to the hangar * Snipe steps up to their broken down sub and climbs into it * Matsuoka groans and pulls the coat tight around her * Paladin` stops outside the sub [Garland] More like if inteligence is wrong, the mavericks aren't very honorable, and if cost effective, may blow up the sub, if it'd be cheaper to just build another. [Dias] This bucket o' bolts better hold together * Gravedigger runs to the sub and leaps in * Snipe begins to power up the computerson it * ShellX downloads into a portal seat. [Snipe] .....Alright, everything checks out...get your asses in here. * Matsuoka slowly walks to the hanger after GD * Dias climbs into it and takes the pilot seat * Garland takes his place in the sub * Ripple follows GD [Dias] Ahh..my rightfull spot! * Paladin` steps in and mans the sonar station * Snipe bangs the wall and a screw falls out [Dias] No, this lever is to go forward right? * Spirit climbs into the sub. * Gravedigger wipes some of the rust off * Garland looks at Snipe * Matsuoka yawns and rubs her eyes "Did I miss anything?" [Dias] Just foolin ya.. * Maestro` follows everyone into the sub * Ripple keeps walking * Ripple jumps in * Dias is already in the pilot seat [Snipe] .......is Dias piloting? [Ripple] NRP: Blasted.. missed my mid.. * Maestro` see Dias in his chair [Garland] I think so. * Gravedigger is glad that he doesn't actually have to breathe, otherwise, he'd probably drown in this death trap [Maestro`] Does this mean, Im the Commander? * Ripple sits down [Dias] Umm..yeah sure..Now go sit down * Snipe wonders if Maestro is a little nuts * Dias powers the sub up * Matsuoka steps into the sub and sits next to snipe * Paladin` sighs * ShellX stares out the portal at the artic waters * Garland brushes a lock of hair out of his eyes [Maestro`] Outta my seat, Dias, You get nav, Some place you can be trusted [Dias] Now, lets see...*looks at his arm for the notes he wrote* [Snipe] ...Alright, Dias-Maestro...follow the coordnets...we're to sneak into the base....we'll send in a fake code for them to accept us and then request help [Dias] Nope *presses a button and the sub rocks forward * Snipe hits the back of his seat as the sub sinks in the hanger [Maestro`] I don't think we can survive ramming too many whales, Dias * Gravedigger 's seat snaps and he falls over with it [Dias] Someone close the hatch! [Snipe] Computer: Warning....warning...hatch open. * Garland looks at Dias and Maestro * Garland runs to close it * Maestro` closes the hatch [Ripple] *To Spirit* [Who do you trust more? Dias or Maestro?] * Dias presses some buttons trieing to keep it up [Snipe] Computer: Warning....this thing is in no condention to be going out...please get out before I sink. * Paladin` considers swimming behind the sub [Gravedigger] ... [Dias] GAH!! STUPID COMPUTER! * Maestro` doesn't get there before Garland [Garland] Do we get out? [Snipe] ......We're doomed * Dias presses some more buttons and the sub slowly sinks while moving forward [Snipe] Maestro...grab the nav and the secondary controls [Ripple] Definatly doomed.. [Spirit] *To Ripple* [Maestro may be a jerk most of the time, but I trust him more than Dias...] * ShellX downloads a Spydirbot to patch any leaks, but stares out the window [Maestro`] Roger [Snipe] Also, man the weapons...if they work [Dias] EVERYONE SING!! [Dias] WE ALL LIVE IN A YELLOW SUBMARINE! [Snipe] ....Someone shoot Dias... [Spirit] Please... [Paladin`] . . . is he completely stable and fit for duty? * Maestro` goes for nav and secondary * Gravedigger holds up his arm cannon * Garland puts his hand over Diass * Matsuoka *A stone hits Dias in the back of the head* [Dias] Hey, just lightening up the mood [Ripple] I wish i could. * Garland puts his hand over Dias's mouth [Snipe] Warning: Iceberg ahead * Dias ignores the stone [Paladin`] . . . [Maestro`] How about "Look down, Look down, don't look em in the eyes" [Gravedigger] ! [Snipe] .......*holds breath* * Paladin` takes a few more pills * Dias swirves to the right [Garland] Shh..... sound travels further underwater, they may have microphones, listening to what we say. [Paladin`] Go lower! [Snipe] LOWER! * Maestro` manevuers around the ice berg * Dias starts heading down [Paladin`] It's a sub, ice floats, you figure it out! * Snipe listens to the ice hit the side of the ship [Garland] Fill the balasts! * Ripple cringes as he hates water, and the cold. [Snipe] ...That was close... [Dias] GAH!! WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP! * Garland shuts up * ShellX downloads a few more Spydirbots to help with leaks [Snipe] Warning: Two icebergs ahead. * Gravedigger weeps for his life [Dias] DO THIS. DO THAT! [Maestro`] What if we get trapped IN the ice Berg [Paladin`] WATCH OUT! [Dias] NRP: Are they next toe each other [Snipe] NRP: Yes. [Snipe] Warning: 10....9... * Dias looks for an opening between em * Maestro` makes the sub go lower [Garland] *wispers* I'd be quiet..... just in case they do have microphones [Snipe] Warning: 8.....7.....6......5......4....Hold your hats! [Garland] Rerverse. * Snipe they go under the ice in time * Dias fills the balasts * Maestro` cuts enginges [Snipe] ...Good one Maestro...*smiles* * Ripple closes eyes [Dias] That's it...Am I piloting or is that idiot piloting [Matsuoka] NRP: You fill water? [Ripple] *To Spirit* [I REALLY hate Ice....] [Snipe] That idiot saved our lives! [Snipe] Pardon my french, Maestro [Dias] I was going to go between them [Snipe] ...There was no space [Dias] Yes there was... [Snipe] ...NOT! [Gravedigger] .... [Dias] Was.. [Paladin`] No, there wasn't [Gravedigger] ! [Snipe] NOT! [Dias] Was... [Paladin`] Maybe for a human, not for A SUB YOU MORON! * Garland grows slightly annoyed. [Snipe] NOR! [Paladin`] IF YOU WANT TO KILL SOMEBODY, PLEASE LEAVE US OUT OF IT! [Dias] Whatever * Maestro` starts the enigines again [Ripple] Do it to yourself on your own time... * Snipe the maverick docking station is seen ahead * Garland winces at the loud noises echoing in the metal hull. * Dias heads towards the dockign station [Paladin`] Who's calling in the need for repairs? [Snipe] ....Dias, you pilot to it..Maestro, contact them [Maestro`] Those berg would of crushed us, the were on a colision corse, I AM at nav [Snipe] I don't trust Dias' diplomacy. [ShellX SOUND] [Dias] MEh.. * Dias slowls down waiting for Maestro to send the codes [Maestro`] Contact the Mavs? [Maestro`] Sir? [Paladin`] . . . * Snipe the docking station's weapons are armed [Snipe] Well, we're in a Maverick sub * Paladin` grabs the comm [Dias] Hurry up! [Snipe] We're too inflitrate their base... [SOUND] * Snipe a blast flies at them [Dias] Shit! [Paladin`] Comm] We're in need of repairs. This is mav sub, in need of repairs. Hold your fire! [Garland] Then.... we go frontal. * Dias releases the balasts and flies up [Maestro`] NRP: What am I suppose to do? [Snipe] Comm: Please transmit the proper codes * Maestro` sends the access codes [Snipe] Comm: Codes accepted. * Paladin` sighs [Snipe] Comm: Please dock in station bay 5 * Garland sighs [Gravedigger] ... [Snipe] .....*sighs in relief* * Dias goes down towards the station bay 5 * Maestro` transmits the codes again * Ripple eyes blaze faintly from the fear of the water * Garland murmurs to himself [Dias] What the...Maestro, once is enough [Paladin`] . . . once is enough, I believe . . . [Snipe] Comm: Errr, we confirm the codes. [Maestro`] Okay, Who is staying in the sub? I think it should be a rep [Snipe] Agreed, Maestro * Gravedigger gets ready and grabs teh underside of the hatch [Dias] Mae, are you taking the responsibility to stay in the ship [Snipe] We sneak out, and leave Grave in here [Maestro`] Think like a Civy [ShellX] Why do we need anybody to stay with it? * Ripple chuckles [Snipe] Well, to hold the Mavericks off * Gravedigger shakes his in protest [Dias] Shit..my armor [Maestro`] Comm] Roger, Making sure you recived them, Warning shots and all [Garland] Or to help keep our cover. [Paladin`] We might not leave through this sub . . . * Dias the armor morphs back into a necklace [Paladin`] We can grab one that may actually run . . . * Gravedigger points to himself, then points out of the sub [Snipe] Comm: Uh huh. [Paladin`] So, we'll improvise when the time comes, sound good? [Dias] GD can come with us..he'll be a captured Good gu [Snipe] I agree, Paladin * Gravedigger glares at Dias [Garland] What....what about me? [Garland] I [Garland] I'm not a reploid. [Dias] They probably know you [Dias] MAe, how bout you stay. You brought up the idea * Gravedigger points at Ripple [Snipe] ...We'll, we non-reploids are sneaking out [Snipe] ...Okay, someone park this sub.... [Paladin`] Nobody's staying. [Paladin`] Come on. [Ripple] Wha... [Maestro`] So why dont we make this go ka-boom? [Dias] Aye.. [Garland] ..... [Ripple] Whats this have to do with me * Dias enters the bay [Paladin`] We might not hit the whole base. [Snipe] We might blow all the subs up [Snipe] And then we'd be stranded [Ripple] And very DEAD * Dias surfaces and docks [Dias] Aright everyone..get ready [Maestro`] When were ready to leave, BOOM! A diversion * Dias hides his claws * Snipe opens the hatch and sees twenty Mavs heading for them [Paladin`] . . . no * ShellX downloads his Spydirbots away * Gravedigger jumps up and down in frustration, then falls through the rusted fllor, taking out the bottom of the sub [Paladin`] Do we attack or try to fake our identities? [Snipe] ....*Watches the water shoot up* [Dias] GD! [Gravedigger] ! [Snipe] We're sinking!!! * Snipe the alarms go off * Gravedigger falls through [Dias] Everyone out! [Maestro`] But atleast we would give them one hell of a repair bill [Snipe] Warning: AHHHH, I'm DYINH!!!! [Garland] DAMNIT!! [Matsuoka SOUND] * Paladin` hops out [Garland] NRP: LOL * Ripple concentrates and his fist is encased in a deep purple glow * Snipe leaps out of the sub and the twenty MAvericks fire on them [Paladin`] Everybody out of the pool * Dias gets out of the sub [Spirit SOUND] [Maestro`] Don't get me wrong, I don't want to die [Ripple] NRP: DONT DO THAT!! [Dias] HEY!! STOP! * Snipe dives behind some machinary * Gravedigger swims out from under the sinking sub [Matsuoka] What the hell...!? * Paladin` hops behind some barrels [SOUND] [Ripple] NRP: *grabs ears, which are blown from sound* * Spirit activates her armor and hops out of the sub * Gravedigger comes up under the docks * Snipe a blast hits his shoulder * Dias looks around [Garland] NRP: *dances as his wav file has finally been used* [Snipe] GAHHHHHH! * Snipe hits the ground [Dias] Somewhere to hide! * Ripple jumps out, sending a ripple pulse at the mavs, activating his armor as he does so * Garland runs infront of Snipe * Snipe the twenty Mavericks keep firing (400 AP each shot) [Garland] Leave him alone! [Dias] SHIT!! * Gravedigger backs down some, and leaps high out of the water, going through the dock right under some of the Mavs * Paladin` charges his canon and fires at the leader of the mavs * Maestro` swims out after them * Dias dives behind a crate * Garland starts blasting mavs [Snipe] NRP: The water will kill humans...cold and all * Snipe holds his shoulder in pain [Snipe] Dammit * Paladin` wonders why the heck he is the only one shooting * Snipe reinforcements come in * Matsuoka hops out of the sub and makes a run for Snipe * Ripple ducks and rolls away from one blast, but gets caught and is sent flying by another [Dias] Screw this *the necklace forms back into his armor* * Garland runs up to the mavs, and punches some in the face [Snipe] So much...for infliration.... * Paladin` stays behind the barrels . . . * Dias puts his claws on and leaps over the crate running towards a mav [Garland] Hey, not my fault! * Snipe shoots with his rifle [Snipe] Not blaming you...yet,. [Maestro`] HEY! Mavs! I got a Present for ya! * Maestro` is on a ladder * Garland kicks a mav into anothr * Ripple enhances Snipes AP on the rifle [Matsuoka] You alright Snipe? * Spirit fires a round from her rifle, psishocking some others. [Ripple] Cover me! * Snipe mavericks turn to Maestro [Snipe] Maverick: GET THAT IDIOT! * Paladin` launches a force wave at the largest cluster of mavs * Snipe MAvericks open fire on Maestro [Maestro`] NRP: The curse of being last eh * ShellX downloads Spydirbots to keep the Mavs busy * Ripple winces as the plasma burn slows him a bit, but flys above the room, and fires ripple waves down at the Mavs * Dias leaps onto a mav slashing him in half, he leaps off the dead one and kicks one into the water * Garland kick a mav that fires on maestro * Gravedigger hurls his scythe a some of the Mavs [Snipe] NRP: The curse of yelling out threats * Snipe 10 mavericks remain * Snipe a shot hits Garland in the head * Ripple keeps spraying them with Plasma * Paladin` finds that his barrels are marked . . . inflammable * Maestro` throws at the Mavs * Dias ducks as the scythe flies over his head [Maestro`] NRP: Throws a MINE * Snipe the mavericks explode * Snipe the room is no clear * Garland punches through the chest of the one that shot him [Ripple] NRP: What a mime? AHHH MIME!! [Gravedigger] NRP: Man, they love to shoot those Garland's right between the eyes.... * Dias gets nailed by the blast and flies towards the edge of the dock * Maestro` scrambles for cover * ShellX charges one of his Grav-a-rangs [Garland] Asghg.... *holds his head* [Snipe] ....Maestro did all that...? [Garland] NRP: always..... weird. * Snipe points at the damage [Snipe] NRP: * Paladin` stands up [Snipe] NRP: It's a big target * Ripple lands on the balls of his feet, rather unsteadily * Dias hangs on the edge of the dock, ready to fall in to the water [Snipe] ....Alright...*Stands up, holding chest* [Garland] NRP: I'll pretend I didn't hear that. [Paladin`] So where are we going, anyway? Control room? [Gravedigger] NRP: Too bad it's not a vital one =) [Dias] GAH!! [Ripple] Try Power source [Snipe] ...First, save Dias * Spirit charges her rifle in prepreation and walks over to Ripple * Dias snaps out of it and falls into the water [Snipe] ...He'll die in that cold water! * Dias slowly sinks from shock [Paladin`] Who? [Snipe] ....Dias. * Garland jumps into the water * Ripple is bleeding from where various blasts caught him in the sides and arms * Paladin` looks around [Snipe] ...Great, now Garland's going to die... [Matsuoka] ... [Gravedigger] .... * Maestro` moves from behind cover * Garland swims down, trying to get to dias before his heat runs out * Ripple looks at Gd * Spirit frowns and uses her PsiHealing on Ripple * Gravedigger backflips into the water [Snipe] ....Now Grave's going to rust.... [Paladin`] . . . [Snipe] NRP: *the bitter cold has numbed and KOed Dias* * Gravedigger grabs Gar and throws him back up on to the dock and goes after Dias * Dias sees Garland and forces himself to swim to him [Matsuoka] Everyone out of the pool! * Garland grabs dias, and starts for the surface [Ripple] NRP: *waits for steel to jump in* [Maestro`] Ummmm, I didn't do a great job did I? [Paladin`] Are you going to be this pessemistic the whole mission? [Snipe] NRP: *Garland is now getting to Garland* [Snipe] ....Probably * Gravedigger grabs Dias and throws him onto the dock too * Ripple keeps a telepathic lock on Garland and Gd * Matsuoka sneaks off [Paladin`] NRP: And now X1's going to a X prototype .. . [Maestro`] This is like a bad saturday morning cartoon * Dias slowly breaths, his face pale * Ripple concentrates and warps them both back, eyes nearly rolling back into his head as he does so [Snipe] ....Where's the punchline at, Maestro? [Paladin`] . . . [Paladin`] You realize that more mavs are probably coming * Garland comes out of the water, cold as hell * Gravedigger leaps out of the water back onto the dock and shakes like a wet dog [Paladin`] And we might want to move? * Paladin` looks out into the hallway * Garland jumps out with Dias [Snipe] ...Alright...let's---where's Maki? * Dias lays there shivering his armor not keeping in the heat * ShellX searches the bodies of the mavs for access cards [Snipe] NRP: No access cards. [Spirit] *looking up at Ripple* You okay? [Garland] Cold cold cold!! [Snipe] ....Matsuoka!? * Ripple shakes it off [Maestro`] Punchline? What? Me? * ShellX searches for anything else * Snipe glances around the hanger * Paladin` glances around * Garland dances around, cold as anything [Ripple] Yea.. Its that blasted warp.. * Gravedigger searches the Mavs for those money card thingies [Snipe] Dammit! * Snipe Grave finds one holocard [Snipe] Alright, lets go... * Snipe heads the opposite way Maki went * Gravedigger thrusts his arm back in enthusiasm [Maestro`] NRP: Uhhh, My cat is looking at me Evilly * Dias slowly gets up breathing slowly [Paladin`] NRP: Smack it! [Matsuoka] NRP: what's new [Snipe] NRP: Pet it [Maestro`] Wait [Dias] NRP: KILL IT [Ripple] NRP: Give it to DS! * Garland bursts into flames (a common thing for Garland) and warms up * Gravedigger pockes the card and pats it in his cloak * Maestro` starts shoving corpses into the water * Snipe glances at Maestro [Paladin`] NRP: *roasts a hot dog on Garland* [Snipe] ...What are you doing...? [Maestro`] Less alarms.. * Dias his armor adjusts warming Dias up faster * Snipe hears soliders coming [Garland] NRP: *paladin catches fire* * Gravedigger whacks Mae [Paladin`] NRP: MUffins! [Ripple] Well, since they KNOW we are here, its kinda Late for that... * Dias sits up right 1"GAH!" * Gravedigger does a "dead" motion * Paladin` starts running after Snipe * Snipe forces the door open [Maestro`] Okay Lets go then! [Snipe] Alright, lets go... * Snipe steps into the hallway * Ripple gets up * Dias gets up and stumbles after Snipe * Garland walks into the hallway [Snipe] I don't suppose you pysics know if Cain is here or not * Gravedigger starts spinning, figuring out which way to go * ShellX follows behind Snipe, waiting at the door until everyone else passes * Gravedigger finally follows the group * Snipe glances at the hallway * Dias finally is back to normal and catches up to Snipe [Garland] Cain? Well if he is, I owe him a rematch. * Maestro` follows snipe into the hall [Snipe] Okay, do we go left or right? [Paladin`] Left * Maestro` readies his Steltek rifle * Ripple scans for Cain [Snipe] Why left? [Snipe] GM: Ripple finds nothing. [Paladin`] . . . right then * Ripple follows Snipe [Snipe] ...Why right? * Gravedigger points right [Ripple] Nothing i can sense.. * Paladin` flips a coin * ShellX closes the door and seals hit with his heat multitool after everyone passes [Maestro`] Left, Right is always wrong [Paladin`] Ok, we go left * Snipe walks left [Dias] Maestro..I'm going to kill you * Gravedigger points right harder * Garland goes left [Dias] GD, let's go right * Gravedigger keeps pointing right * Snipe the hallway continues on forever [Maestro`] Isn't it Snipe's Choice? * Paladin` watches as GD gets left behind * Garland looks at GD * Maestro` heads left * ShellX follows and catches up with Gravedigger * Dias grabs GD and heads right [Maestro`] Why Me Dias? Why not Steel and Snipe and the rest of the squad [Snipe] NRP: Shouldn't you always follow the GM? * Gravedigger waves his hand at the other in a snit and goes right [Dias] You almost killed me * Ripple follows Snipe * Snipe HIS group arrives at an elevator [Garland] Should I go with GD? I mean he might get into trouble. * Dias runs down the right * Snipe GRAVE'S group arrives at a stairway * ShellX follows Gravedigger, his sensors active [Ripple] NRP: LOL (at blade, over at my place, who just dislocated his toe * Paladin` checks the elevator for alarms and switches [Dias] Wow..stairway [Gravedigger] NRP: Unless the GM has absolutel no idea where he's going. [ShellX] Um, where did the others go? * Paladin` also checks for traps [Maestro`] Wait a second... Where is everyone? [Snipe] ...This leads down... [Dias] Shall we go up GD [Matsuoka] NRP: Oh YOU'RE nice Rip ^-^ * Gravedigger points left [Snipe] NRP: Who ar you with Maestro? [Paladin`] NRP: Since he was talking to Dias . . . * Gravedigger then points up [Dias] GAH!! [Paladin`] NRP: who's with GD [Dias] Let's go up [ShellX] NRP: I'm with Gravedigger * Garland goes into the elevatot [Dias] NRP: So am I * Snipe opens the elevator * Paladin` steps onto the elevator [Gravedigger] NRP: Shell-X, Dias, anyone else? * Dias starts heading up the stairs * Snipe steps in and hits the bottom level on it * Ripple steps on, scanning for traps * Gravedigger starts running up the steps * ShellX begins walking on the stairs [Maestro`] NRP: Left, I don't know who went Left... Im just messed in the head [Snipe] Alright, this'll lead us to the lowest level...several hundred feet down...and the power source will be there [Snipe] NRP: You're with me then * ShellX speeds up to stay with GD * Snipe drags MAestro into the elevator * Garland rubs the blood from a gash off of his face * Snipe the stairway explodes [Maestro`] NRP: Who went Left? * Dias starts to run up the stairs [Gravedigger] ! [Paladin`] NRP: Just shhh [Snipe] NRP: Me, Ripple, Paladin, and Spirit * Gravedigger starts leaping up flights of stairs at a time [Paladin`] NRP: And Garland [Dias] sLOW DOWN! * Snipe the explosions hit Grave [Ripple] NRP: How much longer? Gotta do some work * Gravedigger rolls to lessen the impact * ShellX phazes through the debree but is still hurt by the blast somewhat * Snipe they arrive at the bottom floor and the elevator opens * Dias stops as he hears the explosion * Maestro` apperently is with Snipe and is following him * Ripple quickly whips out his rifle, and scans the hallway * Gravedigger takes out his sai and scythe and digs into the wall * Snipe steps out and sees they are in the power source area * Spirit looks around catiously [Paladin`] So how do we blow it? * Dias catches up and starts digging * Ripple holds up a disc * Snipe the stairway collapses all the way down to the floor they began at [Maestro`] Need a bomb? [Ripple] Get me to a computer console [Gravedigger] ... * Maestro` takes out a mine [Dias] Great.. [Snipe] ...Rip out wires? * ShellX helps GD by downloading Spydirbots to help * Gravedigger whistles [Ripple] NRP: *takes out a mime* THIS WILL DO IT!! [Dias] So, does that mean we have to go back? [Snipe] Alright, Maestro, you set up the mines * Snipe is worried about Matsuoka * Gravedigger looks around for any noticeble doors [Snipe] NRP: None... * Ripple looks for a computer console * Snipe Ripple sees one in the corner * Garland scouts the perimeter to find trip wires, mavs, or cameras * Ripple moves to it [Dias] Guess we head back..mebbe look for another sub * Ripple turns it on and loads his disc * Snipe Garland finds magazines * Maestro` walks around the room setting up the explosives [Ripple] Gimme a hand.. [Gravedigger] NRP: Vents, mantience holes, subway cars, ANYTHING? * Paladin` guards the entrences [Snipe] NRP: Nope *** Diamondback (speedblade@user141.pcnow.net) has joined #TAW *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Diamondback * Snipe leans against the elevator * Garland picks up a magizine, and reads the title [Gravedigger] NRP: Bloody little freak... [Snipe] NRP: The base never went up...sorry. * Ripple fingers fly across the keyboard, changing codes [Dias] GD. Lets go find another sub [Ripple] If.. i can just get get into the power core.. * Gravedigger points up and starts climbing down * ShellX forms his grav-a-rangs together and places it against the floor, creating a portable hole * Snipe the alarms go off [Garland] NRP: and the title is.......? [Snipe] ....Alright, we need to move it...Maestro, you finished] * Ripple keeps typing [Snipe] NRP: Er, is it important? [Garland] NRP: yes it is. [Dias] NR:Yes [Gravedigger] NRP: The Grapes of Wrath. [Snipe] NRP: 'Girls 'R Us? * Garland hands the magizine to Dias * Gravedigger drops back down * Snipe the elevator begins to lock itself down * ShellX grabs them back and downloads himself into the computer system [Snipe] ...SHIT! [Garland] I..... think you'll like this magizine more then me. [Dias] NRP: Ahem..No where near you * Snipe grabs the doors from shutting [Maestro`] NRP: Raven when you reach the target zone, destory the power source and fall back to the drop off zone... he he he * Ripple keeps typing (succeding?) [Garland] DAMN * Paladin` pulls on the doors [Snipe] NRP: Not really [Maestro`] Just about... [Snipe] ...MAESTRO! * ShellX appears in the elevator [Ripple] Come on.... * Gravedigger runs back to the left path and presses the elevator button, impatiently waiting * Spirit puts her hand on the controls, attempting to override the lockdown using telemechanics * Dias reaches the elevator behind GD * Snipe watches the door shut on them thanks to Grave [Snipe] ...DAMN! * Ripple keeps typing, madly, working his way through Multiple layers of code to the power core * Maestro` sets the last mine *2 mines remaining* * Snipe the elevator goes up [Dias] What are we going to do about the Sub [Garland] DAMN DAMN! [Ripple] NRP: DO i manage to hack in? [Snipe] ..We're trapped! [Snipe] NRP: No, it's codes keep changing on you * ShellX downloads to the rest of the group * Ripple curses [Ripple] I cant do it. * Garland looks for emergency exits * Ripple removes his disc * Gravedigger gets tired of waiting and starts to pry open the doors [ShellX] Do what? * Snipe the elevator arrives at GD, 50 seconds later [Snipe] SHELL! [Gravedigger] ! [Snipe] We got 1 minute and 10 seconds left on the timer! [Maestro`] I have.... Bombs * Dias shoves GD in and goes in * Gravedigger leaps back * Ripple concentrates [ShellX] Any what should I do about it? [Garland] DAMNIT... [Spirit] Warp time... [Snipe] DAMN WHOEVER DID THIS TO US! [Ripple] Spirit, i need your power [Spirit] Al... alright. [Maestro`] Til what? * Snipe the elevator heads down * Ripple opens a small warp * Gravedigger sees tha that elevator's kinda cramped, so he back up and throws himself in [Snipe] 'Til your mines go off! * Dias runs out [Snipe] NRP: It's still going down Dias [ShellX] I've got a portable hole if anybody needs it [Ripple] Come on...*the warp opens slowly, then stops at about 1 foot wide* [Dias] NRP: Scratch that then [Ripple] I...Need..power... [Garland] can't you push the time back?! * Spirit channels all of the power she can into Ripple [Snipe] ....Good idea, can you Maestro? [Paladin`] Can we just get to the sub, please? [Gravedigger] NRP: Me too * Gravedigger dives down the shaft [Maestro`] Oh, Damn, They WEREN'T remote... OOPS! * Ripple the hole opens quickly, and all the way * Snipe the elevator sitll goes down [Ripple] GO GO GO GO * Garland slaps his forhead [Snipe] ...GET IN THE HOLE! * Ripple sweat pours from his forhead * Snipe leaps in * Snipe the elvator arrives down there, 30 seconds left on the timer * Gravedigger lands gently on top of the elevator car [Spirit] Go go go! [Paladin`] A sub, any sub?/me hops in * Garland jumps in * Dias leaps out running towards the others [Maestro`] It would take allite piece of time.. * Gravedigger drops down through the panel [Ripple] I HAVE to be last! [Ripple] GO * Paladin` hops in [Gravedigger] ? [Dias] Warp...Umm jump * Snipe arrives in the hanger * Ripple pushes Spirit through * Dias leaps into the warp