Session 32-Mission 121: Too Fat!!!

[Snipe] Time Chart: November 27th
[Snipe] Location: Various places on the Fury
* Elayne_Vanguard sits weeping, her father's gun in her hands
[Snipe] NRP: *laughs his ass off at all 3 of you like going " going to begin?"
* Garland sits at his colsole of the bridge, his eyes dark.
* Shell_X is in a science lab, studying the equipment he picked up the figheters
[Paladin] NRP: . . . I don't need this.  I'm going to go watch TV
* Snipe sits on the bridge, staring at a deserted space section
[Snipe] ....*plots the courses he could take through space, sighing and running his hand through his hair*
* Elayne_Vanguard walks to the bridge
[Garland] .....Snipe, is the training center running yet?
* Elayne_Vanguard sees Garland, ignoring him as she sits at her console
[Snipe] ...what training center...
[Garland] ...Damn.
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at Garland
[Garland] I would have thought they'd be building one by now.
[Snipe] ....they are citizens...why would they need one?
[Paladin] Why on earth would we need one?
[Garland] .....I'll just find some slabs of rock, if we even have any. I'll make some gravel
[Paladin] I would think we're getting enough fights with the Tsivrixsh on our backs
[Elayne_Vanguard] Garland?
* Shell_X notices the object he bought is shaking around
* Garland looks at Elayne
[Garland] What?
[Elayne_Vanguard] You were there, before we came.. at the fight...
[Snipe] ...Paladin...could you come over here for a moment?
* Garland nods
[Elayne_Vanguard] What... did Airier say anything?
* Paladin walks over
[Elayne_Vanguard] My dad?
* Shell_X picks it up and puts it on the lab table as it begins to break open
* Garland looks at her
[Garland] Your..... dad?
[Snipe] .....paladin  *keeps voice low* before Xevil left the planet yesterday, he poured a virus into the atmopshere.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Yes..
[Paladin] . . . and?
[Elayne_Vanguard] Airier was my dad...
* Shell_X a humming come from the objects as it burst open
* Garland looks saddened and starts to say something, but stops himself
* Shell_X grabs what was inside and begins running to the bridge
[Snipe] ...the planet will die in a matter of hours if we don't hurry there with a few hundred pounds of the cure.  Simple to make, for us.  We'll need to hurry.
* Elayne_Vanguard looks out a window
[Paladin] . . . and if Xevil's waiting there?
[Elayne_Vanguard] I don't got parents anymore...
[Garland] I'll kill hi--gahhh..... *holds his sling*
[Snipe] ...we're screwed.  We can't take the Fury....they might be looking for it
* Elayne_Vanguard rushes over to him
* Shell_X runs aboard the bridge
* Garland looks at Elayne
[Elayne_Vanguard] Are you okay?
[Shell_X] Hey guys!
[Snipe] ...we'll have to take one of fuel powered shuttles and hurry there.  Ripple took our last engine run shuttle to go look for Slash...
[Paladin] Great.  Let's get it over with
[Garland] ...fine.... just a broken arm.
* Snipe ignores Shell
[Elayne_Vanguard] Lemme see it?
* Garland looks at her kinda oddly
[Garland] Uh... okay.... *kneels*
[Elayne_Vanguard] I trained to be a medic...
* Elayne_Vanguard looks and feels lightly on the arm
[Snipe] ......Go to MedBay and have the cure delivered to shuttle #4...will you, Pal?
[Elayne_Vanguard] X2 help with this?
[Garland] He sewed it up, and set it, yeah.
* Shell_X pets the small winged lizardoid that came from the object
[Elayne_Vanguard] Cause he did a lousy job..
* Snipe blinks at Shell
[Snipe] ....where'd you get that?
* Garland blinks
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[Paladin] . . . how much cure did you say we're taking?
* Elayne_Vanguard takes out a make shift brace from her bag
[Snipe] NRP: Am I seeing ghosts?
[Garland] NRP: Jets?
[Ripple] NRP: I got till wed, and im pulling as much weight as i can with pops.
* Elayne_Vanguard rubs some salve on it and puts the brace on it
[Snipe] ....about a hundred pounds of it....and we'll need every bit of it
[Elayne_Vanguard] You should be able to use it normally...
* Garland smiles at Elayne
[Garland] Thanks...
* Paladin thinks for a moment
[Elayne_Vanguard] Welcome mr. Hianule
[Snipe] Er, a few hundred pounds
[Elayne_Vanguard] Mom always said you...
[Ripple] NRP: If im able to come in, alarm something me.  I'll be doing homework research.
* Garland winces at "Mr. Hianule"
* Elayne_Vanguard stops, hurt look on her face...
[Snipe] NRP: you can now...
* Paladin looks worried
* Ripple appears in a purple warp field
[Garland] Call me Garland, okay? Now, you were sayin?
[Snipe] I'll go to the shuttle and adjust the fuel to compensate the weight.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Okay...
[Ripple] Err.. hey all..
* Shell_X follows Snipe
* Snipe nods at Ripple
* Ripple glances at Snipe, then follows behind him
[Elayne_Vanguard] Like I said my... *strains on next word* mom... always said your were a nice guy...
[Ripple] Whats up?
[Paladin] Adjust the fuel?  Ok . . . it should be alright then . . .
* Snipe steps onto the elevator and rides down the elevator
[Shell_X] Uh, Snipe...look what I got!
[Snipe] ....a pet?
[Elayne_Vanguard] She WAS a smart person...
[Garland] ...You mom......
[Shell_X] An Alaspinian lizardoid!
[Snipe] ......uh...?
[Paladin] . . .
* Snipe arrives at the hanger bay
[Garland] You don't have you......
* Elayne_Vanguard half in tears attempts at a laugh, "Not anymore..."
* Snipe steps onto shuttle 4 and begins to compensate the fuel for the amount of weight they'll be having
* Garland looks down
* Ripple helps Snipe
* Shell_X follows behind Snipe, the lizardoid sitting on his shoulder
[Ripple] NRP: Someone fill me in ok?
[Snipe] NRP: We're going back to the planet _______ to deliver a cure.
* Snipe grabs comm
[Paladin] NRP: Fought Xevil, ran from him, Airier blew with the ship
[Ripple] NRP: BRB, dad is po'd again
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[Snipe] Where's that cure, Paladin?
[Garland] .....I'll take care of you.
[Paladin] . . . how would I know?  You haven't told me
[Snipe] ...I told you to go to the MedBay...
[Paladin] Did you?  *looks distracted*
* Snipe hangs up the comm.
* Paladin walks to the elevator
[Snipe] Oy bey...
* Elayne_Vanguard turns
* Snipe finishes adjusting the fuel to the proper status and hits the intercomm
* Garland looks at Elayne
[Snipe] All Hunters on duty, please head to the hanger bay...
[Garland] Since when are we the Hunters, anyway....?
[Snipe] NRP: Sine 25...
[Garland] NRP: I ment that in a different way.
* Paladin walks in being trailed by a platform carrying the cure
* Elayne_Vanguard looks out the window again, tears filling her eyes
[Garland] It'll be okay..... I have to go now. Duty calls.
* Snipe nods at Paladin and loads the cure on
[Snipe] ...alright, we have enough fuel to GET us there...we'll have to borrow one of their shuttles to get back
* Garland goes down to the Hangar, grabbing a slab of granite from the contruction center
* Elayne_Vanguard stands, tears rollig down her face
[Garland] It'll be okay...
* Garland heads for the Bay
[Snipe] ....alright, lets get the team together...where the hell is everyone?
* Garland taps Snipe on the back
* Shell_X sits in hs normal window seat
[Garland] Right here.
[Snipe] ..alright, get on.
[Snipe] That Elayne person not coming with you?
* Snipe walks onto the shuttle and closes the cargo doors
[Garland] She looks a little troubled. I wouldn't.
* Elayne_Vanguard walks to the bay
* Paladin takes a seat at the navigation console
* Snipe walks to the pilot seat, reading a manual on how to fly
* Elayne_Vanguard comes near the shuttle
[Snipe] ...alright...uh huh....good...good.  *plops the book down* I'm ready.
* Garland stands outside the shuttle, looking at elayne
[Paladin] Where's a squirrel when you need one?
[Snipe] ....I'll have X2 build one...or Index.
* Elayne_Vanguard stands silently
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* Snipe powers the shuttle up
[Garland] ...I'll be back, Elayne.
* Shell_X stares out the window and pets the lizardoid, which humms
[Elayne_Vanguard] Okay...
[Elayne_Vanguard] Good luck...
* Garland smiles at her
* Ripple warps onto the shuttle
[Garland] Go to the cafeteria, get something to eat.
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* Snipe lifts the shuttle an inch off the floor
* Garland steps on
[Ripple] NRP: *wonders how much a second line installed in his room would cost*
[Snipe] NRP: .... enough?
* Elayne_Vanguard nods and walks off
[Garland] NRP: $100
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[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: See you guys later
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[Snipe] Alright....I estimate this is enough
[Ripple] NRP: Somewhere around 50.00 plus 5$ a month.  plus Net.
[Snipe] ...we have just the right number of people where we won't run out of fuel....
* Snipe flies away from the Fury.
[Paladin] We just deliver it and leave, right?  We don't administer it?
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* Shell_X continues staring out the window
[Snipe] ....we adminsiter it, we'll pour it into their atmosphere.
* Snipe flips some switches
* Garland stands in an open area in the shuttle, tosses the slab of rock up, and punches it with his good arm , his frist breaking through th e rock.
[Ripple] Its taken how?  Breathing it in? Absorbed through skin?
[Snipe] Alright, going into hyperspace
* Ripple straps himself in
[Snipe] ....well, they aren't infected yet, this is to stop the virus from spreading from their clouds
[Snipe] ...Garland, it would be appreciated if you don't bring extra weight onto the shuttle.
[Ripple] Good.
* Garland picks up the two new halfs, and does the same to them
[Paladin] So we just release it from on the planet?
[Snipe] ....Basically, we'll fly over the clouds and drop it.
[Garland] .... *coughs*
* Snipe leans back in his seat, watching the autopilot go, unable to leap out of hyperspace until they reach their destination.
* Shell_X charges his grav-a-rangs and releases them is systematic order, to keep the slabs of rocks weightless
[Ripple] NRP: How many sessions did I miss last night?
[Snipe] NRP: I dunno...where you there for the dancing asses?
* Garland forces himself to power up more then normal, even though he doesn't expect to get in a fight.
[Ripple] NRP: I left the one that you went back to earth with Dom
[Snipe] NRP: That and Xevil
[Snipe] NRP: Go read the history
[Ripple] NRP: k
[Garland] NRP: did anyone just get an msg from mIRC?
* Snipe yawns, reading his book
[Snipe] NRP: No, you NRPers!
* Shell_X wonders what to name the lizardoid
[Paladin] . . . Uh . . .
[Paladin] Hey, if this is right . . .
* Snipe flips the page.
[Snipe] ....what, Pal?
* Ripple sits back, resting
* Paladin concentrates for a moment
[Paladin] Well, it looks like we're not at peak efficiency for fuel consumption
[Snipe] .....what?  That can only mean...there's some extra weight on here...
* Ripple sits up straight, looking around
[Ripple] Where would that be?
[Paladin] I guess.  I'm just reading the instraments
[Snipe], I don't know....
* Snipe stands up and walks towards the cargo bay
[Garland] NRP: well, if any of you get an msg from a guy names mIRC tell me
[Garland] NRP: BRB
[Snipe] .....*Glances around*
[Snipe] Paladin, you're SURE about that?
[Ripple] Where would this weight be?
[Paladin] It says it right here.  And they did inspect this shuttle before we took off, didn't they?
[Snipe] ....sure did.
* Snipe opens the closet door and a 14 year old boy tumbles out
* Ripple raises an eyebrow
[Paladin] . . .
* Snipe steps back
* Garland looks at the boy
[Garland] I thought it was the slab of rock I brought on.
[Shell_X] Hello, what's this?
[Ripple] Who are you?
[Snipe] Boy: Uh...Timothy....
[Paladin] Christ . . . somebody tell me we're not this lax in security
* Snipe pales as a realization clicks with him
[Garland] ....Snipe?
[Snipe] Boy: Uh, the Hunters?
* Shell_X walks over to Paladin, so will we have enough fuel to get there?
* Snipe steps over to Shell
[Ripple] You ok Snipe?
[Snipe] No, no we won't Shell....the boy's weight pushes us right over the line....
[Snipe] Boy: ...uh, hello?
[Ripple] Yea, we are the hunters...
[Garland] I don't even know if I am anymore., but they say they are.
[Paladin] . . .
* Snipe sits down in his pilot seat and glances at Paladin
[Snipe] You DO know what these means?
[Shell_X] Does this shuttle have tractor beams?
[Snipe] NRP: this
[Paladin] Uh, Hunters?  They're dead, hate to tell ya.  Don't know what Rip's talking about
[Paladin] This means we won't be able to get there
[Snipe] ....that means we'll run out of fuel in hyperspace and will be destroyed.
* Ripple shakes his head
[Ripple] I cant get us out of Hyperspace using my warp either..
[Snipe] Boy: Is...there a problem....?  *quivers*
[Shell_X] Why don't we stop and try and find fuel somewhere?
[Snipe] ...we can't exit hyperspace...the shuttle won't let us.
[Paladin] Yes, you've killed us all.  But don't let that bother you, I'm sure you had good intentions.
[Snipe] Boy: WHAT?1
[Garland] Then..... we need to drop some weight?
[Ripple] Like what?\
[Snipe] one of us.
[Ripple] ......
[Garland] .....I will go.
[Snipe] Boy: *cries*
[Garland] I weigh the most here.
[Paladin] Oh, chairs, instraments, medecine, armor can go first
[Snipe] DO taht Garland, you'll die!
[Snipe] ...chairs and instraments are weightless
[Snipe] You dump ANY of taht medcine, millions will die
* Ripple thinks for a minute
[Snipe] You're willing to trade that boy's life for millions?
* Shell_X walks over to the boy and shows him the lizardoid
[Garland] .....So? Everyone thats close and dear to me are dead, or are going to be killed.
[Snipe] Boy: I'm going to die?!
[Garland] No.
[Paladin] Well, if we don't drop the medicine we die in addition to the millions
[Paladin] If we do drop it, they all die anyway.
[Snipe] ...if we dump the boy, we don't die either.  *sighs, realizing that sounded cold*
[Shell_X] Can we find some fuel somewhere else?
* Ripple sighs
[Garland] Drop me.
[Ripple] How, we cant get out of Hyperspace
[Snipe] ....he's right, Shell.
[Snipe] know what's it's like to die in hyperspace?
[Ripple] ...Very.. VERY painful...
[Snipe] ...your flesh is torn from your limbs and the inners are shredded, and you explode literally..
[Snipe] Boy: *quakes in fear*
[Paladin] But it's all very quick, not too bad compared with other ways of death . . .
[Garland] .....
[Ripple] .... There has to be another option..
* Garland keeps a stern face.
[Snipe] ......*glances at clock* We have 20 minutes to find one before we pass our acceptable limit
[Shell_X] We could all go on a major diet
[Ripple] What's the shuttle powered by?
[Paladin] Well, it's either one of us or the medicine
[Garland] .....That wouldn't work.
[Paladin] Anybody willing to die for the planet?
[Snipe] ....I'm not sure, fuel!  The techs didn't give me THAT detailed of an explanation
[Ripple] ....... *sighs*
* Shell_X runs a scan of the fuel
[Ripple] Think we could rig up a energy transfer thingy between me and it?
* Snipe the fuel is...fuel meh!
[Snipe], sorry Ripple
[Ripple] ........ *Slams fist into a wall, denting it*
[Snipe] Boy: I-I don't wanna die
[Garland] .....*goes over to the airlock, and throws out the slab of rock he brought on*
* Snipe watches it slam against the wall
[Snipe] have to close down the airlock before you do taht or you'll decompress us all!
[Shell_X] Couldn't we just drop out of hyperspace before we run out of fuel, still?
[Garland] NRP: .....It's kind of obvious I did that.
* Ripple shakes his head slowly
[Paladin] Shell, want to make the boy weightless?  Or perhaps Garland, since he is the heaviest?
[Garland] NRP: GArlands dumb, but not that dumb.
[Ripple] Computer locked us out of manual control...
[Snipe] ....aye.
[Ripple] And even I cant hack it..
[Garland] ....I already said. If need be, I'll be thrown off.
* Snipe sighs
* Shell_X tries using his Grav-a-rangs in charged mode to lighten the weight of Garland
[Snipe] 1 of us for millions of people....
[Ripple] .....
* Snipe the hyperspace frequences make the grave rangs useless.
[Ripple] .oO{Im sorry Spirit.... I must do this...}
[Ripple] ...... I'll go.
[Snipe] ...hell no!
[Paladin] . . . I've never really gotten hyperspace physics, but would it help if I kinda flew above the floor?
[Garland] No.
[Snipe] ....I don't know, Paladin...
[Garland] I will, no choice. I order it.
* Paladin shrugs and floats
[Ripple] ... I outrank you Garland.  You cant order me.
* Snipe glances at the controls and notices the fuel returning to normal status
[Garland] I don't care.
[Snipe] Boy: T-Then we're saved?!
* Ripple glances at the controls
* Paladin slaps his forehead
[Ripple] What in the heck..?
[Shell_X] Backup tank?
[Garland] ...?
* Snipe suddenly a crackle and Paladin lands on the ground
[Ripple] FLOAT!
[Paladin] . . .
[Snipe] .....I guess there's law of gravity we didn't know about..
* Ripple concentrates, and hovers a few inches above the ground
[Snipe] Boy: We're doomed!
[Ripple] Not If I can help it...
* Snipe notes Ripple's physic abilities are altered in hyperspace and he fails
[Snipe] .....what IS hyperspace?!
* Ripple drops the inches, and glares
[Ripple] ... I dont know...
* Garland flies up, trying his out of curiostiy
[Ripple] NRP: Weird.... 
[Paladin] Isn't it a slight alteration of reality to shorten the distances between two points?
* Shell_X downloads himself into the shuttle's computer to drop his simulated weight from that of the shuttle
[Ripple] I thought that space was "Bent" to allow us to travel faster from point A to point B..
* Snipe watches the fuel continue to drop for some reason, evne with the hovering
[Ripple] NRP: Event horizon
[Snipe] .....what....?
[Snipe] PALADIN!
[Paladin] NRP: Event horizon?  That's got to do with the gravity of black holes . . .
[Paladin] What?!
[Snipe] There has to be a fuel leak
[Ripple] NRP: But its the same principal...
[Paladin] Where?
[Snipe] ....the fuel lines!
[Snipe] I don't know, I'm not a mechanic1
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[Ripple] Neither am I...
[Ripple] NRP: I assume that was an oops..
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* Snipe pokes head out the window and watches the tube, slashed
[Snipe] ...looks like we have someone on the Fury who hates us...
[Ripple] NRP: *Snipes head explodes from decompression*
[Snipe] NRP: I didn't POKE it out
[Paladin] . . . so how do we fix it from in here?
[Snipe] ...we don't
[Ripple] ... We sit here...
[Paladin] And die?
[Ripple] And we have another choice?
* Snipe adjusts factors on the computer
[Paladin] We throw the medicine out.
[Snipe] still says getting rid of our weight will make us at least our of space.
[Ripple] ...... *shakes head*
[Ripple] THen I go.
[Snipe] ....*sighs, running hand through hair*
[Snipe] Even with GArland floating, Shell in the computer, we're going to die...
* Ripple thinks for a moment
[Garland] I go.
[Snipe] Boy: *cries*
[Garland] I'll go into space.
[Snipe] ...and die?  Hell no
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[Garland] I'll die so you can live, UNDERSTAND ME?
[Snipe] ....why not draw straws if you two are so eager to die?
[Garland] I'm not eager.
* Ripple shakes his head
[Ripple] What other choice do we have Snipe?
* Snipe crosses arms and nods at the boy
[Ripple] One of us dies, or millions AND all of us die.
[Paladin] Or millions die.
[Snipe] Or the problem of this all dies.
* Paladin grimaces
[Snipe] Boy: Mah-me?
[Paladin] Your call, CO.
* Ripple glances at the boy
[Snipe] ....either way, we only have .... 6 minutes left.
[Snipe] Boy: *cries* I'm sorry!   I didn't knooooow!
[Ripple] .... *wonders if he would be able to open a warp to the same place, and stay in limbo, then decides not to try*
[Paladin] To be quite honest, my priorities have us as more important than the inhabitants of that planet.  The medicine should go before any of us
[Snipe] ....we let the inhabitants die, we'll run our of fuel in their space, and we'll die.
* Paladin walks over to the medicine
[Ripple] Question is, who is the kid?
* Snipe waits for Paladin's reaction to that
[Paladin] I can fly through space and atmosphere of my own accord.  I could even just fly down, grab a shuttle, and fly back up.  This suit is airtight, remember?
[Ripple] ... we dont have time for this Snipe..
[Garland] ...
[Snipe] ....yeah, 60 seconds left.
[Paladin] Or . . .
[Paladin] We just dump the boy's weight in medicine
[Paladin] Since that's what's throwing us off . . .
[Ripple] Humm...
* Snipe hits forehead
[Snipe] Why didn't I think of that?]!
[Ripple] No clue.
* Paladin quickly measures out the boys approximate weight and puts it in the airlock
[Ripple] DUMP IT NOW
[Snipe] .....*pulls down the lever*
[Garland] Is that possible? I mean, what if it's in set quantities. And can we.....nevermind.
* Snipe listens to the roar and he pushes the lever back up
[Snipe] NRP: *realizes Paladin was still in the airlock*
[Ripple] NRP: *pokes Pals remains*
[Snipe] NRP: Good one Ripple!
[Paladin] NRP: *Notices he just set it down in the airlock, not that he stepped in*
[Ripple] NRP: What can i say, I can time stuff good..
[Ripple] NRP: rats
[Snipe] .......*looks at the fuel* Well, we did it....
[Snipe] the end, none of us had to die...what did we all learn form this/
[Ripple] Now to get whats left of the medicine into the atmosphere...
[Ripple] NRP: We are all stupid as rocks?
[Garland] absolutely nothing.
[Paladin] That our wits are about as sharp as your average tennis ball?
[Snipe] .....*sighs*
[Snipe] ....why?   Why do I bother...?
* Ripple shakes his head
[Ripple] I have no clue.\
[Paladin] And that nobody here is willing to die for the greater good.  Nobody.
* Snipe glances at Paladin
[Snipe] ...oh, and who WOULD?
[DB-Anth] NRP: *notes that both Garland and Rip were ready to sacrifice themselves*
[Paladin] NRP: *will get to that point, if it's brought up in Session*
[Garland] NRP: That if I push really hard, I can make my fanny make noises!
[Ripple] NRP: ugh..
[Snipe] NRP: Session Ends
[DB-Anth] NRP: That they made horrible choices for the FF Anth music CD...
[Paladin] Real heros.
[Snipe] ...and who is these "Real heroes"?
[Ripple] Real heros? Find us a few.
[Paladin] There aren't any anymore.  Haven't been for about 20 years.
[Ripple] They all died out or are left back on Earth.
[Garland] ....remind me, when we get a shuttle fat enough, for me to go back to Parnel.
[Paladin] . . . why would you need a fat shuttle?
[Snipe] ......Oh, really, Garland?  Running out?
[Garland] NRP: fast.
* Ripple sits down
* Garland looks down.
[Garland] I don't know anymore.
* Snipe sighs and kicks a chair over and walks off to the back
[Snipe] Session Ends