Session 69: Reboot Part 2 - The Breaking Point

[DeathStar] Reboot Part 2 - Breaking Point (Session 1 of 2 due to time)
[DeathStar] Session Begins
[DeathStar] Location: Simulator Room
* Snipe throws a kick at Dias' head
[Snipe] You really shouldn't have asked to train while Garland gets here.
* Dias throws arms up to block it
[Dias] Ya, I know. 
[Snipe] Because I'm going to show you a whole new level of pain...
[Dias] But, I'm bored of my ass so..
[GM] Drake: *on bridge* ... Spirit - Xril.
* Garland is in his private training room, suiting up in his lightest gi
* Dias leaps up and throws a kick towards Snipe
[GM] Drake: I'm worried about Snipe.  You think it's wise to let this go on?
[Xrileshr] Yes?
[DeathStar] ...obviously not.
[Garland] NRP: is DS in there with me?
[Snipe] NRP: No
* Snipe grabs the leg and flips Dias
[Garland] NRP: ...obviously not.
* /sound: no such file 'tgc-attackrun.mid'
* Dias lands clumisly on his feet
[Dias] One too many ho-hos
* Garland sets his sword against the wall.
[DeathStar] NRP: LOL
[Xrileshr] Well, I'm not the entirely up-to-date on these matters, but I haven't seen him doing a great amount of good
* Snipe kicks at Dias' chest
* Dias leaps up and over the kick
[GM] Drake: But..he's going to hurt Garland.
[Spirit] I don't think it's wise to stop him right now really...
[Xrileshr] I thik he's optimistic and has a heart in the right place, I hope, but I'm not sure if he's experienced enough to handle this type of situation
* Garland stretches, toucing his head to his knees
[Snipe] How did YOU manage THAT?
* Dias thrusts his palm towards Snipes chest and his other towards his head
[Dias] I'm not sure
* Snipe ducks and uppercuts
* Dias flips back from the blow and lands on one knee
[Dias] Sweet sweet pain.
[Xrileshr] Snipe may be right that we need some changes to our policies and unit, but I'm not sure if they are what he has in mind
* Snipe blurs and kicks at Dias' in the back
* Dias rolls across the floor from the kick
* Garland dissappears, moving so fast he can bearly be sen as a blur even
[DeathStar] ..Snipe's on the verge of collapse.
[Xrileshr] What exactly is his illness?
* Dias mutters to himself 1"Just a little bit more."
[Dias] NRP: No sex..
[DeathStar] X2 is finding that out.
[Snipe] RAAAAGH!
[Dias] NRP: Like I said, he needs to get laid
* Snipe runs at Dias
[DeathStar] NRP: Eve did it..
* Dias slams his hands towards the ground and pushes himself up towards the cieling
[Dias] NRP: Oh yeah.
[GM] Drake: ....I think we should go down and witness this fight . While we help Spirit
[Xrileshr] Good. Make sure he tells us, or at least Admiral Drake, about it before Snipe
[Xrileshr] Can't we view it on the moniters here?
[Xrileshr] Or do you want to be there in person?
[DeathStar] Eh, X2's medical.  He has to report it to the leader.  That's Snipe.
[DeathStar] ...lets watch it here
* DeathStar flips the monitors on
* Snipe stops
* Dias repels off the cieling and spin kicks towards Snipe
[Snipe] Damn you.
* Spirit moves to get a good view
* Snipe takes the kick and grins
[GM] Drake: He's fighting Dias?!
* Snipe throws the punch at dias' gut
* Dias pulls his arms own arms back and slams them forward towards Snipes temples, he takes the blow as he does so
[DeathStar] He's hurting.  Emotionally, mentally, and physically.  He's lashing out.  He thinks he has to beat Garland to prove himself to us.
[Dias] GACK!!! 
[Xrileshr] Dias is a bit impulsive and could probably have gotten into the position easily
* DeathStar ducks in a blur and grabs Dias and throws him
* Garland stops bluring
[DeathStar] NRP: You know who did that.
[Xrileshr] NRP: Dias is fighting Snipe. Is Garland fighting anyone?
[Garland] ....I hope he knows what he's doing.
[Spirit] Why's he fighting Dias...?
* Dias slams into the ground and bounces
* Garland bearly breaks a sweat
[Dias] that all you got?
[Snipe] ...*marches toward him*
[DeathStar] ...Dias, get out of there...get out of there...
* Dias throws a slow punch at Snipe
[Xrileshr] The some to be going at it a bit hard...
* Snipe moves to the side and kicks out
[Xrileshr] some=seem (what's up with me and typos today?)
* Dias takes the kick right in his back
[GM] Drake: ... *to Spirit* Any idea on what to do?
[GM] Drake: On your situationm
[Dias] GAH!!! *falls to one knee, he starts breathing heavily*
* Snipe pulls fist back
* Spirit sighs and shakes her head
* Dias screams in pain as the rage buried deep within himself is released. A wall of fire bursts out of the ground and engulfs Dias in the inferno. Two hands black as the night appear out of the inferno and soon a black body emerges.
[Xrileshr] ...?!
* Snipe steps
* Dias spins and whips his tail across Snipe's face
* Snipe BACK
[Snipe] ...*Barely moves out of the way*
[DeathStar] It's Dark Heart!
* Dias snarls at Snipe
* Garland bursts into flames
[Dias] NRP: HE KNOWS MY SECRET!! *kills DS*
[DeathStar] NRP: ... everyone knows...remember Eve?
[Dias] NRP: how do you know his name? Oh wait...Eve.
[Xrileshr] Dark... HEart...?
[Snipe] ...oh, good, it's your alter ego, which happens to be ... BAD
[DeathStar] Eve unleashed something within Dias.
* Dias stands up fully, clenching his fist
[Xrileshr] ... Besides the obvious, apparently...
* Dias leaps towards Snipe, rolling into a ball
[Xrileshr] !Death tgc-battleonyou.mid
[DeathStar] Yeah, well, we should stop them
* Snipe grabs his rifle
[Xrileshr] How much stronger is Dark HEart than Dias?
* Garland roars as the whole room is engulfed in the fire
* Dias a hair tentacle snatches the rifle and slams it into a wall
[DeathStar] I never got a full estimate---wha?
* Snipe steps back from the fire, having lost the rifle
* Dias turns to Garland not paying any attention to the flames
[Xrileshr] I worry their fight is going a bit beyond standard training
* Garland isn't in the same room......
[GM] Drake: Isolate Dark Heart then.  *types at the controls*
* Dias eyes give off a purple glow
[DeathStar] NRP: ooooops
[Dias] NRP: OH! time be more specefic
* Xrileshr glances at Drake
[Xrileshr] What are you going to do?
[Garland] NRP I was... read above, I'm in my training room.
* Dias dashes at Snipe throwing his shoulder into him
*** Dias is now known as DarkHeart
* Snipe a simulator wall appears between him and Dark Heart
[Snipe] What?1
* DarkHeart slams into with full force
[GM] Drake: Get him lost in a simulation.  Keep him busy.
[Xrileshr] Hm, effective enough
[GM] Drake: Or not!
[Snipe] ARARGH!
* Snipe rolls
[DarkHeart] NRP: I meant the wall but...
[Xrileshr] ... Change the lightning so they can't see each other and enclose them each in seperate areas?
* Snipe blurs and appears above DH, smashing hmi int othe floor
* DarkHeart stands up and turns towards Snipe
[GM] Drake: ... knock out DH.  Stun cannons, aim!
[DarkHeart] DIE! *his hair tentacle whips out in all directions towards Snipe*
* Snipe dodges a few rays
[Snipe] Who's firing!?
[Xrileshr] This Dark Heart is nearly out of control
* DarkHeart seems slightly unaffected by them
[DeathStar] ....
* DarkHeart punches a shot that comes towards him
[GM] Drake: Any suggestions?
* Snipe punches DH
[Xrileshr] Implement measures to trap Dark Heart or incompacitate him and quickly
[Xrileshr] I hope that can be done...
* Snipe slugs his face
* Snipe rams his fist into the neck area
* Snipe knees his gut
* Snipe spin kicks his face
[DeathStar] ...look at Snipe go..
* DarkHeart turns his head towards Snipe and grabs his neck
* DarkHeart tail waves around
[Xrileshr] Yes, he's a bit surprising in his endurance and attack
[Xrileshr] s
[Snipe] GACK! *kicks DH in the face and sends a full force blow to the gut to knock his breath out*
* DarkHeart keels over
[DarkHeart] GUH!!
[GM] Drake: .... Sending down MPs to break it up once one of them KOs.
[Xrileshr] Radio over the comm. for Snipe and Dark Heart to stop fighting immediately
[Snipe] Lights out.
* DarkHeart falls down to his hands and knees
* Snipe punches DH in the face.
* DarkHeart flies back into a wall denting it
[Snipe] MPs: *run in and put energy bands over DH*
[Xrileshr] Perhaps Death Star or I would be better suited to handle the situation if it grows in intensity? We don't want it to end with one of them dying
* DarkHeart eyes give off a purple glow as he eyes Snipe in the dark
[GM] Drake: His comm's out.
* DeathStar nods
[DeathStar] It's over.
* DarkHeart strains to fight the energy bands
[Snipe] MPs:  *put him in a capsule and run away with him*
[Snipe] MP: To X2!
[Xrileshr] NRP: Purple glow... He's actually an enhanced in disguise!
[GM] Drake: ...*sighs at Spirit* Dumbass as you put it has some tricks
[DarkHeart] NRP: *hops back into the Training room in the capsule* I'm done yet!
[Xrileshr] What's Snipe's condition?
* Garland blurs in
[DarkHeart] NRP: *marks Drake's name down on his shit list*
[Garland] WHAT!!!?!?!!?
* Xrileshr glances at Death Star, surprised
[GM] Drake: 98% fine.
*** DarkHeart is now known as Slasher
* Garland 's face is white with fear
[Garland] WHAT'D I DO!?!?!?!?
* Slasher walks over to where Drake is
[Xrileshr] Do what...?
[DeathStar] This is merely a point.  Remember out old battles?
[DeathStar] To see who was the best.  We fight alot to do that.
[Spirit] He surprised me...
[Slasher] What about the other 2%?
[Garland] If it's the fire, I can ex----- oh.
[Snipe] Drake: Snipe's hurt, but he's not showing it.
[Slasher] Hurt where?
[Garland] Yeah... I used to be stronger than you! Things change, eh?
[GM] Drake: Throat area alot...but the punches got him too.
[DeathStar] We'll see.
[Snipe] Lets find out.
[Slasher] NRP: Just wait till Garland goes super Garland. then your screwed
[Garland] NRP: LOL 
[Slasher] Wait..we talkin about Snipe or Mutant boy here?
[Xrileshr] Don't fatigue yourselves to greatly with this training or else you'll be unprepared for a real enemy assault
[GM] Drake: *To Xril* Here's the main attraction.  
[GM] Drake: Mutant boy is fine...100% fine.
[GM] Drake: Xril, lets help Spirit while these idiots fight
[Xrileshr] INteresting
[Xrileshr] Good idea, though I'm not entirely sure how to
[Xrileshr] help her in this particular situation
[Slasher] Can I help?
[GM] Drake:  *shines a light in Spirit's eyes*
[Spirit] ...
* Slasher looks at Spirit
[GM] Drake:  Sure, tie her down while we run her through a machine.
[Slasher] What's the problem dame?
[Spirit] Wha?!  Wait a min!
[Garland] Someone who can heal, heal Snipe for whatever damage he has.
[Xrileshr] Now, could you reiterate for me her problem?
* Xrileshr moves to do as Drake ordered
* Slasher picks her up and tosses her onto the machine and ties her down
* Snipe pops neck
[Snipe] I'm fine.
[Spirit] Ahhhhhhhhh!
[GM] Drake:, we need to get all her armor off.  *hands Slasher a padded gown* Get this on her.
[Xrileshr] Hmm, I would have moved her a bit less abruptly, but that work
* Spirit telekenetically slaps Slasher
[Slasher] My pleasure! *unstraps her* OUCH!!
* Garland doesn't have his sword
* Slasher tosses the gown to her
[GM] Drake: Sedate her!
[Slasher] Well, if your going to be so rude, then I won't help you
* Xrileshr pauses, then grins a bit, understanding the situation
[Garland] No weapons.
[Slasher] With what?
* Garland steps into the ring
[DeathStar] Right.
* Spirit hits her bracellet and the armour forms into a full suit.
[GM] Drake: Uh..*hands him a fake needle* Here!
[Xrileshr] You heard Drake, though, Spirit. Put those new clothes on
* Slasher grabs the fake needle and jabs it towards Spirit
* Garland does one final stretch
* Garland bows to Snipe
* Snipe nods, eyes red
* DeathStar watches the monitor
* Garland stands there, in his fighting stance
[Slasher] Night night Spirit
* Spirit grins knowing that the needle can't come close to even denting the armour
[Garland] whenever your ready.
* Snipe blurs
[Xrileshr] NRP: Why's Spirit resisting exactly...?
* Garland dissappears in a blur
[GM] 0,12(14(]0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[SvsG.mp312] 12size 1.43mb 12length 1:34 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
* Slasher pulls out a hammer and whaps her over the head with it
[GM] NRP... good question
[Slasher] NRP: She's pregnant
* Snipe appears over Garland's blur spot
[Slasher] Tired yet?
* Garland appears over Snipe's
[Slasher] NRP: I know, she's playin hard to get.
[Xrileshr] Spirit... Do you have a problem with this?
* Snipe punches upward
[Spirit] NRP: How would you like to be thrown in a machine then have them take needles to you?
[GM] Drake: could be shy...
* Garland blocks
* Snipe does a flip in the air and kicks at his head
* Garland flips out of the way
[Slasher] NRP: Don't play games, you know you like it
[Spirit] *pouts* I don't like being thrown into unknown machines.
[Xrileshr] You do want us to help you...
* Snipe punches at the spot he was at.
* Garland lands on the other side
[Slasher] It'll be ok, *pets her on the head*
[GM] Drake: It's just an x-ray.
* Garland cracks his knuckles
[DeathStar] ...who's playing that weird music?
[Garland] ....alright.
* Snipe lands on the ground
[Spirit] ...
[Slasher] And why are you being the doctor Drake?
[Spirit] ... why do you need an x-ray...?
[Xrileshr] Obviously, your armor would interefere with an x-ray scan...
[GM] Drake: *goes back to the monitor* Nevermind...
*** Crypt ( has joined #TAW
* Snipe charges Garland
* Garland looks Snipe in the eyes
* Xrileshr is still unsure of Spirit's situation
* Garland jumps to the side
* Xrileshr glances at the moniter
[Xrileshr] How goes their fight...?
[Slasher] Come on Spirit, plz place this gown on and lay down on the machine *Turns around*
[GM] Drake: *Turns around with a bible and hits Spirit* DEVIL LEAVE HER!  Uh, Slasher, be the young priest!  I COMPELL YOU TO LEAVER HER DEMON!
* Garland blurs and kicks Snipe in the side
[Snipe] GAH!
* Snipe punches GArland's head
[Xrileshr] Sir...?
[DeathStar] First blood theer.
[Spirit] ?
[Slasher] Uhh....This is too weird for me.
* Xrileshr is completely taken aback
[Garland] Gargh..... *keeps pushing his kick into him*
* Slasher adjusts his glasses
* Snipe keeps drivnig his fist into his jaw
[Spirit] ... your insane Drake...
* Garland and snipe sit there for a moment
[GM] Drake: *puts the bible up* A little cheer you up.
[Slasher] Spirit, change into the gown plz./
* Snipe keeps struggling, muscles bulging
[Xrileshr] *mutters* Traashle vre vrata shraemson xro...?
* Garland looks him in the eyes, struggling
[Slasher] NRP: Snipe is such a puny man. Let me and Garland pump him up.
[GM] Drake: Yeah, yeah.  As for the machine, it;s suppose to rip your karma out of that body for Spirit
* Snipe begins to drive Garland's head back
[Spirit] Eek!
[Slasher] I'm guessin thats not Spirit in that body?
* Garland pushes his foot deeper into his side
[GM] Drake: ... don't like that idea, huh?  X2 built it.  Perfectly save.
[Snipe] Grrr.
* Snipe strangles garland
[Xrileshr] ...? If I knew her problem, I'm sure I could be more helpful
* Garland slams his fist into Snipe's temple
[GM] Drake: ... spirit, explain it to them again
* Snipe falls on the floor
* Garland jumps back, gasping for air
[GM] 0,12(14(]0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[SvsG2.mp312] 12size 4.28mb 12length 4:41 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
* Snipe raises and kicks Garland across the room
[Snipe] Surprise.
[Spirit] Well... to put it in layman's terms...  I'm here in this body, and Spirit is a... disembodied spirit...
[Garland] Argh!
[DeathStar] ...*keeps eyes glued to the screen* Eek
* Garland slams into the wall, cracking it
[Slasher] you find me attractive?
[Xrileshr] And who exactly are "you"?
* Garland gets up, grinnign
[GM] Drake: *glances at slasher* What?!
[Xrileshr] Also, by spirit I presume you mean psionic signature?
* Garland glares at him
* Snipe blurs
[Slasher] Answer the question plz.
* Snipe appears behind Garland faster than he can blur
[Slasher] Spirit that is
* Snipe aims at his head
* Garland teleports
[Spirit] *to Xrileshr* Basically
* Slasher sees Drake eyeing him strangely
[Snipe] ...
* Garland kicks him into the other wall
[Spirit] *To slasher* No.
[Snipe] Ouf!
[Xrileshr] How did this come about?
[Slasher] Alright. Let's get Spirit back then.
[Garland] Thats what that felt like.
[Spirit] It's a really long story..
[Xrileshr] What's the problem with having a telepath aid in psionically returning you to your right body and Spirit to hers?
* Snipe appears before Garland begins to piledrive punches at him
[GM] Drake: A sword.
[Spirit] I... don't have a body of my own anymore...
[Garland] Gah!
* Spirit nods
* Garland uses speed tech
[Xrileshr] ... That might be a problem
[Slasher] Why'ld you take Spirits?
* Garland blocks in sync with his ounches
[Spirit] The kitsunebi also prevents Spirit from re-entering her body
[Slasher] Kinda greedy if ya ask me.
*** Crypt ( has left #TAW
[Snipe] ...*sweats, trying to move faster, causing painful shockwaves with each punch* I WILL DEFEAT YOU!
[Xrileshr] I can only suggest the method that Diamondback used and transfer yourself to a reploid body. Human skill in organic creation is not equal to their skill in creating machines
[Slasher] Destroy it?
* Spirit psionically slaps Slasher
[Slasher] Ouch. Would you stop doing that!
[Spirit] No!  I won't let you destroy the Kitsunebi!
[Garland] NOT IF *blocks a lot* I WON'T GO DOWN!
[Xrileshr] THe... what?
[GM] Drake: *eats popcorn, watching the screen*
[Snipe] THEN..I'll BREAK YOU!
* Snipe grabs his arm and twists it behind Gar's back
* Garland grabs his wrist, slamming in into the ground
[Snipe] RAGH1
[Xrileshr] What is this "kitsunebi"...?
* Snipe knees GAr in the nose
* Garland starts to sweat
[Garland] GAH!!!!!
* Garland stubles back
[Slasher] So basically, cuz you don't want to see your lil sword broken, you gonna let Spirit float around whereever she is, and not be in her body
* Garland holds his nose
[Garland] OW!!!!!!!!!!!
* Snipe tackles him
* Garland flips him off, not hurting Snipe
* Snipe lands on his feet
[Garland] Fooled ya.
* Snipe elbows Gar's back
[Spirit] This "l'tl sword" might be the only thing keeping me from being utterly destroyed.
[DeathStar] ...Garland thinks this is a game...
* Garland blurs out of the way
* Garland grins
[Garland] Having fun yet, snipe?
[Xrileshr] A sword...?
[Slasher] So you'ld rather sacrifice Spirits life just so you can live, even tho your already technically dead.
* Snipe wipes some sweat off his upper lip
[Snipe] 'Bout to have awhole lot.
* Snipe leans over, and begins to shimmer like heat waves
* DeathStar scans Snipe
* Garland responds by bursting into flames
[Spirit] I... I'll find another way...
[DeathStar] Damn man, his unknown virus is destroying more and more of him, but his power more than doubled.
[DeathStar] I think he's stronger than Garland now!
[Slasher] NRP: *watches the sprinklers turn on, dousing both of hte fire bugs*
[GM] Drake: .... can't move the sword away, can you?
* Garland stands there calmly.... flames shooting up like a pillar around him
[Xrileshr] *mutters* Tra lso shavri kit'shunevi shle...?
[Spirit] It's bonded to this body, just as I am bonded to it... -.-
* Snipe is in front of Garland and Garland is flying backwards from an unseen blow
[Xrileshr] And what's it doing...?
[Garland] AGH!
[GM] Drake: You're not making this easy, are you/
* Garland stops himself from hitting the wall
[Garland] Your good now! What happened?
[Xrileshr] I have some skill in psionics, but not a giant amount. Only a bit above the standard psionic potential of a Tsivrixsh Tsolevajra...
* Garland 's wings appear
[Snipe] I'm drawing in strength from myself.  
[Slasher] This is way too much for me to comprehend, I'll go back to trying to make Mechs.
[Garland] Oh! You power up, too, eh?
[GM] Drake: Oh yeah, I blew all the mechs up for spare parts.
* Garland starts powering up
[Xrileshr] Mek'sh ashle...? Or rather, mechs?
[Snipe] *smirks* Sorta.
* Spirit eyes the machine again...
* Slasher appears infront of Drake his hand around Drakes throat
* Garland smiles, powering up. [Gosh I hate that term, but it best fits it.]
[Xrileshr] ... That goes against procedure. Hunh, I'm actually getting used to it... Slasher, I must order you to release Drake, thogh
* Snipe vanishes and Garland moves a few inches to the right; Snipe is there.
[Xrileshr] (though)
[GM] Drake:  GAAAACK1
[Slasher] If you took apart my creations, I will make you build each one over again. BY YOURSELF!
* Xrileshr pulls Slasher away from Drake
* Slasher doesn't budhe
* Garland activates Seraph's Jing
[Slasher] budhe-budge
[Xrileshr] You are, of course, overreacting to his sarcasm
[Garland] ......JUST..... WAIT...... YOU'll ...... SEE ME........ AT MY BEST!
[GM] Drake: *stops breathing and slumps over*
[Spirit] ...
[Slasher] Wow...I didn't even tighten my grip.
[Xrileshr] NRP: I didn't succeed in getting Drake free?
* Garland roars a deep animalisic roar
[Snipe] NRP: No
[Snipe] ...
[Slasher] My god Drakes a pansy.
* Xrileshr checks Drake's pulse
* Garland stops
[GM] Drake: *has one, just playing dead*
* Garland looks at Snipe
* Snipe punches Gar in the gut
* Xrileshr shakes head
[Garland] OUf!
* Slasher slaps Drake across the face
* Garland kicks him in the face
* Snipe uppercuts him
[GM] Drake: OW!
[Snipe] GACK!
[Slasher] Your bad at liein ya know?
[DeathStar] Garland's got the advantage now...
* Garland 's fists become fireballs, him punching him rappidly
[DeathStar] This battle is senseless...I wish they would stop.
[Xrileshr] *mutters* Mastering English has proved almost more difficult than five of the most distant Tsivrixsh dialects together....
[Snipe] OUF! ARGH!  OUF!
* Garland backs off
* Snipe his suit begins to tear away
[Garland] Your turn!
[Slasher] I wonder how Dias is doin
* Slasher picks Drake up and drags him down to sick-bay
* Xrileshr checks the moniter, suprised they are still fighting; and checks how close they are to the hour being up and their meeting
[Snipe] ....*slams fist at Gar's head, his leg to sweep him, and then a fist at Gar's manlihood*
[GM] Drake: *flips Slasher* Hoo gaw.
[GM] Drake: Back to Spirit now...
* Garland is only really hurt by one of them, guess which
* Slasher lands on the his feet
* Slasher taps comm
[Garland] A---*looses his breath*
[Slasher] Comm] X2, hows meh boy?
* Snipe punches gar again
[GM] X2 Comm: Growling and snapping. Feed this damn thing.
[Xrileshr] I don't quite understand what this "kitsunebi" as I think she put it is interfering in these matters. Indeed, I don't quite know what it is... a sword?
* Garland is slammed into the wall by the force of the punch
* Garland spreads his wings
[Slasher] Comm]
[Xrileshr] ...10 minutes until the briefing...
[Garland] yet?
[GM] Drake: I have a headache.  Look at the chaos.  Everything is breaking.
* Snipe grins
[Snipe] I'll have fun when I begin to win.
* Xrileshr taps a few keys, having the computer message the areas with Hunters of the meeting being in ten minutes
[Spirit] *sigh* It's more than just a sword... It works as a psionic conduit...
[Garland] .... Why do you want to do this, anyway?
[Snipe] To prove that I am the best here.
[Snipe] That I have every right to lead.
* Garland starts spinning around Snipe, litterally dissapearing as he runs circles around him
* Snipe eyes are really bloodshot
[Xrileshr] Control over this situation and ship must be exerted or you will fall apart. I have a place to go, at least now. It's not exactly a safe place, but... where do you have to go? This is your last refugue and you must make it a good one
* Slasher places arm around Spirit
[Slasher] Hey Baby.
[Garland] No one doubted you. But your creating your own doubts.
[GM] Drake: *taps the monitor* I have a feeling it'll be a deciding factor of this battle.
* Snipe roars
[DeathStar] ...Snipe's anger's rising...his power's going up...his body is collapsing.
[Xrileshr] *glanecs at Slasher* I think attempting romantic activies with Spirit while her body is occupied by another person is perhaps not a good idea...
* Snipe punches Gar repeatedly
[Snipe] I'LL...SHOW...YOU...DOUBT!
[Xrileshr] Snipe is failing utterly to calm down
* Snipe slams him across the room
* Garland catches his pucnh
* Slasher glances at Xril and ignores him
[Garland] .....NO!
[Slasher] So, baby, you wanna go out and eat?
* Garland kicks him in the neck as hard as he can
* Snipe grabs the foot and twists the leg
* Spirit slaps Slasher
[Slasher] Ouch...
[DeathStar] ....this is out of hand, they're going to kill each other.
* Spirit slaps Slasher again
* Garland flips into an ax kick into his shoulderblade
[Slasher] Well atleast she used physical cont....ouch...act.
* Snipe flips him over, being stronger than Gar.
* Garland fires a barage of punches into Snipe, his rage growing by the second
[GM] Drake: Eeeh, the two are having a serious pissing contest.
* Slasher removes his arm and rubs his face
* Snipe takes them all
* Garland Kiamas Snipe in the face
* DeathStar hits the ground
[DeathStar] NRP: Er, Snipe did
* Garland holds out his hand, forming a ball of Ki in it
[Garland] You.....
[GM] Drake: *looks at the machine* Might as well dismantle it*
[Snipe] ....bastard!
[Slasher] NRP: TIme for bed. I've gotta tennis match tomorrow and need to be up at 6. Talk to you all later!
[Garland] Sharlena was the most important thing to me!!!!!
[Spirit] *frowns* No... don't count it out yet...
[Xrileshr] As Tsavriems tsil'xro Xverashi (tsiexra Tsixrake Tsi) explained in "Tvaxsh vre Lsratsav" ("Journey of a Warrior" in your tongue), beginning chaos is easy, but ending it is difficult... Hopefully a translation to your language of those stories will be provided someday... You'd do well to learn from them
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* Garland the ki turns black
[Garland] ..........*eyes rage*
[GM] Drake: I thought they weren't using any type of weapons
[Garland] .....*throws it at the wall behinf him*
* Snipe watches it explode, shaking the ship
[Xrileshr] ...!
* Garland turns away from snipe and starts to walk away
[Snipe], you walk away now?
* Garland stops and looks at him
[Garland] ..... This was meaningless to begin with.
[Spirit] ... how exactly does this machine work...?
[GM] Drake: eeeh, I don't know exactly.  Lost the manual.
* Snipe sighs and looks down
[Xrileshr] . . .
[Spirit] ...that inspires confidence...
* DeathStar keeps scanning
* Garland looks at Snipe
[DeathStar] The damage is still there to Snipe's body, but his power level now matches Garland's.  And it's still dropping.  But...for a moment there, he could have had Garland.  Or killed them both trying.  Either way, what stopped him?
* Snipe walks away, taking the opposite route
* Garland wipes the blood from his lip
* Garland turns and walks off
[GM] Drake: Perhaps the lad still has some common sense left?
* Garland goes into the lockers, and holds his chest
[Garland] Aghhhh.....
* DeathStar stands up
[DeathStar] This breaks it.  I'm going to do something about this.
[Xrileshr] It's time for the meeting... We'd better be going there
* Snipe heads for the conference room
* Xrileshr heads for the conference room as well
[DeathStar] Yeah.  Lets go.  The Hunters have become pointless.
* DeathStar follows
* Spirit nods and heads for the conference room
* Garland takes a quick shower and gets into his uniform
[GM] Location: The Conference Room
[GM] Meeting in: 3 minutes
* Xrileshr enters the elevator on the way to the conference room
[Gravedigger] NRP: Oh yeah. Loads.
* Ripple leans back in his chair making a creaking noise
* Garland leans against the wall
[Ripple] NRP: I hope you identified.
[GM] Previously in The Galactic Conflict: Ask members, I'm tired, this is the last session, I'm sleepy, I hope I can do I rambling again? Take 3 of the final SESSION...we had to discount the last try...well, what else can I ramble on about?
[Gravedigger] NRP: Yes.
[Ripple] NRP: Dont tell GM... theres too much to ramble about.
[GM] 0,12(14(]0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[TGC-Prepare.mp312] 12size 0.92mb 12length 1:00 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
* DeathStar leans back in his chair, arms crossed
* Xrileshr enters the room and takes a seat
[Ripple] .oO {Hey Spirit, you around?}
[DeathStar] Garland, you do know Snipe was out there to hurt you....
* Spirit has her feet up on the table again.
* Gravedigger glides in, his hood down
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Garland] NRP: err DS
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] *To Rip* [No where else to be...]
[DeathStar] NRP: DS is Snipe and Snipe is DS!?  AGAIN!?
[Ripple] NRP: KILL EM!
[Garland] ... I thought he was just out to prove something, not really hurt me.
[DeathStar] Snipe's walking a thin line and I think he's losing it.
[Ripple] *To Andrea* [Just making sure... Any progress in figuring out how to get your body back?]
[Ripple] ... It is a lot of pressure DS...
[Garland] ....*closes his eyes* When he brought up Sharlena I nearly lost it.
[Xrileshr] He may be, but you cannot deny that his leadership abilities are proving insufficient to command this ship
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] *To Rip* [*sigh* No... nothing...]
[Xrileshr] Much less an attack or any large action of any sort
[Ripple] *To Andrea* [We'll figure a way out.... *wink*]
[DeathStar] Remember, Andrew, you can't defend Snipe JUST because he's your friend if he's truly a danger...
[Ripple] I know....
[DeathStar] NRP: Else you'll end up fighting 500 thugs again
[Xrileshr] Friendship shouldn't overly interfere with military matters... especially when ones neccessarily to you're survival
[Ripple] NRP: Wait a second, did I announce my proposal to Spirit out loud? or just to her?
[Garland] NRP: hurts to.... think.....
[DeathStar] NRP: Outloud to my knowledge.
[Ripple] NRP: Really?  I thought it was telepathic to just her...
[Xrileshr] NRP: Telepathy just ain't what it used to be these days, Ripple... Earsdroppers announced it to the others, no doubt
[Ripple] NRP: This was over the rapport.  I doubt they could crack that.
[Xrileshr] NRP: Eavesdropper, even...
* Garland runs his finger along the large bandaid on his jaw
[DeathStar] NRP: Enough with the NRP
[Spirit] NRP: Okay
[DeathStar] NRP: Damn you!
[Ripple] Sometimes friendships assist in battle.
[Xrileshr] The meeting will begin soon. You'd all best consider what you plan to say during it
* Gravedigger slides into the corner and stands
[DeathStar] I plan on letting Snipe have one more chance to correct his battle plans before I try to talk to him.
[Xrileshr] Remember, Snipe said that he felt "changes" were neccessary. I agree with him there, but I doubt we'll agree on what just kind of changes are neccessary...
[DeathStar] But the point's valid, attacking Gar to prove his might is just plain stupid.
* Ripple nods
[Ripple] He is like Slash in that way.
[DeathStar] I mean, we now have Dias in MedBay now because of that.  I wonder if the kid'll recover.
[Garland] ....
[Ripple] Who knows...
* Xrileshr drums his long fingers over the table once
* Snipe opens the door and steps in
[Xrileshr] Welcome, General Snipe.
* Garland shifts his eyes to Snipe
[Xrileshr] NRP: I think he's a general at least
* Ripple nods to Snipe
[DeathStar] NRP: Much different than the last greeting...."DS says you're our problem."
* Snipe walks in, nodding slowly
[Ripple] NRP: LOL no kidding
[Snipe] I'm glad to see we have...a few extra people here today.
* Gravedigger watches Snipe enter from under his hood
[Snipe] Gravedigger, to the table.
* Garland takes his seat next to DS
[Xrileshr] NRP: I thought Snipe had heard that...
* Gravedigger strides over and sits
[Ripple] By the way... *glances over at Spirit* before we get on with the meeting I have something to announce....
* Snipe throws a data pad onto the table, pulls back his seat, and sits down
[Ripple] I'm engaged to Spirit....
* Snipe raises eyebrow
[Spirit] o.O
[Snipe] Nice to hear that, Andrew.
* Garland brushes a lock of hair out of his eyes
* DeathStar nods
[Ripple] We.. have a few hurdles to jump before it can happen...
[Xrileshr] I see.
[Spirit] Wow, Congratz Andy
[DeathStar] ...*laughs*
[Ripple] Anyway, on with the meeting.
* Snipe raises eyebrow
[Snipe] ...riiiiiiight
[Ripple] Dont ask Snipe... its a long story...
* Garland smirks
[Snipe] Yeah, yeah, I remember, out of body.
[Xrileshr] You noted that you believed changes were neccessary here, general. I believe something must be done to improve the situation here.
[Snipe] I believe A LOT of changes are neccessary here.
[Garland] Like?
[Xrileshr] Could you elaborate for us?
[Snipe] First off, your attitudes need to change a little.  You're all to carefree.  Most of you even have other jobs to worry about.  You need to focus on the Hunters.
[Ripple] ..... There is much to worry about even in the Hunters Snipe...
[Xrileshr] I wouldn't describe myself as carefree, actually.
[Snipe] I know that!  How do you think we can fix the Hunters if most of you have to run off to cook a pizza?  Like CHRIS is probably doing right now.
[Ripple] NRP: how true......
* Spirit giggles
[Ripple] NRP: your honor, I'd like that previous remark striken from the records...
[DeathStar] NRP: .... Chris in real life: Good pizza...yum...hmmm...wonder if anything's up online right nw..naah
[Garland] My only secondary would be on sunday mornigs.....
[Xrileshr] Perhaps then, regulations should be better enforced or new, stricker regulations are neccessary? I agree that you have failed to take your situation seriously enough.
* Gravedigger grins and reaches into his cloak, takes something out. Tossing it out onto the table, it's a bent, charred ID badge.
[Snipe] mean them or me with that comment, Xrileshr?
* Ripple frowns
[Gravedigger] Don't worry, I've taken the liberty of refoucsing my priorites already.
[Xrileshr] I believe that you are correct that most of the Hunters have been too carefree.
* Snipe glances at the ID badge.
[Ripple] Indeed.  Where have you been during our bigger battles eh?
[Snipe] What is THIS, Grave?
[Gravedigger] What's left of my inspection agency. Oh yeah, my office had a litte 'accident'.
* Garland looks at Grave
[Snipe] The underworlders no doubt.  The squirrel pissed them off...
[Xrileshr] ...
[Gravedigger] Oh, I didn't say anything about the underworlders.
[Ripple] NRP: Or else grave himself...
* Gravedigger faslhes his teeth.
* Hikari scowls at the mention of the squirrel.
[Hikari] NRP: Damn!
[Ripple] Nice work.  What'd you use?
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[Snipe] ...playing dead?
[Xrileshr] I beileve you need to create a feasible plan for your survival first and anything else if you can manage it. Also, adopt a more military matter of functioning... Unfortunetly "military" is the best way I can put it in English
[Spirit] That squirrel is STILL alive?
[Garland] ...organized, Xrileshr?
[Snipe] Xrileshr, please shut up.  Your raddling is giving me a headache.
* DeathStar glances at Grave, noting a shift in personality.
* Ripple leans forward
[Ripple] So what changes other then the refocusing of our attention?
[Gravedigger] ...It burned down because someone FELT like it...understand?
[Snipe] Second, I'm tired of you guys going to the great Death Star with questions.  I am the leader, you will not ask HIM what to do in a situation, understood?
* DeathStar looks like he makes a mental note
[Xrileshr] I see. Then we are to depend only on you, since others' opinions are apparently irreleveant?
[Ripple] NRP: DS: Mental note, air out armor.
[Snipe] ...perhaps.
[Xrileshr] I think we need not review how "well" matters have gone here while you have been in command.
[Garland] I have a reason for us going to Death Star for information, true you are in command, but he is much more knowledgable.
[Ripple] And, as much as i hate to say it, He has the experiance.
* Snipe frowns
[Xrileshr] Experience is a valuable commodity, especially in dangerous situtations.
[Snipe] That's an order.  Because it's a danger to the team if you follow his advice and not my orders
[Garland] How is it a danger?
* Ripple falls silent thinking to himself
* Snipe grins sinisterly at Garland but does not answer.
[Xrileshr] I have no intention of following his advice if they conflict with your orders, of course. However... I'm still wondering just what your orders on a great deal of things.
* Garland looks at Snipe, undaunted by the look
[Garland] Well?
* Snipe turns to Xril
[Snipe] Our first problem is to get rid of the crime on this ship.  They have weapons.  We need to wipe them out.  
[Ripple] ........  My question is where are they getting the power supplys for some of those weapons... Type 3 plasma cannons are not easy to come by..
[Xrileshr] Lieutenant Colonel (NRP: hopefully that's right) Death Star has lead an investigation to determine the underworld's involvement in a recent murder, which is well in his power to do. He seems to be doing just what you plan to do yourself in that respect
[Ripple] NRP: BRB
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[Garland] ....hmm. *sips a glass of water*
* Snipe glares icily at Xril
[Snipe] Has he now?
* Snipe glares at DS
[Snipe] I'll deal with you later on that mater.
[Xrileshr] You seemed content to do nothing on the matter. If you want to run every aspect of this ship, perhaps you should start doing it?
[DeathStar] I look...forward to it.
* Snipe points at Xril
[Snipe] You can start by shutting the hell up, understood?
* Snipe begins to break out into a sweat
* Xrileshr nods and leans back in his seat, dissapointed his advice isn't met, but still hopefully he'll be able to leave the Fury soon
* DeathStar glances at Xril
[Xrileshr] You have my entire attention, then, general.
* Garland is obviously growing impatient with Snipe's actions, in his eyes, anyway.
[Snipe] Second, you guys have been whining about my hiding tactics with the...aliens.  *glares at Xril when he says it, as if spitting on the word*
* Snipe hits a button on the data pad and brings up a map of space
[Snipe] My tactic is simple..we'll hit and take over every base along the way to the homeworld.  We'll keep this planet hopping up, reach the homeworld, and deal with them.
* Xrileshr fails to hide a slight smile at the absurdity of the plan
[DeathStar] ...Snipe, that's crazy.
[Snipe] Oh?  Death Star?  Xrileshr?  You have something to add to this?
* Gravedigger smirks.
[Gravedigger] Crazy's never stopped us before.
[DeathStar] Let me rephrase that.  You'll die.
[Garland] I see a major flaw in that, but I'm sure Death Star's is more compelling...... as always *smriks at DS*
[DeathStar] If you follow Snipe's plan of action, you'll die.  Clean and simple.
[Xrileshr] Do you seriously think your plan will succeed? I wonder, then, why the Tsivrixsh Empire still exists if it takes one damaged ship with a foolish commander to bring the empire to its knees.
[Snipe] A foolish COMMANDER, oh?
[DeathStar] Snipe, look at that.  Of course it's foolish of you.
[Xrileshr] In respect to that plan at least.
[Snipe] How do you know HE *points at Xrileshr* isn't sent by the Empire to STOP us from doing such a thing?
[Gravedigger] NRP:...Think you hit the wrong emphasis there, matte.
[Snipe] NRP: LOL
[Garland] Because he's already in a position to backstab us, and he hasn't. He has access to the bridge, and it's systems.
[DeathStar] You're paranoid now, Snipe.
[Spirit] Snipe, in the last couple thousand years, has a plan like that ever worked?
[Xrileshr] If I WAS sent by the empire, then I can assure you that the Fury would have long been captured or destroyed by Tsivrixsh forces. You think you're of much value beyond that to the empire? An annoyance, I think, since you have successfully defied the empire before
[Snipe] Look at World War II, Spirit.  Island hopping worked against the Japanese.
[DeathStar] World War II?  Records barely cover WWIII and the Robotic Wars.
[Xrileshr] To my knowledge of your history, nuclear bombings defeated the Japanese....
[Xrileshr] NRP: Er, maybe I didn't know that? Oh well
[DeathStar] You know NOTHING about plans.  Only little "mentions" of things.  No wonder you got the title "planet hopping"
* Snipe frowns
[Xrileshr] You must concentrate on your survival and gaining a base of operations beyond this ship before you begin offensive attacks.
[Snipe] So, you two DOUBT what the Hunters can do?
[DeathStar] Yes, I do.  You people are NOT Hunters.  You are NOT Hunting.  You are PREY.
[Garland] .... I agree.
[Xrileshr] I have little doubt in my mind you will fail long before you come close the homeworld. I'm doubtful your ship will even make it to a base
* Gravedigger leans back and taps his fingers together, reveling in the ensuing chaos
[DeathStar] The Maverick Hunters and later the Hunters were designed to destroy the Mavericks and stop the alien invasion.  Their job is over.  You're just a Special Unit out in space running for dear life.
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[DeathStar] NRP: Rip missed alot..somone brief him
[Xrileshr] Lieutenant Colonel Death Star is correct, general. You are ill prepared and totally unequiped to face the empire and expect to win
[Ripple] NRP: Damnit.. stuipd phone...
[Garland] NRP: Snipe's whining over his plan, and we're trying to tell him he's wrong.
[Ripple] NRP: oh this part.
[Snipe] NRP: Yeah, but this time it's more interesting
[Ripple] NRP: Blast..
[Xrileshr] NRP: Remember the failed version of this session, Ripple? We're at the point when DS and Xril are bashing Snipe's plan
* Snipe points at Grave
[Ripple] NRP: BBL again.
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[Snipe] Gravedigger, what do you think of the plan?
[Gravedigger] It makes no difference what my thoughts are, sir.
[Snipe] ...Oh does it?  Since when did you think like THAT?
[Gravedigger] Since I realized that I don't give a damn anymore.
[Snipe] Oh, THAT's charming.  So, I guess, if I was shot down, you wouldn't give a damn anymore, would you?
[Gravedigger] We'll have to wait and see, won't we?
[Snipe] Spirit?  You?
[Xrileshr] You have said today, General, that you are in charge and no others. We are not to listen to Death Star's thoughts and presumbly no others unless you order us to.
[Snipe] ...Is your name Spirit now, Xril?
[Xrileshr] Just explaining Gravedigger's point while Spirit considers her response
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] [And you expect to even be able to hear me? *laughs*]
* Snipe glares mootly at Spirit who says nothing
[GM] 0,12(14(]0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[TGC-Against_the_Wind.mp312] 12size 3.85mb 12length 5:36 12bitrate 96kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[Gravedigger] My point needs no explination. I stated exactly my thoughts.
* Spirit doesn't realize Snipe is talking to her.
[Snipe] Bah!
[Garland] NRP: *wonders how many other people have this song......*
[Snipe] That's my orders and that's what we're going to do.
[DeathStar] Snipe, if you take that course of action, the Fury and it's civilians will be dead before you leave the first base.
* DeathStar stands up and points at a marble planet on the map
[DeathStar] That should be your point of attack.
[Snipe] Earth!?
* Sound request: can't find 'pioneer.mp3'
* Spirit plays [pioneer.mp3] - 4789k - [i²]
[Snipe] Are you insane, thata's more fortified than ANY base
[Spirit] I doubt it's more fortified than the homeplanet...
[Snipe] Well, they say we'll never REACH the homeplanet.
[Xrileshr] NRP: I don;'t have it...
[DeathStar] True, but on that planet is a weapon we can use greatly.  And the people alive on it will be useful.
[Xrileshr] Spirit is correct that it is much less fortified than the homeworld
[Garland] People could have survived this long there now?
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[DeathStar] You don't remember Dominator and Wiendigo's resolve, do you, Garland?
[Ripple] NRP:*STAB STAB*
[Snipe] Dominator and Wiendigo?  Like THOSE two could help us.
[Xrileshr] NRP: Wiendigo and my what...?
[Garland] I realize, but they aren't exactly your average people.
[Spirit] Er... Shouldn't you guys stop calling me Spirit?  It's kinda insulting to a person who died once...
[Ripple] ... not to mention odd...
* Gravedigger laughs to himself
[Xrileshr] Everything little thing may help you. Besides, don't you want to take your own planet back?
[Xrileshr] NRP: Oh, didn't know the Hunters knew about it
[Snipe] Earth's a dead planet.  I want your homeworld and to crush YOUR world like you do us.
[Garland] I'm questioning Wien's ability to die, actually.
* DeathStar chuckles
[Xrileshr] Then, you'll never get it, I assure you.
[Ripple] .... *shakes his head*
[DeathStar] Revenge?  Revenge is nice, but that's shouldn't be your driving force.
* Snipe slams fist on table
[Xrileshr] Surpring as it may be for you, Tsivrixsh forces actually have discipline and intellect
[Snipe] We're going with my plans, you understand?
[Snipe] You three, *nods at Garland, Xril, and DS* haven't been here from the beginning
[Ripple] ... Sorry Snipe... but that's a suicide plan.
[Snipe] What?  NOW you're going to against me?
[Xrileshr] You all may, but if you do so, you are no longer important to the Tsivrixsh Resistance and I'll be leaving immediately. As will your chances of survival and support from our gruoop
[Ripple] As much as I'd like to say yes... I have a soon to be wife to think about.
[Snipe] Andrew, these three, they weren't there from the beginning when we first SUs.  We can do this.
[DeathStar] NRP: This is like Deja vu...
[Garland] On the conrtary. I've been here since the Maverick Hunters, and Jr has filled me in.
[Xrileshr] Heroics alone won't win you a war.
[Ripple] NRP: Deja vu.. the feeling you've done something before..
* Ripple sighs
[Xrileshr] NRP: No kidding. Sorta seems like a second draft of a novel
[Ripple] NRP: Deja vu.. the feeling you've done something before..
[Xrileshr] NRP: No kidding. Sorta seems like a second draft of a novel
[Snipe] You?  You left to go to your homeworld!  I don't remember you helping us fight Cain.  I don't remember see you around when Matsuoka, me and the others defiled the Mavericks.
[Ripple] NRP: Deja vu.. the feeling you've done something before..
[Gravedigger] It's death that wins a war. The question is, which side's going to die first?
[Ripple] We hope they do Grave..
[Xrileshr] It depends on your course of action. If you perform Snipe's plan, you, of course, will.
[Garland] Death is not always the end of things like that, Grave.
[Snipe] Ripple, Grave, and the Spirit who can't hear me, you guys seen how far we've come.  Do you guys trust me...or them?
* DeathStar crosses arms
[Spirit] [[6Spirit]] [I can hear you, you can't hear me!]
[Xrileshr] How far you've come...? *shakes his head* Your hunted refugees from a beaten world with dreams of grandeur...
[Spirit] [[6Spirit]] [Get it straight!]
[DeathStar] Just say your answer, Spirit, we'll pass it on.
[Gravedigger] I'm going with the course of action. I'll let someone else deicde what that course will be.
[Garland] ..... I had personal matteres to attend to during your fight with Cain.
[Snipe] ...*sees there will be no defense from Grave and turns to ripple*
[Ripple] ..... I trust everyone with my life.  The question is, will I go with your plan.
[Snipe] Do you trust me enough to go with the plan?
[Spirit] [[6Spirit]] [Okay, thanks... This was getting a little frustrating...]
* Xrileshr drums fingers waiting for their response...
[Ripple] Humm.
[Ripple] Snipe... as much as i'd like to see the scum that took out the earth dead, we just cant do it alone.
[GM] 0,12(14(]0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[TGC-Alabama_-_I'm_In_A_Hurry.mp312] 12size 1.95mb 12length 2:50 12bitrate 96kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[Gravedigger] NRP:...Interesting choice of music...
[Snipe] So?  *waves hands out* We have to fight to get people to join us.  You're evading the question.
[Spirit] Taking back earth would be a major blow to their forces...
[Snipe] NRP: Snipe's theme, no doubt.
[Snipe] So?  We'll die trying.
* Sound request: can't find 'phantom_world.mp3'
* Spirit plays [phantom_world.mp3] - 3696k - [i²]
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Garland] What do you think death is like?
[Snipe] A place away from your sorry ass, I hope.
[Xrileshr] Not neccessarily a "major blow" but it would be a great gain for you
[Garland] You can't know, only wonder, I've died TWICE.
[Ripple] I'm only second in command.  I follow orders, i dont give em.
* Spirit shudders.
[Snipe] You only think you've died twice.  When you don't get back up, then you're dead.
[Garland] I don't want you or ANYONE here going through it. YOU seem to want them to DIE.
[Ripple] NRP: at least i was last I checked...
[Garland] And I won't allow it!
[Ripple] ..... No.  We take earth.
[Spirit] Death is not fun... *shudders*
[Snipe] ....*jerks back as if shot*
[Gravedigger] Death is the  rebirth. Rebirth is the chance to correct past mistakes. Past mistakes lead to the death.
[Ripple] I'm sorry Snipe.  
[Garland] You know what I mean, too... huh.
* Snipe blinks out the tears forming
* Garland looks at Spirit
[Spirit] You try it sometime Grave...
[Snipe] I...uh...won't let you do this, Death Star...
[Ripple] Work with us.  
[DeathStar] I'm sorry, Snipe, but you're not fit for duty.  We all agree on that.  We'll have X2 and Drake finish it.
[Xrileshr] Why do you blame everything on Death Star? He's hardly spoken here. The point is that your plan doesn't work and his is better. He is not at fault.
[Spirit] Snipe... We'll get them back...  We just aren't prepared yet.
[Snipe] ...*sighs and slumps his shoulders.  Punches the button to another room and steps into the dark room, the door closing behind him*
[Xrileshr] NRP: Someone... stop him
[Ripple] ......  He's extremly depressed....
[Spirit] Snipe...
[DeathStar] NRP: ...LOL
[Xrileshr] At least he won't kill you with his plans now, hopefully.
[Ripple] NRP: *has bad memories of last sessions*
[DeathStar] NRP: Do Snipe and Grave sense forbidding doom?
[DeathStar] NRP: Spirit
[Gravedigger] NRP:...Gravey sense...tingling!
[Ripple] NRP: grave?
[Ripple] NRP: Use the forks!
[DeathStar] ...*sighs* Something's alling him and causing him to act rash.  Be it the burden of leadership or what, he's falling down and will take you all with him if he remained leader of the group.
[Spirit] NRP: Come to the NRP Side... You know it's your destiny...
[Gravedigger] Well now, I'd say that this meeting is officially ojurned.
[Ripple] ..... Its more then that DS....
[Ripple] We crushed his spirit...  
* DeathStar holds out hand to stop Grave
[DeathStar] Wait.
[Xrileshr] Didn't you order a medical analysis on him from your chief medical officer? That might be helpful, at least a little...
[DeathStar] X2 would report to Snipe before us.
[DeathStar] But..lets try.  *hits button on comm. and contacts X2*
* Garland sighs, leaning forward in his chair
[Xrileshr] You could tell him otherwise. After all, unless Snipe has orded him to report to Snipe first, you can do so
* Ripple mentally watches where Snipe is heading by the black hole of his psionics
[Snipe] NRP: DAmn you Ripple!
[Ripple] NRP: hee hee, sucker
*** X2 (wiendigo@ has joined #taw
[Garland] NRP: technically thats impossible.
[Spirit] NRP: Wow... He's a Psi becon...
[Ripple] NRP: theres ways of tracking just about everyone.
[Garland] NRP: he absorbs it, so theres nothing to send back....
[Spirit] NRP: No it's not Gar, think of it like invesed radar
[Snipe] NRP: True
[X2] Comm: Hello?
[Garland] NRP: for his location anyway.
[Snipe] X2...this is Death Star and the rest of...the "Hunters".
[Spirit] NRP: Nothing comes back so he knows Snipe is there.
[X2] Comm:...Ooooookaaaayyy...
[Xrileshr] NRP: Hey... Snipe's impersonating DS!
[Snipe] .oO (The Hunters ended back in 2181...the name isn't right...
[Snipe] NRP: oooops
* Sound request: can't find 'whats_up_guys.mp3'
* Spirit plays [Whats_Up_Guys.mp3] - 3872k - [i²]
[DeathStar] you have back the reports on Snipe?
[X2] Comm: Reports? What rep-*pauses* Oh, THOSE reports. Yes, yes, just one minute...
[DeathStar] ...his father's weird, he's forgetful...
[X2] Comm: I heard that!
[Xrileshr] ...
[DeathStar] Ooops.
[Ripple] DS.. turn off the comm next time you do something like that..
* DeathStar takes button off comm. so he can't be heard anymore
[DeathStar] NRP: Takes finger off the button!  not the button!
[Garland] ....Don't worry about it, he'll just forget you said that.
[DeathStar] I hope.
[Ripple] NRP: Comm: *Blows up in DS's face*
[X2] Comm: In any is with my deepest regret to inform you that...Snip is pregnant.
[Garland] ....or this may be the one thing he remembers forever.
[DeathStar] ...*presses the button* Say what?
[X2] Comm: Oh dear, I'm sorry, those are another patient's files...*coughs*
[Ripple] I hope he hasnt mixed tests again...
[Ripple] nevermind.
[DeathStar] ...not only forgetful, but he can't read.
[Ripple] ..... *points at the button*
[Garland] ...He heard you.... remember, button?
[Ripple] uhh.. DS...
[X2] Comm: Ah, here we are. Oh yes, Snipe is very much so clincally off-his-rocker.
[DeathStar] ...*removes finger quickly*
[X2] Comm: I Hear THAT too!
* Ripple presses the button
[Ripple] And is there anything else wrong with him?  Or just insane?
[Garland] We uh.. love you X2! DS does too... he's sorry he talks about you! ..... RIGHT DS?
* Sound request: can't find '06_-_she's_lost_control_(s.l.c.).mp3'
* Spirit plays [06_-_She's_Lost_Control_(S.L.C.).mp3] - 2112k - [i²]
[DeathStar] Can you medically diagnosis that?
[Garland] NRP: siiiiiilent night...... hooooooly night....
[Ripple] NRP: *plays thunderstruck in front of Grave*
[X2] Basically, Snipe has acquired the virus that struck Earth back around the 2190's that killed both humans and reploids.  However, he has a new strain that is affecting him only and is not contagious, but it's causing him to burn up rapidly using his powers and is slowly killing him and affecting his judgement.  I don't know how long he has to live...days...weeks..months or a year.  There is no apparent cure. And, I regret to also inform you that he has a horrid ca
[Xrileshr] NRP: "horrid ca"...?
[Ripple] NRP: a horrid ca.....
[Snipe] ...a horrid ca?
[DeathStar] ...a horrid ca?
[DeathStar] Did that comm. cut out again?
[X2]  And, I regret to also inform you that he has a horrid case of crabs.
[DeathStar] ...*clears throat*
[Gravedigger] Heh, crabs...
[Ripple] Great.  Dying, depressed AND with a case of crabs.
* Spirit winces.
[DeathStar] From spending time with every woman on the ship
[Garland] Don't they have a shampoo for that? The crabs I mean.
[Ripple] NRP: O_O
[X2] Comm: Yes, but we're out.
[DeathStar], doesn't anyone care Snipe's dying?
[Garland] .....what? I mean, head lice is curable, though, right?
[Ripple] Yes.  
[Xrileshr] Well, perhaps it would be best to let Snipe cool off, as I believe you say... *rises*
* DeathStar groans
* Ripple scans where Snipe is again
[Spirit] We have to do something for him... we can't just let him die...
[DeathStar] NRP: Nice one, no one cares Snipe's dying, it's a debate about crabs!
* Gravedigger gets out off his chair and makes a b-line for the door
[Garland] Of course, I'm just still thinking about how we nearly killed each other.
[Snipe] Drake: *comes on the comm.* Uh, bad news...
[Xrileshr] Whatever you do, I suggest you do it quickly... I have other matters to attend to besides chasing him around. I'm sure you can handle it... I'll be available if you need me...
*** Xrileshr has quit IRC (Random RPG Quote: * Monty gets some parts out of the shuttles controll system and is still working)
* Sound request: can't find 'don't?be?discouraged.mp3'
* Spirit plays [don't be discouraged.mp3] - 3423k - [i²]
[Garland] Comm: WHat sis it Drake?
[Ripple] Uhh guys.....
[Snipe] Drake:  I...uh..heh...uh...well, you see, Snipe ordered me to give him the repaired data on the Underworld crime orginization
[Garland] NRP: Can we hurry along a little, it's incrediblly boring doing it a second time....
[Snipe] Drake: Said he was taking a team down there...
* Gravedigger stops with a bothered ear
[Ripple] Hes uh... heading to the.. underworld....
[DeathStar] NRP: *eats a crab leg* Hmmm?  Hurry up?
[DeathStar] Alone or with a team?
[Ripple] Alone it looks like..
[Snipe] Drake: Well, he said YOU guys were going with, alone.
[Gravedigger] NRP: *rather enjoyed the crab joke*
[DeathStar] NRP: ... I did NOYT.
[Ripple] NRP: *ducks the incoming air strike*
[Spirit] NRP: NOYT!  NOYT!
[Ripple] NRP: Is Noyt something like Yoink?
[DeathStar] NRP: *slumps down*
[Ripple] NRP: *snicker* sorry.
[X2] Comm: Oh bother...shall I escort them to bring Snipe to the Med bay, Captain Drake?
[Spirit] NRP: It's DS and the brain, it's DS and the brain...
[Ripple] NRP: One is a genius, the others insane...
[DeathStar] NRP: *flips on TV and watches it*
[GM] Drake: Er...well, I suppose we should.  But if it's not curable, what good will it do?
[Ripple] NRP: hang on. someone tried to nuke me.
[Garland] NRP: what was the ISP?
[Spirit] We have to find some way to save him... We have to.
[Xeke] NRP: i think you guys should start roleplaying and less NRPing
[DeathStar] Well, if he's gone down to kill the underworlders, and we go down after him, our chances of survival is...22%.
[Garland] ....well, I do know that if nothing else, we should help him be cured of his head lice.
[Ripple] ... Chance of his survival is less then 1 DS...
[Garland] bacically 1 in 4... huh....
[Ripple] Its a damned if you do, damned if you dont.
[DeathStar] Well, Grave, what do you think?
* DeathStar turns head at Grave
[Spirit] Snipe has no chance, we atleast have some.
[X2] Comm: Well, so that perhaps he doesn't...oh, I don't know...SPREAD THE BLOODY THING?
[DeathStar] You're his closet friend.
[GM] Drake: But i thought you said it wasn't contagious...
[X2] Comm:...I say a LOT of things...
[Garland] It's suicide.... and that would mean he'd go the oposite place of where people want to go.
[Ripple] NRP: Fried that jerk.
[GM] Drake: If that Doom Virus breaks out again, the whole ship will better be right isn't not contagious!
* Gravedigger turns his head up as if to think, then he heads out the door
[Ripple] The more time we spend talking, the more time he has to get down there..
[DeathStar] There's your answer from his closet friend.
[Garland] .....Humans and reploids.... where whould that leave me Xril, and Elayne?
* Spirit heads after grave
[GM] Drake: Xril will be fine.  You two..die.
* DeathStar follows Spirit
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] [Hey! It's my body! Don't I have any say?]
* Gravedigger takes out his scythe
[Ripple] ..... *follows DS and Spirit*
[Spirit] [No.]
[DeathStar] So, Ripple, you're in charge of the what?
[Ripple] *To Andrea* [I'll keep it safe for you * smile*]
[X2] Comm: I'm coming too! Wait for me!
[Ripple] .....
[Garland] Drake: I question how you'd know this, but... Find Elayne, keep her somewhere safe untill this blows over.
[Ripple] We have two choices.
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] [*sigh* Thanks... ]
[Ripple] Leave Snipe to die alone, or try to help him PASSIVLY.
* Garland joins the group
[Ripple] NRP: *doesnt want to go through that again*
* Gravedigger heads for the elevators and hits the button
[Ripple] Personally, Snipe is one of the closest friends I have on this ship.  I dont like seeing him die.
[GM] Drake: Right, Gar.
[Ripple] NRP: ...err, friends die..
[Garland] Comm: Thanks, it means a lot to me.
[Gravedigger] *the doors open and...*
* X2 waves
[DeathStar] Well, Snipe's on a run to kill the crime.  He's on the edge of insanity...
[X2] Going down?
[DeathStar] ...and...X2!?
[Ripple] ...
[Ripple] Anyone have a tranq?
[Garland] ..... Let's not argue.
* X2 holds one up
* Garland gets on the elevator
* DeathStar steps on
[Ripple] Good.  Were going Snipe Huntin.
* Gravedigger growls lowly to himself
* Ripple steps on
* X2 pats Grave on the head
[DeathStar] How do you plan on saving someone who doesn't wish to be saved, Ripple?
[Garland] NRP: To those who were boy scouts, you know what I mean...
[Ripple] ..... By sacrificing my own life if necessary.
[DeathStar] I'm sure he knows he has this virus.  X2 just forgot he told him..
* Sound request: can't find 'runalltheway.mp3'
* Spirit plays [runalltheway.mp3] - 4666k - [i²]
[X2] There there, m'boy, he'll be alright.
[Ripple] NRP: *quietly awaits the chastizing from Andrea*
* Gravedigger grabs X2's arm
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] [...]
[Gravedigger] Get your stinkin' paw offa me.
[Spirit] Let's get this show on the road!
[DeathStar] NRP: *plots how to save Andrea*
[DeathStar] Elevator: LETS MOOOOVE!
* X2 clears his throat
[DeathStar] Elevator: *drops like a rocket, throwing them all against the ceiling*
[X2] Yes....welll...very good then.
[Ripple] NRP: Fruck, BBL again
[GM] 0,12(14(]0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[Gundam Wing - Just Communication.mp312] 12size 3.98mb 12length 4:21 12bitrate 128kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
* Gravedigger stands his ground
* Garland does his trademarked staying in place...
[GM] 0,12(14(]0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[Gundam Wing - Rhythm Emotion.mp312] 12size 0.89mb 12length 7:46 12bitrate 16kbps -mono- 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
*** Ripple has quit IRC (Stuipd frucking parents (Someone cover for me))
* DeathStar reminds motionless.
[DeathStar] Ripple: *smashes into the ceiling*
[DeathStar] NRP: Hee hee.
* Garland looks at DS and Grave
[Garland] ...... Copycats.
[DeathStar] Oh, sorr.y
* DeathStar lets himself hit the roof, but upside down and stands on the roof
* Spirit eeks.
* DeathStar catches Spirit
* Gravedigger doesn't pay any attention to Gar
* Garland laughs
[DeathStar] Elevator: *picks up speed*
[DeathStar] Elevator:  No breaks!!  NOOO BREAKSSS!
[Garland] What!?
* X2 blinks. "What did he just say?"
[Garland] Is it serious!?
[DeathStar] No breaks.  Noo breaksss.
* Garland grabs the gaurd rails
[Garland] Who else can fly!?
[DeathStar] Elevator: *jerks to a stop*
[X2] ...Why thank you for repeating THAT for me.
[Spirit] Thanks  ^.^¡
[X2] GACK!
[DeathStar] Elevator: Hah!  Should have seen your expressions
* DeathStar flips to the ground
* X2 hits the floor
[Garland] ....
* Garland looks at the Elevator in pure anger
* Gravedigger prys open the doors
* Spirit scowls
[DeathStar] eleavot:  OW!! HEY!! STOP!
[DeathStar] Worse than a musical elevator...
* DeathStar steps through the pried doors
* DeathStar looks around the floor, no power running to it.
* X2 crawls out
[X2] Bloody hell...
* Garland pushes a lot of the buttons on it's manual level selector and steps off
[Spirit] You can put me down now if you want...
* DeathStar sets Spirit down and smiles
[DeathStar] Sorry.
[DeathStar] Ripple: *hops out*
[DeathStar] Ripple:  Lets find Snipe...
[Gravedigger] One moment. *turns back to the elevator and delievers a roundhouse kick to it*
[DeathStar] Elevator: eeeeep!!  *follows the level plan Garland put in*
[Gravedigger] Stress relief moment. Please, continue. 
[Garland] .....*smirks* I really did have a plan on stopping the elevator....
[DeathStar] ...
* DeathStar walks along the dark
* Garland follows
* X2 flips on a light on his arm
* Sound request: can't find 'imp_march_leviathan_mix.mp3'
* Spirit plays [Imp_March_Leviathan_Mix.mp3] - 5147k - [i²]
* Spirit follows along eagerly.
[Garland] X2, turn it off....
[DeathStar] Why do I have the sense of forbidding doom still?  
[Spirit] NRP: Wow... This music fits better than I thought...
[GM] 0,12(14(]0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[Imp_March_Leviathan_Mix.mp312] 12size 5.03mb 12length 29:17 12bitrate 24kbps 11(10(14(stereo14)10)11) 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
* Gravedigger skulks off into the darkness
[X2] What? Oh, sorry. *turns it off*
* DeathStar notices a crowd of people around a building shape, lights on around it.
[Garland] NRP: Bah... I'll just listen to the DBZ american remix.
[DeathStar] NRP: SEND!
[Garland] maybe later.
* Snipe stands on the roof, a plasma rifle pointed at man's head and vice versa
[Garland] NRP: add NRP to that!
[DeathStar] Snipe works fast for a man dying.  He's found the leader.
[X2] Dead man killing.
* Garland looks at X2
[Snipe] Man: Foolish...foolish man.  Even if you kill me, all my men will shoot you down...
[DeathStar] There's too many of them to fight...don't get seen.
[X2] ...What?
[DeathStar] NRP: Cue for "Go get seen and start big battle."
[Garland] NRP: *pushes X2 out*
* DeathStar draws saber blade hilt but keeps it off.
* Spirit stays in hiding, biting her lip nerviously.
[Snipe] Heh you think I care?  With you dead, they will fall without leadership.
[Gravedigger] *various Gravedigger weapons fly about in the darkness at the men*
[Snipe] Men:  What?  Dammit!  *shine light out into the dark*
* Garland draws the Gospel, keeping it behind him, it a little noticable in the dak.
[Garland] NRP: dark
* Spirit cover.
* Snipe keeps eyes at the man he's facing, refusing to look at the distractions
[DeathStar] Dammit Grave...
* DeathStar moves against a support beam
[GM] 0,12(14(]0,12MP3 SOUND14[)0,12) 12[Gundam Wing - Rhythm Emotion.mp312] 12size 0.89mb 12length 7:46 12bitrate 16kbps -mono- 15:14:12Running WinAMP Audio Player14:15:
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] *telekenetically knocks over some debris in another direction
[Gravedigger] NRP: Hey, I wasn't seen, just killing people. There IS a difference.
* Garland follows DS (NRP: NOT THIS TIME!)
[Snipe] Men: There's a Hunter out there, sir!
* Sound request: can't find 'gundam?w?op_rhythm?emotion?(remix).mp3'
* Spirit plays [Gundam W OP_Rhythm emotion (remix).mp3] - 4647k - [i²]
[Snipe] Man: KILL HIM!
[Snipe] ...a Hunter?
[Snipe] Damn.
[GM] Men: *200 depatch for Grave's location*
[DeathStar] Have to admit, the lad can take a good deal of them out.
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] *telekenetically throws debris at them from behind.
* Gravedigger locks onto the leader's body and morphs into his exact double
[Gravedigger] Leader's voice: Stand down!
[GM] Men: *hear the voice come not from the roof and keep going*
[Snipe] ...Grave...?
[Garland] ...we should help him...
* Snipe grins and pulls trigger
[Gravedigger] It's a trap, you fools! Stand down!
[Snipe] Man: *gets shot and falls back but opens fire*
[Snipe] Men: *open fire at snipe*
[DeathStar] Where's riple!?
* Garland begins powering up.
[Gravedigger] STOP FI-Oh fuck it. *morphs back and attacks the mob
[Snipe] Ripple: *leaps down and grabs Snipe, and dives out of the way of the plasma shots and falls off the building*
[GM] Men: *open fire and nail Grave (6000 AP)*
[DeathStar] ...deja vu
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] *covers Ripple with a rain of debris*
* DeathStar activates saber
* Garland doesn't burst into flames as usual, but gives off shockwaves
[Snipe] Andrew?!  LET ME GO!
* Gravedigger drops to his knees
* Spirit pulls the Kitsunebi out of thin air
[Garland] ...... Lets do it.
[GM] Men: *keeps firing, 1000 AP each blast*
[Gravedigger] Okay...*spit* ....that hurt...
* DeathStar runs at the crowd
[Spirit] [Way to go Andy!]
[Snipe] Ripple:  *grins and dives out of the way of incoming blasts, carrying Snipe*
* Garland readies his sword, reluctant to kill...
* DeathStar bashes a saber into a man's head and kicks another
* Spirit lets out a telekenetic wave at the men... Like pulling the carpet out from under them
[DeathStar] There's too many.  Head for the elevator - NOW
[Snipe] Men: AAAAAH!
[Garland] ....They'd just hurt others if I don't.
[GM] Men:  *keep shooting Grave*
* Garland sheiths his sword
* DeathStar punches another man
* Garland Fires a blast engulting those shotting Grave
[Spirit] *pouts* It didn't work...
[DeathStar] Ripple and Grave are pinning down
* Gravedigger scrambles back for the elevator
[Snipe] Men: *stands back up and shoots Grave's leg out from under him*
[X2] Then allow me to assist.
* DeathStar throws another man into a few more
* Garland blasts at masses of men.
[DeathStar] ...*notices a power generator near by*  That's how they make their weapons!
* X2 turns on his light again, only this time with a stadium strength illumination
* Spirit makes psi illusions of soldiers come out of the rubble around the men.
[Gravedigger] Dammit!
* Gravedigger rolls
[Snipe] Men:   Shit!  It's a goddamn army!
* Garland can't bring himself to kill a lot of them though, only hopefully knocking them out.
[Snipe] Men:  *runs for it*
* Gravedigger gets back to his feet and climbs into the elevator
[Snipe] Man:  *runs to a dark corner and cannot be seen*
[Snipe] Ripple:  *Drags and throws Snipe into the elevator
* Spirit gigles and heads to the elevator
[Snipe] Ripple:  Don't let him out Grave.
[DeathStar] Garland...the generator!
[Garland] Blow it?
[DeathStar] Yes.
* Garland charges a blast
[Garland] No problem!
* DeathStar hears a rumbling from a corner.
[DeathStar] ...what?
* Garland blasts it full force
* DeathStar turns head and sees two eyes flash and rise up
[DeathStar] Generator: *explodes*
[DeathStar]'s..a MECH!
* Garland flips and looks at the mech
[Snipe] Mech: *steps out*
* Gravedigger starts regeneration himself
[DeathStar] Looks like one of the mechs Slasher lost...
[Garland] ....You know what type?
[Garland] Figures.
[Spirit] I think that's a bad thing...
* Garland looks at it, to see what it specializes in
[Snipe] Mech: *Draws a long scythe*
* Gravedigger sees it and grins
[Garland] appropriate.
[DeathStar] Can you get an ID on it's name?
* Sound request: can't find 'operation4_03?-?wild?wing.mp3'
* Spirit plays [OPERATION4_03 - WILD WING.mp3] - 4037k - [i²]
[Snipe] Mech:  You will all DIE!
[Garland] LIke I'd know.
* Snipe tries to escape the elevator
* DeathStar twirls saber
[Garland] ..... Well.... do we take it out, or go for the pilot alone?
[DeathStar] Ready to rip it to shreds?
[Spirit] Let's rock.
[Gravedigger] ...And from the heavens it was delieved; a vissage of death.
[Garland] Okay!
* Garland slahses at the air
* DeathStar runs at the mech
[Gravedigger] You. Stay. *points at Snipe
[Snipe] Mech: *slashes with it's scythe and tears out a support beam, burying DS*
* Garland slashes it at it's legs
[Gravedigger] X2!
[DeathStar] RAGH!
[Snipe] ...
* X2 rushes over
[X2] What?
[Garland] DS!
* Spirit steps out of the elevator and leaps into the air, slasing twice, sending two waves of blue energy flying at the head
* Garland looks at the mech
[Snipe] Mech:  *slashes at Garland (14,000 AP*)
[Garland] BIG MISTAKE.
[Gravedigger] Stay here with him. I've got something that belongs to me to take care of.
* Garland bursts into flames
[X2] ...Uh....
* Gravedigger rushes out after the mech
[Snipe] Mech: *blocks wih the scythe*
* X2 turns to Snipe
[Snipe] Pilot:  You will NOT defeat me!
* Garland jumps up to the door to the hull
* DeathStar throws the rumble off.
[X2] So...come here often?
* Garland slams his fist into it
[Snipe] ...hah let me go.
*** Ripple ( has joined #taw
[GM] Mech: *throws garland off*
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
[GM] Pilot: You think YOU can stop THIS?!
* Garland slams into the wall
* Gravedigger grins incessantly as he runs up to the mech, spinning his own scythe
[Garland] NRP: BRB
[Ripple] NRP: What did i miss, someone fill me in NOW
[X2] Uh, no.
[Snipe] Mech: *slasehs at Grave with it's scythe*
[Snipe] ...I order you too!
* DeathStar grabs the Mech's leg and begins to lift it off the ground
* Spirit uses her sword like a pogo stick and bounces off the head with explosive force.
* Gravedigger leaps up over it with a flip and grabs onto the scythe as it passes under
[Snipe] Mech: *kicks DS back and staggers from Spirit's hit*
* Ripple appears from a warp, above Spirit, blades jamming into its head beside spirits
[Ripple] Miss me?
[Snipe] Mech: *charges energy into it's scythe to destroy him*
[Gravedigger] NRP: Snipe's diagnoesed as dying, we all went to the underground to save him, Snipe killed their leader (I think), now a stolen mech's shown uo
[Spirit] Nice to see ya Andy. *lands on the left shoulder.
* DeathStar blasts a dent into the mech
[Spirit] Got a can opener handy?
[Ripple] Indeed I do.
* Gravedigger leaps up the scythe and lans on the hand
* Ripple jams a blade into the hole he made earlier and starts working it like a can opener
[Snipe] Mech: *twirls scythe around it's head, creating an energy whirl*
* Ripple holds on to his blade
* Gravedigger holds on tightly
[Snipe] Pilot: HA HA HA HA HA!`
[Ripple] NRP: is my can opener working?
[Snipe] Mech: *the slashes the scythe out and begins to tear out vital support beams*
[Gravedigger] You're not getting rid of me that easily.
[Snipe] NRP: Hardly
* Ripple curses
[DeathStar] ...
[Ripple] Too thick a skin.
[Ripple] Lemme try something.
* DeathStar leaps up onto the arm and runs up the arm
* Spirit looks for any sort of hatch or loose panel
* Gravedigger starts clawing his way up the arm
[Snipe] Mech: *aims at the hull*
[Snipe] Pilot: SUCK VACUM!
* Ripple summons his PSI and focuses it into a ball of focused plasma, blowing it straight down
[Snipe] Mech: *uses scythe in defense and grabs DS*
* Ripple gets blown off the mech from the explosion, flying into the air, landing hard
[Snipe] Mech: *punches DS into the hull*
[Ripple] IEEEEE *THud*
* Gravedigger latches onto the head of the mech
[DeathStar] ARGH!
* Gravedigger throws himself onto its face
[Snipe] Mech: *pulls back scythe to finish off the hull*
[Ripple] DS!
[Snipe] Pilot:  HEY!
[Gravedigger] BOO!
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] [Andrew, double team it?]
[Snipe] Pilot: *drops DS and grabs Grave*
* DeathStar lands on his feet and runs at the Mech again
[Ripple] [damn straight.]
* Gravedigger leaps up out of its grasp
[Snipe] Mech: *grabs it's own face*
[Ripple] NRP: *idly wonders which alias to use*
[Snipe] Pilot: Damn...Hunters!
[Garland] NRP: Back......
[Ripple] Yo DS, Mix me up a fastball special!
* Garland fires a huge blast into the mech
* DeathStar flips into the air, grabs ripple, twirls once and throws him at inhuman speeds
[Ripple] NRP: timing better work into this...
[Snipe] Mech: *knocks it back with his scythe*
* Gravedigger lands on the back of the head
* Ripple flys at the Mech charging his PSI into one massive blast
[DeathStar] Slasher designed this mech well, but I think they improved it.
[Spirit] [[6Andrea]] *fires a beam of psionic energy from seemingly nowhere*
* Ripple fires from the front, blinding the pilot
[Snipe] Pilot: AAAAAHEEEEE!
[Snipe] Mech: *swings around blindly*
* Ripple then hits the mech dead on with a loud THUD
* Ripple clasps onto the pilot view window
[Snipe] Pilot: *rubs his eyes*
* Gravedigger climbs down the back of the mech and makes his way towards the stomach
[Ripple] Hey Tin man.. I'm gonna send you back to oz, in pieces.
* Garland teleports infront of the hatch into the mech, and begins to rip his way in
[Snipe] Pilot: Damn you!
[Snipe] Mech: *grabs ripple*
[Snipe] Pilot: Protective eyelenses work great.
* Ripple pulls out the warp blades, and begins hacking at the arm
[Gravedigger] Do it and die, Ripple. This is my machine.
[Garland] NRP: just tel me when I make it in
* DeathStar charges blaster
[Ripple] Quite*grunt* frankly, I dont like being killed.
[Snipe] Pilot: *grabs rifle, opens hatch, shoots Garland in theh ead, and closes the hatch
* Gravedigger clasps to the stomach and begins trying to pry the entry hatch open
* Garland wedges the door with the gospel
[Garland] OW!
* Garland flies back
* Gravedigger dives in before the hatch closes
[Snipe] Pilot: What!?
[Ripple] NRP: wow, garland gets shot AGAIN
* DeathStar grabs Ripple and yanks him from the grasp
* Garland slams into the wall... again....
[DeathStar] Lets go
* DeathStar leaps away from the mech
[Ripple] Thanks.  Need a warp somewhere?
* Spirit creates psionic illusions inside the cockpit.
* Ripple flips after DS
[Gravedigger] Hi. Die. *jams his sai into the pilot's stomach
[Snipe] Pilot: *gurgles up blood and slumps forward*
[Gravedigger] NRP: Grr, gotta remember to finish off the second *
[Garland] NRP: BRB AGAIN.
* Gravedigger opens the hatch and kicks out the body
[Snipe] Pilot: *lands head first, breaking his neck*
* Ripple lands next to the body
* Ripple kicks it a few times
[DeathStar] ...
[Ripple] It's dead.
[Ripple] Jackass.
* DeathStar hears turns around and sees the other 450 men behind them
[DeathStar] We're dead...and surrounded
* Gravedigger gets back in the mech and closes the door, then activates it
[Snipe] They're surrounded!!!  Let me help them!
* Ripple looks at DS [Warp?
[DeathStar] time, shoot us before we made it.
[Snipe] Men: Game over.
[X2] ...Hold on, I think your angel of death is about to pull something...
[Gravedigger] Yeah, for you.
[Snipe] Angle of Death?
[Snipe] NRP: Angel
* Ripple tightens his fists on the warp blades
* Gravedigger powers the scythe and swings it at the men
[Snipe] Men: *thirty get cut through instantly*
[DeathStar] Pow time
[Ripple] ... we're doomed
* DeathStar punches another man
[X2] Well, he's a tad off the deep end, isn't he?
* Ripple dives into the fray, slicing at anything that moves
[Snipe] Looks like it...then again, isn't that why I'M here?
* Gravedigger brings his foot up and steps on a group of them
* DeathStar fights with his arms and legs, not killing
[Snipe] Men: That mech is too much...we surrender!
* Ripple spreads his fingers, and hits a group of them with a Ripplewave sending them into a wall and knocking them out
* X2 shrugs
* Ripple stops
* DeathStar stops fighting
[DeathStar] Remind me to talk to Slasher about letting mechs vanish
[Ripple] .. That was easy...
* DeathStar glances up at the mech Grave pilots now
* Gravedigger flares the eyes...then goes back ot killing them
[DeathStar] ..Grave!?
[Snipe] Men: NOOOOOO!
[X2] ...That can't be good.
[Ripple] .... Over the deep end... *climbs up the mech*
[DeathStar] Very.
* Snipe runs out of the elevator
[Ripple] Someone tell me.. am i getting danger pay?
[X2] Snipe! Wait!
* DeathStar flips up onto the mech's door
[DeathStar] Beats me.
* Gravedigger continues his assult against the men
[Ripple] Good enough. *kicks on the hatch*
* Snipe runs toward "The Angel of Death"
* Snipe slides in front of the men
[Snipe] Grave, STOP!
[Ripple] NRP: thats weird.. i'm listening to that song now..
[DeathStar] NRP: Send!
* Gravedigger stops
[Ripple] NTP: on CD, cant send. not mp3 form yet.
[Garland] ......
[Snipe] Men: *only about 75 are left cowering*
* Gravedigger turns to Snipe
[Ripple] NRP: that NRP! stuipd t..
* Sound request: can't find 'even_angels_fall2.mp3'
* Spirit plays [even_angels_fall2.mp3] - 3161k - [i²]
* Snipe pants, staggering a little
[Garland] NRP: darn momma....
[Snipe] They..surrender, Grave!
* DeathStar keeps prying at the door
* Ripple keeps helping DS open the door
* Garland 's armor appears, the air burning around him.
[Ripple] On the count of three DS..
[Ripple] One...
* Garland blurs and helps too
* Gravedigger stays immobile for a moment, then turns back
[Ripple] Two....
[Ripple] Three! *yanks on the door*
* Garland pulls as hard as he can
* DeathStar rips open the door
[Snipe] ..Grave...
* Gravedigger blinks
* Ripple flips in
[Gravedigger] What?
* DeathStar pulls himself in
[Ripple] Grave, stop it NOW.
[DeathStar] Enough, Grave.  They quit.
* Garland flies back, and lands next grave
[Gravedigger] So?
[DeathStar] They are not the enemy...
[Garland] Back off.
[Snipe] Snipe: *slumps forward, not noticing the men aiming their weapons at him*
* Garland blurs in front of Snipe
[Gravedigger] Well, let's see, they've 1.) Tried to kill me, 2.) Tried to kill you, 3.) Tried to kill the people on the ship...
[Garland] ........ *glares at the men*
[Snipe] ..What?
[Spirit] You going to be okay Snipe...?
[Snipe] Men: *open fire*
*** Ripple has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Weird_head)))
[Spirit] !
* Garland blasts every blast
[DeathStar] NRP: Niiiice, gar, 75 men versus you...toodles!
*** Weird_head ( has joined #taw
[Gravedigger] And now they're trying to kill US!
[Garland] .... THAT DOES IT.
* Garland blasts them with a red energy blast
* Gravedigger slams his shield in front of them Hunters
* Spirit swings her blade, a wave of energy flying out at the men
*** Weird_head is now known as Ripple
[Snipe] Men: *still hit Gar and nail him in the forehead; nail Snipe in the back*
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
* Snipe pants and looks at the shield
[Snipe] ...What?
* Ripple grabs Snipe
[Gravedigger] That does it.
[Ripple] Stay here and you die.  
[Ripple] Lets move
* Garland flies over snipe and hits the gound
* Ripple fires another ripplewave to scatter the men
[Snipe] Men: *keep firing at the shield*
[Garland] NRP: ground
[DeathStar] it, Grave.
[DeathStar] One blast right there *points* will do it.
* Gravedigger /me pulls up the scythe again and flings it at the remaining men
* Spirit uses psionics to pop one of the men's heads.
[Snipe] Men: *lands in the center and the blast that radiates fries them all*
* Garland after a moment brings his hands to his head
* Ripple calls up 1"Good shot Grave"
[Snipe] ...fools...fools...foolish people...we over powered them from the beginning.
* Snipe shakes head, face darkening
* Gravedigger turns the mech back to the others. Loudspeaker: You were saying?
[Ripple] NRP: unlike last time......
* DeathStar is still in the mech
* Garland holds his head, still laying on the ground
* Gravedigger blinks at Ds
[Snipe] NRP: Er, arland, it wasn't that bad of a shot
* Ripple goes to Garland and trys to heal him
* DeathStar studies Grave for a moment
[Garland] NRP: 2nd time hit in the head.
[DeathStar] I take it this Mech is yours now?
[DeathStar] This..Angel of Death?
[Ripple] NRP: Yea.. hes got enter and exit holes all over his head..
[Garland] NRP: It'd start to hurt like hell after... oh... the first one?
* Gravedigger smirks.
[Gravedigger] Well, it needs some remodling.
[Ripple] NRP: *puts Slayer on repeat*
* DeathStar nods and leaps down from the mech
[DeathStar] So, who plays leader of the team now?
[Ripple] ....
* Garland looks at Rip
[Garland] .... My hero... Bah, I'm fine, just have one hellova head ache.
* Snipe sighs, hurt, but not going to argue anymore
* Gravedigger operates the wings some
[Ripple] I dont know... Logically it would be me...
[Garland] ...and it's comfy here.
[Gravedigger] Heh, wings...
* Garland lays there on the ground
* DeathStar pulls garland up
* Snipe leans against the shield
[Garland] ...I was comfortable there, DS]
[Ripple] But.... dont know. *stands, leaving some nano tech machines to continue to heal Garland for a while*
[DeathStar] Hold that thought.  
* Garland smirks at him......
[Snipe] ...I think it should be Death Star...
* Snipe sighs darkly
[DeathStar] ....
* Ripple nods
[Ripple] Experiance before ranking.
* Gravedigger taps the bottom of the mech scythe against the floor then bangs the mechs chest with its arms
[DeathStar] NRP: Ape man!
[Garland] I have no objection...
[Ripple] NRP: YOu manaics! YOU BLEW IT UP!!
* DeathStar glances at X2 and Spirit
* X2 blinks
[X2] ...Okay, perhaps all of you are clincally off-your-rockers....
* Snipe laughs hoarsly
[Ripple] Snipe.. you're not sounding too good...
* Spirit frowns worriedly
[Snipe] Eh, who cares.  I'm not quitting.  Think I'll leave this zany team right before you actually begin to do something?
[Ripple] NRP: heh heh heh.. he said zany...
[DeathStar] NRP: Wheee, zany.
[Ripple] Hell no.
[DeathStar] Well, we'll see how the rest of the team reacts.  Lets get the Angel of Death upstairs and call a meeting.  A meeting to change the team once and for all.
[DeathStar] Elevator: *dings* Hey, I'm back from that trip Mr. Asshole sent me on...miss me?
[Ripple] Not exceptionally.
* Garland looks at the elevator
[Garland] I'll do it again if you don't be quiet.
[Gravedigger] I'll just...*fires up the rockets and prepares to take off*....Wait, that would not be good...*shuts them off*
[Snipe] I wondered why I used the stairs...
[DeathStar] My question is, how did they get the Angel of Death down here?
* DeathStar glances at it
[DeathStar] Probably dismantled it and moved tiny pieces of it.
[X2] ...Some assembely required?
[Garland] Or a serviece elevator?
[Ripple] My question would be Why?
[Ripple] That Big?
[Spirit] Or found some reason to teleport it undetected...
[Garland] Most are these days.
[DeathStar] Well, with the entire group dead, that really doesn't matter anymore.
* Ripple shrugs
[Ripple] To the meeting room.
[DeathStar] Eh...we'll never get Grave to leave his new toy.
[Garland] Let him stay, then.
* Ripple eyes flare purple momentarily 1"Oh yes we willl" grins evilly
* DeathStar heads for the elevator
* Gravedigger runs it back and forth some
[DeathStar] First thing we need to change is the name 'Hunters'...if ya ask me.
* Garland gets on
[DeathStar] But, hey, that can be debated on.
* Ripple opens a warp portal
[Spirit] We are NOT going to be called the 'Hunted'
[Ripple] Coming... Emily?
* Snipe stands up
[DeathStar] ...*pouts at Spirit* How about Prey?
* Gravedigger runs it around in circles
[Ripple] NRP: Dead things walking! Dead things walking!!
[Spirit] Very funny. *heads over to the portal*
[Gravedigger] .oO(Wonder if they'd let me see the Manager with this thing...)
[DeathStar] NRP: LOL
* Snipe steps int othe porta;
* DeathStar goes up the elevator
[Ripple] NRP: Grave: *over megaphone* Uhh yea.. i'm here to uhh... see the manager??
*** Spirit has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[Ripple] NRP: Guard: Right this way guy in a giant killer robot..
* Garland laughs at something he thought about
*** Spirit ( has joined #taw
* Ripple walks into it, and closes it after entering
[Garland] .... Hey Death Star?
* Gravedigger powers down and locks up the mech
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Spirit
[DeathStar] ..didn't I say earlier today things would never be the same again?
[DeathStar] Hmm, yes, GArland?
* Gravedigger heads towards the elevator spinning his scythe all the way
[Ripple] [That you did DS.. that you did.]
[Snipe] .oO (Stripped of power...dying...what next...?)
[Garland] ...Two things, yeah, you did, and it seems I'm doomed to have at least one head injury a month.
[DeathStar] ...and how can Ripple hear me IN THE ELEVATOR?
[Gravedigger] NRP: CRABS!
[DeathStar] NRP:...mehg
[Spirit] [Remote thought reads DS]
[Ripple] NRP: *Snipe gets hit by... DEEDEE!
[Garland] Oh yeah.... we need to help snipe with his head lice...
[DeathStar] ...crabs isn't...head...oh hell...
[Ripple] [Your thoughts speak louder then words sometimes...]
[Ripple] NRP: Dont tell em.
[DeathStar] (*Thinks of dancing nude on a beach*)
[X2] Well ,actually it is, so to-errr, nevermind...
[Ripple] [HEY!  I have enough of that in... err.... nevermind...]
* DeathStar yanks X2 onto the elevator
* Garland closes his eys, thinking.
[Ripple] NRP: *waits to get punched*
[X2] Ack! Help me!
* DeathStar lets Grave step on and closes the elevator
[DeathStar] The FIRSt thing getting changed around here is PRIVACY...
[DeathStar] Session Continued...

Continued in Next Month's Issue of The Alien Wars!