Session 16-Mission 113: Burial Grounds

Somethings seem to reoccur with each generation. Old pasts come back to haunt the present. This is the continuing story of an unknown anamoly...and this certainly isn't the end. The first occurance was in The Final Battle.

Session Start: Sat Oct 02 13:37:55 1999
[Snipe] Time Chart: October 30th
[Snipe] Location: The Wastelands
* Snipe walks across the sand, scanning the area
*** Maestro ( has joined #taw
[Dias] One more quesiton..Why are we here again?
[Paladin] You forget everything, don't you?
* Ripple glances around
[Spirit] He always does -.-
[Snipe] ....You're one to forget.  EarthGov Centeral was saying something about there being weird energy signatures here.
[Dias] Yeah. And I do it on purpose just to bug you. Is it working Paladin?
[Ripple] Isnt this the place where X and Zero were killed?
[Paladin] I think the abscence of bathing is working better
[Snipe] ...Actually, that's where the energy spikes are coming from, Paladin.
* ShellX left eye dialates as he scans the area
[Dias] What are you talking abou. I took a shower this morning
[Snipe] NRP: Er, Ripple
[Paladin] NRP: Energy from BO?
[Snipe] This is my first time ever here...anyone of YOU know the location?
[Paladin] Yes.
[Ripple] Not I...
[Spirit] Not a clue...
[Dias] Yeah over yonder..
* Snipe shields his eyes as he glances at Paladin
[Ripple] Dad told me about it... but he never took me here..
[Snipe] Ah, yes, the X-Hunter.
* Gravedigger examines the dirt
* ShellX as Shell X scans the area he shivers, not from the cold
[Snipe] ....Alright....*holds his scanner, beeping from the energy spikes* Ready to go?
[Dias] Yeah.
[Ripple] Lets rock *eyes blaze faintly purple, as he scans for anything out of the ordinary
* Gravedigger nods
* Snipe suddenly remembers something and grimaces
[Snipe] Oh, yeah, I should probably tell you all about Garland...
* Gravedigger looks at Snipe puzzled
[Dias] And I'm one to forget.
[Ripple] What about him?
[Spirit] Did something happen?
[Paladin] Would you let the man speak?
[Dias] No. Would you stop nit-picking
[Snipe] He left late last night.  There was some type of war going on back at his homeplanet.  I think it was a civil war of some type.  He had to go handle the situation.  I doubt he'll be back or a long time.
[Ripple] ...  He was a good hunter, thats for sure..
[Paladin] Yes, he was that
[Snipe] May he have happy hunting back at, Parnel...or whatever it is.
* Snipe trudges on
* Dias follows behind Snipe looking around from time to time
* Spirit follows along.
* Ripple keeps moving, walking beside Spirit
* Paladin looks up at the sky and walks after the others
* Snipe a small sand storm blows over them, the energy spikes continuing
* ShellX walks forward, abit nervously
* Snipe glances at shell
[Snipe] Something wrong?
* Gravedigger walks on ahead of the group
* Dias continues walking covering his eye
[ShellX] Just don't like this area... rather unscientific, actually... but I don't
* Gravedigger pulls his hood over and takes out his scythe
* Snipe suddenly, a burst of electric energy shoots from the air, ahead at the spot of the X/Zero explosion and crackles in the air before dying down
[Ripple] Man.. *hairs at the back of his neck are standing up* Somethings out here..
[Spirit] Yikes...
* Gravedigger tries to deflect with his scythe
[Dias] That can't be good.
[Snipe] Will you all knock that ghost crap?   If anything's out here, it's the Mavericks.
[Dias] Sure it is. 
* Dias continues walking on.
[Snipe] What, you think X and Zero decided to hide out here for 80 years?
* ShellX activates his battlearmor
[Dias] You neve know.
* Snipe steps next to Grave
* Gravedigger takes out his sai for good measure
[Spirit] I doubt it...
[Ripple] Never.
* Dias his armor forms from a metal braclet.
* Snipe walks around the area, the energy spikes actually felt by all now
[Dias] Did they ever find their bodies?
[Snipe] So, this is the ground zero of the explosion...*turns to Dias* Er, no.
[Dias] Tingly...I kinda like the feeling.
[Spirit] [Dias, shut up...]
[Paladin] . . . they were blown to smitherenes . . .
[Dias] You have proof of that?
* Gravedigger examines the dirt again, rubibng it between his fingers
[Spirit] Four nukes was it?
[Paladin] . . .
[ShellX] I do...
[Snipe] I don't remember, Spirit.
[Ripple] *To all but Dias* [Is it me or does he get dumber by the hour?]
[Spirit] *To Ripple* [By the minute]
* Snipe glances at Shell
[Snipe] ...Er, what?
* Gravedigger looks to his left and steps over
* Ripple grins
[ShellX] Never mind
* Snipe Grave vanishes into the dirt, falling below the sands
[Ripple] Grave!
[Spirit] I'm not sure either... History wasn't my best subject...
* Snipe ignores Shell for the moment and turns to Grave's location
[Snipe] What the!?
[Gravedigger] !
* Dias runs over to where GD last was and looks around
* Snipe stands next to Dias
[Snipe] See anything....?
[Dias] Besides you, no
* Ripple appears next to Snipe, looking down
[Ripple] Well, lets see whats under this area..
* Snipe bends down and shifts the sand, noticing an old chute/airvent
* Ripple fist glows purple for a moment, as he gathers his power
[Snipe] Well, whadda know...part of the old base is still intact...
[Dias] Well, shall we go down?
[Paladin] It was a fortress . . .
[Snipe] ...Well, Grave did...
[Spirit] Convient
[Ripple] Pull back a little, ill get that sand out of the way..
* Dias leeps down the shute
[Snipe] ...And the difference is, Paladin?
* Ripple blows some of the sand away, creating a bigger hole
[Snipe] DIAS!.....oh damn.
[Dias] WEEEeeee.....
[Snipe] ...Er, who's next?
[Ripple] Well...
[Ripple] Might as well...
* Ripple walks up, and hovers over the hole for a moment
[Ripple] Coming Spirit?
* Ripple drops in
[ShellX] I'll go after Ripple
* ShellX closes his eyes and walks forward to the chute
[Snipe] ...Go on
* ShellX falls in
[Snipe] ...I give that an 9
[Snipe] ....Palaidn, you're turn.
* Paladin wonders why sand didn't fill up the chute as he drops down
[Snipe] NRP: You'll see.
[Snipe] ...Spirit, your turn
* Spirit hops in.
[Ripple] NRP: *waits for the trap to close*
* Snipe begins to move when a powerful sand storm hits him and knocks him off balance, closing the chute before he can follow
[Snipe] GM: The group lands in a sub3-basement
*** Snipe is now known as GM
[Paladin] NRP: Lights on?
* Ripple catches Spirit
* GM a machine is regulating what passes, moving the sand away from the area so it won't fill in the chute and room
[GM] NRP: Nope
* Dias looks around
[Spirit] My hero *smiles*
* Paladin flips on his low light sensors
* Ripple pulls out a warp blade, shedding a deep purple glow over the room
* Gravedigger crouches on the floor with his weapons in hand
[Dias] NRP: *wonders how Ripple augh Spirit in the dark*
[Paladin] . . . is Snipe coming?
[GM] NRP: Loooove!
* ShellX looks up the chute wondering how to get back up
[Dias] NRP: How cute
* GM a sharp crash is heard above as the sandstorm grows violent
[Dias] Ripple, you mind glowing like a lightbulb?
[Ripple] NRP: *smacks Dias, then gives him the worst cold of the century*
* GM part of the ceiling caves in on Grave and Dias
[Dias] GAH!!
* Gravedigger dives out of the way
* ShellX activates his multitool's light leveler and shines it up the chute
* Ripple trys to stop the ceiling from falling by using telekenitics
[Paladin] . . . ok, let's investigate this place and get out.  I wouldn't call this place "safe" exactly.
* Gravedigger rolls back into a crouch
* GM huge lizard creatures are crawling in the chute and hiss at shell
* GM the ceiling stops
[Ripple] .....
* Dias runs out from under the falling ceiling
[Ripple] Get.. *strains* out.. you idiot..*
[Dias] Thanks Rip
* ShellX backs away from the chute
* Ripple drops the rubble
* Paladin looks at shell
[Dias] My Hero. 
[Paladin] What is it?
[ShellX] ...find another way out
* ShellX shakes his head
* GM a door is seen in the corner
* Paladin heads for the door, motioning for others to follow
[ShellX] Looks like we wouldn't be going back that way
* GM the energy spikes are stronger down here
* Ripple follows
[Ripple] Man... what are we getting into..
* GM the door is a metal door; shut
* Dias follows behind
[Dias] Anyone got a key?
[Ripple] Paladin, hang on a moment..
[GM] NRP: Try the keypad.
* ShellX shivers, since with his cybornetic eye, he can "see" the spikes
[GM] NRP: Er, the controls
* Gravedigger digs his sai into the seem of the door and frame and tries to pry it open
* Ripple reaches for the controls
* GM the metal door refuses to budge, even after all these years
[Paladin] Let's try the controls first, GD
* Dias taps the door
* Ripple examins them for a moment (Seeing?)
[GM] GM: A normal control pad; very out of date
[Ripple] Peice of cake..
* Ripple fingers fly across the keys, punching in various combinations
[Dias] Let's hope so
[GM] GM: The controls don't respond; no power going to them
[Ripple] ..
[Ripple] Stuipd controls..
* Gravedigger bum rushes the door
[Dias] That was kinda worthless
* Paladin chuckles
* Ripple jabs the warp blade into the hinges
* Dias knocks on the door just to try it
[GM] NRP: No hinges
[ShellX] Here, let me try
[Spirit] Open sesame?
* Gravedigger backs up and powers up his arm cannon
* Paladin steps away from the door
[Ripple] ... *glares*
* Dias leaps back from the door
[Ripple] NRP: Cover for me, ill be back soon, I gotta eat.
[GM] NRP: *eats as he RPs*
* Gravedigger powers it to a lvl. 3 and fires.
* ShellX activates the electrical ability on his multitool and sends energy into the panel
* GM the metal door dents some
* GM the controls sputter to life
* Dias slashes at the door with his claws
* Ripple does what he did before, attempting to open the door with the controsl again
* ShellX interfaces with the controls and opens the door
[Ripple] NRP: BBS.
* GM the door slides open and jams halfway
*** Ripple has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Spirit] Nice...
* Gravedigger sticks his shovel in the crack and tries to pry it open more
* Dias squeezes through
* GM the door groans and opens a few more centimeters
* Spirit slides through to the other side.
* GM the energy spikes increase in intensity and the lizards hit the floor behind them
* Dias looks back through the door
[Dias] Hurry up
* ShellX spins an glares at the lizards
* GM they hiss at shell and began to crawl towards them
* Gravedigger hurls his sai at the lizards
* GM one sticks out it's tongue and eats it
* ShellX fires his light leveler at them attempting to blind them
* Dias grabs the door and tries pushing it farther open
[Paladin] That might not be the greatest choice, GD .  ..
[Dias] GRRR!!!
* GM they spin around and cover their eyes
* Paladin slips through the door
* Gravedigger pulls back and his hand and the sai yanks the lizard off the ground and towards his hand
* GM the lizard lands in Grave's hand
* Dias continues to try pushin the door open farther
* Gravedigger grabs the lizard's neck and snaps it
* ShellX phases to the solid world
[Paladin] . . .
* Paladin looks around the other side of the door
* GM the ceiling rumbles in the room
[Spirit] Let's keep moving!
* ShellX looks up
[GM] GM: It's another room, like the other, with another door across from it
* Gravedigger makes his sai rip through the lizard's stomach and right into his hand, bloody and wet
[Dias] To the other door
* Paladin walks to the door and waits for shell
[Paladin] Shell.  Let's move
* Dias runs over to the other door and looks around it
* Spirit goes to the other door and sees if it can be opened.
* ShellX downloads himself accross the room to the group
* GM the ceiling collapses on Grave
[Dias] GRAVE!
* GM sand pours in through the door, blocking it off and hitting Dias' feet
* Paladin shakes his head
* Gravedigger rolls out of the way
[Spirit] Great...
[GM] NRP: The whole room collapsed, Grave
* Dias gets caught off guard by th sand and falls on the ground
* Paladin examines the sand to see if Grave can be dug out
[GM] GM: if he tries, it would further pour into the room
* Dias gets up and starts digging at the dirt tossing it behind him
* ShellX moves to the sand and stares at it 1"Sand?"
[Paladin] Just get the door open, Shell
* Dias stops knowing it's futile
[Dias] You can't just leave him here!
[Spirit] Hmmmm...
* ShellX sticks his hand through it and activates his heat system, melting the sand into glass
* GM a lizard pops out of the sand and hisses at Spirit
[Paladin] I can't get him out from here, either
* Dias kicks the lizard across the room
* GM it bites Dias
* Dias kicks it with his other foot
* Paladin fires a short plama blast at the door, frustrated
* Spirit sticks her tounge out at the lizard and goes back to thinking about something.
* Gravedigger tries diging his own way out of the room
* GM it wraps it's tongue around Dias' legs and pulls him towards his mouth
*** Tien ( has joined #taw
*** Tien was kicked by GM (GM)
*** GM sets mode: +b *!*
* Dias slashes the tongue with his claw
* GM it roars in pain and runs off
* Paladin continues to fire at the door
* GM the door begins to turn red from the heat of the blasts
* Spirit looks down at the floor...
* ShellX solidizes his hand and shatters the glass, making a tunnel in the sand
[Gravedigger] NRP: Am I making any progress digigng my way out?
* Dias rips the piece of tongue off his foot and tosses it against a wall
[Gravedigger] NRP:"digging" even
[GM] NRP: No, but Shell is
[Dias] Spirit, your a psychic right?
[Spirit] Yes...
* ShellX moves into the tunnel and glasses another area
[Dias] Scan for any life signs
* Paladin fires off a single rocket towards the heated door
[Dias] I ain't going to leave him in there
* Gravedigger starts going through the tunnel Shell made
* GM the door explodes
* ShellX shatters that, opening up the area to GD
[Paladin] Let's get GD and move on
* Spirit is taken off guard by the explosion
* Gravedigger steps out
* GM huge spiders run out of the door and run at the group
* Dias looks at GD
[Dias] Spiders..why did it have to be spiders
* Gravedigger fires at the spiders
[Spirit] Spiders!
* Paladin fires at the spiders as they enter the door
* Dias pulls out his rifle and starts shooting at them
* GM each time a spider dies, another one comes in through the door to replace it
[Paladin] . . .
* ShellX downloads a few Spydirbots to keep the spiders busy
* Paladin looks for another way out
* Spirit reflexively tries to blast all of the spiders back with a telekenetic burst
[Dias] You had to open the door didn't you
[Paladin] Would you rather rot here and starve to death?
* GM the floor groans under their weight
* Dias continues sniping off spiders
* Gravedigger takes off his cloak and tosses it over the spiders, then starts stomping on it
[Dias] Rather that then get killed by a damned spider
* ShellX scans one of the spiders
[GM] GM: The spider's secture has changed due to radioactive particles
[GM] Structure even
[Dias] Someone blow a hole in the floor
* GM a spider leaps at Paladin's head
* Dias shoots the spider leaping at pal
* Gravedigger listens to the groaning and points to the floos
* ShellX scans the area beneath them
* Paladin jams his blade into the spider's belly
* GM another level is below them
[Dias] Let's go down
* GM acid pours onto Paladin's hand
[Paladin] Further away from the surface . . .
* Gravedigger jumps up, then rams his knee into the floor
* GM the door collapses and Grave falls through
[Dias] Would you rather be killed by a spider?
* ShellX phases to reality and drops through the floor
[GM] NRP: floor
* Dias leaps down the hole Grave made
* Paladin wipes his hand with some rags he brought to keep the sand out of his gears
* Gravedigger lands in a crouch
* Gravedigger pulls out his weapons in readiness
* Dias lands ontop of FD
[Dias] NRP: GD i mean
[GM] GM: The lower level, a giant machine is hooked up, an old relic from the past, still operational, energy spikes coming from it
* Paladin hovers down to the lower level
* Gravedigger steps to the side and lets Dias fall
* ShellX scans the machine
* Dias hits the ground and rolls
* Spirit grabs the edge of the hole and swings herself down, landing lightly on her feet.
* Gravedigger fingers his sai
* GM when Shell attempts, a bolt of energy throws him back
[Dias] Let's turn that thing on
* Paladin examines the machine to see if he recognizes it
* GM the spiders appear at the hole
* Dias turns around and fires at the spiders
* Gravedigger blasts at the hole
[Dias] Someone close that hole or try to
* GM a spider lands beside Dias
* Dias leaps back and fires at it
* Gravedigger looks around for a sizeable piece of scrap metal
* GM it explodes, acid flying everywhere
* GM the machine glows, energy pouring off of it
* Dias turns his back to it
* ShellX fires a heat blast at the hole, trying to seal the holw
* Dias walks towards the machine
* Gravedigger holds his cloak up, blocking it
* GM the hole is closed
* Paladin notes the structure of the machine
[Dias] So much for spiders.
* GM a body form appears in front of the machine
* Spirit tries to see what the machine is
[Spirit] o.O
* ShellX scans the machine again
[Paladin] . . .
* Dias stops and looks at the body
*** GM is now known as Zero
[Dias] Its...Its..
[Paladin] NO . . .
[Zero]'s been forever since I've come
[Gravedigger] ?
[Dias] And you said he was dead eh.
[Spirit] Is that...?
* Gravedigger scratches his head at who's ahead of them
* Zero raises hand and throws Shell back
[ShellX] His body survived a atomic blast
* ShellX scans "Zero"
[Dias] He's dead..I think not.
* Zero his body signatures is alien
[Paladin] But . . . how? 
* ShellX gets back to his feet
* Dias stands ready
[Dias] Don't ask. Kill.
* Gravedigger aims for the machine and opens fire
* ShellX scans the machine
* Dias waits for Zero to leave an opening
* Zero it blocks Shell again
* Zero blocks GD's shot
[Zero] Nice attempt, Earthling
* ShellX shakes his head
[Paladin] . o O {Why must they always go to violence first?}
[ShellX] That's not the real Zero
[Dias] Maybe, the aliens rebuilt him
[Zero] ......*grins as a saber forms in his hand*
[ShellX] How?  The real one was destroyed utterly
* Dias leaps towards a side wall and rebounds towards the machine claws ready to slash
[Zero] NRP: *plays the TGC Battle music*
[Paladin] I guess there's no choice then . . .
[Dias] You thing he was.
*** Ripple ( has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
[Zero] Dammit!
[Spirit] Alright... *draws her saber* Let's rock...
* Zero shoots Dias *2000 AP*
* Gravedigger rushes towards the machine
[ShellX SOUND]
[Zero] NO!  *trips GD*
* Dias gets nailed by the blast and crashes into the ground
* Paladin fires off a salvo at Zero, running through the smoke at the machine
[Dias] ARG!!!\
[Zero] OUF!
* Gravedigger flips onto his hands and rebounds
* ShellX tries to get a lock on the machine
[Ripple] NRP: Able to get back in?
[Zero] NRP: I guess
* Dias slowly gets up and stumbles towards the machine
[Zero] NRP: We're still in the base
* Ripple appears in a purple flash
[Zero] .....KTA!  *fires a pulse wave at them all, throwing them back into the furest wall from the machine*
* Spirit flips towards the machine, PsiShocking "Zero" as she does
* Gravedigger pulls out his sai and flings it at the machine
[Zero] GAHHH!
[Paladin] Ugh . . .
* ShellX tries to get a lock on the machine
* Ripple fires a ripple blast at the machine
* Paladin gets back up and thrusts to the machine
* Zero it hits the machine, causing a miniexplpsion
* Dias nails the back wall and gets up running towards the machine
* ShellX streaches his shoulder
[Gravedigger] NRP: Someone ICQ me
[Ripple] Spirit!  Incoming power!
[Zero] ..........*begins to run faster and rams them all into wall*
[Spirit] [Hope that thing doesn't go Nova when we blast it!]
[Dias] OOF!
* Paladin stops, plants his feet into the ground, and shoves his blade back at the incoming Zero
[Zero] GAH1
* Zero holds gust
* Ripple concentrates, and channels power into Spirit
* Zero explodes
* Paladin shields his head
[Gravedigger] NRP: Thanks
*** Zero is now known as DeathStar
* ShellX tries to scan the machine now
* DeathStar reforms next to himself
[DeathStar] ....Nice try.
* Dias looks
[Spirit] o.O
* DeathStar draws saber and guts Paladin (1000 AP)
[Paladin] . . . Death Star?
[Dias] What the...
* Ripple looks losing concentration
[Paladin] Ugh!
[ShellX] Not him
* Paladin doubles over
* DeathStar kicks Dias in the head
[Ripple] Wha...?
[Ripple] Who the hell are you?
* Dias puts arms up taking the blow
* Ripple pulls out his warp blades
* Dias leaps at Machine bringing his arms back1"Cross Slash" and then forward cutting an X on Machine
* DeathStar doesn't answer
* DeathStar the machine goes red
[DeathStar] ....NO!
* DeathStar sparks
* Spirit is unable to simply hold the extra energy and fires it all at the machine.
* ShellX downloads a few Spydirbots investigate the machine
* Dias continues slashing the machine
* DeathStar the machine explodes
*** DeathStar is now known as GM
* Dias gets nailed and flies into the back wall denting it
* GM the entire base begins to shake
* Ripple staggers as the power leaves him, through spirit
* Dias lays on the ground k'oed
* Paladin pushes himself up and looks for an exit
* ShellX tries to do a residual scan of the machine as he goes to help Dias
* Ripple winces, cut in many places by shrapnal
[Ripple] We.. need to get out NOW...
* GM the energy spikes are gone, replaced by the destructive force of gravity pulling down on the base and sand above them
[Spirit] Do you have the strength for a gate
* Gravedigger fires towards the ceiling
[Ripple] ... I'll need some help..
* GM the ceiling explodes open and sand begins to pour in, the upper levels already gone
* Dias slowly gets up.
* Ripple concentrates, and a small warp field opens
[Dias] How can I help
* ShellX phases back to solid and picks Dias up, downloading a few Spydirbots to help him (700 HP)
* Spirit channels her remaining power into Ripple
[Ripple] And.. *winces with effort* now....
* Dias stumbles towards Ripple
[GM] NRP: Whenever you want th TGC Battle mp3, just ask
[ShellX] Sorry, *puts Dias down*
* Ripple it opens wider, enough to allow everyone through
[Ripple] Get.. in... now....
[Spirit] NRP: *asks*
[Gravedigger] NRP: Sure
* Paladin grips his wound as he steps through
[Spirit] Hurry up guys...
* Gravedigger steps through
* Dias gets up again and walks through the warp
* ShellX runs toward the warp
[Dias] Nrp; ask ASK AKS
[Ripple] NRP: When you are able to send it through someone, tell me, so they can fwd it to me.
* Spirit checks if that was everyone and then heads through
* Ripple eyes start going white
* Ripple collapses, the portal still open
* GM the ceiling collapses on Ripple
[GM] GM: Location - Outside
[Gravedigger] NRP: BRB
* Dias looks aorund
* GM in front of the team, the base caves in on itself, sinking into the ground as the sand pours in, and large explosions are heard underground
[Dias] RIPPLE!?
*** GM is now known as Snipe
* Snipe leaps out of the caving in sand and lands next to the group
* Ripple portal is still open, dust flowing through it
[Paladin] . . .
[Snipe] What happened!?
[Dias] We lost Ripple.
[Spirit] [Rip!  Where are yo?]
* Paladin looks around for missing members
* ShellX phases and tries to go back through
[Paladin] Death Star was . . . here?
* Ripple a hand appears through the portal, which is closing quickly
[Dias] It was a fake
* Dias grabs the hand and yanks
[Ripple] [My leg.. broken, Gimme a hand..]
* Spirit heads back over to the portal and drags Ripple through if nessisary
* Dias struggles to pull Ripple through
[Snipe] ...Death Star?
* Ripple the portal closes, him getting through in time
[Dias] It was a fake...I hope
[ShellX] At least that's voer
[ShellX] At least that's over
[Ripple] Remind.. me.. never to do that again..
[Dias] Rip, when we get you back, your going on a diet
[Ripple] ... Death Star.... Where have I heard that name before..
[Paladin] Last leader of the Hunters . . .
[Snipe] .....*frowns and trudges toward the shuttle*
* Paladin walks towards the shuttle
* Dias pushes himself to the shuttle
* Gravedigger heads after the others
* Ripple trys to stand, and falls again, grimicing as the leg gives him pains
* Spirit helps Ripple to the shuttle
[Ripple] *to Spirit* [Thanks]
* Dias enters the shuttle and takes the pilot seat
* Spirit uses her PsiHealing to ease the pain.
* Snipe sits in, wishing Matsuoka was here
* ShellX shivers...1"...still don't like this..."
[Paladin] NRP: *Wonders how well Dias can pilot, wounded*
[Snipe] ..Why Shell?  We solved the Zero...
[Snipe] ...And you guys need to tell me what happened today.
[Dias] NRP: Just about as well as I can uninjured
[Paladin] It'll all be in my report
[Spirit] NRP: Yeah, he can't fly period.
[Ripple] We'll tell you all about it... when I get this stupid leg in a cast.
[Ripple] NRP: LOL
[ShellX] I just don't, the area just reminds me...
[Snipe] ....of....?
[ShellX] Nevermind
[Dias] NRP: *smacks Ripples brokin leg*
* Dias powers the shuttle up
* ShellX walks to the shuttle trying to go over the fragments of scans he picked up
[Ripple] NRP: *strangles Dias telekenticly*
[Snipe] Alright, lets head home....*frowns*
[Snipe] Session Ends