Session 88: Asteroid Field

[Snipe] Time Chart: July 24th
[Snipe] Location: Origin
* Snipe leans on Dias
* Dias lets out a breath of air
[Snipe] I think we've done it for today.
[Snipe] I think I've trained for hours.
[Dias] Aye...*rubs shoulder* 
[Snipe] *cracks neck* Soooo, you think we should check on the others?  Or keep training?
[Dias] You had to give me that wedgie didn't you? *picks it out*
[Snipe] It stopped you from ear biting.
[Dias] I say we go get a snack break and on our way there, check on the others.
[Snipe] Take a bath, too.
* Snipe holds nose
[Dias] ...? *sniffs his armpits and recoils from the smell* GAH!!!
[Snipe] ....
[Snipe] That was...just brilliant.
* Snipe opens the door and steps out.
* Dias wipes his hand under his pit and shoves it in Snipe's face
* Snipe turns a pale shade of blue
* Snipe edges away
[Dias] COOL!
[Snipe] You're...sick...really...sick
[Dias] Yes, thank you.
* Snipe steps out and shuts the door to the training room, with Dias inside
* Snipe whistles as he walks down the hallway
* Dias punches the door and it creaks open, he walks after Snipe
[Snipe] ever heard of a door button?
[Dias] No.
[Snipe] ...what's 2+2?
[Dias] You ever hear about shampoo?
[Snipe] ...go to hell!
[Dias] 4
* Snipe looks out the viewport at gathered ships
[Snipe] Wonder if Dominator is still talking to those representives from those three planets.
[Dias] Who's ships are those?
[Snipe] Uh...the representives...yeah...those guys.
[Dias] Oh...them
[Snipe] ...don't do anything to piss them off, okay?
* Snipe glances at him
[Snipe] We REALLY need them to join us.
[Dias] I'm not Mae here.
[Snipe] sure?
[Dias] .....I do have a face right
[Snipe] Unfortantly.
[Dias] ....Don't make me use the technique of Stinky Armpit.
[Snipe] ...*sighs* The scary thing is, I think you'd could do some damage to the aliens with that.
[Dias] Well now that we know that.....let's get some food
[Snipe] ...aren't you going to bathe first?
[Dias] ....Oh yeah...forgot about that...where's the nearest Shower Place?
[Snipe] ..your room.
[Dias] Seeya in 15 then. *runs off towards his room*
* Snipe heads off for his room
*** Ripple has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ripple
* Snipe walks along.
*** Seraphna has joined #TAW
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Seraphna
[Snipe] NRP: God...figures Stuart comes online now
[Seraphna] NRP: IGNORE... continue session...
[Dias] NRP: Stuart...
[Garland] NRP: If you saw the first part of this session, you'd want to restart it, Sera.
[Snipe] NRP: Stuart's father died.  I've kinda buddied up with him.
[Seraphna] NRP: Then we restart?
[Dias] NRP: *wipes his hand under his pit and slaps Garland* NO
[Snipe] NRP: Dias and Snipe were male bonding.
*** Jacquelyn has joined #TAW
[Ripple] NRP: BA HA!
*** X1 sets mode: +o Jacquelyn
* Snipe keeps walking
* Snipe enters his room
[Garland] NRP: Shut up, Dias. Anyway... Sera, if DS goes with Stuart, we'll have a mini-session.
*** Elayne` has joined #TAW
*** Ripple sets mode: +o Elayne`
* Dias runs into his room and leaps into the shower taking off his clothes in one smooth motion
[Snipe] NRP: *regretfully explains to Stuart*
[Garland] NRP: Sera, anyone else, and me will just mini-session. You go on DS. (besides... this started off really [censored] up.)
[Snipe] NRP: Eek...Stuart's mad.
[Ripple] NRP: Just cruise DS.  I wont be on for much longer.  Got Engineering to work on.
[Ripple] NRP: I've got maybe 20 min on tops.
[Dias] NRP: And you can always void her session.
[Snipe] NRP: *whaps Dias* I was just kidding about that.
[Dias] NRP: was I
[Garland] NRP: Anyway... DS you go on.
[Seraphna] NRP: SESSION!
[Snipe] NRP: No, I'm staying.
[Seraphna] NRP: Ahem!
* Dias turns the shower on
[Ripple] NRP: then lets crank a restart here.
[Snipe] NRP: Oh well, Stuart's pissed, but he can just be...I'll make it up to him later.
[Garland] NRP: .... I feel bad now..
[Snipe] NRP: He has Nick to console him in Alliance.
[Seraphna] NRP: Don't he's close to an hour late...
[Hikaru`] NRP: *stares blankly at the screen for the helluvit*
[Seraphna] NRP: GO!
[Snipe] NRP: Okay, NOW he's pissing me off.
[Seraphna] NRP: Mesa not have forever
* Snipe showers
[Ripple] NRP: Neither.
* Seraphna works on her mech in the mech bay
* Dias starts singing in the shower
* Seraphna drops a wrench
[Seraphna] VOICE: OW!
[Seraphna] Sarry Sarlen...
*** Slasher has joined #taw
[Seraphna] *Sarlen Rubs his head
[Hikaru`] NRP: Ah... what the hell...
* Garland steps out into the mech bay
* Slasher looks up from his desk
[Hikaru`] NRP: Can't be depressed all the time...
*** Hikaru` is now known as Ariel
[Slasher] Gal darn friggin people....
* Seraphna stands up and looks down at some engineers
* Ariel has locked herself away in a training room
[Ripple] NRP: [Me] What?
* Ripple works out in the training room
* Slasher glares at Sera from his desk
[Slasher] Actin like you own my mech bay.....
*** Cheryl has joined #taw
* Elayne` stands outside Ariels trinign room and knocks on the door
[Elayne`] Aunt Ariel???
*** Jacquelyn is now known as Grace
[Garland] It's not 'your's' anyway.
* Garland walks by, going for Sera
* Ariel doesn't hear Elayne, concentrating only on her art.
[Slasher] The hell it isn't. I've got my name everywhere here! *points at his name written on the floor*
* Elayne` sighs and flips her access card through the log, opening the door
[Garland] Superficial material possesions.
[Elayne`] An advantage to having an emergency team card...
[Slasher] Bite me alien boy.
* Garland jumps, flying up to Sera
* Elayne` walks in
[Elayne`] Auntie?
* Ariel spins, bringing her sword an inch from Elayne's face before realizing who it is.
* Seraphna wipes grease off her heands and sighs
* Cheryl is working on part of a mech in the mechbay
[Elayne`] AH!
*** X1 sets mode: +oo Cheryl Slasher
[Slasher] Hmpf...
[Elayne`] Aunt... Ariel???
[Slasher] *gets up and walks over to Cheryl* So how's it goin?
[Ariel] *sighs* Don't sneak up on me like that, okay?
* Seraphna sighs, shaking her head
* Dias runs out of hte shower slipping on the floor and crashing onto the floor
* Garland comes up beind Sera, embacing her lightly
[Dias] *CRASH!* OW!!!
[Garland] What's wrong Sera?
[Cheryl] Better than I would have thought...  This is sorta fun
[Elayne`] I'm.. I'm sorry.. I knocked and yelled for five minutes..
[Seraphna] My sister and that... that guy...
[Slasher] You really think so?
*** Ripple has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[Ariel] Sorry... I guess I got carried away
* Dias gets up and grabs some clothes dressing himself and then running out his door towards Snipe's room
[Garland] Can't stand him either. 
[Elayne`] I.. I came to talk...
* Slasher turns head towards Garland and flips him off
[Ariel] Talk?  *nods and puts her sword away*  There's better places to talk than here.
* Garland passivly throws a wrench in Slasher's general direction
[Elayne`] I guess...
* Slasher catches it and starts to work on the part Cheryls workin on
[Garland] I finally got the twins to sleep..
[Slasher] Wow....looks like your doin pretty good. 
* Elayne` looks around the room, closing her eyes as it reminds her of Gar's old training room
[Seraphna] Good...
* Ariel closes down the program, letting the snow cliff fade away.
* Elayne` blinks again, the program not having registered in her eyes till it turned off
* Dias slides to a halt infront of Snipe's door and knocks on it
* Snipe walks out of his room
* Snipe gets knocked on
[Snipe] OW OW OW
[Dias] Woh...sorry Snipes
[Ariel] Come on, I haven't eaten in *thinks for a moment* ...a day... Let's go get something to eat.
[Garland] Hey Sera, take a break and let's get something, okay?
[Snipe] ...
* Seraphna blinks suddenly and looks in the direction of the bunks, her eyes narrowing
* Seraphna shakes her head and nodds
* Snipe walks out and bops Dias on the head
[Snipe] I'm not a door.
* Elayne` smiles
[Elayne`] Okay...
* Ariel leads the way to the cafeteria.
[Snipe] Now, lets grab some food.
[Dias] Ya sure look like one...
[Dias] *growling noise is heard* Woh...
[Snipe] Sure thing, 'welcome mat'.
* Slasher whistles while he works
* Elayne` follows
[Seraphna] What is that... *whispering*
[Cheryl] You know... I think I might take up a part time job as a mechanic... or atleast as a hobby.
* Garland looks
[Seraphna] Probably nothing... *whisper*
[Dias] Boy I'm hungry
* Snipe looks outside at the ships
[Snipe] Wonder how Dom is doing.
[Slasher] Hah....hey theres something on your...*wipes some grease on her face*
[Dias] Hopefully he isn't hanging from any cielings
* Ariel gets the something to eat and pulls up a seat at a table.
* Snipe steps into the elevator
[Snipe] Cafeteria.
* Elayne` joins her, with a bowl of rice
* Dias leaps in after him
[Ariel] So... what was it you wanted to talk about?
[Elayne`] Well... I've got two problems really...
* Snipe adjusts his gi
[Dias] When did you start wearing a gi?
[Ariel] Oh?
[Snipe] ...forever?
[Snipe] Man, you are about as observant as Slasher.
[Elayne`] Yeah...
[Snipe] I'm going have to train you.
[Elayne`] One is that I'm worried about you...
* Snipe points at the red button
[Snipe] What is this?
[Garland] Come on Sera...
[Ariel] Worried about me...?
* Seraphna nodds
[Dias] Hah....bite me....I don't know, but it's red.
[Seraphna] Sorry.. I sensed something...
[Snipe] ...
[Snipe] I give up.
* Snipe steps off the elevator.
* Garland narrows his eyes to Sera
[Garland] Hmm...
* Dias looks at the red button as he walks off
[Garland] We'll talk about it later.
* Elayne` looks down
* Garland hovers down to the ground
* Snipe walks into the cafeteria.
* Dias follows behind him
[Snipe] At least those kids aren't in here.
[Elayne`] I just remember what happened to dad when he lost D-... The General before... and all the trining...
* Ariel looks up as Snipe and Dias enter, then returns her attention to Elayne.
* Snipe walks over to the line and grabs some salad
* Snipe grabs some crackers next.
* Garland puts out his hand, very formal
[Dias] Yeah...*walks over to the line and starts piling up food, grabbing some steak here, a salad, some rice, some milk, and a couple bananas*
* Seraphna takes it
[Garland] My lady, shall we take our leave to the luncheon hall? *smiles*
* Snipe sits down and begins to punch.
* Slasher looks at the grease spot he left on Cheryls face
[Snipe] (munch eve)
[Seraphna] Hehe.. um the Cafeteria? Sure?
* Seraphna nodds
* Seraphna grins
* Dias sits down next to Snipe
[Ariel] Your afraid I'm going to overtrain...?
[Dias] Mmm....this should go for a snack..
* Garland laughs lightly
* Elayne` nodds
[Snipe] You know, if you don't eat less, you'll just have to burn off more calories in training.
* Snipe looks skinnier than normal
* Garland walks with Sera to the elevator
* Snipe munches on his salad.
* Dias looks fine
[Ariel] *smirks* Now Elayne, if I went and hurt myself, I wouldn't be able to train as hard.
*** Grace is now known as Jacquelyn
[Dias] But if you don't eat enough food, your body'll eat your muscle instead of the fat and you won't get any stronger *finishes off all his bananas*
* Elayne` smiles
[Elayne`] The other problem...
[Snipe] ...if you're fat, you'll just hit the enemy with blubber!
* Elayne` points at Snipe
[Garland] Elevator: Cafeteria.
[Elayne`] I don't know how Dad'll feel...
* Ariel raises an eyebrow.
[Dias] Atleast I'll be warm
* Elayne` blushes
* Snipe finishes his salad
* Ariel nods knowingly.
* Snipe holds head and shakes it slowly
* Dias chows down on the rice
[Elayne`] (GTG SOON..)
[Snipe] (How soon?)
[Elayne`] (NEED TO SEE A FRIEND...)
[Elayne`] (Like five minutes more.. mayhaps a little longer...)
* Garland pulls out a chair for Sera
[Dias] What's your problem?
[Garland] ( :( )
* Seraphna smiles and takes it
* Snipe looks at Dias and blinks
[Snipe] Huh?  Oh, lightheaded.
[Dias] See your not eating enough.
[Garland] I'll be right back, love.
[Ariel] You father should understand...
[Snipe] ...yeah, I'm going to go ...*Stands up and knocks over his chair and looks down in surprise*
* Garland runs over and grabs two salads, drinks and hotdogs!
[Slasher] NRP: *dumps grease all over Cheryl*
[Snipe] ...shouldn't be happening...I've been training...
[Dias] .....Snipe...sit down and eat
* Garland sits down next to Sera
[Dias] Your wearing yourself down buddy
[Snipe] Yeah, a few minutes
* Snipe walks off toward the exit
[Snipe] Gotta grab something.
[Elayne`] Excuse me Auntie
* Dias shakes head and starts chowing down on the rest of his food
[Ariel] *nods* Alright.
* Elayne` runs after Snipe
* Snipe hits the elevator button, panting
[Elayne`] John!
[Snipe] ?!  *straightens up and turns around, smiling* Elayne!
* Seraphna looks at him
[Ariel] *picks up her tray and moves over to Garland and Sera's table* Mind if I join you two?
[Garland] Hmm?
[Seraphna] You're shaking?
[Slasher] NRP: *whistles at CHERYL!*
[Elayne`] Sure sis!
[Seraphna] Sure sis!
[Slasher] NRP: *coughs* 
[Snipe] NRP: *Watches Sera, amused*
[Seraphna] (You know who that was)
[Snipe] Shaking?  Uh, I was just shaking off my energy.
* Snipe grins.
[Cheryl] NRP: Okay okay, I'll pay attention
* Snipe steps into the elevator since it opened.
[Slasher] NRP: I felt so alone...
* Garland starts on his salad
[Elayne`] John... you're worn out...
* Slasher looks at the grease spot he left on Cheryls face
* Elayne` steps in wih him
[Elayne`] (GTG)
[Snipe] ...*smirks at her* Me, worn out?
* Ariel nods and sits down.
[Elayne`] Elevator... MedBay
[Snipe] ...---hey!
[Snipe] This is kidnapping!
* Cheryl doesn't seem to notice the grease
[Elayne`] John... I'm not loosing you to overtraining
[Slasher] Wow, one track mind...
[Ariel] So how are you two doing?
[Cheryl] Hmmm?
[Snipe] *nods* I just need some pills X2 subscribed.  He'll give me some.
[Elayne`] I'm giving you vitamins
* Dias finishes off his plate and belches rather loudly
[Seraphna] Great...
* Slasher rubs grease on the other side of Cheryls face
[Seraphna] Little sleep... but great...
[Dias] Woo I'm stuffed. *gets up and walks towards the elevator*
* Snipe steps out into MedBay
* Garland just smiles
[Seraphna] (GTG NOW) 
[Ariel] *forced smile* It's good to know things are working out well for you two.
[Seraphna] (BYE EVERYONE)
[Snipe] (Bye!)
[Ariel] (Bye!)
*** Seraphna has quit IRC ("Ah.. I am... Cassunanda! Second greatest lover in the world.. and ladder salesman extra-or-dinaire! I seel de ladders so that the lover of small hieght may kiss his lady on the cheek instead of ona da... Rincewind: THAT"LL BE ENOUGH OF THAT!)
*** Elayne` has quit IRC ("Ah.. I am... Cassunanda! Second greatest lover in the world.. and ladder salesman extra-or-dinaire! I seel de ladders so that the lover of small hieght may kiss his lady on the cheek instead of ona da... Rincewind: THAT"LL BE ENOUGH OF THAT!)
[Snipe] Session Paused
Session Close: Sat Oct 21 21:21:17 2000

Session Start: Sat Oct 28 16:33:43 2000
* Logging #taw to 'logs\#taw.log'
[Snipe] Session 88 Continued
[Snipe] Location: Origin; 'Roundabout
[Snipe] Time Chart: 15 minutes since part 1
[Dias] NRP: What happened in part 1?
[X1] NRP: Y'know, I don't recall Dias mentioning how he got out of the cryo tube...
[Snipe] NRP: .... we went and ate, remember?
[Dias] NRP: Oh yeah..
[Dias] NRP: That's cause I didn't *smiles
* Garland is in his training room again, letting Sera work on the mechs.
* Snipe exits the MedBay, looking slightly down
*** Slasher has joined #taw
*** Hikaru` is now known as Ariel
* Cipher wanders the halls
[Dias] NRP: Where was Dias last?
* Slasher sits in the mech bay mumbling at Sera
[Snipe] NRP: Cafeteria.
*** Cheryl has joined #taw
* Snipe adjusts his black outfit he was wearing since his purple gi is being cleaned
*** X1 sets mode: +oo Cheryl Slasher
* Garland blurs, his blue gi worn from over use
* Cipher wanders over to the training room
[Cipher] Hello?
* Snipe opens up the main training room door and walks in, looking around
[Garland] NRP: Mine, or the main one?
[Cipher] NRP: main one
* Snipe looks at Cipher
[Snipe] Hello.
* Snipe puts his hands in his pockets
[Cipher] Whatcha doing?
* Cheryl is in the mech bay working on part of a mech
*** Kiki has joined #taw
[Snipe] Thinking.
* Snipe turns back to the dark room
[Cipher] 'Bout what?
* Garland turns the heat up in the room to max
* Dias walks off towards the mech bay
[Snipe] Norhing.
[Cipher] Cool, how do you do that?
*** X1 sets mode: +o Kiki
[Snipe] ....
* Snipe looks back
[Snipe] How do you think about nothing?
[Cipher] I don't
* Ariel heads to the training room, wearing a black jumpsuit.
[Garland] NRP: I'm surprized Gar don't get lonely... ^^;
* Cipher bobs up and down in the air
* Snipe looks at Cipher
[Snipe] Why are you here in the training room?
[Ariel] *walks in* Yikes... this place is crowded today.
[Cipher] I was bored
* Snipe looks at Ariel and Cipher
[Snipe] Hello.
[Ariel] *nods* Hello Snipe.
* Garland blurs around the room, creating a vacume of the air
* Snipe turns back to the empty room
[Snipe] I guess I'll let you two have fun
* Snipe does a wave, shoves his hand back into his pocket, and walks out
[Ariel] NRP: *notes that no one ever calls Ariel by her codename*
[Snipe] NRP: Hardly anyone calls me by my real name.
[X1] NRP: ...What IS her codename?
[Garland] NRP: I do.
[Ariel] NRP: Tenshi
[Cipher] NRP: Nobody calls Cipher by his real name
[Snipe] NRP: No one wants to waste their breath.
* Snipe stops and looks out the window at the asteroids
* Snipe presses his nose against the window to get a better look
* Cipher turns to Ariel
[Snipe] ...well, if I didn't know better...I would say...they were moving.
[Cipher] So, what's this room used for?
[Ariel] Training.
[Snipe] ........
* Snipe runs down the hallway toward the control room
[Cipher] What do you mean?
* Dias sees Snipe fly past him
[Dias] Where ya goin?
* Snipe hops on a transporter and hits the top floor. "Contro---" *vanishes*
* Slasher looks at the mech Cheryls workin on
[Slasher] Lookin good
* Snipe reappears and hops off the transporter and walks down the hallway into the control room
[Ariel] Practicing to become better fighters.
* Dias sighs and he runs after him leapin onto a transporter
[Cheryl] Thanks
* Snipe sits down in DS' chair and begins to type on the master computer
[Cipher] I mean, how does the room work... is it a simulator or something?
* Dias appears and runs over to Snipe
[Dias] What's the hurry?
* Garland looks at the wall, as if looking through it.
[Snipe] Well, the asteroids outside looked strange.
[Garland] Hrm.
[Ariel] NRP: Now THAT I'm not sure of.
[Snipe] NRP: Simulator.
* Kiki chirps at Snipe
[Dias] ?? Sure your not a lil lightheaded?
[Snipe] I'm fine.  I took my medicine.
* Snipe zooms in on the asteroids and they can be clearly seen dancing around on the screen
[Cipher] Ooo... where do I adjust the settings?
[Dias] So you od'ed?
* Ariel only smiles, and executes her training program.
[Dias] Hey, when did Asteroids learn to dance?
[Garland] NRP: Bushes: *dance*
[Snipe] They never did.
* Kiki flutters into the air chirping
[Dias] But those did.
* Snipe begins to enter some calculations
[Snipe] Let me, show me what will happen if those intensify.
[Cipher] Uh, Ariel, so how do I join in?
[Dias] NRP: *finishes up the last piece of pumpkin pie*
[Dias] How can a asteroid intensify?
* Snipe watches the computer screen flicker and appear in midair as a holovid screen
* Snipe stands up and looks at it
[Snipe] Not the asteroid itself, it's movement.
[Kiki] NRP: I've made about 50 pumpkin pies in the last month
[Dias] Oh...I see
[Ariel] Well... *looks around the snowy mountain landscape*  I could load in a couple opponents.
[Snipe] I want to see what happens if they "dance" more.
[Dias] Aright.
[Dias] Let them dance like the wind
[Cipher] OK
* Snipe watches the holovid shoot out like speeding missiles and hit Origin
[Snipe] ....
* Snipe glances at Dias.
[Kiki] ¡CHIRP!
[Snipe] You see that?
[Dias] Yeah
* Snipe turns back and watches the fireworks as Origin and Horizon is destroyed
[Dias] Does that mean we get to go blow up some asteriods?
[Snipe] We could never stop all those.;
[Snipe] We could only delay them.
[Kiki] ¿chirp?
* Ariel loads in a handful of aerial combat drones.
[Dias] Then lets delay 'em
[Snipe] ...for what reason?
[Snipe] Origin's stationary.
[Ariel] Get ready, they're on the way.
[Dias] .....It is?
* Cipher begins spitting blasts at the drones
[Snipe] ...well, sure, Slasher used his engines ONCE and they almost killed him.
[Garland] To give us time to think of something. *steps in*
[Snipe] Then they blew out.
[Garland] Thats why we delay them.
* Snipe turns to Garland
[Dias] Maybe he's been workin on 'em?
*** Drones has joined #taw
* Snipe sits down and enters a few componets into the computer, the holovid flashing and showing the mechs out there
[Snipe] Okay, lets see...
* Snipe enters some calculations
* Drones nimbly evade the blast from Cipher
[Snipe] I think we could possibly stop 40% of them.
*** X1 sets mode: +o Drones
* Cipher attempts to lock on to the drones
[Dias] That's just you and me tho.
[Snipe] If we have 6 people
[Garland] Using what method?
* Snipe turns to Dias
[Dias] Which we don't.
[Snipe] With just us, we can stop 11%.
[Garland] Simply blasting theM?
* Drones 1 and 3 fire their lasers at Cipher
* Snipe nods at Garland.
[Garland] Hrm...
* Cipher flies above them to dodge
[Garland] I wonder...
* Cipher returns fire at drone 1
[Snipe] Wonder where everyone is...
* Drones 2 and 4 break off from the other 6 and flank Cipher
[Dias] Trainin probably.
[Snipe] And the comm. doesn't go in there.
[Dias] Well what are we gonna do Snipe?
* Drones 1 takes a hit and smokes a bit.
[Dias] Isn't there weapons on this station?
[Garland] .... Wouldn't know.
[Snipe] We don't have time to go gather everyone.
[Snipe] We just gotta do it ourselves.  *watches an asteroid streak by outside*
[Snipe] Shit, it's starting.
* Garland looks at the formation the asteroids are in
* Cipher activates a fold boost to ram 4 and get out from them
[Snipe] Remember, we have to look good, Dominator's talking to those representatives from those planets.
[Garland] Maybe....
* Snipe runs out of the room
* Drones 4 gets hit and crashes into the ground.
* Snipe hops onto the transporter
[Kiki] *chirp =)*
[Snipe] Hanger
* Snipe transports
* Drones 5 and 6 fire at Cipher
[Garland] Snipe, what if we didn't blow them up, but rather, push them ba----...... 
[Kiki] What it! that stung!
[Cipher] What it! that stung!
[Cipher] NRP: oops
* Snipe appears in the hanger
* Snipe jogs over to Slasher
[Snipe] Hi, is The Isolator ready?
* Garland teleports to the hanger
[Dias] Always has been
[Dias] NRP: Doh
[Cheryl] *looks up* Hey guys
[Slasher] Always has been.
* Snipe waves at Cheryl
[Snipe] Alright.  I'm going out for a few minutes
* Dias runs into the transporter and appears a the hanger
[Slasher] Toodles, have fun
* Snipe climbs up the leg of the mech and flips himself up to the door
[Garland] Hmm....
* Dias runs past Slasher "HI!"
[Slasher] Hey!
* Drones 2 and 3 circle around Cipher
* Snipe sits back in his mech
[Snipe] See you later, Garland
[Garland] ....
* Cipher opens up with automatic fire against 2 and 3
* Dias leaps onto the mechs knee, and rebounds into his cockpit
* Garland looks at the mechs
[Dias] Dadum...*starts powering it up*
* Snipe pushes the throttle forward and sends his mech flying out past the shield
[Garland] I may need to 'borrow' Slash...
[Dias] No can do sir
[Snipe] *'Slash' stands there, gathering dust*
* Drones 2 and 3 barely make it out of the way, but 1 takes a stray shot and explodes.
*** Kiki is now known as Viper
*** Snipe is now known as Isolator
* Isolator flies towards the asteroids
[Garland] Can't let him go out there alone...
[Slasher] Sorry bub.
[Slasher] It's not your mech.
* Garland flips up into the Slash
*** Dias is now known as C
[Viper] PsiComm] [[ Can I help? ]]
[Isolator] NRP: AAAH, C!
[Garland] I don't think DS would mind.
[Isolator] NRP: Remember, Snipe can't hear Psi
* Slasher taps some buttons and the Slash becomes immobialized
*** C is now known as Cpanther
* Isolator twirls his mech in space
[Viper] Comm] *female voice* Can I help?
[Isolator] Comm: ... uh...yes?
* Viper launches from the bay
* Cpanther erupts out of the hanger bay leavin a trail of energy
* Ariel watches Cipher with the drones
[Viper] Comm] *female voice* What's the situation?
*** Cpanther is now known as C-Panther
* Garland glances at Slasher
*** Spirit has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Spirit
[Slasher] I told you, no can do. It's not your mech.
[Isolator] Comm: Those asteroids have shifted orbit and are threatening to ram the station.
* Cipher activates blur to make him harder to hit
* Garland presses the activation switch, the mech turning on
[Slasher] Slasher: *nothing happens*
[Garland] Looks like DS disabled whatever you tried to do...
[Slasher] How can DS do that, he's not here?
[Isolator] NRP: *Watches the two clash it out*
* Cipher begins spinning wildly, sending blasts of in a circle
* Garland closes the hatch, powering up the slash
* Drones die.
[Garland] Dunno, must've done it before the campaign.
* Isolator watches fifteen asteroids streak forward
* Garland flies out, following Snipe
* Slasher punches in some codes onto a hand held device and the Slash's system locks up
* Viper reverses her internal gravity field generator
[Slasher] Idiot...I made the mech, I have the access codes...
* Spirit walks into the MS bay and heads for her mech, having sensed the danger.
* Garland keeps going, the Slash underminding his codes
* Slasher points Spirit towards the mech
* Isolator pulls his saber and slashes an asteroid into two, sending it in different directions of the station
* Cipher looks around to see how many drones are left
[Isolator] NRP: Slasher: *denotates the Slash*
* Slasher looks at the Slash floatin outside the station
[Slasher] Kid can't even drive it.
* Isolator blasts another asteroid, five going past him
[C-Panther] Comm: Snipe, ready?
* Viper flies near asteroids, pushing them away with her antigravity field
[Isolator] Comm: I missed some.
* Garland uses the talons to whip back asteroids into the oncomming ones
* Spirit climbs into her mech and launches.
*** Spirit is now known as ShootingStar
* Isolator blasts another one to dust
*** Garland is now known as Gar-Slash
[Cipher] Yay, drones all gone, what next?
[C-Panther] Comm: I got 'em. *flies after the ones he missed slashing them in half, causing htem to explode*
[C-Panther] NRP: Gee, how did that computer retard learn to fly suddenly..
* Cheryl keeps working, not able to help out this time.
* Isolator punches an ansteroid
[Gar-Slash] Comm: John, maybe we should push them back into one another, causing a favorable reaction if it works?
* Slasher walks over to Cheryl and helps her
* Viper blasts a few asteroids and picks up the dust remaining
[Isolator] Comm: Possible.
[Ariel] Well, the drones seemed to be a little easy for you... *ponders*
* Isolator raises blaster and is hit by an asteroid
* Isolator goes spinning
* Gar-Slash uses the talons to throw asteroids into the oncomming ones
[Isolator] GM: *all 200 asteroids streak forward now*
* ShootingStar boosts after the others.
[Isolator] Station: *Alarms go off*
[Gar-Slash] Oh... damn...
* Isolator is pounded by asteroids
[Isolator] Dammit..
* C-Panther increases his mechs speed dashing from one asteriod to the next slashing it
* Isolator tries to manuever like Dias
* ShootingStar fires her psi-cannon into the Asteroids, then switches to Warrior mode.
* Gar-Slash flies, pushing the Isolator out of the fire
[C-Panther] Comm: Come on snipe, you can do it.
* Cipher fires hyper-acceclerated particles through the asteroids at weak spots
* Isolator lands on an ansteroid
[Isolator] Comm: YEEEHAAAW!
* Viper fires hyper-acceclerated particles through the asteroids at weak spots
* C-Panther flies towards Isolater, his scythe held back
[Isolator] Station: Warning...warning....incoming projectiles
[Gar-Slash] Comm: Nothing more fun.
[Isolator] Computer: Uh...Slasher?
* Isolator punches the asteroid he's on, shattering it
[C-Panther] Comm: HEY!!!
[Ariel] Shit... That can't be good.  *heads up to the command center*
* Isolator slashes another one about to him
* Gar-Slash uses the energy whip to destroy as many asteroids as the Slash can.
* C-Panther flies through the debris spinning around and slashing two of them
* Isolator watches thirty streak by him
[Isolator], they are going to impact..
* Viper begins firing all five plasma cannons into the asteroids
[Isolator] Computer: SLASHER!
* ShootingStar fires her Psi-cannon again.
* C-Panther spins around and jets towards the 30 that fly by Snipe
* Isolator dodges asteroids, too busy dodging to attack
[Slasher] Comm: Yessiree?
[Isolator] Computer: ... Snipe's not calling you, I am!  Me!  Computer!
* Isolator is too busy to answer the comm
[Slasher] Oh...sorry? WhaT?
* Isolator jerks out of the way of a huge asteroid
[Isolator] Computer: We're about to be destroyed!  DO SOMETHING!
* C-Panther lets out his wings and flys past 2, his wings destroying them.
[Slasher] Should I try the engines again?
[Isolator] Dominator comm: Uh..guys?  Our friends are getting antsy...they fear they are going to die.
[Isolator] Computer: Go for it.
* Gar-Slash looks for a gun of some sort on the mech
[Ariel] *looks over the sensors*  Great...
[Gar-Slash] Don't tell me this thing is Melee only!?
* Isolator rams an asteroid, spinning back
[Slasher] Aright. *walks over to a terminal, and starts typing on it*
* Ariel works on adjusting the shields for the best cover of the station.
[Isolator] - 3[TGC - Open Assault.mp33] 3-3 [2.63mb 2m52s 128kbps 44khz joint stereo3]
[Slasher] Computer, divert weapons power to the engine
* Viper activates gravity fields to try and pull the asteroids away from the station
[Isolator] Computer: Right.  *cuts off life sport and diverts it*
[Isolator] *support too*
[Slasher] HEY!! That was the life support!
* Isolator spins into three more asteroids
[Isolator] Computer: You said divert power...that takes a lot.
* Gar-Slash slashes asteroids
* C-Panther appears infront of 3 more and slashes them all
[Isolator] I'm out of control!
[Gar-Slash] I hope they manage...
[Slasher] uhh....don't divert unless needed than.
* Isolator is rammeda gain
* Gar-Slash grabs the Isolator
[Isolator] Computer: *Brings it back on and diverts MedBay's power*
[Gar-Slash] Comm: You okay!?
[Slasher] Slowly power up the engines
* ShootingStar fires a shot from her cannon, then switches to steel falcon mode and heads towards the others
* Cipher notices the problem with life support
* Isolator has his mech do a thumbs up then hits his boosters
* Isolator flies towards the heart of the asteroids
* Cipher contacts Viper
[Isolator] Hey, wonder what a giant explosion can do.
* Isolator slashes three asteroids and dodges another.
* C-Panther lands ontop of a Asteriod and cuts it in half, sending the two halves towards two other asteroids bumping them out of the way
* Gar-Slash flies, slashing the ones going directly for the origin
[Isolator] Computer: Power diverted.
* Isolator takes a blow to his head
[Slasher] Power of the engines?
* Isolator goes spinning
[Isolator] Computer: 90%
* Gar-Slash flies after the Isolator
[Gar-Slash] Comm: Snipe! You're getting your ass kicked!
* Ariel types quickly, loading up the pinpoint barrior system and attempts to deflect some of the Asteroids away.
* C-Panther darts from asteriod to asteriod hacking them as he flies by
* Isolator hits his boosters again and dodges Garland
* Cipher does a flyby of a few asteroids, shattering a few with her energy wake
* Isolator spins around some asterodis
[Slasher] Tell me when we got to 100
* Viper does a flyby of a few asteroids, shattering a few with her energy wake
* Isolator takes his saber and goes spinning, slicing them in half
[Isolator] Origin: *is hit by it's first asteroid*
* Cipher runs to the cargo bay
[Ariel] Shit... missed one.
[Slasher] *rocks a lil*
[Isolator] Origin: *is hit by a wave of five*
* Isolator rams another asteroid back
* C-Panther positions himself infront of the the asteriods and starts slashing at any that come near him
* Isolator dodges a big one
[Gar-Slash] Comm: You're doing less good then getting hit, fall back and take them out after they're thined out a bit.
* Isolator stays in the thick of it
* Gar-Slash whips asteroids
* Cipher jumps into Guardian and launches from the bay
[C-Panther] Comm: Snipe, use your cannon
* Isolator sees a huge one the size of a small planet.
[Isolator] ...
* Ariel keeps working at deflecting the asteroids with the shield discs.
* Isolator powers towards it
[Isolator] Computer: Warning, huge...huge...dammit, we can't dodge that sucker!
[Gar-Slash] Comm: John! Don't be stupid!
* Viper begins close cover of Origin, trying to get any the others miss
[C-Panther] Comm: Nail it in the center, if it doesn't work, hit hte side
* Isolator raises the cannon as he gets closer
* ShootingStar darts between the asteroids, keeping the closer ones from reaching the station.
* Isolator powers it up
[Slasher] Turn the engines on Computer!
* Gar-Slash keeps thinning out the barage as he can
* Isolator dodges some asteroids
[Isolator] Origin: *The engines light up*
* Cipher opens up on any asteroids he can find
*** Cipher is now known as CipherGuardian
* Isolator blasts the asteroid, only blowing a small chunk out of it
* C-Panther darts over the Slash leaving a wake of energy behind him as he slashes one in half
* Isolator throws the blaster aside
* Isolator powers towards the asteroid's surface
[Slasher] They're working!!! Now slowly move us out of the way of the asteriods. Don't stress the engines tho
* Gar-Slash looks at Dias
[Isolator] Computer: Right.
[Isolator] Origin: *slowly moves*
* CipherGuardian shatters one with his lance
[Isolator] Computer: However...we cannot dodge that big one.
* Gar-Slash falls back, defending the origin directly.
* C-Panther flys through the debree and flies towards Snipe
*** Drones has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Isolator flies to the surface and pushes against the huge asteroid, flaring his boosters
*** Sleeping-DarkRose is now known as Rose
[C-Panther] Comm: Snipe...shall we try to push it?
* Viper hovers near Guardian
*** ZD[bbl] is now known as Zereth
* ShootingStar notices the trouble with the large one and speeds over.
[Gar-Slash] Might be the only solution on that one..
* Gar-Slash speeds over to Snipe and Dias
* Isolator keeps pushing, his mech straining
* CipherGuardian grabs onto Viper, keeping firing at the asteroids
* Gar-Slash starts pushing too
* C-Panther starts pushing
* Viper flies up near Isolator
[Isolator] Computer: We are out of 85% of the asteroids' path now
* CipherGuardian starts pushing
[Isolator] Comm: this where one of us does super heroic move?
* Viper pushes with her antigravity field
[C-Panther] Comm: That'll be me
* ShootingStar joins in with pushing the asteroid.
[Isolator] Asteroid: *doesn't slow much*
[Gar-Slash] Comm: Lemme press this shiney button...
[Isolator] ....that would be the self-destruct button, Garland.
* Isolator said that in his comm
* Gar-Slash activates the Energy Sheild
[Gar-Slash] Comm: No, that's the big red one. I know that much. *pushes on*
* Isolator punches the asteroid
* C-Panther activates the mechs Neo-Mode, his wings fling out and energy seeps off it
* Isolator reers his mech back and rams into the asteroid
[C-Panther] Come on.....
* Isolator ignores the alarms of protest
* CipherGuardian keeps pushing the asteroid
* ShootingStar charges her psi-cannon and fires as she's pushing.
[Gar-Slash] Comm: I wish this had an auto pilot...
[Isolator] Computer: We are out of 99% of the asteroids' paths
[Isolator] Comm: I don't think DS would like you losing the Slash
[C-Panther] GRRRR!!! *darts back then forward into the mech*
[Gar-Slash] Comm: Ya think? *pushes*
[Slasher] Hey...why is the Slash's self-destruct on?
* Viper begins using her accelerator to push the asteroid in addition the the g-field
* Isolator looks back and sees Origin is 400 meters away
* C-Panther repeats it over and over slamming into the asteriod over and over
[Isolator] Asteroid: *slows even further*
* Isolator flies back some and then rams into the asteroid
[Isolator] ...!
* Isolator flies away from them
* Isolator heads under the asteroid
[Gar-Slash] Comm: John?
* C-Panther darts back from the Asteriod, and pulls out his Scythe, the energy surges out of it
* Isolator pushes up on the asteroid
[Gar-Slash] There's an idea....
* Gar-Slash goes down and helps
[Isolator] Asteroid: *shifts up some*
* ShootingStar realizes what he's doing and moves approach towards the bottom
* CipherGuardian joins Isolator
[Gar-Slash] Damnit! I'm starting to overheat.
* C-Panther surges towards the Asteriod slashing at it, his scythe growing longer
* Isolator pushes up more, listening to the asteroid shift upward, but still heading toward Origin
[Isolator] Comm: Almost guys!
* Viper keeps working on slowing it
[Isolator] NRP: sound in space.
* C-Panther dashes upwards, and flies under hte mech and joins with Snipe and Gar
[Isolator] NRP: *whistles*
[Isolator] Asteroid: *Grows a crack*
[Isolator] Comm: Look, Dias cracked it.
* C-Panther continues pushing, warning lights going off
[Isolator] Asteroid: *moves straight upward*
[Viper] Comm] *female voice* That crack might be a problem
[Isolator] Computer: 100% of the asteroids are clear
* C-Panther darts back then forward, punching the crack
[Isolator] Asteroid: *Shatters into three parts, two heading for Origin, one heading off into deep space*
[Isolator] Comm: We did it!
[Isolator] Comm: What!~?
[Isolator] Computer: .... this is bad..
[Isolator] Comm: My energy is too low to stop two asteroid pieces.
* CipherGuardian dives to start diverting one of the parts heading for Origin
[Gar-Slash] He HAD to do that, didn't he.....
* Isolator flies after the one Cipher isn't going for
[Gar-Slash] Comm: This things about to conk out on me, too.
* Viper dives to help Cipher
[C-Panther] Comm: Bite me Gar *dashes off with Snipe*
* Gar-Slash helps Snipe
* Isolator lands on the asteroid piece and looks over at the self-destruct button
[CipherGuardian] Comm] I came in late, so I still got some juice
[C-Panther] *punches the warning light in his mech* SHUT UP!!
* Isolator looks back at the monitors and sees they are 150 meters from Origin
* Isolator reaches towards the button
[Gar-Slash] Comm: Why do you say that, Dias?
* C-Panther slams Isolator out of the way.
* Isolator goes spinning
[Isolator] Comm: What?!
* Isolator gains control of the mech and spins around to look at the Panther
[Isolator] Comm: DIAS!
* CipherGuardian keeps pushing at his asteroid
[C-Panther] Comm: It was my fault, so I'll correct my mistake. *activates the detonator*
[Gar-Slash] Comm: What is wrong with you Dias!?
[Isolator] Cipher's asteroid: *diverts*
* Isolator hits his booster
[Isolator] Like friend!
* Isolator tackles the Panther
* Gar-Slash pueshes the asteroid while they wrestle
* C-Panther flies off, and loses the self-destruct trigger
* Viper goes to work on the other asteroid
* ShootingStar channels all her energy into one large psi-beam, trying to devert the last asteroid
[Isolator] Comm: You'll live to fight another day, you hear me!?
* CipherGuardian helps Gar-Slash and Viper
[Isolator] Asteroid: *keeps streaking towards Origin, the larger of the two*
[C-Panther] Comm: I never planned on dieng.
[Isolator] Comm: You never had time to put on a G-Suit!  You'd have died in space.
* ShootingStar floats dead in space, Spirit having passed out from the energy usage.
[Gar-Slash] Comm: Ciph, Viper, we gotta pish on!!
[Gar-Slash] NRP: push..
[C-Panther] Comm: You don't think Slasher didn't put an escape pod?
[Isolator] Asteroids: *the asteroid, thanks to SS, is diverted from hitting the pain part of Origin*
* CipherGuardian tries to push even further
[Isolator] Comm: You trust his escape pod?  It hasn't been tested. And if the explosion damaged it...
* Viper adds the accellerator into pushing
[Isolator] Asteroid: *Cracks*
[C-Panther] Comm: *sweat pours off his face* gotta point
* Gar-Slash pushes, trying to make it miss entirely.
* Isolator looks back at the asteroid
[Isolator] Comm: Shall we?
[Viper] Comm] *female voice* O no, not again
*** Zereth is now known as z|away
* Isolator hits his throttle, streaking forward
[Isolator] Asteroid: *continues to crumble*
[Gar-Slash] Not good...
[Isolator] Asteroid: *Breaks into three smaller pieces.  One is diverted, two head for the hanger*
[C-Panther] Comm: Grr
[Gar-Slash] .... Comm: Your kidding me...
* Isolator flies at the two pieces
* Viper heads for one with Cipher
* Gar-Slash pushes on one of them... which SHOULD be easy.
[Isolator] Comm: They're as big as a mech
* Isolator grabs one like he's hugging it
* CipherGuardian pushes as hard as he can
* Isolator activates his boosters
[Isolator] Asteroid Cipher: *bounces off into deep space*
* Isolator goes flying upward, holding his asteroid
* Ariel watches on the monitor, shaking her head
* Isolator watches the mech die
[Isolator] ...whuh oh
* Slasher dashes towards the one Snipe's holding
* Isolator goes flying toward the hanger, holding the asteroid
[Slasher] Comm: Snipe let go
[Isolator] Comm: I would...but the mech is too weak.
* Gar-Slash pushes his away, flying for the Isolator
* CipherGuardian firms up his grip on Viper
[Slasher] Com: Gar, grab Snipe
* Viper heads to help Snipe
* Gar-Slash pushes the Isolator/Asteroid
[Isolator] Comm: Bad touch!
* Slasher pulls out his scythe and darts towards the asteroid
* Viper keeps pushing
* Gar-Slash pulls the Iso off the asteroid
* Viper It's a good thing I use a diiferent power system than you guys or I'd be long out
[Gar-Slash] Comm: You guys take care of the Asteroid, I got snipe.
[Isolator] Comm: Gee, thanks.
* Viper 'pushes' the asteroid
* Gar-Slash flies after Shooting Star
[Isolator] Asteroid: *is...diverted!*
* Slasher pulls the scythe back and then forward, full swinging at the Asteriod slashing at it 3 times
[Isolator] Asteroid: *Breaks into three pieces*
[Slasher] NRP: Don't do it!
* Gar-Slash grabs her, and pulls them both behind him.
[Isolator] ASteroid: *one heads for deep space...the other two....head into the asteroid field*
[Viper] Comm] *female voice* Everybody ok?
* C-Panther 's power flickers off and on
[C-Panther] Shit...
* Gar-Slash lands in the Hangar with them
[Gar-Slash] COmm: Always.
* CipherGuardian heads back to the bay
* C-Panther slowly floats towards the bay
* Isolator flips out of his mech and lands on the ground, rolling
* ShootingStar lays there unmoving
*** Isolator is now known as Snipe
* Snipe rolls into Slasher
[CipherGuardian] Comm] You guys didn't tell me about the asteroid problem!
* Gar-Slash hops out, flying to the SS, opening it up and getting Spirit
* Slasher looks at Snipe
[Slasher] Yes?
[Gar-Slash] Hey you okay in there?
[Snipe] Fix my mech?
* Viper lands perfectly in the bay
[Slasher] Sure.
[Snipe] Thanks.
* Snipe looks over at the 'Slash' mech
[Slasher] Garlands in deep shit....
[Snipe] Why?  Keep the Slash as a memorial for DS?
* C-Panther comes flying in, sparks shootin off every so often
* Gar-Slash walks over with Spirit in his arms
[Gar-Slash] She wore herself out.
[Slasher] Yes...
[Viper] Comm] *female voice* Slash, do you have repair parts for an accellerator cannon and a grav drive?
*** Gar-Slash is now known as Garland
*** CipherGuardian is now known as Cipher
[Cipher] That was fun!
*** ShootingStar is now known as Spirit
* Snipe looks up at the Slash, thinking about DS
* C-Panther slowly kneels down
*** C-Panther is now known as Dias
[Cipher] Can we do it again?
* Dias pops out of his mech
* Snipe runs over to the Panther
* Cipher climbs out of his mech
* Spirit is out cold, but uninjured
[Garland] And Slasher, I am in no such trouble.
* Garland teleports Spirit to the Med bay, then comming back
[Cipher] Cool!
[Snipe] Computer: Wait, no, sorry....uh, heh, just space garbage.
[Slasher] Wanna bet? First you STEAL a mech.
[Slasher] Then you disobey my orders.
* Snipe looks at Dias
[Snipe] You okay?
[Dias] Yeah...*looks at his mech*
[Viper] Comm] *female voice* Anybody have repair parts for an accellerator cannon and a grav drive?
[Garland] I'm a supirior officer, Slasher. 
[Slasher] Not in my mech bay you aren't.
[Snipe] You did the best out there.  You know, you should be made head of the Mech Team.
[Garland] And I used it for lack of user, and personal mech.
[Dias] Why? I want no such thing
[Cipher] Comm] *female voice* Slasher?
* Snipe pants Dias
[Snipe] Trust my judgement.
* Viper walks over to Slasher
[Slasher] You know why you don't have a mech? Because you disrespected the one I built you!
[Viper] NRP: Oops again
* Cipher walks over to slasher
* Dias looks at Snipe
[Cipher] Hey Slasher, mind if I interupt your rant?
[Snipe] Garland did good, but that's because he had DS' mech.  I got trashed.  You did perfect.
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Slasher] You are hereby banned from any mech and if I see you even 30 ft near any one of my mechs, I'll have your ass detained
[Cipher] Uh, Slasher?
[Dias] Yeah well you did good for someone who didn't train as much as I did with mechs
[Slasher] Yes?
[Snipe] Hermes: *Steps out with a rifle and points it at Garland* Want me to detain him, sir?
[Garland] Hermes, stand down.
[Cipher] Viper wants to know if you have repair parts
[Slasher] Damn right I do.
[Cipher] For an accellerator cannon and a grav drive?
[Snipe] Hermes: *Grabs the viro-cuffs and handcuffs Garland* Lets go to the Brig, sir!
[Garland] Slasher, I suggest you get your wits in order.
[Slasher] I don't know...check the pile over there *points at whats left of Garlands first mech* Take what you need
* Garland breaks the handcuffs
[Slasher] Garland, I suggest you ask before acting
[Cipher] Ooo... *laughs maniacily
*** X1 has quit IRC ("You know that hole where you stick pie?" "You mean my pie-hole?" "Yeah. SHUT IT!" -Penny Arcade strip)
[Garland] There was a need, and I acted on it.
[Snipe] Hermes: Let me grab the nano-handcuffs...those even DS couldn't break*
* Cipher heads over to the parts and looks them over
[Slasher] Without my permission
[Snipe] Hermes: *grabs them and heads for Garland*
[Garland] You may be in charge of the mech bay, but I acted for the good of the personel, on the Origin.
[Garland] Hermes, don't even try.
[Cipher] Hey, Slasher! Can I use some of these to upgrade my mech?
[Slasher] You acted on what you thought was good. How do you think the masses would react if you destroyed that mech?
[Slasher] No.
* Cipher looks through the parts
* Snipe walks out of the hanger, looking for some things
[Garland] Yes, you can, Cipher. They're my parts anyway.
* Dias walks after Snipe
[Snipe] Hermes: *handcuffs one of Garland's arms and reaches for the other*
* Ariel lounges around the command center, writing in her journal
* Garland grabs Hermes' arm
[Snipe] Hermes: Sorry, sir, but I'm to detain you.
[Garland] I said dont', thats an order.
[Dias] No there not Garland.
[Snipe] So, Dias, what shall we do?
[Snipe] Hermes: Uh...we're on the Mech Bay...Slasher's area of command.
[Cipher] Viper, I think I found parts for the accellerator cannon, but I think you're going to have to regrow the grav drive
[Dias] Train like usual?
[Snipe] Right!
[Garland] They are the remains of my mech, hence, my parts. I 'stole' DS's, remember?
[Dias] Hah, lets go
* Cipher walks over to Vipher and puts the parts into her cockpit
[Slasher] But I built your mech. I put a piece of my soul into your mech and you threw it away
* Viper begins auto-repairing
[Cipher] A piece of your soul, where?
* Garland looks at Snipe
[Garland] I'll be using the Slash as needed untill DS's return, okay?
[Cipher] I always wanted to see what a soul looked like
* Slasher glares at Snipe
[Garland] Cipher: It's amorphous.
* Snipe isn't there
[Garland] NRP: lol
* Garland looks at Slasher
[Dias] Yes Garland?
[Snipe] NRP: Snipe: Wonder what they're looking at.
[Garland] I'll be using it if needed, with or without your permission.
[Cipher] Shoot
[Slasher] You can try.
* Garland shrugs
[Cipher] Now what?
* Snipe enters the training room
[Garland] Hermes, the key to the cuffs, please.
[Snipe] Hermes: *looks at Slasher*
* Dias walks into it
[Cipher] O yes, *waves at Viper and exits*
[Slasher] Leave him be.
* Cipher walks over to the training room
[Snipe] Hermes: *frees Garland*
*** Viper has left #taw
* Snipe runs his hand through his hair
[Dias] Is that a speck of gray hair I see Snipe?
[Garland] Slasher, if you pull this sort of thing again, I will have you detained. *walks out, ignoring whatever comment he might make*
[Snipe] Oh shut up.
*** Kiki` has joined #taw
* Snipe gets into a fighting position and says, "1Combat simulator...begin!"
[Snipe] Session Ends