The Night Before The Conclusion:

Session 52: It's a Christmas Matter

[Log] Time Chart: December 24th, 10:59 PM
[Log] Location: Various places around The Fury
[Log] Ship Status: In normal space
* Snipe stands next to Grave in Grave's room
* Gravedigger smells his cloak
* DeathStar exits the MedLab
[Gravedigger] Yep, gotta love the high pressured steam cleaners on this ship.
* Snipe snatches Grave's magazine
[Snipe] Yeah, yeah, sure
* Dias sleeps in the medbay being monitored
* Ripple comes out of the shower, dressing quickly
* Elayne_Vanguard is lying in the med-bay, just waking up
* Paladin` walks down a path on deck 32
* Diamondback finishes closing up Tony's Pizza and walks out, closing the door and killing the lights
[Gravedigger] Eh, it's yours, it's not what it's cracked up to be.
* Paladin` puffs a cigar contentedly
[Dias] Slasher: *enters the medlab*
[Snipe] . . . you're saying I look at octo-boobies?
* Log rolls out of the airvent and lands on Grave's head
[Ripple] NRP: Spiiirrriitt...
[Gravedigger] Well, seeing as though you currently are....
* Elayne_Vanguard sits up, wondering where she is
* Gravedigger catches it
[Dias] Slasher: *walks over to Dias and looks at all the equipment*
* Diamondback drops by his and Skyrider's quarters to change
[Gravedigger] Dude, it's a LOG!
* Snipe burns the magazine
[Snipe] . . . yeah, it's a log, good one
*** Skyrider (no_use15@ has joined #TAW
*** DeathStar sets mode: +o Skyrider
*** Paladin` sets mode: +v Skyrider
* Ripple gels his hair
[Skyrider] Thanks for waiting for me.
* DeathStar stops by the place Helen was, sees she is gone, and sighs
* Diamondback meets up with Skyrider in their quarters
[Dias] Slasher: .....
* Elayne_Vanguard then realizes her gloves had been taken off...
[Paladin`] NRP: Session, dude.
[Snipe] Well, Grave, you won't believe what an incredible day I've had
[Snipe] Wait, you would, you bothered me all day.
[Diamondback] Man, what a weird day...
*** Ariel is now known as Spirit
* Dias lays on the medbay bed sleeping, just gone through his surgery
[Gravedigger] No, I bothered you for part of the day. I bothered everybody all day.
* Ripple walks out, heading down the hall, hair slicked back
[Snipe SOUND]
* Elayne_Vanguard looks around and also realises she is in the med-bay
[Snipe] Bah.
* DeathStar listens to the christmas music playing over the intercom
[DeathStar] . . . whaaaaat?
[Dias] Slasher: *turns to Elayne* Hello..Elayne is it?
* Snipe glances up
[Snipe] What is that?
* Diamondback runs a comb through his hair, grabs his cap and vest, and heads out, motioning for Rider to follow
[Elayne_Vanguard] Um.. yess
[Skyrider] Seriously.
* Log wiggles to the music
* Ripple looks for Spirit
* Elayne_Vanguard urgently hides her hands
[Gravedigger] Don't suppose you wanna come with me and rough up some rich lady for some owed money, do you?
* Paladin` wonders why the Christmas music always sounds synthesized and never has lyrics
[Dias] How was your nap?
[Gravedigger] Really crappy holiday muzak?
[Snipe] Will I get some of the money?
* Skyrider tries to find his hairbrush.
* Diamondback listens to the music, annoyed, as he flips his hoverboard to the ground
[Gravedigger] ...No.
[Snipe] Then no thanks
[Elayne_Vanguard] Strange...
[Diamondback] Hurry it up, 'Rider...
[Ripple] .oO{Spirit where are you?}
[Skyrider] I'm workin' on it.
[Gravedigger] Until you go swimming through the sewers on X-Mas, then no, you don't get any money.
[Dias] Slasher: *turns back to Dias and stares*
* Skyrider finds his brush and brushes his hair.
[Diamondback] It's 11 o'clock on Christmas Eve, and I still haven't finished my Christmas shopping...
* Elayne_Vanguard tries her best to hide her hands
* DeathStar shudders at the song
[Ripple] NRP: *Plays 12 days of christmas, Hoser style *Bob and Doug Mckenzie*)
* DeathStar heads back to his room
[Skyrider] Damn, dude. I finished in March.
[Spirit] .oO( I'm just...) *comes around the corner* ... oh, Hi!
* Ripple starts
[Diamondback] Fun-ny, Brian...
[Gravedigger] NRP: On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: Beer....
[Diamondback] I've only gotta get something for Andrew, anyway...
[Ripple] ... You have ANY idea how hard it is to find you in a place like this?
* DeathStar walks past ripple
*** Dias` (Ender@ has joined #taw
[Elayne_Vanguard] Um... What am I doing here?
[DeathStar] Well, honey, how hard is it?
*** DeathStar sets mode: +o Dias`
[Snipe] Well, I'm going to take a long nap
[Gravedigger] You do that
* Snipe plops down on his bed
[Skyrider] Actually, it's true. Look at that top shelf in the closet.
* Spirit sticks her tounge out at DS behind his back
[Dias`] NRP: who's all in the medbaynow
* Ripple smirks
* DeathStar raises an eyebrow
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: ME
[Diamondback] Do I care? Nope... Let's go, I've gotta get to the weapons shop before they close...
[Dias`] NRP: Aright.
[Snipe] Drake: All Hunter perosonel report to the Bridge
* Skyrider finishes getting ready.
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: Garland is knocked out
[Diamondback] Ooh, great...
[Skyrider] Done.
[Spirit] Awww...
[Skyrider] Shit.
[Diamondback] You head on to the bridge, Rider, I'll head for the shop...
* Avalon wakes from dreamland
[Gravedigger] NRP: Ha! Now I've got a reason Grave can't buy presents! He's broke!
* Ripple smirks and opens a warp portal
* Elayne_Vanguard gets out of the bed unsteadily
* Diamondback drops his board to the ground and takes off
[Ripple] Hop in babe. Ill give you a lift.
[Dias`] Slasher: *turns to Elayne* You coming with?
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Elayne_Vanguard] Yes
* Snipe raises eyebrow
[Gravedigger] NRP: It took me three weeks just to come up with that....
* Diamondback remembers something and teleports when he reaches the sidewalk
[Snipe] Bridge?
[Dias`] Slasher: *walks over to Elayne to steady her*
* Skyrider runs out of the room, headed for the bridge.
* Spirit smiles and shakes her head, entering the portal
* Elayne_Vanguard puts her hands in her pockets
* Ripple hops in and the portal closes
*** Dias has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* DeathStar teleports
* Gravedigger heads out of the room and down the hall
* Snipe trots toward the bridge
* Avalon makes his way to the bridge unsteadily
[Dias`] Slasher: It's gonna be hard to walk with your hands in your pocket. 
* Snipe passes Avalon
* Elayne_Vanguard walks to the bridge, with Slasher's guidance
* Skyrider is still heading toward the bridge.
* Ripple appears in the bridge a few seconds after disappearing
* DeathStar arrives at the bridge, seeing the lights off
[Elayne_Vanguard] I don't care...
[Avalon] Weirdest night ever....
* Dias` enters the bridge
[DeathStar] Well, at least we know where the crummy music is coming from
[Dias`] NRP: Err.Slasher did
* Gravedigger hops in an elevator and goes to the bridge
* Skyrider reaches the bridge.
[Snipe] Oh, Avalon, why is that?
[Spirit] Hmmm...?
* Diamondback teleports to the entryway of the bridge, appearing directly in front of Rider
* Paladin` steps onto the bridge
[Dias`] Slasher: DS? Where are you? *steps on someones foot*
[Avalon] I talked to..... Elecman
* Gravedigger gets out, onto the bridge
[DeathStar] Get off DB's foot
[Ripple] ... Did you have a good time tonight Spirit?
[Skyrider] Whoa! Don't scare me like that!
[Diamondback] Get off my foot, whoever's on it!
* Elayne_Vanguard hangs back against a wall
[Dias`] Sorry. *moves foot*
[Ripple] NRP: *Knows what that is gonna cause..*
* DeathStar flips the light on and a Christmas tree can be seen in the corner, the lights flicker on
[Spirit] I loved it  ^^
[Diamondback] AAAH! Bright light! *shields his eyes*
[Snipe] ElecMan who?
* Elayne_Vanguard smiles slightly
[Dias`] OOh..pretty! *walks over to it*
[Skyrider] Heh! Well, look at that.
* DeathStar walks over
[Dias`] NRP: Slasher did that also.
[DeathStar] Why, I'll be damned
[Gravedigger] NRP: Ner, crap, forgot "the Fifth Element" was on
* Spirit blinks, the sudden light taking her by surprise
* Ripple walks over to the tree, arm around Spirit
* Diamondback moves his hand and looks at the tree
[DeathStar] One would think X1 was on here.
[Avalon] THE Elecman  that went up on the meteor     THE Elecman from long ago
* Skyrider examines the tree.
[Diamondback] Whoa... Who did this?
[Gravedigger] Really screwed up vanadals?
[DeathStar] GM: The tree is 20 feet big and huge around, covering a large portion of the bridge.
[Spirit] It's wonderful...
[Skyrider] This is good stuff, here.
[Snipe] ElecMan. . . THE ElecMan . . . gotcha
[Dias`] How the hell did they get this on the bridge?
* Snipe steps on the elevator
* Diamondback steps forward, examining the tree, rubbing his bandaged arm
* Elayne_Vanguard sits against a wall
[DeathStar] Drake: *steps out*
[Skyrider] Big stuff, too.
[Ripple] ., probably in pieces..
[DeathStar] Drake: Merry Christmas, folks
* Gravedigger leans over to Av
[Ripple] .. Merry Christmas Admiral...
[Paladin`] . . . yes, Merry Christmas.
[Gravedigger] That's a Christmas tree, right?
[Skyrider] Same to you.
[Paladin`] No, it's a fir tree.
[Diamondback] Yeah... Merry Christmas, Drake...
[Dias`] Slasher: *turns to Drake* Whats so merry about this X-mas?
[Avalon] yes   havent seen one i while
* Snipe looks at the tree
[Spirit] Merry Christmas...
* Diamondback thinks about the events of the day and shakes his head
[Snipe SOUND]
[DeathStar] Well, folks, Merry Christmas
[Spirit] .oO( This is certinely a surprise... )
[Ripple] NRP: *looks up for mistletoe*
* Elayne_Vanguard sits still against the wall
* Snipe notices the mistletoe in the corner
[Avalon] Haven't seen a newspaper either but thats a different story
[Dias`] Slasher: And would someone turn that crappy music off
* Snipe notices he is under it
[Dias`] NRP: The mistletoe lies above Slasher's head
[DeathStar] Drake: Sorry, I'm not playing it
* Dias` walks over to snipe
[Paladin`] Hmm, where's your Christmas spirit?
[Snipe] DIas, don't you come any closer1
[Dias`] NRP: Gah...
[Dias`] NRP: It was umm Slasher
* Spirit giggles
[Ripple] NRP: Light: SNIPE! *kisses Snipe*
* Snipe looks to see if there's any females under it with him
* DeathStar rolles eyes
[Skyrider] Oy vey.
* Ripple snickers
[Dias`] Slasher: I'm not Dias, Snipe
* Elayne_Vanguard stays at her seat near a far wall
[Diamondback] Freak.
* Avalon goes over to the tree to see if its real
[Ripple] The boss isnt looking too hot up there alone..
[Snipe] GM: Avalon finds the tree is, infact, real
* Elayne_Vanguard stays at her seat near a far wall
[Avalon] Thats amazing
* Snipe clears throat, standing there
* Gravedigger starts downing eggnog
[DeathStar] Drake: Thanks, Avalon
[Paladin`] NRP: EggNog: NOOOOOOoooooooo
[Dias`] Slasher: Snipe. Don't you have some woman to woo.
[DeathStar] Drake: *points at the table at the other side, food and stuff covering it*
[Gravedigger] NRP: Mwuahahahahahha!
[Diamondback] [FOOD!]
[Snipe] No, Slasher, no.
* Dias` stumbles in wrapping around his eyes
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Gravedigger] Hey....this stuff's pretty good....
[Paladin`] Hmm, already ate.
* Diamondback attacks the food table
[DeathStar] Drake: Well, this is my little gift to you all.
[Dias`] Slasher: *turns to Dias* Smell they food?
* Ripple grabs a glass of eggnog and hands one to Spirit
[Ripple] I propose a toast
* Skyrider checks his scar from earlier.
[DeathStar] To]?
* Spirit takes it with a smile.
* Elayne_Vanguard stays at her seat near a far wall
* Elayne_Vanguard sits alone
* Diamondback looks up
[Ripple] A toast. to all the hunters, past, present and future.
* Gravedigger covers the eggnog
* Snipe moves over beside Elayne
[Spirit] NRP: I was just about to type that Rip...  You rip =P
* Avalon sits down after examining the tree
[Gravedigger] MINE!
* Dias` stumbles over to the tree
[Snipe] So, pretty lady, why are you spending Christmas alone?
[Skyrider] Here Here!
[Diamondback] To the Hunters... *raises the glass he picked up*
[Elayne_Vanguard] I'm woried...
[Paladin`] Mm, I'll toast to the end of our exodus.
[Snipe] ...about?
* Dias` slowly unwraps the bandages
* Ripple taps his glass against Spirits 1"To the hunters."
[Elayne_Vanguard] Garland.. is he okay?
* Skyrider also raises his glass.
[Snipe] I wouldn't know.
[Snipe] What happened?
[Dias`] Slasher: *walks over to his son and places his hands on his shoulder*
[Diamondback] I'll toast to our safety... May guys like LoneStar never terrorize us again...
* Ripple spins around to Diamondback
[Skyrider] Amen to that.
[Elayne_Vanguard] He locked himself in an Xevil training room...
[Ripple] What did you say?
[Spirit] ?
* Dias` finishes taking the wrapping off his face and then removes the gauze
[Snipe] . . . oooooo kay
[Elayne_Vanguard] And..
[Diamondback] May guys like LoneStar never terrorize us again?
* Ripple spirit can read the thoughts on his mind
* Log rolls over and hits Ripple
[Elayne_Vanguard] Wait.. where is DS?
* Dias` blinks seeing the tree
* Spirit boots the log.
* DeathStar stands in the other side of the room from Elayne
[Dias`] I..I..can see. *turns around and hugs Slasher*
[Ripple] ... 
[Diamondback] Why?
[DeathStar] Santa Claus: *stands in the corner, going ho ho ho*
* Elayne_Vanguard finally sees him and heads his way
[Snipe] Gah!  SANTA!
* Gravedigger drinks more eggnog
[Ripple] [LoneStar was one of the two reploids that killed my mother...]
* Spirit looks up at Rip understandingly.
* Snipe balls fist
* Paladin` opens his coat and drops some gifts beneath the tree
* Snipe looks like he's about to attack the Santa
* Dias` walks over to everyone
[Diamondback] [What!? Are we talking about the same guy here? Black armor, blue highlights?]
[Gravedigger] Mmmm.....eggnogony....
* Dias` blinks
* Elayne_Vanguard reaches him
[Elayne_Vanguard] DS?
[Ripple] .... [The exact same.]
[DeathStar] Santa: Ho ho ho!
* DeathStar turns to Elayne
[DeathStar] Feeling better?
[Dias`] Slasher: *sees Snipe* Uh oh..
[Elayne_Vanguard] Um.. yes... 
[Diamondback] [Well... He's lying dead on one of the streets of the Fury...]
[DeathStar SOUND]
* Elayne_Vanguard keeps hands in pockets
[Dias`] Gah..And when I was used to being blind.
[Spirit] !
[Elayne_Vanguard] Garland...?
* Snipe heads for Santa
[Skyrider] Gimmie some of that please, Grave.
[Ripple] .... *fist tightens, and releases*
[DeathStar] . . . is fine
[Gravedigger] Get your own! MINE!
[DeathStar] Drake: Hey!  Snipe?
[Spirit] If he's dead Rip, than that's that...
* Elayne_Vanguard sighs with relief
[Skyrider] Fine!
[Gravedigger] fine!
[Ripple] Thank you.  I've been looking for him myself.
[Snipe SOUND]
* Skyrider walks over and pours his own.
* Dias` walks over to Rip
* Diamondback nods
* Snipe rushes the Santa
[Dias`] Hey.
[Gravedigger] Grrr....
[DeathStar] Uh, someone going to stop your leader?
* Paladin` trips Snipe
[Snipe] OUF1
* Diamondback forms a ball of psionic energy and almost launches it at the intercom
* Elayne_Vanguard continues to keep her hands deep in her pockets
[Dias`] Slasher: *sticks leg out tripping Snipe*
[Skyrider] Hey, this stuff's pretty good.
* Snipe double trips
[Paladin`] Er, whoops?
[Snipe] AAH!
* Snipe lands on his butt'
* Gravedigger grabs all the bowls of eggnog and hides under the table
[Paladin`] RUN SANTA!
[Dias`] Slasher: Damn leg spasm
* Ripple concentrates
* DeathStar quietly scans her hands
[Snipe] Santa: *runs off to hide on the bridge*
* Diamondback looks at the door, sensing something
* Ripple suddenly 7 exact replicas of Rip appear around the room, all making a mad dash for Santa. except one
*** Spectre (speedblad@ has joined #TAW
[Snipe] Santa: Hey!  Hey!  Hey!
[Elayne_Vanguard] *They are covered in fur*
* DeathStar grunts
*** Diamondback sets mode: +o Spectre
[Gravedigger] ...Wait....that voice....
[Spectre] Crap, am I late?
[Snipe] Waitaminute, is that Spectre?
[Paladin`] Uh, why is Santa being attacked?
[Dias`] GAH?! They're not in one body..
[Diamondback] About time you got here, Jennifer...
* Gravedigger leaps up, then smacks his head and falls unconscious into the eggnog
* Ripple smirks
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Spirit] Hmmm?  How'd you...
[Dias`] Weren't you trapped in her body DB?
[Skyrider] Uh... Hey Spec.
[Ripple] Not one body.  pretty impressive
* Elayne_Vanguard looks around quietly
[Elayne_Vanguard] DS...
[Diamondback] I was, yeah. We... uh, fixed the problem around seven today.
* DeathStar watches snow begin to fall on the bridge
[DeathStar] Yes, Elayne?
[Dias`] How?
[Snipe] Yeah, how?
[Elayne_Vanguard] I don't know what to do.. Garland threw me out.. I...
* DeathStar smirks
[Skyrider] Holy hell! Snow!
* Paladin` quietly pulls GD out of the eggnog
[DeathStar] Don't be too sure
[Diamondback] [Uh, temporary fix, though...] *bangs his forearms together, letting out a metallic clang*
* Avalon tries to catch some snow
[DeathStar] Garland has changed.
[DeathStar] . . . wait, snow?
[Elayne_Vanguard] ?
[Spectre] [...Snow?]
[Dias`] Umm..oh..
[Snipe] Snow?
[Diamondback] [Here?]
[Snipe] Drake: That's impossible.
[Diamondback] [Doesn't look impossible, Drake...]
[Avalon] I wonder about this one....
[Dias`] Snow. SWEET! *looks up at it all*
* Elayne_Vanguard grumbles "Not where the Hunters are concerned"
[Paladin`] . . . Snipe, didn't you say you were going to get a dandruff shampoo?
[Dias`] Slasher: *makes a snowball and chucks it at Snipes head*
* DeathStar notes it's covered the floor
[Snipe] OUF!
* Snipe lands face first in snow
[Gravedigger] Unnhhh....nog....Santa....egg....
[Spirit] Isn't snow on the bridge a bad idea?
[Ripple] ... *glances at spirit, silent thoughs running through their heads*
[DeathStar] Drake: One would think
[Dias`] Slasher: HAHAHA! *makes another and chucks it at DS*
* Skyrider brushes the snow out of his hair.
[DeathStar] Drake: *notes the presents under the treet* Hey, presents!
* Diamondback tries to walk back to the food, but slips on the snow, flips in the air, and slams into the floor
* Ripple eyes flare purple
* Spirit smiles
* DeathStar catches the snowball
[Avalon] alright! get everything wet !     short circuit the machinery
[Diamondback] {OW!}
[Skyrider] That had to hurt.
[Dias`] Slasher: PRESENTS!! WEEE!! *slides towards the presents*
[DeathStar] The food is getting snowed . . . and Grave's vanishing too
* Ripple makes one really compact snowball and whings it at Diamondback
* Skyrider helps DB up.
* Snipe grows weaker
[Diamondback] Thanks, Brian... HEY! *gets nailed in the face*
* Ripple helps Snipe out of the snow
[Ripple] Dont like cold?
* Dias` searches for his present
[Snipe SOUND]
[Avalon] The snow reminds Avalon of Iceman
[Elayne_Vanguard] How was Helen.. I met her when I woke up once...
[Snipe] Weak against it
[Ripple] Ah.
* DeathStar shrugs
[Diamondback] .oO{You're gonna pay for that...}
* Spirit points at DV and TKly throws a couple snowballs she made at him
[DeathStar] I really don't know yet.
* Ripple laughs
* Dias` makes a snowball and chucks it at Rip
[Ripple] [Bring it on little man]
* Diamondback dives, letting the snow hit Rider
* Gravedigger leaps up again
* Snipe finds a present with his name on it
[Snipe] Hey, who are these from?
* Diamondback flings three snowballs at Rip
[Gravedigger] Where'd that freaking Santa go? I KNOW who he is!
[Skyrider] Yipe! *whap*
* Ripple waves his hand, opening a warp sending the snowballs from diamondback at Dias, and viceversa
[Paladin`] And who is he?
[Dias`] Slasher: *continues looking for a present with his name on it*
* Elayne_Vanguard slipps on some snow and falls, her hands come out of her pockets in time to stop the fall
* Dias` ducks
[DeathStar] Grave is a little out of it.
* Diamondback thinks of something
[Diamondback] [Crap! I'll, uh, be right back...]
[Ripple] Hey DB
[Ripple] Catch.
* Elayne_Vanguard looks down at her hands and hides them
* Avalon heads over to the presents as well
* Snipe opens his present
[Gravedigger] He's that Bimbo guy! I swear it! His "Hey! Hey! Hey!", I'll never forget it!
[Skyrider] Damn, that crap's cold!
* Ripple warps a huge pile of snow over DB, burying him in it
* Diamondback teleports, letting the snow hit Rider again
* Dias` makes a huge snowball and chucks it at GD
[DeathStar] Grave, you never met Bimbo...
[Gravedigger] OOf!
* Skyrider teleports
[Skyrider] Ha!
* Spirit holds her hand up, some of the falling snow whips around until it forms a couple snowballs in mid air that fly at Rider and DB
* Ripple winks at Spirit
[Dias`] Slasher: *Continues looking* No find present. *frowns*
[Gravedigger] Death, the bar, he was there, Snipe knows!
[Skyrider] Why! *whap whap whap*
* Diamondback returns with a few presents... and gets nailed by Spirit's snow
[Snipe] . . . bar?
* Snipe finds some handwarmers
[Snipe] . . . I got handwarmers?
[Dias`] NRP: Slasher no find presents?
* Gravedigger jumps up and down
[DeathStar] NRP: Slasher finds a present
[Gravedigger] He was there, gosh damnit!
* Dias` walks over to the tree and searches for his presents
* Diamondback drops his load of presents under the tree
[DeathStar] GM: EVERYONE has a present
* Ripple laughs, rapidfireing snowballs at Rider and Dias
[Dias`] Slasher: YAY! *opens it up to find...
[DeathStar] GM: A copy of War and Peace for Slasher
[Spirit] Hey Rider
[Skyrider] Hey.
* Elayne_Vanguard dosen't attempt at looking for hers
* Dias` spins around and blasts the snowballs with his eye laser
* Snipe puts the hand warmers on
[Gravedigger] NRP: Except any from Grave, he didn't have the money or the time.
* Dias` opens up his present
* Spirit and two psiclones pummel Rider with snowballs.
* Avalon opens up the "Avalon" present
[DeathStar] Dias: Eye Drops
[DeathStar] Avalon: A Fruitcake
[Skyrider] AHHH!!!
[Ripple] heh, Gotta love the rapport eh?
* Elayne_Vanguard sits down in a chair and watches the others
[Spirit] Yep!
[Dias`] Eye drops...Not funny..*pockets them*
[Avalon] ohh look
* Diamondback throws Ripple's present to him
* DeathStar opens his and finds wrinkle cream
[DeathStar] . . . Wrinkle Cream
* Gravedigger sighs and goes over to the tree
* Diamondback finds one to him, and rips it open
[Dias`] Slasher: A book. Cool. *stands up and walks over to DS*
[Avalon] someone got me SOMETHING OLD
[Gravedigger] He was there, damnit, I saw him....
* Skyrider digs himself out and looks for his present
* Spirit ducks behind the tree and comes back with the presents for her and Ripple.
[DeathStar] DB: His/Her Towels
* Elayne_Vanguard sits and keeps her hands hiden
[DeathStar] Skyrider: Finds his
* Gravedigger grabs his present and rips it open
[Diamondback] All right, who's this one from!
* Dias` walks over to Elayne
* Diamondback gets up, his eyes blazing
* Spirit laughs
[Avalon] I like the OLD THING
* Paladin` snickers
[Elayne_Vanguard] (Okay.. someone besides DS must have noticed the hand thing yet...)
* Spirit hands Ripple his present as she opens hers.
[DeathStar] Spirit: Tin Foil
* Ripple smirks
* Ripple opens his present
[Dias`] Hi Elayne.
[Skyrider] Ah sweet! Who is this from? Anybody know?
* Diamondback grabs the tag: It's from Dias.
[Elayne_Vanguard] Hi
[DeathStar] Ripple: Tin foil
* Diamondback pummels Dias with snow
[Ripple] NRP: Why tin foil?
[Dias`] GAH! *falls on the ground*
* Spirit blinks
[Ripple] ... it.. is shiney.. thats for sure..
[Dias`] Slasher: *walks over to Spirit* So how'ld ya like my gift?
[Paladin`] NRP: Better reception.
[DeathStar] NRP: Hey, DB, Dias didn't give these presents, they are all from the someone else
[Spirit] NRP: REAL Tin foil, or alluminium foil?
[Diamondback] NRP: *shrugs* So the tag was planted.
[DeathStar] . . . wrinkle cream?
* Snipe throws Grave his present
* Gravedigger rips it open
[Spirit] Oh yeah... I almost forgot...
* Diamondback spins one of the towels up and snaps Ripple with it
[Dias`] Slasher: Forgot what?
[Gravedigger] Present! Good, 'bout damn time.
* Ripple stops it
* Spirit uses tk to bury slasher in a pile of snow upside down.
[Diamondback] Grr. Ok, new target...
[DeathStar] Hey, Skyrider, open yours.
[Gravedigger] It''s....
* Avalon bounces his fruitcake
[Ripple] I still have your present. *holds out his hand, and makes a package appear in it*
[DeathStar] Grave: Jello Molds
* Ripple floats DB's present to his hand
[Dias`] Slasher: *gets out slowly* Gah..Ripple, how'ld you like the gift I got her?
* Skyrider opens his
[Skyrider] It is...
[DeathStar] Skyrider: a plastic monkey
[Diamondback] Cool. Now open the one I gave you.
[Gravedigger] It's...Jello Molds.....JELLO MOLDS?
* Diamondback opens the one Ripple gave him
[DeathStar] Drake: Hmmmm
* Elayne_Vanguard continues to sit and watch
*** Cipher ( has joined #taw
[DeathStar] Drake: *opens his gift*
[Gravedigger] WHO'S the joker!?
* Dias` plops down next to Elayne
[DeathStar] Drake: I got a . . . poster of There's no I in team?
[Skyrider] What the? Uhh, thanks it's great!
* Ripple opens the one that DB gave him
*** DeathStar sets mode: +o Cipher
[Ripple] NICE
[Paladin`] I'd assume the santa you guys chased out of here.
* Paladin` opens his
[Ripple] Twin pheonix gold Plasma pistols, with the laser sight!
[Dias`] Slasher: Rip! How'ld ya like the gift I got your sweetie? *rubs back of head*
[DeathStar] . . .Hrm
[Elayne_Vanguard] Um.. Hi Dias...
* Spirit pummels Slasher with Snowballs.
[Dias`] Why you hiding your hands?
[DeathStar] Elayne, your gift
[Dias`] OOOF!
* DeathStar tosses it to her
* Cipher pops in through the elevator
[Diamondback] All right! *takes the high powered sniper rifle out of the box and raises the scope to his eye*
[Elayne_Vanguard] I.. 
[Cipher] Hello!
[Gravedigger] Hey, I know that damn thing....
* Elayne_Vanguard instinctivley catches it.. her fured hands very visible
[Diamondback] *to Vesps* [Great, here comes orb-boy...]
* Skyrider throws DB's present from him to DB
[Dias`] SlasheR: GAH?! I know she didnt' like it but how bout you, Rip?
* Ripple snickers
[Elayne_Vanguard] Um...
[Diamondback] [Oh yeah, forgot something.]
* Gravedigger pokes Cipher
* Ripple spins the pistols around
* Diamondback tosses Rider's present to him
[Ripple] I really suggest shutting up Dias
[DeathStar] Open it
[Dias`] What happened Elayne?
* Skyrider catches it
* Diamondback swings the rifle's strap around his shoulder
[Dias`] NRP: Slasher said that
[DeathStar] Paladin: How to please a Woman
* Diamondback rips into his
[DeathStar SOUND]
* Cipher backs away from Gravedigger for a moment
[Spirit] Oh no... I forgot my presents ;)
[Paladin`] . . . ooh, funny.
[Gravedigger] Eh, you're an orb, what's so special about you, eh?
[Skyrider] It's... An Anthroplasm!
* Elayne_Vanguard is so stuck she realizes she cannot move a muscle
[Diamondback] Heh heh, perfect present for a Carter! *holds up the electronic blackjack game*
* Paladin` tosses his book to Snipe
* Spirit pulls a couple presents from behind her back.
[Cipher] You're a reploid, what's so special about you?
* DeathStar notices the snow has covered 1/4 of the room
* Snipe grabs it
[Snipe] Heeey!
[Skyrider] Thanks DB!
[Diamondback] Hey, it's the season of giving, isn't it?
[Elayne_Vanguard] I'm becoming myself...
[Gravedigger] I morph.
[Skyrider] I needed this thing.
[Spirit] DB, Rider, Incoming! *tosses the presents to the two and they stop in midair before them*
[Cipher] So do I!
[Avalon] Umm what if some evil force is trying to drown us in snow..
[Gravedigger] Plus I have this really nifty shovel that's good for smaking small floating sphere's around.
[Dias`] Slasher: Rip, I got you a gift, being a nephew of mine. *hands him a gift*
[DeathStar] . . . fuuuunny Avalon
* Cipher dives into the snow
[Skyrider] Th.. Huh?
* Elayne_Vanguard then forges about her hands and OPEN HER PRESENT
* DeathStar looks around for the evil force.
[DeathStar] Elayne: Hand lotion
* Diamondback , for variety, opens it telekinetically
* Ripple looks at the gift
[Elayne_Vanguard] Hehe...
* DeathStar a present for Cipher is buried in the snow
[Cipher] Ooo... presents!
* Skyrider teles his to him.
[Avalon] No where to be seen
[Ripple] .. Thanks slasher...
[Dias`] Open it.
[Gravedigger] Hey...where'd that tihng go, I wanted to show off my shovel...
* Ripple rips it open
[Skyrider] Lets see...
[DeathStar] Santa: Ho ho ho!
[Cipher] Where's mine! Where's mine!?
[Gravedigger] AHHH!
* Elayne_Vanguard put it in her pocket
* Snipe unburies Cipher's present and throws it at him
* Gravedigger tackles Santa
* Skyrider rips the paper off
[Paladin`] It's the Santa!  Get him!
[Diamondback] [Yesh, Dad's legacy lives on!] *looks over the deck of cards*
[DeathStar] Santa: Ho?
[Dias`] Slasher: *Rip finds a How To give Great MAssages and a How to give Shiatsu book*
* Diamondback throws a snowball at Santa
* Elayne_Vanguard attempt to leave the room
[DeathStar] Santa: OUF1
* Cipher unfolds a hand from thin air and catchs the present
[DeathStar] Doors: sealed
* Elayne_Vanguard unnoticed
[Dias`] Elayne, why are you leaving?
* Ripple spirit can see what he got
[Elayne_Vanguard] I...
[Gravedigger] Give it up, clown! You're gonna die, clown! I'm gonna give you "bowl full of jelly", clown!
* Cipher rips his present open
[Diamondback] Oh yeah, nearly forgot, Spirit. *throws her present to her*
[Ripple] .... I really dont know what to say Slasher.
[Skyrider] Shades! I needed these! Thanks so much!
[Paladin`] Clown?
[DeathStar] Santa: Wha?
[Snipe] . . . SANTA!
[Gravedigger] He's Bimbo, damnit!
* Snipe rushes him but slides in the snow
[Ripple] Im trying to decide on if i should kill you or not..
[Cipher] Ooo... nifty, ah... what is it?
[Paladin`] No . . . he died!
* Elayne_Vanguard falls to her knees at the door
[Snipe SOUND]
[Gravedigger] He was at the frekaing bar!
* Paladin` jumps on Santa and pulls at his beard
[Snipe] Cipher: Basketball Case
[Snipe] Santa: OW!
[Dias`] Slasher: Just take them. This'll help her relax more often. Hopefully, wont' throw so many damned snowballs at me
[DeathStar] Snowmen: *form from the snow*
[Cipher] What do I do with it?
[DeathStar] Drake: AAAH, SNOW MEN!
* Gravedigger pokes Santa's stomach
* Skyrider hikes Spirit's present over to her.
[DeathStar] Snowmen: *attack*
[Gravedigger] Snow-wha?
* Dias` spins around
[Avalon] Yep  i told you
[Snipe] . . . what?
[Gravedigger] GAH!
[Dias`] Snowmen?!
[Diamondback] [Hey, looks like we get to test our new weapons, Rip!]
[DeathStar] Snowman: *throws snow balls (10 AP each)
[Avalon] Some evil force is at work!
* Spirit catches it, but falls in the snow bank
[Ripple] Nice.
* Ripple laughs
* Dias` left eye glow red as it lets out a beam of energy at a snowman's head
[Ripple] Hey Snowboys.
[Ripple] Catch.
* Diamondback drops far back and to a knee, rising the rifle's scope to his eye
[Gravedigger] Frozen combinined balls of death!
* Snipe ducks
[Cipher] Ooo... snowmen!
* Ripple spins out the pistols, firing rapidly at the snowmens heads
* Diamondback picks three off easily
[DeathStar] Snowmen: *reform*
[Dias`] Slasher: Gah..*kicks one snowman's head off*
* Gravedigger whacks a snowman with his shovel, taking it down one ball at a time
[Ripple] ...
* Snipe grabs some turkey
* Avalon is genunily terrified by the snowmen
* Cipher sets himself on fire and floats over to one of them and sits on it's head
[Diamondback] Ok, Drake, what kind of joke is this...
[Paladin`] . . .
[Dias`] Someone turn up the damned Heat!
[DeathStar] Drake: Not of my doing
* Diamondback again picks them off
[Ripple] Anyone have fireballs or something?
[Diamondback] X1!
[DeathStar] Santa: *Stands on the table: HO HO HO HO HO HO!! GET THEM!
* Diamondback forms psionic energy, simulating the element of fire
* Dias` spins to Santa
[Diamondback] Allow me...
[Gravedigger] HO HO-DIE CLOWN!
[Avalon] If they're in here.....
* Diamondback launching the flaming psionic energy at the snowmen
* Gravedigger pelts Santa with snowballs
[DeathStar] Santa: HEY HEY HEY@
[DeathStar] Snowmen: *keep reforming*
* Cipher begins spitting fire at the snowment
* Dias` leaps at Santa bringing his arms back1"Cross Slash" and then forward cutting an X on Santa
[Paladin`] . . .
[DeathStar SOUND]
* Ripple forms a huge ball of superheated air in his palm
[Avalon] No snow-fiend better lay a finger on my shademan
*** Log is now known as BimboTheClown
[Gravedigger] Follow me to freedom!
* BimboTheClown rips off the costume
* Paladin` covers his face with his hand
[Dias`] Slasher: *runs over to the environment control*
* Gravedigger starts shoveling a path to the elevator
* Elayne_Vanguard draws Airier's Blaster
* BimboTheClown throws paint and nails Paldin's facwe
[Cipher] Ooo... a clown!
* Ripple launches the ball at the snowmen
[Gravedigger] SEE? I TOLD you!
[DeathStar] . . . Bimbo?
[Diamondback] AAAH! CLOWN!
[Snipe] CLOWN!
[Dias`] Slasher: *turns the heat up on the bridge*
[Cipher] Do a magic trick!  Do a magic trick!
* Ripple screams
[Ripple] AHHH CLOWN!!
* BimboTheClown traps Cipher in a mime box
* Skyrider runs after the clown, screaming
[Gravedigger] CLONE! Err...CLOWN!
* Diamondback keeps his position, rifle blazing
[Ripple] KILL IT!! KILL IT NOW!!
[Spirit] CLOWN?! O.O
* Paladin` grabs some of the stronger rum, soaks a rag, jams it into the top of the bottle, lights the rag, and tosses it at Bimbo
* BimboTheClown punche Sky
*** Blackjack (speedblad@ has joined #TAW
* Cipher bumps against the sides of the box
* BimboTheClown cathces on fir
* Skyrider moves out of the way.
* Dias` shoots his eye laser at Bimbo
*** Diamondback sets mode: +o Blackjack
[BimboTheClown] AAAAAAAHH
* BimboTheClown runs around
[Blackjack] Sorry I'm l... AAAH!
[DeathStar] Snowmen: *absorb Grave*
[Paladin`] Mmm, clown flambe.
[Gravedigger] AHHH-*
[Ripple] .oO{Metamerge?}
[BimboTheClown] Bimbo: THE PAAAAIN!
* Cipher floats into the air carrying the box with him
* Avalon teleports in front of a snowman
[Spirit] Since I was six, I've always wanted to do this... *walks up and punches Bimbo in the nose*
[BimboTheClown] Bimbo: *swallows the fire*
* Blackjack launches himself through the air, striking Bimbo with his blade
[Dias`] Slasher: *cranks the heat up*
*** Gazer ( has joined #taw
* Elayne_Vanguard shoots Bimbo with her blaster
[Blackjack] This is no ordinary clown! Keep your guard up!
[BimboTheClown] Bimbo: *throws an attack at Paladin, taking him down to 10,000 HP*
* Cipher drops the mime box on the clown
[Avalon] Infernal hellfire to you!!!
*** Gazer is now known as X2
* /sound: no such file 'we3kings.mid'
* Skyrider takes his shoe off and throws it at the clown
[Skyrider] DIE!!
[Dias`] NRP: heat melting snow?
*** Gravedigger sets mode: +o X2
[DeathStar SOUND]
* BimboTheClown vanishes
* X2 steps off the elevator
* Spectre throws her fan at Bimbo, which boomerangs back to her after missing
[Paladin`] Errarrgh.
*** BimboTheClown is now known as ThreeKings
[Dias`] Grr..We got to find him
* ThreeKings form form the snow
[X2] Hello all, Happy Holi-What the hell???
[Spectre] Dammit, mi... WHAT!?
* DeathStar glances around, weak from the snow
* Spectre the fan hits one of them on the boomerang
[Snipe] Ho ho holy shit
[Dias`] NRP: The snow melting yet?
[ThreeKings] NRP: no
[Dias`] Slasher: 3kings. SCREW THIS *punches one in the face*
* Blackjack drops back, letting the fire attachment of his rifle blaze
[Ripple] .oO{Come on spirit....... answer...}
* Cipher goes spinning from the boomerang
* Elayne_Vanguard stands.. realizing that this fight is pointless
[ThreeKings] Kings: *breaks Slasher's arm*
[Dias`] GAH!
* Diamondback simulates the fire element with his psionics and attacks the Kings
[Skyrider] Okay, the shit just hit the fan here.
[Dias`] NRP: Err..Slasher..
[Spirit] .oO( Time to heat things up then... )
* ThreeKings stabs Snipe through the gut with a weapon
* Gravedigger punches his arm through a snowman finally
* Dias` limps back
[Snipe] GAHHHH!
* Ripple nods, and begins channeling power into her
[DeathStar] Damn
* DeathStar kneels
[DeathStar] Must. . . fight
* Diamondback shares his elemental simulation ability with Rip and Skyrider
[Cipher] Ooo! Real funny joke! Wanna hear?
* Gravedigger claws his way out
[Diamondback] Burn 'em!
* Paladin` begins firing at the first of the kings
* ThreeKings ram Paladin over the head (5,000 AP)
* Elayne_Vanguard finds some extra gloves nearby and pulls them on
* Dias` fires an ion blast at the 3 kings
[Ripple] [No need DB.. Spirit and I got it covered..]
[Gravedigger] Gahh....that was....better then the sewer....
[Snipe SOUND]
* Skyrider uses his telekinesis to slam the Kings repeatedly on the ground.
* Snipe is bleeding to death
* Cipher unfolds a giant assualt cannon from thin air
* Snipe races forward and runs through 3Kings, appearing on the other side and slamming his Hyper Saber into their back, sending a bolt of energy surging through him that causes 3Kings to explode due to the damage, throwing their body across the area until they hit the ground. (30,000 AP)
* X2 stands there, watching in disbelief
* Spirit and Ripple are surrounded by a firey red aura, then they both disappear in a flash, replaced by a phoenix.
* Diamondback shrugs, and attacks with the fire element
* Avalon moves over to help Gravedigger
*** Spirit is now known as Phoenix
[Paladin`] Ok, they die!
* Elayne_Vanguard gets behinf the three kings and turns un her beam-sabre
[DeathStar] Snowmen: *Attack Skyrider*
[Ripple] [Im still around.. only psychiclly...]
* Paladin` begins charging Cain's superweapon
* ThreeKings throw Elayne
[Skyrider] Where have I seen a phoenix before?
[Dias`] Slasher: *walks to the back of the room*
[Ripple] [*looks at Snipe*]
* Elayne_Vanguard goes lying?
[Snipe] Gaahhh.
* Dias` watches Elayne
* Avalon hacks away at the snowman with darkness
[Dias`] NRP: err..catches
[DeathStar] Snowmen: *fall on Avalon*
[Diamondback] You want myths? You got it...
[Ripple] [Uhh, someone tend to him.. I would but im a bit busy..]
* Diamondback yells out as his body begins to reshape, taking on the form of a bipedal griffin
* Paladin` fires at the ThreeKings, 10,000 AP each
[Elayne_Vanguard] *Flying even
* Cipher fires continues stream of automatic weapons fire at the Three Kins
* Phoenix caws then fires some streams of fire at the ThreeKings
[ThreeKings] 3 Kings go flying back
[ThreeKings] HAH
* Diamondback uses his added speed to help Skyrider, slashing madly
* ThreeKings grow stronger
* Gravedigger smack 3Kings over the back of the head with his shovel
[Avalon] ughh!!
[DeathStar] DIE!
[Paladin`] . . .
[Dias`] Elayne you ok? *catches her*
[Elayne_Vanguard] Thanks Dias...
* DeathStar races forward and runs through 3Kings, appearing on the other side and slamming his Hyper Saber into their back, sending a bolt of energy surging through him that causes 3Kings to explode due to the damage, throwing their body across the area until they hit the ground. (30,000 AP)
* DeathStar punches one
[Elayne_Vanguard] Yes..
* DeathStar slashes the other
[Skyrider] DIE!!!!
* DeathStar rams the last
* ThreeKings die
* Diamondback yells, 1{Things are getting rough... Let's up the ante! Triple Threat!} Diamondback forms two psionic clones of himself. The three rush ThreeKings, Diamondback throwing ThreeKings into the air. The three leap upwards, blades ready. They make three passes, slashing. After the third pass, the clones disappear and Diamondback falls past ThreeKings, kicking him to the ground. Charging his blade, Diamondback falls on ThreeKings, slashing. (30,000 AP)
* Dias` sets her down
*** ThreeKings is now known as Log
[Elayne_Vanguard] Love yah...
[Avalon] Get off of me you bestial blizzardman
* DeathStar dives out of DB's attack
[Dias`] Love ya too. 
[Diamondback] [Sorry, DS...]
[DeathStar] You're done to 10,000 H{
[DeathStar] down
* Log appear
[X2] ...Could someone tell me what that was all about?
* Paladin` puffs
* Ripple waits for Spirit to shift back
* Elayne_Vanguard then takes out Airier's gun and fires away at the Kings
* Log roll at the gang, more snow falling
[DeathStar] Damn, LOGS!
* Elayne_Vanguard stops
[Dias`] Bimbo's still here. *walks over to the comp and scans the ship*
* Diamondback screechs as he reverts, uses telekinesis to try to hold the logs back
* Phoenix burns the log.
[Snipe SOUND]
[Paladin`] . . . *fires at the log*
* Dias` punches through one log*
* Elayne_Vanguard takes out a blow-torch
* Skyrider jumps over the rolling logs
* Log fall, dead.
[Ripple] NRP: *Phenoix eats the log*
* DeathStar suddenly everyone floats in the air
* Snipe hovers, still bleeding
[Diamondback] Me, Dad, and Spectre will go look for Bimbo. Rest of you, guard the bridge... What the hell!?
[Gravedigger] NRP: *chops off the log's hand* Ha! Another for my collection!
[Skyrider] Whoa!
* Cipher forms two arms out of thin air and grabs a King, beginning to drain his power
* Log the room begins to spin, flying snow around wiht htem
[Ripple] [uhh.. what fun..]
[Dias`] Computer. Scan ship for Bimbo
*** Log is now known as BimboTheClown
[Gravedigger] Uh...not good.
[BimboTheClown] Computer: HEY HEY HEY!
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: Who saw that comming, *sees everyone's hand raised* okies
* BimboTheClown appearsin the middle of the carnage
[X2] Hey now....
[Skyrider] Not again!
[Dias`] Slasher: *floats over to Snipe and puts pressure on his wound*
[DeathStar] Can't move!
[Blackjack] Dammit...
* BimboTheClown spins them around and and around
* X2 scratches his head
[BimboTheClown] OH child of miiiiine!
[X2] Who's that?
[Gravedigger] Clown.
* Dias` locks onto Bimbo and scans him
[Phoenix] .oO( Just when I was about to switch back, I think this form is best right now ) *uses her firey aura to melt the snow before it can get anywhere's close to her*
[X2] ...Well I can see that, but WHO is he?
* Paladin` roars with pain as he boosts himself at full speed toward Bimbo the Clown. Just before the moment of impact, he lifts his boots toward them and unleashes the full power of his thrusters directly into them, melting even the toughest of armor. (70,000 AP)
[Gravedigger] ...Evil clown.
[BimboTheClown] OUF!
* Cipher fires a statis beam at Bimbo to freeze him
* BimboTheClown lands in the snow, everyone free
* Elayne_Vanguard throws some of X2's coffe at him
* BimboTheClown vanishes beneath the snow
* Dias` drops to the ground
* Paladin` pants
* Phoenix melts the snow.
[Diamondback] Dammit, he got away! AFTER HIM!
[Gravedigger] NRP: Uh, X2 doesn't MAKE coffee...
* DeathStar lands
[BimboTheClown] NRP: IGnore her
* Elayne_Vanguard then uses Grass.. evil grass
[Ripple] [Good plan *watches*]
[BimboTheClown] NRP: I'll kick you Elayne, I swear
[Dias`] Slasher: *lands on the ground* Snipe, you ok? *continues to put pressure*
* Cipher activates his chameleon system making him invisible
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: X1's own recipe
[Snipe] My stomaaaaaaaach
[Gravedigger] NRP: I'll live with that.
[Skyrider] KILL!! After the clown!
*** Cipher is now known as InvisCipher
* BimboTheClown explodes out of it
[BimboTheClown] HO HO HO HO!
* Skyrider ignites his sabre
* Diamondback instantly opens fire on Bimbo
[Ripple] [Spirit.. Snipes dying.. I need to help him... Shift back]
* Phoenix blasts the clown with some fire feathers.
[Dias`] Slasher: Shit..One arm broken..*places pressure on the wound with his good arm*
[Gravedigger] Happy Holidays.
* InvisCipher charges
* Gravedigger throws his Dark Sai at bimbo
[BimboTheClown] Fa lalalalalalalalala, go to hell!
* Phoenix shifts back.
[Diamondback] And a Happy Friggin' New Year, rat bastard!
* BimboTheClown knocks the sai aside
* Dias` trys scanning Bimbo
*** Phoenix is now known as Spirit
* Diamondback keeps firing
[BimboTheClown] Scan: Bimbo 560,000 HP
* Elayne_Vanguard sticks with Dias
[Dias`] NRP: Any weaknesses?
[Gravedigger] NRP: *glares at DS* Don't STEAL my lines!
[Paladin`] . . . why the hell is he here, anyway?  Where did he come from?
* Ripple flys over to Snipe
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Ripple] Wheres he hurt?
[BimboTheClown] JINGLE BELLS!
[X2] ...A circus, perhaps?
[Dias`] Slasher: STomach
* BimboTheClown runs away down the elevator
* Diamondback tries an advanced scan on Bimbo, looking in particular for any weaknesses and power level
*** BimboTheClown is now known as GM
[Gravedigger] Bimbo SMELLS!
[Ripple] .... Right.
[Diamondback] After him!
* InvisCipher lets loose on bimbo with continous Gauss-boosted fire (2600 AP)
* Dias` runs after him
[DeathStar] He's going away.
* Ripple steels himself against the pain
[Skyrider] And a Happy New Year, Asshole! *slashes at the clown (1000 AP)*
* Spirit heads over with Ripple.
* Elayne_Vanguard stands there, utterly confused
[Ripple] Here goes....
* Dias` stops to a halt
[Diamondback] Ok, NOT after him...
* Skyrider moves
[Blackjack] This is getting us nowhere...
* DeathStar the computer dies
* X2 walks into teh carnage
* DeathStar the lights flip out
[Spectre] Some Christmas this is...
[DeathStar] Tree: *catches on fire*
[X2] Could someone PLESE tell me what that was all about?
[DeathStar] Drake: MY TREE!
[Gravedigger] UNGGGHH! Fire! Fire bad!
* Ripple concentrates, after touching the wounds and begins to absorb Snipes wound into himself, healing Snipe, takign the damage himself
* Snipe looks around, dazed
* Dias` eyes begin to glow blue as they switch to nightvision mode
[Elayne_Vanguard] Um.. Dias?
* InvisCipher lights up like a christmas tree
* Snipe is better now
[Dias`] Yes?
[Skyrider] Somebody put out the tree!
[Avalon] It was real too  dammit
* Gravedigger shovels snow on it
*** InvisCipher is now known as Cipher
[Spirit] !
* Dias` walks over to Elayne
[Elayne_Vanguard] I can't see...
* Diamondback thinks about simulating water, but realizes the psionics would set the tree ablaze again
* Spirit uses her Psihealing to help Ripple.
* Ripple grits teeth, blood forming where the wound was on snipe, forming on him
[GM] Tree: *stops catching on fire*
[Dias`] I won't let anything happen to you. *places hand on Elayne*
[DeathStar] Bimbo: *Grabs Dias*
* Elayne_Vanguard siles
[Diamondback] Take him! Please!
[DeathStar] Bimbo: *runs off*
[Gravedigger] NRP: Instead, it just stays on fire, not spreading.
[Dias`] Slasher: Rip, think you can heal my broken arm??
[Spirit] That looks nasty...  *concentrates fully on the Psihealing*
[Ripple] ...
[Elayne_Vanguard] That is it...
* Cipher a globe of water form around him and he then begins pouring on the tree
* Ripple glares, still wounded
* Paladin` uses his field generator to recharge himself as well as to heal
[GM] Tree: *Burns*
[Ripple] NRP: You dont get it do you?
* Elayne_Vanguard whacks the clown in the back of the head
[Blackjack] As much as I'd like to see Dias gone... We'd better save him.
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Ripple] NRP: Any damage i heal with that, i take
[Gravedigger] Dude, we've got a demented clown who's ruining X-Mas. What are we gonna do?
[DeathStar] Bimbo: *is gone*
[Dias`] Slasher: *glares back* Nevermind.
[Snipe] Damn conspiracy!
[Dias`] OUCH! Elayne, don't hit me.
* Paladin` kicks the tree over into a pile of snow
* Elayne_Vanguard looks at Paladin.. oopsie
[Elayne_Vanguard] Sorry...
[Dias`] It's aright.
[Ripple] Thats it.
[DeathStar] Dias: has been captured
* Diamondback metnally scans the entire Fury for Bimbo
* Snipe grabs comm
[Dias`] GAH! *glowing eyes vanish*
* Ripple grits teeth, getting up slowly
[Skyrider] No one ruins Christmas while I'm around. I say we go after him!
[Snipe] I'll just arrest every Santa Claus
* Snipe sees comm. is dead
[Diamondback] Stop with the cliched speeches, Biran.
* Spirit helps Ripple up.
[Elayne_Vanguard] I was talking to Paladin, sorry, I thought you were the clown...
* DeathStar hitsh ead on wall
[DeathStar] This is STUPID
[Dias`] Slasher: Dias? DIAS!!
* Cipher begins glowing with a gold light as he puts the tree out
[Ripple] .... You know how to get out DS...
[Spectre] *all but Slasher* [Well, he's taking it hard.]
[Spirit] *sighs* This Psihealing is way too slow...
[GM] Bimbo: *runs by and drops a note and dives back down the elevator*
* Dias` gets up and looks around eyes finally adjusted
* Ripple taps his watch, armor sliding out like a living thing
[Dias`] NRP: How the hell are we gonna se that?
* Snipe looks around
* Elayne_Vanguard picks up the note
[Paladin`] . . .
* Ripple the nanotech robots speed up the healing
* Diamondback picks up the note and reads, lighting the area with psionic energy
[Dias`] NRP: Slsher did 
* Gravedigger dives to grab Bimbo, but misses and stops himself before he falls down the shaft
* Elayne_Vanguard reads it
[Gravedigger] Eek.
[GM] NotE: *has a naked picture of X1 on it* Come and get Dias if you dare, HO HO HO.
[Diamondback] AAAH!
* Diamondback drops the note
[Elayne_Vanguard] !
[Skyrider] AHHH!
* Ripple burns the note
* /sound: no such file 'oholynit.mid'
[Snipe SOUND]
[Ripple] Ho Ho fucking Ho.
[X2] ...How the HELL did he get a naked picture of my father/
[X2] ?
[Paladin`] *wonders why there are no internal turrets*
* Spirit shudders at the thought of the picture.
[DeathStar] That is just plane disturbing...
[Elayne_Vanguard] I don't wanna know...
[DeathStar] Computer: HEY HEY HEY!
[Dias`] Grr..*living metal latchs onto his broken arm repairing it*
* Ripple turns on laser sighting
[Paladin`] Well, we gave them out during Christmases past.
* X2 punches his fist
[DeathStar] BTW, he's in control of the Fury.
[Dias`] He's MINE! *walks to the elevator*
[X2] The clown will PAY!
[Diamondback] Isn't that just peachy!?
[Ripple] Someones gonna die.  
[DeathStar] Snowmen: *move back together*
[Avalon] No telling what he is doing on other parts of the ship
* Diamondback scans the Fury for Bimbo again
[X2] Bimbo the Mime-
[Paladin`] How the hell did he get on here?
[Gravedigger] -Clown
* Elayne_Vanguard is still utterly confused
[GM] Bimbo: *is causing terror in the civilian decks*
[X2] -Clown, will pay!
* Dias` opens the door to the elevator
* Ripple flips out his warp blades
[Diamondback] That's it...
[Dias`] Slasher: *opens door to elevator*
[Skyrider] Mime? I hate mimes!
[Ripple] We are going down.
[Diamondback] We DO have stairs, right?
[DeathStar] Drake: no
* Snipe dives into the elevator
* Dias` looks for a ladder
[Gravedigger] Wer'e on a frekaing starship. Of COURSe we don't have stairs.
[DeathStar] OH, look, there goes the fearless leader.
* Cipher flies after Snipe
* Diamondback slams his fist into the floor, letting loose a metallic clang
* Avalon flies down
[Diamondback] Hey, SOME do...
[Dias`] NRP: GAH!!! *bangs head*
* Snipe falls
* Skyrider skids into the elevator
* Gravedigger shrugs and backflips down the shaft
[DeathStar] Can he fly?
* DeathStar looks down the elevator
[Avalon] NRP: me?
* Paladin` jumps down, using his thrusters to slow his fall
* Ripple slams his warp blades into the wall, sliding down
[DeathStar] NRP: Snipe
* Diamondback , Spectre, and Blackjack all leap into the shaft, slowing their falls with telekinesis
* Elayne_Vanguard decides to stick with DS
[Dias`] Slasher: *Slasher's armor appears as he leaps down the shaft*
* Spirit morphs into a falcon and flys down after Ripple
* Snipe stops falling and opens the door to the floor Bimbo's on and opens it and gasps in horror
* DeathStar flies down beside Snipe
[Skyrider] Damn!
* Dias` latches onto the wall next to Snipe and leaps in
* Elayne_Vanguard uses Psionics to fly down
[Snipe] It's . . .
* Ripple eyes blaze purple, then, oddly, flash pink, then continue blazing purple
[Snipe] Horrible!
* Gravedigger grabs the ledge and flips in
* Dias` looks around
[Diamondback] My God... It's... it's... terrible...
*** Dias` is now known as Slasher
[Snipe] GM: *the entire civilian deck has been sprayed painted and Clowns are running amuck*
[Gravedigger] Dude...they're all pantsed....
[Ripple] *A Vase appears somewhere near the clown, nearly hitting him in the head*
[Slasher] MY GOD! I HATE CLOWNS! *punches the nearest one*
[Diamondback] He MUST die for spreading this carnage...
[DeathStar] I count . . . a lot of clowns.
[Spirit] Ack...
[Elayne_Vanguard] Um.. this is odd..
* X2 sits down in a chair on the bridge and drinks champagne.
[Spirit] That's it...  Be right back!
[DeathStar] Clown: *Steals X2's champagne*
* Diamondback , Spectre, and Blackjack all take the form of a half cheetah and run for Bimbo's current location, found by DB
[Elayne_Vanguard] And I thought I had seen everything..
* Avalon is annoyed and tries to  pick up a clown
* Spirit runs off to her quarters.
[Paladin`] . . .
[Skyrider] Oh, hell *jumps into the fray*
* DeathStar punches a clown
*** GM is now known as BimboTheClown
* Slasher runs after DB barely keeping up
* Paladin` charges the superweapon again
* Avalon then tries to tear it in half
* Diamondback , Spec, and DB ignore the clowns, concentrating on finding Bimbo
[Ripple] .oO{Spirit, while your there, can you pick up my rifle?}
* Diamondback and BJ, as well
* BimboTheClown stands on the tallest building, holding hands in the air, fire flaming everyone, a Santa's hat on his head
* Skyrider stabs a clown "DIE AGAIN!"
[Slasher] NRP: Av's gonna kill a CIVILIAN!
[Snipe] What a punchline
[Spirit] .oO( Sure thing! )
* Diamondback morphs into a half-falcon and leaps into the air
[Snipe] Clown: *dies*
* Spectre and Blackjack do likewise
[BimboTheClown] HO HO HO HEY!
* Skyrider does the same as DB
[Ripple] Lets see what these babys can do. *draws his pistols*
* Slasher leaps up and grabs onto DB's legs
[Paladin`] NRP: Are the clowns converted civilians?
* /sound: no such file 'angelswatch.mid'
[BimboTheClown] NRP: no
[Gravedigger] Killer clowns run amok in shopping plaza? Gee, doesn't really make sense...
* Paladin` fires the superweapon at the clowns, 10,000 AP each
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Snipe] Clowns: *all die*
[Diamondback] HEY! *flies about half as fast, but fires at Bimbo*
[Slasher] I'm coming with!
[Paladin`] Damn, this thing is so cool
[Avalon] Horray 
* BimboTheClown knocks the blast back at DB
[Gravedigger] HOLY! Pal, where the hell did you GET that?
* Ripple fires at Bimbo
[Diamondback] GAH! *dodges*
* Slasher armor reflects the blasts
* Ripple with surgon like precision
* BimboTheClown runs through the flaming city
[Paladin`] Uh, warp portal?
* Slasher moves his right arm again
* Diamondback tries psionics, chasing Bimbo
* Elayne_Vanguard begins to feel dizzy
[Slasher] Good, Fixed! DB, drop me infront of the clown
[Paladin`] I bought it from the armory.
[Diamondback] On it...
* Ripple fires up a warp portal
* Elayne_Vanguard sits down
* Avalon turns his attention to Bimbo
* BimboTheClown runs around
* Paladin` fires a mortar after Bimbo
* DeathStar stands there
[Gravedigger] ...Dude, I gotta check taht place out....
* Diamondback blazes in front of Bimbo and lets Slasher go in front of Bimbo
* Cipher flies in front of Bimbo and fires (2600 AP)
[Ripple] Light me up. *ignites a ripplewave around his fist*
* Snipe crosses arm
[Gravedigger] Follow the bouncing clown!
* BimboTheClown slams a pie into Elayne's face
* Slasher drops onto of the clown taking him down
* BimboTheClown runs past Grave, stealing his present
[Gravedigger] YES!
* Spirit comes running in in were cheetah for with Rip's Rifle and the kitsunebi.
* BimboTheClown lets Slasher land in dog crap
* BimboTheClown runs off
* Gravedigger dances
[Gravedigger] I'm free of the Jello Molds!
* Slasher armor stops him from hitting it
* Diamondback , Spectre, and Blackjack draw their sabres/fan and dive past Bimbo, slashing
* Elayne_Vanguard dosen't care, already drifting into unconciousnes
[Slasher] PHEW!
[Diamondback] You're not goin' anywhere!
[BimboTheClown] GM: *Bimbo replaced Grave's present with a bomb*
* Ripple picks up the rifle, and uses his psionics to give him a massive speed burst to catch up to bimbo
[BimboTheClown] GM: *bomb explodes, taking Grave down to 10,000 HP*
[Gravedigger] Yes! Woo! Hoo-GAH!
* Cipher flies into Bimbo at high speed (1200 AO(
* Gravedigger splats over the walls
[BimboTheClown] ARFH1
* Slasher looks around for Dias
* BimboTheClown hits Cipher
* Diamondback yells, 1{Things are getting rough... Let's up the ante! Triple Threat!} Diamondback forms two psionic clones of himself. The three rush Bimbo, Diamondback throwing Bimbo into the air. The three leap upwards, blades ready. They make three passes, slashing. After the third pass, the clones disappear and Diamondback falls past Bimbo, kicking him to the ground. Charging his blade, Diamondback falls on Bimbo, slashing. (30,000 AP)
*** Ergan ( has joined #TAW
* Spirit uses psionics to boost her speed even more and slashes Bimbo with her new sword.
[Diamondback] DIE!
* BimboTheClown dies
* Avalon is exhausted at this point
[DeathStar] Wha?
[Gravedigger] ...Could someone *drip* scrap me up?...Please?
* Ripple slams on the breaks
* Elayne_Vanguard struggles to get up
* Diamondback spins his sword around and slams it into his sheath
[Slasher] Gah, I'm too old for this shit *rubs chest*
* Spirit skids to a stop
* Ripple skids into a wall
* BimboTheClown pops back up
[Ripple] *WHABANG*
* Cipher flies into the air and orbits over Bimbo's body, scanning it
[BimboTheClown] so, how did I do.
* Spirit winces
[Diamondback] Sorry if I stole all of the f... AAH!
* BimboTheClown grabs DB's throat
* Gravedigger drips slightly on Ripple
*** DeathStar sets mode: +o Ergan
[Spectre] [Chris!]
* Elayne_Vanguard falls onto Slasher for support
[Paladin`] . . .
[Diamondback] U... urk...
* Cipher dives down on bimbo's head (1200 AP)
*** Skyrider has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[Ripple] Ow..
* BimboTheClown chokes him
* Ripple steps back
* Diamondback thrashes
[BimboTheClown] OW!
* BimboTheClown drops DB
*** Ergan is now known as SkyRider
* BimboTheClown hits Cipher
[BimboTheClown] DAMN YOU!
* Ripple jumps at bimbo, floating hte rest of the way
* Spirit fires a psishocker at Bimbo's nose.
[DeathStar] Hey, look
* Slasher tackles BImbo
* Diamondback immediately drives upwards with his sabre
[Slasher] WHERE's MY SON!!
[DeathStar] Dias is tied to a burning building
* Ripple slashes at him with both warp blades 2050ap/slice
* Paladin` rolls over to Bimbo and jabs at him with his saber (4,100 AP)
[Spirit] .oO( *shrug* It's a target )
[BimboTheClown] ARGAH!
[BimboTheClown] OUF!
[BimboTheClown] AFAG!
[BimboTheClown] AARRR!
[BimboTheClown] AOOWW!
[BimboTheClown] AOAOAOO!
[BimboTheClown] AAAAEEK!
* Slasher puncehs pimbo in the face and then runs to Dias
[Gravedigger] ...Now THAT'S a punchline!
[BimboTheClown] EEEEEK!
* Cipher fires at Bimbo again (2600 AP)
[BimboTheClown] AAAAAAAAH!
[BimboTheClown] AOAOOOOH!OO
* Cipher scans bimbo
* Gravedigger pulls himself together
* BimboTheClown falls over in pain
* Ripple kicks Bimbo in the nads with a feirce kick
[BimboTheClown] AAGGGHHH!
[BimboTheClown] OUF!
* SkyRider fires his rifle at Bimbo (800 AP)
[BimboTheClown] EEK!
[BimboTheClown] AOOWO
* Blackjack dives past Bimbo, slashing on the pass
[Slasher] I'm comin! *runs over to the building*
* BimboTheClown slams a pie into BJ's face
[Blackjack] Would you SHUT UP!?
[Gravedigger] Dude...I think we broke him.
[Avalon] Kill it for good
* BimboTheClown runs off
[Blackjack] Mmph!
* Spirit slashes Bimbo with the Kitsunebi
* Ripple keeps kicking Bimbo in the nuts
* SkyRider scans Bimbo
* BimboTheClown vanishes into a burning building
* Blackjack crash lands and skids across the pavement, finally stopping next to a building
[BimboTheClown] Scan: Bimbo is happy
* Elayne_Vanguard leans on Slasher
[SkyRider] Makes sesnse.
[Gravedigger] I got 'im!
[Ripple] Times like these we coulda used Slash's raw muscle..
* Slasher runs into the building
* Gravedigger runs into the building
* Spirit nods...
* Cipher flies into the building
* DeathStar begins to scrub the walls of the spray paint
* Diamondback runs into the building, Spectre behind him, and a dizzied Blackjack behind her
[Slasher] DIAS!! *screams his name*
[Elayne_Vanguard] (GTG GUYS..It's late...)
[Paladin`] . . . I don't think muscle works against Bimbo
* Ripple flys into the building, slashing at Bimbo
* BimboTheClown taps Paladin on his shoulder
[Elayne_Vanguard] NRP: Night guys
*** Elayne_Vanguard ( has left #TAW
[Slasher] NRP: Night
[Gravedigger] Have we tried fighting pie with pie?
[Spirit] How do you beat him then?
* SkyRider transformes into a hawk and flys to Bimbo
[Ripple] ... No, but Dad had a weird way of killing people who he didnt like...
* Paladin` turns and asks Bimbo to his his fist, a la 3 stooges
[Diamondback] [Paladin's right, brainpower's gonna win out. Which is why I'm glad Dias isn't here.]
[BimboTheClown] OW!
* BimboTheClown holds nose
[Ripple] He dressed them up as mimes, and stuck them in a glass container in the middle of the day.
* Slasher runs up a burning flight of stairs looking for Dias
* BimboTheClown hops around
* DeathStar punches Bimbo, his fist going through him
* Diamondback tweaks Bimbo's nose
[Spirit] [Or Maestro...  Where ever he is ]
[DeathStar] Like that?
* BimboTheClown hangs on DS' arm
[Diamondback] That'll work, too...
[BimboTheClown] GAAAH
* Gravedigger bonks Bimbo's with his shovel
* SkyRider pecks at Bimbo
* BimboTheClown tries to escape, but is stuck
[BimboTheClown] NOOOO!
[BimboTheClown] AOOW!
[BimboTheClown] OW!!!
[BimboTheClown] LEMME GO!
* Paladin` slashes through Bimbo's neck while he's still
* Ripple kicks Bimbos head, then fires at his head with his plasma rifle
[Spectre] Shut up!
* Cipher bounces on his head (1200 AP)
[Gravedigger] Here'sh a little schlapshtick!
* Slasher runs around the top floor looking for him
* Spectre throws her fan at Bimbo's head
* BimboTheClown grabs a pie and slams it up Spectre's butt
[Spectre] AAAH!
* Gravedigger pulls down Bimbo's pants
[Paladin`] . . . that's kinda kinky.
* Spirit tries to pull Bimbo's nose off... Wondering if it's really fake.
* BimboTheClown is wearing santa underwear
* BimboTheClown watches his nose pop off
[BimboTheClown] MY DOSE!
* Gravedigger pokes Bimbo in the eyes
* Paladin` lights Bimbo's underwear on fire
* Spectre flies into a wild rage, hitting Bimbo with a rapid flurry of punches... and makes sure to hit Paladin once
* Ripple gives bimbo a HUGE wedige
* Gravedigger stamps on his feet
[Slasher] DIAS!!
* BimboTheClown runs on ?Ds's arm, stuck
[BimboTheClown] EEEEEEEP!
* DeathStar keeps arm jerked out
* Spirit sticks the nose on the end of her sword and roasts it over a fire.
[Gravedigger] Anyone got any seltzer?
* BimboTheClown breaks free and runs off down the elevator
[Paladin`] Owww
[BimboTheClown] GM: *dias is on fire*
* Spectre simulates water and makes Bimbo slide across the floor
[Slasher] DIAS: AHHH!!
* Ripple runs after Bimbo, still using his speedburst
[Gravedigger] ...O_O!
* Paladin` fires a mortar in front of Bimbo
* Cipher flies after Bimbo, firing (2600 AP)
[BimboTheClown] OUF!
* Avalon begins to break things because he is enraged by the clown
[Gravedigger] Uh, guys....Dias....
[Ripple] NRP: Wheres running gag #3?
* Slasher grabs Dias and leaps out of a window
* Spirit trips Bimbo telekenetically
* BimboTheClown slides down and falls down the elevator, is struck my lightning, and squirrels attack him
[BimboTheClown] AAIEEEE!
[Ripple] NRP: The ol strike Grave with lightning?
* Slasher both hit the ground rolling
* BimboTheClown falls down the elevator, an explosion flies up later
[Gravedigger] NRP: EEEEE!
*** BimboTheClown is now known as GM
* SkyRider flips off the wall and snaps his whip at him.
[Spectre] Ooh, that looks painful...
[DeathStar] There's your punch line
* Ripple winces, and skids to a stop... again on a wall.
* Spectre walks, trips over some debris, and flies into a wall
[Gravedigger] That's not a punchline.
[Ripple] *WHAP*
[Cipher] Cool!
[Spectre] *WHAM*
[Cipher] That was neat!
* DeathStar watches a punch hit Grave, a line attached to it
* Cipher folds his arms away
[Snipe] Yep, there's the punchline
[Gravedigger] OUF!
* Snipe points at the punch
[Ripple] Ow..
[DeathStar] . . ,
* Ripple backs away from the wall
[Diamondback] ...Now THAT'S a punchline...
* Gravedigger 's teeth fall out
* Slasher puts Dias out and then collapses
[Avalon] That was horrible
*** Slasher is now known as Dias
[Spectre] ...We've gotta stop that...
[Gravedigger] Guh...muh teeeth...
* DeathStar points at the destroyed city
[DeathStar] What about that?
* Dias slowly gets up burnt
* Spirit walks over to Rip with a charcoaled nose on the end of her sword.
[Paladin`] . . .
[Blackjack] We rebuild...
* Gravedigger picks up his teeth and puts them back in
[SkyRider] Uhhh... I dunno.
[Paladin`] How the hell did Bimbo get on board?  
[Ripple] ... Gross.. throw it away.. I dont wanna lose my lunch...
[Paladin`] Don't we have shields and security?
[Snipe] . . . good question
[Gravedigger] Very carefully?
[Snipe] Yes.
[Blackjack] He was probably one of the survivors...
[Snipe] Why wait until now to attack?
[Blackjack] He went unnoticed because of that...
[Ripple] Its christmas... 
[Spirit] Hmmm?  Oh!  *disposes of it*
[DeathStar] That never meant anything to him before.
[Gravedigger] I hate to say, "I told you so", but....I FREAKING TOLD YOU SO!
[Ripple] Best time to attack.
[Blackjack] Hey, from experience, I can tell you that the best bad guys always wait until the right time...
*** GM is now known as SantaClaus
[Spirit] Sorry  ^^¡
* SantaClaus steps out
* Dias stumbles over to the others letting some medics take Slasher to medbay
[SantaClaus] Actually, I'm behind it all
[Gravedigger] AHH!
* Diamondback aims his rifle at Santa
[SkyRider] AHHH! KILL!!
[SantaClaus] HO HO HO HO HO HO HO
[Diamondback] EVIL BEING!
* Dias punches Santa in the gut
* Gravedigger lunges at Santa
* Ripple spins around, throwing his warp blades at Santa
* Diamondback puts a bullet between Santa's eyes
* Cipher scans the Santa
[Avalon] Yes this is the evil being that i was talking about!
[DeathStar SOUND]
* Ripple pokes the jelly like stomach
* SkyRider beats Santa with his own bag of toys.
* SantaClaus dies
*** SantaClaus is now known as GM
* Dias kicks santa in the ribs a couple times and then rips off the beards
* Gravedigger pokes at Santa.
* Ripple watches the stomach wave like jello
* Diamondback spins the rifle on his finger and slings it over his shoulder
[Gravedigger] Hey...WAITMINUTE!
[Dias] I gotta get me one of those things
[Paladin`] . . . you guys just killed Santa
[Gravedigger] I nkow this guy!
[Blackjack] Like father, like son...
* Snipe breaks Santa's head off
[Ripple] Ho ho fucking ho... bastard.
[Spectre] [Hey, I Didn't...]
[Gravedigger] This sin't Santa! It's Bernie the sanitation guy!
[Paladin`] . . . what?
[Dias] Uhh..WHAT?!
[Snipe] Bernie the Sanitation guy was behind all this?
[Diamondback] Er, oops...
[SkyRider] What's he doing here?
[Dias] But why?
[Avalon] You killed Bernie......
[Paladin`] You guys just killed Bernie.
* DeathStar breaks Bernie's arm
[Ripple] ...
[Dias] I didn't. I only punched him in the gut
[Ripple] Cool
[Gravedigger] Aw man, is Bloomingfields gonna be ticked....he was my replacement as Santa...
[Diamondback] Because he... uh... I have no idea...
[Snipe] Bernie was today's arch villian kids
* Gravedigger holds up Bernie
* Ripple laughs
[Gravedigger] Maybe we can pass him off as alive?
[Dias] Umm..aright.
[Paladin`] . . .
* Avalon kicks a wall
[Dias] Why not just dispose of him?
* Gravedigger starts moving his arms around
[GM] From elevator: ho ho heeeeeeeey.
[Diamondback] Er...
[DeathStar] . . . Grave's flipped./
* Paladin` whirls to the elevator
[Diamondback] My God, he's still alive!
[Gravedigger] Well, maybe I can have a weekend at Bernie's now...
[Dias] I think Graves a Necropheliac
[SkyRider] Oh my God, we killed Bernie! We're bastards!
* Cipher wonders what is going on?
[Ripple] .. Quiet you reject. *spins to the door, drawing pistols as he went*
[Diamondback] NRP: *kills Rider* BAD RIDER!
[SkyRider] No!!
* DeathStar rolls a grenade down the elevatore
* SkyRider kicks DB
* DeathStar listens to the explosion
[Diamondback] [Hey! What was that for!?]
[Gravedigger] NRP...C'MON! Cheap movie reference! Laugh!
* Spirit trips Rider with TK
[Dias] Man. I think we caused most of the damage
*** Kingskid (kingskid@ has joined #taw
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Spirit] Never heard of it Grave...
[Snipe] . . . so, who's up for some Scotch?
[Gravedigger] NRP: Nrp Spir.,...
[SkyRider] Sorry, my leg spa.. Whoa!
[Ripple] ... I am.
* Cipher flies over Snipe's shoulder
[Dias] Nah. Gotta quit drinking
[Cipher] What's going on?
[Paladin`] . . . I am.
[Paladin`] *lights a cigar*
[Dias] Now a some beer. That's ok
[Snipe] KILL HIM!
[Diamondback] [If it's ok by y'all, I'm going to spend the night with Jennifer...]
[Gravedigger] Will do.
[Paladin`] . . .
* Ripple smirks
* Gravedigger whacks Ciph with his shovel
[Spirit] NRP: Oops!  Half asleep... I never saw the NRP... -.-¡
[GM] From elevator: ho ho heeeeeeeey . . . *cough* ow.
[Ripple] [Your just as bad as Me...]
[Gravedigger] Bad orb! BAD!
* Blackjack looks into the shaft and shoots downward
* DeathStar glances down the elevator
[Paladin`] . . .
[Ripple] DS, try this one. Slash's last Thermal gernade
[Blackjack] Shut up!
* Ripple tosses him one
* Dias walks over to the elevator and pushes the button so it goes down
[GM] From elevator: ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
[GM] From elevator: AAAAAAAH
[GM] From elevator: *crunch*
[Dias] Just wait. *has it go up and down repeatedly*
[Ripple] NRP: Splork
[Blackjack] Good one, Dias.
* Gravedigger grabs a heavy trash can and throws it down the shaft
[GM] From elevator: *crunch*
[GM] From elevator: *crunch*
* Paladin` drops tacks down the elevator
[Dias] HE HE HE!! *does it once more
[GM] From elevator: *crunch*
[Spirit] Wha?!  Dias did something right?
* Ripple laughs
[Diamondback] [Hey, I suddenly like Dias's style.]
[Gravedigger] Dude...let's get something heavier...
[Ripple] Ruthless, yet insanely stuipd.
* Dias pushes Pal down there
[Dias] Uh oops.
[Ripple] Heavier?
* SkyRider throws an elephant down the shaft
* Paladin` floats in the shaft
[GM] From elevator: Man, these chocolate bars do crunch loudly.
* DeathStar glances at the elevator
[Paladin`] That was almost good, funny man.
[Diamondback] ...Where'd that elephant come from?
[Dias] Uh, Hi Pal.
[Ripple] Use the gernade DS.
* Gravedigger "accidentally" knocks Dias down there
[DeathStar] Where the hell did an elevator come from?
* Dias holds onto edge
* Cipher gets up from the injuries and floats back into the air
[Dias] Why the hell ya shove me for?
* Spectre throws Rider into the elevator
* Gravedigger 'accidentally' steps on Dias' fingers
[GM] From elevator: *silence*
* SkyRider grabs the side
* Dias brings the elevator to the top floor and drops it
* Spirit trips Rider so he goes head first
* /sound: no such file 'march.mid'
* Dias is outside
[DeathStar SOUND]
[Dias] NRP: Or whatever
[Ripple] Excuse me. Body at the bottom  of the elevator?
[Diamondback] Hey!
* Diamondback helps Rider out telekinetically
* Dias stops it
* Avalon kicks a hole in a wall again
[DeathStar] Hey hey hey!
* SkyRider still grabs the edge
* Gravedigger tosses Bernie down the shaft
* Snipe glances at DS
* Paladin` drops a stick of tnt down as well
[SkyRider] Okay.
[Snipe] AAH, HE's BUMBO!
[Cipher] Anybody know what's going on?
[Gravedigger] Fat man at 2 o' clock!
* Diamondback sends the elevator flying down
* Ripple sighs
[Dias] Well let's get drunk
* Ripple cuts the elevator cable
[SkyRider] Yeah!
* Cipher shakes out a slight dent in his shell
[DeathStar] *a-hem* HEY HEY HEY!!!
[Diamondback] NRP: *crunch*
* Snipe points at DS
[Spirit] What is it DeathStar?
[Snipe] He's BIMBO I'm tellin' ya!
* Ripple looks at DS
* DeathStar runs off laughing
[Gravedigger] I think Snipe's trying to tell us something.
[Ripple] ...
[Snipe] . . . GAAAH
[Dias] Nah, just Senile
* Ripple looks down the elevator pit
[Ripple] ... Oops
[Blackjack] That settles it... DS has lost it, completely this time.
* DeathStar smashes a pie into BJ's facve
[DeathStar] Yeah, yeah, sure
[Ripple] NRP: Slash from the grave: You only found out NOW?!
* Blackjack ducks, and DS nails Snipe
[Cipher] Of course, he a reploid... they always fail eventually
[Snipe] OUF!
[Gravedigger] I think DS' is trying to tellus something, now.
* DeathStar glances at Cipher
[Gravedigger] ...KILL THE SPHERE!
[DeathStar] You know, that thing is starting to tick me off.
* Ripple runs past DS, pressing the firing stud of the Gernade
[Snipe] I kinda like him
[Ripple] Hee hee hee
[Avalon] I havent failed in all these years   Cipher
[Dias] I say...We use it to play Soccer.
* Gravedigger tackles Ciph out of the air and starts whumping on him
* DeathStar glances at Ripple
[DeathStar] What are you doing?
* Cipher floats into the air
[Paladin`] . . . I'm getting tired of this.
[Ripple] Toss the gernade.
[Ripple] Napalm
[Cipher] Eventually I said
* GM threatening shadow can be seen ahead
*** CharlieNZ ( has joined #taw
* Gravedigger tries biting Ciph
[GM] Shadow: Actually, I am the one behind it all  *sounds like Darth Vader*
* Cipher dives back away from GD
[Avalon] I think your wrong
* Dias looks up
[Ripple] Guy with bad case of Asthma?
[Dias] And you are?
[Diamondback] ...Go away.
[GM] Shadows: Hunters . . . I am your father!
[Avalon] It had better not be Elecman......
[Cipher] See what I mean!
[Spirit] Geez... See a doctor about that asma...
[Dias] No your not. I'm a test-tube baby
[Gravedigger] ...Dude, I was BUILT.
*** Kingskid (kingskid@ has left #taw
[Ripple] .... My fathers dead
[Blackjack] I'm DB's father, freak.
[GM] Shadows: Yeah, okay, I'll be back at Easter though.  *walks off*
*** CharlieNZ ( has left #taw
[Ripple] NRP: Halliuja! Stuipd christian people..
[Dias] What a total nutcase
[Spirit] Wierd day...
[SkyRider] Okay, this Star Wars crap is pissing me off!
[DeathStar] I have the feeling that Bimbo is still alive
[Diamondback] [I actually agree with Dias...]
* DeathStar glares at SKyRider
* Cipher bounces on Gravediggers head
[DeathStar] WHAT WAS THAT?
[Ripple] What the hell is starwars?
[Diamondback] [Star Wars? The hell's Star Wars?]
[Dias] Has he ever died?
* DeathStar punches him
[Gravedigger] Star...wha?
[Gravedigger] OW!
* Gravedigger spikes Ciph like a volleyball
* Cipher dives behind a building
* /sound: no such file 'bethlehe.mid'
[Paladin`] . . . *sighs*
[Cipher] Missed me!
[DeathStar SOUND]
*** GM is now known as BimboTheClown
* BimboTheClown crawls out of the elevator
[Ripple] ...
[Diamondback] [That's right, the kid's got a collection of that old movie series jammed in his closet...]
[Dias] WHO WANt's TO GET DRUNK! PAL's PAYING *Holds up Pal's holocard*
[SkyRider] Don't ask.
* BimboTheClown crawls past the Hunters
* Paladin` mutters something about a pageant
* Ripple breaks Bimbos legs
* Diamondback kicks Bimbo back into the shaft
* Ripple pushes him back down the elevator
[Gravedigger] Whoa...I think we broke him....really.
* Dias turns around and kicks Bimbo square in the groin
* BimboTheClown falls
*** BimboTheClown is now known as GM
[Paladin`] That's not mine . . .
[Diamondback] Now STAY DEAD!
[DeathStar] Okay, I'm outta here
[DeathStar] Merry Christmas, freaks
* Dias looks at it and See's a pic a of Pal and his name
[Diamondback] Hey Rip, create a weight of something and crush him.
* DeathStar walks off
[Spirit] Why won't you be a good boy and die?
* Cipher eats a piece of metal out of the wall
* Gravedigger lifts Bimbo up by his pants
[Snipe] Hey, didn't we leave Drake back on the bridge with the SnowMen?
[Ripple] NRP: Bimbo: Help... Someone?  I think my legs are broken... Let me try this one *loud cracking soudn* ARRGH
[SkyRider] When will it just die!? Oh the humanity!
[Avalon] You see a pattern?   HE comes back EVERYTIME
* Snipe notices the city is back to normal
[Snipe] Whaaaa?
[Dias] Woh..SWEET!
[Paladin`] Mine was stolen . . . security was alerted to arest anybody who was caught with it . . .
[SkyRider] We did that?
* Ripple looks at DB, not knowing what he means
[Dias] I only borrowed it
[Blackjack] That's right... Kill him, and everything reverts... I remember our first battle with him.
* Dias tosses it back to Paladin
* Cipher throws the bit of metal at GD
[Diamondback] You know, create something heavy with that ability of yours and send it down the shaft. Bimbo go splat.
[DeathStar] Hey, that mean we can go finish having dinner?
* Paladin` pockets it
[Paladin`] Suckah!
* Gravedigger uses Bimbo to block
[DeathStar] That's Bernie, Grave.
[Dias] Just wait till you see your new balance. Then we'll see who's the real suckah.
[Gravedigger] Right, Bernie. Why wouldn't it be Bernie?
[SkyRider] Bimbo already go splat. Over and over and over.
* DeathStar heads back up the repaired elevator to finish lunch
[Ripple] Bernie is dead.... Im gonna retire to my room.  Care to come Spirit?
[Diamondback] Well, he was still alive a minute ago... Ah hell.
* SkyRider goes with him
[Diamondback] I'm going back to my quarters. *lying* Later, everybody...
* Dias walks down the road getting a big headache
* Spectre follows Diamondback off
* Avalon im going to go see all my possesions mangaled in my room....
[Snipe] Sex!  Sex!  SEx!
[Ripple] NRP: well DUH
[Blackjack] He's lying. Definitely.
[Gravedigger] Why Bernie's not dead! He's alive and happy! *waves Bernine all around* See?
[Dias] NRP: Robotic Sex
[Paladin`] Hee hee, *peels his picture and name off of Snipe's card and drops it on the street*
* Ripple opens a warp portal
* Dias colllapses in an ally
[Diamondback] NRP: Hey, it still functions like a human.
[Dias] NRP: Sure it does.
* Snipe his rifle
* Snipe aims at Paladin

Is this the end of Bimbo? Keep watching for the demented clown's final return!