
Session 35-Mission 134[part 1]: Grave of a Star

[Snipe] Time Chart: December 2nd
[Snipe] Location: The Fury
*** Ripple ( has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
* Snipe stands on the bridge
[Snipe] .....
[Snipe] NRP: New session
[Spirit] NRP: Perfect timing
* Ripple walks in
[Garland] NRP: goot timing.
* Elayne_Vanguard stands near Garland
[Ripple] NRP: *shoots computer, as it keeps filling his HD with junk*
[Snipe] We have Sigma and Spade in our humble homes...
[Spirit] NRP: T-Minus 19 days...
* Dias sits at the nav
[Snipe] NRP :Er?
* Garland stands there, wearing battle armor under a dark gray trench coat.
[Snipe] Spade: *sits in the commander's chair* If you say so
[Gravedigger] Fascinating....
* Ripple sits down at the weapon console
[Dias] NRP: He's a Trench Coat Mafia
[Gravedigger] NRP: AHHHH! IT'S...WIEN JR.!
[Garland] NRP: That's not even funny.
* Elayne_Vanguard is outfitted in new armor, a strange object on her gloved, right hand
[Snipe] Well....Index and X2 decoded the ruined journal
[Dias] Hey Spade get out of the commanders chair you ass
[Snipe] Spade: *leans back, puffing on his cigar*
[Snipe] Spade: ...*perks up* really?
* Dias tosses and apple at Spade's head
[Garland] NRP: mebbie, but at least I don't phase everytime a whack comes my way.
[Garland] NRP: *smirks*
* Snipe hits the apple
[Snipe] Dias, knock it off
[Snipe] Spade: ....
[Dias] Bah
* Snipe turns back to the others
[Gravedigger] NRP: Thhhaaattt's cause you ain't smart enough to think of it.
* Elayne_Vanguard sits, looking into that book of hers, grinning as she looks at some maps
[Snipe], no one really cares to....know what it said?
* Ripple looks at Snipe
[Ripple] So whats the plan man?
[Gravedigger] I'll wait for the movie.
[Dias] NRP: MY dogs humping my cousins leg!
[Gravedigger] NRP:...Shut up...Just SHUT up....
[Snipe] ....the map referred to a planet Xevil took over before he invaded the prison.  It gives the location of the planet.  We're going to take the Fury and one of Sigma's ships to investagate the planet while the rest of our newly made up fleet heads to another planet of my choice, which I am keeping hidden.
* Garland stands in the view port, looking at the same star he has since they got the Fury
[Snipe] NRP: *Stops humping* Sorry.
* Ripple grins
[Dias] NRP: Ewww...
[Snipe] Drake: Against my wishes...
* Elayne_Vanguard notices
[Ripple] NRP: LOL Maelstrom] LOL
* Elayne_Vanguard walks to him
[Dias] Drake your about as annoying as Spade overhere
[Elayne_Vanguard] What yah lookin at Dad?
[Snipe] Spade: Lets go.  I want to see this planet that 'Death Star' has to do with
[Garland] ...My home.
[Snipe] Drake: He's my shut up.
[Dias] Sorry Spade your a civilian
* Snipe the Fury leaps into gear and flies through normal space
* Gravedigger sits crossed legged on a console type beam thingy
[Elayne_Vanguard] Parnel?
* Garland nods
[Dias] And according to certain can't come with
[Ripple] So, you splitting us up to take the ships or not?
* Snipe glances at Ripple
[Snipe] Come again?
* Elayne_Vanguard gasps as thee thing on her hand suddenly flies across the room
[Spirit] .oO( *obviously overly curious about this* What do you think we'll find there? )
* Elayne_Vanguard it just misses Snipes head as it attaches itself to a screen
[Snipe] .....goobers, now Elayne is being possessed.
[Gravedigger] AHH! FLYING RAT!
[Dias] Atleast I hope so..
[Snipe] Spade: ..... bah.
* Elayne_Vanguard walks over to it
* Garland jumps back at it
[Garland] ????
[Ripple] .oO{No clue spirit}
[Dias] Anyway...Spade you have to stay unless you want to "fight" 
* Elayne_Vanguard there is a button beeping on it
[Snipe] Spade: You can't order me.  Only I order myself.
* Elayne_Vanguard moves to push it
[Dias] As long as your on this ship your under our rules
[Snipe] Spade: You have no rules.
[Snipe] Spade: There is no order, no law...this place is a zoo.
[Snipe] ....with me as the ringmaster....
* Ripple smirks
* Elayne_Vanguard pushes the button
[Gravedigger] Well moo, God damnit.
[Ripple] And a damn good ringmaster you are..
[Garland] Spade, I'm sorry, but you have no juristicion here. There is a leader here... and its.... *hesitates*.... Snipe.
[Snipe] .....not according to Garland and Grave.
[Dias] NRP: Gotta go
* Elayne_Vanguard there is a loud beep that catches everyones attention
*** Dias has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Snipe] Spade: *makes no indication that he is moving*
[Gravedigger] And for your FYI, zoos don't have ringmasters...
[Elayne_Vanguard] *The screen turns on by itself
[Garland] I never said you were a bad leader.... I just disagree with your veiws... a lot.
* Snipe the screen explodes
[Gravedigger] Ditto, only alot more so.
[Ripple] Whoa
[Spirit] !
[Snipe] .....Elayne...quit blowing up our equipment...
*** Seraphna is now known as Airier_On_The_Screen
[Airier_On_The_Screen] Hunters...
[Snipe] NRP: HAH!  No screen!
*** Airier_On_The_Screen was kicked by Snipe (LISTEN TO ME DAMMIT!)
[Snipe] NRP: *Sighs* She gets to me
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: There goes his last words
[Gravedigger] There goes watching the late night triple x features...
[Garland] NRP:.....and I thought I was pushy with MY senarios.
[Snipe] NRP: *is trigger happy, watch out*
* Elayne_Vanguard picks up the thing
[Snipe] Spade: ........
[Elayne_Vanguard] What was that...
* Spirit brushes some glass of her uniform.
[Snipe] ...THAT was YOU blowing up OUR STUFF!
* Snipe adjusts his Commander uniform
* Snipe a planet is appearing on the viewscreen
* Garland doesn't give a flip about his clothes
[Snipe], that the 'Death Star' planet?
[Ripple] NRP: *snicker*
[Gravedigger] NRP: *has a big ol' glass shard sticking out of his eye*
[Elayne_Vanguard] I didn't do it...
[Elayne_Vanguard] This UNIT did...
[Snipe] Spade: *nods slowly*  Looks like it.
* Garland blurs to look at the veiwscreen
[Elayne_Vanguard] And Spade made it...
* Ripple smooths his hair, spiking it up in the process
[Snipe] Spade: Not I.  Maybe a technican
* Elayne_Vanguard puts it back on her hand
[Elayne_Vanguard] It came from my father spade...
* Snipe notices the aliens guarding it with two ships
[Snipe] Spade: And I'm .... suppose to care....?
[Snipe] .......
* Garland looks at Spade
[Elayne_Vanguard] It's one of the 7 UNITs you made... and maybe...
[Garland] Not specificly.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Because it has all your damn files on it...
[Gravedigger] Ay yi yi, don't those two ever shut up?
* Elayne_Vanguard grins and walks away
[Snipe] .....*the two ships take off*
[Snipe] Spade: Does she ever shut up?
[Snipe], no she doesn't.
[Gravedigger] Do you?
* Elayne_Vanguard walks to Garland
[Snipe] ....Alright, the ships are heading for care to stop YAPPING?
[Garland] ....Don't talk about her that way.
[Ripple] NRP: Bah, this version of X sucks.
[Snipe] This isn't a talk show!
* Ripple glances at Snipe
* Spirit pops down at the weapons consol.
[Gravedigger] NRP: Here's my Final Thought.....
[Ripple] Scan and target em?
[Snipe] ...SHOOT 'EM!
* Snipe watches the Sigma ship attack
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: NO *Shoots GD
* Spirit locks on to the foremost ship and opens fire
* Ripple fires like hell
[Gravedigger] Then what?
* Snipe watches the two ships open fire on them
[Snipe] ....then we go land on the planet.
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at the ships wide eyes
[Snipe] ........*flinches as the hit the Fury*
* Spirit uses telemechanics to drastically increase the accuracy
[Gravedigger] ...Why the hell aren't all your plans that simple?
[Ripple] ..... Its party time... *keeps fireing, rerouting shields to the various places where hits are about to hit*
* Elayne_Vanguard takes a seat at the nav station
[Snipe] ........well, normally, the mission orders involve blowing things up.  Today's mission is just to land on the planet and then get out of here.  Sound nice?  good.
* Spirit takes aim at the bridges with the forward batteries
[Gravedigger] No, not really.
* Snipe watches the two ships blow up
[Snipe] ......Gah....wonder how many forces they have on the planet?
[Garland] ....why not ask sigma to try and salvage some of those ships?
[Spirit] Scratch two   n.n \/
[Snipe] ......I don't want Sigma up here right now
[Gravedigger] Not really, because it's probably alot, and it's better if I don't think about that.
[Snipe] Spade: Would you quit bickering and head to the shuttles?
* Ripple stops
* Garland looks at Snipe.
[Elayne_Vanguard] [Spirit... I think Snipe needs a vacation...]
[Garland] ....*nods*
[Ripple] NRP: Forgive, im kinda doing about 6 things at once again.
* Snipe walks past Elayne to the shuttles
* Elayne_Vanguard stays with Garland
[Snipe] Spade: *Gets up and trots after them*
* Garland follows snipe closely
* Gravedigger heads to the shuttles
[Spirit] [I think we all do, but we can't exactly afford one.]
* Elayne_Vanguard turns and eyes Spade coldly
* Spirit heads to the shuttle with Ripple
[Gravedigger] Uhh...the Prez dork's following...
* Snipe steps on the ______ shuttle
* Garland steps
[Snipe] Spade: *steps on next, sitting down in the auto-pilot's chair*
* Garland steps on
* Gravedigger hops on
[Snipe] spade: *Blows a puff of smoke into Grave's face -1 HP*
* Elayne_Vanguard hops on
* Ripple steps on the ______ Ship, and sits down
[Gravedigger] NRP: Okay, CHEAP!
[Garland] NRP: 6000 times more, and your dead GD!
* Gravedigger holds his breath, then blows it back at Spade
[Ripple] NRP: LOL
[Snipe] NRP: HEE HEE
* Snipe the squirrell begins to pilot the shuttle
* Gravedigger looks over to Snipe
[Gravedigger] Forgive me for what I'm about to do.
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: I still think it odd that a squirrel... is flying...
* Ripple sits down, still agitated, but relaxing
[Snipe] ....GRAVE?!
* Elayne_Vanguard smiles
* Garland looks at him
[Snipe] Squirrel: Pip pip, cherio!
[Ripple] NRP: You havent seen us off duty...
* Gravedigger hits Snipe with his Psycho Scythe, stealing 1 HP back
* Spirit lays back in the seat next to Ripple, lost in thought
[Snipe] .....YOU!!!
* Snipe whacks Grave
[Gravedigger] EEF!
[Snipe] Squirrel: *flies to the planet*
[Spirit] NRP: Whack = -1hp
[Gravedigger] NRP:....
[Garland] Squirrel: Your lucky... you don't have much to worry about...
* Elayne_Vanguard flips a coin into Spade's lap, beforee sitting down
[Snipe] Squirrel: *works on his stocks as he flies* says you
[Gravedigger] Hey you damn limey, shut up and fly!
[Snipe] Spade: *snatches it in mid air*
[Elayne_Vanguard] A present from my mom....
[Elayne_Vanguard] *It's Tsiv
* Ripple puts one arm around spirit
[Snipe] Squirrel: Pika!  *electrocutes Grave*
[Garland] .....all you have to worry about is piloting, and your.... stocks?
* Gravedigger holds Snipe in the way
[Snipe] Spade: *Glances at it and pockets it*
* Snipe isn't moved by Grave
* Gravedigger scoots over then
* Snipe watches it hit Ripple
[Snipe] Squirrel: Bloody hell works on my heart, dontcha know?
[Gravedigger] NRP: *shock, -1 HP*
* Elayne_Vanguard continues to read Airier's journal
* Ripple deflects it with a quick slash from his warp blade
* Ripple sending it at Grave again
[Gravedigger] EE!
* Snipe lights his cigar with a match and throws it on the journal, catching it on fire
* Garland looks at the Squirrel wide eyed "Huh?"
* Gravedigger deflects it with his shovel
[Snipe] Squirrel: Poor fool  *lands** Gravedigger watches the blast aim for the squirrel
[Snipe] Squirrel: *hits it with his tail and nails GravE*
* Gravedigger deflects with his shovel again
* Garland stepps off
* Gravedigger dives off the shuttle
* Snipe retreats off
[Spirit] .oO( I would have thought some people would know better than to act like Children...)
[Snipe] Spade: *to E* Sorry about the fire
* Elayne_Vanguard puts the fire out, only a small corner burned
[Snipe] spade: *walks off*
* Ripple shakes his head
* Spirit gets off the shuttle
* Ripple sheathing his warp blade, and relaxing
* Elayne_Vanguard grins at the reetreating man
* Snipe a bitter cold wind blows around
* Elayne_Vanguard walk off the shuttle
* Snipe notices a nearby forest tore apart
* Garland feels the soil under his feet, looking around
[Gravedigger] NRP: BRB
[Snipe] .....hmmmm
[Snipe] Spade: ....
* Ripple steps out, and looks around
* Ripple looks at the forest
* Garland looks
[Ripple] Something BIG went through here..
[Garland] What....happened???
[Snipe] ........*feels death in the air*
* Snipe a sharp, howling wind blows over them
* Elayne_Vanguard closes her eyes...
[Elayne_Vanguard] Not now...
[Snipe] ...afraid of the trurth, Elayne?
* Snipe puts out the torn up ground
[Snipe] Looks like some type of fight
[Elayne_Vanguard] Yes and no..
[Ripple] ..... a big fight..
[Ripple] NRP: AFK
[Garland] ....Could this be......?
[Elayne_Vanguard] If you know a lot... you know I can't hold my human form forever Sapde...
[Snipe] ....*trips over a piece of metal and glances down at a rusted cannon*
[Elayne_Vanguard] Another bane from my father...
[Snipe] Spade: ..... your trail, not mine.
* Garland looks at it
[Spirit] *looks around nervously*
[Snipe] on it...Deat---sh...
* Elayne_Vanguard grins.. "Don't you mean 'Tail"
* Elayne_Vanguard moans
* Garland kneels to it
[Elayne_Vanguard] His cannon...
[Snipe] ...shoulder Vile's.
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at it
* Elayne_Vanguard looks in her book again
* Garland digs out the dirt around tit carefully
* Elayne_Vanguard hold a page up to it
[Elayne_Vanguard] I'm right...
[Garland] ...What?
[Snipe] .....*glances around and notices a canyon buried in, a cross sticking out ofi t
* Garland sees it, and runs over to it
[Elayne_Vanguard] This is where the real.. or first DS fought...
* Elayne_Vanguard rushes bhind him...
[Ripple] NRP: excuse me again, playign N64, AND Rping.
[Snipe] ......*can read the two word name plain and simple* Well, he'd dead.
* Ripple stumbles, and falls clutching his head
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at the grave, then at Garland...
* Ripple winces
* Snipe remains standing, no emotion on his face
* Garland 's breathing skips
[Elayne_Vanguard] ...A piece of our pasts is under there...
* Garland falls to his knees
* Elayne_Vanguard walks over to Garland
[Snipe] ....don't tell me you're going to morbidly bury him up
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad...
[Snipe] Spade: Bah, that would be fun
* Elayne_Vanguard hugs him
* Garland ignores Snipe
[Elayne_Vanguard] It's okay...
[Ripple] I gotta warp back.... I feel like crap...
* Garland ignores everyone
*** Ripple has quit IRC (Poofskie)
[Garland] .....No...... *beats the ground* WHY!!?!?!?
[Elayne_Vanguard] Daddy... don't...
[Snipe] NRP: *plays it for old time sake*
* Elayne_Vanguard sits next to him and cries... the grave almost as if it were her fathers
* Garland 's tears wet the ground around the grave
[Gravedigger] That's UNbury...
[Snipe] would know.
[Snipe] .....well, should we move on.....
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad... please...
* Snipe hears the sounds of machines, most likely the enemy, heading for them
[Gravedigger] Damn right I'd know. I'd also like to know who'd bury him. I mean, Xevil would'nt take the time...
[Elayne_Vanguard] You can't be like this forever...
[Snipe] ....maybe in the fight DS was can tell that a large explosion did this
* Garland stays there, his eyes deeply sunk
[Snipe] ...the cross, though...
* Elayne_Vanguard hugs him again
[Elayne_Vanguard] Come on Dad...
[Gravedigger] And the cross and makeshift headstone?
[Garland] left me....... without even saying bye..... . .. ...
[Snipe] .....a species of the planet?
* Snipe the wind howls loudly around Garland
[Elayne_Vanguard] He did say goodbye... if a littlee later...
* Garland doesn't move, kneeled at the grave
[Gravedigger] Would they really know his name, though?
[Snipe] ....if he told it them
[Snipe] There's a lot we don't know
[Elayne_Vanguard] Come on...  I can't stand to see you hurt like this...
[Snipe] Only Death Star really knew what happened here.
[Gravedigger] And Xevil.
[Spirit] I rather not ask Xevil about it
[Snipe] Him too.
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at the grave again herself and cries
* Snipe watches the cross snap due to the wind
[Snipe] ....a bitter winter is going to befall this planet...
[Gravedigger] It still doesn't add up.
* Elayne_Vanguard curls up a littlee
[Snipe] Spade: Oh?
[Gravedigger] Has anyone scanned the grave?
* Garland forces himself to stop crying....but can bearly even try
[Snipe] ....what, Grave, you're trying to give them the hope he's alive?  It'll just break Garland's hurt more to later learn DS is really dead if you play mind games here.
* Elayne_Vanguard reflects Garland, the sorrow of her father's death overtaking her...
[Snipe] NRP: heart
[Gravedigger] Do I LOOK like I'm playing games? Something's not right here damnit, and I want to know what it is!
* Garland pulls a quarter out of his pocket, and wedges it into the dirt of the grave
[Snipe] Spade: I wouldn't be surprised if Xevil took the body.
* Elayne_Vanguard stares...
[Snipe] ...gar?
* Elayne_Vanguard turns
[Elayne_Vanguard] SHUT UP SPADE!
[Snipe] ...where did that quarter come from.....?
[Gravedigger] I wouldn't be surprised if there WASN'T a body.
* Elayne_Vanguard forgets him and turns back
[Snipe] Spade: Bah, he's dead.  Body or not.
* Snipe a light snow begins to fall
* Elayne_Vanguard then stands, walks over to Sapde, and slaps him
[Garland] ....When I was 4..... he gave me a quarter to buy a coke.... it was the same day I betrayed the hunters...... I never spent it... I kept it....
[Snipe] Spade: *Grabs her hand easily*  NEVER do that
[Gravedigger] I mean, why the hell should we believe Xevil's word that HE killed this guy?
[Elayne_Vanguard] You... you... BASS!
* Elayne_Vanguard sobs, trying to free her hand
[Snipe] Spade: *snoves Elayne away*
* Elayne_Vanguard falls, hurt inside and out
* Garland swallowes hard
[Spirit] *sigh*
* Garland looks at Spade
[Snipe] .....I think we should go, guys
[Snipe] Spade: *glares at Garland*
[Garland] her again.
* Elayne_Vanguard fondels her beam-saber thoughtfully
* Gravedigger stands there, thinking
* Elayne_Vanguard stands slowly
* Snipe notices a village nearby, demolished in the fight
[Snipe] Spade: ....
[Gravedigger] Think Grave....put the pieces together....
* Garland narrows his eyes to Spade.
[Snipe] Spade: Don't hurt your brain, Grave.  This game isn't ready to be solved yet.
[Gravedigger] There's something about everything that's ben happening, something obvious, something out of place....
[Snipe] Spade: Just like Xevil and the five are heading here as we speak.
* Garland looks back to the grave, his heart falling appart.
[Elayne_Vanguard] The What?
[Elayne_Vanguard] Oh... forget you!
[Spirit] The five?  Did I miss something?
[Snipe] Spade: The Counsel is made up of 13.  Xevil being the 13th.  The 12th through 8th member has joined him on a quest to....destroy you for hurting Xevil
* Elayne_Vanguard turns and walks to Garland
[Snipe] Spade: I've been getting reports on them. is pretty good.
[Spirit] *winces at the thought of that*
* Gravedigger shifts his eyebrows at Spade's report
[Snipe] ...WHAT?!
[Snipe] Spade: .... you never asked.
[Spirit] *mutters*
[Snipe] ....alright, we NEED to move it guys
* Elayne_Vanguard takes off a glove and stares at the back of her hand
[Snipe] I know your friend is dead, but we can't sit around here waiting for these five aliens to hsow up
[Gravedigger] Reerrg, this makes no sense, there's something...damnit, some P.I. I am....
[Garland] ....Oh shut the hell up Snipe
* Elayne_Vanguard quickly shoves it back on
* Garland stands slowly, shakily
* Snipe a blast hits the cross, blowing it up
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad... he's right...
[Snipe] ....I said, we need to go
[Elayne_Vanguard] AHH!
[Snipe] ...what?
[Garland] .......*eyes widen*
* Snipe turns around and sees three aliens standing there
[Snipe] NRP: HAH, thought SNIPE did it!
* Garland lets out a HUGE roar.
[Elayne_Vanguard] DAD! NO!
[Gravedigger] Ohhhhhh shit me.....
[Snipe] ....dammit, has he blown a casket?
[Snipe] Spade: THIS should prove entertaining
* Elayne_Vanguard turns on her saber instinctivley
* Garland takes a step forward, the grounds sizzling under his feet, hot air bellowuing off him
* Gravedigger takes out his sai
* Elayne_Vanguard open's her mind to her psionics
[Snipe] The Aliens: Gack1
* Garland bursts into a bright white flame, screaming in an anger he has never felt before
[Snipe] ....*steps back*
[Gravedigger] Wow...remind me never to piss that guy off....
[Snipe] The aliens: *runs*
* Garland the vein in his forehead actually pops
[Snipe] ...never piss that guy off.
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: BRB Doggy needs a walk
[Gravedigger] If I wasn't in awe, I'd whap you.
* Garland raises his hand, and blasts a HUGE blast at them.
* Snipe watches the aliens get englufed.
* Gravedigger winces
[Gravedigger] Ouch, bar-be-qued...
* Garland draws his sword and runs at the aliens, or whats left of them
* Snipe the snow begins to fall harder
[Snipe] GARLAND!
* Garland slashes up what few remains he can, and blasts them over and over again
[Snipe] WE HAVE TO GO!!!!
[Gravedigger] NRP: *takes out jumper cables* Wake up the rest of you!
* Spirit heads to the shuttle and waits for the others.
[Snipe] Squirrel: Smokin'!
* Garland walks slowly to the shuttle, the ground becomming molten under his feet.
*** Avatar ( has joined #taw
* Gravedigger heads to the shuttle, backing up towards it, thinking
[Snipe] ..Garland, I know Death Star's grave is upsetting, but if Spadey here is right, the five are coming!
* Avatar lands in a shuttle nearby
* Garland blurs so fast, even Snipe couldn't pick it up.
[Gravedigger] DAmnit, damnit, DAMNIT! I can figure this out, I just need time....
[Garland] YOU DON'T GET IT DO YOU..?
[Snipe] Huh?  Another shuttle?
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: Back
[Snipe] Don't get what....?]
* Avatar exits shuttle and moves towards the others
* Garland looks at Snipe.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad... we gotta go...
* Gravedigger leaps into the shuttle
[Elayne_Vanguard] I do get it... please?
[Gravedigger] Squirrel, can you do a scan of that grave site?
[Avatar] [Commander...]
* Garland forces himself from not killing Snipe then and there, and gets on the shuttle
* Elayne_Vanguard follows
[Snipe] Squirrel: Not I
[Elayne_Vanguard] Thank you....
* Snipe doens't hear Avtar
[Avatar] Ahem... commander
* Snipe grabs Garland
[Spirit] [Heya Av]
[Gravedigger] Errr, is it POSSIBLE to do a scan from the shuttle to that grave site?
[Snipe] LISTNE HERE---What Av?
[Snipe] Squirrel: It could...take a good ten minutes, but yes.
[Avatar] There's a space ship like nothing I, or anyone else for that matter, has seen before...
[Avatar] And it's heading for this planet...
[Snipe] Squirrel: *Scans*
[Snipe] WHAT?!
[Snipe] Spade: Ti'dah
* Elayne_Vanguard hands him a disk
[Avatar] That's why I raced here to warn you all...
[Elayne_Vanguard] I logged a scan...
* Garland looks at Snipe, not flinching at all from the half-threat.
[Elayne_Vanguard] It's on here
[Snipe] What's the Ti'dah?
[Elayne_Vanguard] I did it when I first saw the grave...
* Snipe the snow continues falling
[Elayne_Vanguard] Ti'dah!
[Elayne_Vanguard] ....
* Avatar glances at Spade
[Snipe] Spade: THAT, is what is about to destroy you all...*puffs his cigar*
[Elayne_Vanguard] Oh darn it all...
[Snipe] Session Ends
