Session 63: Superiority

[Status`] Time Chart: Unknown, time lost
[Status`] Location: Somewhere in Russia
[Status`] GM: Months have passed since the fight in Paris. The planet's ravaged state continues to worsen as the sun is blocked out by a thick lair of acid clouds that are a bright, deathly red. A snow fell in, but melted upon touching the ground. The bitter winds and snow, however, did not lose it's icy grasp on the team.
[Status`] GM: The team has managed to avoid detection so far, joining other groups here and there where they can. New members come, old members go at each check point.
[Status`] GM: However, the months of traveling and without repair, sunlight, and other necessarities are reaching their limit. The reploids are breaking down without repair and slowly malfunctioning to the point of shut down. The humans are half-starved and deprived of the Sun are slowly dying out on the planet.
[Status`] GM: Frequent storms run over the planet's plains. These storms, known as "Rages", continue to tear the members and wear them down. Lately, blizzards have been mixed in with the storms. The people that have survived but have fallen into such a state of decay are known as "Zombies". They will kill anything to eat.
[Status`] GM: The team continues to try to gain members in their Resistance to free Earth, while searching for a rumored Paradise. For months they have worked their way to Russia, heading for Siberia where the Wastelands lay. So far, they have yet to arrive.
[Status`] GM: Searches for their particular group continues by Tsiv. Mechs known as "Vultures". So far, their attempts have been unsuccessful, but have scattered many of the group's members away. (This will show why not everyone is with you.) Dominator, in their travels, found a smart device known as "Status". A wristband type object, he wears it on his left arm.
[Wiendigo] *exhales a billowing cloud of smoke from his cigar as he surveys the scene* To think...I once wished the world like this. Chaotic disaray, mass destruction, fields of death, it was my dream. all that remains is a feeling of emptiness and regret. To think, it was all once my mission. 
* Status` remains on Dom's left arm
[Baberlus] NRP: "Reboot", Gar's all grown up *cries*, Dom having been lost on Earth now has a keytool.... hmm...
[Dominator] Your mission was to wreak havoc such as this? *sighs and shakes his head* What a waste... So many lives lost
* Enforcer looks around, armor worn with holes punched through it
[Status`] NRP: ... I didn't look at it like that...I look nothing like glitch, thank you
[Wiendigo] In moments of desperation, all things are possible.
* Baberlus coughs into his hands
* Dominator glances back at the group
[Status`] Query: The air is growing warmer...a good 2%.
[Dominator] We can only hope then, that it might be possible to save Earth...
[Baberlus] ..... This *cough* helps us how?
[Siawase] ,,,
* Wiendigo throws away his cigar
[Enforcer] ... It doesnt.  Earth is toast.
[Dominator] Thanks for the note, Status... The weather patterns on Earth have deteriated much too fast...
[Baberlus] I just wonder what the hell is gonna happen next, 'ya know?
[Enforcer] ... Everyone dies.  Its as easy as that.
[Dominator] We're paid the price for our arogance toward the Tsivrixsh... A world were the dream of peace between humans and reploids had been realized as well as it would even be, most likely, and it was all taken away so quickly
[Status`] ...*scans the area*
[Dominator] True, Enforcer. Our goal now is to survive
[Status`] Mission objectives?
[Enforcer] Our goal should be to get the hell off of this dust ball, get some help and re-take it.
* Siawase shivers slightly
[Baberlus] Man I wish I had a cigar right now..... ah... I remember them now, Cubans.....
[Dominator] Yes, that thought has occured to me, Enforcer. The problem is getting past the Tsivrixsh defenses
[Wiendigo] A true Hell on Earth. *grins for the moment* Heh, it's gonna be one hell of a rise.
[Dominator] Status, we're attempting to find anything of use... and, of course, that rumored paradise. Good areas of shelter could comes in use too
* Status` goes back to scanning until called upon
* Wiendigo snorts
[Dominator] Report anything unusual or of importance, Status
[Status`] Affirmative.
[Baberlus] ....What are the chances Paradise even exhists?
[Enforcer] ... Bastards... what we need is a nice two pronged attack.  Ground and air.
* Enforcer coughs
[Dominator] If I had something to attack with, Enforcer... But, I haven't lost all hope yet. With determination, we may yet survive...
[Enforcer] Not like we can do anything about it. *coughs harder*
[Status`] Thirteen objects detected North East.
[Wiendigo] Remind me as to why we're looking for this place? It's nonsense. A 'paradise', a safe haven of rumored beauty and shelter. Give me a fucking break.
[Dominator] Then again, Blackjack did say determine could be deadly... If only he knew...
* Enforcer looks up
[Dominator] NRP: Waaaaay back in Mission 5
[Enforcer] Great.  
[Dominator] Can you identify them?
[Status`] GM: In the distance, 13 bird shapes can be seen
[Status`] Scanning
[Enforcer] NRP: anyone remember what kind of weaponry I had?
[Wiendigo] NRP: Nope, sorry dude
[Status`] NRP: It's probably all broken by now
[Dominator] Damn... *looks around for cover*
* Wiendigo takes out his katana
[Status`] Query: Answer Wiendigo's question.
[Enforcer] NRP: Wee, flying on the seat of my pants.... what fun.  DS, what i DO recall is i had a sword.. regular, sharp as hell sword.  that and a crapload of cannons..
* Dominator draws Rune Sword
* Baberlus pulls out his revolver
[Status`] Scan complete: 13 Mechs.
[Dominator] The objects are a bit more important currently, Status...
* Enforcer draws his sword, pitted, yet still sharp
[Enforcer] We're toast if we go up against them....
[Dominator] NRP: Any cover?
[Baberlus] ..... 13?
[Status`] Vultures: *Swoop in*
* Baberlus holsters his gun, and pulls out his shotgun
[Wiendigo] 13. Nice unlucky number.
[Enforcer] We dont have the manpower and... SHIT, DOWN!
[Status`] Vultures: *land between Wiendigo and Dominator and the group*
* Dominator dashes for cover, powering his shields
* Siawase ducks behind any cover he can find.
* Dominator blasts Thunder Bolt at them
[Status`] Vultures: *fires a blast at Dominator*
* Wiendigo backflips back a ways
[Wiendigo] They're trying to seperate us from the rest of the group!
[Status`] Vultures: *nine attack the group while the other four horde Wiendigo and dominator away from them*
* Dominator leaps out of the way, rolling and blasting
* Enforcer jumps on a vulture's windshield type thingy, and stabs through it
* Baberlus fires pulse shots
* Baberlus flips the shotgun in his hands to recock it
[Status`] Vulture: *blasts Enforcer off like a child*
[Dominator] Damn... Wiendigo, we're got to get back to the others
[Status`] Vulture: *all nine open fire on the group for killing blasts*
* Wiendigo spins and cross slices at two f the Vultures
[Dominator] we're=we've
[Enforcer] DIE STUPID VULTURES! *flys off shouting more curses then Wien would have said*
[Status`] Four Vultures: *open fire on Wiendigo and Dominator with stuns*
* Siawase digs a hole in the ground and hides.
* Baberlus pulls out his revolver, and flips around with moves like the matrix, shooting
* Dominator blurs with speed and activates Force Shield to reflect if he fails
[Wiendigo] Shit! *spins his sword to deflect
[Status`] Query: Orders?
[Status`] Vultures: *blow out Dom's force field temp.*
* Dominator follows Wiendigo's example and holds Rune Sword in defense
* Enforcer gets shot through the chest, and a large hole blows open, leaving him falling down to the ground like a limp rag
[Dominator] Argh!
[Status`] Vultures: *step on Enforcer*
* Baberlus jumps into the air, firing madly
[Status`] Vultures:  *blast at Baberlus*
*** Diamondback (speedblad@ has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Diamondback
[Baberlus] EEP!
[Dominator] Status, calculate some to help us out... Anything
* Baberlus tries to run out of the way
[Status`] Query: Enforcer...dead?  Siawase...hiding
* Wiendigo 's face hardens
* Enforcer crunches beneath the Vultures feet, eyes flickering and fading
* Dominator blasts the ground, shooting a wave of dirt into the Vulture's eyes and dashes into one, slashing with RS at its head
[Status`] Query:  Wiendigo and Dominator capture..unavoidable.
[Status`] Vulturs: *all thirteen fly into the air out of range*
[Baberlus] Damnit! Out of bullets!
* Baberlus holsters his guns
[Baberlus] ......Woo.....hoo?
[Status`] Vultures: *all aim their weapons at Baberlus*
* Wiendigo lets out a battle cry as his charged Energon Katana
[Baberlus] ....Ah.... Damn.
[Status`] Warning: Baberlus termination unavoidable
* Enforcer lays in the crater from beign stepped on
[Status`] Vultures: *all fire*
[Baberlus] I feel like I did back at that security job for CorSec....
[Dominator] Baberlus!
[Enforcer] NRP: Splat.
[Baberlus] Here we go..... *watches the blasts*
* Sound request: can't find 'for?whom?the?bell?tolls.mp3'
* Enforcer plays [For Whom the Bell Tolls.mp3] - 4863k - [iČ]
[Status`] GM: *the blast lands a few feet in front of him and blows him back*
* Baberlus tries to run
[Baberlus] EEP!
* Wiendigo runs and tackles Bab out of the way
* Baberlus looks at Wien
[Status`] Vultures: *Re-aims at wien and Baberlus*
* Enforcer activates self repair system, running low on power
[Baberlus] .....Death REALLY has to stop teasing me.
[Dominator] NRP: Could we out fly the Vultuers?
[Status`] NRP: Nope
[Wiendigo] Move your fucking ass!
[Status`] Vultures: *land again, seperating Dominator from the group once more*
[Enforcer] NRP: With what?
*** Diamondback is now known as Crossfire
[Dominator] Get back! *teleports and grabs Baberlus, teleporting him out of the way*
[Crossfire] Yeeeeha! *a spread of arrows flies towards the vultures*
[Baberlus] How many times you think everyone's thought I've died?
[Status`] Vultures: *target Siawise's hiding spot*
[Dominator] NRP: Or can I teleport currently? I forgot if it was jammed
* Wiendigo leaps back up and charges the Vultures, leaping up on one and shoving his sword down into its back
[Status`] Vultures: *target the new voice*
* Enforcer sits up
[Status`] Query: Crossfire is back from scouting.
* Baberlus pulls out his sniper rifle
[Status`] Vulture: *Explodes*
[Crossfire] Ok, that wasn't smart...
[Enforcer] NRP: watch what you do DB.. remember the psi makes things explode
[Enforcer] NRP *evil grin*
[Status`] VultureS: *open fire on Crossfire*
[Crossfire] Idea...
[Baberlus] ......
[Baberlus] bullets in this one.....
* Crossfire leaps into the air and telekinetically lifts one of the Vultures
[Status`] Vultures: *fire all blast at domiantor*
* Dominator blasts at the vultures and slashes into the nearest one, ducking down and uppercuting it with his sword
[Status`] Vulture: *explodes*
* Baberlus gets low and aims for the "eyes" of the vultures
* Baberlus cocks the gun
[Baberlus] for the money.
* Wiendigo leaps for another Vulture and grabs onto its neck
[Status`] Vulture: *run over Crossover*
[Crossfire] Heh heh, I love this!
* Baberlus fires
* Dominator holds RS in defense positiona nd tries to dive behind a vulture
[Status`] Vulture: *blasts Wien off
* Wiendigo lets out his Shadow Claws
[Crossfire] Gaaah!
[Crossfire] NRP: FIRE. CrossFIRE. *snickers*
[Status`] Vulture: *the remaining nine regroup*
* Enforcer stands and flashes out the last bit of juice to knock out one of the vultures attacking Crossfire
[Wiendigo] Argh!
* Baberlus looks off the scope
[Enforcer] NRP: Yea, we dont want anymore crossovers yet..
[Status`] NRP: Hey, RK!
* Baberlus looks for any exposed wiring on a vulture
* Wiendigo lands on the ground in a kneal and spins back to the one that shot him
* Crossfire stumbles to his feet and readies his bow
[Status`] Vultures: *fire up shields around themselves*
[Crossfire] That... hurt.
[Enforcer] Oh great.  We're screwed.
* Enforcer stumbles over to crossover
[Crossfire] Uh, might I suggest running...?
[Status`] Vultures: *two begin to charge their blasters as the other seven target everyone but Wiendigo and Dominator*
[Baberlus] ........ And here I am having used up all my EMP ammo 3 months ago....
* Enforcer has a hole through his chest
[Dominator] They're much faster than us...
* Wiendigo phases
[Status`] Query: They are using military tactics.
* Wiendigo tries to dives through the shields
[Dominator] No kidding
[Crossfire] Damn! *rolls, attempting to dodge*
[Enforcer] *cough* divide and conquer
[Status`] Vultures: *sees Wien make through and blasts him point blank, disabling him*
* Baberlus readies is gloves
[Enforcer] NRP: *wince*
[Status`] Query: Put up Status Shield, Dominator next logical target.
* Dominator blasts at the vultures shields
[Baberlus] .....Well...... we have 3 choices.
[Status`] Vultures: *aim at Dominator*
* Dominator activates the Status Shield
[Baberlus] Run, Fight, hope fate smiles on us.
[Enforcer] ... Baberlus...
[Baberlus] Yea?
[Dominator] Everyone, make a run for it! I'll try and occupy them
[Status`] Vultures: *Fire, blow Status off of dominator, and disable him also*
* Wiendigo takes a step, then his face goes emotionless. Going loose, he drops to his knees, then to ground
[Enforcer] He who fights and runs away, hopefully lives to fight another day.
* Enforcer runs like hell.
[Dominator] NRP: Does that mean you disabled me too?
[Status`] NRP: Yep
* Baberlus runs
[Crossfire] Uh, yeah, what he said...
* Crossfire takes off
[Dominator] HURK! *falls to theg round*
[Status`] Vultures: *Two grab Dominator and Wiendigo and fly off*
[Enforcer] NRP: Thats a new one..
* Status` remains lieing on the ground
[Enforcer] NRP: And so "Hurk" went down in history as the newest ARRGH variation.
* Baberlus turns back
[Baberlus] They bloody hell?
[Dominator] NRP: A quick note, Dominator would have left a data pad, etc. with the next two or so in the chain of command for the REsistance with instructions on what to do if he's gone.
[Wiendigo] NRP: *cough* I believe I'VE been using "Hurk" for quite sometime
[Status`] Vultures: *Remaining ones fly up and follow*
[Crossfire] Dammit... *stops* What now?
[Dominator] NRP: Nahh, it just hasn't been used for a bit. I try and use varient... I stay away from "ARFH" though...
* Baberlus watches them fly off
[Baberlus] ........Joooooy.
[Status`] Query: Help!
* Enforcer picks up Status
[Status`] Query: New mission orders?
[Baberlus] ..... Thing has such a deep personality, huh?
[Crossfire] ...Tell that thing to shut up, he isn't helping...
[Enforcer] Well guys?
* Enforcer places Status on his wrist
* Crossfire shrugs
[Enforcer] Find windbag and Dom or continue on?
[Crossfire] We can't exactly ditch 'em...
[Status`] Okay, if you want to watch the giants fight it out, it's #tawarena, but absolutely NO NRPing in there
[Baberlus] The hell you mean, asking us? We save the bastards!
* Siawase sticks his head out of a hole in the ground and slowly climbc out
[Status`] Warning: Located Dominator and Wiendigo
[Crossfire] Though I wouldn't mind that much if Windbag bit the dust...
[Status`] NRP: That should have been a NRP!!
[Baberlus] NRP: Well, NO NRPinf in here too!
[Enforcer] NRP AHHH
[Dominator] NRP: Ahem, maybe ask Status were Dom and WIen are?
[Enforcer] Statys, where are they?
* Crossfire shakes his head
[Baberlus] NRP: like it'd know.
[Status`] NRP: It doeeeees.
[Enforcer] NRP: status..
[Crossfire] Ok, Status, speak up...
[Baberlus] NRP: amazing. will it tell us?
[Status`] Location: Tsivr. Battle Ship overhead.
[Crossfire] Oooh, great...
[Baberlus] ....That thing knows everything.
[Enforcer] ....  Any way up there?
[Crossfire] ...Jump? *snickers*
[Baberlus] Knowing Wien he's already raising hell.
[Status`] Query: Don't know
[Enforcer] Probably.  There is no way up there.. Status, continue scan for paradise and any other resistance groups.
[Status`] ...Affirmative.  *almost sounds mournful*
[Crossfire] ...You want an arrow through you, Stat? Then stop with the worthless info.
[Enforcer] Shut up Crossfire.  Status, I know you want Domb back, but you dont have a choice unless you can morph into a jet or something.
[Status`] ...
[Enforcer] NRP: DAMN.. i'm so tired.. Dom..
[Crossfire] Hey, if it wasn't for this damned psionic exploding thing, I would.
[Crossfire] I swear, Earth's turning against us enhanced...
[Siawase] Earth is falling apart...
[Status`] Query: Why not use destroyed Vultures?
[Crossfire] Hrm, let's see. Maybe because they're destroyed?
[Enforcer] Is there enough parts to make repairs?
[Baberlus] Do we have the TOOLS is the question.
[Status`] Query: Vulture 6 can get us up there...not to space, but to the ship
[Enforcer] Then away we go.  Point the way to Vulture 6.
* Crossfire shrugs
[Enforcer] NRP: *feels like hes playing Fallout*
[Crossfire] Whatever'll work...
[Baberlus] NRP: *feels hungry*
[Enforcer] NRP: you must go to the vault.. vault 13...
[Status`] Query: *sends data into Enforcer's brain, hooking up and locating it for him*
* Enforcer starts walking
* Baberlus follows him
* Siawase follows along
* Crossfire shakes his head and follows
[Siawase] Siawase can fix if vulture needs repairs!
[Enforcer] Good.  We'll need your help
[Baberlus] ....Good Siawase.
* Status` scans quietly
[Enforcer] NRP: did Siawase always talk in 3rd person?
[Crossfire] Jason wishes that Siawase would stop the third person speaking.
[Siawase] NRP: Yes
[Baberlus] Baberlus like Siawase! Siawase make Baberlus proud to be literate!
* Enforcer shakes his head
[Status`] NRP: *watches the two titans get ready for the fight*
* Enforcer looks at the wreckage of the Vulture
[Siawase] Siawase wish Siawase could stop talking in third person... =-.-=
[Status`] GM: *The vulture is sliced down the middle, but not in two pieces*
[Enforcer] NRP: Gonna be one battle royal
* Crossfire hits his forehead
[Enforcer] Well Siawase, think you can fix it?
[Siawase] Siawase can fix!
[Enforcer] Use my torch welder.... it doesnt have much juice left, but should get enough.
* Enforcer hands it to him
* Enforcer thinks for a moment
[Baberlus] NRP: BRB
[Status`] NRP: *eats popcorn and watches #tawarena*
[Enforcer] Status, whats teh estimated timeline before these clouds part and the sun actually shows?
[Crossfire] Il est... je ne sais pas... oy.
* Siawase takes the torch in his mouth and front paws and gets to work
[Status`] Estimated time... nine months.
[Enforcer] ... Great.
[Enforcer] How long for a complete ecosystem rebuild, assuming it is possible?
[Crossfire] Well, isn't that great...
* Status` remains silent
[Crossfire] Tough calculation, there, Status? Don't bother.
* Enforcer nods sadly
[Crossfire] C'est la vie... C'est le mort...
[Enforcer] Earth is gone.  We'd almost be better off moving to some other planet to restart.
[Siawase] C'est la guerre... *keeps working*
* Crossfire shakes his head and paces
[Status`] Query: Repairs 76% complete
[Enforcer] Good. Lets hope they last eh?
[Status`] NRP: The fight's begun
[Dominator] NRP: Ahem, "Go Dominator, since he actually plans to save us!"
[Enforcer] NRP: [Announcer] Annnnnd the first connection.. A sucker punch by Wien!!
[Status`] Warning: Vultures launched.
[Enforcer] Repair status?
[Crossfire] ...
[Status`] Query: 86%.
[Crossfire] Prepare for battle, I guess...
* Siawase works faster.
[Enforcer] We're screwed.
[Enforcer] ... I
[Enforcer] 'll hold em off.  
[Status`] Vultures: *land one plays a holovid of the fight*
[Enforcer] .. They are fighting?
[Crossfire] Looks like Windbag finally showed his true colors...
[Enforcer] NRP: [Announcer] And Dominator goes into a sword stance!
[Enforcer] NRP: check that, attack stance
[Enforcer] NRP: [Announcer] And THERE goes Wien, nicking Dom across the chest!
[Status`] Vultures: *Translated voice* Enjoying the show, Earth scum?  
[Enforcer] NRP: [Announcer] But wait!, Dom just blockedQ
[Enforcer] Shut up.
* Crossfire spits at the holovid
[Status`] Vultures: *the other eleven vultures raise their rifles*
[Crossfire] Uh... Sorry...
[Enforcer] *whispers* uhh.. Repair status?
[Status`] Vultures: *translated voice* Orders to kill.  Time to die.
[Status`] Query: 99%.
* Enforcer gives them the one fingered salute
[Enforcer] I DONT THINK SO!
[Crossfire] Heh, you don't know what you're messing with!
[Status`] Vultures: *aim at Siawase and fire*
* Enforcer deflects the blast with his sword
[Siawase] Eek!  No shoot Siawase!
[Status`] Vultures: *Aim at the Vulture*
[Enforcer] HURRY UP!
* Crossfire forms psionic energy near two of the Vultures, which explodes
[Crossfire] Hey! *whistles shrilly* Over here, ya bastards!
[Status`] VultureS: *stumble back*
* Enforcer winds up and bats one shot back at a Vulture with his sword
[Status`] Query: LETS GET OUT OF HERE!
* Enforcer jumps in and fires up the engines
[Enforcer] Lock and load
* Siawase hops in the vulture and trys to make it fire at the others
[Crossfire] REPAIR STATUS! ...I'll take that as full.
* Crossfire jumps in the Vulture, watching the other Vultures
* Enforcer fires up and flys away as fast as he can
[Status`] Vultures: *fly away*
[Enforcer] ... Alright.... that was weird..
[Status`] Vultures: *point at Crossfire and five fly at him*
[Crossfire] We've got tailers, guys...
* Enforcer sets a course for the ship
* Enforcer looks at all the weapon controls
* Crossfire draws three arrows and fires them all at once
[Enforcer] Humm I wonder what this does.. *presses a button*
[Status`] Vultures: *move into defensive potions and surround Enforcer, bringing him to a sotp*
[Status`] Self-Destruct: Activated.
[Enforcer] Oops. *turns it off*
[Crossfire] Uh, Enf? You don't know how to pilot one of these things, do you?
[Status`] Vultures: *fire at the arm, blowing it up*
[Enforcer] Well, usually, i fly on my own power.
[Crossfire] GAH! I'll take that as a good, solid... no.
* Enforcer shakes his head, and punches the engines to max power
[Status`] Warning: We'll never reach the ship
[Status`] Vultures: *Form a blockade*
[Enforcer] I learnt from the best...
* Enforcer kills the engines, and glides for a bit
[Enforcer] NRP: *waits for the "Who
[Status`] Affirmative.
[Enforcer] NRP:'s that question
[Crossfire] Remember, if push comes to shove, a little psionics is all that's needed...
[Status`] Warning: Psionics travels through this vulture...could cause distortion
[Status`] Warning: Baberlus not on Vulture
[Crossfire] ...Good point... Wait, where IS Baberlus?
[Baberlus] NRP: Oh, just as I come back.....
[Status`] NRP: *watches Dom and Wien, flinching*
* Enforcer pulls the vulture into a steep dive, activating the engines at the lowest possible point, doing a burnout coming up from underneath the vultures
[Baberlus] NRP: Or have I? Maybe I've been watching.
[Status`] Vultures: *head for Baberlus back on land*
[Baberlus] NRP: I'm screwed.
[Crossfire] Hey Enforcer, are we just gonna ditch Baberlus?
[Status`] More Vultures: *keep guns trained on the group*
[Enforcer] Shit.. cant leave him..\
[Crossfire] I don't really like him, but...
[Crossfire] He is part of us...
* Enforcer shakes his head
[Enforcer] Hell no.
* Baberlus runs arouind dodging blasts
[Status`] Vultures: *lock onto Baberlus' hand and fire*
[Crossfire] Open the hatch on this sucker...
* Enforcer barrel rolls, and kicks the version of afterburners in to pick up Baberlus as he flysby
[Baberlus] AHHHHHHH! *runs around as fast as he can*
[Enforcer] NRP: this may sting a bit..
[Status`] NRP: You lost your hand, wouldn't be running around
[Enforcer] NRP: Standign still person suddenly accellerated to Mach 2+
[Baberlus] I KNEW I shouldn't have been a stragler!
[Enforcer] Next time keep with the tour group.
[Baberlus] Sucks to your tour group!
* Enforcer flys toward the ship again, keeping low to the ground
[Status`] Vultures: *form another defensive line, one that will destroy the group*
[Enforcer] Status, any cloaking generators on this thing?
[Crossfire] Oh, sure, a tour group. I can see our selling line: "Tour destroyed Earth! See the sights! If you die, you get your second tour at half price!"
* Enforcer shakes his head
[Baberlus] ......
[Status`] Yes!
* Status` plays a holovid of the fight
[Enforcer] WHERE?
[Status`] I tapped into their HoloVid Network
[Enforcer] NRP: .... oh good.  That wasnt what I asked.
[Status`] ...oh, yes, cloaking generators.
[Status`] Scanning
[Status`] Negative.
[Enforcer] Frick... 
[Crossfire] For fricking... WHY can't I use my psionics...
[Enforcer] Flares?  Missiles?  Any kind of distraction?
[Status`] Plan: Smash Vulture into hull point there.  *Reads it out in Enforcer's brain*
* Enforcer nods
[Baberlus] hmm....
[Crossfire] ...Fun.
* Status` activates a shield around them
[Crossfire] But that doesn't get rid of that defensive line.
[Enforcer] Welcome to suicide lane, we hope you dont go crazy.
[Status`] Vultures: *zoom in*
[Crossfire] ...But that does. I thought we didn't have any shields...
[Status`] NRP: Around the group, not the mech*
* Enforcer pulls straight up, pulling a 9G move, flying past the vultures
[Status`] Vultures: *flip around and blast the vulture, tearing out it's limbs*
* Crossfire laughs aloud
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[Enforcer] NRP: Crossfire should be KO'd..
[Enforcer] C'mon.... MOVE IT!
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* Enforcer punches it targeting the exact spot
[Baberlus] ...... you pull me out of a ground death in exchange for an arial death?
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* Crossfire passes out while laughing
[Crossfire] NRP: Good point.
[Enforcer] NRP: 9G's should have almost popped your eyes.
[Status`] Vultures: *keep firing*
* Enforcer braces for impact (assuming we make it)
[Baberlus] NRP: not me! I'm a lean mean bounty huntin' machine!
[Status`] GM: *they hit it*
[Status`] GM: The entire vulture explodes and Status' shield fails, but protects them all*
* Crossfire slowly awakens
[Enforcer] NRP: do we break through the hull? or what?
[Status`] NRP: If you didn''d be falling backwards
[Enforcer] NRP: we'll say we did.
[Crossfire] Paaaaain...
[Baberlus] eep.
[Status`] ....giga..
* Enforcer rolls to a stop, rubble scattering around him
* Baberlus looks around
[Enforcer] Status, Locate Wien and Dom NOW
* Enforcer looks around
[Status`] ....byte...
* Crossfire starts to psionically heal himself, but at the last moment decides that wouldn't be the smartest thing to do, under the circumstances
[Status`] Scanning..

[Status`] Location: Prison Cells
[Status`] Time Chart: Sometime later
[Dominator] NRP: We awake?
[Status`] NRP: Yah.
[Wiendigo] NRP: Same cell?
* Dominator rubs his head and looks around
[Status`] GM: Each have collars strapped around their necks; they are in seperate cells
* Dominator checks to see if he has any external weapons like Rune Sword
[Wiendigo] *from other cell* 'Bout time you woke up.
[Status`] GM: They each have their swords
[Dominator] We're been taken prisoner... Any idea of the time we were out? It can't have been that long...
[Dominator] We're on a ship maybe. Either that or a base...
[Wiendigo] Long enough. I woke up as we were 'escorted' in but played possum.
[Status`] Figure: *walks up to the cells* Is that so?
[Dominator] Any information? I was hit by all of them at once...
* Dominator turns and looks at the figure, narrowing his eyes
[Dominator] Who are you?
[Dominator] NRP: Is the figure speaking in English or Tsivrixsh? I speak both anyway
[Status`] Figure: *Remains in the dark and cloaked* I am the governor of this pathetic "dust ball"
[Status`] NRP: English
[Wiendigo] Funny, I don't remember votin' for your sorry ass.
[Dominator] NRP: Same voice as the last governer?
[Status`] NRP: Same 
[Status`] figure: *glances up and wrinkles his older Tsivr face* Is that so?
[Dominator] If this is a "dust ball" it's your own bloodthirsty empire's fault...
[Dominator] But, now that you have us, what do you intend to do?
[Status`] Governor: Like the empire cares.  The emperor wanted Earth dealt with, we did it like this.
[Dominator] Why bother assigning a governer to it then?
[Status`] Governor: It's been a long, long time since my crew's had'll provide it.
[Dominator] Funny, I recall that your empire seemed to pride itself on being honorable
[Wiendigo] Some curtains here, a new table there, mass destruction and death...yeah, you'd make a great planetary decortater.
[Status`] Governor: Out here, the Empire's ways caring little meaning.  I'm the law out here.
[Status`] (cary)
[Status`] (carry!)
[Wiendigo] Sorry Punchy, I don't do sexual favors.
[Status`] Governor: *Raises a thin eyebrow/skin in response* You will make good sport, Wiendigo.
[Wiendigo] Soldier boy over there, hell, we still question who he plays for.
[Dominator] ...
[Status`] Governor: Here's the rules.  You two will fight to the death using your swords.  The person who wins, is granted any wish that does not involve any harm to my people.
[Dominator] And, of course, we have no way of knowing you'll keep that bargain.
* Wiendigo rolls his eyes
[Status`] Governor: You have no choice.
[Wiendigo] A gladiator fight? God, you scalefucks have no sense of originality.
[Dominator] We can refuse to fight.
[Status`] Governor: Then you both die.  Now.
[Dominator] Then, all you can do is kill us and you loose your twisted enjoyment
[Status`] Governor: Is that your wishes?  Both of you?
* Dominator glances at Wiendigo
* Wiendigo lowers his head and thinks
[Dominator] At least give us a moment to think...
[Status`] Governor: *moves back into the dark*
[Wiendigo] On one condition, fuckhead.
[Status`] Governor: What/
* Dominator knows that they're best chance of survival, though extremely slim, is to go on with the twisted game in the hope that one might win, but still...
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[Wiendigo] You abide by whatever the wish, no matter how extreme, that doesn't include harm to your shit-colored people.
[Status`] Governor: If it's handing the planet Earth to you, forget it.  But you can have anything else.  Even a ship to leave here.
[Dominator] Would a wish that would give our Resistance members and other people of the planet a ship to leave be acceptable? And passage out of Tsivrixsh space?
[Status`] Governor: If your wish is put through before they are exterminated, yes.  But your fight better be fast.
[Dominator] I see...
[Status`] Governor: *turns head to the right and speaks* Prepare the next line of Vultures to attack.
[Wiendigo] Fine, whatever. I'm feeling frisky, I feel like killing something.
[Status`] Governor: *turns back* Excellent.  May the best ... killer when.
[Status`] NRP: Win
* Wiendigo flashes Dom a bloodthristy grin
[Dominator] Wiendigo... If you succeed, you'll be responsible for getting our members off the planet...
[Status`] Governor: *teleports Dom and Wiendigo into an arena*
* Dominator shakes his head, not wanting to do this
[Wiendigo] Let me think, Do-
[Dominator] What...?
* Wiendigo sucker punches Dom as he's caught off guard
[Status`] Governor: *sits down on a throne chair; two his right sits his right hand man, who's face is masked in Tsivr honor guard mask; his eyes look hauntingly human*
[Status`] Governor: Excellent...
[Dominator] Uhh! *falls a step back, but recovers and rolls out of the way*
* Dominator draws Rune Sword
[Wiendigo] Oh boot-licker, boot-licker,'re so God damn niave.
* Wiendigo pulls out his energon Katana and swings it around
[Dominator] So, you still only care about yourself, Wiendigo? Others still have lives they can lead...
[Status`] Governor: Two reploids for the fate of his friends...the other for his own pleasure.  How..refreshing.  Good vs. Evil in a twisted sense.
[Dominator] Don't think I'll think twice about killing you either, since I must
* Dominator gets into an attack stance, with years of training and experience in sword fighting
[Wiendigo] Blah blah blah, words, just words solider-boy, they're just words. You're as mortal as me, in fact...*spins and swing sout his sword, just barely slcing Dom across the chest* still bleed.
* Dominator deflects the slash, having been in a defensive position and anticipating it
[Wiendigo] NRP: So much for the drama
[Status`] NRP: Heh.
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[Dominator] NRP: Well, I love drama as much as the next guy, but c'mon, that's just too either of hit I think
[Wiendigo] NRP; It was just a scratch! And meant as such, i may add.
[Dominator] NRP: Okay, okay...
[Wiendigo] Bah, screw you...
* Wiendigo turns and walks away from him
* Dominator slashes forward
* Wiendigo rolls and swings his sword up, blocking
* Dominator pushes into Wiendigo's sword, attempting to throw him off balance
* Wiendigo scoops his hand into the dirt and swings around, slining it into Dom's face
* Dominator pushes with all his weight into Wien's sword to knock him back, and leaps back, shaking his head
[Dominator] Ahh!
* Wiendigo jumps up and spin kicks Dom in the head viciously
[Status`] Governor: I wonder if the others have this much fun with Death Star's group...
[Dominator] NRRP: Can we here G?
[Status`] NRP: Yep
* Dominator slashes into Wiendigo's foot as he falls back from the hit
* Wiendigo recoils and barely puts any weight on his foot
* Dominator notes the Governer's comment, but doesn't get distracted, having shaking the dirt out of his eyes
[Wiendigo] Jesus...*checks his foot* You're gonna pay for that, you asshole.
[Dominator] Wiendigo, don't forsake what's left of our planet... That's what we fought for as the Hunters! *dashes forward slashing at Wiendigo*
* Wiendigo jams his sword into the dirt and grabs onto the hilt, delivering a swinging kick to Dom's shoulder*
[Dominator] NRP: Maybe the slash and the kick hit each other GM? Or else?
[Dominator] NRP: Or we both hit target?
[Status`] GM: Both hit your targets.
[Wiendigo] Argh!
* Wiendigo grabs his leg and he lands
[Dominator] Oof!
* Dominator was knocked to a knee, but leaps forward at the falling Wien, stabbing forward
[Wiendigo] I'm so going to kill you.
* Wiendigo grabs Dom's arms and rolls back, flipping Dom onto his back
* Wiendigo flips up onto his feet in a hand-to-hand defensive stance
[Dominator] Damn! *sees Wiendigo blcoked his attack*
* Dominator leaps to his feet
[Dominator] NRP: Hand-to-hand? Where's your katana?
[Wiendigo] NRP: Jammed it into the ground so I could swing kick at you
[Wiendigo] NRP: Needed something to get leverage.
* Dominator backs Wiendigo towards a corner, prepared to slash, and get the katana behind him
[Wiendigo] Hey look! Hunters! *points behind dom*
* Dominator doesn't fall for it and instead slashes Wiendigo with a protective slash, in case Wien tries something
* Wiendigo swinging deflects the slash, taking a slight cut to the arm
* Dominator doesn't enjoy this one bit, but nows it must be done
[Wiendigo] You;re smarter then I give you credit for.
[Wiendigo] But not much.
* Dominator expected as much and does a stab into Wiendigo's side
[Dominator] I'm not going to let you defeat me, Wiendigo
* Wiendigo spins and runs up the wall then pushes off, circle kicking Dom as he comes down
* Dominator stabs his sword upwards, in hopes to hit Wiendigo and he falls to the floor
[Wiendigo] I'd never let you lose to decide to lose to me.
[Wiendigo] NRP: minus that first lose
* Wiendigo slaps his hands flat on the balde and holds himself up into the air
[Dominator] NRP: Uh, yeah, I think
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* Wiendigo balances there on the sword
[Dominator] ...?!
* Dominator kicks in the midsection and grabs his head, to push him to the ground
[Dominator] (kicks Wien)
[Wiendigo] Surprise. *drops down and jams his feet into Dom's shoulers, then flips off and back in, kicking dom in the back*
[Dominator] NRP: Heh, Wien's starting to remind me of Gatts from Berserk slightly
[Wiendigo] NRP: Dude, I'd be balancing on the blade of your sword. Unless you have one hell of a reach on your kick, there's no way you could kick me
[Dominator] NRP: Point... I thought you were just grabbing it
[Wiendigo] NRP: No
[Dominator] Argh! *falls back, but keeps his grip on his sword*
* Wiendigo backflips over to his katana and grabs it out of the ground
[Status`] Governor: A little physical.  Was expecting more of a sword fight.  Too bad.
* Wiendigo stands in a fencing position
[Wiendigo] Enguarde.
* Dominator leaps back up to his feet
* Dominator focuses, knowing he likely has more overall skill in swordfighting than WIendigo, but with Wiendigo's rage...
[Status`] NRP: DS is the best sword fighter...sometimes.  He does lose...
* Dominator slowy moves toward Wiendigo, keeping distance at the moment
* Wiendigo leaps at Dom to spook him, but stays easily out of his range
* Dominator stays focused, not letting Wiendig physce him out
[Status`] Right-Hand Man: *keeps watching then fight*
* Dominator continues to circle Wiendigo slowly
[Wiendigo] You know, Dominator, I've often thought what it'd be like to kill you. Though not in this fashion, I have gone over it time and time again.
[Dominator] Why? We weren't the best of friends, but not enemies
* Dominator is still staying focused, seeing throw what Wien's trying to do
[Wiendigo] *off in his own little tangent* My blade gliding across the band of your neck, severing the  surface of your syntheskin, relishing the moment as your battery fluid seeps out, then flows, gushes like a waterfall.
[Dominator] Or do you think of killing everyone?
* Dominator takes that moment to attack, slashing into Wiendigo's blade, then (if he can knock it back) at Wiendigo's midsection
[Wiendigo] Then I'd grab you by the back of your head and stare into your eyes, watching the life slowly die out, as you, the poor helpless victim, peer into mine, only to see death, the final image before you're gone.
* Dominator is disgusted by Wiendigo's speech
* Wiendigo rotates his wrist away and back under, jamming it into Dom's leg
[Dominator] NRP: Your wrist or sabre?
[Wiendigo] NRP; Uh, wrist rotated, sword jammed into leg
[Dominator] NRP: You rotated my wrist then?
[Status`] NRP: Dom's stamina is running lower than Wiendigo's; Wiendigo cannot use his foot that was stabbed
* Dominator can't avoid the foot attack, but he uses his deflected sabre to slash into Wiendigo's back
[Wiendigo] NRP; No, mine. Fencing style. rotate wrist simply, big move of the blade, rotated in circle, on underflow, came in and jammed sword into your leg
[Dominator] AH! *cries out in pain from the hit*
* Wiendigo winces and arches his back in reaction but doesn't cry out
[Status`] Governor: Ahh...they are both tiring..both losing vital battery fluid...but I think the savage one has more energy left.
* Wiendigo rams the hilt of his sword into Dom's face
* Dominator is hit, spiting out battery fluid, but grabs the hilt and pulls it and Wien to the floor
[Wiendigo] Know this, Dominator....
* Wiendigo spins on his good leg and uses the 'dead weight' of his injured one to nail Dom
[Wiendigo] ...when this is all said and done...
* Dominator rolls back, so the leg only gazes him
* Wiendigo rolls and brings his sword over his head at Dom
[Wiendigo] ...after one of us walks away the victor, the other a bloody corpse...
* Dominator stabs at Wiendigo's chest when he does so
* Wiendigo twists his torso to avoid and swings a left hook back
[Wiendigo] ...remember what happens here today...
* Dominator barely ducks to hook, but brings his sword up defensively, despite being in a bad position
[Dominator] *spits out* what?!
[Status`] Right-Hand Man: *is gone*
* Dominator watches Wiendigo intently
[Wiendigo] ...the circumstances under which we fight only forces us to uncover our true hatred of one another...
* Wiendigo hacks at Dom
[Wiendigo] ...but no matter what results....
* Dominator anticipated it, and catapults (as well as he can...) at Wiendigo to get out of the range of the slash, sweeping his blade at one of Wien's feet on the ground
* Wiendigo leaps off of his good foot, but kicks Dom sword to a raised position
* Dominator clangs his sword into Wien's to put some room between them
[Wiendigo] ...I let you win. *throws himself onto the blade*
[Dominator] WIENDIGO!
*** Status` is now known as TsivrWarrior
[TsivrWarrior] Governor: NOOO!
* Wiendigo drops to his knees as his weight brings him down
* Dominator watches in horror and his sword cuts through Wiendigo's body
[TsivrWarrior] Governor: *Stands, frowning*
* Wiendigo slumps
* Dominator grabs Wiendigo's body, laying it beside him, with his sword still stuck in it
[Dominator] ...Wiendigo...
[TsivrWarrior] Crowd: *remains silent*

[Status`] GM: *alarms are going off* [Enforcer] Best route to location? Steatlhily [Baberlus] ....we set off their car alarm. [Enforcer] NRP: Step away from the mothership... [Status`] Location: Found. [Status`] Warning: Siawase not found. * Crossfire hits his forehead [Enforcer] No time to worry about that now... we've gotta get moving [Baberlus] ....I was thinking.... we may be able to get off this God-forsaken planet from here... [Crossfire] Don't tell Jason that we left Siawase behind... * Status` uploads the information to Enforcer's head [Crossfire] ...Dammit, I'm starting to talk like him... [Enforcer] We dont have time... *moves quickly the direction Status showed him* [Status`] Query: Why are there no enemy troops after us? [Enforcer] They might be watching the battle, or waiting for us to fall into a trap.. [Crossfire] I'm thinking the latter... [Enforcer] Hows the battle going anyway? [Status`] Query: Stalemate so far. [Crossfire] How should I know? ...Wait, you were talking to Status... [Baberlus] .....We grab Wien and Dom, then we grab some sort of transportation.... [Baberlus] It's perfect.... [Status`] Query: Dominator's stamina is running lower than Wiendigo's; Wiendigo is weaker than Dom and has an injured foot. [Crossfire] ...Problem. How do we grab both of them, and keep 'em from killing each other in the process, maybe taking us with them? [Enforcer] Status, locate all available space fering ships able to hyperjump. [Enforcer] NRP: I so spelled that wrong. [Status`] Query: All are locked down. Impossible to get; Plan of action, return to Earth. Escape, impossible. [Enforcer] ... Probability of retreving both Wien and Dom and surviving? [Baberlus] NRP: just SHOOT down my idea.... [Enforcer] NRP: did he ever.. [Crossfire] A million to one. Anybody could tell you that. [Status`] Query: Probability of returning with either Dom or Wiendigo, not with both. [Enforcer] NRP: LOL! [Enforcer] NRP: you ever read Terry Pratchett? [Enforcer] NRP: Do so. You'll know why i laughed. million to one.. hee hee [Crossfire] NRP: ...? [Enforcer] .... Who do we come back with? [Enforcer] Balls or brains? [Baberlus] Who do we like more? [Status`] Whoever...survives. [Enforcer] ... We have no choice but to watch? [Status`] Query: Fight is 4 floors above us; heavily guarded. [Baberlus] ...Who are they fighting, anyway? [Enforcer] NRP: Gotta go. [Enforcer] Themselves. [Baberlus] NRP: eh? [Enforcer] NRP: Dom vs Wien [Status`] NRP: In #tawarena [Enforcer] NRP: *salutes* dad wants comp. Gotta let em have it. [Baberlus] NRP: Dom: But I like you Wien! | Wien: No need, I'd just kick your ass anyway. *walks off* I love you, BTW. [Status`] Course of action? [Dominator] NRP: No, Dom doesn't like Wien one bit, but he doesn't like to kill [Baberlus] NRP: I was being silly. [Enforcer] .... Possibility to sneak in and get the winner:? [Status`] ...possibility. [Enforcer] Show how. [Baberlus] ......Let's just kick ass. [Crossfire] ...Odds, dammit! Worthless piece of... *mutters various curses in both English and French* [Status`] ...Do a big Resistance move, crash the party, and kill everyone? [Crossfire] ...Us? Pfft. [Enforcer] ... Right, any other plans? [Status`] Query: Access Hunter battle tactics? [Crossfire] ...Hang on. Why'd they end up fighting anyway, Status? [Enforcer] Do it. [Baberlus] Pfffft nothing. If we're fated to lose, why not do it now. [Status`] Query: Battle tactic by Death Star, Dominator, Venerator, or Steel? * Crossfire points an arrow at Baberlus [Enforcer] NRP: *resists the urge to type Excelsior in #tawarena* [Enforcer] Death Star. [Status`] Query: Battle tactic in situation A102... [Crossfire] Quiet, bounty hunter, if you like the bridge of your nose being where it is. [Dias-AWay] NRP: Uhhh....what's happening? [Baberlus] Bring it on.... [Enforcer] NRP: making this up as we go along DS? [Crossfire] ...AFTER we get out. [Status`] NRP: Accessing old tactics by DS [Baberlus] Typical. [Status`] Death Star's favorite tactic in this situation: Capture an elevator, ride to the area of fighting, walk in, blast and cause chaos, turn and run, and lead them to you. [Crossfire] Hey, we're trying to get two other idiots to keep fighting, so we two idiots don't need to fight, eh? [Crossfire] ...Got any other tactics, Stat? [Baberlus] .....Like I said! Kick ass! [Status`] One for baking cookies. [Enforcer] .... Have some fun. [Crossfire] ...Thank you. [Enforcer] Which kind? Slash's or Death Star's? [Status`] Slash's. [Enforcer] NRP: BOOYA! [Enforcer] Good. Made the best damn cookies I ever tasted. [Baberlus] NRP: What about UO cookies!?!?!?!?!? [Crossfire] ...Who? [Status`] Voice: Welcome, Resistance members. [Enforcer] Way before your time. [Enforcer] Oh good, a welcome party. [Enforcer] Wheres the chips and beer? [Crossfire] Well, welcome to y... Wait a minute... [Baberlus] NRP: Would theyt HONESTLY refer to us as "Resistance Members"? [Status`] Figure: * asingle figure steps out* [Status`] NRP: ... yes, you're resisting. * Baberlus tips his hat * Enforcer draws his sword [Crossfire] NRP: Maybe just "the Resistance..." [Enforcer] G'day [Baberlus] Heydy. * Crossfire makes a flourishing bow [Dias-AWay] NRP: That's nice. Have an unscheduled session [Status`] Figure: *Stands in full battle gear; he wears a Tsivr war mask and blue eyes shine underi t* *** Dias-AWay is now known as Dias [Crossfire] Welcome to the party. [Baberlus] ......Nice suit, who's your taylor? [Status`] Figure: *Glares at Baberlus* You are fools to be here. [Crossfire] Nice mask. Where'd ya get it, I want one! [Enforcer] Obviously. [Enforcer] Now then, if you' [Enforcer] ll kindly direct us to the battle we'll be on our way. [Baberlus] We're still alove, aren't we? Foolishness can be a great asset sometimes. [Status`] Figure: *draws his Xvash/sword/staff* * Enforcer spits in one eye, and kicks the Tsiv in the reproductive organ. [Baberlus] ....Damnit... I slur too much. alive. [Status`] Figure: I cannot allow you to interrupt the fight. [Crossfire] Ooh, nice weapon... * Status` blocks Enforcer [Crossfire] I get it after we beat his ass into the ground! *** Status` is now known as TsivrWarrior [Baberlus] Well... when one wins, can we have the other back? [Baberlus] I want the armor!!!! [Enforcer] Yea. I've got season tickets [Crossfire] I get the mask! [TsivrWarrior] ...the fight isn't over yet! [Enforcer] See? *holds up a scrap of paper* * TsivrWarrior twirls the staff sword [Baberlus] Yeah, and I asked if we can have the winner back? [TsivrWarrior] The winner decides his own fate. * Baberlus is not crazy, just a real smartass [Enforcer] Well, I want to get to my seat.. [Baberlus] Leave it to the fates.... as always.... [Enforcer] Section 32, way up high.. [TsivrWarrior] ...*his blue eyes sparkle with amusement* [Enforcer] See? Look at my tickets if you dont beleive me! * Enforcer holds them out for inspection [TsivrWarrior] ...follow me. [Baberlus] Who does you makeup? I LOVE the eyes. [TsivrWarrior] The fight is over. [Crossfire] Hey, I want that staff! *laughs* * TsivrWarrior turns and walks towards an elevator pad [Enforcer] WHAT? [Enforcer] Fights over? I want my fifty bucks back! * Enforcer follows the warrior * TsivrWarrior steps onto an elevator pad * Baberlus gets on [Baberlus] Can I have some armor like yours? [Crossfire] Hey, if it'll get me that mask... *gets on the pad* [TsivrWarrior] Status: .... [Crossfire] Where'd ya get that staff-thing? How much do you want for it? [Baberlus] ......At least answer me. [TsivrWarrior] ...*remains silent* [Enforcer] Status.. who won? * Baberlus pokes at the Tsiv * TsivrWarrior steps off the pad as they reach their destination in #tawarena [Crossfire] *whistles* Hey, answer me... [Baberlus] Can I have some armor like that PLEEEEEEAAAASE? * Baberlus hops off [Baberlus] NRP: that mean we join? [TsivrWarrior] NRP: Yep [Enforcer] NRP: yes.... [Baberlus] NRP: pereod of silence said yes anyway *** TsivrWarrior is now known as Status` * Dominator checks to see if Wien is alive, but will make no response either way [TsivrWarrior] Governor: Is he alive? * TsivrWarrior walks into the room * Enforcer steps off *** Dias (kiki@ has joined #tawarena [TsivrWarrior] Here are the Resistance... [Enforcer] ..... * Crossfire stretches, gets off, and resumes pestering the Warrior about his Xvash/staff/sabre * Dominator let's go of the sword hilt and rises a bit [TsivrWarrior] Governor: .... [Dominator] You're had your damned fun. One of us has been killed. [TsivrWarrior] Governor: *runs scanners on Wien* * Enforcer hands Status back to Dom 1"Its yours..." * Dominator whinces, since he's leg is wounded [Crossfire] *stops* Hold it... Windbag's...? * Dominator takes it from Enforcer *** Baberlus ( has joined #tawarena * Enforcer nods [TsivrWarrior] Status: Domiator! * Baberlus looks [Dominator] ...Status... [Baberlus] Awwww...... daaaaaaaang. [TsivrWarrior] Governor: *Frowns* He's not dead. [Crossfire] We-he-hell, this is an insteresting turn of events... [Dias] NRP: Nuts [Enforcer] NRP: *snicker* called it. [TsivrWarrior] Governor: Kill them. Kill them all. [Baberlus] ....Hey wait a sec! [Baberlus] I got a question! [Dominator] What?! * TsivrWarrior turns to the group, his eyes mournful * TsivrWarrior twirls the staff [Crossfire] Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa! I have a last request! * Baberlus looks at the Tsiv [Baberlus] I kinda liked you too... [TsivrWarrior] Governor: *exits the room* [Dominator] So, you did lie. [Baberlus] Can I at least know your name? * Crossfire sighs * Enforcer spits in one eye, and kicks the Tsiv in the reproductive organ again, pulling his blade behind the warriors leg shredding tendons [Baberlus] C'maaaaaan. *looks at the Warrior* * TsivrWarrior blocks [Enforcer] NRP: blocks what? All three? [Baberlus] Enforcer, he hasn't hit us YET. [TsivrWarrior] NRP: The attacks * Enforcer blinks [Wiendigo] *sits up* Well fuck. *yanks out Dom's sword and grabs his own* [Enforcer] Not bad. Usually that works. * TsivrWarrior growls [Baberlus] Maybe he could metaphorically kill us? Can we at least have some small talk? [Crossfire] ...As for that last request... Can I hold that staff for a minute? [TsivrWarrior] Enough talk. You will die. * Wiendigo coughs up some battery fluid as he stands wearily to his feet [Baberlus] I mean, I like to know the name of the guy thats gonna kill me. * TsivrWarrior speaks with fluent English [Crossfire] Hey hey hey, one of them knows English. [Enforcer] Take off your mask. Lemme see who you really are before you kill me. [Baberlus] Hey you know english! Tell me your name! Come onnnnn! [Baberlus] Name, if nothing else! [Crossfire] I bet I know you. *snickers* [Enforcer] Hey, i'll even make it easy for you. *tosses his sword to the side* [TsivrWarrior] I am Xriletsone Lsaxve * Dominator pulls his sword up and gets to his feet, avoiding putting weight on his woundedl eg [Wiendigo] The condemned have a right to see the face of their exicutioner. * Crossfire shrugs [Crossfire] I could be wrong. * Baberlus tips his hat again [Dias] NRP: Which roughly translated means, Man who wipes ass with hand * TsivrWarrior smashes his stafft hrough Crossfire's gut, letting it hang out the other side [Dominator] NRP: *snickers* [Baberlus] Well, Xriletsone, nice ta meet ya. * Crossfire , who was in mid-bow, takes the hit rather harshly [Crossfire] * Dominator slashes Xriletsone in the side [Dominator] Crossfire! [Enforcer] NRP: right through his head... hes quite dead. * TsivrWarrior pulls it out and blocks [Dominator] NRP: "Crossfire's gut" * Wiendigo brings his sword down through the staff * TsivrWarrior blocks that too [Crossfire] NRP: Mid-bow, not completely down. [Baberlus] ..... Ah damn... I can't bring mytself to ty to kill him when he just introduced himself.... * TsivrWarrior twirls staff overhead [Enforcer] Crossfire! *dives picking up the sword he tossed away, kicking at the staff* [TsivrWarrior] If you value your lives, you'll run. [Baberlus] ..... I'll just beat him up. * Dominator glances at Wiendigo and the others [Enforcer] NRP: ok, in a hell of a lot of pain. [Baberlus] ......Yeah. [Baberlus] Hey let's run! * Crossfire collapses on the floor [Enforcer] Theres an idea. [Wiendigo] ...So we can't just punch you out, huh? [Baberlus] .... I kinda like this! He's giving us a chance! * TsivrWarrior leans against the staff, counting * Baberlus turns and starts to leave * Enforcer runs like hell [Dias] NRP: Hey, He can count without taking his shoes off! No fair. * Enforcer picking up Crossfire along the way [Baberlus] If we ever meet again, wanna get a drink? [Dominator] I'm not in a good position to run, unfortunetly... * Wiendigo begins to slump away [TsivrWarrior] If we ever meet again, one of us will die. [Enforcer] ..... *turns back* * Dominator glances at his foot, steal dripping reploid blood [Baberlus] ....Oh COME ON. [TsivrWarrior] ...go, now. [Baberlus] I'll buy you a drink first, okay? Bye! * Baberlus runs [Dias] NRP: And why doesn't Wien go into a shadow and pop out refreshed * Dominator ignores the pain and moves out as fast as he can * Enforcer picks up Dom in one arm helping him move [Dominator] ...Thank you... I think * TsivrWarrior looks at the blood on his staff [Wiendigo] For your sake, scaleface, you'd better hope I don't decide to do you any favors. * Enforcer smirks * TsivrWarrior looks back at wiendigo through the mask [Wiendigo] NRP: Inhibitor collar [Dominator] NRP: Actually, that was to the Tsivrixsh [Baberlus] Wien, leave him alone! He's actually a nice guy! [TsivrWarrior] Status: Uuuhu, where are we going?! [Baberlus] Off this crazy ship! [Dominator] How did you guys get in here? [TsivrWarrior] Status: Vulture. [Enforcer] We uhh.. kinda made a hole. [Dominator] *called back to the Tsivrixsh guy before they got out of range, "farewell" in Tsivrixsh* [Enforcer] NRP: Slash responce: We blew the damn thing up. * TsivrWarrior finishes his counting and begins the hunt * Wiendigo tries to slide his sword between his neck and the collar, trying to remove it [Dominator] Can we use that to get out? * Baberlus runs [Baberlus] Let's go! I don't wanna fight with him! * TsivrWarrior smashes the alarms and leads the others to another floor [Dominator] Head to the docking bay at any rate and quickly! [Dominator] We'll get a ship and I'll hotwire the damn thing if we have to [TsivrWarrior] Status: he dead? * Enforcer moves there [Enforcer] I sure as hell hope not... * TsivrWarrior keeps a good pace after them, but not close enough to be seen [SOUND] [Dias] NRP: Crossfire: I'm still alive. Guys...Guys...I'm badly wounded, can I get some antiseptics? [Dominator] Not to sound impatient, but... let's hurry *moves with his good foot as well as he can, helping Enforcer a bit* [TsivrWarrior] GM: They arrivein the docking bay; only a vulture is there [Enforcer] NRP: or maybe a pack of smokes? [Baberlus] Xriletsone's probably chasin' us by now..... [Baberlus] To ze Vultcha! * Crossfire moans and coughs up blood [Crossfire] Man... That... uh... hurt. [Enforcer] Hold on CF... we'll get you outta here.. [Wiendigo] NRP: Hey, did I like pop the collar yet? [TsivrWarrior] NRP: Sure [Dias] NRP: Crossfire: No? How bout some liquor or some hot tsiv hooker? * TsivrWarrior arrives in the hallway outside the bay [Crossfire] I'm not... givin' in. You know me better than that... *coughs* [Dominator] Wiendigo, can you get this color off me? * Wiendigo sighs in relief as he breaks the collar off, and dives into the nearest shadows [TsivrWarrior] NRP: I GOT YOUR LIVER! [Enforcer] NRP: WOOOOO [Baberlus] Hey Xril! Give us 30 seconds to hotwire this thing! [Enforcer] NRP: AND SPLEEN! * TsivrWarrior appears in the docking bay [Dias] NRP: *watches the Shadow fight back, kicking Wien out of hte shadow* [Baberlus] NRP: Xril is Bobo's son!!!!! * Wiendigo appears again fully refreshed * TsivrWarrior smashes the hanger bay door, dropping the vulture out [Baberlus] Eep! [TsivrWarrior] Get on your ride. [TsivrWarrior] The warrior's way. * Wiendigo grabs Dom by the collar and yanks him down a little * Enforcer jumps in [Dominator] Uh...? * Baberlus looks at Xril [Enforcer] WHy are you giving us this chance? [Wiendigo] If you die, it ain't my fault. * Crossfire coughs [TsivrWarrior] Because, you played his game. You should live. [TsivrWarrior] It's honorable. [Baberlus] ...... I respect you. [Crossfire] You sure... didn't show any mercy a few minutes ago... [TsivrWarrior] Vulture: *sails far away* * Enforcer nods * Wiendigo lets out his Shadow Claws and pries the collar off [Dominator] ... Thank you. Don't let your leader's destroy your own sense of honor in their war... [Baberlus] ....I liked him. [Dominator] Thanks... Wiendigo... I'm glad I didn't have to kill you, or you me [TsivrWarrior] NRP: You three are still on the hanger bay floor as Enforcer and Crossfire escape [Enforcer] NRP: Morons. [TsivrWarrior] Vulture: *keeps falling away* [Dominator] NRP: Oops! [Wiendigo] I want to kill something, dammit! * Wiendigo looks at dom [Wiendigo] You SURE I can't kill ya? [Dominator] NRP: There is another vulture, isn't there? * Baberlus is on the vulture this time BAAAAAYBEEE! [TsivrWarrior] NRP: Nope [Dominator] ... Kill an enemy instead... * TsivrWarrior watches the two argue [Enforcer] NRP: HA, only one. Got pushed out the door. [Dominator] NRP: Uh, a ship? [Enforcer] NRP: Just shadow into it. [Baberlus] NRP: PUSH'EM OFF! [TsivrWarrior] NRP: All on vacation [Dominator] NRP: .... * Wiendigo points out the hangar [TsivrWarrior] NRP: Jump out [Wiendigo] Uh, tha's our ride. [TsivrWarrior] Vulture: *is a speck now* [Enforcer] NRP: Make it snappy, gotta go. 1) sleep. 2) draw 3) get ready for stuipd freeking preformance tomorrow * Enforcer lights the engines and hovers there * TsivrWarrior hears more troops coming [Wiendigo] Ah, well... * Crossfire was with Enforcer [Enforcer] NRP: JUMP SO I CAN GO SLEEP DAMNIT [Dominator] NRP: Stupid guys leaving without us... [Baberlus] NRP: Dom can teleport..... * Wiendigo backups to the edge, and takes a step off [Baberlus] NRP: can't he? [Dominator] NRP: Oh yeah... Right DS? [TsivrWarrior] NRP: Not in this situation [Dias] NRP: Bunch of pricks [Baberlus] NRP: jump.... THEN teleport. [TsivrWarrior] NRP: JUMP! [Dominator] Well, nothing left to do... *follows Wiendigo, jumping off and attempting to teleport onto the vulture or as near as possible* [Enforcer] .. thats it.. they have a count of fifteen. * Wiendigo grabs onto the vulture [TsivrWarrior] Soldiers: Where are they?! [Dias] NRP: Wow's Wien's fast * Enforcer opens the hatch, and catches wien, and Dom as they fall [TsivrWarrior] ...they escape before I arrived. *shows his staff* I killed one. [TsivrWarrior] NRP: And you fall into #taw! [Baberlus] Xriletsone..... I'll remember that guy. * Crossfire lies out and coughs [Status`] ...Warning: Vulture has died.. * Baberlus smokes one of the cheap cigars he found [Crossfire] I wonder if he meant not to kill me? [Status`] Warning: Crossfire is dying [Wiendigo] ...God, would you shut UP about that guy? [Dominator] NRP: How'd I do? [Enforcer] .... Hang on, things are gonna get bumpy... [Dominator] NRP: n/m [Baberlus] Hey, he probably could have kicked our asses! [Status`] Warning: Enforcer is going offline [Crossfire] I'm dying? It doesn't feel like I thought it... would... [Status`] Warning: Speed is increasing [Enforcer] NRP: I am? [Dominator] Enforcer... [Wiendigo] And I'll kick your bastich ass if you don't shut your fuckin' hole! [Status`] NRP: I am EIVL [Crossfire] NRP: Warning: We're all gonna die anyway. [Dominator] Status, can we land safely somewhere? Anywhere? [Status`] ...crash land? [Dias] NRP: Warning, DS is on a power trip * Enforcer slurred voice 1" Dom... i'm offlining.... take control..." [Wiendigo] NRP: danger! Danger, Will Robinson! [Status`] NRP: Query: Power trip? [Dominator] NRP: Who else can fly? I did it in an earlier session, so I guess I still have it [Status`] Vulture: *Crash lands* [Enforcer] NRP: I can. But since i'm offline... * Dominator heals Enforcer as he can with his Rune Crystal [Baberlus] Uh huh.... [Dias] NRP: Power trip? What about it? * Crossfire spits out blood * Enforcer slams through the steering thing, getting impaled [Status`] Vulture: *skids along the grounds and flips upside down and lands in the sands of the Wastelands* [Crossfire] Dom? I could use... a little of that... * Dominator is jottled forward * Dominator heals Crossfire too * Wiendigo holds braces himself [Enforcer] NRP: Look! Its shiskabob! [Wiendigo] Steady as she goes.... * Crossfire does a good job of holding himself down, considering [Baberlus] Wee....*holds on for dear life* [Status`] Query: Dominator kick Wiendigo ass? [Dominator] Not exactly... * Enforcer is still offline at the controls [Wiendigo] Answer: Wiendigo let boot-licker win. [Status`] ...Enforcer looks dead. [Wiendigo] So? [Baberlus] That means, "Wien ass whooped up something bad", status. [Dominator] Well, we made it to the damn Wastelands... *checks to see if Enforcer is alive* [Status`] Query: Use Baberlus for spare parts? [Crossfire] Oh, great, why don't we all just go ahead and die... [Enforcer] NRP: up to GM. If i was healed before i was impaled, i'll be ok. if not, might as well delete him. [Status`] NRP: Er, Enforcer! * Wiendigo aims his blaster at Cross' head [Baberlus] ...... Status.... I'm not a robo----- oh nevermind. [Wiendigo] You first. [Status`] Warning: No medical supplies to save Crossfire; query: What do we do? * Enforcer coughs, small residual systems coming online [Crossfire] I was kidding... Ah, forget it, shoot me... I'm dead anyway... [Enforcer] We.......die....*falls back offlined again* [Dominator] Scan the area, Status [Status`] NRP:... was there a point to that slash? [Status`] Status: City nearby. [Crossfire] NRP: Warning, warning, don't kid with Wiendigo... [Wiendigo] ...WAit, that's GOT to be a rhetorical request.... [Dominator] How near? [Enforcer] NRP: obviously not. Just having fun. [Status`] Query: Mile. * Dominator heals Enforcer again [Dominator] Will Crossfire and Enforcer survive the trip there if we carry them? [Baberlus] Who's hungry? * Enforcer shudders as power flows through his system, activating things that went offline. [Status`] Query: Enforcer can be brought back online; Crossfire: unknown. [Dias] NRP: *heals Enforcer to the point where he'll wake up and then go offline, and repeats the process amusing himself so so easily* [Enforcer] NRP: GM, permission to buick? [Status`] NRP: Granted. * Enforcer slaps Dias around a bit with a large buick [Enforcer] NRP: thank you. [Dominator] Let's go... Each of you grab one of them and move quickly * Wiendigo swings the blaster up to the ceiling and fires through * Enforcer pulls himself off the thing he's impaled on [Enforcer] Ow... what in the hell happened? * Dominator checks Crossfire's status [Status`] NRP: Is he dead? IS HE? * Wiendigo jumps up through the hole [Status`] NRP: Did I KILL HIM? [Enforcer] NRP: *pokes CF* * Dominator pulls Crossfire out, ordering another to take Enforcer [Status`] NRP: Next session tomorrow at normal time, BTW [Enforcer] NRP: which is? [Status`] NRP: 6 [Status`] NRP: 6 EST [Dias] NRP: Which I won't make [Enforcer] NRP: Which is.. your time? * Wiendigo starts rocking the ship by swaying on it [Dominator] Let's hope we can make it to the city... * Dominator heals his leg * Status` has no comments [Status`] Resistance Session 1 Ends