Session 20-Mission 114: Caveat emptor

[Snipe] Time Chart: November 11th
[Snipe] Location: The Control Room
* Paladin` works on the computer, trying to find out what that THING was
* Snipe leans against Paladin
* Slasher` is leaning against a wall
[Snipe] You think everyone is coming?
[Snipe] I do have some updates for you all
[Paladin`] I guess
[Slasher`] Dias should be coming.
* Avatar is sitting down in a seat
[Gravedigger] NRP: BRB
* Maki sneaks up on Snipe
* Snipe glances at Avatar
[Snipe] Hey, how are you?
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at everyone, this being her first mission
* Ripple walks in, hair spikey, and still wet
* Maki pounces on Snipe
[Avatar] [Not bad at this moment... You?]
* ShellX sits in a chair, popping some holoween candy into his mouth (pun intended)
[Slasher`] Rip, wheres Slash?
[Snipe] NRP: *throws Elayne out since her bio hasn't ben accepted and replaced it with Airier*
[Snipe] WHOA!
* Snipe hits the ground
[Maki] Hiya!
[Ripple] ..... *eyes close*
[Snipe] ...Maki....
* Maki smiles and laughs
[Ripple] He..... disappeared.....
* Snipe rolls and pounces on top of her
[Snipe] HAH!
[Snipe] NRP: I GOT SLASH!!  *laugh*
[Maki] Heh.. ack!
* Slasher` places his hand on Ripple's shoulder
[Ripple] NRP: Try taking the nick. I dare you.
[Paladin`] NRP: Ew . . .
* Airier sits in a corner, chuckling to himself
* Avatar raises eyebrows
[Slasher`] Sorry to hear that.
[Snipe] NRP: No, I got the character, not the nick
* Snipe stands back up
[Maki] ^-^¡
[Ripple] We'll get him back.  
[Ripple] NRP: HA! Copywrited in canada to me!
[Slasher`] I'll be sure to that. 
* Airier mumbles something under his breath
[Snipe] Well, as you all know, you've been getting paid (NRP: Sorry I haven't done it on your bios).  Well, end of the month, you got your paycheck
* Spirit wanders in, tinkering with piece of her keyboard.
* Maki hops up and sneaks a kiss "Sooo, what's going on?"
[Paladin`] Is that what you've called everybody to say?
* Snipe stops talking, bends her to the ground, kissing her, and then pulls her back up
[Snipe] Also, I got this weird transmission
[Slasher`] Well, Since I'm not part of this team. I'm gonna go check out the cafeteria. *smirks evily and leaves*
*** Slasher` is now known as Dias
* Dias walks in right after Slasher leaves
* ShellX watches an invisible ant walk accross the floor
[Maki] Transmission?
* Snipe pulls out a transmission coming from Africa
* Elayne_Vanguard smiles at Dias
* Dias looks at Elyane
[Dias] Hey...
[Snipe] As you can see, it's totally scrambled.  I had Index working on it, but he can't fingure it out.
[Avatar] [Interesting...]
* Airier listens, his face more chisled than usual
[Ripple] Let me try..
[Snipe] Also, we have received news Cain is leading the Mavericks to go and steal this machine too
* Snipe hands it to Rip, he can't understand it, and takes it back
[Elayne_Vanguard] Hi Dias...
[Snipe] Well, we're going in the Heaven's Hand and will attempt to steal this machine first
[Ripple] ....
* Ripple grins
* Airier continues with his silent watching
[Ripple] Lift it before the enemy eh?
[ShellX] What machine?
[Avatar] [What machine exactly?]
[Snipe] And kill Cain, if possible.
[Paladin`] Stealth or full assault?
* Ripple eyes darken
[Snipe] The machine sending the transmissions; all we know
[Snipe] Which ever works, Paladin.
[Snipe] Lets go
[Snipe] Time's against us
[Elayne_Vanguard] Machine?
[Maki] Cain... *Pretends to throw up*
* Snipe walks towards the Heaven's Hand
* Paladin` saves his work and heads to the shuttle
[Avatar] [Acknowledged.]
* Dias heads down towards the HH
* Avatar follows Snipe
* Elayne_Vanguard walks with Dias
* Maki chases after Snipe
* Snipe steps on the plank of the shuttle and stops Elayne
* Ripple follows snipe
[Snipe] I'm afraid you can't come with us
* Gravedigger steps into the hangar
* Airier follows up the rear
* ShellX activates his battle mode as he walks to the hnager
* Spirit follows Ripple
[Elayne_Vanguard] ?
* Dias looks at Snipe
[Elayne_Vanguard] Why?
* Avatar enters the HH
[Elayne_Vanguard] I can fight!
[Snipe] You're not an offical SU yet.  You can't go on missions.  You'll have to stay here until after Steel's done with you
[Ripple] NRP: What in the HELL? Enhanced BAND?!
[Ripple] NRP: remind me to whack DB when hes next on
* Elayne_Vanguard nodds slowly
* Dias gives Elayne a kiss on the cheek and walks into the shuttle
* Gravedigger doesn't understand why everyone's getting on the shuttle, but gets on too
[Elayne_Vanguard] I understand sir
[Elayne_Vanguard] Bye guys!
* Ripple gets on the shuttle
[Dias] Bye..
[Elayne_Vanguard] Be careful...
[Maki] Bye new person!
[Avatar] [Hmm...]
* Dias sits down in a seat looking out the window
* Snipe closes the ramp
* Maki hops into the HH
[Gravedigger] NRP: Me too Rip, I want my damn bio for Ratshoot
[Snipe] Well, lets get going folks
[Ripple] NRP: should be done.
* Airier walks into the HH, sighing with relief
* Avatar sits at the weapons console (unless someone's already there and I missed it)
* Snipe locks the door down and sits down in his chair
[Snipe] Alright, Dias, take 'er out
* ShellX sits in a window seat and stares out
[Snipe] oO (what I would give for a squirrel)
* Elayne_Vanguard walks back, looking around for steel
* Ripple catches that thought and laughs
[Dias] I ain't flying Sir *goes back to looking out the window*
[Ripple] *To Snipe* [Wouldnt we all...]
[Maki] I will!
[Paladin`] . . .
[Ripple] HOld up, we are missing someone..
[Snipe] ...Who
[Gravedigger] NRP: Heaven and Hell's Hand's know no fear like Dias
[Ripple] Spirit
[Avatar] [As a note, I possess the neccessary skills to pilot a ship like this...]
* Airier looks at them
* Spirit runs up late as usual.
* Maki hops in the pilot's seat
* Snipe a squirrel leaps onto the seat
* Snipe it bites Maki and runs her off
[Avatar] [Greetings, Spirit.]
[Airier] I understand this contraption well enough...
[Maki] Ack!
[Dias] NRP: Wow. If Snipe would've known that to get my not to fly, all he had to do was find Slasher
[Maki] I wanna press the buttons!
* Spirit hops in beside Ripple
* Snipe the squirrel powers it up and takes off
[Spirit] [Sorry!  Forgot my armor!]
[Ripple] [Heh heh]
[Snipe] ...*sighs at Maki*
[Snipe] Squirrel: Chitter chit chit.
* Ripple takes a seat beside Spirit
* Maki slumps nxt to Snipe "Someone should program some manners for those things"
* Dias ball attaches to his left wrist and lays ontop of his claw
* ShellX stares out the window humming a old tune to himself
[Airier] Sir... May I try at it?
[Snipe] NO
[Avatar] NRP: Eh? Squirrel? Did I miss something here?
[Ripple] NRP: TRASH CAN!! Hes a deadman...
[Maki] @.@¡
* Airier grumbles something
[Snipe] NRP: Like 20 sessions or so
[Snipe] NRP: MR. Squirrel has been around since Session 3.
[Maki] Sorry...
[Avatar] NRP: Uh... okay
* Dias continues to look out the window slipping into a depression
* Airier kneels down and looks at MR Squirrel
[Snipe] Squirrel: *bites Airier on the nose*
* Avatar leans back in his chair, looking over the consol and weaposn functions
[Airier] Manners?
[Airier] OW!
[Gravedigger] NRP: Squirrel, Running Gag #4
[Snipe] ...Airier, leave the pilot alone.
[Ripple] NRP: #3
[Dias] NRP: #3 would be the hotdogs
[Gravedigger] NRP: Wasn't me getting hit by lightning #3?
[Airier] NRP: In both Taw1+2, that would be #55690595694834
[Maki] NRP: What about GD and lightning?
[Snipe] Paladin....drag Airier away from the pi---*notices that they are over Africa*
[Avatar] [ETA?]
[Ripple] NRP: Lightning was #2, My wall thing #1, the Squirrel #3
[Snipe SOUND]
* Snipe the shuttle suddenly shuts itself off
[Airier] !
[Maki] Uh...oh...
[Airier] I hate these things!
[Snipe] The machine seems to be putting up some sort of, guess what?  We're going donw
[Ripple] Uhhh... Not good..
* Dias looks around.
[Dias] God does exist.
* Ripple glances out the windwo
[Avatar] [... There's nothing we can do?]
[Airier] NRP: *Note I think I'm the only Mechanic here...
[Dias] NRP: Wouldn't it affect any reploids?
[Paladin`] NRP: Sorry, I'm back
[Ripple] I've got my warp field..
* Snipe it crash lands on the desert floor of Eygpt
[Dias] Head for some water
[Avatar] [Guess not...]
* Snipe bangs his arm
[Snipe] OW!
* Dias flies out of his seat and into a wall
[Maki] AHH! *thud* ...ow..
* Paladin` holds his bandaged ribs
* Airier looks at his leather suit
[Dias] UGH!
* Snipe pops the door open
[Airier] DANG!
* ShellX tries to scan the field
* Ripple flys out, and hits his head on the door, before it opens, then he slides out
* Avatar is rattled about
[ShellX] NRP: I'm a scientist
* Dias slowy gets up and heads out of the shuttle
* Snipe the machine, shell can tell, is coming from a pyramid nearby
* Maki crawls out the door
[Dias] NRP: *wonders why reploids aren't deacitvated also*
* Airier looks out at the horison
* ShellX tries to check what the field does
* Paladin` calmly steps out
[Maki] Note... kill something...
* Avatar exits the ship
[Snipe] NRP: Reasons, dear lad.
* Avatar tries to determine the damage the HH recieved
[Ripple] Ow...
* Airier suddenly takes note of Spirit...
* Snipe it zaps the hell out of shell when he attempts anything
* Dias looks at the shuttle
[Ripple] NRP: HH is gone.. Dias blew it up mission 5ish..
[Snipe] ...Okay, so, now, where do we go?
* Airier walks up to her
[Gravedigger] NRP: Cause wesa so specialsa
* ShellX phases through the hull of HH
[Dias] NRP:'s HH=Heavens Hand
* Maki lies in the sand
* Gravedigger walks oout the shuttle
[ShellX] Ow!
[Ripple] NRP: Blah... You'll blow this one up too.
[Dias] Let's get to the machine
[Maki] I always needed a tan
* Paladin` picks Maki up and sets her on her feet
* Snipe looks around the desert
[Dias] NRP: No I won't its me baby...
[Avatar] [What now...?]
[Snipe] ....Where IS the machine
* Ripple stands, and takes off his leather jacket
[Maki] Ack! What'd I do!?
[Snipe] I don't know where it is..
[Paladin`] This isn't a game, Cain is here somewhere . . .
[Ripple] [I have No clue...]
* Spirit stand up and goes to leave the shuttle, but stops when she sees Airier
[Maki] ...oh...
* Dias takes his shirt off and ties it around his waist
[Dias] I could use a tan too
* Snipe pants
[Spirit] Yes?//
* Avatar wipes some sweat of his forehead
* Airier takes off his leather shirt, revealing more black streaks of skin all over his body
* Ripple is in his muscle shirt,
[Paladin`] NRP: *Relaxes in the climate controled goodness of his suit*
[Dias] Someone *pant* scan for that machine
[Snipe] NRP: *shorts the suit*
[Ripple] NRP: DIE *stabs the generator, and changes the setting, making it hot*
* Avatar his healing factor counters the effects of some of the heat
* Airier ties his shirt to his belt
[Snipe] I can't find it....*his scanner breaks*
* Gravedigger pulls his hood over
* ShellX comments out his heat reaction subroutine
[Airier] NRP: Anyone notice this wierd skin stlye
* Ripple telepathicly scans for the machine
[Avatar] [Do we know the general area its in?]
[Dias] YOu think it could be in one of those things *points to a pyramid*
* Paladin` looks around for an odd outcropping or a building of some sort
* Spirit walks up beside Ripple, glad her armor has climate control even in this form.
* Avatar psionically scans the area
* Snipe ripple finds it, in a pyramid
[Ripple] There it is..
[Paladin`] Where?
* Ripple points to the Pyramid
* Maki walks towards a pyramid "Let's find some shade"
[Snipe] ....In THERE?
[Avatar] [Yes... It seems to be there...
* Dias walks to the pyramid
* Spirit follows close behind Ripple
[Ripple] [Thats where I picked it up]
* Snipe trudges after the group
[Spirit] [A pyramid?  Why not]
* Airier is glad no one comments on the black marks
[Dias] Man, by the end of this mission. I'm going to be black
* Avatar walks with the others
* Ripple walks to the pyramid
* Snipe watches those with their shirts off get blisters
* ShellX walks to the Pyramid, downloading a Spydirbot next to him
[Airier] Way ahead of you Dias...
* Dias places his shirt back on after he tans
[Maki] Wow! Let's hurry! I can't wait to see inside an actual pyramid! *Starts to sprint*
[Snipe] ...MAKI!
* Snipe chases after her
* Dias runs after Maki
* Airier ignores the heat, not seeming to be anywhere near burning
* Ripple keeps moving, slowly, conserving his strength
* Airier Dashes after her
* Snipe watches heat zap Dias, his, and
* Gravedigger sighs and darts after them
[Snipe] Maki's strength
* Avatar psionically scans for any reploids, humans, etc. near the gruop
* Spirit doesn't seem effected by the heat... because she's not.
* Dias his armor forms reflecting most of the heat
[Paladin`] . o O {The great energy of youth . . .}
* Dias slows down
* Snipe Avatar finds them in the pyramid
* Snipe slows down
* ShellX grabs a small tree and pulls it out of the ground
* Airier grins at that..
[Airier] Youth?
[Avatar] [Be warned, we won't be alone int hat pyramid...]
* Snipe grows thirsty
[Dias] Maybe running wasn't so smart, eh Snipe?
[Snipe] I agree...
* ShellX walks toward the pyramid carrying the tree over his shoulder
* Ripple flips Snipe his water bottle
* Dias pulls out a jug of water and tosses it to Snipe
* Snipe drinks it
[Snipe] Thanks
* Snipe grabs it and drinks it
[Snipe] Thanks
[Ripple] No prob.
* Maki looks for an entrance to the pyramid
* Ripple takes it back
* Snipe hands them the empty bottles
* Airier scans for an entrance
[Dias] prob. *takes his back and looks at it empty*
[Ripple] NRP: Hes trying to kill us.
[Dias] You basterd. 
[Snipe] ...What?!
* Airier is glad he still has his water, not that he needs it
* Snipe is halfway to the pyramid
* Gravedigger whacks Snipe
[Avatar] [Commander... Shall we try and find a way to enter the pyramid?]
* Dias the heat reflects off his armor
* Snipe suddenly the sky darkens
* Airier scans again
* Paladin` shoots his eyes up
* Maki starts to climb up the pyramid
[Ripple] Uhh...
* Dias looks up.
* Airier looks up
[Ripple] Not a good sign..
[Dias] Let's hope it rains
[Snipe] ...The machine....?
[Airier] Fitting...
[Snipe] NRP: We're not near it yet Maki
[Ripple] [Lets not.... a rain here, would bring flash floods..]
[Avatar] [I thought this machine sent transmissions...]
[Dias] Not unless Cain made it there already
[Airier] Spade was right...
* Snipe is now 3/4s of the way to it
* ShellX begins humming as he walks along carrying his tree
[Snipe] It does, Avatar.
[Snipe] But we know it does something
[Avatar] [Ah.]
[Maki] NRP: Hmm... what am I climbing then... *looks at Dias*
[Snipe] We kept getting this one message: 'caveat emptor'
[Airier] ...Now if I wait for the right moment...
*** Spirit has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[Dias] Caveat Emptor? What does that mean?
[Airier] What was that Snipe?
[ShellX] Buyer beware
* Snipe glances at Shell
* Gravedigger sprints on ahead
[Snipe] ...Say what?
[Dias] FUN-NY!
* Paladin` smirks beneath his helmet
* Airier speaks the word into his UNIT
[ShellX] It's latin, buyer beware
*** Spirit ( has joined #taw
* Dias pushes himself ahead picking up to a jog
[Ripple] NRP: Announcer] Thats right! It only sends one message 24 hours a day 7 days a week!  Yours for only 99.99!!!
[Snipe] ....Buyer beware.....?  What could that mean....?
* Snipe arrives at the pyramid
[Avatar] [Shell X is correct on the translation...
[Paladin`] Let's go check
[Dias] Maybe..Becareful of what you wish for.
* Ripple arrives a littel behind Snipe
[Dias] Maybe the thing distorts the wishes
[Airier] He's right there...
* Paladin` glances around for a way in
* Dias arrives with Snipe
* Snipe mummiex explode out of the ground behind them
[Avatar] [Perhaps it is a warning that attempting to take it won't be easy?]
* Airier grins evilly...
[Snipe] And if I'm right, Cain's using the machine!!!!
[Ripple] [*telepathic poke* uhh, we have company...]
[Airier] So?
* Dias turns around
* Avatar goes into a battle stance
[Dias] I can't fight in this heat.
[Maki] @.@¡
* Ripple whips out his Rifle
* Dias drops down and leans against the pyramid
* Snipe a mummy rams him and they tumble inside the pyramid
* Ripple begins taking out mummies heads
[Spirit] [Oh fun...]
* Snipe the headless mummies walk around
* Gravedigger fires at the mummies
* Dias enters the pyramid behind Snipe and slams his claw into it
[Ripple] NRP: Was that zombies that die after you blow off the heads?
[Avatar] [Snipe...!] *telekinetically smashes a mummy (450AP)*
* Airier follows after Snipe
* Gravedigger starts signing a lighter
* Ripple fires a ripple blast at one sneaking up on Spirit
* ShellX puts down his tree and fires fire blasts at the mummies (600 AP)
[Snipe] Alright, lets go!
* Spirit shifts into a Were-Lion
* Avatar nods
[Paladin`] NRP: *Wonders where the hell TAW is going with the ghosts and goblins*
* Snipe runs inside the pyramid, getting lost in the mazes
* Airier stays behind him
* Dias follows behind Snipe
[Gravedigger] NRP: Zombies don't die after you knock their heads off, they're already dead, they keep going. A mummy you unwrap.
* Avatar follows Snipe
* Paladin` drops down, keeping track of the path he's taking
[Ripple] NRP: Shush boy.... *smacks em*
* Snipe one of the mummies explodes
[Dias] NRP: You blow their heads off..
* Spirit claw rakes one mummy
* Airier whispers to himself
* Ripple follows snipe
* Maki runs off, trying to find snipe
* Spirit heads in aswell
[Dias] Snipe slow down
[Ripple] What I wouldnt give for a lighter...
* ShellX picks up his tree and walks in the pyramid, leaving a trail of leaves behind him
* Snipe the other mummies keep following
[Airier] "At last.. I have the leader alone..."
[Spirit] *To Ripple*[Thanks for the save]
* Snipe watches the other mummies explode
[Avatar] [Should we do something about those?]
[Snipe] ...They were robots?!
[Avatar] [Never mind...]
* ShellX keeps accidentially smashing mummies with the tree
[Ripple] *To Spirit*[Hey, thats what Im here for eh?]
* Snipe fist tightens
* Dias contnues running behind Snipe
[Snipe] Cain's trying to scare us.
[Airier] "With only one witness..."
[Spirit] [You expected the dead were coming to get us Snipe?]
* Avatar scans for the machine, to try and get his bearings
[Ripple] NRP: Nows the perfect time to play the duke nukem remix.
* Airier dosen't notice Dias
[Dias] What an ass..Those weren't scary. Now X2's cofee
[Snipe] ...Yes, Spirit
*** Shine_Hyena ( has joined #taw
* Snipe glances around
[Snipe] Okay, so, where do we go now?
[Airier] SNIPE!
* Snipe points to the left, then to the right, then forward
[Gravedigger] NRP: Sera, what the HELL are you talking about with Airer?
[Avatar] NRP: Did I find the machine with the scan?
[Snipe] NRP: IT's in the center of the pyramid
[Airier] NRP: A slow thing to find out
[Snipe] NRP: Knock it off, NOW
* Dias follows behind Snipe
[Snipe] NRP: No one likes it, GOT IT?
[Avatar] NRP: And which path would lead sorta in that direction?
[Snipe] NRP: Forward or left
* Gravedigger follows the Snipe
* ShellX heads directly toward the machine, stopping when he reaches his first wall
* Ripple follows Snipe and scans
[Avatar] [Either forward or left would take us towards the machine...]
* Dias the metal armor extends his claws a good 6 inches making them a foot long
* Snipe wonders what Shell is doing
* Maki mumbeles and wonders where everyone is
[Ripple] [Which way has the least amount of resistance or traps?
[Ripple] ]
* ShellX puts down the tree and sets up his boomerangs as a portalable hole
* Avatar tries to detect any mavericks, etc., in either hall
* Snipe runs left
* ShellX walks through
[Ripple] [Left it is..]
* Snipe avatar can't seem to scan anymore, some force is blocking him
* Dias turns left behind Snipe
* Paladin` runs through the halls
[Avatar] [... Sir? ... Ah, well...] *follows Snipe*
* Ripple follows Snipe
* Dias 's claws scrape the ground
* Snipe then runs right
[Ripple] [Av, you ever tested your power transfer before?]
[Dias] TALLY HO!
* Snipe runs forward
* Spirit stays close behind Ripple, actively scanning the area.
* Snipe smashes into a wall
[Snipe] OW!
[Avatar] [Only in non-combat situations, and not extensively, Ripple...
* ShellX keeps going forward until he hits another wall, making a hole in that one as well
* Dias rams into Snipe
[Dias] OOF!
* Ripple touches his watch, armor flowing across his form, layering him with form fitting armor
[Dias] Sorry Snipe
* ShellX continues forward
* Gravedigger walks up behind Dias and Snipe
* Snipe the wall spins and the two find themselves in another chamber
[Maki] Why do I always seem to be the one who gets lost...
[Ripple] [I get the feeling we'll be using it around here....]
[Dias] Wow..
[Avatar] NRP: What two?
[Snipe] ..Whoa
* Airier shuts up, realising he's been talking out loud
[Snipe] NRP: Me and Dias
[Dias] Me and you alone..I never would've dreamed
[Avatar] NRP: I was following you a bit behind
[Snipe] ..Shut up
[Snipe] NRP: The wall spun around
[Gravedigger] NRP: Uh, what about me? I was right behind you guys
* ShellX keeps walking through walls toward the machine
[Snipe] NRP: You weren't touching the wall
[Ripple] NRP: So was I..
* Spirit follows Ripple's lead and presses the "gem" on her bracelet, her armor appearing in a dull flash.
[Avatar] [Commander...?]
[Dias] NRP: SHH!
* Ripple taps the wall
* Gravedigger shifts his eyes
[Snipe] [Other side of the wall, guys, run against it]
[Maki] NRP: @.@¡
[Ripple] They were here...
[Avatar] [All right... Ripple, lets go...]
[Dias] Let's hope it wasn't a one time thing
*** Cain` (belmont@ has joined #taw
* Ripple shakes his head, and takes a running leap at the wall
[Gravedigger] NRP: Someone's been watching too much Scooby Doo....
* Avatar runs against it
[Paladin`] NRP: Whenever we get in trouble, the commander runs off . . .
[Snipe SOUND]
[Ripple] [This is gonna.... *goes through* wow...]
* Gravedigger walks behind them
* Cain` steps in front of Shell
[Cain`] HELLO!
* Airier follows silently
[ShellX] O! You?
* Snipe sees they are in front of a giant machine
* Maki upon realizing she's hoplessly lost runs in a random direction
[Ripple] NRP: *misses the sliding wall, and hits a solid one with a loud THUD*
* Dias looks at the Machine
[Cain`] ...*laughs evilly*
* Gravedigger spins the wall slightly and steps through
[ShellX] Um, what are you doing here?
[Avatar] NRP: I can see Cain?
* Dias walks towards the machine
[Snipe] NRP: No, only Shell
[Cain`] What do you think, idiot?
* Paladin` pushes after GD
[Snipe] ...The machine
* Avatar surveys the machine
* Snipe steps up to it
* Dias touches the machine
[Avatar] [Careful, Dias...]
* Ripple looks around, in awe at the machine
*** Elayne_Vanguard ( has left #TAW
[Ripple] Man, that sucker is BIG...
[Cain`] ....Watch out could be dangerous
[ShellX] I'm not an idiot, I have a quadruple PhD, I'll have you know
* Snipe hears voices
[Spirit] Hey...  What is that thing?
* Gravedigger whistles
* Cain` hears voices
[Cain`] Your friends.
* Dias ignores Avatar and Snipe
* Cain` teleports
* Cain` appears behind Snipe
* Dias presses palm agains the machine
[Snipe] What the?!
* Snipe turns around
* Avatar whirls around, detecting Cain
[Gravedigger] !
* Ripple is behind Snipe, and Cain appears in front of him
* ShellX starts toward the center again
[Maki] . o O (I hate mazes...)
* Gravedigger spins out his sai and shovel
[Cain`] Ahhhh, the machine...wonder how it works.  Lets see.  *shoots Snipe in the head (6000 AP) and kills him
* Airier draws his blada
[Cain`] Wish him back from the dead.
[Snipe] GAH!
[Airier] (Blade even)
[Ripple] SNIPE
[Paladin`] . . .
[Avatar] [SNIPE!!]
[Dias] How?
* Snipe hits the ground, his head bloodied
[Ripple] ........ Bastard.....
* Avatar tries to heal Snipe
[Paladin`] Oh Christ . . .
* Dias presses both hands agains the machine
[Cain`] How should I use the machine.  You find out what the beware part is....
* Snipe is quite dead
[Avatar] [...]
* Dias walks around the machine looking at it
[Spirit] . . . . . .
* Cain` sees the machine does nothing
* ShellX enters the room with the machine
[Ripple] NRP: LOL
[Paladin`] NRP: Snipe, we hardly knew ye
[Avatar] [Wish him back from the dead...?]
* Airier looks calmly at the scenee
[Snipe] NRP: Hey...
[Ripple] ....
[Cain`] ...I grow impatient....
[Dias] I wish Snipe be brough back to life!
* Dias taps the machine
* Cain` looks around
* Paladin` wonders why Dias has gone psycho . . .
* Cain` sees it hum but nothing happens
* Dias taps it harder
[Ripple] Why isnt it working Cain.
* Avatar kicks the machien
[Spirit] NRP: Alas poor Snipe, I knew him Horatio
[Cain`] I don't know!  I want to see how it works, you moron.
* Cain` folds his arm
[Dias] Why aren't you attacking Cain you guys
* Paladin` readies himself and begins charging his cannons and his blade
[Avatar] [Because it'd be unwise...?]
* Dias presses hands on the machine trying to find a button
* Cain` then the machine snaps to life
[Gravedigger] ....
[Ripple] Whoa..
[Avatar] [...!]
* Spirit goes over and looks at the machine.
* Paladin` keeps his eyes glued to Cain
* ShellX hums tune as his scientific interest gets the better of him and he begins looking over the machine
[Ripple] [Spirit, careful....]
[Cain`] Machine: *Reads in English* I will grant your wish, but at the cost of something of yours one day in the future.
[Dias] I wish Snipe be brough back to life
[Avatar] [Dias... Well, too late...
[Cain`] ..What the hell?  But a race of aliens called the Motanks built can it be in English?
* Snipe coughs and breathes in sharply
[Spirit] [I'm being careful...]
[Gravedigger] NRP: Ahem 6*cough*1corny6*cough*
[Snipe] ...Ow...w-what happened?
[Avatar] [The Monanks? When did they design this?]
[ShellX] Simple translation program
[Paladin`] . . .
[Ripple] [DONT WISH for anything you want.... Its price may be too high....
[Ripple] Snipe.. YOu ok?
* Airier walks up to the machine
* Dias looks at the machine.
[Avatar] [We'll find out what that drawback is now, it seems...]
[Paladin`] NRP: *Wishes for world domination*
[ShellX] Hey, uh, machine.... can you talk?
[Avatar] [You were dead, Commander Snipe.]
* Cain` throws Dias aside
[Cain`] Move aside, I will use MY wish.
* Dias slides on the ground
[Ripple] STOP HIM!
[Dias] DIE!
* Dias leaps at Cain bringing his arms back1"Cross Slash" and then forward cutting an X on Cain
[Cain`] ARGH1
[Avatar] [Apparently, this machine brought you back to life, but at a price in the future... We don't know what that is]
[Airier] STOP CAIN...
[Airier] NOW!
* Cain` blasts them all back into the walls
[Paladin`] Ugh!
* Airier stands in his way
* Ripple gathers his power around his fist
* Avatar uses shield to block half the damage
[Avatar] [OOF!]
[Gravedigger] NRP: ....Alright, who's bright idea was it to wish him back to life? Maki, i'm looking ing your direction.
* ShellX gets back to his feet
* Snipe breathes in sharply
[Ripple] NRP: *glares*
* Dias takes the blast and slashes Cain with his 1ft long claws
[Maki] NRP: What'd I do!?
* Cain` sees the machine get hit
[Dias] NRP: It was me.
[Cain`] ...What, nO!
[Cain`] YOU FOOLS!
[Ripple] NRP: that glare was aimed at Dias
[Dias] Take the machien out
* Cain` it explodes in a brillant light
* Avatar telekinetically pulls cain away form the machine (340AP)
[Paladin`] . . .
[Dias] Nevermind
[Avatar] NRP: er 450AP
* Cain` the pyramid begins to collapse around them
[Dias] NRP: Damn I should've wished for immortality
[Avatar] [...! I suggest we escape...
[Cain`] .......Bastards.  I will have your heads for this.  *teleports*
*** Cain` has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Ripple gets thwacked on the head by a block
* Snipe is still dazed
* Ripple staggers, and falls to one knee
* Avatar psionically loks for the quickest way out
* ShellX begins heading directly out, using his hole tactic
[Maki] ...what the...!
[Dias] Looks like I'll find out the consequence sooner or later
[Ripple] We are gonna need to warp...
[Spirit] [Deja vu?]
* Ripple shakes his head to clear it
[Avatar] [Good idea, Ripple...
[Gravedigger] NRP: There goes my hopes for ever getting that huge ice sculpture of a weasel...
* Avatar heals RIpple a bit (+300HP)
[Paladin`] NRP: And my hopes of retrieving Justin's OTHER hand . . .
[Ripple] NRP: and my 45 foot Ice cream sunday
[Snipe] NRP: And my Godlike state.
[Ripple] NRP: and killing Light.
[Spirit] NRP: And fixing my keyboard
[Dias] Shall we get going.
[Ripple] I'll need.. *wince, as the healing does nothing*
[Snipe] NRP: And us getting out of here alive
[Paladin`] NRP: And the "No more NRP" rule
* Gravedigger runs towrds the exit
[Ripple] your power...
* Snipe it gets blocked off at GD
[Maki] NRP: And Spirit's com
* Ripple attempts to open a portal, but its only about the size of a thumb
* Airier rushes with the team
[Avatar] NRP: You know, another channel for NRP wouldn't be such a bad idea...
[Ripple] NRP: no one would pay attention though.