Session 2: Tempered Steel (Part Two)

[Snipe] Time Chart: Sept. 8th, 2199 - Mid day
[Snipe] Location: The Conference Room
* Snipe walks into the conference room and notices little desks set up, to make it look like a school room, and groans
* Avatar enters the conference room soon after Snipe does
* Matsuoka goes to her room, grabs a quick shower the rushes to the conference room
* Avatar raises eyebrow at the desks
[Maestro`] Well Im _glad_ to see were all loved by steel
* Matsuoka slides in and looks around
* ShellX appears in the room, flickering as he downloads himself there
[Matsuoka] am I late?
[Snipe] They're really going to alot of trouble, aren't they?
[Snipe] No
[Avatar] [Not really, Matsuoka.]
* Matsuoka smiles
* Paladin` walks into the the room
* Snipe sits in one of the desks, looking cramped
[Avatar] [The question is what exactly aren't you late for...]
* Maestro` sits near the back
[Snipe] I think this was Spade's idea...who's all with me?
* Matsuoka sits next to Snipe
[Matsuoka] probably
* Avatar takes a seat, fairly cramped as well in it
[Maestro`] Why would you think that?
* Paladin` eyes the room
[Snipe] I heard he's evil
* Matsuoka coughs
* Maestro` drips with sarcasm
* ShellX notices Snipe being cramped and summons a Spydirbot, which customizes his desk to fit a wider girth
[Avatar] (to Shell X) [You would be Shell X, I presume? The hologram?]
*** GM is now known as Counselor
* ShellX then sits down
[ShellX] Yes
* Counselor walks in, smiling at them
[Counselor] Welcome, "class"
[Snipe] How'd you do that?
* Matsuoka waves to her
* Paladin` takes a seat
[ShellX] Do what?
* Counselor smiles at Matsuoka
[Avatar] (after a pause) [Greetings.]
[Snipe] Widen my desk
[Maestro`] Heyas Counselor, Im to have you as a teacher *grining*
* Avatar psychokinetically widens his own a bit
[Counselor] Maestro.....*smirks*
[Counselor] Anyway, I won't be teaching you everything
[Avatar] [Who will be?]
[ShellX] To Avatar (Simple, I let my Spydirbot use their inbuilt tools to fix the problem)
[Counselor] A newly built reploid will be teaching you some classes...can't recall his name
[Counselor] Alright, where's the others?  Dias?  Diamondback?  Gravedigger?  Did they skip class?
[Snipe] 'Skip class'?
* Matsuoka looks around for Spirit
[Maestro`] This... Better be an Intel meeting, beacuse if not, I think it will be somewhat of a waste of time, Unlike all you, I accully finished my schooling
[Avatar] [I don't know. Though, if you truly wish, I can consult the collective to find uot about Diamndback.]
* Snipe throws a crumbled up ball of paper at MAestro and nails him between the eyes
[Avatar] (to ShellX) [You can psionic communicate? Interesting.]
[Maestro`] With exception to very few...
* Matsuoka grins
[Counselor] That's okay, Avatar
* Avatar nods in responce
[ShellX] NRP: That was supposed to be a whisper
[Avatar] NRP: BRB
* Paladin` waits for the Counselor to get on with the class
[Counselor] Alright, I'm passing out exams now...we'll see how much you know about weapons and our ships
[Avatar] NRP: Oh
* Matsuoka moans
[Paladin`] Is it really necessary that I be here for this?
* Snipe snatches his exam and begins to quickly answer the questions about EarthGov Armed Forces weapons and proceedures
[ShellX] This should be easy... *grins*
[Counselor] No, Paladin
[Paladin`] Thank you
* Paladin` exits the room
*** Spirit ( has joined #taw
* Maestro` stands up "Excuse me, Listen Punk, I already took my classes, I dont know if you heard this already, But you should respect your elder... Snipe"
* Snipe raises hands
* Matsuoka throws a pencil at Maestro
* ShellX begins writing his answers at a constant pace of one who knows exactly what he's doing
[Snipe] Mrs. Counselor, Maestro is talking in class.  CAn you please do something about him?
[Paladin`] NRP: Snipe=21 Maestro=21
[Avatar] [Would it be cheating for me to cosult the collective, Counseler?]]
[Counselor] MAestro....sit down....
[Counselor] Not really, Avatar...if that's an ability of yours
* Matsuoka jots down a few answers
[Maestro`] NRP: Maestro is mentlly younger thinking he is meantally older
* Avatar begins answers his questions easily, knowing most himself anyhow
* Snipe has trouble on the armada questions
* Maestro` grumbles abit and sits down
* Matsuoka makes up a few answers and laughs softly at them
* ShellX finishes up and sits back to relax
* Snipe scribbles, and turns his exam in
* Counselor is talking to a reploid in the corner
* Maestro` checks afew things
* Matsuoka draws a few pictures on hers
[Counselor] Okay, class, you done?
[Maestro`] ...No
* Matsuoka giggles and quickly erases one of them before handing hers in
* ShellX nods
[Snipe] What did you draw?
* Matsuoka sits down and looks at Snipe
[Matsuoka] Nothing ^-^
* Snipe raises eyebrow
[Avatar] [Finished.]
* Maestro` finishes off the exam leaving blank spots
* Matsuoka giggles and quickly changes the topic "So how's you do on it?"
[Counselor] Well, I'm going to let Dominator talk to you while I go get your other teacher...*nods and walks out*
[Snipe] A?
*** Counselor is now known as GM
[Matsuoka] oh... maybe a B- ^-^¡
*** Dominator is on IRC
*** Dominator ( has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Dominator
* Snipe notices the reploid in the corner
* Matsuoka looks at Dominator too
[Snipe] Hey, isn't that X-General Dominator?
* Dominator enters the room, 1"Greetings.]
[Maestro`] This is really annoying, Why do we have to sit around and write tests if all we are going to do is fight?
* Matsuoka blinks
[Avatar] [It is. Greetings, Dominator.]
* Matsuoka waves to Dom "Hiya!"
[Dominator] Hello... Matsuoka, right?
* Matsuoka nods smiling
*** GM is now known as Index
* ShellX shrinks in his seat and tries not to be noticed by Dominator
* Index runs in and trips on his face
[Dominator] As some of you might know, I'm a training instructor for the EarthGov Armered Fo-... *glances at Index*
* Index is a young reploid
[Index] Um, er...hi sir? 
* Matsuoka looks over to Snipe "as long I'm just not near Steel I don't mind classes..."
* Index stands up
* Dominator notices Shell X and seems surprised, 1"Shell...?"
[Spirit] NRP: I know I'm late, any time I can pop in?
* Maestro` sighs "This is going to be a long day.."
[Index] NRP: Sneak into class.
* Spirit quietly slips in the door, taking her seat at the back.
[ShellX] Yes? *sighs*
[Index] I'm going to be to handling the team's messages and keep you updated on events when you're off on duty
* Maestro` glances over at Spirit
* Dominator checks chart and raises eyebrow, 1"Shell X I see... Well, we can talk about it later."
[Index] Also, I'm going to run along history facts and stragey moves with Instructor Dominator here.  Soooo, just call me Index.
[Snipe] 'Index'?
[Avatar] [I see, Index.]
[Matsuoka] Well, hello then Index 
[Maestro`] What an odd name, but I don't really care
[Index] Well, what DO you know about what happened 19 years ago?
[Index] Does ANYone know?
[ShellX] The Alien Wars?
[Maestro`] A war? A battle?
* Matsuoka blinks
[Index] You're both right
[Avatar] [Earth was attacked by the Tsivrixsh Empire, and the reformed Maverick Hunters defeated them and the mavericks?]
[Spirit] The maverick hunters were shut down...  I think that was 19 years ago
[Index] Three right
[Index] 4 right
[Index] What you all said happened
*** X1 ( has joined #taw
*** X1 is now known as Wiendigo
[Dominator] Index is correct.
*** Wiendigo is now known as Gravedigger
[Dominator] Hello... Gravedigger. I suggest you be on time from now on...
* Snipe gives Grave a thumbs up
* Gravedigger eeks in
[Maestro`] And what the Alien's are here to wreek a terrible vengence on us? Don't worry we have the best Pilot in the System on our side... Me
[Snipe] The boy scares me...
* Matsuoka looks for another pencil
[Dominator] That's getting a bit ahead of it, Maestro. In fact, currently we aren't t war with teh Tsivrixsh Empire...
* Index humphs
* ShellX whispers to snipe 1"Is he always that self-centered?
[Dominator] After they were defeated, they decided not to attack Earth anymore.
[Index] According to history datas I looked at, they would be looking for revenge
[Snipe] And more so, Shell
[Maestro`] So we have a cease fire?
[Dominator] But, they have not stopped conquering other worlds... They took Jarivan and some of our colonies from as well. So, Index may be right
[Index] We do, but I'm sure EarthGov has some missions against know, top secret, don't know Earth did....
[Snipe] ....What is up with that historian dude?
[Dominator] Do any other you know who the original Hunters were?
[Dominator] I know you do, Avatar, since I've told you before, but the others?
[Snipe] Death Star, you, Garland, Slash....Slasher...
[Spirit] I know a few...
* Avatar nods with Snipe's responce
[Maestro`] So some Hot shot commandos peeved them off and now they want to kill us again... Great
[Snipe] Paladin
* Gravedigger goes to sign a name, then quietly withdrawls his hands
[Dominator] Those were all Hunters, correct, Snipe
[Spirit] NRP: Was foxfire an actual hunter, or just worked with them because of BJ?
[ShellX] Darien, Shadow Knight
[Snipe] NRP: Worked with
[Spirit] BlackJack and Ariel
[Dominator] Now, these Maverick Hunters, myself among them, managed to defeat hte maverick forces (who were operating with the Tsivrixsh Empire's help), and the empire's forces.
* Snipe hums the Star Wars theme
* Index glares at Snipe
* Matsuoka grins
[Dominator] But, don't think there weren't costs to their victory. There were many deaths in our old ranks... SOmething I hope won't happen with your team
[Matsuoka] don't start snipe ^-^
* Avatar glances at Snipe
[Snipe] Hey, with his ego, it'll take all the shots, sir.
* Snipe thumbs at Maestro
[Index] Do you know what CorSec is, folks?
[Index] Or, was
[Avatar] [The old EarthGOv military.]
* Gravedigger nods
[Matsuoka] uhh...
[Maestro`] If I wasn't so far away, I'd break your arm, And we could us IT as a decoy, While we take out thier home planet or somthing
[ShellX] A rather anoying attempt at a military force
[Snipe] We're not at war,'d just go start a universal war if you did that
[Dominator] A big problem was that COrSec and the MH were far from allies. Indeed, enemies at some point
* Snipe raises hand
[Maestro`] Wasn't it anti-rep?
[Dominator] That's all been solved now that the EarthGov Armed forces is the only EarthGov military... Yes, SNipe?
[Dominator] Very much so, Maestro
[Snipe] Do we HAVE to have a history lesson?
* ShellX chuckles at Dominator's comment about CorSec
[Maestro`] Gee, I don't know, Taking out Colonies seems like an act of war to me
[Dominator] Good point, Snipe. You've probably noticed you're team isn't called the "Maverick Hunters", so why am I making such a big deal about them?
[Snipe] Because they' longer around?  Because they were the best of the best?
[Avatar] [MAestro, Index was suggesting they may do that.]
[Avatar] NRP: Ack, n/m that
* Snipe scowls at Maestro
[Dominator] Right, Snipe. They managed to do some uncanny... ANd with less discipline than you'd think.
[Snipe] Oh, I know they were less disciplined...Spade made that REAL clear.
[ShellX] *under his breath* I know about that
[Maestro`] If they MAY do that then why are we sitting here, Not protecting the colonies?
[Dominator] Which is why I'm hoping that with discipline you're great can rival theirs.
[Snipe] Well, gee, we'll remember that.  Can we go now?  Recess!
[Dominator] Maestro, those colonies were captured long ago. There's nothing to protect now
* Index mutters about no love for history
* Avatar rolls eyes at SNipe
[Maestro`] What about a retalitory attack?
[Maestro`] They must be fanning out thier military...
[Index] Bah, let them go...they'll learn from history the hard way
[Dominator] Just a few final points
* Snipe taps pencil on desk
* Gravedigger almost falls asleep, occasionaly snapping awake
[Snipe] *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*
[Matsuoka] Bored Snipe?
[Snipe] Verily
[Dominator] Teamwork is very important... I know General Steel is a bit hard on you, but you need to learn the lessons he hast to teach you
[Snipe] *tap* *tap* *tap* *tap*
* Maestro` throws a paper ball at snipe "Stop it"
* Snipe ducks and it hits Spirit
* ShellX cybornetic left eye dialates as he runs a scan on Maestro
* Matsuoka throws her pen at Maestro
[Dominator] Learn to work well with your teammates, but also learn to push yourself to and past your limits.
* Snipe snorts
[Maestro`] NRP: Isnt spirit in the back
* Spirit uses telekenesis to make it u-turn back at snipe
[Snipe] NRP: Er, oops?
* ShellX watches the flying writing utensil with exasperation
[Dominator] All right, in your spare time I want you to look up the history files on teh old Hunters and read about them. Remember, if you learn history, you won't repeat it's mistakes
[Avatar] ...
* Snipe ducks it and it heads for Maestro
[Maestro`] Well, If we are going to make them anyways...
[Matsuoka] Study!?
[Avatar] [All right, Dominator.]
* Maestro` deflects it with a book
[Dominator] That's right, Matsuoka. How else will you learn?
[ShellX] Osmosis, of course
* Matsuoka groans
[Maestro`] Why study when you can just, know
* Dominator sets some data cubes on the table, one for each member, 1"All the info you need is in here."
[Matsuoka] I don't like studying... never had
[Dominator] Now, if you're all ready to go, you can report to General Steel for training...
[Matsuoka] ...
[Matsuoka] Oh great
* Avatar telekinetically lifts his data chip to his hand
* ShellX moves over to a data cube and picks it up
[Snipe] Charming....
* Index walks off
*** Index is now known as GM
[Dominator] See you all later.
* ShellX red eye flickers as he downloads the data into his holomatrix
* Matsuoka grabs her cube and makes her way to the Training Center
[Matsuoka] bye!
[Dominator] Good luck on your training... You'll need it...
[Maestro`] Am I going to get a medal and a promotion for going in the same room as that man and living to tell about it?
* Dominator exits the room
*** Dominator ( has left #taw
* ShellX shudders as Dominator leaves
*** Dominator has left IRC
* Matsuoka stops
* Spirit telekenetically flings the cube into her hand as she gets up andleaves.
[Avatar] [... We'd better get going or Steel won't be happy...]
* Snipe snatches one and heads for the training center
* Avatar follows Spirit
[Maestro`] Hey Spirit, Do you think, You could be a nice girl and get Maestro a data cube?
[Snipe] Maybe stuck up Paladin will be there
* Paladin` waits in the Training Center
* Matsuoka waits for Snipe to catch up then continues
[Avatar] [He was an original Hunter too, I think.]
* Gravedigger takes off for the training center, running down the halls
* ShellX vanishes in a flicker of light as he downloads himself
* Snipe arrives in the training center
* Matsuoka peeks in for Steel
*** GM is now known as Steel
* Avatar gets his weapons and enters the center
* ShellX flickers in next to Snipe
* Spirit flings the cube, hitting Maestro in the head with it
* Matsuoka whimpers then goes in
* Gravedigger runs into the traning center
[Spirit] Oops, sorry ;)
* Maestro` walks up and snatches a cube
[Steel] Well, well, you maggots decided to show up.....
[Avatar] [Yes, sir.]
* Gravedigger stands at attention in a salute
* Avatar stands at attention as well
* Maestro` rolls his eyes, peels a second cube off his head and heads for the training center
[Steel] LINE UP!
[Matsuoka] We were told to by Mr Dominator who JUST let us out of class
* Avatar gets in line
* ShellX left eye dialates as he watchs Steel
* Paladin` smartly snaps into line
[Steel] Like I give a rat's ass....
* Steel glares at Mat
* Matsuoka smiles at Steel
* ShellX stiffens
* Snipe stands in line
* Spirit gets in line.
* Matsuoka stands next to Snipe as usaul
* Steel notoices Maestro is late
[Matsuoka] what do you think we're doing today Snipe?
[Snipe] Beats me...
* Maestro` taps on Maki's shoulder "I Think he'd like it if you called him General" add a small smile
* Steel grabs Maestro
[Steel] Get out here!
* Matsuoka shrugs
[Avatar] [I'd advise against small talk during the briefing guys...]
* Steel throws him before the line
* Avatar raises eyebrow
[Steel] Give me 60 pushups, you sewer rat
[Matsuoka] Mr Steel... isn't that a little harsh?
* Snipe sighs, knowing what's thats like
[Avatar] [Matsuoka...]
* Steel grabs Mat and throws her out too
* Paladin` continues to stand at attention, staring straight ahead
[Steel] I want 60 from you too
[Spirit] (To Avatar)[They never learn, do they?]
* Maestro` ponders what steel said and starts on the push ups
* Matsuoka sticks her tounge out at him when he's not looking
[Gravedigger] NRP: 60's not really all that much for a human, ya know...
* ShellX eye dialates as he runs a low level scan in Steel, without moving an inch otherwise
[Snipe] NRP: I know, I know
[Avatar] [Not really... Then again, with steel as an instructer they just might...]
[Maestro`] Brillent Maki, Just Brillent
* Matsuoka starts and seems to be doing fairly well
* Avatar continues to stand at attention
* Steel rests his legs on them as they pushup, sitting on a chair
* Snipe growls
[Maestro`] NRP: You watch too much Zoro!
[Avatar] NRP: *wonders how many tons Steel weighs*
[Snipe] NRP: Enough to give them trouble
* Matsuoka growls at the disrespect but just goes faster
[Maestro`] NRP: I liked that movie
[Steel] Alright, today...ONE of you is going to fight me
[Paladin`] NRP: Uh, generals don't respect cadets . . .
* Matsuoka pops up
[Steel] Who wants to go one on one with me?  Any volunteers
[Matsuoka] I will!
* Avatar is surprised, but doesn't show it
[Steel] ...YOU?
[Gravedigger] NRP: Zoro kicked ASS!
* Steel laughs
* Matsuoka nods
* Steel ignores Snipe
* Gravedigger gulps
* Matsuoka winks at Snipe
[Steel] Alright, "lady", lets see what you got
* Steel gets into a fighting stance
* Matsuoka hops back
* Steel punches before Mat can react and knocks her across the room, dealing 3000 AP damage
* Avatar steps back, to stay out of the battefield
[Avatar] (to Matsuoka) [I hope you know what you're doing.]
* Maestro` quickly continues push ups at an accelerated pace before Steel can get back to his chair
[Snipe] .....Oh god no...
* ShellX flickers as he adjusts his holomatrix and activates his battlearmor
* Matsuoka shakes her head feeling really dizzy
* Paladin` tightens slightly, but continues to stand at attentioni
[Steel] Want another hit like that?
* Matsuoka staggers to her feet
* Maestro` finishes his push ups and returns to the line
* Snipe runs out in front of them
[Snipe] Hey, knock this off!
[Avatar] [Snipe...!]
* Gravedigger 's jaw drops
* Steel reers back and flattens Snipe, sending him across the floor (4000 AP)
* Paladin` thinks 1,0I hope they learn quickly . . .
* Gravedigger winces
* Avatar winces as well
* Snipe breathes in heavily, grimacing
[Steel] NEVER interrupt a battle, pondscum sucker
* Matsuoka lunges at steel and lashes at him violently
[Matsuoka] Leve snipe alone!
* Steel dodges her easily and throws her into the line
[Matsuoka] Ouf!
* ShellX watches, running a full sensor analysis of Steel
[Steel] Fight is now over....
* Steel points finger at Shell
[Steel] And I'd advise you to stop
[Maestro`] NRP: One would think we'd have to be pretty good already if were in the best unit
* ShellX ceases
[Steel] NRP: True, but think of Steel as "The badass of the best of the best"
[Avatar] NRP: One would then assume Steel is really good as he trains the best unit..
[Gravedigger] NRP: Or everone else REALLY sucks....
* Matsuoka crawls over to Snipe
[Steel] Alright, anyone else?
* Steel motions forward
* Steel points at Grave
[Matsuoka] You alright Snipe?
[Steel] How about you?
* Gravedigger waves his hands declining
[Snipe] Just stop the bells from ringing....
* Steel eyes turn to Paladin
[Steel] You?
[Paladin`] Sir.
*** Diamondback is on IRC
*** Diamondback ( has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Diamondback
* Paladin` steps forward.
[Maestro`] NRP: But were the Super Elite Unit, I dont think he'd be able to kill us by 1000hp overkill by two attacks
[Steel] ANYONE?
[Steel] Oh, Paladin....this should be interesting
* Steel gets into fighting format
* Paladin` watches Steel carefully
* Snipe spits up some blood
* Matsuoka helps Snipe up and out of the way of the fight
[Avatar] (to DB via the collective) [Diamondback, sneek in and Steel might not notice you...]
* Paladin` waits for the signal to begin
[Steel] Go
* Steel waves forward at him
* Avatar telekinetically heals Snipe a bit (+300HP)
[Matsuoka] come on... let's get you to the Med Bay Snipe
[Diamondback] (back) Yeah, be right there...
[Snipe]'m staying
[Snipe] That...asshole...I'm staying...
* Paladin` fires a full salvo of rockets at Steel and runs sideways (800ap)
* ShellX pulls out his grav-a-rangs out of his lab coat's sleaves
* Steel takes the hits and steps back
* Steel fires laser blast at Paladin (2000 AP)
[Matsuoka] then at least sit down for a bit..
* Diamondback attempts to sneak in
* Paladin` flattens himself on the ground
* Snipe sits down
* Matsuoka sits next to him
* Steel runs at Paladin and punches downward
* Paladin` sprints backwards
* Steel leaves a gaping hole in the floor
* Steel throws at a punch that catches Paladin in the jaw (1000 aP)
* Paladin` rolls onto his back and throws a kick at Steel's midsection
[Maestro`] NRP: If we ALL fight him we can win.. hopefully and if I fight last, I can take all the glory
[Paladin`] Ugh!
[Avatar] (to DB) [We'd better hope Paladin knows what he's doing...]
* Diamondback successfully makes it in and flanks Avatar
* Steel the kick just hurts him
* Steel grabs his leg and throws him at the wall
* Paladin` begins charging his blade and rolls back
[Diamondback] *to Avatar* [ He should. Dad talked about him a good bit... ]
* Paladin` stands slowly . . .
[Paladin`] NRP: how hurt am I?
* Steel laughs
[Steel] NRP: Well, that would have hit your head or shoulders...I'd advise that you quit
[Avatar] [But against Steel? Oh... You don't know about Steel do you?] (psionically transfers memories)
[Paladin`] I concede . . .
[Steel] .....*snorts* What a wipeass...
* Steel waves him back to the line
[Paladin`] Sir.
* ShellX steps forward
* Paladin` snaps back into line
[Diamondback] [Aha... I see your point...]
* Steel grabs Diamondback
[Maestro`] Another Round?
[Snipe] .....The new guy is about to get it....
[Diamondback] I was not informed of the traning session, General.
[Matsuoka] looks that way...
* Steel throws him into the floor, hoping his arm gets hit
[Steel] 150 pushups, NOW.
* ShellX steps back and over to Snipe
* Diamondback rolls, avoiding injury, and starts the push-ups
[Matsuoka] hello Shell
[Steel] You are all pathetic....I mean, you asswipes think you're "The best of the best".  That's SHIRT
[Steel] NRP: Shit
[Snipe] ...Shell...
[Gravedigger] NRP:LOL
* Paladin` just stares straight ahead
[Paladin`] NRP: heh
[ShellX] We are, sir
[Maestro`] Sir! Premission to ask a question
[Diamondback] 148... 149... 150.
[Steel] Now, I'm going to run you through a training excercise as soon as this asswipe here *points at DB* finishes
[Steel] Yes, rat?
[Matsuoka] Thirsty Snipe?
* Diamondback gets to his feet
[Snipe] I got my own blood to drink right now
* Matsuoka smiles a little
[Maestro`] If we aren't that good, Why don't they have a unit of people of your stature
* Diamondback stretches his arms out
* Gravedigger gets a disgusted look after snipe's comment
[Steel] ....Because I'm one of a kind, and I'm here to make you JUST like me....
* Maestro` thinks: Scary Thought
[Diamondback] *tries to get Steel off the subject* You said something about a training excercise, Steel...?
* Matsuoka blurts "I never want to be JUST like him..."
* ShellX begins humming a tune
[Steel] You think DOMINATOR was a fighter? He's just a run down, old busted up piece of machinary...all the Hunters were that were reploids.  And the humans?  They just grew old and fat.  
* Diamondback clenches his fist discreetly
[Steel] Well, *turns to DB* you're so eager to begin?
* Gravedigger digs his fingernails into his hands
[Diamondback] Hey, I can take anything you throw at me. Chronobot got lucky that time in the training facility.
[Steel] Alright, you got to trek across one of the world's most barron deserts and the mission objective: surrvive
[Maestro`] NRP: Why is everyone refering to him on a last name basis?
[Diamondback] Hmm, sounds fun.
[Avatar] [He and the Hunters did take down the ELder... An extremely powerful enemy...] (cuts off knowing he shouldn't be challenging Steel)
* Steel walks off and the area turns into a desert
*** Steel is now known as GM
* Diamondback cracks his knuckles
* Snipe stands up and looks around
[Snipe] Well, that was just fun....
[Diamondback] This is going to be easy.
[Maestro`] Now listen this time!
[Avatar] [Everyone, we must use teamwork and make sure everyone makes it.]
[Gravedigger] NRP: 'Cause it undermines his authority
* Matsuoka looks to Snipe and gets up
[Matsuoka] Snipe... Thank-You...
* Avatar psionically transfers memories of the Hutners failing to go across a jungle in a similar situation cause of overconfidence
[Snipe] No problem, Matsuoka...just never challenge him again, okay?
[Matsuoka] ...
* Gravedigger starts mapping sometihng out in the dirt
* Diamondback taps his foot, crossing his arms
[Snipe] First off...we need a food supply and water....
[Paladin`] Hrm.  We're in a desert, and we need to get out
[Diamondback] [Any suggestions?]
[Matsuoka] well
[Paladin`] Since we don't know where we are geographically . . .
[Avatar] [We stick together and keep an eye out for anything. Move fairly quickly.] (psionically scans the area)
[ShellX] I can design a condensator for water supplies
[Paladin`] We just pick a direction and march and hope for the best
[Diamondback] [Sounds good to me.]
* Gravedigger signs, 1" Any canyons?"
[Matsuoka] let's get moving...
[Avatar] [Do so, Shell X, please]]
[Paladin`] Let's go.
[Maestro`] If we had shade, then we wouldn't need too much water
* Paladin` begins walking
* Avatar starts walking, keeping close to Paladin
* Snipe watches Paladin walk
* Diamondback quickly shapeshifts into a half-bird and gets an aerial view of the area
[Snipe] Wait, you're just going to go walk OFF?
[Paladin`] Yes.
[Maestro`] I say we go this way!
* Paladin` stops
[Avatar] [What else could we do Snipe?]
[Paladin`] We have to move, there is no food or water here
* Gravedigger smackes his forehead
[Paladin`] So we have to find some
* Maestro` points a different direction
[Diamondback] [Not me, anyway. Best to survey the area first.]
[Paladin`] and standing here won't help
[Snipe] Well, let DB get a few to see if there's anything in the area....
[Gravedigger] NRP: smacks even
* ShellX summons one of his Spydirbots and it begins working on creating a condesator of of glass
[Avatar] NRP: What'd my scan pick up?
[Diamondback] NRP: And I'm looking around from the sky. Anything?
[Snipe] NRP: Nothing
[Maestro`] Anyone here consider themselves a gambler?
[Paladin`] So let's go.
[Avatar] [Paladin? Orders?]
[Snipe] NRP: Just canyons to the right; and desert to the left, up, and down
[Diamondback] [That's me, Maestro.]
* Snipe snorts
* Gravedigger points towards the canyon
[Paladin`] Let's head into the canyons and at least get shade
[Snipe] I'm going to the canyon.
[Diamondback] [Canyon sounds good to me.]
[Paladin`] We won't dehydrate as quickly, and there may even be a river
[ShellX] And then worry about rockfalls...I guess so
* Paladin` walks to the canyon
* Avatar nods and moves to follow Paladin, keep a psionic sense for any danger
[Maestro`] Pick your Direction, The General could of programmed in ... Monsters
* Snipe sprints off for the canyon
* Matsuoka sticks close to Snipe
* Diamondback shrugs and flies for the canyon, staying close to the ground
* Gravedigger follows Snipe
* Avatar moves at a fast pase by SNipe
* Diamondback flanks Avatar
* ShellX walks up next to Maestro
[Avatar] (to DB) [Knowing Steel, nothing is easy, so we'd better be wary...]
* Snipe the entire group steps into a sandpit and falls into the earth, sand pouring in at all directions
* Maestro` follows the group with reluctance...
[Paladin`] We can't predict what may happen, as we have had no briefing or recon
[Diamondback] (to Avatar) [Just after that brief meeting, I know...]
* Avatar telekinetically tries to hover and not fall
* Snipe is getting buried by sand
* Matsuoka trys to climb out
* Gravedigger quickly takes out his shovel and tried to dighimself into the side of the pit before he falls too far
* Paladin` ignites his thrusters and begins flying through the sand
* Diamondback beats his wings and uses telekinesis in an attempt to get out
* Snipe notices his suit is full of sand and he can't glide out
* Avatar tries to grab Snipe's hand and get him out as well
* Maestro` followed a long ways back, cause I was reluctant