Session 27: Rejected and Alone

[Snipe] Time Chart: 20 minutes later
[Snipe] Location: Hanger Bay
[Ripple] NRP: *kills DB for calling him that* NO ONE, and i mean NO ONE calls me mikey, and stays in one piece.
* Snipe slaps Maestro asleep in the shuttle chair
[Airier] NRP: *Beats Ripple the "Session Begins" is GARLAND's Job!
[Snipe] Will you WAKE up?
* ShellX is trying to learn to juggle with his grav-a-rangs
[Ripple] NRP: *twitches to call enforcer*
* ShellX is failing utterly
[Gravedigger] He's dead, Jim.
[Garland] NRP: MINE!
* Airier is fingering his gun
[Spirit] Does he EVER stopp sleeping?
* Diamondback taps his foot, in his human form, with the slitted pupils and pointed ears
[Ripple] Nope.
[Snipe] ........Grave, shut up with the jokes.
[Ripple] Ive timed him...
* Garland looks ay Gravedigger
[Diamondback] Doesn't look like it.
* Snipe flicks Maestro
[Ripple] He sleeps a grand total of 23.5 hours a day.
[Maestro] NRP: Im back
* Maestro snorts "what?
[Gravedigger] How about I don't, and I keep ignoring you?
[Snipe] FLY the damn shuttle to the STATION
[Maestro] Me?
[Snipe] How about I shoot you in the back first chance I get.
* Ripple rolls his eyes, and sits down
[Snipe] Nooo, not you, Grave...
* Elayne_Vanguard sits at the Navigation Station
* Maestro rubs his eyes
[Garland] Grave: How is it, you make jokes, yet not one laughs, and you still make jokes?
[Maestro] Ok ok....
[Spirit] This is fun =P
* Maestro heads to the control consol
[Airier] X2 hurt him as a child..
* Snipe grumbles about Paladin and his big ass as he leans back
[Ripple] NRP: *is completely amazed at how everyone keeps fighting*
[Gravedigger] And how is it that you get your skin so clean and smooth like that? 
* Maestro sleepy pilot towards the station
[Snipe] NRP: This DID pick up from last session
* ShellX stares out his window
[Airier] He wipes his ass...
[Ripple] NRP: Means nothing, i mean COME ON, a good solid HOUR of arguing...
*** Ariel is now known as Strife
[Ripple] NRP: I ran out of stuff to argue about 16 minutes in..
[Airier] NRP: Just likee the old days...
[Snipe] NRP: GO TEAM GO!
[Maestro] NRP: I'm wearing a Red Beret!!
[Snipe] ..Maestro...MAESTRO, ASTEROID!
* Snipe closes eyes
* Strife appears from somewheres in the back
* Elayne_Vanguard eyes the metallic creature
* Ripple waits for Spirit to sit down
* Spirit is sitting down.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Strife!
[Snipe] Someone wake him up!
[Gravedigger] Let's get one thing straight, people, what you think of me, eh, don't care. I see something, I comment. Some of you should already know this from past teammates.
* Maestro attemps to barrel roll
[Ripple] NRP: someone, give me a pot of coffee in the mail...
[Strife] Huh?  Who said that? *looks around*
[Elayne_Vanguard] Me!
* Gravedigger sees no one's listening, so he sits
* ShellX turns away from the window, 1"Maestro!?"
* Snipe sighs in relief as Maestro dodges and heads for the station
[Strife] *frowns* Do I know you??
* Elayne_Vanguard walks over to him
[Diamondback] NRP: ACK, AFK
[Elayne_Vanguard] I'm Seraphna's daughter, I heard about you...
[Snipe] .....may little ants bite you, Maestro...
* Ripple watches
* Airier grins
[Ripple] .....and may flys annoy you Maestro..
[Gravedigger] Aaaaanndddd he gets to make jokes WHY?
[Maestro] What?
[Strife] Seraphna...?  Oh!  Ariel's friend right?
* Elayne_Vanguard nodds
[Snipe] ..I'm NOT joking.
[Gravedigger] Uh huh.
[Airier] Ok, let's land okay?
[Snipe] NRP: *lightning strikes Grave*
[Ripple] NRP: *nukes the ants, making them huge, who proceed to eat Maestro*
* Airier get's on thee comm
[Snipe] Comm: .... who is that the fury?
* ShellX goes back to staring out the window, staring sadly at the stars
* Snipe pats Shell on the shoulder
[Gravedigger] No, it', nevermind, it ain't worth it.
* Ripple glances at Snipe
[Airier] Comm] Yes
* Ripple stands up, and stretches
[Airier] Comm] this is the ship the Fury, over?
* Spirit stares idly out the window
[Snipe] Comm: How the hell did you guys get away from Earth!? It's under attack.
[Ripple] Comm] We were VERY lucky..
[Airier] Comm] Lng story
[Snipe] ....*watches as they head for the bridge of the station* ...He's heading the wrong way...
[Maestro] Soooo, What did I miss? And how did we end up in the path of an asteriod
[Spirit] [With much skill and dexterity?]
[Gravedigger] ...
[Ripple] [Or just general stupidity..]
* Maestro yawns
[Strife] I'd say it was just dumb luck.
[Snipe] Comm: .... Eh, dock in bay not head that way or we will shoot you down
[Gravedigger] Well, if we die, remind me to see you all burn in Hell...from Heaven.
[Airier] Comm] Over..
[Airier] Bay 12 Maestro
[Snipe] .....We're going to die....we're going to die...*sees them heading for the shadowed part of the station*
[Garland] NRP: BRB
[Airier] They can hold this ship?
[Snipe] NRP: We're in a shuttle
[Airier] Damn...
* Gravedigger looks at Snipe
* Ripple whispers to snipe
[Airier] NRP: Okay
* Snipe a warning blast shoots out
* Airier readies his gun
* Ripple winces
[Snipe] Comm: We may be allies, but you are NOT allowed back there
[Ripple] Here we go agin...
[Airier] Stop the ship!
[Gravedigger] I was JOKING, you idiot! Great way to jynx it!
* Maestro heads for the bay he's told to head for
[Spirit] Uh oh...
* Ripple ignites his ripple wave
[Strife] Hey!  What's going on?!
[Snipe] Comm: Thank you...
* Snipe sees a few fighter jump out of hyperspace and head for them
[Airier] Comm] Sorry, our Pilot is a Jack-....
[Snipe] comm: Space pirates!
* Airier grins
* Ripple sighs
[Spirit] !
[Maestro] Soooo, Snipe what do I do?
[Ripple] Just what we need.
[Snipe] ...Perfectr.
[Snipe] ...SHOOT 'em!
[Airier] Pirates.. sounds like fun...
[Gravedigger] ...What if give them Maestro?
[Snipe] And run for the hanger.
[Ripple] Snipe, this sucker have weaons?
[Snipe] ....a few.
* Ripple sits down in teh weapon targeting console
* Snipe a blast rakes the shuttle
[Ripple] Lets see what it has.
[Maestro] Then they'd dust you for sure
* Spirit pops herself down at a weapon consol
[Gravedigger] ...A few. Oh how great...that means what? Two? Three?
* Ripple targets one, and fires everything he has access to
* ShellX stares out the window, not noticing the hits on the ship
* Snipe watches the shuttle run out of bullets
[Snipe] ....Good one Ripple, you blew one of the 3 up
[Ripple] .... Thats ALL WE HAVE?!
[Airier] Fly Maestro!
[Ripple] .... Very fast.
[Snipe] .....Speedy!
[Gravedigger] Sweet Mother Mary Joseph Calpbringer....
[Maestro] What, You want to? stop tellin me what to do
[Ripple] Preferrably, to get there BEFORE they reach us..
[Snipe] May the strippers of destiny look down upon us...
* Airier increase the speed on the engineering console
* Gravedigger looks at Snipe
* Maestro flys iraticlly
* Snipe a blast rakes the shuttle
[Ripple] NRP: *could take that many different ways*
[Gravedigger] You've got issues, man....
[Snipe] ....Too many clubs...too many nights
* Spirit directs all of the power from the useless weapons to the engines
[Ripple] ... *smirks*
* Snipe watches them reach the hanger
* Airier chuckles
[Gravedigger] Yeah, is this before or after the day dream?
[Strife] Whaaaaaaa!  I don't wanna dieeeeeeeee!
[Airier] Shush up kid...
* Snipe mutters about Maki
[Ripple] Snipe, ask about getting this sucker refitted with some plasma weaponry
* Snipe sees Mr. Wall coming up to hit them
* Airier turns off the engines
* Maestro cuts the thortal
[Gravedigger] Saki? Why the hell do you want saki right now? Wrong place, wrong time!
[Maki] We're all going to dieeeeee!!!
[Snipe] ....What the hell?!
* Snipe looks around for that voice
* Ripple smirks, hearing that voice
[Ripple] NRP: That was pretty cool
[Snipe] Is that the voice I haven't spoken to in more than a week?
[Maestro] Roger that, Death Immenint
[Gravedigger] Dadgumit, I'm hearing voices, we're really gonna die now....
* Snipe watches the shuttle stop
[Airier] NRP: I suggest that last session give extra experience for vigorous arguing
[Snipe] .......someone mind telling me what just happened....?
[Ripple] NRP: How shall I whack thee, must I count the ways?
[Airier] Um.. Maestro cannot drive
[Strife] Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa... Hey, we stopped?
[Gravedigger] Okay, battle plan crew: Don't die. Whatever we do, don't DIE.
[Ripple] No clue...
* ShellX breaks his gaze away from the window and looks around, noticing the disarray of the shuttle
* Snipe steps out of the shuttle and notices some familiar aliens heading their way
[Maestro] You, Couldn't do better
[ShellX] Uh... what's going on?
* Ripple glances at the aliens
[Ripple] Uhh, we got company..
[Spirit] *gulp*
[Airier] ...
[Airier] NRP: Okay, what kind
[Gravedigger] Can't we shut the windows and turn out the lights and hope they think we're not home?
* Maestro follows the people out
[Snipe] Leader: Greetings!
[Airier] Hello...
[Snipe] ....Uh, guys, these are the Foreigner Inc. aliens...
[Ripple] Heya.
[Gravedigger] ....Who?
* Snipe glances back
* Ripple waits for Spirit
* Spirit breaths a sigh of relief
[Maestro] Do we got authorization to land?
* Ripple is outside the shuttle already
* Airier stands, walking out of the shuttlee
* Diamondback and Blackjack join the rest of the group
[Strife] Oh!  Well, that's different.  Hiya!
* Ripple stops dead, face contorted with concentration
[Airier] NRP: I'm not even gonna start Meastro...
[Snipe] Leader: Uh....who is that?  *points at Maestro*
[Ripple] ....... What in the hell...
[Ripple] My god...
* Elayne_Vanguard walks out
[Snipe] ...That is...stupidity with a license to fly.
[Gravedigger] The dumbest pilot in the galaxy.
* Airier chuckles
[Ripple] I think.. ive found Slash...
* Spirit looks over curiously at Ripple
[Snipe] Leader: ...who?
* Snipe glances at Ripple
[Diamondback] [What? You're kidding!]
[Maestro] You REALLY couldn't of done better
[Snipe] What?
[Strife] Wow, really?  Cool!
* ShellX walks out of the shuttle, noticing the aliens he glares at the leader
[Ripple] Its faint... not sure, but it feels like him
[Snipe] Leader: *refrains a frown at Shell*
* Ripple concentrates, to see if it gets stronger
[Gravedigger] First he's alive, then he's dead, now he's alive....
[Ripple] Damnit...
[Snipe] Leader: Well....I'm afraid you have come a long way for...nothing.
* Gravedigger mumbles that he could have done better
[Spirit] Some people just refuse to die...
* Airier tapps his gun in his holster impatiently
[Diamondback] [Nothing? What do you mean, nothing?]
[Spirit] .oO(I'm glad Slash is one of them...)
[Snipe] Leader: We cannot aid you.
[Diamondback] [Great.]
[Snipe] .....What?!
[Airier] ?
[Spirit] ...
[Airier] Why are you here then?
[Snipe] Your Earth's allies!
[Ripple] Why cant you help?
[Strife] Oh, now that's just great... Thanks for nothing!
[ShellX] *mutters under his breath* Figures
[Diamondback] *all except aliens* [I kind of expected it...]
[Snipe] Leader: To help you would bring upon the wrath of your attackers.  We do not want that.  
[Maestro] Gee, we seem soooo Wanted!
[Airier] I ask again... why are you here?
[Ripple] ......
[Strife] Nice allies =P
[Snipe] Hey, YOU were the ones who were running your mouths about us kicking their asses..
[Airier] Wrath?
[Spirit] *to Vespers* [... This sucks!]
[Airier] They'll get you anyways
[Snipe] Leader: *shrugs impassively* That was then, this is now.
[Airier] You know it too...
[Ripple] Perfect.  You think you'll prevent them from coming over here and kicking your asses too?
[Snipe] Leader: If you say so...
* Snipe curses
[Strife] Um, from the looks of those guys, they'll get you anyways.
[Maestro] Wow, If you didn't want to be in on a Alliance, ie you fight our enemies with us...
[Gravedigger] ...And this is my foot, and that's your ass, and soon they'll be one....
[Snipe] Leader: Doubtful.
* Ripple sighs
[Snipe] ....*Glares* Isn't there ANYTHING you can do?  We're outnumbered.
[Airier] Oh... what makes you so different from Earth?
[Diamondback] NRP: Heh heh... *copies that one to the humor page*
[Ripple] You have any place to eat around here, or do we gotta leave like Now?
[Snipe] Leader: We are not humans....
* ShellX walks back into the shuttle and begins checking it's database on the area
[Airier] I'm of thier allies, you see me still fighting
[Snipe] Leader: Like I a give a flack.
[Airier] I'm not a full-human...
[Snipe] Leader: We can aid you, partially..
* Snipe nods
[Maki] *sticks her tounge out at the alien and babble inconherently*
* Diamondback nods
[Airier] Oh? How?
[Snipe] And "partially" would be, showing us the door, right?
*** Retrieving #taw info...
*** Snipe sets mode: +m
[Diamondback] NRP: Eh?
[Ripple] NRP: *snicker*
[Snipe] Leader: We will give you a few shuttles and will help repair your ship....and give you money to start paying your men again and then give you some supplies to begin stores on the Fury
*** Retrieving #taw info...
*** Snipe sets mode: +n-m
[Snipe] NRP: Wrong one
*** Ripple sets mode: +vvvv Airier Elayne_Vanguard Garland Maestro
*** Ripple sets mode: +vvv ShellX Spirit Strife
[Gravedigger]'s good....
[Diamondback] [Hmm..]
[Snipe] .....Well, that's mighty nice of you...
[Ripple] NRP: BRB, mom wants phone.
*** Ripple has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Airier continues to tap his gun
[Snipe] Leader: You can stay here for 24 hours...and then you WILL leave.
[Airier] ...
[Airier] Awfully nice of them...
[Diamondback] [Fair...] *stomach rumbles* [Damn, I'm hungry...]
[Spirit] *to vesps* [Thanks for all the hospitality...]
* Snipe watches the group of aliens walk off
[Airier] At least we got this much...
[Spirit] *To Ripple* [At least we can grab a bite to eat]
[Snipe] ....Some allies...
[Diamondback] Honestly, we got more than I expected...
[Snipe] Anyone know anything about Foreigner Inc., anway?
* Airier snaps his fingers in sudden thought..
[Gravedigger] ...Which isn't alot anyway.
[Airier] Yes..
[Diamondback] Notta thing, Snipe...
[Blackjack] Me either, really...
[Airier] I do, a littel, not much..
[Gravedigger] They're jackasses?
[Airier] Just what they helped Earth with..
[Snipe] ...Lets explore their station then....
*** Ripple ( has joined #taw
[Airier] And who might run them...
[Strife] Those big...... Jerks!
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
* Snipe walks out of the hanger and heads down the hallways.
[Airier] Garland?
* Diamondback shakes his head
* Spirit follows Snipe, dragging Ripple with her
[Ripple] NRP: Fill me in
* Gravedigger follows Snipe
[Maestro] We'll their funerals
[Ripple] ACK
[Maestro] well
[Diamondback] *to Vesps* [Well, what say we check the place out?]
[Airier] Yo... Garland? You awake?
* Ripple has no choice but to follow Spirit
[Diamondback] [Hrm, made the decision for me...]
* Diamondback follows Spirit and the dragged enhanced
* Snipe stops by a black costume
[Spirit] *To Ripple* [I'm hungry, let's get something to eat.]
* ShellX walks out of the shuttle and follows the others
* Blackjack shakes his head and walks after the enhanced
[Snipe] .....Hey, that looks like a ninja outfit...
* Snipe a young alien quickly hides it in his room and blinks at the group
[Blackjack] [Ninja... Wait a minute...]
[Ripple] *To Spirit* [Ok.]
* Strife follows Snipe, looking around at everything
[Diamondback] NRP: Eep, that was DB
[Snipe] Alien: Uh...this is my costume for halloween on your planet..I would request you not step on it
[Gravedigger] Ant that means...?
* Airier locates Snipe and runs to him
* Snipe shrugs impassively
[Airier] Snipe!
* Ripple looks for a place to eat, finding one after not that much trouble
[Snipe] Lets move on.
* ShellX walks over to a nearby store and looks over their merchandice
[Diamondback] *all but alien* [Hmm, scratch my theory.]
[Strife] Nice costume!  What's it supposed to be?
* Diamondback walks in after Ripple and (I guess) Spirit
[Airier] I just thought of something...
[Snipe] Alien: Ninja...
[Gravedigger] Somethin's fishy here....
[Snipe] Alien: The Black Mantas!
[Snipe] Alien: *Stands there proudly*
* Strife looks confused.
* Ripple orders something, then waits for Spirit and DB to order
* Airier stands in front of Snipe
* Snipe rams into Airier
[Snipe] WHOF!
[Snipe] ...Hey...
[Gravedigger] Can't palce my finger on it, but something's extremely fishy....
* Diamondback orders
* Spirit orders something, about the same as ripple's
[Airier] Um... we might want to stay away from those ninja's...
[Diamondback] [I haven't eaten in two solid days... The bottomless pit is hungry!] *snickers aloud*
* ShellX runs and catches up with the others
[Snipe] ...Uh huh...that's probably a kid  of about 18...
[Airier] Let's get some food
[Airier] Not really...
* Ripple smirks
[Snipe] ...yes, really
* Strife wanders off.
[Airier] Snipe? You ever been off planet?
* Snipe steps up to Ripple's table
* Ripple looks at Snipe
* Spirit looks up at Snipe
[Snipe] Me?  Not really.  But I know about their race to a little detail.  You can tail their age by their color
* Airier follows him
[Ripple] Grab a seat John.
* Snipe sits down and eats Ripple
*** Hirozaki ( has joined #TAW
[Snipe] s food
[Airier] Hope so...
[Ripple] NRP: Ow!
* Airier sits down as well
[Ripple] .... I hope he likes sushi..
[Diamondback] NRP: *cracks up laughing*
*** Hirozaki ( has left #TAW
* Spirit glares at Snipe
[Snipe] Alien: *looks at Grave*
[Spirit] NRP: *ROFLAO*
[Diamondback] Snipe...
[Snipe] NRP: Hee hee
[Ripple] NRP: LOL
* Gravedigger looks at alien
[Snipe] ...Yes, Chris?
*** Dias (Ender@ has joined #taw
* Strife wanders into the restaurnt.
[Snipe] Alien: Would you like to dress up with me?
* Diamondback shakes his head
[Diamondback] Never mind.
[Strife] Hey, think I'd be able to get a costume like that before we leave?
[Ripple] [So, Andrea... you a bit anxious about this rapport thingy?]
[Gravedigger] Uh, no thanks, I'll pass....
* Snipe shrugs at Strife
[Airier] Say no...
[Airier] just do it...
* Diamondback glances at Spirit and Ripple, feeling like just talking about something
* Gravedigger walks along hurriedly
[Spirit] [About nervous actually...] ^^ก
* ShellX looks leaves the restaurant and looks for a store that might sell something he would be interested in
* Ripple stops dead again
* Airier follows
[Snipe] Alien: *Frowns*
[Airier] NRP: Slash that
[Ripple] ..... theres that blasted feeling again...
* Airier stays seated
* Maestro gets lost
[Strife] What feeling?
[Snipe] ...*pities Ripple*
[Ripple] NRP: as DS put it, that Ol' Slasho feeling
* Gravedigger quickly sits with Snipe
[Diamondback] [I'm worried... First, though I'm enhanced, I have no clue what this "rapport" is... Secondly, my abilities are going haywire...] *glances at them again with his slitted pupils*
[Airier] Look Snipe, I know a place that might help us...
[Diamondback] NRP: Sorry if I'm ruining the moment.
[Ripple] The feeling that Slash is around here....
*** Spirit has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
*** Spirit ( has joined #taw
* Snipe glances at Airier
[Snipe] Your homeplanet or something?
[Ripple] NRP: what was last thing you got?
[Airier] A colony of earth...
[Spirit] [You think so...?]
[Gravedigger] I'm tellin' ya, something's fishy.
[Ripple] NRP: I'll quirey what you missed to you
[Airier] You could call it my home
* Spirit holds up the food he bought.
[Spirit] NRP: Oops!
[Airier] It's called Phenixari...
[Snipe] ....That's a long way away from this place...
* Strife holds up the food he bought.
[Strife] It's called tuna
[Airier] It'll be worth it..
[Ripple] NRP: AHHHH!!
[Snipe] ....Strife's nuts.
[Diamondback] NRP: And Rip's going out with him! AAAAH!
* Maestro trys to find the hanger
[Ripple] NRP: *goes to shoot himself*
[Airier] It had close to 3,000,000 fighting men on it when I left
[Snipe] I'll work it into the flightchart....I want to hit some places that are having resistances against the Empire.  I want them to join us...I'll plot a course toward your planet.
[Gravedigger] NRP: Dear God! I used to have a planet idea for my action figures named Pheonxia, dam that's scary how close....
* ShellX walks out of a pawn shop, carrying a weird shaped object
[Airier] Good...
* Strife eats his tuna whole.
* Snipe takes a ship of Ripple's drink
[Diamondback] Hey Snipe, ever consider buying your own food?
[Airier] You'll need me on there, they don't speak English...
[Ripple] NRP: *snipe gets blown away, as its 100% alcohol*
[Spirit] Will you please stop that Snipe... -.-
[Snipe] There's something fishy about this place, and no, not your tuna and your sushi guys, but there's something...
[Ripple] I know that..
* Ripple sighs
* Diamondback takes a bite of something that resembles a hamburger, and quickly spits it out into Snipe's face. 1"Um... Sorry, John..."
[Snipe] ...*shrugs at Spirit*
[Airier] I suggest we leave before our time is up...
[Strife] I want one of those ninja costumes =)
[Airier] I smell a trap...
[Gravedigger] ....Okay, and you've been listening to me for HOW long?
[Airier] You think Parnel will lend a hand
[Airier] ?
[Snipe] Parnel?  Garland's home?  Doubtful, civil war...
[Ripple] *To Spirit* [Shall we begin creating one?  Its quite easy... let your thoughts drift to the spiritual plain, and think of a web connecting the two of us.]
* Maestro accidently heads into where you people are
[Gravedigger] But wasn't Garland done with that?
[Snipe] ...No, he went AWOL
[Gravedigger] I mean, didn't he leave 'cause it was over?
* ShellX walks into the restaurant behind Maestro
[Airier] We unite them...
[Ripple] *To DB* [I'll describe the rapport when i fully understand what it is myself]
[Airier] Simply by letting one side or thee other win...
[Gravedigger] ...Didn't the guy have a family back there?
[Snipe] Leader: *Waddles over to them* Food, supplies, money, and fuel runned shuttles have been transferred to your may leave any time..
[Airier] He does still... I think...
* ShellX glares at the leader
[Snipe] ..I'm NOT going to go stop a civil war, Airier...
* Snipe watches the Leader waddle off
* Diamondback nods at Ripple. Suddenly, his body shapeshifts into a panther's.
[Airier] Why not? Leave them open to the Tsiv's?
[Snipe] ...Why not?
[Gravedigger] We're kind of in no CONDITION to stop a civil war.
[Diamondback] [What in the...? Dammit, this proves my fears...]
* Garland walks up behind Snipe
[Snipe] We can't help Parnel..
[Airier] I believe we are... you stop it by taking one side off the planet...
[Garland] I never asked you to.
[Gravedigger] WE'd have no idea which side is right, and ultimately, might screw things up MORE.
* Diamondback reverts, but only after an intense look of concentration crosses his face
* Snipe glances at Garland
* ShellX turns to Snipe
[Snipe] Don't worry, we won't.
[ShellX] Hey, look what I bought!
* Airier glares at them all...
* Snipe notices Shell
[Dias] NRP: A blender
[Snipe] ....what did you buys....?
[Strife] Lemme see!  Lemme see!
* Ripple wiats for a responce from Spirit
[Airier] You'd leave them out in the open like that?
[Diamondback] [Show and tell, Shell.]
[Spirit] NRP: I was afk, missed it
* ShellX shows Strife the weird shaped object
[Gravedigger] Is it wise to be buying anything from here?
[Garland] Shut up. Leave my home planet out of this war. And I wouldn't ask for help anyway. My honor wouldn't permit it, anyway
[Airier] Garland, everyone is already in thee war...
* Maestro is deep in thought
[ShellX] I'm not sure what it is, but it makes a funny noise when I place my hand on it
[Strife] Ooh, cool!
[Airier] I know how fast they work...
[Snipe] ...IT'S A BOMB!
* Snipe thrusts Grave in front of him to take the blast
* Airier looks at it
[Spirit] [*slightly nervous and anxious* AlriWHAT?!]
* Gravedigger quickly switches places with Snipew
[Diamondback] [A WHAT!?]
* ShellX takes his hand of it and the noise stops
[Ripple] [AHHHH]
* Snipe switches places again
* Snipe everyone in the room looks at them like they are nuts
* Ripple eats everything while everyoens not looking
* Strife turns into a puddle and hides under the table.
* Gravedigger grabs snipe, throws him at shell, and runs
* Airier takes it and tosses it far away
[Ripple] NRP: except Spirits stuff of course..
* ShellX goes through Snipe
* Gravedigger dives into a fountain
[Snipe] .....Idiot, I was kidding about it being a bomb..
* Diamondback 's food is no longer there; the bottomless pit inhaled it
[Airier] DOH!@
[Snipe] ...think you broke it..
* Airier goes to retrieve it
* Airier looks at it
* Gravedigger flings his head out of the water, being drenched
[Spirit] I'm a little edgy today how it is Snipe...
[Airier] I can fix this
* ShellX places his hand back on it
* Strife reforms.
[Gravedigger] ...You will experience pain like you never have before....
* Ripple massages Spirit
[Strife] I knew that all the time ^.^กกก
* Airier looks at it
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[Snipe] .....*turns to Grave* You're a pain in itself.
*** MythrilNinja ( has joined #taw
* Spirit smiles.
[Ripple] Relax.  *To Spirit* [IF this is to work, you need to relax]
[Airier] It's fine... don't worry, and don't mind if I kill Snipe
* Gravedigger gets out of the water and runs after Snipe, squishing along the way
[Ripple] NRP: Session.
[ShellX] It's rather interesting...apparently, I can't see it with any of my advanced sensor equipment
* Snipe stands his ground
[Spirit] *To Rip* [Alright, I'm okay now...]
[Snipe] ..I'm heading back to the shuttle
* Gravedigger tackles Snipe, getting him real wet too
[Airier] A cloak!
* Snipe steps out of Grave's way
[Strife] Ooh, a stealth thingymabob?
* Snipe watches him land in the hotdog stand
[Snipe] ...What an idiot..
* Ripple closes his eyes, and forces himself into the spirit plain
* Snipe runs off to the hanger
[Airier] Or...
[ShellX] Not really, I mean, it doesn't extend from the object
* Gravedigger throws hot dogs in snipe's path
* Airier puts his UNIT on it, getting readings
[Airier] Where did you get this?
[MythrilNinja] Heh.
[Diamondback] [While those two... rappert? No, rapport... I'm gonna get together with Dad and figure out why my abilities are...]
* Snipe arrives in the hanger bay and powers up the shuttle to head off
[Airier] NRP: That's a weapon!
[ShellX] That pawn shop over there
* Diamondback suddenly shapeshifts into a Siberian tiger
*** Retrieving #taw info...
*** Snipe sets mode: +m
[Airier] How much?
[Diamondback] [...going haywire...]
[ShellX] 2500 gil
*** Snipe sets mode: +v Spirit
*** Ripple sets mode: +vv Dias MythrilNinja
* Airier looks at it
*** Ripple sets mode: -v MythrilNinja
* Spirit does as Ripple described earlier
* Diamondback shakes his head and walks out of the cafeteria on all fours
[Airier] It reads a tracking device inside...
[ShellX] I got it for a good price... I could tell from the sensor readings I took of the store owner
[Maestro] I wonder....
* Snipe calls Dias at the Fury
[Ripple] NRP: Shall i Whack him outta here, or just let him be?
* Gravedigger goes to look for a place to dry out
[Snipe] NRP: Let him be
[Dias] Comm: Yes...What do you want oh great one?
[Ripple] NRP: Gotcha.
[Airier] Shell... he planted a tracking device in here..
[Snipe] Comm: We're heading back to the homebase...if you see the traitor Paladin, please kick him.
[Gravedigger] Ish...I squish...damn, and I rhyme, that's gotta be a crime...
* Ripple lets the webs form in the spirit plain, linking the twominds
[Airier] You reealize this?
[ShellX] Yes
[Dias] Comm: Whats this you say about traitor?
* Airier removes the device and crushes it in his fist
[Airier] There...
[Snipe] Comm: I said his tailor is a traitor.  Sheesh, never mind.
[Dias] Comm: Oh You want fries with that?
[Snipe] Comm: What's that, Burger Boy?
[ShellX] Hey! That was a alien technology tracking device!  I was going to study it!
[Airier] Now... let's get out of here...
* Ripple eyes snap open
[Airier] Look, it was on!
[Dias] Comm: No I don't want any melons
* Gravedigger walks along store fronts looking for a bathroom
[Airier] Someone was tracking you...
[Airier] Got it!
[Snipe] Comm: ..... *hangs up*
[Airier] Home-World Kids...
* Strife disappears again.
[Dias] Comm: Hello? Is this thing on?
[ShellX] Yes, but it was easier to study when it was on
* Ripple gently wakes Spirit with a mental thought
* Elayne_Vanguard waits on the shuttlee, reeading a book
[Snipe] Drake: *Sighs at Dias* Idiot, he hung up on you
[Airier] ...
[Airier] Urrg!
[Ripple] NRP: Anyone say how many E's there are?
[Gravedigger] Baaaaathhhrooom, hello? Where are ya?
[Maestro] Soooo, Are we outlawed yet?
* Spirit looks over to Ripple.
* Snipe leans back beside Elayne and gives her wink, before moving back up to his seat
[Airier] Not yet...
[Dias] [to Drake] I lose more customers that way
* Elayne_Vanguard smiles
[Ripple] [Hows the link feel?  A little odd?]
[Snipe] Drake: Yeah, and you used my dime to make the damn call....
[Spirit] .oO( Testing, one, two, three, testing.  Is this thing on? *grin*)