Session 61: A Shooting Star and Burning Mech

 [DeathStar> Time Chart: January 19th - 5:40 PM
[DeathStar> Location: The Bridge
* DeathStar seems moody
* Drake seems annoyed
[Gravedigger> NRP: May the ghost of Edgar Alan Poe eat your heart.
* Cipher yawns as he walks on to the bridge
[Garland> NRP: If he knew how, he was a druggy.
* Garland is at his post, keeping an eye on the readouts
[Drake> Computer: We still have numerous holes in walls sitings...
[Drake> ...eesh? Who the hell is our wall-eater?
[Cipher> So, what's been going on?
[Gravedigger> NRP: Don't you talk smack about my idol! *whacks Gar*
* Garland adjusts the collar on his suit/uniform
[Drake> Computer: Oh, and on the LATEST gossip, the manager is rooming with the squirrel for a week.
* DeathStar stares out the window, sighing
[Garland> Comp: I don't even wanna know....
* Garland walks over to DS
[Garland> It's weird, isn't it?
[Drake> Computer: Hey!!  IT's the wall eater!  Get him!  *Spot light appears on Cipher*
* Cipher walks up behind drake and bounces on his shoulder
[Cipher> What!?
[Drake> ...*glances at Cipher* Have you been eating walls?
[Cipher> No... well except that once
[Gravedigger> It sure as hell hasn't been techno-mites...
[Drake> Computer: Liar!  We have had over fifty walls have mysterous holes in them!  It's YOU!
[DeathStar> ....what is?
[Cipher> Why would I eat that many walls, they really don't taste all that good
[Garland> Your supposed to understand every aspect of people.... *half-cocked grin* You being..... well.... Human.
[Gravedigger> Why would you eat any to BEGIN with?
[DeathStar> ...go, far away, Garland.
* Garland looks at DS
[Cipher> I was trying to eat my way out of that prison cell Wiendigo put us in
[Garland> What?
[DeathStar> Shoo!  Shoo!
* DeathStar crosses his robotic arms and stumbles
[DeathStar> Gah!
* Gravedigger 's eyes bug out of his head
[Garland> NRP: Huh?
[Garland> NRP: Oh great.... I was talking to snipe...
[Drake> Computer: Liar!  *shines lights at Cipher*
[Gravedigger> It was DIGO, you flying pulsating magne-pulse of a rejected soccerball!
[DeathStar> NRP: Bravo.
* Gravedigger dives at Ciph
[Cipher> Can I eat the computer, I'm hungry
* Drake pales
* Cipher floats higher into the air
* Gravedigger starts swinging his shovel around wildly
* Drake backs away
* Cipher floats up near the ceiling
* Garland looks at DS//Snipe
* Gravedigger jumps up at Ciph
[Gravedigger> C'MERE!
[Drake> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[TGC-Battle.mp312] 12size 1.69mb 12length 1:51 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[Cipher> The stupid reploid has gone crazy! Somebody stop him!
[Drake> Computer: *Forms a body*
[Drake> Computer: Lets get him!  *swings his mech arm at Cipher*
[DeathStar> ...*blinks* The computer can do that?
[Gravedigger> I'll rip you a new form, you pretend bug!
* Cipher activates his chameleon system
* Gravedigger stops
[Gravedigger> What the?
[Garland> NRP: just uh..... strike that Human stuff from the record. I was expecting the nick to be Snipe [in DS] and DS [in snipe]
[Drake> Computer: *scans and finds Cipher*
* Gravedigger looks at the computer's form
* Cipher activates jamming of the Computer's scan
[Drake> Computer: *Fires lasers at Cipher* WALL EATER!
[Drake> ...uh, Death Star did that...honestly..
[Gravedigger> ...Dude, why the hell can everyone suddenly morph?
* Cipher dodges the shots
* Cipher appears behind GD's shoulder
[Cipher> Because you can
[Drake> Computer: Hee hee...*aims at Cipher and fires*
* Garland walks over to grave
[DeathStar> Computer, disform.
[Gravedigger> AHH!
* Cipher ducks behind GD
* Gravedigger drops to the floor
[Garland> ..... I can't
[Drake> Computer: Awwww...*vanishes*
* Cipher revanishes
[Gravedigger> NRP: Yea! Nash Bridges IS on tonight!
[Drake> Computer: Anyhoo, I've been doing scans of that mysterous planet outside...
* Cipher appears right above Drake's head
[Garland> And?
[Cipher> Ooo... what planet?
[Drake> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[TGC-Formula.mp312] 12size 1.59mb 12length 1:44 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[Gravedigger> ...What planet?
[Drake> Computer: go look out the viewport you morons!
[Gravedigger> ...What viewport?
[Drake> Computer: That station was near it!  God, you people are so unattentive.
* Gravedigger blinks
[Drake> Computer: I'm going to bust you a new viewport, buddy...
[Gravedigger> Station?
[Garland> Cipher, Keep yourself composed.... Your really not showing responciility to your duties by being on people's heads.
* Garland looks out the window, at the sun
[Drake> Computer: ...I'm now locking onto Grave.
[DeathStar> NRP: *cough* it's a star
* DeathStar watches the bridge's laser cannons aim at Grave
[Gravedigger> ...Grave?
[Garland> NRP: *cough* it's the sun of the planet in question
[DeathStar> NRP: No...our star is called the Sun, idjit.
[Gravedigger> NRP: No, our sun is called 'Sol', like our solar system
[Drake> NRP: Now fighting!
* Cipher floats over to the viewscreen, stares out, and begins counting stars
[Garland> NRP: how do you know what they call it? Hmmm? And don't cheat and use your GM powers!
[Cipher> 1, 2, 3, 4...
[Gravedigger> NRP:  *dives into the shadows* Ha ha! Take THAT!
[Cipher> ...9, 10, 11, 12...
* Gravedigger grabs Gar and hides behind him
[Gravedigger> Shoot the alien!
[Drake> Computer: *gives up and quits briefing them*
[Cipher> ...25, 26, 27...
* Garland grabs grave from beind him, without turning around he flips him infront of him
[Garland> Grow up.
[Drake> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[TGC-Search_&_Destroy.mp312] 12size 3.15mb 12length 3:26 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[Cipher> ...41, 42, 43...
* Gravedigger oozes into a puddle and reforms behind Gar again
[DeathStar> ...would you all mature!?
[DeathStar> Grave - Cipher, stop it.
[Gravedigger> Grow a beard.
[Cipher> What?
[Garland> I did once.
* Gravedigger blinks
[Cipher> Hey! You made me lose count!
[Gravedigger> You scare me.
[DeathStar> ....Cipher, shut up.
* Cipher bobs in a nod
[DeathStar>, please, continue.
[Drake> Computer: .... you know, for the climax to this entire situation, you guys are going around like a group of school kids.  Anyway, here's the gossip.
[Gravedigger> NRP: *has now lost some respect for "nash Bridges", because they just played Kid Rock...*
* Garland glares at Snipe, seeing it odd that he's acting more mature than usual
* DeathStar is feeling better
[Drake> Computer: The station's teleports seem to have been affected by the planet.
[Garland> Not the star, eh?
* Garland looks back at it
[Drake> Computer: My guess, the planet's magnetic fields screwed the transporters up.  Also, it probably allowed the slugs to take the station over.
[Drake> Computer: No, not the star. 
[Garland> ..... Geeze..... I blasted the star and did that......?
[Garland> Comp: Thats good.
[Drake> Computer: . . . the star is normal.  What are you going on about?
[DeathStar> ... so, you think if we were to go down on planet, we could possibly get our bodies switched?
[Drake> Computer: Possiblity.
[Cipher> Can't we take a shuttle down?
[Garland> Comp: You didn't see what happened to the thing when I blasted it?
[Gravedigger> Yep, well, that's nice, have fun.
[Garland> .....Either I, or the slug did it.
[Cipher> Oops *shuts up again*
[Drake> Computer: I read the readings on it.  You just shook it up for a split second.  Any big blast can dot aht.
* Gravedigger flops down in a chair and puts his feet up on the bridge rail
[Drake> Computer: As for Cipher's comment, yes, we can take a bridge down there.  However, the planet's magnetic fields make it difficult to tell if it wouldn't just shut it off...or do anomly things to it.
[Drake> NRP: Er, shuttle
[Garland> Comp: But look at the size of the star, and then the size of my biggest blast. It's like a pin prick! Something's not right.
[Drake> Computer: The star is normal, Ensign. 
[Garland> I'm still consirned.
[Drake> Computer: Noted.  Now, please, shut up.
[DeathStar> ...since when did the computer get programmed with an attitude?
[Drake> ...Death Star.
* Garland slaps his forhead
[Cipher> Um.. if it messes up shuttles, what would it do to Reploids and Mark 2 Reploids?
[Cipher> Oops!
* Gravedigger thrusts his finger at the floating orb
[Gravedigger> HAH! He ADMITS it!
* Cipher dodges back away from GD
[Drake> Computer: Good question.  I would think there's possibilities of big anomolies.
* Garland glares at the Camera to the computer
[Cipher> Admits what?
[DeathStar> ...he admits what?
[Gravedigger> NRP: "...I'm sorry Gar, I can't allow you to do that..."
[Gravedigger> That he's a Reploid!
[Gravedigger> Well, a Mark 2 Reploid, anyway!.
* Garland mutters to himself "I'm beginning to regret either quiting in the first place, or comming back, you take your pick.
[Cipher> I'm not a reploid, I'm a Mark 2... superior in every way!
[Gravedigger> ...Soooo, it means anytime he insults my kind, he's insulting himself.
* Gravedigger looks at Ciph
[DeathStar> two remind me of a certain couple in the history logs.
[Cipher> Wrong, I'm insulting your inferior breed
* Garland sighs
[Gravedigger> Dude, you morph into an 8-foot tall bug, that's hardly a step up.
[Drake> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[SM-Super_Sailor_Moon.mp312] 12size 2.37mb 12length 2:35 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[Cipher> Better than being a tub of jelly!
* Garland looks at his wrist watch "God, I've been up this long?"
[DeathStar> ...okay, you two, cut it out.
* DeathStar waves hand in a swift snap motion
[Gravedigger> Don't MAKe me play soccer with you, Orby.
[Cipher> Why should I listen to you, reploid?
[DeathStar> ....I said, cut it out.
* Garland steps between the two
[Gravedigger> Because you're a Repliod, Reploid.
[Garland> That's enough.
* Cipher morphs into his Mantis mode
*** Cipher is now known as Cipher_Mantis
[DeathStar> ....That's strike 1, for both of you.
[Drake> ..*watches*
[Gravedigger> Ahhh, just frickin' get on with it.
[DeathStar> Ut!  Lose the attitude with me.
* Garland sits at his console, really out of it today
[Gravedigger> Then get ON with it.
* Cipher_Mantis just sits on the floor and hisses
[DeathStar> ...Don't raise your voice to me, either.
[Drake> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[Bad Religion - The Dodo.mp312] 12size 2.00mb 12length 2:11 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[Gravedigger> I'm not, I'm stressing a certain word in my statement in order to show importance to the fact that I want you to get on with it so I don't have to take an attitude. Now please, get ON with it.
* Garland looks at Snipe, about to speak up about how pushy he's being in contrast to normal, and to yell at Grave/Cipher
* Cipher_Mantis rolls his eyes
[DeathStar> Okay, that's it, he *points at cipher* has strike 2.
[DeathStar> Alright, computer, where is Death Star?
[Drake> Computer: . . . right here talking to me.
[DeathStar> know damn well what I mean.
[Garland> Computer: Where is Snipe?
[Drake> Computer: Oh?
[Gravedigger> He means Snipe's body there, genius.
[Drake> Computer: Snipe is right in front of me.
[Drake> Computer: Oh, wait, Snipe's BODY?
[Garland> Computer, I'm REALLY not in th emood.
[Cipher_Mantis> Huh? What do you mean Snipe's body?
[DeathStar> Death Star is in my body.
* Gravedigger snuffs
[Gravedigger> *mutters under his breath* Yeah, some superior model alright....
[Drake> Computer: Shut up, Ensign.  Alright, Death Star is...on level 16 in a dining area.
[Cipher_Mantis> Of course, you're in your body...huh, but he's right here?
* Garland closes his eyes
[Garland> I'd like it if you didn't tell me to shut up.
[DeathStar> and Death Star switched bodies.
[Gravedigger> Punch it, Gar, it'll make ya feel better.
[Drake> Computer: I'd like if you keep your personal problems to yourself.
[Cipher_Mantis> How can you switch bodies with yourself?
[DeathStar> . . . I'm going to hit my head on the wall...
* Garland stand up
[Drake> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[Bad Religion - Flat Earth Society.mp312] 12size 2.15mb 12length 2:21 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[DeathStar> Lets go get Death Star.
* Drake watches the scenes, shaking head.
[Cipher_Mantis> But you're right here
[DeathStar> . . . LETS GO GET SNIPE.
[Garland> Cipher, grow up, I know your more intelegent than your showing yourself to be.
[Cipher_Mantis> OK
* DeathStar opens the elevator door and steps in
[Garland> Computer, keep you cinicism to youself.
* Gravedigger steps in
* Garland steps onto the elevator
[Cipher_Mantis> Look if he's making no sense... ooo
[Drake> Computer: Garland, go shove it up your ass.
* Cipher_Mantis follows into the elevator
[Garland> Don't tempt me.
* Gravedigger stops Ciph
[Cipher_Mantis> What?
[Gravedigger> Whoooooaaaaaaa there, Mantis-boy, orb time.
[DeathStar> Elevator:AAAAAAH, MANTIS!
* Cipher_Mantis morphs into the orb
*** Cipher_Mantis is now known as Cipher
*** Drake is now known as GM
* Gravedigger pulls his hand back
* Cipher floats into the elevator
[DeathStar> Elevator, level 16.
[Cipher> I would have fit!
[DeathStar> Elevator: Would not, fat boy.
[Gravedigger> Yeah, right after you ate us all.
* DeathStar rides in silence.
* DeathStar face is dark with thought
[Cipher> BTW: If anybody is interested, I'm more hyper in my orb form
[DeathStar> Elevator: Ooooo. 
[Garland> Elevator?
[DeathStar> Elevator: Ding.  Thank you for arriving.  *door remains shut*
[Garland> Can you talk to the computer?
[DeathStar> Elevator: Yes, muffin?
[DeathStar> Elevator: I can...why?
* Gravedigger wonders what would happen if they dipped Cipher in yellow paint and painted a smiley face on him....
* Garland grins
[Garland> Send it my love.
[DeathStar> Elevator: Hold on...sending love...gAAAH, BAD FEEDBACK!!  AAAAH
[DeathStar> ...poor thing.
* DeathStar opens the doors by force
[Cipher> Can I eat the elevatr?
* Garland looks at Snipe
[DeathStar> Can I use you for soccer?
* DeathStar steps out
*** Snipe (Avalon@ has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Snipe
* Cipher floats out following DS
[Cipher> No
* Snipe sees Snipe way, way ahead
[DeathStar> NRP: *do'h!*
[Garland> ..... If the computer suddenly loses all personality whatsoever, and about half of it's vocabulary, I didn't do it, okay?
[DeathStar> ...touch it, and I hurt you.
* DeathStar notices Death Star entering a diner
[Gravedigger> Let's tackle him and throw him in a sack!
[Cipher> Ooo! Food!
[Garland> No promises.
* Cipher flies into the diner at high speed
[GM> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[If you Asked Me To.mp312] 12size 3.59mb 12length 3:55 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
* DeathStar follows
* Gravedigger walks in
* Snipe glances around the diner and sees Helen
[Snipe> Hey!  Helen!  *walks over* It's me D--*is embraced by her and kissed*
* DeathStar stops
[DeathStar> Whoa.
[Snipe> Helen: John!  How nice to see you.
* Cipher flies over to the kitchen and begins eating
* Snipe wipes lips and blinks
[Snipe> you French Kiss everyone you know?
* DeathStar whistles as he leans against the doorway
[DeathStar> I think there's a conflict growing here.
[Cipher> No I'm not! I'm making it disappear
* Garland looks at Snipe
[DeathStar> Chief: I'll put you in a pot!
[Snipe> Helen: *giggles* Oh, you silly.  I'm here to meet Michael.
[Cipher> Ooo! What are you making in the pot?
[DeathStar> Chief: Go in there and look!
[Snipe> ---so, knowing you were going to meet him, you go and kiss me like that?
* Cipher begins eating the pot and it's contents
* Garland thinks "Even someone as old as DS has someone to love. I wonder what Ni'Nareana is doing....."
[Snipe> Helen: *Shrugs, pouting* So?  What's your point?
* Gravedigger whistles
[DeathStar> Chief: *locks him in the pot and throws it into the oven*
[Gravedigger> Hey, hi, folks? I think we're supposed to be DOING something?
[DeathStar> ...shhh, Grave, I want to watch this.
* Cipher begins eating through the door of the oven
[Snipe> point is, you're suppose to be HIS girlfriend.
[DeathStar> Chief:  No!  you are going to put me out of BUSINESS!
* Gravedigger whaps DS
[Snipe> Helen: *frowns* So what if I kiss other guys?  He's a reploid anyway.
* DeathStar grabs Grave's hand
[DeathStar> Strike 2.
[Cipher> You tell me to eat the pot and when I decide I don't like being that warm, you tell me not to?
[DeathStar> Chief: *Cries*
[Gravedigger> I suggest you let go before there's a players strike, umpire.
[DeathStar> I suggest you don't swing at me anymore.
* Garland looks on at Hellen and DS
* Snipe balls fist
* Snipe walks off
[Gravedigger> I suggest you stop being an ass then.
[Garland> .... That was wrong.....
* DeathStar gives some pressure and throws the hand back'
[DeathStar> Lets go get X-lover boy and go.
* Cipher float into the air and back to the group
* DeathStar walks after Death Star
* Gravedigger lets his hand squish, then reforms it.
* Snipe sighs, walking along the streets, hands in pockets
[Cipher> What's going on?
[DeathStar> I think Death Star's love life is over.
* DeathStar walks out the diner
[Gravedigger> At least he found what what he might've been getting into.
* DeathStar follows after him alone
* Garland walks next to grave, wispering into his ear to where he knows Snipe can't hear "Is it me or is Snipe a little more arogant now that he's in DS's body?"
[DeathStar> ...*Stops*
* DeathStar glances back at Garland and Grave.
[DeathStar> Are you two coming, or not?
* Garland looks at DS
[Gravedigger> Smooth move, Angel, got any other tricks up your sleeve? Maybe pissing off a weasel in heat?
* Cipher hovers over DS's head
* DeathStar walks off, muttering a Strike 1.
* Gravedigger starts walking
* Garland looks at Grave, walking
* Snipe hits the elevator button
* DeathStar steps up to him
[DeathStar> We got a way to possibly transfer us back to normal.  You ready?
* Snipe sighs, leaning against the elevator, tired.
[Snipe> I could use a good nap.
[Gravedigger> You can sleep on the way, c'mon.
[Snipe>*plops down, sweating*
* DeathStar bites lower lip
* Garland looks at DS
[Gravedigger> ...That can't be good.
[Garland> Are you okay DS?
[Snipe> ...just hot in here...and I'm dizzy.
[Gravedigger> Snipe, just what the hell did you contract?
[Garland> .... *feels his head*
[DeathStar> - - -*sighs* I'm not sure.
* Snipe is hot with fever
[Gravedigger> ...Did you ever go to X2?
* Garland picks DS up
[DeathStar> No, I didn't.  That's why my leading hasn't been totally the best.  In Death Star's body, I'm fine, so I can concentrate better.
[Snipe> Eh, I don't need help.  Just not use to this.
[DeathStar> But if I can handle it, he can.  He is the god like person here.  *steps into the elevator*
[Snipe> Meh.  *walks onto the elevator*
[Garland> It may be worse than you think, this being your first time being phycically sick....
[Gravedigger> Well, concentrate on this, buddy boy. He dies, your body dies. If anytihng happens to you later on, you can't go back.
[DeathStar> I know.  I didn't expect him to be hit this hard.
[Garland> You should get yourself checked out.
[DeathStar> We don't have time to discuss my body's physical health.
[DeathStar> Cipher, come on!
* Cipher follows
* DeathStar hits the hanger floor and feels the elevator go up
[Snipe> must be strong, Snipe, to keep leading like this...
[DeathStar> ..
* Garland looks at DS
* DeathStar doesn't know how to respond to the compliment.
[Garland> I have my theories on that....
[Gravedigger> ...Let's keep it moving, folks.
[GM> GM: The elevator opens up to the hanger floor
* DeathStar steps out
[Cipher> Hi Viper!
* Gravedigger jogs to the shuttle
[DeathStar> Alright, *Points* we have one shuttle ready to go and a damaged mech
[Snipe> ...*walks towards the shuttle* Lets tie the mech behind the shuttle and drag it.  It might come in handy later.
[Gravedigger> ...Mech?
[Cipher> We're going to take a trip down to the plant
* Cipher floats into the shuttle
[DeathStar> ...quit playing dumb, Grave.  *Steps on*
[Cipher> I will, don't worry!
* Snipe gets on and powers the shuttle up.
[Gravedigger> Wait, we're taking that death trap Dias flew in?
* Garland steps on, keeping check on DS
[Cipher> OK, bye!
[Snipe> Yes.
[Garland> You sure you should be piloting?
[Gravedigger> ...Light help us all....
* Gravedigger gets on
[Cipher> I can pilot
[DeathStar> Psss, Cipher is crazy
* Snipe keeps powering it up
[Snipe> I can handle it
[Cipher> No, I was just talking to Viper
* /sound: no such file 'tgc-starlightbattle.mid'
* Snipe hits the forward controls before anyone can object
[Snipe> Here we go.
* Snipe flies out of the Fury and aims for the planet.
[DeathStar> ACK!  *Wasn't buckled in*
[Gravedigger> He's a flying sphere that changes into a gian mantis that eats walls. Of frickin' course he's crazy.
[DeathStar> ...remind me to seriously change the hunters after all this.
* Garland rolls his eyes when Snipe falls over, almost smirking since he's not even sitting down
* Cipher morphs into his mantis mode, ducking
*** Cipher is now known as Cipher_Mantis
* Snipe heads for the planet, scanning it
[Snipe> Hmmm...all scans are coming up with anomlies..what is this!?
[Cipher_Mantis> No, I'm crazy because I spent most of my life in a small space with only one person to talk to
[DeathStar> ...but we agree you're crazy, right?
[Garland> I tried to look into it, but the computer kept telling me to shove it up my ass.
[Snipe> Heh.
[Cipher_Mantis> Right, just not for the wrong reasons
* Snipe enters the planet's atmosphere and the entire shuttle rattles and shakes so hard even Garland is affected.
* Garland braces himself
[DeathStar> Whaaaaat iiiiiiin heeeeeeeell's naaaaaaame iiiiiiiis thaaaaaaat?
[Cipher_Mantis> I like having four legs to balance myself
[Gravedigger> ...Don't suppose anyone's got a freeze ray handy, do they?
[Snipe> Theeeee aaaaaatmoooooooosphereeeeeeeee iiiiiiiiiiis stroooooooonger thaaaaaaaaaaaan anyyyyyyyyyyything Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii've seeeeeeen.
[Cipher_Mantis> Yesss, why?
* Snipe watches power flicker on and off; wipes sweat out of eyes
[Gravedigger> 'Cause I'm rippling like a tidal wave during monsoon season....
[DeathStar> What have we gotten ourselves into?
* Cipher_Mantis a blow glow flows over his body
* Snipe loses control of the shuttle as it spins through the clouds
* Cipher_Mantis spits an ice beam at GD's stomach
[Garland> Oh damn.
[Gravedigger> You guys just wouldn't try Voodoo, would you? Noooo, we've got to things 'scientifi-GAH!
* Snipe rolls onto the floor
[DeathStar> ...brace yourselves, people!
* Gravedigger moves his mouth slightly
* Snipe feels the shuttle smash into something, flip upside down, and fall again
[Gravedigger> T-t-t-th-thanks....
* Cipher_Mantis a wave of water ripples over his body
* Garland grabs the controls
* Snipe there's a defeaning crash as the ceiling caves in 4 feet
* DeathStar from floor
[DeathStar> Well, we've stopped.
* Cipher_Mantis instictivly morphs into the ball from the hit
* Snipe groans
[Snipe> Ow.
[Cipher_Mantis> NRP: Or as close to instict as Mk 2 reploids have
[Cipher_Mantis> ...
*** Diamondback (speedblad@ has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Diamondback
*** Cipher_Mantis is now known as Cipher
[DeathStar> The pain..
[Snipe> NRP: Er
[Snipe> The pain..
[Snipe> Snipe, I think I broke your leg.
* Gravedigger shifts and breaks the ice
[DeathStar> Go to hell.
[Snipe> Heh.
* Garland helps DS up
* Snipe stands up, ducking
* DeathStar grabs the shuttle's comm.
[Cipher> System error... rebooting
[DeathStar> Lets see if there's enough power to get through the planet's atmopshere.
[DeathStar> And someone see to Cipher.
* Cipher hovers an inch off the floor
[DeathStar> Comm: Fury?  Fury, do you hear me?
[Gravedigger>, buckos....
[Garland> wwww?
* Snipe grabs a scanner from the shelf and scans Cipher
[Gravedigger> NRP: *kills one 'w'*
[Cipher> I'm find, just a few systems need to be replaced
[DeathStar> Comm: Fury?  FURY, DAMN YOU/.
* DeathStar throws the comm unit down in disgust.
[DeathStar> Well, we're on our own I suppose.
* Garland whatches it break from the force Snipe threw it at
[Snipe> And we forgot to bring the mech too.  Damn.
[Cipher> Input error detected... acuotic system 50%... other input systems down
[DeathStar> ...okay, any ideas?
* Cipher hovers up higher and bumps against the ceiling
[Cipher> Hey!
[Snipe> ...move out and find the source of the anomly?
[Cipher> Tactile system working 100%
[DeathStar> Sounds like a plan.  Anyone against it?
[Gravedigger> Yeah, not die....
[Cipher> I guess not
* DeathStar flips on a beacon
[DeathStar> That way the others can follow us.
[DeathStar> If the beacon gets through.
* Cipher begins trying to run repairs
* DeathStar punches hole into the wall, rips it apart, and steps out
* Cipher floats toward the noise and through the hole
* Garland helps DS out
[GM> The area is covered in a low frost. There are high trees and mountains all around, covered in the frost also. The wind is cool, but not cold, and the sky is filled with a thick layer of clouds. There is nothing important to be seen for miles
* Snipe shrugs Garland off and walks out.
[Garland> Death Star, your sick and hurt.
[Snipe> I don't need help.
[Snipe> And I'm not hurt, except for a bruised back.
[Cipher> Snipe, DS... where are you?
* Snipe waves at Cipher
[Garland> .....
[Snipe> DS here.
[Gravedigger> Hrm, reminds me of Ottawa as I hiked through to the US...
[DeathStar> Snipe here.
* Cipher floats toward Snipe's voice
[Cipher> apparently my visual sensors took that hit rather badly
* DeathStar activates the scanner and looks around
* Gravedigger hops out and catches up
[Snipe> So, you're basically blind?
[Cipher> Effectively yes
[Snipe> Not good.
[Gravedigger> ...Someone get me some rope, I've got an idea.
[Cipher> I'm upping the gain on my acuostic systems
[DeathStar> ...alright, I'm not getting anything.  The entire area is just full of strange anomlies.   My suggest, get off planet.
[Snipe> Basically a wasted trip?
[Garland> There's a hole in the shuttle. How?
[DeathStar> Basically.
[DeathStar> Hmmm...*glances around*
[Gravedigger> Rope, string, twine, anything, anyone?
[Cipher> Maybe in the shuttle
* Garland glares at Cipher
* Gravedigger hops back in and rumages around
[Snipe> I don't suppose we could try to use Slash's warp blade to warp out of here?
[Gravedigger> NRP: Do I find anything?
[DeathStar> NRP: Sure
* Gravedigger grabs some rope and comes back out
* DeathStar pulls out the warp blade
[DeathStar> This old thing?
[Gravedigger> Okay, Ciph, just don't flip out.
* Gravedigger takes out his sai and ties it to Ciph
[Cipher> What are you doing?
[Snipe> I'm sure if you channel all the energy in my body, we could easily open a warp via the blade.
[Garland> You kidding? Thats one damn fine warp tool there..... may be too long of range though.
[Snipe> ...for better range.  *points up at the tallest mountain peak* We climb that.  It's our only chance.
[Gravedigger> Until you're ship shape, my sai'll act as a magnet to me, thereby keeping you nereby so you don't get your sorry ass lost.
[Gravedigger> NRP: Nearby, even
[Cipher> Cool!
[DeathStar> ...*Sighs* To the mountain.
* Cipher attempts to psionically contact Viper
* Snipe begins to trek towards the mountain
[GM> The anomlies fail it
[Gravedigger> ...Don't suppose we've got any climbing gear, do we?
[DeathStar> Sorry, no.
[Cipher> I can fly
* DeathStar reaches the base of the mountain.
* Snipe glances up
* Cipher is back from - Auto-away (idle 30 min) - Gone 1hr 33mins 1sec - [iČ]
[DeathStar> Yeah, Death Star's jetpack should do nicely.
* DeathStar activates it on his back.
* Cipher floats after GD
[Gravedigger> Upward and onward, no?
* DeathStar flips it on and begins to fly up, but stops a few feet in the air
[DeathStar> world...*slams onto the ground*
* Gravedigger tests the rockface by climbing up a little
[Garland> What?
[Cipher> What happened?
[DeathStar> ...can't do it, for some's like I was punched back down.
* DeathStar deactivates the jetpack, it vanishing.
[Gravedigger> So we do things the hard way.
[Snipe> ...aye.
* Cipher tries to float after GD
* Snipe grips the mountain wall and pulls himself up
* DeathStar follows
[GM> c
* Gravedigger pulls his hood back for optimal sight
[GM> Cipher begins to feel a pressure
* Garland starts to climb up
* Cipher tries to float after GD
[Gravedigger> Hrm...
* Snipe reaches Grave's level, not even 1/16th to the peak
* Gravedigger grabs Ciph and puts him into the back of his hood
* Cipher tries rolling after GD
[Snipe> What?
[Cipher> Thanks
[Snipe> Cute.
* Snipe keeps climbing.
* Garland climbs as fast as he can
[Gravedigger> No prob, orb.
* DeathStar follows after them, slowly taking the lead
[Snipe> *Grips wall* Worse than that mountain with Albert.
[Gravedigger> Who?
* Snipe keeps pulling himself up, slowly
[Snipe> Wind, to you, Grave.
[Cipher> Ya, who?
[Garland> I wouldn't know... remember? *climbs*
[Gravedigger> Oh, oh, wait, that guy....
* Snipe follows
[Snipe> Well, dear hostage, I would think not.
[Gravedigger> That was the dumbest codename I ever heard...
* DeathStar keeps the lead, glancing around, seeing the rest of the mountain getting slick
* Gravedigger keeps moving
[Snipe> Actually, Grave, it was 100% approiate.
[DeathStar> Watch it guys.
[Garland> DS's right Grave.
* Gravedigger reaches into his hood and unties the rope from Ciph
* Garland pulls himself up
[DeathStar> This area is slick.
[Gravedigger> Buddy system?
* Snipe grips the mud like wall and slips
[Snipe> GAH!
* Snipe grips the lower wall
* DeathStar keeps climbing, punching out grooves for the others
* Gravedigger climbs after Snipe
* DeathStar slings mud off hand and continues to punch
[Gravedigger> Careful, DS.
* Garland burns the mud dry with his hands as he climbs up
[Snipe> I'm fine.  *starts again*
[Snipe> oO (Not to mention the entire area is spinning....)
[DeathStar> ...think we're high enough yet?
* DeathStar glances down, only 100 feet up
[Cipher> Hey, GD, if you can put me against the wall, I can shoot spikes into it
[Cipher> Make handholds or something
* Snipe continues to move slowly, a sharp wind hitting them all
[Gravedigger> So can I.
* DeathStar reaches an edge and pulls himself up
* DeathStar glances up
[DeathStar> We're not even half-way up.
* Gravedigger morphs his hands into spikes and starts breaking foot/hand holds
* Snipe continues his climb
* Garland comes up to Snipe's level
[Garland> Thats why we keep going.
[DeathStar> ...Maybe if I could blow a nice slant into the mountain...
[Garland> Not a good idea.
[Gravedigger> Snipe, NO.
[DeathStar> ...fine
* DeathStar grips the ledge above him and continues his climb
[Garland> If you did, it could cause a landslide.
* Garland starts up again
* Snipe reaches the ledge and they were at and grips the one above him and pulls himself up
[DeathStar> This...royally...Bites.
[Gravedigger> Plus it'd severely screw up the atmopsheric pressure even more. You might start a storm that'd litterally tear this world to pieces with us on it.
[Snipe> Nice theory, Grave.
* DeathStar feels a shaking in the mountain
[Cipher> Yes, really chearful
* DeathStar glances up and sees mud sliding down at them
[Gravedigger> 10 years in the Arctic Circle, you tend to spend a lot of time on the Internet...
[DeathStar> INCOMING!
[Snipe> Shit.
[Cipher> What! What?
* Gravedigger quickly ties the rope around himself and toses the rest to DS
* Garland gets in a fighting stance, instinctivly
[Gravedigger> Hold on, Ciphy.
* DeathStar is hit by the mudslide first, still gripping on, but it knocks Gar loose
* Gravedigger digs into the cliffface
* Snipe grabs the rope
[DeathStar> GARLAND
[Gravedigger> GAR! Grab the rope!
* DeathStar the mud hits Grave and knocks him loose
* Garland fights against the mud, going for the rope
[Gravedigger> GAH!
* Snipe hold onto the rope
[DeathStar> GRAAAAAVE!
* DeathStar runs down the sliding mountain
* Gravedigger morphs his hands into hooks and tries to clutch the rockface
[DeathStar> Shit...let my training with his body work
* DeathStar grabs grave
[Gravedigger> Thanks.
[Snipe> This is bad.
* DeathStar runs along the mud
* Garland punches his fist into the mud, grabbing at a rock
[Cipher> Watch where you're falling
* DeathStar the mud knocks Garland off
* DeathStar keeps running up the sliding mud
[DeathStar> This...kicks...ass!
[Gravedigger> SNIPE! Grab GARLAND!
* DeathStar notices Garland is going down the mountain
[DeathStar> ...I...can't!  If I move off this vector, we all go
* Garland jumps out of the mud, forcing himself sliding to the rope
* Cipher tries to eat the mud
* Snipe swings out and grabs GAr
* Garland grabs his arm
[Snipe> Gotcha
* Garland grins
* DeathStar keeps running up and leaps out, gripping the mountain side
[Garland> I've seen worse situations!
[Snipe> Yeah, and I can name a few.
* DeathStar pants
[Cipher> Hey, I got an idea! I could eat a path up the mountain side!
[Snipe> Well, Snipe, you saved us all.  Thanks.
[Gravedigger> Yeah, but when's the last time a mountain tried to do us in?
[Gravedigger> Ciph, bud, hush.
* DeathStar weakly smiles
[Garland> There was that one time on Kez Nihal, but none of you were there.
[DeathStar> ...okay, holding all your weight is nice, but, grip the mountain please.
[Cipher> But I'm hungry again
* Gravedigger latches onto the cliffside again
[Gravedigger> Yeah...ditto....
* Snipe swings to the mountain side and grabs it
[Snipe> Dumb Idiot Talking Taking Oxygen?
* DeathStar begins his climb again, 3/4s of the way now
[Gravedigger> ...Great, now you've got DS doing it, Snipe....
* Snipe follows, keeping his voice low
[Snipe> You guys honestly should give Snipe more credit.
* Garland edges up the mountain
[Snipe> And that's been one of my sayings since I was the leader of the Hunters.
[GM> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[TGC-Goldfinger_-_Superman.mp312] 12size 2.82mb 12length 3:05 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[Gravedigger> I should give Snipe a swift kick in the ass....
* Snipe grip weakens
* DeathStar continues climbing
[Snipe> ...
* Snipe grips again
[Snipe> ...eesh, would this place quit spinning
* Garland comes up behind DS
[Garland> You need any help?
* Snipe kicks off the mountain and begins to hop up it
[Snipe> Nah.
[Gravedigger> DS, let yourself go, I'll pull you up myself.
* DeathStar watches him pull in second
* Garland sighs
[DeathStar> what in the world!?
* DeathStar watches him pass him
* Garland keeps climbing
[DeathStar> He's hopping up the mountain!?
[Gravedigger> ...Great, he's going to pull me...eeeeee! GAH!
[DeathStar> ...errr *hops after him*
* Gravedigger gets dragged up after DS
[Snipe> Errr..*hops faster*
[Garland> Follow the leader! *jumps inthe same spots that DS did*
* DeathStar grabs the rope and helps Snipe
[Gravedigger> Gar, grab me hand!
* DeathStar hops in time and space with DS
* Garland grabs it
* Gravedigger holds out his hand as he flies past
* Snipe smirks
* Gravedigger carries Gar up
[Snipe> Taking a line from X.
* DeathStar reaches the top, helps DS up, and pulls the rope up by hansd
[DeathStar> Come on, slow pokes
* DeathStar keeps pulling them up.
* Snipe lays down on his back, looking at the clouds
[Gravedigger> What a revoltin' development....
[Garland> NRP: *has been dazed this entire session......*
[DeathStar> NRP: *has been thinking of girls this entire session*
[Cipher> I'm hungry
* DeathStar yanks Grave over the edge
[Gravedigger> Oof!
* Garland jumps over the edge after Grave
[Cipher> We're there?
[DeathStar> Yes.
[Garland> This hasn't been a good day.... eesh.
[Gravedigger> Sure as hell hope so, Dorothy....
* DeathStar walks to the top part of the area they are on
* Gravedigger unties the rope and reties his sai to Ciph
[DeathStar> So, how do I work this warp blade?
[Cipher> So, why are we here anyway, I didn't catch that part earlier
[Snipe> I think to switch us back.  But since we don't know how, we're retreating.
[Gravedigger> Tallest point in sight, should allow us to communicate better, too.
* Cipher tries to telepathiclly contact Viper through his link
[GM> Anomlies block
* DeathStar begins to channel his energy into the warp blade, it glowing
* Garland looks off to the distance at the planet around them
[DeathStar> Hah...step back Ripple and Slash, Snipe's taking over.
[Cipher> ...*sigh*... viper...
[GM> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[TGC-Battle.mp312] 12size 1.69mb 12length 1:51 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[GM> A portal opens
[DeathStar> Our ticket...*Groans* home.
[Gravedigger> Hold it.
* Snipe sits up, dusting the frost off.
[Snipe> You know, it's getting hotter.
* Snipe holds up the melting frost.
[DeathStar>'s getting
* Gravedigger picks up a stary rock and pitches it through
* Cipher floats down to the ground and begins eating
[GM> Computer: Ow!  Where the hell did that rock come from?
[Gravedigger> Okay.
[GM> Portal begins to close
[Garland> Thank you for hitting the computer for me, Grave.
[Cipher> So, DS and Snipe go through at the same time and one at a time?
[Gravedigger> Quick, move!
* Snipe leaps through
[DeathStar> Can't, gotta keep it open.
* Cipher flies through the portal
* Garland jumps though
* Gravedigger dives through
[Gravedigger> Move, SNIPE!
* DeathStar leaps
[GM> Location: Bridge
* DeathStar lands on DS
[Snipe> OUF!
* Gravedigger plows through Drake
[GM> Computer: What in hell's name!?
[Gravedigger> GACK!
[GM> Drake: AAAAAH
* Cipher bounds into the room
[Cipher> Where's the elevator
[Cipher> ?
[GM> Drake: *dusts himself off* You two normal?
[DeathStar> No.
[Cipher> X2 would be even better
[GM> Drake: Baaaaad news then.
[Cipher> No
[Gravedigger> Are you SURE?
[DeathStar> I'm sure I'm Snipe.
[Snipe> I'm the loveable Death Star.
[Gravedigger> ...Yeah, I'd be afraid of that too.
[GM> Drake: *points at the star*  Look.
[Cipher> Somebody?
* Cipher begins twirling around in place
* Garland looks
* Gravedigger grabs Ciph and holds him stedy
[Gravedigger> Down boy.
[Cipher> I CAN'T!
[Cipher> What's going on?
[GM> The star's gravity wells has changed and the planet begins to move towards it, breaking apart slowly as it does so, it's atmospheric pressures and anomlies increasing.
* Gravedigger unites his sai
[GM> Drake: In just five minutes, that planet is dust.
[Gravedigger> So? Let's get the hell out of here.
[GM> Drake: The Fury itself is fine.
[Garland> And the computer dissagreed with every thing I said....
[Cipher> Cool, so we don't have to beam down, just from one point on the ship to another?
[GM> Computer: It started AFTER you left.
[GM> Computer: But that's not the worst of it.
[Gravedigger> ...Dude, we left the Mech....
[GM> Drake: Yeah, that's right.  We think we know how to fix you
[GM> NRP: We never took it.
[DeathStar> How?
[Gravedigger> NRP: I thought we tied it to the back
[DeathStar> NRP: DS said too, no one did
* Garland ignores the computer
[Gravedigger> NRP: Why DS, that good for nothing lazy ass....
[GM> Drake: Basically, you have to burn through the atmosphere to switch back.
[Garland> What?
[DeathStar> Waitaminute, hold up, no one could survive re-entry into an atmosphere in the first place.  Second, that planet's atmosphere pressure is doubling every second.
* Cipher floats down do the ground and sits on the floor for a bit
[Garland> You mean basicically throw them in a pressure-cooker!?
[GM> Drake: Right.  So, the situation is...permenant.
[GM> Computer: Basically.
[DeathStar> Hey, no problem!
* Gravedigger holds up chicken feet
[Gravedigger> Voodoo, damnit! Voodoo!
[Garland> ...... How in Heaven's name would that fix it?
[DeathStar> This is Death Star's body wer'e talking about...I can handle it.
* DeathStar teleports
[Snipe> WAIT!
[Snipe> That FOOL!
[Snipe> The jetpack is what he'll use...and I was told when I first got it, re-entry would roast me alive!
[GM> Drake: Aren't you stronger now?
[GM> Drake: Like, billions times stronger?
[Gravedigger> Out of the frying pan...
* Snipe glares
[Snipe> True, but that planet is no normal atmosphere.  Think BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG DS powerlevel.
[GM> Drake: Oh...that be bad.
[Snipe> Ragh!  *enters the elevator and goes after Snipe*
[GM> Computer: Is he going where I think he's going?'
[Garland> .....*sits there tapping his foot* So how did you come to the idea this would do it?
[Gravedigger> ...Is this where we race blindly after the two suicidal foolhardys?
[GM> Drake: No, this isn't.  In 2 minutes, boom.  We just watch...and pray.
* DeathStar can be seen in the viewport, flying towards the planet.
[GM> Computer: Well, I was drinking my coffee when I thought it up, Gar.
* Garland looks at his watch
[Cipher> Could somebody point me to the repair shop so I can see?
[Cipher> Direct, I mean
[Garland> ...... And your hypothosis is?
[GM> Drake: good thing DS can't go after Snipe.  DS is a human, after all.
[GM> Computer: Well, It should switch them back.  If they aren't burned alive.
* Snipe can be seen flying after Snipe in Dias' damaged mech
[GM> Drake: Oh shit.
[Garland> Yeah, but HOW? We don't even know how they did it to begin with...
[GM> Computer: Well, I'm probably wrong, but, hey, we'll see in 1 minute.
* Gravedigger places Ciph into the elvator
[GM> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[SM-Power_of_Love.mp312] 12size 2.47mb 12length 3:05 12bitrate 112kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[Gravedigger> 'Vator, Repair shop.
* Garland looks out the window
* DeathStar raises towards the planet, hitting the atmopshere, lighting up
[Garland> YOU WHAT!?
[GM> Computer: This was one of my loony ideas.
* Snipe hits the atmosphere after him
[GM> Computer: Basically.
[Snipe> YOU FOOL!  GO BACK~!
[DeathStar> Screw it, Death Star!  This is going to work!
* Cipher bounces into the repair shop and asks for a visual detection system
[GM> Computer: Then the Fury dies...
[Snipe> You fool!!!!  We'll be roasted alive!
[GM> Drake: Uh, should I turn off the viewport?
[Garland> .... then I get Grave and them to rewire you ten times over!
[Garland> No.
[GM> Drake: twenty seconds, they'll be no more.
* DeathStar is no like a shooting star
* Snipe feels the mech melting around him
* Garland looks out the view port
[Garland> ....
[GM> Computer: Hey, Grave, you don't care about this, do you?
[DeathStar> ...gah...this really hurts.
[Snipe> NO DUH!!!
[Gravedigger> Well, seeing as there's nothing I can really DO at this point....
[GM> Drake: Maybe their love will pull them out---oh, hell, I got that off some movie.
* DeathStar vanishes in a burning light
* Garland looks at Drake
* Snipe poofs away in a brilliant light
[GM> Computer: Here it goes.
* Cipher pops back up
[GM> The planet explodes into the sun and it flashes briefly, then every thing is gone
[Cipher> What'd I miss?
* Garland closes his eyes
[GM> NRP: The computer should have said that
[GM> The star shines normally, and the planet is gone
[GM> Drake: My God...
[GM> Computer: Oh dear...
[GM> Drake: Death Star...and Snipe...they're dead.
* Garland turns to drake
* Garland has a tear falling down his cheek
[GM> Computer: Oh, I'm going to go hide.
[Cipher> For how long?
[GM> Drake: Eh?
* Garland pulls the a comm out of his pocket
[GM> Drake: What's that?
[Garland> ..... DS's promise to me.
[GM> Drake: What?
[Garland> Comm: DS? Snipe?
[Cipher> Given spacial/temporal distortions like that, they might appear even days after they vanished
[GM> Drake: Cipher, give it a rest..*points at gar listening to static* See?
* Garland waits a moment....
[Garland> Comm: Is anyone there?
[GM> 0,12(14(>0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[SM-CallMyName.mp312] 12size 2.70mb 12length 2:57 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[DeathStar> Comm: Helloooooooo neighbor.
[Cipher> Or they ming have just gone somewhere else
[GM> Drake: ...they're....alive?
[Garland> Hah-ah!
[GM> Computer: WHOO HOO
[Cipher> S/t distortions are nifty like that
[Gravedigger> Phh, and you people gave up hope.
[Garland> Comm: Your alive!
[GM> Drake: Like you were voicing your opinion
[DeathStar> Comm: Yeah, no thanks to Snipe here, unconcious boy...I'm dragging his mech back to the Fury, but it's pretty much dead.
[Cipher> So how about we find somewhere safter to fly around?
[DeathStar> Comm: As for me, my body survived, but it aches.  But, hell, better than being in his.
[Garland> Comm: Well..... I guess I can't kill the computer now.... *laighs*
[Garland> NRP: laughs
[Garland> Comp: No.
[DeathStar> Comm: We're heading in in a few more minutes.  See you on the far side, kid.
[DeathStar> Comm: *clicks off*
[Cipher> I'm going to go talk to Vipher... see ya folks!
[GM> Drake: ...well, this was fun....
[GM> Drake: And I'm still confused on to what has just happened.
* Garland pockets the comm
* Cipher is now away - Gone - Pager on - Messages logged - [iČ]
[GM> ComputeR: *Zaps GravE* At least he's quiet
[GM> Drake: *shakes head* This place is nutty.  We need major reforms
* Gravedigger sidesteps
[Garland> Drake: Your telling me....
[Gravedigger> Don't make me get the squirrel out, Compu-ass.
[GM> Narrator: And so the Hunters' adventure in miscommunication is over...for now.  But stay tuned for the R-rated session and then the resistance.  good night and end session!