Session 74: Welcome to Earth. Population: 0?

[Wiendigo] Time Chart: Day 148 (Early Morning)
[Wiendigo] Location: 19th Mile
[Gorgon] We almost there?
* Iceheart continues to walk in the lead, her face wrapped in the wrap cloth mask thing
[Booster] We should be, by my count...
* Enforcer` walks with Shatter over his shoulder, it being sore from the pressure
[Enforcer`] NRP: *doesn't bother with "Go!" anymore, since no one cared about it*
[Wiendigo] NRP: You don't have to keep telling us that.
[Dominator] We'll be there soon... Just a bit more
[Enforcer`] NRP: First time I said it for the record.
[Wiendigo] NRP: Shhhhhhh
* Wiendigo remains quiet, still sore at Dominator from their fight earlier
* Gorgon looks ahead seeing if he can any signs of the crashed ship
[Dominator] Once we get the ship itself, be wary. It could be a trap and even if it isn't, that doesn't mean it might not be hostile to us
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[Booster] Should we all approach it at once or send someone ahead to see if the coast is clear?
[Dominator] When we get in range, we'll look it over from here and scan it with Status. Then, I'll decide the course of action, but no one moves in close until I say so
* Booster nods.  "Makes sense."
* Gorgon trudges on
[Wiendigo] Status: Sure, don't ask me for my opinion.  Just order me around..
[Dominator] ...You would prefer to do something different, Status?
* Booster glances over as he walks.
[Wiendigo] Status: No.
* Wiendigo snorts
* Iceheart looks ahead, spotting the outline of the ship in the distance
* Enforcer` keeps a steady pace
[Iceheart] There it is.
[Dominator] All right, let's keep together. Status, tell me when you can scan the ship and the surrounding area.
[Wiendigo] Status: Yes.
* Booster comes to a stop and sits down...
* Enforcer` narrows his eyes, trying to get a better look at it in the distance
* Siawase is asleep.
[Dominator] I'm interested in whether or not anyone's still here and what type that ship is... maybe that'll give us a clue to who came here
[Iceheart] Probably some other hostile race looking to take over the planet
* Gorgon continues walking watching for signs off the ship
[Enforcer`] How many could want this backwoods planey?
[Wiendigo] I say hostile or not, we kill them and take their supplies.
[Iceheart] Tell me why our current landlords are so interested in it.
* Booster looks at Wiendigo.  "Why kill them if they're not hostile?"
[Enforcer`] Hrm.
[Wiendigo] For fun.
[Dominator] Another good question, Iceheart.
* Booster shakes his head.  "Killing innocents doesn't sounds very fun to me."
[Siawase] *yawns* Siawase hope they not hostile...
[Dominator] I'm not sure if anyone will even be alive... The Tsivrixsh don't look kindly on intruders
[Iceheart] GM: *a sandstorm picks up and blows in their faces.  Iceheart, with her sand guard, is fine*
[Dominator] NRP: *snickers*
[Gorgon] Has anyone even seen signs of the enemy?
* Wiendigo holds hand up to shield his face
[Wiendigo] Status: I'm detecting 60 lifeforms.
* Dominator shields his face, "Perfect timing... Slow down, everyone, so we don't get seperated..."
[Gorgon] Where?
[Dominator] 60 lifeforms? Reploid, human, or...?
[Wiendigo] Status: At the ship, nimrod.
* Booster shuts his eyes and braces himself in case the winds get any stronger.
* Siawase burries his face.
[Wiendigo] Status: Organic.  Probably the Tsivrixsh.
* Enforcer` puts his arm infront of his face trying to hold Shatter to his shoulder
[Gorgon] Upyours bowlin ball
[Iceheart] GM: *The sand dies down, only blowing at Gorgon for now*
[Dominator] Not human then? Great... All right, we'll stay back and keep quiet. I want a look at this ship, but not neccessarily to combat these Tsivrixsh troops. Status, keep us notified us their distance. If they start coming close to us, tell me immediately
* Booster opens his eyes and continues to walk normally... though he notices that Gorgon is still getting raked at.
* Booster stops at Dominator's words.
* Enforcer` blinks at Gorgon
[Enforcer`] Selective winds....
* Dominator slows to a stop on a stop on a sand dune overlooking the ship (assuming their is one), and kneels down
[Wiendigo] GM: *the ship is about a half a mile away*
* Gorgon ignores the harnish of the wind and conitnues walking
[Booster] Gorgon?  Are you all right?
[Gorgon] Yeah..*stops
[Dominator] NRP: How visible is it from here?
[Wiendigo] Looks like even the weather knows that Gorgon's a worthless pile of shit.
[Gorgon] Hey Wien, bite me
[Dominator] Status, can you tell what type of ship it is... or was?
[Wiendigo] NRP: Well, what do you think.  It's half a mile away...nothing obscuring your view.
* Booster goes to peek over the sand dune himself, keeping as low as he reasonably 'can...
[Booster] NRP: -'
[Wiendigo] Gladly.  I'll love ripping your fake flesh from your face.
[Gorgon] Try me. 
* Wiendigo steps up to Gorgon
[Dominator] Quiet, Gorgon, Wiendigo. Let's concentrate on the situation at hand now.
* Enforcer` looks at the two
* Gorgon looks down at Wien
[Gorgon] You want somethign?
[Wiendigo] Let's get something straight, soldier boy, I'm not taking orders from you.  We've already gone over this.
[Wiendigo] Yeah, I want you dead.
[Dominator] Wiendigo, knowing our luck, you'll probably get to rip the flesh of some enemies sooner or later.
* Iceheart plops down
[Gorgon] I'ld love to see that
[Wiendigo] Just keep watching.  Because you're the first thing that's going to get shot.
* Booster whispers, "Let's quiet down in case someone nears..."
[Gorgon] I'll be sure to put you infront of me
[Siawase] Siawase thing someone should do something to stop them from fighting all the time...
* Wiendigo snorts
[Siawase] (Thing = think)
[Dominator] You're just tagging along with us then? Without order we're not going to make it out of this alive, Wiendigo... Oh, you could kill alot of enemies, but eventually they'd take you down. I'm not asking you to like me, but right now let's try and work together a bit.
* Booster nods to Siawase in agreement...
[Gorgon] Death would be too good for him
[Wiendigo] Like I said before, *takes out a cigar and lights it* I do what I want when I want and how I want it.
* Wiendigo blows the smoke in Gorgon's face
* Enforcer` sighs
* Gorgon stares at Wien not moving
[Dominator] Now, by your reasoning, if Gorgon was alive he'd be one more target for the Tsivrixsh to kill and a distraction to help you attack them... So, let's stop feuding amongst ourselves
* Booster shakes his head and returns to observing the ship.
[Wiendigo] A dead body also could work nicely for a shield.
[Gorgon] Yeah, perhaps you'ld care to donate yourself as one
* Enforcer` sets Shatter down, looking over the dune
[Wiendigo] I'll donate you for scrap metal.
[Dominator] Now... Status? Can you scan the ship like I asked?
[Gorgon] I'm not a reploid spunky.
[Wiendigo] Status: Gee, getting the lifeforms wasn't good enough?
* Wiendigo shrugs
[Wiendigo] Your organs wouldn't be good for anything.
[Dominator] ...Since when have you cocked an attitude, Status? Information is important to us, so, no, it's not... I'd like to know about the ship. Why do I doubt the Tsivrixsh would shoot their own ship down? Also, I doubt a Resistance group would do or could do it.
[Gorgon] Yeah nuts, eh?
[Wiendigo] Status: Since you let Wiendigo constantly threaten me.
[Dominator] He consantly threatens everyone...
[Wiendigo] Status: Yeah, but I don't see him lunging at you to kill you.
[Dominator] The 80 some odd Tsivrixsh soldiers in there look a pretty interested in the ship. I'd like to know why
[Wiendigo] Status: From what I could tell, since I've been scanning, since I know how to work as a team, it's an Earth design.
[Enforcer`] Earth design?
[Dominator] Earth design... Hmm. Could be Tsivrixsh, since we're seen them use our ships before, but then again... Any idea how old?
[Iceheart] It's from Earth?  Perhaps some group here tried to take off and got shot down.  But then there was two ships...maybe they found two working ships?
[Wiendigo] Status: Latest model before the attack.
[Gorgon] Any idea who made the ship? Or who owned it?
* Booster suddenly turns and listens...
[Wiendigo] Status: Who else makes battleships?  The Armed Forces.
[Dominator] Not that there have been many non-Tsivrixsh modules after the attack...
[Dominator] That's a possibility, Iceheart, though I doubt many resistance groups would be so close to us...
[Gorgon] ....Weren't there mavs?
[Iceheart] Well, I say we go down there and clear it out.  There could be useful things there.  And since Earth made it, it'll be readable.
* Enforcer` looks at the ship
[Dominator] Are the 80 lifeforms still there, Status?
[Wiendigo] Lets go bash some heads.
[Wiendigo] Status: 60, sir.  There's 60.
[Gorgon] Sure you weren't turn on us Wienbag?
[Dominator] Ahh, well, glad I was wrong then...
[Dominator] All right... What say we make a quick plan, so we can "bash some extra heads"?
[Wiendigo] Listen here you little shit, I don't about your loyalities, but don't you ever question me or I'll have you eating your own parts.
* Booster turns towards Wiendigo...  "Don't you take pleasure in anything other than others' suffering?"
[Gorgon] Ooh kinky.
[Wiendigo] Yeah.  I take pleasure in knowing that I'm giving them suffering.
[Dominator] Gorgon, it isn't neccessary for you to badger Wiendigo or any other here. The same with you, Booster. I don't care what he does, I expect everyone to stay in line
[Gorgon] Wien, shall we go bash some heads in?
[Wiendigo] After you.
* Gorgon pulls out his staff and walks towards the ship
[Gorgon] Coming Wien?
* Wiendigo follows him
[Dominator] Wait, Gorgon. Let's move in close and keep under cover, then assume positions and spread out. Then we attack with the eliminate of surprise
* Gorgon slides down a dune and towards the ship
* Booster turns towards Gorgon.  "Wait!  Shouldn't we see what the situation there is first?"
* Wiendigo phases through the sand
[Dominator] We should, Booster... *shakes his head* They're going to get themselves killed and deserve it.
* Iceheart turns to Dominator
* Booster sighs...
[Iceheart] Then lets protect them.
[Wiendigo] Status: Protect THEM?
* Gorgon slides to a halt on the bottom of the doom and heads towards the ship
[Dominator] Hmm, well, Wiendigo can protect himself, amazingly... Let's keep ourselves alive and do the best we can to keep them alive too
* Wiendigo follows Gorgon
[Dominator] Let's move quickly and quietly.
[Enforcer`] Let'em do what they want....
[Gorgon] Got any plans Wien?
* Iceheart forms an ice trial and slides down it
[Dominator] They're going to ruin our surprise soon so we'd better catch up.
[Wiendigo] Yeah.  
* Booster nods to Dominator.  "That I can do...".
[Enforcer`] Your right...
* Dominator moves stealthy doing toward the ship
[Gorgon] Let me guess. I get their attention and become cannon fodder so you can sneak behind em?
* Enforcer` follows Dominator
[Wiendigo] Exactly.
[Gorgon] Sounds good to me. *whistles loudly*
* Iceheart modes along toward the ship
* Booster spreads out and approaches from another nearby direction...
* Dominator tries to see where the 60 lifeforms are, to plan a strategy
[Enforcer`] I hope Shatter will be okay on the other side of that dune....
* Siawase listens carefully for anyone trying to surprise them.
* Gorgon stops about 30 feet away from the ship and whistles loudly
[Wiendigo] GM: *they can be seen hiding behind a sand dune, watching the ship*
* Booster tries to see where the doors are as he approaches...
[Wiendigo] GM: *they see Gorgon and all 60 step out and open fire on him; Wien is no where in sight*
[Dominator] NRP: All of the soldiers?
[Wiendigo] NRP: Yep.
[Booster] . o O (What is he doing?!)
[Dominator] NRP: And, are they Tsivrixsh?
* Gorgon smiles as he ignites the ends up his staff and bats what blasts he can
[Wiendigo] NRP: Yep.
* Enforcer` hears the blasts
[Wiendigo] GM: *the blast are over numbering and Gorgon is nailed quite easily, cutting into his body and spilling fluids*
[Enforcer`] Well, so much for protecting them. 
* Wiendigo appears behind the soldiers and slashes three in half
[Dominator] Comm.: Damn... Move into positions, then attack while they're distracted by Gorgon...
* Iceheart throws up and ice shield in front of Gorgon
* Booster winces at Gorgon's pain...
* Dominator using Crimson Crystal, dashes quickly to the side of the dune, then fires a charge Thunder Bolt blast, slamming through alot of the soldiers there
* Gorgon growls as he takes the attacks and then turns to ICeheart and nods
* Booster tries to flank the squadron...
* Wiendigo keeps hacking through the soldiers, being sprayed in their grayish green/red blood
[Wiendigo] What fun.
* Enforcer` draws his saber, running for the group
* Dominator blasts once more and flips down into the dune, slashing into the nearest soldiers with Rune Sword
[Wiendigo] Soldiers: *40 are left*
[Wiendigo] Soldiers: *five open fire on Dominator in a rapid succession shot style, which will quickly overpower*
* Wiendigo is by a blast and sent flying into a sand dune
* Gorgon crouches and leaps over the iceshield landing infront of one of the shoulders only to slash him in half
* Booster activates his speed enhancement module, racing toward the soldiers and biting one hard as quickly as he can get his combat teeth out.
* Enforcer` slahes one's head off, following up at cutting one's leg below the knee off
* Dominator blasts the ground, causing sand to fly up into the eyes of the soldiers near him and flips back with 3x normal speed
[Wiendigo] Soldiers: *stop firing and attempt to regroup*
* Dominator shoots Enemy Ensnare and grabs a soldier, slamming him into the others
* Iceheart launches ice picks at the soldiers
* Enforcer` runs between some of the soldiers, and spins his saber, taking them out in a perimeter.
* Dominator bats the soldiers right at Iceheart's attack
* Gorgon hacks at the ground sending up dust towards a group of tsiv
* Dominator retracts Enemy Ensnare afterwords and keeps moving quickly
[Wiendigo] Soldiers: *Activate self-destruct buttons on their suits and they all explode; every person within 10 meters is hit by a 3,000 AP attack*
* Wiendigo phases through the blast
* Iceheart is hit and thrown back
[Booster] Uwaaa!
* Gorgon turns his back to the blast and is nailed by it but doesn't budge
* Booster is singes and thrown back...
* Enforcer` gets hit in the side
[Booster] NRP: singed, even.
* Dominator absorbs some of it with Rune Sword and some more with Force Shield, but is still knocked back
[Enforcer`] Aaaaargh!
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* Booster lands hard...  "Ow..."
*** Enforcer` sets mode: +o Maestro
[Gorgon] Hey Wienbag, your womans hurt
* Enforcer` holds his side
[Wiendigo] She's not my woman, prick.
[Dominator] Dammit... Suicide tactics...
* Siawase gets thrown off and lands a few feet back.
[Gorgon] Geeze don't let her hear that
* Wiendigo looks at the goo of all the splattered bodies
[Wiendigo] Look at that sight...*Grins*
* Gorgon walks up to Wien
[Enforcer`] Have to hate'em...
* Iceheart sits up
[Gorgon] Well hey, your plan actually worked.
[Wiendigo] Unfortantly, you didn't die.
[Gorgon] I'm saving that honor for you
* Booster stumbles to his feet and shakes his head, retracting his claws and swapping out his combat teeth.
* Enforcer` puts out his hand to help Iceheart up
* Siawase slowly gets up and stumbles back towards the others.
[Dominator] Everyone all right?
[Booster] I'll be OK...
[Enforcer`] Fine...
[Wiendigo] Warrior: *one is alive, crawling with half his body missing, toward his Xvash staff*
[Siawase] Siawase no feel so good... *stumbles*
[Booster] What?!
* Dominator shakes his head and blasts the soldier with Thunder Bolt, incinerating him
[Gorgon] Wien. *points to the guy*..neverm ind
[Wiendigo] Warrior: *dies*
[Iceheart] So much for questioning him.
* Enforcer` runs off and grabs Shatter, comming back
[Dominator] He was dead anyway. We wouldn't have gotten anything out of him
[Booster] Maybe we can get some information out of the computers...
[Dominator] I wonder how many Tsivrixsh soldiers here truly care about having this planet... *turns to the ship* Come on, let's move quickly before reinforcements show up
* Gorgon looks around at the ruins blood seeping from his wounds
[Wiendigo] Status: This is a Maverick ship.
[Dominator] Mavericks... Follow me, everyone.
[Dominator] NRP: What's the condition of the ship?
* Gorgon follows after Dom
* Wiendigo walks toward the ship and begins to climb up the side toward where a door is 60 meters up
* Booster chuckles and quips, "Tsivrixsh go Maverick too?"
* Enforcer` follows Dom, Shatter on his shoulder
* Dominator flies up to the door, using Azure Crystal
[Dominator] Maybe. I'm sure the empire has rebels somewhere in it.
* Iceheart uses her ice picks to drive into the hull, climbing up using them
* Booster hrms at the door's position, looking up...
[Dominator] I only wish they had more...
* Dominator opens the door
* Gorgon crouches and launches himself a piece of metal sticking out and lands there, reboudning off to another and then to the door
* Siawase stumbles after them.
* Gorgon leaps through the door
* Enforcer` looks up
* Booster extends his claws again and stards scaling the hull up to the door after Iceheart.
[Wiendigo] GM: *door was shut...*
* Siawase trips and rolls down a sand dune into the hull of the ship.
[Wiendigo] NRP: Er, locked
[Enforcer`] NRP: *grins, being outside still*
[Dominator] Locked... Status, can you override the lock?
[Wiendigo] Status: Computing.
* Gorgon punches the door
* Wiendigo phases through the door
[Dominator] Ahem, Gorgon, Let's hold off on a Hunter standard entrance for now.
[Wiendigo] Door: *shocks Gorgon*
* Iceheart reaches Dom
[Gorgon] AHH CRAP!!! *growls at the door*
[Wiendigo] Door: *clicks open*
* Booster chuckles at the "Hunter standard entrance" reference.
[Wiendigo] Status: Done.
[Booster] Good one, Dominator...
[Dominator] See what some patience can do for you...?
[Dominator] Thank you, Status. *peers in, weapons ready just in case*
[Wiendigo] Status: Or what I can do...?
* Siawase gets up and slowly goes after them, falling WAAAAY behind.
* Gorgon pulls himself in
[Dominator] If you pick anyone up inside it, let me know
* Enforcer` jumps in
[Wiendigo] Status: Just Wiendigo.
* Iceheart flips into the door
* Booster climbs in after Iceheart...
* Dominator hovers down into the ship
* Wiendigo is standing over a crate of assault rifles
* Wiendigo sniffs the air
[Dominator] NRP: Lights, computers, anything working in here?
[Wiendigo] NRP: All dead.
[Wiendigo] I smell a scent I haven't recognized in a long time...
[Enforcer`] Huh?
* Dominator walks by Wiendigo, "What do you mean? Call you tell who?"
[Gorgon] What, you mean being clean?
* Wiendigo looks a little perplexed
[Wiendigo] Forget about it.
* Wiendigo flips Gorgon off
[Booster] Anyone have anything that would work as a torch?  I can light it...
[Dominator] Uh, Status, you wouldn't happen to have a light beacon or anything to brighten this place up?
[Gorgon] Woh..chill Wienbag
* Wiendigo begins to pick up the the assault rifles, checking them
[Wiendigo] Status: *lights up the room*
* Wiendigo aims it at Gorgon as he does so
[Booster] Ah, that works too.  Thanks, Status.
*** Maestro has quit IRC (*throws the nuclear smokebomb and when the mushroom cloud clears, dissapers too*)
* Gorgon stares at Wien
[Booster] Wiendigo!
[Dominator] Well, that works well. *picks an assault rifle and checks to see if it's functional*
* Wiendigo pulls back and watches the power guage go up
[Wiendigo] Hmmm...seems to be working.  Lets test it.
[Booster] !!!
* Gorgon crosses his one good arm
* Wiendigo fires at Gorgon. A spot appears right next to Gorgon's ear.
[Dominator] Whoever came here, seems to have been ready for trouble... Or left here. Ask yourselves this... How would a resistance group or some people from Earth get so many rifles and why would they need them if they were leaving Earth?
* Gorgon doesn't flinch
[Gorgon] Hey it works.
* Booster tries to jump in front of Gorgon...
[Enforcer`] NRP: Hee hee, they 'accidentally' visit the arena, and see the bloo dand battery fluid everywhere.
[Iceheart] So, the Mavericks decided to come back to Earth.
[Dominator] How wonderful. Now, let's be quick and see what other weapons are here...
[Dominator] Or anything else.
* Wiendigo loosk at Booster
[Wiendigo] Are you so eager to die...?
* Siawase is so far back now there's no trace of him.
[Dominator] *turns to Iceheart* With one ship though? That's almost suicidal... Then again... Maybe more made it safely, though they devoted a good amount of soldiers to stay here and watch this one.
[Wiendigo] Status: If we can find our way to the bridge, I could try to power up the computer and read the mission logs.
[Booster] I'm less eager for someone else to die than I am to die myself.
[Dominator] Status, think we could access the computers here? I'd like a look at the logs...
[Iceheart] There was that other ship.  It could have been with this one.
[Wiendigo] Status: Bridge would be better.
[Dominator] Good point. Let's head there. *starts toward the bridge*
[Wiendigo] I'll arrange that for you then, animal.
[Dominator] Everyone, come on, and keep your eyes open
* Gorgon walks towards the bridge
[Dominator] True... *remembers which way the other ship went* Still... I wonder what they were trying to accomplish and how they thought they could do it
* Wiendigo grabs some more rifles, handing a few to Iceheart, then heads for the bridge
[Booster] I'm sure we could settle it over a game of chess...
* Dominator takes a few assault rifles himself
[Iceheart] I wonder who is leading these Mavericks
* Iceheart follows Wiendigo
[Dominator] Everyone, gets some weapons, but only what you can carry and use.
* Enforcer` grabs a 3 rifles, two on his back and one in his hand, just in case
* Gorgon grabs one rifle before he leaves to goto thebridge
[Booster] ...Well...  I can try to shoot one of these...
[Dominator] Be nice if we could move this ship to a safe spot... *continues to the bridge, keeping his eyes open for anything else intersting*
[Wiendigo] GM: *the ship is dark and quiet...almost haunted like*
[Dominator] Just don't shoot it in here.
[Gorgon] Wow...remind you of home Wien?
[Wiendigo] Hardly.
* Booster carefully places his tail over one rifle...  the "fur" wraps around it, allowing Booster to haul it off the floor.
[Gorgon] What missin some cobwebs?
* Iceheart walks around, looking both ways
* Booster finally follows the rest...
[Wiendigo] More like your head on the wlal.
[Dominator] This atmosphere brings up a few memories I'd rather not have... but we don't have a choice of crashed ships to search now
[Gorgon] You have a head like mine? Wow
* Wiendigo fires another shot from th rifle, hitting Gorgon's foot
[Dominator] NRP: How close are we the the bridge?
[Wiendigo] NRP: I'll tell you when we not worry.
* Booster slowly shifts his grip on the weapon, making sure he can aim and fire it quickly if need be.
[Gorgon] ....Nice shot
* Wiendigo turns and heads down a left hallway
* Enforcer` silently follows
[Dominator] Wiendigo... Don't shoot anymore. I'd like this ship to be as undamaged as it can be. The same goes for the other members
* Booster glances after Wiendigo...
[Wiendigo] Oh, I won't shoot the ship.
* Dominator heads whichever way leads to the bridge (obviously, he's familar with this kind of ship's construction)
[Booster] I don't say this about many people... but I don't like him...
* Booster continues to bring up the rear.
[Wiendigo] GM: *There's a rumble as the ship shifts some*
[Enforcer`] What was that!?
* Booster tries to keep his balance.  "Whoa?!"
[Dominator] ...*hisses* What the...?
* Gorgon slides a little
* Iceheart places hand on the wall
[Dominator] Status, are you picking up anything outside the ship?
* Gorgon bends down and rubs his foot
[Wiendigo] Status: ... I don't know if it's the hull or the ship or not, but sensors aren't really working well.
[Wiendigo] Aww, is your foot hurting?
[Gorgon] You did kind of shoot it didn't ya? Mind kissing it and making it better?
* Siawase finally stumbles in, wabbling a little, then collapses.
[Dominator] Hrm... We'd better be quick. I don't want to get trapped in here
[Enforcer`] Yeah, let's hurry.
[Wiendigo] Lick your own wounds
* Booster nods to Dominator.
* Wiendigo enters the bridge
[Gorgon] Where's the fun in that? *enters hte bridge*
* Enforcer` steps in
* Dominator enters the bridge soon after Wiendigo
* Booster grins a bit at Gorgon.
* Iceheart looks around the bridge
* Dominator looks around it as well with Status's light to help
[Siawase] Owwie...
[Wiendigo] Status: Okay, let me jack into that dead computer there and see if I can power it up
[Dominator] All right. *moves over to the computer*
* Dominator connects Status to it
[Dominator] Everyone else, keep an eye out for anything using or otherwise
* Wiendigo stands off to the side
* Iceheart bends over and picks up a comm
[Iceheart] Hmmm...
[Booster] . o O (If this Wiendigo ever threatens to harm children...)
[Dominator] Is the comm. functional, Iceheart?
* Booster 's mane bristles a bit.
[Iceheart] No, it's smashed.
* Siawase makes an effort to stand, then takes a dozen steps towards the other, and falls flat on his face.
* Iceheart flips it over and reads outloud 'W. Hunter'
* Gorgon looks around
[Iceheart] W. Hunter?  The name of same Maverick?
[Dominator] W... Hunter? *emphasis on the "Hunter" part*
[Wiendigo] GM: *the computer Status is hooked up to flickers on*
[Wiendigo] Status: I don't know how long I can substain this.
[Enforcer`] Thats weird....
[Gorgon] Sparky he is usefull
[Booster] What self-respecting Maverick would want "Hunter" in his name?
[Dominator] *turns back to the computer* Good work, Status... Go for the log information first, but pull out if you're in danger
[Wiendigo] I guess the pocket calculator earned a few more days of living.
[Wiendigo] Status: *runs through it on the screen and stops at the last date, July 1st*
* Dominator reads the information
[Dominator] NRP: What RPG day is it currently?
[Wiendigo] Status: *pulls up the file and it is written by Excaliber*
[Gorgon] NRP: 2-3
[Wiendigo] NRP: Day 148
[Dominator] NRP: ...Would that be near July 1st?
[Wiendigo] NRP: Nobody knows...
[Dominator] Excalibur... *continues reading*
[Enforcer`] Well, let's read it.
* Booster tries to get a look for himself without getting in the way...
[Dominator] Record this for later analysis Status.
[Enforcer`] NRP: Excaliber, not bur, I think, the sword is bur, tho
[Wiendigo] GM: *the file talk about the loading procedures at the station Origin and they transferred their allies on board.  The leader of the allies was in charge of the operation, a General Death Star
[Wiendigo] NRP: The sword is Excalibur.
* Booster coughs.
[Enforcer`] NRP: thats what I said.
[Dominator] *eyebrows shoot up* General Death Star?
[Booster] NRP: Assuming I saw that too.
[Enforcer`] ???
[Booster] Death Star?!
[Gorgon] DeathStar??/
* Wiendigo walks over
[Wiendigo] What about shithead?
[Booster] The old leader of the Hunters?!
* Iceheart face darkens
[Enforcer`] Whoa....
[Gorgon] Geeze, Ice, not so bright?
[Iceheart] ....
[Dominator] He's alive... and leading a maverick mission to Earth from a station called Origin?
[Dominator] NRP: Does the log mention the Wraith Hunters anywhere?
[Gorgon] ....That means they should be alive...
* Booster 's ears perk up...
[Enforcer`] NRP: Or the fight?
[Wiendigo] GM: *the file goes onto say Death Star's plan was to get past the net of battle ships.  Excaliber goes onto mention his little faith in the Wraith Hunters*
[Wiendigo] GM: *the file concludes with Excaliber saying he will continue the next log when they land on Earth*
[Gorgon] ....They've come to retake earth maybe
* Booster cocks his head.  "Maverick mission?  Wraith Hunters?"
[Dominator] ...He has information on the placement of the Tsivrixsh ships... and has faith in the Wraith Hunters... That was what the "W." stood for.
[Wiendigo] So, Death Star's leading the Mavericks and a team called the Wraith Hunters?  How rich.
[Iceheart] So Death Star's on Earth?  Now?
[Enforcer`] This
[Dominator] We can use all the help we can, but I'm not sure how Death Star expects to succeed...
* Wiendigo looks thoughtful
[Wiendigo] They probably were killed by that army we ran into.
[Dominator] Not neccessarily, Iceheart. I'd wager he would be with the forces though
[Gorgon] We would've seen some remains
* Wiendigo sneers
[Wiendigo] Maybe they didn't leave remains.
* Booster shakes his head.  "Death Star is powerful from what I've heard..."
[Dominator] Looks like the maverick portion of their mission failed.
* Dominator keeps reading
[Dominator] (if it goes on)
[Wiendigo] GM: *the file has nothing more to say*
[Booster] He's probably alive... maybe in that other ship?
[Gorgon] So where should we head from here?
[Wiendigo] Status: *is reading other files* Whoa...
[Dominator] Record the other logs you can find at high speed, Status.
[Dominator] Status?
* Booster blinks.  "What is it, Status?"
[Wiendigo] Status: Not only is Death Star here...but Lord Sigma is as well.
[Enforcer`] Status, wha?
* Siawase manages to stand and walks up to the others and sits there.
* Booster jumps.  "Sigma?!"
[Dominator] "Lord" Sigma?
[Gorgon] Lord Sigma? What kind of name is Lord for him?
* Booster almost drops the rifle in his tail as well.
[Enforcer`] This is freakey.....
[Wiendigo] Status: That's how the log referred to him.  Lord Sigma and Death Star are working together.
[Iceheart] *sounds thoughtful* Maybe Death Star has gone Maverick...?
[Booster] What...?  How...?
[Wiendigo] GM: *computer falls offline*
[Dominator] Of course, this is a maverick log... Working together. They must have some plan in mind.
[Booster] ...Is... that even possible?...
* Dominator disconnects Status from it
[Enforcer`] Are any of the other hunters mentioned? ..... 
* Wiendigo smirks
[Gorgon] Should we try to find them?
[Dominator] *turns back to Enforcer and Gorgon* Enforcer, Gorgon... I want you to head back up outside the ship and check the area. Then report back here quickly. The rest of you, follow me and we'll quickly search the rest of the ship
[Wiendigo] Death Star and Sigma working together?  It must be a desperate galaxy out there.
* Gorgon heads to the door the came in
[Wiendigo] GM: *the ship rattles again*
[Enforcer`] Whoa!
[Dominator] ... On second thought, let's all head there with Gorgon and Enforcer. Come on. *starts moving*
*** Model_One (Avalon@ has joined #taw
* Booster tries to keep his balance again, though isn't as surprised this time...
*** Enforcer` sets mode: +o Model_One
* Model_One explodes through the roof
[Dominator] Status, are you picking up anything?
[Model_One] Catalog.  Destroy.
[Wiendigo] Shit.  Not this thing again.
[Dominator] Never mind. Take cover everyone!
[Siawase] Eek!
[Booster] What?!  Not again?!
[Enforcer`] ....Aww damnit!
* Gorgon spins around and fires the rifle at Model One
* Dominator flips to the side and fires Thunder Bolt at Model One
[Dominator] Don't let him catalogue you, especially if he hasn't already!
* Model_One fires a blast at the group, blowing the room up into different sectors. Gorgon and Enforcer are trapped in one area; Dominator and Booster in another; Wien and Ice in another
* Enforcer` sets Shatter down, firing his rifle at Model One
[Dominator] Dammit...
[Booster] Yikes?!
* Model_One then procedures to blow up things, burying them in their sectors
[Siawase] NRP: Ummm... where am I?
[Model_One] NRP: Dom
[Dominator] NRP: Which section is model one in?
[Model_One] Targets destroyed
* Model_One flies off
* Gorgon punches one of the walls trying ot bust it down
*** Model_One has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Wiendigo] Are you okay...?
* Enforcer` checks on Shatter
[Iceheart] I'm fine...I think.
[Dominator] NRP: We're all buried in?
[Wiendigo] NRP: Yep.
* Wiendigo looks around, seeing no way out
[Enforcer`] Hey Gorgon, you okay?
* Wiendigo tries yelling, but can't be heard
* Booster looks around...  "I wonder if the others are OK..."
[Dominator] Urg... *rubs head* Status... anywhere I could blast without caving in this whole ship?
[Gorgon] Yeah....Damn confined spaces...*starts to breath heavy*
[Wiendigo] Status: Downward would probably be best.
[Dominator] *looks at Booster and whoever else is by him* Are you all right?
[Enforcer`] Don't tell me.... claustofobic?
* Wiendigo notices a hoverbike partially buried and rips it free
[Siawase] No...  owwie owwie owwie...
* Enforcer` picks Shatter back up
* Iceheart walks over to Wiendigo
[Wiendigo] Get on.
[Booster] I... I'm fine, just a little spooked... and worried about the others...
[Enforcer`] Any way out?
* Wiendigo sits down, powering it up
[Dominator] You heard him. *moves to the side of their area and aims at the ground* On my mark, everyone fire.
[Dominator] The best thing to do is get out of here... At least Module 1 thinks we're dead
* Iceheart sits down behind Wiendigo, wrapping her arms around him to hold on
* Booster nods curtly.  "Right."
[Gorgon] Yeah...*punches at one of the walls makign a loud dinging noise*
* Wiendigo revs it up and smashes into a wall
[Enforcer`] Well, whatever works.
[Dominator] Move back, Siawase
* Wiendigo is spun back. Raises blaster, fires again, blowing a sector out of the wall, revs. it up and flies out
* Booster aims at a point in the floor with the rifle...
[Dominator] 3... 2... 1... Fire! *blasts with Thunder Bolt*
* Siawase manages to head back a couple stpes.
* Wiendigo lands on the ground outside
[Wiendigo] GM: *the floor explodes by Dom*
* Enforcer` sets Shatter, and bum rushes the wall Gorgon is punching
* Gorgon punches the wall again and it flies out landing next to Wien
* Wiendigo flies back, dodging it
* Booster fires at the same spot at the same time as Dom...
[Wiendigo] Watch it, shit head
[Gorgon] Damn I Missed. *leaps out and falls the 60ft crashing into the ground sending dust everwhere*
[Dominator] NRP: Hopefully we accomplished something?
* Iceheart coughs
* Enforcer` grabs Shatter and jumps out
[Wiendigo] Where's bootlicker and the others?
[Siawase] NRP: Great, Wiendigo reminds me of Ramirez now...
* Booster checks on Dominator.  "Are you OK?"
[Wiendigo] PAUSE
Session Close: Tue Jul 25 20:28:04 2000

Session Start: Tue Jul 25 20:33:51 2000
* Logging #taw to '#taw.log'
[Booster] NRP: I just asked Dom if he was OK, remember...
[Gorgon] NRPL WAIT!! Gotta go the bathroom
[Dominator] I'm all right, Booster. *checks to see if they can get out now*
[Wiendigo] NRP: Go ahead.  You guys need to get free
[Gorgon] NRP: Did...
* Dominator escapes out of the shuttle and lands, calls back up, "Come on, Booster, Siawase."
[Enforcer`] NRP: yup.
[Wiendigo] NRP: I meant those who were trapped.  Now enough with the NRPs.
[Booster] Right.
[Dominator] (shuttle = ship...)
* Booster jumps down after Dominator.
* Wiendigo revs the bike
[Iceheart] So, what's our plan of action?  *looks at the ship, now that they are outside it*
* Dominator looks around and sees the others
[Dominator] Well, Iceheart, I think our best bet is to try and catch up with that other ship that flew by with this one.
* Siawase looks down over the edge and then backs up a step.
[Wiendigo] Status: Well, we're unsure if it crashed or not.  I doubt we could find it by now.
[Enforcer`] Only question, where is it?
[Booster] Well, we saw what direction it was going in, didn't we?
[Wiendigo] Status: That's 40 miles back in the other way!
* Gorgon looks at Wien
[Dominator] True, but we can head in the direction it went... With luck, that's near their destination point. Perhaps they have a reason for heading there
[Gorgon] Where'ld ya find that thing?
[Dominator] ...What else would you recommend, Status?
[Wiendigo] Status: I'm picking up on life signs 20 miles that way.  I say we go find out who they are.
[Dominator] I see you've found a hoverbike, wiendigo...
[Wiendigo] Good job, Sherlock.
[Dominator] Similar to the Tsivrixsh ones that were here or different?
* Booster blinks.  "That might be whoever was in that ship..."
[Wiendigo] Status: I can't tell.  Too far away.
[Dominator] We'd better check it out... I mean to find out what Death Star's planning to do.
[Dominator] Wiendigo has a hover bike, but he could only take a few people with it...
[Wiendigo] What are you going to do when you meet Death Star?  Join him like you did before?
* Siawase jumps down finally, landing burried in the sand.
[Iceheart] Bah.  Everyone, crowd on.  *pulls in tighter against Wien*  Just grab on
[Booster] Well, obviously we need to find out what he;s doing first...
[Dominator] He's an enemy of the Tsivrixsh, Wiendigo, and therefore an ally. It would be in our best interest to at least work together
* Gorgon leaps onto the back of the bike causing the front end to rise somewhat
[Dominator] We'll see what we find out though.
[Wiendigo] Heh.  You do know he won't follow your orders, Mr. President of Earth.  *sneers*
* Enforcer` gets on
[Dominator] ... *ignores the mention of the title* He at least has a grasp of teamwork, Wiendigo. Now, we're at least going to find out some information
[Booster] That shouldn't be too much of a concern...  He's supposed to be a good leader himself.
[Iceheart] Dom, get on.  Booster and Siawase can ride on laps.
[Dominator] ... *gets on*
[Booster] I just wish I'd had the chance to serve under him...
[Dominator] NRP: Wiendigo's driving?
[Wiendigo] NRP: Yep.
[Dominator] NRP: Goody.
* Booster tries to find a place to jump on...
* Wiendigo revs the bike
[Wiendigo] Lets go asswipes.
* Siawase hops up on Ice's lap.
[Dominator] Just remember, Wiendigo, when we get close, let's slow down and see who they are before we run right into them...
[Wiendigo] GM: *in the distance a Rage begins to form*
* Enforcer` holds Shatter over his shoulder as well as he can
[Booster] NRP: What direction?
[Dominator] *glances at it* Dammit... Let's go, Wiendigo! *hangs on tight, holding someone if neccessary*
[Wiendigo] NRP: Behind us
[Enforcer`] Booster, get on!
[Booster] Looks like it's a race!
[Dominator] ...How fun
[Iceheart] If we get caught in that storm with no protection....
* Booster jumps onto the first open lap he can find...
* Wiendigo sets it on full and begins to drive toward the ocean
[Dominator] Hence my enthusiasm for the situation, Iceheart...
[Booster] NRP: Note this is a dog-sized Reploid... heavy...
[Wiendigo] GM: *bike groans under the weight, but keeps up it's speed fine*
[Enforcer`] I just hope this thing doesn't die on us!
[Iceheart] ...Death Star...
* Wiendigo glances at Ice
[Booster] Is there a mechanic in the house?
[Dominator] Well... I think we're managed to raise more questions than we have gotten answers... but we're on the right track something tells me... I'm not about to give up now, after so long... Let's hope we can finally move against the Tsivrixsh if reinforcements have truly arrived.
[Iceheart] Remember guys, if we meet up with the Hunters, don't tell them who I am...they're not very happy with me.
[Booster] Oh?  Why's that?
[Iceheart] ...*looks down*
[Dominator] I'm not sure if that'll be an option if Death Star sees you, Iceheart, but... I'll respect your wishes
* Iceheart tugs at her face guard more
[Wiendigo] GM: *the group continues to ride, the Rage in close pursuit*

[DeathStar] Time Chart: July 2nd
[Maestro] *waves the take off wands*
[DeathStar] Location: The 19th Mile
[DeathStar] NRP: *bonks Mae*
* DeathStar walks along, looking around
*** Dominator is now known as Dias
* Snipe walks next to Grave, pointing out interesting sanddnes.
[Snipe] (dunes)
* Garland has begun to simply walk, not far behind DS
[Snipe] That would reminds me of the state of New York.
* Maestro watches the sky
[Snipe] (one)
* Dias walks along with the others
[Garland] NRP: Thats one hellva typo.
*** Diamondback ( has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Diamondback
[Pteryx] NRP: Kupo DB!  :)
* DeathStar sees the ocean ahead.
[Ariel] This is it?
* Garland looks
* DeathStar watches some lava errupt in the sky
[DeathStar] Yep, looks like it.
[Dias] So, uh, where are going again?
[Maestro] I wonder what this "trip" would be like with an orchastra...
[Snipe] To the OCEAN Dias.  We've been talking about it for the past 2 days!
[Garland] ....They wouldn't be playing 'Flight of the Bumble-bee" I can say that now.
[Cheryl] .oO( I hope he's adopted... )
[Dias] Oh yeah, yeah, I remember now. Ocean... Whatever
[Gravedigger] ...It'd be slow, Mae. We'd have to wait for them to catch up after every set.
[Dias] *impatiently* So, aren't we going to be there soon? We're been walking forever...
* DeathStar stops on the beach, looking at the lava
[Maestro] Haven't you ever heard of a trailer? We'd just attatch the trailer to dias
[DeathStar] Well, we're here.
* Garland looks at it
[Dias] Goody. *looks at the lava*
[Dias] Who's up for a swim? *motions to it*
* Snipe grabs a stick he found and pokes it into the lava. He pulls it back out, it having been eaten away
[Maestro] I wonder what sort of bomb did this....
[Gravedigger] Why don't we hitch it up to you, mae? You claim to be the work horse of this team, after all.
* Garland sighs, looking at all the lava
* DeathStar kneels down
[DeathStar] Well, what we need is on the bottom of this ocean of lava.
[Maestro] Since, When Grave, I said I'm the only one who couldn't considered a criminal over the previous Earth law
[Dias] ...Wouldn't the lava have eaten it up like Snipe's stick?
[Cheryl] Looks like fun...
[Garland] How're we going to get it......?
[DeathStar] It's possible.
* Dias grabs a rock and tosses it across the lava, but it melts quickly
[DeathStar] Well, none of you could possibly survive the lava...hell...I don't know if I could.
[Gravedigger] *looks at Mae* Are you still talking? Funny, I thought we were done long ago.
[Maestro] You were wrong
* Snipe pats Grave and Mae's back
[Gravedigger] Uh huh. Whatever.
[Dias] Well what's your plan then, DS?
[Snipe] Lets pipe down and see what stupid thing our leader is going to do, okay?
* DeathStar sighs
[Garland] .....I'm sure it gets hotter as you go down..... no way I could go deep even if I were safe with this stuff....I'm not in the mood to find out wither.
[DeathStar] I'm going to go take a swim.
[Garland] NRP: Either.
[Garland] You sure?
[DeathStar] Only way to see if it survived.
[Gravedigger] ...Eee.
[Garland] How can you see in it?
[Cheryl] ... I could try...
[Maestro] Oh, I envoke ye, all might god of the lava, Split... Or they'll send you pictures of Dias... NAKED!
[Pteryx] NRP: Ack, good luck... not only is it deadly, it's thick and opaque...
[DeathStar] Don't, Cheryl.  You're too valuable to go roast.
[Dias] ... *tosses another stone over the lava, watching it quickly melt after a few skips*
* Snipe slams hand over Maest's mouth
[Ariel] Careful DS... *stays away from the lava*
[Diamondback] NRP: *throws Dias over the lava, watching him quickly melt after a few skips*
[DeathStar] Alright, *glares at Maestro* Garland, I want you to contact me with the comm. after I go down there.  After that, we'll maintain radio silence since I don't want our friends in space to hear us.
* Garland nods
[Dias] NRP: *snickers*
[Gravedigger] Uh, won't the lava like really screw up the radio signal?
[Garland] Only oneway to tell...
[DeathStar] Probably.  That's why we better do it fast before it cuts it out.
[DeathStar] But then again, it is my special comm.  It's suppose to go through anything.
[Dias] Oh, sure, DS gets the special comm...
[Garland] ......I have it, Dias.
[Maestro] Should we have the funeral now... or later...
[Cheryl] Me too.
[Maestro] DS, what kind of flowers do you like?
[Dias] ...Garland, DS, you're both buddy-buddy...
[DeathStar] Well, see you all later, you hear?  Explore the planet, try to find our friends if possible, and go back to the ship before dark so Sigma doesn't think we go traitorous on him.
[Gravedigger] Dearly beloved, we're gathered hear today...
[Garland] .....
[Gravedigger] (here)
* Garland looks at them
[Snipe] I'll play the organ at your funeral.
[Snipe] What kind of music?  Rock?  Sad?  
[Garland] Have more hope.....
[Maestro] ...To bid good bye to our idiot leader...
* DeathStar sighs, smiles at Ariel
[DeathStar] See you soon.
[Dias] Hey, I don't plan on dying anytime soon, DS...
* Maestro grabs his eyes
[Dias] So, see you someday
* DeathStar runs and dives into the ocean. The lava splashes into the air and he seems to dissolve into the lava
[Gravedigger] Oh lighten up, Garland, it was a joke. Losen up your ...whatever the hell you wear for support.
[Maestro] DAMN! I forgot to wear goggles during my daily lava dip!
[Garland] .....
[Snipe] Well, he's dead.
[Dias] I hate it when that happen, Maestro...
[Ariel] ...come back safely...
* Garland pulls out his comm
[Dias] Did you guys notice that he was doing the leading until now? What're we supposed to do if he melts? Stand around here? Anyone remember where we parked?
[Maestro] Dun dun dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun...
[Garland] Comm: DS, you with us?
[Snipe] ...didn't you hear what he told us, Dias?
* Snipe sighs
[Snipe] Anyway...
[DeathStar] GM: *everything is silent*
[Dias] Uh, he told us alot of things, Snipe... Can you be more specific?
[Garland] Comm: DS?
[Snipe] Yeah, shut up.
[DeathStar] Comm: Hot hot hot hot!
[Maestro] Wow, He's dead... and hot hot hot
* Snipe pokes Gravedigger
[Snipe] I told you, you just can't kill him
[Garland] Comm: If it gets too hot, I mean it, get out of there.
* Dias consider throwing the rock in his hand at Snipe, but throws it where DS disappeared to
[Snipe] Sure, you can make him bleed, but really, if that can't kill him...
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Gravedigger] ...Oh piss off.
[Dias] ...Damn. It must have melted before it hit DS...
[DeathStar] Comm: Eh, I'm getting use to it, though I'll be swimming blind.  Don't want to risk burning my eyes.  I'll use my scanner from here....anyway, DS out.  See you guys soon.  Remember, I won't be answering this thing anymore.
*** DeathStar is now known as GM
*** Ayako ( has joined #taw
*** Gravedigger sets mode: +o Ayako
[Pteryx] NRP: Kupo.
[Ayako] NRP: ARG!
[Garland] ......Right..... *doesn't say it in the comm*
*** Maestro was kicked by Ayako (Ayako)
[Snipe] Okay, lets go guys
* Snipe reaches down and grabs the backpack he was wearing, slings it over his shoulder and makes sure his rifles are okay
*** Ayako is now known as Maestro
[Snipe] Lets see what we can find on this planet.  Lets see if anyone survived.  And lets see if we can find Team B.
[Dias] Isn't his scanner in one of his eye or something?
[Maestro] Shouldn't we wait for our leader?
* Ariel bites her lip, thinking about something.
[Garland] .....I have to admit, everything's been a bit calm.
[Cheryl] He said he's be a while.
* Garland looks at Ariel
* Snipe notes Ariel
[Snipe] Something up, Ariel?
[Maestro] I think we should set up camp
[Garland] He'll be fine... I know it.
[Snipe] Maestro, our camp is 20 miles that way.  If you want to go back to camp, you're going alone.
[Dias] Team B was... uh...
[Gravedigger] That's nice, Mae, no one's listening.
[Ariel] No... no, it's nothing.
[Maestro] You people don't think, do you
[Gravedigger] Yep.
[Garland] Besides, Maestro, we didn't bring camp supplies.
[Snipe] Well, if it's nothing, why do you look so worried?  If it's DS, he won't die.  He's too damn stubborn to die.
[Snipe] Now, if you were worried about, oh, say ME, then that would be reasonable.  I bruise easily.
[Maestro] If DS surfaces with the artifact, and the Tsiv become wise to our plan, The capture DS, and the wraiths are crushed
[Garland] It's smater not to set up camp, we can hide, tents can't.
[Ariel] *forced laugh* I don't know if DS knows how to die...  he certainly can't stay dead...
[Snipe] I doubt DS would let it or himself be captured.  If you know what I mean.
[Dias] Well, if you think about it, being too damn fat would be more helpful in the lava than being stubborn... I mean, that wear there's more of him for the lava to eat at... or something
* Snipe bonks Dia
[Gravedigger] He'd probably destory the artifcat first and kill himself before he'd let it fall into thheir hands.
* Garland looks at Ariel
[Garland] ...
[Snipe] We're trying to CHEER her up, not make her SAD.
[Maestro] Dolt!
[Maestro] If He DESTROYS the artifact, were toast too
[Maestro] We NEED that artifact
[Garland] Maestro, your being an idiot.
* Dias throws the rock in his hand at Snipe when Snipe turns his back to him, then turns around and whistles
* Snipe begins to march northwest, in a slight angle to where they came
[Snipe] Lets go guys
[Garland] You don't even know what it is!
[Maestro] Do you, Garland?
* Snipe holds out hand, catches it without turning around, and breaks it
[Ariel] Actually, Maestro has a point...
[Gravedigger] No, DS said we could USE the artifact, he never said we NEED it.
[Garland] No, and I'm not sure if it's going to save Earth or not.
[Ariel] Would he nearly risk his life if we didn't need it?
[Dias] ...*mutters* should've thrown the lava...
[Garland] But I'm putting faith in Death Star.
* Snipe stops
[Dias] ...I wasn't listening. What are we talking about again?
[Gravedigger] ...Ariel, this is DS we're talking about here, when DOESN'T he risk his life?
[Snipe] Listen guys, are we the baddest ass team in the galaxy or are we going to sit here DEBATING on what Death Star is planning.
[Snipe] We all know Death Star isn't going to die.
[Snipe] It just isn't in the books.
[Snipe] Now, grab your stuff, and lets go do what he asked us to do.
[Pteryx] NRP: "Plus he's the GM's character."
[Garland] Well there was that one time......
[Gravedigger] NRP: Hee hee, good observation, Pteryx.
[GM] NRP: That doesn't stop me.  Snipe has a virus that is killing him, after all.
[Garland] NRP: Remember when he was the computer for a while?
[Dias] Well, we would be the baddest ass team, but someone's ass isn't up to par... *glances at Snipe*
[Maestro] NRP: I'm not trying to stop the session, I'm using common sense Mae has
[Snipe] NRP: Snipe is just trying to rally you people
[Snipe] Look, if you guys are so worried about DS...we could stay here and wait for him and possibly put our mission in jeopordy.  We need to find survivors, we need to find Team B, and we need to get back to the ship before nightfall so Sigma doesn't get ideas.
[Dias] And if you ask me, we need to get some more bad female asses in this team... but maybe that's just me...
[Gravedigger] Hi, are we done arguing now? Let's all just shut up and move, huh?
[Maestro] Wasn't our mission to retrive the artifact?
* Garland sighs
[Garland] Oy vey.
[Dias] Who said I was worried about DS? I'm just standing here while you just talk... Aren't you going to lead us something?
[Snipe] ...*sighs*
[Cheryl] Didn't DS give us some orders?
[Garland] Maestro, that's only one objective, there are others, now stop complaining.
[Snipe] I'm going to go complete our mission objectives.  You can stay here and yap
* Gravedigger grabs Mae and Dias by the collars and starts dragging them towards Snipe's position
* Snipe breaks into a jog away from the team
[Gravedigger] We're going NOW.
[Dias] Hey, maybe the objective's to stop complaining?
* Garland follows Snipe
[Dias] ...But where're we going... I think the leaders don't tell us, since they don't know half the team. *throws another rock in the lava then follows*
* Garland keeps pace with Snipe
[Maestro] If we want to liberate a burny out hulk, why don't we take the cuioper belt?
* Snipe looks at Garland
[Garland] This is really getting out of hand....
* Cheryl catches up.
[Snipe] We all know the hottest lava in the galaxy isn't going to stop DS, so why must they go on and on about DS is unable to die.
* Ariel takes one last look, then quickly catches up with Garland and Snipe.
[Garland] I know I was just yapping with them for a moment, but your right, there's a hellova lot more importat things!
[Dias] *yawns* I've heard more than enough about DS today already. I thought you didn't like him, Snipe?
[Maestro] I'm not worried about the lava, I'm woried about the Tsiv!
* Garland nods to Ariel
[Snipe] I'm worried about what the enemy would think if they could see us like this...
* Snipe looks up at the acid filled clouds
[Garland] Not much, I'm afraid. I just try to think of the day when they fear us for once.
[Snipe] I wonder if it rains acid here...
[Ariel] They'd probally die laughing.
[Dias] What're we looking for anything? I thought the Tsivrixsh wiped out this planet... I don't suppose they left a 7-11 or something here? I don't know about you guys, but that lava made me thirsty
[GM] NRP: *thinks this new version of Dias puts the old one to shame, but he can't help but be amused at it*
[Garland] NRP: I say we kick Dustin out and make Ryan the new Dias!
[Dias] NRP: Heh heh, well, I'm not sure that's neccessary, Garland
[GM] NRP: I don't know.  He makes Dias' annoying side pretty annoying.
[Snipe] GM: *time passes*
[Dias] NRP: Well, you guys said he was annoying, so...
* Snipe sees a city up ahead
[Snipe] Look at that...I think I see civilization.
[Dias] *yawn* Is it just me or have we been walking and walking while nothing but time passes us?
[Garland] ....Oy, we should have left them at the ship, I'm also pretty sure the four of us could have made the trip in a few minutes...
[Snipe] We could dump them off on Team B.  If we ever find them.
[Ariel] About time...
[Garland] Keep that in mind....
* Snipe walks up to the clay buildings
[Gravedigger] And Dias keeps talking and talking while no one shuts him up...
[Dias] Well, let's seek that civilization out boldly! Or whatever it is we do... Kick ass, wasn't it? Or was it find that damn convenience store...
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[Snipe] Hello?  Anyyone home?
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*** Gravedigger sets mode: +o Hikari
*** Hikari is now known as Cheryl
* Garland skids, sande flying as he stops
*** Ariel ( has joined #taw
* Snipe sees the little town is deserted
*** Gravedigger sets mode: +o Ariel
[Snipe] Man, is there no life left on this rock...?
[Gravedigger] Let's find some supplies.
* Snipe looks around
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[Garland] I wish we could find SOMEONE...
[Snipe] Man, can't you tell?  There's nothing here.
[Dias] And some refreshing beverages, Gravedigger, don't forget the refreshing beverages...
* Snipe sits down, looking very depressed
[Snipe] God, what happened to our planet...
[Cheryl] No... they couldn't have killed everyone...
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[Garland] The fleet we passed on our way down here happend, Snipe....
* Snipe relives the day of Session 25, the Fury breaking out of the station, Earth being bombed
[Snipe] We should have stayed and fight...instead of running like cowards.
[Garland] .....No.
[Garland] We did the right thing.
[Dias] Weren't we here to take it back... Wait a second. Has DS been skinny dipping in the lava all this time? Shouldn't he be done by now? We're managed to find absolutely nothing...
[Gravedigger] ...Would you LOOK around? There are clay buildings here, that means that there is, or at least WAS some activity here at some point. Now maybe they left something useful behind we can take. 
[Snipe] Can't you guys sense it?
[Dias] Uh... No?
[Snipe] It's the sense of death hanging around...
[Cheryl] Sense what?
* Snipe pulls himself back up
[Gravedigger] ...Dammit, I SAID I wasn't Death anymore! Jeeze...
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*** Snipe sets mode: +o Maestro
[Garland] Snipe, there are survivors, somewhere.
[Maestro] NRP: What did I miss?
* Snipe looks inside one fo the clay buildings and gasps
[Snipe] Dear God!
[Diamondback] NRP: A really bad joke from Grave...
* Garland blurs, looking in
[Garland] What!?
* Ariel peeks in.
[Gravedigger] NRP: We found an empty town made out of clay buildings
[Dias] ... I don't think the Tsivrixsh left even death here to be sensed... much less refreshing beverages... Oh sure, it's fine for the reploids... just ignore us humans...
[Snipe] GM: *on a mat is a rotting pile of flesh and bone*
[Garland] ......Oh my God....
[Ariel] ...cute.
[Snipe] It looks like he just laid here...laid here and died.
* Maestro kicks the rotting pile "Sickening isn't it"
[Diamondback] NRP: *licks his lips*
[Gravedigger] ...That was SO not my fault.
[Ariel] Remind me to draw and quarter those bastards.
[Dias] ... eww...
* Garland pulls Mae back, throwing him onto the ground
* Snipe exits the building
[Garland] Have some respect for the dead, damn it!
[Snipe] Okay, that was something I didn't want to see...
* Snipe notices tons of grave markers just outside the town
[Maestro] Dieing dogs deserve no favours
* Maestro stands up and brushes himself off
* Garland looks at Maestro with a rage
[Gravedigger] Someone was alive, at least.
[Snipe] GM: *sniffling can be heard from a nearby building*
[Garland] You think they chose to be this way!?
[Dias] ...Where's the priest when you need him? He could say a hymn for these guys... and maybe divine a refreshing beverage or two?
[Snipe] ...guys...?
* Garland hears it, forgetting about Mae
* Ariel heads towards the sound.
[Garland] ??
[Dias] Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking...?
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[Gravedigger] ...No, Dias, it's NOT dinner.
* Garland follows Ariel
*** Gravedigger sets mode: +o Ayako
*** Maestro was kicked by Gravedigger (Gravedigger)
*** Ayako is now known as Maestro
* Snipe follows them and they find themselves outside a small hunt
[Dias] ...Dammit, I'm just thirsty... Anyway... Maybe someone's alive. Let's go
* Ariel looks in quietly.
* Garland looks in
[Garland] Hello.......?
[Dias] Knock knock?
[GM] NRP: Give me a second to type
[Snipe] GM: *a small child, about 4, lays on a mat.  However, its obvious the child has been here for a good long time as it's on death's door.  No food and quite possibly no water, the child is the very imagine of someone on death's door.  Disease is evident on the ravaged body and it looks like the kid might die at any moment*
* Garland 's eyes water
* Maestro spits at the child
* Snipe grabs Maestro and slams him into the wall
* Gravedigger decks Mae from the side
[Diamondback] NRP: SEE! My run-in with BJ's niece in Shifting Grounds was nothing...
* Ariel knells by the kid.
* Garland looks at Maestro
[Snipe] You are a damn asshole!
* Snipe throws him out onto the ground, letting him role
[Garland] ......*lets it go*
[Maestro] Let him Die!
[Garland] Hello......
[Snipe] Go Maestro.  Get out of here.
[Gravedigger] How about we let YOU die?
[Dias] *quietly*...I told you beverages would come in handy...
[Snipe] Kid: *turns and his eyes are blurred, quite possibly blind* uh..
* Garland kneels on the other side
[Maestro] When I'm a bum on death's door, you can
* Cheryl knells on the other side, and lays one hand on the shild's shoulder.
* Snipe kicks dirst at Maestro
* Garland pulls off his pack, hoping for water or food.... ANYTHING
* Gravedigger spins out his scythe and presses the blade to Mae's throat
[Snipe] I said get out of here, Maestro.  You're off the team.  I'll put up with DS personally
[Gravedigger] I can arrange that.
* Dias isn't sure what to do in situation like this, to say the least
[Snipe] GM: *the packs have food and water*
* Cheryl glows with a faint white aura as she syphons of some of her life energy to help the child.
* Garland pulls out his water
[Garland] Here.....
* Garland hands it to the child
[Snipe] Kid: *the kid is unable to move his arms and just lies there, dying*
[Garland] ....It's going to be okay now.
[Maestro] So, When I treat the dead as dogs, You all get insane, but You EVER notice all the laws you people break? Ever stop to think THAT'S revolting
* Garland pulls off the cap, pouring some into the child's mouth
* Maestro walks off
[Snipe] Kid: Mom..Mommy...daddy...are they oka.y....?  *the water just slides down his chin, not even being taken in he's so weak*
[Gravedigger] So go tell a cop. *spits on Mae's back*
[Snipe] Sick bastard.
* Garland begins to cry, but makes no sound of it
* Snipe turns back on Maestro
* Cheryl is doing her best trying to save the child.
[Dias] *glances at Maestro* Maestro... I think I can speak for the team, for once, when I say... that's the shittiest logic I've ever heard.
[Garland] ....They're in a better place......
* Snipe sees the two skeletons in the next room
[Snipe] They must have given the child everything and let themselves die first.
* Garland gasps air, hurting so much from the thought of this
[Snipe] Kid: *eyes begin to fade* Can..i them?
* Ariel bows her head in respect for the parents.
[Cheryl] They'll be watching over you...
* Garland says a prayer
[Dias] ... Why bother trying to survive when they were all going to die in the end? ... That's either really brave or really stupid...
[Snipe] Or they loved their child to try all they could, Dias
[Snipe] They were a family..
* Snipe takes a deep, bitter breath
[Ariel] ... their efforts won't be in vain.
[Snipe] GM: *the kid's head gently falls to the side, as if he were asleep*
[Ariel] NRP: .oO( Dammit! )
[Garland] ... *tears hit the ground*
[Dias] ... *shakes head*
[Snipe] NRP: Ouch, Ariel...
* Snipe looks at the pictures on a table
[Snipe] Wait a second, there's two kids.  A boy and a girl...
[Dias] ...This wasn't in the job description...
[Garland] Then maybe.....?
[Gravedigger] Yes, actually it was, Dias.
* Garland stands
* Ariel is already looking.
[Garland] Hello? 
* Snipe raises hand out
[Snipe] Wait, hush for a second.
* Cheryl sighs and stands up, tears in her eyes that never reach the ground.
[Snipe] GM: *the sound of whimpering can be heard in a loft overhead*
[Garland] NRP: The orchestrated FF7 is AWESOME right now.
[Garland] We're here to help......
* Snipe leaps up to the loft in one bound
* Snipe vanishes from sight up above
* Dias puts finger over his mouth, making the "shhh" gesture at Garland
* Garland glares at Dias
* Ariel hops up there too.
* Garland follows
* Snipe appears a moment later, holding a girl in his arms. He leaps down beside Cheryl. She's almost as worst off as her brother and is 3. The boy obviously gave his younger sister his sahre
* Snipe looks back up sheepishly, not noticing the others went up
* Ariel hops down right behind Snipe, scowling.
[Cheryl] Oh my...
[Dias] NRP: His... wah? Oh, share...
[Snipe] Anything we can do?
* Garland , light as a feather, lands next to them
[Snipe] GM: *the child just trembles and whimpers*
[Ariel] *lays a comferting hand on the child's forehead* Things are going to be alright...
* Garland pulls off his coat, putting it around the girl gently
* Cheryl nods, and channels all the energy she can afford to help the child.
* Snipe steps out beside Grave, shaking his head sadly, and walks away from the building
[Dias] ... *doesn't have a comment to make, for once*
* Gravedigger waits around outside of the hut, on guard
[Snipe] GM: *The child breathes easier and falls asleep*
* Snipe sits down and looks at Grave
[Dias] ...Good... work...
[Snipe] I wonder if I was to hard on Maestro.  We might have needed his help.
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[Dias] NRP: Did Maestro leave?
[Dias] NRP: RPG-wise, I mean
[Gravedigger] No, you weren't.
[GM] NRP: Yeah, Snipe threw him out
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Garland] John....
[Snipe] ...he'll die out there, alone...
[Dias] ...You didn't give him the keys to the ship, did you? We don't want him taking our ride out of here...
[Snipe] NRP: *is out side the building*
[Gravedigger] In fact, if I wasn't better minded, I'd go out there and kill his sorry ass myself.
[Garland] You did the right thing, I'm not wishing death on him, though.
* Snipe looks at Garland
[Snipe] What about the kid?  Will she...?
[Garland] .....I'm praying.
* Cheryl heads out to meet the others, followed by Ariel.
[Snipe] We can't take her on our dangerous journies.
[Garland] ...... *sighs*
[Snipe] We need to find someone alive on the planet to watch her until we can liberate it.
[Garland] Exactly.
* Snipe points at the clouds
[Garland] But we can't leave her.
[Snipe] But with those clouds...all food would have died out.  Humans can't live forever
[Dias] ...Is it just me or did we forget about DS? Maybe he'd now what to do?
[Snipe] Reploids might be alive on this planet...but what about the humans?  Could they survive six months without sunlight?
[Gravedigger] ...The Arctic goes 6 months without sunlight. People survive there.
[Cheryl] If we find someone who can take care of her, alright...  but I'll make sure she's okay otherwise...
[Snipe] True...but think globial wise.  No plants.  No food.  No animals.
* Garland smiles to cheryl
* Snipe stands up
[Snipe] Lets go guys
[Dias] ...What do reploids need to survive anyway? I feel asleep in class that particular lecture...
* Snipe grabs his backpack, slings it over his shoulder, and keeps walking, not turning back
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*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Crescens
[Gravedigger] A power supply, matenience, so on.
* Garland follows Snipe's lead
* Dias follows Snipe, taking a several big gulps of the water he never knew he had and no one volunteered to tell him
[Snipe] .oO (Is that what it means to be a family...?  That scene back there...that heartbreaking...terrible scene...)
[Garland] ....Snipe.
[Snipe] Yes?
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[Garland] ...... Maestro, you were right to kick him out, this team needs people who care about things...
*** Crescens is now known as Pteryx
[Snipe] Why fight for something you can't care about.
[Ariel] ...I think he liked it better with the Tsiv...
[Snipe] Why fight at all if it isn't for someone or something?  I fight...for my team.  I'll die for my team.  That's what I fight for.  I fight to protect those who are my friends.
[Cheryl] ...he's the least humain human being I know...
[Garland] ......He'll survive somehow, I know. He joined the Tsiv *nods to Ariel* just to do that.
[Snipe] GM: *The child sniffles*
[Dias] I fight for... I'm not sure. Myself maybe, I guess. Or the team maybe. Someone gotta be the kick-ass member on the team, now don't they?
* Garland looks at the child
[Snipe] NRP: *cries as he plays Aeris' theme song*
* Garland smiles to her
[GM] GM: *time passes*
* Snipe sees a building up ahead, with smoke coming from it
* Snipe notices a garden
[Dias] NRP: What's the file name, so I can steal it from you?
[Snipe] NRP: Aerith.mid
[Snipe] ...wha...?
[Garland] .......!?
[Ariel] A... garden?
* Snipe notices a small river running by, churning a type of mill, which powers a generator, which produces artifical sunlight over the garden
[Snipe] Someone...learned how to survive...
* Snipe runs ahead
[Snipe] HEY!!  HELLO!
[Gravedigger] What a co-wink-ie-dink...
* Garland runs on
[Dias] Well, what do you know...
* Snipe pounds on the door
[Snipe] Hello!?  HELLO!
*** GM is now known as ElderlyMan
* ElderlyMan opens the door
[ElderlyMan] Yes?
[Dias] *cups hands to mouth* HEEEEEEEELOOOO? Do you have any BEVERAGES or SODAS around?
* ElderlyMan notices them all.
[ElderlyMan] Please...come inside.
* Cheryl bops Dias
* ElderlyMan steps aside
[Dias] Uh, hi. We're from outer space. We come in peace. How are you?
[Snipe] Thank you.
* Snipe steps in
* Ariel is holding the child now.
* Cheryl steps in.
* Ariel follows Cheryl in
* Garland steps in behind Ariel, watching the girl
[Gravedigger] *looks at the old man, then looks at his scythe and remembers he looks a lot like Death still* Uh..heh heh...*hides his scyther and takes down his hood*
* Dias enters
* ElderlyMan hobbles over to the fireplace, where he is boiling some water, to purify it
* ElderlyMan raises eyebrow
[ElderlyMan] You people say you are from outer space?
* ElderlyMan places the water in a type of fridge, powered by the generator, to cool off.
[Garland] No, We're from Earth, having lived in outer space for the time.
[Gravedigger] *smacks Dias* No, sir, we're from Earth. Well, most of us anyway.
* ElderlyMan nods
[ElderlyMan] Why would you come back here?
* ElderlyMan sits down at a table and indicates for them to come over.
* Garland smiles
[Garland] I'll let someone else answer it.
* Snipe sits down at the table
[Snipe] Well, uh, we came here to free Earth.
[Dias] Well. We were from Earth, but then we left to go play games on this space station place. But when we got back the Earth had been conquered by the Tsivirshx, er, no, Tsvrierixsh... uh, aliens... and so we lived on this ship, but this guy called Slasher blew the weapons out on it and we were chased by those alien guys and then this Admiral guy tried to kill Slasher, the blow-up all the weapons guy...
[Dias] After that we got this station from DS, this leader guy... and now... we're here.
* Garland glares at Dias
[Gravedigger] *hits Dias* Stop. Talking. Now.
* ElderlyMan blinks at Dias
[Dias] ... Fine, just let him be confused then!
[ElderlyMan] ....
[Garland] ....Erm, Don't mind Dias, he's the flake of our group,
[ElderlyMan] Well, I can't see how you would free the Earth.  No one's managed to do that for the past six months.
[ElderlyMan] They pretty much leave us alone, unless we fight back...
[Snipe] I see.
* Snipe looks at the child
* ElderlyMan follows Snipe's gaze
[ElderlyMan] Found someone, did you?
[Garland] We have a plan, we were traveling, and we came across your home..
* ElderlyMan walks over to Ariel
[ElderlyMan] Here, young lady, I'll take her off your hands.  She can stay here with me.
[Dias] Ahem, Garland, thanks to my new shampoo I no longer have dandruff flakes
[Ariel] *hands over the child, almost reluctantly* Thank you...
* Garland blinks at Dias
[Gravedigger] *leans over to Snipe* Uh, haven't they been known to attack people even when they DON'T fight back?
[Garland] .....Let John use that Shampoo.
* ElderlyMan nods and moves off to the backroom, putting the child ind a comfortable bed
[Snipe] Yes.  Maybe they need someone humans alive for some reason.
[Dias] Well, Mr. Elderly Man, we're got a fearlous leader, that DS guy, remember? Well, he's skinny dipping in lava now. Bet any other those other would-be liberator guys never thought of that, now did they?
[Snipe] I mean, there has to be SOME key reason to have this much force on the Earth.  Maybe live humans come into the equation
[Snipe] I just can't figure out what the solution to all this is...
[Gravedigger] *slaps his hand over Dias' mouth* I thought I told you to be quiet/
* ElderlyMan walks back in and pulls his water out of the freezer, cooled now
[ElderlyMan] Water?
[Garland] ......You might be right, John. It can't be a simple revenge for 20 years ago.
[Dias] *says something but it isn't intelligable since GD's hand is over his mouth* Mmmh mmmh mmh mh mmmmmmmmh!
[Garland] Yes please, Sir.
[Ariel] And they wouldn't have left the planet in one piece if it was.
[ElderlyMan] NRP: Yes, of course, the solution is the Paradise project.  But the Hunters don't know about that.
* Dias rips hand off and runs over to the elderly men, "Yeah! "
* ElderlyMan pours them all water into some chipped, but useable, glasses
* ElderlyMan sips his water
* Snipe takes the cup and drinks the water slowly on his parched mouth
* Garland sips his, a sad look on his face
* Dias gulps down his water, "Ahhh... I'd complement this water, but since no one's paying me to advertise it, forget it..."
[ElderlyMan] I don't really think I can help you people, except maybe to explain the situation on Earth.
[Garland] Thank you for being so kind as to take us in, Sir.
* ElderlyMan begins to go into a long detailed speech about what has happened for the past 6 months (minus everything done by the Ressitance.) He informs them about Rages, the storms, the acid clouds that only clear up at night, the hard winter, the vultures, the troops, and a legend called 'Paradise' somewhere out here in the Wastelands
* Snipe leans back, musing after the man finishes
[Dias] Sure, go ahead and talk. *points at Snipe* That guy talks to much about DS (the leader guy who's skinny dipping in lava to save the world) to be entertaining...
[Garland] ....I see.
[Snipe] Paradise...maybe that's what this is all about.
[Snipe] We should try to find this Paradise thing.
* Dias listens at first, then pours some more water and drinks some more... finally realizing he really has to use the bathroom now
[Garland] ...Probably.
[Ariel] Pair of dice?  Sounds like something BJ would like.
* Dias raises his hand
* Snipe glances at Ariel
[Gravedigger] Uh, wait, question...
[Snipe] I see your wit is coming back.
[ElderlyMan] NRP: And no, the man doesn't know PAradise is a simulated thing, he thinks it's real.
[ElderlyMan] Yes?
[Gravedigger] Sir, if this 'Paradise' is so, well, 'paradisal'...why haven't YOU gone in search of it?
[Dias] Excuse me, but, where's the bathroom?
[ElderlyMan] Young fellow, I'm too old.
* ElderlyMan points Dias outside
[Dias] Hey, maybe that's what DS is looking for under the lava?
[ElderlyMan] Just don't go in my river.
[Ariel] Ah, your not THAT old. ^.~
[Garland] How come you haven't been attacked by the 'vultures' here?
[Dias] Okay... Be right back... *jogs off outside*
[ElderlyMan] I've created my own little paradise here, if you ask me.
[Gravedigger] *motions his hands around the old man's place and land* But you're not 'old' enough to accomplish all of this?
[ElderlyMan] I have no idea.
[Garland] Hmm...
[ElderlyMan] There's a difference between searching for something you might never find and building something you can attain.
[Dias] *can be heard from outside* Ahhhhh. *a few moments later he reenters and sits down*
[Snipe] I think we need to go guys.  It's probably around noon now.
* Garland stands up
[Snipe] We should start back to the ship and see if Death Star is back there.
* Snipe stands up
[Snipe] Thank you for your time, Mister.
[ElderlyMan] Anytime.  
[Dias] We're not gonna hang out here anymore? *turns to the elderly man* You wouldn't happen to have any sodas or snacks on you?
[Garland] Thank you for having us..... and I can't thank you enough for taking that little girl
[ElderlyMan] ...of course not.
[Ariel] Please, take good care of her...
* Gravedigger grabs Dias and forces him outside
[ElderlyMan] It's my pleasure.  It's been a long time since I've had young people around.
[Dias] Darn it... Well, thanks for the water and the talk anyway.
* Garland smiles
[Dias] And, no need to thank me for my explanation on where we came from
* ElderlyMan nods at the girl in the room
[Garland] God bless you. I'll not forget this.
[ElderlyMan] Come by and see her anytime.
* Gravedigger shoves Dias outside now
[ElderlyMan] And don't get yourselves killed for something you might not be able to attain.
* Snipe walks out of the house
[Garland] Thats our job, I'm affraid. Goodbye.
[ElderlyMan] Godspeed.
* Ariel bows to the man and heads out.
[Dias] Oh, don't worry, we're not the ones skinny dipping the lava... We get our leader to do that for us. (He's a little gullible you see.)
* Garland steps out
[Gravedigger] NRP:...*hits Ryan with a mallet and then has Grave hurl Dias across the desert*
[Garland] NRP: I love Ryan as Dias!
[ElderlyMan] NRP: I bet you all think that I was going to have that girl die too, to complete my evil cycle.
*** ElderlyMan is now known as GM
[Dias] NRP: Heh heh. *takes a bow, snickering*
* Snipe begins to walk away
[Snipe] Lets get going guys
* Garland follows Snipe
[Snipe] Hopefully, DS will be waiting for us back home.
[Gravedigger] I don't like it.
[Snipe] Er, at the ship
* Dias follows Snipe
[Snipe] What don't you like, Grave?
* Garland smiles, adjusting his hat
[Gravedigger] This setup. It's a little too 'convienent' if you ask me.
[Garland] .....What?
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[Dias] I noticed the aftertaste to the water too, but, hey, he was trying to be hospitable so...
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[Snipe] What, you think he's working hand in hand with the aliens to survive?
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*** Gravedigger sets mode: +o Ariel
*** Gravedigger sets mode: +o Cheryl
[Ariel] NRP: Though that would be typical of you, I didn't think so this time... The girl seemed like an unplanned addition.
[Dias] Nahh, I don't... *stops and makes a gagging sound and grasps his throat, chocking* Gah! Gah! P-p-poisoned...
[Snipe] NRP: Well, you would have all been depressed if I didn't have a life saved.
* Snipe watches Dias
[Snipe] Is he serious?
[Garland] .....Stop acting Dias.
[Dias] *clears throat* Never mind... Must've been something I eat...
[Dias] Er, ate
* Snipe rolls eyes
[Garland] What would the man think if he saw you doing that?
[Dias] Probably not though, since no one ever feeds us around here...
[Gravedigger] It's just fishy. A village not all that far away is virtually wiped out, yet he's just fine and dandy. That village had no crops or water to speak of, but this guy's got far more than he needs.
[Snipe] Lets go before you guys get anymore weird ideas.  We meet one old gent who's trying to survive on this planet, and already you think he's evil.
[Dias] He think, uh, I was choking? Is that a trick question, Garland?
[Garland] ......
[Gravedigger] Plus, if he was so 'alone', how'd he know so much about what was going on here?
[Garland] This is a good distance from the village, maybe neither of them discovered the other?
[Snipe] You didn't see it, did you Grave?
* Snipe points behind the river at two grave markers
[Snipe] I read those before going in.
[Snipe] His wife and daughter died while the three were out exploring.  Or that's what the graves indicated.
[Garland] Everyone, we have to stop questioning things, the longer it takes us to get our job done, the more people die.
[Dias] See, that's why Snipe's got a higher rank than you, Grave. He notices stuff like that... Wait, you're Gravedigger and yet Snipe notices graves...? What's up with that?
* Snipe keeps walking along
[Garland] ....Think DS is done with his.....dive?
[Ariel] I hope so...
[Snipe] Who knows.  We'll find out if we ever get back t othe ship.
[Gravedigger] Just words, man, doesn't mean anything. I'm just worried we left that girl in unsafe hands. It still doesn't explain why the village was wiped out and he survived.
[Dias] Yeah, we must stop questioning things, since otherwise we'll confuse ourselves... Yeah, is he taking his sweet time or what?
[Snipe] Grave, if you're so worried, we'll stop by here before we leave Earth, okay?
[Dias] I bet he'll be glad I brought him some water though. I'm telling you guys, that's how you get promotions... but don't listen...
[Gravedigger] Just better hope it's not too late by then.
[Garland] I'd like to do that, too, check on the girl.
[Gravedigger] *hits Dias* Shut it. NOW.
* Snipe stops and look at Grave
[Snipe] Look, we can't just SPY on his house to see if he's going to DO anything.
[Snipe] We have to trust him.
[Garland] ANYWAY, To the Ship, or the beach?
[Snipe] Ship
[Snipe] We follow DS' instructions.
* Snipe notices a storm in the distant
[Snipe] (distance)
[Garland] Right. It should be...... *points* that way, right?
[Snipe] There's one of those Rages...
[Gravedigger] Back to the house?
[Ariel] To the ship.  I don't want to be caught outside.
[Garland] ......Hrm.
[Snipe] Lets move it
[Dias] Ow... That ought to get you a demotion... but Snipe seems to ignore it... you aren't slipping him some gill behind our backs, are you?
[Snipe] The old man said those things were killers.
[Snipe] Probably how his family died.
[Dias] The ship, I say. It's got air conditioning after all.
[Garland] Well lets go!
* Snipe begins to quicken his speed, the Rage coming not far behind
[Snipe] Session Ends