Session 26: Shattering

[Snipe] Time Chart: November 22nd, A few hours later
[Snipe] Location: Fury - In Hyperspace enroute to Foreigner Inc.
* Snipe leans on Grave's head
[Snipe] Tell me '
[Snipe] again how you can talk..
[Gravedigger] Tell me again how you became the leader...
* Spirit plays solitaire idly
[Maestro] NRP: I'm a Red Beret!
* Garland sits in a chair writing in his personal log. Sighing persiodicly, his head still hung low
[Snipe] ....I was voted on when I didn't even want to be.
[Spirit] NRP: [Maki] Shut up
*** Blackjack ( has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Blackjack
[Gravedigger] I STILL want a recount on that...
[Snipe] ..Me too.
* Paladin sits slumped against a bulkhead
* Diamondback plays cards with his father, morphed into a half panther for an unknown reason
[Snipe] If Paladin wasn't so pissy all the time, I'd vote him.
* Gravedigger frowns
* Snipe glances at BJ
[Snipe] I see that we did beam the senor Carter on after all..
* Gravedigger grumbles and heads elesewhere
* Blackjack glances up, his eyepatch (from TAW1, new guys) missing
* Spirit finishes her 20th solitaire game in a row and goes over to watch BJ and DB
* Snipe follows Grave
* Blackjack nods and looks back at his hand
* Maestro sits in a chair, thinking
* Garland looks half glanced at BJ "Good to see your alive......."
* Gravedigger stops and spins on his heels, facing Snipe
* Snipe stops
* Blackjack glances up again, this time at Garland
[Gravedigger] Why are you following me?
[Blackjack] And you, Garland.
[Snipe] ....I needed to talk to you
[Gravedigger] ...About?
* Paladin vacantly stares at the floor
* Blackjack smirks as he reveals a full house
[Snipe] We have over 100,000 people on board this ship.  I have Drake, Index, and Counselor trying to check on all of them, but that's impossible.  I don't know WHO we got on this ships...criminals or not.
* Diamondback grins evilly as he reveals four queens
[Paladin] NRP: Welcome to Macross Island, folks
[Snipe] NRP: Where?
[Spirit] NRP: *just finished watching "Do you remember love" (Macross movie)*
[Gravedigger] ...Can't you get the computer to take image scans and cross reference them with any criminal databases on board?
* Blackjack slams his cards into the table and gets up, grumbling something about wishing he hadn't taught his son everything he knew
[Snipe] ....Not with half of the ship's computer systems offline due to the damage of crashing into the station.
[Diamondback] [Hmm. Sore loser.]
* Maestro scans the crowd
[Snipe] So, I want you, and Paladin, to run down to C Deck and begin to shift through all the people for me and then head up to the bridge for a conference.  Drake wants to tell us how this ship was meant to be built.
[Gravedigger] What about sending them to the medical bay a couple dozen at a time for a quarentine scan, and while they're doing that, have the meds take DNA smaples and run those through?
[Gravedigger] ...Great, yeah, I'll get RIGHT one that...
* Garland sits in his chair, half-relined, his eyes dark.
[Snipe] ....Oh, sure, I'm just positive people will go to that....they're confused, angry, and I've had fifteen mobs break out in the last hour...
* Snipe snaps fingers at Paladin
[Paladin] Hunh?
* Gravedigger kicks at the floor
[Snipe] Alright, head with him down to C-Deck...see you guys in 20 minutes.
[Paladin] . . . oh
* Paladin gets up and heads to the elevator
* Diamondback walks throughout the ship, not reverting from half panther form
* Snipe crosses arms at Paladin, frowning
* Gravedigger stomps off to the elevator
[Diamondback] [Bored, bored, bored...]
[Snipe] ....Those two....
[Snipe] two head down to D-Deck, do the same thing as Paladin and Grave..
[Gravedigger] Of all the crew he could have picked for a worthless task as this...
[Spirit] Fun...
[Snipe] Elevator: What floor please?
[Diamondback] [Wha...] *ahem* Yeah, ok, right on it. *British accent shows through in his voice*
[Gravedigger] C, and step on it.
[Snipe] Elevator: That does not compute.  Could you please restate the floors?
[Diamondback] [Come on, Spirit, let's get on it... Better than sitting around here.]
* Garland looks out a veiwport, at space
[Gravedigger] ...C!
[Paladin] He wants C-Deck.
[Snipe] Elevator: Thank you....*music begins to play*
* Snipe walks over to Garland
[Paladin] I hate this music
[Snipe] ....And what's wrong with you, bright eyes?
[Spirit] [I wouldn't be so sure about that]
[Gravedigger] ...So do I.
[Diamondback] [Good point... Oh well.]
* Maestro looks at the remaining people
* Spirit heads to the elevator to get to work.
* Diamondback still doesn't revert as he finds an elevator
[Snipe] Elevator: *opens up at C-Deck*
[Garland] ....All those people.... taken from their lives, and..... Regix.....IceMan... Vaxion.......
* Paladin steps out
* Gravedigger follows
* Diamondback gets on the elevator Spirit is in
[Snipe] ....Hey, maybe only Icy is dead....the other two might have survived...
[Paladin] Uh, what were we supposed to do?
[Garland] And I couldn't do a damn thing to help them....
*** Ripple ( has joined #taw
* Snipe in front of them are hundreds of people
* Snipe nods at Ripple
[Snipe] Greetings,.
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
* Ripple appears
[Ripple] Heya
* Snipe turns away from Garland
[Gravedigger] Uh, ask people if they recognize anyone as criminals?
[Spirit] Um, floor d right?
* Diamondback commands the elevator to the D-deck
[Snipe] Elevator: Does not compute.
[Ripple] (*shoots his schools gratis program*)
[Diamondback] D, dammit!
* Garland mutters to himself about DeathStar, that being the most troubling
[Ripple] NRP: whatd i miss?
[Paladin] Do we just wander around asking people?  Why don't we just wait for a crime to be committed before looking for criminals?
[Gravedigger] Because the smartest criminals aren't going to pull anything in a place like this.
[Maestro] NRP: Nothing Much, Get somone else to explain
[Snipe] Elevator: Goes.
[Diamondback] [Stupid elevator...]
[Ripple] NRP: OH THAT HELPS *so sarcastic, you could cut it with a spork*
[Snipe] ....*walks over to Maestro* How are the engine room hyper drives?
[Paladin] So there shouldn't be any trouble, making it idiotic to go looking for troublemakers who won't make any trouble.
[Gravedigger] NRP: On ship, Snipe assigning us to go to different floors to sift through people to find criminals
* Snipe someone bumps into Paladin
[Ripple] NRP: Gotcha.
[Snipe] NRP: to identify them
[Maestro] NRP: Well It does, Belive it or Not Ripply (Conidence)
* Ripple glances at Spirit
[Diamondback] So, how's Aunt Fox doing, Andy? *speaking aloud*
* Paladin glances at the bumper
[Maestro] ... Uh...
[Ripple] NRP: At least SPELL it right... oy...
[Maestro] Good, I guess..
* Snipe the young girl excuses herself and walks off
[Gravedigger] ...I think she just stole your creds....
[Paladin] . . . from a suit of armor?
[Spirit] She's doing well... I haven't really talked to her since she was brought on board... -.-¡
[Diamondback] Slow elevator... *hits the wall*
* Ripple brightens a bit, and moves closer to Spirit
* Snipe the elevator arrives
[Paladin] This thing's storage compartments aren't accessable from the outside . . .
* Diamondback 's British accent is horribly apparent as he speaks
[Gravedigger] ...Then what was she doing 'rounds those parts?
[Ripple] How you taking everything?
*** ShellX ( has joined #taw
[Snipe] Everyone not with the others (including Ripple, spirit isn't there) head to the bridge.
* Gravedigger points to the gapping hole from the last battle
[Diamondback] ...What was it we're supposed to do?
* Diamondback still doesn't revert to human form
[Maestro] NRP: Thats me right?
[Ripple] NRP: *shoots himself*
[Paladin] NRP: So, why aren't we being sucked out into space?
[Snipe] NRP: on your armor!
[Spirit] Make sure we didn't get any criminals or anything...  You want to turn back Chris?  You might scare them.
[Paladin] I don't know, getting a feel for her new home?
[Snipe] NRP: Yes Maestro
[Ripple] NRP: Wait a second, didnt I appear?
* Snipe heads up to the bridge, passing Shell
[Snipe] You can come too
[Gravedigger] ...Man you're an old pervert.
[Diamondback] Hopefully they'll think I'm a Reploid...
* ShellX walks toward the bridge
[Paladin] . . . what the hell are you talking about?
[Gravedigger] ...What the hell are YOU talking about?
* Ripple arrives on the bridge ahead of everyone else
* Gravedigger slaps Pal on the back
[Ripple] Why did they make this place so Blasted HUGE...
[Paladin] She's probably just exploring this massive ship that seems to be her foster home for the time being . . .
* Snipe the girl pockets Pal's things
[Spirit] Hopefully...
* Blackjack heads for the bridge (NRP: Blackjack was supposed to, I hope)
[Gravedigger] C'mon, buck up, it was a joke.
[Ripple] NRP: HA, welcome to the "I have no clue what the hell is going on" club
* Diamondback heads into the crowd, doing what he came to do
[Ripple] NRP: *is the owner, and founder*
[Paladin] Great.
[Diamondback] NRP: Which I've forgotten what it is...
* Snipe arrives and sits in the captain chair, hitting comm.
[Snipe] Comm: Guys, come back from shifting through the damn crowd...jeeze
[Gravedigger] Man, you are just as uptight as I was told.
[Ripple] So, we're pulling weeds?
[Snipe] ....Weeds?
* ShellX steps in behind Snipe
[Diamondback] [Solves that problem...] *goes back into the elevator*
* Garland looks at snipe
[Garland] Weeds?
[Ripple] Criminals, evil dooers... ect.
[Snipe] ....
[Maestro] Soooooo.... What's the situation?
[Gravedigger] Comm: Zzzt, sorry, ....hat again? An't hea...ou, eaking u...*
* Gravedigger tucks his comm away
[Paladin] Yea, I guess I should be jolly and relaxed now that Earth's been taken over by the Tsivrixsh and that Xevils alive
[Snipe] .....Damn Grave..
* Diamondback holds the elevator door open, waiting on Spirit
[Gravedigger] One annoyance down.
* Snipe hits the floor's comm speakers and speaks to everyone
[Spirit] NRP: *Maki continues her assult on Snipe with Macaroons, having run out of actual ammunition*
[Ripple] So, Snipe, any luck tracking down Slash?
[Snipe] Could you PLEASE talk to the reploid and the tightass standing by the elevator and tell them to come to the bridge?  Thank you.
[Paladin] Hey . . . that hole in my armor is right near . . .
[Snipe] ...Uh, no, been to busy running for my life.
[Ripple] NRP: Mmmm Macaroons...
[Diamondback] Come on, Andrea...
[Paladin] Shit, she did take some of my gil.  Damn her.
[Gravedigger] Oh c'mon, you're alive, I'm...functioning, the Earth can be rebuilt, Good always wins, blah blah blah.
* Ripple tosses Snipe a datadisc
* Snipe crowd turns to Paladin and Grave
[Spirit] I'm coming, I'm coming...
* Garland turns in his seat back to the veiw-port
[Snipe] ...*Catches it* Yes...?
[Paladin] Hey, my class ring is gone too . . .
[Ripple] I found this in his old room at the old Hunter HQ...
* ShellX picks up a small handheld access port and begins working on something
[Ripple] It may help.
[Gravedigger] Told ya. Jeeze, I DO know what a pickpocketing looks like, i was only taught by the best.
* Diamondback commands the elevator to the level with the bridge on it (NRP: #?)
[Ripple] NRP: Run it later.
[Snipe] NRP: Bridge.
[Paladin] That reminds me, I recognize that sai of yours.  Who exactly did teach you?
[Gravedigger] Uh...erm....hey, look, there she is!
* Diamondback taps a clawed foot on the floor impatiently
* Snipe it dings and throws DB off
* Paladin looks in the direction GD is looking
[Diamondback] [GAH!] GAH!
[Paladin] Where?
[Snipe] ....
[Snipe] Where are those two....
* Snipe leans back in his chair, whistling
* Garland looks at DB
[Ripple] I have NO clue.
[Gravedigger] Just missed here. Damn. What're we talking about again? Fish?
* Diamondback flies out and trips up Blackjack, who was walking down the hall
[Blackjack] What the...? YOW!
[Paladin] . . .
[Snipe] ...BJ...walking...?
[Paladin] Fine, we'll look for her later, I guess.
[Ripple] NRP: Thought he was paralized from the waist down...
[Gravedigger] ...Were we supposed to be doing?
* Paladin moves towards the elevator
[Gravedigger] ..something?
[Blackjack] Yeah... I'm cyborg, sort of. An experimental cybernetic replacement for the damaged portion of my spinal cord.
* Gravedigger shrugs and gets on too
[Paladin] Going to the bridge to let ourselves be lectured by wonder kid.
[Snipe] Drake: .... they're YOUR men...
* Ripple crosses arms
[Ripple] Dont ask me, I dont know where they go after the orders are given out.
[Gravedigger] Wonder kid, heh, that's funny.
* Blackjack stands, almost reverting, but keeping himself from doing it
* Snipe glares at a view screen of GD and Pal talking
[Gravedigger] I always used to call ihm "Ripe".
[Diamondback] NRP: That's the bad thing about playing multiple characters... That was DB.
* ShellX looks up from his access port wondering what;s going on
[Gravedigger] Man, let me tell you, never go into the bathroom after him.
* Blackjack stands up and dusts himself off
*** Woman ( has joined #taw
* Paladin smirks and considers tearing out the music speaker
[Snipe] .....Those two are that?
* Woman approaches Palidin.
[Paladin] NRP: On the elevator?
[Snipe] NRP: You never called it
* Garland is preoccupied with his grief to pay any attention to everyone else.
* Paladin calls the friggin elevator
* ShellX walks up to Snipe, 1"What's going on?"
* Snipe the elevator arrives
[Blackjack] NRP: I'm on the same level as Garland, right?
[Woman] Excuse me, I'm looking for whoever is in charge around here
[Snipe] ...I'm plotting the death of two people, Shell.  Care to join me?
[Paladin] And you would be?
* Ripple moves closer to snipe
[Ripple] Who you wanna kill?
* Ripple grins mischeviously
[Garland] NRP: I'm on the bridge
[Snipe] Palass and Graveprick.
* Ripple smirks
[ShellX] Sure... I guess
[Woman] You can call me Tenshi.  I'm with EarthGov.  I want to know what's going on around here.
[Ripple] No reprocussion from the commanding officer?
* Paladin boards the elevator
[Gravedigger] So, whadda ya do off-duty?
*** Woman is now known as Tenshi
* Gravedigger gets on
*** Tenshi is now known as Tenshi
* Tenshi follows Paladin
* Snipe taps fingers
* Ripple glances at Snipe
[Paladin] Fine, step on, we're going to see the guy who's being "in charge"
[Snipe] Everyone, aim the weapons at the elevator..
* Diamondback taps his foot, accidentally scratching the floor
[Diamondback] Whoops...
[Ripple] You got it....
[Spirit] Nice one Chris
[Diamondback] I try.
* Gravedigger takes out his sai and picks his teeth
* Ripple ignites his Ripple wave around his fist, and aims it at the elevator
* Snipe the elevator opens on the bridge
* Diamondback and Blackjack shake their heads
* Paladin lets the woman exit first
[Ripple] Shall I fire?
* ShellX slips his grav-a-rangs from his sleeves and begins juggling
[Snipe] ......Make it so, Ripple.
[Gravedigger] ...Eelvator downm, fast.
* Tenshi gets off and looks around.
* Paladin steps out behind Tenshi
* Ripple fires at the elevator, while Pal and Grave are still in it
[Snipe] Elevator: Eh?
* Gravedigger ducks
[Tenshi] o.O!
[Diamondback] [...Since when did we attack our own men?]
* ShellX utterly fails to juggle them and drops them all
* Gravedigger crawls out
[Ripple] [Sorry, finger slipped..]
* Paladin utterly fails to dodge
* ShellX bends to the floor and begins picking them up
[Blackjack] Haven't seen this since Wiendigo and Death Star...
[Snipe] ..Uh, reports of villians heading up here
* Ripple glances at BJ
[ShellX] Picking up my Grav-a-rangs
* Gravedigger glares coldly at Snipe
[Tenshi] Hey BJ, long time no see
[Ripple] Heya Jared.  Its been a long time
[Gravedigger] NRP:...Okay, anyone who has NO ties to the Carter family, raise your hands now.
[Blackjack] Hey, Andrew. *glances at Tenshi* You're familiar... Who are you?
[Ripple] NRP: *raises hand*
[Paladin] NRP: *Raises hand*
[Blackjack] NRP: *raises his hand*
[Snipe] NRP: *raises foot*
* Gravedigger whacks Snipe along side his head
[ShellX] NRP: *raises hand*
[Tenshi] What?  You don't reconize me?  Well, I'd admit I changed a bit, but it hasn't been THAT long since the hunters disbanded...
* Paladin looks around
[Ripple] NRP: BRB, phone call.
* Snipe slams the viewscreen on Grave's hand
*** Ripple has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Paladin] . . . uh, should I even ask about being shot?
[Gravedigger] Just for that, I'm digging out the holo pics from when you were drunk on New Years.
* ShellX looks up at Tenshi
[Blackjack] Wait a minute... Yeah, I THOUGHT I recognized you! How's life treatin' ya?
* Snipe glacnes at Tenshi
[Snipe] Who?  Why's SHE here?
[Tenshi] That's what I'd like to know...
[Gravedigger] EathGov person, wanted to see you
[ShellX] who are you?
[Paladin] She wants to talk to you.  Since we're not your secretaries, we decided to let her talk directly to you . . .
* Gravedigger places Snipe in front of here
* Garland still has his back turned to everyone, not even paying attention.
[Gravedigger] Snipe, Tenshi, Tenshi, the jackass-errr, in charge guy.
[Snipe] .....*slams the viewrecorder on Grave's foot*
[Tenshi] Captain Ariel "Tenshi" Edo, at your service.  But I'd like to know what's going on around here.
* Gravedigger dodges
[Snipe] ...I'm Commander Snipe
*** Ripple ( has joined #taw
[Snipe] NRP: Yeah, WASTE your dodges, X1
* Paladin does a double take
*** Tenshi is now known as Ariel
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
* Blackjack nods
[Snipe] ...and what's going on is Earth is in flames and we're running like hell.
[Ripple] NRP: What did i miss?
[Blackjack] Surprised you didn't recognize her, Pal.
[Gravedigger] NRP: Phh, boy, if you EVER payed attention to me in battle....
[Ripple] NRP: *pokes grave in the eye*
[ShellX] ...hmmm... were you one of the Hunters that I met?
[Gravedigger] NRP: Paid even
* Paladin shrugs 1It's been a while
[Ariel] *nods* I think so
[Snipe] Drake: *clears throat rudely* Uh...briefing?
* Gravedigger goes back to picking his teeth with his sai
[Paladin] To do what?
* Ripple looks for Spirit
* Diamondback shakes his head, trying to make sense of everything's that happened in the last few minutes
* Snipe takes a picture of the sai and saves it
[Snipe] Drake: I wanted to brief you on the Fury and how it's runned..
* ShellX goes back to his porta-computer
[Diamondback] NRP: How it's run! RUN!
[Snipe] NRP: DAMN
[Gravedigger] NRP: With a martini twist and a bike! Baa-dump!
* Garland turns around in his chair
[Spirit] *To Vespertons* [Breifings... How perfectly boring.]
[Snipe] .....Well, Mr. Tech Whiz Admiral...
* ShellX brings up the design scematics on the porta-computer
[Diamondback] *likewise* [Amen...]
[Ripple] *To Spirit* [heh heh heh]
* Ripple walks over to spirit
[Snipe] Drake: *frowns* Anyway, Maestro and Dias will most likely be flying this...I'm teaching them myselves.
[Gravedigger] Dear God we're all going to die!
[Diamondback] *To Vesps* [Wuh oh... That's not a good sign.]
[Paladin] Or at least crash into a few stars.
[Gravedigger] ....Whoops, was that outloud?
[Snipe] Drake: ... am I missing something here?
[Blackjack] Same thing, Paladin...
* Snipe cringes
[Ripple] [.....  Well, its too big to hit too much]
[Ariel] Dias, that's... *pales*
[Paladin] Essentially, yea.
[Gravedigger] NRP: Yeah, your pants. Baa-dump!
[Ripple] NRP: *smacks Grave, and gouges out his other eye*
[Snipe] Drake: Anyway...this ship wasn't designed for just 500,000 people to run.  Uh, anyone ever watch 20th century space adventures?
[Snipe] adventures...uh...?
* Diamondback snickers, and Blackjack laughs
[Paladin] . . . no, why the hell would we?
[Ripple] ... Not that i... can recall...
*** Seraphna^Arunsun ( has joined #TAW
[Ariel] A bit before my time.
[Diamondback] [Dad over there's a fanatic of old movies.]
*** Seraphna^Arunsun is now known as Airier
* Garland walks up solmnly to the group, just to see what's happening
[Snipe] Drake: *Brightens* You ever seen "Star Trek" or "Babylon 5"?
[Gravedigger] Do remakes count? Even if they suck really bad?
[Blackjack] Yeah.
[Airier] (Session?)
[Blackjack] Yipe. I see your point.
[Ariel] NRP: Yep
[Gravedigger] NRP: Bingo
[Ripple] NRP: of course.
[Paladin] NRP: Yes.
[Blackjack] NRP: Yeah.
[Ariel] NRP: () = telepathy remember
[Snipe] Drake: Then you'll be able to translate this.  This ship was designed to have people living on have them run businesses, etc. etc.
[Airier] NRP: Where are we?
[Paladin] An independant space station/vessel, then
[Gravedigger] ...I can finally be a traveling undertaker! YES!
[Blackjack] Yeah, kind of like a moving city.
[Snipe] Drake: Basically, this ship is like 1 big city...we don't have many weapons...we have levels and levels of just blank space...for store
[Snipe] weapons, charmed...
* Airier walks in
[Snipe] Drake: SOME, Snipe
[Ripple] Probably have to do a bit of reconstruction to ad a bity
[Snipe] decent weapons, charmed...
[Spirit] Sounds like Macross...
[Gravedigger] NRP: Be explained to what we're gonna do on the ship
[Snipe] Drake: Macross?
[Paladin] Ok, so why do we need to know all this now?
[Spirit] 20th century anime.  One of the classics, I'm surprised you haven't seen it
[Snipe], basically, I can open a friggin' cookie shop on here?
* Gravedigger takes out a cigar and lights it.
[Ripple] NRP: *Goes to translate Plasma cannon to german*
[Ripple] Thats about right..
[Diamondback] *all but Snipe and Drake* [Hrm, pretty obvious Snipe doesn't like this idea.]
* ShellX is only half paying attention to Drake, instead he is looking at the schematics.
* ShellX looks up
* Airier sits in a chair in the shadows of the room, looking remarkably chisled
[Snipe] Drake: Uh, yeah...that's it....We only need a crew of about 500 people to run what you need...etc. etc.  The small group you got here could be the fighting force, maybe Foreigner Inc. can direct us to getting some crews...I checked and hardly any of the 100,000 people we saved have the skills.
[ShellX] What type of experimental facilities does it have?
[Snipe] Drake: None built...just MedBay.
[Snipe] Which is where X2 is....I bet.
[Gravedigger] ...There goes finding any mass murders in the crowd.
[Diamondback] [Great, so we're the only fighters on here.]
[Ripple] No engineering bays at ALL?
* Diamondback repeats himself aloud for Snipe's benefit
[Snipe] Drake: Just the main engineering bay.
* Gravedigger takes a puff of the cigar and coughs badly
[Snipe] Drake: Basically...
[Gravedigger] *hack*...smooth....*gag*
[Snipe] Well, guys...what should we do with the 100,000 people on board this ship....?
[Airier] We need allies then...
[Paladin] Civilian allies?  Ha.
[Airier] Help them survive..
[Blackjack] Treat them as citizens, mainly...
[Ripple] They are whats left of the human race...
[Snipe] ..Great, next announcement: Please see Blackjack to open a Bakery..
* ShellX goes back to looking at the schematics, trying to think of where he wants to get a science lab placed
* Ariel laughs
[Blackjack] Ha. If anything, I'll open a casino.
[Airier] Allies as in Alien Allies Snipe...
[Gravedigger] Put on the biggest Broadway musical in history....What? It was just an idea!
[Garland] ......*jusrt listens*
* Ripple listens
[Snipe] ........Well, you guys are pretty chipper for someone whose homeplanet is toast..
[Airier] AHAHAHA!
[Airier] *Home planet..
* Snipe glances at Airier
[Diamondback] *all but Airier* [Yep, he's insane.]
* Gravedigger pats Snipe on the back, then smacks his head
[ShellX] Hey, I'm trying to forget that for now, Snipe!
[Spirit] NRP: So we're doing the macross thing and I just happened to have a character that could be a professional singer... stupid coincidence
* Airier hears the remark..
[Snipe] Drake: *hands DB the money he bet on it*
[Airier] Oh.. I'm insane
* ShellX goes back to staring at the schematics
[Diamondback] NRP: And just how do you hear it?
[Airier] About as much as the last General Death Star...
[ShellX] NRP: Robotech
[Paladin] NRP: Robotech
* Diamondback pockets it with a snicker
[Snipe] NRP: Never seen it
* Garland looks at Airier
[Spirit] NRP: Great anime, you should pick it up.
* Snipe glances at Airier
[Snipe] General Death Star was insaNe?
* Paladin glances at Airier
[Ripple] NRP: it rocks.  Watch Sharon A.P.P.L.E.
[Airier] NRP: I'm a good listener
* Gravedigger pulls Snipe to the side
[Diamondback] NRP: It's not aloud. Telepathy.
[Airier] Enough that Spade was able to pin him...
[Paladin] . . . will you shut up?
[Spirit] NRP: Nah, you'd need to see the original series to get the connection
[Gravedigger] Mind if I give you some advice?
* Garland looks at Airier and Snipe with undying anger
[Airier] NRP: Whatever, I picked up the wavelength
[Diamondback] NRP: Ok, GM, step in.
[Snipe] NRP: Airier cannot hear it.. There
[Airier] NRP: Ok...
[Snipe] Yes, Grave.
[Ripple] Death Star.. 
[Airier] Was... it's a big word...
[Ripple] I wouldnt know anything about it.
[Blackjack] Whoa, Garland, calm down, there... We all know DS was a great Reploid...
[Paladin] . . .
* Ariel glares at Airier
[Paladin] Can we get back to the ship?
[Snipe] Drake: Who just got banished from Earth..*glances at Paladin*
* ShellX finishes looking at the schematics and downloads them into his memory
* Garland clenches his teeth
[Gravedigger] Okay, as leader man, it's generally YOUR responsibility to NOT bum out the team, capisce?
[Ripple] NRP: Mmm catfish..
[Snipe] ...But a friggin' BAKERY..
[Airier] Reploid is another... At least he was normal...
[Gravedigger] You keep morale UP, not Down, HAPPY, not sad, BOUNY, not flat, got the pic?
* Maestro is back from - Auto-away (idle 30 min) - Gone 3secs - [i²]
* Airier seems almost jealous of DS
[Snipe] ...Alright *leaps to his feet and claps hands* WHO WANTS TO START A BAKERY!
[Paladin] . . . Christ
* Gravedigger smacks his forehead
[Ripple] Snipe, just shut up, and lets get down to business...
[Snipe] Thank you  *sits down*
* Gravedigger yanks Snipe back down
[Airier] Yes snipe...
[Snipe] ACK1
* Blackjack shakes his head
[Garland] .....
[Gravedigger] First chance I get, BAM! You're going out that porthole.
[Snipe] Drake: ....I just told you what this ship was designed for; life, not's up to you now.
[Snipe] Awww, thanks mute.
[Snipe] ...Alright, suggestions anyone?
[Blackjack] ...*tries to come up with something* Float around in space?
[Airier] Now what do we do... According to the history files, Foriegner Inc. would shoot us on sight, with so many Carter's around...
[Paladin] . . . live like hunted prey until we die wanderers alone in space?
[Snipe] ....Foreigner Inc. would?  Man were you briefed wrong.
[Airier] Not to mention Garland, and Ariel..
[Gravedigger] We educated the crew in minimal combat conditions for any event of a boarding crisis.
[Snipe] ..I meant about the IDIOTS
[Paladin] Armor and equip it
* Ripple sighs
[Snipe] ....Good idea, Grave...lets give basic training to 12 year olds..
[Ripple] The weapons need a complete overhaul..
[Airier] Find a pit stop somewhere...
[Gravedigger] Then we live among them, never once revealing that we're really the fighting force of the ship
[Diamondback] Actually, Snipe, it's a good idea.
* Garland looks ay Airier again.
[Snipe] Computer: Exiting hyperspace in 10 minutes.
[Snipe] I know it is, Db...
[Airier] Why not Snipe?
[Diamondback] I started learning to fight at 11, so it isn't impossible.
[Airier] I was...
[Diamondback] [Damn, I hate talking aloud...]
* Gravedigger whacks Snipe
[Airier] 7 when i was trained
* Spirit remembers the day she was kicked out of school and looks at the ground
[Garland] NRP: BRB
[Ripple] ....
[Snipe] .....*feels a flashback coming on so he whacks the dashboard* Alright, more suggestions
* ShellX moves to the science station and sits down in front of the sensor controls
[Gravedigger] Boy, don't MAKE me turn this ship around....
* Snipe grabs grave's hand
[Ripple] [You were trained... I had to learn on my own.]
* Maestro falls asleep somwhere
[Snipe] Don't EVER do that again...*throws it off*
* Airier sits at the engineering station
[Diamondback] *all but GD* [Anyone feel like ripping Grave's vocal cords out?]
* Gravedigger kicks Snipe in the shin
* Snipe blocks
[Snipe] ...Grave, you're pissing me off..
[Ripple] NRP: *holds up hand, and the voice card*
* Airier nodds
* Blackjack looks at DB, snickers, and nods
* Paladin begins to laugh
* Ripple snickers
[Spirit] *To Vespers* [I liked him better when he couldn't talk]
* Airier calls engineering
* Paladin laughs hysterically
[Gravedigger] As I once was told, "It's better to be pissed off then pissed ON."
[Airier] COMM] How many people we got down theree?
* Gravedigger glares at Pal
[Diamondback] *likewise (NRP: I'm counting BJ as a Vesper, also.)* [No kidding.]
[Paladin] . . . this . . . this is the "best of the best"?  . . . Ha ha ha
* Ariel rolls her eyes