
Session 34-Mission 123: Enemies United

[Snipe] Time Chart: November 30th
[Snipe] Location: The Fury, Bridge
[Dias] NRP: Isn't that Thanksgiving?
[Spirit] NRP: Maybe if your american
[Snipe] NRP: no...
[Garland] NRP: 30th? hell no!
* Snipe stands at the viewport, still recovering from Fear Man's affects.
* Dias leans back at the control panel
* Spirit has fallen asleep at her station
* Shell_X is sitting at his Science Station, petting his lizaroid
* Garland stands in the middle of a large room, a makeshift training room, wood and meta; pillars set up here and there.
* Snipe runs hand through his hair, still thinking about what happened.
[Snipe] Well, I asked you all here for a reason...
[Dias] And that would be
* Spirit looks up sleepily and yawns quietly.
* Elayne_Vanguard sits, looking out thee window
[Snipe] I personally considering this running a waste of precious time.  We need to come up with some type of plan.
[Dias] Why not find some superior race and get them to join our cause?
[Elayne_Vanguard] Phenixari...
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad wanted us to go theree...
[Snipe] ....superior races would have been defeated by now
* Snipe whirls at Elayne
* Gravedigger picks his teeth with his sai silently
* Garland 's face contorts, running at the pillar, his body moving faster then his fist, and punches through a metal pillar, the sound resounding in all the rooms around it
[Snipe] And that clone Death Star is DEAD isn't he?!  Lets forget what he wanted.
[Elayne_Vanguard] ...
* Elayne_Vanguard stalks out of the room
* Elayne_Vanguard mouths a curse
[Snipe] Elay----.....
[Dias] Woh..Hey Snipe why not try to find some info on those Motanks
* Snipe clentches fist
* Garland wraps an iced gauss pad around his hand, and heads for the Bridge, passing Elyane
[Garland] ....*looks at Elayne*
* Elayne_Vanguard stops
[Garland] Hey, you okay?
[Elayne_Vanguard] No...
[Snipe] ................waste our time looking for a legend.....forget it, Dias
[Garland] ....What's wrong?
[Snipe] We need to look at the here and now.  Xevil is on our tails, and since we blew up his ship, he'll be pissed.
[Dias] They must still exist
[Elayne_Vanguard] Everything...
* Elayne_Vanguard starts to cry
* Garland half-closes his eyes
[Garland] I know how you feel.....
* Garland kneels to her, and pulls her into a hug
* Elayne_Vanguard sobs
[Snipe] .....Anyway, if you ask me, Paladin's probably right.  Look at us!  Shell's playing with a lizarad, all Spirit does is sleep, Grave annoys us, Elayne runs around crying, Garland's out of it.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Everyone I knew is dead...
[Dias] Yeah and Paladins a jack ass
[Spirit] I resent that remark Snipe...
[Shell_X] Hey!
[Garland] ....Elayne, I'm gonna help you... I don't know how, but I will.
[Snipe] Wipe the drool off your chin, Spirit.
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at him surprised
[Dias] And what about you Snipe, you ain't any better than us
[Spirit] *glares at Snipe*
[Snipe] I never claimed to be, did I?
* Garland looks at Elayne with a smile
[Dias] Not from what I heard
[Shell_X] I have an idea.. if anybody wants to hear it
[Snipe] Did I ask for this job?  NO.  You planted it on me.  So, I will do what I can from here on out and by God, I'm going to give it my best.
[Elayne_Vanguard] ...How...
* Gravedigger doesn't even glance up
[Dias] And we'll do our best
[Gravedigger] Then why don't you step down?
[Garland] I don't know... but untill I know, I'll take care of you.
[Snipe] SO Paladin can take over?  By God no.  You elected me, you're stuck with me.
[Dias] I prefer you over Snipe
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at him, still surprised
[Snipe] perfer me over me?
[Spirit] No one said he was sane.
[Gravedigger] Excuse me, I still don't recall being part of any such bullshit election.
* Shell_X wonders why nobody ever listens to him
[Garland] Now, go down to med bay, Sharlena, my daughter, is there, go on down there.
* Garland stands up
* Snipe flips Grave off
[Snipe] What the hell do you expect from me?  I'm no Death Star!
* Elayne_Vanguard nodds almost dumbly
[Gravedigger] Ooo, I'm so scared. And I'm sure if we were fighting, you'd just freeze up like every other damn time.
* Garland walks in
[Garland] Your right, your not.
* Snipe fists tighten
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Snipe] Screw you Garland.  Who WANTS to be a friggin' dead legend?!
[Garland] Grave, be quiet.
*** Dias (Ender@ has joined #taw
* Snipe points at Grave
*** Seraphna is now known as Ziranth
[Gravedigger] How about I don't listen to a damn bit of advice you give me?
* Ziranth walks into the room
[Snipe] Well, Mr. Run-Through-The-Friggin'-Forest, I'd like you to see you stand your ground!
[Snipe] NRP: (throws Ziranth out, illegal)
[Ziranth] Um... Sir?
* Ziranth looks at Snipe
[Snipe] NRP: *has thrown Ziranth out*
[Garland] Snipe, I don't care how you feel. We're in a predicament, and DeathStar would want... no EXPECT us to look into ANY way possible to Avenge Earth.
[Gravedigger] I've stood my ground a hell of alot more then you ever have. But I forgot, you came from a perfect home.
[Snipe] ...and how would you know what HE would want?  That's what YOU wnat.  REVENGE.
* Shell_X sits down and sadly stares at the main viewscreen
*** Dias has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Ziranth a technician walks in with a reeport
[Garland] And I don't care what comment you give in responce, I know what I want, I want to AVENGE my friends.
* Dias sighs and relaxes back in his chair
[Ziranth] Sir?
* Snipe ignores Ziranth before he kills him
[Garland] DeathStar was my closest friend.... Somehow, I know.
[Ziranth] The Admiral said to report to you or he'd toss me into Space sir...
[Snipe] Drake can kiss my ass!
[Dias] Tossin you into space doesn't sound that bad
[Ziranth] He wanted you to know that there are 1000 men ready to fight sir
[Dias] Snipe would you like me to toss this man out into space?
[Snipe] Bah.  CIVILIANS who are running around fighting don't give me a very good feeling
[Snipe] Go for Dias.  Lets see if his head pops.
[Shell_X] *in a half whisper to himself* Nobody ever listens to me
[Ziranth] And a secondary SU sir
[Gravedigger] All I know is right now I'd rather follow someone like Garland, who KNOWS what the hell he's doing, thruogh the very pits of Hell, rather then some second rate hack like you, Snipe.
[Spirit] Militia... *shudders slightly* That wasn't fun.
[Garland] ....Then.... why not give them some morale?
[Snipe] Forget secondary SUs. If it's Maki, I really don't care.
* Garland steps up
[Ziranth] No sir, actually he sent me since I'm in charge...
[Garland] That's not the right attitude.
* Snipe grabs the tech and throws him out and shuts the door
[Ziranth] Excuse me sir...
* Snipe locks it
* Dias gives up and continues to lean back in his chair
[Snipe] Alright, back to planning.  Like I said, we can't run forever.
[Garland] We're going to die if we don't do something soon, we're dead anyway.
* Ziranth shakes his head and leaves... "Psychopath"
[Snipe] YOU might be dead, at heart, but I am not
*** Ziranth is now known as Seraphna
[Gravedigger] At least the man HAS a heart.
[Snipe] Screw you, Grave.  You're just a shitless, heartless, bastard, you know that?
[Garland] I am nowhere near dead. I have an agenda, and I refuse to die untill I full-fill it. I am not like my father.
[Snipe] Comm: Warning!  Warning!
[Spirit] !
* Garland goes to the com
[Spirit] Wha?
* Snipe hits the comm
[Snipe] What is it computer?
[Dias] That things about as annoying as the one on earth
* Garland looks at Snipe. and thinks to himself.
[Gravedigger] Yeah, screw you, you waste of flesh and bone, you've done nothing but help seal our fates.
[Snipe] Computer: .... Battle breaking out in Tsvi space.  Someone's ATTACKING them
* Elayne_Vanguard walks back to the bridge
[Garland] Grave; Please, he is trying.
[Snipe] ....WHO'S attacking them?
* Shell_X looks up at the computer's message
[Dias] My god someones as dumb as us out there
[Snipe] Computer: I-I don't know!  It's impossible to tell!  It's some great fleet.
* Garland looks at the comm
[Gravedigger] TRYING? I've seen more effort coming from three-toed sloths!
* Elayne_Vanguard knocks on the door, since it is locked
[Garland] ....The enemie of our enemie would in essance make an ally.
[Snipe] ...Grave, you're off duty.  I don't need you dragging us through the mud
[Shell_X] Can you gives us any data on the fleet?
[Snipe] Alright, computer, head for the fight.
* Snipe the Fury jerks forward and enters hyperspace
[Elayne_Vanguard] Hello?
* Snipe flips the lock up, pulls Elayne in, and locks it
[Spirit] Think we found that ally we were looking for? *half smile*
[Snipe] .....what ally?
* Snipe glances at Spirit
[Elayne_Vanguard] Ally?
[Elayne_Vanguard] I mean allie
[Gravedigger] Oh yeah, I forgot, you can't stand to have your feelings hurt. Go home and cry to your mommy. Oh wait, that's right, WE CAN'T!
[Spirit] Well... If they're after the T, then we could use thier help, whoever they are
[Dias] Someones attacking the Tsiv...lets give them a helping hand
[Snipe] ....*blinks* You seemed to have an idea of who they are, Spirit.
[Garland] .....lemme put it this way, The guys attacking the T, can be our comrades in arms for this war if we play our cards right.
[Snipe] Drake: .... YOU'RE TAKING US INTO BATTLE?!
[Snipe] ....*Smacks forhead* Damn Grave...damn Drake...damn technicians and secondary SUs
* Shell_X tries to get some data from the computer about the attacking ships
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at thee ships and blinks at one
[Snipe] Computer: ...Earthian ships....updated with unknown technology
[Snipe] Computer: Earth colony of reploids that was taken over.
[Gravedigger] And who's to say that these potential allies aren't just out to ravage the universe?
[Elayne_Vanguard] *It reads UNIDENTIFIED on everythin
* Dias gets up
[Snipe] ....Hmmmm....I wonder who is doing with Earth type ships?
[Garland] Good point, Grave.
[Dias] My god...Earth Ships
[Shell_X] What!?
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at one and almost squeals
[Elayne_Vanguard] Hehe...
* Snipe ignores Elayne
* Garland looks at Elayne
[Snipe] I Think she's hit her head...
* Garland shoots a look at Snipe
* Snipe the Fury leaps out of Hyperspace, in the middle of a battle between 4 Earth ships and the planet colonies
* Elayne_Vanguard takes Airier's book out of her back pocket
[Gravedigger] She wouldn't have been the only one around here.
* Dias opens up a comm link
[Snipe] ....oh, yeah, your owner give you a bonk?
[Snipe] Comm: *fimiliar voice* Greetings Special Unit.
[Snipe] .....Noooo....IMPOOSSSSIBLEEEEE!
* Snipe steps back
* Dias looks at Snipe
[Dias] Who is it?
* Elayne_Vanguard matches a sketch in the book to one of thee ships
* Snipe hits the visual link...waiting for the other side to acknoweldge.
* Garland smiles at Elayne, as if he needs to try to act like he's not completly diestroyed on the inside.
[Elayne_Vanguard] HEHE...
[Gravedigger] 'Least I don't freak out over voices.
[Snipe] Sigma: You should, Grave *Appears on the screen*
[Elayne_Vanguard] HUH!
[Dias] GAH!! What in gods green earth!
[Elayne_Vanguard] No...
* Shell_X shakes his head and sighs
[Snipe] .....Sigma?
[Dias] Why the hell did it have to be him
* Elayne_Vanguard suddenly slumps down, reealizing something the others don't
[Snipe] Sigma: I wouldn't mind some help....Earthlings ARE down there, you know.
* Garland steps infront of Elayne, in line of the Vid screen
* Snipe glances at the battle, seeing that Sigma's forces are barely holding on
[Gravedigger] Sorry Siggy, I don't scare easily. Oh yeah, nice job with FearMan, remind me to give you a rectal probe sometime, courtesy of my shovel.
[Garland] Sigma..... why....why are you attacking the T?
[Dias] Snipe shall we help him?
[Snipe] Sigma: Fear Man...what are you talking about....?
[Elayne_Vanguard] Seth...
[Snipe] Sigma: ..... I've done a lot of thinking, Garland.  I want to save my brethern...the reploids...and find a place for us to live.  The 'T' as you put are in my way...
[Snipe] ....Dias..I...
[Dias] Give me a yes or no!
* Dias powers up the weapons
[Garland] It's a long word Sigma, so I contract it, it's kind of cute, no? *looks at Elayne*
[Snipe] ......
[Elayne_Vanguard] ?
[Snipe] him
[Garland] And.... I'm willing to help, since you asked.
[Snipe] Sigma: *Smirks that cocky smile* Thank you
* Snipe the red lights flicker on
[Dias] Aye Aye *locks on a nearby Tsiv ship and fires
[Snipe] To your battlestations....god help us
[Gravedigger] I don't believe this! You people are buying this bullshit?
[Snipe] Sigma: *vanishes from the screen*
[Snipe] ......Alright....remember what Drake says 'We aren't meant to fight'.
* Snipe sighs, wondering how the dead keep returning.
[Garland] Grave, just do it. For everything you care about. Thats the only thing driving me these days.
* Shell_X runs a sensor sweep of the T ships
* Snipe a blast heads for their ship, but Sigma's flag ship blasts it off course.
[Snipe] Scans: blocked...blocked....blocked...
[Dias] Someone take the weapons comm
[Gravedigger] So you'll blindly listen to the word of a man who tried to kill us not too long ago?
* Snipe folds arms
[Garland] .....Not much choice.
* Dias powers up the shields
[Snipe] Grave...this war has made us all strange bedfellows.  Live with it or get out, I want those colonist.
[Snipe] Elayne...take the weapons
* Elayne_Vanguard goes to the weapons
[Snipe] the science station and engine station
[Shell_X] Check
* Dias runs over to the nav station
[Snipe] Garland....keep an eye on the battle tactics.
* Elayne_Vanguard sits and powers up the guns
[Gravedigger] Yeah there is, like we make a BACK-UP plan, just in case Spit n' Shine over there decides to turn two-coat on us during the battle!
* Garland nods, remembering he's gotten pretty good with stategy in the last 20 years.
[Snipe] Spirit....I want you to head down to Maestro in the engine room and demand more speed.
* Shell_X begins downloading some Spydirbots to help
[Spirit] Check!
[Snipe] Grave....either get out or help.
* Dias heads over to Siggies ships
* Spirit heads down to the engine room.
* Snipe smirks cockily, plans forming in his mind
* Elayne_Vanguard tries to find locks
* Snipe all five T ships attack, one heading for them
[Dias] Someone take that guy out 
* Elayne_Vanguard fires all weapons at it
* Snipe watches the ship still advance
[Snipe] ....damn, those suckers can take some hits...
* Shell_X tries using a tractor beam on the one ship to shake it up a bit
* Garland contemplates
* Snipe plays TGC Battle mp3
* Elayne_Vanguard continues to fire
[Gravedigger] I never said I wasn't going to help, but you people are rushing head first into a situation where the lesser of two evils happens to be someone who tries to kill off Earth time and time again.
[Snipe]'re sounding like Zero.  So shut up
[Snipe] ...Garland...notice that opening between ship 1 and 2?
[Gravedigger] I'm saying we make our own plans for when this thing is over with.
[Garland] Yeah I do...
[Snipe] ...think we can fit in there?
[Garland] Fly through the gap!
* Dias heads for the gap
[Garland] Oh Yeah.... *smirks*
[Snipe] Sigma: What...the hell...are you doing?!
[Gravedigger] At least Zero knew what the hell he was talking about.
[Garland] A little trick I learned in the War!
[Snipe] ...right before he offed X, yeah...
[Snipe] Sigma: You're going to crash!
[Elayne_Vanguard] Just another crazy hunter thing
[Snipe] ......Hooooboy
[Garland] I just hope....
* Snipe rocks on his feet
* Dias lines the fury up as good as he can
* Snipe the Fury flies between the two ships
[Snipe] ...WHOOOO!  IT WORKED!
* Snipe leaps in the air
[Garland] Lets how they shoot at us....
[Garland] NRP: hope
* Snipe the side turbo cannons aim at them
[Gravedigger] TRy everytime he saved X's butt anytime he made a mistake.
[Dias] What should I do now]
[Snipe] .....I don't know!
[Snipe] MOVE!
* Snipe runs hand through hair
* Dias heads down
[Garland] Keep strait!
* Dias goes back up
* Snipe the cannons fire, hitting the Fury
[Garland] NOW UP!
* Dias heads up
* Snipe an explosion goes off on the bridge and nails Snipe, sliding him across the floor
[Snipe] OUF!
* Shell_X tries increasing the output effiency of the shields
[Snipe] Maestro: Spirit!  We need more speed...adjust the settings
* Shell_X sends a Spydirbot to fix the bridge damage and another to help Snipe
* Snipe lays limp
[Dias] Someone help the commander
* Elayne_Vanguard gets up and goes over to him
[Snipe] Sigma: *watches the two ships blow themselvesu p and blows himself up one too*
[Spirit] I'm no mechanic! *tries to adjust it*
[Garland] Full speed, and loop through they'll expect a hit, then we pull up, and shoot eachother HOPEFULY
[Snipe] Sigma: Two more left....?
* Elayne_Vanguard works her healing
* Garland watches them blow before he finishes
* Shell_X Spydirbot begins going over Snipe with it's medical equipment
[Garland] Well nevermind!
* Snipe eyes flutter open and glances at Elayne
* Elayne_Vanguard takes out her med pack
[Snipe] ...did...I...*Cough* mention I was sorry...?
[Garland] Provide cover fire for Sigma's ships!
[Dias] Now what commander?
* Shell_X keeps working at the increasing power effiency
[Snipe] Counselor: *Walks on the bridge* What are you doing?
[Elayne_Vanguard] No... but it's okay
[Snipe] Garland...he has...the experience..
[Dias] Kicking some tail!
[Elayne_Vanguard] Okay...
[Snipe] Sigma: Going in the for the kill...
* Elayne_Vanguard bandages his wounds
* Snipe Sigma's ship round off the last two ships and blows then up
[Garland] Sigma, I'm trusting you won't turn on us now....
[Gravedigger] Counsler, this isn't exactly the best palce to be right now....
[Snipe] Counselor: I give counseling, Grave.  You need a check up, remember?
[Snipe] Counselor: SIGMA?]1
[Gravedigger] I'm fine damnit.
[Garland] He's on our side for the moment.
[Snipe] Sigma: *flickers on the screen* But of course, Garland.  Meet you on the colonist base below...
* Garland looks at the counselor
* Snipe Sigma's ships stop and launch shuttles down to the planet
* Dias heads the fury towards the planet
[Snipe] ...DIAS...we're too BIG!
* Dias slows down
[Gravedigger] Yeah, i feel REAL safe about this...
[Garland] DIAS STOP!!!
[Dias] Uh yeah..forgot
[Snipe] To the hangers...
*** Ripple ( has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
* Dias stops
* Snipe walks past Ripple
[Snipe] I guess the fighting woke you up
* Ripple nods at Snipe
[Snipe] Counselor: Siding with Sigma is DANGEROUS!
* Dias gets up and heads for the hanger
[Ripple] Yea....
* Garland keeps his face darker then even Sigma's face
[Snipe] Counselor: HEY, LISTEN TO ME!
[Ripple] NRP: Fill me in. *shoots parents for making him clean room*
[Gravedigger] I've been SAYING THAT!
[Garland] Counselor, this is far worse than a normal War.
* Elayne_Vanguard gatheers her kit up and walks to Garland
[Snipe] Counselor: You're all NUTS!  I'll have to evaluate you!
* Ripple glances at the councelor
* Snipe arrives at the hanger and steps on the special shuttle
* Shell_X keeps trying to work on power effienciency
* Gravedigger rushes down to the hangar
* Spirit comes back up to the brige.
[Garland] Any one comming to the colony, let's get....
* Garland walks heavily there
* Elayne_Vanguard follows him
[Spirit] ... this is the last time I work on the engines...
[Snipe] ...Alright, Elayne, you're coming...but stay low
* Dias arrives behind Snipe
* Snipe flips controls on the shuttle, waiting on Dias
* Elayne_Vanguard nodds
[Gravedigger] NRP: T attacking REploid colony from Earth, Siggy and us fough 'em off
* Dias leaps into the control
[Snipe] NRP: Siggy attacking a T taken over Reploid Colony
[Ripple] .oO{Spirit, your hurt.. you ok?}
* Gravedigger gets in
* Garland steps on, sheithing his sword
[Snipe] ....a deal with the devil...gotta love it.
* Elayne_Vanguard stays close to him
* Dias flips some switches and the shuttle powers up
[Elayne_Vanguard] Garland?
[Spirit] .oO(Fine... Just got stuck working the engine room...)
* Ripple warps to the shuttle
[Ripple] .oO{Gotcha}
[Ripple] Need an extra hand?
[Garland] Yes? *looks at her with a stern, but not uncaring face*
* Shell_X downloads to the Shuttle
[Gravedigger] Deals with the devil normal end with the deal maker getting more then what he bargained for.
* Spirit hopes onboard the shuttle.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Mind if I call you Father?
[Snipe] ....and mute people don't normally get slapped us much
[Dias] All aboard?
[Ripple] Looks like it
* Garland swallowes hard in surprize
[Garland] W-What!?
[Snipe] NRP: *knows everyone thought Sigma was going to be Death Star*
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at him calmly
[Snipe] NRP: She's crazy!  Sap her!
[Snipe] ..lets go Dias[Gravedigger] Yeah, shame I'm not mute.
[Elayne_Vanguard] I don't have one anymoree so I...
* Garland closes his dropped jaw
* Dias the shuttle picks up and leaves the hanger bay heading towards the planet
[Snipe] Counselor: .... insane
* Ripple sits down next to Spirit
* Elayne_Vanguard waits for an answer
[Spirit] *smiles*
* Snipe sees the base on the ground below
* Garland shoots looks at everyone, then looks at her.
[Garland] ....Alright.... *still looks REALLY surprized*
* Elayne_Vanguard tries to smile
* Dias lands the shuttle
* Elayne_Vanguard grins
[Elayne_Vanguard] Thank you...
* Shell_X stares out a window at the base
* Elayne_Vanguard hugs him
* Dias sees Elayne hug Garland 1"
* Garland puts his hand on her back
[Dias] GROUP HUG!! *hugs both of them*
* Snipe steps off the shuttle, noticing reploids being freed by other reploids
* Garland 's face blushes A LOT]
* Elayne_Vanguard laughs
* Gravedigger leaps off, eyeing the events carefully
* Ripple follows snipe
* Ripple ignites his ripple wave
[Gravedigger] I don't like this...
[Ripple] Party time..
* Snipe a dark shadow walks towards them
[Snipe] he comes....
[Garland] I've got work to do..... *steps off*
* Elayne_Vanguard let's go and follow Garland as he leaves
* Dias lets go of the two nad leaves the shuttle
* Snipe Sigma steps into view, arms crossed
* Spirit falls nerviously
[Snipe] Sigma: Welcome, 'Hunters' is it?
* Garland drags her along on his leg
[Ripple] .... *catches Spirit*
* Gravedigger pulls his hood over.
* Garland looks at Sigma
* Dias looks at Sigma
[Ripple] ... *glares at sigma, the ripple wave bending space around his fist*
* Shell_X grins a bit, kinda skittish
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: I let go...
[Dias] Never through we'ld be allies?
[Snipe] .....567 of the colonist voted to go with you.....120 decided to come with me.
[Spirit] NRP: Ack!  I ment follows, but that works ^^กก
[Snipe] NRP: er, he said that
[Garland] I am a Hunter. Yes. Hunter of what, it the question these days.
[Snipe] Sigma: ... times have changed...I have no interested in Earth anymore...I want peace.  For reploids.  That was my goal in the beginning.  It was...darkened.
[Gravedigger] 6*under his breath*1 "Yeah, and what, become Mavericks?"
[Garland] ... I beleive you, Sigma.
[Ripple] .....  Then you have to prove it to me. 
* Elayne_Vanguard nodds in agreement
[Snipe] Sigma: *shrugs* And how is that, hunter?
* Dias thrusts his hand out towards Sigma
[Ripple] You built dad to take out the hunters. 
[Elayne_Vanguard] All plans usually start out good...
[Snipe] Sigma: *glances at Dias' hand but doesn't shake it*
[Dias] We going to be allies from now on?
* Garland smiles half-way at Sigma.
* Gravedigger turns his back to this and looks out around
[Spirit] .oO(I don't know about this...)
[Garland] Sigma, do you remember DeathStar?
[Snipe] Sigma: I have no problem with being allies....but I am not going to shake your hand.  Besides, being allies can assist me.
[Snipe] Sigma: .... your dad?
[Ripple] .oO{*feeligns of apprehension, and fear go across the Rapport*}
[Dias] Why won't you shake my hand?
[Snipe] Sigma: .... Death Star?  Er...the X-leader of the Hunters 19 years ago?
[Snipe] Sigma: ....*growls at Dias, a warning growl to bug off as he talks serious talk*
* Elayne_Vanguard bows her head
* Gravedigger takes out his sai and flips it around in his hand
[Garland] I'm going to assume you've been told, but he's been killed by Xevil. So, your out to help Reploids, I'm out to avenge one dear to me.
* Ripple crosses his arms
* Shell_X begins wandering off, looking around
[Ripple] Talk Sigma.  
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: In a way X1 would say that I'm a CHILD OF THE CORN!!!
[Garland] So... we're on equal grounds the way I feel....
[Ripple] NRP: mmm corn...
[Snipe] Sigma: ..... he's dead?  Er, alright........if you would like to consider us equals, go ahead.
* Garland lowers his head, feeling stupid having said that, like everything else has been for him.
* Dias sits down on a the ground
[Snipe] Sigma: But that is meaningless to me.  He was a reploid, granted, but he's dead.  I'm here to help the live ones...wait....*pulls a broken journal with the colonies' seal on it* His name was mentioned in here
* Ripple raises eyebrow
[Snipe] Colonist: Yeah, I remember that name.  Xevil was boasting about it.
[Elayne_Vanguard] ?
[Snipe] Colonist: Said he used his planet as a jump point to attack us.
[Elayne_Vanguard] What?
[Snipe] colonist: Went on for weeks on how he killed 'Death Star' to us.
[Gravedigger] 6*to himself* 1This is insane...there's something wrong here, I know it, I can feel it....
[Dias] DS had a planet?
* Ripple eyes narrow
[Elayne_Vanguard] !
[Snipe] Sigma: ... I don't you think I give a fuck if he had a planet?
* Snipe throws the journal into the water
* Garland clenches his fist so tightly, lighting crackles around him once again.
[Snipe] ...*sighs at sigma, knowing he did that out of pure meaness*
[Snipe] Sigma: If you don't want it, fine.
* Dias grabs the journal from the water and reads it
[Snipe] GM: *the words are washed up and will take time to decode*
* Dias pockets it
[Snipe] ...well, say you want an alliance.
[Ripple] ... Sigma, get to the point.
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at the book that was once Airier's
* Elayne_Vanguard nodds at something and puts it away...
[Snipe] Sigma: Yes.  With you guys we can actually save more of the reploids.  And free Earth one day.  I want the reploids from there.  Then I'm gone.  that's all I want......
* Shell_X is exploring the area now
* Garland can't even think of anything to say, everything is so messed up for him..
[Snipe] Sigma: as for you  *nods  at Ripple* I don't know what the hell you're on, who is your 'dad'?
[Ripple] ... I beleive you know him as Slash.
[Snipe] Sigma: *eyes dull some* Yes, I know him...what about Slash?
[Spirit] .oO(*tries to comfort Ripple*)
[Ripple] .oO{*rage is building*}
[Ripple] Where is he.
[Snipe] Sigma: *grins* That even I do not know.  
* Gravedigger looks over to Snipe, his eyes showing distrust
* Snipe nods at Grave, agreeing
* Ripple eyes blaze faintly
[Dias] Well anyway, just to be safe I think we should sign an agreement or someting
[Snipe] Sigma: .....sign?  .....fine
* Ripple steps back, and punches a wall, shattering it because of the ripplewave around his fist
[Snipe] Sigma: .... what?!
[Dias] Huh?
* Elayne_Vanguard tries to stay out of Sigma's immediate attention
[Spirit] Earth?
[Garland] ....Same Sigma, different reason for hatred, but it's still there.
[Snipe] ....Earth?
[Garland] NRP: BRB
[Ripple] .oO{Damn.... I thought he would have known where dad was...}
* Elayne_Vanguard smiles wirely
* Ripple turns hearing earth
* Elayne_Vanguard giggles
[Elayne_Vanguard] It's them...
[Snipe] Sigma: Hatred fuels one, Garland.....I will use it
[Dias] comm: Drake..where'lds those ships come from?
[Elayne_Vanguard] Finally...
* Shell_X notices the commotion and rejoins the group
[Snipe] Comm Drake: You won't believe this
[Snipe] ....SPIT IT OUT DRAKE!
[Ripple] Comm: Whats up Drake?
[Dias] Comm: I will
[Snipe] Drake: Well....his shuttle is heading down there.....see for yourselves
[Gravedigger] Hatred fuels until it explodes, then what will you be left with Sigma? Your own peices of life?
[Snipe] Sigma: *Crosses arms* WHO'S shuttle?
* Dias turns to the shuttle entering th planet's atmosphere
[Snipe] Sigma: .... *glances at Grave, sort of stung*
* Elayne_Vanguard turns to look
[Gravedigger] NRP: ...Sort of what?
* Snipe glances at it, noticing presidental marks on it, indicating a big leader
[Snipe] NRP: know, like slapped
* Elayne_Vanguard smiles
* Dias walks over to it
* Snipe walks towards it, noticing Sigma staying behind
[Garland] to himself: Hatred.... do I really... hate.... Xevil???
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at Garland
* Spirit heads over out of curiousity
* Snipe the shuttle door opems
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad?
* Ripple follows beside Spirit
* Shell_X looks up, decides to stay in the cover or the building he was investigating
* Garland looks at Elayne
[Elayne_Vanguard] It's okay...