...Hunters no more?

Session 46: Trials

[Admiral_Drake] Time Chart: The next day....
[Admiral_Drake] Location: Courtroom
* Admiral_Drake gathers Hunters/MPs to play Jurors
*** Diamondback is now known as Spectre
* Admiral_Drake moves Spectre, a Military Police, onto a stand
* Admiral_Drake sets up Paladin and Index next
[Admiral_Drake] Move along...come on, chip chip
[Admiral_Drake] NRP:....*snores*
[Dominator] NRP: Name.. name...
[Slasher] NRP: JudgeJudy?
*** Dominator is now known as JohnKarrde
* Admiral_Drake moves Sharlena onto the stand next
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Er, with the juriors
[Slasher] NRP: yeah..
[Paladin`] NRP: Sorry, trying to figure out where my Internet exploder file bar went
[Slasher] NRP: Later plz
* Admiral_Drake moves Karrade, another MP, beside Spectre
[Admiral_Drake] ...okay, thaaaaaat everyone?
* Spectre nods at John
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *Snores*
[Slasher] NRP: *walks in by himself cuz all the MP
[Slasher] NRP: damnt..
* JohnKarrde nods back to Spectre
[Admiral_Drake] Alright, I'll be acting as judge
* Admiral_Drake moves himself behind the judge stand
[Paladin`] NRP: I'll bet anybody 300 gil the verdict is guilty
* Paladin` taps his foot
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[Spectre] NRP: No bet, we all know it's going to be
[Admiral_Drake] You are all here to judge Slasher on the act of sabotage.
* JohnKarrde nods at Drake
* Spectre stands silently, looking like she'd rather be somewhere else
[Admiral_Drake] He has been found guilty to be a traitor to us and will be shown to have led the Tsvi around after us.
[Paladin`] . . . uh, weren't we supposed to judge that?
* Admiral_Drake nods at a MP to bring him in
[Admiral_Drake] Well, this is just a formality.
[Spectre] I don't know all of the facts, but isn't that kind of jumping to conclusions?
* Paladin` slaps his forehead
* Slasher scratches his ass while he's dragged in
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *shoves Slasher into the defendant spot* 
[JohnKarrde] Hmm
[Admiral_Drake] Please tell us what was done to Slasher AFTER he left our presense yesterday.
[Admiral_Drake] MP: Well, he was put into a cell with Bubba....then given a flea bath....with extra slippery soap as not to use as a weapon.
* Slasher rubs his bald head
[JohnKarrde] Well, lets begin. No use using too much time on a "formality"
[Admiral_Drake] MP: His hair was shaved off...and Sharlena gave him a full cavity search with the aid of X2.
* Slasher leans back in the chair yawning
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[Admiral_Drake] MP: He also dropped his soap...and Bubba helped him get it.
[Admiral_Drake] MP: That's where our details get ..... undetailed..
* Spectre winces
[Slasher] I umm...what's that word again..
* Paladin` rubs the back of his neck
[JohnKarrde] It was prudent to note he dropped his soap, but not to watch him afterwards?
[Admiral_Drake] MP: Just a few moments ago he was sprayed for ticks and neutered, at the order of Paladin, and brought here.
[Spectre] *to John* [Who WOULD watch him afterwards...]
[Slasher] I was not neutered..
* Paladin` raises his eyebrows
[Admiral_Drake] MP: That's what you think...remember nap time?
[Slasher] I warned them not to get to close and they got to close
[Slasher] I never slept
[Admiral_Drake] MP: Yes you did.  *holds up the shot he used*
[Admiral_Drake] ...er, lets get on with the trail.
[Paladin`] Uh . . . can we get on with this and discover the condition of SLasher's genetalia later?
[Admiral_Drake] Trial even.
[Slasher] Sorry, that lil shot didn't put me to sleep
[JohnKarrde] ... How is this relevant, Admiral?
[JohnKarrde] Very good...
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *pats Slasher on the head and walks off*
* JohnKarrde takes out a data pad, to take notes on
* Slasher snaps his mouth at the MP
* JohnKarrde whispers to Spectre, 1"Interesting officers we've got running 'round, eh?"
[Admiral_Drake] ........Our first indication that Slasher was a traitor was yesterday.  Paladin, could you reaccount how Slasher blew up all the weapons on the ship?
* Slasher goes back to leaning back in his chair
* Paladin` stands
[Spectre] *to John* [No kidding... Chris said a little about this guy, and... none of it was good.]
* Spectre seemed pained when she mentioned Chris
[Paladin`] Ahem, yes, well, he fired the weapons while we were in hyperspace.  Any idiot would know that firing anything while in hyperspace is a no-no.
[Slasher] Hey. Your the idiot who had the light black!
[Spectre] *to jury except Paladin* [Which is why he didn't know.]
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[Admiral_Drake] And Paladin, did he have PLENTY of time to tell we were in hyperspace?
[Slasher] Paladin didn't even give me a warning
[Paladin`] There was a light flashing on his panel and the large window which showed that we were . . .
[Slasher] The light was black!
[Admiral_Drake] And Paladin, when he fired, tell what happened.
[Paladin`] The ship was rocked by large explosions of the weapon systems . . . well, exploding.
[Admiral_Drake] ...And isn't it TRUE we are now defenseless.
[Slasher] I offered to pay for it..
[Admiral_Drake] Index: BURN HIM!
[Paladin`] Not entirely, we still do have lightly armed shuttles . . . but they won't do much against Tsiv cruisers
* Paladin` shoots Index an odd look
[Admiral_Drake] Index: He ate my lunch one day.
* Slasher jumps up starring at Index
[Slasher] Yeah and it sucked!
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *Grabs Slasher and slams him down*
[Admiral_Drake] ...ORDER IN THE COURT!
[Slasher] He started it
[Admiral_Drake] Thank you Paladin, that will be all.
* Spectre buries her face in her hand
[JohnKarrde] Index it out of line as well...
[Paladin`] However, I'd like it noted that Slasher isn't the most observant of people.  It is far more likely, at least in my opinion that he's a bumbling oaf rather than a traitor *sits*
[Slasher] Thanks Pal.
[Admiral_Drake] I will now bring into evidence of Slasher's other foul plays.
[Admiral_Drake] INFACT, Slasher in the PAST tried to blow the Hunter Station.
* Slasher looks at Drake
[Admiral_Drake] Slash however, stopped him.
[Slasher] Is that so?
[JohnKarrde] Yes, what is this proof that he's a traitor?
[Slasher] That was a clone of me
[Admiral_Drake] ....That YOU probably were behind
[Paladin`] How is that relevant in this trial, anyway?
* Spectre rolls her eyes
[Slasher] Nope..
[Spectre] *to jury* [Lame excuse...]
[Admiral_Drake] Index: BURN HIM!
[JohnKarrde] A clone? Do we have an proof of this?
[Slasher] I didn't nor do I still have the brains to do that
[Admiral_Drake] No, John, NO proof.
[Slasher] That was over 20 years ago kid
[Admiral_Drake] But the real proof lies in this
[JohnKarrde] No proof that a clone,.created by anyone, existed?
* Admiral_Drake holds out hand ..... a knife resting in it
[Slasher] What's this?
[Spectre] [And that is...?]
[Slasher] Nice knife.
[Admiral_Drake] A while back, a shuttle going to the planet ________ had it's fuel tubes cut by a strange knife.  THIS one matches it.
[Slasher] What hand is the knife made for?
[Spectre] [Your point being? That knife could belong to anyone.]
[Admiral_Drake] Either.
[JohnKarrde] How do we know that knife is the one used?
[Slasher] Just wonderin
[Admiral_Drake] ....ah, but it was found in Slasher's room...in a secret hiding place...and the documents were found that Slasher bought and paid for it
[Paladin`] The blade width matches that of the one that cut the lines
* Spectre shrugs
[Slasher] Those could've easily been planted there
[Spectre] [The point still stands that anyone could've used the knife.]
[Admiral_Drake] ....not really.  Your room was well locked.
[Admiral_Drake] The point stands, it was Slasher's.
[JohnKarrde] How do you determine what blade is used to cut what?
[Slasher] I never lock my room
[Admiral_Drake] Index: Like, John, get up to date
[Admiral_Drake] A lie.
[Slasher] Except when I'm w/ a girl but that hasn't happened in ages
[Spectre] [Did you think to fingerprint the knife, Drake?]
[Admiral_Drake] Indeed, Spectre.
[Paladin`] The knife is Slasher's, the paper trail proves it
[Paladin`] But, that's more circumstantial evidence than hard proof
[Admiral_Drake] Also, watch this
[Paladin`] How does that prove that Slasher cut the lines?
[Slasher] Anyone could've planted it
[Spectre] [And, other than yours right now, I'm assuming the only fingerprints belonged to Slasher.]
[JohnKarrde] Paladin has a point. ANy more evidence against him?
* Admiral_Drake pops a video into the video
[Admiral_Drake] you're right, Spectre
* Slasher watches
* Spectre thinks
[Admiral_Drake] These tapes were conviently lost a while back, hidden well.  We managed to recover them.  *shows Slasher slashed the fuel tubes*
* Spectre shoves away her thoughts for a minute
[Paladin`] Uh, who exactly brought the tapes to light?
[Slasher] Who found those tapes?
* JohnKarrde looks intently at the tapes
[Admiral_Drake] I did, along with Index and a few MPs
[Spectre] [And who exactly recovered these tapes?]
* Paladin` nods, but says nothing
[JohnKarrde] We're run them through the computer to check if they are legit, I assume?
[Slasher] Hey wasn't Index the one who jumped the gun and said I was the traitor off the bat?
[Admiral_Drake] ...legit.
* Spectre thinks back to the fact that she believes the Drake may be in on it, since he is currently getting his fingerprints all over the knife
[Admiral_Drake] Index: Who blew ever weapon on the ship!?
[Paladin`] Uh, no, that was the Admiral I believe
* Admiral_Drake has gloves on
[Slasher] I did and I admit it.
* Spectre notices Drake wearing the skin colored gloves and tosses her suspicion
[Slasher] I remeber Index here blaiming it on me right away
[Admiral_Drake] He admits it, because EVERYONE saw him
[Admiral_Drake] I did, Slasher.
[Admiral_Drake] Your "selective" memory needs to be dealt with.
[Slasher] Whatever..
[Paladin`] Pinning it on the accuser . . .
[Spectre] [But we all know that Slasher is pretty stupid, no offense. That could have been just his flat stupidity.]
[Slasher] So I can't remember much
[Slasher] None taken my dear
[Paladin`] Hey, if he's part cyborg, why can't we just hack his brain to find the answer?
[Admiral_Drake] But you see....Slasher was conviently gone all these years
[Slasher] Cuz my brain ain't cyborgic...
[JohnKarrde] Depends on the kind of cyborg, I think
[Admiral_Drake] WHY suddenly come back..and all these things begin to happen...right AFTER he showed up.
[JohnKarrde] NRP: See you in a half hour
*** JohnKarrde (Avatar@p6-32.reno.powernet.net) has left #taw
[Paladin`] Oh.  I was sure it had rusted . . .
[Spectre] [I think his brain would have to be cybernetic to scan it.]
[Slasher] And I suppose you wnt to know where I was?
[Admiral_Drake] Not needed
[Admiral_Drake] You have your proof!  Jury, DECIDE
[Slasher] Good, cuz it ain't none of your damned business
[Slasher] Why would I try to destroy someting that my son worked so hard to be a part of
[Admiral_Drake] Why attack your teammates 20 years ago?
[Slasher] If I find out who set me up...*glares at the jury looking*
[Paladin`] . o O {Slasher's too dumb to do anything like this . . . but the evidence is rock solid against him.  Legit video proof, the knife . . . but still . . . unless idiocy has been his cover all along . . . but all the way back to the Hunters?}
[Slasher] Was this the clone attack?
[Admiral_Drake] clone smoon.  How do we know it wasn't you and you faked your deaht?
[Slasher] Cuz the body melted if I'm correct
[Admiral_Drake] That facts on that subject are pretty thin
[Spectre] . o O {This just doesn't add up... Index is jumping to conclusions too much, and he was on the team that found the tape... I smell a setup...}
[Admiral_Drake] ...clones aren't known to melt....
[Slasher] That one did..
[Admiral_Drake] Index: o O {I need my pizza.....}
[Slasher] And I don't know about you, but it's kind of hard to sabotage a whole ship w/ only one good hand
* Spectre tells John of her suspicions telepathically. John nods, but his look tells that he doesn't agree with her completely.
[Admiral_Drake] ..oh, Slasher, you've had weeks upon weeks.  And no one would suspect you
[Paladin`] . o O {Alright, you've known Slasher way too long, he's just not capable of anything like this.  The only thing he knows if brute force.  But if he didn't do it, who did?  And how can I flush out the conspirator?}
[Slasher] Bah..
[Admiral_Drake] Index: Er, was Slasher watched 24/7?
[Paladin`] It's completely obvious he did it.  I mean, look at the evidence.  I vote guilty.
[Slasher] So what, you want me to take the damn blame?
[Spectre] *to Paladin* [You look lost in thought... You have the same suspicions that I do?]
[Admiral_Drake] ...no
[Admiral_Drake] Index: ... guilty then.  
[Paladin`] [Huh?  Suspicions, yes.  Of any specific party, no.]
[Slasher] Then drop the damned case. I blew up the weapons and that's all I've done. Get it through your thick skull
[Admiral_Drake] .....obvious lies.
[Spectre] [Wait. I'm on the side of not guilty. Slasher is just too plain stupid to do something like this. Maybe I'm wrong, but I smell a setup.]
[Paladin`] [I think that the best way to grab the party is to unanimously convict Slasher and let them get overconfident, however]
[Slasher] Lies, why would I lie. I have nothing to lose right now. I've already lost what dignity I've had left after getting X2's hand shoved up my ass
[Paladin`] [It's a damned obvious set up, at least if you know Slasher]
* Spectre thinks for a second, giving the idea that she's rethinking the evidence
* Slasher stands up and stretches out
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *slams slasher down*
[Spectre] [You know... A setup just wouldn't make sense on him. Why waste the time? I'm with Paladin on saying guilty.]
* Slasher gets up and shoves the MP back
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *tons of MPs jump Slasher*
[Admiral_Drake] ...ORDER DAMMIT!
* Slasher punches one in the gut
[Admiral_Drake] Sharlena: ....obviously guilty.
* Spectre shakes her head
[Paladin`] . o O { At least he's helping his case by . . . beating our own MPs, damned idiot }
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *Cracks a stick over slasher and a sparks shoot out, knocking him out*
* Slasher drops to the ground
[Admiral_Drake] As you can see, guilty..
[Spectre] John: That outburst proves it in my mind, he's guilty.
[Admiral_Drake] Alright, everyone is with me on this....and here is the sentence.
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *slaps Slasher awake, yet to stunned to attack*
[Slasher] Gah..
[Admiral_Drake] Slasher, you are condemned to be executed.  Your execution will be held in a few days.  Your death will be to be sucked into hyperspace were you will be ripped to shreds and killed.  *Slams down mallet* Take him away.
[Slasher] How fitting...
[Admiral_Drake] MPs: *Drag Slasher out the door*
[Paladin`] . o O {Shit, that's not much time}
[Spectre] *to jury* [Gah. So much for "no cruel or unusual punishment..." Then again, this isn't America anymore...]
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *Shrugs* You didn't real the rules?  Any traitor is to be executed./
[Admiral_Drake] You are all dismissed.
[Paladin`] [Ha, "Cruel and unusual punishment" is redundant.  Punishment is cruel and unusual, that's what makes it PUNISHMENT for Christ's sake.]
[Spectre] *to jury* [You missed my point, jackass.]
[Spectre] NRP: The jackass being Index
[Admiral_Drake] Index: ...er, and it was?
* Paladin` stands and moves to the exit
* Spectre telepathically puts a stranglehold on Index
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *retreats*
[Spectre] *to Index* [It's firm in my mind that YOU'RE the guy behind this. Tread lightly, or you won't live long enough to see Slasher's death.]
* Spectre turns, releasing Index, and walks out of the courtroom
[Admiral_Drake] Index: Me?
[Paladin`] . o O {Shit, Index is looking frightened . . . Crap, Spectre isn't giving away the bait, I hope.  Why the hell is everybody on this ship so dense?}
* Slasher sits in his cell thinking
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *looks suspicous and moves off*
* Spectre stops next to Paladin
[Spectre] [I secretly scanned his mind during that little discussion... I couldn't get anything definite, but he's definitely suspicious...]
[Paladin`] . . . you didn't give anything away, I hope.  I had planned to let him think we all thought Slasher guilty, letting him get brash and letting us get into his things easier.
* Slasher turns around and punches the wall denting it
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *glares at Slasher*
[Paladin`] Even if we do hurt Index, we still need evidence to free Slasher
* Slasher looks at the MP 1"What the hell you want?"
[Spectre] *gets nervous, but doesn't let it show* [I revealed nothing. We have a tough job ahead of us, you know that?]
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *Watches Paladin and Spectre, listening in*
[Slasher] And where's my meal!
[Admiral_Drake] MP: Bubba ate it/.
[Spectre] . o O {Idiot! Keep your temper under control at times like that!]
[Spectre] NRP: } even
[Slasher] That bastard...
[Paladin`] Yea, but if Slasher didn't do it, as you say, then why was there video proof?
* Slasher goes back to punching the wall
[Admiral_Drake] Index: o O {They know a little too much...time to push up the time tables.}
[Spectre] [Surely you realize how easy it is to fake something like that. All it takes is a film and a computer.]
* Paladin` turns to Index
[Paladin`] What the hell do you want, poindexter?
[Admiral_Drake] Index: Come again?
* Slasher continues to punch the wall slowly denting it even more
[Spectre] [Beat it, shrimp.]
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *hits button and fries Slasher*
[Paladin`] If you don't get away from me, your unpleasant odor may offend my delicate nasal passages
[Admiral_Drake] Index: ... I'm a reploid
[Paladin`] And then I would have to beat you
* Slasher takes the shock
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *Steps up to Paladin* Oh, REALLY, and what are you going to do?
* Slasher stops
[Slasher] Hey..I recorded him in his room yesterday...
[Spectre] [The shrimp gets brave... What're YOU going to do?]
[Slasher] I wonder if he said anything...Hey MP.
[Admiral_Drake] MP: Pipe down.
[Slasher] I need to check sometihng
[Paladin`] Crush your limbs, take your head apart, but keep your conciousness intact as I constantly tweak your pain sensors until you beg me to end your pathetic little life
[Admiral_Drake] MP: Go to hell./
[Slasher] I won't pull anything.
[Admiral_Drake] ...I'm real sure of that Paladin  *holds up a recording of that* Nice to know you care.  *hides it*
[Spectre] NRP: Ooh.
[Spectre] *to Paladin* [That was real swooft.]
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *moves off*
[Slasher] Plz...
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *ignores Slasher and reads magazine*
[Paladin`] [Don't worry, he's crossed the line now.  I'm certain he's the traitor.  It's too bad he may not survive the night . . .]
[Slasher] Come on MP man...Let it be my last thing I do before I die
[Spectre] *to Paladin* [All we can do is keep an eye on him and hope Drake doesn't use that tape for anything.]
* Admiral_Drake moves up behind them
[Paladin`] NRP: It was Index who made the tape, right?
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Aye.
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Er. the recording of the threat, right?
[Spectre] NRP: It said Drake did... Oh well, change that Drake to Index.
[Slasher] Atleast call Paladin down here
[Admiral_Drake] ...what's this about a tape?
[Admiral_Drake] MP: Later.
[Paladin`] The video tape
[Slasher] I need to talk to him now
[Paladin`] It's sure proof
[Paladin`] But my colleague here, doesn't believe it for certain
[Paladin`] I mean, if the computer's verify it, it's genuine, right?
[Admiral_Drake] *glances funnily, hearing everything* If Index in anyway winds up dead tonight or tomorrow or anytime, you will be killed on the spot.  Understood?
[Admiral_Drake] I won't have you killing off our own.
[Paladin`] NRP: *wonders how he heard telepathic communication*
* Spectre salutes
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Drake is good.
[Spectre] [Whatever you say, sir.]
[Admiral_Drake] Good, Spectre.
[Slasher] God Damn't MP. Call Paladin down here now
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *hits Paladin's beeper*
* Spectre wonders how Drake caught the telepathy
* Paladin` nods
* Admiral_Drake wears a chip attached to his head that allows him to catch stuff, so he heard everything in the court room
[Slasher] That's mor like it
[Admiral_Drake] ...I undertand you think Index is guilty..but you have no proof...if he dies without proof, it'll be your heads.
[Slasher] I give ya a cookie but I'm behind bars you know
* Spectre realizes that Drake probably heard all of her comments
* Spectre even the snide ones
[Admiral_Drake] ....*moves off, nodding at Paladin's beeper* Someone wants you
[Paladin`] [It's no wonder that Snipe wanted to put a hit out on the bastard.  And I stopped him, damn my ass]
* Admiral_Drake stops
[Spectre] [Ok, ok, we got ya.]
[Admiral_Drake] Snipe wanted to do what?
[Paladin`] Hrm?
[Paladin`] What?
* Admiral_Drake turns
[Admiral_Drake] Snipe wnated to put a hit on who?
* Slasher leaps on his bed and waits
[Paladin`] Oh, look, I've got a beep
* Paladin` bows out the door
[Admiral_Drake] Paladin
* Admiral_Drake follows
[Spectre] [Uh... Snipe wanted to put a hit out on Slasher, we were talking about Slasher.]
[Paladin`] Yes sir?
[Admiral_Drake] Who did Snipe want to put a hit on, Paladin?
[Paladin`] . . . Index
[Admiral_Drake] ....he thought Index was guilty?!
[Paladin`] Certain
[Admiral_Drake] .....*frowns* If he thought....I'm going to have extra guards on him at all times.  He won't do anything funny.
* Admiral_Drake moves off
[Spectre] [Isn't Snipe dead, though?]
[Paladin`] You realize taht Snipe is dead, right?
* Admiral_Drake stops
[Admiral_Drake] I know.
[Admiral_Drake] I'm referring to Index
[Spectre] [Oh.]
[Admiral_Drake] But Snipe gave me a job. I intend to finish it.
[Spectre] [A job...?]
[Admiral_Drake] ....to run the Alliance...or what was left of it.
[Slasher] Hey Mr.MP hit's Pal's beeper a few hundred times for me
* Spectre nods silently
[Admiral_Drake] He did give me that order (Session 40)
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *tapes the button down"*
[Paladin`] Are you done yet?
[Admiral_Drake] Certainly
* Admiral_Drake walks off
* Paladin` walks down to the cell
* Slasher lays back down on the upper bunk
[Spectre] [You'd better check that beep, Pal.]
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
* Spectre 's own beeper goes off, and she jogs towards the upper levels of the Fury
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
* Paladin` stands next to the cell, waiting
* Slasher sits there biting his nails
[Admiral_Drake] Beeper: Beep. Beep.
[Spectre] NRP: That's enough, DS.
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *un tapes it*
[Admiral_Drake] MP: The prisoner wanted to speak with you
[Slasher] Uh if it ain't the one that caused me much embarrasement and alot of discomfort
[Admiral_Drake] Bubba: *stares at slasher*
[Paladin`] Yea, look, is this important?
* Slasher leaps off the bed and sits on the floor
[Slasher] It's about Index
* Paladin` glances at the MP and the other jail members
[Paladin`] Yea?
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *listens*
[Slasher] Yesterday before my misfortune I decided to tape what he was doing in his room. So that at a later date I could listen and then broadcast it over the ship and varios planets
[Paladin`] . . . you were taping Index in his room?
[Slasher] Yes.
[Paladin`] Are you really that lonely?
[Slasher] No, just wanted to embarrass the fruitcake. 
[Admiral_Drake] Bubba: *touches Slasher's butt*
[Paladin`] . . . so why is this important to me?
[Slasher] Anyway, the recording is in my room. If it's not there then you know i've been set up and come back to me to get...GAH!
[Slasher] Get it and listen to it *slaps Bubba's hand hard*
[Slasher] NO!
[Slasher] And umm hurry!
[Admiral_Drake] MP: Bath time, boys.
[Slasher] HELP ME!!
[Paladin`] Yea sure.  Anyway, I'll go check on your "evidence" *says it sarcastically* and then I might just get you a spoon so you can dig your way out
[Slasher] HAR HAR!
* Paladin` walks back out towards the living quarters at a quick trot
[Slasher] Hey Bubba, Pal there thought you were cute
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *throws slippery soap at Bubba and leads the two to the showers*
[Admiral_Drake] Bubba: But Bubba think Slashy cute.  *pinches Slasher's rear end*
[Slasher] Gah..
[Slasher] Then If you want Slashy to live then Bubba need to help Slashy find out who set Slashy up
[Admiral_Drake] Bubba: Bubba will call Slashy Mike Hunt.
* Paladin` arrives at Slasher's quarters to find it (surprisingly enough) unlocked and extremely offensive to the nose
[Slasher] No you won't
* Paladin` looks around and finds the tape half hidden beneath what appears to be an over-used and underwashed jockstrap
* Spectre turns the corner into the hallway in time to see Paladin duck inside Slasher's quarters
[Paladin`] Ugh . . .
[Slasher] NRP: I don't were JockStraps
[Paladin`] NRP: Makes it all the more scary
[Slasher] NRP: Boxers boxers boxers
* Spectre walks into the room, immeidately recoiling in disgust
[Admiral_Drake] Bubba: *helps Slasher wash under the ears*
* Paladin` pockets the tape and looks at Spectre
[Slasher] NRP: So I haven't cleaned it in a while
[Spectre] [How do people live like this...]
[Admiral_Drake] Bubba: *Drops the soap* Oh dear...
[Slasher] GOD DAMNT! *slaps Bubba's hand*
[Slasher] You go ahead and pick it up
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *Stops detailing the events*
[Paladin`] *whispers* Meet me back at one of the sub control rooms in roughly 15 minutes to view this
* Slasher kicks the soap
* Spectre nods
* Paladin` makes an exit and walks back to the detention area
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *walks by surrounded by guards* Hey!?  Can't you go elsewhere?!  Shoo!  *walks off*
* Spectre heads in the other direction to kill fifteen minutes
* Slasher runs out of the shower screaming
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *Tazers the naked Slasher*
[Spectre] . o O {Oy. He wasn't kidding about the guards...}
[Slasher] GAH!
* Paladin` casually enters and watches the wet Slasher being chased by MPs
* Slasher shakes the water off
* Paladin` stands behind the barrier and regards the scene
[Admiral_Drake] Female MP: *laughs at slasher*
* Slasher looks at Female MP
[Slasher] You aint' any bigger
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *Slaps him*
[Admiral_Drake] Bubba: *walks out, holding the soap* Bubba found soap.
[Paladin`] Anyway, I didn't find whatever the hell "Tape" you were talking about.  Hope you burn in hell, traitor
[Slasher] Kinky..
* Slasher grabs the soap and tosses it back into the shower
[Slasher] Umm go find it again
* Paladin` walks back out, hoping his performance was oscar quality and heads to the specified sub control room
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *leads Slasher back to his cell...without Bubba*
[Slasher] Hey didn't he say he didn't find the tape...no matter
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *throws some clothes at Slasher*
* Paladin` arrives at the room and checks his watch
* Spectre is already there when Paladin arrives
* Slasher dresses himself
[Spectre] [You're late.]
[Slasher] Uhh..thanks
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *glares and walks ofF*
[Paladin`] Sorry.  Shall we?
[Spectre] [Put it in.]
* Paladin` closes and locks the door and then pops in the tape
* Slasher glares at her ass
[Admiral_Drake] Female: Hey, eyes off my ass.
[Slasher] Alright *glares up*
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: *an evil sound is emitting from the tape, like a terrorist*
[Spectre] [...ok...]
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: *The room is dark and suspicous looking*
* Slasher stares
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *Stares*
* Slasher stares back
* Paladin` hits another player, making a copy of the tape
* Slasher winks
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *grins*
* Paladin` also commands the computer to make a hard drive copy
[Spectre] [Looks like Slasher got two hours of an empty room.]
* Slasher leaps into his bed
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: *enough lighting is shown of...Index asleep and snoring*
[Spectre] [Ok, that's enough of that...] *hits fast forward*
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *raises eyebrow* Another time, perhaps, Tiger.
* Paladin` hits the fast forward
[Slasher] Grrowll..
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: *shows Index get up and walk around*
[Slasher] Maybe before I'm executed buttercup?
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *winks* For your last wish?
[Spectre] [Looks like he's saying something to himself...]
* Spectre hits play
[Admiral_Drake] Index: .... hmmm, what should I eat today...
[Slasher] You could say that
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *glances at the mirror, eyes flicker upward, and then he heads out*
* Spectre slaps her forehead
[Spectre] Ok, this got us nowhere.
[Paladin`] . . . uh, did he just look at the camera?
[Spectre] [It looked like it, yeah.]
[Paladin`] Wow, great dead end.
* Paladin` freezes the picture
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *Waves at Slasher, looking sexy* Come 'ere, tiger.
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Where?
[Spectre] [Any suggestions on what we do now?]
[Slasher] Can't..barrier and all
[Paladin`] At least it gives us a chance to search his room without breaking in
* Slasher taps the barrier and withdraws his hand
[Admiral_Drake] Female: Oh, yeah.
* Paladin` looks closely at the picture for any detail showing plans to the shuttlecraft, knife order forms, etc
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: Your average Hunter room.
* Spectre , without anything else to do, helps examine the picture
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *leans over and flips it off*
* Slasher leaps over so he's standing behind her
[Slasher] HEHEHE!!
[Spectre] [...Nothing exactly damning about that picture...]
[Admiral_Drake] Female: Eep!
* Slasher glaces up
[Slasher] La dida
[Admiral_Drake] Female: Boy, you move fast.
[Slasher] You should see me in the sack..
[Paladin`] Ok, let's rewind it all the way back to the beginning, when Slasher first hit the on
[Admiral_Drake] Female: Lets see that stamina then  *head for the bed*
* Spectre hits the rewind button
[Paladin`] Maybe before Index knew
[Spectre] [Yeah, maybe he actually said something.]
* Slasher begins to think
[Slasher] This is too good to be true
* Paladin` rewinds it to the beginning
* Slasher follows her
[Admiral_Drake] Bubba: *runs in and tackles Slasher* BUBBA GOT MIKE HUNT!
[Slasher] AHH HELP ME!!
[Spectre] NRP: We keep smashing each other's fingers on the VCR...
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: *flips off the Index tape to the previous tape---Showing Slasher sitting there, picking his nose and eating it*
* Slasher turns around and knees Bubba in the balls
[Admiral_Drake] Female: *puts her clothes back on as the other guards come in*
[Paladin`] . . . greeeeaaaatt
[Slasher] NRP: mmmm...yummy
[Admiral_Drake] Bubba: In..pain
[Spectre] [If anything, that... proves Slasher's a total idiot...]
[Slasher] NRP: I mean..it was a..umm...skittle..ya I gotta skittle stuck up my nose yeah thats it
[Slasher] Bad Bubba!
* Spectre fast forwards it to the beginning of the Index part and hits play
[Admiral_Drake] MPs: *throw bubba and Slasher into the cell and drag off the female MP*
* Slasher watches her get dragged off
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: *slasher finishes installing the camera in Index's room*
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: *Slasher walks over, smells Index's pillow, sighs, and walks off*
[Slasher] Damnt!! *punches the wall again denting it even farther*
[Slasher] NRP: Hey he got mints on his pillows but I didn't
* Spectre yawns
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: *Index walks in*
[Paladin`] . . . Slasher has got issues. 
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: *eats his lunch, Slasher runs in and steals it, and runs off*
[Spectre] [The infamous stolen lunch...]
[Admiral_Drake] Tape: *Index leaves after slasher*
[Paladin`] . . . at least he's going to be put out of his misery
* Paladin` fast-forwards to Index's next entrance
* Spectre shakes her head
[Slasher] CAn I get some food around here?
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *Walks in and dances*
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *glares* don't you think you ate the delicates already?
[Spectre] [And to think we're trying to save this idiot... And damn that idiot.]
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *stops...stares in the mirror*
[Slasher] Nope, didn't get far enough, Bubba here tackled me before I could
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *shuffles off and goes to sleep*
[Spectre] [Ok, that's where he saw the camera...]
[Paladin`] Actually, it's when he gets up that he sees it
* Spectre shrugs
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *snores*
[Paladin`] Guess we'll just have to search Index's room manually
[Spectre] [Nothing's going to happen while he sleeps, so it might as well have been.]
[Paladin`] Unless he talks in his sleep
[Admiral_Drake] Index: Mommy.....
[Spectre] [That's what I was thinking...]
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *Rolls over* I'm a good boy...
[Spectre] [...Which of them is more of an idiot...]
[Admiral_Drake] Index: Will always...help out the Hunters...*snores*
[Slasher] I want some food MP!
[Admiral_Drake] Index: No, no Dias, I don't want to go out with you.  Leave me alone!
[Spectre] [I should've done a better scan at the courtroom...]
[Paladin`] . . .Alright, I have a plan for searching his room.  It can wait until nightfall though
[Admiral_Drake] MP: *brings in a turkey*
[Spectre] [This is getting us absolutely nowhere.] *hits stop*
[Slasher] OH yeah..That'll do for the appetizer
[Spectre] [You're right... Where shall we meet?]
[Spectre] [And when?]
* Slasher mouth starts watering
[Admiral_Drake] Bubba: *Eats the Turkey*
[Paladin`] Uh, 3 hours, mess hall?
[Spectre] [Works for me. See you then, I guess.]
[Slasher] God damnt *smacks Bubba across the back of the head*

[Red] Time Chart: Same day.
[pirate] NRP: what was my pirate nick
[Azazel] NRP: Bobo
[Red] Location: Shuttle craft at Station in Tsvi. Space.
[Sirus] NRP: is this 46 part 2?
*** Ender` (Ender@ has joined #taw
[Red] NRP: si.
[pirate] NRP: seriously.
[Ender`] NRP: Where are we?
[Red] NRP: Organ something
[Red] NRP: Our shuttle...
* Red stands behind Az as he flies toward the shuttle
* Riptide taps his foot nervously
[Sirus] NRP: did you find slash innocent or guilty?
* Ender` sits down
[Azazel] NRP: Slash's been executed
[Red] Remember, guys, this is just a search around the station.  We're not here to do more than survey the station
[Riptide] NRP: Not quite.
[Ender`] NRP: What about Slasher?
[Riptide] NRP: He's stil ali* Diamondback throws Avalon in the way of the sign
[Riptide] * DeathStar notices UO ate "The New GM" sign
[Riptide] NRP: Ack!
* Red points at the traffic come in and out
[pirate] NRP: Hail my GMness.... the new GM, MY BELLY!
[Red] ..looks like this isn't a base of any sort...more like a traid center.....
[Red] NRP: Knock it off with the NRPs
[Ender`] Trade center?
[Red] Trade center
[Sirus] Is there much outgoing or ingoing trafic?
[Red] ...*points* Ooooo, look, in...out.  Put two and two together.
[Azazel] Four, boss
[Ender`] Thought it was 6?
[Riptide] [Easy on the new guy, Red.]
[Red] ...four?
* Riptide temporarily forgets that he is a new guy also
[Azazel] Trade center
[Sirus] I dont know what you dont tell me.
*** Gravedigger (wiendigo@rc-73.netonecom.net) has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Gravedigger
[Red] Four what about the trader center?
[Ender`] I think Azazel needs his head checked 
[Azazel] Does he?  He better see the ship's doctor then
*** Gravedigger is now known as Gazer
[Ender`] Yeah.
* Red radios back to the Red Beard, talks with Mind for a few, and then sends them to the rev. spot
[Red] Alright, Az, contact them
* Azazel picks up the comm
* Riptide silently wonders why he was brought along rather than the more experienced Mindscape, but shakes his head
[pirate] NRP: just ignore me, no one will tell my what my nick was.
* Gazer meets up with the group
[Azazel] And say what?
[Red] NRP: We're in our shuttle, dink
[Red] ....ask for permission to land and tradae.
[Red] NRP: ....ack...my spelling.
[Ender`] NRP: It's Justin in disguise! 
[Riptide] NRP: *notes that Red was talking back to Mindscape back on the Red Beard*
[Gazer] NRP: ...YOU'RE the one to tell me to join up...
[Red] NRP: We're in our shuttle
[Gazer] NRP: Alright, so I meet up with you in the shuttle, hush now.
[Red] NRP: *talks*
[Azazel] Comm:  Station, this is the shuttle Mighty Mouse.  We request permission to land for treading purposes.
[Ender`] Az, you gonna ask for permission now or next year?
[Red] ....mighty mouse?
[Red] Comm: *translator activated* Argh...never seen you before.
[Riptide] [The hell kind of name is THAT?]
[Ender`] Tell em where new
[Azazel] Comm: And?
[Red] Comm: ... and why should I let you dock?
* Ender` stands up and stretches
[Azazel] Comm:  I thought I had made this clear, to trade.  Look, is there some more experienced superior I could talk to?
[Red] Comm: .... *snarls* And why would I put him on?
* Ender` yawns
[Sirus] Don't make the operator angry.
[Red] ...*Hits Ender*
* Riptide scratches the back of his head
[Azazel] Because if you don't let me dock, I'm going to contact him anyway.  Then, I'm going to get your ass fired.
[Red] GM: *dog bites Rip*
[Riptide] [You know... This isn't exactly getting us anywhere. Maybe Red should do the talking... HEY! Where'd that dog come from?]
[Sirus] They could care less if we get on.
* Red Tsivrixsh
[Sirus] Therefore sweetalk him.
[Red] Comm: Ahhh, then you don't know how Tsivrixsh rules work, dsi.
* Ender` rubs where he was hit
[Ender`] Ask them how their rules work?
[Azazel] Comm:  Whatever the hell, I don't care.  We've come a long way to unload our cargo, and the last thing we need is some pissant operator hassling us.
[Sirus] Bad 
[Red] Comm: Docking bay.....3.
* Azazel takes the ship in
[Riptide] [Ok, that worked... Why do I have a feeling it didn't, though?]
[Ender`] Hopefully they don't find Red's stack of Playboys
[Red] ....because you're a negative thinker who can't see anything good.
[Riptide] [That's me... HEY!]
[Sirus] I get the feeling that the Tsvi are underhanded
* Ender` walks to the door
[Red] NRP: *the bald Slasher walks in*
[Azazel] Look, most merchants are greedy, pompous bastards.  I think I played the role well
[Red] ....*watches the station grow larger*
[Riptide] NRP: *listens to One More Chance*
[Ender`] Az, there wasn't any need to play
[Ender`] NRP: *Slasher walks in with a fuzzy head actually*
[pirate] NRP: need anything else DB?
[Azazel] Ah, so I should've acted like a hired spy and asked him to take me to his military secrets?
[Red] ...alright, dock it...
[Riptide] NRP: Not right off hand, nope.
[Ender`] Why not.
* Azazel is docking it
* Red the shuttle jars as it docks
[Red] ....alright....*the hanger door goes up and the air pressure lowers*
* Riptide loses his balance and slams into the floor
* Red steps over Rip and heads to the door
[Azazel] Nice, dingus
[Riptide] [Owww...]
* Azazel steps over Rip and follows Red
* Riptide flips to his feet and heads to the door
* Ender` opens the door and walks through
* Gazer adjusts his cap and follows along
* Red flips the door open and steps out into an unused, backwater hanger that looks very shooty.
[Red] shotty
[Riptide] NRP: Heh heh, it's "Pick On Rip" Day! WHEE!
[Riptide] NRP: Shoddy.
* Sirus follows distantly
[Ender`] Why'ld we get this hanger?
* Red glances around, seeing it's dark
*** pirate is now known as Garland_not_RPing
* Ender` eyes switch to nightvision mode and he look around the hanger
[Riptide] [Because Azazel's talking didn't work so well.]
[Sirus] You think they would give us the nice one?
[Red] Voice: Because *a whine of a blaster charging up* it's easier to do business. *sounds like the comm. officer*
* Riptide jumps with a yelp
* Ender` searches for the voice
* Red glances at him, half-expecting it
*** Gazer has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Red] Voice: *Steps into a few, a typical Tsivrixsh, holding the blaster at them, his English forced* 
* Ender` eye glows red and he fires an ionic blast at the Blaster
[Azazel] . . . does this mean you don't want any Mitago fruit?
* Riptide retreats slowly, keeping his eyes fixed on the blaster
[Red] Tsivrixsh: *fires at the blast, takes it out, and shoots Ender in the head*
* Ender` falls back
[Red] ENDER!
[Sirus] Reason always wins out over haste.
[Riptide] [Ender!] . o O {Oh great, we're next... Oooh damn, I shoulda stayed home...}
[Red] Tsivrixsh alien: Lets try this again, I'm going to take your Mitago fruit...in return for your lives..and you'll leave.
* Ender` gets up slowly shaking his head
[Red] ....*Bites tongue* That's over 1 billion gil
[Ender`] Luckily...I have a hard head...
[Sirus] That or our lives.
[Red] And you'll die, too, since it shattered your skull.  You idiot.
[Azazel] Red, I don't like this Sirus guy at all.  He seems like a pansy
[Sirus] Do you want me to attack them?
[Ender`] MY skulls made of titanium alloy remember.
[Riptide] NRP: Whee! Someone got mentioned of being a pansy before Rip!
[Red] ....*nods*  B-120.  
[Red] Alien: ...What?
[Azazel] Yes, but look, the guy has a blaster *steps in the direction of the alien and motions*
[Azazel] And you have a skull *motions*
[Azazel] Blaster *motions*
* Red draws his bo and slams it across the alien's hand
[Red] Alien: GAHHH!
* Azazel quickly blasts the Alien from the other side
* Ender` charges up his eye laser and fires at the Alien
[Red] Alien: *Falls back, dead*
[Sirus] NRP: are you dead or alive Ender?
* Riptide gets up from his cover on the floor
[Red] NRP: Dying
* Ender` slowly gets up dizzy
[Riptide] [Ah... ah... Um... Piece of cake!]
[Red] .....we need to do something about Ender.
* Riptide jumps at the opportunity
[Sirus] Do you want me to carry him to the ship?
[Riptide] [Shall I take him back to the Red Beard?]
* Azazel grabs the Alien's blaster
[Red] .....and leave us stranded here?
[Azazel] What do you want me to do with the corpse?
[Riptide] [Uh...]
[Red] ....throw it out the nearest airlock
[Ender`] Disentegrate it
[Red] ....we don't have the weapons to do that
[Riptide] [Any healers...?]
* Ender` shrugs not knowing
* Azazel opts to stuff it in a dank, trash ridden corner of the hanger
[Red] Rats: *attack Az*
[Ender`] Holy..shit. Those things are bigger than ..the one on the Planet Tu'gath
* Azazel crushes one rat in one hand only enough to let it scream in agony while retreating from the corner
[Red] I guess we're forced to fight someone on board the station to heal him.  Cost a fortune, no doubt.
[Red] ....find even
[Red] NRP: *shoots himself*
[Riptide] [...Nice slipup, Red.]
[Red] ...well, I thought twice about fighting with you guys
[Riptide] [...]
[Ender`] Let's get going then.
[Azazel] . . . uh, you shouldn't move
* Red moves bo back to his side and grabs a bloody ID card from the ground
[Riptide] [We shouldn't leave him here alone, either. How about I stay here with him, while you guys look for that healer?]
[Riptide] . o O {Heh heh, I'm getting out of this after all...]
[Ender`] I'll be fine *falls to one knee*
[Riptide] NRP: } even
[Red] .....Stay here with the rats?  And the operator's friends?
[Sirus] Even i'm not cowardly enough to do that.
[Red] Boy, you're brave Rip.
[Red] Stay behind
[Red] Lets go
* Red heads for the nearest exit
[Riptide] . o O {GAH!} [On second thought, m... m... maybe someone else should stay here... My skills might be useful in there.]
[Sirus] What do you do?
[Red] ...make excuses rather well.
* Riptide disappears from sight and taps Sirus in the back
* Red reaches the door and tries to open it, finding it locked
[Sirus] Oh, it looks like ive made another enemy.
[Riptide] . o O {Seems like I do that quite well in this crowd...}
* Red flips out the ID Card and runs it through the scanner
* Red opens the door
* Ender` sits against a wall
[Red] You guys coming or are going to stand around?
* Riptide glances around, biting his lower lip
[Azazel] I don't know, stand around sounds good
* Azazel steps through
[Red] Rats: *runs at the group*
* Sirus comes too
[Riptide] [AAAAAH!]
* Riptide runs through the door
* Red steps through, letting the door swing
* Red the door closes, locking Ender in the hanger
* Riptide slams into the swinging door
[Riptide] NRP: Or not.
[Red] Rats: *Stare at Ender*
* Ender` eyes slowly switch to heatvision and he scans for any rats
[Riptide] [Wait... Did anyone stay with Ender?] *looks around*
* Red head down the hallways toward the main coridors
[Red] ....what a scum bucket
[Sirus] Weren't we bringing him?
* Red points at the dirty walls...and the dirtier people laying against them
[Red] ....I thought Rip was babysitting him
[Riptide] [Uh...]
* Ender` left eye fires a weak blast at a rat causing it to explode
[Sirus] If you still have your conviction that is
* Riptide salutes
[Red] .....I don't like this....why does Talon want us to blow a station with innocents on board?
[Riptide] [Y... yeah... S... sure... M... m... meet up with you g... g... guys l... later...]
[Azazel] He's a trader, right?
[Red] Aye.....*nods, seeing what Az means* It's all for money.
* Riptide spins on his heel, losing his balance and falling. Scrambling to his feet, he heads back for the hangar.
[Red] ....you checking the place out for a possible assault?
[Riptide] NRP: Was that to me? If so, Rip's headed back to watch over Ender.
[Red] NRP: Az
[Riptide] NRP: Oops.
[Azazel] Nothign looks too difficult
[Sirus] Could we come in through the ducts? Thats always fun.
* Red reaches a huge area that spirals downward and upward, multiple floors shown at once.
[Azazel] Assuming we'll bring more firepower than that shuttle
[Red] ....Red Beard, undoubtedly.
* Red glances around, seeing people trade below
[Azazel] Hell, the place is so shoddy that it might just fall apart if we step too hard
* Red something hard pushes against Az's head
[Red] Voice: I kinda like my home.
* Azazel flips back
* Red leans agaist the railing and turns to see some blue alien is at Az
[Sirus] Who is this and where are the cameras or whatnot they must have?
[Red] Alien: What?!  *flips around*
[Red] To your left...up.
[Azazel] Hunh?
[Red] Alien: *aims at Az*
[Red] Alien: Give me your credits, now.
[Red] Rats: *attack Rip*
[Azazel] . . . heh, you know that merchants never carry physical credits on them.
[Red] Alien: Ah, but I scanned you...you have some.
* Riptide 's Twin Hawks flash into his hands, which are shaking
[Azazel] Really?j
* Azazel checks pockets
* Red meets Az's eyes, questioning if he should attack
[Ender`] Rip...get them...
[Red] Rats: *leaps on Rip*
[Riptide] [RAAAGH!]
[Azazel] Yea, I . . . *pulls hand out of pocket and presents it to the alien*
* Ender` left fires at one of the rats knocking it back
* Riptide flies into a fury, slashing rats left and right with the twin daggers
[Red] Rats: *bite Rip*
[Riptide] [OW!]
[Red] Alien: *glances at it*
* Riptide impales it on the dagger and throws it aside
* Ender` blasts the rat that bites Rip
* Azazel slams the alien in the face with the other hand and quickly follows up with another blow to the lungs
[Red] Alien: *reaches for it*
[Red] Alien: *wheezes and falls against the railing*
[Ender`] Rip..pile up some garbage 
[Red] ....see, Sirus, you must become quick like that.
* Azazel chops the Alien in the throat
[Riptide] [Eh?] *impales another rat*
[Red] Alien: *gags*
[Azazel] Night . . .
* Azazel kicks it in its ugly mug
[Sirus] It killed Ender so im getting mixed messages
[Red] Alien: *flips over the railing and falls*
[Azazel] Er, whoops
[Azazel] We should probably move
[Red] ...*listens to it hit the ground* Aye...
[Ender`] Hurry up rip..
[Red] .....Notice, no one's noticing us.
[Red] Common thing, perhaps?
* Riptide shrugs and does as Ender instructs, slashing at the rats as they try to stop him
* Ender` eye's begin to blur
[Sirus] Crime central
* Red moves along the circular railing
* Red points up at the dome overhead
* Ender` fires his eye laser at it starting the garbage pile on fire
[Red] IF we were to shoot that out, I'm sure we could space suck this place.
[Red] Rats: *Retreat*
[Azazel] . . . space suck?  You mean a vacuum.
[Riptide] [Now why didn't I think of that... Don't answer that.]
[Ender`] There...*blacks out*
[Sirus] That would be the easiest
[Red] .......Don't you know slang?
[Sirus] Me?
[Red] Him.
[Red] Tsivrixsh 
[Azazel] Actually, they would just have to patch it over . . . we should probably hit the dome, then the power generator
[Red] Tsivrixsh Officer: *walks by*
[Red] ....but where is the power generator?
[Red] Dog: *Bites Rip*
[Riptide] [GAH! Where's this dog keep coming from?]
[Azazel] I don't know, didn't Talon give us schematics?
* Riptide shoos it away
[Red] Think...this is Talon....
[Azazel] Then let's just blow the hell out of it.  We'll hit the dome first, knocking out the people, then we'll seriously damage the station.  That should leave no time for them to put shields up.  How do I know shields will be down?  Because of the ships coming in and out of the station
* Ender` remains silent slowly breathing
[Red] ....Point, Az.  Should we head back to the Red Beard now?
[Ender`] NRP: Ahem..healer..cough cough
[Azazel] Sure, if you've got no beef with blowing up the scum that lives here
[Riptide] [You're not gonna die, dammit.] *begins to psionically heal Ender, though not very powerful, as Rip is not skilled*
[Red] ......*looks at watch* Actually, I have that covered
[Azazel] Good.  Shall we leave?
* Ender` eyes open slowly
[Red] Yep.
* Red heads back
* Ender` sees Rip
* Azazel walks back towards the bay
[Ender`] Did I have to see your ugly mug before I died?
[Red] ....I feel like we forgot to do something
[Riptide] [You're not going to die, ok? ...Hey!]
* Red steps into the hallway heading to the hanger
[Azazel] Oh yea, the pissant
[Red] .....Hrm, you know there's not going to be a healer on this station
[Azazel] Ah well, he's screwed
[Red] ...you're awfully quiet, Sirus
* Red opens the door to the hanger and steps in
[Sirus] Yes i am
* Red watches Gazer dash into the shuttle
* Ender` looks at Red
[Riptide] [...About time you got back...]
[Red] Oh, hi guys
* Red walks past Ender and into the shuttle
[Sirus] NRP: Ive just figured out that my reason doesnt amount to anything with this active GM style
[Red] NRP: o_O
* Ender` watches Red walk by
[Riptide] [Get up, Ender.] *offers his hand*
* Red steps back out with a MedKit and throws it at Rip
[Red] Here, that'll heal 'em up
* Red walks back on
[Riptide] [Or not.] *catches the Kit*
[Sirus] NRP: its not an insult or anything  but its true
[Azazel] . . .
* Azazel sighs and boards
[Riptide] [Might not be psionically trained, but I do know how to use these things...]
[Red] ....alright, power this thing up
* Riptide uses the MedKit to heal Ender
* Ender` left eye glows red as Az walks into the shuttle
* Ender` slowly gets up and walks into the shuttle
* Azazel turns it on
[Ender`] Az, you a lil disapointed that I'm not dead?
[Riptide] . o O {Good way to show your skill, Rip...} *gets on the shuttle* {Forget that the Medkits are on board.}
* Red notices 2 people are outside the shuttle
[Red] Alright, everyone but Sirus is on board.
* Red flips some switches
[Azazel] Hunh?  Not really
* Red raises the ramp
[Sirus] Yes he was surveying
* Sirus returns\
[Red] NRP....returns to?
* Ender` sits down slowly into a seat and falls asleep
[Sirus] The shuttle
[Red] Alright, the ramp is almost up
[Red] What about the shuttle?
[Azazel] What shuttle?
[Red] ...ramp is sealed
[Riptide] [Aren't we forgetting someone?]
[Sirus] Its where i return to but since the ramp is up, im staying here
[Red] ....question is, how are we going to open the hanger doors
* Azazel charges the lasers
[Red] ....then how are we talking to you?
[Azazel] Actually . . .
[Sirus] NRP: youre not
[Red] NRP: Then how are you answering?  Huh?
[Ender`] My god, Sirus is more crazy than one of Bio's viruses
[Azazel] Think they might give us permission to exit?
[Ender`] Try it
[Red] ....you could try it
[Riptide] NRP: Use NRP for stuff not meant to actually be said in the RP, Av.
[Azazel] Comm: Hey station, can you oben Hanger bay #3?
[Red] Comm: ..... your control operator seems to be missing....wait for his return
[Riptide] [...Ok, that's great...]
[Ender`] Tell them that he had an accident?
[Red] ...and how do we KNOW about it?
[Azazel] Comm: We've got deliveries to make and things to buy, let us out, station
[Riptide] [They'd get suspicious...]
[Ender`] I don't know
[Red] Comm: ...... I said wait.
[Ender`] Tell him some we say some ruffians attack him
[Riptide] [...Any suggestions?]
[Red] We say some ruffians attack him?
[Riptide] [Not a bad idea, Red.]
[Red] ....pass that on Az.
[Ender`] That was my idea Rip
[Sirus] NRP: who are we talking about being attacked?
[Red] NRP: the operator
[Azazel] Comm: Uh, what did the operator look like?  We think we might have seen him being attacked by ruffians
[Red] Comm: .... ruffians?
[Azazel] Comm: Big blue aliens with blasters
[Ender`] A band of pirates?
[Red] Comm: Band of pirates?  What the hell?
[Azazel] NRP: That wasn't on the comm
[Red] NRP: He said it loud enough
[Azazel] Comm: What the hell are you talking about?
[Ender`] NRP: no I whipsered it
[Riptide] NRP: And your suggestion was pretty stupid, Pal.
[Red] Comm: ....you said pirates.
[Azazel] NRP: What the hell was MY suggestion?
* Ender` moves over to the comm
[Azazel] Comm: And what about them?  They're a constant hassle.  Look, are we going to get out today?
[Ender`] Comm: I'm not sure..they might've been pirates
[Red] .....*glances out the window at Sirus*
[Red] You know, he's still out there.
* Azazel slas Ender
[Red] Comm: Who are you?
[Red] Comm: What is your shuttle's name?!
* Riptide smacks his forehead
[Azazel] Comm: The Mighty Mouse
* Sirus yells  "get me if you wish......."
[Red] Comm: The Might----Ajal!!!  *hits alarms*
* Red opens the side door
* Ender` walks back to his seat not without smacking Az first
* Azazel shoves Ender away
* Azazel hits the charged lasers
[Red] .....NOWWW!!
* Sirus moves up to the closed door
[Riptide] [They're onto us... GO!]
* Azazel slams Ender in the back of the head while blowing the doors
* Red watches the hanger door explode and the G-force suck at Sirus*
* Riptide telekinetically grabs Sirus
* Ender` grabs the hand and wrenches it behind Az's back
[Red] ....*the wind woshes out*
[Red] Er, air even
* Sirus enters or is sucked in.....
* Red grabs Sirus and holds onto the door
* Azazel is too strong for Ender to do such a thing and simply lets Ender wrench
[Ender`] NRP: SUre you are..
[Riptide] [Air, Red? What about it? Other than it's moving out of here REALLY quickly...]
* Ender` let's go and slides to Red
* Red can't breathe anymore
* Riptide telekinetically pulls Red, Sirus, and now Ender
[Azazel] NRP: Nope, he's the only one who specialized in combat, remember?
[Ender`] NRP: Doesn't mean he's stronger
[Red] Cloa..*hoarsely tries to repeat* close the door..
* Ender` gets ready to hit the door
* Ender` slams the door close button
[Red] GM: *the G_force grabs the shuttle and throwsi t through the air*
[Azazel] NRP: don't make me use my GM powers on you, idjit
[Ender`] NRP: BAH! 
* Azazel hits the accelerator and brings up the shields
* Red slams into the shuttle wall with Sirus
* Riptide releases the hold on the three
[Red] .....if you ever....stand outside again!
* Ender` starts to breathe normally
[Riptide] [Damn... That gives you a MAJOR headache... Oooh...]
[Red] GM: *the g-force shakes the shuttle about*
[Sirus] You'll leave me like you should have done
* Riptide falls flat on his face
[Ender`] Atleast we didn't find those Hunters
[Red] ...leave you to DIE?!
[Red] We haven't LOOKEd
[Riptide] [And that's our next goal, correct?]
[Red] Correct.
[Red] GM: *station opens fire on the shuttle when it's outside the hanger*
[Ender`] Well atleast we know they aren't on the Station
[Riptide] [I'm looking forward to this.] *cracks his knuckles* [Owww...]
[Red] ....*glances at Rip pitifully* You and Sirus are hopeless.
* Azazel jiggles the shuttle from side to side while still moving away from the station
[Riptide] [It's nice to know I have your trust, fearful leader.]
[Ender`] We're going to need a new shuttle when we come back
[Riptide] [Er, fearless.]
* Red mentally takes away Rip's psionics
* Riptide flies off of his feet again, slamming into a seat of the shuttle
[Red] Alright, lets enter the locations for the rev.
[Riptide] Hey! How'd you do that?
[Red] ....my speciality.
[Riptide] ...
[Ender`] Sure glad I'm not a psychic
* Ender` rubs his forehead softly
[Red] I sorta create a black hole in your powers.
[Ender`] Who's
[Red] ....psionics.
[Riptide] Figures... More and more things are immune to or can stop psionics nowadays...
[Ender`] Ahh..
[Red] Actually, I'm the only who can do it to my knowledge.
[Ender`] That's actually quite neet
* Red stops his dampening
[Garland_not_RPing] NRP: who wants a psionics lecture as to why TAW's inaccurate!? BAHAH!
*** Garland_not_RPing was kicked by Red (Red)
*** Garland_not_RPing (loneone@ip222.chicago12.il.pub-ip.psi.net) has joined #taw
*** Red sets mode: +b *!*@ip222.chicago12.il.pub-ip.psi.net
[Riptide] I'll take that as a hint to talk aloud.
[Red] NRP: HA HA
* Ender` 's stomach starts to growl
[Red] ....his lips move.  Amazing.
*** Retrieving #taw info...
*** Red sets mode: -b *!*@ip222.chicago12.il.pub-ip.psi.net
[Sirus] The damage the damage
[Riptide] Of course.
[Ender`] Man..I could go for some...Cookie Dough Ice cream, a steak, and some OJ
* Azazel enters the coordinates
[Red] ....the damage to what?
[Riptide] ...Weird combo, End.
[Sirus] The ship and the mission and Ender and the like
[Ender`] Whatever I have the craving for.
* Riptide shrugs
[Red] ....then why did you sign up to be a pirate?
* Ender` looks at Sirus
[Ender`] You have a problem with me? *left eye begins to glow blue*
[Riptide] Um, Sirus? You might want to either apologize... or move...
[Sirus] Im just saying, because i cauused most of the dmaned carnage
[Red] ........you did?
[Red] ....you shot ender in the head?
[Sirus] That wasnt me
[Ender`] You mentioned my name. Why? *left eye glow brighter*
* Red moves Sirus two inches to the left.
[Riptide] Uh... Sirus...
[Sirus] cause you got some of the worst of the damage
[Sirus] unfortunatly
[Red] ....and what about you, you almost got sucked into space.
[Sirus] Im jsut reflecting outloud
[Riptide] That's what MedKit's were made for, Sirus... Things happen.
[Red] .....Anyway, lets head back home
* Ender` left eye returns back to normal
[Red] Tonight we have to come back for our attack
* Azazel finalizes the headings towards the Red Beard
[Ender`] Your lucky.
[Riptide] Next stop, kicking the Hunters' asses into the ground.
[Riptide] NRP: Er, scrath that
[Riptide] NRP: Scratch, even
[Ender`] If their alive Rip
[Red] ....they're dead, I hope.
[Red] ...if they're not, as much as Gazer disapproves, it'll be a fight.
[Riptide] NRP: Scratch the scratch that, then
[Ender`] Aye
[Azazel] Might want to sit down
* Azazel hits hyperspace
* Red waits for Rip to fall
* Riptide flies off of his feet and into another seat
[Red] .....well, at least I'm learning the newbies.
* Ender` stands their his body used to entering HyperSpace
[Riptide] Hmph.
* Riptide stands
[Red] GM: *Dog bites Rip*
* Riptide kicks the dog
[Riptide] GO AWAY!
[Red] Session Ends