Session 176: Climax Part Two

Session Start: Sat Aug 24 19:18:52 2002
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20020824.log'
[Omega_Isolator] Climax Part Two
[Slasher] NRP: HAHA!!
[Omega_Isolator] -Act Five: A Losing Battle?-
[Omega_Isolator] Location: In Space around the Tsivrixsh Homeworld
* Omega_Isolator flips his mech out of the way of a few blasts.
[ZenoGias] Comm: DAMNT Diamond, cover Snipe better.
* Eve` proceeds to slash some mechs in half
[DB`JoD] [I'm doing the best I can, alright?!]
[Slasher] The next wave of reinforcments should be here in about 10 minutes
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] *blasts a trio of mechs with wing darts*
* Dominator stands on the bridge of the Flag Ship, with Hianule next to him.
* ZenoGias spins his staff and slices several mechs in half
[Dominator] Comm: We're losing too many ships here.  We need to take out some of their Capital Ships.
* DB`JoD flies over to Snipe, attacking an enemy mech ("attacking" for lack of better knowlege of the arsenal.)
[Slasher] NRP: He's a psychich!
* Omega_Isolator flies his mech's back against DB's mech's back
[Slasher] Chip, how's the deployment of the protoship coming?
[Omega_Isolator] I don't care for these odds, psychic boy.
[ZenoGias] Comm: Diamond, can you create a shield around you and Snipe?
[Omega_Isolator] Chip: Undocking proceedures are almost finished
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] "You know what? This is kinda fun!"
[DB`JoD] [Roger that.] *creates the sheild with his mind*
[ZenoGias] Comm: Snipe, start knocking those ships out.
[Omega_Isolator] GM: *a wave of 200 mechs fly towards the group*
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: I'm tired.
[DB`JoD] [I'm hungry.]
* Eve` flips around smoe of the mechs and blasts them.
[ZenoGias] Comm: Would you rather die?
[Eve`] Comm: Is it bothering anyone that some of the capital ships have stopped firing?
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Let me think about THAT one.
* Dominator frowns at the readings.
[DB`JoD] [Of course it's a bad sign...]
[Slasher] Shiva: *ships begin grouping on any capital ships that stopped firing*
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] *kicks a mech in the head, causing it to explode*
[Slasher] 5 more minutes Dommy
[Omega_Isolator] GM: *other capital ships provide enough cover to shred Shiva's ships*
* DB`JoD hits a mech with a psi blast
[Slasher] Shiva: *retreat back to the other group* 
* Omega_Isolator holds out his hand, stopping a few mechs from flying around.
* Eve` slashes the stopped mechs.
* ZenoGias quicky locks onto the dead mechs and fires his gatling guns causing them to explode
[Slasher] Chip, is it ready yet?
[Omega_Isolator] GM: *a group of mechs begin to pound on DB's shield*
[Omega_Isolator] Chip: Ready.
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Where the hell did Kyouki go?  
* Omega_Isolator tries stopping the mechs attacking DB's shield.
[Slasher] Good...One more ship on our side..
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] *assists Snipe*
* Eve` dodges a few starfighters dogtailing her.
[Slasher] ProtoType: *quickly picks up speed and heads towards a capital ship
[DB`JoD] [I don't know how long I can hold the shield if it keeps taking beatings like this.]
* ZenoGias flies dead at Eve
[Omega_Isolator] Enemy Capital Ships: *fire at the Prototype, forcing it back or the risk of destruction*
[Dominator] Comm: So far all their ships are staying together and far away from us.  Why is that?
[Slasher] Prototype: *drops back to their range of fire and quickly deploys several tiny missiles which fly directly at the capital ships*
* DB`JoD keeps with the Omega, firing psi shots at random incoming mechs
[ZenoGias] Their cannon?
[Dominator] Comm: Not on.
[Slasher] How close are they together Dom?
[Omega_Isolator] Mechs: *begin to fire on the shield again*
[ZenoGias] Comm: Eve drop now. 
[Dominator] Comm: Not close enough for an explosion from one ship to hit another one, but close enough together we can't do any short range attacks.
* Eve` drops down.
[DB`JoD] [Not gonna be able to hold it much more, taking a beating!]
* ZenoGias flies right past her and towards the ones dogtailing her, he spreads his wings out slicing them apart
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: I'm having more trouble stopping each mech.  I think I'm wearing myself out way too fast.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] *works on blowing up the mechs attacking the shield*
[Dominator] Alliance Ships: *are forced to stay back*
* Eve` aids Cheryl.
* Slasher the tiny missiles impact against the capital ships shields and each one releases an emp which sends another one when two connect
[DB`JoD] [What choice is there at this point Snipe?] *fires a shot at a mech in the center of a formation, causing an explosion*
[Omega_Isolator] Several mechs: *explode*
[Dominator] Comm: Oh no...
* Dominator looks at the readings.
* ZenoGias spins around and flicks several shots
[Slasher] ...The cannon?
[Dominator] Comm: Negative.
* Omega_Isolator turns around and sees a bunch of little things launching from the ships and heading this way. It's thousands of mechs.
[DB`JoD] [ ... This isn't looking good anymore.]
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: I feel safe to say, "Fuck" now.
* Eve` stops flying her mech and looks at the incoming mechs.
[Slasher] Prototype: *cuts a path between their side and the enemys, and begins deploying mini turrets and EMP mines
[DB`JoD] Garland: [Only a thousand...?]
[Slasher] Efreet: *comms in* Slasher...Slasher? You there?
[Eve`] Capital Ships: *open fire on the mini turrents and EMP Mines, blowing a hole*
[Slasher] *looks at Dom* Reinforcements.
[Dominator] Good.
[DB`JoD] Garland: *floats up next to Omega*
[Slasher] Comm: Efreet, your just in time, take up side position and begin firing on the enemy mechs that are coming
[Slasher] Efreet: Roger...
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Well, you didn't chicken out after all.
[Omega_Isolator] Mechs: *open fire on the team, capital ships, and other Alliance mechs.*
* ZenoGias begins to glow as an outline of the mechs begins to appear
* Eve` begins to blast at the mechs.
[DB`JoD] Garland: Chicken out? Oh right, I was preacher boy when you last spoke wiht me. *draws the gospels*
[Dominator] Hianule: Woo, look who's back.
* Omega_Isolator leaves the safety of the shield and begins to blast mechs.
[Omega_Isolator] Too many to try and stop, so I'll do this the old fashion way.
* DB`JoD fires more shots, trying to hold the shields
[Slasher] Prototype: *reels back and begins to power up it's main weapon*
[Slasher] Chip, begin to power sly son of a bitch...
[DB`JoD] Garland: *bursts into flames, shooting forward with swords ready*
[Omega_Isolator] Alliance Mechs: *begin to explode in a rapid succession of each other, the number going down fast*
* Omega_Isolator dodges a few blasts and punches one mech in the head.
* ZenoGias disappears and a second later an energy streak appears trailing nothing
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Still enjoying yourself, Cheryl dear?
* Eve` begins to take rapid hits.
[Eve`] Gah!
[Omega_Isolator] Alliance Capital Ship: *explodes*
[Dominator] Fire on those mechs, if possible.
[Dominator] Hopefully they won't be too fast for our capital ships to hit.  We'll have to ignore the enemy capital ships for now.
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] *still fighting mechs* Comm] "Fire death and destruction, what's not to love?"
* Omega_Isolator flies up next to Cheryl
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: I bet Slasher's going to get lucky tonight.
[DB`JoD] Garland: *slashes the joints of mechs, flying in an eratic motion trying to get them to attack each other with friendly fire*
* Omega_Isolator pulls out a saber and slashes two mechs in half.
* Eve` flies up behind Garland, providing cover.
[DB`JoD] [I think I'm just going to need a drink.]
[Dominator] Alliance Capital Ships: *fire on the mechs, though with little luck*
[DB`JoD] Garland: *uses his relative size to his advantage, spinning with his swords*
* Omega_Isolator takes a blast in the arm, causing some damage.
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Tch. 
* ZenoGias flies directly towards a group of oncoming mechs and goes right through them sending them all scattering hten exploding
* Eve` slashes a mech in half near Garland, looking around for anymore.
[DB`JoD] [You alright Snipe?] *fires Psi shots reppeatedly*
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Give my auto-repair a moment.
[DB`JoD] Garland: *grabs half of the mech and throws it at another mech*
[Slasher] Prototype: *energy begins to channel at the nose of it's ship*
[Omega_Isolator] Alliance Capital Ship: *explodes*
[Eve`] Comm: Nice, Garland.
[Slasher] Those shields done yet?
[DB`JoD] Garland: [We're losing capitol ships. That can't be good.]
[Dominator] Comm: No, it isn't.  They're wearing us down and more and more mechs keep appearing.
* Omega_Isolator kicks one mech into a group of others, his arm still sparking
[DB`JoD] Garland: [Save the praise for after, Eve.... Behind you!] *fires a blast at a mech behind her*
* Eve` spins past two mechs, both exploding
* Eve` spins around, blinking
[Eve`] Comm: Thanks.
* ZenoGias leaps from one mech to another slashing each one apart
[Eve`] Enemy Capital Ships: *stil aren't firing*
[Dominator] Comm: I figured it out.  They're afraid of hitting their own men.
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Go Dom.
* Omega_Isolator works his arm and slashes a maverick.
[Slasher] So....
[Dominator] Comm: So only thing to worry about is those mechs.  As long as they're out there, they won't fire.
* Eve` stabs one mech
[ZenoGias] But when they're gone...
[DB`JoD] [I'm gonna head inside of one, I wonder how they'll react to a sworded maniac appearing in their bridge?]
[Dominator] Hianule: I don't like this...
* Omega_Isolator slashes a mech in half.
[DB`JoD] NRP: Gar said that.
* Omega_Isolator takes three blasts to the chest and spins out of control
* ZenoGias begins picking up more speed and enemy mechs begin exploding without anything being seen done to them
* Eve` suddenly gets hit in the side
[Eve`] Comm: EEK!
[Omega_Isolator] Mechs: *fire on Cheryl*
[DB`JoD] Gar: It'll probably only work once though, they'll flood the bridge with soldiers---making it hard to give orders.] *teleports*
[Hikaryuu] 6[13[14 Cheryl 13]6] *uses her wings as a shield*
[DB`JoD] [Christ.. how many of these things are there?]
* ZenoGias spins and blurs over to Eve appearing next to her and grabbing onto her mech
[Eve`] Mechs: *suddenly stop attacking*
[Eve`] Mechs: *begin to clear out of the area, either heading back to the capital ships or off to the side*
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: *wheezing* What in the hell....?
[Slasher] ...Dom....We need to move our ships in their line
[Slasher] Their cannon....
* Dominator looks at the screen layout
[Dominator] It's not poweringu p.
[Dominator] What are they doing?
[Slasher] They've got something up their sleeves...
[Slasher] We need to spread out more..
[Dominator] Hianule: Look at the readings!
[DB`JoD] Garland comm: .... Damn, that was easy.
[Dominator] What!?
[Slasher] ....*looks at the readings*
* Dominator looks at the readings and sees all 1,879 ships are charging up their cannons to full power
[DB`JoD] Garland comm: *heard beating up a Tsiv* How the hell do you work this thing's weapons!?
* Omega_Isolator looks at the lights appearing on the ships.
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Dear God...
[Dominator] Shit.  A combined attack by all their weapons will destroy almost our entire fleet.
[Slasher] Prototype: *reaches maximum power*
[Slasher] CHIP FIRE!
* Eve` hovers in place, watching
[Dominator] Alliance Capital Ships: *attempt to move out of the way*
[DB`JoD] Gar comm: I'll just press a lot of buttons... *the white flag signal goes off on the ship he's on*
[Dominator] Everyone, brace for impact when those ships fire.
[Slasher] Prototype: *a whirlwind of energy appears infront of the ship and the energy gathers together and erupts forward, twice the size of the prototype ship and heads to the centerest Capital ship
[ZenoGias] Comm: You ok Eve?
[Eve`] Comm: Fine.
* ZenoGias release a burst of plasma from his vents
[Dominator] Slasher, you need to move the Prototype back now.
[Dominator] When they fire, it'll be shreded.
[DB`JoD] Garland: *appears next to Omega* [Stupid weapons systems... I just set it to fly into the blast. I hope no one goes to check on the bridge.]
[Omega_Isolator] GM: *the center Capital Ships explode*
[Slasher] It can't move whiles it's firing
[Dominator] Hianule: Not bad.  They're down to 1,756 ships.  But it's still more than enough firepower, I think, to destroy our ships.
[Eve`] ....this isn't good.
[Slasher] Comm: Dias push the Prototype out of the way of fire!!
[Dominator] Too late.
[ZenoGias] Comm: Roger...
[Dominator] GM: *the Enemy Capital Ships reach their max power and fire*
[DB`JoD] Garland: [Yeah, that does it. I'm the real Garland, Hianule. You're worried about numbers.]
[Dominator] ...brace for impact...
* ZenoGias grabs Eve and spreads his wings around her
[Eve`] GM: *suddenly a wall of metal appears in front of them, blocking out the sight of the enemy ships*
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: What the!?
* Slasher turns back around
[DB`JoD] [Ditto!?]
* ZenoGias turns his head around
[ZenoGias] ...What in the..
[Eve`] Fury: *rocks with damage, the shields going offline*
[Dominator] Drake?
[Dominator] Drake: I thought the galaxy's biggest ship could be used as a shield.
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: I think I almost wet my pants.
[Dominator] Enemy Mechs: *begin to fly back into the area and the Capital Ships begin to open fire on the Fury*
[ZenoGias] Comm: Alright everyone....surprise them, over the fury and under it!
[DB`JoD] [Almost wet your pants? Umm... no comment.]
[Dominator] For once the Fury is serving a purpose.
[DB`JoD] Gar: [On my way.]
[Slasher] Chip, hows the Proto doing?
[Dominator] Comm: All Capital Ships, position yourselves around the Fury and fire on the enemy.  Use it as a shield.
* ZenoGias lets go of Eve and nods at her
* Omega_Isolator flies up and over the Fury, battling the incoming mechs.
[DB`JoD] Gar: *starts to fly over the Fury, charging a blast in his hands*
[Eve`] Comm: Lets do it.
* Eve` flies past the Fury's side, attacking some mechs.
* ZenoGias spins upside down and flies towards towards and over the fury
* DB`JoD goes under, firing psi shots
[Eve`] Fury: *begins to take damage*
* Omega_Isolator is blasted and smashes against the outer hull of the Fury, bouncing a few times.
* Omega_Isolator slides to a stop.
* ZenoGias begins using a strange way of fighting by attacking upside down, in an attempt to mess up with the enemys heads
* Eve` blasts a nearby mech
[Slasher] Chip?
[DB`JoD] Garland: *stops flying forward, getting an eyeshot of a capitol ship as he charges the blast further, the ball as big as a beachball in his hands*
[Eve`] Comm: Is there no end to this?
[Eve`] Chip: I need a little time.
[DB`JoD] [There's an end, but it might be ours.]
[ZenoGias] Uhh...I give it 5 more minutes..
[Slasher] Any sign of the shields dropping?
[Omega_Isolator] Chip: No.
* Omega_Isolator stands on the hull of the Fury.
* Omega_Isolator blasts a nearby mech
* ZenoGias flies next to Snipe still upside down
[ZenoGias] Comm: Whats up Snipe?
[Dominator] Enemy Capital Ships: *continue to punch holes in the side of the Fury*
[DB`JoD] Gar: *throws his hands forward, just off the hull of the Fury, firing at a capitol ship*
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: My mech's flying capabilities is damaged.  Auto-repair is working
[Eve`] Capital Ship: *explodes*
[Dominator] Enemy Capital Ships: *begin to fire around the Fury, nailing some of the Alliance Ships*
* Eve` slashes a few starfighters in half
[ZenoGias] Comm: Should've invested in some nano technology...*turns his head and fires from his mounted gatling guns, blowing up several starfighters
[Eve`] Comm: I've lost sight of Cheryl in the fighting
[Eve`] Comm: And Kyouki is still missing.
[ZenoGias] Comm: Cheryl, come in...Cheryl..
[DB`JoD] Gar: *draws his swords, flying forward*
* Dominator looks at the readings.
[ZenoGias] NRP: *passing asteroid nails Gar while he's flying*
[Dominator] We're losing too many ships.  And the fact they have reinforcements out there isn't helping things, either.
[ZenoGias] Comm: Cheryl, are you there?
* Eve` is tackled by five mechs that then self-destruct
[Slasher] Can't we do the same thing they did?
[Dominator] Not with the Fury in the way.
* ZenoGias a red light flashes and he turns towards Eve's position
* Eve` 's mech floats in space.
[Slasher] Then begin powering up...give the fury a warning and when we're ready have it drop...We'll give them a present
* ZenoGias wings spread and he rockets off towards Eve's mech
[ZenoGias] Comm: Eve...Eve are you ok?
[Dominator] The size of the Fury -- it would take it a good 3 minutes to clear us.
[Slasher] How long to power up?
* DB`JoD gives Garland coverfire
[Dominator] 5 minutes.
[Slasher] Warn them in 2 minutes
[Dominator] Right
[Slasher] Make it a minute 30
[ZenoGias] Comm: EVE!!!
[Dominator] Comm: All Capital Ships, stop firing.  Charge up your attacks.  All mechs and starfighters, clear the area in 2 minutes.
* Omega_Isolator blasts a few mechs, cocking his head at the order.
[DB`JoD] Garland: *counts how many capitol ships are left*
[Slasher] Chip, can you pull the prototype back or not?
[Omega_Isolator] enemy Capital Ships: 1,753
[Omega_Isolator] Chip: I can.  Doing so.
[Omega_Isolator] Alliance Mechs: *fly off to the side*
* ZenoGias grabs onto Eve's mech and begins pulling her back
[ZenoGias] Comm: Slasher, I've lost contact with Cheryl..
[Slasher] Comm: What? When?
[ZenoGias] Comm: About 10 minutes ago...
[Dominator] ...if Cheryl is out there, still, when we fire...
* Dominator looks at Slasher.
[Slasher] I know...I know.
[Slasher] Chip, as you pull the ship back scan for Cheryls mech
[Dominator] Comm: Drake, start moving downward out of our way.  When we fire, bring it back up to provide cover.
[Dominator] Fury: *begins to move downward*
[Omega_Isolator] Chip: Scanning.
[DB`JoD] Gar: .oO(Yeeeeaaaah...)
[ZenoGias] Comm: Snipe, scan for Cheryl...if you can't find her in 1 minute pull back
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Garland, since you can't hear the order, clear the area.
* ZenoGias tows Eve downwards
* Omega_Isolator rides on the Fury's hull, scanning for Cheryl.
[DB`JoD] Gar: Moving out. *teleports out of the effect area*
[ZenoGias] Comm: Slasher we're scanning for her now...We're trying as hard as we can.
[Slasher] Comm: Thank you..
[Slasher] Come on Cheryl..
[Dominator] We'll be ready to fire in 2 minutes.
[Slasher] How's the enemy responding?
[Hikaryuu] 6[13[14 Cheryl 13]6] *sits dead in space*
[Omega_Isolator] Enemy Capital Ships: *open fire on the Alliance Capital Ships as Fury moves out of the way, blowing up many*
[Dominator] Attacking us desperately.
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: I found her.
[Slasher] We need to hold out a little longer
[Dominator] 1 minute.
[ZenoGias] Comm: Grab her and pull her out now.
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Can't fly.
[ZenoGias] DAMNT! *grabs onto Eve's mech and throws it downwards*
[ZenoGias] NRP: out of the way
* Eve` spins away.
* ZenoGias turns around and blasts towards Cheryls location
[Dominator] Alliance Capital Ships: *continue to explode under the attack*
[Dominator] ...we're ready to fire, Slasher.
* Dominator looks at him
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] .oO( This sucks... )
[Dominator] We're losing several ships.
[Slasher] Hold out...30 seconds..please
* ZenoGias reaches Cheryl
* Dominator frowns, knowing the thousands of lives being lost foro ne
* ZenoGias quickly grabs onto her and spins around locking onto her
[ZenoGias] Comm: FIRE!
[Dominator] Comm: All ships, fire.
* ZenoGias uses full power and blasts foward and downwards heading down and infront of hte blasts
[Dominator] Alliance Capital Ships: *fire a line of fire back at the enemy capital ships, causing wave after wave of explosions*
[Eve`] Fury: *begins to move back up*
[Dominator] Alliance Capital Ships: *stop firing*
[DB`JoD] Gar: [I suddenly have a bad feeling about this..]
[Slasher] Casualties?
[Dominator] We're down to 434 ships.
[Slasher] Them?
[Dominator] 987.
[Slasher] Crap...
[Slasher] Comm: DB, ask Gar why his people aren't here.
[Eve`] Fury: *provides a wall of cover again*
[Slasher] Comm: Dias....are you ok?
[Dominator] Dammit, Death Star, we need you to drop that shield...
[ZenoGias] Comm: .........
* Omega_Isolator repairs his engines and fliesu p
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Dias!?
[ZenoGias] Comm: *Static*
* Omega_Isolator looks for his mech on his scanners, despite the fact the enemy mechs are pouring back into the area.
[DB`JoD] [Gar, Slasher wants to know why your people aren't here.]
[DB`JoD] Gar: [...What people?]
* Eve` begins to get blasted by attacking mechs.
* ZenoGias energy signal is locked onto about 3/4 towards them
[ZenoGias] NRP: Enemy side
* Omega_Isolator turns and flies in that direction
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Going for Dias.
* Eve` keeps getting attacked, the mech beginning to go critical.
[DB`JoD] Gar: *fires blasts arbitrarily, keeping them off of him*
[Omega_Isolator] Enemy Capital Ships: *open fire on the Fury and any thing else that's not protected by it*
[DB`JoD] Gar: *falls back under the Fury when they open fire*
* Omega_Isolator arrives near Dias.
* Eve` 's mech sparks.
* ZenoGias is floating their sparking, his mech's wings badly sparking
* ZenoGias Cheryl's mech floats under him
[DB`JoD] [We need to do something to even up the odds soon, we can't take much more of this.]
* Omega_Isolator zooms in and grabs Dias' mech.
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Diamondback.  I need you to get Cheryl.  We'll take them back to Dom's ship for repairs.
* Eve` 's mech explodes from the damage.
* ZenoGias inside begins flashing red
[ZenoGias] ...Eve...
* Omega_Isolator flies back towards Dom's ship.
[DB`JoD] [I'm on it.
* DB`JoD flies out to Cheryl, towing her back to the ship
* Omega_Isolator lands in the hanger with Dias' mech. He powers down.
*** Omega_Isolator is now known as Snipe
[Hikaryuu] 5[6[4Cheryl6]5] .oO( This really really sucks... )
* Snipe flips out of the mech and onto the hanger floor.
* ZenoGias pops out of his mech
*** ZenoGias is now known as Dias
* Snipe runs over to Dias
[Snipe] You're okay.
* Dias punches him knocking him to the floor
[Snipe] OUF!
* Snipe hits the ground.
[Dias] Eve's mech just exploded...
[Snipe] ...what?!
* Dias plops to the ground
* DB`JoD jumps out, looking at the two
[DB`JoD] Garland: ....
[Snipe] Flag Ship: *rattles some*
[Dominator] Hianule: *scans the area* 
[Dominator] Hianule comm: Wait.  Not so.  I was checking that mech out.
[Dias] .....*wipes some tears from his face*
* Snipe looks at the comm.
* Dias looks down at his comm
[Dias] What?
* Dominator turns to look at Hianule.
[Dominator] Hianule comm: That mech had no life signs in it when it exploded.
[Dominator] ...Hianule...that could mean she was dead beforehand...
[Dias] ....Oh my god...
* Dias pushes himself up and looks at Snipe
[Dias] I'm sorry...
* Snipe rubs his jaw.
[DB`JoD] Garland: Death means nothing in this business, remember that.
[Dias] Hit me back..
[Snipe] Uh, no.
[Dias] Your loss...
* Snipe looks at the techs repairing the mechs.
[Snipe] Whatever.
* Snipe nods at Garland
[Snipe] Can you find Eve?
[Slasher] Dom...tell me you have an ace up your sleeve...tell me.
[Dominator] ....
* Dominator leans against the controls, sighing
[Dominator] The taskforce is my ace.
[Slasher] But nothing for us...
[DB`JoD] Garland: I'll find her.
[Dominator] No.
[DB`JoD] Garland: *teleports*
* Eve` floats in space, in her evac suit.
[Eve`] Enemy Mechs: *fire at her, trying to hit her*
* Snipe looks at Diamondback and Slasher.
[DB`JoD] Garland: *appears infront of her, slashing the blasts*
[Snipe] We're getting our asses kicked.  We need to hit them back harder.
[Slasher] ....I didn't want to...But I guess....Chip, prepare to use Achilles Heel...
* DB`JoD presses his back against her evac suit, teleporting with her
[Snipe] Cheryl and Dias' mechs are damaged.
[DB`JoD] NRP: Gar did!
[Snipe] Leaving only me and Diamondback with working mechs.  We have to assume Kyouki is dead.
[Snipe] And Eve's mech is blown up.
* DB`JoD looks at them all.
* Eve` leans against Gar.
* Eve` pulls off her helmet.
[DB`JoD] Garland: Eve, alive and clothed.
[Slasher] Prototype: *begins to glow a bright sleek silver*
* Snipe steps back up to his mech.
* Dias turns and runs to Eve wrapping her in his arms
[DB`JoD] Hey Snipe, you don't have any trumps from the afterlife, do you?
[Snipe] I'm going back out there.  Diamondback - Garland, come with me.  We might be the only things left between victory and defeat.
[Snipe] 'Fraid not.  I used my only trump card getting this far.
[Slasher] Chip, download a backup of yourself onto the flag ship and make a another copy on my date disk
[Eve`] Chip: Roger.
[DB`JoD] Garland: All you get when you die is a pamphlet and a keychain...
* Snipe climbs his mech and begins to click himself in.
* DB`JoD and Gar both get ready to head back out
* Eve` hugs Dias.
* Slasher begins studying the battlefield, looking desperately for a weak point of their formation, using all his concentration
* Snipe nods at Dias.
[Snipe] Good luck, buddy.
* Snipe closes the hatch
*** Snipe is now known as Omega_Isolator
* Omega_Isolator turns and zooms out.
[Dias] *turns to him and nods* I'll be with you in a few..
* DB`JoD and Gar follow
* Omega_Isolator is immediately attacked by some mechs.
[Omega_Isolator] Dammit.
* Eve` points at some old mech in the corner.
[Eve`] I'll take that.
[Dominator] GM: *so far the enemy is pretty spread out and doing good.  The cannon platform is off to the side, but attacking that might not be wise*
[Dias] You sure you want it?
[Dominator] Fury: *is getting some good damaged dealt to it*
[Eve`] Only thing really left.
[DB`JoD] Garland: You two have any ideas?
* Eve` nods at Cheryl's mech, smoking
[DB`JoD] [None.]
[Eve`] And that's her's.
[Dias] Cover Snipe then...
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Don't look at me.  I can barely think.
* Omega_Isolator slashes a mech in half.
* Omega_Isolator nods at Garland
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: You know, Garland, you might do more good on the taskforce.
[Slasher] What's the fury's strongest part of it?
[DB`JoD] Garland: [What do you mean, I'm taking out mechs as well as any of y....] *grins quietly*
* Omega_Isolator blasts another mech.
* Eve` flips into a mech and powers it up.
* Eve` flies it out.
[DB`JoD] Gar: [Dom, where's the taskforce now?]
[Dominator] [No idea, Garland.  They're suppose to be at the palace.]
* Omega_Isolator flies back some.
[DB`JoD] Gar: [Fuck it. Be sure to watch the light show from there.] *grins* [I can do more with oxygen anyway.] *teleports planetside*
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Lets get ready for round 2.
[Slasher] Prototype: *disappears completely*
[Slasher] this one..
* Eve` flies up next to Snipe.
[Dominator] Watching.
[DB`JoD] [Got any ideas?] *comes up on Snipe's other side*
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Yeah.  I'm getting some ideas in my head.  The mechs are just swarming us, right?  So lets take the battle close to those capital ships.
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Closer we get, the harder it'll be for everyone.
[Slasher] Prototype: *appears infront of the enemy capitol ships, but along side 10 other prototypes*
[Dominator] Enemy Capital Ships: *open fire on all the Prototypes*
[DB`JoD] [For us too.]
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Indeed.
* Omega_Isolator zooms ahead.
* DB`JoD follows
* Eve` follows Snipe.
[Slasher] Prototype: *the shots go through the 10 prototypes*
* Omega_Isolator begins to dodge incoming mechs.
* Eve` spins around behind Snipe.
* DB`JoD barrel rolls.
* Omega_Isolator flies in close range to the capital ships, firing at the shields.
[Slasher] Prototype: *the real one appears below the capital ships and rams self-destructs in the center of them, releasing a massive sonic boom going outwards in all directions that continues to expand*
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: Whoa, look out guys!
* Omega_Isolator pulls back from the sonic boom.
* Eve` stops.
* Slasher it gets weaker and weaker as it expands
* DB`JoD halts, looking out.
[Dominator] Enemy Capital Ships: *spark and explode*
[Dominator] Fury: *shudders some*
[Slasher] Chip, you still online?
[Dominator] *no response*
[Dominator] Hianule: Look at them drop.
[Dominator] Enemy Capital Ships: *only 236 remain*
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: I'm impressed.  That was one big bangf.
[DB`JoD] [Now if only we had another.]
[Omega_Isolator] Comm: We could try it ourselves.  *tries to sound helpful*
[Slasher] Computer, bring Chip online
* Dias looks at his mech being brought online
[Dominator] Chip: Yes?
[Dominator] Comm: Alright, people, we're doing it slowly.  Lets do it.
[Slasher] Your online...goodd
[DB`JoD] [Slow is good.]
[Dominator] Chip: Of course.
[Slasher] Achilles heel worked buddy.
* Omega_Isolator zooms forward
[Omega_Isolator] PAUSE
Session Close: Sat Aug 24 20:34:19 2002

Session Start: Wed Aug 28 21:28:11 2002
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20020828.log'
[DeathStar] -Act Five: Stormy Weather-
[DeathStar] NRP: Six.
[DeathStar] Time Chart: 4 minutes after the end of Act Four
[DeathStar] Location: Alliance Shuttle.
* DeathStar pilots the shuttle through the atmosphere of the planet.
* Xrileshr sits near the front, keeping an eye on the readings.
* Paladin` looks around.
*** Hikaryuu is now known as Ariel
* Ariel sits quietly
* Blackjack sits, laying back, hands behind his head, doing absolutely nothing
[Xrileshr] You should be careful, Death Star.  A Class Level 5 storm is in progress over the palace.  That's the equivilent to some of Earth's strongest hurricanes.
*** Slasher is now known as Odin
*** Odin is now known as Odin`
[DeathStar] Right, right.
* DeathStar suddenly flies them into the thick of the storm. All around them the sky turns a dark black and winds blow the shuttle around as lightning crackles by.
* Blackjack idly glances out the window, then back at DS
[Blackjack] ...You know, I'm glad you talked me out of flying this thing.
[DeathStar] GM: *pouring rain begins to beat down on the shuttle*
[DeathStar] I think we're all glad about that one, Jared.
* DeathStar struggles with the controls, attempting to keep the shuttle from shaking too bad. It's attempts fail miseribly.
[Paladin`] Great, cats and dogs... *looks at the rain*
[Blackjack] Hmph.
* Blackjack smirks
[DeathStar] Everyone *Grunts* might want to buckle in.
*** Caladia is now known as Cally-TV
* Ariel tightens her 'seatbelt'
* DeathStar grips the controls as the shuttle spins out of control through the air.
* Blackjack grins, having learned a LONG time ago to buckle in way in advance
* DeathStar flicks a few switches, using an old piloting technique to bring the shuttle back under his control, heading downward. Below them is nothing but darkness, making it near impossible to tell where they are.
[DeathStar] Anyone *his voice is strained as he fights with the shuttle* have any last requests of me?
[Ariel] ...don't die.
[Paladin`] ...I want my money back, this isn't the carribean.
[Xrileshr] Don't let any of us die.
* DeathStar grits his teeth as lightning strikes the shuttle, frying the motherboard.
[DeathStar] GM: *at that moment one of the windows breaks and wind, mixed with rain, pours in on the team*
[Blackjack] ...A towel!
* DeathStar watches as the controls die, the shuttle hovering momentarily in the air.
[DeathStar] ...well ...
*** Ki is now known as Hotaru-chan
[DeathStar] This is going to be quicker than we planned.
[DeathStar] GM: *the shuttle plummets*
* Ariel prays.
[Xrileshr] At this speed and angle, we'll be crushed instantly.
*** Seraphna has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Seraphna
[Blackjack] Nice to know.
[DeathStar] I'm not dying yet.
* DeathStar flips the switch a few tiems.
[DeathStar] Start up...
[Odin`] NRP: Yeah you are..
* Hotaru-chan concentrates, trying to turn the shuttle slightly telekinetically
[DeathStar] GM: *the high winds jerk the shuttle in a spinning angle, throwing DS back in his seat*
[DeathStar] ...good idea, Hotaru ... keep it up.
* DeathStar tries to reach out and hit the start up switch.
[DeathStar] Ugh...
[DeathStar] GM: *below them the city lights appear*
[Hotaru-chan] I hope this'll be enough...
* Hotaru-chan keeps trying
[DeathStar] GM: *the shuttle stops spinning quite as fast with Hotaru's aid.  This allows DS to reach out and hit the start up switch*
[Paladin`] This is gonna be great... *grips the arm rests of his seat*
* DeathStar hits it a few more times.
* DeathStar finally manages to start the shuttle, pulling up on it some as they finally reach the height of the tallest building.
[DeathStar] Hotaru, engine 2 is still out.  I need you to try and boost that section of the shuttle some.  If you don't, we won't pull up in time.
* Hotaru-chan works on boosting the shuttle then.
[Hotaru-chan] Got it!
[DeathStar] GM: *they keep plummeting past the Tsivrixsh buildings, which are strange in design.  All are black with lights appearing out of them*
* DeathStar finally, with Hotaru's help, manages to pull the shuttle up just enough that they are almost horizontal again.
[Seraphna] NRP: Comm] If you're a redneck...
[DeathStar] Brace yourselves...
* Hotaru-chan braces herself.
[Hotaru-chan] I hope we can find a shuttle to get out of here...
* DeathStar jerks the shuttle to the right, smashing through the side of a building.
* DeathStar flies them past startled Tsivrixsh business workers, throwing furniture everywheer.
[Xrileshr] ...what ARE you doing?
* Paladin` holds on for dear life to his seat.
[DeathStar] Trying to slow us down.
* DeathStar busts out of the other side of the building, the shuttle damaged pretty bad at this point. Finally the engines shut off again and they fall 20 stories, smashing along the ground.
[DeathStar] GM: *the shuttle spins around and goes into a dark alley, ripping the wings off on either side before it stops.  The only sound is that of the rain drumming on the roof.*
* DeathStar leans against his seatbelts, taking a few breaths.
[DeathStar] Welcome to the Tsivrixsh Homeworld.  Please enjoy your stay.
[Ariel] ...another perfect landing...
[Paladin`] Thank you for flying Air DS...
* Xrileshr unbuckles himself and opens the roof hatch, rain pouring inside the shuttle.
[Xrileshr] I shall go meet up with my people.  Good luck to you all.  
[Blackjack] I could've landed this heap better.
[DeathStar] Yeah, yeah.  Head count.  Speak if you're alive.
* Hotaru-chan unbuckles.
* Blackjack pulls at his seat strap
* Xrileshr pulls himself out, standing on the roof of the shuttle. He hops off and quickly hurries away into the dark corners of the city.
* Blackjack comically pulls and tears at it
*** Xrileshr is now known as GM`
[Blackjack] Uh...
* DeathStar pulls off his seatbelt, standing up. He seems exhausted already.
[Ariel] I'm okay.
[Ariel] NRP: Is it okay if I say Emily and Siawase stayed behind?
[DeathStar] NRP: Alright
* DeathStar walks up under the open hatch, staring up at the dark sky. Rain pours over him.
* Blackjack sits there, still strapped in
[DeathStar] We need to move out of here before the authorities show up.
* DeathStar pulls out a saber and cuts BJ's seatbelt.
* Paladin` jumps out and looks around.
* DeathStar turns it off and sheathes it. He then leaps straight up, landing on the roof of the shuttle.
* Blackjack yelps as the sabre cuts dangerously close to him
[Blackjack] WATCH IT! I'd rather wait until after we're out THERE to die, hmm?
* DeathStar crouches on the roof, his hair already soaked. He looks around, then slides off the shuttle.
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: You can say Em sat in Hota's head if you prefer. ^^;
[DeathStar] NRP: Creepy.
[Paladin`] Well, let's see... Tsiv homeworld... yeah, I'd say we'd be pretty conspicuous.
* Blackjack grabs the edge of the hatch and flips out of the shuttle
* DeathStar leans against the side of a building. He looks out, seeing hovercraft heading their way.
[Ariel] NRP: That works for Em.
[DeathStar] Looks like they're already onto us.
[Blackjack] Good to know.
* Ariel climbs out, taking a look around
* DeathStar reaches back into the shuttle and pulls out the backpack with the explosive.
* Paladin` looks around... "Where do we hit first, is my question."
* DeathStar bends down and enters a code onto the side of the shuttle.
[DeathStar] Alright, follow me.  Don't fall behind or you'll be in trouble.
* Hotaru-chan follows DS carefully.
* DeathStar runs out of the alley, out into the open. Using the fact there is little light, he moves away from the alley even as the patrols head to it.
[Blackjack] Since when have I fallen beh-hey! Wait up!
* Blackjack drops to the ground and runs after DS
[Paladin`] Silly old people... *follows*
* DeathStar walks along the ground, splashing water everywhere as he does so.
* DeathStar quickly moves into the backstreets, away from the populated areas. Thankfully for them, with the storm no one is really out enjoying themselves.
* DeathStar finally pauses on a side street, waiting for the others to catch up.
[Hotaru-chan] For once, the weather is in our favour
* Blackjack pulls up beside DS, having somehow kept up
[DeathStar] GM: *the shuttle explodes, causing a side of the building to collapse.  The patrols quickly run off to investigate it.
[Ariel] I rather have it dry...
[DeathStar] That should keep them distracted for a while.
* DeathStar looks up in the sky, seeing another shuttle coming down.
[Blackjack] I guess we'll tackle the "how do we get out of here" angle later.
[DeathStar] That thing is about to crash near us.
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: [Narrator] Luckily, Shiawase had run off in search of fish, just moments before!
[Paladin`] Newsflash, DS, this is a city. EVERYONE is the enemy.
[Hotaru-chan] Well, almost everyone.
[DeathStar] Not quite.  We have to use the people's low mentality against the army to our advantage.
[DeathStar] GM: *the shuttle in the sky spins out*
[DeathStar] Move.  They'll be after that shuttle next.  We don't want to be near it when it lands.
* DeathStar hurries along the backstreets, moving along the shadows of the buildings.
[Seraphna] NRP: [Narrator] Also, the catgons were riding opn Saiwise back, they wanted fishies!
* Paladin` follows.
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a demi-panther to further aid his stealth and moves after DS
* DeathStar adjusts the wet backpack, heading along the streets.
[DeathStar] GM: *the shuttle crashes into a building, exploding*
* DeathStar ducks into the shadows of a building, looking back at the second explosion
[DeathStar] That's not going to make the Tsivrixsh happy.
* Blackjack shakes his head
[Blackjack] That's their problem. Let's keep moving.
* Hotaru-chan shapeshifts into a catgon to further aid her stealth and flies after DS
* DeathStar pulls out a map, looking at it as it gets wet.
[DeathStar] Okay, we're here .... the palace is, wait, theer.
[Blackjack] NRP: I sense a reused quote there... *snickers*
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: *doesn't make a bad taste joke*
[Paladin`] You don't know?
* Blackjack facepalms and growls
[DeathStar] No, wait, this is upside down.
* DeathStar turns it around, looking at it.
[DeathStar] Okay, Xrileshr gave detailed instructions here.
[Paladin`] ..... Bad DS. Bad.
[Hotaru-chan] DS can't even read a map?
[Blackjack] Apparently not.
* DeathStar shreds the map.
[DeathStar] Lets move.
* DeathStar runs quickly down a street.
[Blackjack] ...I won't say a word... nope, not a word...
* Blackjack runs after DS
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: BTW, random question. What colour are Seraphna and Emily in catgon form?
[DeathStar] GM: *a strange vechile slams on breaks in front of them, a weird beep emitting from it*
* DeathStar slides to a stop, hitting the vechile. He rolls over the hood and back onto the ground.
[Paladin`] .... It beeps.
[DeathStar] Ow.
* DeathStar stands up, holding his sidwe.
[Ariel] ...we've become disturbers of the peace.
* Blackjack swerves around it
[DeathStar] Who the hell rides around in this kind of weather?
* DeathStar shields his eyes as he looks up, seeing patrol vechiles in the sky
[Blackjack] ...Psychos and military personnel.
* Paladin` places a hand on his gun
[DeathStar] They're nearby.  Lets go.
[Hotaru-chan] Guess which you are.
* DeathStar runs through a puddle of water.
* Paladin` follows DS
* Hotaru-chan flies through the rain, at about head level.
* Blackjack takes off after DS, taking special care to leap over the puddle
* DeathStar points up a head at a huge, black building.
[DeathStar] That's the palace, I believe.
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: Just above, actually.
* Odin` comes running down an alley and right in front of DS, wearing a black cloak, soaked in rain
* DeathStar smashes into the cloaked figure.
* Blackjack skids to a halt in a fighting position
* DeathStar pulls out his saber, getting ready for a fight.
* Odin` hits the ground and rolls
[Ariel] ...what's the obsession with cloaks...
* DeathStar stands there, his black hair falling across his face.
* Ariel has a minor forcefield up to keep herself dry.
[DeathStar] Who are you?!
[Odin`] Niek neif....*waves at DS*
[Paladin`] Razzlefrackign cloaks.
[DeathStar] ....
[DeathStar] That's not Tsivrixish language.
[Blackjack] ...Repeat that?
[Paladin`] "Razzlefrackign cloaks."
[GM`] *suddenly a patrol vechile lands*
[Blackjack] Not you, jackass.
[Odin`] ....*looks at BJ and then taps his a device on his arm* RUN YOU IDIOTS!
*** GM` is now known as TsivrixshPoliceForce
* TsivrixshPoliceForce leap out of their vechiles, holding weapons. They open fire.
[DeathStar] MOVE!
[Blackjack] ...Yeah, running sounds good...
* DeathStar ducks a few blasts, heading for the palace.
[Hotaru-chan] Bust a move! *flies quicker*
* Odin` scrambles up and runs in stride with DS
* Paladin` breaks out into a sprint
* Blackjack drops to all fours and bursts through the ground
[Odin`] Your DeathStar yes?
[DeathStar] Yes.
* DeathStar runs across the park.
* TsivrixshPoliceForce chase DS.
[Odin`] Odin...*leaps over a bush* 
[DeathStar] ...why are they following only ME?
[Blackjack] NRP: Meant "crowd" back there...
* DeathStar ducks a branch of some weird plant.
* Paladin` looks at BJ "Well, you ARE a dog."
* Odin` ducks under
* Blackjack repositions himself on two legs and twitches his tail
[Blackjack] I'll hurt you later.
* Blackjack ducks the branch - barely
[Odin`] ...Because they recognize you...I'm one of Slasher's friends...Take a right now..*turns right*
[Paladin`] I'll be waiting.
* DeathStar turns right, looking over his shoulder.
[DeathStar] Alright.
* DeathStar points at the huge palace off in the background
[DeathStar] We need to hurry theer.
* TsivrixshPoliceForce chase Ariel and Hotaru
* Ariel leads them astray, then teleports back to the others.
*** TsivrixshPoliceForce is now known as GM`
* DeathStar finally leaves the park.
* DeathStar stops, catching his breath.
[Odin`] Then lets do it...*pulls out some several small orbs and throws them way infront and spread out, when they hit, fog starts to emit from them*
[DeathStar] I should have really gotten more people on this little team.
[Ariel] You're really out of shape DS
* Blackjack skids to a stop near DS
[Odin`] This should supply us cover yes..
[DeathStar] Yes.
* DeathStar runs through the fog.
* Odin` follows behind him, his hood still up
* Blackjack shrugs, unable to get his sentence out, and resumes after DS
* Hotaru-chan flies through the fog, losing the police
* DeathStar stops as they come to a huge set of stairways that go on a huge distance, downward.
[DeathStar] ...
* DeathStar looks at a rail.
* DeathStar looks back at the stairs.
[Blackjack] ...No.
[DeathStar] ...uh, yeah.
[Hotaru-chan] What's wrong?
* DeathStar runs down the stairs, leaping as he goes along them to cover more ground.
* Hotaru-chan half-swoops down the stairs, finding it easier than normal flight
* Paladin` slides after DS
* Blackjack grins and jumps on the rail, his boots contouring to it, and he slides down
* Odin` pulls out a small disc and spreads it apart, he then throws it on the rail and leaps on it, sliding down the rail on it
* DeathStar looks at the people grinding past him, shakes his head with a smirk, and continues to run down the stairs, leaping.
[Odin`] NRP: People grinding? Is that Tsiv for sex?
* Ariel takes her time going down the stairs, but somehow doesn't get left behind
* Odin` slides past DS
[DeathStar] GM: *behind them, suddenly, 3 vechiles appear at the top of the stairs.  They open fire and fly after them*
* DeathStar stops, looking behind him.
* Blackjack jumps and switches the position of his feet as he passes DS, looking back
[Blackjack] Now might be a good time to speed up, you know.
* DeathStar leaps on top of the rail, sliding down it.
[Blackjack] There you go!
* DeathStar crouches as he slides toward BJ.
* Blackjack crouches, gaining speed
* Blackjack looks back and raises an eyebrow
[Blackjack] We've known each other FAR too long, you know.
[DeathStar] GM: *up ahead there is a gap on the rail*
[DeathStar] Eyes forward!
* Paladin` slides down the rail too, but ends up racking himself
* Odin` bounces on his disc and hops over the gap
[DeathStar] GM: *the vechiles gain on Ariel*
* Blackjack lowers, then leaps and tucks his knees, performing a flip and 180 turn in midair before landing on the next section of the rail
* Ariel has wings, she just glides down
* DeathStar leaps up into the air, flips in the air, and lands on the rail.
[DeathStar] GM: *Odin is near the bottom now*
[DeathStar] GM: *followed by BJ and DS.  Then Hotaru and Ariel*
* Odin` slides off the rail and lands on the ground where he skids across it
[DeathStar] GM: *sadly, the rain has made the last part of the rail very slippery*
* Odin` crouches and spins around, drawing out to pistols he quickly starts firing on the oncoming enemys
[DeathStar] Vechiles: *veer off*
* Paladin` catches up to the others
* DeathStar slips and goes on one foot, trying to gain balance as he moves.
* Odin` continues to fire at them as they veer off
* Blackjack tries to crouch and flip, but in an effort to avoid one of Odin's shots, loses his balance and flies wildly into the air
[Blackjack] WHOOOA!
* DeathStar flies off the end of the rail, flying past everyone, and lands on top a board, which promptly rolls down a hill*
* Blackjack rights himself and lands in a crouching position next to DS - and onto another board
[DeathStar] AIEEE
[Blackjack] Hey, cats really do always land on their feet... HEY!
* Ariel lands gracefully
* DeathStar tries to get off his stomach as the board gains speed.
[DeathStar] GM: *up ahead 5 vechiles wait for BJ and DS*
* Odin` puts his pistols away and turns back around and grabs the disc as he leaps off it
* Blackjack swings his feet around into a goofy position and crouches
* DeathStar gets to his feet, looking back up at the hill where the others are.
[DeathStar] Okay, BJ, looks like we're in the lead.
* Hotaru-chan sighs. "Why can't this ever be easy...?"
* DeathStar tries to move his board around as the vechiles charge him.
[Blackjack] This would make a good training sim.
* DeathStar leaps up in the air, lands on top of one of the vechiles. He runs down it and leaps off, landing back on his board.
[Paladin`] *high pitched* For you maybe... dog-boy!
* Odin` breaks into a dead sprint
* Blackjack crouches, then leaps into the air and handsprings off of the top of one of the vehicles, landing not-so-gracefully on the other side
[Odin`] NRP: GO DS!
* Hotaru-chan flies around, distracting the Tsiv.
* DeathStar reaches the bottom, at the foot of the palace.
[Blackjack] Showoff...
[Odin`] NRP: They floating vehicles?
[DeathStar] NRP: Yes.
[Ariel] NRP: You played too much Sonic Adventure
* Blackjack swings his board parallel to the path as a brake, stopping next to DS
[DeathStar] NRP: Thank you.
[Blackjack] NRP: We do what we can.
[Odin`] NRP: Tony Hawk you mean
[DeathStar] Lets wait for the others.
[Ariel] NRP: Sonic Adventure 2, first level.
* Blackjack picks up the board - and immediately drops it
[Blackjack] YEOW!
* Paladin` goes downhill.
[DeathStar] ....nice move.
* Odin` throws his disc infront of him and leaps on it lieing down, he pulls his pistols out again and slides under a vehicle, where he begins to fire up and into it from below
* Ariel cheats. She teleports up to DS and Blackjack
[DeathStar] GM: *the vechiles blows up*
[DeathStar] (vehicle)
[Blackjack] Never pick up a piece of metal that's just been ground against a metal surface for that long.
* Odin` slides down the rest of the path and skids to a halt next to BJ
[DeathStar] GM: *the remaining vehicles, distracted by Hotaru, lose track of the others*
[DeathStar] NRP: For our next act, we'll do gravity changes where we go from the roof, to the side, to the ground, and all over the place
* Hotaru-chan flies away, before moving to meet up with the others.
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: LOL
* Odin` flips up and picks up the disc, a metallic gauntlet appearing from beneath his sleeve
* DeathStar looks up the at the set of stairs leading to the palace. There are no guards present, but they are undoubtedly there. The rain picks up.
* Paladin` just follows the others, for crying out loud! :)
[Blackjack] ...I hope we don't end up upside down somewhere in here...
* Blackjack shakes his head
[Blackjack] Sorry, strange premonition.
* DeathStar looks over at a sewer hatch,.
[Ariel] ...riiiight.
[DeathStar] Sorry, it won't be so glorious
* Hotaru-chan turns upside down, somehow hovering that way
* DeathStar grabs the hatch and rips it out of place, after much struggle.
*** Paladin` is now known as Garland
[Hotaru-chan] You mean like this?
*** GM` is now known as Paladin`
[Garland] Paladin: How much further?
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: AHH! Paladin is Garland in disguise!
[Blackjack] Close enough. *shudders*
* Odin` pulls his hood off, revealing a human-oid face, a scar going down his left side, from his forehead to under his chin, a white eye stares out from it
* Hotaru-chan spins the right way up.
[DeathStar] Well, Odin, I guess Slasher sent you to check up on us.
* DeathStar crouches over the sewer hatch.
* Garland teleports into the sky
[DeathStar] Well, this won't be nearly as glorious.
[Odin`] More to aid you...Plus I owe him my life..I need to repay the debt.
[Blackjack] ...Isn't there another way...?
* Paladin` adjusts his weapons.
[DeathStar] The front door.
* Odin` runs his gauntlet through his greayed hair
[Blackjack] Good point.
* Blackjack pops his knuckles
[Ariel] ...I'm keeping this shield up.
* Garland looks around, sniffing the air a moment
[Odin`] I'm surprised you haven't disquised yourself stand out yes..
[DeathStar] Thanks.
* Paladin` leaps down the hole.
* DeathStar follows Paladin.
* Odin` looks at DS
[Odin`] NRP: BJ
* Paladin` lands in a pile of sludge.
[Odin`] Go...
* Blackjack stands over it and peers in
* DeathStar lands on the side of the sewers, looking at Paladin.
[Blackjack] I have a better idea.
* Odin` pushes him in
* Garland teleports down
[Blackjack] WHOA!
* Odin` grabs the hatch
* DeathStar glances around, then looks up as BJ falls.
[Garland] .... Why are you guys all the way out here?
* Hotaru-chan follows Paladin and the rest down, but doesn't actually land in the sludge, instead hovering
* Ariel lands in the sewers, but her shield keeps her afloat.
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a demi-falcon in midair, righting himself before hitting the ground and hovering in mid-air
* Odin` looks to make sure everyone is in
* Paladin` merely trudges onward through the sewers.
[DeathStar] Did I hear Garland?
[Odin`] NRP: Everyone in?
[DeathStar] NRP: Garland: This isn't a palace.  This is a burger place!
* Blackjack sniffs, and gags
* DeathStar breathes through his mouth, wisely so.
[Blackjack] If we heard him, he'll catch up... let's get out of here ASAP, hmm?
* Garland taps DS on the shoudler.
[Hotaru-chan] The stench is hideous...
* DeathStar glances over it, nodding once.
* DeathStar follows Paladin.
* Odin` drops down, slamming the hatch back on as he drops
* Blackjack breathes the best he can through his mouth considering its shape, and flies after DS
* Ariel keeps her shield up as she walks... It looks like she's in a hampster ball.
* DeathStar walks along, frowning as he glances around,
[Garland] Why aren't you guys attacking the Palace or something..?
* Paladin` reaches a point where the sewer line goes right or left.
[DeathStar] The plan is to inflitrate the palace.
[Garland] ..and why a sewer?
[DeathStar] Less likely any guards will be here.
* Odin` boots leave a nice impression in the sludge
[Blackjack] Because we always go through the sewer, why else? Ugh...
[Hotaru-chan] Well, would YOU want to smell this stuff?
* Odin` walks upto the others
* DeathStar reaches Paladin's position.
[Hotaru-chan] Pheee-yeww...
[Garland] Reminds me of potpuri. (sp?)
[Odin`] Won't be long before they see the hatch busted off the hinge and assume were in here.
[Paladin`] It is logical that the police have informed the emperor we are on the planet.  He might guess we'll come this way.
[Blackjack] I'd like to know what kind of potpurri you use, Garland...
[Blackjack] So I could avoid it.
* DeathStar heads right.
* Ariel follows DS
[Garland] I didn't say I like it.
* Paladin` follows after DS.
* Blackjack turns after DS
[DeathStar] *a low rumble sound is heard*
* Garland floats forward, not putting his feet in the muck.
[Hotaru-chan] Uh oh...
* DeathStar pauses.
* Hotaru-chan moves quicker.
[Odin`] ....They must be flooding the sewers..
[DeathStar] The storm --- or something else?
[Blackjack] Why do I get the feeling that we're about to get soaked?
* DeathStar nods at Odin
[Odin`] must be...
[DeathStar] Probably.
* DeathStar points forward.
[Garland] We're in the sewer, and it's raining.
[Garland] .... Drainage.
[DeathStar] Move on, guys.  If we get caught in here, we'll be dead.
[Odin`] Your friend Ariel...she can create a shield yes around us?
* Odin` trudges forward
* Hotaru-chan rushes forward.
[DeathStar] To stop a flooding sewer?  I don't know.  That impact is powerful.
* DeathStar hurries along.
[Garland] Oh, the space battle's going well if you guys were wondering...
* Paladin` quickens his pace.
[Ariel] A shield that big and I wouldn't be able to move it.
[Odin`] Then hurry...
[DeathStar] That's good.  I figured Slasher could do it.  Oh, and Dom, too.
* Ariel runs after DS... it REALLY does look like a hampster ball
* Garland moves forward with a quickened pace, keeping with them.
* Blackjack picks up the pace, beating his wings instead of just gliding
[DeathStar] GM: *the rumbling sound gets louder*
[DeathStar] We should be under the palace now.  *looks up at a set of stairs*  That should be it.
[Odin`] Go then..
[DeathStar] (ladder)
[Hotaru-chan] I do NOT want wet fur... *rushes for the stairs*
[Paladin`] One at a time.
[Hotaru-chan] (Ladder)
[Blackjack] Speak for yourself. Feathers don't do well with water either.
[Paladin`] And someone needs to open the hatch above.
* DeathStar looks behind them as the rumbling gets louder.
* Odin` pulls out a his gun and blasts the hatch open
[Garland] Do I need to blast open a hole to the surface?
[Odin`] Go yes..
[Blackjack] That works.
[Paladin`] Ladies first.
[Garland] Or that works, too.
[Odin`] You...*points to Garland* Blast a hole down the tunnel into a side wall...maybe we get lucky and punch into another sewer line
[DeathStar] GM: *a huge wall of slime appears in the distance*
[DeathStar] ...move it people.
[DeathStar] Up that ladder.
* Odin` quickly begins climbing up the ladder
[Blackjack] Forget the ladies first.
* Blackjack ignores the ladder and just flies up
* Paladin` climbs after Odin.
* Hotaru-chan flies up after BJ
* Ariel climbs up
* Odin` flips out of the top of the hatch and lands on his feet quickly looking around
* Garland flips out
[Garland] That everyone?
* Odin` draws his weapons and looks around
* DeathStar climbs up slowly.
[Paladin`] Death Star.
* DeathStar grips the top of the hatch and pulls himself up.
* Garland kicks the hatch shut, not wanting it to overflow out.
* DeathStar is almost kicked back down!
* Odin` looks at Garland
[Ariel] You okay DS?
* DeathStar blinks a few times.
[DeathStar] Yeah, fine.
* Odin` checks his power levels on his weapons and charges them up
[Garland] What.... did you think I'd kick you down in there?
* Paladin` looks around. They are in a small room full of pipes and plumbing. There seems to be no exit from here.
[DeathStar] Yes.
* DeathStar looks around.
* Blackjack shapeshifts back into the demi-panther form and looks around
* Garland frowns.
* DeathStar smirks.
[Blackjack] ...Where are all of the psions when you need 'em.
[DeathStar] Alright, any ideas on an exit?
* Odin` walks over to the pipes and begins examining them for either a gas line or an energy line
[Garland] I'm just ready to knock some heads..
[DeathStar] GM: *they all seem to be sewage lines*
[Blackjack] We could always make an exit.
* DeathStar looks straight up, which is about 11 feet up.
[Hotaru-chan] Well, I'm here...
[DeathStar] That would probably be the safest.  If you can avoid hitting a place those pipes go.
[Hotaru-chan] Hitting a gas or energy line is bad for all of us.
* Paladin` adjusts his gun.
[Blackjack] Hota, are you any good at sensing locations of objects?
* Paladin` aims his rifle at the ceiling.
* Hotaru-chan tries to do so.
* Odin` pulls out a small plastic explosive and straps it to one of the pipes
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: Can't remember if I am, but with Psy 2...
[DeathStar] GM: *sadly, Hotaru scans that almost everywhere a pipe runs*
[Hotaru-chan] They're everywhere!
[Odin`] NRP: Almost!!
* Paladin` fires and blows a hole in the ceiling. A few seconds later, sewage sprays everywhere.
[Paladin`] Up the hole.
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: GM: The team has entered... the Grindery...
* Odin` hits some switches on the explosive and it a red light flashes
[DeathStar] Oh yuck.
* Hotaru-chan dodges the sewage on reflex
* DeathStar kicks against some pipes and grabs the ceiling, pulling himself up into a bathroom.
[Blackjack] Good shot, jackass.
[Paladin`] After you, princess.
* Odin` follows suit behind DS
* DeathStar glances at a destroyed toilet.
[DeathStar] Cute.
* Blackjack leaps up, swinging around on a pipe to launch himself upwards and pulls himself up after DS
* Garland crosses his arms.
* Paladin` slings the rifle over his shoulder and leaps up, grabbing the ceiling and pulling himself up.
[Garland] At least no one was using it.
[Blackjack] It could be worse. I think.
* DeathStar stands in the bathroom, looking at a naked Tsivrixsh off to the side.
[DeathStar] ....
[Ariel] ...this the girls or guys room?
[DeathStar] Guy.
* Hotaru-chan giggles
* DeathStar moves along to the door, opening it and looking into the hallway.
[Blackjack] I was right. It could be worse. And it is.
[Odin`] We need to do something with him...
[Hotaru-chan] We could tie him up...
[DeathStar] Alright, we'll need to move up to the first floor, head through the throne room, then there'll be a place we can enter the ventalation shaft that will lead down to the core room.
[Garland] Or we could leave him there, naked,
* Paladin` kicks the Tsivrixsh in the head, shrugs, slides his body into a corner.
[Odin`] That works yes..
[Hotaru-chan] ... crude but effective!
[Garland] Or that...
[DeathStar] Act Seven: The Heart of the Tsivrixsh Empire.
[Odin`] NRP: Take 5
[DeathStar] NRP: *takes five dollars*
* DeathStar leans against the bathroom wall.
[DeathStar] Everyone ready for this?
* Odin` nods
[Hotaru-chan] I'm ready!
* Garland is now known as Garland
[DeathStar] Check your weapons and make sure you're all ready.  There is no turning back after this.
* Garland falls over
[DeathStar] ...
* DeathStar looks at Garland.
* Garland takes a caffine swig
[Garland] Moo.
[DeathStar] he insane?
* Garland jumps up.
[Hotaru-chan] I think so...
[Garland] NRP: ...... Eek.
[Blackjack] ...I'm afraid to ask...
[Paladin`] The star pupil has lost it.
[Garland] NRP: I thought this was the end of the part. ^-^
[Garland] NRP: LOL.
[Blackjack] Maybe the Tsivrixsh have psion mind scramblers on their side... I sure hope not...
[Hotaru-chan] He's cuckoo for cocoa pops!
[DeathStar] NRP: I know.  Which is why it makes this so much funnier.
* DeathStar waves his hand over Garland's face.
* Odin` pulls his cloak off and throws it over the tsiv, underneath it Odin is wearing an onyx colored armor that looks thick and bulky, but only compliments the size of him
[Garland] NRP: Oh my gosh... hehe!
* Garland smacks DS
[DeathStar] Ow!
* DeathStar opens the bathroom door and steps out into the hallway.
* DeathStar glances at 3 Tsivrixsh guys waiting to use the bathroom.
[Garland] Alright, let's do this.
* DeathStar stares at them. They stare back, clearly surprised.
* Garland looks at the Tsiv
* Odin` reaches behind his back and pulls out a long black sword, twirls it and puts it back on his back
* Blackjack steps out and starts
[DeathStar] ...
[DeathStar] Tsivrixsh: *stand there*
* Hotaru-chan laughs in mid-air
[DeathStar] Tsivrixsh: *run off*
* Ariel bows her head and steps past.
[Paladin`] We should probably stop them.
* Blackjack unstraps his rifle
[Blackjack] Shall I, DS?
[Garland] I've got it.
[DeathStar] Sure.
* Odin` pulls out his pistols from the the shoulder holsters
* Blackjack flips the silencer on
[DeathStar] ....Garland?  What are you going to do?  Drool on them?
[Garland] Oh.. damn, silencer.
[Blackjack] Allow me the honor.
* Garland smacks DS again
[DeathStar] Ow!
* Blackjack fires three well aimed shots at the retreating Tsivrixsh
* Hotaru-chan flies out of the bathroom.
[DeathStar] *they all fall dead*
[Garland] Stay serious, this is the big one.
* DeathStar nods grimly.
[DeathStar] Good shot, BJ.
* DeathStar points the opposite way of the dead bodies.
[DeathStar] We'll go this way.
* DeathStar runs along the hallway.
[Odin`] What about the bodies?
* Blackjack lowers his rifle
[Blackjack] I haven't lost it, yet, anyway...
* Blackjack swings it back over his shoulder
[Blackjack] I just snipe. You decide what to do with the bodies.
* Odin` turns and walks down the road
* Blackjack runs after DS
* Paladin` drags the bodies into a corner.
* DeathStar turns a corner and looks around.
[DeathStar] I say we're on the lower levels of the palace.  We need a way up, fast.
[Garland] There's two ways.
[Paladin`] Blast our way up.
* DeathStar adjusts the backpack.
[DeathStar] Or?
[Garland] Or the quiet sneaking around boring way.
[Hotaru-chan] ... it's fast, but I don't want to go through THAT again...
[Ariel] Elevator?
[Blackjack] Look for an elevator.
[Paladin`] Or elevator.
[Blackjack] No, wait, bad idea.
[DeathStar] ....
* DeathStar hits a button, an elevator door opening
* Ariel shivers, realizing what she just said.
[DeathStar] I was hoping you guys would say that.
* DeathStar steps on
[Paladin`] ...he'
[Blackjack] ...Garland, blast us a path up.
[Ariel] *steps onto the elevator with dread* We're all doomed...
[Paladin`] ...he's smarter than I remember.
* Paladin` steps on.
[Blackjack] I must be crazy.
* Blackjack gets on
* Garland reluctantly gets on.
[DeathStar] GM: *the doors close slowly, only Hotaru not on*
[DeathStar] *and Odin*
* Odin` taps something on his gauntlet causing the explosive to go off in the sewage room
[DeathStar] GM: *alarms go off*
[DeathStar] GM: *the hallway starts flooding with rampage sewage*
[Garland] ...... Elevators... why do I think this will be the one time an elevator is a tra---yep.
* Hotaru-chan moves to get in the elevator, but... isn't fast enough
* Odin` turns to Hotaru
* DeathStar hits the top floor button.
[Odin`] NRP: Hotaru female right
[DeathStar] Lets hope the others catch up.
[DeathStar] NRP: Yes.
[Hotaru-chan] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Sewage! Blow a hole in the ceiling!
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: Yep!
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator rises*
* Odin` grabs Hotaru and throws her on his shoulder
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: And currently a catgon
[Blackjack] ...Who else saw this coming, hmm?
[Ariel] 6[5[13Emily5]6] .oO( I don't want to stink... I don't want to stink... )
[DeathStar] GM: *a Tsivrixsh voice speaks*
[DeathStar] ...this is bad.
* Odin` quickly points his gauntlet up and fires an energy blast straight into the cieling
[DeathStar] There's over a thousand guards in this palace.  All elite.
[DeathStar] And we've never fought elite guards.
[Blackjack] ...When are they going to learn that we don't speak Tsivrixsh? *laughs*
[Hotaru-chan] NRP: Tsiv: HOW ARE YOU GENTLEMEN !!!
[Garland] ....
[DeathStar] says, "Intruders on the 12th floor".
[DeathStar] "Intruders on the 7th floor."
[Odin`] NRP: *blow a hole or not?
[DeathStar] NRP: Yes.
[Blackjack] ...Huh? Are we going down? *looks around*
[DeathStar] "Stopping elevator."
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator jerks to a stop*
*** Cally-TV is now known as Caladia
* Odin` crouches and leaps up onto the next floor
* DeathStar crosses his arms, looking up at the hatch on the ceiling of the elevator
[DeathStar] That's our escape.
* Odin` fires another blast into the cieling again
* Paladin` punches it open and climbs on top of the elevator.
[Odin`] NRP: Sewage flamable?
* DeathStar flips up on top of the elevator, holding his backpack.
* Garland jumps up on top.
[DeathStar] NRP: I think so,.
[Garland] Up?
* Blackjack flips out of Paladin's hole in the elevator
[DeathStar] Yes.  Top floor.  Care to give me a lift?
[Blackjack] Here we go again.
* Paladin` puts on some gloves and grabs the cable, climbing up.
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a demi-falcon and looks up
* Ariel climbs up
[Blackjack] .oO{I'm too old for this...}
[DeathStar] GM: *elevator groans, as if it's about to drop*
* Blackjack leaps upwards and begins flying up
* Odin` pulls out a small orb and drops it in the floor below, as it lands it explodes in a fiery inferno
[Hotaru-chan] This is crazy, but it works...
* Odin` leaps up into the new hole made and looks around
[DeathStar] GM: *fire breaks out and sounds of screamsa re heard*
* Blackjack jumps a bit late, getting a quick shot upwards
* Garland DS by the collar and flies up
* Paladin` climbs rapidly toward the top.
[DeathStar] Don't shake me.  The explosives are sensitie.
[DeathStar] (sensitive)
[Ariel] I guess that means I shouldn't pinch your rear? *is flying up*
[Garland] I know... *flies up* Just don't drop them. *teleports to the top of the shaft
* Paladin` arrives at the top, then leaps off onto the area of the elevator door, trying to open it.
[Odin`] This is gonna take too long...*turns to the elevator door and rams it open*
[Paladin`] Errr.
* Paladin` strains.
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator shaft shakes as a door is rammed open*
* Paladin` loses his balance.
* Blackjack arrives at the top and hovers
* Paladin` falls downward, but grabs the cable, swinging in the air.
* Odin` uses his massives gauntlets to pry the door open
[DeathStar] Earthquake?
* DeathStar looks down.
[DeathStar] Someone blast the doors open on the top floor for me.
[Blackjack] No telling in this hellhole.
* Garland kicks the door in.
[Paladin`] GM: *the elevator groans again, down below*
* Odin` looks up to see if the elevator is above him or below
* DeathStar kicks off Garland and landso n the top floor.
[DeathStar] GM: *it is*
[Odin`] NRP :Scratch that
[Odin`] NRP: Is it above?
[DeathStar] NRP: For you.
* DeathStar looks around.
* Blackjack flies in after DS and looks around
[Odin`] NRP: How many floors up?
[DeathStar] They're saying we're on the top floor now.
[DeathStar] NRP: It's 6 floors up.
* Garland comes in behind DS
[Ariel] Wow, they're observant.
[Garland] Well, let's do it already.
* Odin` hits the elevator button
[DeathStar] GM: *the elevator breaks and falls past Odin*
* Odin` watches it fall down
* Paladin` leaps onto the top floor.
[DeathStar] ...
* DeathStar points ahead at the three elite guards.
[DeathStar] Incoming.
[Hotaru-chan] Well, NOW we can catch up...
*** Caladia has quit IRC (Quit: fuckin' computer....)
[Odin`] ....*leaps across the elevator area and grabs onto the ladder, he then begins climbing up
* Blackjack shapeshifts into a demi-panther - again - and falls into a fighting position
* Garland draws his swords, looking at them.
*** EliteGuards has joined #taw
[Blackjack] You know we're screwed, right?
* EliteGuards pull out a weapon with blades on either end of it.
* DeathStar pulls out his saber.
[DeathStar] This is bad.
* Paladin` fires at the guards, each one blocking the shots.
* Blackjack draws his sword and falls into a melee/hand to hand position
[DeathStar] They're blocking the path to the throne room.
[DeathStar] GM: *the alarms continue to go off, red lights flashing*
[Garland] Well, they better move. *narrows his eyes*
* Odin` continues to climb with, Hotaru on his shoulder
* EliteGuards wait.
[Ariel] I think it's their job
[Hotaru-chan] You know... I can fly...
[Odin`] Fly then yes.
* Garland walks forward slowly, both swords ready
* Garland stands off, looking at the guards
[Blackjack] Just like old times... *tenses*
* Hotaru-chan flies on ahead
* EliteGuards appear on all sides of Garland, slashing rapidly. Three cuts appear on his clothes, followed by cuts in his skin.
* Garland ducks low, spinnign with both swords hard and fast
* EliteGuards appear back in their original positions.
[DeathStar] ...they move so fast!
[Blackjack] Yep. We're screwed.
* EliteGuards twirl their weapons again.
[Odin`] NRP: how mayn more floors?
[DeathStar] NRP: 4.
* Garland looks at his shoulder, looking at the wounds.
* Garland looks back at the Guards.
* EliteGuards look at each other, then one steps forward.
*** EliteGuards is now known as EliteGuard
* EliteGuard slashes at Garland.
[Paladin`] Well, that leaves two left.
* Garland blocks, pushing against the weapon
[DeathStar] ...perhaps we can lure them over here and we can shove them in the elevator shaft?
* Odin` continues climbing up
* Garland looks the Guard in the eyes.
* EliteGuard steps back, twists the weapon, and breaks free from Garland's weapon. He slashes at Garland's throat.
[DeathStar] ...I feel so useless.
* Garland backflips to avoid and flipkicks the Guard
* EliteGuard seems unphased and presses his advantage with a series of slashes from various angles.
* Ariel seems content to let Garland fight
* Garland teleports behind the guard, blasting him with a Kiama
* Paladin` adjusts his weapons, pulling out a rocket launcher.
* EliteGuard turns around, knocking the blast to the side.
* Garland slashes down hard while the guard knocks it away
*** Caladia has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Caladia
* EliteGuard steps back, crouching low. He raises his weapon, parrying Garland's weapon with a quick strike.
* Paladin` aims it at the ceiling.
[Paladin`] I got a plan.  I'm going to try and bury them here.  You guys should try to run by now.
* Garland grins slightly, wiping a drop of blood from his lip
[DeathStar] ....right
* Odin` pulls himself up and onto the floor with everyone else
* DeathStar turns off his saber and looks at BJ
* Blackjack looks at DS and nods
[DeathStar] Ready?
[Hotaru-chan] Alright! About time!
[Blackjack] Always.
[Ariel] You sure Paladin?
* Garland holds his swords ready, his stance changing slightly
[Paladin`] Yeah.  I'll hold them off.  Plus it will stop any others from approaching.
[DeathStar] Good luck, Paladin.
[Ariel] Good luck to you.
* DeathStar runs past Garland and the elite guard he's fighting.
[Hotaru-chan] Thanks Pal!
* Odin` looks at Pal and runs after DS and Garland
* Blackjack runs past Garland's fight on the opposite side as DS
[DeathStar] 2 Elite Guards: *look confused, and prepare to block*
* Paladin` fires at the ceiling.
[Paladin`] Go, Garland!
* Garland 's expression turns to a glare as he looks at the guard
* EliteGuard looks up.
[EliteGuard] GM: *the ceiling begins to collapse.
* Odin` crouches and rams his shoulder into one of the elite guards
* Garland blurs to follow the others
* Ariel keeps after DS
* DeathStar dives to safety, turning back as the ceiling falls in everywhere*
[Garland] And I was having fun....
*** EliteGuard is now known as GM`
*** Paladin` is now known as GM``
[DeathStar] ...Paladin.
* Blackjack leaps, rolling past DS, and comes into a crouch facing back at the destruction
* Odin` leaps and rolls
* Hotaru-chan looks quickly for an exit.
[Garland] I didn't know he could teleport.
[DeathStar] He can't.  Lets go.
[Odin`] Probably can't no...
* DeathStar walks forward.
* Odin` pushes himself up
[Garland] ..... IDIOT! *punches the debris*
* Garland sheiths his swords, looking pissed.
[DeathStar] GM: *the alarms suddenly stop*
[Blackjack] ...Stupid jackass...
[Odin`] Maybe they think we're dead yes..
[DeathStar] He bought us some time from more elite guards.  Lets use it while we can.
[Hotaru-chan] ... so... he's... gone?
[Odin`] Probably not no..
* DeathStar refuses to answer Hotaru.
* DeathStar continues forward, seeing a set of huge doors.
[Blackjack] ...Let's keep moving.
[Ariel] *closes her eyes* Let's hurry...
[Garland] I could have handled them, but no, that fucker didn't bother asking, just "I'll kill myself!".
* Blackjack jogs after DS
[Blackjack] Time is short, Garland, keep it moving.
[DeathStar] Lets ram them together, BJ.
* Odin` runs his left hand through his hair
[DeathStar] 1...2...3!
* DeathStar runs at the door.
* Hotaru-chan flits after DS
* Blackjack dashes at the door
* DeathStar slams against it.
* Blackjack bashes into it
* Odin` walks up to it and sets his hands against the doors
[DeathStar] GM: *the door falls in, sending the two sprawling onto the ground*
[Odin`] NRP: OH yeah!! *flexes*
* DeathStar rolls, making sure to protect the backpack.
* Garland steps into the room, looking around.
* Blackjack stops rolling on his back, looking up and laughing
[DeathStar] ...the throne room.
* Blackjack quiets and flips to his feet
* DeathStar looks around, a huge room the size of a football field. Above them is a glass ceiling, with rain falling on it. Nearby is a huge chair.
* Odin` looks up as lightning arcs across the sky
[GM``] Voice: are the ones who have plagued me for over so many decades....
[Ariel] .oO( Talk about overkill... )
[Hotaru-chan] What gave you that idea? Was it the way we burst in, weapons ready?
[GM``] *a figure can be seen in the dark.  He has a red cape on, with two burning eyes appearing in the shadows*
[Blackjack] Or the way we burst in, crashing into the floor... *coughs*
[Garland] So... you're.... oh hell, I don't care.
* Odin` arcs himself straight up
[GM``] GM: *the figure steps forward into the light.  He is a Tsivrixsh, standing at about 8 feet.  He seems stronger than most and a noble air is about him*
[GM``] Voice: I am Emperor Xshiaver.
* Odin` reaches behind his back pulling out a long spear
*** GM`` is now known as Emperor_Xshiaver
* Hotaru-chan changes back into (half?)ATLAN form
* Emperor_Xshiaver holds a giant sword in his right hand, standing there as he studies his opponents.
[DeathStar] ...
* DeathStar glances at the time
* DeathStar looks at the others.
* Garland crosses his arms, adjusting his tunic
[DeathStar] We're wasting too much time here.
[Odin`] Your reign is coming to an end....
* Ariel raises her sword to salute her mortal enemy
[Garland] Why the noble atire? Hardly suited for a tyrannical monarch.
[Emperor_Xshiaver] It will be my utmost pleasure to wipe you all off the face of this plane of existance.
* DeathStar looks at Blackjacl
[Odin`] Even if you beat us yes...Your war is almost lost up there..*points to the sky*
* Blackjack glances at DS
[DeathStar] We need to reach the core.  We can't all spend our time fighting him here.  I'll stall him, the rest of you continue on.
* Garland looks flatly at DS
[Ariel] DS...?
[Garland] [I hope you don't plan on fighting him...]
[DeathStar] PAUSE
*** Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Aug 28 23:19:23 2002