Session 77: Who Will Lead the Hunters?

  [Iceheart] Time chart: Same Day
[Iceheart] Location: Heading for the Ship
* Garland keeps his pace
* Dias looks around as he walks
* Snipe hacks up blood
* Gorgon looks at Snipe
[Dias] You ok Snipe?
*** Zombie_Reploid_Girl ( has joined #taw
[X`] Your friend seems to have taken...damage.
[Zero``] Looks like we arrived a little late.
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Snipe] Fine...just riddled with shots.
[Garland] John?
[Dias] NRP: Ahh it's Crystal!
[Dias] If that's all, then no worry
* Snipe flips Dias off
* Iceheart looks around
[Dias] I wuv you too.
* Wiendigo rotates his arm, trying to work out some kinks.
[Booster] Hmm...  Not much left around to play "I Spy" with, is there?...
* Booster makes a mental note to try to keep Snipe safe if another battle breaks out...
[Snipe] I spy
[Wiendigo] Son of a bitch that hurts...
[Dias] The blood that you hacked up
[Booster] NRP: LAAAAAG!
[Snipe] Good job~
[Ariel] What a day...
[Dias] NRP: Lag's not red
* Snipe snatches some of cheryl's supplies and uses them
*** Dias sets mode: +o Zombie_Reploid_Girl
[Snipe] Gah, pain pills
[Garland] NRP:  'nuff with the NRPs.
*** Enforcer has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* X` stops and looks around
[Booster] NRP: Lag seems to have passed, I think...
* Gravedigger drags his shovel along the ground
[Dias] Man, those things are huge. Talk about horse pills
*** Zombie_Reploid_Girl has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[Dominator] Hmm.
* Snipe leans on Grave
[Dias] NRP: We lost Jets.
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*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Enforcer
* Gravedigger collapses
* Garland keeps his eyes forward
*** Zombie_reploid_girl ( has joined #taw
* Snipe collapses too
*** Gravedigger sets mode: +o Zombie_reploid_girl
[X`] I think I see something...
[Zero``] Hmmm?  See what, X?
[Gravedigger] Ow! Get the hell offa me, fatass!
* Garland looks at Grave and Snipe
* Zombie_reploid_girl attacks The group, encasing them in a crystal shell
[Snipe] I can't..
* Booster tries to look where X is...
[Garland] This isn't a time for sleep.
[X`] That!
[Gravedigger] ...HELP ME!
[Garland] !?
* Iceheart looks around
[Iceheart] What the?!
[Booster] Uh oh.
* Enforcer tries to break through
* Gorgon walks over Snipe and Grave
[Booster] NRP: How big a shell?
* Dominator takes out his Rune Sword
* Zero`` grabs his sabre
* Zombie_reploid_girl staggers forward, and presses the attack, slowly filling in the area inside with crystal
[Zombie_reploid_girl] NRP: Slowly shrinking
[Gorgon] Oh shit....
[Dominator] Can someone get a reading on this?
* Gorgon punches the crystal shell
* Siawase sleeps through it.
[Iceheart] Status: I got it.
* Enforcer punches it at teh same place Gorgon does, making a crack
* Wiendigo runs at the side and starts punching as hard as he can
[Dias] Garlic, kiama that sucker
* Booster hurls coals at the shell while there's still room...
[Iceheart] Status: It's one of the reploids ressurected by that storm
* Ariel tries to break free.
[Iceheart] Status: Running a complete scan on it
[Zombie_reploid_girl] NRP: Its crystal. Pure.
* Garland doesn't respond to Garlic
* Iceheart forms an ice pick and slams it into the crystal
[Dias] Wien, can't you phase through it?
[Booster] The question it, will you finish before we're crushed?
* Garland looks around
* Enforcer punches again at the thing
[Booster] NRP: is, even.
[Iceheart] Status: It's complete Crystal.  Pure crystal.  Running scan on reploid.
* Zero`` slashes the crystal
* Wiendigo tries to phase though
* X` fires a level 5 blast
* Zombie_reploid_girl staggers forward, looking at everyone with blank eyes
[Garland] Kiama!
[X`] Lets get serious!
* Ariel slashes the crystal with her sword.
[Dominator] Don't suppose anyone has any sonic attacks, do they?
* Garland blasts the crystal
* Snipe grabs rifle and fires
[Enforcer] Screw this. *pulls out his Juggernauts, and fires a huge blast into the crack, breaking a hole
* Booster slashes at the crystal with his claws.  "I'm afraid not..."
* Dias punches the crystal shell
* Zombie_reploid_girl the crystal shatters, and she staggers back a bit
[Gravedigger] ...Do we jump her or what?
* X` aims blaster at the girl, charging it
* Wiendigo takes out his katana
[Iceheart] Status: Reploid is Crystal.
[Dias] Anyone recognize her?
* Zombie_reploid_girl encases the blaster in a block of crystal
[Garland] Wait, X.
* X` growls
[Wiendigo] She attacked us, we k-For the love of...
* Booster radiates heat, blurring his form...
[Iceheart] Crystal...?
[Enforcer] .... Slash's old girl??
[Garland] Look at her eyes......
[Dias] Wasn't she killed?
* X` fires, breaking the crystal
[Wiendigo] Just HOW many frockin' dead people are going to come back to life already?
[Iceheart] Status: She must have been ressurected like Iceheart was.
[Booster] What?  You know this person?
* Zombie_reploid_girl X gets hit by the refraction from the blast
* Garland blinks
[Dominator] That she was.
[Dias] I say we try to save her for Slash's sake
[X`] ...
[Zero``] So, what shall we do with her?
[Wiendigo] *looks at IH* ...Err, present company excepted, Frosty.
[Garland] ......*winces*
[Iceheart] ...oh, gee, thanks.
[Enforcer] ....
* Wiendigo smirks weakly
[Enforcer] Whatever, looks like she's gearing up for another attack...
[Dominator] Well, is she a threat?
* Zombie_reploid_girl looks into the sky
* Dias crouches and leaps through the crack dashing towards her
[X`] Shall I take her down gently?
[Enforcer] If you could...
[Wiendigo] Take her down. Period.
* X` charges and fires a level 2 blast at her
* Garland walks towards her
* Zombie_reploid_girl suddenly a huge block of crystal drops on Garland
* Zombie_reploid_girl then gets taken down by X
[Dominator] Oh dear.
* Dias screeches to a halt infront off her
[Dias] Woh...Cool.
[Garland] GACK!
[Zombie_reploid_girl] NTP: THUD
[Ariel] You okay Gar?
* Dominator swings up his sword and fires a blast at the block
[Booster] I could try to pin her...
* Snipe sits down
[Garland] NRP: Million year old fruitcake anyone?
[Snipe] Great, now a damn new "he thinks he's God" walks among us
* Snipe glances at X.
[Garland] Ow.... My head..... *rubs his head*
* Iceheart walks over to her and bends down
[Iceheart] So, can she be saved, like I was?
* Dias turns to Frosty
[Dias] Let's hope.
* Zombie_reploid_girl stares up, knocked out for now
* Zero`` puts his sabre up
[Booster] NRP: Hm, my line's late...
* Garland looks at Ice
[Dias] Should we deactivate her for now?
[Iceheart] Status: Here, Dom, hook me up to her and I'll do what I did with Ice.
[Garland] What do you mean, Ann? (NRP: It's Ann right?)
[Dominator] I'd imagine so, Iceeeeee-What I mean to say is, Ana...
[Dias] NRP: ana
* Booster walks up to the fallen form, frowning...
[Garland] NRP: oh yea
[Dominator] Right.
[Ariel] ... you guys keep saying it...
* Dominator walkes up to Crystal and hooks Status up to her.
* Garland looks at Ariel
[Garland] You hear them too?
[Wiendigo] Because they're idiots.
* Gorgon looks at everyone
* Snipe gets a faint look in his eyes
[Snipe] So...tired..
* Gorgon slaps Snpe
* Enforcer looks at Snipe
[Gravedigger] Uh, Snipe?
[Zero``] Hey, is it safe for that guy to be going to sleep...?
[Enforcer] You ok Snipe?
[Gorgon] Stay awaky buddy
[Snipe] OW!  Dammit...
* Zombie_reploid_girl twitches as Status breaks into her
* Zombie_reploid_girl "Brain"
* Wiendigo keeps a tight grip on his sword
[Garland] Depends on how injured he he is, Zero...
[Zombie_reploid_girl] NRP: Mmmmm braiiinnss..... must... go... somewhere... else......
[Iceheart] Status: Oooo, gee, she's really screwed up...I think her memory will be gone like Ice--Frosty's was.
* Ariel rolls her eyes.
[Dominator] Hrm.
* Garland blinks
[Gorgon] But Frosty here regained her memory after awhile
[Dominator] What should we do with her in the meantime?
[Iceheart] Status: I guess this means she'll become Wiendigo's second Frosty is.
* Booster 's ear twitches.
[Iceheart] Status: I'm fixed.  Just lug her around until she comes online
[Wiendigo] ...I'm gonna tear you APART!
* Wiendigo lunges at Status
[Iceheart] Status: HEEEEEELP!
* Gorgon bats Wien down
[Dominator] Wiendigo! No!
[Garland] Wiendigo!
* Enforcer picks up Crystal
* Dominator holds Wien back
* Booster leaps to intercept Wiendigo...
* Iceheart chuckles, bemused
[Enforcer] .... I would fight, but i carry things.  
[Wiendigo] GRAGH! Get the hell of of me! I'm gonna kill the piece of shit!
[Zero``] ...*cocks eyebrow* Well, shall we continue on to your ship...?
[Enforcer] Wien.. theres always later.
[Garland] Damnit Wiendigo! What's up with you? Aren't you supposed to be the uninsultable one?
[Dias] Wonder if Cheryl's got any tranks left
* Wiendigo keeps pressing on, despite all the resistance
* Snipe closes eyes
[Dias] NRP: err..tranqs
[Booster] Will you stop that?!
* Gorgon slaps Snipe hard
[Gorgon] WAKE UP
[Snipe] O!W
* Snipe blinks
[Booster] NRP: Ack!  Lag again...
[Gravedigger] Wien, jeeze, c'mon!
* Enforcer looks at Gorgon
[Enforcer] Quit hitting him.
[Gorgon] He keeps falling asleep
* Gravedigger puts his hand on Wien's shoulder
[Iceheart] Status: Boy he has a sore subject with those dead girlfriends...
[Ariel] This brings back memories...
[Gravedigger] Dude, c'mon, calm.
* Enforcer winces
* Wiendigo snarls and stops
[Enforcer] What, no killing rage?
[Garland] Status, don't provoke him.
* Booster steps back once Wiendigo stops...
[Dominator] That was close...
[Iceheart] Status: Affirmative...
[Dias] Lets get going,
* Snipe falls over
* Gorgon grabs Snipe and slings him over his shoulder
[Snipe] Wha?  GAH! Lemme go!
[Gorgon] Anyone got any socks?
* Booster nods.  "Right; the sooner we leave, the sooner everyone can be treated for their injuries..."
[Snipe] This isn't saving Private John here!
[Gorgon] You want me to let you go?
* Dominator scoops Crystal up into his arms
[Enforcer] Onward?
* Garland adjusts the straps on his uniform and goes on
[Garland] Lets go!
* X` heads out oncem ore
* Booster presses forward...
[Zero``] Riiight.  *jogs on after X*
[Dominator] Status, try to keep her sedated for now, we can't take any chances at the moment.
[Gorgon] If you want....*lets go and Snipe slides off head first*
[Iceheart] Status: I canna do that...but I'll zap her real hard if she wakes, kay?
[Snipe] OW....*lays there*
* Garland keeps pace off to the side of X
[Dominator] ...Uh, sure...
* Enforcer carries his load easily, following X
* Wiendigo storms on ahead
[Gorgon] Damnt...*grabs Snipe by the arm and throws him back over his shoulder and walks after the group*
* Gravedigger wipes his brow and follows
[Zombie_reploid_girl] NRP: *dances on Snipes head*
*** Zombie_reploid_girl is now known as Crystal
[Garland] .oO(If Crystal is out here..... who else?)
[Iceheart] Status: *Sings* Walking through the deseeeeeeeert oooooooooof tiiiiiiiimeeeeee!
[Enforcer] NRP: you dont wanna know.
[Dominator] Status, please...
[Dias] NRP: Yeah, there's all those ex-girlfriends
* Booster (NRP) has a guess...
[Iceheart] Status: .... fine.  How about:  I love you, you love me, aren't we one big happy team?!
[Enforcer] NRP: Explain your guess... and if you say Wily or Slash, i'm gonna laugh.
* Booster laughs...
* Garland interupts Status
[Dias] NRP: Wily's not a reploid
[Garland] Status.
[Enforcer] NRP: Bah, so everyones being resurrected these days.
[Booster] NRP: Death Star didn't quite survive the lava and is now a zombie.  ;)
[Iceheart] NRP: Poor DS...
[Dominator] Status, that's enough.
* Enforcer sighs
[Iceheart] Status: But I-
[Enforcer] NRP: *snicker*
* Dias looks at Gorgon
[Dominator] Now.
[Iceheart] Status: *goes back to being quiet*
[Dias] Hey Gorgon, you do know that Snipe there has crabs
[Dominator] Thank you.
[Garland] NRP: Like Son like Father.
[Booster] ...Some people just can't take a joke, can they, Status?
* Snipe jerks head up
* Snipe leaps off Gorgon and hits Dias
[Enforcer] .... Lets not talk about that right now thank you.
* Garland looks at Snipe
* Booster snaps his head around.  "What the?!"
[Garland] Just use the shampoo!
[Snipe] GAAAAH
* Dias ducks
* Snipe marches ahead of the group, muttering
[Enforcer] ..... When will people learn
[Dominator] ...In any case...
[Garland] You'd think he'd be scrating his head more, I heard those things itch.
[Dias] Crabs aren't in the head numbnuts
* Booster raises an ear and scratches it with the fur of his head tuft.
[Enforcer] Right.. moving on....
[Zero``] I don't think he was really hurt that bad...
* Garland doesn't hears Dias
* Gorgon walks behind everyone
[Iceheart] Status: *seems to be sulking*
* Crystal coughs softly
[Garland] Dad, how much further do we have?
[Dias] Good, he's motivated
[Dominator] From what I understand though, Zero, he's had a long series of severe injuries.
* Crystal 's eyes flicker to life, as final system checks complete
[Dias] Staus, home much further are we from the ship?
[Iceheart] Status: *says nothing*
[Crystal] Wha.... Who in the hell are you? *struggles*
* Booster glances up at Crystal...
* Dias slaps hte tincan
[Dominator] Uh...that's a good question, one moment. Status, how much further?
[Iceheart] Status: *pings and doesn't reply*
[Dominator] Crystal?
[Crystal] Drop me this instant!
* Garland turns to Crystal
[Garland] Do as she says.
* Dominator lays Crystal down and backs up, hand on his sword's hilt
* Iceheart looks with interest
* Dias grabs the tincan 1"Answer me you potential keychain"
[Booster] ...Is she normal?...
* Wiendigo grips his katana
[Ariel] Hey Crystal, long time no see
[Garland] Crystal?
[Iceheart] Status: *is on Dom's arm*
[Crystal] .... Of course i'm normal.  Now, will SOMEONE tell me who the hell you are?
[Dominator] Status...well, status?
* Garland tries not to seem menacing.
[Dias] NRP: He is?
[Booster] Er, I'm Booster DeBonne...
[Iceheart] NRP: Like a wristband computer
[Dias] NRP: Your serious? I thought he was a floating tincan
[Iceheart] NRP: Nope.
[Garland] Hi..... Crystal, remember me, Garland? Dominator, Wiendigo?
[Dias] NRP: Well he should be
* Zero`` stops
* X` keeps an eye out for trouble
[Dominator] Crystal, you're on Earth. A lot has happened since..well...
[Dias] Hey Crystal whats the last tihng you remembeR?
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*** Doomhammer is now known as Crystal_
*** Dominator sets mode: +o Crystal_
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[Iceheart] NRP: There's TWO Crystals..AAAAAH]
*** Dominator sets mode: +o Doomhammer
*** Crystal was kicked by Dominator (Dominator)
*** Enforcer has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Doomhammer)))
*** Doomhammer is now known as Enforcer
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Enforcer
[Crystal_] NRP: sorry bout that. phone call
[Crystal_] NRP: last i saw was Dias's NRP Is he
[Crystal_] ...
[Iceheart] So, you remember who you are?
* Snipe studies Crystal
[Crystal_] Ok, We've estabslished I'm Crystal...
[Dias] Last thing you remember?
[Dominator] Think, Crystal, do you reocognize some of us? I'm Dominator, I used to be a Maverick Hunter...
[Snipe] Garland still thinks he is.
* Snipe sticks his thumb at Garland
[Garland] ......
[Dominator] As was Garland over there, and Wiendigo, and Ariel. And Slash.
[Crystal_] .....  Metal room... Crystal platform... Body next to me... then BAM i wake up being carried by Tall dark and warriorlike.
* Garland shoots a glance at Snipe
[Snipe] It's true..., isn't it!?
[Crystal_] Not a clue what "Maverick Hunter" means.
[Dias] Hmm...Does the name Slash do anyting?
[Dominator] Crystal...does that name 'Slash' mean anything to you?
[Crystal_] NRP: *shoots the orchistra in the background*
[Garland] There are still mavericks, right, John?
[Snipe] Last I checked, they had no need to be hunted.
[Crystal_] ..... Slash....
[Dias] Right now Mavs, are just another race. 
[Crystal_] .... Yea.. a bit...
[Dias] So techincally your a mav, cuz your no longer a hunter.
[Garland] Then they wouldn't be called Mavericks.
* Snipe baps Garland on the head
[Crystal_] I recall.... a man... black armor.....
[Snipe] Go help the grl.
[Snipe] girl.
[Crystal_] Red... S?
[Dias] Yes they would. We call blacks cuz there black.
[Dominator] Status, update on her memory strength?
[Dias] There mavericks, so we call em mavericks
[Iceheart] Status: Eh, I'm not poking around her head.  It'll come to her, slowly, like Ice---Frosty.
* Garland doesn't flinch at the bap
[Crystal_] Nice.... guy?
[Dias] Yeah, thats Slash.
[Enforcer] ... Well, sounds like him.. except the nice guy part..
* Booster wags his tail as he waits for things to clear up somewhat...
[Garland] What am I supposed to do?
[Snipe] What is with the damn Ice-studder studder?
[Dominator] At least you have fragments.
* Gravedigger nudges Snipe and shakes his head
[Snipe] Huh?  *blinks*
* Crystal_ reaches over and scratches Booster behind the ears
[Crystal_] I..... remember.. fighting... then nothing...
[Iceheart] NRP: *Booster bites off Crystal's hand*
[Dominator] Can you walk? Are you at all damaged in any other capacity?
[Gorgon] Well, now that we had this nice reunion, how bout we head back to the ship
* Crystal_ tries to stand, teeters a bit, then steadies herself
*** Crystal_ is now known as Crystal
[Dominator] Would you like some help?
[Snipe] *Sighs* I feel lightheaded.
* Booster smiles...
[Crystal] *shoots a glare at Dom*  No, I'm fine.
* Iceheart smirks at Crystal, liking her all ready.
[Garland] John, you okay? 
[Dias] NRP: yeah...two female reploids in loooooveeee...
[Snipe] Except for being blown up, shot, and dropped on my head, dandy.  And you?
[Dominator] Alright. We're on our way to a crashed spaceship, it might be best if you come with us so we can bring you up to speed.
[Dias] And make sure you ask Status how far we have to go
[Booster] Hopefully we can all be treated there as well...
[Crystal] Status.....?
* Booster nods to Snipe.
[Iceheart] Status: That would be.  *speaks from Dom's arm where he rests*
* Garland starts off, growing a little ansy
[Ariel] Just... be wary of big, black and disgruntled.
[Dominator] My computer assitant. Status, how far left do we have to go?
[Booster] No time to waste...
[Garland] NRP: BRB
* Crystal starts a little, at the voice from the arm
[Iceheart] Status: Apologise and I'll tell.
[Wiendigo] Yeah, screw you.
[Dominator] ...I'm sorry, Status.
[Iceheart] Status: Make Wiendigo apologie!
[Crystal] .... This is all too much....
* Snipe sighs
* Booster 's smile widens a bit at the apology as he follows Garland...
[Snipe] Lets just do it blindly
* Snipe walks on
* Dominator sighs
* Crystal has a vision of a sai when the name Wiendigo is mentioned
* Dias follows behind Snipe
* Gorgon walks after DIas
[Dominator] Wiendigo, please, we don't have time for this...
* Crystal shrugs it off, and follows
* Zero`` follows after Snipe and when they pass X, they continue on
* X` joins them
* Iceheart catches up with the group
[Wiendigo] *stands eye to eye with Dom* Over my dead body.
[Enforcer] Oh good, another member to add to the mess.  *catches up with Iceheart*
* Ariel heads up to the front of the group.
[X`] Hmmm.  Not very friendly.
* Siawase takes up his usual spot.
* X` glances over his shoulder at Wiendigo
* Dominator rolls his eyes and follows
[Booster] . o O (I hope Wiendigo gets what's coming to him.)
[Dominator] Status, please, we need to know...
[Iceheart] Status: But he's soooo mean to me.,.
* Gorgon cloths morphs in spots
[Dominator] I know, I know, but he's mean to everyone.
[Gorgon] NRP: Damnt..that was Dias
[Iceheart] Status: But he tries to kill me too...
* Wiendigo follows along
[Dominator] He tries to kill everyone too.
[Gorgon] He tries to kill everyone tho
* Crystal slips ahead, catching up with Ariel
* Gravedigger follows next to Wien
[Iceheart] Status: But he stinks...
[Crystal] Has... earth been like this for a long time...?
[Booster] NRP: Is Dom still walking too?
[Dominator] ...Yes, yes he does.
* Gorgon yawns
[Dominator] NRP: Yeah
[Booster] Several months, I'm afraid...
* Snipe looks around
[Snipe] Home sweet home.
[Garland] ...
[Iceheart] Status: And he has things crawling around in his teeth...
[Ariel] It's horrible, isn't it?
[Ariel] ...but just another day for the Tsiv...
[Dominator] ..Status, you're making that up.
* Enforcer shudders
[Iceheart] Status: No, really, I scanned it.
* Booster chuckles.
* Wiendigo spits out a lizard
[Iceheart] Status: See!?@
* Crystal sighs
[Dominator] ...
[Zero``] ...hoo boy.
[Wiendigo] I was hungry! Screw you!
* Garland laughs
[X`] ...*shakes head*
[Crystal] Its a sad thing....
[Snipe] ...*coughs* Damn, will he eat anything?
[Dominator] ...Status, please.
[Garland] ..... How can you be hungry?
[Iceheart] Status: ... uhhh...9 miles.
[Wiendigo] How can you still be alive?
[Dias] Damnt....anything to break us from this boringness.
[Iceheart] Status: Holy shi!
[Booster] Wiendigo may not appreciate you, Status, but I do...
[Dominator] ...'Holy shit'?
[Iceheart] Status: They snuck up on my sensors while I was sulking
[Booster] -- What?
[Iceheart] Status: Yeah, that.
[Ariel] Who?
[Dominator] Status, who?
* Dias turns to Status
[Iceheart] Status: A group of the BAD GUYS.
[Dias] Some action?
[Garland] ....... Thats a new one on me...
* Crystal turns
[Crystal] Bad...Guys..?
[Dominator] Scan, now.
[Snipe] 'Bad guys'?  Gee, he's got a big dictionary...
* Booster looks around.  "More of them?  Where?"
* X` looks around
[Garland] By the way, I'm alive because no one's killed me.
[Iceheart] Status: Daaaamn, they're coming in from straight ahead, the way to the ship.  Intercepted.
[Wiendigo] I can easily remedy that.
[Enforcer] Wee. *drops what he was carrying, and draws his sword*
[Dominator] Damn.
[Garland] That, or I havn't died, I havn't decided on that.
[Dominator] How many?
* Dias cloths morphs into some protective armor
[Iceheart] Status: 200.  And they're carrying something big..
* Gravedigger takes out his sai and scythe
[Gorgon] big?
[Garland] ....How big?
[Iceheart] Status: Really, really big?
[Dominator] Can you get a reading on it?
[Iceheart] Status: Nope.
[Enforcer] ... Two hundred?
* Booster swaps tooth sets, extends his claws, and produces some coals yet again...
* Enforcer sighs, and pulls out the Juggernaut cannon
[Gorgon] I saw we hide and ambush em
* Snipe grabs his rifle
[Snipe] They probably know we're here.
* Zero`` draws sabre
[Gorgon] Hide under the sand
[Dominator] Damn, again. Okay, it looks like we'd better formulate a plan. And quick.
[Zero``] Lets stand and fight.
[Crystal] ... Why is everyone getting ready like there is a war coming..?
* X` looks around
[Dias] That my lady, is because there is one
[Ariel] They're very well might be
[Booster] There practically is, Crystal...
[Snipe] Or one is trying to start.
[Snipe] Thanks to Death Star.
* Crystal picks up Dias by the throat
[Crystal] Call me "Your Lady" again, and i'll rip your throat out.
[Wiendigo] They're coming straight at us, dipshit. We get around to their side and split them into two groups.
* Crystal drops Dias
[Dias] Gack!! Just like Slash...
[Crystal] ... I dont know what came over me...
[Garland] Well....
[Iceheart] Status: Uh...there's no way...we're like in the middle of a spot we can't.
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[Garland] Let's fight'em off.
[Iceheart] Status: If my readings are correct...there's small rifts on either side of us, out of our sights.
[Enforcer] Going to have to.
* Iceheart looks around
[Dominator] Hrm. We may have to, but that...'really big thing' worries me.
[Iceheart] Dammit, either we go forward or back.
[Iceheart] I opt forward.
[Crystal] ...... *shrugs*  I have no idea what to do so... 
[X`] I opt backward.  You guys don't look lik you can handle a fight.
[Booster] Big enough for us to hide in?
[Enforcer] Forward it is.
[Zero``] Forward!  We can take them out.
[Dominator] Ic-err...Frost, can you form mists?
[Snipe] bah, I'm perfectly fine..
* Snipe sits down
[Snipe] After I catch my breath
* Garland pulls out one gil
[Iceheart] Yes.
[Gorgon] Lets decide now *takes out his staff and ignites the ends and they form scythes*
[Garland] It seems the votes are equal.
[Garland] Maybe a coin toss?
[Dominator] Good, we'll need a veil of mist to cover our attack. Plus if it envelopes them, it'll confuse them if we're lucky.
[Booster] NRP: ...Am I lagging again?
[Booster] NRP: Ergh...
[Booster] NRP: I think I need to switch servers...  I can't play if I keep falling to burst-lag...
[Iceheart] GM: *a line can be seen coming forward*
[Crystal] Dont look now.. here they come...
* Snipe looks
[Snipe] Damn, you're right.
* Enforcer draws a bead on the lead line of guys, and begins charging the cannon
[Ariel] And the games begin...
[Wiendigo] NRP: Sounds good, Bosster
[Gorgon] Crystal, think you can make a huge wall of crystal to halt them?
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[Booster] NRP: BRB...
* Garland pockets the Gil and sighs "No one ever listens to me"
[Crystal] ... Wall.. of Crystal????
[Enforcer] Give me the word, and I'll blast em
[Gorgon] ...Great, you don't remember how to fight huh.
[Gravedigger] Hey, what if we dug a trench and put a bunch of explosive stuff in it?
*** Booster has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
* Snipe grabs rifle and lines it up
[Snipe] Out of range
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[Crystal] I have no idea how to "create crystal" as you put it....
[Iceheart] Tell me when they're in range so I can form the mist.
*** Pteryx is now known as Booster
[Dominator] Sorry Garland, but right now we need planning, not the toss of a coin.
[Dominator] X, Zero, ideas?
[Gorgon] Try to think, like thrust your hands forward and think Crystal
[Garland] I was only suggesting.
[Zero``] I say me and X go and stall them, you guys fight where you can.  If it looks too hard, back out now.
[Enforcer] Dom, when they get in range, thing we could take out the back first, create confusion?
* Crystal shakes her head 1"I dont think so
[Dominator] We need to get to that ship. If anyone wants to back out now, I'll understand.
[Gorgon] Try it
[Booster] I'm not quitting now...
* Crystal shrugs, and thrusts her hands out... nothing happening.
[Garland] I'm not backing out, ever.
[Dominator] Enforcer, we'd need to be IN back in order to accomplish that,
[Gorgon] Worth a try.
[Enforcer] Not with the morter mode of the Juggernaut cannon.
[Dominator] Unless we lob attacks...
[Booster] If we split up, we should have about an equal number of people better at close-range and at long-range combat in each group...
* Enforcer flips a swtich, and two tripods slideout
[Dominator] Status, update.
[Enforcer] Got a few rocks?
[Iceheart] I'm game.
* Garland looks around for a rock
[Dominator] We can't risk splitting up right now, Booster, our numbers are on the weak side as it is.
[Snipe] I lead this group, so, I stay.
[Dias] Ice, make a ball of ice for him to launch
[Dominator] Snipe, it's your call.
[Snipe] Lets fight.
[Booster] Well, Zero, if it's too much for even you two, will you be OK?
[Snipe] Dig a trench.
* Crystal looks around her armor, patting various places, eventually finding a large sabre, which she ignites with a hissing sound
[Crystal] Whoa...
[Gravedigger] Roger.
* Gravedigger starts digging
* Dominator fires at the ground with his Thunder...attack thing
* Zero`` looks at the numbers, whistling
[Enforcer] Lot of bodies to kill
* X` sees the "really really big thing"
[X`] It's a giant...cannon!
* Garland 's armor and wings appear
[Wiendigo] Great.
[Iceheart] ...
[Enforcer] ...
[Snipe] ...
[Enforcer] Lets NOT press this attack then...
[Zero``] ...
* Dias concentrates and wings form from his armor
[Garland] Let's hope it's not very fast to aim, looking at it's size.
[Snipe] They're in range!
[Snipe] GM: *the blasts open fire*
* Crystal takes a step back
[Zero``] Dammit, we need to retreat...the cannon's charging up, we'll never make it!
[Enforcer] Hit em now or what???
[Snipe] Get out of here.
* Garland blinks at Dias
* Snipe begins to back up
[Enforcer] .. Right. Run like hell.
[Dias] Armor...
* Ariel falls back, twirling her blade defensively
* Booster ducks and covers, his cream fur covering him...
* Enforcer picks up whoever is close to him and runs like hell
[Iceheart] ...
[Dominator] A tactful retreat. Nice.
* Dias turns around and runs
* Dominator runs
* Gravedigger sprints
* Iceheart turns around and sees a low vally 50 meters back
[Iceheart] Head for that!
[Gorgon] Holy shit...*spins around and retreats*
* Iceheart forms an ice shield 10 feet wide and 15 feet high
* Enforcer nods and aims for that
* Booster races after the party, proving to be surprisingly fast...
* Wiendigo falls back, occasionally firing arm cannon blasts
* Garland blurs for the valley
* Crystal follows Enforcer, easily outrunning him
[X`] GM: *the cannon opens fire, hits the ice shield, stops, but goes on either side of it, a constant beam that continues on and on*
* Wiendigo slides down into the valley
* Dias the wings melt back into his armor as he runs towards the valley
* Iceheart groans, pumping more ice into the shield
* Gravedigger dives in
* Zero`` runs
* X` runs
* Crystal dives in
* Snipe runs
* Dominator fires ice blasts onto the shield as he backs up
* Garland flips into the valley
* Dias jumps down into the valley
* Gorgon slides down the valley side and in it
* Booster speeds into the valley...
[Wiendigo] FROST! GET IN HERE!
[Iceheart] GM: *the cannon blast continues to fire, on all sides of the ice shield, not hitting the group as long as they are behind Ice*
[Iceheart] If I drop might hit you guys...
* Snipe dives into safety
* Zero`` flips into safety
* X` walks dwon into the rivine
* Iceheart steps back, still pumping ice
[Garland] Ana come on!
* Ariel slides down
[Iceheart] Dammit, I can't make i, he shield will break!
* Dominator drops down, still firing ice onto the shield from the edge
[Wiendigo] Dammit.
[Dias] Garland, blur over there and bring her here
* Wiendigo climbs out and runs out
[X`] GM: *the cannon keeps firing*
* Crystal steps beside Iceheart, and pulls her into the valley
[Iceheart] Wiendigo?!  No you don't!
* Garland starts to, but Wien gets out first
[Iceheart] NRP: Uh, Ice's 50 meters away
[Crystal] NRP: ... right..
[Wiendigo] Yes I do.
* Garland looks at Dias
[Garland] Don't tell me what to do, by the way.
* Iceheart growls, losing energy, the shield constantly breaking
[Snipe] Dammit!
* Booster winces.  "There's no use trying to tell him what to do, guys..."
[Dias] Bite me.
* Snipe turns to the others
* Wiendigo grabs IH and phases, diving into the ground
[Snipe] They'll both die!
[Iceheart] GM: *the shield breaks, the beam flying at the others*
[Enforcer] STAY DOWN
[X`] Duck!
* Enforcer ducks
* X` ducks
* Dias ducks
* Zero`` ducks
* Gorgon drops to the ground
* Snipe ducks
* Crystal ducks, right beside X
* Garland gets down
* Dominator drops down
* Booster crouches the way he did before....
[Iceheart] GM: *the beam flies over their heads, the small valley saving them, then it stops, the cannon smoking in the distance*
* Dominator fires an ice cover over their position
[Snipe] ...*stands up and sighs* Wiendigo and Iceheart...died...
[Garland] ......Do we..... attack now?
[Gorgon] ...Shit, you think they survived?
[Booster] Who knows...
[Gravedigger] Of course.
[Dias] How long till that cannon rechages
* Gravedigger points at the dirt wall
[Crystal] .....
[Garland] Wiendigo refuses to die, It's Ana I'm worried about.
[Zero``] Lets press our advantage.
* Wiendigo phases out throught the cleft with IH in tow.
[X`] But if they fire that again...
[Crystal] Lets get the hell out of here....
[Ariel] It's Wien... we couldn't be so lucky.
[Dias] Status, how long till they recharge?
[Enforcer] We have a choice.  Fry or die.
* Gravedigger jams his elbow into Snipe's side
[Iceheart] Status: 10 minutes.
[Booster] Whew, Frosty, you're safe...
[Snipe] *gags* They're alive!
* Iceheart looks up at Wiendigo
[Iceheart] That was really stupid!
[Garland] Let's go!
[Iceheart] ...but thanks.
[Dominator] We need a plan and quick.
[Dias] along this valley and try to circle around em or what?
[Garland] We only have 10 minutes!
[Wiendigo] So I'm stupid, live with it.
[X`] Dammit, lets do that.
[Crystal] So are we standing around or getting the hell out of here?
[X`] I don't want to tango with that cannon again.
[Booster] Is there any way to get the high ground relative to them, Status?
[Iceheart] Status: Hmmm...Well, if we follow this valley into the rift...go that 2 miles out of the way, we can climb up there...and be back on track.  And away from them.
[Iceheart] GM: *the line starts marching for them*
[Dias] Lets do that
[Dominator] What if we start making a tunnel that goes straight ahead, under them?
[Enforcer] ... Move out NOW.
[Crystal] ... *peeks up*
* Snipe grabs his rifle and runs along the valley
* Booster nods to Status.  "Avoiding them does sound like a better idea..."
* Dias runs down the valley
[Snipe] Hoo haw!
[Crystal] We'd get pounded.
* Gorgon runs beinhd Snipe
* Crystal follows snipe
* Booster heads the way Status indicated...
* Snipe climbs down the side into a canyon type rift
[Dominator] Let's move, people.
[Snipe] Lets hope this thing isn't deep.
* Enforcer follows Snipe
* Dominator follows
* Zero`` jumps after Snipe
* Gorgon leaps down the side into the canyon type rft
* Wiendigo runs ahead
* X` slides down
* Ariel moves towards the fround of the group
* Dias leaps after Zero
* Gravedigger follows everyone
* Garland jumps down
* Zero`` keeps leaping, gaining speed and landing on the bottom, 30 feet down
* Iceheart follows Wiendigo
* Garland flips, landing shortly after Zero
* Snipe reaches the bottom
[Wiendigo] Better not be watchin' my ass again.
* Wiendigo looks over his shoulder and smirks.
* Gorgon lands next to Snipe
* Ariel jumps down, landing an inch above the ground.
[Iceheart] You wish.  *smirks*
* Crystal follows Zero, dropping down shortly after Garland
* Snipe coughs hard
[Snipe] Where the hell is Death Star?
* Dias slides down next to Snipe
* Booster seems to have little trouble making his way downwards.
[Dias] Takin a nice bath
[Ariel] Hey Gar, can you try to raise him on your Comm?
* Garland looks up at Booster
* X` grabs Booster and slides to the bottom
[Wiendigo] Jerkin' off somewhere, I'm sure.
[Garland] Hold on.
* X` sets him down
[Garland] Hey Booster, need a little help?
[Garland] .....Or not.
[Dominator] ...Charming, Wien.
[Ariel] *glares at Wien* You do have a deathwise, don't you?
* Crystal sighs
[Wiendigo] Hey, I try.
[Booster] NRP: Little trouble, not a little trouble...
[Booster] NRP: There's a difference...
[Garland] NRP: heh........erm.
[Garland] NRP: DS did it!
[Garland] I don't think he'll answer me, Ariel.
[Wiendigo] Gee Ariel, I didn't know you cared for the Death Shit. I'll remember that for future aggrivating.
* Snipe turns to Grave
[Enforcer] .... Keep quiet about it now Wien
* Booster winces.
[Dias] Lets get going
[Snipe] I take it he and Death Star still have that ego thing going on with each other.
[Gravedigger] You wouldn't believe...
[Ariel] *shakes her head* Just try Gar, okay?
[Garland] ...Alright....
* Booster just continues to quietly hurry on his way...
* Garland pulls out his comm
[Snipe] Oh, I believe...the truth is out there
* Snipe keeps jogging along
[Dominator] Status, where's that line currently?
[Iceheart] Status: Line?
[Garland] Death Star? 
* Crystal continues moving, silently
* Booster (NRP) fwaps Snipe...
[Enforcer] NRP: Harder!
[Garland] NRP: instert "Comm:"
[Dominator] ...Of troops that were attacking us?
[Iceheart] ...yes, Garland?  Where the hell are you guys?  I was worried.
[Iceheart] NRP: DS said that.
[Enforcer] The almighty Death Star himself....
[Iceheart] Status: Oh, THEM.  Right above us...if we don't hurry, they'll shoot down.
[Garland] Comm: Oh here and there,  We has a little trouble.
[Enforcer] What a great reunion.
[Booster] He even survived lava... amazing...
* Enforcer keeps moving
[Dominator] Tell him we could use his help right about now.
[Iceheart] Death Star: I heard fighting going on...sounded like you guys were dying.  I've been searching for you.
* Crystal loudly enough to be heard over the Comm
[Gorgon] Status, think you can find our coordinates and relay them to him?
[Garland] Comm: We're in a bit of trouble now, actually....
[Crystal] Lets get a move on....
* Wiendigo watches IH for any reaction
[Iceheart] Death Star: Crystal...nah..
[Crystal] I dont want to be toasted...
* Iceheart keeps her expressions masked
[Iceheart] Death Star: What kind?  Dammit, I think they're tracing this..
* Crystal shakes her head and continues moving on
[Garland] Comm: Anyway, Dad said we could use a little help now, got a few surprizes for ya when we meet up.
[Gravedigger] It's a little late for that anyway!
[Booster] Uh, if that's the case, we'd better RUN!
* Gorgon continues moving
* Crystal mutters 1"Its your asses on the line, not mine."
[Iceheart] Death Star: Dad?  Surprises?
* Snipe is far, far ahead of the group
* Booster goes faster, paying less attention to noise level.
[Ariel] You'll see DS...
* Zero`` is next to Snipe
[Dominator] Status, update on their position. And keep 'em coming!
* Dias runs after Snipe
* X` is behind him
[Iceheart] Death Star: Dominator...?
[Iceheart] Status: Looks like they're backing off.
[Dominator] We'll explain later, just get here, Death Star!
[Garland] Comm: Yeah! Um... I think we have to go...
[Iceheart] Death Star: Riiiiight.  Alright, see you at the ship.
[Wiendigo] They're heading back for him.
* Booster races to try to catch up to Snipe...
[Crystal] ... Somethings not right...
[Garland] .....We have to get to the ship.
[Wiendigo] Dammit, MOVE! They're heading back at him!
* Wiendigo runs
[Iceheart] So we basically gave Death Star away?
[Garland] Now. 
[Gorgon] There heading for DS?
[Gorgon] Tell him
[Crystal] ... Shit?
* Garland blurs towards the ship
[Dominator] Damn it all...
[Iceheart] Status: However, they aren't heading for the ship either.
[Gorgon] Turn around?
* Dominator runs
[Gorgon] No?
* Dominator stop
[Iceheart] Status: So, that means, DS isn't near the ship.  So..
[Garland] Comm: DeathStar, get ready for some hell, they may be comming after you now....
* Dominator stops
[Enforcer] They are tracking something else....
[Gorgon] what?
[Enforcer] Or something else is coming for us...
[Enforcer] ...... move NOW!
[Iceheart] Status: Running like idiots to the ship to save him won't work.  We can go comely.
[Garland] Comm: Err....... Maybe not.
[Iceheart] calmly
[Dominator] What ARE they going after, Status?
[Iceheart] comm: *statics, indicating it's open, but no response as DS is busy*
[Iceheart] Status: Uh...I'm not sure.  Maybe to head us off?
[Enforcer] Thats why we get there before they do.
[Dominator] I'm open to suggestions, people.
[Garland] ...Well lets go!
[Snipe] So, the race for the ship begins.  Can we beat the aliens there?  Find out!
* Snipe takes off
[Garland] They're going to head us off right? Let's go the other way?
* Dias runs after Snipe
[Gravedigger] Wait! Didn't DS say he'd SEE us at the ship? That doesn't MEAN he's there, does it?
[Iceheart] ...what a moron...
* Gorgon takes after Snipe
[Garland] Oh screw it.
* Enforcer takes off after Snipe
* Booster races with Snipe as well...
* Iceheart follows Snipe
* Garland blurs
[Iceheart] Session Ends