...All things must end

Session 50: Endgame


Robot Museum
September 21st, 2180

* - During the events of Mission 94: Tour de' Mega City

Spade watched the Hunters step into the limo, Death Star getting sparked as he touched the door. He turned to the person behind him. "Shame our attack failed, but that wasn't the real purpose of the operation, anyway."

Johnson (from Icy Fronts, the person ressurecting Hell) stepped up behind him. "Don't you think they'll be a little suspicious towards us for being so kind, even if it is through EarthGov?"

Spade glanced at him, puffing on his cigar. "Of course. But they'll be too busy with a few of my diversions to notice what was going on here today. Besides, all of them are too stupid to think about it anyway." He turned back to watch the limo driving off. "None of them has ever challenged my mentally. The hunter that destroyed Hell was due to your fault, not mine." Sucking in on the cigar, he turned to Johnson. "Their leader, Death Star, however, does prove to be a great threat to me my operation. Not by intellegence, no, but my willpower and resolve. The smartest out of them is probably Dominator, and he's nothing more than a reploid who is looking for justice. I enjoyed sentencing him to the Wastelands."

Johnson drew back some and frowned. "I still don't see why we're trying to kill Death Star."

Spade, still staring at him, blinked slowly and pulled the cigar from his mouth, looking at him like he was a child. The way he spoke didn't make Johnson feel any better either. "I just said he was a threat to me. He will have to be killed. But I have plans with him that go beyond killing him. If I play my cards right, perhaps he'll be useful in bringing about the downfall of all reploids."

Johnson waved his hand toward the building. "Why I take it we're here, correct?"

Spade nodded and turned to the building. "Yes." By then the people inside were being evacuated for what seemed to be a virus break out, to them. Huffing and puffing, the last of them were gone and Spade snapped his fingers at the huge moving vans that were pulling up. Men leaped out and jogged towards the building, entering inside.

". . . What could be so important about a few old robots?" asked Johnson. Spade glanced at him.

"One day, you'll find out. Until then, watch and learn. I plan on creating a plan so brilliant, no one can outsmart me. No one has before, why should they begin to now?" Spade harshly spoke, glancing as huge boxes were being put into the vans, and fake robots being placed back inside. He glanced at Johnson carefully. "Did you retrieve the reploid like I asked?"

"Yes sir, we have the reploid. He was dead when we found him, dead upon teleporting away from the Hunters when they were fighting The Elder and Crucifixtion over Wily's old weaponary. Which, uh, we seem to be doing now ourselves."

Spade nodded. "Yes, but what they don't know is the power Dr. Albert Wily put into each robot. But I won't go into it here. Best to remain quiet. Did the reploid check out what I told you to look for?"

Johnson nodded slowly. "Yes, it did. Not as good, obviously copied, but it should suit the purpose."

"Excellent," Spade smiled, holding Wily's old diary of plans in his hand, retrieved from the location of Wily's last base. . . where he died. The reploid he captured, Hack, proved most useful in placing together that puzzle.

Hack was also the one who tipped Wiendigo to look right where to look to find out Hell was being rebuilt. Clever. Hack was also the one, so he said, following the fight of X and Zero and was near Ground Zero when it went off. * - (See The Final Battle, Hack is the one not referring to as Doc, but another.)

"Didn't he say he was created by Hacker Man, a robot, sir?" asked Johnson.

Spade nodded. "Cran's greatest fear was that. He was the first to do it, and probably not the lost. Certainly not the last. The reploid we have now is proof of that." Johnson looked confused, but didn't question further.

The two stepped away from the building as the men were finishing their jobs. "So, what now?"

Spade grinned at him. "Now, we begin the game."

-Act One- Execution
[Admiral_Drake] Time Chart: December 18th
[Admiral_Drake] Location: Fury
[Admiral_Drake] GM: In the room is a bunch of seats, lined up in the back of it.  In front of it is a huge idention of another room, with a door on the right side of it.  On the left wall is a door exiting and on the right wall is a door exiting.  The captured Hunters are led in by the RIGHT door by Avalon and Dominator's CORRECT character.
*** Cheryl (Avalon@CDR6-103.accesscable.net) has joined #taw
* Admiral_Drake stands there, in front of all the seats
*** Dominator is now known as Xrileshr
* Sharlena stands nearby Drake, drinking a cup of coffee [brewed by her, mind you]
* Xrileshr leads the captured Hunters in, Xvash at his side and ready
* Spectre remains silent, doing as she is told - for once
[Admiral_Drake] Take a seat, Sharlena.
* Avalon aids with the leading
* Sharlena smiles at Drake
[Sharlena] Aye Sir.
* Sharlena takes a seat thats not saved by anyone or too crowded
[Admiral_Drake]  - - - Xrileshr, place the Hunters on the seats, unbind them but leave the collars on.
[Gravedigger] 6*now in normal form*1 "How humilatin'..."
* Xrileshr nods and shows them to their seats; once they sit down, he unbinds them save their ocllars
[Xrileshr] collars
[Spectre] Sure you can't get rid of the collars too? I've got a hell of a neckache...
[Admiral_Drake]  - - - Avalon  and Xrileshr, take a seat also.  Where is Paladin?
[Admiral_Drake] Sorry, Spectre, hate to have you try anything.  *Smiles sadly*
* Avalon wanders over to an empty seat
* Spectre shrugs and crosses her legs, waiting
* Gravedigger whistles
* Xrileshr walks by Avalon to his seat and mutters, 1"Interesting, I would say, that Paladin refused to come here... Just for that he was placed in a high security prison."
* Xrileshr sits down
[Admiral_Drake] . . . I see.
* Admiral_Drake shakes head
[Admiral_Drake] Alright, you've all - - - *Watches Index run in and jump down*
* Spectre starts to backhand Gravedigger, but thinks better of it
[Avalon] I didn't know he had a choice Xrilesher
[Admiral_Drake] As I was saying, you've all been brought here for today's execution.  We ARE in hyperspace right now.
* Gravedigger cringes, but sees Spec isn't going to hit him and unfurls
[Cheryl] . . .
[Xrileshr] NRP: How many people are here besides us?
[Sharlena] NRP: if it's not too much trouble, could you guys use a different color than black for speach in /me's? My BG's texture is mostly black.
[Admiral_Drake] By the laws, Slasher will be executed.  He was after all found guilty by the jury, which later in return ended up being arrested.
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Just us
[Xrileshr] NRP: ... Eh, we all use white for background, so it'd help if you'd change
* Shell_X walks into the room and finds a place to sit down
[Admiral_Drake] Welcome, Shell.  Now that we're all here, it's time to begin.
[Xrileshr] NRP: We could do green or red though, I suppose... Don't mind it myself
[Ariel] NRP: I use black too
[Admiral_Drake] Bring out the prisoner.
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Okay, play "Goldfinger mp3"
[Sharlena] NRP: Could you mind dark green maybe?
[Ariel] NRP: How about ctrl-n?
* Sound request: can't find 'goldfinger?-?superman.mp3'
* Xrileshr plays [goldfinger - superman.mp3] - 2890k - [iイ]
[Ariel] NRP: Does that work?
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Knock that OFF
* Slasher is pushed out by two guards, stumbling in
* Slasher straights up, trying to keep his posture, gazing out at the crowd.
[Spectre] NRP: This music... doesn't really fit...
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Listen -- -
[Sharlena] NRP: Gosh dern it! Use the folders for once! You have any idea how annoying I2 is in session?
[Admiral_Drake] Well, Slasher, any last words?
* Slasher looks at them, bites lip, and shakes head bitterly, and turns to Cheryl
[Slasher] Cheryl!  *struggles against the guards*
[Xrileshr] NRP: We were all supposed to listen to it anyway, though
* Spectre looks away as Slasher's eyes pass over her
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: You guys don't HEAR the words, do you!?
[Xrileshr] NRP: I do. I see how it fits
[Spectre] NRP: As do I.
[Slasher] Cheryl!  *breaks free of the guards and runs over to her*
* Admiral_Drake raises eyebrow
* Sharlena 's hand shakes at the words Slasher says, knowing her father wouldn't allow this
* Cheryl looks up, a tear running down the side of her face.
* Xrileshr sits perfectly straight and at attention, though inside he is quickly growing more tired of being in the Hunters
[Slasher] I-I'm sorry, Cheryl  - - - really.
[Gravedigger] This...this, no, defiently don't like the looks of this...
[Cheryl] I... I... I...
[Spectre] .oO{I've... failed...}
[Slasher] Guards: *detain Slasher and move him to the door in the room in front of the Hunters*
[Slasher] I lo-*is thrown into the room*
[Cheryl] No...... Slasher!
[Slasher] Guards: *seal the door*
* Gravedigger crosses his arms and puts his feet up
* Sharlena fights getting up and trying to stop them from executing slasher.
[Cheryl] No... Don't to this!
* Ariel has to retain Cheryl.
[Admiral_Drake] He was found guilty Cheryl.  *looks at the guards, they glance back, and nod*
* Shell_X closes his eyes and shudders
* Spectre buries her head in her hands, crying slightly, all hope lost. (NRP: Good old pessimistic Spectre.)
[Xrileshr] And then we are here for what, admiral?
[Admiral_Drake] To witness that the execution went through, as by law.
[Spectre] .oO{This many of us...? Something's... wrong...}
[Ariel] Is an execution really nessisary Admiral?
[Sharlena] *wispers to herself* A Barbaric law, if I were asked.
[Admiral_Drake] Necessary.  If the young lady wishes to leave *nods head at Cheryl* allow her.
[Xrileshr] Would you care to refresh my memory as to how executions are performed by your standards?
*** X2 (wiendigo@rc-123.netonecom.net) has joined #taw
[Admiral_Drake] We'll eject Slasher into hyperspace where he'll be ripped to shreds.
[Cheryl] You can't do this!  You can't!!! *tears running freely down her face*
* Shell_X thinks and begins looking through his data pad for the exact laws in this circustance
* Avalon doesnt protest because he is afraid to be kicked out having no where else to go
* X2 enters from the door on the left wall
[Spectre] I see the US Constitution doesn't matter anymore... But why would it, considering this isn't the US anymore...
[Admiral_Drake] US consitution fell out of play in EarthGov.
* X2 nods
[Shell_X] ... creul & unusual
* X2 backs out again
[Sharlena] .....U.S.? What's that?
[Xrileshr] You ought to remember that your courts and laws have proven him guilty of being a traitor; a severe offense in your eyes I'd think... and in Tsivrixsh eyes... *broods over the last line*
[Avalon] they havent used that old "scroll" for ages
*** X2 (wiendigo@rc-123.netonecom.net) has left #taw
[Admiral_Drake] Alright, lets begin
* Admiral_Drake sound Drake-speech.mid
* Sound request: can't find 'drake-speech.mid'
[Admiral_Drake SOUND]
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Hee hee
[Sharlena] NRP: *snickers*
[Spectre] NRP: Good one.
* Admiral_Drake points at the wall and a viewscreen flips on, Slasher facing away from them, bound and unable to move
[Admiral_Drake] Alright, Slasher, are you ready?
* Gravedigger pulls his hood over.
[Slasher] . . . *pause* Does it matter?
[Spectre] *quietly* This isn't happening... This can't be happening... I... I'm sorry, Slasher...
[Sharlena] .......I wonder..... isn't EarthGov....dissolved though, as Earth is....
[Xrileshr] An unhonorable death... A warrior deserves to die better...
[Gravedigger] Sooo not watching this....
[Cheryl] Slasher... no... this can't be real...  it can't be...
[Admiral_Drake] I presume it doesn't.  Goodbye, Slasher, may God have mercy on your soul.
* Admiral_Drake hits the button
* Slasher the hanger door in front of Slasher slowly opens
[Xrileshr] *to Sharlena* EarthGov is dissolved and Earth controlled by the Tsivrixsh Empire now... but this ship still uses her laws and is technically EarthGov territory itself
[Spectre] NO!
[Slasher] . . . *pause* See you in hell
*** Maestro (Kirameki@CDR6-99.accesscable.net) has joined #taw
[Slasher] NRP: You have to wait, Maest
* Spectre flies out of her chair and leaps for Drake, caught by guards in mid-leap
* Slasher is pulled and sucked out of the hanger and instantly ripped to shreds out in hyperspace, vanishing form sight
* Sharlena looks at Xrileshr
*** Slasher has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Spectre] NO! D... DAMMIT!
* Shell_X bows his head
[Avalon] I never thought it would actually happen but it did
* Admiral_Drake flips the viewscreen off and turns to the Hunters.
[Sharlena] ......Makes me wish this were parnel, the Ninalue don't believe in capitol punishment.
* Xrileshr bows head and whispers something in Tsivrish; a kind of prayer/chant thing
[Admiral_Drake] Now, it's time we talked.
[Cheryl] No... no... *collapses to the ground*
* Spectre thrashes against the guards, but gives up finally, knowing it's pointless to do anything to Drake, and slumps
[Xrileshr] Capital punishment is right, in my eyes at least, should the person be guilty of a great enough offense
[Admiral_Drake] You two *jabs finger at Spectre and Grave* tried to break the laws and refused to aid me when you know I wanted to help.  You even considered me one of the traitors
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *smirks*
[Gravedigger] Screwed....so screwed....
[Spectre] We broke the laws in an attempt to prove the innocent innocent.
[Admiral_Drake] I know I'm not Snipe, BUT you should have followed my command.
[Avalon] We have hell for the real "capitol punishment"
[Admiral_Drake] And you proved him GUILTY.
[Sharlena] ....But to send a person to Heaven, or Hell, without letting them amend for their sins, is.....wrong.
[Spectre] So it backfired...
* Ariel stands against the wall, not needing to hold back Cheryl now...
[Xrileshr] NRP: They did? I thought they just didn't prove he was innocent.. there's a difference
[Admiral_Drake] I want you guys to trust me, but you can't continue to throw off my orders.
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: No, they broke rules
* Spectre sighs, having no response
[Admiral_Drake] I want you back on duty, I really do.
[Admiral_Drake] Index: *frowns*
* Avalon flinches at the thought of being kicked out 
[Xrileshr] I'd hope their sentence would be the revoke of their ranks and a court marshel, rather than an execution
[Gravedigger] After what you just did Drakey, you can fucking go to hell. Command like yours is Nazi rule.
* Shell_X stands up and walks out of the room
* Admiral_Drake sighs
[Ariel] *sigh* I miss the commander...
[Admiral_Drake] Xril, remove Grave to the cells
[Admiral_Drake] Take Spectre with them
[Sharlena] ....Drake I trust you, but somethings cannot stand for a punishment that doesnot fit the crime.
* Admiral_Drake walks off rapidly
[Xrileshr] NRP: You guys do realize Drake is in the right here? No one proved Slasher wasn't guilty, and for all we know he may have been
*** Admiral_Drake is now known as Index
[Xrileshr] We're dismissed then?
* Index stands up from his seat
[Index] Looks like it, Xril
* Spectre remains in silence
* Index walks off
[Avalon] the only thing to do is wander off and ponde rthis
[Gravedigger] Guys, it's been real, let's all do this again real soon, shal lwe?
* Sharlena brushes her hair behind her ear and slowly walks off
[Ariel] I always knew he'd be killed by friendlies... -.-
[Xrileshr] Hopefully he will die better in his next life...
* Sharlena sips her coffee as she walks down the corridors
* Xrileshr stands up
[Xrileshr] *to the prisoners* I will now take you to your cells, by Drake's order
[Avalon] I didn't know you believed in reincarnation Xril
[Spectre] Yeah yeah, whatever... *apparently thinking about something else*
* Ariel helps Cheryl up and takes her to her quarters where she can be alone...
[Gravedigger] Hey Shrill, Zil, Nill, whatever your name is, how about you kiss your boss' ass some more and jsut do your fricking job, kay?
*** Cheryl (Avalon@CDR6-103.accesscable.net) has left #taw
[Xrileshr] What you might call the Tsivrixsh religion has it that those who live honorably will return for a new life. Death in battle, therefore, is not the end.
* Xrileshr takes them toward their cells, motioning for Avalon to accompany them
[Gravedigger] NRP: #cell ?
[Xrileshr] (to help Xrileshr take them to their cells, not to go in a cell, of course)
* Avalon indeed follows
[Index] NRP: No, here
[Avalon] I see the Tsiv as much like the vikings of long ago
[Xrileshr] Gravedigger, I was forced to become a member of this poor example of a "team" and at least I abide by its rules.
* Spectre walks in silence, thoughts elsewhere
[Sharlena] NRP: BRB
[Xrileshr] Your definition of discipline and order is nothing sort of doing whatever you please and feel is "right" whenever you please. No follow me.
* Xrileshr heads to the cells
* Xrileshr motions for them to enter the cells
[Xrileshr] no=know
[Gravedigger] No, you leap up to whoever says "Jump" pal, I know your kind. The Hunters stick together, we don't bend over for some jackass that says to.
* Shell_X has moved to the lounge and is just standing an staring out the window
* Spectre steps in, ignoring Grave's ranting, and sits in a corner, still thinking
* Gravedigger gets into his cell
[Xrileshr] And then why is my kind winning the war? *locks the cell doors*
[Index] Bubba: *sits in a corner, blanket covering him, obviously mad*
* Avalon shivers
[Xrileshr] I would appreciate it if you wouldn't drag me into your own petty feuds between your own kind.
* Spectre glances up. 1"That guy really liked Slasher... Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to throw up."
[Gravedigger] Wars waver pal, and I sure as hell hope when it does again, you're squished when the rest of you Nazi bastards fall.
[Xrileshr] And you are so great a judge on our kind? I don't agree with the war, you realize. Just like your planet has had governments, like the Nazis, that it hates, so have we. But, I would much rather be with my kind then yours. Good bye, now. *leaves*
[Spectre] When are you gonna learn not to piss off the talkers, Grave...
[Index] NRP: *Waits for Av to follow him*
[Gravedigger] Yeah, just wait till I get out of this cell and kick that high-and-mighty ass...
[Avalon] ah thats what your waiting for
* Avalon departs
[Spectre] Quit complaining. You're stuck here for now, and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it...
* Index walks in a few moments later, covered in the shadows, hidden from the cameras, the guard not around
* Index places a device down to block all recorders and listening to objects.
[Index] Well, well, I must say, this is quite amusing.
[Index SOUND]
[Spectre] I knew it was you from the start.
* Index shrugs
[Index] I figured you did.
[Index] However, you don't know how to play the game like I do.
[Spectre] What do you want? To torture us with your pointless words?
[Index] I was the traitor all along, and I merely let Slasher take the fall.  And you idiots PUT him in here.
* Shell_X flickers in silently behind Index
[Index] Perhaps, so you'll know how badly you failed
[Index] GM: A shield stops shell and he fails
[Spectre] Ragh, when I get outta here, your ass is grass...
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*** Loch (wiendigo@rc-114.netonecom.net) has joined #taw
[Avalon] NRP: like thats gonna work     if it did i would ahve already done it
[Index] GM: Once again, Shell fails
*** Gravedigger has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** Loch is now known as Gravedigger
[Xrileshr] NRP: Besides, it's doubtful Shell would have know about this meeting anyway as Index blocked it from sensors
*** X2 (wiendigo@rc-114.netonecom.net) has left #taw
[Index] Now that we're alone  *waves hand out* I thought we could have a heart to heart.
[Index] NRP: Too true.
* Spectre remains seated in the corner, glaring at Index
*** Chibi-Vegeta (Chibi-Veg@ip60.greenville7.sc.pub-ip.psi.net) has joined #taw
[Spectre] Start talking, asswipe.
[Ariel] NRP: Session
[Index] NRP: Session, you talk, you're dead.
[Shell_X] NRP: I've been setting up search programs to search for jamming and other anomalies
* Sharlena walks around the Fury, slightly bored
[Index] Well, now that Slasher is out of the way, I'll just take over everything now.
[Index] Bubba: I think not . . .
* Gravedigger stands facing Index, arms crossed
[Index] Bubba: *stands up, blanket falling off of him*
[Index] Drake: *flips gun on Index* Gotcha, you bastard.
[Index] . . .?!
* Index reaches over and flips the force field on
[Index] I think not, Admiral.
[Xrileshr] NRP: Oh, well, that makes sense then Shell
* Spectre nods successfully, then stops in surprise, having forgotten about the forcefield
[Index] Drake: Oh, really?  *points behind him* Slasher, if you would.
*** Slasher (Avalon@ has joined #taw
* Slasher shoots Index in the shoulder, dropping him
*** Chibi-Vegeta (Chibi-Veg@ip60.greenville7.sc.pub-ip.psi.net) has left #taw
[Index] ARGH!!!!
[Gravedigger] Whoa...quite the little twists and turns going on...
* Index hits the ground, holding his shoulder
[Index] Drake: Quite, X2, could YOU step out?
[Spectre] Damn, at the plot twists...
[Ariel] NRP: *waits to pop out*
*** X2 (wiendigo@rc-114.netonecom.net) has joined #taw
* Sharlena hears the yell from the corridor and starts heading to the place it originated [being a nurse you know]
[X2] Why yes, I could.
[Slasher] I figure X2's here to make sure I'm not really the traitor.  *flips the field off and opens the cell doors*
[Index] Drake: *steps out of the cell and swings it shut after him*
[Spectre] Aah... Could somebody take this thing offa my neck?
* Index moans
* Spectre steps out
* Sharlena runs in and looks at everyone
* Gravedigger steps out as well
[Index] NRP: Watches Spectre hit the door
[Gravedigger] Ditto
[Sharlena] .........Okay, what did I miss?
[Index] NRP: Watches Grave hit the door
[Spectre] NRP: Meh, he said "doors."
[Gravedigger] NRP: Gah...
[Slasher] My amazing come back to life?
[Spectre] NRP: Ok, scratch our comments/exits...
[Ariel] Yeah... What a way to blotch a good day ;)
* Shell_X rushes into the room, weapon at the ready and looks at the moaning index is surprise
* Slasher grins
[Slasher] Where's Cheryl?
* Index rolls onto his back
[Index] How?!  I SAW Slasher DIE!
[Shell_X] I'm last to the party I see
[Ariel] In her room... She still thinks you're dead.
[Sharlena] ......Index? ....*looks at them* I don't help him, do I..?
[Spectre] And the truth comes out... I'm assuming we're still under arrest for breaking the law...
[Index] Drake: 'Course not
[Slasher] Well, you see, when I was thrown into the room, X2 pulled me out and told me Drake's plan.  I naturally agreed.
* Sharlena gives off a big silly grin
[Slasher] ... I should talk to her then.  Excuse me.  *Walks off, grinning*
* Spectre leans against the bars, listening
*** Slasher has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** Paladin` (soupman@cc49170-a.mtpls1.sc.home.com) has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Paladin`
[X2] You have to admit, Drake can really plan his stuff.
[Index] Drake: Well, now that we have Mr. Traitor, we can finish him off later.
* Index holds his shoulder
[Index] Bastards.
[Diamondback] Why thank you, Index.
[Spectre] NRP: MEEEEP, wrong IRC window!
[Gravedigger] Uh, hi, remember us? Do ya think we could possibly get OUT now...
[Paladin`] NRP: *kicks the damned cable company*
[Xrileshr] NRP: DB! You're back!
[Index] Drake: *shakes head at Grave, watching Paladin being dragged in and thrown into the cell with them* 'Fraid not
* Shell_X activates his teleport jammer
[Index] Drake: YOU broke the law, YOU wouldn't listen to me, YOU can stay locked up until Snipe deals with you.
[Gravedigger] ...Yep, freaking bastard...
[Spectre] Ah, whatever...
* Index rolls to his feet and runs off as they talk
[Index] Drake: Wha?!
[Spectre] Sure, keep us cooped up, while HE runs off!
* Avalon is silently in the hallway
[X2] Sorry guys, I'd help if I could.
* Shell_X downloads himself in front of Index
[Index] Drale - Comm: Avalon!!!!  Xril, capture Index!
[Index SOUND]
* Index flips over shell
[Index] Sorry, idiot
[Xrileshr] NRP: I hope Drake has evidence beyond INdex's "confession" as if the laws are similar to modern laws, you can't convict someone on a confession alone
[Ariel] Dammit!
* Avalon is close by and runs after him
* Index skids along the hallway
* Shell_X downloads himself to the shuttlebay and starts locking down the shuttles
[Index] Drake: *blows the locks off the cell*
[Xrileshr] Drake; Understood, Drake. *scans for Index*
* Index heads the opposite way
* Avalon begins to  levitate after Index
[Index] Drake: Go do your stuff Hunters.
[Gravedigger] Well it's about time...
[Spectre] About time!
* Gravedigger dashes off
[Spectre] Now, how do I take this thing off!?
[Xrileshr] NRP: Am I near Index?
* Index skids to the control room
* Sharlena pulls up her sleeve and balls up her fist
[Index] Drake: *takes off Spectre's collar*
[Ariel] Back in action?  Just like the old times.
[Avalon] NRP: i know i ma
[Paladin`] Oh, so we're supposed to get Index now?
[Spectre] Thanks... Let's kick his ass, Admiral!
[Sharlena] Ohhhh..... Indexie's pissing me off! *chases after Index*
* Xrileshr is at the other end of the control room and approaches INdex, xvash drawn
[Index] Index: *begins to deactive all the power in the station*
* Spectre takes off after the rest of the group
* Ariel heads after Index.
[Index] Drake: That's the plan
[Paladin`] Wait, I'm confused.  I thought I was in there because I was going after Index . . .
* Avalon teleports closer
* Shell_X leaves Xrileshr's shuttle on since only Xrileshr can access it
* Xrileshr blasts Index away from the panel
[Index] Drake: Do behave 
* Sharlena sniffs the air, locking onto Index's scent
* Index sidesteps and lets Xril hit the panel
* Spectre bangs on the elevator buttons, and heads for the stairs instead
[Index] Hardly a goot shot.
* Avalon fires at Index
[Xrileshr] Surrender, Index... *dashes toward him*
* Index ducks
* Index rolls into Xril's feet, tripping him
[Paladin`] If you're going to plot, tell me.  I don't take kindly to people threatening my teammates, Drake.
* Xrileshr kicks INdex in the head when he tries it
[Index] Drake: come again?
* Spectre bursts out of the stairwell at the level where the fight has broken out
* Xrileshr flips over Index's head after that
[Index SOUND]
* Ariel makes it to the room with index.
* Index runs into ARiel
* Xrileshr picks Index up by the neck and throws him into the wall
[Paladin`] Doubtful.
* Avalon draws the Demon Sabre
* Index bounces off the wall and at Avalon
* Paladin` walks towards the fight
[Xrileshr] Try not to kill him, Avalon.
* Spectre joins the fight, forming psionic fireballs and launching them at Index
* Index kicks Avalon in the jaw
* Ariel summonds her hikari no dan.
* Avalon teleports out of the way of Index
* Shell_X downloads behind Index and attempts to lock on to Index
* Gravedigger follows Spec in
* Xrileshr draws xvash and dashes by INdex, slashing into him
* Index lands on a panel
* Sharlena punches Index in the jaw, her running into him
* Index leaps into the elevator
* Index hits down
[Gravedigger] Let's do it folks!
[Index] Elevator: Baaaaaaaaah.
* Sharlena holds out her hand and charges a bright ki ball
[Index] Elevator: HEEEEELP!!! HE's GOT ME PRISONER!
[Spectre] Whoa! *dissipates the energy and, lacking any other weapons, forms a sabre and dives for the elevator*
[Index] . . . DAMN ELEVATOR!
* Ariel prys the doors open
* Gravedigger morphs his hands into prybars and tries opening the doors
[Index] . . . *keeps hitting buttons*
[Sharlena] .......I'm not as tough as Daddy! But you almost killed an innocent!
[Index] Elevator: AAAAAAH, MY MOUTH!
* Xrileshr telekinetically grabs Index and pulls him out and too the floor
* Spectre telekinetically tries to pry the doors open
* Index slams into the door thanks to Xril
[Index] . . . ouch
[Spectre] [If you're going to use telekinesis, help me with the doors!]
* Shell_X appears in the elevator and fires a light leveler blast at Index to blind him
* Avalon manually tries to pull them
* Spectre continues prying on the doors telekinetically
* Index rolls blindly
* Xrileshr tries to rips the doors open with telekinetises
* Gravedigger melts into through the crack to the elevator
* Index rolls through the open doors
[Index] GM: Grave is stopped thanks to the collar
[Ariel] Real phasing would be nice about now...
[Gravedigger] SHIT!
* Index runs by, blindly
* Paladin` begins firing at Index
[Index] Dammit!
[Index] My PLANS!
* Sharlena puts her hand right next to Index's head, the bal lglowing
* Ariel seems to flicker as Index is slashed twice
[Gravedigger] NRP:...Someone get this tinhg OFFA ME!
* Index runs into Paladin's blast and hits the ground
[Index] OUF!
[Index] . . . *Sparks*
* Paladin` takes aim at Index's head
[Paladin`] I wouldn't suggest moving.
* Shell_X fires an Ionization blast at Index using his lockon
[Index] No, this can't be . . . my plans . . . my plotting
* Sharlena aims at Index's head with the blast
* Index side steps
[Xrileshr] If you can detain him, we can place the collar and restraints I brought on him.
* Spectre forms psionic energy
* Avalon throws a sword wave at Index
* Shell_X continues to uses his teleport jammer
* Ariel creates ice to hold index in place.
[Spectre] [You've pissed off more people than me. Don't move, if you value your life.]
[Gravedigger] ...Don't suppose you got anything to get the collars off, do ya?
[Sharlena] ........ Your REALLY pushing me to go against my capitol punishment beliefs.
* Index stands still
* Xrileshr moves toward Index and takes out collar
[Avalon] Can i break it? Do you mind
* Index grins
* Index explodes and hits everyone (5,000 AP)
* Sharlena puts her other hand and adds to the ball with it
*** Index is now known as Admiral_Drake
* Shell_X goes flying
* Admiral_Drake runs in as the control room is trashed by the explosion
* Ariel shields her eyes
[Gravedigger] ....Ow.
[Ariel] Baka ne...
* Avalon is thrown madly
* Spectre flies back and slams into an opposite wall, unprepared and unbraced
* Xrileshr tries to absorb it with armor and flies back even it is absorbed
[Sharlena] AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *slams into the wall [Her HP is bearly 1000...BTW]
[Admiral_Drake] . . . what happened?
[Paladin`] Well he's dead.
[X2] He kinda blew up.
* Spectre struggles to her feet
[Spectre] [He... exploded.]
[Xrileshr] He destroyed himself to try and kill us. *gets to his feet8
[Ariel] Damn self-destructs are annoying.
* Shell_X stands up and looks around the room
* Sharlena falls to the ground, dead, dying, or terminally injured.
[X2] Nooowwwwww...would someone get these collars off of Spec an' me?
[Admiral_Drake] Everyone okay?
[Paladin`] She's not
* Paladin` indicates Sharlena
* Admiral_Drake takes off Grave's collar
[Spectre] [Shit... Shit shit shit...]
[Admiral_Drake] We have medics?
[Ariel] Damn... Cheryl get here quick!
[Paladin`] Aren't you supposed to keep track of that?
* Spectre charges her psionics, and begins trying to stabilize Sharlena
[Admiral_Drake] . . . I meant in here.
* Shell_X downloads a couple Spysdirbots to help Sharlena(900 HP)
* Ariel uses her healing touch on Sharlena, but it isn't much
* Avalon can only drain
[Admiral_Drake SOUND]
[Admiral_Drake] Is. . . she okay?
[Sharlena] NRP: Technically she should be dead, whatever's your call, but it'll devistate Garland.
* Spectre gives up her attempt
* X2 rubs his neck
[Spectre] [I... can't do anything... My psionics are having no effect...]
* Admiral_Drake sighs bitterly
* Shell_X Spydirbots keep trying
* Paladin` looks over the pieces of Index
* Xrileshr stands back, unable to heal anyone besides himself
[X2] NRP: Whhoopps...Grave shoulda done that
* Sharlena lies there...... lifeless.
* Xrileshr calls medics in
[Admiral_Drake] . . . *kneels down beside Sharlena*
* X2 comes running down the hall followed by a slew of medica
*** Cheryl (Avalon@CDR6-103.accesscable.net) has joined #taw
* Cheryl comes running in
* Spectre bangs her hand on the floor
[Admiral_Drake] . . . no . . . NO!
[Cheryl] Oh no... Is she?  *runs over*
*** Seraphna` (dobahold@209-130-200-124.nas2.MON.gblx.net) has joined #TAW
* Admiral_Drake scoops Sharlena up in his arms
[Xrileshr] ...It was an honorable death, attempting to capture the traitor...
[Paladin`] NRP: fibulators?
* Shell_X as my Spydirbot keep working, me walks to a window and stares out
* Xrileshr bows head
*** Seraphna` is now known as Elayne_Vanguard
[Admiral_Drake] She's dead, X2.
[X2] NRP: Those shock paddles, y'know?
[Cheryl] There's still hope...
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: RP?
* X2 hangs his head
* Elayne_Vanguard walks in
[Paladin`] NRP: No, we just like using "NRP:"
* Admiral_Drake sighs, holding the body
* Diamondback scans Sharlena's vital statistics. Nothing.
[Xrileshr] NRP: See still can be saved, perhaps. Might have a better chance depending on how different her species is to humans
[Admiral_Drake SOUND]
[Spectre] NRP: I did it again...
[Xrileshr] NRP: see=she
* X2 turns sighing, signalling the medics to head back
[Ariel] NRP: Which song?
* Elayne_Vanguard yawns...
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: After death again
[Elayne_Vanguard] I got a call to the bay... what's wrong?
[Admiral_Drake] X2 . . . could you . . . take her to the morgue?
[Paladin`] . . . unnecessary.  Somebody should have been watching Index before he got away.
* Elayne_Vanguard sees Sharlena
[X2] Yeah, I will
[Elayne_Vanguard] Shar!
[Spectre] [I'm... sorry, Sharlena...]
* X2 takes her from Drake
[Xrileshr] I solemnly hope that this extravegent way of capturing Index was neccessary. It has cost us... If you knew he was guilty, why not capture him?
* Elayne_Vanguard rushes over to her
[Ariel] NRP: Ooh... Good song... *loves U7*
[Admiral_Drake] I didn't
[Spectre] [Because our loudmouthed Admiral forgot to watch him...]
[Elayne_Vanguard] What happened?
[Gravedigger] S'not like we didn't try, Drake.
[Admiral_Drake] I took a gamble on Slasher not being guilty.
[Admiral_Drake] A gamble I got from you and Paladin.
* X2 walks off with Sharlena's body
[Spectre] [Haven't I told you that from the beginning...
*** X2 (wiendigo@rc-114.netonecom.net) has left #taw
[Spectre] ]
[Xrileshr] And his confession alone would prove his guilt? It doesn't matter, he's dead now...
* Shell_X flickers as he stares out of the window
* Cheryl follows X2 off...
*** Cheryl (Avalon@CDR6-103.accesscable.net) has left #taw
* Elayne_Vanguard sits down hard
[Admiral_Drake] . . . *punches the wall*
[Admiral_Drake] Well, WHAT do you expect me to say?
[Paladin`] That you're sorry.
* Avalon approaches ShellX
[Xrileshr] Desent and war within owns ranks is much most devestating then an enemy could hope to be... It's happened here, and I hope it won't be the end of the Tsivrixsh Empire...
[Admiral_Drake] God, man, don't you THINK I am?!  Why was she even IN here?
[Spectre] [Hell, nothing you say will do any good...]
* Shell_X just keeps staring out the window
* Ariel is silent.
[Paladin`] I don't know.  You're in command, as you so extemporaneously proved.
* Elayne_Vanguard suddenly cannot cry and stands
* Avalon wasnt meaning to talk
[Admiral_Drake] - - - *sighs bitterly*  
[Spectre] [She was performing her duty as a member of the military, Drake...]
[Admiral_Drake] She wasn't in the military.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Is she really dead Admiral?
[Admiral_Drake] She was a MEDIC for Godsake.
[Xrileshr] Blaming it entirely on one man isn't the way to go. We all failed to protect her in battle. And she failed to realize her limits.
[Admiral_Drake] . . . dead, Elayne.
[Paladin`] What's your point?  You're ship, remember?  You're responsibility.
[Elayne_Vanguard] ...
[Elayne_Vanguard] "no..."
[Admiral_Drake] Well, who gives a rat's ass what YOU Think Paladin.
[Spectre] [So is Charlotte Carter. But... Ah hell, why bother arguing...]
* Shell_X sighs, mutters something about shuttles and flickers out
* Gravedigger walks off solemnly
* Admiral_Drake steps to the broken controls
[Xrileshr] Continue arguing if you must, but you need to realize that every her is on the same side now that Index is dead, I would hope.
* Avalon wonders what Shell said
* Elayne_Vanguard walks over and puts a hand on Ariel's shoulder
[Admiral_Drake] Our next stop will be to pick up the Hunters.  There's nothing more we can do here.
* Ariel sighs...
[Spectre] [...Pick up the Hunters...?]
[Ariel] She was only a kid... She shouldn't have been here...
[Admiral_Drake] They are alive and well, kid.
[Xrileshr] I agree. Perhaps finding them will be able to keep this group alive.
[Paladin`] I hope so.  We've decimated our ship, our ranks, and our moral.  What's left to do?
[Xrileshr] Or so we believe. We can't be sure it's not a trick yet
[Elayne_Vanguard] So am I....
[Spectre] [At least there is SOME good news today...]
[Paladin`] Screw it, the chance alone is worth it.
* Admiral_Drake suddenly the ship is knocked out of hyperspace.
[Admiral_Drake] . . . what!
[Ariel] I'd risk the chance of a trap to get DS... WHat?!
[Spectre] [What in the name of...!?]
[Xrileshr] An attack, as I feared would happen...
[Elayne_Vanguard] !
[Admiral_Drake] We're not NEAR the planet.
[Shell_X] Comm] What's going on?
[Avalon] We need anything there is to keep the group alive
* Gravedigger comes running back
[Xrileshr] Or something else, but we'll see
[Admiral_Drake] NO where near ity
[Spectre] [Frickin' perfect...]
[Paladin`] "What's left to do?"  Why did I have to say that?
[Xrileshr] The journey alone was what I said could be dangeorus
[Admiral_Drake] . . . *brings up the cracked viewscreen and sees an Queen Battle Ship . . . Tsiv style outside
[Gravedigger] Okay, someone tell me what in the hell's up with us stopping in the middle of nowhere...
[Admiral_Drake] . . . My God, we're done for.
[Ariel] Shit!
[Gravedigger] ...eep.
[Admiral_Drake] And thanks to Slasher blowing all our weapons up
[Spectre] [Ah dammit...]
[Elayne_Vanguard] ...
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dang it...
[Xrileshr] ... We all are in a great deal of trouble.
[Admiral_Drake] . . . it's closing in. . . and fast.
[Shell_X] Comm] Hello? Anybody?
* Elayne_Vanguard draws her blaster
[Ariel] Have they... Never mind...
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: ~~~~~~~~`
[Elayne_Vanguard] Then let's be reeady!
[Xrileshr] NRP: Aren't we in the "largest ship in the galaxy"?
[Paladin`] . . . would you all stop pointing out the obvious and do something?
[Spectre] [That blaster isn't gonna do anything, Elayne...]
[Gravedigger] Sooo...anyone got plans for tomorrow? Yeah? Well, you may just wanna cancel 'em...
* Paladin` checks on the weapon controls
[Avalon] Oh well time to figure something out
[Shell_X] NRP: It's also mostly unarmed
[Admiral_Drake] . . . like there isn't enough chaos going around these days.
[Elayne_Vanguard] [Just a way of making a speach bud]
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: Greetings, Hunters.
[Spectre] NRP: Elayne can use telepathy, eh?
[Xrileshr] Prepare for battle or attempt to negotiate a surrender are our only options... I'm afraid I would recommend the latter.
*** Dameon (iadoniss@1Cust128.tnt2.cleveland3.oh.da.uu.net) has joined #taw
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: Session, you speak, you're gone
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: Lac should know.. it was in my BIO
[Paladin`] I wouldn't.
[Spectre] NRP: Well I'm not Lac, am I?
* Shell_X appears on the bridge and tries to make use of what's left of the sensors
[Admiral_Drake] . . . *doesn't notice the comm. as he flips on Red Alert*
*** Ripple (Mightymito@sktnsk01d05160162.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
[Paladin`] NRP: You're not?  Then where is he?
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: You cam
[Admiral_Drake] NRP: You can't RP yet.
[Ripple] NRP: Holy Crapola lots of people
[Ariel] NRP: Heya Rip.
[Xrileshr] ... The comm., Drake.
[Ripple] NRP: Just got back.  What a party.. wooo
[Admiral_Drake] Comm?
[Admiral_Drake] Shell, get the comm.
[Spectre] NRP: 13, for the record...
* Elayne_Vanguard walks to her nav computer
* Paladin` taps his foot
[Spectre] [Helluva note... Get through a huge situation to get into a bigger one...]
[Admiral_Drake] Shell, get the comm.
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: Hello?
[Paladin`] Did you even send some engineers to fix the weapons?
* Shell_X keeps trying to work the sensors as he moves to the comm
[Admiral_Drake] They were all blown off the station
[Shell_X] Hello, back at you
[Admiral_Drake] Slasher: So sue me.
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: Ah, finally, you answer.  I was worried you were already dead.
[Spectre] [They already did, Slasher.]
* Xrileshr moves by Shell
* Gravedigger reaches into his puddle-y chest and takes out his shovel
[Shell_X] And why would that be?
[Avalon] Can i do anything to help anyone?
[Spectre] [Yeah, you can be quiet.]
[Admiral_Drake] Comm: Because I, Shretrav, 2nd member of the Tsivrixsh counsel, have a deal to make you.

[DeathStar] Act Two: Where are the Hunters? [DeathStar] Flashback #1 [DeathStar] Time Chart: December 5th [DeathStar] Location: Death Star's base, seconds before explosion * DeathStar the countdown hits 10 as he powers up the shuttle *** Snipe (Avalon@ has joined #taw [Slash] DS, you think you can make it? [Diamondback] [GO! That explosion's gonna be merciless, and it doesn't care who it kills!] * Garland practically crawls onto the shuttle * DeathStar flips up the ramp * Ripple hugs Spirit waiting *** Paladin` sets mode: +v Avalon *** Ariel is now known as Spirit [DeathStar] I'm going as fast as I can! *** Paladin` sets mode: +v Garland [Snipe] Dias: HURRY UP THEN! * Snipe sits down and buckles up * Diamondback and Blackjack tense *** Paladin` sets mode: +v Maestro * Slash nods *** Paladin` sets mode: +v Seraphna` * DeathStar hits the boosters as the countdown hits 3. * Garland stands behind DeathStar * Slash attempts to open a warp portal *** Paladin` sets mode: +v Shell_X [Garland] We HAVE to make it! *** Paladin` sets mode: +v Snipe *** Paladin` sets mode: +m * Slash fails because hes too weak * DeathStar the shuttle zooms across the hanger floor, sparks shooting [DeathStar] Timer: 0 [Paladin`] NRP: Sorry about all that, didn't know how to multiple voice * Diamondback closes his eyes tightly [DeathStar] We're not going to make it. * DeathStar the explosion hits right as DS enters hyperspace, still on the planet, sending everyone into KO [Slash] Yes we are. *rewires some stuff in the control box* [Snipe] rAAAAAGHHHH! [Garland] ......God I hope for once.... that your wrong. * Snipe flies back [Blackjack] WHOAAAH! [Diamondback] AAAAGH! * Ripple falls KO'd still holding Spirit [DeathStar] NRP: all fall into KO now, sweet dreams [Garland] GRRRRR!AGH! * Slash drops to the floor * DeathStar is thrown back in his chair [Spirit] NRP: There goes my line... Thanks Rip =P * Garland .....oh.... falls over [DeathStar] Time Chart: Unknown [Slash] NRP: Hey, can i help it if we think the same? [DeathStar] Status: Everyone is KO * DeathStar the entire shuttle is dark and only DS moves about. * DeathStar none of the controls are on, but it continues to move in space. * Garland stirrs [Garland] Ugh...... My.....Head..... * Slash twitches [DeathStar] Surprised you're up so soon, Garland. * Snipe stirs, in great pain * Blackjack moans * Slash struggles to a sitting position * Garland painfully sits up, sore all over [DeathStar] And the rest of you. * Slash checks his internal status [DeathStar] NRP: 1 hour hit * Garland holds out a thumbs up * Diamondback groans telepathically, the sound echoing through everyone's minds [Slash] ... You know Me. Only Death can keep me down [Garland] ......I'm a trooper I guess. *laughs* * DeathStar has hand out slightly, his armor a slightly different color. [Garland] We made it? [Blackjack] Hey, I'm Jay Carter... Nothing THAT simple's gonna take me down... * Ripple is still laying there [DeathStar] If you could say that. I almost killed us entering hyperspace on a planet. [Spirit] NRP: If this is a beast wars parody... * DeathStar points at the psionics [Slash] But we are still alive arent we? [DeathStar] How are they? Still psionicless? * Spirit is still out cold. [Blackjack] Better... *sits, struggling* with hyperspace than by explosion... [Slash] I think so. Havent heard any background noise from them..... * Diamondback struggles to a sitting position [Diamondback] NRP: Scratch that earlier moan from DB. [DeathStar] Must be. Xevil did a job on them. I don't think they can gain it back. * Snipe holds head in pain * Slash shakes his head [Snipe] . . . where are the others? * Diamondback shakes his head, not in response to DS, but to shake the dizziness off [DeathStar] The Fury, you mean? They think we're dead no doubt. You guys have been hour a week and half. * Garland holds his head "Xevil, damn... what'd I do while I was in Hyper, anyway?" [Snipe] . . . Avatar. . . [Diamondback] Ryan... * Slash watches out the ports. * DeathStar face frowns slightly. [DeathStar] NRP: Been out. * Spirit stirs slightly and looks up grogily. [Slash] ..... He got toasted.. [Snipe] Charming, Slash. [Snipe] . . . *points at the dead shuttle* How are we moving? [Slash] .. I tell it like it is Kid. [Diamondback] ...Aren't you sentimental... [Spirit] Wh..at.... happened........ Wh..ere... are we...? [Maestro] NRP: Am I here\dead? [DeathStar] NRP: You're with us * Ripple is still laying on the ground, moaning softly [Garland] ....... I hope no one dear to us never has to die...again. [DeathStar] . . . *avoids Snipe's question* Everyone up for some food? [Slash] .... Amen to that. [Blackjack] NRP: How's that for ironic. [DeathStar] NRP: Heh. * Spirit shakes Ripple gently [Slash] NRP: *cough*notgonnahappen*cough* [DeathStar] NRP: Sharlena died in the first hour. [Paladin`] NRP: WOO! SHE'S DEAD! [Garland] NRP: I'm going for Irony here. * Maestro is still koed NRP: Now I don't have to RP whole heartedly [Ripple] NRP: Definate irony. Especially if you know what DS and I have planned. [DeathStar] NRP: You'll all die. * DeathStar hand wavers some, still sticking out slightly [Diamondback] Yeah... Here's to never losing anyone close to us again... [Garland] NRP:....by saying such, you have given use the knowledge that somthing WILL happen. * Ripple eyes snap open, looking at Spirit [Slash] NRP: Obviously [Paladin`] NRP: That and the fact that we already did. [Garland] NRP: kinda takes away from the drama. [Snipe] . . . DS? [Spirit] Wake up sleepy head... *smiles* [DeathStar] Oh, about the shuttle, Commodore? [Ripple] Thanks Spirit. *glances around* [Snipe] . . . yes. [DeathStar] I'm using my polaris state to move it . . . non stop for the past week or so. * Slash glances at DS [Slash] You sure you got the power for that? [Spirit] o.O [Blackjack] Yeesh, you're pushing it, DS... [DeathStar] . . . been doing it, haven't I? [Slash] Got us there. * DeathStar moves from the pilot's se at and walks around [Slash] Just dont kill yourself doing it alright? [Spirit] .oO( He's stronger than I ever imagined... ) [Ripple] NRP: Would the Rapport be ripped out also? [DeathStar] We're going to stop at a station and get refitted and refueled in a few moments. [DeathStar] NRP: Anything psionic. [Ripple] NRP: just clearing it up. * Slash nods [Garland] ....Thats good. * DeathStar pulls the shuttle into a crowded station area and docks * DeathStar drops hand [Spirit] NRP: Er... That is still iffy then... [DeathStar] Alright, we need to get supplies and get the engine moving again * DeathStar steps over Maestro [Snipe] Is MAEST still OUT? Bah. * Garland checks his pockets for any money he may have [Diamondback] Wuss. [Spirit] Hehehe... Pilots... [Slash] Ok, Ill help with the engine. I wasnt a mechanic for nothing. [DeathStar] We're out of water. you guys take a lot of it through IVs. * Spirit shudders. [Diamondback] That's... nice to know... [Blackjack] Greeeeeeat... * Ripple eyes narrow, but open again * Snipe looks around the station * Slash disappears to work on the engine [DeathStar] This beat up Tsiv. shuttle is pretty powerful. [Maestro] Stop takling.... I'm trying to act asleep so you people won't bug me... *** Seraphna` has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) * Ripple walks up and accidentily kicks Maestro as he walks by [Xrileshr] NRP: Ohhh! So that's what it was! [Ripple] Oops, didnt see you there. * Diamondback yawns, taking off his cap, which has somehow stayed on his head, even after the hyperspace * Spirit taps her bracelet, and smiles seeing it's recharged to full power. [DeathStar] Time Chart: 2 days later. * DeathStar throws himself into the seat [DeathStar] Alright, battle station's people * Snipe runs on board the shuttle [Diamondback] What's up? [Snipe] What's going on? * Slash lands in the weapon control chair * DeathStar points at the fleet of pirates outside * Ripple stands watching * Garland walks over to the small Strategic chair * Diamondback takes the starboard weapons opposite Slash, barely beating Blackjack [DeathStar] Plus we're being scanned by a ship identified as the Red Beard, docked behind us. [Diamondback] Doesn't sound good... * Maestro gets off the floor "Okay, Whats going on?" *** Sreaphna` (dobahold@209-130-200-124.nas2.MON.gblx.net) has joined #TAW [DeathStar] NRP: Recognize this scene, boys and girls? [Garland] .....Tsiv don't put much enfasis on strategy, do they? [Blackjack] With a name like the Red Beard, they're probably out for blood... * DeathStar fires a missile into the pirates. [Xrileshr] NRP: I did *points a dozen or so lines up* [Maestro] NRP: Yes, Maestro was lying on the floor for two days [Slash] ... The Red Beard? Wasnt that group the ones who were the nemisis of the Gamma Sector? [DeathStar] Perhaps * DeathStar hits the boosters * Snipe is thrown back * DeathStar flies through the path he cleared. *** Sreaphna` is now known as Seraphna` [Blackjack] Dunno, Slash, I've never heard of 'em... WHOA! *catches a seat to avoid being thrown* [DeathStar] The shuttle is still beat up, we'll probably blow up in a our escape. * DeathStar sees the Red Beard following their escape vector [Slash] .. Then we make our escape a Good escape. [DeathStar] Alright, looks like they want to get out of here too. [Blackjack] Good ol' DS... Always tell it as it is... *shudders* * DeathStar hits hyperspace. *** Paladin` sets mode: +v Seraphna` * Spirit holds onto her chair tightly, without realizing she's shifted into werepanther form * DeathStar the shuttle sparks and shakes * Garland grounds himself, as not to be thrown around by hyperspace [Diamondback] Ooooooh shit... * Maestro slides to the back of the Shuttle * DeathStar sighs when the controls die [Slash] .. Hold together you stuipd Shuttle... else Im gonna come back from my grave and kick the crap out of whats left. [Garland] .....Shit. [DeathStar] . . . this is it, boys and girls, hold on, dead in hyperspace . . . [Diamondback] That's... not good. [Blackjack] ...Well said, Chris. [Snipe] No, no it isn't. [Ripple] ..... What fun. We are gonna make one loud Splat. [Maestro] I'll be happy as long as we don't lose Life support... [DeathStar] GM: Lifesupport dies [Diamondback] We're going to lose life in a minute... [Snipe] . . . how did we see this coming? [X1] NRP: Ha! Famous last words! [Garland] NRP: Irony strikes again! [Xrileshr] NRP: *snickers* [Ripple] NRP: AHHHH IRONY! *shoots it* [Maestro] I'll be happy... [Diamondback] NRP: Ok, everyone, on 3... 1... 2... 3! STOP BREATHING! [DeathStar] . . . what you say goes around?
[DeathStar] Present Day [DeathStar] Time Chart: December 18th [DeathStar] Location: Unknown Planet [DeathStar] GM: The planet they are on is very far from advanced. It is made up for small villages of huts all around, the shuttle crashed in the fields. A forest is nearby for training and a river runs by for bathing. [Snipe] Dias: *sits by a hut, talking to a girl* * Ripple sits by a hut talking to Spirit * Garland stands there in the forest, panting [DeathStar] GM: DS and Garland are in the forest, training [Xrileshr] NRP: I'm impressed Dias mastered the inhabitant's language so fast * DeathStar lands on the ground, not breathing hard. [Snipe] NRP: Hush, they just mumble * Snipe is at the river, bathing with a bunch of natives. [Garland] .....You ready for me, old friend!? [DeathStar] . . . if you have anything, kid. [X1] NRP: Knowing Dias, he'd be rejected repeatedly and take it as a "Yes". *** Diamondback has left IRC *** Diamondback has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [Spirit] I wonder if we'll ever get back to the fury... * Garland grins happily, enjoying this a lot * Slash modifys his warp blades a bit *** Blackjack has quit IRC (Ping timeout) * Snipe continues his "bath" with the native women *** Diamondback is on IRC *** Diamondback (speedblade@user114.pcnow.net) has joined #TAW *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Diamondback * Garland blurs ouf of veiw and appears, his fist in DS's face *** Blackjack (speedblade@user114.pcnow.net) has joined #TAW * DeathStar grabs the fist and throws Garland behind him * Garland teleports and kicks him in the back [DeathStar SOUND] * DeathStar ducks and lets Garland go over him * Slash watches DS and Garland battle, watching DS's moves and Garlands speed [DeathStar] Lets dance. * Garland lands on his feet and turns around [Paladin`] NRP; Kirk, stop fooling around with those odd colored natives. That isn't logical. I'm a vulcan, not a doctor, dammit. * Snipe has fun with his bathing, with the natives. [Ripple] NRP: *discos to the music* [Garland] .....I see you've practice your technique! [DeathStar] Of ducking? * Garland clenches his fists [Garland] ......Well no, I meant as whole! Not many people can throw me out of a punch! * Diamondback lies against a tree, watching the battle [DeathStar] Aaaaaaaaaaaah. * Garland smiles [Garland] Let's rock. * Snipe dives underwater [X1] NRP: I'm surprised DS isn't trying to rule these natives as well. "Hi, want a leader?" "No." "You sure?" "Yes." "Really sure?" "Yes." "Bastards!" * Garland jumps straight up * DeathStar watches [part] Dameon (iadoniss1Cust128.tnt2.cleveland3.oh.da.uu.net) has LEFT #taw 7:59pm PST * Ripple plants a quick Kiss on Spirits cheek, and turns to watch the battle too * Sound request: can't find 'garland.mid' [DeathStar SOUND] [Diamondback] Looks like Snipe's having fun... 夫oice・Paladin` VOICES Blackjack in #taw (:op:) Paladin` OP'S Snipe in #taw (:op:) Paladin` OP'S Blackjack in #taw [DeathStar] NRP: this is Act Two still, I think. :Garland: Yaaa!!!! *flies down into DS at a high speed, flying straigh and forcing his course straight, using gravity for a hit* [Diamondback] NRP: Haven't heard that one in a while... Aaah... * Spirit is taken by surprise. * DeathStar fades and appears far enough back [Ripple] NRP: *plays it on his CD* * DeathStar lets Garland hit the ground END OF MIDI * Garland lands on his feet, reacting in time. [Ripple] NRP: WHich reminds me.... They will be sent out monday after my tests are over. * Spirit leans against Ripple as she watches. [quit] Shell_X (shadezadets021d15.min-mn.concentric.net) has QUIT 8:00pm PST "Ping timeout" * Diamondback looks at Spirit and Ripple, and looks immediately depressed * Garland smiles * DeathStar throws a kick into Garland's face [DeathStar] Time for some offensive moves on my part. * Garland catches the kick [Blackjack] *to no one in particular* They've both improved... * DeathStar throws leg hard enough to let Garland hit the ground * Garland flips back up * DeathStar kicks Garland in the ribs, gently * Slash nods hearing BJ "That they have..." * Garland grabs his foot and slams him into th ground * Garland ....gently. * DeathStar hits the ground with his hands, flips into the air and lands on Garland's back [Blackjack] I'll have to take you on sometime... Just to see how much each of US has improved. * DeathStar flips off * Slash smirks * Garland jumps and land in a handstands, looking at DS [Slash] Remember Hammer? [Blackjack] Do I. [DeathStar] Shall we continue this or take a break, like Snipe? [Slash] .... I finished him off. * Slash mutters "Little bastard.." [Blackjack] No kidding? :Garland: I want to be ready for the other council members, not use hyper everytime, it's not me. [DeathStar] NRP: Whoa, we're only 10% done!? [Slash] Yea. He found my bunker, so i had to lay into him to make him forget... [Xrileshr] NRP: And two hours into the session. [Garland] NRP: guess so.... freakey deaky. [DeathStar] Machinary: *buzzes* [Ripple] NRP: Ohhhhh shit..... [DeathStar] NRP: Well, 1 hour and 40 minutes. [DeathStar] My machines? * DeathStar glances at the huts * Diamondback raises an eyebrow * Garland flips onto his feet and looks at the huts * Snipe puts on his clean uniform, having finished his bath * DeathStar walks over to them :Garland: Whats that, DS? * Ripple hugs Spirit * Garland follows DS like he did when he was 4 [Blackjack] *quietly to Slash* Looks like something of DS's screwed up. Again. [DeathStar] It's the proximity sensors, to alert us if someone is coming [Maestro] NRP: Okay, I'm lost again, Am I still here? [DeathStar] NRP: Yes. * Snipe dries his hair [Snipe] So, the Fury has arrived? * Slash smirks [X1] NRP: Quick! Hit the fast forward button! *hits it* "Session 50 Ends."...D'oh! [DeathStar] . . . looks like it. * Slash whispers back "Not all his things blow up... just most..." [Xrileshr] NRP: Lets see... 1.75 times 10 means the total session time will be approxamitaly 17 and a half hours. [Maestro] ... * DeathStar gazes at the sky [Diamondback] Hey, we're gettin' outta here! All right! [Snipe] 'Bout time! [Snipe] Hotdogs, here we come! * Garland smiles looking at the sky [DeathStar] End
[Red] Act Three: The Battle Breaks Out! [Red] Location: Redbeard. * Red stands on the bridge, standing over the casket of their dead comrad. *** Paladin` is now known as Azazel [Red] He died saving our lives . . .against grass. [Orlonre] ......'oor'geek. * AceHunter mutters about inferior parts and hyperspace distortions as he works on his ship [Riptide] Brave man... * Mindscape glances down at the casket [Riptide] An idiot, but a brave man... [Gazer] ...So you gentlemen battled an overgrown patch of killer crab grass? * BioHazard nods * Red glares at Gazer. [Riptide] That's... exactly it, Gazer... [Phantasma] I always knew grass was evil. [BioHazard] He was a good comrad. [Gazer] NRP: Psst...who died? [Red] Dammit, GAZER, he's DEAD. [Red] NRP: Sirus? [BioHazard] ... You would be amazed at what grass can do. [Red] And the HUNTERS' are to be blamed for this [BioHazard] NRP: hee hee hee [Mindscape] ... [They are?] [Riptide] NRP: Really? [Red] It was a TRAP set up for them. * Red points finger at the planet [Red] I say we pay them back in kind. [Gazer] I wasn't disputing the fact capatin, I just wanted to get my facts straight before I came to any emotional conclusions. [Red SOUND] [BioHazard] ... *forms a dart* [Mindscape] [... I see. Well, we can show them that how we feel then...] * Riptide doesn't feel like arguing * Gazer folds his arms [Orlonre] 'ow Red, Cannya'eally blam'em, twasn't'deir idea. [Riptide] [Whatever ya say, mon capitan.] [Red] Well, it's the last of our orders, is it not? [BioHazard] ... Shut up Orlo. Eye for an eye. * Phantasma loads his cannon. * Red puts the casket in the missile tube [Phantasma] Pay back. [Azazel] Idiotic revenge. [Azazel] Shall we? * Mindscape psionic energy sizzles around his fist [Gazer] And I'll restat my previously claim: I do NOT kill. * Riptide slashes the air rapidly with his suddenly summoned daggers [Riptide] Vengeance WILL be ours... [Red] . . . fine, then Gazer, why shouldn't we kill them. * BioHazard loads his Viral strains into his system [Orlonre] Ai fer a' Ai? Nawt'ma idea'o mai'n * BioHazard checks the ammo on his plasma pistols, and the laser sight * BioHazard holsters them [Azazel] What about your pet lizard? * Riptide raises an eyebrow, not understanding a word of what Orlonre just said * Red fire Sirus into space. * Mindscape checks his weaponry, special modifications made to it to be effective against the hunters known weaponry * Riptide salutes the dead pirate * Red salutes. * Orlonre salutes [BioHazard] .... *falls silent* [Gazer] It was a fluke, captain, wether or not it was a trap for the Hunters, someone would have died regardless. * BioHazard salutes * Mindscape salutes as well [Red] Well, Gazer, we'll die if we don't take them out. *** Seraphna` has quit IRC ("Time, and Patience in alll things, that's the key to life...) [Red] NRP: She'll be back. [Red] NRP: As he plays a key part in Endgame. [BioHazard] .. *quietly* kill them all. kill them all SLOWLY. [Gazer] It isn't the Hunters we should be after, but our trap-setters. * AceHunter keeps muttering as he works on his ship [Orlonre] 'elf'reservatio' win'again 'mfriends. [Red] Well, lets "chat" with the hunters. We'll capture them and talk to them. How's that sound? [Gazer] We've been in tougher situations, we'll find some way out. We always do. [Azazel] . . . why not justkill them? That's our job. [Riptide] [I doubt they'll sit still long enough for that...] [Red] We [Gazer] Sounds fine, except for the "capture" portion. [Red] We'll see. I want to talk to them. Face to face. [BioHazard] NRP: BB some time in the next hour... gotta retrieve truck from School. Alternator shot. [Mindscape] [Sounds good. If you need any information from their minds or anything else to be... done to them, then I'm your man.] *** BioHazard has quit IRC (Leaving) [Red] Lets move it people, into positions *** Slash has quit IRC (Leaving) [Red SOUND] [Riptide] [Whatever ya say. Let's do it.] * Red the Red Beard jerks through space. [Orlonre] NRP: The Dragon Flies! * Red crosses arms and glances at Gazer. [Riptide] NRP: You know, you could've just typed /me Beard... right there * Mindscape moves by the sensor station [Red] NRP: HAH. [Mindscape] NRP: LOL * Red Beard flies through space, heading towards the planet [Riptide] NRP: *nods* * Gazer adjusts his hat. [Orlonre] NRP: LOL that he actually used it. * AceHunter stomps onto the bridge swearing up a blue streak [Riptide] NRP: *takes a bow for coming up with a semi-worthwhile idea* * Red Beard flies through the atmosphere [Riptide] [Yesh, such language, Ace...] [Red] . . . welcome, Ace. * Phantasma spends the time preping weapons. * Red flies over the village and sees the Hunters, below, ready. [Mindscape] [Greetings, Ace Hunter.] [Orlonre] ye'farkin'cor'ocker Aice! 'acth'ye'mouth! [Riptide] [They know we're here...] [Red] Looks like we're in for trouble, gang. This is it. Once more as a family, we're going in. * Mindscape scans them all and saves the specs * Red holds hand out [Phantasma] Let's rock thier world. [Red] One for all, and all for one, right guys? [Orlonre] 'ait, Red! [Phantasma] *nods* Together until the end. [Gazer] Depending what we're all for at the moment, captain. [Riptide] [A-men, Red! This will be the end of the Hunters, and remember, teamwork is the key...] [Mindscape] [Of course. We live together or we die together.] [Red] I'm for a chat, Gazer, but more if necessary. [Red] Way more. [Red] End.
[DeathStar] Location: The Planet. [DeathStar SOUND] * DeathStar gazes up as the Red Beard lowers * Garland NRP: kicks DB [DeathStar] What in HELL'S name IS that? [Diamondback] NRP: Fun-ny * Snipe shakes head [Gazer] NRP: Hey, you were glaring, I was trying, hush now, action time. [Snipe] Not the Fury. [Diamondback] Isn't the Fury, that's for sure... [Blackjack] Looks familiar... [DeathStar] IT's stopped . . . hovering over our heads. [DeathStar] . . . the Red Beard!? [join] Red (Avalon206.74.126.98) has JOINED #taw 8:20pm PST * Spirit stands up, wondering who it could be... well, not any more... [Blackjack] NRP: Hate first words of sentences. * Diamondback stands [DeathStar] NRP: Alright, head in Pirates. (:op:) DeathStar OP'S Red in #taw * Red flies out on a hover pad under each foot [Red] YOU GOT IT, HUNTER! * Snipe gets into battle stance, his uniform already ripped END OF MIDI [join] Riptide (speedbladeuser114.pcnow.net) has JOINED #TAW 8:21pm PST (:op:) DeathStar OP'S Riptide in #taw * AceHunter glides down to the planet with his grav-boots * Gazer fires a line to the ground and uses his staff to slide down * Garland gets into his stance, his uniform... well.. gi, nicely creased. * Spirit morphs into a werepanther without thinking about it [join] Phantasma (AvalonCDR6-103.accesscable.net) has JOINED #taw 8:21pm PST (:op:) DeathStar OP'S Phantasma in #taw * Riptide drops to the ground, daggers ready, hoverpads under his feet * Mindscape flies out via telekinesis [DeathStar] Oh shit [AceHunter] 'ello chaps, long time no see, fellers! * Phantasma hops out, making craters where he lands [Blackjack] Ace!? *** Paladin` is now known as Azazel [Mindscape] [I hope you're all ready to own up to your actions...] [Spirit] Ace? Who's ace? [Snipe] What?! * Red hovers in front of Death Star * AceHunter lands next to DS [Red] Lets just say we've been ordered to kill you. Bu--- [Snipe] What?! * Snipe kicks Red back [Snipe] I think NOT [Gazer] Ease off, Mindscape. [Red] OUF! [Garland] ....I don't think so! * Red slams into a hut [Riptide] [Hey, nothing personal, ok? We've got orders...] [DeathStar] Oh shit * Spirit slides back into a fighting posistion. [Gazer] Oh dear, this won't be good... * Red flips to his feet * Riptide darts through the air, daggers flashing, as he passes Spirit * Azazel hovers above the pirates * Gazer shakes his head [Red] GET THEM! [Snipe] GET THEM! * Mindscape fires a blast of energy into Snipe's chest from his cybornetic arm * Orlonre pulls out his revolvers [DeathStar SOUND] [Snipe] ARRGGHHHH! * Snipe hits the ground * Blackjack quickly pulls his rifle out and shoots at Riptide [DeathStar] Snipe!? [Orlonre] 'Ai don'wanna dew dis, but.... * Azazel fires on Snipe with a shotgun energy blast * Phantasma pulls out his cannon * Orlonre shoots Garland * Snipe flies back [Diamondback] Damn! * Red rams into DS * DeathStar throws Red away * Gazer walks over to a nearby tree and sits, leaning against it * Diamondback fires a blast from his rifle at Mindscape * Spirit leap-tackles Azazel * Garland looks at the bullet hit him in the chest, and looks at Orlonre * DeathStar kicks Red off his hoverpad * AceHunter types something into the pad on his arm and his ship leaves Red Beard's hanger and cloaks while Ace watches the fighing [Garland] ........ DON'T DO THAT! * Azazel rolls back and thrusts her off with his legs * Snipe struggles to his feet. * Garland kicks him into the ground * Spirit lands in a tree [Orlonre] Ouf! * Diamondback and Blackjack doubleteam Mindscape, both letting blasts fly from their rifles * Red punches DS back * Phantasma fires a partially charged shot at Garland [DeathStar] Lucky shot. Your last. * Azazel blasts after her then jets into the air and begins to fire down on Diamondback * DeathStar punches Red into a hut * AceHunter claps his hands * Mindscape psionically damages Blackjack, slowly rendering him imoble * Snipe flips to his feet and nails Gazer [AceHunter] Good one, chaps! * Spirit leaps out of the tree and double kicks Azarel * Garland fires a Kiama at the blast and runs at Phantasma * Snipe kicks at ACe * Diamondback , psionicsless, dives aside from the blasts, quickly changing targets and firing at Azazel [Snipe] I thought you to be a good warrior, now you joined them [Blackjack] NO! * Orlonre puts in his special ammo and aims at Garland * Phantasma swings his cannon like a club at Garland * Mindscape blasts energy into the immoble Blackjack [Gazer] Ow! Excuse me good sir, but I don't have a qurrel with you... [Riptide] [Heh heh, sorry, Jared...] [AceHunter] Hey, feller, I'm just standing back * Azazel spreads his wings and lets energy blasts fly from every pore [Orlonre] N'ot t'day, hunta! * Snipe stops * Riptide flashes by Blackjack, slashing twice * Orlonre fires [Snipe] Then why are you with them?! * AceHunter backs away from Snipe * DeathStar keeps going at it with Red. [Blackjack] NO! * Garland gets hit in the back, and hit by Phantasma [AceHunter] Um, bad luck? * Blackjack takes both slashes [Snipe] Hrm * Snipe glances at Gazer [Snipe] And you aren't fighting either. * DeathStar outclasses Red big time [Red] . . . errrr * Phantasma fires a pair of missiles at Garland, but they go wide at this close range [Gazer] I don't believe that this is a correct time to fight. [Red SOUND] [Snipe] . . . but you're willing? * Mindscape begins to damage Diamondback and render him immobile with psionics [Garland] .........*slams his fist into Phantasma's gut* [Red] Comm: Bio, nail DS. [Diamondback] GAAAH! [Gazer] I'm willing when the circumstances are just. This is not. * AceHunter types something into his wrist pad and holds up his arm as he watches the battle * Spirit rolls in and sweepkicks Riptide. * Azazel takes careful aim and fires at Death Star with a firewave to protect Red * DeathStar a shot comes flying out of the Red Beard and hits DS with the power of 100,000 AP * Orlonre jumps onto DS * Blackjack breaks free of the psionic hold and morphs into a werefalcon, leaping into the air. Using his aerial advantage, he dives past Mindscape and slashes. * DeathStar takes all hits [DeathStar] ARRGGHHHH!!!!!!! [Blackjack] Leave my son alone, dammit! ... DEATH STAR! [Orlonre] 'eave ma' friend 'lone! [Mindscape] NRP: DS hits DS... [Maestro] NRP: What happened? Now is everyone back together? * Phantasma stumbles back and tries to kick Garland * DeathStar vanishes in a huge explosion [Spirit] DS!! [AceHunter] Hey, watch the Firepower! [Blackjack] NO! *is momentarily distracted* * DeathStar smoke rising from the spot afterward. * Mindscape slashes Diamondback with his claws and him back [Snipe] DS!? [Snipe] So he CAN die. [Gazer] Both our sides are fighting due to a misunderstanding. We need to halt their battle. * Orlonre dissapears in the blast, his gun lands on the ground * Red nails Snipe in the head * AceHunter vanishes in a teleport beam [Snipe] OUF! * Snipe throws Red away * Azazel dives into Blackjack [Garland] .........DEATH STAR!!!!!!!!! [Snipe] And how do you plan on doing that? * Garland looks at Red [Garland] .......DIE!!!! * Gazer puts his hand over his face * Diamondback breaks free of the psionic hold, morphs into a wereleopard, and claws back at Mindscape * DeathStar appears in the spoke, panting [DeathStar] . . . [Gazer] Good question... * Garland kicks him in the head as hard as he can * DeathStar raises hands in the air and reheals himself [Riptide] [He's still alive! Concentrate your attacks on the near dead guy!] * Mindscape psionically hits Garland to render him immobile, enough to disorient him even if he has a mindshield * AceHunter ship decloaks and fires a Mag Pulse at the Red Beard [Phantasma] How the?! * Red Red Beard attacks ACe * Snipe looks around [Diamondback] .oO{I'm friggin' worthless right now! Dammit!} * AceHunter cloaks and dives out of the way of the blast [Gazer] NRP: Shit, BRB, gotta get off for a minute * Orlonre died in the DS boom. *** Gazer has quit IRC ("The smell of the battle; that adrenealine rush from the danger; Perfect clearity of the moment when you hit your opponent that one final time, whether or not you die or he does. God I miss it." -Wiendigo) * DeathStar smoke rises from his armor. * Diamondback has an idea [Mindscape] [... Orlonre...] [Red] OOOOOOORLOOOONREEEEEE! * Red rushes at DS * Mindscape telekinetically and psionics hammers DS, then blasts him with energy [Red] DAMN YOU!!!!! [Riptide] ORLONRE! DAMMIT! * Garland looks at Red [DeathStar] What?! YOU KILLED HIM[! * Azazel throws two punches to Blackjacks face followed by a sickle kick while still flying * Red stops [Mindscape] [Take the should-be-dead guy out!]? [Red] . . . . * Blackjack dodges both punches, and takes the kick and falls to the ground [Garland] NRP: Strike two dead guys by me in one day! [Red] STOP FIGHTING! [Snipe] STOP FIGHTING! * Riptide stops in midair * Azazel floats up * Diamondback ditches his idea * DeathStar stops * Blackjack gets to his feet * Garland couldn't fight was psionicly locked anyway * Red drops to his knees [Red] Orlonre. * Phantasma stops before firing off a charged blast [Mindscape] [...!] *stops and releases those he made immobile, if they are still immobile from it* * AceHunter reappears on the sidelines * Azazel charges anyway and keeps careful watch on Death Star * Red Beard sparkles and crashlands in the forest [Orlonre] NRP: *snickers at his own kiniving plot* [Snipe] WHAT is going on here!? [Maestro] NRP: *AHEM* I'll state it again: What happened? Now is everyone back together? * Diamondback , Blackjack, and Riptide all wait silently, tensed and ready to fight again when given the word [DeathStar] NRP: you're here. [Azazel] You attacked us, remember? * Garland powers up, only to where he doesn't show it at all. [Snipe] You said you were here to kill us! * AceHunter sighs and watches where the Red Beard fell [Mindscape] [... We were ordered to...] * Garland walks over to the revolver Orlonre dropped [DeathStar] By whom? [Azazel] You didn't let him finish, jumpy bitch. *** Azazel has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) [Red] . . . Lord Talon. [Mindscape] *glances at Red to see if it's all right to say it* *** Orlonre has quit IRC ([[-NE][GENキACiDMAX-]] ゥ1999, Team Nexgen www.team-nexgen.com) [Mindscape] [We had no choice but to do it...] *** Azazel (soupman@cc49170-a.mtpls1.sc.home.com) has joined #TAW *** BioHazard (Mightymito@sktnsk01d051001228.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #taw * Snipe realizes this fight WAS his fault * Diamondback untenses, reverting to human form *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Azazel *** Azazel sets mode: +o BioHazard * Blackjack follows Diamondback's suit *** BioHazard is now known as Ripple [Red] . . . Orlonre. [Mindscape] NRP: What happened to the Red Beard? [Diamondback] Who is commanding you? *** Slash (Mightymito@sktnsk01d051001228.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #taw [Red] NRP: It crashed from ACe's damage. [Azazel] NRP: Fell. *** Slash is now known as Biohazard *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple [Red] Comm: Bio, you okay? The Red Beard crashed and all . . . [Mindscape] [Two of our own... dead... because of this... because of Lord Talon...] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Biohazard [Ripple] NRP: explain what happened. *** Phantasma has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) * DeathStar is still hurt from the 100,000 AP damage which he dodges slightly so it isn't that amount *** Spirit has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer) * Garland picks up the gun and walks over to Red [Azazel] I still don't see why we don't just kill Talon. [Biohazard] Comm: Yea, we managed to survive.. [Blackjack] Talon... Talon... Where have I heard that name before... [AceHunter] NRP: I didn't think a fighter (even an XL one) could knock out a ship that size in a single blast... I was only trying to disable the main gun [Red] Comm: Thank God. *** Riptide has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Spirit (Avalon@CDR6-103.accesscable.net) has joined #taw [Garland] .......I'm sorry about your friend. [Mindscape] NRP: I'd hope it was alot less than that indeed... Though if DS can hold his own with Xevil for awhile, he may just be greater than experience level 100 [Red] NRP: I needed it to crash *** Phantasma (Avalon@CDR6-103.accesscable.net) has joined #taw *** Red sets mode: +oo Phantasma Spirit [Azazel] No you're not. * Garland holds out the gun [Red] Now we're stranded here, thank to you. * Red looks at Garland takes the gun slowly. [Garland] I think this was his, you may want it. [Biohazard] Comm: Need my help at all, or think you can manage on your own? [Mindscape] *glances at Red* [It's not the Hunters we need to get revenge on... It's Lord Talon.] [Red] Comm: Come on out, we lost one of our own. [Biohazard] Comm: ... Who? [Red] Comm: Orlonre. *** Gravedigger (wiendigo@rc-130.netonecom.net) has joined #taw [Biohazard] Comm: *silence* [Garland] ...Believe me, no one's at fault today, except maybe this "Lord Talon" * Biohazard trudges into view a few minutes later *** Gravedigger is now known as Gazer * Blackjack continues trying to remember where he has heard Talon's name before *** Red sets mode: +o Gazer [DeathStar] I'm sorry about your friend. * AceHunter types something on his wrist pad and his ship decloaks as it lands [Mindscape] [He laced our ship with explosives and threatened to destroy it unless we cooperated...] [Azazel] Oh really? I blame him. *points at Snipe* [Garland] NRP: .....I'm feeling spur of the moment today, and besides, I'm no good at maintaining multipile chars. * Snipe flinches [Mindscape] [It's our fault too for attacking in blind rage...] [Ripple] Slash] Watch where you point that hand. It may come off in pieces. [Diamondback] Riptide] [He isn't to blame... Talon's to blame for getting us into this whole mess...] [Gazer] NRP: What'd I miss? * AceHunter watches the goings on as he works on his ship * Biohazard catches the last bit of Slash's responce and glares, forming the darts [Diamondback] And we all followed Snipe's mistake, so it's our fault as much as his. * Azazel glances over Slash [Biohazard] Red, these are the hunters... didnt you want to kill them? [Azazel] Outdated model. [Red] Now, that we're stuck here . . . now what? [Ripple] Slash].. Still could kick your ass pansy boy. [Azazel] You ask them what the hell you wanted to ask them. [Red] . . . it's senseless . . . violence will solve nothing [Diamondback] Riptide] ...[Dunno, Red.] [Snipe] . . . why not repair the Red Beard? [DeathStar] There IS enough of us, the Commodore is right. * Biohazard withdraws the darts *** Ripple sets mode: +v Biohazard [Mindscape] [And what of the bombs on it...?] [Diamondback] Riptide] [...Now why didn't I think of that... Wait, don't answer that...] [Ripple] NRP: Oops.. finger slippped.. [Red] Can't do anything of that. We'll just ahve to think of something [Mindscape] [Do you Hunters have a ship...?] [DeathStar] Here's an idea. [Biohazard] ... [DeathStar] Take us to the planet Urta. It's Talon's big base of operations. We could disable the bombs for you * Ripple and Slash nod [DeathStar] You wouldn't have to get involved with this war. [Mindscape] [...How? We haven't managed to find them... Why could you?] [DeathStar] And we can deal with Talon for trying to kill us. [Biohazard] ..... No more of our crew lost Red... [DeathStar] By taking out Talon's controls for them. [Red] . . . it's worth a shot. [Ripple] NRP: Diamondback, you no accept, im gonna WHACK YOU. * AceHunter as he works some of the other damagec parts of the ship begin repairing themselves on their own as the autorepair kicks in [Blackjack] NRP: Already did, as BJ. * Snipe growls at DS [Blackjack] NRP: Cancelled, send again. [Gazer] There's one slight flaw with that. Who's to say Talon hasn't already dispatched anyone to dispose of us? [Ripple] NRP: gah... [Ripple] NRP: its going to BJ [Snipe SOUND] [Snipe] Then we move fast. [Mindscape] [If he has, then we take care of them too...] * Snipe appears at the red Beard and begins to help the repairs * DeathStar follows * Red runs after the two *** Phantasma (Avalon@CDR6-103.accesscable.net) has left #taw * Mindscape follows as well [Red] Hey, MY ship! * Mindscape to help repair it too * Gazer pulls out tools from his belt and heads to the ship * Ripple and Slash follows * Blackjack , Diamondback, and Riptide head for the Red Beard * Biohazard shakes his head * Spirit follows Ripple [Blackjack] NRP: AH! Zankoku! [Biohazard] Everyone is insane. Good. at least they will fit in.. * DeathStar uses polaris to place parts of the ship back together, weilding it back together * AceHunter lifts and lands near the Red Beard, but not to close * Blackjack and Diamondback "supervise" * Biohazard heads to the Ship, doing what he can to help out * Red glances at the Hunters, surprised at his helping [Red] NRP: 2 hours. [Red] NRP: 3 more to go. [Garland] NRP: Glad I got this midi! I got a few other versions of it, yay. [Mindscape] NRP: "Zankoku na tenshi no te-ze [Mindscape] NRP: *sings* [Gazer] Fascinating, tell me, can you teach me that trick, uh, DeathStar, was it? * Snipe kicks Maestro [Snipe] You going to help? [Ripple] NRP: I dont have any of hte midis this session... [Spirit] [[Phantasma]] *checks all the weapon systems* * AceHunter continues to work on his own ship as he watches the others [DeathStar] NRP: Someone give them to RIPPLE. [Garland] NRP: I'll givem. [DeathStar] Ah, but it's an enhancement [Azazel] NRP: Don't got them either [Gazer] Don't suppose you could give me your dealer's name, could ya? [Mindscape] [Hmmm....] [DeathStar] . . . McCormick [Ripple] NRP: got it thanks * Snipe blinks and looks at DS [Snipe] What!? [DeathStar] Huh? * Red glances back at them [Garland] NRP: you already got? [Red] McCormick? [Gazer] Does he have a store somewhere? Or is it one of those parcel deals? [Red] NRP: I meant sent him 50.zip * AceHunter walks over to Biohazard * Snipe holds DS gaze. [Biohazard] NRP: yes im getting it [DeathStar] Lets talk about it later. [Mindscape] NRP: Sending it to 'im as we speak [Snipe] Lets. * Garland holds his head, confused. [Garland] NRP: err that was an nrp. * Ripple hugs Spirit [Ripple] Slash] Dont you two ever get tired of each other? * Red glances at the Red Beard. [Red] We'll it's done. * Diamondback shakes his head, looking at Rip and Spirit again [Mindscape] [Good, we can finally get going then.] [DeathStar] Lets move it or lose it, I say. [AceHunter] And my ships is back working as well * Garland looks off at the setting sun "Not too shabby." [Ripple] Slash] Amen to that DS. Lets cruse. * AceHunter glares at Red [Diamondback] Let's go... [Snipe] Lets show Talon you don't mess with us. * Spirit helps out as best she can. * Snipe leaps onto the Red Beard. * Garland looks down and steps onto the Red Beard * Mindscape gets into the Red Beard and heads to the sensor station * Diamondback , Blackjack, and Riptide board * Ripple helps Spirit on board, and Slash jumps on ahed [Gazer] Tanj, careful of the rugs, I just CLEANED them... * AceHunter teleports on to his ship, the "Hunter" [Spirit] Thanks ^^ * Gazer climbs on and sits in his normal chair * DeathStar smiles and sighs, knowing the trouble is just ahead. [Red] Lets lift off. * Riptide slips on a rug [Red] End.
[Matrix] Act Four: The Leaning Effile Tower?! [Matrix] Time chart: Day 30 [Matrix] Location: Outside of Paris, still * Matrix shivers in the cold, bitter snow [Matrix] Okay, we've been outside of Paris for weeks now, waiting on the others to cross the Blood Ocean, but WHY!? [Wiendigo] I hate the French, I hate the French, I hate the French... * Baberlus eats a snowball * Crossfire shivers * Dominator breaks some ice of his armor * Glyph forms a fireball between his hands to keep warm [Enforcer] ..... *watches the others, rifle slung across hsi back* [Crossfire] Comment t'appelle tu, Wien? * Matrix points *** Azazel is now known as Talon [Matrix] See?! They're here! [Matrix] The CAME [Matrix] can we GO now Dominator?! [Wiendigo] Go to Hell, you French speaking bastard! [Dominator] Matrix... We need to gather other members and wait for these snow storms to end. [Crossfire] Yeesh. * Dominator glances at Wiendigo [Matrix] Alright, we got the members, but if we stay out here we'll die * Siawase is curled up in a ball. [Matrix] We should try to find Crossfire's people. [Baberlus] ....Aren't the french dirty? OH GOD DIRTY FRENCH ZOMBIES! [Dominator] Correct, Matrix, and that's just what we're going to do. [Matrix SOUND] * Crossfire nods * Matrix vultures drop from the black clouds flying overhead, making it almost night [Enforcer] NRP: GAH, couldnt wait 2 minutes.. [Matrix] . . . we got company. [Talon] o/~ I'm dreaming . . . of a white, CHRISTMAS! Just like the ones I used to know! o/~ [Dominator] I'm hoping you'll be able to-... Battle positions. * Enforcer locks and loads his rifle, tattoo glistening an odd silvery light (Dom should recognize it) * Wiendigo takes out his Energon Katana. [Baberlus] NRP: DAN DAN Kokoro Hikareteku!!!! [if you knew the meaning of that, you would NOT have picked it DS] [Matrix] We don't know if it's almost christmas or not * Glyph tosses his fireball on one of the vultures [Matrix] NRP: Dom's theme. [Wiendigo] Time to fry, birdy... * Matrix five vultures fire at Dom [Talon] DON'T CRUSH MY DREAMS! [Matrix] . . . *Watches him explode in a brilliant light* [Dominator] NRP: So sue me if I didn't translate it before I choose it. [Matrix] DOMINATOR!!!! * Wiendigo charges his Energon Katana with his dark soul. * Dominator teleports out of the way [Enforcer] DOM! * Crossfire launches arrows into the air [Baberlus] NRP: I know, but the title of it means "I'm slowly falling in love with you" * Matrix can't fire, his blaster is still sparked. * Dominator or his armor tries to reflect it... [Matrix] . . .* watches the smoke clear* * Baberlus pulls out his blaster * Wiendigo fires off several rapid shots at the vultures . * Enforcer fires a massive storm of plasma at the windshields of hte vultures * Crossfire lets a spread of arrows fly into the air [Baberlus] NRP: BRB [Matrix] Vultures: *Crash* * Dominator is alive * Talon turns cartwheels [Matrix] Go PRESIDENT! * Glyph forms a fireball above him, letting it grow until it is almost as big as he is [Dominator] Everyone, follow me... We need to head for Paris! *blasts at vultures with thunder bolt* [Matrix] ??????: *a huge battle ship drops below the clouds* [Matrix] . . . what IS that?! [Wiendigo] ...The FUCK? [Crossfire] Dom, wait! The hell is THAT thing!? * Glyph tosses it at one of the vultures * Matrix looks at the imperial markings on the side, looking like it's a governor ship [Enforcer] .... Oh goody, more compnay. [Dominator] I don't know and I don't think we want to stick around to find out... [Matrix] Vultures: *Explodes* [Talon] NRP: Damn, some bastard regged it. [Crossfire] Sounds good to me... [Dominator] NRP: All vultures dead? * Matrix follows Dom *** Talon is now known as Talon` [Matrix] NRP: Yes. * Crossfire takes off after Dom * Dominator starts toward Paris, but keeps an eye on the ship * Enforcer checks his Jet packs energy supply * Siawase runs after Dom. * Enforcer follows Dom * Wiendigo slides into the shadows [Matrix] ??????: *fires blasts that blow huge chunks out of the ground, rising dust into the air that falls* * Talon` appears in flames and floats lazily after Dom [Dominator] So, Crossfire... You have any idea where those other resistance groups are...? [Dominator] ...! [Enforcer] .. Keep moving very FAST. [Matrix] NRP: How you say Effile tower? [Talon`] Why would you want to do that? [Crossfire] One was based at the Eiffel Tower, I know that much... [Wiendigo] [Well no SHIT...] [Snipe] ??????: *throws a blast that knocks even Wien away from the group* * Glyph holds his hands together and a wind blows snow between them and the ship, hiding them from it's view * Dominator start dashing toward Paris [Snipe] Voice: *Speaks in Tsiv* [Dominator] Gah! * Enforcer curses * Snipe runs through the destroyed streets. * Crossfire sprints after Dom [Dominator] NRP: Dominator understands Tsivrixsh.... * Glyph gets back to his feet and follows Dom [Snipe] Voice: It is I, Earth's new governor. Stop now or be destroyed! [Glyph] Sir Mage! Where to? * Enforcer glares [Wiendigo] NRP: ...Huh? I liked shadow melted, I'm technically not anywhere near them in the first place... [Dominator] .... Earth's new governer?! [Snipe] NRP: Aaaah, but it got you. . . be amazed. [Enforcer] NRP: you just were blown farther. * Glyph continues sending snow at the ship's sensor equipment [Crossfire] What'd he say, Dom? * Snipe slips on some ice. * Matrix slips on some ice [Dominator] He's the new governer of Earth supposedly and wants us to stop, or he'l destroy us [Crossfire] Great... [Matrix] Like hell [Siawase] Sia no like new governer... * Glyph dives and slides along the ice to some cover [Enforcer] ... Then i REALLY suggest moving, or hiding.. or something. [Crossfire] Two choices... Ignore him, or submit. I prefer the former. * Talon` continues to float [Matrix SOUND] [Talon`] *mumbles* wish I could be destroyed [Dominator] As do I... Keep moving and don't stick close together! Make us harder targets! [Baberlus] I'm fluent in tsiv! I'll yell out asking who the hell is bugging us! *yells "I am your mother" in Tsiv* * Matrix building pieces rise into the air [Enforcer] NRP:.. what song is this. [Matrix] OH SHIT! [Dominator] NRP: How big is the ship? * Dominator scans the ship * Glyph keeps sending snow into the sensors trying to freeze them over [Enforcer] NRP: i have the mp3... i know i do. [Matrix] NRP: Huge, covering the sky [Matrix] Scan: Blocked * Matrix rises into the air [Matrix] WHOAAAAA! [Dominator] Damn! * Matrix points at the twistef mass of the tower * Siawase trys to keep out of sight. [Baberlus] Holy... [Matrix] UP AHEAD! * Matrix everyone follows suit [Enforcer] Holy crap.. its a BIG one.. * Matrix it begins to spin them around [Matrix] GAAAAAAH! [Dominator] ARGH! * Crossfire remembers an earlier trick and telekinetically throws snow at the ship, while spinning [Talon`] Is it? It looks kinda . . . puny. [Enforcer] Whoa *watches world spin around* * Matrix the snow explodes [Siawase] Siaaaaaaaaah! * Crossfire tries to get the explosions to reach the ship [Matrix] Ship: *shudders* [Enforcer] ... I would be sick right now [Baberlus] .......I'm gonna be sick. * Glyph keeps the wind blowing snow into the sensors * Matrix keeps spinning [Matrix] WHOAAAAA! * Dominator blasts at the ship * Matrix begins to break apart [Matrix] GAAAAH! * Wiendigo pops out of the shadows, firing off shots at the ship [Matrix] Voice: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA * Crossfire closes his eyes, concentration on throwing the explosive snowballs at the ship [Baberlus] NRP: is it me, or am I a MIME today.... I'm not even conciously doing it!!!! * Enforcer fires straight up with his plasma cannon hoping to hit somethign vital [Matrix] Ship: *reflects them but drops the Hunters* * Glyph holds his hands together and slows his spinning [Matrix] Thanks Wiendigo * Dominator gasps * Matrix lands on the ground * Crossfire drops to the ground, trying to stop the spinning in his head * Wiendigo throws his EK at the ship * Matrix hits some snow and hurts his leg [Matrix] GAHHH * Glyph keeps sending snow at the ship's sensors [Dominator] This is not looking good at all... *heals Matrix and himself a bit* [Matrix] Ship: *blows it up* * Enforcer drops to the ground, still firing at the Ship * Matrix sparks from the leg * Talon` kinda floats right where the ship left him * Glyph crashes to the ground [Wiendigo] Fucking hell, WHY did I have to give away that damn sai... [Matrix] Lets move it, dammit * Siawase lands on his feet and hides. * Crossfire shakes off the dizziness and chucks more exploding snowballs at the ship while backing away * Dominator starts dashing away and motions for the others to follow [Dominator] My orders are for you all to run like hell this way! [Baberlus] .....Like me and my -big- gun, Wien. * Wiendigo grabs his sword and runs * Glyph runs after Dominator * Siawase follows after Dom, trying to keep out of sight * Matrix follows Dom toward the twisted metal bars ahead, that make up a deadly trap to enter, but the only escape [Crossfire] Works for me... *turns and sprints* * Dominator weaves and turns as he goes [Glyph] Sir Mage! What sort of demon was that? [Enforcer] You got it Dom. *ignites his jets, and flys after dom, staying low to the ground* * Baberlus runs like Dom [Wiendigo] It's the first damn good idea you've ever had, soldier-boy! [Crossfire] One of the other resistance groups was based here... I don't want to think about what happened to them... * Matrix reaches the tower and notices how deadly it is [Dominator] A very dangerous demon, Gylph... A, uh, floating castle sort of... * Matrix grabs a bar and begins to flip through the mass of metal [Enforcer] He who fights and runs away, lives to Fight another day.. [Dominator] ... We have to go through it, it seems. [Matrix SOUND] [Matrix] ??????: *follows* [Crossfire] What fun... [Wiendigo] Great, just shittin' great... * Matrix swings alogn the tower * Dominator flips around and scans ?????? [Matrix] Scan: Blocked [Crossfire] NRP: BLOCKED! [Dominator] NRP: What's he look like? [Glyph] What sort of magic holds it in the air [Glyph] ? * Matrix lands on a bar and looks around [Matrix] NRP: IT's a ship [Talon`] Aw, poor Wendy not having fun? * Wiendigo flips around and flips off ????? * Enforcer dodges the twisted metal [Crossfire] Who cares, Glyph. Move it! * Baberlus looks at ?????? * Siawase moves close to the ground [Dominator] What do you want?! *in English and then Tsivrixsh* [Matrix] ??????: *zaps Wien into the metal [Wiendigo] GAH! [Talon`] I do Glyph. I keep it in the air with my funky mental powers. * Dominator blasts Thunder Bolt into ??????? [Baberlus] E.T. Phone Wien's ass? * Wiendigo phases and passes though [Matrix] ???????: *throws everyone into the mass of metal and picks it up, spinning it around in circles * Crossfire examines the tower, looking for a way through [Crossfire] DAAAMN! [Enforcer] Not again.. *keeps firing up* * Matrix holds onto a bar as the world spins, knowing one wrong move and he's impaled * Dominator starts flying through it to escape [Matrix] GM: *shots hit the metal mass* * Dominator slowly moves through it to avoid being impaled * Siawase scratches at the metal [Matrix] Dom: *hits a metal bar and is impaled* * Glyph a mist of metalic particals begins flowing from between Glyph's hands [Enforcer] Damnit... * Crossfire quickly grabs his handgun and fires blindly * Matrix is thrown around in the mass of metal * Dominator slashes the bar in half [Baberlus] HAD to piss it off didn't ya Do------DOM! * Enforcer fires up his jets, to fight the spinning [Matrix] DAMMIT, STAY STILL! * Wiendigo unphases on the ground and fires a Shadow Shred at ?????? [Dominator] Hurk! *is phased by the force some though* * Matrix glances at the ship * Dominator telekinetically blasts at ????? [Matrix] I think one of us needs to try to leap into their and self-destruct on it. [Matrix] Blast explodes in Dom's face. * Crossfire lets an arrow fly in the general direction of ?????? * Talon` appears in a ball of fire on the ground [Matrix] GM: Arrow hits a bar * Dominator teleports out of the metal thing [Talon`] Hey, I don't think they like us very much. * Enforcer keeps fighting hte wind, staying in one place, firing straight up [Crossfire] Fricking hell! * Glyph sends a wave a icy snow towerd the ship * Matrix leaps onto the ??????? [Enforcer] *shouts* THE EYE! [Matrix] Dammit, I need to do SOMETHING [Dominator] NRP: Teleportation works? [Matrix] NRP: No * Siawase tries to get to safety * Dominator blasts the bars in front of him * Enforcer heads to the dead center of the spinning (which should be calm) * Crossfire lets a spread of arrows fly, being careful not to hit anyone [Matrix SOUND] * Glyph stops the wind at ground level sending it toward the ship [Dominator] Everyone, keep moving, but caerfully! * Baberlus pulls out 2 daggers from a place that no one would have ever thought there may be blades, and it shall remain nameless. * Matrix stands on the ship and moves to the item taht is picking everyone up in the air * Crossfire follows Enforcer's lead [Matrix] ???????: *throws the mass around, slicing into the Resistance* * Wiendigo flies up into the air and lands on the ship with the others [Dominator] Rrragh...! * Crossfire chances blocking the beams with psionic energy * Enforcer gets cut pretty badly, but keeps firing straight up * Glyph keeps sending icey wind toward the ship [Matrix] Ship: *Throws gales out that hit Wien and Matrix, the only ones on the ship* [Enforcer] NRP: AHHHHHH NOOOOOO * Dominator gets to the closet exit from it and jumps out [Matrix] DAMMIT! WIENDIGO, I'M GOING FOR THE WEAPON! [Enforcer] NRP: *sings along* Go around, go around la la de da de da * Baberlus follows Dom * Glyph follows right behind Dominator [Wiendigo] DON'T SCREW UP, SHIT-FACE! [Dominator] NRP; What side are we on? * Matrix slides along to the weapon * Matrix sparks slightly [Dominator] Where's Matrix...? [Matrix] NRP: you're on the metal mass, which is beginning to unravel * Wiendigo takes out his katana and shoves it into the hull of the ship to hold on * Enforcer finds the matrix flying back into the melee * Matrix grabs the weapon weakly and enters self-destruct code [Crossfire] NRP: I'm assuming we're on the ground... [Dominator] NRP: I failed stepping out of it I guess [Enforcer] NRP: exactly What is the matrix anyway? [Matrix] . . . for Earth . . . for the Resistance . . . for Dominator * Talon` appears in a ball of flame next to Matrix * Dominator keeps blasting parts of the metal away [Matrix] NRP: No, on the mass. [Crossfire] NRP: Ok. * Matrix self-destructs in Talon's face * Dominator senses Matrix is on the ship [Wiendigo] NRP: No one can be told WHAT The Matrix is, it must be seen to understand. * Matrix the ship explodes in half and begins to crash [Baberlus] NRP: You ahve to see it to understand it, lets look *looks at Matrix* [Dominator] Matrix! [Talon`] . . . NO! *flies back* [Enforcer] NRP: hee hee hee [Talon`] HE OWED ME FIVE BUCKS! [Siawase] NRP: Hear that? That's the sound of enevitability. [Crossfire] ...MATRIX! NO! [Baberlus] NRP: a thing that blows up *** Matrix is now known as GM * Wiendigo leaps off * Glyph the air around him begin to glow as it picks up a positiveelectrical charge * GM the ship crashes and rolls over and over [Enforcer] Damnit.. MATRIX [GM] GM: The metal mass drops to the ground * Dominator blasts out of it and teleports if he can again * Enforcer picks up as manyh non flyers as he can, and flys out of the falling mass [Baberlus] NRP: .....It's official! In the next matrix movies, it gets blowed up! [GM] GM: Failed. * Crossfire 's leg is impaled by a beam [Crossfire] GAAAAH! * Wiendigo grabs the mass and flies up, trying to slow it [GM] GM: *Wien is impaled into the ground* * Dominator force shield helps keep him from getting too banged up, but he's getting damaged * Siawase digs a hole and hides in it * Enforcer wrenches Crossfire off the beam, and flys him out, running low on power for his jetpack [Wiendigo] RAAAAAGGHHH! [Dominator] NRP: DId I get out of the metal thing/ [Enforcer] Wien! [GM] NRP: Yes. * Talon` lands next to Wien [Dominator] Wiendigo...! *runs twoard him* [Wiendigo] NRP: WAit...I was grabbing from the top... [Crossfire] NRP: Hey, it's the... *pauses for suspense* BIG ROUND METAL THING! [GM] Governor: *stands up in the damage and another ship comes flying by and he leaps in* [Enforcer] NRP: what about me and whoever i was carrying [Baberlus] My cuban cigars! [GM] NRP: when it hits the ground, you'll go into it [Talon`] Heheh, you got a pole sticking through your chest. Does that hurt? * Baberlus runs for wien [Wiendigo] Fu-fuck you... [Dominator] ... Lets get moving and now... * Wiendigo tries to phase * Glyph leg is crushed, but he limps to his feet and toward Dominator [Enforcer] NRP: Thats right.. act now and receive a free THING HOLDER! Only 99,999.99! [GM] GM: wien succeeds. [Glyph] Sir Mage? [GM] Governor: *Flies into the air* * Wiendigo slides out, then dives into some shadows * Dominator heals Gylph and Crossfire's legs a bit * Dominator looks towrads the governer * Crossfire limps, his leg still hurt and in pain * Wiendigo leaps out * Enforcer drops to the ground, Jet pack burnt out, needing a recharge time [Glyph] Thanks you, Sir Mage * Talon` bends over [Talon`] Ok, only got 5 minutes or so . . . [Crossfire] Thanks... for the save, Enforcer. [Wiendigo] Good as new, and ready to kick some damn ass. [Enforcer] .. Dont mention it. [GM] New ????????: I would finish the resistance off, but I dealt a big enough blow. But a meteor is on it' way, and I have to deal with it. good luck, earthlings [GM] GM: *it flies away* [Crossfire] A meteor...? [Enforcer] Meteor? [Baberlus] .....What was that about? [Talon`] Big flying rock. [Enforcer] My day keeps getting better and better... [Crossfire] I know what a meteor is, dammit. * Glyph a pice of metal floats over to Glyph and forms around his leg making a splint [Siawase] Meteor? Meteor sounds no good... [Talon`] Then why'd you ask? [GM] NRP: *hasn't begun Endgame yet* [Dominator] *to the governer* Kvetsolso trena shle?! (Who are you?!) [Baberlus] NRP: dear god. [Enforcer] NRP: *taps watch* [Wiendigo] ...Hate the French...damn French and their metal deathtraps.... [GM] End
[Admiral_Drake] Act Five: Deal with the Devil? [Admiral_Drake] Location: Queen Battle ship [Xrileshr] Ikitai! (I want to go!) * Admiral_Drake walks along the halls *** Snipe has quit IRC (Leaving) *** Red has quit IRC (Leaving) *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Garland [Admiral_Drake SOUND] *** ChanServ sets mode: -o Garland * Admiral_Drake glances at the hallway * Shell_X continues to try and repair things as he stands by the comm [Admiral_Drake] I don't like this. Why invite us here for a deal? [Admiral_Drake] NRP: We're on the other ship, Shell [Spectre] [I don't know...] [Gravedigger] 'Cause they're evil? * Admiral_Drake walks along the hallways, heading for the direction that Shretrav said to go * Shell_X walks at the rear of the group [Paladin`] . . . to make a deal? [Admiral_Drake] Shell, you getting anything? [Ariel] Be wary... They must have something up thier sleave... [Avalon] Cause they like that sort of thing [Xrileshr] I don't know... I'm unsure as to what use they'd find with you... No offense. [Shell_X] Tons of neat technology! [Admiral_Drake] Plenty taken. [Spectre] [...] [Paladin`] I'm sure we'd burn rather nicely. * Xrileshr keeps walking, now he's in alot of danger as he's a traitor to the Tsivrixsh * Shell_X stops to examine a device set in the wall [Paladin`] Maybe they need fire fuel? * Admiral_Drake arrives at two huge doors [Admiral_Drake] Well, we're here [Paladin`] NRP: *needs to get out of char of Talon* * Shell_X noticed the group kept going without him and rushes to catch up [Paladin`] Really? Gasp! * Spectre walks in silence [Admiral_Drake] . . . did we have to bring him along? [Gravedigger] All in favor of running away, screaming in terror? * Spectre stops in silence * Admiral_Drake raises hand * Paladin` clears his throat [Paladin`] Sorry, I'm a little bitter about that whole jail thing. [Gravedigger] *cough*jailbait*cough* [Spectre] [Drake? Wussing out?] * Shell_X looks over the doors as the wait * Admiral_Drake knocks on the door [Admiral_Drake] No. [Xrileshr] ... *glances over the doors* * Avalon stands weary [Garland] NRP: brb, as if it mattered. * Admiral_Drake watches the doors swing open and ahead is a round table [Gravedigger] ...Jeeze, wonder they tip the pizza guy... * Xrileshr starts in, Xvash at his side * Shell_X runs into the room and begins looking around for any interesting technology * Spectre 's eyes blaze into a purple color as she steps in * Paladin` simply walks in. No frills. [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: welcome [Xrileshr] Rumor has it that she is in the emperor's favor... * Admiral_Drake steps in * Gravedigger walks in backwards, watching their backs [Xrileshr] *calls out* Treshr xshevro vretsoshiolidsl shle? (Why have you brought us here?) * Avalon sjivers * Spectre blinks * Ariel follows Drake in. [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: *Steps forward and slaps Xril* Traitor. [Gravedigger] ...What'd he say about a garage sale? * Xrileshr blocks her hand * Admiral_Drake is too fast and hits Xril [Admiral_Drake] . . . whoa, that lady is fast. [Paladin`] And easy. [Spectre] NRP: Nice going, DS. [Xrileshr] *glares* You're the betrayer, you betrayed our kind by siding with the Xshiaver! [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: *turns to the others* My welcome extends to you, not him. Please, come in. * Paladin` looks around, notices that they are in, but says nothing [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: *runs her hand along Pal's face, looking more humanoid than Tsiv* Better be careful. * Spectre relaxes, her eyes returning to their normal color [Admiral_Drake] . . . uh? [Gravedigger] OOoo, alien chick puttin' the moves on Pally.... [Paladin`] . . . [Ariel] Hmph. [Spectre] [No comment.] [Avalon] Uh lotsa conflict in here......... * Paladin` opens his mouth, but no words come out * Xrileshr grits teeth, just about ready to launch into an attack on Shretrav, but knows she's stronger * Shell_X takes scans of the room as he walks around it along the wall [Enforcer] NRP: Anyone who doesnt have Sole survivor tell me NOW. [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: *Grins and stops rubbing his face and turns to avalon* You want some conflict, hon? [Gravedigger] NRP: I don't, but I can do without [Paladin`] . . . There a point to all this? [Paladin`] NRP: Somebody send me Long Way Down. [Shell_X] NRP: OK [Xrileshr] *hisses* What is it you want, Shretrav? * Avalon kinda laughs and kinda shivers [Spectre] [I hate to hurry things along, but what do you want with us?] [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: Actually, cutey, yes. Follow me. *turns around, acting very sexy to lure the men. Plus she has an effect on them that makes them instantly fall for her* [Xrileshr] NRP: Long Way Down would be a great theme for Icy Fronts, I think [Enforcer] NRP: that is true [Admiral_Drake] NRP: It'll come into play, watch. * Spectre glances at the guys, and wonders what they see in her [Gravedigger] NRP:...DS, have you been watching old Star Trek reruns or something? * Admiral_Drake follows her, love struck * Ariel shakes her head in disbelief. * Avalon is uneffected [Admiral_Drake] NRP: er, no, is there such an episode? [Gravedigger] NRP: Several. [Spectre] *to Drake* [Hey, yo, Admiral, snap out of it.] [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Hrm [Enforcer] NRP: ... all too many * Admiral_Drake shakes head [Admiral_Drake] Fine, fine [Xrileshr] Don't be fooled by her attempts to coerce you... * Shell_X is more interested in the technology than Shretrav [Gravedigger] ...Dude, what the hell are up the humanly guys? [Ariel] NRP: *bitch slaps Shretrav* Leave my crew alone! [Paladin`] NRP: Send again [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: Have you heard of 'Lord Talon'? [Spectre] [...Can't say I have...] [Avalon] I wouldnt know Gravedigger [Admiral_Drake] No, actually. [Paladin`] Rings a bell, but can't place the face. [Xrileshr] Axra treshr shrajriov shle...? (And why do he matter...?) * Shell_X keeps looking around at the technology of the ship, every once in a while trying to remove something that looks interesting [Xrileshr] do=does [Avalon] He cant be very old ive never heard of him [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: Well, he is heading up large amounts of power and is creating a weapon than can destroy planets at will. I think he wants to destroy all trade and take over the galaxy for himself. [Spectre] [Typical Avalon-ian common sense...] [Enforcer] NRP: *cough*starwars*cough* [Admiral_Drake] NRP: They wanted trade in that movie? UHhhhh, NO [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: It's basically a giant meteor. * Shell_X pocket a few things and keeps looking over the technology [Xrileshr] So, why can't the Tsivrixsh Empire take him down thereselves? Is Xshiaver afraid to face him...? [Enforcer] NRP: still wanted to take it over... nearly same deal.. [Gravedigger] NRP: Uh, YES, that's why they were called the "Trade Federation" [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: Actually, no, but we're no far away to accomplish this. We, you and I, are closer. [Admiral_Drake] NRP: You won't enjoy this story, will you? [Gravedigger] NRP:...no. [Admiral_Drake] NRP: I will just have to end it. [Gravedigger] NRP:.... [Xrileshr] ... And why would we want to help? [Enforcer] NRP: I enjoy everything. except english *cocks shotgun* But Ill fix her.. [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: *turns to Avalon* That enough conflict for you, hon? [Paladin`] Because she asked so nicely . . . [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: you don't, and everything will collapse. And Earth is the last target on the list. [Avalon] Its kinda Interesting and kinda scary [Gravedigger] Pal, keep it in your pants, man. * Paladin` runs along three seperate thought trains at the same time. [Spectre] C'est terrible... * Paladin` puts the turkey sub back into his pocket. [Gravedigger] ...That's not funny. [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: Plus we think he's gaining his power from a man you all know quite well. * Paladin` shrugs and chews * Xrileshr listens [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: Spade. * Paladin` grimaces [Gravedigger] Spade? Ain't he DEAD? [Enforcer] NRP: *sees a big picture forming* [Admiral_Drake] Wha?! Isn't he DEAD. [Xrileshr] Spade...? [Spectre] Spade? Isn't he dead? [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Read -prelude- at Session50.html for it too [Paladin`] Well, he was on earth . . . but there weren't any reports . . . [Gravedigger] NRP: Echo....echo.....echo.... [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: Actually, we don't know. [Xrileshr] How do we know this isn't a trick to us into a position for you to take us down, right after we do what you want... [Garland] NRP: Echo....echo....echo.... [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: While I track Talon's base of operations, I need you guys to head to Spade's HQ planet to find out if he's behind this. [Spectre] NRP: Echo... cho... cho... o... * Shell_X looks up, reviews his memory banks of the conversation and looks surprised [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: Risk you cannot take, hon. [Admiral_Drake] . . . true *** NovaCharger (novacharge@gl-162-39.greatlakes.net) has joined #taw [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Session, speak and die *** Retrieving #taw info... [Paladin`] Spade had an HQ planet? [Enforcer] NRP: not like he can though. Moderated [Admiral_Drake] NRP: oh, yeah. *** NovaCharger is now known as Nova-just_watching [Xrileshr] ... I wouldn't trust her, Drake. * Avalon muders .....succubus [Admiral_Drake] We have no choice. To the Fury. [Gravedigger] ...Why does everyone have headquarter planets these days? Should I get a headquarter planet? Are they actually worth it? [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Save it for NRPs Avalon [Paladin`] Suck your what? Geez Av. [Admiral_Drake] Shretrav: *glanves at Grave* * Xrileshr starts toward it, not happy about working with her at all [Spectre] [You heard the man... Back to the Fury...] [Admiral_Drake] Time Chart: Hour later [Avalon] NRP: NO! i wanted that to be heard [Spectre] .oO{Why do we have to keep getting sidetracked...} [Admiral_Drake] Location: Fury * Xrileshr broods [Admiral_Drake SOUND] * Admiral_Drake stands on the bridge as they travel through hyperspace. * Shell_X is looking over the stuff he 'borrowed' from the other ship [Paladin`] So we're listening to her? * Ariel watches over a sensor consel * Spectre paces, worried about the two current problems [Xrileshr] ... I didn't join to work with the very people both you and I are fightin against... [Avalon] NRP: posted Nova [Enforcer] NRP:... I SO know this song... Whats its title? (Real one) [Admiral_Drake] For now. [Xrileshr] So, her spell has worn off you and you can think objectively again, Paladin? [Paladin`] NRP: Anybody going to send me the zip of mids soon? [Spectre] NRP: Apparently not. (Xri.) [Enforcer] NRP: there [Admiral_Drake] NRP: 2 hours left in 3 hours worth of session. [Paladin`] Who said I couldn't while I was there? If she's going to try something, might as well play along. [Shell_X] Hey, Xrileshr, is this what I think it is? *Shows a piece of equipment to Xrileshr* * Admiral_Drake turns to Avalon [Paladin`] Subtlety seems to be lacking in our operations. [Enforcer] NRP: Someone SHOOT ME. Bloody hell, parents are gonna kill me today.. [Admiral_Drake] You've been quiet. [Spectre] [Yeah, uh huh, sure. I scanned you while you were there; you fell for her.] * Xrileshr glances at the equipment (what is it?) [Gravedigger] NRP: *BAP* *BAP* *BAP* * Paladin` wears his helmet quite obscenely at Spectre * Admiral_Drake the Fury leaps out of Hyperspace. [Avalon] NRP: excuse me ive been doing other stuff * Spectre flicks Paladin off and looks at the equipment, holding her footing [Paladin`] . . . ? * Paladin` looks puzzled [Spectre] NRP: Ah, it's good to be back to normal... [Paladin`] NRP: The "quite obscenely" didn't mean anything in particular [Gravedigger] Don't pay ateention to him, Spec, he's a prick, but he has his moments. [Admiral_Drake] Well, lets move it. There's only one city, huge too. Maybe we'll find clues there. [Admiral_Drake] Time Chart: 1 hour later [Shell_X] I think it's a microprocessor [Admiral_Drake] Location: City [Spectre] NRP: Creative name. * Admiral_Drake glances at Shell [Admiral_Drake] Come again? [Gravedigger] NRP: Gah...jetlag! [Admiral_Drake SOUND] [Enforcer] NRP: That was cool * Admiral_Drake walks along the village. [Shell_X] NRP: Quit switching so fast [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Er ,city. * Admiral_Drake watches hovercars fly by [Garland] NRP: *dances* I can see clearly now! The rain is gone! [Spectre] NRP: AAAH! [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Trying to save time [Xrileshr] .... kvashl vre shax tvesh xshe shralsietve... He who unites with a fool suffers a fool's fate... * Xrileshr glances around [Gravedigger] ... [Admiral_Drake] This city seems to be doing good under Spade's rule. [Paladin`] . . . does the fool also suffer a fool's fate? [Avalon] Who would be the fool? [Paladin`] Or is the fool's fate not for the fool? [Admiral_Drake] Us, Avalon. * Shell_X pet is sitting on his shoulder as Shell walks * Xrileshr read up on Spade during the trip [Enforcer] NRP: *couavalongh* * Admiral_Drake steps along [Admiral_Drake] Any ideas on finding Spade? [Gravedigger] What would be considered a fool's fate? Like liking a mixer while it's spinning, would that be a fool's fate? * Spectre looks around, psionically scanning the surrounding area [Xrileshr] ...So... [Paladin`] How do we know the fool has suffered teh fool's fate, instead of just being stupid for once? * Xrileshr psionically scans it as well * Admiral_Drake looks at Paladin * Xrileshr glances at Paladin [Admiral_Drake] Scan: A CIIIIITY! [Xrileshr] NRP: Damn, these scans are informative. [Spectre] NRP: Thanks for the info. [Gravedigger] How do we know the fool suffered a fool's fate? What if he suffers a genius' fate? * Shell_X heads to a store and picks up some food for his pet [Xrileshr] It's just a proverb... [Admiral_Drake] . . . will you two shut up? [Spectre] [...Dammit, you're all confusing me. JUST SHUT UP!] [Garland] NRP: I think we need to break after this part, we're getting kinda off track with silliness. [Avalon] Can we please dispense with the "fool" * Admiral_Drake sighs and heads for the nearest bar [Paladin`] Free yo' mind! The rest will follow. * Ariel looks around. [Xrileshr] ... Shouldn't we be heading toward a likely place were this Spade would be? [Admiral_Drake] NRP: *makes the session longer to make up for the fools* * Spectre smirks and follows Drake's lead [Admiral_Drake] We need to find some information, don't we? [Avalon] The best place for info is a bar right [Xrileshr] ... I see [Admiral_Drake] Right. [Enforcer] NRP:..... *is NOT pleased.* [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Patience! [Gravedigger] Hey, hey, Drake, am I breaking the law? Maybe ya should toss me in jail for disturbing the peace. [Paladin`] NRP: Patients? [Admiral_Drake] . . . listen, you ass! [Avalon] NR * Admiral_Drake throws Grave back into a wall, undodgeable * Shell_X follows Drake, tossing food into the air and letting his pet catch it [Admiral_Drake] SHUT UP! * Xrileshr glances at Drake and keeps heading to the bar *** Enforcer has quit IRC (BB in 30) * Admiral_Drake follows into the bar * Gravedigger morphs a zipper zipping his mouth shut [Admiral_Drake SOUND] * Admiral_Drake steps into the bar [Paladin`] . . . the CO uses violence on his underlings . . . *saves the recording to his helmet* [Gravedigger] *unzips his mouth* Hey Pal, think it's his time of the month? * Admiral_Drake listens to the music playing [Xrileshr] NRP: Are we in the bar yet? [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Aye. [Garland] NRP: WHAT!!!! Not the Cheers theme! GOD KEVIN! I thought you had some class! [Paladin`] Nah, but he deserves all the disrespect we give him. * Paladin` enters * Xrileshr enters, probably looking a bit out of place... [Admiral_Drake] NRP: *burst out laughing* *** Spectre has quit IRC (*heads to the bar and orders a drink, chatting with the bartender*) * Avalon steps into the "happy" bar * Gravedigger heads in [Gravedigger] Dude...this isn't one of THOSE bars, is it? * Paladin` glances about [Admiral_Drake] . . . probably [Avalon] Havent they done away with those [Paladin`] Yep, it's a bar alright. Nice observation. * Admiral_Drake glances around at all the men dressed up as women * Xrileshr looks around at who's in there [Avalon] Not on this planet apparently [Gravedigger] Wesa so in over our heads... [Admiral_Drake] Um, er. [Xrileshr] So... Who shall we ask for information? [Garland] NRP: *humms the cheers theme louder than the midi* where everybody knows your name ya' know! they'd know spade! [Paladin`] Bartender. [Admiral_Drake] Man: *walks up to Grave and wraps his hands around his face* Hello, hunny, want to meet Baby? * Xrileshr moves towards the bartender [Gravedigger] Uh...no. * Gravedigger drips out of his hands and oozes away [Admiral_Drake] Man: Are you sureeee, you cute little hand - -- what? [Paladin`] C'mon Grave, you've been talking about "expiramenting", now's your chance. [Avalon] NRP: i was hopin to meet the drinkinest sonofabictch i ever met [Admiral_Drake] Men: *flock around Paladin and Avalon* [Gravedigger] Pal, I was talking about multiple women at once, not multiple GUYS at once... * Xrileshr looks for the bartender [Garland] NRP: GAY BAR. *** Spectre (speedblade@user091.pcnow.net) has joined #TAW [Admiral_Drake] Bartender: What can I do for you, hun? [Paladin`] . . . well, I thought being a jello, you wouldn't care so much anymore. *** Admiral_Drake sets mode: +o Spectre [Avalon] Get off of me im not even a person! im not even modern! go away [Spectre] NRP: I'm assuming that was to me. * Shell_X has already left to somewhere else [Admiral_Drake] Men: *continues to flock around Pal* [Admiral_Drake] Bartender: *looks at spectre* [Xrileshr] ... *narrows eyes at the bartender* Is the man called Spade in this city? [Garland] NRP: Nah, just observing it. [Admiral_Drake] Bartender: Spade? Oh, yeah, sure, owns the place up on the hill. Go see him if ya like, don't know if you'll be happy. * Spectre sits there, sipping on her drink, and watching * Gravedigger ozzes up Xrile's shoulder and plops his eyes out [Gravedigger] NRP: Oozes, even. [Paladin`] Hmm. You know, if I weren't a eunuch . . . [Xrileshr] The building on the hill? I see... * Xrileshr glances at Drake * Ariel stands around in the background. [Admiral_Drake] Lets go for it. * Admiral_Drake quickly retreats out of the gay bar * Xrileshr throws GD off, 1"Gah!" [Gravedigger] *splat* [Avalon] Into the castle er hall er mansion * Xrileshr exits the bar, pushing his way through the people * Ariel heads out. * Gravedigger reforms and runs the hell out of the bar [Xrileshr] I must say that was a rather odd place... * Admiral_Drake dusts himself off [Admiral_Drake] That was fun as hell./ * Paladin` walks out, blows a kiss, then slams the door [Spectre] NRP: Excuse me for a minute while I clean some HD space... * Spectre follows the group in silence [Gravedigger] Okay, y'know what, let's NEVER do that again. [Paladin`] It seems Spade's tastes have changed over the years. [Admiral_Drake] . . . *glances at the huge mansion on the hill* Well, time to end this. [Xrileshr] Now we head to Spade's building, and then...? * Avalon teleports out---Avalon dreads walking past a bunch of them [Shell_X] So did you guys find anything? [Paladin`] We found a treasure trove of technology [Paladin`] At that building back there [Admiral_Drake] . . . yes, we discovered Paladin still has it. * Paladin` checks his pocket and throws out the rotten turkey sub [Admiral_Drake] So, Ariel, any ideas? * Xrileshr looks for Spade's place [Ariel] I'll tell you when I think of something. [Shell_X] No way, I a NOT going in there? [Admiral_Drake] . . . thought of something? [Gravedigger] NRP: He has....THE TOUCH! He's got...THE POWER! He's got...THE TURKEY SUB! No, wait, that doesn't sound right...he jsut has the turkey sub. [Shell_X] ! * Admiral_Drake walks up the hil * Xrileshr follows Drake [Avalon] Are you looking for hte best way in Admiral? * Admiral_Drake steps up the door and knocks [Spectre] [Front door, apparently.] [Admiral_Drake] I'm too tired for an assualt. [Xrileshr] ... This is not they way to enter that I'd suggest. [Gravedigger] ...That means we're gonna get pounded, doesn't it? [Admiral_Drake] You suggest the opposite of EVERYTHING [Garland] NRP: That'd be Garland..... He has the touch, he has the power, he has the girls. Only problem is they seem to be killed whenever he's away. [Spectre] [Age is catching up with fearless leader. Heh heh.] [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *opens the door* [Avalon] Its to late but this way doesnt make us burgulars [Gravedigger] AHHHHH! [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *screams* [Spectre] ... [Gravedigger] ANHHHHH! [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *screams* [Paladin`] AAAAAAAAAGGGHH!!! [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *screams* * Ariel stays out of sight of the door [Paladin`] AAAAAAAAAGGGHH!!! [Spectre] [Lady, calm down!] * Admiral_Drake screams [Xrileshr] *booms* We're looking for Spade. * Shell_X looks around confusely? [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *looks at Xril and screams* * Gravedigger spins and passes out [Avalon] Shrieking harpy * Spectre hits her forehead * Paladin` begins cracking up [Admiral_Drake] . . . my ears. [Spectre] [Oy vey... Everyone, SHUT UP!] * Gravedigger jumps up [Xrileshr] ... [Gravedigger] Sorry, spec. [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *looks afraid* * Paladin` wears his helmet at Spectre quite funkily [Xrileshr] Excuse me, we aren't going to hurt you... We just want to know where Spade is... [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: Ma-Master Spade? [Paladin`] We do? [Xrileshr] That would be who we're looking for. [Admiral_Drake] Uh, yeah, him [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: Al-All right, but it's a waste of your time. [Paladin`] There goes subtlety [Xrileshr] What do you mean? [Spectre] NRP: Whee, PCNow's installing new lines! [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *opens the door* Come on in. [Gravedigger] Hey, we've been wasting our time all day, what's a few more hours? * Admiral_Drake bonks Grave [Gravedigger] Ow... * Paladin` steps in * Gravedigger bows and lets Spec go ahead [Gravedigger] After you. * Spectre shakes her head and goes on in [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *slowly, oh so slowly, walks down the hallway* * Xrileshr enters, keeping his guard up * Gravedigger heads in [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *step* [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *step* [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *step* * Ariel slips inside. * Paladin` half sings half hums 1,0o/~ Jello man, jello man, does whatever a jello can o/~ * Admiral_Drake takes one step and is beside her [Avalon] NRP: what does this place look like [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *step* * Admiral_Drake takes one step and is beside her * Spectre suddenly thinks of something, and her eyes flash purple [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Just a normal mansion [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *step* [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *step* [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *step* [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *step* * Shell_X follows looking around at the area [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: *step* * Admiral_Drake takes one step and is beside her * Xrileshr scans the elderly lady to make sure she isn't hiding anything [Gravedigger] Whoa, Spec, what's up with the eyes? [Garland] NRP: *beats the old bat with a bat* * Admiral_Drake they arrive at the end of the hall and enter a large lobby [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: Well, here he is . . . * Avalon hoped it would be extravagant or victorian * Spectre shows off, making them both brown, then one brown and one purple, then both purple, and back [Admiral_Drake] GM: The dusty study reveals a capsule, up and running [Admiral_Drake] . . . whaaaa? [Spectre] [Whoa...] [Ariel] ... [Xrileshr] NRP: Lemme guess, the scans on the ederly lady are BLOCKED? * Paladin` steps up to it [Paladin`] Whoa. * Admiral_Drake steps forward and sees Spade, eyes shut, his body unmoving [Xrileshr] ... *is taken aback* [Gravedigger] Hey, that's pretty cool, got any other cool tri-Wow, what's in the capsule? [Spectre] [Suspended animation...?] [Xrileshr] Apparently Spade was wounded rather badly [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: He's a vegetable now. His mind shattered when he was hooked up to the robot someone killed. [Paladin`] Suspended animation probably. * Avalon is interested in the books but doesnt touch * Shell_X tries to scan the capsule [Admiral_Drake] Scan: Life support system [Shell_X] What robot? [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: He's a vegetable for the rest of his days. * Gravedigger rubs the back of his head [Paladin`] Uh, so he's not out for universal domination? [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: A fake Spade. [Gravedigger] You don't suppose WE did this, do you? [Paladin`] So, you wouldn't mind if we took him out and made sure he's really Spade? [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: 'Fraid not, hun. [Spectre] [How long has he been like this?] [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: That would kill him! [Paladin`] He's already brain dead. [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady; Like this since December 4th. [Shell_X] Do you know where the robot's remains are? [Xrileshr] ... How did he get here? [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: I don't know, sweetheart. [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: Always was here. He just controlled his little robot around the galaxy. [Paladin`] What's it matter if he dies now? * Admiral_Drake blinks [Gravedigger] Shell, I think you're missing the pic here, I believe WE took care of that little matter... [Spectre] *to Hunters* [Now why didn't that idiot bartender mention this...] [Xrileshr] I see... [Garland] NRP:... is she comming onto you guys? "hun" "sweetheart".... [Paladin`] NRP: No. [Gravedigger] NRP: *pushes Pal in front of the group* [Spectre] NRP: Hope not, since I'm playing a female character... [Xrileshr] Not a very good fate... [Admiral_Drake] A long, hard one until the capsule gives out. [Shell_X] NRP: Shell is missing it [Xrileshr] So... who controls this planet? [Paladin`] Gravity. [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: Whoever took over it, I suppose. [Xrileshr] ... What's your relation to Spade? [Avalon] You dont know? [Gravedigger] NRP: We fought Spade, turns out Spade's a veggie, first Spade we fought was a robot, got it? [Paladin`] . . . shall we go back and ask the bartender? [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: Maid. [Xrileshr] NRP: What about the skeleton on Earth of him too [Gravedigger] Dear god NO! [Garland] NRP: SO KILL HIM NOW! [Xrileshr] Hmm [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Mysteries that TAlon might reveal * Paladin` taps on the glass [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: An older looking man took all his journals [Paladin`] Hrmm, my fish always get scarred when I do this *taps* [Xrileshr] You don't remember this mans name? [Ariel] Older looking? Can you tell us more? [Gravedigger] ...He didn't have one arm, did he? [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: He called himself some sort of Lord. [Paladin`] Lort . . . Talon? * Ariel going the group from where she was leaning against the wall. [Ariel] Thought so. [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: That's it, doll. [Xrileshr] Do you know where this Lord Talon went? [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: 'Fraid not. [Paladin`] *tap* * Xrileshr turns to Drake [Xrileshr] What now? * Admiral_Drake bonks the glass. [Paladin`] *tap* [Admiral_Drake] We head back to the Fury and see if our "Dealer" has any information I presume, [Gravedigger] Pal, he's not a fish fer cris' sakes... [Admiral_Drake] From there, we'll head after this Lord Talon. [Paladin`] . . . seems a shame to leave him like this . . . what if he gets better? *** Enforcer (Mightymito@sktnsk01d051801224.sk.sympatico.ca) has joined #taw [Ariel] I doubt that Paladin... I doubt that. [Gravedigger] Then we come back and kick his ass. [Spectre] {Who cares...} [Paladin`] Well you know, there was thig guy who got turned into a newt . . . [Admiral_Drake] Spade's a vegetable forever. *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Enforcer [Xrileshr] Well, let's get going then. [Admiral_Drake] Lets leave him be. He got into one plot too many. * Paladin` walks toward the door *** Elayne (dobahold@209-130-142-108.nas3.MON.gblx.net) has joined #TAW *** Admiral_Drake sets mode: +o Elayne * Xrileshr turns to the elderly lady, 1"Thank you for your assistance." *** Elayne is now known as Elayne_Vanguard [Admiral_Drake] Elderly Lady: No problem [Admiral_Drake] Location: The Fury * Admiral_Drake stands next to Elayne [Paladin`] NRP: I want my Mtv, naganooch! [Admiral_Drake] Well, it seems our "friend" found Lord Talon [Gravedigger] NRP: Damnit, I wanted to scream at 'er some more! [Paladin`] . . . the maid? [Admiral_Drake] . . . the 2nd. [Paladin`] . . . the bartender? [Gravedigger] NRP: Pal, you ain't missin' much..."Road Rules" Mexico [Admiral_Drake] Anyway, she said it was at the planet Utata - - something * Elayne_Vanguard strokes her blaster unconsiously [Admiral_Drake] I have the location entered. [Paladin`] NRP: Must get serious . . . must. [Admiral_Drake] We'll head there next. [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Yes, the big battle is coming ahead. [Xrileshr] All right... [Spectre] NRP: It better... *yawns* [Shell_X] Is it just me or are we forgetting something? [Admiral_Drake] NRP: grrrr. [Avalon] NRP: this is gonna be hillarious fo rme * Gravedigger looks at Elayne, goes to comment, but decides better of it * Admiral_Drake enters the location into the computer. [Enforcer] NRP: *whacks Avalon and Spec* [Elayne_Vanguard] Utataorion? [Admiral_Drake] . . . what, Shell? [Xrileshr] NRP: Hunters + Fury-people + Resistance vs. Lord Talon (who must be pretty strong, I guess) [Shell_X] Like the other Hunters? [Admiral_Drake] . . . we'll have to grab them later, Shell [Enforcer] NRP: You want me to trap you in a mime-trap? [Admiral_Drake] We have to the save the galaxy. [Admiral_Drake] Ai ai ai ai, lets vamous! [Enforcer] NRP: or just mock you Girley-man [Paladin`] . . . supposedly. [Admiral_Drake] End
[DeathStar] Act Six: Captured by a Talon's Claw [DeathStar] Time Chart: 3 hours later [DeathStar] Location: Utata something * Red Beard flies towards the planet [Seraphna`] NRP:... [Red] There it is. * Diamondback blinks [Mindscape] NRP: Vtata I thought... * `Hunter` follows behind it [Blackjack] Impressive... * Ripple looks at Diamondback [Mindscape] [Hmmm...] [Gazer] MRP: 6*pats Sera on the head and gives her a cookies* * Garland stands there, next to DS. [Diamondback] Yeah, Andrew? * Snipe notices three meteorites and a huge satalite over the planet. * Ripple shakes his head, arm around Spirit [Mindscape] NRP: Is this the same planet where we corned Talon the first time? [Snipe] NRP: no [Ripple] Just thinking you need a signifigant other. [Biohazard] .... Dont those two EVER stop? [Snipe SOUND] [DeathStar] No, don't you love it? [Ripple] Slash] Not that I've seen. [Snipe] Wish I had a girl. * Red keeps eyes focused on the planet. [Diamondback] ...You know Jennifer, right? Well... * Ripple nods [DeathStar] Well, any ideas? *watches the planet get closer* [Ripple] I understand. * DeathStar stands next to Garland * `Hunter` cloaks as he approaches the planet [Gazer] To not die? [Mindscape] [We take down Talon and work together. No more deaths.] [Ripple] Slash] Full frontal attack is my suggestion. [Snipe] Hardly the option, Gazer. [Garland] ......Take out the satelite I think. It may cause a good bit of confusion. [Azazel] I like full frontals. [Mindscape] [We have to be careful, as this Talon has alot of soldiers it seems.] [Riptide] [Full frontals are pretty dangerous...] [Ripple] Slash] *smirks, beginning to like Azaz* * Red Beard flies along the traffic lanes *** Maestro has quit IRC (Leaving) [DeathStar] And he has a lot of ideas. *frowns* And the power to back it up, perhaps? * `Hunter` follows in it's wake [Garland] .....Or the Hunter and I could act as if we're dead. [Mindscape] [What'd you say, Red?] [DeathStar] NRP: 2 more hours to go! WHOOOO! [Mindscape] NRP: GAH! [Ripple] No idea. [Slash] DS, what if we try a decoy attack with a small force, and then hit it from behind? Old hammer and anvil attack. [DeathStar] . . . didn't we already do that Gar? [Seraphna`] NRP: Kevin the Relentless.. there's a good title [DeathStar] NRP: MUSH! [Garland] And while the Red Beards go in for a report, we sneak in. * Red muses [Avalon] NRP: nova post [Red] We could pretend we captured you and get in close to Talon. [Mindscape] [Interesting idea... Garland, I believe.] * Biohazard thinks [Garland] Only they don't know we've pulled this cliche before. [Riptide] [I like the idea.] .oO{As long as I'm not on the decoy team...} [Gazer] NRP: "But I'm tired!" "QUIET YOU! *whip*" [Mindscape] [Then, we could unleash our attacks againts Talon together.] [Red] Right. [DeathStar] Smart, Red. * Garland nods to Mindscape [Red] Who all here is psionics? [Blackjack] Nice planning, Garland, Red. [Biohazard] I could whip up a special virus to assist in getting them in undetected.. [Mindscape] [You know I am. And ready to pay Talon back for what he's done with them.] [Riptide] [Not me! ...Dammit...] [Mindscape] am=have them * Ripple winces [Ripple] I used to.. not anymore... [Diamondback] I a... *stops short* [Snipe] Ripple, DB, and Spirit use to be. * Red raises eyebrow [Red] What's the problem then? * Gazer cracks his knuckles and leans back [Red SOUND] [Ripple] .... Xevil ripped it from our skulls. * Spirit looks depressed at the reminder... [Diamondback] You could say that they were... ripped from us... [Gazer] Cap'n, what about our brainwave trancievers? * Mindscape glances inquisitively at the ex-psionics [Red] No, I got a better idea. [Azazel] Xevil ripped what from your skull? * Ripple hugs Spirit to console her * Red raises hands and begins to dampen around the three, like Snipe [Ripple] ... The Psionics. [Mindscape] [Interesting... It's not often someone is able to do that... It takes quite alot of energy, even for someone as skilled as me...] * Snipe feels the dampening field and shutters [Riptide] [Poor guys... Sucks to get used to psionics and then lose them, eh?] [Snipe] What in hell's name?! [Azazel] Oh boo-hoo. * Garland looks at Snipe [Diamondback] NRP: Sky Chase! Yeah! * Red dampens the damage done to them [Azazel] What the hell is that? [Diamondback] NRP: I think... * Ripple raises eyebrow at Red [Snipe] NRP: Bravo. [Ripple] What are you doing? * Mindscape glances at Red [Red] . . . restoring your psionics the same way I take them to quite Mind [Red] quiet even [Snipe] But I thought that was MY special trait. [Diamondback] Huh? [DeathStar] Get use to it, everyone's just like ya. [Gazer] Mon capitan, it seems you still manage to surprise even your own crew still... [Red] I have the ability to dampen psionics. * Biohazard smirks [Red] But I learned to reverse that effect also. [Diamondback] Well, we don't ha... Ah... * Snipe hisses at DS [Azazel] Yea, eager to fight and kill unnecessarily. [Mindscape] [A rather annoying trait to run across in an enemy...] [Biohazard] Its always good to have a good hand up your sleave. [Blackjack] ...I resent that remark. * Red glances at Snipe, noticing that they look similar. * Garland looks at Snipe and busts out laughing [Red] Well, your psionics are returned. [Spirit] *looks up, being able to sense Ripple again and smiles* * Ripple concentrates attempting to ignite a ripplewave around his fist [Gazer] NRP: AHHH! He's a CARTER!...Err, McCormick! It's SPREADING! [Mindscape] NRP: Red: Snipe... I am your father. Snipe: No! That's not true! That's impossible! [DeathStar] NRP: Not really. * Ripple it flames brightly to life, and he smiles also sensing Spirit * Diamondback swings his fist in front of himself, forming a psionic sabre in mid-slash [Diamondback] Yeeehah! [Ripple] Lets roast. [Garland] ..... I've been wondering.... why didn't Xevil attempt to take my Ki? It's similar to Psionics.... [Diamondback] [Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3... Yeah, it works!] [Azazel] ARe we the cooks, or the course? [Red] The name's Red. Red Hens. Pleased to meet you, John McCormick [Biohazard] .... *forms a dart idly* [Spirit] .oO(Nice to have you back *smiles*) [Mindscape] NRP: Fine... Red: Snipe... I am your brother's cousin's nephew's uncle's former roommate. [DeathStar] . . . That's why you were shocked at the name McCormick. [Ripple] .oO{No kidding. *smile*} [Gazer] NRP: *falls down laughing* [Mindscape] [...Hmmm....] [Azazel] . . . are we going to blow something up soon? * Red sees no one is interested in their family get together [Ripple] Slash] I like that guy.. [Gazer] NRP: Red Hens, ohhhhh that's a good one.... * Diamondback is too busy checking his psionic abilities to make sure they're all working [Mindscape] [You're related to him then, Red?] [Mindscape] NRP: LOL [Red] . . . only the Hens . . . carries the dampening trait, Mind. * Riptide is asleep * Gazer clacks out his staff and extends it [Mindscape] [Ahh, I see.] [Snipe] . . . *Raises eyebrow* But I'm a McCormick [Red] . . . are yo---*ship shakes* [Ripple] NRP: *coughinbredcough* [Diamondback] [Aaah, shit...] [Mindscape] [Perhaps you're related to the Hens somewhere along the line...] [Blackjack] What now... * Red watches all the Hunters get teleported away [Phantasma] [Oh fun...] *** Snipe has quit IRC (Leaving) *** DeathStar has left IRC *** DeathStar has quit IRC (Leaving) [Mindscape] [...!] [Diamondback] [Wha...] *fades out* [Biohazard] Whoa... *** Diamondback has left IRC *** Diamondback has quit IRC (Leaving) [Phantasma] NTP: Oops * Ripple disappears alogn with Slash [Garland] EE*fades away* [Azazel] Maybe you're just a mutant? [Blackjack] What in t... *also fades* *** Blackjack has quit IRC (Leaving) * Riptide snores [Biohazard] That was cool. * Red kicks Rip [Red] What just happened?! [Mindscape] [... Talon...] [Riptide] [Hey, huh, what, AAAAAH!] [Biohazard] Looks like a teleport. Long range. [`Hunter`] Comm] I just dectect a transport... what just happened? [Phantasma] Trouble...? [Red] Talon: *appears on the screen* * Biohazard nods [Riptide] [The hell's going on?] [Azazel] EEeyeechh! I just ate, dammit! [Red] Talon: Thank you, Red Beards, for keeping your part of the deal. The bombs have been deactivated and will vanish with a few days. [Red] Talon: Your job is done here. Good bye and stay out of this galactic war going on. [Biohazard] .oO{Why dont i trust him?} [Red] Talon: *Cuts out* [Mindscape] ... [Riptide] [I don't think I'm the only one that doesn't trust him...] * Red scans and all bombs deactivate. [`Hunter`] Comm] Hunter to Red Beard.... what's going on? [Gazer] The bombs'll probably vanish with us, when they detonate... [Biohazard] Obviously.. [Red] Comm: The Hunters are gone, Ace, hold on. [Red] Well, we're free . . . like he says . . . [Biohazard] Red, Think you can get the coordinates of that teleport? [Mindscape] [We can't abondon the Hunters, though.] [Gazer] Why do I highly doubt that, Red? [Phantasma] Why not? [Azazel] . . . ok, so where to? That bar we went to before this mess? * Red looks it up and sees it's a Maxium Security Prison. [Biohazard] We made a deal with em Red. Even pirates have a code of honor... * Riptide nods [Red] . . . but if we do, we'll get involved in the war, something we NEVER wanted! [Red] NRP: Play Search and Destroy [Biohazard] NRP: KMFDM ROCKS! * Red glances out the windows at the guard ships around the planet. [Red] We go in, and we'll be in over our heads. [Gazer] Might not be something we wanted old friend, but now it might be something we HAVE to get involved in... [Biohazard] ... We dont, they die. [Gazer] When aren't we? [Red] . . . *sighs* [Mindscape] ... *thinks* [Riptide] [Over our heads? Sounds like something we do on a daily basis! Come on, don't give up here!] [Red] And lose more of us? Orlonre? Sirus? [Red] Where will it end? [Biohazard] .... [Mindscape] [Red's right... We're lost so many... The Hunters did take two of our own now. Perhaps we should leave them to Talon.] * Biohazard backs down [Mindscape] [Who knows why Talon wants them. Should we drag ourselves into some feud between them?] [Red] NRP: These word sooo fit the situation [Azazel] This isn't our fight. [Biohazard] Your the boss. I'll follow you through the heart of a nova. [Azazel] It's not. [Riptide] [Hey, I joined up with you all aware of the danger...] [Gazer] If we leave them to die, then we might as well die by Talon's hand fore we'll no longer be honorable! [Red] . . . [Red] Lets formulate a plan then. [Red] If we're going to do this, we need a plan to defeat Talon in one stroke. [Mindscape] [But... I just can't shake the idea of abandoning them.] *tries to psionically contact or sense the psionic Hunters* [Riptide] [I'm sorry, but I won't run. The code of the samurai, the bushido. Better to die honorably than to live as... what's the word? Ah hell, than to live as a wuss.] * Red grins [Phantasma] All for one. [Riptide] One for all. [Biohazard] All for Us. [Red] And one for all. [Gazer] All for 'rates. [Red] Lets go. [Biohazard] Rock the world. [Mindscape] NRP: We didn't make a plan though! [Riptide] Our finest battle, my friends! [Red] If I know the Hunters, they'll be breaking out by the time we get there. * Biohazard loads viral strains
[DeathStar] Act Seven: Breakout! [DeathStar] Location: Cell ???? * DeathStar rubs head, chained to the wall * Snipe is chained upside down [Snipe] Gaaaah. [Gazer] NRP: AHHH! IT'S ?????, KILL IT! KILL IT! * Ripple strains against the chains * Garland sits there, his hands restrained [Diamondback] [Uungh...] *pulls against his chains, eyes blazing purple as he uses psionics to aid his strength, though in vain* [Snipe] Looks like Red betrayed us [Ripple] ..... The bastard.. [Garland] .......I'm not so sure.... [Garland] I'm not going to jump to conclusions. *** Paladin` is now known as Azazel [DeathStar] Don't be so hot, Snipe [Slash] ..... Someones gonna get toasted. [Diamondback] You never know, Snipe... [Garland] .....as much as it looks like it. [Spirit] Never trest a pirate... [Snipe] Oh, HUSH, Death Star. I'm tired of your goddamn godliness. So LOOKED up to. [NovaCharger] NRP:are TAW apps still closed DS? * Slash flexes, straining against the chains, the metal straining [Spirit] NRP: Trust even... *wishes she could see the keyboard* [Snipe] NRP: Psss, SESSIOJ * DeathStar remains quiet at Snipe's outburst. [Ripple] NRP: *snicker* [Ripple] NRP: I wish i could focus my eyes.. they going blurry. [DeathStar SOUND] [DeathStar] Talon: *steps in front of them* [Mindscape] NRP: ... Familiar... [Blackjack] *quietly, hidden from DS* Wish I could've done that, say, 20 years ago... [Gazer] NRP: Mine aren't for once! Hee hee, finally got my new glasses today. * Ripple eyes narrow at Talon [DeathStar] Talon: The final pieces of the Endgame are coming into play [`Hunter`] NRP: *Appears behind Talon and begins making faces* * Spirit glares coldly at Talon [Ripple] NRP: my eyes always go like this after watching TV/Comp and reading for hours on end [Diamondback] NRP: Of course it's familiar; the FF2 intro theme. [Mindscape] NRP: Ah, what I thought [Slash] .. So, you must be Talon. [DeathStar] Talon: Only one more piece is required, and she's with the other group, heading here. [Slash] Come a little closer co i can kick you in the nuts. * Diamondback glares at Talon, his eyes bright purple with rage * Blackjack thrashes at his chains [DeathStar] Talon: Ah, my dear Slash, not yet. * Garland forms a ki ball on the chains holding him, trying to melt, or at least heat it up, while putting all of his strength into trying to pull free that arm. [Diamondback] [She? Mind telling us who "she" is?] [Slash] .... Fine, wait a while then come closer so i can kick you in the nuts. [DeathStar] Talon: *grins coldly* Try all you like, Jared CArter *spits the name* but this isn't the end. [DeathStar] Talon: Why not show you when the time is right? * Snipe struggles * Blackjack "returns fire," spitting at Talon [Garland] .......*concentrates* The hands are but an outlet...... *tryies to melt it while pullin on that one chain* * Ripple keeps struggling against the chains [DeathStar] Talon: CorSec traitor. Be glad those days are over. [Mindscape] NRP: Talon's a human, right? [DeathStar] Talon: But my hatred for you isn't. *raises hand* [Blackjack] Damn right... I was the first to realize CorSec's evils... [DeathStar] NRP: Aye. [DeathStar SOUND] [Slash] NRP: im SO gonna kick him in the nuts. [DeathStar] Talon: *Grins coldly and activates the machines in the wall* [Blackjack] AAAAAGH! * Garland looks at Talon [Avalon] NRP: i cant wait till we actually get a hold of a maverick nova [DeathStar] Talon: *jolts of searing electricity leap into BJ's back* [Slash] ..... Come here. I wanna see your face before i mangle it. [Slash] NRP: Now hows THAT for timing? [Slash] NRP: Scream before the actual attack [DeathStar] I'll leave you alone to your fate, Hunters. *walks off, leaving it on BJ* * Blackjack thrashes at his chains wildly, the electricity stinging at him. He suddenly stops thrashing, stops moving in general. [Slash] Blackjack! [DeathStar] GM: *it's directed straight into BJ's spinal cord* [DeathStar] - - - - [Spirit] NRP: LoL. Evil DS! * DeathStar rips lose from the walls and frees himself [Spirit] Jack!! * DeathStar rips BJ free [Blackjack] GAAAAH! The... the cybernetic spinal cord... IT'S MALFUNCTIONING! [DeathStar] JARED! [Mindscape] NRP: Poor BJ... First Sigma and now Talon [Slash] ... DS free me. I have a score to settle. [Diamondback] DAD!!! [Snipe] . . . how did he do that? * Slash eyes blaze [DeathStar] Screw scores, Slash, we have to get Jared out of here. [Blackjack] Unngh... [Garland] ....... Tu'kelth bena na kina, kin'janan!!!!!!!!! * DeathStar blasts them all free. * Slash drops to the floor, checking on BJ [Diamondback] DAD! *runs to his side* * Ripple catches Spirit * Garland lands on the floor, pissed as hell. * Spirit runs to BJ's side and uses her Psihealing. [Diamondback] [Dammit! Dad...] [Spirit] Jack, are you okay? * Slash uses His gauntlets to heal what he can [DeathStar] NRP: Major Battle 2 . . .play We Used to Be Angels * Ripple uses his armors nanotech robots to heal also * DeathStar the ground shakes [Snipe] Suggestion: Get BJ out of here, now [Blackjack] The electricity... You all know about that cybernetic spinal cord, right... It short circuited... I can't move... [DeathStar] . . .your paralized? [Blackjack] Looks that way, doesn't it... [Slash] ... He was in an accident back on earth during the plauge. * DeathStar two huge robot armor bots teleport in [Slash] ... Dont look now, but we got company * Slash 's warp blades suddenly appear in his hand ready for action * Snipe punches one through the bars and frees the Hunters. [DeathStar] . . . oh, Jared. * Diamondback starts to telekinetically lift his father into the air, but he yells in pain * Snipe battles one of the bots * Snipe hesitates [Diamondback] [Perfect... I can't lift him that way... Somebody give me a hand!] [Snipe] Bot: *punches Snipe back* [Snipe] OUF! * Snipe hits the bar, frozen up * Ripple lends his power to DB * Diamondback slips one of BJ's arms over his shoulder * Garland punches the bot [Slash] SNIPE! [Slash] Dont freeze NOW * DeathStar studies Snipe * Spirit helps to move BJ out to one side * Slash slashes the bot [Snipe] Bot: *Smashes Slash into a wall* * Slash groans, but keeps coming [Snipe] . . . *shakes head* [Diamondback] [Stay cool, Dad... We'll get ya outta here...] [Blackjack] Yeah, yeah, of course... Dammit, I hate being helpless... * DeathStar stands up and notices a sewer pipe in the floor big enough for a human and reploid and blows a hole ito it [Slash] ... Just like that bloody Sigma. Keeps on going and going and going. [DeathStar] There's our escape. [Spirit] [You'll be okay 'Jack] [Snipe] Bot: *Explodes* * Snipe raises to his feet shakily. [Diamondback] [Spirit, help me out here... DS gave us the escape route. Let's use it.] [Spirit] [I'm sure you'll get your fight back...] * Slash keeps attacking, a flurry of slashes and Blasts [DeathStar] Going into sewage, joy. * Spirit is helping as best she can * Diamondback throws one of BJ's arms around his shoulders * Ripple telekeniticly lessens the weight * Spirit takes his other arm * Diamondback looks down. 1[A sewer... Fun...] [Ripple] GO * DeathStar leaps into the sludge, sliding out of sight * Snipe follows, slowly * Slash waits till everyone is down, and jumps after * Diamondback leaps down, telekinetically slowing his fall * Garland follows to keep up with DS [Diamondback] NRP: his = their [Snipe] Dias: *leaps in* * Snipe slides in * DeathStar the all slide out onto the wing of the Red Beard [DeathStar] OUF! * Ripple follows close behind DB and BJ * Snipe sludges onto the wing [Diamondback] GAH! [Snipe] GM: *alarms go off* [Blackjack] Whoa! [Slash] KEEP MOVING [DeathStar SOUND] * Slash arms his gauntlets * DeathStar explosions hit the Red Beard as they are teleported onto it, in the showers [Ripple] ... you heard the man [Ripple] Wha?! [Spirit] o.O *** Red (Avalon@ has joined #taw * Slash is slightly disoriented [Garland] Eh? *** Snipe sets mode: +o Red * Diamondback helps Blackjack into the front *** Slash is now known as BioHazard * Red flips the showers on, cleans them off, and flips them off [Red] Time to go * Red Beard takes off [BioHazard] Your damn lucky we caught you in time. [Blackjack] Injured man comin' through... [Azazel] I still think this is a bad idea [Phantasma] Very lucky. * Red explosions rock the ship [Mindscape] [We better get outta here, REd...] * DeathStar shakes head slowly * Diamondback falls, causing Blackjack and Spirit to topple onto him [Red] Time for our plan [Spirit] Oof [Diamondback] [OW!] * Garland tightens the belt on his Gi * Red throws up an illusion shield of the Red Beard blowing up from their attacks and secretly hides it near the satalite * Ripple is under both of them [Blackjack] Dammit, kid, hold your footing! [Red] . . . there, we should be safe . . .for now. * `Hunter` decloaks behind them, firing all for mag-pulse blasters to cover Red Beard for the station's fire [Diamondback] [Sorry...] *gets up, and helps BJ to a seat* [DeathStar] . . . whoa, talk about a rush * Ripple picks up 'Jack lifting him almost without effort [DeathStar] NRP: 4 hours down. * `Hunter` cloaks again and zooms off * Blackjack collapses into a seat * Mindscape glances at Blackjack [`Hunter`] Comm] Good going fellers! [Blackjack] Thanks, Chris, Andrea, Andrew... I owe ya, big time... * DeathStar glares at Snipe, who is still silent [DeathStar] What the hell is YOUR problem? [Ripple] .... Least i could do. [Snipe] . . . whaa?! Uh?! * Garland steps infront of DS [Snipe] None of your business, "High and Mighty" [Garland] ......*shakes his head* Don't bother, for me, okay? [`Hunter`] Comm] Red, mind if I join your lit'l party? [Blackjack] Hey, whoa, last thing we need is teammates fighting... [Red] Come on in [DeathStar] No, I know what I'm doing * DeathStar steps to Snipe * `Hunter` beams aboard * Mindscape watches DS and Snipe *** `Hunter` is now known as AceHunter [Spirit] Hey, you wouldn't be much of a living legend if we let you die 'Jack ;) [Garland] B-but.....*backs off* [DeathStar] For SOME reason your Commodore freezes up and if that isn't fixed, he'll get you all killed. * BioHazard sighs [Blackjack] Heh heh... * Snipe growls [Ripple] .... I think its time to back off a little Spirit... *watches the tension build between Snipe and DS [Blackjack] Hey, whoa, Death Star, easy there... * Snipe throws a punchj * DeathStar grabs the fist and pulls it behind Snipe [DeathStar] Yet you have no problem training. [Mindscape] *to Red* [Do we have time for this?] [DeathStar] Why is that? [Ripple] Slash] *shakes his haed* [Red] I don't know what you're next plan IS * Garland stands there, watching * Spirit stays with BJ, but as far away from Snipe and DS as possible [Mindscape] NRP: *mumurs* traitor... traitor...traitor [Snipe] . . . why sould I tell you? [AceHunter] Might I suggest a good therepy session, there's this chap named Frued that I once heard about [DeathStar] For your own good, Snipe. [Mindscape] NRP: *has no idea if that's true though* * Diamondback also sticks by his father, avoiding the two fighters [Snipe] . . . [Snipe SOUND] [Snipe] . . . *shakes head* Screw you DS [Azazel] . . . the dude was completely penis driven. A moron, if you will. [DeathStar] Shut up, all of you * DeathStar tightens grip [Mindscape] ... *keeps silent* [Ripple] ... *was silent* [DeathStar] Snipe here is going to tell us why he freezes up * Garland looks at DS, silent, obeying orders as if DS were still his commander. [Snipe] . . . [Snipe] End
[LieutenantSnipe] Flashback #2 [LieutenantSnipe] Time Chart: March, 2193 [LieutenantSnipe] NRP: Yep [LieutenantSnipe] Location: Maverick Warzone [LieutenantSnipe SOUND] * LieutenantSnipe walks along with his squad, grinning cockily * LieutenantSnipe all along is a trail of death, bodies beheaded everywhere * SergeantLucas_ATLAN stares with steel-blue eyes * Hearald stands off to the side, smoking a cigar and holding his flame thrower * PrivateJuniors picks his teeth * CorpralAzure keeps moving, alert and ready; he wears sapphire and blue armor, with streaks of gold *** SergeantLucas_ATLAN is now known as SergeantLucasAtlan [CommanderWilliams] Drop that Cigar Hearald [PrivateJuniors] This bytes... * LieutenantSnipe snickers * Hearald spits it onto the ground * PrivateBrooks nervously fiddles with his rifle [LieutenantSnipe] Not up for a little duty? * CorpralAzure freezes the cigar with a very small ice blast * PrivateJones rests his head in his hands [CommanderWilliams] ... Ok you know what to do people, Wipe out those mavs. [Hearald] Bah.. * Corporal_Lewis monitors the comm freqs [PrivateJones] It feels like we've been here forever. [LieutenantSnipe] . . . easily done [PrivateJones] Tell that to Icabod Crane over there. * SergeantLucasAtlan takes out a black blaster * PrivateJuniors lowers his visor * LieutenantSnipe flips his rifle out [CommanderWilliams] .. Dont be so cocky Lieutenant. [CorpralAzure] We're all pratically memorized that mission order by now... * Bob_The_Grunt shoulders his assult cannon * Hearald pulls out his second gas feed, for twice the flame. [CorpralAzure] But, let's get to it, eh? [LieutenantSnipe] Why not. * PrivateBrooks continues to fiddle with his rifle [CommanderWilliams] You never know whats waiting on the other side. * LieutenantSnipe walks along * SergeantLucasAtlan touches the black stripe across his face and smiles * Bob_The_Grunt grunts * CorpralAzure arms his weapons and draws his ice rifle * LieutenantSnipe blasts at a squirrel * PrivateJones shoulders his laser rifle * Corporal_Lewis loads his pulse rifle. * PrivateBrooks accidentally fires it, nailing a pine cone * Hearald fires....fire into the air. * PrivateJuniors pumps his pump rifle [SergeantLucasAtlan] Brooks! * LieutenantSnipe chews on some gum [CorpralAzure] Carefully, Brooks [PrivateJuniors] Jesus you people are jumpy. [PrivateBrooks] Diamondback: Brooks, eh... I think that's Johnathan Brooks, my cousin, that you're talking about... * CommanderWilliams glances off to the side * CorpralAzure keeps his Sapphire Sabre and handguns ready to be drawn [PrivateJones] . . . I've got a bad feeling about this. * LieutenantSnipe flexes his muscles [CorpralAzure] NRP: DB has alot of cousins, you know. * Bob_The_Grunt pulls a grenade off his bandolere and tosses it up and down [LieutenantSnipe] I can take a Maverick out with my bare hands. [CommanderWilliams] Slash: Isnt that Azure someone that Ariel knew? [PrivateBrooks] NRP: *kicks Azure* [LieutenantSnipe] Death Star: I'm not sure, is it? [PrivateJones] NRP: Imagine, DB making a char that's related to his other chars. [CorpralAzure] Suuuure you can, Snipe. Just don't get yourself killed, okay? [PrivateBrooks] NRP: Why would I do that? [CommanderWilliams] Slash: have to find out sometime.. [Corporal_Lewis] Ariel: I really doubt THAT. [Hearald] Garland: Just listen people. [SergeantLucasAtlan] Well.. what aree we sittin here for.... them Mavs don't just die waitin [LieutenantSnipe] Snipe: Yeah, you MADE me start this [PrivateBrooks] Diamondback: Yeah, it has to get interesting sometime soon. Heh heh. * CommanderWilliams spots something [LieutenantSnipe] Red: Shhh [Corporal_Lewis] NRP: *remembers that ariel isn't there* oops... [CommanderWilliams] ... Well Mr Cocky. lets see you scout that out. [CommanderWilliams] Lieutenant, eliminate that mav over there. *points* * LieutenantSnipe throws rifle down [LieutenantSnipe] Just watch me [Hearald] Garland: Mr. Cocky.....? [SergeantLucasAtlan] Sure... *** Corporal_Lewis is now known as CorporalLewis * LieutenantSnipe sticks tongue out at them and runs over there [PrivateJuniors] Gazer: Does anyone else feel like we should be sitting around a fire roasting marshmallows? [CorpralAzure] ... * PrivateBrooks clicks his rifle to the electric setting * CommanderWilliams shakes his head [LieutenantSnipe] Snipe: shut up or you'll miss the point. [SergeantLucasAtlan] CorSec 'ill get a reeport 'bout this though... [CommanderWilliams] Hes a dead man. [PrivateBrooks] Diamondback: Hey, you in the past remind me of Paladin. [LieutenantSnipe SOUND] [CorporalLewis] Phantasma: Get to the big guns already. [CorpralAzure] SHouldn't we, uh, save him then Brooks? [LieutenantSnipe] Maverick: *throws a punch at Snipe and he easily dodges, moving much quicker than he does now* [PrivateBrooks] Let's see how he handles it first... [CommanderWilliams] .... Hes doing fine for now. [CommanderWilliams] NRP: *smacks brooks* [LieutenantSnipe] Snipe: *flips out and punches through the Maverick, and drives into him insanely, moving faster than DS and Garland, grinning * CorporalLewis readys his rifle just incase [CommanderWilliams] NRP: Whos the commander 'round here? [SergeantLucasAtlan] I like his fightin' style... [PrivateBrooks] NRP: So the private's got a little common sense. * Hearald watches, spewing fire everywhere for no real reason. [CorpralAzure] Not bad... but... * LieutenantSnipe slams the Maverick around, smashes into ruins of the buildings, knocking them down as he follows the Maverick * CorporalLewis keeps listening to the Comm. * Bob_The_Grunt looks over the area for more mavericks [CommanderWilliams] If he looks like hes gonna lose, bring the Mav down. * CommanderWilliams loads his rifle [PrivateJones] . .. aren't other mavs going to hear this? * LieutenantSnipe slams his fist into the Mavericks gut, causing it to spark [CorporalLewis] Who cares. Let them come. [CommanderWilliams] Thats why we hope he makes it quick. [PrivateBrooks] Blackjack: And it took the private to notice the obvious... [LieutenantSnipe] Snipe: *continues moving faster than he does now and finally slams the MAveirck into a two story building, grinning insanely as it began to fall down all around them* [PrivateJones] Oh yes. Impending doom just makes me feel so orgasmic. [CommanderWilliams] Slash: Reminds me of you for some odd reason.. [PrivateJones] *vomits* [PrivateJuniors] Didn't need to hear that, Jones, thanks. * LieutenantSnipe raises from the ruins, holding the Maverick's head [LieutenantSnipe] Told you. [SergeantLucasAtlan] Come on.. I need some action... * Hearald pulls out a cigar begind the Commabder and lites it up * CommanderWilliams watches the fight [PrivateBrooks] Blackjack: You know, it does, sort of... Remember my early days? Wait, I'd better listen to Snipe for now... [CorpralAzure] Well, that was nice and violent... * CommanderWilliams without turning [CorporalLewis] Bravo Sir, but shouldn't we keep moving? * LieutenantSnipe starts to move forward when he notices a little boy, crushed beneath the ruins he caused to collapse for fun [LieutenantSnipe] . . . [CommanderWilliams] Hearald, put that out before i bust you down even further. [PrivateJones] . . . for some reason, I thought the point of all this was to stay alive. [Hearald] pfft. [LieutenantSnipe] Death Star: You killed someone, that's it? [LieutenantSnipe] . . . Com--comander? [CommanderWilliams] .. Yea Lieutenant? [PrivateBrooks] Diamondback: You killed a bystander... Is that why you freeze up? [LieutenantSnipe] We have a casuality. . . my god, it's just a BOY. [Hearald] Bah, I needs'ma nicotine, I don't care if it's addictive. [CorporalLewis] Phantasma: That's all? [CommanderWilliams] ....... [LieutenantSnipe] Snipe: I' [SergeantLucasAtlan] Look... we gonna fight somethin or does Spade need to hear that we got useless units? [Bob_The_Grunt] AceHunter: People die through stupid accidents in war all the time [CommanderWilliams] Nothing we can do. Hes dead. Snipes gonna have our ass if he finds out about this.. [CorpralAzure] NRP: Be back in a few or so. [LieutenantSnipe] Snipe: I can let lose to what I use to, for fear of doing it again. That's why the army finally quit working and got a desk job. [LieutenantSnipe] NRP: can't [Hearald] I bar-b-qued ma' neighbor once. [LieutenantSnipe] . . . *hits Hearald* BASTARD! [CorporalLewis] Spirit: It was an accident Snipe... Things happen... [PrivateJones] I'm not sure if I'm insane, or if it's the world that's insane . . . * PrivateJuniors looks at Herald [Hearald] GACK! *drops the cigar* [Hearald] Hey! [PrivateJuniors] Ever hear of "tact", you swill-sucking sunovabitch? [SergeantLucasAtlan] I think this idiot squad is insane [CorporalLewis] All of the above Private, all of the above... * LieutenantSnipe begins to unleash his rage on Hearald [PrivateBrooks] Diamondback: Andrea's right... Things happen. You just kind of have to forget about them... [SergeantLucasAtlan] Reminds me of DeathStar's crew [LieutenantSnipe] Snipe: . . . perhaps [Hearald] NRP: NOT A THIRD DEATH TODAY!!! WAAA *runs* [PrivateJones] Oh hey, the killer's going to kill some more . . . big surprise. * Hearald jumps back [CommanderWilliams] Hey, Back off Snipe. * LieutenantSnipe stops, growling [Hearald] Simmer down, ya hot head! *hold up a burning match* [Bob_The_Grunt] AceHunter: I mean it was partially the kids own fault... what was he doing in a war zone * CommanderWilliams glares at Hearald [LieutenantSnipe] Snipe: It was his home. Until they hit. [PrivateBrooks] Diamondback: ... [CommanderWilliams] You, keep quiet, or you'll be cleaning the toilets. [LieutenantSnipe] Snipe: Enough of this, can't we stop talking about it? [PrivateBrooks] Blackjack: If you wish... I think we've heard enough. [CommanderWilliams] Ripple: Only if thats the true reason you freeze up. [PrivateJones] Maybe you shouldn't have killed him? You know, if you had just shot the damned mav in the head . . . [LieutenantSnipe] Snipe: . . . it is. . . [LieutenantSnipe] . . . *Glares at Jones and slumps* [LieutenantSnipe] . . . you're right . . . it's all my fault. [LieutenantSnipe] Had to have fnu. * CorporalLewis continues monitoring the comms. [SergeantLucasAtlan] So... [CommanderWilliams] Ripple: *nods* Then... end the story... [SergeantLucasAtlan] Good job Snipe * Hearald goes about buring brush, for no real reason. * LieutenantSnipe glares at Lucas [LieutenantSnipe] End
-Act Eight- In-Alignment [Snipe] Present Day [Snipe] Location: Red Beard. [Gazer] NRP: "It's not unuasal to be loved by anyone, it's not unuasual to be loved by everyone!" [Ripple] So.. thats the story.. * DeathStar releases Snipe [Snipe] That's it. [Red] . . . touching * Diamondback looks down, silent [Paladin`] NRP: Of a lovely lady. Who was bringing up three very lovely girls. [Ripple] Slash] .... * Garland keeps his head up [Diamondback] I'm sorry, Snipe... [Snipe] Lets get on with business. * Snipe listens to the comm. lengths * AceHunter sits back against a wall [Snipe] So, we going to blow the satalite? [Ripple] .. Lets do it. * Garland absently does his daily exorsizes [Diamondback] {Fun... Let's do it.} [DeathStar SOUND] [Ripple] Slash] On it. *presses a few keys targeting the satalite* * Red Beard flies over the satalite. [Blackjack] Wish I could help... *sighs* * AceHunter teleports back to his ship [Riptide] [We are SO dead if we get caught...] [DeathStar] We'll have to land on it and blow it. I'm sure those things control the meteors, his super weapons [Ripple] Nuke this sucker. [Snipe] Go ON the satalite? [Diamondback] [I'm game...] [Red] Won't work, the force would blow us up too [Spirit] How... Typical. * Diamondback repeats himself aloud [Snipe] Good, DB [Garland] .....Maybe, unless they're independantly controled. [Snipe] Doubtful [Snipe] But, lets go [Diamondback] [What? I can't be me, Andrea? Heh heh.] [Ripple] Slash] Lets rock. * Snipe opens the door over the satalite and hops off onto a railing on it * Diamondback follows Snipe out [Red] This is your job, we Pirates well man the ship while you're gone [Red] Good luck [Red] Gazer, aid them [Gazer] Here goes nothing, eh pirates? [Red] They could use you * Ripple picks up Spirit and carriers her over, jumping onto the satalite, Slash warping down [Gazer] Aye aye. * Gazer follows * DeathStar follows Snipe * Blackjack remains behind, unable to go * Garland follows DS [Riptide] Good luck, Hunters! *** Red (Avalon@ has left #taw [DeathStar] We'll need it * Spirit o.O's at being carryed. * DeathStar suddenly the satalite starts up [DeathStar] OH shit [Gazer] That cannot be good. [DeathStar SOUND] [Garland] ......Craaaaaap. [Blackjack] Luck? Heh heh, they've got two Carters with 'em! Of course luck's on their side! [Spirit] Can you say, I have a bad feeling about this? [Snipe] BAD luck ,right? [DeathStar] Yes, I can [Ripple] Slash] Someones planning a housewarming for some planet. [Diamondback] [This is NOT going our way...] * DeathStar the satalite tilts towards the meteors. [DeathStar] Lets hurry [Ripple] .. That i can. *can feel her bad feeling* * DeathStar slides along the edge. * Gazer follows * Diamondback almost loses his balance, but keeps his footing and slides after DS [DeathStar] NRP: Major Battle #3. * Garland follows [DeathStar] NRP: Act Eight: In Alignment [Spirit] I may not be a Carter, but I've beat you at your own game my fair share of times. [Diamondback] NRP: Vaguely reminds me of session 2... * Snipe runs along the railings as the satalite keeps tilting [Diamondback] NRP: My very first session... *sighs, going nostalgic* [Garland] NRP: *a girl in a bikini walks by with sign with "3" printed on it* * AceHunter 'Hunter' decloaks and fires a few mag-blasts at the satalite [Diamondback] NRP: NOT WHILE WE'RE ON IT, DUMBASS! * AceHunter recloaks and flies off * DeathStar the satalite starts up, huge sparks leaping at them * Spirit runs along on all fours in werecat form [DeathStar] This isn't good, folks * AceHunter beams in next to the group [DeathStar] NRP: No where NEAR the final battle . . . damn, must go faster. * Ripple jets along using telekenisis to fly as fast as Spirit * Gazer ducks a spark [Garland] .........We have to do this FAST. [DeathStar] NRP: A-men, Gar [Gazer] Must go faster, must go faster... * DeathStar is zapped [DeathStar] GAAAARGH! [Ripple] Slash] Get in, blow it, and get the hell out. [AceHunter] 'ello chaps lets get movin' * DeathStar shakes head [Ripple] Slash] DS [DeathStar] Right, Ace. * DeathStar flips over the bolts of power leaping around * Diamondback sprints along, leaping into the air and morphing into a half-hawk, flying as fast as Rip and Spirit are running [DeathStar] This is like the toughest situation I've ever seen . . .not * Snipe flips after DS [Snipe] Will it's mine * Ripple deflects one bolt with his warp blade * Ripple Slash does another [Garland] ..I'ce seen worse myself. * AceHunter runs through, allowing the beams to give his suit a boost in power * Diamondback flips a shield of psionic energy around those in range * Spirit leaps between two bolts. * Ripple keeps moving, Slash moving faster [Diamondback] [Good to have my abilities back!] [DeathStar] GM: Satalite reaches alignment [Spirit] Just like the old gymnastics class... * Gazer takes out his staff * Snipe flips to the control panel [Ripple] Slash] Somethings happening......... * Ripple smirks [Diamondback] [Something's up... This is NOT good...] * AceHunter types of his wrist pad and the 'Hunter' strafes the main dish [DeathStar] GM: *a beam flies out and hits one meteor, the other two circling around to power it up* [DeathStar] We have to hurry. [DeathStar] Dish: *buckles* [Diamondback] It's firing! * Spirit activates her armour, her appearance changing to one more like a cybercat, and her speed increasing * Snipe slashes into the controls [Garland] ......Oh shiiiiit. * Ripple fires a ripplewave at the controls * Diamondback is fortunately in the air, and psionically boosts Snipe's sabre * BioHazard concentrates his gauntlets power at the controls [DeathStar] In the lines of those before us: [DeathStar SOUND] [Ripple] NRP: LOL * Spirit does a double psi-burst claw rake on the controls [Diamondback] NRP: Oooooook... [DeathStar] GM: *The two meteors explode due to their efforts* [Diamondback] [Now, move out! NOW!] * Ripple sweats [Gazer] Thats' one way to do it... [Ripple] Lend me your power! [DeathStar SOUND] * Garland puts on a rubber glove and punches the controls one last time [DeathStar] GM: The last one shoots away * Ripple concentrates, trying to open a warp portal [DeathStar] DAMN, WE FAILED! [Gazer] Tanj! [Diamondback] [Dammit! Forgot there were three of 'em!] [DeathStar] GM: *the entire dish begins to collapse* * AceHunter beams off the satilite onto his ship [Ripple] LEND ME IT NOW! [Spirit] Let's scat! [Diamondback] [We don't have time to stop it! Everyone out!] *** Elayne_Vanguard (dobahold@209-130-142-108.nas3.MON.gblx.net) has left #TAW * Snipe flies off [Snipe] AAAAAAAAAAH [Garland] .... WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW! * Ripple shakes his head * Spirit lends ripple her power * Diamondback beats his wings at an incredible rate, headed back for the Red Beard [Gazer] YOUR FRIEND! [Snipe SOUND] * AceHunter decloaks and fires a few missiles at the meteor [Spirit] NRP: Sorry, missed that =P [Diamondback] [Sorry, Andrew, this is one tinme you're wrong!] * Garland looks at snipe * Snipe grabs onto a ledge. * Ripple opens a portal [Snipe] NRP: Hear THAT? * Ripple jumps in, Slash following [Ripple] NRP: Yep * Spirit follows * Gazer follows * Diamondback doubles back, diving through the warp * AceHunter keeps firing at the metoer [Snipe SOUND] * Snipe hangs on [Diamondback] NRP: Yep [Ripple] NRP: yes i do. * DeathStar leaps through, arriving at the Red Beard [AceHunter] NRP: What are orders? *** Red (Avalon@ has joined #Taw * Diamondback pants, still in half hawk form [DeathStar] NRP: GET SNIPE! [Ripple] NRP: two cheeseburgers. * Ripple Slash warps snipe there [Seraphna`] NRP: Fries... [DeathStar SOUND] [Ripple] NRP: and 18 chocolate shakes * Snipe loses grip [Snipe] Dammit [Ripple] NRP: HOLY CRAP * Snipe flals into the porta; [Spirit] NRP: And an apple pie to go [Ripple] NRP: WOOOOOOO BABY, Slash's original theme! * Snipe appears on Red * AceHunter keeps firing on the meteor as he follows behind it * Garland lands on the Red Bear's floor [DeathStar] GM: *Satalite explodes* [DeathStar] Meteor: *leaves the Hunter behind* [NovaCharger] NRP:for a good long read check out me and avalon's fight on the TCT training board [AceHunter] NRP: Beard to Bear to Beer [Blackjack] {Yesh... Cutting it close...} [Snipe] It's getting away! [Diamondback] NRP: That was DB. [Ripple] Follow it! [Blackjack] Move it! * AceHunter tries short jumps into hyperspace to keep up [Riptide] {Run from it! Er... Go after it!} [Ripple] NRP: To the nerd-o-matic! * AceHunter resumes firing * Garland stands there, wishing he could do something. *** Ripple sets mode: +v Red [Red SOUND] [Red] GM: Hunter is blasted by a ship when it falls out of hyperspace [Red] Not if I can help it [Red] . . . good bye, Red Beard. [Ripple] Gah! * Red revs it forward [Diamondback] [...What're you saying, Red!?] [Red] Comm: ACe, GET ON HERE! [BioHazard] Dont do anything stuipd Red!~ [Red] You know me. *** Paladin` is now known as Azazel * Red grins [BioHazard] ... All too well. [Diamondback] NRP: Ok, this one's the fight vs. Katt from BoF2. * Red revs the engine faster. [Gazer] ...That's what we're AFRAID of... [AceHunter] Comm] ***what* com**aged [BioHazard] Thats what im afriad of.. [Red] Comm: Last chance to get on the meteor, get on here. * AceHunter appears next to Red and heads into the docking bay * Red slams it forward, smashing head first into the meteor's surface. * Ripple sighs [AceHunter] Comm]***et* ore*re**rs * Ripple SHIT *loses footing* [Red] BOOOOOM [Red] End
[Admiral_Drake] Act Nine: The Final Piece [Spectre] !oG [Garland] Go! *** CorpralAzure has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [Admiral_Drake] Location: Fury * Admiral_Drake stands on the bridge, watching hyperspace go by [Spirit] NRP: Should that be "。oG"? *** Spirit is now known as Ariel [Spectre] NRP: ...You stay outta this * Elayne_Vanguard loks out the window next to the Admiral [Admiral_Drake] I have the feeling of a dark evil coming [Admiral_Drake SOUND] [Admiral_Drake] . . . an evil, dark evil [Spectre] NRP: Hey, it's Speedy's powered up theme. [Ariel] Hmmm... [Avalon] I feel that too...... * Shell_X keeps working on repairs to the controls [Garland] NRP: see how mixed up we get when you try to steal my job--------- Super Mario World 2 [gameboy] ending!!! [Paladin`] I have the feeling . . . of foot fungus. [Gravedigger] Well, at least it's not one of those door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesmen. [Ariel] NRP: That's Super Mario LAND [Admiral_Drake SOUND] * Admiral_Drake they drop out of hyperspace, just in time to see a meteor zoom by [Garland] NRP whatever. [Spectre] [Yikes...] [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Where's Ryan at? [Ariel] Traffic these days... [Spectre] NRP: He left right after the flashback. [Shell_X] Meteor?! [Admiral_Drake] The METEOR she told us about [Admiral_Drake] We HAVE to destroy it [Spectre] [SHIT!] [Avalon] ahh * Admiral_Drake has the Fury chase after it [Shell_X] Lets turn and burn that thing * Admiral_Drake attempts to lock onto it, not noticing that the Hunters are on it [Elayne_Vanguard] ... Is this smart? [Ariel] What this ship needs is a main cannon. [Admiral_Drake] NRP: Nor do you [Spectre] [Anybody up for fried meteor?] [Admiral_Drake] We have no, we'll launch shuttles at it [Admiral_Drake] And self-destruct them [Spectre] [Roundabout way of doing it...] [Spectre] [I guess it'd work, though...] [Ariel] Just like the good old days... Never a big gun when you need one. [Admiral_Drake SOUND] [Admiral_Drake] Xril should be okay in the engine room * Elayne_Vanguard walks over to Ariel [Avalon] Well to the shuttle-bombs [Admiral_Drake] Alright, lets get ready. Shell, are the shuttles ready? [Elayne_Vanguard] Hey Aunt Ariel * Spectre tenses [Spectre] [Something seems wrong about this...] [Admiral_Drake] Meteor: *flies along* [Ariel] Aunt? o.O * Admiral_Drake a bolt leaps from the meteor and strikes the ship [Admiral_Drake] What in hell's name?! * Admiral_Drake watches the controls fliker [Elayne_Vanguard] You were my mommy's friend.. she told me to call you that... [Paladin`] Somebody's firing on us. . . [Ariel] Oh... [Elayne_Vanguard] ! [Shell_X] Yep] [Spectre] [Gah! A... dammit, I can't remember what they're called... Oh yeah! LOCKDOWN CANNON!] [Avalon] The rock is firing?!?! [Ariel] We really need better intelligence reports... -.- * Admiral_Drake electricity opens a portal in the room and ten guards run out, grabbing Elayne and running back in [Paladin`] Somebody on the rock you freak. [Admiral_Drake] What in hell's name? [Spectre] [What the hell?] [Avalon] Of course some ones on it [Admiral_Drake] They got Elayne! * Shell_X tries to get a lock on the portal system [Ariel] What the?! [Elayne_Vanguard] ! [Admiral_Drake] Talon: The final piece is MINE! * Admiral_Drake the portal begins to close * Shell_X dives through * Ariel dashes in after them [Spectre] [The final piece...? Who are you, and what the hell is the "final piece...?"] [Spectre] Who cares!? * Spectre dives through the portal [Paladin`] Elayne, apparently [Avalon] the hell [Gravedigger] ...This guy's a nugget short of a Happy Meal... * Paladin` dives on through [Admiral_Drake] I have to stay here, to run the ship, dammit * Gravedigger goes through *** Phantasma is now known as Cheryl * Cheryl goes after them * Avalon has no idea whats going on but dives thru the portal not knowing why [Admiral_Drake] Cheryl! Becareful! [Cheryl] Don't worry! [Riptide] NRP: *dives through* * Admiral_Drake closes as Slasher runs up [Admiral_Drake] Slasher: Dammit! [Admiral_Drake] . . . stuck with you, JOY [Admiral_Drake] End
[DeathStar] Act Ten: On the Path to Talon [DeathStar] Location: Meteor, Wreckage of Red Beard [Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: Hehe... thanks for the vacation.. I get experience for getting guns pointed up my . . . * DeathStar picks himself off the shattered floor * Garland NRP: tacles Ariel and Paladin "MY LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" [DeathStar] . . . what the?! * Snipe has been impaled by a jagged piece of metal [Snipe] NRP: Er, Red has * Snipe has been impaled by a jagged piece of metal * Red has been impaled by a jagged piece of metal [newnick] Dominator (AvatarrddfrD030.snowcrest.net) has morphed to "Mindscape" 11:32pm PST [DeathStar] NRP: All Pirates and Hunters with them, attention HUT! * Shell_X lossens his ship from the wreckage [Red] The idiot rammed the Red Beard into the meteor. . . [Azazel] . . . Red? [Shell_X] NRP: Oops [Spirit] Owwwie...... [Snipe SOUND] * Snipe twitches [Snipe] . . . Azazel? [Mindscape] ... * Garland looks at Red [Spirit] .oO( You okay...?) [Red] NPR: dammit * Red shakes head slowly * AceHunter lossens his ship from the wreckage :Garland: ........*walks over to Red* [Red] Not . . . this time [Azazel] NRP: NPR? [Spirit] NRP: *wonders why there's no responce* =P [Diamondback] [Red...] * DeathStar picks himself up and moves to REd [Snipe] You did a brave thing, Red. * AceHunter notices Red and walks over to the group [Azazel] Shit, Red. You . . . [Phantasma] Is this... the end? [Red] Heh. . . got caught up in the war anyway? *eyes lose their sight* * Garland bows to Red * Azazel growls * Diamondback joins the group, and bows his head :Garland: You are more honorable than I... [Phantasma] Good bye... Captain. [Red] . . . then keep going on . . . [join] BioHazard (Mightymitosktnsk01d051701189.sk.sympatico.ca) has JOINED #taw 11:34pm PST [Red] Tell . . . [Red] Tell . . . Gazer he was right [Diamondback] {Farewell, Red... You shall not be forgotten...} (:op:) ChanServ OP'S BioHazard in #taw [join] Ripple (Mightymitosktnsk01d051701189.sk.sympatico.ca) has JOINED #taw 11:34pm PST [Mindscape] [Good-bye, Red... It was a pleasure working with you] * Red smiles sadly and slumps forward. (:op:) ChanServ OP'S Ripple in #taw * Azazel wipes a single tear away END OF MIDI * Mindscape sadly hangs head [Riptide] Red! Dammit, no... [Azazel] Ok, let's get on with this. He didn't die for nothing. [Mindscape] [... Too many lost...] [DeathStar] Take out the meteor, right? * DeathStar hears beams coming in outside [DeathStar] What in tarnation? * AceHunter moves back to his ship, and finishes freeing it from the wreckage [Mindscape] [First our friends... now our leader.] * Diamondback suddenly looks up [BioHazard] NRP:.... My god. Leave for 10 minutes, and the world goes to hell in a handbasket. [DeathStar] GM: Hunters, except for Elayne, appear! [Diamondback] [We've got... other worries...] [Mindscape] NRP: IMagine what happens when you leave for 20, like me * Shell_X appears [Garland] NRP: Oh wait.... *blushes* crap I wasn't hidden. [Spectre] WHOA! [DeathStar] NRP: Oh, Xril didn't make it with them * Gravedigger takes his cap down and crumples it in his hand * Avalon materializes * Cheryl looks around [newnick] Gravedigger (wiendigorc-130.netonecom.net) has morphed to "Gazer" 11:36pm PST [Paladin`] . . . well, this is a revoltin' development. * Ripple watches everyone appear [Cheryl] What happened here...? [Ripple] .... Nice to see everyone alive. * Gazer takes his cap down and crumples it in his hand [DeathStar] Cheryl!? Ariel!? Paladin?! * Spectre materializes, sliding across the floor and stopping at DB's feet [Avalon] new acquaintances [Ripple] Slash]What the hell are you doing here? [Azazel] Who the hell? [Gazer] NRP: heh, ignore that last one. [quit] Red (Avalon206.74.126.98) has QUIT 11:36pm PST "Leaving" [Spectre] [Um... Hi, Chris...] [Garland] NRP: err... I'm so damn confused! BAH! [Ariel] DS!? I never thought I'd see you again. * AceHunter frees his ship, it cloaks and takes off [Paladin`] . . . how convenient . . . and we were just about to pick you up. [Snipe SOUND] [Paladin`] Oh, by the way, we killed Index. [Snipe] Figures. [DeathStar] Good job. [Diamondback] Jennifer! Paladin! Ariel! The hell are you doing here!? [Mindscape] ... * Ripple isnt suprised * Garland looks at the hunters [NovaCharger] NRP : Nova why nobody has checked out his and avalon's big ole training battle [Diamondback] NRP: Delayed reaction... *kicks his lag* [Paladin`] And Drake tried to kill SLasher. [Shell_X] Hey DS, how's it going? [Cheryl] Getting yourself stranded like usual commander? [Paladin`] That's about it. * DeathStar gazes at Red sadly * Avalon is taken aback by all the new people [DeathStar] We took a beating. [join] Gravedigger (wiendigorc-130.netonecom.net) has JOINED #taw 11:37pm PST [DeathStar] Fine - - - Shell!? [Gazer] You said it. :Garland: .......Good to see you guys. * Shell_X pet sits on his shoulder and watches the situation (:op:) DeathStar OP'S Gravedigger in #taw [Ariel] Yeah... Too bad he didn't finish the job ;) [Azazel] . . . can we get on with this? [Snipe] Azazel is right, nothing more for us here. [Snipe] We need to go inside the meteor [Spectre] [Get on with what?] [Ripple] Slash] *sighs* Good to have the old hunters back again. Missed being with the groupies. [Snipe] And don't job, or you'll fly off this meteor [Mindscape] [Not to interrupt your big reunion, but...] [Snipe] We're moving REALLY fast now * Snipe points out into space. [Shell_X] Apparently, you've made good use of that cure I provided way back when [Phantasma] Captain... You will not have died in vane... [DeathStar] . . . I did, Shell, I did at that. * DeathStar smiles [DeathStar] Good to see you. [Azazel] . o O {nothing I hate more than hypocrites. "We want peace, but we'll kill everything in sight" . . . damn them. Red . . .} [Shell_X] Ditto, sir * Garland drops his gaurd for the first time in a long time [Gravedigger] Alrighty folks, we got ourselves an ass to kick. * BioHazard stands silently, on the deathwatch for Red. [AceHunter] Might I suggest we get a move on? This big chap ain't standin' still [Riptide] [Um, might I suggest that we get this over with?] :Garland: ......Let's do this... Hunters. [DeathStar] . . . once and for all, right? [Ripple] Slash] One last time. [Ariel] Just like old times. [DeathStar] There's a time and a place for everything. The time is now. The place is here. If we lay down our lives, it won't be in vain...Let us come together, once and for all...against an evil of the likes we haven't been against before. Greed. And it will drive our enemy far...an unlimited supply of power. If we fail, billions of lives will perish...galaxies will fall....It's now or never. [DeathStar] ACK! [Ripple] NRP: LOL [DeathStar] NRP: oops/ [AceHunter] *mutter* An I'll probably not see a cent on this one [Azazel] NRP: Aw, your speech . . . early . . . [Azazel] So how are we going to stop this thign? [Snipe] There's no way inside though [Cheryl] NRP: Good speach still ;) [DeathStar] Then we'll make one [Ripple] .. Slash] Blow it out of the sky. [Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: Wonder if they are wondering how those three got there... * DeathStar raises fist into the air [Phantasma] Let's make an enterence. * AceHunter begins looking around the room * DeathStar slams it into the ground * DeathStar a hole opens up around them, cracking [Mindscape] [Well... there we are.] [Phantasma] *nods to himself* The old guy's got style. * AceHunter hovers into the air * Riptide yelps and moves away from the cracks * Ripple nods * Azazel jumps in [Ripple] And power. * DeathStar steps in [Azazel] Come on . . . * Mindscape enters * Snipe flips in * Shell_X jumps in * Ariel hops in, followed by Cheryl :Garland: I see... *drop kicks the ground, making the hole bug enough for himself, and jumps in [Gazer] Brutal, yet effective * AceHunter flies in * Avalon cautiously enters * Paladin` looks in first to make sure of no threats, then enters. * Gazer hops through * Ripple floats down, waiting for Spirit, Slash jumping all the way down * Gravedigger flips through [DeathStar] NRP: 5 hours * Diamondback , Spectre, and Riptide step down * Spirit follows Rip down [DeathStar] NRP: the music is good for this scene * BioHazard doesnt move * Phantasma jumps down after the others, making a loud clang as he hits the ground. [DeathStar] NRP: *scene remains on Bio* [Diamondback] [Wait... What do we do about Dad...?] * Shell_X looks around the new room [DeathStar] NRP: Too laten ow * DeathStar lands in the room, a hallway [DeathStar] We're here. [BioHazard] NRP: *bio finally succums to the viruses that hes been creating, and dies a really REALLY horrible, gross, exploding death* [Mindscape] [Hmm] [Azazel] Isn't that statement always true? * AceHunter pops back up, hey, you coming? [Spirit] Let's show them what we can do. [DeathStar] Talon: *laughter* The pieces are here. Time for Endgame to begin. * BioHazard shakes his head. "I'll be waiting for you. when you return." END OF MIDI [Mindscape] [... Endgame...] [BioHazard] NRP: Gotta change nicks anyway. [newnick] BioHazard (Mightymitosktnsk01d051701189.sk.sympatico.ca) has morphed to "Slash" 11:42pm PST [Avalon] mysterious voices! [Diamondback] [Endgame...] [Ripple] ... It has begun. [Azazel] What? [DeathStar] Act Eleven: Endgame [AceHunter] Might I suggest that you surrender, feller! It'll make the entire situation a lot easier [DeathStar] NRP: IT's begun, the highpoint of the session [Ripple] NRP: DAMN nice timing if i do say so DS. * Snipe looks around [Gravedigger] Let's make this "Game Over". [Snipe SOUND] [DeathStar] Isn't that what Endgame is? [Azazel] . . . can we just stop the thing and go home? [Avalon] NRP: ahh this is the climax now the 2 hour resolution * Ripple scans, then ignites a ripplewave [Gravedigger] ...Picky, picky, picky... * Snipe runs down the hallway * Shell_X looks around the room * Spirit charges a psiburst around her sabre. [Snipe] No time for chatter. * Slash flips off a wall, following Snipe [Ariel] Only action. [NovaCharger] NRP:is alien wars open for apps now? [DeathStar] Brash * DeathStar runs * Diamondback and Spectre tense, charging their psionic abilities * Mindscape charges himself [Diamondback] [Let's do this!] * Garland speeds down the hall, a little faster then DS. * Ripple flys past Slash, keeping pace with Snipe [Spectre] [Yeah! Onward to destiny!] * Avalon runs ahead for "action" * Diamondback and Spectre take off after DS * Ariel and the others follow DS * Shell_X follows after Snipe, flickering as he tries to access the systems on the asteriod. * Azazel charges forward [Ripple] Onward... to endgame. * AceHunter cloaks * Paladin` sighs and continues [Snipe] But what is 'Endgame'? [Paladin`] Would you stop calling it that? [Paladin`] This isn't a game. :Garland: .....Let's find out, Snipe. [Mindscape] [...] [DeathStar] I have a feeling we won't like it. * Ripple shakes his head, nervous [Spirit] Life is a game Paladin. :Garland: Do we ever? [Spirit] And in this round, the stakes have reached thier peek. [Slash] ... Have we ever? * Snipe up ahead is a circular room full of robots made by Wily [Snipe] . . .what? [Paladin`] . . . no, that's a metaphor. [Mindscape] ...? [Paladin`] Life is life. [Avalon] NRP: oh my God [Gravedigger] ...This doesn't look good at all.... [DeathStar] GM: Before it is a small hallway. * Shell_X keeps trying to access the computer systems of the Meteor END OF MIDI [Diamondback] [What in the name of...] [Azazel] . . . this is fucked up. [Avalon] NRP: this is the awesomest thing [Snipe] What? * Slash runs off ahead [Snipe] GM: *the robots are all in little man made capsules fitted into the rock, asleep * Ariel draws her hikari no dan as Cheryl forms her phoenix blade. [Mindscape] [... WHat are those?] * Garland head into the circular room * DeathStar when Slash passes, a force field slamsdown, cutting off everyone else [Ripple] NRP: "Welcome to hell. Things are gonna get a little toasty." * Avalon has an interest that he has never had before [Diamondback] [What in the hell!?] * DeathStar force field slams down behind them [Paladin`] . . . why has Talon . . . [Spirit] .oO( Not good... ) [Spectre] [Slash!] * Ripple curses [Ripple] SLASH! [DeathStar] Slash! [Shell_X] Whoa! * Ripple slams a fist into the shield [Ariel] Watch yourself! [Azazel] . . . oh, uh, SLASH! [Snipe] Talon: *slams Slash into an empty space and he is hooked up* * Avalon cant wait for whatever to happen to happen :Garland: ....Slash...? [Mindscape] [... He's in trouble...] [Slash] ARRGH [Snipe] Talon: The final piece, inserted. * Slash twitches [DeathStar] What!? [Mindscape] [What's Talon talking about?] [DeathStar SOUND] [Cheryl] Oh no... [Paladin`] Slash is a Wiley Bot? [Snipe] Talon: Listen carefully . . . [Paladin`] NRP: Uh . . . ? What? [Spectre] [What!?] [Snipe] Talon: I'm only telling you the rules once. [Spectre] NRP: That was odd... [Garland] NRP: can I ask.... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? [Slash] Download... complete. [Gravedigger] We are like SO screwed now... [Paladin`] NRP: What's the name of the wav? [Garland] NRP: the wav, I mean. * Snipe grins as Slash is electrocuted, like all heo ther robots [Avalon] Wily bot.......i remember the days [Snipe] Talon: The circle is complete. [Snipe] Talon: *turns back* Speech time [Azazel] . . . whatever, Simba. * AceHunter appears next to the group and tries to use his suit's ability to pass through the force field * Slash twitches, the electricity arching off his body [Gravedigger] NRP: Rule #1: Never talk about Fight Club. [Ripple] SLASH!!!! [Snipe] Talon: What you see before you is 'Endgame'. [Snipe] Talon: Designed by Wily, made by Spade. * Garland watches in awe [Ripple] ..... what are you doing to him you bastard. [Paladin`] . . . *notes the structure of the room* * Avalon watches in complete ineterst [Gravedigger] NRP: Copywrighted by a couple of Chinese guys on acid...*grins* [Snipe] Talon: In each robot Wily created, he added a special power to it. Alone it is nothing. But add them all together, and you got the power. * Shell_X tries to access the computers on the Meteor [Snipe SOUND] [Paladin`] Uh, are you saying Wily created Slash? * Ariel observes, calmly and coldly. [DeathStar] . . . but where does Slash come in? [Diamondback] [Whoa whoa whoa. You're saying that Slash is a Wily robot...?] [Snipe] Talon: listen [Shell_X] All? What about the ones that were destroyed? [DeathStar] Er, oops? * Ripple listens [DeathStar] NRP: Wrong midi [Mindscape] [... I don't like the sound of this.] [Sound Halted] [Ripple] NRP: hee hee [Diamondback] NRP: Good one. [Mindscape] NRP: LOL [Paladin`] NRP: Ah, fills me with peace. [Garland] NRP: then play the right one. [Avalon] The masters are here * Slash babbles about having nothing left, being the only one remaining [Avalon] Shademan is here! [Cheryl] NRP: *goes through all four IRCs to find the one playing the song so she can stop it* [Diamondback] NRP: Nother better to ruin a mood. [Snipe SOUND] [Snipe] Talon: Correct. [Snipe] Talon: Avalon. [Avalon] I must find Shademan [Snipe] Talon: How does Slash fit in? Let me get to it [Diamondback] NRP: Better. [Shell_X] I ask again, what about the ones that were destroyed? [Snipe] Talon: *Waves hand at Azuls in the corner, dead* [Paladin`] What about Fear Man? [Paladin`] Azuls?! [Slash] .... I am the only one left... Zero... X... dead... [Slash] Crystal...... [Snipe] Talon: I needed Proto Man. Proto Man built Azuls with the same build he had. So, he was easily replaced. [Snipe] Talon: SLASH was built from the dead Zero. He has the same design, power. Without a Zero, HE was the key. [Mindscape] [So...uh...What exactly is this ultimate power that when united they make?] * Avalon has a new respect for Slash [Snipe] Talon: Witness. But, just their power runs the machine. * Slash eyes flame a bright red * DeathStar frowns * Ariel scowls. [Diamondback] [Uh, something tells me that we don't want to know, 'Scape...] [Snipe] Talon: Snipe made a focal weapon [Snipe] NRP: Spade [Snipe] Talon: Spade hated DS more than anything, he created a clone project to channel the energies. [Mindscape] NRP: You have problems with those two names, don't you [Spectre] NRP: SNIPE!? Bad Snipe! No soup for you! * Slash screams, the light from his eyes streaming out, growing more and more evil looking [Snipe] Talon: However, the clones escape, got their own ideas. Once gone from the project, they died. Airier lived the longest life and had an offspring. * DeathStar fist tightens END OF MIDI [Snipe] Talon: So, the final key, is Elayne, Airier's offspring. *points to her in a crystal jar with a few other DS human clones* She's not perfect, being part human and all. [Mindscape] [Clones...? Of who?] * Garland stands , his profile to talon, leering at him in anger [DeathStar] Of me. [Paladin`] That's all well and good, but what's the point of it all? [Paladin`] What's the energy do? * Spectre clenches her fists [Ripple] ... So Talon. Whats the point of that big machine that you threw slash into. [Ripple] tell me so i can WRECK IT! *rage building* [Ariel] You don't want to know Paladin... [Snipe] Talon: It will destroy any slated object. IT was designed to kill all reploids. Imagine if I changed that setting to every living thing? [Mindscape] [I suppose rushing him to show us isn't all that good of an idea.] [DeathStar] Elayne! [Avalon] Dont wreck it all [Shell_X] It would kill you? * DeathStar pounds on the force field, looking at her trapped, in the center of the project [Gazer] Galaxy wide aramgeddon... [Diamondback] [You don't want to control the galaxy... You want to DESTROY IT!] [Mindscape] [Why though?!] [Diamondback] [You're insane!] [Snipe] Talon: Beign in my control room, I'll be safe. You will all die from the explosion of energy, being at Ground Zero. * Slash energy continues arcing off his body :Garland: Elyane..... *runs for the field and beats on it too* [Snipe] Talon: By killing all off all competetion, I will rule all the trade. [Ariel] .oO( She said she was my niece... I can't let this happen to her. I can't!) [DeathStar] ELAYNE!! CAN YOU HEAR US! [Paladin`] . . . and live all alone in your little room? [Mindscape] [You'll kill all potential buyers!] [Snipe] Talon: Not all/. [Diamondback] [All the competition!? By the way you said it, you won't have anyone to sell to either!] [Shell_X] O, really... [Azazel] Holy shit, you're messed in the head. [Avalon] You do all this for a trade monopoly??? [Mindscape] [There won't bve any damn trade to be the king of...] * Ripple fires a hellishly powerful Ripplewave at the field, powered by his rage. [Elayne_Vanguard] ... [Elayne_Vanguard] Huh? [Gravedigger] Personally selected who wouldn't be... [Snipe] Talon: *grins as all the Masters jerk with their power* [Snipe] Talon: Time to go, laters. * AceHunter tries to use his suit's ability to pass through the force field [Diamondback] [NO!] [Snipe] Talon: *leaves as the machine begins to build power* [Avalon] You use the power of the masters for a trade monopoly?? * Mindscape growls * Shell_X tries to access the computers on the Meteor [Elayne_Vanguard] Help... [Snipe] He would, Avalon [Azazel] . . . oh shit. [Snipe] Ace Hunter BREAKS the shield [Avalon] That is.............lame * DeathStar runs into the room [DeathStar] Lets free Slash * Gazer starts rummaging around his toolbelt * Mindscape follows DS [Azazel] You're a sharp one, aren't you? * Ripple runs into the room, straight to Slash * Garland runs in too * Diamondback and Spectre dash into the room. Spectre looks around for a computer console. * Avalon rushes twoard the capsules * Ariel makes a beeline towards Elayne * Paladin` cautiously stays back [Snipe] GM: Elayne is too high and surrounded by energy, unreachable * Azazel sprints in, ready to fire * Cheryl enters more cautiously * Elayne_Vanguard beats against her prison * AceHunter runs into the room and begins trying to release some of the robots [Elayne_Vanguard] Help! * Spectre looks around frantically for a computer console [DeathStar] Robot Masters: *spring to life and attack Ace* [Ariel] I'll get you out Elayne! Some how... * Garland flies up, not caring * DeathStar rips slash free * Slash drops to the floor, armor smoking [Mindscape] [What it, Ace Hunter!] :Garland: about the energy. [Gazer] Point me where to start trying to take this monstrosity down. [DeathStar] The machine . . . it's still going, their transferred their powers! [Slash] Thanks...*gasp* for..the...assist DS.... :Garland: Elayne! [DeathStar] Anytime, Slash [quit] NovaCharger (novachargegl-162-39.greatlakes.net) has QUIT 11:57pm PST "Leaving" [Mindscape] [So how do we stop it?!] * Spectre stops looking and watches the Masters attack Ace * Ariel fires light bolts at any connectors she can see around elayne [Paladin`] . . . [Snipe] Doesn't look like it. [DeathStar] Shade Man: *Grabs Avalon* * Slash draws a warp blade [Avalon] A battle * Garland gets to equal level with Elayne, and looks for a way to free her [DeathStar] NRP: play, Sole Survivor * Azazel opens fire with a shotgun blast to the robot masters [Slash] NRP: Party time. * Avalon teleports out of his grasp [Elayne_Vanguard] Help me ... dad.. * DeathStar looks at Elayne [DeathStar] . . . an offspring of my clone? * Slash draws the other, and makes like hes going to assist the hunters [Avalon] Your coming with me. I need you to learn * Shell_X tries to release Slash * Shell_X lets loose on them with a statis blast freezing them in place * AceHunter lets loose on them with a statis blast freezing them in place [Shell_X] Can we reverse the process? [DeathStar] Lets help her, Slash. * Mindscape is pretty confused [Ripple] You ok Slash? [Snipe] Robot Masters: *Frozen, except shade* [Slash] Fine. Lets get her out of there. * Garland looks up and around for a switch or anything to get her lose * Elayne_Vanguard attempts to use Psionics [Snipe] Shade: *begins to battle Avalon* * Avalon fires at Shademan in a desperate attemt to shut him off * Slash jumps up, and slashes at the case * Azazel powers his guantlets and lets loose two energy blasts at Shade [Diamondback] [This is NOT working out!] [DeathStar] . . . * Shell_X tries to work on the computer systems to reverse the power transfer * DeathStar hovers into the air [DeathStar] Time to free her. * Ariel spreads her lightwings and flys up [DeathStar] Elayne, shield yourself! * Elayne_Vanguard does as told * Slash begins charging * DeathStar rams into the shield * Avalon slices into Shade with the demon sabre * Diamondback forms two psionic energy blades and attacks the oncoming Spring Man * DeathStar breaks through it, taking the energy [DeathStar] ARRFGGHHH! * DeathStar lands behind Avalon [Mindscape] ...! [Elayne_Vanguard] ! [Spectre] [DS!] * Mindscape catches DS telekinetically * AceHunter begins placing small devices on the frozen robot masters. Seconds after he places one on them, they vanish * Garland lands, shames that he didn't try the same thing. [Snipe] Shade: *roars and claws Avalon, draining his life* * Gazer starts working on control panels, trying to sabotage them [Ariel] DS! [DeathStar] . . . I'm fine * DeathStar smokes * Slash scoops up Elayne and takes her out of the Case * DeathStar notices the power in the room and is shooting everywhere [Avalon] ahhhhh * Cheryl fires a fireball at Shademan [DeathStar] IT's out of control! * Diamondback lets a psionic blast fly at Shade Man [DeathStar] DAMMIT! * Elayne_Vanguard lands safely on thee ground... [Avalon] pain rips through me [DeathStar] Weapon: Activated! [Slash] NRP: put the song on repeat. :Garland: Get Elayne and let's get out of here! * Shell_X tries to transfer the powers back to Slash and Elayne * Slash twitches, dropping elayne. [DeathStar] Garland, get Elayne out of here. [Shell_X] NRP: What song? [Mindscape] [... activated...] * Garland picks her up * Slash drops to one knee * Avalon teleports out of his grasp [Slash] NRP: Sole Survivor [Snipe] Shade: Damn you! [Phantasma] Time for a strategic retreat I think. [Ripple] You ok Slash? [Elayne_Vanguard] Dad... * Ripple runs up, to check on him [Avalon] This attack was derived from you :Garland: Let's go Elayne, I'll protect you. * Elayne_Vanguard is half concious [Diamondback] [Methinks it's time we split...] [Snipe] Shade: Oh? [Gravedigger] Retreat's good, I like retreating * Slash eyes blaze [Avalon] Nosforatu Crest * Phantasma fires a full charge blast at Shade [DeathStar] Garland, becareful! [Diamondback] NRP: Nosferatu. * Elayne_Vanguard attempts to stand [Slash] Just fine. *uppercut slash's Ripples Chest, cutting it open (Fatal wound, immediate attention needed) :Garland: Where the hell do I go!? [Snipe] Spade: *leaps at Avalon* [Paladin`] . o O {. . . Christ, Garland's protecting . . . everything Garland protects ends up dead.} * AceHunter has vanished most of the robot masters [Diamondback] [Slash!?] * Avalon begins to drain Shademan [DeathStar] I don't know, everyone is Ground Zero * Garland looks at DS running backwards [Slash] Welcome to hell. Things are gonna get a little toasty. [DeathStar] . . . Slash!? [Azazel] . . . what the . . . ? [Mindscape] [....!!!] [Spirit] *Winces from the hit* Ripple!!! * Paladin` ducks back behind the corner [Spectre] [NO! How... NO!!!] * Ripple looks down, bleeding, then drops [Gravedigger] Uh...guys? Slight sit. [DeathStar] WHY!? * DeathStar all exits are blocked [Avalon] Dont turn off this one [Slash] Command line: Terminate. * Spirit collapses to the ground near him, but manages to pull herself to her feet. * Mindscape tries to heal Ripple * Elayne_Vanguard attempts to activate a gate.. a trick from her mother [Azazel] . . . the machine [DeathStar] . . . Slash!? * Spectre immediately attends to healing Ripple [Slash] Yes Commander Star? [DeathStar] Look around you for Godsake, we need you! * Garland runs through the halls, looking for emergency pods * Azazel jumps back, knowing he's outclassed * Spirit uses her psi-healing on Ripple with all of her strength. * Shell_X downloads himself into the computer system and begins trying to stop it from the inside * Avalon starts to hover around * Slash fires at DS, immediatly teleporting behind him, kicking him in the back * Spectre assists Spirit [Mindscape] [You'll doom everything if you don't stop attacking us...] [DeathStar] ARGHH! * Cheryl kneels by Ripple, helping the others. * DeathStar hunches over, weak from freeing Elayne [Snipe] Spade: *sparks* * Slash uppercut Slashs DS's chin * Avalon fires buster blasts at Shademan * Mindscape psionically attacks SLash, trying to mentally freeze him [Snipe] Shade: *sparks* [DeathStar] ARGH! * Gravedigger charges his Armed Forces Blaster Cannon. [Slash] You think i enjoy this? * Elayne_Vanguard uses a Max-Healing on DS * DeathStar wipes chin * AceHunter fires a stasis beam at Slash [DeathStar] You want to run with the big dogs, Slash? * Ariel flashcuts Slash twice with her sword of light. [Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: 5 left [Slash] .. I usually kill them first. [Garland] NRP: aren't I running arounf with Elayne trying to find a way off? * Diamondback stands, glaring at Slash * DeathStar rams Slasher in the gut (30,000 AP) * Gravedigger aims his Armed Forces Blaster Cannon at Slash and charges it. * Slash deflectsthe flashcut, and warps out of hte way of the stacis beam [Avalon] How do i deactivate him without destroying him??? * Azazel turns and concentrates on Shade [Ariel] How the?! [Elayne_Vanguard] Dad.. let me try a gate... * Gravedigger fires off several rapid shots at Slash . [Mindscape] NRP: Is my mental attack effective? [Snipe] Spade: *grins* * Slash charges everything to max, and disappears, reappearing in many places at once firing millions of shots/slashes at Everyone (100,000 AP) [Ariel] Dammit, he's FAST! * Azazel blasts him multiple times [Gravedigger] Gah! * DeathStar takes all damage [DeathStar] OUF! [DeathStar] aRGH! [Ariel] DS!!! * DeathStar flies back * Elayne_Vanguard attempts to opne a gate [Diamondback] DEATH STAR! [Garland] NRP: aren't I? [Mindscape] NRP: Uh... Isn't that a good deal larger than all our HPs? [Spectre] NO! * AceHunter shots all miss him * DeathStar sparks [DeathStar] d.da.mmit [DeathStar] NRP: I Took it [Slash] Enjoy that DS? * Azazel uses his wings to reflect as many shots as possible, taking some [DeathStar] . . . [Slash] How about more? [DeathStar] Slash . . . [Avalon] How do i deacitivate him without killing him? * Slash begins charging his gauntlets [Snipe] Spade: *leaps at Avalon* * AceHunter fires a statis beam to freeze Slash [Snipe] NRP: figure it out [Ariel] Damn you! Bastard! *charges at Slash, slahing at him* * Slash blocks * Avalon falls back [Garland] NRP: Silence.. of the hams. * Slash uppercuts Ariel into a wall * Mindscape keep mentally blasting Slash [DeathStar] Everyone, back away from him [DeathStar] Slash, this is between you and me [Mindscape] NRP: Spade, how'd you get here? * Ariel grabs the wall, and hangs there * Slash energy crackles around his fists [Snipe] NRP: er, Shade [Mindscape] [...] *backs away* [Slash] You got it. * DeathStar lifts off the ground slowly * Garland carryies Elyanye through the hallways, looking desperately for an escape pod, or some way off * Slash disapepasr * Shell_X keeps working on stopping the device [DeathStar] Everyone, stop Shade. * Diamondback backs away, helping to heal Ripple * Mindscape blasts Shade then psionic attacks him * Ripple loses conciousness [Gravedigger] Dude...duuuuuddeee.... * Azazel continues to fire at the elusive shade [Ariel] Right! *dives like a bird of prey towards Shade* [Azazel] What the hell do you think I've BEEN doing? [Mindscape] [Someone ought to attend to your friend...] [Slash] Lets have a bit of fun. [Snipe] Shade: *throws Ariel into az* [DeathStar] If you say so * Azazel bats Ariel away * Avalon throws punches at Shademan's power unit on his back in an attempt to deactivate him * DeathStar can barely focus * Gravedigger jumpkicks Shade . * Mindscape blasts at Shade some more * Slash reappears above DS, firing a full charge Gauntlet blast at his head * AceHunter cloaks and goes after Talon [Snipe] Shade: *istackled* [Ariel] Gah... * DeathStar raises hand reflects it at slash [Garland] NRP: Does Garland find anything???? * Azazel fires at the downed Shade * Diamondback ignores Shade Man and works on healing Ripple [DeathStar] NRP: To? * Slash reclects it back with a warp blade [Avalon] Dont you dare kill him! * Shell_X keeps working on stopping the device * DeathStar punches it into the wall, blowing an exit [Mindscape] NRP: Is my mental attack workin? * Slash follows it up with a flurry of plama [Garland] NRP: Get away from the place with Elayne......? [Snipe] Shae: *sparks and falls, dead* [Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: TO escape???? [DeathStar] NRP: Perhaps * Phantasma uses his jets to charges Shade [Elayne_Vanguard] NRP:... [Gravedigger] ...Okay, that was easy enough... * DeathStar reflects with hands [Mindscape] ... [That takes care of him.] * DeathStar draws saber * DeathStar slashes at Slash * Azazel spits on him and walks back to the pre-room corridor to stay out of the way * Slash eyes briefly lose their evil glint [Garland] NRP: .... I'm running around the hallways trying to find a thing. * Avalon picks up the deactivated Shademan [DeathStar] NRP: fight between friends [Slash] I didnt want it to be this way. *eyes flare up again, blocking hte slash* [DeathStar] NRP: mp3 * Garland continues searching, Elayne in his arms [DeathStar] Then why not fight it? * Elayne_Vanguard struggles to get up and starts opening a successful gateway, in front of Garland * DeathStar hovers in the air * Slash double slashes DS * DeathStar blocks [Slash] Because.. it is what i was made for. [DeathStar] . . . * Mindscape moves over to Ripple and checks his condition (scan) [DeathStar] That's SIGMA's codes in you * Garland looks at Elayne, wide-eyed [Ripple] Status: Alive, knocked out. [Mindscape] NRP: Slash sounds alot like Zero did when he went off the deep edge.... [Slash] NRP: DUH [Elayne_Vanguard] I found.. a way... [DeathStar] GM: *rooms sparks with energy, kocking the gate way out* [Mindscape] [... Do we take it?] * DeathStar ducks flying energy [DeathStar] dammit, this place is going up * Avalon tries to dodge the flying shots and bolts [Azazel] . . . ok, this is our chance to get Talon. * Spirit tries to wake Ripple. * Azazel sprints out, Paladin following * Slash shoots a plasmablast in DS's eyes, then slashes him across the chest [Gravedigger] Welllll, that didn't work. * Mindscape scans the base to see if Talon's still here [Phantasma] Talon is dead meat for what happened to Red. * Phantasma loads his cannon. * Snipe runs through a hole * Diamondback double checks behind Scape [Phantasma] I will have his head. [Gazer] Affirmative. * Slash eyes fade again [Elayne_Vanguard] Well... aree we just gonna stand here Dad? :Garland: .......Elayne, where does this go? [Azazel] Oh shut the hell up with the melodrama and come on. * Shell_X keeps working on stopping the device [Snipe] NRP: I knocked her gateway out * Slash begins drawing power from his 2ndary systems [DeathStar] GM: Shell is zapped away [Elayne_Vanguard] To.. either the Fury.. or Parnel.. I don't know... * DeathStar hovers there [Mindscape] ... * Phantasma goes for Talon. [Mindscape] NRP: BRB... :Garland: ......How do you know where Parnel is...? * Snipe runs back in [Slash] Look over there DS. *points* [Snipe] I FOUND THE EXIT! * Elayne_Vanguard glowers and begins to creeate a new one... [DeathStar] I think not, Slash. * Elayne_Vanguard stops * Slash fires deflecting a gauntlet blast off a wall, hitting him in the back * Avalon tries to safely back off to the hole * Shell_X stands to his feet and begins charging his Grav-a-rangs one at a time [Slash] Should have looked. :Garland: ......What? [DeathStar] OUF! [Diamondback] [What about these two...?] * Slash kicks him in the head [Snipe] LEts go * Snipe runs back in [Gravedigger] 'Bout time Snipester. [DeathStar] ARGH! * Gravedigger follows [Elayne_Vanguard] Come on.. I can't run... * DeathStar slashes Slash down the front [DeathStar] Enough * Diamondback shakes his head, and he and Spectre grab Ripple and take off [Paladin`] If we disable the machine, Slash might return to normal. [Slash] GAHHHH * Garland looks at Elayne * Gazer heads after them * DeathStar moves so fast Slash cna't follow him and son Slash is nothing but cuts * Spirit goes with DB [DeathStar] . . . like that? [Elayne_Vanguard] ...To weak to move... * DeathStar can barely focus :Garland: Elayne....... [Slash] .... you.. always...were.. the good... one.. [Elayne_Vanguard] Yes? * Snipe appears on the surface of the meteor [AceHunter] NRP: Anybody notice that Phantasma and I have gone after Talon? :Garland: What do you want me to do? * Slash begins channeling all his reactors power into his gauntlets, the gauntlets glowing red, blue then white hot, crackling with energy as he drains the last reserves of power into one massive blast at DeathStar (30,000 AP) then falls to one knee, spent [Snipe] NRP: Ah, but his exit was sealed off. [Elayne_Vanguard] Get us out of this horrible place... * Paladin` stands on the surface * DeathStar ish it and hits the ground [DeathStar] OUF! * DeathStar doesn't move :Garland: ......I will. * Avalon heads out after the big crowd [Azazel] How are we going to get Talon? Just have the Fury blow the whole damned thing? * Slash kneels there [Mindscape] NRP: Back [AceHunter] NRP: Ace went another way * Phantasma charges his cannon and trys to blow a new door. [DeathStar] NRP: Ah, well, it'll take you to where Snipe is * Garland starts running faster through the halls * DeathStar raises head [DeathStar] . . . nice shot * DeathStar throws a blast out at Slash :Garland: I'm getting out out of here Elyane. * Snipe stands on the surface [Snipe] . . . escaped. [Avalon] I need an exit too * Slash screams, two chips getting knocked lose as he is vaporized. * Mindscape is... uh... uh... uh... doing something * Snipe collapses [Slash] You...were... a good fighter..... * Cheryl reaches the surface * DeathStar hits the ground in his own battery fluid [Gravedigger] Snipe! [quit] Slash (Mightymitosktnsk01d051701189.sk.sympatico.ca) has QUIT 00:13am PST "*is vaporized*" [DeathStar] . . . buy, Slash . . . [Snipe] . . . fine [Snipe] Just tired. * Shell_X picks up the two chips [Ariel] DS, get up! [Gravedigger] C'mon * Garland skids over the tile as he looks for an escape pod * Diamondback and Spectre arrive next to Snipe * Avalon is almost at the surface [Ripple] NRP: crush those chips, i will KILL YOU. [DeathStar] NRP: This is a METEOR Garland * Gravedigger puts Snipe's arm around his neck and holds him up * Mindscape is by DB and Spectre [Ariel] Don't make me carry you... * Ripple wakes up, groggy [Garland] NRP: Thought we were on it... * Gazer gets on the other side of Snipe [Snipe] Thanks, Grave, but where to now, since we're on the surface? [Ripple] ... wha... what happened to Slash... [Shell_X] The Fury? * Spirit smiles, feeling Ripple has awaken. [Snipe] . . . no ship to get there. [Diamondback] [I... don't know... When I left, DS was winning...] [Snipe] Where are the others? Below? [Gazer] We go after Talon. We end this. [Paladin`] . . . no, they're in orbit. [Spectre] [Presumably...] * Garland runs to the area that DS made their entance to and jumps out * Shell_X tries to contact the Fury * Ariel pics up DS and carrys him as she tries to catch up with the others. * Ripple tries to get up [Ripple] Slash... Slash and DS were fighting? [Snipe] . . . Talon should be at a different area. Lets look for it [Snipe] The entrance has to be out here. * Avalon is incumberred and follows slowly [Spectre] [Yes... Slash went Maverick or something... [Spectre] ] [Mindscape] [Talon...] * Ripple falls silent * Garland looks around * Phantasma reaches the surface. * Snipe looks back at the exit they came through :Garland: .......Which way...? * Mindscape scans again for Talon... [Snipe] But the others, should we go back for them? [Diamondback] [Split up... We can find it a lot faster that way...] [Gravedigger] They'll catch up, won't they? * Ripple rage grows, soon Spirit can sense it, and feel the power of it rolling off his body like fog. * Elayne_Vanguard pulls out the UNIT * Ariel heals DS the little she can as she carrys him along. [Elayne_Vanguard] That way.. [DeathStar SOUND] [Diamondback] {Yeah, somebody could stay here and wait for them, while the rest of us look.} * Elayne_Vanguard points toward thee fury [DeathStar] . . . Gar land . . . :Garland: ....We better ask DS first.... * DeathStar head rolls * Garland suddenly has a dark feeling [Ariel] Dammit DS... Don't give out on me now... * Snipe the entire meteor shakes :Garland: Somethings wrogn.... * Shell_X keeps trying to contact the Fury [Gravedigger] Uh...NOT good.... [DeathStar] . . . took too much damage . . . 160,000 aP * Mindscape glances around :Garland: HOLD ON ELYANE] * Ripple trys to track everyone * DeathStar Garland and Elayne are buried [Elayne_Vanguard] Ok.. * Diamondback scans for DS, Garland, Elayne, and Talon [DeathStar] . . . *eyes widen* [DeathStar] GARLAND! * Elayne_Vanguard held on as tightly as possible * DeathStar leaps to his feet * DeathStar sways [Ariel] ! * Ripple grits teeth * DeathStar play Long Way Down * Ariel stumbles from the shift of weight * Shell_X uses his strength to lift the rocks [Ripple] Spirit.. i need your power.... * Mindscape glances at Riptide who's been doing nothing this whole time * DeathStar runs to where Garland and Elayne are, dying [Riptide] [Uh...] * Spirit lends ripple strength [Snipe] Avalon . . . what happened to you? * Snipe sees Avalon ahead. * Ariel dashes along behind DS * Mindscape scans DS to check his condition * Ripple tracks Garland and Elayne with psionics, then opens a portal (or attempts to) bringing them out [DeathStar] Scan: Dying * Elayne_Vanguard is concious enough to attempt healing on herself and Garland [Avalon] NRP: i followed to the surface [DeathStar] Portal failed, due to energy [Mindscape] [... Death Star's dying.] [DeathStar] SLAAAAASH! * Ariel still tries her best to heal DS. * DeathStar roars in anger * Mindscape scans for Slash * DeathStar punches through a dirt wall, punching past Garland's head * Shell_X keeps trying to contact the Fury [DeathStar] WHYYYYYYYYY! [Ripple] NRP: Slash is dead. [DeathStar] NRP: Aye. [Ripple] NRP: Who the hell has the chips? * DeathStar rips the dirt out, finding Garland and Elayne [Mindscape] [...] [Ripple] NRP: Give it to DS] [Avalon] To many people who are critical we cant stay out here [Snipe] Aye. END OF MIDI * Garland falls on his knees, gasping for air [Mindscape] [How do you suggest we get out?] * Cheryl tends to the wounded [Ripple] NRP: BeFORE he dies? * DeathStar grabs everyone beside him * Paladin` jets into the air, followed by Az, searching for a concealed entrance [DeathStar] LEts go [Avalon] I wish i was a healer * DeathStar leaps through the meteor roof * Elayne_Vanguard gasps for air * DeathStar appears beside Snipe [Ripple] NRP: *whacks Shell* [Diamondback] [Whoa!] [Snipe] What?! * Ariel doesn't let DS grab her, but follows just as quickly [Mindscape] NRP: Is DS by the others? * Garland grabs elayne and follows DS [Gravedigger] Hokey Moses! * Elayne_Vanguard continues to heal with Psionics [Spectre] [Yagh!] * Ripple glances at DS [DeathStar] NRP: All together now [DeathStar] . . . * DeathStar collapses [Cheryl] ! [Diamondback] [Good you could j... DS!] :Garland: DeathStar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Ripple attempts to heal him with nanotech robots from his Suit [Mindscape] [His conditions going critical...] [DeathStar] . . . need a ten-four break * Cheryl goes to DS' side and uses her skills to help him. [Snipe] DS? * Diamondback and Spectre jump to healing him * Elayne_Vanguard reegains enough strength to stand [Ripple] NRP: DS, just say you got the chips... * Elayne_Vanguard begins to heal all [Ripple] NRP: since SOMEONE is not responding.. * Shell_X downloads a Spydirbot to help DS * DeathStar holds the chips in his hand * Garland holds out his hands "HOLY HEALING!".... nothing happens because he forgot how to do that tech [Shell_X] NRP: I have the chips :Garland: DAMNIT!! [Mindscape] NRP: *doesn't even remember what the chips are* [Diamondback] NRP: Not anymore you don't. [Ripple] NRP: and i told you to give them to DS. * Cheryl uses every form of healing she can to try to save DS [Ripple] DS... Dont die.... * DeathStar raises forward [Shell_X] NRP: I didn't * DeathStar coughs bitterly [DeathStar] I'm fine. [Diamondback] [Yeah, right.] * Garland helps DS up * Gravedigger pulls his hood off and runs his hand through his hair * Azazel continues to search * DeathStar loads the chip in [Elayne_Vanguard] Air.. DeathStar... [Cheryl] Dammit DS, I'm a doctor not a coroner... You gotta pull through... * Diamondback adjusts his cap [Avalon] I wonder if there is anyway to transfer any of the power left in Shademan he still has a lot left :Garland: Come on..... I can't lose you again, you better not be lying... [DeathStar] NRP: Uh, Slash has taken over the TV. . . [DeathStar] End
Still to be done
[DeathStar] Present Day
[DeathStar] Act Tweleve: No More Regrets at GroundZero
[DeathStar] Location: Meteor surface.
[Snipe] . . . man
* DeathStar shakes head
[DeathStar] A memory from Slash's past?
[Shell_X] Fury, come in?
[DeathStar] Comm:~~~~~~~~
[Ripple] ... Its the same format as the disc i found in his old room..
[newnick] Zir (dobahold209-130-142-108.nas3.MON.gblx.net) has morphed to "Elayne_Vanguard" 00:29am PST 
[Mindscape] [...]
[Ripple] You should know it DS.. it was addressed to you.
[DeathStar SOUND]
[newnick] Azrael` (soupmancc49170-a.mtpls1.sc.home.com) has morphed to "Paladin`" 00:29am PST 
* DeathStar shakes head sadly
* Shell_X tries to boost the comm device
[DeathStar] Slash
* DeathStar turns to Garland
[Ripple] Yes.
[Garland] NRP: DEAR GOD!!!!!!! I HAVE THIS MP3!
[DeathStar] Promise me, PROMISE me you won't do anything stupid, ALL of you.
[DeathStar] I can't bare to lose anymore of my best friends.
* Garland looks at DS
[Ripple] You know me.
[Paladin`] NRP: What song is it?
[Cheryl] I give it a... *passesout*
:Garland: ....... I promise.
* DeathStar grabs Garland in a hug, showing emotion for the first time
[Cheryl] NRP: Oops!
[Shell_X] I don't plan on it
* Blackjack glances around, having been carried by DB and Spectre since the beginning
[Gravedigger] Can't quite promise that, but I'll sure as hell try
* Gazer whaps Grave
[Elayne_Vanguard] Ok...
[Cheryl] NRP: Sorry... -.- *forgot to scroll down*
* Garland hugs him back
[Gravedigger] Ow!
[Ripple] .... *is depressed, and pissed off at the same time*
[Blackjack] Emotion overtakes us...
* Paladin` clears his throat uncomfortably
* DeathStar stops hugging
* Mindscape glances at DS
[DeathStar] . . . yeah, Talon's turn to pay.
* Spirit tries to comfert Ripple...
[DeathStar] no more games.
[DeathStar] This is it.
[DeathStar] we're going to kill him
[Ripple] We have a battle to win. Slash taught me what he knew. Time to put that to use.
[join] Azazel (soupmancc49170-a.mtpls1.sc.home.com) has JOINED #TAW 00:30am PST 
[DeathStar] However, 'fraid I'll have to sit this one out
[Mindscape] [I'll take revenge for Red's death...]
[Elayne_Vanguard] What?
* Riptide shudders
[Snipe] . . . fine by me, old man
* Garland has a tear cross his face, smiling happily
[Riptide] L... let's g... go...
[Snipe] I can handle Talon fine. *shakes head to clear it*
:Garland: Let's do it....
[Sound Halted]
[Elayne_Vanguard] Air.. DeathStar?
[DeathStar] . . . Elayne.
[Ariel] Time to rock his world.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Yes?
[Avalon] If im going to be in a battle.......
[DeathStar] Becareful, okay?
[Ripple] ... Hes mine. *ripplewave distorts his body, as it encases him like an armor.*
[Elayne_Vanguard] Okay...
[DeathStar] No reason to end in regrets
(:op:) ChanServ OP'S Azazel in #taw
[Diamondback] {Let's show him not to mess with us...}
[Azazel] When we find him, I would prefer you not kill Talon if possible.
[DeathStar] NRP: Regrets .mp3
* Avalon puts Shademan on his back
[Azazel] I want to torture him as long as possible.
[Cheryl] Double trouble. Just like the old days.
[Ripple] NRP: i have like.. 3 of these mp3's..
* DeathStar blasts a hole straight to Talon's lair
[DeathStar] I scanned him out
* DeathStar collapses to his knee
[DeathStar] Hurry.
[Spectre] {This is what it all comes down to...}
* Azazel dives through
* Mindscape nods
[Avalon] That is a nice short cut
* Shell_X dives in
[DeathStar] Remember, don't do anything stupid/
* Ripple activates his armor, and dives in, racing ahead of everyone
* Gazer spins his staff and cautiously goes through
* Azazel flies down as fast as possible, eager for blood
:Garland: .....You better still be kicking when I get back, DeathStar.
* Cheryl stays to watch over DS.
* Spectre and Spectre dive down, taking BJ with them
[Ripple] DS, I am gonna avenge Slash no matter what happens.
* Avalon descends slowly being weighted doen
* Elayne_Vanguard nodds and stays close to Garland
[DeathStar] Good luck, Ripple.
* Paladin` sighs and hops down slowly
* Mindscape follows the others
[Cheryl] I'm not much help in a fight anyways.
[Diamondback] NRP: DB and Spec, even
[Ripple] I'll need it.
[newnick] DeathStar (Avalon206.74.126.98) has morphed to "Talon" 00:33am PST 
[Paladin`] We'll see you when we come back, Death Star.
* Snipe leads the way
* Gravedigger follows
* AceHunter is exchanging blasts with Talon
* Ariel follows.
* Talon reflects it off with his robot armor
* Phantasma presses on
* Azazel lands and begins to blast along with Ace
* Garland has a renewed agenda, and runs for talon
* Shell_X keeps following Snipe
* Talon rams Ace's head into the wall
[Ripple] NRP: Hey, you have a BLUE plasma blast?! i'll trade you with my red one!
* Mindscape psionically attacks Talon alot
* Garland powers up to his max
* Diamondback , upon landing, immediately lets a barrage of psionic energy fly at Talon
[Gravedigger] Is this a private thing, or can anyone join in kicking Talon's ass?
* Spirit shifts to werepanther form, with her armour activated and sword in hand, charged with a psi-burst
* Snipe flips into the room
:Garland: Elayne, watch out....
* AceHunter rises back to his feet and fires an Antimatter blast at Tolon
* Talon side steps, the entire room shaking
[Talon] You fools!
[Talon] You have doomed us all
* Ripple goes straight for Talons head, ripplewave full power, distorting everything around it, winding up for a massive haymaker.
* Phantasma charges his cannon to full strength.
* Elayne_Vanguard dodges
* Azazel flies onto Talon's back and begins to slashes him with his double blades
* Avalon launches a barage of dark plasma
* Garland blurs away from her, and slams his fist into Talon
:Garland: ....your point?
[Mindscape] [What arey ou talking about?!]
* Talon slams everyone back with the energy from the meteor
[Gravedigger] Hey pal, we've already had the fool conversation, get with the progam!
[Mindscape] HURK!
[Spirit] Ahhhh!
[Diamondback] [WHOA!]
* Ripple keeps coming, bleeding
[Spectre] [NO!]
* Talon begins to absorb Wily's dark energy over the years
[Gravedigger] GAH!
* Talon suit flickers
* Azazel jumps back up and goes right at the cockpit
* Elayne_Vanguard draws her blaster
* Gazer winces
[Talon] . . . I, Johnson, will kill you all
[Ripple] Catch. *uppercuts Talon with a force that could break bone*
* Garland taks whatever damage comes to Elayne
[Elayne_Vanguard] You.. you.. mean person!
[Mindscape] [...Johnson...?]
[Talon] NRP: final battle, Grond Zero MP3.
* Talon throws Mind into a wall
* Shell_X gets back up activating a Grav-a-rang lifting Talon and sending him back again the wall (1100 AP)
* Azazel brings up his wings and fires into the cockpit with full force
* Talon uses the energy to free himself
* Garland chrages a ki ball
* Mindscape telekeintically blasts Talon
* Talon takes it
* Diamondback launches psionic energy at Talon, unrelenting (1800 AP)
* Ariel stands tall, glowing white.
[Ripple] Suck on it talon. *Slashes at Talon, 1100 APwarp effect*
* Talon the room splits in half
* Paladin` lands and fires a barage of rockets at Talon
* Garland holds out his hands
* Avalon figures out that hes not going to be much goo din this fight
[Spirit] NRP: Dammit, I don't have the final battle song
* Talon hits the ground
* AceHunter focuses his bad luck curse directed at Talon
:Garland: HEY TALON!
:Garland: EAT THIS!!!
* Mindscape launches himself at Talon, slashing with his claw into him madly, and psionically electricuting him
* Spectre holds back, protecting Blackjack
* Talon raises hand
* Ripple charges
[Talon] Oh, Garland, the dead father?
* Garland fires repeted blasts at him
* Diamondback charges
[Elayne_Vanguard] Gun.. TARGETING
[Talon] I mean, widowed father
* Phantasma fires a volley of 6 missiles at Talon
:Garland: They hell are you talking about?
[Talon] Daughtlerless father.
* Elayne_Vanguard locks onto Talon
* Avalon approaches Talon
* Mindscape blasts Talon
* Talon reflects the energy at them
* Shell_X gets a lock on to Talon
[Diamondback] [Get it STRAIGHT!]
* Gazer hurls his Cursed Sai at Talon
:Garland: ......What do you mean!?
* Ripple Ignites a ripplewave around himself, the power flowing off of it lifting his hair, a firey aura of power encasing him, his eyes narrow, concentrating the power into a knife like point, sending the beam lancing with all his might, sending the beam cutting at Talon and the area around him/her (30,000 AP)
* Talon zaps them all back
[Elayne_Vanguard] I don't think so!
[Talon] Elayne didn't tell you?
[Ripple] Suck on rightous rage Talon.
* Azazel lands on the robot and slashes at the damn thing's head
* Diamondback launches the energy at Talon (2000 AP)
* Elayne_Vanguard fires the blaster several times
[Talon] ARGH!
* Garland looks at Elayne
[Talon] OUF!
:Garland: What???
[Avalon] How the hell did you get the masters anyway. Then launches a barage
* Talon throws Az off
* Ripple jumps up, and slams a warp blade into his neck
[Azazel] Ugh
[Talon] OUF1
* AceHunter uses his energy weakening attack on Talon to reduce the power of his attacks
[Elayne_Vanguard] Sharlena... Index killed her...
* Mindscape blasts psionic and non-psionic energy into Talon's face
[Talon] . . . Wily's dying secret.
* Garland loses his breath
[Talon] . . . *picks Avalon up*
[Talon] Why don't I show you the true extent of power?
[Mindscape] [...Who the hell's Index?]
[Diamondback] [PUT HIM DOWN!]
[Avalon] Dont you dare
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad... We can't stop now...
* Snipe appears suddenly and punches Talon, freeing Avalon
* Gravedigger hurls his Cursed Sai at Talon *ignore last one*
[Snipe] HERE I AM!
[Avalon] You sonofabitch
* Garland falls to his knees, his face blank, white, and eyes wide
* Paladin` lets loose a concussion blast and a charged plasma shot
* Shell_X activates his three other grav-a-rangs (3300 AP) to pin Talon to a wall
* Ariel holds her sword high, then swings, a beam of white energy flying at Talon.
* Talon is hit byGrave
* Elayne_Vanguard rushes to his side
* Talon grabs Shell
[Gravedigger] Score!
:Garland: ....Shar.......lena............SHARLENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Avalon teleports away with his precious cargo
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad... please...
* Talon destroys his programming
* Mindscape fires telekinetic enregy into Talon
* Shell_X phases through his hands
* Garland grabs his sides
* Snipe rams his fist into Talon
* Elayne_Vanguard starts to cry
* Garland screams
[Gravedigger] SHELL!
[Ripple] Snipe. Mix me up a fastball special.
[Snipe] SHELL!
* Elayne_Vanguard is frightened by his actions..
* Avalon continues 
* Snipe flexes muscles and throws ripple
* Gravedigger uses his Kage no Gijutsu teachings to attack. (1,000 AP)
* Shell_X flickers from the damage and begins fading out
[Talon] Talon: *is still pinned by Shell*
[Talon] DIE!
* Ripple flys straight and true at Talons head
* Garland puts his hands to his face, tears falling like rain
* Gravedigger roundhouse kicks Talon .
* Azazel fires at the pinned robot with everythign he's got
* Mindscape psionically blasts into Talon's mind
[Talon] ARGH1
* Ripple jams a blade into the head, and flips back next to Spirit
* Diamondback watches a stray blast fly tried and true for BJ, connecting
:Garland: Sharlena.......... BUWHYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Paladin`] It is.
* Talon raises blat and hits DB (100,000 aP)
[Gravedigger] YES IT IS!
:Garland: WHY!!!!!!!!!!!
[Blackjack] AARGH!
* Elayne_Vanguard hugs him
[Avalon] How did you know the locations of the labs? Ive been searching the earth for years?
[Diamondback] GAAAH!
* Avalon firea  blot
* Talon it shoots past Grave, knocking him back
* Diamondback falls to one knee, clutching his chest and breathing hard. Closing his eyes, Diamondback digs into his chest with his fingers, which are quickly covered by yellow fur and become claws. After the shapeshift into a half lion completes, the injured enhanced struggles, and succeeds, to stand. With a roar, Diamondback whips out his sabre and slashes the air twice, leaving a residue of purple energy in the air.
* Garland pushes Elayne away
* Paladin` fires at Talon's head using his embedded scope.
* Garland bursts into flames
[Gravedigger] Ragh!
:Garland: SHARLENA!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Snipe SOUND]
* Elayne_Vanguard hits the dirt.. hard
* AceHunter begins firing a constant anti-matter blast at Talon(2000 AP/min)
[Ripple] ... CHRIS!!!
* Gravedigger hits the ground, but bounces back up
[Mindscape] [WHAT THE HELL?!]
* Gravedigger takes out his shovel
* Garland runs at talon and slams his fist into his face
* Ripple begins pouring all his power into Spirit
* Talon laughs
* Avalon puts Shademan on the ground in a corner
[Talon] ARGH!
* Avalon starts to fly at Talon
* Shell_X pet appears and begins hovering above Shell's fading body
* Gravedigger rams the hilt into Talon's jaw
* Talon grabs Garland's throat and throws him in the energy, almost cutting him in half
* Diamondback seems blinded with rage, barely alive, as he runs for Talon, sabre swinging
* Avalon stabs the sabre into him
* Talon slams DB into the ground
[Avalon] You will tell me!!!
* Spirit and Ripple are surrounded by white and black auras, there images slowly overlapping until the form as one. In a flash, both Spirit and Ripple are gone, and a ebon black drake stands in their place.
* Mindscape charges a giant blast of normal and psionic energy and unleashes it into Talon
* Talon is caught by Avalon
* Garland dodges what he can, and lands on the ground, trembling
[Elayne_Vanguard] I guess I'll use it now.. to save him...
[Talon] ARFHH~
* Talon grabs Avalon
* Diamondback roars in rage and pain, reverting to human form. His eyes blaze a brighter purple that has ever been seen by any of the Hunters. With a final yell, Diamondback sends a blast of purple energy flying at Talon. Drained, the last bit of life flutters from Diamondback's eyes, and the teenager slumps to the ground, unmoving.
* AceHunter keeps his blast at Talon, continueing to use his bad luck and energy sap abilities
[Talon] . . . fool
[Ripple] NRP: Kinky..
[Avalon] Liar!!!
* Gravedigger spins his shovel and swings thw flat side at Talon's head
* Elayne_Vanguard takes out a small pendant
* Mindscape looks toward Diamondback
* Talon begins to crash Avalon's head
[Snipe] NOOOO!
* Snipe roars
[Snipe] THIS ENDS NOW!!!!!
* Garland aches with pain, both phsycal and emotional
[Spirit] NRP: You can take over for the two for the most part.
* Mindscape telekinetically tries to rip Talon off Avalon
[Spectre] [NO! CHRIS!!!]
* Snipe slams fist into Talon's breaking off his arm
* Paladin` jets into the air and flies past Talon, slashing once into his head, then again at his gut
* Talon drops Avalon
* Garland slams into Talon
* Shell_X keeps firing (2000 AP)
[Ripple] NRP: Your morph, you control
* Spectre starts to run at Talon, but falls to her knees, screaming
[Avalon] I jsut cant do anything.......
* Azazel raises his wings and lets a shotgun blast go
* AceHunter keeps firing (2000 AP)
[Talon] Talon: But . . . of course.
* Talon is slumped, defeated.
[Gravedigger] You BASTARD!
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad... I think Sharlena can be...
:Garland: YOUR RESPONCIPLE FOR HER!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Elayne_Vanguard] Can be saved...
[Spirit] NRP: Er, too late?
[Snipe] . . .
[Snipe] Garland!
[Avalon] Is he dead
* Garland ax kicks him in the head
[Azazel] Don't kill him. He needs to suffer.
[Shell_X] Shell... version 4.6
* Gravedigger takes out his Cursed Sai and slashes at Talon
[Snipe] Remember what DS said!
[Mindscape] *growls psionically* [You've... killed...and...hurt...too....many...]
[Shell_X] System error
* Phantasma charges his cannon and levels it at Talon.
* Garland fires continuous blasts at Talon
[Talon SOUND]
[Ripple] NRP: Out of cheese error.. blip blip blip...
* Talon takes them all
* Garland trembles
[Talon] Fools!
:Garland: DIE!!!!!!
[Shell_X] Critical program degeneration detected
[Gravedigger] FUCK YOU!
[Talon] Fuck you back!
* Avalon senses impending doom and rushes over to his cargo
* Garland ignores his bloodloss and tackles Talon, holdimg him
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad... NO! YOU'LL GET HURT!
[Snipe] Uh, could you fucking stop saying fuck?
* Gravedigger flips Talon the bird
* Mindscape blasts and madly attacks Talon
* Spectre rises to her feet
* Talon grabs Garland and rolls with him
[Talon] You sealed your fate, you know
* Garland rights with him
:Garland: I DON'T CARE!!!!
* Garland punches him in the face
* Talon they roll toward the energy
* Elayne_Vanguard throws a force shield over Garland to increase his defense
[Talon] NRP: Ground Zer oo nce more
* Gravedigger dives at Talon's leg, stabbing him int eh back of the knee
* AceHunter begins firing fully automatic force beams at Talon (200 *100 AP)
[Ripple] NRP: and there goes one more person...
[Snipe] . . .
* Phantasma tries to get a clear shot.
* Snipe tackles Garland
* Snipe knocks him off Talon
* Garland blasts snipe off
* Talon falls into the enegy and explodes
* Snipe holds onto GArland through the blast
[Ripple] NRP: Its been fun, but i HAVE To go. Dad wants on.
[Paladin`] Garland. Stop.
[Snipe] . . . NO, YOU DON'T!
* Gravedigger hits the dirt
* Mindscape shields his eyes
* Elayne_Vanguard helps with Telekinesis
[Mindscape] NRP: See you later, Ripple
* Snipe is bleeding, almost dead thanks to gArland
* Garland falls to his knees
[Avalon] Seceret dies with you
[Avalon] I suppose
[Snipe] . . . don't . . . end with regrets. . .*falls back*
* AceHunter wipes some dust from his suit
[newnick] Talon (Avalon206.74.126.98) has morphed to "GM" 00:44am PST 
* Elayne_Vanguard rushes to Snipe
[Shell_X] Negative function
* GM the meteor breaks up
* Gazer turns to the rest of the Pirates
[Ripple] NRP: *Salutes*
* Elayne_Vanguard begins to heal him
* Garland sits there, crying, nothing mattering
* Spirit wonders what to do with the energy she's gathered.
[Gazer] He is avenged.
[Shell_X] Divide by zero...error...error
[Ripple] .oO{Heal snipe}
:Garland: Sharlena....... *swallows hard*
[GM] GM: *the meteor collapses around Gazer*
* Mindscape heals Snipe a bit
* Elayne_Vanguard uses a full heal on snipe
* Snipe eyes flutter open
[Gazer] Tanj!
[Blackjack] C... Chris... Ev... everyone... No...
* Elayne_Vanguard then goes to Garland
* Mindscape nods in responce to what Gazer said
* Gazer runs towards the rest of the group
* Elayne_Vanguard flings her arms around him
[Mindscape] [Gazer!]
* Spirit absorbs the energy and uses as a general heal.
[Mindscape] [We have to get out of here!]
* Garland doesn't notice her
[newnick] GM (Avalon206.74.126.98) has morphed to "DeathStar" 00:46am PST 
[Avalon] The rock is crumbling.......we must depart
* Shell_X fades out, leaving a small beam saber
* DeathStar slides in
* Ripple picks up Spirit
* Spectre looks down, and helps BJ to his feet, joining the group
* DeathStar grabs the beam saber
[DeathStar] SHELL!
[Ripple] DS, lets get a move on. NOW
[Elayne_Vanguard] We have to go...
[DeathStar] I know . . .
* DeathStar points at the energy
[Gazer] Yes, escape would be prime.
:Garland: I Don't CARE!
[DeathStar] THAT's going to kill us
[DeathStar] . . .
[DeathStar] If I could dive into and stop it
[Spirit] NRP: Picks up?
* Gravedigger heads after the group
* DeathStar the meteor continues to shatter
[Ripple] NRP: meh
* Snipe follows ripple
* Paladin` shrugs
[Ripple] DS, Dad may have tried to kill you, but YOU NEED TO LIVE.
[Mindscape] ...
[Azazel] . . .
[Ripple] NRP: if not, im gonna whack you.
* AceHunter vanishes in a teleportational beam
[Ariel] We're getting out of here alive.
[DeathStar] . . .
[DeathStar] But the energy
[DeathStar] IT'll kill us
* Garland sits there, as if planning on dying with the meteor
[Mindscape] ....
[Ripple] .... Your more important then me.
* DeathStar watches it spark through the meteor
[DeathStar] Dammit, lets go then
* DeathStar grabs Garland easily
[Spirit] No Ripple!
* Ripple stops, turning
* Elayne_Vanguard puts a hand on Garland's shoulder and teleports him and herself to thee Fury
* DeathStar teleports to the surface
* Garland punches DS in the jaw ad hard as he possibly can
[DeathStar] Elayne Falls to reach the Fury
* Phantasma takes one last look then goes to the surface.
* DeathStar arrives on the surface with Elayne and Garland
* Elayne_Vanguard follows DS then
[DeathStar] Nice punch
* Spectre teleports who she can to the surface
[Ripple] NRP: GAH, someone take over Rip. gtg definatly.
[DeathStar] Let me grab the others
* Gravedigger climbs back to the surface
* Avalon must fly up to the surface
* Paladin` jets up and through the hole
* DeathStar teleports back down
* DeathStar grabs Ripple and Spirit
[quit] Ripple (Mightymitosktnsk01d051701189.sk.sympatico.ca) has QUIT 00:48am PST "Poofskie" 
* Gazer follows Grave
* DeathStar teleports
[newnick] Shell_X (shadezadets007d11.min-mn.concentric.net) has morphed to "FlyingLizard" 00:48am PST 
[Mindscape] ...
* Azazel lands on the surface
* Spectre teleported Blackjack and Riptide
* DeathStar arrives on the surface.
[DeathStar] That all of us?
* FlyingLizard teleports following DeathStar
* Ariel teleports to the surface.
[Spectre] [I think so...]
[Avalon] Im here
* DeathStar the innner core of the meteor explodes
* Mindscape psionically tries to teleport to the surface
[DeathStar] Well, Hunters - Pirates, we're here.
[Azazel] . . . is this Endgame?
[Mindscape] [And here is where?]
[Spectre] [...For the most part...]
* Elayne_Vanguard hugs Garland again
[DeathStar] We'll never know
* Elayne_Vanguard cries lightly
* Garland ignores her completely
* DeathStar everyone is teleported
[DeathStar] Location: the fury
* DeathStar drops in
* Avalon chuckles at the irony
* Snipe lands on DS
* Mindscape looks around
* Gazer holds his hat in his hand
* FlyingLizard settles to the floor with a sad churp
* Elayne_Vanguard lands safely and sits worried look in her eyes at a window
* DeathStar still has the beam saber
* Avalon still has the master
* Gravedigger rubs his head
[Snipe] Drake: We DID it X2!
[Snipe] Slasher: Cheryl!?
[Blackjack] I can't believe that... Chris died in there...
* Garland sits where he lands from the teleport
[join] X2 (wiendigorc-130.netonecom.net) has JOINED #taw 00:51am PST 
[DeathStar] Jared - - -
* Spectre grins slightly
[Mindscape] .... *leans on the wall, pretty damaged*
[Cheryl] You missed the party Slasher
[Snipe] Slasher: damn, where's the beer?
[Gravedigger] NRP: Voice X2
[Snipe] Slasher: where's Slash?
[Azazel] Whoever the hell's in command, I'm requesting a shuttle to take off on my own. There's nothing here for me anymore.
夫oice・Spectre VOICES X2 in #taw
* Elayne_Vanguard takes out the pendant and walks over to Garland
[Paladin`] Dead.
[X2] So it seems we ahve!
* Elayne_Vanguard gives it to him
[Elayne_Vanguard] This was hers...
[DeathStar] . . . what about your crew, Azazel?
* Mindscape glances at the grinnign Spectre
[AceHunter] Comm] Good luck, chaps, I'll see you out there!
* Spirit unmerges with Ripple, returning them to their normal forms.
[Azazel] They're Red's crew, not mine.
[DeathStar] Later, Ace.
* Spectre actually starts to laugh lightly, in spite of the situation
[Mindscape] [Good bye, Ace Hunter...]
[quit] AceHunter (shadezadets007d11.min-mn.concentric.net) has QUIT 00:52am PST "Leaving" 
* DeathStar tries to act like he's there, but really feels himself giving out.
* Garland stands up, letting it drop to the floor and walks off, the door breaking off the hinges as he walks by
[Gravedigger] REd...
[Ariel] What's so funny?
* Elayne_Vanguard walks back over to DS
[Spectre] [I'll say one thing... We have one less loss today then you might think... You've got little faith in the enhanced... Dad.]
* Snipe hits the ground
[Snipe] Slasher: . . .
[Azazel] . . . I'll just assume it's ok, then.
* Azazel walks off
[quit] Azazel (soupmancc49170-a.mtpls1.sc.home.com) has QUIT 00:52am PST "Leaving" 
[Blackjack] Wha...?
* Spectre throws her arms out to the side. The young woman suddenly grows more muscular and taller. Her clothes also change, from her normal outfit to blue jeans, a white shirt, and a black jacket with a blazing red diamond on the back.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Death Star... I want to thank you for saving me...
[quit] Diamondback (speedbladeuser091.pcnow.net) has QUIT 00:53am PST "Leaving" 
[newnick] Spectre (speedbladeuser091.pcnow.net) has morphed to "Diamondback" 00:53am PST 
[Spirit] o.O
[DeathStar] . . . Elayne - - - never end with regrets, okay?
[Mindscape] ....?
[Diamondback] [Miss me?]
[Elayne_Vanguard] Okay...
[Spirit] [Nice trick]
[Mindscape] [You transfered your concious to her body...?]
[DeathStar] . . . and if I'm not mistaken, Spectre is really a guy
* Snipe limps off
* Avalon is still startstruck
[Diamondback] [Hey, if you don't believe me, scan me.]
* Garland walks into his quarters, doesn't bother with the lights and sits in the corner
[Mindscape] [Impressive... Very impressive...]
* X2 suddenly starts whapping his head on the table
[Elayne_Vanguard] DS? Do you think my Dad was...
[Diamondback] [We're both in here... We've got some figuring out to do, but... I'm alive!]
[DeathStar] . . . life span ran out?
[Elayne_Vanguard] Well.. close to you... like you I mean?
[DeathStar] ... Elayne, I couldn't say.
[Paladin`] . . . Christ, I can't take this.
[Gravedigger] I was hitting on A GUY??? DB NO LESS!
* Elayne_Vanguard nodds
[Blackjack] Like father, like son... Just refuse to die.
* Paladin` wanders off to the mess
[Avalon] By the way.......where can i put this?
[Elayne_Vanguard] You act just like him...
[Spirit] [Trust DB to come up with something like that...]
[DeathStar] I do?
[DeathStar] Hmmmm...
(:op:) ChanServ OP'S X2 in #taw
* FlyingLizard settles to the floor with a sad churp
* Elayne_Vanguard nodds, even the way you walk...
[Paladin`] NRP: I'm out of here.
[Diamondback] *female telepathic voice* [It was me, Grave, not Chris...]
* Snipe arrives in the hallway and passes out
[quit] Paladin` (soupmancc49170-a.mtpls1.sc.home.com) has QUIT 00:55am PST "Somebody's documenting your downfall." 
* DeathStar glances at feet, grins
[DeathStar] Well, I changed alot since he was cloned from me
* DeathStar rests his hand on her shoulder
* Gravedigger scratches his head, still confused
[Elayne_Vanguard] So did he...
[DeathStar] But Garland, he needs you more than ever.
[Diamondback] *both* [I'll explain later...]
* Elayne_Vanguard nodds again
[Gravedigger] Hooo boy...
[Elayne_Vanguard] He needs you too...
[DeathStar] I learned to take care of myself. I can continue to do so.
[Spirit] [What a tagteam...]
* Garland ignores his injuries, pain writhing his body more than it ever has.
[Avalon] By the way..........where can i put this?
[DeathStar] . . . I have a feeling he's beyond anyone's reach, much less my own.
* Cheryl fusses after the wounded, insisting they get to the medbay
[Diamondback] *DB* [So, anybody up for a pizza? My treat.]
* Snipe is thankfully passed out away from Cheryl
[Elayne_Vanguard] I just want you to know... you remind me of my father.. so I respect you...
* X2 heads back to the medbay
[quit] X2 (wiendigorc-130.netonecom.net) has QUIT 00:57am PST ""The smell of the battle; that adrenealine rush from the danger; Perfect clearity of the moment when you hit your opponent that one final time, whether or not you die or he does. God I miss it." -Wiendigo" 
[DeathStar] Thanks, Elayne, that means a lot to me.
[Mindscape] *to the pirates* [Where do we go now... what do we do...?]
* Avalon storms off angrily to find someone he actually knows
[Elayne_Vanguard] I'll see about that... he isn't the only one to deal with loss...
[Riptide] [I don't know, 'scape... I guess all we could do is stay here, on the Fury.]
[join] Xrileshr (AvatarrddfrD030.snowcrest.net) has JOINED #taw 00:57am PST 
[DeathStar] ... you too, no doubt.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Do you remember my mother Death Star?
[DeathStar] Seraphna? Yes, actually.
[Phantasma] We're involved in this war now. No backing out...
[Avalon] Xrileshr.....just the man i was looking for
* Gravedigger walks off, still confused, and exhausted
[quit] Gravedigger (wiendigorc-130.netonecom.net) has QUIT 00:58am PST ""The smell of the battle; that adrenealine rush from the danger; Perfect clearity of the moment when you hit your opponent that one final time, whether or not you die or he does. God I miss it." -Wiendigo" 
[Elayne_Vanguard] We think she may be dead...
[Mindscape] * Xrileshr enters and looks at the Hunters, "So you did it... You're greatest battle, no doubt... You succeeded. I'm impressed."
* Garland pulls out his sword and absently cuts the sheets on his bed into strips
[DeathStar] . . . *sighs bitterly* All things end.
[DeathStar] I have a feeling this Christmas is going to be one of mourning.
[Phantasma] *half smiles* Remember what Red taught us. All for one...
[Elayne_Vanguard] And with Airier gone... Garland is all I have left...
夫oice・Mindscape VOICES Xrileshr in #taw
[Gazer] And one for all...
[Riptide] [...and one for all...]
[Elayne_Vanguard] You really remember her.. don't you....
[Phantasma] We'll fight together.
[Mindscape] [... and one for all....
[DeathStar] I do, Elayne, I do.
[DeathStar] Can't say we met eye to eye.
* Elayne_Vanguard smiles
* FlyingLizard chirps and lands on DS's shoulder
[Elayne_Vanguard] No one ever did with her...
* DeathStar glances at the Lizard
[DeathStar] And for some reason that reminds me of her.
[Gazer] That may be, Phantasma, but who''l lead us?
[Diamondback] *Spectre* [Heh heh, I think you've got a new friend, DS.]
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at thee lizard and backs up an little, scratching under her gloves
[Phantasma] Now THAT I don't know.
[Xrileshr] ....
[Elayne_Vanguard] Um... let's just say that is only the beginning...
* FlyingLizard blasts DB with a psionic blast (900 AP)
[DeathStar] I have a pet. . . hmmmm
[DeathStar] And a frisky one too
[Diamondback] *DB* [Gah, hey, what'd I do to you?]
* FlyingLizard chirps angrily
[DeathStar] Uh, where can I sleep at tonight?
[Gazer] NRP: AHH! It's that venom-spitter from Jurassic Park! RUN!
* Cheryl gives up on the others and goes to the medbay to help who actually took her advice...
[Diamondback] *DB* [Yesh, ok, ok, I'm sorry she said anything...] *thinks about how weird that sounded*
[quit] Cheryl (AvalonCDR6-103.accesscable.net) has QUIT 01:01am PST "Leaving" 
[Mindscape] [...Reminds me that I need somewhere to sleep too...]
* Elayne_Vanguard sratches her covered hand a little moree and points toward thee bunks
* DeathStar glances
[DeathStar] Oh, the BUUUUNKS
[Gazer] We all do. As of right now, we're homeless.
[DeathStar] . . . *heads off in the taht direction*
[Avalon] An....where can i put this sparking frame of a robot master........
* Garland grabs a needle and thread and sews up his wounds, afterwards dragging his sword on the ground behind him head for his makeshift training center
* Snipe snores
[Elayne_Vanguard] Go to Gravediggers room, there is a vancancy worthy of filling....
[Diamondback] *DB* [If you'll excuse us, we're going to go figure out whose quarters we're sleeping in tonight...]
* FlyingLizard chirps again and settle to sleep on DS's shoulder
* Elayne_Vanguard follows Garland
[DeathStar] Don't peek at each other
[Gazer] ...Wasn't that the chap who's head I whalloped?
[DeathStar] Say, fellow, you remind me of someone.
[Diamondback] *Spectre* [DB and Dias, or me and Shatterstar...] *both* [Shatterstar.]
* DeathStar steps into Grave's room
* Xrileshr nods approvingly at the Hunters and exits toward his room
[Mindscape] ... [Uh... hmmm.]
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: Airier's bed is thee empty one....
[Spirit] [*giggles* Have fun you two!]
ERROR| mIRC/NE][GEN Unknown Command "ME," 
 The command sent is unknown by the server and NEXGEN.
* Avalon follows holding the sparking corpse
[quit] FlyingLizard (shadezadets007d11.min-mn.concentric.net) has QUIT 01:03am PST "Leaving" 
* Garland , ignoreing her, walks up to a stone pillar, and slams his fist into it, breaking it in two
[Diamondback] *DB* [Believe me, this is gonna be weird...]
[Diamondback] *Spectre* [Hold up, Xri.]
[Elayne_Vanguard] Dad... Please pull together...
* Xrileshr turns and glacnes at Spectre
[Gazer] Ah, well, I need sleep, I'll worry about it later...*heads to Grave's room*
[quit] DeathStar (Avalon206.74.126.98) has QUIT 01:03am PST "Leaving" 
[Diamondback] *S* [You were nearby when we left for the meteor, I saw you... Why didn't you come?]
[Spirit] [I got my wierdness dossage for the day when Rip and I tried Metamerge... To be stuck like that...]
* Snipe crawls to Grave's room too
[Mindscape] NRP: So, the Hunters have the same roomates as before and share rooms... on the biggest ship in the galaxy?
* Garland looks at Elayne, his eyes blazing white
[Snipe] NRP: freaky, huh?
[Gazer] NRP: GAH! Everyone OUT of my room! SCAT!
* Snipe bunks with everyone
:Garland: You don't get it, do you?
[Xrileshr] ... It was your battle. I only recently joined you and I'm not one of you yet. I let you have the battle and the victory for yourself... ANd you succeeded
[Avalon] What do you make of all this Xrileshr?
[Spirit] NRP: We need lots of room for... The... Er...... spare coffee makers!
[Gazer] NRP: Night all
[quit] Gazer (wiendigorc-130.netonecom.net) has QUIT 01:05am PST ""The smell of the battle; that adrenealine rush from the danger; Perfect clearity of the moment when you hit your opponent that one final time, whether or not you die or he does. God I miss it." -Wiendigo" 
[Snipe] NRP: Night, roomie
[Mindscape] NRP: Night... shoot, too late
[Elayne_Vanguard] No.. I don't
[Diamondback] *S* [...I see your point...]
[Elayne_Vanguard] I don't get how you can at least have a family...
[Phantasma] And where do the pirates go from here...
[Xrileshr] Perhaps there's hope for you yet...
[quit] Phantasma (AvalonCDR6-103.accesscable.net) has QUIT 01:05am PST "*walks off*" 
[Diamondback] *DB* [Hate to ask and run, but I'm tired, Xri. See you around the Fury sometime.]
[Elayne_Vanguard] When I live as am orphan...
[Mindscape] [Phantasma, I say we stay here tonight and then... Well, why can't we continuing being us? I mean, Red would haev wanted us to stick together.]
[Xrileshr] Good night.
:Garland: ....I can't protect anyone. I say I'm going to protect you, and guess what, I damn that up, DS has to save us. I can't protect my people, I COULDN'T EVEN PROTECT MY OWN DAUGHTER!
[Riptide] [Am I not here? *sighs*]
* Diamondback nods to Xri and turns, headed for Spectre's quarters
[Diamondback] NRP: I'm gone, later.
* Garland dissappears, and reappears a few moments later, sweating and panting.
[quit] Diamondback (speedbladeuser091.pcnow.net) has QUIT 01:06am PST ""Hold your position! Leave doubt for the dying!" -Tahngarth of the Weatherlight" 
[Elayne_Vanguard] Things happen... Sharlena died bravely, you could not help it.. I could not either...
[Riptide] [I just realized something... We need a room for the night...]
:Garland: I......don't....... care.
[Elayne_Vanguard] I do.. I caree for you...
[Ariel] I'll find you guys an extra bunk.
[Riptide] [Thanks, Ariel, I appreciate it.]
[quit] Riptide (speedbladeuser091.pcnow.net) has QUIT 01:07am PST "Leaving" 
[Xrileshr] *turns to Garland* That is the nature of war... It is devestating to those who are killed by it... and those who aren't... You have to find a way to continue. Your only way to continue... That's all you can do... Believe your making a difference... That you're life wasn't all for nothing... That you stood for something
[quit] Blackjack (speedbladeuser091.pcnow.net) has QUIT 01:07am PST "Leaving" 
[Ariel] Mindscape, you're going to be stuck with Riptide. *hands him a datapad* Here's where your room is.
[Mindscape] NRP: What pirates have died exactly?
[Elayne_Vanguard] Garland.. you still have people in this world.. and I caree for you, you have me.. I have alreeady stated I'm gonna be your daughter no matter what...
[Ariel] NRP: Red and Sirus?
[Snipe] NRP: Orlonre.
[Mindscape] [... That's all right, I suppose... Thank you, Ariel.]
[Snipe] NRP: Azazel quit
[Elayne_Vanguard] You saved my mother many times.... protected her...
:Garland: Oh, I've made differences, my whole life is full of mistakes, sure, I do a fe things right, but the just lead up to a larger foul up. *grabs Xrileshr* You don't know what it's like losing your clostest child, do you.
[Elayne_Vanguard] I have faith in you....
[Ariel] Enjoy your stay on the fury...
[Ariel] We appreciate your help... We couldn't have done it without you guys.
:Garland: Yeah, well your the only one, not even I do, kid.
[Snipe] NRP: Too bad DS is KOed
* Elayne_Vanguard walks straight up to him...
[Elayne_Vanguard] Then do it for me.. that only one.... Garland Hianule
[Xrileshr] No, I don't. But, I've been alienated from pratically my whole empire and world, and nearly everyone I knew to fight against the tereny of the Emperor... You must make sacrifices to live the lives we choose to live. I can't put it any nicer. I can't make it all suddenly fall into place... That's the way things are, I'm afraid
[Snipe] NRP: Going on 7 houts!
[Garland] NRP: Dear God, Garland's turning into DS, well DS that didn't care about anything after Icehart died, remember?
[Snipe] NRP: Aye.
[Spirit] NRP: Anythign after this?
[Snipe] NRP: No
[Avalon] I really need to put this somewhere before it blows up in my hands......
[Snipe] NRP: DS has yet to show alot of his true power
* Elayne_Vanguard hugs him and cries
[Snipe] Shade: *is there*
[Elayne_Vanguard] Don't you leave me too...
:Garland: Oh yeah, I forgot, my whole planet thinks I'm a walk out, Rather than fulfill my duties, I choose this life.
[Spirit] We saved the universe, but even heros need some shut-eye...
* Spirit lets Ripple walk her to her room.
[quit] Spirit (AvalonCDR6-103.accesscable.net) has QUIT 01:12am PST "Zzzzzzzzzzz..." 
* Elayne_Vanguard cries more
[Snipe] NRP: To do WHAT? Nudge nudge
[Elayne_Vanguard] I don't
[Xrileshr] I don't know what you believe in, but what I do tells me your daughter will return someday and make a difference again... And, she'll always be with you inside... Words are petty and uncomforting, I'm afraid. You'll find your own way to continue...
:Garland: You don't understand, Elayne.
[Elayne_Vanguard] I do...
:Garland: Goto sleep. It's late.
[Elayne_Vanguard] No...
[Mindscape] [Good night, Hunters. Thank you for your hospitality and helping us avenge Red and the other fallen warriors in our ranks...] *Riptide and him head off to their room*
[Elayne_Vanguard] Not without Garland Hianule being an actual person...
[Elayne_Vanguard] Not with him an empty shell...
* Garland pulls back and head back into a more intese training than when he was gettign ready for xevil, depriving himself of sleep and minimal nurishement
[Elayne_Vanguard] ...
[Snipe] NRP: confrontion time between DS and Garland, coming up
[Snipe] NRP: NEXT session, stay tuned!
:Garland: I died with my father and my daughter, and when DS "died".
* Elayne_Vanguard sits down and watches him, almost mindlessly
* Ariel heads up to the observation deck and stands there, emersed in the quite, staring out into space.
[Xrileshr] Garland... I'd rest if I were you and continue as your daughter would have wanted you to. Honor her memory...
[Xrileshr] Good night and good luck. *turns and heads to his quaters... even Tsivrixsh need sleep*
[Ariel] Once more the galaxy is safe, but for how long until heros are called upon again...
[Elayne_Vanguard] ...and my faith in you...
:Garland: What memory? I was galavanting around the galaxy her entire childhood.
[Snipe] NRP: *will end this when Garland is ready to*
* Elayne_Vanguard finally stands and shakes her head...
[Garland] NRP: I'm just dragging on till you end it.
[Ariel] Only time will tell...
[Mindscape] *in his room* [Farewell Red... We'll continue as you would have wanted... You won't be forgotten.] *falls into a deep sleep*
* Elayne_Vanguard walks out and finds Ariel
* Ariel continues to stare out into space. *done*
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: DS confrontation!
[Elayne_Vanguard] Ariel?
[Snipe] NRP: Another day.
[Snipe] NRP: Too bloody tired.
[Elayne_Vanguard] I mean Aunt Ariel?
* Garland walks back and disssapears, moving at his maximum level and speed pushing himself. [you can end wheneverm I've just ben dragging on till you ended it.]
[Snipe] NRP: er, now waiting on Ariel and Elayne
[Ariel] NRP: How about you end it after my last line ;]
* Xrileshr enters his room and ponders over the fact that the Hunters triumphed, thinking perhaps they is something great about them... perhaps they could make a difference... perhaps he isn't wasting his time here... only time will tell
[quit] Xrileshr (AvatarrddfrD030.snowcrest.net) has QUIT 01:17am PST "Leaving" 
* Avalon is the only one that is happy after all of this........
[Mindscape] NRP: Xrileshr's not really sad... Surprised, though.
[Ariel] NRP: *is too bloody tired to RP anymore*
[Snipe] Session End