Session23-Mission 117: Let the Games Begin!

Session Start: Fri Oct 08 23:42:19 1999
* Diamondback #TAW explodes
[Snipe] Time chart: 1 week later
* Garland smacks up paladin NRP: MY LIN!
[Snipe] Location: The HQ
[Diamondback] NRP: I can try, can't I?
[Spirit] NRP: Thwaps DB
* Ripple is in the weightroom lifting weights
* Garland sits in his chair.
* Avatar has just woken up and is in his quarters
* Snipe is still looking a little beat up, but is better now
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* Diamondback sits in a chair, sighing, his arm in a sling
* Paladin^ stairs at the MedBay's ceiling
* Garland walks up to snipe
* Dias is in the training room working on his flexibility
* Snipe glances at Garland
[Snipe] Shouldn't you be fighting a war?
[Diamondback] [Remind me never to put my arm under myself while I'm falling...]
[Garland] Hey, I told you I wanted to spar you some time.
[Ripple] [Alright]
[Snipe] .....Me?
* Spirit sits quitely in one corner of the lounge, cradling a package in her arms.
* Ripple keeps pumping iron, leg in a cast
* Avatar rolls over in his bed, deliberating whether to get out (since he shouuld), or stay in (as pratically everything hurts in some way)
[Diamondback] *over the collective to Avatar* [Get up, lazyass.]
* Snipe eat a hotdog thoughtfully
[Garland] Yeah! That was some pretty handwork last week, come on!
[Snipe] Hrm, why not
* Dias leaves the training room
* Diamondback trudges into the cafeteria, the pain from the broken ribs pretty much subsided
[Snipe] (must increase Snipe's power guage)
[Garland] Yeah!
[Snipe] Where at?
[Garland] NRP: must increase strenth 10x
[Paladin^] NRP: Must eat Snickers
[Garland] The training room, of course!
* Dias looks around
[Snipe] Steel: HEY, MOVE IT!  *talking to reporters*
*** Ripple has quit IRC (
[Diamondback] NRP: SPLIIIIIT
[Garland] I'll set everything up, I'll see you in 2 min!
[Diamondback] NRP: Glad I'm not on adastra for a change
[Snipe] Right.
* Paladin^ goes to the computer to learn the stats of the battle
* Garland teleports to the training room
* Snipe walks over to DB
[Paladin^] Computer, which units survived the last battle?
[Diamondback] [So, Snipe... How you feeling?]
[Snipe] Having fun in the regeneration chamber?
* Snipe waits for a response
*** Ripple ( has joined #taw
*** ChanSrv sets mode: +o Ripple
* Dias heads off to the cafeteria
*** Avatar has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[Diamondback] [Bah. At least the broken ribs are healed...]
* Spirit slings her new sword over her back and goes to get some food. She looks almost on the verge of tears.
* Paladin^ kicks the computer
[Snipe] Computer: Unit 4...Unit 6...Unit 8....Unit 24
* Garland sets up a plains area, with a dirt circle, and turns on the holoroom.
[Snipe] ....*crosses arms, waiting* Helloooo, DB
*** Avatar ( has joined #taw
[Paladin^] Good.
[Diamondback] ...forgot you can't hear my telepathy any more...
[Snipe] Now does one not talk...
[Snipe] Well, see you later...*dashes for the training room*
[Diamondback] [Bah.]
* Paladin^ walks out of the medbay, carrying a few stimpaks filled with various pain-killers
[Snipe] Steel: Special Unit, report to the control room in 10 minutes
* Avatar walks down the halls
* Dias exits the cafeteria and heads to the control room
* Snipe runs past Avatar, spinning him
[Diamondback] [Oh, great.]
* Spirit nods to Snipe as he passes.
* Garland turns off the sim, and teleports
* Ripple floats to teh Control room
[Snipe] NRP: I said 10 mins, sheesh
* Diamondback sighs and jogs to the control room
[Garland] And I was gonna spar Snipe!
* Paladin^ walks to the cafeteria first and gets a sandwhich
[Diamondback] [What's my hurry...?]
* Snipe arrives at the training room
* Diamondback goes back to the cafeteria
[Ripple] NRP: It'll take me that long to get there. stuipd leg..
[Avatar] [Yeah, this'll be fun... I'm just hoping there are no maverick super leaders to face htis time...]
* Spirit gets some food and sits down by herself.
* Avatar enters the cafeteria and goes to get something to eat
* Dias enters the control room and sits down falling asleep
* Snipe looks around the control room
[Snipe] NRP: Training
[Snipe] Computer: *zaps Dias*
[Diamondback] *over collective to Av* [Wait'll you see what Spectre's been teaching me about the enhanced... heh.]
* Garland forgot his hat in the training room *teleport*
[Avatar] [Interesting, bust... Spectre?]
[Avatar] NRP: but
[Garland] Oh hi Snipe! We gotta goto the Control Room, mebbie later.
* Ripple floats by the Cafiteria, and floats to a seat next to Spirit
[Diamondback] [Come on. Jennifer!] NRP: Read Shadows of the Past.
[Snipe] .....*frowns* Hrm.
* Garland grabs his hat
* Snipe runs past Garland
* Avatar grabs two hot dogs for breakfast, as apparently it was lunchtime for everyone else...
[Snipe] Race you
[Garland] Your on!
* Garland runs
* Dias mutters something evil to the computer
* Snipe runs past Spirit and Avatar
* Diamondback sits near Ripple and Spirit, three hot dogs in his hand
* Avatar sits down and eat, glancing at Snipe
* Ripple shakes his head
* Spirit nods to the others, but doesn't say anything.
[Avatar] /me glances at DB, 
* Garland dashes ahdead, not cheating by flying
[Ripple] Dont think yourself the king Db...
[Diamondback] [What's up, Andrea?]
[Ripple] [I still can pack away more food then you]
[Snipe] ......Gah...*increases speed and comes up beside Garland*
[Snipe] I'm  *puff* not even winded...*puff*
* Garland runs as hard as he can then
[Diamondback] [Yeah? We'll see about that later, when I'm not on a deadline to eat.]
* Dias kicks a comp terminal
[Snipe] Computer: AIEEEE!
* Snipe enters the control room after Garland
* Garland slams into the door to the Control Room
* Avatar finishes his first hot dog and drinks some of his drink
[Spirit] [Emily...  she didn't make it out on that last mission...]
* Diamondback stuffs one of the hot dogs down his throat rather quickly
[Garland] GACK!!!!
* Snipe looks at the door, then at Dias, then at the computer, then at Garland
* Paladin^ calmly walks into the control room, using some of the drugs
[Diamondback] [Emily... oh yeah, I remember her... Didn't make it out..? Don't tell me...]
[Avatar] [Careful there, Diamondback. Wouldn't want you to have survived Sigma to choke to death on a hot dog...]
* Garland left skid marks on the floor, and an inprint in the door
[Garland] Ow........
[Dias] Stupid hunk of metal
* Dias sits down again
* Ripple nods, and puts his arm around Spirits sholder, just lending her some of his strength
* Garland sits down
* Avatar eats his second hot dog
* Diamondback glares at Avatar and eats the next hot dog... quickly standing up and trashing around, hands at his neck
[Ripple] [Its time Andrea...]
[Snipe] Steel:  .... Where are those other asswipes?  *is all healthy again*
* Ripple floats up, and flys to the Command center
[Garland] .....*to himself* I'll put in that complaint tommorrow.
* Spirit nods slowly, and picks the sword up off the table, following Ripple to the command center.
* Diamondback notes Avatar is ignoring him, so he stops faking
* Diamondback shakes his head
[Avatar] [Steel, we still have 3 minutes left...]
[Snipe] Computer: Bwgwack.
[Avatar] [We'd better go DB...]
[Paladin^] NRP: Whatever happened to the Giant Chicken?
[Snipe] NRP: Mysteries...hmmm
[Diamondback] [No kidding... No sense getting Steel Balls mad at us.]
* Dias kicks the computer terminal again
[Ripple] NRP: *Burp*
* Avatar walks past the people who are looking a bit strangely at DB
* Diamondback grabs his other hot dog and walks towards the exit
* Snipe hears an uncannily familiar song play, and sees the computer is playing it
[Diamondback] [What!? Stop lookin' at me like that!]
* Avatar heads to the elevator
* Diamondback shakes his head and heads to the elevator also
[Dias] Thats it...*lunges at the comp terminal*
* Paladin^ waits for the reason that he came to the control room to be mentioned
[Ripple] Whos playing that blasted song
[Snipe] People: *shake their heads at DB*
* Spirit runs one hand along the engraved side of the sword, paying little attention to where she's going.
[Snipe] ComputeR: HEEEELP!
* Garland goes into a dance
[Snipe] Steel: *trips Dias*
* Garland claps along with it
* Dias slams into the computer face first
* Avatar enters the elevator and hits button for control room
* Garland glares at Snipe
* Snipe munches on some chips
[Paladin^] . . .
[Garland] I'm not even a ewplois.
[Diamondback] [What do you think the problem is?]
[Garland] NRP: reploid.
[Snipe] Ewplois?
[Snipe] What the hell is that?
[Avatar] [Dunno...]
[Paladin^] Ok, why are we here today, Steel?
* Avatar enters the control room
[Snipe] Steel: Patience, Major.
* Dias gets up and sticks his tongue out at the computer, he then goes and sits down yet again
[Garland] The Cheire word for robot.
[Paladin^] . . . sorry, the song gets to me . . .
[Ripple] ....
[Snipe] Computer: Hmph.
* Spirit doesn't even notice the music as she sits down.
* Avatar takes a seat
* Garland sits back down
[Dias] I will re-program you. You can count on that.
* Diamondback enters, still chowing down on a hot dog
* Snipe finds some left over chicken and eats it
* Avatar rubs his leg, which irritating him a bit still
[Paladin^] NRP: *Sprinkles a few blades of GRASS on it*
* Garland pulls a hotdog out of his bag, and still has one of those spikes from siggies place
[Ripple] NRP: *dies from the grass attack*
* Avatar chews an apple he snagged on the way out
* Ripple stretches, and flexes
[Snipe] Steel: Alright, you're going to be going offplanet, flying escort for a convoy.  You'll land on the dock of the planet Taboios and will then stay there for a day to see everything is okay.  You will then return.
[Ripple] Man....
[Paladin^] Any opposition expected?
[Ripple] Spirit.. [You ok, i Mean really..]
[Dias] Do we get an all expense payed trip..
[Snipe] Steel: No.
* Avatar throws the core of the apple into the trash can and listens to Steel
[Dias] I'm FLYING!!
[Diamondback] [NO you're not, Dias.]
[Avatar] [You'll be flying fighters or our shuttle?]
[Dias] Yes...I am!
[Snipe] Steel: And you're getting too goofy...that's going to F@#@$$# you up.
[Diamondback] [No, you're NOT!]
[Snipe] Steel: Shuttle
[Dias] YES...I AM!
* Snipe sees Dias arguing with himself
[Diamondback] [Yes, you ARE!]
[Ripple] [NO HES NOT]
* Paladin^ wonders who Dias is arguing with
[Avatar] [It's really up to Snipe who flies, Dias...]
* Dias looks at DB 1"YES I AM"
* Ripple shrugs
* Diamondback 's attempt to trip DIas up failed
[Spirit] [I'm fine... only... it's just... I knew Emily since we were this sword is all that's left......]
[Snipe] ....Uh, Paladin, what do you think they're talking about?
[Diamondback] [NO YOU'RE NOT!]
[Paladin^] Probably psi-talk . . .
* Ripple gives Spirit a hug
[Dias] YES I AM!
[Paladin^] They rarely say anything important, though . . .
[Snipe] ....I think they're talking about you
[Diamondback] *to Dias* [No you're not!]
[Ripple] Use the sword to her memory.
[Dias] YES I AM DB!
* Snipe blinks at Ripple, confused
[Avatar] NRP: Wait, now Snipe can't hear psionic communication?
[Snipe] NRP: Not since last session
[Paladin^] . . . but why would Dias be saying "Yes" then?
[Paladin^] NRP: Read his bio
[Avatar] NRP: Why?
[Paladin^] Shall we get moving?
[Snipe] I don't know, talking about their homosexuality?
* Diamondback blinks at Dias, wondering who he's arguing with
[Snipe] I don't know, Dias arguing with himself is kinda funny.
[Avatar] NRP: That's so annoying. Consider I say my important messages outloud if needed to
* Snipe glares at DB
[Spirit] Thanks... and, I will Andy...
[Garland] NRP: but he's got a sweet ass!
[Diamondback] What!?
* Dias smirks evily at DB and walks off
[Ripple] NRP: LOL
[Snipe] ....YOU!
* Avatar psionically chuckles
[Paladin^] NRP: Just use your mouths, dangit
* Diamondback makes a gun with his fingers and "shoots" Dias in the back
* Snipe tries to get a strangle hold on him
[Dias] NRPL: Gotya DB
[Avatar] NRP: That's like asking a human to talk with sign languages when he's always talked outloud
[Diamondback] [Back me up, Avatar! YOu know I didn't say that!?]
[Garland] Snipe!
[Paladin^] Erm . . . Commander?
[Ripple] Just doing what i can Andrea.. thats ALL i can do...
[Garland] Snipe, he didn't say that!
[Avatar] [Of course you didn't...]
[Snipe] ....Um, yes, to the "London"
[Paladin^] I'm not sure if our objectives included the death of DB . . .
[Avatar] [He didn't say that, Snipe.] *knows Snipe can't hear him*
* Dias walks of to the hanger bay area
[Diamondback] [The L...] *ahem* The "London?"
[Snipe] Er, new of the line
[Ripple] Oooo
[Garland] ....
* Ripple glares at Dias
[Ripple] Dont blow THIS one up..
* Snipe steps on the London
[Dias] I won't
[Diamondback] Whatever you say. *is tripping over a lot of the words, not used to speaking*
* Ripple steps on the london
* Dias enters the London and takes the pilot seat
* Paladin^ boards the thing
[Snipe] Hay?  Where's hay?
[Avatar] *ahem* Lets go
[Garland] Why won't they name these things with meaningful names, like Hlandoan?
* Ripple chuckles at Db's attempts to talk
[Snipe] Or the Kiamia?
* Paladin^ glances at Dias in the pilot seat, then at Snipe
[Ripple] You gotta get the hang of it like me man... Just talking.. [and Psychic]
[Diamondback] Not used to talking... *ahem*
* Snipe shrugs
* Dias powers the London up
[Garland] Kia......mia....?
* Diamondback gets on the London
* Paladin^ uses another stimpak and relaxes
* Avatar enters the London and sits at the weapons consol
* Snipe sits down, missing Maki
[Dias] All Aboard Who's Coming Aboard..
* Spirit gets on board, a little slower than ususal.
[Avatar] NRP: Don't see how immunity to psionics stops psionic communications, as they do no damage
[Snipe] NRP: *Sigma walks on board*
[Diamondback] NRP: [Hey Siggy.]
[Paladin^] NRP: Stops everything psionic
[Ripple] NRP: *drops a light gernade in Sigma's pants*
[Snipe] NRP: *Bonks him for being such an utter moron*
[Dias] NRP*crashes the shuttle killing all*
* Avatar looks over the weapons systems to see what it can do (what can it do?)
[Diamondback] NRP: WHEE!
* Dias thes shuttle lifts off and exits the hangar bay
[Snipe] NRP: You can shake it to the left...shake it to the right..
[Spirit] NRP: *bonks Snipe for stealing her bonk*
* Ripple sits down at the weapon controls
* Diamondback notes that, like most other shuttles, there are a port and starboard weapons panel, and he takes the other panel
* Dias sets in the coordinates
[Ripple] NRP shake it up with all your might Oh baby!!
[Avatar] NRP: Oof! *Ripple sits on him*
[Snipe] NRP: *is laughing so hard he can't breathe*
[Ripple] NRP: you werent sitting. You were looking
* Dias jostles the shuttle on purpose
[Avatar] NRP: * Avatar enters the London and sits at the weapons consol
[Ripple] ..
[Snipe] Alright, Dias, fly out of the atomsphere
[Ripple] NRP: Well, im at the other one tehn.
[Snipe] Everyone, say good bye to Earth.
* Garland yawns
[Snipe] NRP: Chicken: BWGWACK!
[Dias] And that would be which way...*smirks*
[Spirit] [Why do we have to trust him to fly...]
[Snipe] ....*pales*
* Avatar looks the earth over
[Diamondback] NRP: BAWGACK!!!
* Paladin^ grins, being back in space
* Dias takes the shuttle up and out of the atmosphere
[Diamondback] [Ah, wh...] *ahem* Ah, what a view...
* Snipe somehow feels like he's being snubbed
* Dias sways the shuttle back and forth for shits and giggles
[Garland] NRP:...... This is fun. And no, not in a sarcastic way.
* Ripple watches the world pass by
* Diamondback throws a shoe at Dias
* Snipe bonks Dias
* Dias grabs the shoe
[Snipe] Try not to hit that....AHHH, CARGO SHIP!
* Avatar wonders what the "x" button next to the lasers does
* Spirit sits back and enjoys the view... while telekenetically bonking Dias
[Ripple] [Dont push it..]
* Diamondback telekinetically moves the controls to avoid the ship
* Snipe notices how the 13 Earth battle ships are flying around, and the spacetraffics of Earth are busy
[Dias] IF YOU KIDS DON'T SHUT UP I'M PULLING OVE...SHIT! *swerves out of the way*
[Avatar] [Uh, that...] *ahem* Uh, that cargo ship is getting aweful close to us...
[Diamondback] Eyes front, Di-ass...
[Snipe] [Sing!!  Sing a soooooong]
[Spirit] [Never trust DumbAss to fly us anywheres]
[Dias] Ahh..much better.
[Avatar] [Snipe, I co-...] Snipe, I could fly if you want...
* Ripple is suprised at snipes telepathic talk
[Snipe] [Eyeeeeees on Meeeeeee]
[Ripple] NRP: Someone shoot him.
[Snipe] [Can anyone hear me?]
[Avatar] [Snipe? You can speak psionically?]
[Paladin^] NRP: I must kill you now . . .
[Diamondback] NRP: *shoots him*
* Dias pulls up along side the cargo shuttle thingy
[Snipe] [Halo?  Echoooo...echoooo]
[Dias] Snipe, is this the one?
[Ripple] [Yea I can hear you snipe..]
[Diamondback] [I knew it! He's lying about not being able to hear us!]
[Spirit] NRP: *Gigaslaves Snipe*
* Garland has been seen speaking in psionics, (session 1) so he needs not prove it.
[Snipe] GM: Ripple gets a burst of static as he listens in, and feels strangely detached from mental reality
[Avatar] NRP: So, you can get a new skill instead of a weapon if you want?
[Snipe] ...*hears noting*
[Snipe] NRP: Ni
* Diamondback curses aloud
[Garland] NRP: NI!
[Ripple] NRP: HA! You cant go Ni! Only the Knights who Go NI can go NI!
* Dias looks out the sidewindow and waves to the pilot of the cargo shuttle next to the London
* Paladin^ glances back at DB
[Avatar] NRP: *tries to figure out what Snipe is doing*
[Snipe] ..Enter hyperspace Dias.
* Diamondback disappears from Paladin's vision
* Avatar scans Snipe
[Dias] Aye Aye 
[Paladin^] NRP: That's Knight
[Snipe] [I'm in love with you----]  *watches Avatar get a blank expression* Is he okay?
* Dias hits the hyperspace button and they enter
[Ripple] NRP: I am the knighted knight of NI!
[Ripple] Uhhhh..
* Diamondback glances at Avatar
[Avatar] NRP: From the scan?
[Snipe] NRP: Yes.
[Garland] NRP: knights ripple again
* Avatar shakes head and looks normal
[Diamondback] [What'd he do, sc...] *ahem* What'd he do, try to scan you?
[Ripple] Snipe, somethings funky with your telepathic stuff..
[Snipe] NRP: PLus you can't really hear Snipe, just bits and pieces, and it really screws with you to do it
[Avatar] [Odd, I...] Odd, I tried to scan Snipe and got nothing...
[Snipe] ...I don't know,  I didn't feel anything
[Ripple] Its like.. staticy... [Like someone left the radio on halfway between stations..]
[Snipe] ....And by God, if I hear *Ahem* again, I'm going to give you cleaning duty.
[Avatar] I'm not sure why... but pressing a scan and attacking any defenses you might have wouldn't be safe to do against you...
[Diamondback] [I've already tried a l...] I've already tried a lot of stuff on him, whether he realizes it or not... He's, like, a black hole to psionics...
* Dias turns the overhead mike on 1"Lunch will be served when we reach the speed of Hyperspace...Ahh we have.."
[Avatar] Yet he sends out faint psionic signals...
[Snipe] ......*bonks Dias, only an arms reach away*
[Diamondback] [Strange...]
[Dias] Ouch!
* Paladin^ looks out the window, the conversation fading from his ears
[Dias] Snipe..Do I have to pull over?
[Spirit] Maybe his callsign should be enigma
[Snipe] So, are tahe cargo ships following us?
[Garland] You mean, he sucks it in, before he can hear it?
[Dias] Don't make me pull over
[Ripple] Heh heh
[Diamondback] That's exactly what I mean, Garland.
[Garland] I see..... Odd.....
[Snipe] ...And what does he do with it?  That is my question
[Snipe] ..Wait, he's me.
[Diamondback] First off, you are he.
* Snipe bonks Dias
* Garland wonders.....
[Avatar] Odd and annoying, as vocally communicating is much slower, unrelayable, and cumbersome...
[Snipe] Are the CARGO ships behind us?
[Dias] Snipe, that is a good question. Are the cargo ships behind us?
[Snipe] ......DIAS!
[Ripple] Yea, we are going kinda fast..
* Ripple looks back
[Snipe] ...Scan for them
[Diamondback] Second... I'm guessing that the psychic *stumbles over the word* com-mun-i-ca-tion is just kind of dissipated...
[Garland] Maybe it could account for your "super human"?
[Snipe] ...*frowns* I'm not a superhuman
[Ripple] NRP: GTG
[Ripple] Ok, your Super-something
[Paladin^] NRP: *punts Ripple from the shuttle*
[Snipe] ....SuperSnipe!
[Avatar] NRP: What is a superhuman anyhow? The enhanced are kindal ike superhumans...
[Garland] Like hell. I saw you last week.
* Ripple sits back and falls asleep
[Diamondback] NRP: Yeah, I didn't think about that
*** Ripple ( has left #taw
[Snipe] NRP: *Sees we're more interested in Snipe than the mission* I'm flattered.
[Avatar] ...
[Spirit] NRP: *doodles on Ripple's face*
*** Dias has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Avatar] NRP: Just trying to get around the annoyance of not being able to talk psionically
[Diamondback] NRP: *throws the shoe from earlier at Snipe*
* Snipe sees dias vanish and grabs the controls
[Avatar] [Where are we now, Dias?]
[Diamondback] [Screw it... If he can't hear me, that's too bad...]
* Paladin^ grabs the controls
[Paladin^] NRP: Nm
[Spirit] [So, what were doing anyways?]
[Paladin^] NRP: Ignore that . . .
* Snipe scans for the cargo ships and finds them
* Diamondback sighs
[Diamondback] Yeah, what are we doing, anyway?
[Snipe] ...Alright, so he didn't lose do I fly....
[Snipe] Computer: Warning, going off course...AIEEE!
[Diamondback] GAH! Give me the contrls, Snipe!
[Paladin^] I think Avatar has the ability
[Snipe] Computer: Please put someone who can operate me at the controls
* Diamondback telekinetically takes the controls from the weapons seat
[Garland] Fly yourself, computer!
* Diamondback until Paladin can take them
[Paladin^] . . .
[Avatar] Uh, sir, I am actually skilled at flying...
* Diamondback or somebody
[Snipe] Computer: Screw you!  Screw me!  We're screwed.
* Snipe rips the controls out and hands them to Avatar
[Snipe] Here you go
[Paladin^] . . .
[Avatar] !
[Diamondback] ...THAT was bright...
[Snipe] ....Oh shit
[Paladin^] Did you . . . hit your head or something?
[Diamondback] [Where's the co-pilot's seat!?]
[Snipe] Computer: *gets quiet*
[Avatar] You didn't think about that did you?
[Snipe] ...No, no I didn't...
* Diamondback checks the weapons console for controls to the ship
[Diamondback] Nothing...
[Avatar] Tell me there's a copilot seat?
* Snipe sits there, holding the controls, as the ship steers off course
[Snipe] ....Um, er, yes...but it's broken
* Diamondback tries to telekinetically control the ship
[Avatar] NRP: *wonders if Snipe planned this*
* Spirit uses her telemechanics to try to pilot the ship.
[Avatar] But, I thoght this was new!
[Snipe] .....It's still being worked on...
[Avatar] Great... just greeeaaat...
* Snipe places the controls back and slinks off to his seat
* Snipe glares at DB
[Paladin^] NRP: Is the ship off course and going straight or turning in a big circle?
[Diamondback] [Ryan, help us out here...]
* Avatar goes over to the controls and telekinetically holds them in and tries to fly
[Diamondback] But I didn't say anything...
[Snipe] NRP: the cargo ships
[Snipe] ...Oh, damn, was hoping you did so I could shock you
[Avatar] NRP: Can I get control?
[Snipe] NRP: Ye.
* Garland pulls out a hot dog
* Snipe glances at Garland
* Diamondback releases his telekinetic hold on the ship
[Snipe] You've been quiet, o' calm one
* Avatar flies using telekinises, a bit unnerving as the controls move by themselves and his hands aren't on the controls
* Snipe feels unnverved
* Garland munches
[Garland] Huh?
[Garland] Oh, want one?
* Avatar steers the ship in formation with the convoy
* Diamondback isn't unnerved at all
* Paladin^ wonders if Snipe's mental capabilities have been affected by the past battles
* Snipe is too embarrased to say he didn't know his own strength
* Avatar as he's able to sense the ships around him and easily control his instruments, it's much easier for him to fly than most people
*** Dias (Ender@ has joined #taw
[Snipe] Computer: And next on my will...oh, we're here...alarm, alarm...jump out of hyperspace..hey, the pilot's back.
* Spirit is lost in thought, and tries to ignore the fact that Snipe almost killed them.
[Avatar] I'd suggest someone take the weaposn consol now that I'm flying
* Paladin^ hops into it
* Diamondback is already at one of them
* Dias snaps out of it
* Avatar jumps out of hyperspace
* Garland makes small talk with Snipe
[Dias] Woh...
* Snipe before them is the planet, the docking station ahead
[Garland] You ever think about stuff?
[Snipe] .....Stuff?
[Garland] Yeah, not the word "stuff" but in a broader term, you know, like the little things.
[Dias] As in Captian Winky?
* Avatar scrolls through scans of the objects and ships in the area, chekcing for anything unusualy
[Snipe] ...I think about job...the safety of my teammates....what I'm going to do next.
[Avatar] I guess Convi... Sigma was wrong that we wouldn't be out of the job now?
[Snipe] o O ( least I know I can think to myself without anyone listening in)
* Snipe flinces at that, but says nothing
[Spirit] Where are we going anyways? [Where are we going anyways?] *at the same time*
[Paladin^] Maybe we are.
* Avatar glances at Snipe
[Diamondback] [There's an idea...]
[Dias] Hey..I want my pilot seat back *tosses Avatar out of the pilot seat and takes over*
[Garland] Well..... If I were to say what I think about, It'd be Ni'Nareana, my children, and my friends.
[Snipe] ....*points at the station* There, we dock there and make sure the convoy docks..then we can go to the casino and head home.
[Avatar] We're escourting the cargo ships.
[Snipe] ...Who are your friends?
* Avatar follows the convoy by the rear and watches them start docking
[Diamondback] [Casino? My kind of place!]
[Spirit] *eyes brighten* Casino?
[Diamondback] NRP: [] means that both telepathy and speech are used.
[Snipe] ...Carters, sheesh
[Garland] The old hunters, and you guys..
[Avatar] Comm.: This is the shuttle London. REquesting permission to dock.
[Snipe] ....All the old Hunters were your friends?
[Paladin^] . o O {Like father . . .}
[Diamondback] [Something wrong with the Carters, Snipe?]
[Snipe] ...No, just your history with casinos
[Dias] Casino..Hmm...Guess I could use Ripples HoloCard..
[Garland] Yes, and so are all the Special Units.
[Avatar] NRP: DB, don't use [ ] for that. Use { }
[Snipe] ...I see.
[Diamondback] NRP: Ok, whatever.
[Snipe] Comm: Ah, hello, London..please dock in bay 2.
[Diamondback] NRP: Ah, good point...
[Garland] Well..... no, yes, Wiendigo included.
[Avatar] NRP: When DS changes the logs [ ] and changed into [ and ], so it'll look the same on the log
[Diamondback] NRP: Yeah, I realized that.
* Dias pilots the London into docking bay 2
[Snipe] .....Well, who was your best friend, Garland?
* Avatar docks in bay two
[Dias] My DA!
*** ChanServ changes topic to 'Next Session (Session 22):  The leader of the Mavericks is really ......?!  The final battle with the Mavericks begins!  However, Conviction is much stronger than Cain and all the Hunters are in a weakened state.  And salvation may come from...Steel's help? | Members: (Ripple)'
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o Diamondback
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o Snipe
[Paladin^] NRP: Who the heck is pilotting the ship?
[Avatar] Er... Would you like to fly her in to dock, Dias?
[Snipe] NRP: Dias
[Avatar] NRP: Oh...
[Dias] NRP:YEAH!
* Dias docks the shuttle
[Avatar] NRP: *sees them head toward some docked fighters at an alarming rate*
[Diamondback] NRP: AAAAAH!
[Avatar] {The casino is on the station?}
[Garland] Well, If I were to say who I was closest to, well, more like family, DeathStar and Dominator, they both saved my life ocuntless times.
[Dias] NRP: IF you use NRP ONE more time. WERE TURNING AROUND!
* Avatar telekinetically stearst hem out of the man's way
[Dias] OOPS
* Paladin^ watches Dias pilot miserably
[Diamondback] {I hear Dad had his share of saving people's lives, too.}
[Dias] Bah..he was in the way
* Snipe feels a bump
[Snipe] ......Oh my God..
[Paladin^] . . . Christ . . .
[Dias] I know that Slasher saved DS a lot
[Diamondback] [Dias...!?]
[Snipe] ....Wah---wah---we killed him???
[Garland] Dias...... *cant help but laugh*
[Dias] DB!?
[Paladin^] . . .
[Avatar] ...!
[Spirit] ???
[Diamondback] [That does it... I'm driving us home.]
* Paladin^ pops the hatch open and rushes out to check on the man