...Hunters no more?

Session 45: Pieces of the Puzzle

[Red] Time Chart: 1 day later..
[Red] Location: Red Beard
* Red slides around on the floor on his board, looking for the bombs
* Orlonre stands there, scraping his chin with his knife
* Riptide is helping Red look around
[Red] ...Mindscape....you picking up ANYTHING?
[Mindscape] [I can vagually sense some explosives...]
* Red skids around
[Red] ...vagually isn't helping me...
*** Sirus (Avalon@sdn-ar-001nctarbP099.dialsprint.net) has joined #taw
* Mindscape tries to preciously locate them
[Riptide] NRP: *eats at the computer* NAAAR!
[Red] NRP: Still the victor!
*** Spirit is now known as Phantasma
[Red] NRP: Remember, we're one big happy family...sorta...'cept for Rip...he's an ant...step on him
* Orlonre passivly looks around
[Phantasma] NRP: Can I still pop in?
[Red] ....alright, *rubs forehead* We're not finding anything
[Riptide] NRP: *waves antennae around*
[Orlonre] NRP: *SMASH*
[Red] NRP: Argh!
[Red] NRP: Er, Aye!
[Sirus] NRP: you want me to just jump in?
[Red] NRP: AYe, we're on our mother ship...that's where you guys were last session
* Red sits up
[Red] We're not going to find those explosives unless we take this ship apart.
[Mindscape] [So, what would you suggest then?]
[Riptide] [Then how'd they get 'em in?]
[Orlonre] So tell me, 'mates, what type explosives' am'I lookin for 'ere?
[Red] .....*sighs at Orlonre's accent*
[Riptide] [You know, the usual explosive kind of explosives, usually known as "bombs..."]
[Sirus] What do you want me to do sir?
[Phantasma] Bombs... Fun.
* Orlonre looks at Red and tries not to crack up
[Red] ...yeah, you pirate..
* Red sits down in his Captain's chair
[Red] We're probably going to have to snatch the controls to the bombs from Lord Talon, somehow.
[Mindscape] [The ones that are set to destroy our ship should we not do as this Lord Talon will set off unless we do what he wants...]
* Orlonre cracks his knuckles
[Riptide] [That's why the thieves like yours truly are along for the ride, Red.]
[Red] ...Mind, that made aboslutely no sense.
[Sirus] Does he really need us alive to do this job? I mean will he really kill us?
[Red] ...good question, Sirus.  One I'm wondering.
[Red] Once we're dead, we're no use to him...plus we know he's behind the attacks on the Tsvi.
[Sirus] It may be an empty threat
[Mindscape] [It would be benificial for him to kill us once we perform the duties he wishes for us to do...]
[Red] No, Sirus, this guy is backing up his threat.
[Orlonre] I'm quite in the'daark 'beout these things.
[Sirus] Yes
[Riptide] [His duties are out of his hair, and so are we... I'm with Mind on this one.]
[Red] That's what you get for taping your shows instead of coming out on a job.
[Red] NRP: Yo, Sirus, query
[Sirus] NRP: what?
[Red] NRP: *points at it*  See, Red, trying to talk to you?
* Orlonre smugly straitens his ponty tail and adjusts his hat
[Mindscape] [Sorry, sir... But, I can't locate the bombs psionically. Perhaps, they are psionically shielded as well as sensor shielded.]
[Sirus] NRP: i dunno how to do the red stuff
[Orlonre] I'resent 'dat.
[Red] ...*takes the controls, since Az is downstairs with Gazer* Lets head to the station Omega to resupply.
[Red] NRP: ...... GAHH, head to #tcthqtrain
[Riptide] NRP: ...?
[Red] NRP: Sirus....since he can't use query..
[Riptide] NRP: Oh yeah, Av. He's on a mac. No query for him.
[Riptide] NRP: Ok, THAT froze.
[Red] NRP: hm?
* Red leans back in his chair, scanning for the bombs
* Mindscape continues scanning for the bombs, using the computer to help
[Riptide] NRP: *counts the full minute that nothing happened* Worse waiting than a Neon Genesis Evangelion episode.
[Sirus] Where would the bombs be most damaging?
[Mindscape] NRP: Just let me know if I find anythign, GM...
* Orlonre sneeses, stomping his foot
* Riptide can't think of anything else to do, so he backs up Mindscape's scan
[Red] ......anywhere they can puncture the hull.
[Sirus] Thats to broad
[Red] ....so sue me, Sirus.  You know how I am.
[Riptide] [Broad, but a good answer.]
[Phantasma] Or any critical systems.  They make prime targets.
[Sirus] I mean to broad to give me any ideas
[Red] .....it'll have to be critical enough to kills us easily.
[Mindscape] [No... kidding... It could take hours to thoroughly comb the ship psionically and using the sensors and there's no guarteen anythign will be found if the masking systems on the bombs are good enough.]
* Riptide shrugs and continues scanning
[Red] .....Save your energy.  We're not going to find them.
[Phantasma] The engines are always fun.  You get since nice big booms with them.
[Orlonre] Try t' think 'bout 'hich places dat'd be.
[Orlonre] NRP: BRB
[Sirus] Im new to this outfit.  What does this ship run on?
[Riptide] *all but Orlonre* [Teach that guy English. Yeesh.]
[Red] ....Riiiip, Orlonre's a good friend of mine
* Red glances at Sirus
[Red] You've been on here for 2 months.  You should know by now
[Riptide] *to Red* [Maybe so, but that accent's pretty annoying.]
[Sirus] NRP:That was new information to me 
[Red] NRP: HAH, well, got it!
*** Mindscape was kicked by Red (Red)
[Red] NRP: *Waits for the real Mind to come back*
*** Avatar (Avatar@p4-19.reno.powernet.net) has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Avatar
[Orlonre] NRP: living impaired he is!
[Avatar] NRP: *kicks ISP*
*** Avatar is now known as Mindscape
[Red] .....*the systems shut down and exit them from hyperspace into a heavy traffic lane to a nearby station*
[Riptide] [Can't escape traffic ANYWHERE...]
[Red] ...Mindscape, open a link to them.
* Orlonre yawns
* Mindscape opens a comm. link to the station
* Red pilots the huge ship, old as it may be, toward the station
[Red] ....Alright, someone get to the weapons, but keep them deactivated
[Orlonre] NRP: actually it's a thick Austrailian accent. With a tad o' the bayou.
* Mindscape over comm, 1"This is the Red Beard, requesting refueling."
* Phantasma heads to the gunnery controls
* Riptide crosses his arms, not taking the weapons because he knows no one would trust him with them
[Red] ...and some supplies, Mind
* Phantasma rubs his hands together in expectation.
[Mindscape] *in comm.* We also wish to procure some supplies.
[Red] ..'procure'?
[Sirus] obtain
[Orlonre] ...big'words.
[Red] Comm: Gotcha' Red Beard'a.  Dockinga' bay' 3'a
[Riptide] [Doesn't "procure" mean steal?] *shrugs*
[Red] Comm: You'a gota'a 1 hour'a
[Mindscape] [Depends on the context...]
[Mindscape] *comm.* Understood. Thank you. Red Beard out. *cuts link*
[Riptide] [Weird accents abound...]
* Red pilots the big ship along the traffic lane toward the station
* Orlonre looks at Riptide
[Red] ...the Geekaoids run this place.  So, it would.
[Orlonre] Accen't? What accent?
[Riptide] [Good point.]
[Red] ...er, the nickname for the Shia'ra
* Red docks with the hanger, the ship hanging out a good 100 meters from the station
[Red] Alright, we're docked.
[Red] ....Sirus - Orlonre, get us some fuel and supplies.
* Red shuts down some of the systems
[Mindscape] [And the rest of us?]
[Red] We'll wait for them.
[Sirus] Going
[Orlonre] Rightp
[Orlonre] NRP: righto
[Phantasma] Bor-ring *pollishes the barrel of his cannon*
* Sirus and Orlone exit
[Red] ....Phantasma....the last time you got bored, we all ended up in jail./
[Mindscape] [Undestood...] *writes up some remote algorithms in the computer that will automatical scan the ship for bombs on multiple frequences*
* Riptide paces back and forth, slashing at the air with his daggers
* Phantasma shrugs.
[Red] GM: *Sirus and Or arrive in a nearby hallway; supplies down to the right*
[Phantasma] I'll... go look for those bombs...
* Red glances out the viewport and notices a beat up Tsvi. shuttle
[Orlonre] Shall 'we?
[Sirus] I have alrady left.  Are you coming?
* Phantasma heads down to the engineering section to look for bombs.
* Riptide glances out by Red
* Red watches Phantasma go, hoping Gazer and Az are still down there
[Orlonre] NRP: I just said that to you.
[Red] ...now where did that shuttle come from....
[Riptide] [Hrm. What do think they're doing here?]
[Orlonre] NRP: I'm standing next to you talkign about the supplies......
[Mindscape] [Hmm?] *looks up from the screen, a mess of numbers and coding
[Sirus] NRP: anyway  you lead
[Red] ...looks like they seen some fighting....pretty beat up, I'd say they were getting resupplied
[Mindscape] [Want me to scan it...?]
* Orlonre goes right
[Red] Go for it, Mind
* Sirus goes right behing Orlone
*** BioHazard (Mightymito@sktnsk01d051701101.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o BioHazard
* Mindscape runs a scan on the Tsivrixsh shuttle on a low frequency to avoid having the scan be detected
[Red] Scan: Blocked.
* Orlonre heads up to the supplies
[BioHazard] NRP: no chance of me getting in?
[Red] NRP: We're on the main ship, so, you'd be around
* Riptide looks back at hearing footsteps
[Riptide] [Hey, Bio.]
* BioHazard appears behind Rip
[Orlonre] 'eel Lets get thes'things up there.
[Red] GM: *guards* Halt!  We want to see the credits before you get in
* Phantasma looks around the engine room for bombs... other than his own.
[BioHazard] G'day.
[Mindscape] [Scans are blocked... I could try to cut through them, but that'd be pretty overt...]
[Riptide] [Check this out... There's a crippled Tsivrixsh shuttle out there.]
[Sirus] yes      and  some of that     and some fuel
[Red] ....can you tell what type of block it is, Mind?
* Orlonre grabs a few cases of fuel
[Red] Guards: *looks at Sirus* Are you MAD?!  DROP IT!  *hits Orlonre*
[BioHazard] You try changing frequencies on the scanner?
[Sirus] Whats wrong?
[Red] Guards: PAY first!  
[Sirus] yessir
[Red] ...Mind's scanning.
[Mindscape] [One moment...] *keyboard types from his telekinesis* [No... Not with attempting to break through more of the block.]
* Sirus hands over the credits
* BioHazard shrugs
[Red] Guards: Very ... well, move on
[Orlonre] Oh!
* Sirus hurries along 
* Orlonre holds his head
[Red] ....*keeps watching the shuttle, right as the alarms go off on the station*
[Mindscape] [Of course, if you don't mind the station or the shuttle itself detecting our scans, then it'd be easier to break through....]
[Mindscape] [Eh...?!]
[Red] ....what is?
[Orlonre] We' woulda paid, *growls* some places just don't beleive'n check'out lines...
[Riptide] [...Leave it to those two.]
* BioHazard watches
[Red] Station Comm: We're under attack by a group of pirates
[Red] Station: All buyers and sellers, return to your ships, immediately!
[Sirus] They suspect us as thieves.  We are aren't we?
[Riptide] [We've been busted... Let's get this baby outta here...]
[Red] No- no, not US
[BioHazard] Possibly... but then again, we may be just merchants
* Red points out the window at ships jumping in
* BioHazard glares at Sirus
[BioHazard] Get it?]
* Mindscape runs scans on the ships outside
[Red] NRP: Sirus isn't here, Bio
[Orlonre] You'eard the comm, back to'd ship.
[Red] Comm: Orlonre, we NEEd the supplies!
[BioHazard] NRP: well SOOooooorrryyyy for not being informed as to what the hells going on
* Red the ships open fire on the station
[Sirus] NRP: what?  you know i dont have a bio
* Mindscape checks the defenses of the station itself as well
* Sirus hurries into the ship
[Red] NRP: *looks at Sirus*
* Phantasma comes running up from the engine room
[BioHazard] NRP: permission to whack.
[Riptide] NRP: None of us do, Sirus.
[Orlonre] Bah.
* Red the Tsvi shuttle breaks free, sparks shooting off the docking mechanism
* Orlonre walks back pays up the creds and gets the supplies
*** Seraphna` (dobahold@209-130-142-132.nas3.MON.gblx.net) has joined #TAW
[Red] NRP: Session, shhh
[BioHazard] Dude, we got a breakout
[Riptide] [Ooh, that doesn't look good...]
[Phantasma] Hey!  Who started the party without me?!
[Mindscape] [This station is rather poorly prepared to defend an attack like this...]
[BioHazard] Think I could hit em from here?
* Orlonre grabs them AFTER paying and hurries back
[Riptide] [Doubt it...]
* Red watches the shuttle fire a missle at the pirates and take off, leaping into hyperspace
[Red] Not with us hooked to the station
[BioHazard] Say again? *points at the missile8
[Red] ....the aliens fired that
[BioHazard] Still gotta pick it off.
[Mindscape] [And hyperspaced out? Odd...]
* Red watches it hit the pirates
[BioHazard] Unless you happen to like being blown to pieces. *Stands ground as ship shakes*\
* Orlonre starts wheeling every thing onto the ship
[Red] ...okay, so they, punched an opening for us...undock us!
* Orlonre hops on and closes the ramp
[Mindscape] NRP: Who's flying?
* Red grabs the controls and begins to cycle on the systems when a comm. message comes in
[Red] NRP: I!
[BioHazard] NRP: Squirrel!
[Sirus] Didn't mean to leave you.  I got paniced.
* Mindscape grabs the comm. to see who it is
*** Phantasma has quit IRC (BRB!)
[Orlonre] 'ferget 'bout it.
[Red] Unknown: AHhh, the Red Beards!!!  IT will be an honor to kill you in this raid
[Riptide] [...Somebody hates us.]
[Red] ....are we undocked?
[Sirus] Is that a suprise?
[Mindscape] *in Comm.* Who are you? Identify yourselevs!
[BioHazard] Shut up stuipd Comm ididot
[Riptide] [None whatsoever.]
[Red] Comm: You'll know, soonenough.
*** Phantasma (Avalon@CDR6-104.accesscable.net) has joined #taw
[Riptide] [...Now THAT was informative.]
* Mindscape attempts to remotely hack the pirates systems using the comm. channel as a mode of transfer
[Red] Hell with it  *Breaks free of the docking, blowing out systems*
[Orlonre] 'taint this jus'dandy?
* Red the comm. ends
[Riptide] [That was brilliant, o fearful... uh, fearless leader...]
[Mindscape] NRP: And I didn't get in their systems to do anything?
[Red] YOU didn't free us, did you?
[Red] NRP: Aye.
[Riptide] [I don't know how to undock these things!]
[Sirus] Now they will pursue.
* Red jerks the ship away from the docking as the pirates pursue
[Red] Have any IDEAS then?
[BioHazard] .... *sits down at a weapons console
[BioHazard] Blow em out of space.
[Red] ...too many.
[Riptide] [Uh... Um.. Uh... Nope...]
[Red] This ship wasn't designed for a battle this big
[BioHazard] ... Run like hell?
[Mindscape] [If I could get a chance to hack their systems, I might be able to force them to lower their shields...]
[Sirus] Lose them
* Red points at the traffic line, which is scattering
* Riptide starts muttering, "We're dead, we're dead, we're dead..."
[Mindscape] [Even then, though, we'd still be at a disadvantage...]
[Red] We'll head into there
[Orlonre] I got'one, what run'like a wallaby on fire!
* Red flies through two huge ships
* Phantasma is itching to get at the controls.
[Mindscape] NRP: We have a cloaking device?
[BioHazard] Hey Red you still have my vial?
* Red flies along the ships
[BioHazard] NRP: I have a personell cloaking field..
[Red] Sure do
[Sirus] We can't mess with any established forces.
[Red] NRP: Aye...it's broken
[BioHazard] Good, you may need it.
* Red watches the pirates open fire on the traffic lanes
* Mindscape works to hide the ship from the pirate's sensors
[Red] ...man, they're ruthless, like the Cutthroats
[BioHazard] We have any missiles free Red?
[Red] ..'fact, I think they ARE Cutthroats
[Red] ....2.
[Riptide] [AAAAH! Damn it, the competetion wants us dead...]
[Red] Ask Gazer to warm them up
* BioHazard disappears to go get one
* Red flies along.
[Mindscape] [Hyperspace out?]
[Red] ....*Tries to enter the hyper cordnets* Working on it!
* BioHazard infects one with a virus that is transmitted via computer uplinks
[Orlonre] ....we'got any ruumors goin'round'bout us?
[BioHazard] Mind, get the hell outta their comp.
* BioHazard arms it and loads into missile bay
[Red] ....Orlonre, except for the rumor and that Egi princess, all is hard, cold fact.  Who needs rumors?
* BioHazard appears on bridge again
[BioHazard] Missile loaded with my special payload Red.
[Red] ...fire when you get a clear shot
[Red] ...which is...now
[BioHazard] NRP: Uh oh... its time for the talk. Someone cover for me.
* Red finishes the cordnets and cycles to see if it's safe.
*** BioHazard has quit IRC (NRP: Im so dead....)
[Mindscape] [Don't worry, Bio, I'm out.] *delayed responce*
[Orlonre] 'ell I was thinkin, we could bluff ar' way out, but'naw.
* Red watches the explosion hit Bio
[Red] We're HIT1
[Red] ...check his stats, see if he's alive.
[Riptide] [Great great great! We are SOOOO dead...]
[Red] RIP!
* Red hits the hyperspace button and leaps them out
[Riptide] [Um, er... right on it, I mean...]
* Red the ship rattles from the damage
* Riptide psionically checks Bio, checking vital signs
* Mindscape activates repair systems for the damage areas of the ship
[Red] I think we might have a hull breach somewhere....
* Mindscape scans for the breach
* Red grabs the comm and talks to Gazer
[Red] Don't worry, Mind, Gazer's on it.
[Mindscape] [Understood.]
[Riptide] NRP: Ok, give me some scan results...
[Red] NRP: he'll live
* Orlonre braces himself, not educated in these things
[Red] ....okay, we're heading to the system with our mission target, so, hold on
[Riptide] [He'll live. Needs only slight medical attention.]
[Red] Sirus - Orlonre, we have those supplies?
[Sirus] Did you get them?
[Mindscape] [We're substained damage, though. Lord Talon put no time limit for us to preform these tasks, that I know of. So, why risk it now?[]
[Orlonre] Yeah, I'jus' got done wheelin'em on!
[Red] Because, Lord Talon might blow us if we take too long.  Want to risk it:?
[Red] Okay, Orlonre - you go off and refuel the ship
[Mindscape] [Point...]
[Orlonre] Gya!?
[Red] ...Gazer'll help
* Mindscape works on increasing the accuracy of the sensors on the ship, 1[...Well, at the very least those failed scans showed me a few bad algorithms and sub-accurate modules in the scanning program...]
* Riptide paces quickly in a small circle, mumbling unintelligible comments
[Red] ......but you updated the program a month ago, Mind
* Orlonre heads down there
[Sirus] I have proven myself bad at that task i take it.
[Red] You're new, Sirus, like rip there, I don't want you near the vitals yet.
[Mindscape] [It's never a bad idea to push the systems to their maximum potential though, Red. Unless, my attention is needed somewhere else now, of course...]
* Riptide keeps pacing, seeming to prove Red's point
[Red] ...not right now.
* Orlonre talks with gazer and suits up
* Red watches Bio get wheeled off
* Red exits hyperspace for Orlonre
[Mindscape] *shrugs* [Better than being idle...]
[Red] Alright, we'll wait here for the next few hours....then head for another hour journey to our target and check it out.  I want to investage the station before I attack it.
* Mindscape finishes tinkering with the scanning systems and goes back to work on the bomb-sensor-program
* Orlonre goes up to the airlock, the fuel tide on a lifeline to him
* Phantasma checks the fuses on his bombs for something to do.
[Mindscape] [Want me to write any special programs up for the mission, Red?]
[Orlonre] 'We'eady?
[Red] comm: Go for it, Orlon
* Red turns to Mind
[Red] Not right now.  It'll be preferred if you showed Sirus the ropes.
[Red] Take Rip with you, if he can stop wearing the floor out.
* Orlonre heads out the air lock and to the fuel port
[Mindscape] [Understood.]
* Riptide keeps pacing, muttering something about the Red Beards and death
[Sirus] I guess im with you then.
* Riptide glances up from looking at the floor
* Orlonre pulls over to the fuel port and siphons the fuel into the tank
[Riptide] *quickly* [Anythingtotakemymindoffwhat'sgoingon,sir.]
[Mindscape] [Follow me, Sirus... We'll start with the basics...] *heads to the engine room*
* Red evaluates Rip in his mind
* Sirus follows behind
* Orlonre finishes up and comes back in
[Riptide] [Heywaitup!] *jogs after Mind and Sirus*
[Sirus] I still want to knwo what runs this ship.
[Orlonre] COMM: A'ready!
[Red] ....kid's not cut out for this business.
[Mindscape] [That would be Red. Hence the name "Red Beard."]
[Red] Comm: Alright, Orlonre....that was quicker than I thought...
* Red enters hyperspace again
[Red] ..next stop....doom?

[Admiral_Drake] Time Chart: Same Day
[Admiral_Drake] Location: Fury
* Admiral_Drake looks out at the remains of the Foreigner Inc. HQ
* Sharlena is sitting in Garland's old seat, looking a little sad
[Admiral_Drake] We've been here on two weeks now and ransacked it for all it's worth.  Now where do we go?
[Slasher] Comp. where is Index?
[Admiral_Drake] Computer: In his room, doing God knows what.
[Paladin`] We need to lay low someplace.  We can't take on the Tsivs in our condition
[Slasher] Oh really? *opens the comm station for Index's room and relays it to the whole ship
* Admiral_Drake flips it off
[Admiral_Drake] ..Slasher.
* Slasher flips it back on
[Slasher] OH let me have my fun
[Admiral_Drake] That's my last wish, Pal.  But with Grave walking around like he's in charge, and Ariel wanting revenge, it's kind of hard to do that?
[Admiral_Drake] ...shouldn't you be in mourning?
* Sharlena flips on the nav console remotely from the Strategist [Garland's] seat
[Paladin`] For who?
[Slasher] I'm trying to keep my mind off Dias right now
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: WHOOO!
[Sharlena] ....There's only one place for me to go.... *nearly breaks down crying*
[Slasher] And what about this morning?
* Admiral_Drake glances at Sharlena
[Admiral_Drake] ...what's that?
* Slasher looks at it
[Slasher] Oh it's a smudge
[Sharlena] Parnel... It's where Dad and me are from.
* Admiral_Drake flips Slasher off
[Slasher] Hey? *grabs the middle finger and twists it*
[Admiral_Drake] ....but you can't go back to Parnel.  The Fury is certainly not goi---GAAAAAAAAD DAMMIT!
* Admiral_Drake flips Slasher on his back
* Slasher let's go
* Sharlena turns slowly in her seat to look at Drake
* Slasher rolls back and leaps up
[Slasher] I thought the planet's name was Sarnel?
[Sharlena] Are the comm systems still online?
[Admiral_Drake] Paladin?  Can't you do something about Slasher?
[Paladin`] . . . an Admiral resorting to petty insults and an experienced soldier assualting a superior officer . . .
[Slasher] Why thank you for the compliment Pal
[Paladin`] Well, he's already been neutered . . .
[Admiral_Drake] ....sure, Shar
[Admiral_Drake] Hack at it
[Admiral_Drake] ...Paladin, can you run a scan on the area?
[Slasher] Nope, I'm full of juice and ready to reproduce Pal
[Sharlena] I could call Mom... it's going to break her heart though... *looks down, not knowing how to work the systems*
* Sharlena looks at Slasher
* Slasher looks back
[Paladin`] Yea, I probably could.  Don't you have a crew to do that, however?
[Sharlena] Aren't you the least bit phazed that my dad is DEAD?
[Admiral_Drake] ....well, most quit
[Slasher] No not really. 
[Admiral_Drake] And we lost another ship the other day.
[Paladin`] Great
* Paladin` sits and begins the scan
* Sharlena runs at slasher and literally slams him into the wall
[Slasher] Aren't you a little phased by my Sons dea..GAH!
[Admiral_Drake] ....Hey, Paladin, should we break up the nurse kicking the soldier's ass?
[Slasher] Where's Cheryl when ya need ner?
[Admiral_Drake] ...with Index?
* Admiral_Drake turns and glances at Paladni
* Slasher shudders
[Admiral_Drake] Picking up anything?
[Paladin`] Nah, he's a big ass.  A little damage won't do much
[Slasher] That dork?
* Sharlena punches him in the gut, extremely surprizing in that Sharlena's AP's never reached over 100.
* Slasher is caught off guard and keels over
* Sharlena looks at Drake
* Admiral_Drake looks at shar
[Paladin`] Yep, I am picking up something
[Sharlena] Uh... Mr. Drake?
* Slasher straightens up
[Admiral_Drake] Oh, proceed
[Slasher] Thanks I uhh need that
[Admiral_Drake] ...*flips head around* What?!
[Sharlena] I don't know how to use the Comm systems......
[Slasher] Don't look at me to teach her
[Slasher] The only other person who kicked my ass like that was Cheryl
* Paladin` whistles a little
* Sharlena looks at Slasher with a vengence
* Slasher looks back
[Paladin`] Anybody care as to what I'm picking up?   Impending doom worry anybody?
[Admiral_Drake] ....cool it you two
[Slasher] But she started it!
[Admiral_Drake] ....well, at least tell ME
* Sharlena yells at slasher
* Slasher yells out nonsense words
[Paladin`] It's Just a little QUEEN battle ship.  Tsivrixsh, of course.
[Sharlena] But your not even saddend about dad!
[Admiral_Drake] .....what?!
[Slasher] Sure that's not syrup?
[Admiral_Drake] Quite.  I cleaned the screen
* Admiral_Drake turns to Paladin
[Slasher] Whatever
[Admiral_Drake] What's it's course?
[Paladin`] Let's see
[Paladin`] What's large, floating in space, and makes a tempting target?
[Slasher] Your mom?
* Sharlena throws slasher into the wall effortlessly [seems to run in the family when they're mad, huh?] and walks over to drake, listening
[Admiral_Drake] ........us
[Slasher] Gah!
[Paladin`] Slasher, stop trying to bang my mom, already.
[Slasher] You sure it ain't his mom?
[Slasher] Ain't she on Earth?
* Admiral_Drake slams fist on the desk
[Admiral_Drake] KNOCK IT OFF!
* Admiral_Drake grabs comm
[Slasher] Very very Carefully
[Admiral_Drake] All hands to your station, we are under red alert.
[Paladin`] The question is how anybody put up with him
[Slasher] Again very very carefully
[Admiral_Drake] Repeat, we're under red alert.
[Slasher] We are?
[Admiral_Drake] Paladin, plot the nearest course out of here...the sytem is of your choice
[Paladin`] I'll take the reproductive system . . .
[Admiral_Drake] ...huh?
* Slasher looks at Pal
[Slasher] What the hell?
[Slasher] My god where in red alert and he's talking about his genitalia
* Sharlena closes her eyes, trying not to scream for her dad, knowing he's gone.
* Paladin` turns the ship in a tangent to the Tsiv's course and heads to the Kalpath system
* Admiral_Drake the ship can be seen in the distance
[Admiral_Drake] Comm Station: *Buzzes*
[Slasher] Why's that thing buzzing?
[Admiral_Drake] ...someone's calling us, perhaps?
[Slasher] My god, is index using a?
* Slasher shudders
[Admiral_Drake] ....get your mind out of the gutter and go answer it
* Sharlena walks over and acknowledges it
[Sharlena] COMM: H...Hello?
[Slasher] Alright Admiral!
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~y.  Surr~~~~~~  *a female's voice can be heard*
* Slasher grabs the comm
[Slasher] Comm: Ya mind repeating that?
* Sharlena keeps hold of it
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: ~~~~~~~~~
* Admiral_Drake watches the two fight for the comm
[Slasher] Comm: Do you want fries with that?
[Paladin`] . . .
[Sharlena] Y-yes, please, your cracking up, is that the right term?
[Admiral_Drake] ...Paladin...I would pay you well to become my body guard and we just vanish one night......
[Slasher] If your a normal person
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: The hell?! ~~~~~~~~~  is war!
[Paladin`] Sorry, I know better than to get in a room alone with you.
[Slasher] Comm: You mind repeating that?
[Admiral_Drake] ....how much longer until we can hyper?
[Paladin`] Uh, I think somebody just declared war on us
[Slasher] How should i know?
[Slasher] Comm: Are you the people called the ~~~~~~~
[Admiral_Drake] ...declared war...and they're our enemy...weren't we already at war?
* Admiral_Drake the ship opens fire
[Slasher] Comm: HEY Watch WERE YOU FIRING~
[Sharlena] *smacks Slasher* COMM: HEY! Don't shoot at us! Thats not nice!
[Slasher] Ouch, not so rough
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: ..... *listens to the two*
[Slasher] Pal go take weaopns station
[Paladin`] Ok, let's see, who gives the orders around here . . . that's right, not you
[Slasher] Comm: Hey you mind talking this out first before firing again?
[Sharlena] COMM: So, can you tell me why you shot at us?
[Slasher] Well you ain't any higher in ranks than me.
[Sharlena] Slasher! I'm on the Phone!
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: Bunch of idiots...how did they beat.....Xevil?
[Slasher] Sorry Sharl
[Slasher] Comm: With ease?
* Sharlena smacks him
[Paladin`] Yes, because you're not a part of this unit
* Slasher grabs the weapons station
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: *woman humphs* 
[Slasher] OUCH!
[Paladin`] So you're roughly civilian
[Slasher] NRP: Hump eh?
[Sharlena] COMM: We didn't Daddy and his friends did!
[Slasher] Oh go get laid
* Admiral_Drake the ship opens fire again
[Paladin`] Hey, what's a civilian doing in a militarized area?  Shouldn't he be confined elsewhere?
* Slasher charges up all the weapons
[Admiral_Drake] ...you're right, Paladin...want to remove him?
* Paladin` hits the hyperspace
[Sharlena] COMM: Stoooop!!! Can't we just be friends?
[Admiral_Drake] He keeps eating over the viewscreen
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: *statics in Sharl's ears*
[Slasher] Touch me and you'll be wearing your head as a hat
[Admiral_Drake] ...your head as hat?
* Slasher fires all weapons at the ships engines
* Admiral_Drake watches him fire in hyperspace and chain reaction goes off
[Paladin`] Uh, firing weapons into hyperspace is bad . . .
[Admiral_Drake] OMIGOD, HE's GOING TO KILL US!!!
[Slasher] Whoops?
[Slasher] Well leave hyperspace then idiot
* Admiral_Drake the guns explode, rocking the Fury
* Admiral_Drake the lights flicker
[Sharlena] COMM: You don't need to shoot anymore, some one on here's going to kill us.
[Slasher] Bah!
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: *statics in Sharl's ears*
[Admiral_Drake] ...Slasher, you just neutralised our ONLY weapons!
* Sharlena takes off the headphones
[Slasher] So I'll repair them
[Sharlena] Well they were rude!
[Admiral_Drake] ....you don't have the manpower, nor the BRAINpower for that fact, to fix them!
[Paladin`] . . . who?  Hyperspace?
[Slasher] And how was I supposed to know we entered hyperspace
[Paladin`] We've left the Queen ship behind . . .
* Admiral_Drake grabs the comm and calls in MPs
[Paladin`] Looking out that huge window?
[Slasher] I made a dummy of Paladin w/ some chickenwire and some rubber
[Paladin`] The flashing light that says hyperspace?
* Sharlena looks at drake
[Slasher] Where?
[Sharlena] They hung up on me!
* Slasher looks for it
[Paladin`] The one on your panel . . . right there
* Admiral_Drake MPs grab Slasher as he is looking
* Slasher looks for it
[Slasher] What color is it?
* Admiral_Drake points it out to Slasher
* Slasher phaes and they go through him
[Slasher] It's not blinking
[Slasher] What color is it?
[Admiral_Drake] .....*glances at Paladin* He's not getting arrested.
[Slasher] NRP: Just say a color
* Admiral_Drake MPs throw up an anti-phasing field
* Admiral_Drake they snatch slasher
[Sharlena] NRP: technically if you phase in hyperspace, the ship should fly away and leave you there.
[Slasher] NRP: BAH
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Ooooo, I like that idea...Slasher, bye!
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: *flies off*
[Admiral_Drake] ...MPs, take him down to the brig
[Slasher] Oh hey, I know why I can't see it.  I'm color blind to that color
[Sharlena] NRP: in fact, if you use it at all, you'd fall to the center of whatever planet your on.
[Paladin`] . . . it's black.  You can't see black?
[Slasher] NRP: AHEM! 
[Slasher] No
[Admiral_Drake] So he can't blow up any more 100 million dollar cannons
[Slasher] And why would anything flash black?
[Admiral_Drake] MPs: Yes SIR!  *Walks off with Slasher*
[Slasher] Here take my holocard it's got that much money left on it *tosses it to him*
[Sharlena] Bye Bye Slasher!
[Slasher] Bye bye Sharlena
[Admiral_Drake] Bye bye traitor!
[Slasher] Traitor? Bah!
* Sharlena walks over to Drake
[Slasher] IT's your fault you had the color blink black
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *Walks in* Yes!! That's it!!! HE SABOTAGED THE SHIPS!!! 
* Slasher breaks free of the guards nad kicks Index square in the balls
[Admiral_Drake] ....You, know, Index, that makes sense!!!! He's been here to undermine us!!!
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *is a reploid and isn't phased*
[Slasher] Why would I sabotage this ship
* Admiral_Drake all the MPs jump Slasher
[Paladin`] . . . you're a prepubescent jerk?
* Slasher throws them off
[Admiral_Drake] ....we'll find that out..in the interogations!
[Slasher] Yeah, let's do it right now!
[Admiral_Drake] MPs: *zap Slasher in the kidney, knocking him out*
[Slasher] A lil court
[Slasher] GAh...
[Admiral_Drake] ...court will stand tomorrow...
* Admiral_Drake watches them drag Slasher off
[Sharlena] Hi Mr. Index!
* Slasher turns around flicks them off and drops to the ground
[Admiral_Drake] Index: Hello, Sharl
[Paladin`] Hey, stop for a sec!
[Admiral_Drake] MPs: *Stops*
[Slasher] NRP: That mps that is
[Admiral_Drake] ...what is it, Pal?
[Paladin`] You should probably take his weapons . . .
[Admiral_Drake] Index: Why did you stop the traitor from being dragged off?
[Slasher] NRP: Oh yeah, like I'm gonna try to kill my own people
[Paladin`] And shave his head so he can't hide anything in his hair
[Admiral_Drake] MPs: *blush and remove all weapons from Slasher and put a restraint collar around him so he can't do any of his internal weapons*  Yes, sir!  *salutes Paladin*
[Sharlena] NRP: you mean it's not a wig!?
[Paladin`] And make sure you do a full body cavity search
[Admiral_Drake] ....uh, Pal....aren't you over reacting?
[Slasher] NRP: Revenge is a dish best served cold
[Admiral_Drake] This IS Slasher...
[Admiral_Drake] MPs: YES, SIR!
[Paladin`] Yes, yes I know.
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *Grins coldly*
* Sharlena looks oddly at index
[Paladin`] The man will shove anything up his own ass . . .
[Admiral_Drake] MPs: Search his ass, sir?
[Slasher] NRP: HAR HAR HAR!
[Paladin`] Cavity search man, what do you think I mean?!
[Admiral_Drake] MPs: Right, sir!  *drags him off*
* Sharlena tilts her head to Index
* Admiral_Drake glances at Paladin
[Admiral_Drake] So, you think he's guilty?
[Admiral_Drake] Index: Damned positive
[Paladin`] Oh no, of course not
* Sharlena stares at Index
[Paladin`] But it might teach him a lesson about military behavior
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: *Hits the floor laughing*
[Admiral_Drake] Well, trail stands for tomorrow...I want everyone there to play jury.
[Slasher] NRP: *opens up a pit beneath Admiral and he falls into the acid
* Sharlena shrugs it off and TRIES to comm Parnel
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: *statics*
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *Walks off*
* Sharlena kicks it
[Admiral_Drake] Session Ends