
Session 38: Assembly

[Snipe] Time Chart: December 3rd
[Snipe] Location: Fury
[Avatar] NRP: *it'll be a miracle if he can stay*
[Spirit] NRP: ETA 18 days...
* Snipe watches as a fleet gathers outside the window
* Avatar watches the fleet as well
[Snipe] think I can make them join us for the battle?
* Ripple stands, watching the moniters
* Diamondback (NRP: For variety...) also watches the fleet
[Avatar] I hope you can...
[Ripple] NRP: *Shoots himself* CONFORM DAMNIT!!
*** X1 is now known as Gravedigger
* Spirit watches... her station
* Ripple sneaks up on spirit, and gives her a back rub
* Garland keeps his seat at the strategist post, keeping track of the fleet's movements
[Diamondback] *to Av* [Watching those two is almost sickening sometimes, eh Ryan?]
[Snipe] .....*heads for the huge auditorim(sp?)*
[Ripple] NRP: *Slash appears in a flash of light, and kills DB*
[Spirit] *smile* .oO(You'd have to do better to sneak up on me)
[Avatar] *to DB* [True... But, you'd better be careful as Spirit might hear you...]
* Diamondback shrugs
[Ripple] .oO{I know.  Things can never be hidden too long with this Rapport..}
[Avatar] {I wonder how things are on Earth...} *outloud and telepathically*
* Gravedigger meets Snipe in the hall
[Gravedigger] Where're you headin'?
* Snipe heads for the room to talk to the leaders, slowing down for Grave
[Diamondback] {I dunno.} *sounds like two voices, as DB's voice is thick British, whereas his telepathy is not*
[Snipe] Well, I have to make a speech that will somehow MAKE these people see how joining up will benefit them
* Garland 's hands tremble while writing the report from the mission to "DS's" planet.
[Ripple] [No clue Av.  Just hope everything is still around...]
[Gravedigger] Ooof, good luck with that....
[Avatar] [Hmm, Snipe's leaving and Paladin's not here... so, we don't need to talk outloud anymore]
[Ripple] NRP: BRITISH!?  Bah, get a REAL accent with, Learn to speak Canadian in 3 easy steps!
[Spirit] [Hope... That we have to always hold on to...]
* Snipe grabs Grave
[Avatar] NRP: And the steps are...?
[Diamondback] I'm getting too used to speaking aloud... I guess that's a good thing...
[Snipe] Hey, I think YOU should do're GREAT with speeches!
[Ripple] NRP: please pay 6 easy payments of 66.99 and you'll find out
[Spirit] NRP: Or change your canadian into a scottish one by trading your A for an I
[Gravedigger] What? No I'm not! I didn't speak for 13 years!
[Snipe] But you know how to speek your mind!
* Snipe drags Grave towards the conference
[Gravedigger] No I don't! I know how to run my mouth!
[Snipe] But you do it so well
* Avatar clears throat, 1"So... what now?"
[Ripple] NRP: same thing
[Ripple] We wait.
[Diamondback] We wait.
[Gravedigger] Yeah, but that's only in the face of danger!
[Snipe] ...think of this
* Avatar glances at the ships outside, counting them
[Gravedigger] How about I head back to my room and go back to sleep?
[Diamondback] We're waiting here, but it sounds like Snipe's mad at someone...
* Garland wraps up his work, and heads to the conference room to observe
* Snipe thrusts Grave into the conference room and locks the door
* Spirit hums a tune and taps on her workstation
* Snipe all the leaders stare at Grave
[Gravedigger] ....eep....
* Ripple silently moves to the window, after finishing Spirits backrub
* Garland walks up to the conference door, seeing it's locked
[Snipe] ______ leader: uh, called us here....?
* Gravedigger approches the podium
[Garland] Hey, Snipe, why's the door locked?
[Ripple] NRP: Imagine them in their underwear.... that helps... or something...
[Avatar] [No, kidd-...] No kidding.
[Snipe] .....Grave's about to make a speech...head around to the back to listen
* Diamondback annoys RIpple by altering his mindset slightly, where Ripple cannot see himself
[Garland] ...Fine... *heads around to the back*
[Avatar] Damn... It's hard to break the habit of telepathic communication...
[Gravedigger] Yes, well, I am the representative for the Hunters and Earth, and I come to you today to implore your assitance in helping us rid the universe of the threat of the Tsxricv...
[Snipe] Another leader: You want US to help YOU?
* Diamondback telepathically listens in from his current position
* Avatar listens as well
* Ripple snaps the mindset that DB placed on him easily, and watches
[Gravedigger] Yeeeeeessssss, that would be the general idea.
[Diamondback] *to Vesps* [Yikes... He's blowing it in there... And it's GRAVE!]
[Avatar] *to DB* [You think Gravedigger can convence them?]
[Snipe] Leaders: *all begin to chuckle and stand up to leave*
[Diamondback] *to Av* [Honestly? Nope.]
[Gravedigger] HOLD IT!
[Snipe] Leaders: *Stop*
[Avatar] *to DB* [Well... uh... We can hope, can't we?]
[Snipe] Leaders: *sits*
* Diamondback winces
[Ripple] *To Vesps* [I know... its gonna be one hell of a miracle if we do manage to pull it off..]
[Diamondback] *to Av* [If he pulls it off after THAT outburst...]
[Diamondback] NRP: To Vesps, even.
*** Shell_X ( has joined #taw
[Spirit] [Miracle... We could use a couple of those]
[Gravedigger] Now listen to me people, we've got a situation that threatens all of us on a GALACTIC scale!
[Gravedigger] If we can't stop them, WHO will, huh?
[Snipe] Leades: HARDLY, it's only FIVE of them and a super weapon
[Spirit] [*blinks* Do we have a miracle?]
* Ripple shakes his head, and goes to sit down
[Ripple] [No.]
[Diamondback] *to Vesps* [Honestly, I am kind of worried about that super weapon, even if they aren't...]
[Avatar] *to Av* [So am I...]
[Gravedigger] Excuse me, you, I don't know you, but let me tell you, it took only ONE of them with an army that'd put any and all of your armies combined to shame. Xevil practically wiped out my planet, my people, my HOME.
[Spirit] [Same here...]
[Diamondback] NRP: Av's talking to himself!
[Ripple] NRP: Its only bad if he starts replying
[Snipe] Leaders: Yeah, and Earth was suppose to have beaten them!  Look at Earth now!
[Avatar] NRP: D'oh! I meant *to psionics*
[Ripple] *To DB*[you aint kidding.. Last super weapon i heard of was Viles and that was NASTY...]
* Diamondback shudders
[Gravedigger] Now let me ask you buddy, would you rather stand alone while they trash YOUR home, or would you rather team up and make SURE they don't?
* Garland listens
[Avatar] *to psionics* [... He's starting to sound convencing...]
[Snipe] _____ leader: I AM FOR ONE GOING TO JOIN!
* Ripple walks down the hall to go listen in person, passing Snipe in the halls
[Diamondback] *to Vesps* [And I thought Gravedigger's speech skills would be crap after that long without talking.]
[Snipe] Other leader: What?  And get them angry against us?  Best to keep our heads low and hope they don't
[Ripple] *To Vesps* [Just goes to show you that a little Ego goes a long way...]
[Gravedigger] This ain't politics folks, this is a WAR. We can't afford to quibble and be arrogant at a time like this, the only way we ensure our survival is to band together!
[Spirit] *Vesps* [I'm... impressed.  I never thought he could do it.]
[Diamondback] *to Rip* [Then you should go far. *laughs*]
[Avatar] *to psionics* [He hasn't done it quite yet...]
[Snipe] Leaders: *grumble*
[Ripple] *To DB* [Just wait... Your time is coming Mr Nearly but not quite bottomless stomach.]
[Diamondback] *to Rip* [We'll see about that.]
[Ripple] *To DB* [Any time.]
[Gravedigger] Alone, we'll fall faster then Snipe after Happy Hour. Together, we'll stand triumphant with a renewed sense of unity.
[Spirit] NRP: ROFL
[Avatar] *to DB and Ripple* [Are you two arguing again?]
[Ripple] NRP: LOL
[Snipe] GAH!
[Diamondback] NRP: ROFLMAO
[Garland] .....*nods*
[Snipe] Sigma: *walks out of the shadows* He is right, you know.....If you don't join, you're damning yourselves.
[Gravedigger] Now...WHO'S WITH US?
* Ripple the smirk is instantly wiped off his face upon seeing sigma
[Snipe] Leaders: *stare bug eyed at sigma*
[Diamondback] *to Vesps* [Ok... I just heard Sigma's voice... Am I going crazy?]
[Avatar] NRP: I'm impressed they've even heard of SIggy
[Gravedigger] Aw jeeze....why him...why now....
[Ripple] *To DB* [Been there done that. Hes there.]
[Snipe] Leader: And who ARE YOU/
[Spirit] *Vesps* [Your not crazy...  Well, atleast Sigma is there...)
[Snipe] NRP: who says they have?
[Avatar] *to psionics* [Sigma?! He's on our side?]
[Diamondback] *to Spirit* [Fun-ny.]
* Ripple shoots a psychic glare at DB
[Avatar] NRP: Them staring bug-eyed at 'im
[Snipe] Leaders: *move to leave*
[Gravedigger] He's....Sigma, he too wants unity among the masses, he's more then willing to join us in defeating our common enemy
[Snipe] Sigma: He is...correct.
* Ripple stands in front of the door, on the inside, arms crossed
[Spirit] [He has... a vocal impediment.]
[Diamondback] *to Vesps* [Ok, I've gone crazy.]
[Snipe] Leaders: Let us GO!
[Ripple] *to DB*[I knew that a long time ago.]
* Garland steps into the veiw
[Avatar] *to psionics* [Uh, didn't we kill him?]
[Gravedigger] Fine, leave, let your planets fall! Let your armies crumble! Let you families DIE! Don't come crawling back to us when you've discovered that you an't do it alone!
[Diamondback] *to Av* [Remind me to kick your ass later.]
[Garland] Parnel is with this cause, as well.
[Snipe] Leaders: ...Parnel?
[Garland] ...My planet.
[Snipe] _____ leader: *steps beside Grave and Sigma*
[Ripple] If you leave now, I might as well kill you where you stand.  Its a lot more merciful then letting the T get hold of you and your planet.
[Avatar] *to DB* [Eh? What'd I say?]
[Garland] My planet's fleets will assist in this cause. I hate pledging them to this, but it's my duty.
[Snipe] Leaders: Fine...we'll help you with one battle, but if you fail.....we'll pull out
[Diamondback] NRP: WHoops, to RIp
[Avatar] NRP: Is it just me or is Ripple in the assembly room?
[Ripple] NRP: im in the assembly room.
* Garland turns and heads for the comm room.
[Garland] I'll call them.
[Gravedigger] If we fail, then you won't have to worry about pulling out.
[Avatar] NRP: Good... I'm not crazy then. Unlike some others... *glances at DB*
* Snipe grins
[Ripple] NRP: *whistles innocently* And that was a perfect setup too.
[Diamondback] NRP: ...You don't know how true that statement was...
* Spirit finishes her shift on the bridge and heads to the civy sector
* Garland walks back a few minutes later.
[Avatar] NRP: Is it just me or is Snipe is in the assembly hall?
[Garland] ....They'll help.
[Garland] Both the Ninalue and Jiakare.
[Snipe] Leaders: When willl you attack...the five?
[Avatar] NRP: Wow. Quick decision, eh?
* Snipe steps forward
[Snipe] We'll attack tomorrow.
[Ripple] And we WILL win.
[Snipe] ....or die trying.
[Diamondback] We do not have a choice.
[Ripple] .oO{I hope}
[Garland] My group will be here in 2 hours, they're gathering all the Royal Gaurd. And the Imperial Army. I WON'T LET MY FRIENDS DIE ANY LONGER!
[Snipe] Sigma: *shakesh ead*
[Snipe] Sigma: Brave words...but lets see you back it up
[Snipe] Session Ends