Session 80: System Crash

[DeathStar] Time Chart: Immediately There After
[DeathStar] Location: Who cares, really?
* DeathStar remains slumped in the corner
* Dominator is slumped down, hooked up to the system
* Garland looks at the Tsiv soldiers trying to stablize the comp
[Dias] NRP: Oops.
[DeathStar] Status: Should we TRUST those soldiers?
[Ariel`] We dont have a choice. We could lose these guys if we don't.
* Garland looks at Ariel
[Garland] We..... could?
[Dias] NRP: Garland: it's like talking to myself in a mirror....Dudeeee
[Ariel`] Weren't you paying attention to what everyone said before they went in?
[DeathStar] NRP: The problem when you play someone else.
[Garland] *slight interupted scoff* Of course! *keeps his eyes on the soldiers*
[DeathStar] Soldiers: *give up and run off*
[Ariel`] ....
[DeathStar] Status: ....
[Garland] ....Why're they running?
[DeathStar] Status: So they won't be blamed for when the computer crashes?
[Garland] Ah.
[Garland] ---Wait, that's not good.
[DeathStar] Status: .... you're a slow one, aren't you?
[Ariel`] .... Status, you have any ideas?
[Dias] NRP: Too much working out...not enough brain food
[DeathStar] Status: .... finally, someone who can appreciate my skills!
[Garland] No I'm pretty fast last I che---- anyway, We have to do something!
[Ariel`] Um, yes, now do you have any ideas? We  have to hurry!
[DeathStar] Status: ... fix the computer!
* Cheryl` steps in through the door
[DeathStar] NRP: Cheryl left...?
[Dias] NRP: *notes Cheryl was already at the computer*
[DeathStar] NRP: She was the one who SENT them into the computer.
[Cheryl`] NRP: I thought the didn't come back from outside last session?
[Cheryl`] NRP: .... Okay, just strike that line, it's not easy being 3 peopel!
*** Cheryl`` has joined #taw
[Cheryl`] NRP: .... I've got it, okay?
[Dias] NRP: Safety precautions
[Cheryl`] NRP: ....
* Cheryl` is typing away at the computers
[Cheryl`] Ariel, help me try to bypass the damaged hardware!
* Ariel` nods, and starts typing at another terminal
[Garland] ....Computers, oy.
[DeathStar] Status: I heard that!
[Garland] My appologies, I should have mentioned self-aware systems excluded.
[DeathStar] Status: ... better.
[Ariel`] Garland, shut up or help out.
[DeathStar] NRP: Eek, bad Ariel...
[Ariel`] NRP: *slams head into table* Well I said I have a BASIC idea.
[Dias] NRP: *waits for Garland to insult himself*
[Ariel`] NRP: ......strike that line....
[Ariel`] Garland, is there something you can do?
[Garland] Sorry.... this isn't really my thing. All I can do is watch...
[Dias] NRP: Garland: and look pretty
[Cheryl`] Look over the others, see if theres a fail-safe switch...
[Garland] Alright..... *checks over Snipe, looking at the visor for any buttons*
[DeathStar] Computer: *Screen flickers to life, showing what is going on with the others*
[DeathStar] Status: Oh, look, cable!
[Cheryl`] Garland, careful not to press any buttons.
[Garland] .... I know not to do ­that­. 
* Ariel` keeps typing, watching the monitor
[Garland] Are you two making any progress in saving them?
[Ariel`] We're working on it...
* Garland looks over the systems, looking at the damage
[Cheryl`] NRP:?
[Dias] NRP: ...*pouts*
[DeathStar] Soldiers: *reappear armed with Xvashs*
* Garland looks at them
[Garland] You gonna help?
[Dias] NRP: *can't see the bottom of his glass* Evil strawberry kiwi*
* Ariel` looks at them
[Ariel`] I don't think that's their plan...
[DeathStar] Soldiers: *swing at them*
* Garland blocks with his sword and slashes the arm clean off of one of them
[Garland] Look we don't have time to be fighting you! Help or leave!
[DeathStar] Soldier: *bash Garland on the head*
[Ariel`] Ow!
[Ariel`] NRP: Er.
* Ariel` pulls out her whip
* Ariel` disarms one and strikes it in the eyes
[Dias] NRP: She uh..uses a sword right?
[DeathStar] NRP: Not always.
[Garland] NRP: She has a whip, too.
[DeathStar] Soldier: *ducks and punches Ariel*
* Garland slashes the one as it punches Ariel
[Garland] No one told you it's impolite to hit a woman.
[DeathStar] Soldiers: *run off again*
* Ariel` goes back to typing
[Garland] Geeze.... this ain't funny.
[Garland] Maybe I should chase them down so they won't come back and endanger the equipment?
[Ariel`] If you think it's smart, go ahead. *keeps working*
[DeathStar] Status: I think it's dumb.
* Garland blinks
[Garland] I got two different answers here...
[DeathStar] Status: Yeah, a right one and a wrong one.
[Garland] So.... you were wrong?
[DeathStar] Status: Nooo, I'm right!
[Garland] But your not.
[DeathStar] Status: If you go, another group will sneak in and attack.
[Dias] NRP: Stop helpin him...maybe he'll kill himself...err...
[DeathStar] Status: And you'll be off galloping around after the first group.
[Garland] How many groups are there?
[DeathStar] Status: Pfft, there's tons of groups.
[Garland] ....
[Dias] NRP: *looks in the bottom of his glass and waves at his toy* HI!!
[Garland] Your not being very helpful.
*** Cipher_Mantis is now known as Seeker314
*** Seeker314 is now known as ShadowKnight
[DeathStar] Status: *Watches TV* Hey, who's that guy they call a geek?
* Garland looks at it
[Garland] ....Dad.....!?

* DeathStar looks around
[Snipe] *crosses arms* 
* Venerator watches the system shudder
[Venerator] I don't think this system will last much longer before it crashes.
[Dias] Woh....
[Gravedigger] ...So are we going to get the hell out of here or what?
[Dias] Then let's hop to it.
[DeathStar] We need to reboot the system, that's our primary objective here.
[DeathStar] If it crashes, it's game over.
[Dominator] Right, but if we can't get out before it reoboots...
[Dominator] (reboots)
[Dias] Then let's stop talkin about it and get rebootin
[DeathStar] Well, we die that way too.
* Venerator watches them
[Venerator] Rebooting the system would be very tricky...
[Dias] Which way to where we need to reboot?
[Dominator] We need to do it though... Venerator, do you know how we could?
[Venerator] ....I do...but...*Hesistates*
[Dias] But you don't wanna lose yourself?
[Venerator] I would be lost in a reboot.
* DeathStar eyes narrow
[Dominator] Isn't there any way we could back you up?
[Dias] But we'll be lost in a system crash...
* Venerator shakes head
[Venerator] The system is too buggy.
* Venerator looks at Dias
[Venerator] I'll help you guys.
[Dias] Its your choice...
[Dominator] But... you'll be lost...
[Venerator] I'm a Hunter.  It's in my job description.
[Dias] Hah...true till the end.
[Dominator] All...all right...We don't have much time
* Venerator forms a staff in his hand
[Venerator] Lets go.
[Snipe] Now we're talking.
* Dominator nods, sad to have to loose Venerator again
* Venerator holds it out and creates a jump point
[Dias] Aye...lets go.
[Venerator] We'll access the simulation files to reach the reboot directory faster.
[Dominator] All right
[Dias] Just walk through?
[Venerator] Becareful...a lot of knowledge is stored here.
* Snipe leaps through
[Venerator] ...basically, yes.
* Gravedigger dives through the point
* Dias hops in through the jump point
* DeathStar walks through
* Venerator glances at Dom and smiles
[Venerator] It's really nice to see you again.
* Dominator turns to Venerator
[Gravedigger] NRP: Dom: You never wrote, you never called, you never even sent flowers! You slut! *slap*
[Dominator] And you... If only, it could be for longer... The world has changed so much since you seemingly died, Venerator. Humans and reploids were almost living together in peace until the most recent Tsivrixsh attack...
[Venerator] *smiles* It had to happen.  All they needed to do was work together.
[Venerator] System: *shudders*
[Venerator] You had better leap through too.
[Dominator] *nods* Before I go, I just wanted to thank you, once more, for everything you did for me... Farewell, Venerator
[Gravedigger] NRP: Gah, BRB, potty break
[Venerator] I'll follow you to the end, Dom.  I'm right behind you.
[Dominator] *nods and walks through slowly*
* Venerator steps through
[DeathStar] Location: Hunter Station Control Room
* DeathStar looks around
[DeathStar]'s been...forever.
* DeathStar runs his hand along his chair
[Dias] ..Home sweet home for you?
* Dominator raises eyebrow
* Venerator appears
[DeathStar] This is where it began, Dias.
[Dominator] This is where we were briefed before mission over a hundred times, Dias... Beyond that, we relaxed here and lived on the station. But, that was a long time ago.
[Snipe] Pfft, this is the place you planned on your attacks?
[Dominator] (missions)
* Snipe walks over to a coke machine and looks at it
[Dias] Why do I have a strange sense that a clown was here...several times.
* Snipe kicks it and grabs a coke that falls out
*** FinalJustice has joined #cybertaw
[Dominator] Where to now, Venerator?
[Venerator] We keep leaping through all it's memory banks until we reach the directory you want.
* DeathStar grabs onto his chair as the station rumbles
[DeathStar] Yeah, nice stable place we got going on here.
[Dias] Next
[Dominator] Any idea how long this system will hold, Venerator?
[Venerator] Less than an hour if your friends can't do anything.
* Venerator raises staff and opens another jump point
* Snipe walks through, drinking the coke
* Dias leaps through it
[Dominator] Let's continue. *follows Dias in*
* DeathStar kicks Grave through and walks through, giving it one last look
[DeathStar] Location: Hunter Station Hanger
* DeathStar steps out and looks around
[Dominator] *glances around* It's remarkably realistic in here...
[Dias] Hey Look a classic shuttle.
[Dominator] NRP: At least, I assume it is...
* DeathStar looks out at another Venerator and a bunch of loading crews, the hanger half finished
[Venerator] I suppose you remember this scene, Death Star?
[DeathStar] Aye...the moment you died.  In a few seconds, a shuttle packed full of explosions comes ramming into here.  I was a little too late to get in from the hanger's control room into here to help.
* Snipe looks around
[Dominator] ... *sighs slowly, remembering being the Control Room, unable to stop the explosion, when it occured*
* DeathStar spots the shuttle
[DeathStar] Say...Venerator?
[Venerator] Yes?
[DeathStar] How REAL is this simulation?
[Venerator] Just like reality.
* Dominator glances at DS, then Venerator
* Dias wonders what would happen if they stopped the shuttle
[DeathStar] Well...we're about to DIE!
[Dias] ......SHOOT IT!!!
* DeathStar charges blaster
* Dias checks body for blaster weapons
[Dias] DAMNT!! I forgot mine
[Dominator] That shuttle's full of explosives, DS, if you shoot it, it'll be the same as if it crashes!
[Dias] But its farther away you schmuck
* DeathStar fires
* DeathStar hits the shuttle, causing it to explode in space, rattling the entire station
* Snipe flinches from the huge explosion
* Dias eyes don't even blink
* Venerator watches as the entire place shakes...then calms down, only hull damage
* Dominator watches the explosion silently, thinking about how different things would've been if reality happened like this
[Venerator] Amazing...
[Dias] .....*looks at the other Venerator* 
* DeathStar stands there, smoke rising from his blaster, as the other Venerator stands in shock and another DS runs by to him
[Dias] ....We changed history in some ways
[Venerator] I don't know if the simulation can handle a change to it.
[Dias] ....*looks around*
[Snipe] Seems fine to me.
* Venerator raises staff and forms a jump point
[Dias] ....Snipe, haven't you learned your lessen never to say that
[Snipe] 'What can happen next'?
* Dominator continues looking at the simulated Venerator and DS, then notices the portal and slowly turns
* Snipe steps through
* DeathStar steps through, puzzled
* Venerator watches
* Dias walks into the portal bappin Snipe slightly
[Venerator] ...wondering, Dominator?
[Dominator] Yes
[Venerator] The best scenario probably played out.  Who knows what might have happened if I did lead the Hunters.
[Venerator] Then again, we'll never know, shall we?
[Dominator] We may have prevailed in the end, but we lost you. Even if you did only as well as Death Star in leading the Hunters, we would have one and still not lost you... Too many soldiers are lost in war. Time and the joy of victory makes you forget it after time, but it still lurks in the darkness... *shakes his head*
[Venerator] Step through.
* Dominator steps through
[DeathStar] Location: Hunter Station Control Room
* DeathStar steps through and is standing behind Shadow Knight
[DeathStar] Wha!?
*** Cipher_Mantis is now known as Seeker314
* Snipe pokes a simulation of UO
[Snipe] Who's this geek?
[Dias] ....*points and laughs at UO&
*** Seeker314 is now known as ShadowKnight
[Cheryl`] NRP: 0_o
* DeathStar walks over to X1.
[Dominator] ...We're here again...
[Venerator] A lot of memory files in here.
*** Retrieving #cybertaw info...
[Dominator] As for the "geek," that's Ultra Omega. A simualtion, at least
[Dias] Surprised I haven't seen the old man.
[DeathStar] Death Star:  I pray every mission doesn't start off like
[DeathStar] - this.....
* DeathStar blinks at his other self
[Snipe] Death Star was still a dumbass, even back then.
* Dominator eyebrow raises, "Déjà vu... our first mission..."
[Dias] Now Now Snipe, no fighting
[DeathStar] X1: *appears next to the simulator Dominator: Welcome to Maverick Hunters, may I take your order?
[DeathStar] UO: Who's Elvis?
[Snipe] 'Elvis'?
[Dias] Elvis??? That guy is seriously on crack man.
* DeathStar notes the simulations are fading except for those not present, X1 and Shadow Knight
[Venerator] What?
[Snipe] Hey?
[Snipe] X1: *turns to Snipe* Hey, where'd you come from?  
* Snipe stares back
[Gravedigger] NRP: Okay, back finally
[Dominator] ...
[Venerator] Fascinatiing, you're merging into your parts.
* Dias peers over Snipes shoulder
[Dias] What's up with him?
[DeathStar] UO: So, what's the mission already?  *glances at Dias* Who the hell are you?
[Dias] Uhh...your father.
[Dominator] I'm not sure if that's a good thing... What happens if we "merge" so well that we can't leave?
[DeathStar] UO: You're seriously screwed up.
* Venerator shrugs
[Venerator] I cannot say.
[Dias] Speak for yourself geezer.
* ShadowKnight just grunts noncommentally at the apperance of the new people
* DeathStar turns to Dominator
*** X1 has joined #cybertaw
[DeathStar] I think it's you who chides UO.
[Dias] Can I kill him?
[Cheryl`] UO: Bring it on dipshit.
* ShadowKnight squints his eyes at DS
[Dias] Go hump a lunarian
[DeathStar] ...Shadow Knight...
[ShadowKnight] Do these newbies have anything to do with our missing?
* DeathStar remembers SK's death
[X1] Now now, save the fighting for the mutant gerbil brigade!
[Dominator] Ultra Omega...
[Cheryl`] UO: A what? Fuck you.
[ShadowKnight] NRP: mission
[DeathStar] Mission?  Oh...yeah...the mission
[Dias] Hey look your sons stealin things, go beat him.
* Cheryl` looks back, but stops himself
[ShadowKnight] Yes, you were about to brief us
[DeathStar] ...oh, yes, uh...everyone, introduce yourselves and tell a little about yourself.
[Cheryl`] UO: Wha? I don't have a son, I'm reploid you reject circus clown.
[X1] ...But I wear boxers!
[ShadowKnight] Shadowknight, ex-mav
[Dias] .....Then why'ld ya look back...reploid? You sure don't look like one
[Cheryl`] ...New model.
[Dias] Your sons name is Garland...isn't it?
* ShadowKnight glares at those holding coversations
[Cheryl`] NRP: Hrm... must remember to put UO:
[Dominator] Er, Dias...
[X1] *stand up* Hi, I'm X1, I've been sober for 19 days n-Wow...that's like so Deju moo-ish...
[DeathStar] ...X1...go stand in the corner or something
[Cheryl`] UO: Gar waha? Garfield? Why the hell would I name my son a fucking idiotic name like that, if I had one?
[X1] But you told me to stop doing that after every meal, chief.
[Dias] Cuz your a fuckin idiot?
[Cheryl`] You know what, fuck off before I skit your throat.
[DeathStar] ...
[Cheryl`] NRP: slit, even
[DeathStar] You know what, Dominator?
[Dias] uhh...I'm so scarred.
[Dominator] Er, what?
[DeathStar] This is giving me that exact sinking gut feeling that first day when I thought the Hunters were doomed..
[Cheryl`] UO: *grins* You should be.
[Dominator] We'd best move on, I think...
[Dominator] We're pressed for time...
* Venerator raises staff and forms a jump point
[Dias] Hey look theres a monkey behind you.
[Gravedigger] *blinks* My head hurts...
* ShadowKnight activates his plasma blades and stands between Cheryl and Dias, one pointed at each
[ShadowKnight] Silence
[X1] Conga line!
[Dias] NRP: *coughs* UO not Cheryl*
[X1] ...Limbo?
[Dias] No I'm serious, theres a ki throwin, stinky monkey behind you!!!
* DeathStar dives through the jump point
* Dominator goes through the jump point
* Snipe leaps through
[Cheryl`] UO: Fuck off ShitKnot.
[X1] *presses his face up agaisnt the screen* HELLO OUT THERE IN TV LAND!
[Dias] Bye nut licker. *leaps thorugh the portal*
* Gravedigger steps through
[ShadowKnight] What about the mission?
* Venerator vanishes
[DeathStar] Location: Crucifixtion's Chamber
* DeathStar falls down
[DeathStar] What in the...?
[Snipe] What's this?
[Dias] *gulp*
*** X1 has quit IRC ("You know that hole where you stick pie?" "You mean my pie-hole?" "Yeah. SHUT IT!" -Penny Arcade strip)
[Dominator] ...Hmm...
[Dias] NRP: Didn't we take on cruci
* DeathStar sees Crucifixtion leaping at him
[DeathStar] What in the hell!?
*** FinalJustice is now known as Zer|Away
* Zer|Away 12­[­5is 10­away­ 12-7 brb 12­]­ 5- z15­D­14v4²
* DeathStar leaps out of the way and past a pillar
[Snipe] ...?
* Dias looks at Crux
[Snipe] Blackjack: *Stands there, firing at Crux*
[Dominator] ...!
[Dias] I saw we give em a hand...
[Gravedigger] Dat guy be one ugly mutha...
[Dominator] Of all the places we could've arrived at...
[Snipe] ...what IS this place?
* DeathStar easily dodges Crux
[DeathStar] Crucifixtion: HOW DID YOU GET SO POWERFUL!?
[Dominator] Venerator, are the Hunters there no more than simulated actors playing their parts or... truly accurate, sentient simulations of us?
*** Zer|Away is now known as Zereth
* Zereth 12­[­5is 10­back­ 12- 14from:7 brb 2-4*2-10 Away for:4 1min 20secs­12]­5 - z15­D­14v4²
[Cheryl`] UO: *slams into Crux:
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Is it me, or is Death Star a lot stronger?
[Cheryl`] UO: YOUR MINE!
* Dias cracks his knuckles and advances on Crux
[Venerator] Who can say.  Paradise was meant to be the ultimate simulation.
[Venerator] A new world.
*** Wiendigo has joined #cybertaw
[DeathStar] Kilath!  No!
* DeathStar slides
* Cheryl` UO: blasts Crux
[DeathStar] I can stop him!  Don't DO it Kilath!
[Snipe] I think DS is lost in deja vu land....
[Dominator] How much time do we have left?
[Cheryl`] UO: ---The fuck did you call me?
[Venerator] Forty minutes.
* DeathStar draws saber and leaps between him and Crucifixtion
[Gravedigger] *looks at Wien* He doesn't look happy
[Dominator] Loosing Ultra Omega was a major failure in Death Star's mind...
* Dias stops and watches
* Wiendigo fights the way he did in that session
*** Zereth is now known as FinalJustice
* DeathStar throws Crux back
[Snipe] Great, DS thinks he can change history now?
[Cheryl`] UO: This is my fight DipShit! You and I have to talk after this!
[Dias] Snipe, wanna beat the shit out of that big guy?
[Snipe] Oh, double team him, Dias?
[Dominator] Well, I don't think he wants to fail again...
[Dias] aye.
* Snipe smirks and runs at Crux
* Cheryl` rushes forward, blasting at Crux
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Who the hell are these guys?!
* Dias smiels and dashes towards Crux
[DeathStar] Crucifixtion: Noooo!
[Dominator] NRP: By this time are the human (I think they were human) zombies attacking gone? (See Mission 3)
[DeathStar] NRP: Yeah.
[Wiendigo] Who the hell cares? Kill 'im after we're done!
* Snipe appears behind him and smashes a fist into Crux, sending him flying
[Snipe] God, this guy's pathetic.
* Dias appears infront of Crux slammin his knee into Crux's gut sending him flyin up
[DeathStar] Blackjack: I thought he was pretty tough...
[Dominator] ...*glances at Snipe*
[Dias] Man...this is a walk in the park.
* Gravedigger leans back against a wall with his arms crossed
* Dominator blasts a charge shot into Crucifixtion
[Snipe] Crucifixtion: *is ripped in half*
*** Diamondback has joined #CyberTAW
[Gravedigger] You do realize that this isn't doing any good, right?
[Dominator] ...This happened a long time ago. Weapons are much more advanced now...
[Dias] Yeah...but it's fun.
[Cheryl`] UO: Holy fucking shit.
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Dominator, how did you do that?!
[Dominator] Yes... we need to keep going
* DeathStar leaps up and slashes Crux's head off
[Dominator] Er, well, Blackjack.... it's a long story
* Dias watches the head fall and punts it towards Wiendiego
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Care to tell me?  Spending time in the weight room?
* DeathStar lands
[Dominator] *smiles* You might say that...
* Snipe grins at Wiendigo
* Cheryl` puts away his beam saber
[Snipe] Oh, look, it's dipshit.
[Snipe] Hey, I can kick your ass I bet.
* Wiendigo spin kicks it into Snipe's face
* Snipe goes flying
* Snipe lands into a pillar
* Snipe stands up
[Snipe] For a YOUNG reploid, you got some punch in you.
[Dias] ...*points and laughs at Snipe*
[Wiendigo] Awww, did I hurt the little piece of shit?
[Cheryl`] Fucking hell.... *under his breath* I have to take this guy in!?
* Wiendigo takes out his sword
* Cheryl` stares at DS
[Wiendigo] Let Unlce Wien make it all better.
[Snipe] I can take you down with my bare hands, Wiendigo
[Cheryl`] NRP: insert UO: as needed......
[Gravedigger] Snipe, knock it off.
[Snipe] WHY?  At this time period, I could win!
[Dias] Snipe.......
[Dias] Ego trip...
[Snipe] ...fine
[Cheryl`] UO: *walks over to DS*
[Gravedigger] You couldn't even now. Plus we don't have time.
* DeathStar stares at UO
[Wiendigo] Don't you turn your back on me, you little bitch!
[Cheryl`] UO: He was mine you bastard. And how the fuck did you find out my name!?
[DeathStar] ...
* Wiendigo starts running after Snipe
* Snipe outruns Wiendigo
* Dias sticks foot out trippin Wien
[Snipe] HA HA, can't touch this!
[Snipe] Wheee!
* Venerator looks at Dominator
* Wiendigo jumps down on Dias' leg
[Venerator] You work with them...?
* Dias moves it out of hte way
[Dias] Too slow..
[DeathStar] I...
* Cheryl` growls at DS
[DeathStar] I could never forget you.
[DeathStar] If only we could remove you from the computer.
* DeathStar sighs
* Wiendigo roundhouse kicks Dias in the head
[Wiendigo] Too stupid.
[Cheryl`] UO: What the fuck do you mean?
* Dias moves head back and it misses
[Dominator] Er, not exactly. At this time in the future, I'm not a member of the "Hunters," who are a newer group named after our Hunters
* Wiendigo brings his knee up into Dias' gut
* Dias brings hands down and blocks the knee
[Dominator] I was left on Earth, while they escaped to space
[Cheryl`] Bah, if it's about the bounty, fuck that, it's personal now.
[DeathStar] Lets go, Venerator.
[DeathStar] ...I'm sorry, Garland...
[DeathStar] If I HAD only been stronger...
* Wiendigo headbutts Dias, followed by spinning kick
[Cheryl`] UO: *walks off for the shuttle*
* Venerator raises staff and forms a jump point
* Dias head snaps back and he flys back from the spinnin kick and then landson his feet
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Hey, wait, where are you going?
[Cheryl`] UO: The fuck? ...Okay, the DAMNED BRAT GOT OUT AGAIN!
[Dias] Bah....your about as much fun as you are now...
* DeathStar grabs UO
* Dias walks into the jump point
[DeathStar] That 'brat' is the best thing you ever DID.
* Wiendigo aims his cannon at Dias
[DeathStar] I RESPECT that brat for what he has managed to accomplish
[Cheryl`] UO: When I get back.. I'm gonna KILL THE BAST----AGH!
[DeathStar] That BRAT!
* DeathStar throws UO back
[Wiendigo] See how much fun you have with this.
[Dominator] We'll... be around, Blackjac. Good luck.
* Dias sticks finger out the jump point and flicks him off and lpulls it back in
[Cheryl`] OUF!
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Uh...?
* DeathStar walks through the portal
* Wiendigo fires a blast through the jump point
* Gravedigger dives in
* Snipe flips in
[Dominator] Let's just say, in the coming months... You'll need it. *grins at him and then jumps through the portal*
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Weird...

[Dias] NRP: UO: *Turns to the screen* Garland.....I am your father...
[DeathStar] NRP: ROFLMAO
[Cheryl`] NRP: What DS SAID!
[Dias] NRP: UO: Join me one with the Cyber side
[Dias] NRP: Garland:*walks towards the screen slammin into it face first* OUCH!!
[Dias] NRP: UO: Stupid boy...
[Cheryl`] NRP: *falls over laughing*
[Dias] NRP: BOOYAA!! *made a funny*
*** X1 has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o X1
[DeathStar] NRP: Talk about screwing up history..
[Cheryl`] NRP: They did it!
[DeathStar] Status: What the hell are they doing in there?
[DeathStar] Status: And why is Dias bothernig 'UO'?
[Garland] ....
[Dias] NRP: That was Garladn.
[Dias] NRP: err...that was fun garland
* Garland closes his eyes, pained by thinking of his father
*** X1 has quit IRC ("You know that hole where you stick pie?" "You mean my pie-hole?" "Yeah. SHUT IT!" -Penny Arcade strip)
*** FinalJustice is now known as Zer|Away
* Zer|Away 12­[­5is 10­away­ 12-7 brb 12­]­ 5- z15­D­14v4²
*** Zer|Away is now known as Zereth
* Zereth 12­[­5is 10­back­ 12- 14from:7 brb 2-4*2-10 Away for:4 1min 20secs­12]­5 - z15­D­14v4²
[DeathStar] Status: Kilath?  Who's that?
* Garland looks at the monitor
[Garland] What the hell!?
*** Zereth is now known as FinalJustice
[Dias] NRP: *coughs* Not much goin on here is there?
[DeathStar] NRP: Not yet.
[DeathStar] Status: I think DS is attacking your father
* Garland stands there, a tear going down his cheek
[Garland] .... 
[DeathStar] Status: ... say, where are you, Garland?
* Garland stands infront of the monitor

[DeathStar] Location: Sigma's Battle Aerna
* DeathStar lands next to Ebony's dead body
* Dias looks around
[DeathStar] What?!
[Venerator] Venerator: *Blasts at Sigma*
[Dias] Snipe...*rubs side from the blast* Up for a lil more double teamin?
[Gravedigger] NRP: [Ebony] I'm nto really dead! Honest!
[Venerator] ...?!
[Venerator] What?
* DeathStar watches
[Cheryl`] UO: ....
[Dias] ...Is it me or is this how history would be like if Venerator didn't die?
[DeathStar] ...or if UO didn't die.
* DeathStar glances at UO
[Dominator] Our battle with Sigma!
[Dias] ....*looks around for Slasher
[Cheryl`] UO: *draws his saber*
* DeathStar nods at UO
[Dominator] This time, Blackjack won't get hurt! *blasts at Sigma*
* ShadowKnight fires at Sigma with his wrist bats
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *is blasted back*
[DeathStar] Sigma: *Roars in pain at Dominator*
[DeathStar] Venerator: Good job guys.  Cover the weak.
* Dias dashes forwards and throws a punch at Sigma
[Gravedigger] ...We don't have TIME for this!
[Dominator] Not this time, Sigma! *blast him again*
[Cheryl`] UO: *narrows his eyes*
[Venerator] I can't open a jump point for some reason.
* ShadowKnight shoots off two bats which circle Sigma firing?
[Snipe] Sigma: .... what... power?!
[Cheryl`] UO: This is for my SON!
[Dias] Slasher: *leaps up and Slash's his ion blade at Sigma's back*
* DeathStar runs at Sigma
[Cheryl`] UO: *runs at Sigma*
* DeathStar slashes his leg off
[DeathStar] Sigma: *sparks*
* Dias looks at Slasher
[Dias] Fath....
[Cheryl`] UO: *slashes at his chest*
[DeathStar] Sigma: This ...!
[Dias] Slasher: *leaps back doin an upward slash cuttin Siggies back wide open*
* ShadowKnight actives his Zero Morph
[DeathStar] Sigma: *repairs it self, Slasher not as powerful*
* DeathStar leaps up and punches Sigma
[Dias] you were a wuss dad..*punches Sigma's gut*
* ShadowKnight leaps at Sigma, slashing with his Beam Saber
[DeathStar] Sigma: *bends over from the punch*
[DeathStar] Sigma: *explodes*
[DeathStar] Sigma: *reforms into a giant sigma*
* Dias pulls the fist back not as affected by the explosion
[DeathStar] ....oh niiiice!
[DeathStar] He'll try to crush us!
[Dias] Slasher: Holy shit that kids got power..
* Dominator blasts Sigma, then slashes him with Rune Sword
[DeathStar] Venerator: Quickly!  Take out his leg.
* Cheryl` closes his eyes in a cold sweat
* Dominator slashes right into his leg
* ShadowKnight charges Sigma again, slashing with his beam saber
* Wiendigo leaps onto Sigma's back and jams his Shadow Claws into either side of his head
[DeathStar] Leg: *is torn off*
[DeathStar] Sigma: *punches SK*
* DeathStar lands next to UO
[DeathStar] Ready, Kilath?
* Dias grabs Sigma's other leg and starts to squeeze it
* ShadowKnight gets back up and starts repairing with Nanos
[DeathStar] Sigma: N-No!
[Cheryl`] UO: Of course. 
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Dammit, Dominator, how are you doing this again?
[Cheryl`] UO: *charges a blast*
* DeathStar rushes at sigma
[DeathStar] Venerator: *watches Dom in amazement*
* Wiendigo keeps stabbing Sigma in the head
* Dias lets go of the crushed leg and backs off
* ShadowKnight charges Sigma again, slashing like a maniac
[DeathStar] Sigma: *explodes*
[DeathStar] Venerator: We did it Hunters!
[Dias] Slasher: Man how'ld you guys get so strong?
[Dominator] He's dead..
[Wiendigo] Die. Die. DIE. Die. DIE!
[Dominator] *smiles* Yes, we did it
[DeathStar] Sigma Virus: *rises up and infects Venerator*
[Dias] BOOYAA!!
[DeathStar] ...holy shit!
[DeathStar] Venerator: GAAAH!
* ShadowKnight deactivates the morph and stares in amazement at the others
[Venerator] ...?!
[Dominator] Venerator!
[Dias] Slasher: VENERATOR!!!!
[DeathStar] Venerator: *eyes go red*
[DeathStar] ...dammit, not our leadere!
[Dominator] Dammit, can anyone help him?!
[Dias] ....I could try to interface with him...if thats even possible in this world
[DeathStar] Venerator: *rushes at them*
[DeathStar] ...
* ShadowKnight charges Venerator and grabs him
* Wiendigo fires at Venerator
[Dias] Dont' kill him...just hold him down!
[DeathStar] Venerator: *Struggles*
* ShadowKnight begins infecting Venerator with nanos
[DeathStar] Venerator: *takes the shot and bleeds*
[Wiendigo] If it's not one fucking thing, it's another!
[DeathStar] Venerator: *headbutts SK*
[DeathStar] Venerator: You'll...lose...your leader...forever!
[DeathStar] Venerator: *self-destructs*
[Dominator] Venerator!
[Dominator] NO!
[Dias] Slasher: VENERATOR!!!!
[Dominator] Not... again...
[Venerator] is how history...would have played out...
* ShadowKnight gets knocked back into the wall
* Venerator stands behind Dom
[DeathStar] ...SHADOW KNIGHT!
* DeathStar slides over to him
[DeathStar] Blackjack:
[Dias] It matter what history repeats it self in some way or another
*** Cheryl` has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[ShadowKnight] I'm OK... just need a bit of time...
[DeathStar] You positive?
[Dominator] The moment we let our guards down...
[Venerator] ...disaster strkes
[ShadowKnight] Fine... just down half my Nanos
[Dias] Venerator....Try to open a jump point
* Venerator raises staff and forms a jump point
* Dominator shakes head sadly, "Let's continue on..."
* Gravedigger leaps in
* Dias walks into the portal
* DeathStar steps through
* Dominator walks through the portal
[Dias] Slasher:...strange bunch.
[DeathStar] Blackjack: I guess...Dominator is our leadern ow.
[ShadowKnight] That portal thing again?  What's with it?
[DeathStar] ...heh, wish I could say.
* DeathStar vanishes
* Snipe hops through
[DeathStar] Location: Outside the city
[Dias] NRP: MegaCatCity?
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *is there now, since his bones were never broken* Well, Death Star...since you're acting leader now...what do we do?
[DeathStar] ....uh...
* DeathStar looks around, confused
[Dias] Slasher: *looks at DS* Yeah what should we do?
*** UO has joined #cybertaw
*** UO is now known as Cheryl`
[DeathStar] ...what....uh..
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Pfft, he's choking
* Dominator glances at Blackjack, then Death Star, wondering when this took pplace
*** Darien_ has joined #cybertaw
[Dias] NRP: Wants to see mini garland so the big garland can recollect with his inner child
[DeathStar] ...*Sees Darien* Uh, that kid!
[DeathStar] Get that kid!
* Dias looks at Dias
[Dias] Who's that?
*** FinalJustice is now known as Zer|Away
* Zer|Away 12­[­5is 10­away­ 12-7 BBL 12­]­ 5- z15­D­14v4²
[DeathStar] Nevermind
* DeathStar chases after Darien
[Dias] SlasheR: *chases after the kid*
[Snipe] ....?
* Darien_ runs away from them
[Darien_] Help, I'm being chased by strangers!
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *follows, grumbling*
*** Shell has joined #cybertaw
* DeathStar tackles Darien
[DeathStar] Gotcha
* DeathStar holds him up
[Dominator] ... *mutters* Isn't mission objective choice there, DS...
[Shell] Hey! Get away from my nephew!
* DeathStar looks at Shell
[DeathStar] Shell?!
[Shell] Do I know you?
[DeathStar] ...uh...well...
[DeathStar] You're with Infinity Inc1
* Darien_ struggles away and hids behind Shell
[Snipe] ...I think DS is really messing up history
[Cheryl`] UO: Hey, Death Star... You should leave those guys be. I think.
[Dominator] *rubs temple* No kidding...
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Bad move, DS, now we'll be in the papers about messing with kids...
[Shell] Yes, so, do you have business with my company?
[Diamondback] NRP: Blackjack: *smirks at his remark*
[DeathStar] ...your company wants to examine Darien and Dath!
[Dias] ....*holds head* What's up with him?
[Shell] Dath, you know where my brother is?
[DeathStar] He's your BROTHER/
[Dias] Slasher: haven't gone nuts have you?
[DeathStar] ...uh..
[DeathStar] Forget it, lets go
* DeathStar heads back for the shuttle
* Darien_ hides further behind Shell
[Cheryl`] Kilath: What if this kid's parents get worried about him because your messing with him? You know how I am with Garland.... I've been too hard on him already....
* ShadowKnight salutes Shell
[ShadowKnight] Sorry to bother you
[DeathStar] What happened?
* ShadowKnight follows DS
[DeathStar] Darien was suppose to join us!
[Cheryl`] Kilath: What?
[DeathStar] Nothing..
[Dias] Deathstar....maybe it's cuz of something you did in the past..
[ShadowKnight] What? A seven year old kid?
[DeathStar] Blackjack: I think our leader is missing a few bolts.
* ShadowKnight nods
[DeathStar] Blackjack: And who is that weird looking guy?  *nods at dias*
[DeathStar] A tourist.
*** Shell has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** Darien_ has quit IRC (Leaving)
* DeathStar walks for the shuttle, steaming, when Hodges appears
[Dias] ....*glares at DS*
[DeathStar] Hodges: Ah...we meet again
[Cheryl`] Kilath: *looks at Hodges*
[DeathStar] Hodges: Kilath...
[ShadowKnight] What are you doing here?
[Cheryl`] Kilath: Hodges.
[Dias] Slasher: Hodges *nods at him*
[DeathStar] Hodges: I came here to talk to Kilath
[DeathStar] Hodges: That is okay, isn't it?  *nods at Slasher* Hello.
[Gravedigger] ...Someone remind me to look at some history files when we get back, alright?
[Dias] Slasher: When we gonn goto that football game?
*** Cheryl` is now known as Kilath
[DeathStar] Hodges: Well, you ARE the enemy Slasher...
[Dias] Slasher: Oh...oh yeah...sorry. 
[Dominator] NRP: AFK, argh
* ShadowKnight arms his wrist bats and points them at hodges
[ShadowKnight] Get to the point
[Kilath] Talking is fine with me... 
[Dias] Slasher: But you are technically my father..
[DeathStar] Hodges: I was hoping Slasher and Kilath would join CorSec.
[ShadowKnight] In your dreams
[DeathStar] Hodges: *grins* You learned, Slasher.
[DeathStar] Hodges: Venerator, right?
[Kilath] ......Why could I?
[Dias] Slasher: Chance to rejoin....Corsec...
[Dias] Do'nt do it....
* ShadowKnight fires wrist bats, which hover near Hodges
[DeathStar] Hodges: *Watches them* Shadow Knight, really..
[Dias] Slasher: Shadow...stop
* Snipe watches
[ShadowKnight] Leave, before I'm forced to use force... non-deadly of course
[DeathStar] Hodges: I just came here to talk.
[ShadowKnight] You've talked
[DeathStar] Hodges: *ignores Kilath, centering on Slasher* Will you?
* DeathStar rests hands on Kilath's shoulder
[DeathStar] Think about Garland.
[Dias] Slasher: Sure....
[DeathStar] Hodges: Step up, we'll use my ship's teleporter.
[Dias] ...Dad...*whispers to himself*
[DeathStar] ...SLASHER!
[ShadowKnight] Traitor
[Snipe] Nice plot twist.
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Slasher...why?!
[Dias] Slasher: *turns to DeathStar* It was bound to happen....I feel at peace with him...
[DeathStar] .....*clinches fist* But...
[Dias] Slasher: But nothing Deathstar...
*** Kilath has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[Dias] Slasher: That's what you think...
* Dias walks towards Hodges
[Dias] NRP: err..Slasher did that sorry
[DeathStar] could saving Venerator, Kilath, and SK lead to this...?
[DeathStar] Hodges: *rests his hands on Slasher's shoulder* Follow me, son.  *they vanish*
[ShadowKnight] What's with all the weird talk recently, DS?
[DeathStar] ...
[DeathStar] Nothing, Shadow...nothing at all
* Dias punches the ground causing rock to fly up
*** Kilath has joined #cybertaw
*** Kilath is now known as Garland
[ShadowKnight] It's more than that... and these late recruits... where did they come from?
[DeathStar] Tourists....?
[DeathStar] Fan members?
[Dias] Inflatable technology.
[Garland] Kilath: Huh?
* Venerator raises staff
* Venerator forms a portal
* Snipe leaps through with Dom
* Dias walks through the portal
* DeathStar steps through
[ShadowKnight] I'm going to suggest that X1 give you a medical analysis when we get back
*** Dominator has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Gravedigger goes through

[DeathStar] Status: Nice battles.
[DeathStar] Status: Still, WHERE Are you?
[Garland] Ariel, Cheryl, and Gar: Status, shut up.
[DeathStar] Status: Whoa, power surge!
[Garland] !?
[Garland] Ariel: What?
[DeathStar] Status: DS is pissed.
* Garland they all look at DS
[Garland] What the hell is happening in there!?
[DeathStar] Status: DS is cooling off...
[DeathStar] Status: But it looks like Target A, Slash, killed Target B, Slasher.
[Garland] ...
* Garland blinks
[Garland] I...... Hrm....
[DeathStar] Status: Kilath vs. Slasher...take your bets!
[Garland] Status, I said shut up.
*** Zer|Away is now known as Zereth
* Zereth 12­[­5is 10­back­ 12- 14from:7 BBL 2-4*2-10 Away for:4 34mins 13secs­12]­5 - z15­D­14v4²
*** Cheryl`` is now known as Dias
*** Zereth is now known as FinalJustice
[DeathStar] *all is quiet*
*** Slash is now known as Crystal
*** FinalJustice is now known as Zer|Away
* Zer|Away 12­[­5is 10­away­ 12-7 brb 12­]­ 5- z15­D­14v4²
*** Dias is now known as DarkHeart
* Garland looks at Dias's body
[Garland] Umm.....
* DarkHeart it morphs into his alter ego
*** Slasher has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Garland] Cheryl: What?
[Garland] Dias's gone nuts in there... doesn't he know it's not real?
[DeathStar] Status: Guess not.
* Garland watches the screen, watching Kilath
[Garland] So.... that's who Father really was underneath...
[DeathStar] Status: Finally, there you are!
[Garland] Wha?
* Garland watches himself
*** Zer|Away is now known as Zereth
* Zereth 12­[­5is 10­back­ 12- 14from:7 brb 2-4*2-10 Away for:4 8mins 6secs­12]­5 - z15­D­14v4²
*** Zereth is now known as FinalJustice
[Garland] ....Was I like that back then?
[Garland] Ariel and Cheryl: *keep typing, not commenting*
[DeathStar] Status: 15 minutes until the system shuts down
[DarkHeart] NRP: YIPE!!!
[Garland] Hurry!
[Garland] Ariel and Cheryl: I am!
*** DarkHeart is now known as Dias
* Dias morphs back into Dias
*** FinalJustice is now known as Zer|Away
* Zer|Away 12­[­5is 10­away­ 12-7 bbl 12­]­ 5- z15­D­14v4²
* Garland Ariel and Cheryl do all they can, and they just watch the screen

[DeathStar] Location: CorSec HQ Base
[DeathStar] ....SLASHER!
* DeathStar watches him fighting the Hunters
* Snipe steps up
[DeathStar] ...this is where Dominator and Garland fought each other...and Garland was on Hyper.
*** Dominator has joined #cybertaw
[Dias] ...fath...I'll stop him
[Garland] Kilath: Garland did what?
[DeathStar] DIAS!
* DeathStar holds him back
[Dias] ....why?
* ShadowKnight charges toward Slasher
[DeathStar] Slash: *Twirls his warp blade* You're mine, Slasher!
[DeathStar] Slash: BACK OFF!
[DeathStar] ...Slash...Slash...
[Dias] ....You wish. *metal arm morphs into a blade*
[DeathStar] Slash: Stop this NOW!
* Dias laughs evilly
[Dias] NRP: DOH!!
[Snipe] Lets see what your old man can do, Dias.
* ShadowKnight steps back at Slash's command
[Garland] Kilath: Slasher! Stop this and just come back!
[Dias] Slasher: *laughs evilly* Why? It's so fun...*leaps into the air slashes at his metal arm lashing out towards Slash*
[DeathStar] Slash: *Blocks with his warp blade*
* Dias turns to Snipe and glares at him
* ShadowKnight steps back toward DS
[DeathStar] ...
[DeathStar]'t charge into battle, SK?
* Dias spins around the metal twirling around as he spins, Slasher then throws down his ion blade at Slash*
[DeathStar] Slash: *stabs at him*
[Garland] Kilath: Slasher! I used to think like you remember! Of course it as because I didn't know how I was, but.... Come back okay?
[Dias] NRP: GAh..I'm gettin as bad as Garland
[ShadowKnight] My autorepair hasn't been working to it's full extent since the battle with Sigma
*** Slash has joined #cybertaw
[Garland] NRP: I resent that.
[DeathStar] Slash: *slashes at Slasher*
[Slash] NRP: I disco on your head
[DeathStar] Slash: Why did you join CorSec, Slasher!?
* Dias leaps back and then forward slammin into Slash
[Dias] NRP: GRR!!!
*** Dias is now known as Slasher
[Slasher] Why? Because it felt like the...I..I don't know...'
*** Dominator has quit IRC (Random RPG Quote: [Wiendigo] Scale Breath, knock him out until he's somewhat useful again)
*** Diamondback has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Slasher punches the air sending out several chi balls towards Slash
[Slash] NRP: damn... missed him
[Snipe] We should go....
[DeathStar] ...I...
[Slasher] him...
[Slasher] NRP: GACK!!!
* DeathStar runs
* Slash blinks, suprised as the balls slam into him
* DeathStar steps between Slash and slasher
[DeathStar] STOP YOU TWO!
[ShadowKnight] Where are you going DS?
* Slasher turns to DeathStar
[Slasher] ...brothe...*grabs head*
* Slash shakes his head
* DeathStar holds his hands out, as if to push them apart
* ShadowKnight follows DS
[Garland] Kilath: ????
[Slash] That the best you can do?
* Slasher growls and downs a vial of liquid
* Slash blinks
[Slasher] GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! *screams as the Hyper takes effect, sending a shockwave of energy outward uprooting all in it's path*
[Garland] Kilath: Hey, did he just......?
[Slasher] Dias: DAD!!!!
[Garland] Oh shit! 
* Slash gets blown back, landing on his feet again
[Slash] What in the HELL?!
* Slasher dashes towards Slash sending an elbow into his face
[Slash] DS, GO!
[Garland] Kilath: *looks at Dias* "Dad"?
[Slasher] Dias: *punches Kilath in the face*
* DeathStar steps back
* Slash gacks, punching slowly
* Slasher grabs the fist and crunches it in his hand
[Garland] Kilath: OW! What was that for!?
[Slasher] Dias: For threatenin to kill me.
[ShadowKnight] This is not working...
* Slash winces
[Slash] Slasher you dont want to do this...
* DeathStar forms his saber
[Slasher] Time to end the bonds that tie*smirks evilly*
* ShadowKnight charges Slasher, firing with his wrist bats
* Slasher spins around chucking Slash into SK
* DeathStar begins to roar, energy crackling off
* Slash screams, powering up, sending a shockwave into Slasher
[Garland] Kilath: What the hell!? That was a long time ago! I still had amnesia....?
* Slash gets knocked out
* ShadowKnight ducks and keeps charging
* DeathStar punches Slasher back
* Slasher turns to DS and gets nailed by the blast
[Slasher] NRP: err..punch
[Slash] NRP: My bad.  not knocked out.  Knocked back.
* Slash stands, hand hanging useless, armor cracked and broken
[Gravedigger] We've got to get out of here, the system's still crashing, isn't it?
[Slash] Screw you brother. *spits at the name*
[Venerator] Yes...but I can't open jump points in scenarios not finished now
* ShadowKnight slashes at Slasher with his plasma blades
* DeathStar picks Slasher up
* DeathStar throws him away
* Slasher twitches and slams into the ground
[Garland] Kilath: Death Star! 
* Slash races after him, his one good warp blade out, jamming it into his throat
[Slash] You
[Snipe] Great, DS is showing off again..
* Slasher gasps as it goes through
[DeathStar] ...slash!
[Slasher] Bro....bro...ther...*a single tear falls down has cheek*
[Slash] NRP: wasnt supposed to happen that way...
[DeathStar] NRP: .... I'm glad Slasher never joined CorSec...
[Slasher] NRP: wait!!
* ShadowKnight steps to Slasher and tries to heal him with the nanos
* Slash coughs, reactor going offline from the chi balls taken earlier and the punch
[Slasher] Dias: *Stands there holdign the blade with his hand it not going through*
[Slash] I dont die...... this... easily..
* ShadowKnight reaches another hand over to Slash and tries to heal them both
[Slasher] Slasher: *opens eyes and looks up*
* Slash notices the movement
* ShadowKnight concentrates his nanos on Slash
[Garland] Kilath: *moves next to DS*
[DeathStar] ...Slash, watch out!
* Slasher leaps up and slams his ion blade into Slash's gut
[Garland] Kilath: Is there something your not telli----SLASH!
* Slash eyes widen in suprise... as he slumps forward on the blade
* Slasher slumps onto his knees
* ShadowKnight keeps holding Slash, trying to heal him
* /sound: no such file 'brotherstwo.mid'
* Slash is now dead weight, crushing slasher
* Slasher throws Slash to the side
[DeathStar] NRP: Your theme.
[Slasher] NRP: Whos?
[Garland] Slasher..... how...... could you!?
* ShadowKnight keeps trying to heal Slash
[DeathStar] NRP: Slasher and Slash's theme.
[Slasher] Like this boy......*growls and walks towards Garland*
[Slash] (I dont have it on this comp.. wahhh)
[Garland] NRP: we both screwed up ^_^
[DeathStar] ....Slash!
* Slash is quite dead
[Garland] Kilath: *growls*
* DeathStar runs at Slasher
[Slash] NRP: Quit shouting!  
* ShadowKnight sighs as he sadly places Slash on the ground
[Garland] Kilath: He was one of my best FRIENDS! HE FORGAVE ME FOR WHO I WAS!!!!
* DeathStar punches Slasher
* Garland draws his saber
* Slasher flies straight into a building and through the wall
* DeathStar runs over to Slash
[DeathStar] ...not...again...
[Garland] Kilath: *runs after Slasher*
* Slash weakly grabs DS's arm
[DeathStar] ....?
* Slasher bursts out of the building makein another hole
[Slash] Ds.... watch over crystal...
* ShadowKnight notices and keeps trying to heal Slash
[Slasher] Come on Kilath...*punches the ground sending a energy wave towards Kilath*
[Slash] and... *coughs* kill the bastard. 
[DeathStar] ...Slash...
[Garland] Kilath: Slasher!
* Slash dies, slowly slumping in DS's hands
* Garland flips on his saber
* DeathStar holds his friend, again, like on the asteroid
[Venerator] ....
* Venerator looks down sadly
* Slasher dashs towards Kilath throwin a punch at him
* Garland Kilath Slashes at Slasher's elbow
[DeathStar] NRP: Kilath vs. a Hyper Slasher...winner?  Slasher.
* Slasher moves his elbow out of the way and into Kilaths face
* DeathStar lays his friend down slowly
[Garland] OUF!
* ShadowKnight moves over to the computer and begins accessing it
[DeathStar] ...
[Garland] Kilath: Garland looked up to you! What would he think?!
* DeathStar turns to Dias
[Slasher] Time to die friend.....*throws a punch towards Kilath's gut*
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Slasher...
*** Zer|Away is now known as Zereth
* Zereth 12­[­5is 10­back­ 12- 14from:7 BBL 2-4*2-10 Away for:4 34mins 13secs­12]­5 - z15­D­14v4²
[Slasher] Dias: *turns to Deathstar*
[DeathStar] Blackjack: friend
[Garland] I'm not your friend. *tries to dodge*
[DeathStar] Blackjkac: *runs at Slasher*
*** Dias has joined #Cybertaw
[DeathStar] ...Slasher...I never knew he could have done his...
[DeathStar] Everything is resulting so fast...
* Slasher punches the ground causin debree to fly up
[Dias] Either could I...
*** Zereth is now known as FinalJustice
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *leaps at Slasher*
* ShadowKnight finishes accessing the computer and returns to the group
* Dias turns around and grabs BJ by the throat
*** Slash is now known as Crystal
* Garland jumps up, slashing down at Slasher
[Dias] NRP:...sigh...that's Slasher..
[ShadowKnight] DS, we have a problem
[DeathStar] Blackjack: URK!
[DeathStar] ...what, SK?
[Crystal] [Comm] DS, what is going on over there???
[DeathStar] Comm: ... crystal?  ..... Slash is dead.
[DeathStar] ...again..
[Dias] ....I'll stop him..*walks towards Slasher* Drop him now..
[ShadowKnight] They're testing some new weapon here, and it's headed this way
[DeathStar] ...say WHAT?
[Crystal] [Comm] WHAT?!!?@?!! *can almost hear the pain*
[DeathStar] ...this wasn't in the history books!
* DeathStar looks around
[Slasher] ....*turns to Dias* Fool...*throws Blackjack ontop of kilath
[Snipe] My, DS is losing his cool...
[DeathStar] Blackjack: OOF!
[ShadowKnight] Records say they bought it from that Shell guy you talked to a while ago... something called a Mark 2
* Garland stumbles back half-catching BJ
[Garland] You okay, Jared?
* Dias walks upto Slasher and looks him in the eye
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Fine, Kilath.
[Garland] Kilath: Slash.......
* Slasher eyes stare at him blankly
* Venerator sticks out staff and a portal forms
[Venerator] Finally1
* Gravedigger leaps through
* Snipe steps through
[Dias] ......*looks back at the portal and at Slasher*
* Crystal kicks in a door, eyes glowing
[Crystal] Who the hell killed my SLASH!?!?
[Garland] Kilath: FanBoy will need help taking on Slasher, you green?
[DeathStar] ...*runs through*
* ShadowKnight tries to go through the portal... but passes right through it
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Lets do it.
* Garland draws his saber
*** FinalJustice is now known as Zer|Away
* Zer|Away 12­[­5is 10­away­ 12-7 brb 12­]­ 5- z15­D­14v4²
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *spins rifle*
* Dias turns to them
[Dias] Please don't kill him.....
[Garland] Kilath: This is a sad day.... let it end with vengeance!
* Dias runs off into the portal
[DeathStar] Location: Hunter Station Hanger
* Dias looks around for Slasher
[DeathStar] Vile: *punches blackjack into a wall*
* DeathStar draws saber
[Garland] Kilath: Jared!!
[Wiendigo] Don't count on it.
* Garland draws his saber
* ShadowKnight morphs into Zero and charges Vile with his beam saber
* Dias clenches fist letting his rage take over
* Wiendigo takes out his katana
* /sound: no such file 'viler.mid'
[DeathStar] Vile: *crackles evilly*
* Crystal drops next to wien winking
[Dias] Why...why...WHY?!! *keels over as his rage takes completely over*
* ShadowKnight slashes at Vile's main cannon
*** Dias is now known as DarkHeart
[Garland] Kilath: *runs over to BJ and checks him*
[Crystal] G'day?
[DeathStar] Vile: DAMMIT!
* DarkHeart slowly morphs into DarkHeart
[Snipe] Shit, DIAS!
* Crystal encases the barrel of viles cannon in reflective crystal
[DeathStar] Vile: *charges super weapon*
[DeathStar] Vile: 25%
[Wiendigo] G'night for Shit-Pile
[DeathStar] Vile: 50%
[DeathStar] Vile: 75%
* DarkHeart dashes towards Vile slammin his fist into Vile face
* ShadowKnight dives behind Vile
* Wiendigo leaps into the air and slashes down onto Vile
[DeathStar] Vile: *goes flying backwards*
[DeathStar] Vile: What..incredible power?!
* DeathStar lands next to Wiendigo
[DeathStar] Everyone, get out of here!  I'll handle this with... that thing!
*** Slasher has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Crystal] You sure DS?
[DeathStar] Positive.
[Wiendigo] You funeral.
[DeathStar] Cross: No way!
* Wiendigo splits
[DarkHeart] ...*snarls at Vile Cracking his tail across Viles Cannon*
[DeathStar] I know you're his brother, now, GO!
[DeathStar] Cross: How!?
* ShadowKnight backs away to the door but doesn't leave this room
[DeathStar] Cross: F-Fine!  *Runs off*
[DeathStar] Vile: *the cannon explodes*
[DeathStar] Vile: Damn you!
[DeathStar] Vile: *uses Hyper*
* DarkHeart advances towards Vile
[DeathStar] Vile: *punches at DH*
* DarkHeart uses power surge increasing his power level and speed up +10
* Crystal disappears
* Crystal reappears running close to wien
* DarkHeart grabs Viles fist
* ShadowKnight morphs back to his normal form
[Crystal] Think they'll make it?
* DarkHeart slowly crushes Viles fist
[DeathStar] Vile: GYYYAAAAAH!
* Garland lands on the ground, his classic blue armor
* ShadowKnight watches in amazement
[Garland] Dad! How goes the fight?
[DeathStar] ..GARLAND!?
* DarkHeart tears Viles arm off his body
[DeathStar] Vile: GAAAAAAAAH!
[DeathStar] Vile: *falls over in pain*
* DarkHeart picks up Vile by his head and brings him over to his face
[Garland] Kilath: It's.... over?
[Garland] Kilath: We over rated him.. I mean.... 
[DeathStar] Vile: SURPRISE !  *Grabs DH and begins to charge energy*
* DarkHeart eyes give off a purple glow
[Garland] !!!
[DeathStar] Vile: *Fires a 500 AP attack into his chest*
[Garland] Kilath: !!!
* DarkHeart stands there
* DarkHeart looks down at Vile
[DeathStar] NRP: Kilath: He can take a blow like that?!
* ShadowKnight opens fire at Vile
[DeathStar] Vile: ARGH!
[Garland] He can take a blow like that!?
* DarkHeart tails flys through Viles chest as his hand crushes Viles head slowly*
[DeathStar] NRP: ....
[DeathStar] Vile: GAAAAAAH!  *Explodes*
* DarkHeart throws the remains in his hands to the side as he walks over to DeathStar
[Garland] Kilath: These fans are better fighters than us....
*** Zer|Away is now known as Zereth
* Zereth 12­[­5is 10­back­ 12- 14from:7 brb 2-4*2-10 Away for:4 8mins 6secs­12]­5 - z15­D­14v4²
*** Zereth is now known as FinalJustice
[DeathStar] Blackjack: The Mavericks...are completely defeated now!
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Now all we have left is CorSec...and the aliens.
[DarkHeart] NRP And all before suppertime
* Venerator forms another portal
[DarkHeart] NRP: Time for some hotdogs
* Snipe steps through it
* DarkHeart walks through the portal
* DeathStar watches Father and Son
[DeathStar] ....
* DeathStar turns and walks through it
[Garland] So... Dad....
* Gravedigger goes through
[Garland] Kilath: I had expected to get a little dirty, but they had all the fun...
[DeathStar] Location: Hunter Station Control Room
[DeathStar] CorSec: You will disban and turn the station over to us NOW!
[DeathStar] Seraphna: *hisses*
* Crystal cracks her knuckles
[Crystal] Over my dead body
[DeathStar] ....
* DeathStar sighs
* DarkHeart looks at Sera and at Crystal
[Garland] Kilath: No way.
[Wiendigo] Screw off.
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Eat shit and die!
[DeathStar] CorSec OfficeR: Open fire!
[Garland] Pfft, this is, like, our home! 
* Crystal immediatly brings up a crystal shield
* DeathStar feels the station rattling
[Wiendigo] Please, after us.
[DeathStar] ...they're going to blow the station up!
[Crystal] Wien, dear would you be so kind as to get one of those shadow things?
[Wiendigo] Then we blow them up first.
[DeathStar] the Hunter Tower!
[DeathStar] Move it then!
* Crystal makes a big wedge of crystal
* DeathStar is falling back into his old role too naturally
[Gravedigger] NRP: ...How come no one tells me these things?
* DeathStar looks at Ariel and slows down
[Crystal] NRP: which things?
[DeathStar] ....Ariel...
* ShadowKnight runs
[Gravedigger] Uh, yeah...
* DarkHeart slowly morphs back into Dias as he lets the rage subside and forces it back into it's hidden place
*** DarkHeart is now known as Dias
[Gravedigger] NRP: Like Wien/Crys
[DeathStar] Ariel: Hmmm?  We gotta hurry DS.
[Garland] Kilath: Come on, Son! We have to go!
* DeathStar punches the wal
[Crystal] NRP: *shrug*  what would have happened if slash died?
* DeathStar runs after them
* Gravedigger gets one of those shadow things
[Gravedigger] NRP: *shrug*
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *Grabs Grave* Hey, this guy is back!
* Snipe remains hidden
[Dias] NRP: Slash: Crystal you skank!!! *gets slapped* OUch..
[Gravedigger] Ack!
* Crystal pushes the wedge into it, wedging it in one of the bigger guns
* Dias hides next to Snipe
* DeathStar slows down
[DeathStar] Blackjack, forget him, go after the others.
* Garland and Garland move
[Crystal] Thanks *smirks, and bounds off toward the control tower*
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *nods and goes*
* Gravedigger pulls an ace out of BJ's sleeve
[Gravedigger] I KNEW it!
* Venerator opens up anotherp rotal
[Snipe] Blackjack: Hey!
* Dias walks through the portal
[Dias] NRP: What did he knew?
* Gravedigger dives through
*** FinalJustice is now known as Zer|Away
* Zer|Away 12­[­5is 10­away­ 12-7 bbl 12­]­ 5- z15­D­14v4²
[Gravedigger] NRP: He's a cheater.
* Snipe runs through
* DeathStar hops through
[Crystal] NRP: WOO
[DeathStar] Location: A field
[DeathStar] Doom: *smashes Blackjack away*
[Crystal] NRP: ace up his sleave all the time.. sweet.
[Dias] NRP: *watches as BJ died now that he's one card short*
[Dias] ....who's he?
* Crystal fires her crystal cannons at doom
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *turns* DS?!  You were suppose to be on your honeymoon!
[Gravedigger] ...Where the hell are we? Kansas?
[DeathStar] ..
[Dias] I think Iowa
* DeathStar looks at doom
[DeathStar] This is Doom, eh?
[DeathStar] Doom: *punches Crystal back*
* ShadowKnight fires at Doom
[DeathStar] Doom: *knocks the blasts into SK*
[Crystal] ACK! *flys back past Wien*
[Garland] Kilath: Garland, stay back!
[Dias] DeathStar....finish him quickly.
[Snipe] Whoa....
* DeathStar draws saber
[Garland] Yes, father!
[Snipe] Hey, Dias, don't think YOU can do it?
* ShadowKnight collaspes to the ground
[Dias] NRP: King Doom: DeathStar....join the prince of the universe!!
[Dias] ....Snipe, why not you do it?
[Snipe] Cramp.
[Crystal] NRP: *plays princes of the universe*
* DeathStar walks up to Doom quietly
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *Groans in pain*
[Dias] Did you say Crabs?
* Wiendigo catches Crys
[DeathStar] Doom: *watches DS*
* Garland and Kilath tend to Jared
[Crystal] Thanks love.. *winces*
* ShadowKnight holds his chest as he stands and keeps firing at doom
* Garland looks at Snipe
[DeathStar] My fiance died while the others fought you
[Garland] They have a shampoo for that.
[Snipe] Go to hell
* DeathStar points saber at Doom
* Crystal draws her sabre, and powers it up
[DeathStar] I'm ten times stronger than I was..
[DeathStar] you.
[DeathStar] Are.
[DeathStar] Mine,.

[Garland] Doom...
[Garland] He looks a lot stronger than I remember....
[DeathStar] Status: losing.
[Garland] He always told me..... Doom was unbeatable....
* Garland looks at DS
[Garland] DS! Back off of him!
* Garland pulls out his comm
[Garland] I hope this works!
[Garland] Comm: DS! Back off Doom! He's unbeatable, remember!?
[Garland] Comm: Death Star! Let your grudge go! It's not even really Doom!

[Crystal] Lets get em shall we?
* DeathStar leaps at Doom
* Garland nods and smiles
[Dias] I like this guy...
[Wiendigo] Let's.
* Wiendigo charges up his katana
[DeathStar] Doom: *punches DS back half a mile*
[Dias] ...Holy shit...
[Snipe] Holy shit---!
* Crystal jumps in the air, firing crystal, distracting Doom
* ShadowKnight stumbles to the ground again dizzily
[DeathStar] Doom: *lets them bounce off easily*
* DeathStar flips in mid air and lands
[Dias] Uhh..I think this sim's recreating the strength too..
* DeathStar runs back in a few seconds
* Wiendigo fires into Doom's face
[DeathStar] Doom: *knocks the blast aside*
* ShadowKnight charges Doom blasting away at him
* Crystal stabs him from behind
[DeathStar] Doom: *Grabs Wien*
[Wiendigo] Gah!
[Crystal] WIEN!
[DeathStar] Doom: *breaks his arm*
* Garland puts a cold compress on BJ's forehead
* DeathStar kicks Doom off of Wien
* Wiendigo lets out his claws and hacks at Doom's hand
* Crystal jumps on Dooms head, and cracks him one over the forhead
[DeathStar] BACK OFF UGLY!
[ShadowKnight] I may not be able to repair, but you are going to die!
* Crystal catches Wien
* Dias munches on a banana and chucks the peel towards Doom it landing infront of his feet
[DeathStar] Doom: *grabs Crystal and hits DS with her*
[Crystal] You ok??
[Wiendigo] I'll be fine.
* DeathStar bounces back
* DeathStar tackles Doom
[Dias] NRP: Death by Banana peel!! *watches him Slip on it*
* Wiendigo winces as he puts his arm back into place
[Snipe] Whoa, now this is a slug out
* ShadowKnight fires his slicer beam at Doom (2000 AP)
[DeathStar] Doom: *punches Doom into the ground*
[Crystal] This is gonna sting... 
[DeathStar] Doom: *punches DS into the ground*
[Garland] NRP: YEAH!!!!
[DeathStar] Doom: *Grabs SK's head
[Dias] OUch....
* Crystal grabs Wiens arm, and sets it with a sharp crack
[Garland] NRP: NO!!!!
* DeathStar hops out
* DeathStar slashes Doom
[DeathStar] Doom: *punches DS back*
[Wiendigo] Gah...
* Crystal encases it in crystal
* ShadowKnight shakes out of Doom's grip
[Crystal] there
[DeathStar] Azuls: *teleports in*
[Garland] Kilath: How is DS doing that?!
[DeathStar] Azuls: *blasts Doom with a mighty 4000 AP blast*
[DeathStar] Azuls?!
[DeathStar] Blackjack: Azuls!?
[Dias] NRP: *chuckles*
[Wiendigo] Thanks.
[Garland] NRP: Ooooooooo.
[DeathStar] Doom: *punches Azuls and takes him out in one blow*
[Dias] it me or does that blast look a lil weak..
[Garland] NRP: HE SO STRONG!
* Crystal shakes her head
[Dias] Snipe..I think he may need our help.
[Crystal] We wont beat him...
[DeathStar] Blackjack: There goes out strongest guy...
* ShadowKnight keeps firing at Doom
[Crystal] He is way to strong even if we were all at full power..
* DeathStar punches Doom back
[DeathStar] DIE!  DOOM!
* DeathStar keeps punching Doom back
* DeathStar slams him into the ground
[ShadowKnight] This is not going to work
* DeathStar leaps up and blasts with a 7,000 AP attack
[Dias] NRP: Bananapeel: *lies a foot away from Doom*
* DeathStar lets the ground explode around Doom
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *jaw drops*
* ShadowKnight examines the massive damage over his body as he keeps firing at Doom
[Crystal] NRP: Exploding chicken: *wanders around doom*
[DeathStar] Doom: *hops out*
[Dias] ...Man he acts like he's never seen that before..
[DeathStar] Doom: *leaps up at DS*
* DeathStar flies down at Doom
* Garland and Kilath just stare in awr
[DeathStar] Doom: *punches DS as DS kicks Doom, both flying back*
[Garland] NRP: awe
[DeathStar] OUF!
* DeathStar twitches
[DeathStar] Doom: *hops up and charges*
*** Zer|Away has quit IRC (BBL)
[DeathStar] Doom: *throws fist back to bash in DS' head*
* ShadowKnight leaps onto Doom's back
[Dias] Snipe help him
[DeathStar] Doom: *spins and grabs SK*
[DeathStar] Doom: *begins to crush him into two*
[Crystal] NRP: *throws a cheese weasel on Doom*
[DeathStar] ...ugh..
* ShadowKnight holds on, infecting Doom with nanos to deconstruct him
[DeathStar] ...Gar---land?
[DeathStar] Doom: *Rips SK into two*
* Crystal shakes her head
[DeathStar] ...
* DeathStar stands up
[DeathStar] remain unbeatable, Doom...
* Venerator forms a new portal
[Crystal] Wien, you stay here... i'm going to give DS a bit of time..
* ShadowKnight colaspes to the floor
* Dias runs through the portal
[DeathStar] NRP: Now everyone wonders why the weak DS vanishes, since he should have never been there
* Crystal lunges at Doom, then jumps straight into the air
[Dias] NRP: How'ld we beat him again?
* DeathStar leaps through the portal
[DeathStar] NRP: Cold
[ShadowKnight] Always knew I'd die against an unbeatable foe
[Wiendigo] Don't do anytihng stupid
* ShadowKnight shudders and dies
[Dias] NRP: *Sneezes on Doom*
[DeathStar] Doom: *Grabs Crystal*
[Wiendigo] NO!
[DeathStar] Doom: DIE!
[Crystal] ARGH
[DeathStar] Doom: *begins to crush her*
*** ShadowKnight has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Venerator] Come on, Grave.
[Crystal] Wiendigo... I... love.. you...
* Wiendigo flies up in an instant and slashes Doom across his eyes
[DeathStar] Doom: *steps back in surprise*
* Gravedigger looks back once, then hops through

[DeathStar] Status: DS backed off.
*** ShadowKnight has quit IRC (Leaving)
[Garland] I saw, Status, it's on the screen right there.
[DeathStar] Status: ... oooo, flames.
[Garland] I remember being told about this....
[Garland] Ariel and Cheryl: *sit there waiting*
[DeathStar] Status: 4 minutes.

[DeathStar] Location: Woods
[Dias] ....What's happened...
[DeathStar] ReallyReallyBigMech: *charges blaster* I AM GENERAL CRAN!  DIE!
[Dias] Who wants this one?
[Gravedigger] ...Oookay...
* /sound: no such file 'tgg-rivals.mid'
[DeathStar] Ariel: *Blasts the mech*
[Dias] Grave?
[Garland] Kilath: I killed Di'Mantha for hurting my Son, and I'll kill you!
[Gravedigger] What?
[Dias] Take out hte mech
[Gravedigger] No way, you do it.
* DeathStar pants, tired from his battle with Doom
[Dias] .....Snipe? Wanna take on the mech?
* Garland blurs, slashing at the mech
[Garland] Garland: *is off to the side, injured*
[Snipe] ...they won, didn't they?
* DeathStar charges blaster
[Dias] Shit....Kilaths blurin..
* DeathStar blasts the mech
* DeathStar watches it explode
[DeathStar] ...there, case done.
[Dias] Oooh pretty...
* Venerator forms another portal
* Dias walks through thato ne
[Garland] Kilath: *stops half slash* WHAT THE FUCK?
* DeathStar runs through it
* Snipe hops through it
* Gravedigger goes through
[DeathStar] Location: Church
* DeathStar looks up and is rammed by a burning beam
[DeathStar] GAH!
* Dias grabs the burning beam and chucks it to the side
[DeathStar] ...
[DeathStar] The church...?
* Garland and Kilath are on vacation for a family trip
[Dias] ...*sees Cheryl alone* Poor Cheryl......poor hands *looks at them burnt*
[Garland] NRP: Even then, neither are there ^_^
* DeathStar sees the team is trapped too
[DeathStar] Wehre is...Wiendigo!?
[Crystal] NRP: Ha.  we died.  booya.
[Crystal] NRP: or not.  whatever.
* DeathStar watches
[DeathStar] He's supposed to save the team.
[Crystal] NRP: tick tick tick tick..
[Snipe] I'LL go do it.
* Snipe grabs Blackjack
[Dias] Go Snipe!!
[Dias] (*reads the sluggY*)
* Snipe throws people out of the church
[Snipe] YEEHAW!
[Venerator] Last trip
* Gravedigger runs in and helps hold up the beams
* Venerator opens up the portal
[Venerator] Lets go.
* DeathStar leaps through
[Gravedigger] EVERYONE ELSE OUT!
* Dias runs through the portal
* Snipe hops out
[Dias] GM: *lightning strikes a nearby runnin fool*
* Gravedigger lets the people run through, then drosp the beam and dives through the portal
[DeathStar] PAUSE
Session Close: Sun Sep 10 01:03:13 2000

Session Start: Sun Sep 10 01:05:04 2000
* Logging #cybertaw to 'logs\#cybertaw.log'
[DeathStar] Location: ???????
[Crystal] NRP: [Crystal] *Encases Justin in a rather large crystal piece*
* DeathStar appears and sees all those who are alive gathered around The Elder
[DeathStar] ..why are we appearing as them?
[Dias] I don't anyone them can win this fihgt..
[Garland] NRP: Justin: i'm just glad i didn't fallow DS to deaht.
[Venerator] We're get to the reboot core, THEY must win.
[Venerator] History has to end in a similiar manner.
[Venerator] Dominator: But can they?
[Dias] So we can't help?
[Venerator] No.
[DeathStar] NRP: *plays The Final Countdown*
* DeathStar stands there, looking afraid
[DeathStar] Blackjack: *Stands there, grimly*
* Dias stands next to Snipe and DS
[DeathStar] Dominator: *holds out his Rune Sword*
[Dias] .....Maybe we shouldn't have helped them...
[DeathStar] NRP: DS' other self is afraid
[DeathStar] ...perhaps
[DeathStar] Death Star: LETS DO IT!
[Dias] Wheres that blue boy when you need him..
[DeathStar] The Elder: *Blasts Blackjack, knocking him back into the wall, a hole in chest*
[Garland] Kilath: Right! *is there without Garland*
[DeathStar] Dominator: JARED!
[Garland] Damnit! Jared!!!!!!!!
[DeathStar] Death Star: .... we can't lose, not after all we've been through...
[DeathStar] Death Star: *flickers gold*
[DeathStar] ....what?
[DeathStar] Death Star: *roars and enters Gold Mode*
[DeathStar] ...oh, yeah...
[DeathStar] Death Star: *slashes at the elder and is batted back*
[Dias] Hey look...he's gold like you...Can you do that?
[DeathStar] ...not anymore.
[Dias] No? What do you do now?
[DeathStar] me.
[Crystal] NRP: Nope.. it got replaced by a blender.
[Garland] Kilath: *glows green* YAH! *slashes the Elder*
[DeathStar] The Elder: *throws Kilath back*
[Dias] Can you even access that ability?
[Garland] OUF!!!
[DeathStar] ...not any more.
[Dias] Nuts eh?
[DeathStar] The Elder: You have already lost...beating Xevil was pure luck.
[DeathStar] ...not really.
[Dias] No? Why not?
[DeathStar] Death Star: *Stands up* I'll...never...surrender!
[DeathStar] ....look, we're about to die, save your questions.
[Garland] Kilath: .oO(I'm glad I didn't let Garland come along....) *blasts at the Elder*
[DeathStar] The Elder: Ah, yes, we're in range of the Earth now!
[DeathStar] The Elder: Say goodbye, planet.
[Crystal] NRP: Goodby plant..
[DeathStar] Death Star: .... it's just you and me Kilath.
[DeathStar] Dominator: And me!
[DeathStar] Dominator: *slashes at The Elder*
* Garland Kilath bursts into a golden aura
[Garland] Kilath: Let's do it.
* DeathStar charges at The Elder
[Dias] NRP: Slasher: And Me!!! *walks out from behind a pillar* Darn clones...
[Garland] NRP: I HAD to rip off DS's gold form in some way.
* Garland rushes at the Elder
[DeathStar] The Elder: *charges a golden blast*
* Garland blasts at the Elder
[DeathStar] Dominator: *uses his golden prowness*
[DeathStar] Dominator: *slashes*
[DeathStar] Death Star: *Blasts*
[Dias] Hey there all gold...ooooh
[DeathStar] The Elder: *Attacks back*
* Garland fires gold kaminas
[DeathStar] GM: *a huge explosion rips through them*
[DeathStar] The Elder: *falls over, defeated*
[DeathStar] The Elder: ... you... may...have...won...this time...
[DeathStar] The Elder: But ... this ship's self-destruct can only be manually deactivated...hA HA HA HA HA HA
[DeathStar] The Elder: *dies*
[Garland] Kilath: Oh shut up! *blasts him*
[DeathStar] two, get to the surface.
[Dias] Open the ortal open it open it open it!!
[Garland] You come with us!
[DeathStar] Death Star: I'll activate the self-destruct!
[DeathStar] Death Star: Someone has
[DeathStar] Death Star: to do it!
[DeathStar] Dominator: Good luck, Death Star.  It was a pleasure.
[Garland] Kilath: But he  just said it was activated.
[DeathStar] Death Star: No, he said it had to be manually done.  Go!  Now!
[Garland] NRP: Deactivated.
[Dias] NRP: Were screwed...
[Venerator] This system is going to CRASH!
[Garland] Kilath: Alright.... I'll miss you always, my friend.
* Garland runs
[Gravedigger] Eeek!
[DeathStar] Death Star: You too.
[Crystal] NRP: adios al
*** Crystal has left #cybertaw
* Venerator points at the self-destruct switch
[Dias] .....REBOOT IT
[Venerator] Dominator: I'll miss you, Venerator.
* DeathStar runs over to it
* DeathStar leaps and pulls it
[Dias] Now we need to get the hell out of here
[DeathStar] World: *vanishes*

[DeathStar] Status: 2 minutes.
[Garland] Come on.........!
[DeathStar] Status: 10 seconds.
[DeathStar] NRP: Er, he meant activated
[Crystal] NRP: *salutes*
*** Crystal has quit IRC (Mercy? That word has no meaning here.)
[DeathStar] Status: 2 seconds...
[Garland] All of them: Oh God....
[DeathStar] ComputeR: *enters reboot*
[DeathStar] Status: CHERYL!
[Garland] Cheryl: What!?
[DeathStar] Status: You were suppose to pull them out when they rebooted!
[DeathStar] Status: Oh, God, we LOST THEM!
[Garland] NRP:........
[Garland] Cheryl: OH GOD!!!!
[Garland] WHAT!?
[Garland] Ariel: Death Star.....
[DeathStar] Status: UUUNPLUG THEEEEM!
[Garland] ALL: *yank them free*
[DeathStar] GM: *all remain unmoving*
*** Snipe has joined #Taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Snipe
[Garland] NRP: ..... That was EVIL. I didn't remember that!
[DeathStar] GM: *A huge blaster cannon the size of the door is shoved into the hole in the door*
[DeathStar] Soldiers: Prepare to DIE!
[DeathStar] Computer: *Reboots up under their control*
* Garland turns and looks at it
[DeathStar] Cannon: *charges*
[Garland] ...... Umm......
[DeathStar] Status: That's a cannon like the one that attacked us earlier!  It'll kill us all!
[Garland] .... Ariel, Cheryl, take care of the others!
[DeathStar] Cannon: *is about to fire at the computer*
[DeathStar] Cannon: And Ariel
* Garland slams into the Cannon, trying to push it away
[DeathStar] Cannon: *the energy bounces Garland off*
[Garland] Ariel: *moves working at the others*
* Garland growls
[DeathStar] Cannon: *fires but .... it hits Death Star, who takes the blast*
* Snipe stretches
[Snipe] My head hurts.
[Dias] NRP: have it back....wait nevermind
[Garland] DEATH STAR!
* Dias gets up slowly unpluggin the jack out of his eye
* Gravedigger falls over
* DeathStar takes the blast, stumbles back, and the floor collapses, the ceiling caving in on him and burying him
[Dias] feels liek I gotta hang over *scratches head*
[Snipe] feels like my head was being rebooted.
[Dias] IS that possible?
* Garland runs over and strarts to dig DS out
[DeathStar] Cannon: *overheats*
* Garland looks at the cannon
[Dias] Why's there a cannon sticking through the door?
[Garland] ....... I've had enough of that thing!!!
[Gravedigger] Because it couldn't fit through the window?
* Garland slams into it again
[DeathStar] Cannon: *shatters*
[DeathStar] Soldiers: *run off*
[Dias] Why did Garland hump the cannon....
[DeathStar] Dominator: *sits up* Venerator...
* Garland charges a blast, and fires one solid one hitting the soldiers who were manning the cannon
[DeathStar] Soldiers: *are all vaporized"*
[Dias] NRP: Venerator: What? *stands up next to Dom*
[Gravedigger] NRP: ....BI uh-oh...,1306,38692,00.html
* Garland blurs back, and rips through the debris
[Gravedigger] NRP: Big, rather.
* DeathStar helps Garland dig himself out
[DeathStar] Hi...miss me?
[Garland] Always.
* DeathStar stands up, swaying
[Garland] ...So thats who Dad was on the inside...... *sighs*
[DeathStar] ...sorry, Garland...
*** Zereth has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Zereth
[Garland] It's okay.... really.
[DeathStar] At least the computer is ours.
[DeathStar] Mission accomplished,.
[Garland] Ariel: Are you okay DS?
* DeathStar turns to Ariel
[DeathStar] Fine.  *grins* Good to see you again.
[Garland] Ariel: *smiles*
[Dias] Man..*stands up yawning*
* Snipe glares at Cheryl
[Snipe] Sure, just FORGET to pull us out!
* Gravedigger whaps Snipe
[Snipe] OW!
* Dias elbows Snipe hard
[Snipe] GAH!~
* DeathStar boinks Snipe
[Dias] Oh go shampoo yourself
[Snipe] HEY!
[Garland] Cheryl: Maybe I should have left you in? Hmmm?
[DeathStar] PAUSE
Session Close: Sun Sep 10 01:26:13 2000

Session Start: Sun Sep 10 01:33:01 2000
* Logging #taw to 'logs\#taw.log'
[DeathStar] UNPAUSE
[DeathStar] Well...I think we're done here, except for the remaining guards, so lets *there's a loud explosion outside*
[Garland] !?
[Snipe] What the hell?!  IT sounded like something crashed
[Dias] Or blew up...
* DeathStar runs down the hallway
[DeathStar] Lets find out
* Dias follows after DS a lil groggy
* Garland and the girls follow
* Gravedigger runs out
* DeathStar steps outside and begins to move when a bunch of clicks are heard
* DeathStar sees they are surrounded by soldiers with rifles pointed at them
[DeathStar] Soldier: One move and you all get blasted.
[Snipe] ...shit
* Snipe stops
[Dias] Uh oh...
[Snipe] Too many to attack before we get shot.
[Garland] ......
[DeathStar] ....
* DeathStar grimaces
[FinalJustice] NRP: *wanders off*
[Garland] I've spent this whole day with out action. 
[Snipe] Gee, I've had plenty of it.
[Garland] I'm tempted to attack them.
[Dias] I killed this guy named Vile...and Sigma..
[DeathStar] *suddenly three fall over, daggers in their back*
[DeathStar] ?
* Dias looks around
[DeathStar] Soldiers: *look around*
* Dias motions to DS to attack
* Garland grins, them not paying enough attention to him
* DeathStar leaps at the lead one and slashes him in half
* Snipe draws his rifle and fires away
* Dias leaps over DS and lands on one
* FinalJustice appears behind one, slashing his legs off.
* Gravedigger leaps into the guards and starts taking them down with martial arts moves
* Garland blurs, drawing his sword and slicing 5 in half (110 SL)
[DeathStar] Soldier: *bites Final Justice*
[FinalJustice] NRP: ...
* Garland grabs the one biting FJ and throws him into the wall
[FinalJustice] NRP: This is for the fart comment isnt it?
* Dias sends his fist flying through a Soldier (sp80 or 90)
[DeathStar] NRP: This is because I'm evil
[DeathStar] Soldiers: *are all...dead*
[FinalJustice] NRP: Lovely.
* DeathStar turns to the new comer
[DeathStar] ...who are you?
* Garland spins his sword, sheithing it
[Dias] NRP: *is glad Garland didn't decide to throw it intothe air and have it sheath itself*
* DeathStar throws his saber in the air, it landing in the sheath itself
* FinalJustice smirks "Bob."
[DeathStar] ----Bob?
[Garland] NRP: ... Oy vey, I say if anything Gar is like Trunks, then when they actually see the guy, they won't stop calling me trunks.
[DeathStar] Well...Bob, thanks for saving us.
[Dias] NRP: *sigh....wait, go through sheath..
[FinalJustice] Saving who?
[Snipe] ...Bob?  You know, that sounds like a country hick name.
[DeathStar] I'm Death Star, leadering of the Hunters.
[Dias] You married to any of your family?
[Garland] I knew a Bobo for  short time.
[DeathStar] That's Garland.  That's Dias.  That's Snipe.  And that's Grave.  And back there is Dominator.
* Garland nods to .....Bob
[FinalJustice] Alright.. it's Justice.. not bob.
[Dias] ...I prefered Bob...
[Garland] ....Why did you say your name was..... 
[Snipe] You're the law around here, Justice?
[FinalJustice] What did you say you were again?  Punters?
* Snipe laughs at his own joke.
[Dias] ....*smacks Snipe upside the head*
* Snipe glares
[DeathStar] ...H-U-N-T-E-R-S.
[Dias] Chill fido.
[Snipe] Go get hit by a sandstorm.
[FinalJustice] Oh.. cool.  Think I can join up?
[Snipe] Why, you think you got what it takes to place golf?
[Dias] Can you count without taking your shoes off?
* FinalJustice blinks.
* FinalJustice turns to Death Star 1Are you a lunatic too?
[Garland] I thought you were the Wraiths?
[DeathStar] Not yet.  But they might drive me to be one.
* FinalJustice nods.
* Garland blinks
[DeathStar] And sure you can join
[DeathStar] We need all the help we can get.
[FinalJustice] Wonderful.. what was your name again Dorkstar?
[DeathStar] ...I'm General Death Star.
[Dias] NRP: DeathStar: Time to unlock my hidden ability....*goes Nuts increasing his power, speed, and stamina level by 10 fold but not knowing what to do with it all*
[FinalJustice] Alright.. 
[Dias] ...Did he say his name was Justin?
[FinalJustice] Justice.
[Snipe] Lustice?
[FinalJustice] Justice.
* DeathStar sighs and begins to the long trek back to the ship
[Dias] Lucifer?
[Snipe] Dustice.
[Dias] Just lice? You got life?! Get away!
[FinalJustice] NRP: ...
* Snipe walks off
[Garland] .....
[DeathStar] I'm surrounded by idiots..
* FinalJustice follows DS..
* Dias follows next to Snipe with one hand in his pocket
[FinalJustice] NRP: I'm surrounded by assholes.
* Garland sighs, and starts off, having had a bad day.
[Snipe] ...*glances at Dias*
[Snipe] God...
* Snipe goes faster
[Dias] NRP: Dustmites you say?
* Dias digs out a candy bar and eats it
[Dias] WhaT?
[Snipe] ...
[DeathStar] Session Ends...Because...I'm Afraid we'll scare Final Justice off