Session 86: Who Reigns Now...?

[DeathStar] Time Chart: July 4th
[DeathStar] Location: The Bridge
*** DeathStar is now known as GM
* Snipe sits in the captain's chair, in thought
* Spirit is playing solitare.
* Garland closes his eyes, resting
*** X1 is now known as Wiendigo
[Garland] NRP: Spirit... solitare.... irionic.
[Dias] NRP: Why's that?
[Wiendigo] NRP: Someone else can play Booster this time if they want
[Garland] NRP: Stilleto.
[Dias] NRP: Nope...doesn't ring a bell
[Garland] *Booster is off in the other room with the children
*** X1 has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o X1
[Snipe] NRP: We need a Dominator.
[Garland] NRP: Sera wanna be Dom again?
*** Dominator has joined #TAW
*** X1 is now known as Gravedigger
[Dominator] NRP: YEp
[Garland] NRP: Whee.
*** Spirit has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
* Snipe looks up finally
* Garland stretches
[GM] NRP: DS: *walks in, yawning* Hi guys.
* Gravedigger reclines in a comfy chair somewhere, reading a book
[Wiendigo] NRP: BRB
* Dominator loks over some charts
[Garland] John, what's our ETA?
[Snipe] 17 more hours.
* Dias yawns
[Dias] I spy with my eye...something that smells and looks like a monkey,
[Garland] Okay... Seraphna's gonna be sore... she's been there since the 2nd...
[Snipe] It's been a long four days.
[Dominator] I wonder why we weren't atttacked...
[Garland] Yes... yes it has. Thank goodness it's over.
[Snipe] It seems just like yesterday DS was briefing us on the entire Earth campaign.
[Dias] When is it ever oveR?
[Garland] .....As for the debreifing...
* Dominator shows snipe a chart
[Dominator] This says the T should have gotten reinforcements by now...
[Dias] Dom...the charts upside down..
[Snipe] ....Dominator, have you been hit on the head?
[Garland] Dad... turn it over.
[Dominator] Oh!
[Dias] And if I'm correct...that's nothign but a piece of paper with some color crayon on it.
[Snipe] I think the aliens did experiments on Dominator while we were running around with the governor
[Dominator] SOrry... I was a little busy... earlier...
[Dominator] ...
* Dominator shakes his head
* Garland coughs, taking offense to the insult on Dom
[Dias] I have to agree with ya there Snipey
* Snipe looks out the viewport at hyperspace
[Snipe] Just looking at that bothers me.
*** Ariel has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ariel
[Garland] ....
* Snipe stares at hyperspace
[Dias] *moves next to Snipe* do you think he made it?
[Garland] Snipe, if you stare too long it makes you blind.
[Snipe] Nothing can survive hyperspace.
* Ariel still sits by the window, unmoving.
[Garland] ....I think there are things that can.
*** Spirit has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Spirit
[Dias] Hey the fury did when he blew all the weapons
[GM] NRP: *they smash into DS' body while going through hyperspace*
[Garland] Whether DS is on or not, I don't know.
[Dias] NRP: Dias: Did you hear something Snipe?
[Snipe] NRP: Snipe: Uh, no...
[Garland] But he is with us in spirit even if he's not dead.
[Seraphna`] DS has a problem with dying, I doubt he's actually dead...
[Dominator] (DARN IT!!!!)
[Dominator] (WINDOW DEMON!)
*** Seraphna` has left #TAW
[Snipe] Look, everyone, I want to call a meeting.
[Dias] Yeah well Dom, so does Garland, he doesn't know when to quit..which luckily is a good thing.
[Spirit] What is it Snipe?
[Garland] I'm not sure how to take that, Dias.... 
* Dominator looks over at Snipe
* Wiendigo sleeps silently reclined, with his feet propped up on another seat
[Snipe] Look, *sighs* by rank, I'm the new leader of the Hunters.  I doubt any of you want that.
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Dias] Did I surprise ya with a possible compliment?
[Garland] I'll take whoever leads as it comes. I think you've grown a lot since DS took over. If you want to lead, I have no objection.
*** Wiendigo sets mode: +o Dominator
* Ariel doesn't voice any opinion.
[Snipe] That's just it.  Leadership bares a heavy load.  But I think I have an ide.a
[Dias] What would that b e?
* Cipher_Mantis wanders in
* Dominator folds his arms, having an idea of what Snipe is thinking of...
[Garland] That is true, John. It's a hard job being leader.
[Snipe] Dominator, I would nominate you, but I think you have pretty good skills in the political matters.  And you're the new President of Earth.  We'll need you as an ambassador of things, since races will hapefully be joining us.  I hope you'll accept this position, at least for awhile.
* Dominator nodds
[Wiendigo] NRP: Snipe: The next person who walks through that door! *Cipher walks in* Cipher! you're our new leader!
[Snipe] NRP: LOL
[Cipher_Mantis] Another leader thing?
[Garland] NRP: Cipher: Can I eat you all? 
[Cipher_Mantis] Can I be leader?
[Dominator] I don't want to impose power... but we do need leadership...
[GM] - 5[Eiffel 65 - Now is Forever.mp35] 5-5 [5.28mb 5m46s 128kbps 44khz joint stereo5]
[Garland] NRP: Snipe: Whatever you say, boss!
* Snipe looks at Cipher
[Snipe] Uh, no.
[Cipher_Mantis] Why not?
[Snipe] You're too...lumberjacky.
[Dominator] I will need help.. I'm unfarmiliar with this team... mostly...
[Cipher_Mantis] Huh? What do you mean?
[Dias] NRP: Dom: Sorry I gotta decline I wanna resume my career as a sideshow carny freek.
[Snipe] Garland - Ariel, I want you to to enter a join leadership with me.  That way, with three of us can even and cancel each other out and aid the other.  That way, it'll be a decision not based on one person's whelms, but a team effort.
[Snipe] (joint)
* Garland nods
* Wiendigo falls out of his chair
* Ariel doesn't hear.
[Dominator] SOunds like a plan John
[Garland] I accept such a position.
* Cipher_Mantis pouts
* Wiendigo sits up and looks around, alone in the room he's in
[Dominator] I'm sure when Ariel recovers she'll agree
[Wiendigo] Something VERY bad just happened, I can tell...
* Snipe stares at Ariel
* Garland looks at Wiendigo
[Garland] What?
[Snipe] Ariel, the team could use your abilities.
* Wiendigo isn't there
[Garland] NRP: Oh hee hee...
* Dias sits down slowly and leans against a wall thinking too himself
[Garland] Snipe.. leave her be for now..
* Snipe sighs
* Ariel simply stares out the window, her vace blank of all expression, oblivious to the world around her.
[Garland] I know how she feels, we can't reach her... for now.
[Snipe] *turns to Cipher* And no, you can't take Ariel's place!
* Cipher_Mantis looks over and Ariel and gets a grin on his face
[Cipher_Mantis] Please?
[Snipe] And what would you do as a leader?
* Wiendigo walks in and stops
* Dominator looks over at Cipher and glares
[Garland] Cipher, will you ask if you can eat everything?
[Wiendigo] ...What the hell's going on here?
* Iceheart looks up
[Cipher_Mantis] I can go on a diet if I get to be leader
[Iceheart] Snipe's looking for a 3rd person to enter a joint leadership
* Dias stares blankly out
* Dominator walks over and puts a hand on Ariel's shoulder
[Snipe] I would pick WIENDIGO over you.
[Wiendigo] ...*grumbles* I KNEW something bad was going on...
[Garland] ..... It'll take more than that, sorry Cipher.
* Snipe doesn't notice Wiendigo
* Garland notes Wien
[Wiendigo] ...Wait, WHAT?
[Dominator] Ariel... I know your loss... but the team needs you right now...
* Snipe turns around
[Snipe] Uh oh.
* Ariel doesn't notice Dominator.
* Dominator sighs and bows his head
* Cipher_Mantis turns to look at Ariel again and grins
*** Cipher_Mantis is now known as Cipher
[GM] - 12[Aerosmith - Livin On The Edge.mp312] 12-12 [7.26mb 6m20s 160kbps 44khz joint stereo12]
[Snipe] Oh, hi, Wiendigo.
[Wiendigo] That wasn't an invitation, now was it?
[Snipe] ...*turns pale* Invitation to what?
* Cipher switches to ball form and cloaks
* Wiendigo folds his arms and begins pacing
[Garland] I have no objections to Wien's being the third, he knows a lot more than he shows us.
* Cipher floats over in fron of Ariel and decloaks 1 "BOO!"
[Dias] NRP: Dias: *jums up and down* PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME!!!! *waves frantically no one noticnin him*
* Dominator looks over everyone
[Snipe] ...Wiendigo...?  *turns to Garland* He'll vote on having the team become a shield for him.
[Wiendigo] Well now, it seems that you need a thrid member to this 'join leadership' of yours. Ariel is obviously in no shape to make desicions, Dominator's too 'important', and there's no one else around right now.
* Ariel punches Cipher with at near full strength (4000 AP), then goes back to looking out the window.
[Snipe] ...*grabs Dias* What about him?
[Dias] NRP: Dias: *screams loudly at Snipe* MEE!!!
[Dominator] I say we wait... a while... we have the time on our hands...
* Cipher spins in the air from the hit
[Garland] If he did, you and I would veto it. Simple as that. He is a valuable tactician he sees thing most uf us don't.
* Wiendigo grabs Dias from Snipe
[Wiendigo] What aBOUT him?
[Dias] GACK!! *gets yanked away*
* Cipher floats back over to the rest of the group
[Snipe] *sighs* Fine, Wiendigo's the 3rd leader of the team.
* Wiendigo shakes him
[Cipher] What! No!
[Garland] Ariel... leave Cipher alone...
[Wiendigo] He sure doesn't LOO-What? *drops Dias*
* Dias punches Wien in the phase Sl90
* Ariel doesn't hear Garland.
[Dias] NRP: gut...
* Wiendigo phases and lets Dias fly right on through him
* Dias doesn't fly on through him.
[Snipe] Garland's right, you're a good fighter and you have some plans in that head of yours.
* Wiendigo smirks
[Wiendigo] And here I thought I was going to have to kill someone for a promotion.
[Dias] Well lots hope he uses the right one...
[Snipe] Just know me and Garland will veto any ideas to blow us all up.
[Garland] Keep that in mind.
[Wiendigo] Fine fine, I'll only suggest blowing SOME of you up, then.
* Dominator holds his head and sits back
* Garland smirks
[Garland] It's progress.
[Cipher] Hey Snipe! I went over the storage manifest on the ship.  Did you know there is and entire storage compartment filled with paint buckets?
[Snipe] ...there is...?
* Snipe turns back
[Wiendigo] I'll just let the rest be maimed and slaughtered mercilessly.
[Dias] NRP: *gulp*
* Cipher hovers out of the room
[Garland] ....a lot less progress than previously stated, but progress.
[Snipe] Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
[Dias] Cuz the bugs officially nuts?
[Cipher] I heard that!
[Snipe] All lumberjacks are.
[Dias] good..
[Cipher] That too!
[Dias] Does that mean your one.
[Snipe] I am not a lumberjack.
[Dias] But your nuts.
[Garland] ...
[Snipe] ...
* Garland crosses his arms
* Wiendigo hands IH a beer
* Ariel stands up and punches the wall with all her strength, then walks out, back to her room.
* Iceheart takes it
* Dias hands him a lit smokebomb
[Iceheart] Here's to your promotion
[Dominator] NOw... we've got time... every-
[Garland] Ariel....
* Cipher floats back in the room with three paint buckets in front of him
* Dominator shakes his head
[Dominator] Excuse me everyone
[GM] GM: *wall has a hole in it and hyperspace leaks in and causes a huge explosion, killing everyone*
[Wiendigo] Right on.
* Dominator follows after Ariel
[Dias] NRP: Smokebombs don't explode...
* Gravedigger pops his head in
[Snipe] ...what are you going to do with that paint?
[Cipher] NRP: What?
[Gravedigger] Did I miss anything important
[Gravedigger] ?
* Cipher opens them up
[Dias] Yeah Wiens one of the 3 leaders
* Dominator jogs up to Arile in the hallway
[Dominator] Ariel?
[Cipher] It's the 4th of July
[Garland] Snipe, Wiendigo, and I are now in lead of the team.
[Gravedigger] ...What parallel dimension did I fall into?
[Snipe] We all died in an alternate reality.
[Dias] Hey the floatin orb can be used as a calender
[Dias] ...And whatever happened to Status?
* Cipher tosses the white paint into the air
[Dominator] Ariel...
[Dominator] Hold up...
[GM] Status: *is with Dom, of course*
* Snipe is covered in paint
[Garland] He's with Dom, of course... but he's been quiet lately.
[Snipe] ....CIPHER!
* Dias has white paint on him
* Cipher ducks into the paint before it hits the ground
[Dias] Snipe...time for a lil kickball?
* Cipher tosses the blue paint into the air
[Wiendigo] NRP: GM *Back on Earth...* Status: Uh, guys? Hello? *sits alone in a village of naked tribal women*
[Snipe]'m just goint to glare...
[Ariel] ...back off Dom.
* Cipher ducks into that as well
[Dominator] ...
[Garland] NRP: The downside?
* Dominator sighs
[Dias] ....sigh...*plops down lettin paint cover him*
[GM] NRP: He becomes like Maest.
[Wiendigo] NRP: he's only a wrist unit.
[Dias] NRP: He's only a wristwatch
* Cipher tosses the red point into the air
[Dominator] Here I am trying to do the leader thing and I get no support at all...
* Cipher dives into that
* Snipe is now colorful
[Dias] Why did he pick red white and blue?
[Snipe] ...I feel like the American flag.
[Dias] Hey thats what you are!
[Cipher] See, I fit the holiday@
[Garland] .... The voice of Reason, the voice of Chaos...and the voice of white paint....
[Ariel] could never understand, so why bother trying?
* Garland sighs
[Snipe] Cipher...are you SURE you're all there?
[Wiendigo] Yes, it's not easy being the only voice of reason around here.
* Garland joins Ariel and Dom
[Cipher] Yep
* Iceheart has no paint on him
[Iceheart] NRP: her
* Garland looks back to Wien before he goes
[Garland] Yep.
* Snipe pokes Cipher
[Wiendigo] NRP: wien: Wait until later. *shifts his eyebrows*
[Dominator] I think I can... you aren't teh only one to lose someone Ariel...
[Dias] NRP: heh heh..
[Cipher] Now I'm going to suprize Ariel again
* Snipe looks at his Tsiv outfit covered in paint
[Snipe] This was one of a kind.
[Dias] ...hey why the hell you wearin a tsiv outfit?
[Garland] He's right, Ariel...
[Snipe] I've been wearing it for 2 days now
* Dominator shakes his head
* Snipe looks at Dias
[Ariel] Your one to talk!
[Dias] Really?
[Snipe] My old suit was ruined by the grenades.
* Wiendigo wipes some paint off from Snipe and trails it down IH'S nose
* Cipher accesses the computer for a second and then cloaks
[Iceheart] Hey!
* Iceheart scoops up some paint and slaps it on Wien's visor
[Garland] ... Yes, sadly, I am one to talk.
[Dias] Oh my heads not workin today.
[Wiendigo] Ack! I can't see...still!
* Cipher a trail of dripping paint follows the invisible Cipher out the door
* Wiendigo stumbles into Grave
[Gravedigger] Ow!
[Dominator] Ariel, I doubt DS would like to see you living in sorow...
[Snipe] ...Hey, Wien can't see?
[Wiendigo] Whoops...Sorry, kid...
* Snipe waves hand in front of Wien
* Dias looks at Snipe and smirks
* Wiendigo decks Snipe
[Ariel] God damned selfish fool!  You stole the only chance for retribution for yourself! *glares at Garland*
* Snipe falls over
[Dominator] ...
[Wiendigo] I can still hear, bunky.
[Garland] I..... Dominator, leave us.
[Snipe] Ow...ribs...
* Dias rolls a chair infront of Wien
* Dominator nodds
* Cipher floats into the room with Ariel, Dom, and Garland (still invisible and dripping paint)
* Wiendigo uses the edge of his coat to wipe the paint off his visor
* Dominator walks off back to the bridge
* Wiendigo kicks the chair away
* Garland doesn't even look at Cipher
[Garland] Cipher, leave.
* Dominator nabs Cipher on his way out
[Dominator] Come here soldier...
* Cipher decloaks
[Cipher] How'd you know I was there?
[Gravedigger] ...
[Garland] Ariel... I know it hurt you as much as it hurt me...
[Dominator] You're dripping paint
[Dias] You ok Snipe? *lets out a chuckle*
[Snipe] I'll just lay here.
* Cipher looks down...
* Dominator tosses him into the bridge
[Cipher] Oops
[Cipher] Ooo... blinking buttons
[GM] NRP: DS: *trains in the afterlife, becoming stronger*
* Dominator grabs him and sits him in a chiar
[Garland] Dealing reribution to one is not a sweet action... it's bitter and dry.
[Dominator] Stay there...
[Dias] NRP: DS: Now only if I could find a way to get out! *walks past a sign saying exit to Life*
* Snipe lays on the floor in the paint
* Cipher activates his aspect field to dry the paint
[Cipher] Why?
[Garland] Don't take the path I did when I first thought DS gone.
* Wiendigo plops himself down in IH's lap
* Iceheart drinks her beer and looks at him
[Iceheart] I am not your seat.
[Garland] Do you understand me?
[Wiendigo] But you're so damn comfotable.
* Snipe stands up and shakes, flinging paint
[Dominator] NRP: GAR: You might end up with a kid and  a halo over your head when you're done...
[Ariel] ...... *glares, her normally white aura tinged with red*
[Iceheart] At least my lap can't get uneven, unlike yours
[Cipher] Why should I stay here?
[GM] NRP: DS: *looks at Gar in the afterlife* Wow, that was quick
[Wiendigo] Which makes you all that more comfortable.
[Garland] Ariel. Listen to me, becomming cold and withdrawn doesn't ease the pain.
[Garland] He's still with us.
[GM] NRP: DS: *Walks by Gar*
[Gravedigger] ...*shakes his head and goes back to reading his book*
[Snipe] Those two make me wanna puke
* Cipher floats back to the door of the bridge
* Snipe looks at Ice and Wien
* Garland puts his hand on Ariel's shoulder
[Dias] Yeah..I agree.
* Wiendigo flips them off
[Garland] Understand it, please....
[Ariel] *picks up Garland by the collar and pins him against the wall* YOU LISTEN.  AND YOU LISTEN GOOD.  I'VE LOST TOO MUCH TO THE TSIV AND THOSE MAVERICKS.  THEY ­WILL­ PAY.
* Cipher cloaks and heads back to the room with Ariel
[Garland] Ariel!
* Dias just smiles back at Wien
[Snipe] Awww, isn't that cute?
[Garland] What's Seraphna going to think!?
[Dias] Hey atleast he's acknowledging our existence.
[GM] NRP: Sera: Dammit, I shouldn't have told her Ebon was alive
[Wiendigo] *looks at IH* Excuse me while I go kill a couple of bastiches.
[Iceheart] Go right ahead.  Save some for me.
[Dias] NRP: Sera: Or that I was related to her bringing almsot the entire hunters together. DAMN ME And my meddlsomeness.
* Wiendigo gets up and starts walking towards Snipe and Dias with a sinister grin on his face
[Garland] You have her and Cheryl! Don't sour your relationship with them by being this way.
[Dias] Snipe...he's walking towards us.
[Dominator] NRP: MEENY!
[Snipe] Aye, Dias, he is.
[Garland] Do you understand?!
[Dias] Think we should worry?
* Wiendigo takes out his katana and keeps walking towards them
* Ariel doesn't say a word, just holding Garland against the wall.
[Snipe] He's Wiendigo, isn't he?
[Garland] How about Styfe and Katarin?
[Dias] Well yeah...less he was replaced by a doppleganger
* Cipher decloaks in front of Ariel again, next to Garland,1 "Boo! Happy 4th of July!"
[Dias] NRP: Slasher: And MEE-*Gets punched in the gut*
* Garland bats Cipher out
* Dominator grabs hi and drags him to the briggs
[Garland] Think of them!
[Cipher] Lemme go!
[Snipe] He's getting closer.
[Dominator] Disobeying an officer... Saying Boo in a non boo zone... Annoying ladies...
[Dias] Yeah that means we can smell him now...
* Wiendigo pops his claws out and his grin gets wider and more twisted
* Cipher slips out of Dominator's grasp
[Dominator] I'll give yah four years...
* Dominator grins
[Cipher] But you didn't get to be leader
* Snipe moves behind Dias some
[Garland] Ariel, get ahold of youself...
[Snipe] I think he wants to tell you something.
[Ariel] You never thought of anyone else when you acted either... *throws Garland down the hall back into the bridge and storms off to her room*
* Dias sits where he is and watches Wien advance*
* Snipe turns when he hears a loud thud
[Snipe] ...what was that?
[Garland] Because I didn't know better! You should listen to someone who's been through this!
* Wiendigo stops in front of them, lumbering over the two
[Dias] Garland gettin his ass beat in my a woman?
* Dias looks up at Wien
[Dias] Hiya Wien
[Snipe] Hold on one minute, Wien
* Snipe walks around him and look at the hallway at Gar
* Cipher cloaks and floats away
[Snipe] ...what are you doing out here?
* Garland sighs
* Dominator catches the flying Gar
[Wiendigo] ...
[Dias] NRP: *Wonders how dom can catch Gar..
* Garland stopped himself
[Dominator] Whatch it kiido!
[Garland] Ariel won't listen... just like I didn't.... 
* Dias whistles as he waits for Snipe to return
* Wiendigo looks down again at Dias and growls
[GM] Hey, Ariel'll come to her senses.
[Dominator] We'll need to watch her closely
* Cipher decloaks in front of Wiendigo,1 "Boo! Happy 4th of July!"
[Dias] Yes? *looks up again*
* Snipe turns back and walks around in front of Wien again
[Snipe] Okay, I'm back.
[Garland] Come on Dad..... 
* Garland goes to the bridge
[Wiendigo] ...*grabs Cipher and bops him on Dias' and Snipe's heads*
[Snipe] Hey!
[Cipher] Happy 4th Dias, Snipe
* Dominator nodds
[Dias] *rubs head while looking at Wien* That's it?? I thought he woulda done something else...
[Snipe] Yeah...happy 4th..yeah...whatever.
[Dominator] If I'm correct.. aren't I related to her somehow now?
* Cipher recloaks
[Wiendigo] Oh, you WANT me to do something else?
* Garland puts on his jacket
[Dias] Not really. I think Icehearts getting should go check up on her.
* Snipe edges away
* Iceheart yawns
[Iceheart] Kick him in the groin.
* Garland smiles at everyone
* Dias living metal forms a nutcup
[Garland] One big happ--scratch that, family.
* Cipher decloaks in front of Iceheart,1 "Boo! Happy 4th of July!"
[Iceheart] ....
* Iceheart bats at Cipher
[Wiendigo] *looks back at IH and smiles* Thanks. *rams his knee into Dias gut*
* Cipher spins in the air for a second and then recloaks
* Garland takes a seat next to IH
* Dias flexes takin some of the blow
* Dominator looks out the window, closing his eyes and pressing his knuckle to his face
[Dias] *coughs* Gee....anything else ya wanna get out of your system?
[Garland] So... you're going to stay with us?
* Ariel punches the wall, leaving a large dent, then sits in the corner and starts to cry.
* Wiendigo grabs Dias by the back and tosses him out into the hall
[Wiendigo] *dusts off his hands* No, that was it.
* Dias holds onto Wiens arm and doesn't fly away
* Cipher decloaks in front of Gravedigger,1 "Boo! Happy 4th of July!"
[Iceheart] That's the plan.
[Gravedigger] ...Dude, get your holidays straight.
* Wiendigo headbutts Dias
[Cipher] What do you mean?
* Dias moves his head to the side
[Dominator] I failed...
* Dominator shakes his head
[Dominator] Well... not completely...
[Gravedigger] You don't say "Boo! Happy 4th of July!" You'd say "Boo!" on Halloween.
* Dias lets his grip go from Wiens arm
[Garland] Happy to have you on the team. *smiles*
[Iceheart] Thanks, Garland...I...I'm sorry about what I did to Sharlena.
* Wiendigo shoves Dias back
* Garland chokes on the words
[Cipher] Yes, but I'm appearing out of nowhere... so I say boo
[Garland] It wasn't you.
* Dominator looks over, sensing something wrong
[GM] NRP: Talon: It was...ME!
[Gravedigger] Then say 'Surprise!'
[Garland] It was Crucifixtion and Sigma. I never truely blamed you.
[GM] NRP: Sigma: And *I* Got Sigma!
[Dias] Ya done yet?
[GM] NRP: Waitaminute...
[Dominator] NRP: SEWA: DIE TALONBOY! *Tackles Talon
[Garland] NRP: YEA!
* Wiendigo holds his blade in Dias' face
[Dias] NRP: Sewa: *bounches off his chest*
[Wiendigo] Y'want me to be done?
[Iceheart] ...
[Dias] Up to you.
[Cipher] Thanks
* Wiendigo flicks Dias' head and walks over to IH and Gar
* Snipe looks out the viewport
[Garland] You'll always have a friend in me, Iceheart. You've nothing to be sorry for.
* Cipher recloaks
[Iceheart] Thank you.
* Dominator quotes from somewhere long in his past... thinking as he mumbles to himself...
[Gravedigger]'re welcome...?
* Dias watches Wien walk past him
[Snipe] ....what do we do now....?
* Cipher decloaks in front of Dominator,1 "Surprise! Happy 4th of July!"
* Snipe leans against the railing to the viewport
[Dominator] "They think we're lost, but I'm not gonna quit while there's still hope for the next generation..."
* Dias walks over to Snipe and leans against the railing also
[Dias] Who knows....we'll do what we always do...improvise and play it by ear.
* Garland looks at Wiendigo
[Cipher] What's that from, Dom?
[Snipe] You remember when we first began?  As the Special Unit?  Destroy the last of the maverick resistance?
[Dominator] A wise person I had the priveldge of teaching with...
[Cipher] Ah, who?
* Garland gets up, going over to Snipe
[Snipe] ...that seems so long ago.  A life time ago.  We'd go out into the town and party.
[Dias] Yeah....I thought we'ld never end up fighting a war of such consquence
* Ariel pounds on the wall with her elbow, coming dangerously close to making a hold before she stops.
[Dominator] Just a friend I hope to meet again someday...
[Dias] Hey Snipe....maybe what we need is a party when we get back. We've been through a lot.
[Cipher] Do you know the friend's name?
[Snipe] I don't think we're in a party mood.  We didn't accomplish much here.
[Garland] But we did.
* Wiendigo watches Garland go
[Dominator] Yes... but never mind...
* Iceheart sighs
[Wiendigo] What was that all about? *sits back down*
[Cipher] I want to know
[Dias] Are you kidding? We got the Earth back to normal, we're alive. And we can still fight.
[Iceheart] He said he forgave me for what happened.  For kidnapping Sharlena.
[Snipe] Yeah, but Crystal's dead, Death Star's possibly dead...
* Snipe turns to Garland
[Dias] So we fight for what they believed in.
[Snipe] What should we list him as, Gar?  Missing in Action or dead?
[Dominator] I'll point her out some day...
* Wiendigo nods
[Garland] Crystal is where she is suppose to be, the dead should be left in peace.
[Cipher] Why aren't you telling me?
[Wiendigo] I figured he would. 
[Garland] As for Death Star.... MIA.
* Snipe nods
[Dominator] Because I'm trying to annoy you...
[Dias] Yes, she got a chance at a second life and did what she thought was right.
[Garland] Even if I'm wrong, it's good for morale...
[Cipher] Please? Pretty please? Pretty please whit sugar on top?
[Snipe] I just wonder if I'd be willing to do what DS did...stepping into a deathtrap.
[Dominator] Oh alright.. it's my daughter in law...
[Dias] That's a tought thing. He knew it was gonna happen and accepted the outcome.
[Garland] Death Star was truely extraoridinary
[Cipher] And her name is...?
[Snipe] One of a kind?
* Dominator simmers
[Garland] Not one of a kind.
[Dominator] I only have one kid.. I thought you knew Sera...
[Garland] Anyone who fights for what they believe has the ability to become like he is.
[Cipher] Ah...
* Snipe nods
[Garland] Thats his secret.
* Wiendigo settles back into his chair
* Cipher recloaks
[Iceheart] Think we'll see DS again, Wiendigo?
* Snipe chuckles
[Snipe] I remember, Garland, when I went 1 on 1 with Sigma.
* Cipher decloaks in front of Garland,1 "Surprise! Happy 4th of July!"
[Wiendigo] Of course. Guy's to goddamn stupid to stay dead.
[Garland] Oh yes... I remember that one.
[Garland] Oh.. hi Cipher.
* Dias smirks as he leans over the railing
[Snipe] I thought I was a superhuman.
[Snipe] I think I was flattened out in what...2 minutes?
[Garland] Maybe you are.
[Dias] Hah...more like a superboy *gives Snipe a small shove*
[Garland] 1 minute, 48 secons.
* Snipe holds side in pain
[Snipe] GAH
* Dominator looks around... wondering how long till they can get off the ship
[Dias] Oooh..sorry Snipe...forgot. 
[Garland] Snipe, check into the med-bay when we get home.
* Cipher turns to Snipe
[Snipe] At least I don't get put in toilet stalls anymore.
[Cipher] What's wrong?
* Ariel heads back to the bridge and sits down at a computer terminal, anger seeming to radiate from her.
* Snipe turns to Ariel
[Wiendigo] NRP: X2: Tell me...Is it safe? *spins a drill*
* Snipe turns to Cipher
[Snipe] Oh, I was blown up
* Dominator looks up at Ariel and shakes his head, not knowing what to do...
[Cipher] Ooo... I did that twice
[Snipe] Man is it hot in here.
* Dias just nods at Ariel
* Wiendigo takes out a cigar and lights it
* Iceheart looks at Snipe
[Garland] Not really...
[Iceheart] That boy is different.
[Dias] Hey think this could cut down on our heating bill?
[Snipe] It isn't?  Damn.
* Cipher activates his scanner and runs it over Snipe's body
[Dominator] .oO(We just need to give her her space...)
[Garland] Not feeling well?
[Wiendigo] Yer tellin' me. Kid's a fuckin' goof-ball.
[GM] Fine.
[Snipe] Fine.
[Dias] How many more hours till were home Snipe?
[Snipe] 16 hours.
[Dias] What are we gonna do for 16 hours?
* Garland looks at Spirit
[Snipe] Remember the good old days?
* Dominator walks off to his quarter, going to sleep
[Garland] Play Solitare?
* Gravedigger shakes a box behind Dias
[Gravedigger] Scrabble!
[Spirit] *nods* Only way to pass the time.
[Dominator] NRP: End this meaningless time and get moving???
* Cipher recloaks
[Dias] ....*turns over to Grave* Hah....
[Garland] Hey whatever floats the boat.
[Dias] Where'ld ya find that thing?
* Cipher decloaks in front of Spirit,1 "Surprise! Happy 4th of July!"
[Spirit] Gah!
[Garland] ?
* Snipe does a laugh
[Spirit] *batts Cipher* Don't DO that!
[Gravedigger] ...You know...I don't know...
[Cipher] Why not?
[Snipe] I'm going to go find so beer.
* Snipe walks off
[Wiendigo] Hey kid.
[Spirit] You startled me!
* Snipe glances at Wien
[Dias] I don't know about oyu Grave...sometimes you surprise even me.
* Wiendigo hurls a bottle at Snipe
[Wiendigo] Catch.
* Snipe catches it in surprise
[Dominator] NRP: YAWNNNNN!!!!!!
[Garland] One my way, Wien.
[Iceheart] He actually caught it.
[Dias] NRP: Wien: *chucks another beer bottle nailin Wien square int he nuts*
* Cipher follows behind Snipe
[Dias] NRP: Err...Snipe
[Snipe] Hey, thanks
[Wiendigo] ...What do I LOOK like? a bartender?
* Wiendigo tosses one to Gar
[Garland] NRP: I had a snowball accident once like that
* Garland catches it
* Snipe opens it and gulgs it
[Dominator] NRP: Why'd you stick me with teh boring character????
[Garland] No, but you make a good one.
[Dias] NRP: garland drink..ya see somethine new every day.
* Garland drinks some of it
[GM] Session Pauses
Session Close: Sun Sep 24 16:47:36 2000

Session Start: Sun Sep 24 16:48:32 2000
* Logging #taw to 'logs\#taw.log'
[Garland] Didn't she arrive there yet?
[Dias] I thought we left him on fury
[Hermes] Location: Origin
[Garland] Go!
[Hermes] NRP: We left Stealth on Fury
[Dominator] NRP: According to the timechart, she'd be less than 3 minutes away from teh fury
* Hermes stares at Slasher
[Hermes] You're crazy.
[Dias] NRP: *burns the timechart accidently*
*** Dias is now known as Slasher
*** Seraphna` has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Seraphna`
[Slasher] Crazy? Hah thats what they said about my mechs!!!
*** X1 has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o X1
*** Cipher is now known as Shell
*** X1 is now known as X2
*** Shell is now known as Shell`sMiniDragon
[Slasher] Not if it's powered by crabs from Snipe!
[Hermes] ...he has crabs?
[Slasher] That's what everyone says.
* Hermes stares out the hanger
[Hermes] What's today?  July 4th?
* Shell`sMiniDragon flutters into the room
[Slasher] Uh sure.
[Garland] Technitian: Garland says they have a shampoo for that.
[Hermes] ...the guys have been gone 3 days.
[Seraphna`] COMM: *Tiredly* This is the Fury...
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *chirp*
[Slasher] Who said that? *looks around*
* Hermes glances at the comm
[X2] That boy simply refuses to use the shampoo I prescribed him...
[Hermes] Uh...I think it's that girl off the Nude Ninja Fighters from Alga.
[Seraphna`] COMM: Hello?
[Slasher] What the hell? Where's everyone coming from!
* Hermes glances at X2
[Seraphna`] COMM: Oh god...
[Hermes] Hey, it's X2.
[X2] ...Slasher, I believe it's the comm...
* Shell`sMiniDragon lands on the comm
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *chirp* *chirp*
[Hermes] I believe that's a mini dragon, X2.
[X2] Hey, it's...who ARE you?
[Slasher] Oh....comm? *picks it up*
[Seraphna`] COMM: It's Seraphna...
[Hermes] Oh, hi, I'm Hermes, the rookie Hunter.
[Slasher] This is Speedy Pizza Delivery
[Slasher] Seraphna? No sorry we don't have that kind of pizza. *hangs up*
[Seraphna`] COMM: Slasher... shaddup...
* Shell`sMiniDragon chirps loudly at Slasher
[X2] ...I'll be dumbfounded, that IS a minidragon...
[Hermes] ...what did you think it was...?
[Slasher] Minidragon? *drops the comm and looks at it*
* X2 adjusts his glasses as closely examines it
[Slasher] Can I keep it as a pet?
[Hermes] I guess so.  Unless it's some engineers.
[Seraphna`] COMM: Okay that's it, we're docking whether you like it or not...
* Shell`sMiniDragon backs away from Slasher can chirps at him
[X2] It's a scientific breakthrough! i'll be famous! I can finally get a real job!
[Slasher] YAY!!! *grabs it and huggles it*
* Hermes looks out at a huge ship twice the size of the station
[Hermes] Uh...guys?
[Slasher] Hey its the Fury! Everyone wave at the Fury.
* Hermes points
[X2] Yes, Herbert?
[Hermes] I think they're going to try and crash into us!
[Seraphna`] *FURY DOCKS through and extended Airlock
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *CHIRP*
[Slasher] NRP: *forcefield blocks tghe fury*
[Seraphna`] COMM: We're sending shuttle down...
[X2] ...I think it's called DOCKING.
[Hermes] ...we can dock something that size?
[Slasher] Ohh....did you hear that voice again?
[Hermes] The voice of that ninja girl?
[Slasher] Yeah...
* X2 sighs and picks up the comm
[Hermes] No, I didn't hear it.
[Slasher] Ok.
[X2] Origin here, Fury, roger.
[Hermes] Drake: *can be heard* Are these guys insane?
[X2] ...I never did particullarly like that man...
[Slasher] I still can't believe we haven't slept for 4 days now and only have been eating Cre-atine.
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *chirp*
[Hermes]'ve been working on an engine for 4 days?
* X2 edges away from Hermes and Slasher
[Slasher]'ll be ok lil minidragon...Can I call you Kiki?
[Seraphna`] Yes.. they are...
[Hermes] Drake: Hey, I think X2's there.  X2, you owe me 50 gil.
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *chirp*
[Garland] NRP: who saw this one comming?
[Slasher] No...I worked on the engine for only an hour. I was watching reruns of I love Noosey
[X2] ...I do NOT!
[Hermes] ...Whatever we do, we shouldn't activate the engines.
[Slasher] Your names now Kiki!!! *pets Kiki*
[Hermes] Drake: Do too!
[Slasher] Of course not...I haven't hooked them up yet.
* Hermes leans against Ds' mech
* Seraphna` s mech land in the hangar
[Slasher] DSMECH:*creaks*
* Shell`sMiniDragon chirps angrily at Slasher
[X2] Ahh!
[Slasher] Hey how the hell did that thing get into through the shield?
[Hermes] Oh, I lowered it.
[Seraphna`] *Bearclaw and Nightbringer Land As well
[Slasher] Oh...Ok. *pets Kiki* Shh Kiki.
* Shell`sMiniDragon flutters away from Slasher 1 *chirp*
[Slasher] Those thigns are ugly.
[Hermes] ...then quit looking at your tools.
[Slasher] Looks like an Irish drunk made them.
[Slasher] I was talkin about those mechs!
[Seraphna`] They're older than you Slasher.. so I'd watch it...
[Hermes] ...but you made these mechs.
[Hermes] I think the nude ninja girl told you off.
[Slasher] No there not. I'm like 50 or something...hell I don't even know how old I am!
* Shell`sMiniDragon lands on Hermes head 1*chirp*
* X2 adjusts his glasses again
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] *wanders in*
* Seraphna` leaps down, her crew following
[Hermes] Computer: So, what brings you guys in?
[Hermes] Who said that?
* Hermes looks around
* Slasher the living metal that he has on him forms into a blob and moves towards Strife
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *chirp* *chirp*
[Slasher] The computer your idiot!
* X2 holds his hea din his head and sighs
[Hermes] The computer can talk in the hanger?
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] *watches the metal curiously*
[Slasher] Yep
[Hermes] Computer: ... idiot....
[X2] My kingdom for some sane companionship...
[Slasher] LM:* stretches upwards and looks at Strife*
[Seraphna`] Right her X2...
[Seraphna`] We have a patient for you...
[Slasher] Oh hey everyone, it's Sera
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] Hello.
[Hermes] Computer: I repeart, why is Fury here?
[X2] A patient? What's the trouble?
[Slasher] Hi Sera! 
[Seraphna`] We've come cause we have nowhere else to go...
[Slasher] LM: *twirls itself and keeps looking Strife over*
[Hermes] Computer: We're a military station!  Your ship is danger in this zone.
[Seraphna`] He's alien... he was injure in a mech fight,,,
[Slasher] NRP: Strifes a living weapon blob right?
[Seraphna`] And the Fury is a military craft...
[X2] Alright, I'll see what I can do.
[Slasher] No it's's a civilian craft!
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *chirp*
[Hermes] Computer:  Since when did a civilian craft become a military craft?
* X2 taps a device on his wrist, calling for a med team to the hangar
[Seraphna`] That's what you think...
[Slasher] No...thats what it is. Ask Drake.
[Spirit] NRP: Think T1000
[Hermes] Computer: I'm reporting this to Death Star when he returns.  Putting civilians in danger is dangerous.  He'll be very angry.
[Seraphna`] We ran into trouble at the viel... We needed arm it...
[Spirit] NRP: But more fluid
[Slasher] NRP: So basically the same thing as my livin metal blob
[Spirit] NRP: More or less
[Seraphna`] The Fury is here for supplies and to ship troops...
[Garland] NRP: Tastey.
[Seraphna`] It'll be out of here in no time...
[Slasher] NRP: cept mine can't talk...yet...I think...
[Seraphna`] I and my crew however are staying...
[Hermes] Computer: Hmph.  Alright.  You can dock here for 24 hours.
[Slasher] LM: *shapeshifts into an exact copy of Strife*
* Shell`sMiniDragon flutters over to land on Strife
[Slasher] All we have is Tofu
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *chirp*
* Seraphna` turns on a comm
[Slasher] NRP: Sera's taken over the Fury!! RUN!!
[Hermes] Computer: Hmmmmm...fascinating.  The Tsivrixsh holonet has gone crazy.
[Seraphna`] Drake.. send over the Front Troops and the Skeletons...
[Hermes] Drake: Transferring.
[Shell`sMiniDragon] ¿chirp?
[Slasher] Whats taht Comp?
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] *to the dragon* "Hi!" *to the LM* "Cool!"
[Slasher] LM: *bounces up and down*
[Hermes] Computer: It seems all contact with the Tsivrixsh forces at Earth was lost 8 hours ago.
[Seraphna`] *Five karge shuttles, carriers exit the Fury and dock in hangars
* X2 taps his foot as he waits for the medteam
[Slasher] Is that good?
[Hermes] ...
* Seraphna` smiles
[Hermes] *groans*
[Seraphna`] Our boys on Earth made it through...
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] *stretches upwards and looks down at the LM*
[Hermes] Computer: Of course not!  It means we BEAT the enemy!  That's HORRIBLE....
[Hermes] Computer: Idiot.
[Seraphna`] *Sarlen leans against a wall and lights a cigarrete..
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *chirp*
[Slasher] LM: *looks at Strife confused*
[Hermes] Is it me or does this computer have an attitude/
[Hermes] Drake: Not as bad as the Fury's computer...
[Seraphna`] It has a lot of thing...
* X2 looks at his watch
[Slasher] Reminds me of X1...
[X2] Where is that medteam...?
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] *smiles* "I'm taller!"
[Hermes] Meanwhile: *MedTeam drinks at a bar*
* Shell`sMiniDragon chirps at Strife
[Seraphna`] One shuttle opens with an oldish looking man on a stretcher
[Slasher] LM: *stretches up higher than Strife*
[Seraphna`] *
[X2] Ahem, excuse me for a moment.
* X2 taps the comm system
[Seraphna`] *Kalan lays unconcious, various cuts and burns all over his body
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] *pats the dragon, then notices the LM* "Hey!" *stretches taller*
* Hermes plays with some tools
[X2] Would the soon-to-be-EX-medical team please report to the hangar bay IMMEDIATELY?
* Slasher slaps Hermes hands
[Slasher] No touch!
[Hermes] MedTeam: *run in*
[Slasher] LM: *smiles as he stretches to the cieling*
[Hermes] OW!
[X2] About time.
[Slasher] You mustn' touch my tools!
[Seraphna`] Ryo-Kos, Freedom1, Halbred, and the Lancer mechs land in the hangar
* Shell`sMiniDragon flutters over to the man on the streacher
[Hermes] MedTeam: *run in, grab Hermes, strap him down, and run off*
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *chirp*
[Spirit] NRP: The ceilin in the hanger? o.O
[X2] Take our pateint to the medlab and start treating his woun-HAY! Come back here!
[Seraphna`] *Elayne leaps out of Ryo-Kos
[Slasher] NRP: Theres no cieling is there...
[Hermes] HEEELP!
* Seraphna` rolls her eys
* Slasher looks at Elayne
[Slasher] She can fly a mech?
[X2] NRP: It's a room, it'd have to have a celing. Well, NORMALLY...
[Hermes] MedTeam: *run back in*
[Spirit] NRP: I'm guessing it'd likely be 100' up or so...?
* Shell`sMiniDragon flooters over to land on X2's head
[Slasher] Shouldn't she be in school? Garland won't be very happy.
* X2 points to the man on the stretcher
[Hermes] MedTeam: *Grab the stretcher and runs off quickly*
[X2] Take our pateint to the medlab and start treating his wounds, would ou so kindly?
[Slasher] LM: *looks down from up near the cieling as he is very thin now*
[Hermes] GM: *a crash is heard outside the hall*
* X2 cringes
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] *pokes the LM*
[Shell`sMiniDragon] ¿chirp?
[Seraphna`] *Elayne is in Chiere form, looking around slowl;y
* Hermes walks back in
* Hermes runs over to Elayne
[Slasher] LM: *reverts back to a blob and it jiggles*
[Hermes] You are so beautiful, marry me!
* X2 fidgets and turns, walking briskly out of the hangar to the hall to scold his medteam
[Seraphna`] We've... been a little to busy for scholling
[Seraphna`] Elayne] ???
[Garland] NRP: *Hermes dies*
[Seraphna`] *Elayne edges off
[Hermes] I will make you a happy lady!
* Hermes edges after her
[Hermes] You don't have a boyfriend, do you?
* Slasher sits in a motorized chair and scoots over to Hermes
[Slasher] Hermes....sit!
[Seraphna`] *Elayne walks off, half angry
* Hermes sits down
* Shell`sMiniDragon flutters over to Elayne and chirps
[Hermes] I think she likes me.
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] *laughs*
[Hermes] Computer: This just in...there's been deaths at Earth.
[Slasher] Yeah maybe, you should go buy her some flowers.
[Seraphna`] ?
[Seraphna`] What was that?
[Seraphna`] Who?
[Hermes] Computer: It was...Bob the alien!
[Seraphna`] ...
[Hermes] Computer: Wait, no, mistranslated.
[Hermes] Computer: It was Garland.
* Seraphna` taps her foot...
[Seraphna`] WHAT!
[Slasher] Garland died? Wow....never though that would happen.
[Hermes] Computer: No, wait, Garland killed sigma according to the video footage.
[Slasher] How did they get video footage of them fighting?
[Hermes] Computer: Damn Tisv language.
* Seraphna` tries to strangle the computer
[Seraphna`] WHERE ARE YAH!
[Hermes] Computer: The station they were on recorded it.
[Spirit] NRP: *Cheryl hids her video camera
[Wiendigo] NRP: Computer: No, wait...Garland and Sigma had SEX according to the video footage...
* Shell`sMiniDragon lands on the computer's speaker
[Hermes] Computer: Okay, no, wait, a female reploid died.
[Garland] NRP: Kinky.
[Shell`sMiniDragon] ¡CHIRP!
[Hermes] Computer: Her identity is unknown.
[Slasher] Oh....Hey Sera somethings attached to your stomach. It's gotten a lil bigger
[Hermes] Computer: Oh, look, Snipe was blown up...ouch.
[Seraphna`] (That can't be seen)
[Hermes] hacking into the Tsiv. HoloNet really wise?
[Hermes] What they trace it back to us?
[Hermes] (won't)
[Slasher] NRP: *notices the smallest things*
[Seraphna`] (Her spiecies dosen't show pregnancy)
[Hermes] Computer: Okay, I'm definately sure Snipe's dead.
[Hermes] Computer: Should I hold a funeral?
* Slasher looks at the dismantling of Garlands mech.
[Slasher] Geeze what a pity the old knuckle head never used it.
[Hermes] Who's Snipe?
[Garland] NRP: It was destroyed in the wake of the Fury going into hyperspace...
[Slasher] NRP: Was it?
[Seraphna`] Slasher.. he's not dead...
[Garland] NRP: Yes.
[Hermes] NRP: Notes no one cares Snipe is dea.d
[Slasher] I know but the new one I built he didn't even notice. The jerk.
[Hermes] Computer: No funeral?  Should I show video clips of him as memorial?
[Shell`sMiniDragon] *chirp*
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] reverts to a blob like form and sits on Sera's head.
[Seraphna`] Okay.. Skeleton Crew... Front soldiers, unpack into bunks and stay out of all Wraith sections... tech's work on repairs and I'm going to bed!
* Seraphna` stalks off
[Hermes] Computer: AAAH, WAIT!
[Hermes] Computer: .... look, 20 battle ships blew up...pretty.
[Slasher] dare she act like she owns my hanger bay!
* Seraphna` is gone
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] falls of Sera's head when she walks off
*** Seraphna` is now known as Elayne_Hianule
[Hermes] Computer: ... FINE, IGNORE ME!
[Slasher] LM: *edges over to Strife and looks at him*
* Hermes plays with some tools
[Elayne_Hianule] Mom does have a way of stealin the show..
* Shell`sMiniDragon chirps at the computer
* Elayne_Hianule walks off
[Slasher] The nerve of her...hmpf.
[Elayne_Hianule] (I GTG GUYS... BYE!!!)
[Spirit] NRP: Bye Sera!
[Hermes] (*Starts Session 87*)
[Slasher] MRP: seeya
[Elayne_Hianule] (EATS HIM)
[Slasher] NRP: *and 88 and 89 through 101*
*** Dominator has quit IRC
[Hermes] Is it just me, or does she own the hanger?
*** Elayne_Hianule has quit IRC
[Hermes] And you always told me you owned it, Slasher.
[Slasher] She never will own the mech hanger Hermes. 
[Hermes] Betcha she'll steal it.
* Shell`sMiniDragon chirps at the computer again
[Hermes] Computer: ... what do you want ...?
[Slasher] Not if I can stop her.
[Hermes] ...Can I own MedBay?
[Shell`sMiniDragon] ¿chirp?
[Slasher] Talk to X2
[Hermes] Computer: ... go away, Kiki.
* Slasher pulls out a banana
[Slasher] HERE KIKI
*** Shell`sMiniDragon is now known as Kiki
[Slasher] *waves the banana* A nice plump banana
* Kiki glides over to the banana
[Hermes] I thought dragons ate peopel.
[Kiki] *chirp =)*
[Slasher] It's a Minilop...errr Mini Dragon.
* Slasher tosses the banana to Kiki
[Hermes] So, it could still eat someone.
[Slasher] Possibly.
[Hermes] I think it ate your tools.
* Kiki grabs it in midair
[Slasher] No it didn't *Iooks down at his tools*
* Hermes looks down and sees one missing
[Hermes] ...okay, it didn't.
* Kiki lands and munches a hole in the peal and begins eating the rest of the banana
[Slasher] Hey my 60mm sockets missing.
[Hermes] Your eye socket is missing!?
[Slasher]'s for the socket wrench...nevermind....
[Spirit] [[6Strife]] *starts juggling tools*
[Hermes] ...I'll go get X2...
* Hermes runs off
[Slasher] LM: *bounces up and down in amusement*
[Slasher] Well time for the daily status check on the Mechs
[Garland] NRP: LM = LOVE MONKEY!!
[Hermes] And this Daily Session Ends, for now.