* Snipe glances at Paladin
[Snipe] ...wha?
[Ripple] *To Vespers* [No kidding.] *To Spirit* [Meh.  things happen.]
[Airier] COMM] Hello?
[Snipe] ....Uh, Palass just snapped...
[Diamondback] *to Paladin* [Most of us are. There are exceptions to that rule.]
[Spirit] NRP: Well, he lives in Vesperton (or used to) so that's passible
[Gravedigger] Okay, all in favor of ripping his vocal cords out....*NRP: And no, this is coincidental*
[Airier] Ok guys, enough with the psionic messages...
[Airier] I can't hear um, but I can sense em...
[Diamondback] [Sorry, I'm used to this, and I"m not used to speaking aloud.]
[Paladin] Anybody else see doom on the horizon?  We are so going to die . . .
[Spirit] *To Airier* [Bleh! =P]
[Airier] And it's driving me nuts...
[Snipe] .....*slaps Paladin* SHUT up
* Snipe shakes him
[Diamondback] [All I can say is, GET USED TO IT.]
* Paladin smiles broadly at Snipe
[Snipe] You're suppose to be the guy who's been around all this time.  The BEST of us all.
[Gravedigger] NRP: *picks up the big book o' Enhanced* Man, this is more confusing then a John Grisham novel....
[Snipe] And you're snapping like a damn TWO year old!
* Airier tapps his blaster
[Snipe] What are you Paladin, a gutless bastard?!
* Ripple glares at everyone.
[Blackjack] Hey, whoa, sitting around here bickering at each other is getting us NOWHERE! We've gotta decide what we're gonna do to survive.
* ShellX begins working on the science station, trying to ignore the conversation
[Ripple] Jeeze... arent we supposed to be a team here?
[Airier] I agree...
* Gravedigger hurls his sai into the middle of the table, trying to get everyone's attention
[Ariel] *to self* And I thought DS and Wien were bad...  All of the special forces seem to be like that...
* Paladin continues to smile 1,0We've lost essentially everything worth fighting for.
[Ripple] I mean... COME ON.....
[Snipe] ....Oh, and here I thought we were filling in the Hunters' shoes.
[Airier] Let's get to the problem at hand...
[Garland] ....Not only do we get killed whenever a gutless bastard wrecks our base..... but you can't even funtion as a team, damnit!
[Airier] Let's out-do them for once Snipe...
[Ariel] You definately won't fill the hunters shoes like this.
[Paladin] We're not the Hunters, nor will we ever be.  They're long dead.
* Ripple eyes flash strips of purple, winding through the iris
[Airier] Paladin, shut the hell up!
[Snipe] ...yeah?  And who brought their downfall?  Spade!  Weren't YOU his lapdog for some years afterward, Paladin?
[Garland] Shut up Paladin. I'm a HUNTER TILL THE END.
[Snipe] Drake: *sighs*
[Snipe] Dog: *howls*
[Gravedigger] Yeah, you people sure as hell aren't the Hunters.
* Airier puts his head down
* Ariel just frowns and shakes her head.
* Diamondback snaps, and reverts to human form, undampening his psionic abilities. His slitlike eyes and pointed ears are immediately apparent as his eyes flash into a deep purple color.
* Garland pulls on a pair of gloves.
* Airier sits waiting for some quiet
[Ripple] ..... You just dont get it.
*** Elayne_Vanguard (dobahold@209-130-200-232.nas-2.MON.frontiernet.net) has joined #TAW
[Diamondback] [If the arguing doesn't stop, I"m not afraid to take every one of you on...]
* Elayne_Vanguard steps into thee bridge
[Ripple] We are the "Team" that will never be, because NO ONE can get it through their thick skulls that we need to work together.
[Elayne_Vanguard] What's all thee wraket?
* Maestro mutters in his sleep
* Gravedigger whistles
[Ripple] NRP: Vote: How many e's are there in the?
[Garland] DB.... Don't bother........
[Elayne_Vanguard] You woke up half the children in the med-bay...
[Spirit] We can't afford to fight each other...  Remember who the enemy is.
[Diamondback] [Why not? It'd teach you to work as a team, because you'd have to to take me out...]
[Gravedigger] Folks....might I suggest we adjourn and reconvience once we all act our age?
[Snipe] Yeah, well, how can we kill that enemy when we can't kill our own?
* Ripple hugs Spirit, then looks back at everyone.
* ShellX speaks up quietly, 1"Um... so what were we talking about before the argument."
* Airier chuckles at that remark..
[Paladin] Nobody wants to work together.  Nobody here is willing to watch the other's back . . . Everybody here is only concerned with being individuals, so no, we're not a team.  And that's why we won't replace the Hunters, ever.
[Ripple] She has a point.
[Blackjack] Paladin, you weren't around at the beginning of Hunter.
[Gravedigger] Hey Paladin, here's an idea: Stop whining.
[Blackjack] Things were just as bad then as they are now, believe me.
[Ripple] NRP: ..... *is getting annoyed as hell*
[Spirit] *smiles and looks to Snipe* We just have to make our own tougher than any enemy and work together
* Elayne_Vanguard is hold her ears
[Snipe] NRP: *is watching in amazement*
[Blackjack] And look how far they got.
[Elayne_Vanguard] This can't be the team I wanted to join...
[Snipe] ....This ISN'T the team you wanted to join.
[Paladin] Yea, disbanded, forgotten, and dead.
[Ripple] NRP: amazing how the snowball grows when you release it at the top of a mountain eh?
[Ariel] We had some tough times, eh BJ?  But we pulled through.
[Paladin] Great end to a brilliant career.
* Snipe fist begins to shake
[Blackjack] No. I mean before then.
[Snipe] ....That's....it....
* ShellX looks back down at the science panel, staring down at the screens sadly
* Gravedigger leaps onto the table
[Blackjack] They banded together, and accomplished the goal they set out to do.
* Airier points his gun at Paladin, sending a target to his head
[Snipe] If...you....can't....shut up...Paladin....then leave us.....
* Gravedigger whistles again
[Snipe] ...Run...home...to your.....mom's....ass.
* Ripple smirks
[Airier] One more remark
[Airier] ...
[Paladin] My mom's ass could do a better job of leading than you.  I'm out of here.
* Paladin walks out
[Blackjack] If you don't think that's true, take Snipe's advice and go running home to momma.
[Airier] ...
[Garland] .......
[Gravedigger] PEOPLE! I'M PREGENANT!
[Ariel] *glares at the others* Now stop feeling so god damned sorry for yourselves and get over it!  Your supposed to be a team, not a group of squabbling children.
[Airier] I think we may have made an enemy...
* Snipe lets his fist stop shaking
* Blackjack fiercely backhands Gravedigger across the face
* Ripple draws one warp blade, glowing in the room, seemingly creating shadows
[Snipe] There...now that he's gone, we can actually start with morale.
* ShellX stares at GD like he's crazy
* Gravedigger catches BJ's hand
[Blackjack] YOU'RE one of the worst ones of this band of screwups.
* Elayne_Vanguard looks and finally notices Ariel
[Ripple] ... My father would... maybe has died for the likes of YOU.
* ShellX then looks down again at the panel
[Snipe] Of ME?
* Elayne_Vanguard walks over to her
* ShellX gets up and walks over to Snipe
[Ripple] No.  Of them *points to Pal, and Grave*
[Elayne_Vanguard] Are you Ariel?
[Gravedigger] Look Patchy, I don't know you, but I've heard stories. You were once a proud warrior, why don't you become that man again?
[Paladin] NRP: *notices he's not on the bridge to be pointed at*
[Gravedigger] And you.
[Snipe] Paladin runs when he can't handle a situation...he's a kid at heart.
* Gravedigger points at Rip
[Ariel] *nods* And you are?
[Ripple] NRP: *pointed to where he was a few moment before*
[Elayne_Vanguard] Elayne Vanguard
* Blackjack snatches his hand away
* Garland steps out
* ShellX whispers to Snipe that there's about half-a-minute before the reenter normal space
[Ariel] Vanguard? o.O
[Elayne_Vanguard] Nice to meet you miss Ariel
[Snipe] ...Oh, yeah...thanks Shell
[Elayne_Vanguard] Yes
[Ripple] I at least TRY to follow with loyalty.
[Garland] Shut up. All of you, old Hunters and SUs....
[Garland] Look at yourselves
* ShellX moves back to the science panel quietly
* Snipe glances at Garland
[Gravedigger] I've busted my ass since I've been here. I've trained my entire life. I might owe my life to your father, but I sure as hell don't let it go in vain.
* Spirit taps out a tune she's been working over
[Blackjack] Garland's right. This is pitiful.
* Ripple sheaths it again
[Ariel] *nods*
[Blackjack] Fighting amongst ourselves is getting us ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE!
[Garland] It doesn't matter wther we're hunters or not.
[Elayne_Vanguard] You were my mom's friend... right?
[Blackjack] It's simple. Either we work as a team, and live; or don't, and die. Your choice.
* Blackjack turns and walks out of the bridge
[Ariel] Your mother was...?
[Garland] It doesn't matter what requirements he have to fill.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Seraphna?
* Blackjack turns
[Ariel] Yes... Yes I did.
[Gravedigger] No Garland, I WON'T shut up. I did once, then I didn't talk again for nearly 20 years. I've finally gotten the courage back to say something and stand up for myself. I realize we need to work together, don't EVER think that I don't.
[Blackjack] We may never compare to the Hunters, but that doesn't matter. If we can fulfill our goals, that's all that matters...
* Blackjack leaves the bridge
* Ripple straps himself in quickly
* Snipe the ship leaps out of Hyperspace
[Elayne_Vanguard] She's in the med-bay if you want to talk later...
[Elayne_Vanguard] Nice to meet you...
[Snipe] NRP: Seraphna is NOT in the medBay
[Snipe] NRP: IGNORE that
* Spirit is taken by surprise and stumbles slightly.
[Ripple] NRP: *watches everyone thrown through the vid screen*
[Garland] ....We are what we are. Nothing more, we are whatever we are. BUT I on the other hand, am going to avenge the deaths of my friends.
* Ripple catches Spirit
[Spirit] Th... thanks
* Diamondback shakes his head, and doesn't bother to change back into a half animal form, his secret now revealed
[Garland] ....Kill each other, see If I stop you, your acting like I did as a 4 year-old
[Diamondback] And I, am going with Garland's decision.
[Snipe] ......*loks at the huge station attached to the planet* There it is.
* Garland looks at DB
* Maestro snores
[Spirit] Right, we can't stand by and watch with what they're doing.
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: Alright forget the in the med-bay remark...
[Diamondback] We've arrived... THink you idiots can stop arguing long enough to do what we came here to do?
[Ripple] No prob.  *To Spirit* [When we arrive at the station, you wanna grab something to eat, and then maybe begin forging that Psychic Rapport?]
[Snipe] ....Foreigner Inc....the last hope we have....