Session 161: Making Up For Lost Time>/h2>
[DeathStar] GM: Immediately following Supernova Part 12
[DeathStar] Time Chart: Unknown
[DeathStar] Location: Unknown
[DeathStar] GM: *the portal opens up in a strange, ruined hallway*
* DeathStar steps through, glancing around the decaying hallway. The walls are chipped and cracking and everything seems dead. There is no light, except for the portal light.
*** Hioku is now known as Hotaru-chan
* Dias steps through behind DS
* Katrina bounces through
[Dias] Slasher: *pops through, looking around* Where are we?
* Seraphna looks around, blinking in confusion
*** Garland is now known as Phantasma
[Seraphna] I think... we're home...
[Phantasma] This ain't tasty.
* DeathStar hangs back from the rest of the group, his body fully restored to it's TAW1 state.
[Dias] Slasher: *looks down at Snipe's body* Glad you can't see home buddy...
[DeathStar] This should have been the exact location you guys left the reality...yet....what is this place?
* Seraphna looks around
[Seraphna] I... I think...
* Phantasma hobbles over to DS
* Phantasma looks at the shiny armor
[Dias] Slasher: *sniffss the air* It smells old in here..
[Phantasma] ..... Candy?
[Seraphna] I think this is Origin... 
* Dias wipes his finger across one of the walls
[Dias]'s old...
* Seraphna looks at him
[Dias] Slasher: Computer..
[DeathStar] GM: *no response*
* Phantasma moves to bite DS's shoulder armor
* DeathStar sidesteps Phantasma.
* Dias looks for a terminal
[Phantasma] Awww....
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *looks for any signs that might give a hint*
[Seraphna] How do we know how much time has passed?  We WERE in another dimension.
[DeathStar] GM: *the hallway is completely deserted.  Infact, nothing looks normal in it*
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] Time passes pretty linearly for the most part
* Katrina wipes face.
[Dias] Slasher: If that's true then they found this place...
[Katrina] I wanna go home.
[Dias] Slasher: And raided it..
* DeathStar hangs back still, hesitation on his face.
[DeathStar] General Cran: *stands there, arms crossed*
[Dias] Star, locate me a terminal please..
[DeathStar] I....can't.
* Phantasma keeps passively going for DS's shoulderpad
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] ...we were still gone pretty long...
[Hotaru-chan] Not that long, surely?
[DeathStar] I've sealed away my powers along with the prime reality.  I'm virtually...powerless.
* Phantasma cocks his head, looking at DS
[Dias] Will you gain new ones?
[Phantasma] Not tasty then!
* Phantasma looks at Snipe's body
[DeathStar] No.
[Seraphna] Ellie... your UNIT...
[Dias] Why did you give some up then?
[DeathStar] ....
* DeathStar looks downcast.
[DeathStar] I killed innocent people. 
[DeathStar] I can't afford to be tempted by that power ever again.
[Seraphna] *ELayne looks down at her Councilor UNIT, "Byte, access any terminals here please?"
[Phantasma] Hungry.... *stomach groan*
[Dias] Slasher: *nods at DS* Leave him be Dias..
[DeathStar] Geenral Cran: You are a murderer, Death Star.  How does THAT feel?
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *rests against DS a little*
* Dias looks up at Phantasma
[Hotaru-chan] Cran, leave him alone.
* DeathStar looks uncomfortable at Cran's words.
[Phantasma] ^-^
[DeathStar] General Cran: *walks off and vanishes into the darkness of the hallway*
[Seraphna] *Elayne activates Byte and tries to search for any terminals around
[Dias] Slasher: I don't trust him..
[DeathStar] GM: *there are no terminals present in this place*
* Dias looks for an access panel
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: I never did work out what Hota's UNIT does...
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] I never did like him either.
[Seraphna] Elayne] No terminals...
[Hotaru-chan] What happened?
[DeathStar] GM: *the entire area groans and makes sounds*
[Seraphna] *Elayne types in a code looking to the Lunaris Comm Link
[DeathStar] ...this place ... is unstable.  You should all go.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] What I'd do for even a freakin' window...
* Dias leans back against Cheryl
[Dias] NRP: Doh
[Dias] Slasher: *leans back against Cheryl*
* Katrina wanders off into the darkness of the hallway.
* Dias looks over at Kat
* Dias motions to DS
[DeathStar] Katrina---!
* DeathStar walks after her, also vanishing into the darkness.
[Dias] Slasher: We need to abandon this place then if it's unstable
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *heads after Katrina at the same time*
* Phantasma gnaws on the wall
[Seraphna] We travel as a group?
[Hotaru-chan] Of course.
[DeathStar] GM: *wall crumbles as if like dust*
[Seraphna] *Sera grabs Elayne and Lucas and pulls them along after Ariel
[Seraphna] Wait up!
* Phantasma eats!
* Hotaru-chan hurries after Sera, holding Em
* DeathStar looks around a hallway, as if recognizing Tsivrixsh technology.
[DeathStar] NRP: The power went out.
*** Disconnected
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*** Attempting to rejoin...
*** Rejoined channel #taw
*** Topic is 'Session 161 - Making Up for Lost Time| Garland is off on a trip to find himself and Death Star is the ruler of the prime reality.  So, does this mean things are back to normal?  Hell no.  How much time has passed since the team fell into Centerpoint? - Friday'
*** Set by DeathStar on Thu May 02 20:33:17
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o DeathStar
* DeathStar looks around a hallway, as if recognizing Tsivrixsh technology.
[DeathStar] NRP: Miss anything?
*** Katrina has joined #taw
[Dias] Slasher: You recognize something Star?
* Seraphna continues, looking around, her hand going to her beam-saber
*** Speed-Krogering has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[Dias] NRP: Just Slasher and Cheryl going at it.,.
[DeathStar] This's Tsivrixsh built.
[Seraphna] Aye...
* DeathStar looks ahead, searching for Katrina. He bites his lips, as if tempted to use his sensing abilities again, but shakes his head once. He walks forward.
[Seraphna] Out of the frying pan and into the proverbial fire...
* Phantasma falls through the cieling infront of them
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *calls out* Kat~!
[Hotaru-chan] [Ariel, keep quiet!]
[Phantasma] Me find girl!
[Hotaru-chan] Okay, but keep a low profile.
* Phantasma runs ahead yelling about trail mix
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] You hurt her though, and you're dead Phantasma!
[Hotaru-chan] ].[
* DeathStar looks back where Snipe's body is.
[Dias] Slasher: *is carrying it*
* Hotaru-chan ... doesn't.
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *turns to Hotaru* This place is in too much disrepair to be in use.
[DeathStar] Perhaps you should leave it here and we'll come back for it later.
[Hotaru-chan] I suppose you're right...
* DeathStar runs ahead.
[DeathStar] KATRINA!
[DeathStar] GM: *the place shakes again*
[Seraphna] Could we have been away long enough to be somewhere else along the Origin's orbotal path?
[Dias] We'll pass by the Hanger Bay, I'll drop it off there.
[DeathStar] This might not be Origin at all.
* DeathStar stops at a stairway.
[DeathStar] Katrina?!
[Dias] Then I won't leave this body here..
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] For this to be Origin, we'd have to have been away for mill-*pauses* I'm not even sure millions of years would do it. Things don't decay in space.
*** Slasher has joined #taw
* DeathStar runs up the stairway, it crumbling underneath his walk. The lights remain out.
[Seraphna] You're right...
[Seraphna] This is living technology to rot in space.
[Slasher] Things do decay..
* Seraphna floats and follows him up the stairs, her children keeping close by
* Slasher makes his way up the stairs carrying the body
* DeathStar stops, looking around. This hallway is unfamilar to everyone it is so far gone.
* Dias walks up the stairs stepping lightly as he walks
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] Space is about 99.9985% void. There's not much to cause decay like this.
[DeathStar] Katrina!
[Hotaru-chan] How long were we gone?
[Slasher] But there's oxygen in here...
[Slasher] There's everything that this place needed to cause decay on the inside.
[DeathStar] GM: *the air is old and stale*
* Phantasma walks up to DS
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] The place is disintergrating. The outer hull would be breached before it could reach this point.
[Slasher] I'm suprised the Oxygen Machines are still working.
[Slasher] Trap?
* Dias follows behind them staying quiet
[DeathStar] ....did you find her?
* Phantasma blinks and shakes his head.
[Hotaru-chan] If it was a trap, why would they leave them running?
* DeathStar narrows his eyes
[DeathStar] ....are you sure?
* Phantasma shakes his head
[DeathStar]'re not sure?
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *bites her lip nervously*
[Phantasma] ^-^
* DeathStar crosses his arms.
[DeathStar] Spit her out.
* Phantasma spits Kat out, unharmed
[Hotaru-chan] Don't make me cut her loose...
* Hotaru-chan smiles
* Katrina smiles.
[Katrina] That was fun!! I wanna do it again!
* Seraphna sighs and shakes her head
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *scoops up Katrina protectively*
* DeathStar looks around as the place shakes again
[Phantasma] :D
[Seraphna] She's a daughter of Death Star all right...
[DeathStar] We should head up.
[Slasher] Star can you pick up any life signs
[DeathStar], I can't.
[DeathStar] Then again, I can't detect you.
* Seraphna closes her eyes and scans for life
* Slasher shakes his head at him
[DeathStar] GM: *Seraphna picks up nothing*
[Seraphna] I'm getting nothing at all...
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] For something like this to happen, you'd think something ate this place.
[Phantasma] Noffin's tasty here...
[Slasher] New technology?
[Slasher] New tsiv weapon?
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] *shrugs* Quite possible...
[Hotaru-chan] Maybe...
* Dias looks for a stairs to head up
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] That or we're on a planet and this place is just incredibly old.
[Slasher] Who controls where we came out tho...
[DeathStar] GM: *there is a spot where there used to be stairs*
* Slasher motions to the spot
* Phantasma jumps onto the wall where the stairs were and climbs up like a salimander, his squirrel tail whipping about
[Slasher] If we were in space...there would most likely be no gravity...not at this level of degrade.
[DeathStar] Can anyone pick up if any systems are running on this thing?
[Seraphna] *Elayne turns on Byte again and scans for energy signs
[DeathStar] GM: *three energy sources are detected.  Artifical gravity, a message recorder, and oxygen systems*
[Seraphna] Artifical gravity, a message recorder, and oxygen systems are running...
[Seraphna] ELAYNE]
[Hotaru-chan] Lets check out the message recorder.
[DeathStar] Where it's location?
[Seraphna] *Elayne checks
[DeathStar] GM: *30 floors straight up*
[Seraphna] *Elayne points up
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] ...can you be more percise than 'up'?
[Seraphna] Elayne] 30 floors that way.
* DeathStar nods and kicks up the wall and up the hole where the stairs once resided.
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *nods and attempts to teleport to the location*
[Seraphna] Elayne] *then activates her comm frequency with the Lunaris channels*
* Dias begins bouncing up the walls
[DeathStar] GM: *Ariel teleports*
[Seraphna] *Elayne and Sera float up, Lucas teleporting
* Slasher tosses Snipe over his shoulder and quickly rebounds up the stairway wals
* Hotaru-chan climbs the hole.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] *flys up*
* DeathStar looks around the next floor, and sees a vaccuum door shut in front of them
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] *nestles herself in for the ride*
[DeathStar] ...we can't go that way.  Open spaced.
* DeathStar points.
[Hotaru-chan] Em, you... guess not.
[Hotaru-chan] Damn.
[Slasher] Which way then?
[Seraphna] *Elayne scans to fnd out a more precise location now, keeping the comm frequency open
* DeathStar looks at the floor above them
[DeathStar] We could tear that open, but if it's open vaccuum, too...
[Hotaru-chan] Lets not.
[Seraphna] *Elayne checks the atmosphere out there
[DeathStar] GM: *there is oxygen above*
[Hotaru-chan] [Comm] Elly, can you find a way up for us?
[Seraphna] Elayne] I think Lucas and I can last about 10 minutes in vacuum now, we've been practicing.
[Seraphna] Elayne] Oxygen above.
* Hotaru-chan nods.
[Hotaru-chan] You want the honours, DS?
[Slasher] Shall we head up then?
* DeathStar pulls out his saber and slashes the roof.
[DeathStar] GM: *the roof caves in, slanting so people can climb up it
* Dias flips up through the hole in the roof
* DeathStar nods at Hotaru, grabs the side of the roof and pulls himself up.
* Hotaru-chan climbs
* Slasher climbs up the hill lugging Snipe's body
* DeathStar looks around the next hallway, blinking at a familiar door.
[Seraphna] *Elayne and Lucas teleport, bringing Sera up with them
* Seraphna looks at it
[Seraphna] Where to now?
[DeathStar] GM: Elayne and Lucas recognize it most of all --- the training room doors of Origin
[Seraphna] Lucas] The training room???
[Slasher] ...We are on Origin...
[Seraphna] Elayne] Gods...
[Slasher] I need to get to my computer...
[Hotaru-chan] What does the message say?
* Dias looks around
[DeathStar] We have to get up to Ariel to find out.
[Seraphna] Elayne, scan our family quaters.
[Seraphna] *Elayne does so
* Hotaru-chan nods, sighing.
[Slasher] There's one way for us to know how long we've been gone. If I can see the condition of the mechs..
[Hotaru-chan] Trashed.
[Hotaru-chan] You've seen the state of the station.
[DeathStar] GM: *there is nothing left in any of the rooms, except broken, old items*
[Slasher] It's been ransacked then...They must've found the base..
[Seraphna] *Elayne scans for biological residue in the Origin
[DeathStar] GM: *there is none*
[Seraphna] Elayne] Not ransacked...
[Seraphna] Elayne] T don;t collect our dead.
* Slasher scoffs at her
[Seraphna] Elayne] There are no remains anywhere.
[Slasher] Why would our crew stay on the ship if it was being over run
* DeathStar stands there, his eyes closed.
[Hotaru-chan] ...
[Seraphna] Elayne] Would our crew be able to carry casualties of a full assault?
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] We better find a laundromat soon, if this is the only outfit I have left...
* Slasher quirks his eye at her
[DeathStar] GM: *the area groans again*
[Seraphna] Elayne] I WAS the strategist on the Fury, I remember thier tactics Slasher.
[DeathStar] Stay out of my head....*Grabs his head*
[Seraphna] We'd better find a way out of here.
[Hotaru-chan] DS?
[Seraphna] DS?
[Slasher] If I remember correctly you were a medical staff...
* DeathStar squints.
* Dias puts his hand on DS's shoulder
[DeathStar] I can hear...voices...echoing...
[Slasher] Do you recognize any of them?
[DeathStar] Voices of death...voices of taunts and temptations to use the power again.  Hard to focus.
* Dias pats DS on the back
[DeathStar] We need to move.
[Slasher] Let's go then..
[Hotaru-chan] Yeah...
[Seraphna] We need to figure out how much time has passed... and what happened here.
* DeathStar runs up a staircase, almost as if he wants to escape the team as much as the voices.
[Slasher] That comes later Sera
[Hotaru-chan] *quietly* ... I just keep running away...
[Hotaru-chan] Oh? What comes first?
* Dias follows behind DS
[Seraphna] I guess... but some of that info might help us know where to get a ship.
* Seraphna follows
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] Shuttle bay?
* Slasher laughs at Cheryl
* Slasher uses his free hand and messes her hair
[Hotaru-chan] They probably don't work.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] *smirks*
[Seraphna] *Lucas starts to wonder where his twin is, since he doesn;t feel worried about him
[Hotaru-chan] ... but...
[Hotaru-chan] They can be repaired.
* DeathStar works his way up flight after flight.
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] *shivers nervously*
* Dias continues following DS
[Hotaru-chan] What's wrong?
[Slasher] Let's go team...*Follows after them*
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] ...this place is creeping me out...
[Hotaru-chan] Really?
* Hotaru-chan hugs Emily tight.
[Hotaru-chan] There's nothing to be afraid of.
[DeathStar] GM: *the further up the team goes the more the feeling of death is present*
[Hotaru-chan] .oO(Except the life support giving out.)
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] ...I wish cousin Hikari was here...
[DeathStar] GM: *The station shutters again*
[Hotaru-chan] Hikari?
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] *nods*
[Seraphna] We need to hurry!
[Slasher] I guve us less than an hour...
[Hotaru-chan] ...
* DeathStar keeps running up the stairway
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] Going fast as I can sweetheart, you don't need to remind me.
* Hotaru-chan follows.
[Slasher] Come on...I know you can go faster...
* Slasher follows behind her lugging Snipe's body
* DeathStar stops on the floor with the hanger bay, walking a few steps towards it. However, a vaccuum door blocks the quickest path to it.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] Not without leaving you behind.
* Slasher smiles again
[Seraphna] Elayne] Lemme check it.
[Seraphna] *Elayne scans the atmosphere outside the vacuum door.
[Slasher] Obviously the shield generators aren't working..
[DeathStar] GM: *no atmosphere*
* DeathStar turns and begins to head up another flight of stairs.
[Seraphna] Elayne] A vacuum.
[Seraphna] *Elayne, Sera and Lucas follow
* Slasher continues following
* Phantasma scampers by them
* Dias follows right behind DS
* DeathStar looks around, near the cafeteria now.
* Hotaru-chan sticks with Elly
[Hotaru-chan] 3[4Kyouki3] *brings up the rear*
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *reappears in front of the group*
[Hotaru-chan] So?
[Katrina] Yay!
[Slasher] What'd you find?
* DeathStar nods once, relieved
[DeathStar] Ariel.
* Phantasma can be heard eating beyond rancid food in the cafeteria
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *hands DS the holovid player* The thing happened to be portable. Thought I'd save you some time
* DeathStar takes it and looks it over, squinting
[DeathStar] Looks like one of Dominator's.
[Seraphna] Let's save it till we get out of here.
* DeathStar sets it on the floor, bending over it. He begins to tinker with it.
* Seraphna sighs
[Slasher] Can you get it running...*looks at to try to guess it's age*
[DeathStar] Give me a few moments.
[Slasher] Huh....That doesn't look that old...
* Slasher kneels down next to it
[Hotaru-chan] What happened?
[Slasher] I'm guessing this message is about a year old..
* DeathStar hits a button and a blurry vision of Dominator appears.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] When we get out of here, let's hit some place with hot tubs and shopping malls.
* Slasher tinkers with a switch trying to get it to focus better
[DeathStar] Dominator: *looking graver than usual*
[DeathStar] Dominator: I still can't explain what happened.  The entire Origin literally vanished due to some phenominal event.
* Slasher kneels down infront of it
[DeathStar] Dominator: However, I left the entire Alliance fleet here on full alert to try and determine what happened.  24 hours later the station reappeared, but it was falling apart, ruined, devestated.  There was no life left onboard.  I fear the worst for my friends...there is no signs of life and definitely the hint of death here.
[DeathStar] Dominator: I've left this message here to document what happened, a memorial for the people that died here.  Or perhaps if they come back, they'll find this.  I don't know.  I believe they are still alive...*flickers off*
[Dias] The station traveled through time? 
[Hotaru-chan] That explains a lot.
[DeathStar] Or went to another reality, much like you all did.
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: Origin 5, our last, best hope for peace.
[Slasher] I'm going with a long guess that atleast one year has passed...
*** Cally-Drinkin is now known as Caladia
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] I'll put this back incase anyone else stumbles upon this place... *teleports*
* DeathStar crosses his arms.
[DeathStar] We should work our way to the hanger.
* Phantasma crawls over the ceiling, looking down at them
[Slasher] Origin is long lost..
[Phantasma] I'm hungry.
* Slasher turns back and heads towards the hanger
[Hotaru-chan] ... another home I've lost...
* Dias makes his way back to the hanger
* Phantasma scurries ahead of them and leaps onto a shuttle, opening it up and playing with the wires
* Hotaru-chan sounds pained.
* DeathStar follows, patting Katrina
* Phantasma rants about marshmellow men
[Seraphna] DS, do you rememebr if we set up any regroup locations?
[DeathStar] The Alliance could be anywhere.
[Slasher] A minimal of one year has passed...
* Seraphna takes out her comm...
[Slasher] How are we gonna get inside the Hanger Bay?
[Seraphna] You said this could reach almost anywhere if needed.
[DeathStar] There's another entrance.
* DeathStar heads through a series of hallways.
[DeathStar] Indeed.
[Slasher] If it's all vacuum tho..
[Seraphna] Lucas and Elayne can teleport us to a shuttle, they can last in vacuum for quite a while.
[Hotaru-chan] And what about us?
* Seraphna clicks on the comm, setting it to Dakota's frequency as they move
[Seraphna] Comm] Dad, are you there?
[Slasher] I doubt it'll get out of this station..
[DeathStar] GM: *the comm is inopertable*
[Seraphna] Not good...
[Slasher] No Comm Station to bounce the signal and strengthen it..
[Seraphna] Aye...
* DeathStar kicks down a door and steps into the remains of the hanger. It has been gutted and torn apart. Mech arms and legs lay around, but nothing important. There is no shuttles*
[Seraphna] At least we know then that there isn't much activity in the Sol System.
[Hotaru-chan] I guess we lost.
[Slasher] NRP: Though there was a vacuum in there..
* Seraphna snaps her fingers
[Slasher] So how do we leave now...
[Seraphna] What about Hanger #2?
[DeathStar] NRP: Nope.  Only that hallway.
[Slasher] ...Whatever happened to the Prototype..
* Phantasma 's "shuttle" is a microwave he dragged out of the cafetreria
[Seraphna] ...actually... I think that was detatched for repairs...
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] Prototype?
[Seraphna] The flagship?
[Seraphna] Odd... was it operational yet Slasher?
[Slasher] If that's the case...*smiles running over to his desk*
[Slasher] It wasn't The Flagship..
* DeathStar stands behind the rest of the group, looking guilty and remourseful.
* Slasher shakes his head at her
[Slasher] ....Star....I know you took it...
[Phantasma] Oro!!!
* Phantasma launches the microwave
[DeathStar] I know I did.  But I remember where I left it.
[Slasher] Is it running still?
[DeathStar] Depends on how many years the thing was designed to run.
[DeathStar] GM: *the shuttle strains again and the shutter shields strain to keep up*
[Slasher] I build a recall mode in everything....
[DeathStar] shuttle = station
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *returns... she certainly took her time just to return a recorder*
[Hotaru-chan] What's wrong?
* Katrina playw.s
* Slasher sits down on his desk and look for his computer terminal
[DeathStar] GM: *Slasher's desk is completely cleared away of materials*
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *picks up Katrina and hugs her close*
[Slasher] ....What the hell..
* Katrina hugs Ariel
[DeathStar] ...
* Slasher picks up his desk and throws it against the nearest small smashing it to bits
* DeathStar sighs and raises his hand, tightening his fist as he closes his eyes.
* Hotaru-chan slumps to the floor, sighing.
[Seraphna] Elayne] Umm... Slasher...
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] How about escape pods? This place has those, right?
[DeathStar] ....must...*sweats* not be....swayed...*continues struggling*
[Seraphna] Elayne] We have a computer...
* DeathStar lowers his hand
[Seraphna] Elayne] I can change the coding around to match what you need.
[DeathStar] I attempted to send your signal to the ship, Slasher.
* Slasher calms down at looks at Star
[Slasher] Well?
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *shivers*
[Hotaru-chan] Why do I keep running away...?
[DeathStar] ...I think it got through.  But it certainly can't dock with this station.
[DeathStar] You guys need to think of something else.
* DeathStar looks haunted.
* DeathStar walks off and sits down, alone.
* Slasher walks up to him
* Slasher kneels infront of him
[Seraphna] I have an idea.
* DeathStar looks at Slasher, then back at the ground.
[DeathStar] I can't keep tapping into it whenever I need it...
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] [Mr.Cran... have you found anything?]
* Seraphna looks at Lucas and Elayne, then back at everyone.
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *sits next to DS and rests her head on his shoulder, still holding Kat*
[Seraphna] We can teleport onto the Flagship when it arrives, Elayne, Lucas, and Ariel can be the ones to transport us.
* Katrina cuddles up to them both
* Seraphna tries not to watch Ariel, holding back her own feelings
[Slasher] I know you can't...But I'll help you...
* Slasher reaches his hand out to him
[DeathStar] General Cran: [What sort of help do you want?]
[Dias] It's not a Flagship Sera..
*** Caladia is now known as Call-Sleep
[DeathStar] Lets go with Sera's idea for now.
[Seraphna] Whatever ship.
* DeathStar takes Slasher's hand.
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] [I thought it might be best to cooperate in finding a way off this place before it crumbles.]
* Slasher pulls him up
[DeathStar] General Cran: [Ah, yes.  I was waiting for you all to figure something out while I investigated Origin's computers]
[Slasher] We still have to wait for it to show up..if it does
[DeathStar] Right.
[Seraphna] [Emily, you and Hotaru should travel in Ellie's mind, that way we have less to transport.]
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] *clears her throat* Space going vessels have escape pods, right?
[Hotaru-chan] [Right]
[Seraphna] Any way we can route more power to the shields?
[DeathStar] GM: *suddenly lights flicker on*
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] *nods*
* DeathStar looks up, blinking
[Hotaru-chan] What?
[Seraphna] Seems that Cran is working on that.
[DeathStar] Voice: Powering up systems...*scrambles a bit in it's talking, too slurred to understand*
[Seraphna] Seems Chip survived after all...
[Slasher] Chip?
* Slasher looks over at his mech's remains and drops his head
[Seraphna] Our friendly yet amazingly annoying computer?
[DeathStar] Chip: Warning, system failure.  Gravity lost.  Lights lost.  *lights go off* 
* DeathStar starts floating
* Seraphna shakes her head
* Katrina floats around
* Slasher starts floating up
* Dias starts floating
[DeathStar] Chip: Warning, shields degrading rapidly *slurs*
* Hotaru-chan floats around
[Slasher] Ahh crap...
[Hotaru-chan] Lets get out of here now.
* Seraphna starts to concentrate on the forces around her, creating light gravity in the room
[Seraphna] Calm down.
[DeathStar] Chip: Accessing HoloNet as per requested.
[DeathStar] ...what is Cran doing?
[Slasher] Finding what time it is..
[DeathStar] ...but he'll destroy Origin's remaining power doing it.
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] ...if it's not a distress call, I'm going to knock some sense into him...
[Seraphna] Probably doing what we should have, hailing the fleet I hope.
[Seraphna] I can keep up an atmosphere in here.
[Dias] Stop thinking you can do things you can't Sera..
[Seraphna] No one panick if it fails or I might too.
[Hotaru-chan] [Cran, that's a bad idea...]
[DeathStar] Chip: The date is August 23th, 2208 *slurs again*
[Seraphna] Water Dias.
[Slasher] Chip offline now
[DeathStar] Chip: *powers off*
[Seraphna] I can munipulate water elemental to make oxygen.
[Slasher] Lock-out Alpha One..
[DeathStar] Origin: *groans and strains*
[Dias] What good is that when there's no water left?
[DeathStar] GM: *outside in space Prototype drops out of hyperspace*
[Seraphna] How do you think I make ice?
[Hotaru-chan] ...
[Seraphna] Oh good.
[DeathStar] General Cran: *rushes into the room, his trenchcoat flapping.  Behind him vaccuum doors begin shutting*
[Seraphna] Everyone, grab onto a teleporter.
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *bitterly* Nice of you to join us...
* Hotaru-chan hops into Elly's mind
* Seraphna places her hand on Elayne's shoulder
* Slasher grabs onto Ariels' shoulder
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] *follows Hotaru's Example*
[DeathStar] General Cran: *touches Ariel's shoulder*
* Katrina holds onto Ariel.
[Hotaru-chan] [Hope you don't mind us bunking in here...]
* Dias drifts to Ariel and grabs onto her other shoulder
[Seraphna] *Lucas waits for anyone who needs help ^^
[DeathStar] GM: *the shields fail in the hanger, which kept the vaccuum out*
* DeathStar stands there, unsure.
[Seraphna] *Elayne waits
[Seraphna] Everyone... NOW!
* DeathStar touches Lucas' shoulder.
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *teleports Kat, Dias, Slasher and Cheryl over, then comes back after a few moments*
[Seraphna] *Lucas smiles up at him*
[Seraphna] *Elayne brings her people, and Lucas his
* Slasher runs to the helm and begins to access the Origin's computer trying to access Chip's memory
[Seraphna] *Elayne comes back, checking to make sure there are no stragglers
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *takes Cran over, slightly reluctant*
[DeathStar] GM: *Origin collapses and begins to drift apart*
[Seraphna] *Elayne teleports back
* Katrina looks a bit sad.
[Hotaru-chan] [Thanks a bunch, Cran...]
[Seraphna] Elayne] Looks like we're all safe...
* Slasher checks to see if he picked up any of Chip's memory
[DeathStar] General Cran: *doesn't say anything*
[DeathStar] GM: *there is no memory recovered*
[Slasher] Sorry Chip..
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] Did you atleast grab Chip
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] Did you atleast grab Chip's CPU before you left Cran?
[DeathStar] General Cran: No.
* Dias looks around to see if everyone made it
* DeathStar stands there, his arms crossed, looking at the ground mournfully.
[Seraphna] You telling the truth Cran?
* Slasher walks over to Cran
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] *glares at Cran*
[Seraphna] I remember you well for secrets...
[Slasher] What the hell did you access?
[DeathStar] General Cran: The Tsivrixsh HoloNet.
[DeathStar] General Cran: I suppose it drained too much resources.
[Slasher] You suppose?
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *walks over to DS and Katrina* ...I'm in the mood to buy a nice houseboat.
* Slasher grabs Cran
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] *to Cran* WELL, NO SHIT!
[DeathStar] General Cran: *smiles slowly* Anger, Slasher?
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] .oO( Hey... Easy guys... )
* DeathStar looks at Ariel.
* Slasher picks him up slightly, just so his feet are barely touching
[DeathStar] I----.
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] *to Cran* Honestly, what were you thinking?
[Slasher] You just risked all of our lives...
[DeathStar] General Cran: I suppose you don't want to know the good news, then?
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] *to Cran* You'd better tell us now.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] Out with it
[Slasher] You have 1 minute to tell us before I give you the grand tour of the trash recycler..
[DeathStar] General Cran: *smiles* I'll take that risk, Slasher.
* Slasher starts dragging him towards the door
[DeathStar] General Cran: *doesn't bother to resist*
[Hikaryuu] 6[13[14 "Elayne" 13]6] ...please Mr.Cran?
* Seraphna closes her eyes and probes his mind for the information, almost reflexive from the "old days"
[Seraphna] Slasher... hold it.
[Slasher] Anyone have anything against me showing him the trash.....hmpf..*let's him go*
[DeathStar] General Cran: *adjusts his coat* You're winning.
[DeathStar] General Cran: *turns to head toward the hanger*
[DeathStar] Winning?
[Seraphna] What's the good news Cran?
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *blinks*
[DeathStar] General Cran: The war.  You're winning.
[Seraphna] Ah...
[Slasher] Your not leaving Cran...
[Seraphna] Good then.
[Slasher] You've escaped death once...
[DeathStar] General Cran: The Alliance has driven the Tsivrixsh past their border.
[Slasher] Spill it out...what else did you access..
[DeathStar] General Cran: And you're hear to grant me my death now, Slasher?
[DeathStar] General Cran: *turns to face him*
[Slasher] There's others...I'll give them their chances first
[DeathStar] General Cran: I accessed the date.  I accessed the current status of the war.
* Dias walks over to a console and begins scanning around trying to pick up Alliance Signals
[DeathStar] General Cran: And then I left.
[Slasher] *laughs* Your lieing...
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] That was still too much.
[Seraphna] Slasher, leave it.
[DeathStar] General Cran: *turns to begin walking off*
[Seraphna] If we need anything else, I'll get it myself.
[Seraphna] Someone keep an eye on him.
[DeathStar] General Cran: *walks off*
[Seraphna] eer... I will..
* Seraphna follows after Cran
* DeathStar stands there.
[Slasher] Your not leaving...
* Slasher grabs him by the shoulder
[DeathStar] General Cran: *twists Slasher off with surprising strength*
[DeathStar] General Cran: I am not staying here.
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] What do you say DS? A ship is roomier than standard quarters.
* Seraphna takes out her beam saber
[Slasher] Computer...lock all access to the hanger bays and track Cran 24/7.
[DeathStar] General Cran: *laughs and keeps walking off*
[Seraphna] Cran, either you stay here or you leave in little pieces.
[DeathStar] General Cran: I'll see you around, Hunters.
* Seraphna grabs at him psionically (lvl3) and holds him in place.
[Seraphna] You'll see us RIGHT HERE]
* DeathStar raises his hand and touches Ariel's shoulder.
[DeathStar] General Cran: *halts* Seraphna --- do you really want to start a battle you all don't need or want?
[Seraphna] I'm sorry Cran, but I can;t forget that you are the one who has played double agent many, many time.
[DeathStar] I...I'm not sure what I want.
[Seraphna] (times.)
[DeathStar] General Cran: *shakes head, then spreads his hands* I give you 1 minute to let me go, before I disable your ship.
[Seraphna] If you do that I disable your neck and head.
* Slasher walks over to his computer and begins tapping things in
[DeathStar] Computer: *suddenly rejects Slasher's command*
* Seraphna turns on her saber and walks over to him, holding it out
* DeathStar looks around, as if realizing what is going on.
[Slasher] You have 30 son of a bitch...How'd you do that..
[Seraphna] Give us back control. Right now.
[DeathStar] General Cran: You left the ship out here for eight years, Slasher.
* Slasher narrows his eyes
[Slasher] Leave then...
[DeathStar] General Cran: *nods once, then turns to walk away*
* Seraphna releases her holds and growls
* Seraphna shakes her head, looking at him leave, and sighs.
* Slasher drops underneath the console and begins pulling wires
[DeathStar] General Cran: *throws a controller to the side and walks off*
[Seraphna] To think I once pitied that man... even cried when I thought he was dead...
[DeathStar] ...
* Seraphna floats the controller to her hand
* DeathStar walks after Cran, watching him go.
[Seraphna] Slasher, here.
* Seraphna floats it over to him
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] I'm not suggesting we leave the others or anything like that... but a large shuttle would make a nice house, even if just docked to where ever we end up... *doing her best to ignore the events with Cran*
* Slasher grabs it and messes around with it giving himself control again, he then smashes it to pieces
* Hotaru-chan starts thinking about just what Ariel's talking about.
* Slasher puts the wires back in place
* Seraphna looks to Slasher
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] You know... we need to make an infinate improbabilty drive.
[Seraphna] I'd recommend we head to Lunaris.
[DeathStar] GM: *a shuttle is taken from the hanger and flies off*
[Seraphna] We can use the comm systems there to contact the fleet.
* DeathStar turns to Ariel
[DeathStar] I've much wrong.,
[DeathStar] I...have to redeem myself.
[DeathStar] Somehow.
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] *curls up nice and cozy*
[Slasher] Take's too long...Locking onto the closest Planet to refuel and refurbish supplies.\
[DeathStar] I'm going to do what I started off to do.  Find the homeworld..and take it down.
* Seraphna rolls her eyes
[Seraphna] Slasher, every time we have ever picked a random location, we end up brushing with death.
* Katrina hugs onto Ariel
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] Not on your own you're not. *hugs Katrina back*
* Dias slides over to the helm and begins typing in controls
[Hotaru-chan] .oO(I think I might retire... though I'm not sure...)
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] .oO( Retire? But you're only so young... )
[DeathStar] Ariel...I...*embraces her*
[Slasher] Your not the owner of this ship have no word in it..
[DeathStar] Computer: Warning, picking up foreign object.
[Seraphna] As a TEAM MEMBER I'm giving my damned word Slasher.
[Slasher] Heading to Terra...Computer scan...
[DeathStar] Computer: Disk.
[Slasher] Outside?
[DeathStar] Computer: Hanger.
[Seraphna] ...Disk?
[Slasher] Can you teleport it up here?
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *sighs contentedly*
[DeathStar] Computer: Complying.  *the disk drops onto the floor*
* Slasher grabs it and picks it up
[Slasher] .....Hmmm...Cran...*slides it into a disk slot and boots it up*
[DeathStar] Message: I don't know why, but I spent an extra few seconds downloading a skeleton of the memory core of Chip.  I didn't want to hand the disk over, due to the fact it had data I needed, but I figured you'd want your precious computer program more.  Don't try to access anything but it, or the disk will delete itself --- Cran
* Dias sets the ship's coordinates to the nearest planet Terra
* DeathStar looks at the rest of the team, keeping his arm around Ariel
*** Hotaru-chan has quit IRC (Write Error: Broken pipe)
*** Hotaru-chan has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Hotaru-chan
[DeathStar] ...I'm not sure what to tell you all.  With Garland gone and with Snipe gone, you're without a leader.  What you decide to do with your up to you.
[Slasher] .....The bastard....*begins accessing Chip's memory and brings him online but has it set so he doesn't take over the original Computers space
[Slasher] You taking a break now Star?
[DeathStar] I'm going to put some things into perspective, then go offer my services to Dominator.
[DeathStar] It seems he's winning this war.
* Seraphna looks at DS
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] It makes sense.
* Slasher smiles
[Slasher] Then that's where we needed..
[Seraphna] Send word when he comes back?
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] Work things out now, so that you won't have to later.
[Hotaru-chan] [Any plans, Em? Ell?]
[Slasher] Sera...*points to the comm station* Try to contact Dominator...and tell him where back..
[Seraphna] ELayne] [I guess I'm going to become a medic again... I'm gonna follow grandpa... he seems to be doing okay already.]
[Dias] Location locked in....*feels the ship lurch forward*
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[Hotaru-chan] [Em-chan?]
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] .oO( I'm not giving up, I have people to protect still. )
* Seraphna nodds and goes to the comm station, booting it up and sending out a hailing on the Alligance frequencies
[Hotaru-chan] [I... understand.]
[DeathStar] ....unfortantly, if eight years have passed, those frequencies might no longer be in use.
[Seraphna] FIrst thing to try right?
[Hotaru-chan] .oO(I guess I'll stay with the hunters for a while longer...)
[Seraphna] I can get the right frequency if it fails.
* Seraphna waits the standard time for a response
[DeathStar] GM: *nothing is given*
* Katrina yawns, sleepy.
[Slasher] They should still have kept that frequency open incase something like this happens..
* DeathStar takes Katrina and heads off to the bedrooms.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] *sends out a 'help wanted' ad, basically asking for Dom in a round about way*
[Slasher] It's best to let them know we're back....*begins accessing the Holo-Net*
* Slasher looks over at Cheryl
[Slasher] Your war ahead of me....
[Slasher] NRP: way
* Seraphna sighs and sends a message through a frequency she knows will never close, the Vanguard frequency
[Seraphna] Comm] Lunaris, this is Angel 1, please respond. Dad, it's me.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] Great minds think alike sweety
* Slasher smiles
Session Close: Sat May 04 00:00:00 2002
Session Start: Sat May 04 00:00:00 2002
Session Ident: #taw
[Seraphna] Dakota Comm] S-SERAPHNA???
* DeathStar sets Katrina down on a bed and sits next to her.
* Slasher slides over to Cheryl and puts his arm around her waist
[Seraphna] Comm] *smiles* Yes dad, it's me. You should have expected this by now. *giggles*
[Slasher] I haven't named this ship yet...any ideas?
[Seraphna] Dak Comm] Y-You're alive? THANK THE GODS!
[Seraphna] Montana Comm] He's gonna have to take down the memorial now.
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *giggles*
* DeathStar returns after Katrina has fallen asleep.
[Seraphna] Dak Comm] er... never mind that! It's been 8 years! I---
[Slasher] We'll be at Terra Prime in 2 Hours...
[Seraphna] Comm] ---Long tale Daddy, right now we need the Alligance frequency and anything else.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] Don't you mean Terra III? *checks the sensors*
[Seraphna] Dak Comm] Sure! *transmits it* You go collect Angel and Jonas from Dom and bring em here with ELayne and Lucas you here though?
[Seraphna] Comm] Sure dad.
[Seraphna] Dak Comm] Is Ariel there?
* Seraphna turns to Ariel
[Slasher] ....*smacks his forehead* I always had problems translating Yaverian to English...
[Hotaru-chan] .oO(... and yet... forgotten is the phoenix. How typical.)
[Seraphna] I dunno, Ari, you here?
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *smiles* Yeah, I'm here Dad.
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] *mental hug* .oO( You're not forgotten Hota... )
[Seraphna] Dak Comm] Great! You two are gonna have to tell me everything! You bring Kat to yah here?
* Seraphna smiles
[Hotaru-chan] .oO( Thankyou... )
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *hesitantly* Sure thing Dad...
[Seraphna] And Dad, we have two other kids for you too meet too, Hota and Emily.
[Hotaru-chan] .oO( Think I should introduce myself in Catgon form? )
* Seraphna smiles, sending the Frequency over to Dias
[Seraphna] We're a little tied up at the moment Dias, mind getting a hold of them on the other station?
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] .oO( Hmmm... If ya want. )
[Dias] ....*looks at her* Do what now?
[Seraphna] Contact the Alligance with the frequency I just sent to the other terminal.
[Slasher] You mean Alliance?
[Seraphna] (forgive spelling ^^)
[Seraphna] Yes... that would be what I said.
[DeathStar] GM: *suddenly the communications cut off*
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] *nudges DS* You going to come when get to stop by at Lunaris?
* DeathStar shakes head.
* Seraphna blinks
[Seraphna] Comm] Dad, you there?
[Seraphna] Comm] Hello???
[Slasher] ....Great...*begins scanning the area*
[Hikaryuu] 10[3[12Ariel3]10] Awwww...
[Seraphna] We've probably got company, nice decision Slasher.
[Slasher] .....No there's something else...The ship continously monitors the nets...and apparently...the little bastards decided to throw up a dampener...3 years ago
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] Wonderful...
[Slasher] We need to back away...
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] To where?
[Seraphna] Let's do that then.
[Slasher] Actually....scratch that...we heading to Terra III....
[Slasher] want my trust?
* DeathStar stands there, arms crossed, not giving off any sense of strength, power, or ability that he used to hae.
[DeathStar] (have)
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] Well, it'd be nice to see home again either way...
[DeathStar] Slasher, you're captain of this ship.  You pick our destination.
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] It'd be nice to have one again...
* Seraphna looks at him
[Seraphna] Yes.
[Slasher] far away is Lunaris..
[Seraphna] It's not far, about a day and a half in hyperspace from the Sol system.
[Seraphna] (a guess out of game, I don;t have a copy of the star map on me)
[Slasher] We're going to head to Terra III to refuel and resupply...Here's your challenge Sera...You will find a way to boost the communications system so we aren't affected by this dampening field..
[Hotaru-chan] ["Elayne"] And make sure the Tsiv aren't monitoring us.
[Hikaryuu] 6[5[13Emily5]6] .oO( If we get to stop by Earth, maybe we can visit Hikari-chan... )
[Slasher] If you can't complete it by then, we'll head to Lunaris after we resupply..
[Hotaru-chan] .oO(It'd be wonderful to go home again...)
[Dias] Entering HyperSpace...
[Seraphna] Sounds like a deal.
[DeathStar] Session Ends
Session Close: Sat May 04 00:18:26 2002