Session 141: The Psionic Wars Part I

Session Start: Sat Aug 04 18:54:39 2001
* Logging #taw to 'logs\#taw.log'
[Snipe] Time Chart: November 3rd
[Snipe] Location: Outside the Facility.
* Snipe runs through the jungle type terrian
* Dias runs behind Snipe
* Fera isn't around, having vanished when this entire running sprint started.
[Snipe] *pant, huff*
[Snipe] I think we're almost out of this jungle.
* Gravedigger` runs up
[Dias] Good
* Snipe leaps over a fallen tree
* Gravedigger` jumps but falls short, tripping
* Snipe stops, turning back to face Grave
[Snipe] ...
* Snipe shakes head, running again
* Dias leaps on the thre tree and pushes himself off
[Gravedigger`] ... *rolls out of the trip* I meant to to that!
* Snipe ducks under some low branches
* Dias runs through the branches bending them forward
* Gravedigger` runs behind Dias
* Dias looks back to see the branches snap back
* Gravedigger` gets nailed in the face
[Gravedigger`] OW!
* Gravedigger` pulls out his shovel
[Gravedigger`] Dammit Dias!
[Dias] ...Sor...aie aie aie!! *runs faster*
*** Hik|AWAY is now known as Hikaryuu
* Dias runs past Snipe
* Snipe jumps over a small stream
[Snipe] Eh?
* Dias runs through the stream
* Gravedigger` jumps over the stream
* Snipe watches as Dias reaches the thorn bushes.
* Dias looks back, and runs straight into them
[Dias] OWWWWW!!!!
* Snipe shakes head
* Snipe kicks off a tree and lands on the other side of the bushes
[Kara] XENA!
[Kara] NRP : oops
* Gravedigger` starts hacking away any shrubbery he runs into with his shovel
*** Kara is now known as Kara|Gone
[X1] NRP: ...Okay, that's it.
*** X1 is now known as Gravedigger
[Snipe] NRP: There's...uh...2 Gravediggers!
* Dias yanks out thorns as he runs
[Gravedigger`] NRP: CLONE! *whack*
[Gravedigger`] How much further is the damn place?
[Snipe] Almost there.
*** Gravedigger` was kicked by Gravedigger (I'm taking over, thank you.)
*** Gravedigger` has joined #taw
* Snipe runs out of the jungle, right into the side of the factory.
* Gravedigger slides up behind Snipe
[Dias] Haha...*skids to a halt*
[Snipe] YE-ow!
* Snipe rubs his nose
* Fera hangs upside down on a limb
*** Rose` is now known as Syria
[Fera] Look who sssshowed up.
* Dias rubs his nose
*** Hikaryuu is now known as Sierra`
* Snipe rubs the spots Dias hit the thornbush in
[Snipe] Anyway, we're here.
[Dias] Good...I wonder if Velocity ran into any troubles.
[Snipe] Knowing HIM?  Yes.
[Dias] Shittuy
*** Fera has quit IRC
*** Fera has joined #taw
* Snipe points at a side door
[Snipe] Lets go in.
*** Gravedigger` is now known as Gar-TAW
[Snipe] NRP: *is the best Grave of the 3*
[Gar-TAW] NRP: Come on, it was an award winning performance!
[Gravedigger] Stealth or all noisy-like?
[Snipe] Stealth.
[Fera] NOISY!
[Snipe] STEALTH!
[Fera] NOISY!
[Snipe] STEALTH!
* Fera leaps onto Snipe's back
[Snipe] GA!
* Snipe rolls over
* Dias looks at the two
* Gravedigger looks at Dias
[Gravedigger] I think they want to be alone. Whadda you think?
[Snipe] Guards: *begin to patrol around the area*
* Snipe stands up, growling
[Snipe] Lets go!
[Dias] I agree..
* Snipe walks towards the door, seeing the shadow of a guard about to turn the corner of the building.
[Snipe] Shit.  *Throws the door open and runs inside*
[Fera] Let's wait here and play with the guards!
* Dias ducks in behind Snipe
* Gravedigger dives in
* Snipe closes the door
[Snipe] Guard: *turns the corner*
* Fera snarls and floats through the door
[Dias] ...*whispers* Wheres Fera?
* Fera whispers in Dias' ear
[Dias] *whispers* Ohh...
[Snipe] Guard: *in Tsiv* Huh, thought I saw someone.
[Fera] Right behind yoooouuu...
* Snipe looks around the dark room
[Snipe] Damn, no lights.
[Dias] I think we should set up us a bomb here.
* Gravedigger turns to Fera
[Gravedigger] What do you see?
* Snipe takes two steps forward and trips over a box.
* Dias looks around, switching sensors to night vision
* Fera looks around in the darkness
[Snipe] GM: *it's a storage room!*
[Fera] Snipe just tripped over a box. Does that count?
* Snipe stands up and hits some more boxes, burying himself
[Gravedigger] No, that jsut means he's-*winces as Snipe's buried* ....clumsy...
* Snipe pushes the boxes off of himself and stands up
[Snipe] Alright, lead me to the door someone.
* Fera grabs Snipe's hand
[Snipe] ...
* Fera positions Snipe's hand
[Snipe] Who's hand am I holding?
[Gravedigger] ...You're probably better off not knowing.
[Dias] No mine...
* Dias looks at the boxes for any markings
[Fera] *Snipe feels something shift in his hand*
[Snipe] ...okay, what's going on?
[Gravedigger] ...You're probably still better off not knowing.
* Snipe wishes he hadn't left his flashlight in his trenchcoat.
[Snipe] Okay, will whoever is holding my hand (probably Fera) lead me to the door?
[Fera] I didn't know you cared, luv...
[Snipe] I don't!
* Fera takes Snipe's hand off wherever it was and drags him forward
[Snipe] Like, yuck...
* Gravedigger idly opens a couple boxes, checking out the contents
[Snipe] GM: *they are full of useless trinkets or mech parts*
[Gravedigger] Hmmm...we're going to have to remember this place.
* Fera slaps Snipe's hand on the door
* Snipe feels to make sure it's the door, then turns the handle, shining light into the room from the hallway
[Dias] Yeah....
* Dias covers eyes as they readjust to the light
* Snipe looks at his hands in the light
* Gravedigger edges towards the door and looks out cautiously
[Snipe] GM: *hall way is clear*
[Gravedigger] Okay, what now?
[Snipe] We find the hanger with all these new gears and make it go boom.
* Snipe steps out into the hallway.
* Snipe can hear guards to the left, but nothing to the right
* Snipe presses against the wall and waits for the others to come out.
* Fera steps out
* Fera looks up, cocking his head to the side
[Fera] Hmmm..
[Snipe] Left or right, hrm.
[Gravedigger] Well, can we pick anything up fro meither way?
[Snipe] I hear guards to the left.
* Fera plants his claws into the wall and start scaling, climbing up onto the ceiling
[Gravedigger] Got any estimate?
[Snipe] 20-30.
[Snipe] Sounds like a poker game.
[Gravedigger] Right sounds good.
[Snipe] However, think about this.
* Dias pops out
[Snipe] You'd have guards guarding something important.
[Snipe] So, the hanger might be left.
[Gravedigger] Unless it's a rec room.
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[Snipe] True
[Gravedigger] Which would explain the poker game and why so many are assembled in such a small area.
[Fera] Unless it's an orgy!
[Snipe] GM: *A loud crash is heard and cheers*
[Dias] ....?
[Gravedigger] Unless it's an or-WHAT?
[Snipe] Fera, go left and tell us what you see.
[Fera] Orgy! Large group of people gathering for vast amounts of screwing their brains out.
[Snipe] Left, NOW.
[Fera] Alright, alright, I'll come back and get you if it is one, Snipey!
* Fera crawls along the ceiling to the left
* Snipe points at Dias and Grave
[Snipe] We go right.
* Snipe begins to head right
[Gravedigger] I like that.
* Gravedigger follows
* Snipe works his way down the hallway to he reaches a T conjunction. Right guards are heard, left silence.
* Gravedigger looks back to Dias
[Dias] K...
[Gravedigger] Your eyes don't, uh, come out, do they?
* Dias follows looking at him
[Dias] .....UHh why?
*** Syria has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Alysia)))
*** Syria has joined #TAW
[Gravedigger] Well, rather than splitting up at every juncture, or following our instincts, I was thinking about what if we had some sort of scouting device to check it out?
[Gravedigger] If your eyes COULD detach, we could send them ahead and find out what may or may not be there.
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*** ChanServ sets mode: +v Kain`Ashbone
[Snipe] Hmmm, can you, Dias?
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[Dias] Uhhh...I never really tried
* Gravedigger scratches the back of his head
[Gravedigger] Then again, if they got damaged or destroyed some how...
[Dias] I kinda enjoy keeping my eyes in my head...
[Dias] Yeah..that too
[Gravedigger] Okay, next plan.
[Snipe] How about we roll something down there, dive to the side, and see how many guards come out?
[Dias] Grave blends into background and scouts
* Gravedigger groans
[Gravedigger] You had to remind me, didn't you?
[Snipe] Yes he did.
* Gravedigger sighs and blends into the wall
[Gravedigger] If I don't come back alive, tell my gerbil I love him.
[Snipe] You have a gerbil?
[Gravedigger] No.
* Snipe turns to Dias
[Snipe] He loves you.
[Dias] Ok..thanks..
* Gravedigger scouts ahead
[Snipe] Hey, Dias...I just thought of something.
* Fera waits outside the front of the left corridor door to where the guards are
[Snipe] 3 Tsivrixsh: *stand in front of a doorway*
[Snipe] Guards: *are inside, wrestling*
[Snipe] We know Grave can't be seen by humans, but what if a Tsivrixsh can spot him?
* Fera looks down at them, crouched on the ciling
[Snipe] 1 Tsivrixsh: *looks at Grave oddly*
[Gravedigger] ...oO(I heard that, Snipe, thanks...)
[Snipe] Tsivrixsh: *taps the other two and debates about what he thinks he saw*
[Dias] ....Hmmm..
[Dias] Well nows a good time as any to find out..
[Snipe] Guess so...hope it's not a fatal teaching.
[Snipe] 3 Tsivrixsh: *bring out their scanners and begin to scan for Grave*
[Dias] Shouldn't be.
* Gravedigger spreads himself out and covers the soldiers faces
* Gravedigger tries to suffocate them
[Snipe] Tsivrixsh: *grab at their throats*
[Gravedigger] .o(Hahahahahhahahahahahah! Die die die!)
[Snipe] Tsivrixsh: *falls over*
* Gravedigger keeps on them for a few more moments to make sure.
[Gravedigger] Okay, plan B.
* Gravedigger morphs into a Tsivrixsh guard
* Snipe pokes head around the corner
[Snipe] I see three down, but there's still one standing.
* Gravedigger waves Snipe down
[Snipe] Wait, Grave.
* Snipe walks over.
* Dias follows
[Gravedigger] Like, boo.
[Gravedigger] Now let's just hope they don't start talking to me.
* Gravedigger picks up a weapon
[Snipe] I think you have an Xvash there.
[Gravedigger] Okay, scoot. *pokes at Snipe and Dias*
* Snipe opens the guarded door and walks forward
* Dias follows
* Gravedigger follows after them, acting guard-like
* Snipe sees they are in a long hallway which is shaped differently than the others.
[Snipe] Hmm.
* Snipe sees a green door at the end with one Tsivrixsh
[Fera] ...Aw fuck it. *drops down and inches towards the door*
* Gravedigger gives the other guard a greeting
[Snipe] Tsivrixsh Commander: *pauses, pointing at snipe and Dias, muttering things in Tsivrixsh*
* Gravedigger sweats
[Gravedigger] Uhhh...NOW!
* Gravedigger tackles the guard
[Snipe] Commander: *grabs Grave easily*
* Dias leaps up onto the guard and brings him down
[Snipe] Commander: *grabs Dias too*
* Snipe backs away
[Dias] Uh oh..
[Snipe] Uh, guys, that's a COMMANDER!
* Dias stomps down on the Commandres foot
[Gravedigger] ...Did YOU have a better idea?!
[Snipe] Commander: *roars in pain and throws Dias down the hallway*
* Gravedigger kicks the commander in the jaw
[Snipe] Commander: *begins to shake Grave and throws him into the roof*
* Dias skids along the floor
[Snipe] Commander: *rubs his chin and forms a staff*
[Gravedigger] Gah!
* Gravedigger drops down and morpths around the commander's face
[Snipe] Commander: *Stabs Grave with the staff, poisoning him and damaging him 3,000 AP*
* Snipe aims his rifle at the commander's hand and blows the staff out of it.
* Dias comes running down the hallway, and does a flying kick towards his gut
* Gravedigger drops down
* Gravedigger reforms, lying along the wall
[Snipe] Commander: *grunts and steps back*
* Dias rebounds off the commander and lands on the ground
[Gravedigger] That hurt, asshole.
* Gravedigger forms two spikes out of his arms
[Dias] ...Hey whats that? *points to the side*
[Snipe] Commander: *kicks Dias' hand*
[Dias] OWWW!! Ass...
* Snipe aims at the Commander's head, lining up the sight on his scope.
* Gravedigger thrusts a spike into the commander's gut
[Snipe] Commander: *doubles over in pain, only to be blasted by Snipe's shot in the head*
[Snipe] Commander: *lands on the ground*
* Gravedigger slumps into the wall
[Snipe] You guys okay...
* Gravedigger coughs
*** Scott has joined #taw
[Snipe] Grave...?
[Gravedigger] I..No, I don't think I am..
[Dias] ...*looks at the blood splattered on the wall* That's not good.
* Snipe steps forward.
[Dias] Grave...*turns to him*
[Scott] NRP] Sorry I'm a  bitt late. Is it tto late to join in?
* Gravedigger straightens himself up
[Snipe] NRP: You can't.  You're with Velocity's group.
[Snipe] I think it's poison.  Can you flush it out?
[Gravedigger] I'll be fine once we get back to the station.
* Gravedigger staggers forward
[Gravedigger] Haven't quite learned that trick yet.
* Snipe opens the green door, revealing the hanger.
*** Kara|Gone is now known as Kara
[Dias] ....*grabs onto Grave* Come on..
[Gravedigger] Hey...whatever happened to Fera?
[Snipe] Here we are, ca-ching!
*** Scott is now known as Scott|AWAY
[Snipe] ...Uh, I forgot.
* Fera wraps his arms aorund Snipe's shoulders
[Fera] Iiiiiiididn't!
[Snipe] shit.
* Fera licks the back of Snipe's ear
[Snipe] ...
* Snipe backhands Fere
* Snipe backhands Fera
[Dias] ...Lets place the bomb and blow this popsickle stand
[Snipe] Right
* Snipe walks into the middle of the hanger and looks at the support beams.
[Snipe] Okay, there's about 100 gears here, if we could blow those four support beams and have each of the 5 floors crash down on the other.
[Dias] Hey Snipe, what's gonna stop them from just making another factory?
[Fera] Ow!
[Snipe] GM: *it's 5 floors up, with rows of Gears on each floor, which is all visible*
[Snipe] There's nothing going to stop them.
[Snipe] But at least we've blew up these toys.
[Dias] Blowing up things is fun...*looks around for a computer console*
[Snipe] Gear: *eyes light up*
[Snipe] 30 Gears: *shift*
[Snipe] ...
[Snipe] 50 more: *stand up*
[Gravedigger] ...Aw crap.
[Snipe] 30 more: *aim weaponary*
* Snipe backs away slowly.
* Dias starts backing up
[Snipe] Doors: *lock themselves*
[Dias] ....That's not good.
[Snipe] No, really!?
* Snipe looks at all 100 gears aiming at them.
[Fera] Weee!
[Dias] ...HEY WHAT'S THAT?! *points behind them all *
[Snipe] Gears: *open fire*
[Dias] AHHH!! *leaps back and behind a crate*
* Snipe dives to the side, rolling as huge holes appear in the floor from the shots
[Snipe] Not good, not good!
* Gravedigger dives through the air and rolls across the hanger
[Snipe] Gears: *begin to jump off from the top floors and land on the bottom floor*
* Fera fies into the air
* Dias moves from the vibration
[Gravedigger] Are these things psionically controlled, too?
[Dias] ...*looks over the crate and scans a mech*\
[Dias] Checking..
[Snipe] Gears: *lock onto them with missiles*
[Snipe] GM: *yep*
[Dias] Yeah..
[Dias] SNIPE
[Snipe] I CAN'T STOP 100 GEARS!
[Dias] Try damnt..
[Snipe] NO!
[Gravedigger] Take down what you can!
*** Kara is now known as Kara|GoneAgain
* Snipe holds out hands, concentrating
[Snipe] Gears: *begin to prep their missiles*
* /sound: no such file 'TGC-ThisIsFromFromOver.mid'
[Gravedigger] Dias, try to find some override command console or something! Anything!
[Dias] Looking..*scans around looking for a console*
[Snipe] TGC: *suddenly Isolator II, Angel of Death II, and Xeno Gaia crash through the roof and land on the middle of the room*
* Snipe stops concentrating?
[Snipe] Wha?
[Dias] ....*looks*
[Snipe] 100 Gears: *stop locking on and turn to the mechs, which are empty*
[Dias] ....RUN!! *leaps over the crate and blurs towards the Xeno Gaia, the hatch bay opening up
[Gravedigger] The calavary has arrived.
* Snipe runs towards his mech
[Gravedigger] Late as usual, buuuut..
[Snipe] Excalibur: *zooms overhead, being chased by 5 gears*
* Dias flips up and into his mech, closing the hatch-bay behind him
* Gravedigger sprints acorss the bay to his mech
* Snipe runs up Isolator II's leg and flips into the cockpit, powering the mech up
[Snipe] 100 Gears: *lock onto the three mechs*
* Dias powers the mech up, spinning around slashing at several of them
*** Snipe is now known as IsolatorII
* IsolatorII brings out it's beam saber
*** Dias is now known as XenoGaia
* Gravedigger climbs into his mech and powers up
* Fera flies out through the hole
* IsolatorII slashes one gear in half.
*** Gravedigger is now known as AngelofDeathII
[IsolatorII] 20 gears: *blast Isolator back, while another 30 hit Giaa, and the other 50 hits Death*
* IsolatorII stumbles back, hitting a support pillar
[IsolatorII] Bring it on.
[XenoGaia] Now the odds are even...*skids across the floor*
* IsolatorII straightens himself up
[XenoGaia] Comm: TAke out those pillars..
* IsolatorII slashes pillar 1
* AngelofDeathII takes out its scythe and swings for pillar 3
* XenoGaia spins around and rams into pillar 5
[IsolatorII] GM: *all 3 pillars are taken down.  The roof begins to shake and crumle*
[IsolatorII] Only two left!
[XenoGaia] Comm: Snipe, be ready to make an escape hatch.
[XenoGaia] NRP: Route..
[AngelofDeathII] Comm: But if there are 100 of newly advanced mechs controlled by psions, and there are only us three in manually controlled suits...
[IsolatorII] Gotcha.
* IsolatorII flies up to the roof
[IsolatorII] 50 Gears: *each move to guard a pillar*
[XenoGaia] Comm: Come on, we got mechs built by Slasher...*swings his spear*
[AngelofDeathII] Comm: Which still worries me.
* XenoGaia flicks off the AngelOfDeath with his mech
[IsolatorII] 50 GearS: *fire missiles, each hitting Gaia and Death (20,000 AP each mech)
* AngelofDeathII fires his booster rockets and tries to slam into one group of guards
* XenoGaia swings his wings forward, taking most of the blunt from the explosions
[IsolatorII] Gears: *begin to ram Death with psionic beams (3,000 aP)*
[AngelofDeathII] AHHHH!
* AngelofDeathII drops to a knee as it takes the attack
* IsolatorII lands on the roof and begins to aim his beam cannon down at the room
* XenoGaia comes bursting out from the smoke, slashing at the nearest guards
[IsolatorII] Gears: *dodge Gaia, with difficulty, and shoot him with missiles again (20,000 AP)
* IsolatorII fires, hitting 3 gears
* AngelofDeathII slides its scythe out and slashes wide at its attackers
* XenoGaia spins around and slashes at the missiles, missing several of them which ram into his mech
[IsolatorII] Gears: *a few explode, others dodge*
[XenoGaia] Oooff...*slams across the ground*
[IsolatorII] Comm: These odds are no good, hit the pillars!
[IsolatorII] Gears: *surround Gaia*
[IsolatorII] Gears: *surround Angel*
[XenoGaia] Comm: Gotcha...*gets up*
[XenoGaia] Comm: Wide arc Grave..
[AngelofDeathII] Comm: Doesn't anyone have any explosionary attacks?
[IsolatorII] Gears: *circle each mech, aiming their psionic guns*
[AngelofDeathII] Comm: Right
* AngelofDeathII powers up its scythe
* IsolatorII fires his beam cannon into the middle of the gears, starting a chain reaction of explosions
[XenoGaia] *crouches and leaps up spinning his spear around his mech*
[IsolatorII] Gears: *fly back, giving each of the mechs their room*
[IsolatorII] Gears: *fire, hitting Gaia and Angel (3000 AP each)*
* AngelofDeathII blasts forward and slashes wide
* XenoGaia lands and darts forward toward the pillar, slashing at any that are in his way*
[IsolatorII] Gears: *explode*
[IsolatorII] Gears: *Dodge Gaia, constantly shooting at him*
[XenoGaia] *smoke rises from his mechs from the attacks*
[IsolatorII] ..
[IsolatorII] Pillar 2 and 4...
* IsolatorII aims at Pillar 2, but can't get a lock with the flying gears.
* XenoGaia leaps into the air and his wings covers his gear, and he drills towards pillar 2
[IsolatorII] Gears: *Attempt to stop GAia by ramming it constantly*
* AngelofDeathII hurls its scythe at pillar 4
* XenoGaia spreads it's wings out smacking several of the gears back
[IsolatorII] Gears: *psionic stop the scythe, until it starts up again*
* IsolatorII laughs from his gear, the gear's hand out like Snipe does when concentration.
[IsolatorII] Gears: *roll with the attacks and begin to regroup*
[IsolatorII] Pillar 4: *is sliced in half, causing half the roof to begin to fall in*
* XenoGaia lands on the ground and runs towards the pillar
[IsolatorII] Comm: Grave, out!
* IsolatorII flies into the air
* XenoGaia leaps towards the pillar and throws his spear outwards towards it
[IsolatorII] Pillar 2: *is hit, breaking.  the entire roof begins to come down now*
[IsolatorII] GM: *5*
[IsolatorII] *4*
[IsolatorII] *3*
* XenoGaia lands next to his spear and grabs it, turning to the whole in the roof and blasting off ,sending a shockwave of energy below him
[IsolatorII] *2*
[IsolatorII] *1*
[IsolatorII] *0*  *all mechs inside are crushed*
* IsolatorII hovers in place, scanning for signs of anyone.
* XenoGaia bursts through the top layer of the base with Grave in tow
*** Fera has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** AngelofDeathII has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[IsolatorII] Comm: Cutting it close.
* IsolatorII lands on the ground.
*** AngelofDeathII has joined #taw
[XenoGaia] Comm: Gotta keep ya on edge.
* XenoGaia sets the Angel of Death II down
[IsolatorII] Comm: Geeze, your mechs looked trash.  Why'd you let the roof fall on yas?
*** AngelofDeathII has quit IRC (On to...stuff!)
[XenoGaia] Comm: Can't come out looking pretty like you.
* IsolatorII poses
[XenoGaia] Comm: Is..that a scratch on your mech?
[IsolatorII] Comm: *gasps* Where!?
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* IsolatorII looks around
*** Gar-TAW is now known as Garland
[XenoGaia] *scans the area for any psionic signatures*
[IsolatorII] Comm: We should try to find Velocity and the Excalibur.
[IsolatorII] GM: *a very large psionic power source is located*
[XenoGaia] *I'm picking something up Snipe...switch your sensors to scan for psionics*
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* IsolatorII enters a few keys and begins to scan the area.
[IsolatorII] Comm: Shit.
*** Viper has joined #taw
[XenoGaia] I can't figure out if that's one mech with a strong psion in it or if it's several of them.
*** X1 has joined #taw
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[Viper] *is a large mech, twice the size of XenoGaia.  It lands before them*
[XenoGaia] Comm:'s a large mech...this ain't good.
*** X1 is now known as Gravedigger
* XenoGaia scans him
[Viper] GM: *scans are blocked by a powerful psi-shield*
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[XenoGaia] Comm: Snipe, he's blocking me with a powerful psi-shield can't get any scans.
*** Gravedigger is now known as AoDII
* Viper brings out a large beam cannon
[Viper] *female voice, strangly familiar*  Lets see how good you Wraiths really are.
* XenoGaia quickly connects a jack to his eye and leaps backwards into the air
* IsolatorII steps back, aiming his rifle
[XenoGaia] Comm: You asked for it remember..
* Viper blasts Isolator's hand, sending the rifle flying
* AoDII grips its staff
[IsolatorII] Gah!
[XenoGaia] Comm: Snipe, see if you can use your mech to amplify your powers...
* Viper blasts Isolator 3 times, sending it crashing over.
* IsolatorII hits the ground, sparking
[XenoGaia] Shit...*the exhaust ports open up wide*
* Viper hovers in the air, a red mech.
[IsolatorII] Comm: Trying to get more *cough* power..
* Viper aims at XenoGaia
* XenoGaia zooms up
* AoDII flies at Viper
* Viper turns and blasts AODII, bringing it's systems to critical after the last battle it just had.
* XenoGaia comes flying down as AodII flies at the Viper
* XenoGaia jabs it's spear out at Viper
* Viper is hit by the spear, but seemingly has no damage
[Viper] Comm: Impressive.  Dias, isn't it?
* XenoGaia pulls the spear back and floats there
[XenoGaia] Comm: Hmpf....
* AoDII drops
* XenoGaia lands on the ground and puts his spear away
[XenoGaia] Comm: Seraphna....why?
* Viper aims the rifle at XenoGaia
[Viper] Comm: I have to test your abilities.  Nothing personal.
[XenoGaia] Comm: Have to use a rifle?
* Viper throws it to the side and draws a beam sword
* AoDII starts trying to route his lightning cannons into his systems
* IsolatorII gets into a kneeling position.
* XenoGaia flips it's wing across the ground sending a spray of dirt into the air
* Viper zooms straight up
* XenoGaia bursts through the dirt, spear pulled out, and follows behind Viper
[AoDII] C'mon, c'mon...
* Viper strikes like a viper, flying striaght at XenoGaia with the sword at it's throat area
* IsolatorII gets to it's knees, wobbling
* AoDII starts climbing to its feet
[IsolatorII] Comm: Seraphna?!
* XenoGaia jerks to the right and lets Viper fly by
* Viper turns quickly, slashing out
[XenoGaia] Damn Psions....She can tell my everu move...
[XenoGaia] *blasts backwards, barely avoiding*
* AoDII sparks
* Viper zooms forward in, not letting any space form between the two mechs
* XenoGaia disconnects his eye piece
* IsolatorII stands up by AODII
[IsolatorII] I can't make sense of this incredible speed and power from that mech.
* XenoGaia throws jabs forward
* AoDII throws a fist forward
* Viper drops low enough that a quick swing up parries the attack, then it zooms forward, in an upward motion, to slash at the stomach area.
[XenoGaia] .oO(Only way she can't figure out what I'm thinking can I control him and fly*
* XenoGaia spins his spear down and knocks the sabre back
* XenoGaia throws a kick down at her
[AoDII] NRP: Uh, which mech did Viper attack?
* Viper zooms in a half circle to come behind Gaia
[IsolatorII] NRP: It's fighting Gaia
* Viper slashes at it's back
* XenoGaia flips upside down and swings at her sabre locking into it
*** Kara|GoneAgain is now known as Kara
[Viper] Comm: grr.
[IsolatorII] Excalibur: *flies into view*
* XenoGaia pushes forward
*** Velocity has joined #taw
[XenoGaia] .oO*
* Velocity blasts Viper
* Viper zooms backwards, barely dented.
[XenoGaia] .oO(Won't..resort to it yet) 
[IsolatorII] Velocity!
* XenoGaia presses forward throwing cross-slashes and jabs
[Velocity] Hey, Kyo, man those guns better.  You're suppose to destroy the mech, not dent it!
* Viper parries
[Viper] Comm: Ugh, you're good.
* XenoGaia spins and slashes
* Viper slashes downward, knocking the attack back, almost sending Viper back
[XenoGaia] Comm: I know....your not to shabby either...
* XenoGaia flys back a few from the slash
* Kyo`Yokuo nods as he hits a key buttons as he aims the guns at Viper, firing
[XenoGaia] Comm: But can you keep up with me? *flips a switch causing a red light to go off*
* Velocity flies the Excalibur around Viper
* Viper turns on Excalibur
* Viper flies at it
[IsolatorII] Dammit!
* XenoGaia shoves Viper while it turns
* IsolatorII zooms upward
* Viper zooms around Gaia
[Viper] Comm: Too slow.
* Kyo`Yokuo contuies to fire, aiming more for its head
* Viper takes the shots, not slowing down
[Velocity] Aw, geeze.
* Velocity pulls back
[XenoGaia] Comm: Think so? *hits a red button, and his wings spread out*
*** Syria is now known as Megami
* IsolatorII pulls out it's saber, too slow to reach them all
* Viper slashes at Excalibur
[Velocity] SHIT!
* Velocity rolls to the side
[XenoGaia] *flips several switches, and the engines roar into overdrive, sending a shockwave of energy to burst behind him as he rams into the Viper*
[Kyo`Yokuo] Don`t use the funny stuff... keep it on hold.. *keeps firing, trying to hit the neck*
[Viper] Comm: GYAAAHA!
[XenoGaia] Comm: Velocity, stay our of this..
[Velocity] Comm: Say what?  That mech is twice your size!
[XenoGaia] Comm: So is my ego...
* Viper stabs GAia in the leg
* Velocity pulls Excalibur out of the combat range.
* XenoGaia grabs onto Viper and rams it's spear into it's leg
[Viper] ...
* Viper rams it's sword into it's gut
* XenoGaia quickly shuts power down from it
[XenoGaia] NRP: Leg..
* XenoGaia releases and darts back
* Viper darts back too
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs as he looks at Velocity "he just wants all the glory.."
[Viper] Comm: *breathing heavily* Next time...
* Viper zooms away
*** Viper has quit IRC
[Velocity] Eh, his ego is huge.
* IsolatorII arrives next to Gaia
* Kyo`Yokuo nods
[XenoGaia] Almost to 100%...Oh no you don....Damt!! *punches his console, causing sparks to fly*
[IsolatorII] Dammit, she got away.
* XenoGaia quickly flicks a switch and exhaust shoots out of his mech
* XenoGaia looks down at the gaping hole in his leg's mech
[Velocity] Comm: Power down and so we can grab onto you and go home.
[XenoGaia] Why would she come all this way for a stupid grudge match...
* IsolatorII flies under Excalibur, shutting down it can be grappled.
[IsolatorII] Comm: I plan on asking her that as soon as I see her again.
[XenoGaia] NRP: didn't say that on Comm
[IsolatorII] NRP: Nix that.
[IsolatorII] Comm: Where did she get such a powerful mech at?
* XenoGaia flies under Excalibur powering down
*** IsolatorII is now known as Snipe
* Snipe climbs into the Excalibur.
[XenoGaia] Comm: Probably had it hidden away..
* XenoGaia climbs up into the Excalibur
* Kyo`Yokuo turns around in his chair and looks at Snipe "Hiya"
* Snipe waves, sitting down with a few pants.
[XenoGaia] Damnt Psion pilots...*punches a wall as he walks by it*
* Velocity flies down and grapples AODII
*** Sierra` is now known as Kitsu`
* Kyo`Yokuo turns back around as he helps out with the controls
[XenoGaia] I'm gonn have to have Slasher figure out something that can possibly dampen psions from reaching into my mech..
* Velocity motions for Scott to do something
* Velocity lifts off and flies for space
* Snipe crosses arms
*** XenoGaia is now known as Dias
[Snipe] Why do I have a bad feeling about all this psionic business?  It's been leading up to something.
[Dias] Maybe they've all finally snapped
* Velocity frowns at Dias
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs
[Snipe] Everyone who has some psionic influence is been having dreams the past few days.  Now a psionic runned mech.
* Snipe shakes head.
* Dias rubs his goatee
* Velocity enters hyperspace.
[Snipe] At least we left Fera behind.
* X1_the_Weirdo_God taps Snipe on the shoulder
*** X1_the_Weirdo_God is now known as Fera
[Snipe] Dear God, no..
[Fera] Ohhh yes!
* Snipe weeps
[Dias] it possible for us to have Origin scan the system for psionic activity?
[Velocity] I think Snipe's too happy to answer right now, Dias.
[Dias] .......Yi...ok..
[Snipe] Session Ends
Session Close: Sat Aug 04 20:36:12 2001

Session Start: Sun Aug 05 17:08:00 2001
* Logging #taw to 'logs\#taw.log'
[Snipe] Time Chart: November 4th
[Snipe] Location: Origin
[Snipe] GM: *once again, the dreams have occurred, this time the mention of a map in them.*
* Snipe stands next to Dias in the hanger, standing before Seraphna
* Snipe crosses his arms
[Snipe] What in the hell were you doing yesterday?!
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs as he walks out of the training room. "Chip, where is everyone?"
[Garland] Sera: *looks at Snipe, her arms crossed* Ai'm doin' the best ai can!
[Snipe] Chip: Some are in the hanger.
* Snipe looks at Dias briefly
[Dias] know what we mean.
[Snipe] I meant, why the hell did you attack us?
* Dias looks back
* Diamondback coughs
[Diamondback] {Some things never change.}
[Kyo`Yokuo] okay.. Might as well go see whats up *walks down and into the hanger*
[Garland] Sera: *blinks* What'er yeh talkin' about?
* Dias looks
[Dias] ....Snipe...*grabs him and pulls him back*
[Snipe] You brought in some fancy new mech of yours and attacked us right out.  You tore up Grave's mech pretty damn bad!  --Ac!
* Snipe looks at Dias
[Dias] Maybe she doesn't know what we're talking about....
[Snipe] I wouldn't put it past her to be playing dumb or having some type of split personality disorder.
[Dias] True...
[Garland] Sera: New mech??? Ai ain't got a new mech.... not that's that fancy anyway.
[Snipe] I think we should pull her off duty with the mechs.
[Dias] Sera, you know of a mech thats about twice the size of mine?
* Kyo`Yokuo blinks as he looks at them
[Dias] Slasher: *sits at his desk working on something new*
[Garland] Sera: *rubs her chin a little* Naw, can't say Ai do. But mai mech is better!
[Dias] Only cuz you use your psionics to give you an edge.
[Garland] Sera: *points at the Gargos-ni (NRP: sp?)
* Snipe taps foot, looking a bit impatient.
[Garland] Sera: Jest keep tellin' yerself that.
[Diamondback] .oO{ Yep, some things never change... } *shakes his head*
[Dias] ...Snipe, ask Chip...he should know exactly where she's been and what's been launched..
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs as leans agenst a wall, lstening to them
[Snipe] Chip: Ahm afraid I don't.  Mah logs for the hanger mysteriously werah blank after Velocity left.
[Snipe] Chip, stop trying to mimic her!
[Garland] Sera: Wai am I bein' questioned? Ai didn't do anything..
[Dias] We we're attacked when we left the factory. By you.
[Snipe] Correct.  The voice match is 99.9 percent correct.
[Snipe] A perfect match, to say in the least.
[Garland] Sera: *blinks* Ai was here werkin' on the psionic connector raight about den.
[Dias] Psionic Connector?
[Snipe] Maybe, maybe not, but after you purposely dueled with Dias then, later the same day, a mech, with you driving it, appears and attacks us, it's hard to put that aside.
[Garland] Sera: *to Dias* D'edge yeh say Ai have.
[Snipe] As of right now, Seraphna, you're denied access to the hanger or contact with the mechs until we get to the bottom of this.
[Garland] Sera: *blinks at Snipe* Naw, I never left' after de duel.
* Dias looks at Snipe surprised
[Garland] Sera: What!? Ai do as much or more mech werk dan Slasher! 
* Kyo`Yokuo stays quiet as he listens stil
[Kyo`Yokuo] *still
[Diamondback] [So some things DO change.]
[Snipe] Beside the point.  Please leave, Seraphna.  We'll get to the bottom of this, trust us, but it'll be better if you're not near the mechs to prove your innocent.
[Garland] Sera: Shaddap! *looks back at Snipe* Dat's... Dammit!
[Dias] Slasher: *goes back to work on his project*
*** Dominator has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Dominator
* Dias looks at his mech
[Garland] Sera: *fumes and looks at Slasher then back* Keep'em away from mah mechs!
* Snipe nods once.
* Diamondback goes back to inspecting the Jack of Diamonds, making sure Slasher hasn't made any "adjustments" while he was gone
[Garland] Sera: *sighs once and leaves*
[Dias] MiniGM: *Jack of Diamonds sits there, clean and sparkling*
[Snipe] Chip, if Sera steps into the hanger, please alert the entire station immediately.
* Diamondback inspects it anyway
* Snipe turns to look at the small crowd in the hanger.
[Dias] ...That's gonna take awhile to fix...*heads over to his mech and climbs up the leg, dragging his tool belt with him*
[Dias] MiniGM: *a bucket of paint pours onto DB*
* Snipe sighs and lets his shoulders slump a few notches, making way for the control room
* Diamondback stops the paint with a psi-shield, then looks up
[Dias] Slasher: Sorry bout that DB, Anti-Sera system.
[Dias] Slasher: Guess I missed some of them.
[Diamondback] [...Yeah.]
* Snipe enters the control room, sitting down.
[Diamondback] [Thanks for keeping the JoD up for me, Slasher, I owe you one.] .oO{Did I just say that...?}
* Dias begins to reconnect wires
[Diamondback] [...Where'd John head off to?]
[Dias] Slasher: If you want it upgraded, give me a holla.
[Dias] Slasher: *pulls out a sheet of Snipe's Null powers and begins to study them*
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs as he looks around at the mechs
* Snipe falls asleep
* Kyo`Yokuo goes and walks around looking at the different ones, amased by there looks
* Dias sparks begin flying from the Xeno Gaia's left thigh
[Snipe] NRP: *snores, since Snipe hasn't been bothered about the evil dreams*
[Dias] Chip: Did you and Slasher figure out what that metal those Psion Mechs were made out of yet?
[Snipe] Chip: Hmm?  No, we only had it for a day.
[Dias] Just checkin chip.
* Diamondback resumes inspecting the mech, thinking about the dream he had last night
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs as he too has that on his mind
* Dias spins around to the back side of the thigh and starts connecting wires on that side
[Dias] Slasher: *Sighs as he still hasn't gotten his pizza*
* Snipe opens his eyes, as if he heard a voice.
[Snipe] Strange.
[Dias] Slasher: Hmmm....*flips on his console and begins to design something*
* Snipe thinks back to all the recent psionic events and mishaps that have been going on the past week.
* Diamondback shakes his head
[Snipe] How did the psionic powers appear in this universe?  When did they show up?  It's rare to hear of such abilities back in X's time, and even rarer before that.
[Snipe] And are things getting too dangerous?
* Diamondback drops to the ground and heads into the station
* Kyo`Yokuo nods as he looks at the different mechs, then looking at the shuttles
[Diamondback] .oO{I think I'll talk to Snipe about this one. That... temple... and a map...?}
[Snipe] Chip, scan all historical references of psionic abilities.
* Dias replaces a burnt tubing that leads to the mechs feet exhaust ports
[Snipe] I want the earliest date it is known.
[Snipe] Chip: Well, I can't scan all alien data, but I'll certainly run the historical checks of what races we do know.
*** Kara has joined #Taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Kara
* Diamondback hears Snipe's voice as he paces, and ducks into the room
* Snipe stands up, waving his hand
[Diamondback] [What... oh yeah...] What're you up to, Snipe?
* Snipe jumps, looking at DB
[Snipe] Chris!  Shit, you scared me.
[Diamondback] I'm good at that.
[Kara] NRP : Jeez, Tahts twice I had to stop in the middle of my new Anime to do something
[Kara] NRP: What does I need to do to get in?
[Snipe] NRP: We're still on the station.
[Dias] I can't believe she pulled that..I know she did it...*grabs a sheet of metal and attaches it over the hole and welds it in
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs and goes back to the training room to work on his speed
[Snipe] Chip: Well, according to some data, a few people in the year of 2105 had the abilities to read future.  It's believed to go back as early as 1800.
* Diamondback nods
* Snipe sighs
[Snipe] But when did it start becoming so rampant?  What in our genes made it start spreading?
[Diamondback] If you want to go even further back, certain people have been believed to be able to read the future as far back as ancient Greece. I think they were called "oracles".
[Dias] NRP: I thought we had no knowledge of ancient history
[Kara] NRP: I got a lag the size of Alaska, BRB, gonna reconect...
*** Kara has quit IRC
[Snipe] NRP: We have limited access to past data, but if one searched hard enough.
*** Cleopatra has joined #Taw
[Snipe] NRP: With Earth wiped out, now, all that data is almost gone.
[Dias] NRP: K..
[Diamondback] NRP: Speaking of ancient history... And bite me. DB WAS in high school before all this.
[Snipe] NRP: during the Robotic Wars, he means, most historical data was lost.
[Snipe] Greece?
* Snipe rubs chin
[Snipe] Chip: Well, yeah, legends say that.
* Dias rotates to the front and begins welding on a new piece
[Snipe] Still, *points at DB* The enhanced, from what I remember in talks with you guys, your genetic material was manipulated to produce stronger psionic powers, right?
* Diamondback nods
[Snipe] Still doesn't answer the question, what was in the genes to begin with.
[Diamondback] But we don't know if anyone who was on the staff is still alive, so that's a dead end.
* Diamondback thinks back to the dream
[Snipe] Many alien races, such as Seraphna's, also has psionic abilities.
[Snipe] I mean, there could be a millions of you guys, but where did it begin?  And why is it becoming so much more common?
* Dias climbs upto his cockpit and powers up his mech, returning power to the leg
[Diamondback] Who knows?
[Dias] NRP: Cuz it's the in thing.
[Diamondback] ...I have a strange feeling about something...
[Snipe] And why am I specially the opposite.
* Snipe turns
[Snipe] What?
[Diamondback] These dreams we've been having...
* Snipe frowns
[Diamondback] The psions, that is.
[Snipe] Yeah, Elayne mentioned those.
*** Kara has joined #Taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Kara
* Kyo`Yokuo walks out of the training room and over to the cafateria, geting himself some food and drink
[Diamondback] She told me about them, too, which is what got me thinking...
[Kara] NRP: Still on the station?
[Diamondback] And not only us... it seems like everyone is more interested in psionics all of a sudden.
[Snipe] From what she discribed to me...*taps in a few keys* I think I found the planet with the temple.
[Dias] NRP: No cafeteria, now a bar
[Kyo`Yokuo] NRP; ah ok.
[Snipe] GM: *a rotating planet that is nothing but a jungle appears*
[Snipe] No population, in Tsivrixsh territory, ignored because there's nothing useful there.
[Snipe] Not even named.
[Snipe] The temples, however, were recorded onto the HoloNet.
[Diamondback] My kind of place.
* Kara walks around origin eating chips "wonder if eve's free.. God I hope we dont have to go on another mission soon.."
* Snipe pops up a picture of a temple
[Snipe] Does it look like the one in your dream?
* Diamondback starts
[Diamondback] ...That's it!
* Snipe turns back
[Snipe] The Tsivrixsh were spooked off by some spooky things.  Ghosts.  Lights at night.  Strange sounds. 
[Diamondback] Psionics can do strange things...
* Kyo`Yokuo then comes out of the bar, with a mug of coffie and walks up the the control room
[Snipe] Yeah, I've noted that.
* Dias stands up the leg slowly regaining power
* Diamondback forms a ghostly image of himself in the air before remembering Snipe's psionic nullification, then dissipates it
[Snipe] Anyway, I think a small team of us should go exmaine this temple.  If we think it's too big, we'll come back later, with more people.
* Kyo`Yokuo walks int and looks at the pic "Hey, thats the temple in that dream.."
* Snipe glances at Kyo
[Snipe] Well, that's two.
* Snipe taps the screen off.
[Snipe] Well, lets go get Velocity and prep the Excalibur up.
* Dias powers the mech back down and leaps out of the cockpit landing on the ground
* Kara looks around to make sure no ones in the hall shes in "Hey Chip, does Elayne have a lover either?"
[Snipe] Chip: Elayne?  --- uh, Snipe and her are engaged.
[Kara] .... Hmmm... shame.. *Thinks
*** Velocity has joined #taw
* Snipe grabs his coat, putting it on.
* Diamondback pops his knuckles and tightens his gloves
* Velocity walks into the hanger, sipping his drink
*** Garland is now known as Lucas
* Kyo`Yokuo walks off to the hanger and over to the excalibur
[Diamondback] Let's do it.
*** Lucas is now known as Lucas^
[Kara] Maybe snipe wont mind if... Well anyways, are any missions scheduled soon?
* Snipe walks down the hallways to the hanger.
* Diamondback teleports his VHS cap into his hands and puts it on
[Snipe] Chip: Why, yes, go to the hanger immediately.
* Diamondback takes off after Snipe
* Snipe looks at Dias
[Snipe] We'll be back in about three hours.
[Kara] DAMNIT! *eats another chip from the bag and walks to the hanger
[Dias] ...3 hours?
[Snipe] Yeah.
[Dias] Bring me something nice.
* Lucas^ runs up to Snipe
* Kyo`Yokuo looks at Velocity "Hey Ron, We need to get excaliber goin'"
[Snipe] Will do.
[Kara] Always missions, it would be nice to have a week off.
* Velocity stops and looks at Kyo
[Velocity] Why?
[Lucas^] Mom look pretty upset... she was muttering about you, why?
[Kyo`Yokuo] We are heading out for a few...
[Dias] I'll be sure to keep this place running.
[Snipe] Because I denied her access to the hanger.
* Kara walks into the hanger "Ok, what now?"
* Snipe points at the Excalibur
* Lucas^ blinks
[Snipe] Everyone, into the hanger.
[Lucas^] Why'd you do that?
[Snipe] Comm: All personnel, time to earn your living, get into the hanger now.
* Lucas^ looks at DB
[Lucas^] New guy?
[Dias] She tried killing me Lucas.
* Lucas^ loks at Dias
[Snipe] Old guy.
[Lucas^] Mom wouldn't do that1
[Kara] Speaking of Living, snipe, dont we get paid for this job?
* Velocity steps into the Excalibur, powering up.
[Dias] From the things I've heard, she would.
[Snipe] Not if you don't EARN it.
[Kara] I havnt got my damn paycheck sense I started
* Kyo`Yokuo follows after Ron and helps out
* Diamondback steps into the Excalibur, his eyes purple as if he is talking to someone telepathically
[Lucas^] I know Mom! She's nice!
* Lucas^ follows DB
[Lucas^] Who'er you?
* Kara shrugs and walks up the ramp
* Dias shakes head and heads over to Slasher, helping him design something
* Diamondback stops, a distant, vacant look in his deep purple eyes
[Snipe] Wish Andrew was here.
* Lucas^ looks at him
* Diamondback 's eyes return to their natural color
* Snipe throws himself into the back of the Excalibur.
[Kara] Do we even get our names in the news?
[Diamondback] [Sorry 'bout that, kid. Name's Chris Carter.]
* Velocity closes the door off and lifts the ship into the air.
* Kara takes a seat looking around at everyone there
[Kara] What are we doing?
* Lucas^ is around 15, (NRP: still, I think..) the spitting image of Garland at his age
[Kara] Are we there yet?
[Kara] Why arnt you people answering me?
* Kyo`Yokuo looks at Snipe "whats the cordes?"
[Kara] Are you ignoring me?
[Dias] NRP: Yeah that's right, UGLY
* Lucas^ nods
[Snipe] We're just checking your temple.
[Kara] ......
* Snipe sits down.
[Lucas^] Hi Mr. Carter.
[Diamondback] [...That makes me feel old. Call me Chris.]
* Lucas^ nods
[Snipe] NRP: 19
*** Dias is now known as Dias-Away
[Kara] My head hurts.
[Lucas^] NRP: When'd this happen!?
* Kyo`Yokuo nods as he turns around, looking at Velocity "lets go"
* Velocity flies out of the hanger and enters hyperspace
[Snipe] NRP: Since Sera took control.
[Lucas^] Dad tells me it's good taste to call people by respectful names if they're older than me.
[Lucas^] ( ].[ )
[Snipe] Then why do you call me brother?
* Lucas^ , being 19, looks a LOT like Garland, but Seraphna's influence is definently there
[Diamondback] [You must be related to Garland, kid.] .oO{This guy's older than I am, and I'm callin' him "kid". Oy, what's wrong with me?}
* Kara sets there, being ignored
* Velocity pushes the visor up and looks back
[Lucas^] Garland being Brother or Dad?
[Velocity] You know, at least we can get to the bottom of the dreams.
* Diamondback scratches his head
* Kyo`Yokuo nods "that we are.."
[Lucas^] Jr: *is in the mech bay observing things*
* Diamondback looks puzzled for a second, then remembers that Garland named his first son Garland
[Lucas^] Brother's name is Garland, but everyone calls him Junior...
[Lucas^] And then there's Dad.
[Diamondback] [So you're Garland's son. Man, you Hianule grow up fast.]
* Snipe mumbles, loudly, about too many Hianules running around.
[Lucas^] Jr: *is takin a much slower time to grow up, only 8 or so, but very mature*
[Snipe] 14 of them, I tell.
[Lucas^] There's 14 of us?
[Snipe] Yes.
* Lucas^ thinks
[Diamondback] NRP: Don't make me count the Carters.
* Lucas^ looks at DB
[Snipe] Lucas Airier.  Lucas Hianule.  Jonas Hianule.  Elayne Hianule.  Garland Hianule.  Garland Jr. Hianule.  Seraphna Hianule.
[Lucas^] So you know Dad?
[Snipe] Angel Hianule.  That kid on the way Hianule.
* Diamondback nods
[Diamondback] [We've fought alongside each other before. Your dad's a great fighter.]
[Lucas^] NRP: Airier isn't counted.
[Snipe] NRP: Is too!
[Snipe] Hotaru Airier.  Hey, Ariel's related too.
[Snipe] So is Cheryl.
[Dominator] NRP: ... You ought to make a family tree image for the Hianules sometime, Garland
* Snipe shakes head and makes a blagh.
[Lucas^] Yeah I know... I'm still not strong enough to be like him..
[Dominator] NRP: And one for the Carters too would be nice, DB...
[Lucas^] NRP: :D
[Diamondback] NRP: Don't tempt us. *snickers*
[Snipe] NRP: *DS's family* DS...Katrina.  The end.
[Kara] well... might as well load my guns *Takes out a clip and loads her pistol
[Lucas^] NRP: Sad thing is, I never intended to start a family with Garland so... openly.
[Kara] hey its stuck... *pushes grunting*
[Snipe] You shoot anything, Kara...*says warningly*
* Diamondback holds his hand out and fixes the jam in Kara's gun telekinetically
* Kara accedently pulls the trigger after pushing it in and fires the gun, the bolt wizzing by Lucas's head
[Dominator] NRP: Dominator's family was simple (Dr. Namar, sorta, then Dominator), though now Dominator's got a lot of grandchildren.
[Kyo`Yokuo] Well i think we are almost there Ron
[Kara] *BAM
* Lucas^ glances at his saber, neither technically a sword nor energy based.
[Diamondback] [...Whoops...?]
* Velocity looks back
[Velocity] I think they're killing each other back there.
[Diamondback] [Mental note. DON'T FIX KARA'S WEAPONS.]
[Kara] .......... *hides the gun quickly
[Kyo`Yokuo] Yea.. i agree...
[Lucas^] NRP: Since Dom has no last name... Isn't he technically Dominator Hianule?
* Snipe points at Kara
[Kyo`Yokuo] I have a feeling its Kara...
[Kara] WHat GUN!?
* Lucas^ looks at DB
* Snipe stands up and towers of Kara
[Lucas^] Dad says they think he's the crazy one.
* Kara sweat drops and hands over her gun smiling nervously
* Snipe takes the gun and hands it to Lucas
* Lucas^ takes it
[Snipe] Aim it at Kara.
[Kara] .oO(I still got another one....)
[Kara] eep?
[Lucas^] ... Why?
[Snipe] Just do it.
* Kara nervously looks at Snipe
[Diamondback] ...Snipe...?
* Lucas^ does so
* Kara nervously looks back at Lucas
[Kyo`Yokuo] [hey whats going on back there?]  
[Lucas^] Um... why am I doing this, brother?
[Snipe] Now, if she takes anything that looks like a weapon, shoot her in the leg.
[Diamondback] [I wish I knew.]
* Snipe goes back and sits down.
[Kyo`Yokuo] [oi.. Kara geting in troble again?]
[Kara] *Snipes Hair suddenly catches on fire
[Lucas^] Okay...
* Snipe isn't affected
* Lucas^ sits next to DB
[Kara] Hmph!
* Snipe looks around
[Lucas^] So where are we going?
[Snipe] What the hell?
* Diamondback crosses his legs and levitates in mid-air
[Diamondback] [We psions have been having crazy dreams, and we're going to check it out.]
[Lucas^] You can fly like Dad? All I can do is move around instantly..
[Diamondback] [Telekinesis is a really nice skill to have, believe me. Teleportation is cool, too.]
* Lucas^ nods
[Lucas^] I wonder how Katrina's doing?
* Velocity drops them out of hyperspace and flies over the planet.
[Kyo`Yokuo] [we are here]
* Kara growls, the gun Lucas is holding suddenly becomes red hot, to hot to hold
* Diamondback concentrates for a second, then relaxes
* Lucas^ doesn't seem to mind
* Kyo`Yokuo looks at the planet "wow... this is too weird..."
* Velocity twirls the Excalibur and plummets straight down.
* Lucas^ looks at Snipe
[Kara] .... @%W*!!
* Snipe studies the planet.
[Lucas^] John... can I shoot him? That kinda hurt...
[Snipe] (Her)
[Snipe] Go ahead.
[Diamondback] [Trees, trees, and more trees.]
[Lucas^] NRP: Her.
[Kara] This isnt right! I'm getting just mad enough to get out of my seet and woop your ass!
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* Kara gets up and walks over to lucas
[Diamondback] [My kind of place.]
* Kara snatches the gun out of his hand
* Lucas^ shoots her
* Velocity dips through the thick, humid atmosphere and flies over the treetops
* Diamondback forms an invisible barrier in front of Kara, which stops the bullet
[Velocity] WHOOO!
* Kara stops, barly getting shot in the leg
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[Kara] o.o 
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Syria
[Velocity] YEAAAH!
[Kyo`Yokuo] ...?
* Kara sits down again
* Lucas^ shot a ki bullet (fake)
* Velocity spins the Excalibur through the trees tops
* Kyo`Yokuo laughs
[Diamondback] *to Lucas* [Tell me it's fake next time, ok? *grumbles*]
[Snipe] ---Scare?
[Diamondback] NRP: *slams on the brakes telekinetically*
* Velocity dips into the thick jungle, quickly moving through the trees
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[Diamondback] [...Nice to know we have a nice, SANE PILOT.]
* Velocity hits a few vines and bounces off a tree trunk, spinning past five more trees.
[Kara] You people take me for granite! You guys suck!
[Kyo`Yokuo] wow.. watch it Ron
[Velocity] Hey, I did this yesterday fine, ask Kyo...*muttering* Though that was a forest, not a jungle.
[Lucas^] I just like to mess with people sometimes.
[Diamondback] [Right...]
* Velocity sweats as he uses the Excalibur's visor/data base to fly in between really fast, scrapping things now and again
* Lucas^ holds up his finger and sparks fly around it
* Lucas^ grins
[Kara] .....
* Kyo`Yokuo grins
[Kara] Your godly powerfull people suck too!
* Diamondback holds his fingers in a gun position, and cocks his thumb
[Diamondback] [Care to say that again, Kara...?]
* Velocity sends them into a spinning roll, bouncing off trees like a pingpong ball
[Kara] Yeah! You suck!
* Snipe is jerked around in his seat
[Snipe] R-*ow*ON!
* Diamondback pushes his thumb forward, and a psionic bolt fires from his finger
[Kyo`Yokuo] Now this is fun *he pulls out a cowboy hat and puts it on Ron's head*
* Lucas^ shoots his finger at Kara, hitting him in the leg, not minding the skaing around
[Lucas^] *bullet only stings*
[Velocity] The shields are not taking damagE! WHOO!
* Velocity keeps bouncing, spinning down a waterfall
* Kara jumps out of her seat dodging "THATS IT!"
[Diamondback] [With your driving, I'm SURPRISED.]
* Kara suddenly fills the room with blazing fire
* Lucas^ looks at DB
* Velocity puts half the ship in the waterfall
* Diamondback simulates cold energy with his psionic energy, and tries to douse the flame
[Lucas^] Is the water good for the shuttle...?
* Velocity suddenly sees five large reptiles chasing them down the waterfall.
* Snipe stumbles around in the shuttle.
* Snipe pulls out his rifle and aims at Kara
* Diamondback telekinetically shoves Kara to the floor
* Lucas^ tackles Kara
* Kara runs around the corner down a hall
* Kyo`Yokuo blinks as he looks at the reptiles
[Diamondback] [I'm normally not this rough on ladies... GET 'ER!]
* Lucas^ teleports, tripping her
[Lucas^] What's with you!?
[Kara] EEP! *huff puff* ARGH! *falls
* Velocity slams on breaks, letting them fly past. He jerks to the right, flying inside the jungle again*
* Kara scrambles up running again
* Snipe stumbles
[Snipe] RON!
* Diamondback teleports to the cockpit
[Snipe] Stun her, someone.
[Diamondback] Would you CUT IT OUT?!
* Velocity stops the Excalibur
* Lucas^ pulls her up by the arm, in the classic RPG female debilitaing hold
[Velocity] Wait, I'm picking up a large mech.
[Velocity] Shit, it's the Viper?!~
[Kyo`Yokuo] Oh shit.. *warms up the weapons*
*** Viper has joined #taw
[Diamondback] [Guys, cut it out, we've got more immediate problems...]
* Viper flies through trees, the jungle trees swooshing
* Snipe stands behind DB
[Snipe] Dammit, how did she get here?!
* Viper points
* Diamondback shrugs, and tries to psionically scan the mech for any information on weapons and the pilot
* Kyo`Yokuo locks the weapons onto Viper
[Viper] GM: *is blocked by a more powerful psionic*
[Viper] Comm: Leave now.  This is not for you!
* Lucas^ looks at Snipe
* Diamondback stops
[Lucas^] What about mom?
[Kyo`Yokuo] say the word sir
[Diamondback] [...Oh damn.]
[Snipe] Gaaah.
[Lucas^] ...Mom?
* Kara runs away from Lucas as he's destracted, down a hall, and turns into another room, leaning against a wall and sliding down it taking a deep breath
* Viper aims the blaster cannon at them
[Viper] Comm: I will fire.
[Diamondback] {I don't know if it's Seraphna, but there is SOME powerful psion in there...}
[Velocity] Like hell.  Not when we're this close to our dreams!
[Snipe] That thing took my Isolator II down in 3 shots.
[Snipe] Don't taunt it, Ron.
[Kyo`Yokuo] what sould we do?
[Velocity] Taunt?  I'm merely going to show her who's the better pilot.
[Snipe] ---Ron!?
[Diamondback] {You know the only thing it takes to beat a psion, Snipe?}
* Velocity powers down the shields.
[Velocity] Comm: Okay, you win.  We're leaving.
[Diamondback] NRP: Remember, {} is both telepathically and aloud.
* Viper lowers her guard some
[Snipe] What?
[Diamondback] {Another psion.}
* Velocity suddenly jerks the Excalibur back and straight up
[Velocity] LATER LOSER!
* Lucas^ blinks
[Diamondback] {Let's see what she does. Ron's a better pilot than I first thought.}
[Kara] What the hell did I do to deserve this...?
* Velocity spins the Excalibur and hits the boosters and zooms past Viper toward the temple in the background
[Viper] !?
* Lucas^ looks at the Viper
[Lucas^] Mom...?
* Viper zooms up and flies after Excalibur
[Velocity] Dammit, it's gaining.
* Velocity ducks into the jungle, playing in the trees
* Diamondback throws his arms out and cloaks the Excalibur
[Viper] ...
* Lucas^ grabs the Comm
[Lucas^] Comm: Mom....?
* Viper aims the blaster cannon and fires randomly into the jungle
[Viper] Comm: Lucas...?
* Velocity flies to the right as some trees explode
[Velocity] She's firing blindly.
[Snipe] Hrm.
[Lucas^] Comm: Wh... what are you doing...?
[Kyo`Yokuo] yea... we have a good chance..
[Viper] Comm: Damn.
* Viper retreats for now.
*** Viper has quit IRC
* Diamondback drops the cloak
* Lucas^ blinks more
* Kyo`Yokuo looks at Lucas "so it is your mom..."
[Diamondback] [Note to self, things change like crazy when I'm gone.]
[Kyo`Yokuo] intersting...
[Lucas^] I... don't get it...
[Kyo`Yokuo] What is she hiding from us..
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[Diamondback] [Your mother is skilled with psionics, if I'm not mistaken, right Luke?]
* Snipe sits odwn, shaking head
[Snipe] Where's Kara?
* Velocity flies to the base of the temple steps and lands, powering Excalibur down some
* Kyo`Yokuo scans the shuttle "dowen the hall in the room to the left"
[Velocity] I'll wait here for you guys.
[Lucas^] Yeah...
[Diamondback] [The plot thickens...] *thinks*
* Kara is setting in some random room trying to hide
* Snipe stands up and walks down the hall, knocking on the room
[Snipe] Out.  Now.
[Kara] What!? Those guys are trying to kill me! You want me to go out there!?
[Snipe] You set the sitting area on fire.  Out.  NOW!
* Diamondback 's eyes slowly fade into their deep purple color, though DB apparently isn't doing anything requiring psionics
[Kara] I didnt do anything and they tried to shoot me with some weird telekenetic powers and crap! *reluctantly opens the door
* Lucas^ looks at DB
* Kyo`Yokuo looks at DB
[Lucas^] Chris?
* Snipe grabs KAra roughly by the shirt and pushes her out into the sitting area.
* Diamondback 's eyes quickly return to their normal color
[Diamondback] [Yeah?]
[Snipe] Alright, Kara.  We're going to have a chat.
[Lucas^] What are you doing?
[Kara] Ack! .... sure....
[Diamondback] [Wh... what do you mean?]
* Snipe jabs finger right at her nose
[Lucas^] Your eyes... and you get real quiet..
* Velocity studies DB, frowning.
* Diamondback shrugs
[Kara] Because my family hates me... and I'm trying to regain there respect....
[Snipe] Respect?  By doing what?  Standing around!?  Losing your temper?!  Complaining?!  Accomplishing nothing!?
* Kara looks back at snipe sadly,
[Diamondback] [It's a mark of the enhanced. My eyes turn purple on occasion.]
[Lucas^] Enhanced?
[Kara] Look, I'm not perfect! I cant keep up with these godly powerfull people!
[Lucas^] Hm.
[Snipe] Then leave the Wraiths!
* Lucas^ looks up
[Kara] I WONT leave! I'm gonna prove myself!
[Lucas^] No one here is that powerful...
[Snipe] You're proving only to be an annoyance!
[Kara] You'll have to kill me first!
* Snipe pulls out his rifle from within his coat.
* Snipe aims it at Kara
[Snipe] Are you seeking death?
* Kara stands there, tears welling in her eyes
[Snipe] Is THAT your wish in the Wraiths?
* Kara says nothing
[Velocity] Uh, is Snipe...insane..?
* Lucas^ gets up and walks over to Snipe
* Snipe opens the door and waves rifle
[Snipe] Out.
[Lucas^] Brother, John...
[Kara] What? Are you gonna leave me here?
* Kyo`Yokuo blinks as he looks at the temple, almost in a tramce
[Diamondback] Snipe, knock it off. Give 'er a chance. She screws up, and we can keep her under control.
[Snipe] Out.  Now.
* Kara bites her lip and turns walking out
* Snipe follows her.
[Snipe] Face me.
* Lucas^ looks at him
* Kara turns to him
* Snipe throws the rifle at Kara
* Lucas^ looks back at DB
* Kara catches it "What is this for?"
* Diamondback looks at Luke, and shrugs
[Snipe] shoot me.
[Lucas^] I hate how cold some people are...
[Kara] Why?
* Lucas^ heads to the back of the shuttle
[Snipe] Don't question orders!  You'll get yourself killed!
[Diamondback] *to Luke* [Uh, it doesn't look like he's being cold right now...]
* Snipe gets into a battle stance.
* Lucas^ looks at DB
[Kara] Fine..... *Aims gun at Snipe* but remember... you asked for it....
* Velocity points at the temple
[Velocity] Maybe you should go check it out.
[Lucas^] Cold can also be firey hot.
* Snipe runs at Kara.
* Kara fires
* Snipe flips over the blast.
[Snipe] Again.
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* Snipe keeps running at Kara, throwing a punch.
* Diamondback flashes in front of Kara, blocking Snipe
* Kyo`Yokuo stands up and walks throught the control panal and out of the shuttle. he walks over to the temple and looks up at it, still in a bit o a trance
* Kara suprised, ducked under the punch, aiming the rifle up at Snipes gut and opening a steady stream of fire
[Diamondback] NRP: Scratch that
* Snipe takes the shots, backing up.
[Snipe] *hack*  
[Snipe] Good.
[Diamondback] NRP: I ain't getting shot. *snickers*
* Snipe wipes some blood of his lip.
* Diamondback shakes his head and looks at Velocity
* Kara shakes nervously, standing up taking a step back
[Diamondback] [R... right.]
* Snipe tackles Kara and pins her to the ground
[Kara] Why are you doing this..? AGH!
[Snipe] Now, tell me...we bleed like you, we fight.  And we die.  There's nothing different from us than you.
* Kara tries to kick snipe off in a flip
* Diamondback falls into the trance-like state again, but only for a brief second this time
* Snipe flips off.
* Kara stands "Your point?"
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[Diamondback] [Let's let Snipe teach Kara... whatever he's trying to teach her.]
* Lucas^ puts his hand on DB's shoulder
[Lucas^] You okay....?
[Snipe] The only thing preventing you here is not our abilities but yourself.  You complain and you hide, so you can't work with us.
[Kara] Are you threating to kick me out of the wraiths or something?
[Snipe] If you're going to be a Wraith, attempt to do things.  Volunteer.  Step out.  
* Kyo`Yokuo moves his right hand from his ride and rases it slowly a hand to the temple wall, his eyes turning a pure white as he looks at the wall
* Snipe points at Kara
[Diamondback] [Fine, fine.]
[Snipe] You are kicking yourself out before you even begin.  You want respect, but you won't get it with your current direction.
* Snipe wavers.
[Lucas^] You're spacing out...
[Velocity] I'm picking up Viper on the far end of the radar.  She'll be back.
[Kyo`Yokuo] [wow...i am actuly here...]
* Lucas^ looks at Vel
* Velocity wonders to himself what is here.
* Kara stands there, looking at snipe nervously "so what am I suppose to do then?"
* Snipe hunches a bit
[Snipe] Work as a team.  There is no I...
[Lucas^] Why's mom in that mech... wasn't she banned from the mech bay?
[Diamondback] [I... um, I'm just getting dizzy every now and then. I'm fine.]
[Snipe] ...I learned that a few months ago...from a friend.
[Snipe] Even if you're weak, as a team, you're strong.
* Diamondback teleports outside of the shuttle and looks around
[Kara] .....Are you hurt?
* Lucas^ follows DB
* Snipe falls to his knees, holding his gut
[Snipe] Nah.
* Kyo`Yokuo moves his hand over the wall
* Kara drops the gun running over "Yes you are, that shot in the got had to be painfull!"
[Snipe] GM: *the temple outside feels dead, like there's nothing inside*
[Snipe] Like I said, we're not much stronger than you.
[Kara] Not in defence.. but I cant do half the things most these people here can...
* Diamondback walks towards the temple, again silent and distant
[Snipe] Just work with them.  Don't try to mimic them.
* Snipe nods
[Snipe] Go tell them to get inside that temple for me, will you?
* Kyo`Yokuo tries to walk through the wall of the temple
[Snipe] GM: *Kyo is repeled*
[Kara] Alright... *Stands* Your going to be ok?
[Snipe] GM: *a bunch of steps lead to an opening*
[Snipe] Yeah, I'll go grab a medpack.
[Diamondback] [Don't bother, Kyo. Won't work.]
[Diamondback] [We'll just have to use the traditional method.]
[Kyo`Yokuo] [yea.. i noteced.... You are right] *walks over to the steps*
* Kara nods and runs over to the group wherever they are
* Snipe lurches for the shuttle, stepping in, holding his bleeding gut
* Snipe grabs a medpack, applying it.
[Kara] Snipe says to get inside the temple or something
* Diamondback adjusts his cap and looks up
[Diamondback] [We're working on it. Glad to see Snipe didn't kill you.]
[Lucas^] What's going on..? *looks a DB*
[Snipe] GM: *the sky darkens and it looks like rain*
[Kara] I think I almost killed him..
* Kara looks up
[Diamondback] [He'll be ok.]
* Kyo`Yokuo walks up the steps and looks at the opening
[Snipe] Voice: [Turn back!]
[Kyo`Yokuo] [why..?]
* Diamondback closes his eyes
*** Seraphna has joined #taw
* Seraphna steps out of the opening, holding her gun at Kyo
[Seraphna] This place is not for you.
[Seraphna] GM: *is definitely Seraphna, though her hair is different*
[Lucas^] Mom!?
[Seraphna] Stay back, Lucas.
[Kara] ..........?
* Diamondback looks at Sera
[Lucas^] Mom...!?
[Kyo`Yokuo] ...  Wow... Hold up there... Why isn`t it? 
* Lucas^ runs towards her
[Diamondback] [Step aside, Seraphna. You haven't any idea what you are dealing with.]
[Lucas^] Mom!!!
[Diamondback] [Lucas, stop!]
[Seraphna] [Nor do you, Chris Carter. The contents of the temple are not for you and the Enhanced!]
* Velocity steps out of the Excalibur.
* Snipe steps out, still in pain, but not bleeding.
[Snipe] The hell?! 
[Lucas^] Mom, put the gun down, what'er you doing!?
[Kyo`Yokuo] [Seraphna What the hell is in there.. Tell us..]
[Seraphna] Protecting this temple.
* Diamondback tightens his fists
* Diamondback becomes distant again
[Seraphna] [The key to unlocking the greatest disaster of this entire galaxy]
* Snipe is confused
[Kara] ...?
[Snipe] Why aren't you guys talking!?
[Lucas^] But these are our friends! *raises his hands* I don't understand!!!
[Seraphna] I should introduce name is Zeraphna.
*** Seraphna is now known as Zeraphna
[Snipe] Zera--what?
[Kyo`Yokuo] what the hell?
* Lucas^ blinks
[Lucas^] Mom...?
* Diamondback raises an eyebrow, returning to reality
[Kara] Ok, this crap is freaking me out now..
[Zeraphna] Go home.  Now.  *says cooly, though her composure is dropping a bit*
[Lucas^] Zer....raphna?
* Diamondback stands straight, and adjusts his cap
[Diamondback] [I'm afraid that's not an option, lady.]
* Kyo`Yokuo crosses his arms [I agree] he walks up a few more steps
* Zeraphna takes a step back and holds the rifle steady.
[Kara] I can see where this is going...
[Snipe] Me too...and I can't hear a damn thing.
* Lucas^ stands infront of her
[Lucas^] Stop, Mom.. ?
[Zeraphna] ...
[Kara] We're going to have to fight a Seraphna clone in order to go in and unlock a mystery that will be the key to winning the war...
[Diamondback] Don't worry about it, Snipe, nothing interesting is being said...
[Zeraphna] I'm not your mom, Lucas.
* Kyo`Yokuo walks up next to Lucas
[Lucas^] But...?
[Snipe] ...we will?
[Lucas^] You look just like her... and your name....?
* Snipe runs up the steps behind the others.
* Zeraphna shrugs
* Diamondback , halfway up the stairs, resumes upward
* Kara walks up the steps
[Zeraphna] Call me her twin.
[Lucas^] Twin...???
*** Kyo has joined #TAW
[Velocity] Sera has a twin?
[Kara] See? I knew it. Evil twin,clone, same difference.
* Velocity runs up the steps
[Diamondback] [...I seem to recall Dad telling me about something similar to this back when he was a Hunter...]
* Diamondback reaches the top, and looks into Zeraphna's eyes
[Kara] NRP: Shoot em!
* Zeraphna stares back. These are not the eyes of the Seraphna we all know, but these eyes are colder.
* Kyo follows Sb
[Zeraphna] [I won't let them have it, DB.  Anyone.]
[Kyo] *DB
* Lucas^ blinks
[Lucas^] What's so important about this...?
[Snipe] Look, can't we all just sit down and talk about this?
[Velocity] You...TALK?
[Kara] What the hell is in there?
[Snipe] I already got shot today.
* Diamondback looks at Lucas with a "this is over your head" look
*** Kyo has left #TAW
* Lucas^ nods slowly, backing away
[Kyo`Yokuo] NRP: that was odd
* Zeraphna hits a pad on her arm and suddenly Viper flies over head
[Lucas^] I... Errgh....
[Velocity] Damn!
* Diamondback falls into a defensive stance and looks up
[Diamondback] [...Ah, dammit...]
[Velocity] I got the mech
[Kyo`Yokuo] [crap..]
* Velocity jumps down the steps and rolls into Excalibur
[Snipe] RON!?
[Snipe] That shuttle can't fight her mech!
* Velocity lifts the Excalibur up and begins to fire at Viper.
[Diamondback] [...That's insane! You won't stand a chance!]
[Kara] I thought the Excalibur was the pride of our fleet?
* Zeraphna looks distracted.
[Snipe] It's a shuttle!
[Snipe] Not a battleship!
[Kara] ....... so?
* Diamondback notes that he has an opening, but for some reason can't take it
* Velocity rams Viper away from the temple
[Zeraphna] Damn.
[Kara] Just shoot her and lets go in!
* Zeraphna turns back to the others, looking more determined.
* Diamondback shakes it off and fires a psionic blast at Zera
* Lucas^ blinks
* Zeraphna raises hand, blocking it wiht a psi-shield.
[Diamondback] [You're good.]
* Zeraphna fires the rifle at DB's chest.
* Diamondback stops it with his own psi-shield
[Lucas^] CHRIS!
[Zeraphna] [I know]
* Kara rubs her chin "Would be a waste tho..."
* Snipe points at Kyo and Kara
* Lucas^ looks back
[Snipe] Into the temple, now!
* Snipe grabs Lucas, running into the temple, past the startled Zeraphna
* Kyo`Yokuo runs past Zeraphna and into the temple
* Kara nodes and runs at the temple while Zera is destracted
* Lucas^ breaks for it
[Diamondback] [But it looks like we just suckered you.]
* Lucas^ pulls free of Snipe and runs on his own
[Zeraphna] [....]
* Snipe looks around the dark hallway and sees it splits up to left and right
[Snipe] Which way?!
[Lucas^] Split up
* Zeraphna fires three more blasts at DB
* Snipe runs right
* Kara takes the right
* Kyo`Yokuo runs left
* Diamondback deflects the blasts with the shield
* Snipe stops dead in his tracks
[Snipe] SHIT!
* Snipe looks at the walls
[Snipe] I--I recognize this!
[Kara] ..?
[Diamondback] [Look! This is over all of our heads!]
[Kara] What?
[Snipe] The pyramid...with Cain...
* Snipe backs up.
[Diamondback] [I know your role is to defend this temple...]
[Kara] Huh...? What are you talking about Snipe?
[Zeraphna] [Ah know that]
[Snipe] Back on Earth, we fought Cain in a pyramid...he had ancient technology there by Motenks.
* Kara looks at snipe then at the walls
[Snipe] An ancient race.
[Diamondback] [But... I don't think even YOU could stop the Tsivrixsh, were they to come here...]
* Kyo`Yokuo looks around in the dark hall, seeing through the darkness, seeing what is around
[Snipe] The machine was suppose to be a wish machine, I think, but it didn't work that way.  Somehow, Dias used it to bring me back to life.
[Zeraphna] ...
[Zeraphna] [Ah'll see about that]
* Zeraphna leaps up on top of the temple and runs off.
*** Zeraphna has quit IRC
[Diamondback] [You have to understand...] *shakes his head*
[Kara] So this is a Motenks temple..
[Snipe] It could be.
* Diamondback sighs and jogs into the temple, again falling into a trance
[Kara] Why are we even here? Whats so special that that good looking Seraphna clone was hiding?
* Lucas^ looks at Snipe
[Snipe] I'm not sure, but if this place has Motenk technology, we could all be in for a wild ride.
* Lucas^ looks at Kara
* Diamondback turns right at the junction
[Lucas^] Good looking...?
* Kara turns red" SLip of the toungue?"
* Kyo`Yokuo wonders what is ahead of him
[Snipe] NRP: Where is Kyo?
[Lucas^] Oh...
[Kyo`Yokuo] NRP: he went left
[Diamondback] *meets up with the rest* {Good... I was worried I took the wrong turn back there. Where's Kyo?}
[Snipe] GM: *Kyo suddenly activates traps and the walls begin to fire electricity*
[Kara] Are motenks more advanced than we are?
[Lucas^] I get it.. *pats Kara on the back* it's okay, but she looks like my mom...
[Snipe] Well, it seemed that way.
[Kara] huh?
[Kara] what do you mean "You get it"?
[Diamondback] {...Something's happening back there, left at the junction... I can sense it.}
[Kara] And if they are, then why dont we get a tech team down here and assimilate some of it?
[Lucas^] You're like that!
[Kara] Like what!?
[Kyo`Yokuo] Shit! *he tries to dive from side to side, still moving forward wanting to see whats ahead*
[Diamondback] {I think our friend activated some of this place's traps.}
[Snipe] GM: *Kyo makes his way forward, but loses HP for every 3 feet he gains*
[Lucas^] You know... that thing Wiendigo always talks about..
[Snipe] ...dammit.
* Snipe points down the right
[Snipe] I feel a breeze from that way.
* Kyo`Yokuo stops and pants
[Kara] I dont know weiindigo *looks
[Kara] Then shall we go?
[Snipe] But Kyo is back that way.
* Snipe jabs finger back to he left.
[Diamondback] {I'll go get Kyo, and we'll catch up.}
[Kara] He can take care of himself
[Snipe] Roger.
* Snipe runs down the right path.
* Diamondback heads back left
* Kara follows
[Snipe] GM: *psionic blasts begin to hit Kyo*
* Lucas^ follows Snipe
* Snipe appears on the side of the temple, back outside, where it is raining now.
[Snipe] Hrm
* Diamondback enters the trap radius and protects himself with a psi-shield
* Snipe walks along the edge and enters a new hole in the wall, in a new hallway.
[Kyo`Yokuo] Shit! *he tries to get out of the way as he also tries to use a psionic barrior to shild himself
[Kara] Just another exit
* Diamondback sees Kyo and aids his psi-shield
[Diamondback] [Come on, they're waiting on us back right.]
[Snipe] GM: *the psi-attacks keep up, but they seem to be generaed by the temple itself*
[Diamondback] [Since this is apparently the wrong way!]
[Snipe] GM: *and they increase in AP damage every hit*
* Diamondback heads back right, making sure not to let Kyo lag too far behind
* Snipe looks around the new hallway.
[Diamondback] [Follow me!]
[Kara] NRP: Is it dark?
[Snipe] NRP: Strangely, no, but there's no light sources.
* Snipe suddenly sees a huge blast heading towards him
* Snipe is hit, stepping back, but is unhurt
[Kara] NRP: just like Amythist
[Snipe] The hell?!
* Lucas^ blinks
[Lucas^] John???
* Snipe is hit by another blast, the size of him, but is unphased
* Kyo`Yokuo nods and runs after DB
[Kara] oooooooooh.. Eyecandy.... ...
[Snipe] What is this?!
* Diamondback bursts out of the temple, and almost falls
* Snipe keeps getting hit
* Diamondback turns and enters the hole the rest of the team entered earlier
[Kara] Temple defences methinks?
[Snipe] What are they suppose to do?  Blind us to death!?
* Snipe is hit again
[Diamondback] *catches up* {Looks more like a lightshow to me.}
* Kyo`Yokuo slids to a stop a foot behind Db, still following him
[Diamondback] {...Wait a second.}
[Kara] Theyre probably pretty potent, but psionic..
* Snipe is hit again
[Snipe] Okay, this is annoying me.
[Kara] that might be why your not being affected... *watches snipe get pumbled
[Kyo`Yokuo] [whats goin' on?]
[Diamondback] {Remember, John? Your nullification ability.}
[Snipe] So these are psionic attacks?  But don't living things generate that usually?
[Diamondback] {They don't affect you, but we'd get slaughtered.}
* Diamondback nods, thinking, eyes purple again
[Kara] Neurons might be emulated by the temple?
* Lucas^ blinks
[Snipe] So, that could mean, the temple is alive, Kara?
* Snipe is hit a few more times.
[Lucas^] What does that mean for me...?
[Kara] Maybe... I think i saw this in a video game..
[Diamondback] {...That's it. I've had enough of this.}
* Snipe runs forward, the blasts now going over you guys
* Diamondback forms a psi-shield large enough to cover the entire hallway in front of the team
[Lucas^] Ack!
[Kara] EEP! *ducks and dodges trying to go forward
[Snipe] GM: *hits the psi-shield with the force of 7,000 AP*
[Diamondback] [Stay behind the shield!. *grunts*
[Snipe] GM: *hits the psi-shield with the force of 8,000 AP*
* Lucas^ runs after Snipe
* Kyo`Yokuo helps DB inforce the shild
* Snipe turns back around
* Diamondback runs, moving the shield forward as well
[Snipe] Come on!
* Snipe stands in front of Lucas, taking stray shots
* Kyo`Yokuo follows next to DB
[Snipe] GM: *hits the psi-shield with the force of 9,000 AP*
* Lucas^ stays behind him
* Snipe reaches a staircase, running down it.
[Syria] NRP: And Hota and Kyouki are back at Origin.
* Lucas^ follows
[Snipe] GM: *hits the psi-shield with the force of 10,000 AP*
* Kara jumps down the stairs
* Diamondback reaches the staircase not long after Snipe and blazes down it
* Snipe reaches another level. The walls themselves seem to be moving.
[Snipe] No attacks here.
* Kyo`Yokuo still stays as close to DB as bosable
* Snipe looks at Kara, blinking
* Diamondback drops the shield and wipes sweat off of his forehead
* Snipe suddenly sees a darkness in the hallway, coming towards them
[Kara] See!
* Lucas^ blinks
[Lucas^] Um..
* Kyo`Yokuo pants as he also drops it. he looks around as he walks up to Snipe
[Snipe] Hey, look, the lights are going out---*Sees teeth in the darkness* MONSTER!
[Lucas^] John...?
* Diamondback shakes his head and throws the shield back up
* Snipe runs the opposite way.
[Lucas^] Ack!
[Kara] EVIL!! *Runs back up the stairs
[Diamondback] [Kyo! Assist!]
* Lucas^ fires a blasta at it
[Snipe] Monster: *chomps, heading right for them*
* Diamondback turns and runs the other way
[Lucas^] .... eep.
* Lucas^ runs
[Kyo`Yokuo] [you got it!] *he adds again*
* Snipe runs down down the hallway
* Kyo`Yokuo follows Db
[Snipe] GM: *monster passes the stairs, blocking Kara from returning*
* Lucas^ follows
[Snipe] It's gaaaaining!
* Snipe takes a right
* Lucas^ turns too
* Diamondback runs after Snipe
* Snipe sees a dead end with a hole.
[Diamondback] {Where's Kara?!}
[Kara] Maybve it cant take extreme heat! *Fires a steady stream of flames at it
* Kyo`Yokuo runs after Db
[Snipe] Monster: *Roars in pain and stops, reversing itself*
* Snipe stops at the hole, looking back
* Diamondback stops, sensing what is going on
[Snipe] Monster: *turns and stares at Kara*
[Snipe] Monster: ROOOOOOOOAAAR!
[Diamondback] {Kara's got something!}
[Snipe] MonsteR: *begins to move up the stairs*
[Kara] DIE! *keeps firing flames
[Diamondback] {I'll go help her, you all stay here!}
[Snipe] Have fun./
* Diamondback runs back to the stairs
[Lucas^] This was a bad bad bad idea...
* Kara steps back still firing
* Lucas^ looks at Snipe
[Snipe] Monster: *begins to steam, but swallows Kara*
* Snipe stares down the hole
[Snipe] There's some kind of chamber below.
[Lucas^] Maybe we should have listened to Mo--Se--I mean... Zeraphna..
* Diamondback reaches the stairs, Kara, and the monster, and simulates fire in a psionic blast at the monster
* Lucas^ looks at him
[Snipe] Monster: *blows up, throwing Kara at DB*
[Lucas^] Well...
[Kara] HELP MEEE!!!
* Kyo`Yokuo looks at Db [Watch your ass chris] he looks at Snipe
[Diamondback] [Let her go, dammit!]
[Lucas^] Let's go...
[Diamondback] [...AAAH!]
* Diamondback telekinetically stops Kara, and sets her down on her feet
* Snipe flips down the hole into the chamber.
* Lucas^ jumps down after him
* Kara drops to her knees stairing blanlky, obviously severly traumatised
* Snipe looks around, seeing strange pictures of humanoid people.
[Diamondback] [Now aren't you glad I came back?] *offers his hand*
* Snipe points at what looks to be a computer console.
* Lucas^ holds up a ball of light, lighting things if they aren't already
* Kara shakily takes the hand trying to stand
[Lucas^] What's all this...?
[Snipe] Not sure, but this must be the heart of the temple.
* Diamondback closes his eyes, transferring a healing energy into Kara's body
[Kyo`Yokuo] maybe..
[Diamondback] [You'll be all right, just take it easy for a little while. I don't sense any permanent damage.]
* Kara stands panting heavily "Thanks..."
[Snipe] Maybe?
* Snipe looks at the console
[Snipe] No controls.
* Diamondback motions towards the hole with his head
* Snipe rubs chin, thinking
[Diamondback] [The rest of the team is waiting on us. C'mon, let's catch up.]
* Kara nods and runs at the hole
[Lucas^] NRP:brb
* Diamondback grins and shakes his head
* Kyo`Yokuo looks at the consol as he thinks as well "Is it crontroled by Psionics?"
[Diamondback] .oO{And she says she can't keep up wit us.}
[Snipe] Try it.
* Diamondback jogs towards the hole and dives in when he reaches it
* Kyo`Yokuo tries
[Snipe] GM: *begins to light up*
[Snipe] Hey, you're onto something.
[Diamondback] NRP: AAAH! GM's a light bulb!
[Snipe] Voice: *in English* Level 1 Code, Unlocked.
* Kara stops behind them"oh crap... my hairs a mess...!"
* Diamondback walks up to the others, and looks at Kara
[Diamondback] [Hey Kar, catch.]
[Kara] ..?
[Kyo`Yokuo] [Well.. i got something..]
* Diamondback teleports a comb into his hand and tosses it to her
* Snipe doesn't hear Kyo
[Snipe] Well, something happened.
[Kyo`Yokuo] Yea we did..
[Diamondback] {So, what's going on?}
* Kara grabs it "Eheheheh.... yeah.. thanks..." idly combs it watching the others
[Snipe] Kyo just managed to use psionics to touch the console and unlocked a level 1 code.
* Kyo`Yokuo nods
* Diamondback thinks, his eyes purple
[Diamondback] {What do you think that code does?}
[Snipe] Don't know.
* Snipe looks around and sees a new console
[Snipe] Hey, over there!
* Snipe points
* Diamondback jogs to it
* Kyo`Yokuo follows DB
[Diamondback] {Fancy.}
[Snipe] Again, no buttons.
* Snipe frowns.
* Kara looks .oO(Whats here thats so special that it had to be guarded by such beasts,.,,)
[Diamondback] {This one's mine. Psionics, right?}
[Snipe] Right.
* Kyo`Yokuo looks around for any other consoles
* Diamondback attempts to manipulate the console
[Snipe] GM: *none*
[Snipe] Voice: *in English* Level 2 Code, Unlocked.
[Snipe] GM: *one on the other side appears, as done another*
[Kyo`Yokuo] Well thats two
[Snipe] *does*
[Snipe] Two of them now.
[Snipe] *faint voices can be heard in their heads, though nothing can be made out just yet.  Snipe hears nothing.*
[Kara] ...?
[Diamondback] {I have a strange feeling.}
[Snipe] About
[Snipe] ?
[Kyo`Yokuo] {so do i..}
[Diamondback] {Kyo, on my mark, activate the console over there.} *points*
* Diamondback walks to the other one
* Kyo`Yokuo nods
* Kyo`Yokuo walks over to the other one
[Kara] Maybe it has to be done at the same time..
[Snipe] Probably, KAra.
[Diamondback] {1... 2... 3.}
* Kyo`Yokuo tries again to manipulat the console
[Kara] Maybe I should take the time to learn more potent psionics than just Pyrokenetics....
* Diamondback manipulates the console as he did the last one, hoping Kyo does at the same time
[Snipe] Voice: *in English* Level 3 Code, Unlocked.
[Kyo`Yokuo] {We go it}
[Diamondback] {Looks like we were right.}
[Kyo`Yokuo] {yep}
[Kara] What exactly are we unlocking?
[Snipe] GM: *more voices are heard in their heads, like voices of past people*
[Snipe] GM: *in the middle of the room a huge machine rises*
[Kara] ..? *Tries to make out what they are saying
[Diamondback] {Who knows?}
[Snipe] Voice: Identify.
[Diamondback] {It's something big, though...}
* Diamondback falls silent again
[Kyo`Yokuo] {I agree...}
*** Dominator is now known as Avatar
* Kyo`Yokuo blinsk as he hears the voices
[Kara] Well, someone identify themselves..
[Diamondback] {...Uh...}
[Snipe] How?
[Kara] I dunno
[Kara] Kara Dreamstone?
[Snipe] Voice: *doesn't respond*
[Kara] hmm..
[Kara] talk to it Psionicly
[Diamondback] [Christopher Wayne Carter.]
[Snipe] Voice: Step up for Scan.
[Snipe] GM: *A beam appears*
[Kara] Sweet.
* Diamondback looks around nervously
[Kyo`Yokuo] sould i try as well?
[Snipe] Let DB try it first, since he got it talking.
* Diamondback steps into the beam cautiously
[Kara] No, lets see if DB gets fried first
* Kyo`Yokuo nods
[Snipe] Voice: Human, Class B Psionic....upgraded psionic powers.  Logged information.
[Snipe] GM: *suddenly the entire temple begins to shake*
[Kyo`Yokuo] Eep
[Snipe] The hell?!
* Kara glares at Kyo
[Snipe] GM: *suddenly the walls begin to lower themselves and they are in the rain.*
[Snipe] GM: *the platform shoots up into the sky, rising*
* Kyo`Yokuo blinks
[Snipe] Oh shit!
[Kara] Are we gonna die now?
[Kyo`Yokuo] Chris you better keep it in one peace!
* Snipe looks out as he gets wet.
[Snipe] GM: *suddenly the platform begins to blink and a powerful psionic wave errupts*
[Snipe] ?!
[Snipe] The hell?
* Kara braces herself
* Kyo`Yokuo blinks as he watchs
[Snipe] *to all psionic users, they begin to see a vision of a planet in their head.  On this planet, a powerful psionic source is buried, in dormat, and can only be given to one person.  The power of this source is unlike anything else in the galaxy, the ultimate temptation*
[Kara] oooooooh.......
[Snipe] WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!  *shouts over the rain*
[Kyo`Yokuo] Wow
* Kara reaches out trying to grab it even though its a vision
[Diamondback] NRP: *returns* Sorry, sorry...
* Snipe notes the platform is dead a doornail now.
* Diamondback falls into a trance, his eyes now a bright purple
[Kyo`Yokuo] Ok... Now we have to find out who gets it..
[Snipe] GM: *all over the galaxy, psionic users are seeing this.  The entire galaxy becomes charged, like riding a wave*
[Snipe] Who gets what?
[Avatar] [...Chris...You're here...You're hear it too...] *his voice echoes in DB's mind*
[Diamondback] [...Huh... Hey...!]
* Velocity flies in through the rain, touching down beside the platform
* Velocity runs out
* Avatar appears in front of Diamondback
[Velocity] What did you guys do?!  I felt the power in this vision.
* Snipe is utterly lost.
[Diamondback] [...Ryan...!]
[Lucas^] NRP: Back...
* Snipe looks at Chris staring at nothing
[Kyo`Yokuo] {we must move shortly.. and fast}
[Avatar] [It's good to see you again... I thought... I though I wouldn't...]
[Kara] We gotta find it!
[Velocity] I must have that was like bathing in a warm river.
[Lucas^] NRP: Flash me, where am I?
[Snipe] NRP: Someone flash him.
[Kyo`Yokuo] Your not the only one Ron..
[Diamondback] *nods slowly* [...What are you doing here...?]
[Kara] If we dont find it, someone else could, like the tsev, and use it against us!
[Diamondback] [And... how?]
[Avatar] [Now that I've heard the call... I think I can make contact with the collective again... Or at least... with you...]
[Snipe] Earth to Chris!
[Diamondback] [I think you've got the "with me" part down...]
* Snipe waves hand in front of DB
[Kyo`Yokuo] Ron Get the shuttle ready
* Diamondback ignores Snipe
[Velocity] It's ready to go.
[Avatar] [I... I'm not sure... I escaped I was killed... but... I was lost...I couldn't find the collective... But now... I followed the dream...]
[Kara] lets get moving! *turns running for the shuttle
* Snipe nods and grabs DB, dragging him toward the shuttle
[Avatar] [You'd better follow the others... I'll follow you...]
[Kyo`Yokuo] {chris, wrap it up soon}
[Diamondback] *still ignores Snipe* *to Av* [This... this power... is it too much for us to handle...?]
[Velocity] ...*giggles, thinking of the power*
[Avatar] [I don't know...]
* Snipe has dragged DB onto the shuttle
[Snipe] He's out of it.
* Snipe closes the ramp door.
[Avatar] [What will the Enhanced do...?]
* Kyo`Yokuo runs into the shuttle and jumps into his seat, fliping a few switchs as he gets it ready to take off
* Lucas^ sits down
[Diamondback] [This is over all of our heads...]
* Velocity lifts the shuttle up into the air
[Lucas^] .... Weird day.
[Avatar] [The others with you... the Hunters?]
[Snipe] I agree...and I have no idea why all these psions are so happy!
* Snipe waves hand around.
[Diamondback] [It's a long story...]
* Velocity flies away from the planet.
[Avatar] [Should I appear to them...?]
[Lucas^] I think it's that place...
[Snipe] That temple down there?
[Diamondback] [If you wish... But if you're going to do it, hurry.]
[Lucas^] Yeahh...
* Snipe shakes head and looks at Kyo
[Snipe] What happened after DB identified himself?
* Avatar becomes visible to everyone
* Velocity looks at Avatar
[Velocity] Hey, when'd you pick him up?
* Avatar rubs head, confused as to what's going on exactly himself
[Snipe] Who?  *looks around*
[Lucas^] Who's that?
[Diamondback] *to Av* [You've gotta teach me how to do that.]
* Kara is gone again
[Avatar] [Er... Hello...]
[Snipe] Who's who?
* Lucas^ points
[Snipe] ARGH!  What the hell is going on here!
* Avatar waves hand in front of Snipe
[Lucas^] Guy just faded in...
[Avatar] [I guess he still can't see me...]
* Lucas^ looks at Snipe
[Avatar] [I'm... Avatar.]
* Snipe looks at Lucas dubiously.
[Snipe] You're spacing out now.
[Kyo`Yokuo] [hi Avatar]
[Velocity] [yo]
[Diamondback] [Guys... Ryan Elder. He's an enhanced, like myself... assumed dead after a crazy mission went horribly wrong.]
[Lucas^] Person just faded in... I'll tell you what he says....
* Lucas^ repeats after him to Snipe
[Kyo`Yokuo] Ron, get us there at top speed
* Velocity enters hyperspace.
[Snipe] Ava---Avatar?
* Snipe looks around
[Snipe] RYAN!?
[Kyo`Yokuo] push this thing to its limets.. 
[Diamondback] *to Av* [I wonder if anyone else will answer the call...?]
* Lucas^ (NRP: Silently) works at the medium for Av to Snipe
[Avatar] *to DB* [I don't doubt it...]
[Snipe] How did Ryan survive that attack by Xevil?
[Avatar] *to DB* [Tell Snipe hello for me...]
* Kara walks into the room decked out in belts of bullets machine guns and heavy artillery "ALRIGHT! I'm ready for war! We will find the power and crush our enemies!" *stands there looking stupid
[Diamondback] Um... Ryan said hey, John.
* Snipe looks at Kara
[Snipe] Cripes!
[Snipe] What power?
[Kara] The Ultimate psionic abilities!
[Avatar] *to DB* [Somehow... My psionics are much stronger now... Before, I couldn't even find the collective, much less appear in the psionic realm...] *attempts to telekinetically lift a med-kit, seeing if his powers work*
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs as me incresses the power as much as he can
[Snipe] GM: *Watches a med-kit lift* Creepy..
[Kara] I can squish your brain from ten miles away if I had that!
[Snipe] ...
[Kara] What?
[Snipe] *Yells so loud the shuttle shakes* JUST WHAT DID WE UNLOCK!?
[Avatar] [Tell Snipe that my psionic essence escaped...]
[Velocity] Yeow, whoa, shuttle shook.
[Kara] The Galaxies most powerfull weapon......?
[Diamondback] {John... quit going psycho!}
[Diamondback] {Ryan says that his psionic essence escaped. I think that he knows about as well as I do what that exactly means, but...}
* Avatar tries to touch the med kit, but his hand passes through it
[Kara] ... I got a Bazooka! *Shows it off
* Snipe rubs chin
[Snipe] The galaxies most powerful weapon...and Ryan managed to get back from it all?
[Kyo`Yokuo] must get there asap
[Snipe] If that's true, then the entire galaxy will be after this treasure.
[Lucas^] NRP: How is Snipe hearing DB, if he's talking in psi?
[Diamondback] {I guess you could say he's a ghost of sorts...}
* Kara test aims it at DB
[Snipe] NRP: {} Means outloud and in psionic.
[Diamondback] NRP: {}. Psi/aloud.
[Lucas^] NRP: Did not know that.
* Velocity appears at Origin, flying loops around and landing in the hanger.
* Avatar attempts to make contact with the collective
[Kyo`Yokuo] ...?
[Kara] Wait... Is this thing loaded...
* Velocity powers down and opens a door
* Lucas^ looks at Kara
[Lucas^] Put that away...
* Snipe holds head
* Lucas^ jumps out
[Snipe] This is giving me a headache.
[Snipe] We need to sort things out.
* Snipe steps out of the shuttle
* Kyo`Yokuo jumps out of the shuttle
* Avatar holds head and stumbles back, overloaded with the information he learns from the collective
* Kara follows trying to figure out of the bazooka is loaded
[Snipe] Voice: {Hey, did you guys think you could start a party without me?}
[Snipe] ...?
[Diamondback] {YOU have a headache? We're the ones using our brains as weapons...}
* Snipe turns around
* Snipe sees two shadows standing in the corner.
* Kyo`Yokuo looks at the shadows
* Diamondback recognizes the voice
[Snipe] Andrew...?
[Diamondback] [...Well, I'll be damned.]
* Avatar is too distracted to even notice the new arrivals
[Snipe] Ripple: *Steps out, grinning* {I said I'd come back if you needed help and after all that you've done, I knew you'd need it.}
* Avatar looks up
[Kara] Hmmmmm,.... What does this button do... *Slowly moves finger towards fire button
[Diamondback] {Hail, hail, the crowd's all here...}
[Lucas^] NOOO!!
* Velocity steps out
* Lucas^ tackkles Kara
[Kara] ACK!
[Avatar] *attempts to say outloud as well, succeeding* {Ripple...}
[Snipe] I'll be damned, an Enhanced army right in our own hanger.  *points at the other shadow* Spirit?
* Lucas^ pries it away
[Lucas^] Stop that!
[Kara] Its not even loaded!
[Snipe] Ripple: [Ryan!  But how--?]
[Kara] GET the HELL off me!
* Lucas^ opens it up and looks
[Lucas^] ..... It is loaded!
[Kara] *its loaded
[Diamondback] *to Rip and Av* [Long story.]
[Kara] No it isnt!
* Kara looks
[Kara] Thats.. a figment of your imagination!
* Lucas^ pulls out the ammo and shows it
[Snipe] Dias: *hangs there* Geeze, and I thought you guys were going out for pizza.
[Avatar] {I'm not sure myself, Andrew... I escaped Xevil but... Only now have I found my way back... It's been almost a whole year...} *shakes head again*
[Lucas^] Then how come you see it?
[Kara] LIES!
* Lucas^ gets up and puts it away
* Kara grabs the missile and throws it over her shoulder
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs as he gets lost
[Snipe] Ripple: *gets that grin of his* [So, we're going after this power source, right?
[Avatar] *comes out of it, and moves to Snipe* Er, hey, Snipe, can you hear me when I talk outloud?
[Snipe] EGAD!
* Snipe jumps
* Snipe looks around
[Snipe] Don't scare me, uh, ghost.
[Avatar] ... I'll take that as a yes...
* Kara just threw a bazooka missile over her shoulder carelessly.......
[Snipe] Chip: Can we have a partyyyy?
[Avatar] *turns back to Ripple* [Of course...]
[Lucas^] Missile: *hits dully on her foot*
* Snipe looks at the crowded hanger.
[Kara] *And the missile falls.... and falls...
[Snipe] I think we should think of some reasonable plan of action before you all run off after some ... power.
[Snipe] I mean, obviously it's tied up with the Motenks.
[Avatar] *to DB and Ripple* [You realize that... as Enhanced we have a duty to make sure that only Enhanced gain this... "power"... I don't think we can trust any other psionics to control it... With the collective's aid, one of us could perhaps...]
[Kyo`Yokuo] ..??
* Kara walks out of the hanger as the bomb explodes
[Avatar] *to Db and Ripple* [One of us could perhaps control it...]
[Diamondback] *to Av and Rip* [Right...]
[Snipe] Ripple: ['re right.  But I don't think Snipe will stand by for it.]
* Snipe yells after KAra
* Lucas^ telepoets up to the rafters
[Kara] I DIDNT DO IT!!!
[Velocity] ...
[Velocity] Oy.
[Avatar] *to DB and Rip* [Well... For now let's go along with Snipe...]
[Avatar] Er... Snipe?
[Diamondback] *to Enhanced* [Rip's right... I say we should take our own little party after this source. We're enhanced - we don't really need their help on this one...]
[Snipe] Yes?
*** Alicia has joined #TAW
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[Avatar] What do we know about the Motenks?
* Snipe sighs
[Snipe] Give me time to scrap together the data.
* Lucas^ drops down and look at Av Chris and Andrew
*** Alicia is now known as Hotaru_Airier
[Lucas^] Chris, are these' dad's friends, too?
[Diamondback] NRP: Well, for one, they sound like a DBZ character.
[Snipe] No one's going to reach the power source until tomorrow, anyway.
[Avatar] *to Enhanced* [If we stay with the Hunters we could at least keep the other Enhanced informed... We won't be the only enhanced following the signal...]
[Snipe] Look at how highly buzzed you all are.
[Diamondback] [Yeah... we all fought toegether at one time.]
[Snipe] Ripple: [Lets follow Ryan's idea.]
[Diamondback] *to Enhanced* [Yeah.]
* Lucas^ waves lightly to Rip and Av
[Lucas^] *lightly* Hi...
* Avatar waves back
[Snipe] You're like a pack of bees who just got necter after years.
[Avatar] Nice to meet you...
*** Syria has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[Lucas^] [You too.]
[Velocity] Yeah, well, you should have seen the power!
[Snipe] Yeah, yeah.
[Hotaru_Airier] ...
[Diamondback] [Good old formal Ryan Elder.]
* Snipe walks off to get some data together for a mission plan
* Avatar laughs
* Diamondback slaps Avatar on the back - and goes right through him
[Avatar] [Errr... Careful, Chris!]
[Diamondback] [...R... right...]
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs
[Lucas^] Hotaru! *waves*
[Velocity] We have to wait until the morning?!
[Velocity] ARGH!
* Avatar smiles, but looks a bit troubled
[Kyo`Yokuo] what?
[Snipe] Ripple: [Hey, if Snipe says he can come up with a plan, let him]
* Lucas^ is Psionic, himself, but also uses Ki, thanks to his parents
[Diamondback] [You sound anxious, Vel.]
[Kara] NRP: KI is magic! Thats not fair it isnt!
[Velocity] [Aren't you?]
[Lucas^] NRP: You have no idea...
[Diamondback] NRP: Let's not get into the physics of that, Kara...
[Kyo`Yokuo] {arn`t we all...}
[Kara] NRP: I know tonz and tonz abotu the physics of Magic! you cont hardly explain a thing to me
[Avatar] NRP: Let's leave it at this... Magic: No allowed in TAW, Ki: Allowed in ton
[Lucas^] I'm not...
[Avatar] NRP: Er, TAW.
[Kara] NRP: But its Spiritual!
[Lucas^] NRP: Magic is in no way related to Ki... 
[Snipe] Eve: *works on her mech* If you ask me, you're all being a bunch of lugheads, chasing after dreams of power.
* Velocity shoots Eve a glare.
* Lucas^ looks at Eve
[Kara] NRP: Yes it is, Ki is from ones Spirit, Magic is Spiritual
* Kyo`Yokuo sighs
[Hotaru_Airier] Heya Lucas!
[Lucas^] I agree... Power comes from yourself, not a third party!
[Snipe] Ripple: *puts arm around DB* [We have a lot of catching up to do.  All three of us]
[Lucas^] That's what Dad says anyway...
[Hotaru_Airier] What's the problem?
[Lucas^] Hotaru!
[Snipe] NRP: Garland: Musth ave...power!
* Lucas^ goes catgon and flies over to her
[Diamondback] *fights against the hold* [Yeah, yeah, right...]
[Lucas^] NRP: Garland: I have da power! BE HEALED! *whacks Snipe*
[Avatar] *psionically nods to Ripple* [Yeah...]
* Diamondback flips Ripple into the air
* Hotaru_Airier hugs Lucas.
* Lucas^ hugs back
[Avatar] [So, Andrew... How come you weren't with DB and the other Hunters?]
[Lucas^] Today was weird!
[Hotaru_Airier] What happened?
[Snipe] NRP: I got a keyboard...?
* Kyo`Yokuo looks around for Snipe
* Lucas^ points at Avatar
* Hotaru_Airier is telepathic, but stayed behind for some reason.
[Snipe] NRP: *looks at the keyboard*
[Lucas^] Dead guy!
* Avatar glances at Lucas
[Hotaru_Airier] [Who's that?]
[Avatar] ...
[Lucas^] ^-^
* Avatar makes contact with the Enhanced again
[Diamondback] [Looks like you've got a lot of explaining to do, Ryan...]
[Hotaru_Airier] He's dead?
* Lucas^ 's IQ is 1/3 at most like this. :P
[Snipe] NRP: I can't concentrate with grandparents over.
[Avatar] [Yeah... Hey! Ripple and Spirit got married??]
[Lucas^] *private to Hota* [I dunno if I trust him... it to convenient that he'd be where we were.]
[Avatar] [Congratulations... Uh, a little late on my part, but...]
[Diamondback] [*laughs* You've got a lot of catching up to do, too.]
[Snipe] NRP: *gives DB - Ripple to play as he wants for his grandparents to leavE*
[Avatar] [Yeah...]
[Hotaru_Airier] *to Lucas* [I'm not sure either... he was dead?]
[Lucas^] *to Hota* [They say so... but he says he psionically escaped...]
* Avatar glances back at Lucas and Hotaru
[Avatar] [That's about right...]
[Diamondback] [The Hianule family has grown as well, Ryan...]
[Avatar] [Has it?]
* Snipe stands in the control room, working on things.
[Kyo`Yokuo] .me walks up into the control room and looks at Snipe "need help?"
[Diamondback] *points* *to Av* [Luke there is Garland's son, for example.]
* Kyo`Yokuo walks up into the control room and looks at Snipe "need help?"
[Snipe] Not really.  *glances at Kyo*
* Lucas^ flies over to Diamondback's shoulder
* Kyo`Yokuo nods as he sighs
[Snipe] What's wrong?
[Hotaru_Airier] *to Lucas* [I'm going to have to find out more.]
[Lucas^] Hewwo again!
[Kyo`Yokuo] its this power thing.. I can see there will be alot of fighting ahead over this
[Lucas^] *to Hota* [Do that...]
[Avatar] [Really? Hmmm...]
[Diamondback] *to Av* [Half Hianule, half dragon. Makes for an interesting combination.] *to all* [Hey, Luke.]
[Snipe] Probably.  Every psi user in the entire galaxy is going to go haywire like you all did
* Hotaru_Airier wanders over to Avatar.
[Snipe] And they will all want it.
[Avatar] *to DB* [No doubt...]
[Kyo`Yokuo] I know..
* Avatar turns to Hotaru
[Hotaru_Airier] *to Ava* [You died?]
[Kyo`Yokuo] We all do
[Avatar] {Hi... Well, sort of...}
[Kyo`Yokuo] Wouldn`t you.. if you could?
* Snipe shakes head
* Lucas^ looks around from DB's shoulder
[Snipe] No, I don't think so.
[Hotaru_Airier] *to Av* [Care to explain?]
[Snipe] Infact, if I could, I'd blow the power source up.
[Avatar] {Basically... Xevil almost killed me and Death Star... Then I used all of my psionic power to stop Xevil from killing us... My body died, but my psionic essence escaped...}
* Snipe crosses arms, looking very serious.
[Avatar] {Only now have I found the way... the way back to the collective and to the physical plane...}
* Kyo`Yokuo nods "that makes me think of sera..or what ever it was, words of warning.."
[Avatar] {Now my powers fell much, much stronger...}
[Snipe] I think she might have been very, very right.
[Diamondback] {Well, when you think about it, you're pure psionic energy.}
* Kyo`Yokuo nods
[Avatar] *glances back at DB* {True...}
[Diamondback] Ripple: {It kinda makes sense that you'd be more poewrful.}
[Hotaru_Airier] {Wow... I needed a receptacle to escape to...}
[Lucas^] HOTA!!!!!!
[Hotaru_Airier] What?
[Avatar] {Just what exactly is making me so much powerful though...?}
[Diamondback] NRP: ...Whenever I play as someone else, I always typo more...
[Hotaru_Airier] OOPS
[Lucas^] Iceream!!! With fishies!
[Avatar] NRP: Heh heh
[Hotaru_Airier] WHERE?!!!
[Kyo`Yokuo] Well we shall have to wait and see.. good things come to those how wait... lets just hope we will not all die over this..
* Lucas^ flies off to the cafe
* Hotaru_Airier rushes off too.
[Snipe] Hrm.
[Avatar] [DB... When you stepped into that machine and it unleashed that energy... Only then could I appear like this... Something about that machine...}
[Avatar] ( } = ] )
* Lucas^ flies by Snipe, teling him about it in a frantic rage too
[Snipe] Whaaaat?
[Kara] NRP: Session.... end... when!?
* Snipe looks at Lucas, startled.
[Diamondback] *shrugs* [There was something strange about that entire temple...]
[Lucas^] ICE..... CREAM!
[Kyo`Yokuo] ..?
[Snipe] NRP: I think Chris and Ryan are having to much fun to end the session.
[Hotaru_Airier] Fishy ice cream!!!
[Snipe] ...
[Snipe] ...
[Kyo`Yokuo] ...
* Snipe points at the exit
* Hotaru_Airier changes into catgon form
[Snipe] You two, go.
* Lucas^ fliES against his back, pushing him to the cafe
* Diamondback shrugs
[Lucas^] Come onnnnnn!!!!!!!!
* Snipe refuses to budge
[Snipe] I'm working!
[Avatar] NRP: Heh heh
* Hotaru_Airier flies towards the cafe.
[Kyo`Yokuo] We have lots to do..
[Diamondback] [We'll worry about this mess tomorrow. For now, I need some rest.] *yawns*
[Lucas^] Work is later, icecream is now! Elly be there!
[Snipe] No!
* Snipe has a tone to his voice.
[Lucas^] Eep!
[Avatar] [I need some time too... To sort things out...]
* Lucas^ flies off
[Diamondback] [Using that much psi in that little time wears a guy out in a hurry.]
[Hotaru_Airier] Do I need to stay?
[Avatar] [And to spend with the collective...]
[Snipe] No.
* Diamondback nods
[Kyo`Yokuo] nice one Snipe..
* Snipe turns back to the data he's processing
[Diamondback] [Have fun catching up.]
[Snipe] I'm going to be pulling an all nighter, probably.  *groan*
[Diamondback] [And have fun finding your way around this place... it's a nightmare the first time.]
[Avatar] [I will... I was good seeing you guys again...]
* Lucas^ goes to have icecream and fishies with Hota and Elly
[Kyo`Yokuo] i`ll help out of ya need it..
* Diamondback turns his cap backwards and jogs down the hall, waving to Av
[Snipe] Session Ends
*** Snipe is now known as DeathStar
[Avatar] ( I = It)
Session Close: Sun Aug 05 19:51:34 2001