Session 89: Incoming Power

[Snipe] Location: Origin
[Snipe] Time Chart: July 27th
* Snipe leans back in his seat, in the control room of the station
* Cipher is training
* Ariel is working on setting up her own training room since the main one is always busy lately
* Garland steps into Ariel's room
* Cipher blasts another drone and bounces out of the way of another
[Garland] Nice.... 
*** Kiki has joined #taw
[Garland] This the X-450 system?
* Shadow_Hunter walks down the main hallway looking out the windows into space
* Snipe looks at the subspace scanners, yawning
* Dias works on repairing his mech
[Snipe] Boooooring.
* Kiki flies around the bridge chirping as usual
[Ariel] *nods*  Real pain to setup
[Garland] I've wanted this one... never could afford it though.
* Cipher finishes off the last drone
[Snipe] So, Kiki, what's the meaning of life?
[Kiki] *chirp*
[Snipe] I agree.
[Dias] Slasher: *sneaks up on snipe*
[Dias] I feel a great disturbance in the force Snipe.
* Snipe looks at Kiki slowly
[Snipe] ...whaaaa?
* Cipher plays around with the setting
[Dias] NRP: That was Slasher
[Snipe] Did you jsut speak
[Ariel] Well, my connections came in handy this time.
[Kiki] ¿chirp?
[Garland] Heh, I should use those some time.
[Dias] Slasher: *quirks his eyes* Yes Snipe. I am the demon Aachu reborn.
[Snipe] ....?!  *slides back in his chair* You are!?
[Dias] Slasher: Yes.....and you will be my.....slave...
[Kiki] ¿chirp?
[Snipe] Really?!  *stands up, kicking the chair back at Slasher*
* Kiki lands on Snipe's head and hisses at Slasher
* Dias the chair nails him in his calves
* Snipe turns around, smirking
[Dias] Gah...hehehe
[Dias] Slasher: So how long did I have you fooled for?
*** Pteryx has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Pteryx
[Snipe] OH, until the "Aachu" part.
[Snipe] That kinda gave it way, sneeze boy.
* Dias plays [Pennywise - Land Down Under.mp3] - 2318k - [i²]
* Shadow_Hunter stopes at one of the windows, looking out
[Dias] Slasher: So what ya doin here? Shouldn't you be training, and making your head look pale in comparrison to your body?
* Cipher finishes messing around with the training settings and hides to see who will test them out next
[Snipe] I'm watching the scanners.  Hermes skipped out of it.
[Pteryx] NRP: Ugh, forgot about the 24 hour session...
[Dias] What a char...
[Snipe] NRP: That's next weekend.
[Garland] NRP: Next weekened... this is a normal one.
[Pteryx] NRP: Oh.
[Dias] NRP: Ptery: Oh yeah..*falls back to sleep*
[Ariel] *works on rewiring a panel*  Your free to use it if you want.
* Snipe doesn't notice the scanners beeping.
[Snipe] So, you meant the new guy?
[Pteryx] NRP: So what's going on now?
[Snipe] (met)
[Snipe] NRP: Normal every day session
[Dias] Slasher: No...Do you hear something Snipe?
* Kiki chirps at the beaping scanners
[Garland] I'll be in my room, Ariel, buzz me if you need help.
* Snipe looks at it and walks over
[Snipe]'s picking up a ship outside our space.
* Snipe scans the ship
[Dias] What kind?
[Snipe] Give me a second to identify it.
* Kiki lands on the sensor screen
[Ariel] Sure thing.
* Pteryx (NRP) supposes she'll just have to watch...
* Garland teleports
[Dias] NRP: OR you could join
[Snipe] NRP: We're on Origin
[Garland] NRP: Booster!!!
[Snipe] ...whoa.
* Snipe steps back in surprise
[Dias] Slasher: Do you feel it Snipe?
* Snipe looks at Slasher
[Snipe] Feel what?  I'm just amazed at these readings.
[Dias] That Chilli I made kickin in finally?
[Pteryx] NRP: Kupo Gar.  :)
* Kiki stares at the sensor readings and chirps loudly
[Garland] NRP: Kupopo! :)
* Dias looks at the readings
[Snipe] Amazing, eh, Kiki?
* Snipe points
*** Dias is now known as Slasher
[Snipe] Whoever is on that ship has a power level like Death Star's.  Higher even.
[Slasher] NRP: Much better
* Cipher leaves the crosswired training room and heads to the cafeteria
* Garland blurs around in a thunderstorm
[Slasher] Hey maybe it's him.
[Snipe] think it could be?
* Snipe looks at Slasher
[Kiki] ¡Chirp!
[Slasher] Or maybe it's that pizza delivery boy..
[Snipe] ....
* Snipe face falls
[Snipe] Comm: to the control room
* Garland gets struck by lighting, trying to rid himself of the weakness to electricity
* Ariel finishes with the panel and teleports up to the control room.
[Snipe] Comm: Yes, everyone who is bored, please come..
[Snipe] Comm: Wiendigo, you quit pissing on the wires.
[Snipe] Comm: Thank you.
* Snipe hangs the comm up
[Garland] G----hah---ahhHHHHHHH!!!!! *hits the ground, the sim ending*
* Shadow_Hunter walks into the control room
[Ariel] *glances over* Who's the new guy?
*** Pteryx is now known as Booster
[Snipe] He's Shadow Hunter.
[Snipe] We found him wandering around in space.
* Cipher wanders into the control room
[Garland] Sh....shit.......
* Garland staggers up
[Cipher] I'm bored... so what's new?
[Slasher]  Cheese
[Snipe] Well, Death Star might be back.
* Snipe looks at everyone.
[Ariel] !
* Shadow_Hunter looks around at the people in there
[Slasher] That or it's the Pizza Boy.
* Booster heads in...
* Garland forces himself to keep practicing
[Snipe] Comm: Garland, Garland?
* Kiki flutters in front of Booster
[Snipe] Comm: GARLANDO!
[Booster] Yes, Snipe?
* Snipe nods at Booster
[Snipe] Yo.
* Garland stops, wiping sweat from his head
* Garland pulls out his comm
[Kiki] *chirp =)*
[Ariel] Are you sure? *adjusts the ring on her finger*
[Garland] Comm: What what what!?
[Slasher] Tell him nothing
[Snipe] Ring: *Remains dead looking*
[Snipe] Comm: We need your..advise up here.
* Booster chuckles.  "Hello to you too, Kiki."
[Garland] Com: Who died!? What!? Who?-------Oh okay...
* Slasher pets Kiki
[Snipe] Well, Ariel, either that or someone else out there has a power like his.
* Garland teleports to them
[Garland] What is it?
[Slasher] cute..*hands him some meat*
[Snipe] We think DS is back
[Booster] A power like whose?  What's going on?
[Ariel] Either him... or we have trouble...
* Snipe looks at Garland
* Garland looks at Ariel
[Garland] I told you he was okay!
[Slasher] Maybe it's his long lost brother Phil
[Snipe] Tell me, does anyone else from Parnel have anything NEAR like him?
* Shadow_Hunter walks over to a set, sitting in it
[Booster] Death Star!
[Garland] Huh? What?
* Booster 's ears perk up...
* Ariel looks down, watching the lifeless ring.
* Kiki lands and curls up on Booster's head
* Snipe nods at the screen
[Snipe] That ship is from Parnel.
[Garland] ... Earlier model, but.. yeah....
[Slasher] Hey maybe it's the one guy back in the Special Forces
[Cipher] Where's Parnel?
[Slasher] He was from Parnel
[Snipe] who?
[Garland] I'm surprized your knowlegable about that...
[Booster] Parnel?
* Snipe looks back at Garalnd
[Snipe] The computer identified it, not me.'
[Slasher] That lil midget dude. Looked like Gorilla boy.
* Snipe looks at Slasher puzzled
[Snipe] Garland Jr?
* Booster 's tuft gently takes hold of Kiki, tucking him in...
*** WereWolfBob has joined #taw
[Garland] Hrm... the Tsiv know about Parnel? Not good...
*** WereWolfBob is now known as Dias
* Dias walks into the control room
[Snipe] Anyway, Garland, is anyone from Parnel as strong as DS?
[Garland] I don't know, he and I aren't on good terms...
[Cipher] So, where's Parnel?
[Snipe] this case...slightly stronger?
[Garland] ?
[Booster] What's Parnel, for that matter?
[Dias] Hey Garland, don't you have a son from Parnel?
[Garland] No, as far as I know I'm the best....
[Snipe]'re the best?  Gotta be DS!
[Cipher] Lenrap! Lenrap! Lenrap!
[Snipe] Somehow he ended up at Parnel after the hyperspace journey.
[Kiki] ¿chirp?
[Garland] Weirder things have happened....
* Snipe looks back at the ship, heading for Origin, no weapons powered up
[Dias] YOOHOOO!!! Garland!
* Garland looks back at the others
* Snipe looks at Ariel
[Snipe] You think it's him?
[Garland] Oh! Booster, Parnel's my home planet.
[Ariel] I... don't know...
[Booster] Ahh, OK...
* Shadow_Hunter looks at the screan from where he sits
* Dias waves hand infront of Garland frantically
* Ariel looks up from the ring.
* Snipe looks at the ship
* Booster tries to get a look at the screen for himself...
[Snipe] Whoever it is, then, they are heading for the hanger
[Slasher] Hey I habe an idea. Lets comm then
* Snipe runs out of the room and leaps on a trasporter
[Snipe] "HANGER!"
* Snipe vanishes
* Slasher leaps into one
[Slasher] HANGER!
* Ariel teleports to the hanger in a flash of light.
* Cipher is teleported into the hanger
* Dias follows behind Ariel
* Snipe appears in the hanger
[Kiki] ¡chirp!
* Dias appears next to Snipe
* Snipe walks over to the middle of the room, crossing his arms
* Shadow_Hunter follows everone to the hanger
* Snipe looks out and sees the small ship heading for them
* Slasher looks around and makes his way to Snipe
[Snipe] Looks...friendly.
*** Kiki is now known as Viper
[Slasher] Think we should lower the shields so he can get in?
* Booster heads to the hangar himself, keeping hold of Kiki...
[Snipe] Yeah.
[Viper] Comm] *female voice* So how long until it gets here?
[Snipe] Computer: 2 minutes.
[Slasher] Anyone gonna lower the shield?
[Snipe] Janitor: *mops the floor in the corner*
[Snipe] do it.
* Shadow_Hunter walks into the hanger, looking about
[Booster] I think we should be careful, though...  It might be a trap...  If the Tsivrixsh have been saving up some powerful warrior...
[Slasher] No...
* Viper walks over to the Janitor
*** Garland has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[Dias] NRP: Dias: I'll DO IT!! *pushes a button and in a brilliant flash the ship explodes*
[Viper] NRP: Oops... Arg
* Cipher walks over to the Janitor
[Cipher] Whatcha doing?
* Ariel closes her eyes with the ring clapsed between her hands and says a silent prayer.
[Snipe] Janitor: *looks away* Cleanin'
[Snipe] Ring: *lights up briefly*
[Slasher] FINE DAMNT! I'll lower the friggin shields *lowers them*
[Cipher] Can I have this bucket?
[Snipe] Ship: *flies past them, just about to crash*
[Snipe] Janitor: Yes.
* Shadow_Hunter sighs
* Booster stands facing the place where the ship would land but out of the way, ready to strike but hoping beyond hope...
[Dias] It's gonna crash
* Cipher grabs the cleaning bucket and begins to take a drink
[Dias] NRP: is there such a thing?
[Booster] Huh?
[Snipe] Janitor: *Glances at the group, focusing on one person, then walks off to clean some other part*
[Snipe] Ship: *decreases it's speed*
* Slasher glances at the Janitor
[Snipe] Ship: *lands*
[Viper] Comm] *female voice* Hello ship?
[Slasher] You know, ever since I've seen that guy, I've got this strange feeling...
* Booster looks a bit disappointed...
* Snipe stares at the ship, looking at it power down
[Snipe] Well, well...
* Shadow_Hunter looks at the janitor then at the ship
* Cipher finishes drinking the cleaning solution and munches on the bucket
[Dias] Snipe?
[Snipe] Yes?
[Dias] Why'ld you say Well, well....?
[Snipe] Ring: *fades back to darkness*
[Snipe] Just wondering what they plan on doing next
[Dias] Oh...
[Snipe] Ship: *Sits there, doing nothing*
[Booster] Are we sure this is Death Star?...
[Snipe] No, we're not.
[Slasher] ...*walks over to the ship and knocks on the door
* Cipher finishes munching on the bucket and walks up to the ship
[Slasher] WHERe's MY PIZZA!
* Shadow_Hunter walks to the ship
[Booster] Can we scan them any better at this distance?
* Ariel approaches the ship, wishing she was wearing her uniform instead of the black jumpsuit.
[Snipe] Door: *moves*
* Slasher looks
[Snipe] Door: *comes down, threatening to crush Slasher if he doesn't move*
* Booster spins...
* Slasher leaps back
* Cipher peeks into the door
[Slasher] Watch it! No tip for you!
[Cipher] Hello?
[Snipe] GM: *it is dark in the ship, a figure can be seen standing there, looking down.  He has semi-spikey hair*
[Booster] NRP: Is the ship still outside?
[Snipe] NRP: It's in the hanger.
* Shadow_Hunter walks to the door, pearing into he ship
[Booster] NRP: OK.
*** Man has joined #taw
* Man looks at SH
* Man walks forward
* Cipher bobs into the ship and begins to look around
[Slasher] Where's my pizza]
* Ariel stands there and waits.
* Man steps out into the light. He is a younger man, in his early twenties. He had blonde hair and green eyes
* Man steps onto the hanger and looks at them all, closing his eyes
* Shadow_Hunter looks at the Man
[Slasher] So who are you?
[Man] So, you are the Hunters?  Or the Wraiths, I persume?
[Booster] Who?...
* Cipher plays around with the controls on the ship
[Slasher] NRP: SSJ!!
[Ariel] That we are.  Who are you?
[Man] NRP: It's spikey Chrono style, not SSJ style
[Booster] ...Well, we are the Hunters, yes...
[Man] I am...Yeger
*** Man is now known as Yeger
[Slasher] Were the Wraiths..
* Snipe clicks the side of his head and his scanner appears
[Snipe] Lets see his stats
[Slasher] Do you know anyone specific on this ship?
* Snipe scans Yeger
* Yeger closes his eyes again and crosses his arms
[Dias] What ya gettin Snipe?
[Snipe] --that---that's impossible!
* Shadow_Hunter walks into the ship, looking around
[Slasher] Geeze, someones a lil rude.
[Ariel] NRP: Ack... I read that as Jager at first... @.@
* Cipher keeps playing around with the controls on Yeger's ship
* Booster looks at Snipe...
[Yeger] Ship: *remains unresponsive*
[Booster] Is he...?
[Snipe] No, he's not DS.
[Cipher] Boring
[Ariel] I could have told you that.
[Yeger] I'm afraid I'm not DS.
* Cipher bounds out of the ship
[Yeger] It's a shame what happened to him.  I looked forward to battling him.
[Booster] No, I mean, is he the one who showed up as being that powerful?
* Ariel sighs.
* Shadow_Hunter walks back out of the ship
* Cipher floats right in front of Yeger
[Snipe] Yes, he's definately the want to fight DS?
[Snipe] With that power level!  IT would be unfair!
[Cipher] So, what are you doing here?
* Booster looks back to Yegar.
[Slasher] Yeah DS would win.
[Snipe] Of course.  Yeger's power level is 50.
* Yeger smiles snidely
[Slasher] ....or so he wants you to think Snipe.
[Snipe] ....what, like anyone can mask their power.
* Snipe makes his scanner vanish
[Slasher] Look at him. Some cocky kid coming into a place where people are strong. Of course he's gonna make himself look ewak.
* Yeger opens his eyes and stares at Garland
[Slasher] NRP: Garland:...Mom?
[Snipe] NRP: LOL
* Cipher floats in front of Yeger's face
[Snipe] NRP: Wait, where is Gar?!
[Slasher] NRP: Dropped
[Cipher] So, what are you doing here?
[Snipe] PAUSE
[Booster] NRP: He pinged out a few minutes ago.
Session Close: Sat Oct 28 18:31:08 2000

Session Start: Sat Oct 28 20:15:27 2000
* Logging #taw to 'logs\#taw.log'
*** Hikaru` is now known as Ariel
[Snipe] Location: Hanger
* Yeger brings his eyes to bare on Garland
* Garland looks at Yeger, eyes narrow
* Cipher floats in front of Yeger's face
[Garland] ...
[Cipher] So, what are you doing here?
* Shadow_Hunter looks Yeger over, walking back into the ship
[Yeger] You are....Garland.
[Cipher] I am?
* Garland nods
[Garland] And..... you?
* Yeger looks at Cipher
[Yeger] ...what are you?
* Shadow_Hunter looks around the ship
[Cipher] I asked you a question first
* Ariel rests on her sword, trying to sort out her thoughts.
[Yeger] I am here to meet the Hunters.
[Snipe] Hrm.  Well, you met us.
[Cipher] Why?
[Yeger] You are some of the strongest opponets in the galaxy.
[Garland] I am the Hunter. The others are the Wraiths.
[Booster] Are you asking our help?
* Gravedigger looks up over Snipe's shoulder
* Shadow_Hunter walks back out of the ship, not finding much on it
[Yeger]  *chuckles dryly*
[Snipe] Grave.
[Gravedigger] What in the hell did I miss now?
[Cipher] OK, I'm Cipher
* Booster frowns.
* Garland glares at Yeger, sniffing the air, detecting somrthing the others don't.
[Snipe] This guy had a PL of DS when we scanned his ship.  Once we showed up in person, he turned out to be a weakly
* Yeger smiles coldly at Garland, knowing what he's detecting.
* Viper runs a scan of Yeger
* Booster looks fron Yegar to Garland and back...
[Ariel] Scan the ship Snipe.
[Gravedigger] Funky monkey...
[Snipe] Scan:  PL 50  SL: 50  Weakness: Fire
[Garland] ....Ninalue in Jiakare hanae?
* Snipe scans the ship
[Gravedigger] *whipsers to Snipe* You sure this guy ain't covering his abilities or somethin'?
[Snipe] Jiakare.
[Yeger] Jikare  (ignore Snipe)
[Gravedigger] (whispers)
[Snipe] Slasher thought that, but that's not possible.
* Garland slides his foot back, narrowing his eyes
[Gravedigger] *blinks* ...Why's that?
[Garland] Kin'janan. Aine une Ninalue.
* Shadow_Hunter looks Yeger over again, walking over to a wall lening on it
[Booster] . o O (I'll have to ask Gar what's the matter later.)
[Snipe] ...well...I never heard of anyone doing it before.
* Cipher floats into the air
* Yeger laughs
[Gravedigger] ...So it IS possible?
[Ariel] Nothing from the ship?
[Snipe] ...I guess...
* Snipe turns to Ariel
[Snipe] Natta.
[Gravedigger] So we could be screwed?
[Garland] Enshin na wenoni yunta.
[Snipe] ...could be.
* Ariel taps her foot in thought.
* Cipher looks around for the Janitor
[Snipe] What are those two saying?
* Snipe tries to find a translator
[Gravedigger] Well, Gar certainly doesn't appear to be happy, soooo I'm guessin' it ain't good.
* Booster nods in agreement...
[Yeger] Gensho doune na hanae, kin'janan.
* Garland 's brow twitches.
* Yeger points at Garland
[Yeger] Ine na june
[Garland] Kin'janan......!
[Snipe] I'm thinking kin'janan is a bad word...
* Garland puts his hand to his hilt
* Booster walks over to Garland, standing ready to help if things turn bad...
* Yeger smiles approvingly
[Gravedigger] Yep. Bad word.
[Snipe] Asshole maybe?
[Booster] Or worse...
*** Lady_Drusilla_Dagger has joined #TAW
* Garland growls at Yeger
[Snipe] So, how do we stop 'em.
[Snipe] I mean, we don't need them fighting if we don't haaaave too.
[Garland] I dislike the home language, I hope you understand english....
[Snipe] He must be from Parnel.
[Yeger] I do.  So, do you accept my challenge?
[Booster] Challenge?
* Ariel goes to a computer terminal and checks the sensor logs for when the powerlevel on the ship dropped.
[Gravedigger] Screwed, definitely screwed.
[Cipher] What challenge?
[Garland] You come to my home, and insult me as this. I do.
[Snipe] Hey, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, time out you two
* Snipe steps between them
[Snipe] Look, no need to fight.
* Garland glares at Snipe
[Snipe] I know things have been boring around here, but sheesh.
[Snipe] Computer Log: *detects the power level drop right before touching down*
* Shadow_Hunter smiles, hopeing for a fight
[Yeger] Out of my way.
[Yeger] This is a matter of honor.
[Garland] Snipe, move, or I'll move you.
*** Lady_Drusilla_Dagger has left #TAW
* Snipe glances at the others
[Snipe] No, I will not move.
* Ariel checks for any powerincreases in sensor range during that timeframe.
* Booster remains by Garland's side ready to attack Yegar if necessary...
[Garland] Booster, I won't need you.
* Garland smiles at Yeger
[Viper] What challenge are you talking about?
* Snipe walks out of the way
[Garland] I take it your lying to their censors.
[Snipe] Sheesh, I mean, he has a power level of 50.  You're going to kill him.
[Yeger] Perhaps.
[Snipe] Computer Log: *Detects none*
*** Gravedigger has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[Booster] Are you sure?...  What's going on here?
[Garland] I've done that from time to time. Though I don't care for the dis-honor of such.
* Yeger crosses arms, not moving
[Yeger] I am not here for your lectures, Garland Hianule
[Cipher] *sigh* Another battle where all I get to do is sit and watch
[Garland] You seems to know me well.
[Garland] How is this?
[Yeger] You are the strongest person to come from Parnel.  By defeating you, I'll take that spot.  
[Booster] What?!
[Garland] There are others who have proven stronger than me, but in the end, I've come out top.
[Snipe] Greaaaat, ego fight.
[Garland] Understand that.
[Yeger] That is why I challenge you and not them.  Besides, most of them are dead.
[Garland] You might win this day, but if you pursue further glory, I will crush you.
[Cipher] Hey, Snipe, could you order a dozen pizzas?
[Yeger] I would have fought the great Death Star, but he seemed to have kicked the bucket before I could.
[Snipe] I can not!
[Ariel] ... he isn't dead.
[Garland] Do you understand my statement?
[Booster] . o O (I don't like this...)
[Yeger] Then I look forward to defeating Death Star.
* Yeger turns to Garland
[Yeger] I do at that.
[Yeger] Just you and me.
[Garland] Then there is no need to see if you agree or not.
[Garland] I will fight you, but not here.
* Garland points outside
* Yeger glances outside
[Yeger] Fine
* Garland teleports
[Booster] Garland!
* Yeger hovers above the ground and flies outside
[Snipe] ....*Sighs*
* Snipe leans against Yeger's ship
* Garland stands there arms crossed, in space.
[Snipe] This is just plain ironic.
* Yeger stops in front of him
[Booster] ...I hope Garland hasn't gotten in over his head...
[Snipe] The kid is too weak to win.
[Garland] [Are there any rules you want.... Yeger?]
[Snipe] Besides, you've SEEN Garland.
[Yeger] [Anything's legal as far as I'm concerned.]
[Booster] NRP: Can we see them from inside?
[Cipher] Hey, Snipe... about those pizzas?
[Ariel] Something is up Snipe...
[Garland] [Very well.]
[Snipe] ...go to the cafeteria if you want pizza!
* Snipe turns to Ariel
[Snipe] Like what?
* Shadow_Hunter walks out of the hanger and down to the Mech-bay
* Garland gets into his zero gravity stance, which is different from his normal
* Yeger gets into a fighting stance
* Cipher moves to the comm and orders a dozen pizzas to the mech-bay
[Ariel] The powerlevel on the ship dropped without explination upon touchdown...
[Snipe] Well, if he DID mask his power level...
[Ariel] Either he can hide his power, or there's someone else on Origin that can.
*** X1 has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o X1
* Shadow_Hunter works on his Mech
* Booster looks at the others outside...
[Snipe] Who else could be on Origin doing that?
[Booster] NRP: Re.
[Snipe] I find Yaka something doing it disturbing enough.
[Garland] [Are you going to prepare at all?]
[Shadow_Hunter] NRP: WB
* Cipher begins seaching Yeger's ship trying to take it over
[Yeger] [I am prepared]
*** X1 has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[Ariel] I can't be sure...
[Snipe] Everyone, get sensor readings on those two
[Ariel] Better check his ship either way.
[Garland] *smile* [As am I.] *finishes powering up*
[Snipe] I want to know what their powerlevels
* Snipe directs Origin to scan Garland
[Garland] PL: 290 SL: 240
* Snipe scans Yeger
[Snipe] PL: 50  SL: 50
[Snipe] ....Man, Garland's got him on the ropes.
[Yeger] [Please.  Attack first.]
[Booster] I'm telling you, no one's that stupid...
[Snipe] ...weeeeeeeeell, I did fight Sigma once and thought I could win
[Snipe] Lets just say, I learned fast.
[Garland] [Not my style. I'm also smart, you can express your full force now.]
[Yeger] [I'd rather not.  And I can sit out here for a very long time.]
[Booster] Hmm...
* Booster just keeps an eye an the floating pair...
[Snipe] ...what are those two doing?
[Snipe] I'm getting bored.
[Garland] [So can I.]
[Yeger] [If I must]
[Ariel] You know he's got an ace up his sleeve, or else he wouldn't be doing something this crazy...
* Cipher checks over Yeger's ship's internal logs
* Yeger flies at Garland and punches at him 250 AP, SL 50
[Snipe] Logs: *just records his flight from Parnel here as uneventful*
* Cipher checks the internal power levels in detail
* Garland moves to the side, choping him in the neck (240 SL)
[Snipe] NRP: The ship's power level?
*** X1 has joined #taw
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o X1
* Yeger takes the blow and goes flying through space rapidly
[Garland] ( 6000 AP)
[Booster] NRP: Re again...
[Cipher] NRP: No, Yeger's during the trip
[Snipe] Logs: Shows his power level being at 300 briefly before vanishing
* Yeger stops himself
[Yeger] [So, that is the full impact of one of your punches]
* Yeger flies back up and faces Garland again
*** X1 is now known as Gravedigger
[Snipe] ...well, Garland just knocked the hell out of him.
* Cipher tries to send Garland a message about the power level varience
[Ariel] I've got a VERY bad feeling about this...
* Yeger swings at Garland again (250 AP, 50 SL)
[Booster] If he's really that weak, shouldn't he be running away now?
* Gravedigger clicks his tonuge
[Snipe] I agree with Ariel, I have a bad feeling about this.
[Snipe] No one that weak takes a punch like that and keeps going back.
* Cipher sabotages Yeger's ship and then moves back to the hanger
[Snipe] NRP:, did Gar die again?
* Cipher rolls into a corner and shutsdown to conserve power
[Booster] NRP: I got a ping reply...
[Garland] NRP: No,
* Shadow_Hunter climes into his Mech, doing a system check
[Garland] NRP: Dad wanted me to look at a new computer
* Yeger swings at Garland again (250 AP, 50 SL)
* Garland lets him hit.
* Yeger backs off and frowns
[Garland] .....
[Yeger] [You could have dodged that]
[Garland] [I know.]
* Yeger flies at Garland again
[Garland] [You are playing with me, I don't like it.]
* Garland flies back, avoiding him
* Yeger pulls back and swings (4,500 AP, SL 190)
[Booster] NRP: !
[Snipe] ...kid's power level is going up...
* Garland dodges
[Garland] [Thats more like it.]
* Garland punches him in the chest (6000 AP, 240 SL)
[Booster] Uh huh...
* Yeger swings again (6,000 AP, SL 240)
* Garland gets hit, but hits Yeger
[Garland] *mouths "Gah....."*
* Yeger flies back
* Gravedigger winces
[Gravedigger] Ow.
[Booster] Hrm...  I knew it...
[Garland] *mouths* KI...... AMA!!!!! *blasts 7725 AP 240 SL*
[Gravedigger] ...Shouldn't we be doing something?
* Yeger dodges
* Yeger blurs and elbows Garland in the back (7,500 AP, SL 300)
[Snipe] In space?
[Booster] I would be if Gar would allow it...
[Snipe] What, run him over in a mech?
[Gravedigger] I mean, this ain't like the Sigma fight, there isn't a forcefield out there.
* Garland clenches his teeth, this chest bulging as the elbow hits
[Garland] [Aghhhh!!!!]
[Yeger] [Now, Garland, you see who is the strongest]
* Yeger raises his fist and slams them over Garland's head to send him spiral through space
[Ariel] Well, Snipe, you know how you said you can't hide power?  Maybe he can just boost his really high.
[Snipe] .....That's it!
[Snipe] He has to be boosting up
[Booster] Huh?
* Garland flies 30 miles away in a blink of an eye
[Yeger] [I can take your punches...learn to take mine]
[Gravedigger] What? Wait, you think he might be using Hyper or something?
[Snipe], no, he's not using hyper.
[Snipe] But that little bugger gets stronger with every hit.
[Garland] .oO(DAMNIT! I knew he was hiding his power, but THIS MUCH!? This is something I would do.... heh. Shame I'm maxing out.)
[Gravedigger] Kinetic absorbtion?
* Snipe shrugs
[Snipe] Garland only hit him once.
* Garland looks at Yeger from 30 miles away
[Garland] [You're good, I'll give you that.]
* Yeger raises his hands over his head like he's going to mimic the kiama move
[Garland] .... *watches*
* Booster 's eyes widen...
* Yeger forms a purple orb and throws it down at Garland
* Yeger blurs away and appears behind Garland
[Garland] ..... *leers back at him, not moving*
* Yeger crosses arms
[Garland] [You're fast. Very fast.]
[Yeger] [Yeah, and you're about to be hit]
* Booster squints at the specks...
[Garland] [I know.] *is hit, and begins to absorb it*
* Yeger watches the electrcity in the blast hit him too
* Garland isn't being touched by the blast, then his mouth opens in a loud roar
[Yeger] [It hurts to perform that attack, but it was worth it to see you get hit]
[Snipe] ...*looks at the sensors*
[Garland] *crackles* [G..... G....How!?]
[Snipe] I think...Garland's....losing.
* Garland turns to him
[Ariel] If I could reach my true form... I'd show that guy a thing or two...
[Yeger] [That would be telling]
[Gravedigger] Uh, eek.
* Snipe watches Garland's PL dropping
[Garland] .o(The only reason I'm standing here is because I absorbed half of it.....)
* Yeger also seems to note Garland's weakening
[Booster] ...
[Snipe] ...the sensors aren't lying, Garland is in BIG trouble.
[Booster] Garland... no...
[Garland] ......
[Snipe] He has to call this stupid fight off.
* Garland narrows his eyes
* Yeger blurs above Garland
[Garland] [You win.]
* Yeger stops moving
* Yeger nods and holds out his hand
[Yeger] [Lets get you back]
[Garland] .oO(Hyper? No...... I'd kill him, I like him too much.)
[Garland] [I can do it myself.]
[Snipe] ...oh, no, Yeger's reaching out his hand to kill him!
[Snipe] I can't watch
* Garland flies back to Origin
* Snipe turns away from the monitor
[Ariel] Hmph...
* Garland flies, wiping blood from his forehead
[Booster] Whew...  Garland...
* Yeger blurs towards Origin
[Snipe] Hmph?
[Garland] .oO(It will be fun when I fight him again...)
* Snipe turns around
[Snipe] Did Garland win?
* Garland purposely falls back
[Ariel] No.
[Snipe] ....he LOST?
* Yeger blurs into the hanger and touches down
[Booster] At least you knew when to stop...
[Ariel] Seems he forfit.
[Garland] .oO(But then.. I never gave it much thought as to why I a--was the best of my race.... Hrm.)
* Snipe turns to Yeger
* Shadow_Hunter climes out of his Mech, hopeing down to the floor. He then walksou of the Mech-Bay and over to a window looking out of it into space
[Garland] Ariel: [Ariel, you and I are going to intensify our training.]
* Yeger closes his eyes and crosses his arms
[Shadow_Hunter] NRP: walks out
* Garland lands in the hangar
* Garland 's face is blood soaked
[Yeger] Good fight, Garland Hianule.
* Garland puts out his hand to shake, a human gesture.
* Snipe scans Yeger, but comes up with a 50 PL
[Garland] I am not sore from losing.
[Booster] NRP: Move my "At least you knew when to stop" line down to here.
* Yeger looks at the hand, hesistates, then shakes it
[Garland] Although it does give me a new goal to reach.
* Cipher bounces over to Yeger
[Gravedigger] NRP: Yeger: *hesitates, then bites it*
[Cipher] I boobytrapped your ship
[Snipe] I wouldn't mind fighting day.
[Yeger] You did...what?
[Cipher] I boobytrapped your ship
* Booster sighs.  "Well!  That's over...  Did you come for any reason other than to show off, Yeger?"
* Garland grabs Cipher
*** Rose has joined #TAW
* Yeger turns to Booster
[Garland] Remove them. Now.
[Cipher] Snipe, I'm going to need more paint
[Yeger] I am going around, trying to claim the title of being the best. 
* Yeger looks at Garland
* Garland drops Cipher
*** Rose has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Nick kill enforced)))
* Shadow_Hunter walks into the hanger, looking at everyone
[Yeger] I will remain here and aid you until Death Star returns.  Then I will ask him for a challenge.  After that, I'll have no more reason to stay.
[Garland] Yeger, may I know your family name?
* Cipher heads back inside Yeger's ship
* Yeger looks down in shame
[Booster] . o O (I wonder if he's heard of X and Zero...)
[Snipe] NRP: Garland's stronger than X and Zero)
[Booster] NRp: Ahh.
*** Rose has joined #TAW
[Booster] NRP: Never mind.
[Gravedigger] NRP: Yeger: It's...It's...It's Fluppypants! My family name is Fluppypants, alright???
[Snipe] NRP: So is Ariel and probably Wien.
* Yeger looks up
[Yeger] I perfect to keep that to myself.
[Yeger] (perfer)
* Cipher pops back out of Yeger's ship, now dripping paint
[Ariel] *looks down* .oO( Where are you DS...  when will you come back...? )
[Cipher] They're disarmed
* Yeger looks at Cipher irritated
[Garland] Alright. I also would like to challenge you again.
[Garland] But not now.
* Cipher a bucket falls on Cipher's head
[Yeger] If you wish, Garland Hianule.  I'll accept anytime you are ready.
* Booster breaks into a grin.
[Cipher] OK, now they're all disarmed
* Snipe shakes head
[Snipe] And what was the point in clobbering each other again?
[Garland] *grins* I respect you. You're a good fighter, and are mindful of honor.
[Garland] You wouldn't understand, John.
* Cipher leaves Yeger's ship
[Ariel] *smirks* Sounds like someone I wouldn't mind sparing with some time.
* Cipher spins, spraying paint everywhere
* Booster chuckles.  "What's not to understand?"
[Garland] ... *glances at Booster*
[Yeger] My I have a room?
* Ariel acks as she gets paint on her black jumpsuit
[Yeger] (May)
* Snipe wipes pain off his purple gi
[Snipe] Yay.
[Garland] I'm fine with your staying here.
* Booster ducks the paint...
* Yeger nods and walks away, brushing back his spikey blonde hair
*** Yeger has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Garland wipes himself off, his wounds healed.
[Ariel] *looks down at her jumpsuit* ...why am I suddenly reminded of clowns...
* Gravedigger morphs a whole in his chest and lets the paint go right on through
[Snipe] That reminds me of 'Santa'.
[Gravedigger] (hole, rather)
[Garland] Ariel, come here for a moment.
* Snipe rubs chin
* Ariel nods and joins Garland.
[Snipe] So, I have someone else to become stronger than now.
* Snipe watches Yeger go
[Snipe] Oy...the path to being the best is too hard
* Shadow_Hunter walks out of the hanger and back into the Mech-Bay to work on his Mech
* Snipe watches SH
[Gravedigger] Y'know, Wien ain't gonna be too happy when he finds out about this guy.
[Garland] [You and I are the strongest here. I also know you are trying to become stronger, while I'm looking for something I'm not at will to say.]
* Snipe looks at Grave
[Snipe] Why?
[Snipe] He wants to be the best to?
[Garland] [What do you say?]
[Ariel] NRP: *fails to see what Gar is asking*
[Snipe] NRP: He wants you to fuse with him
[Gravedigger] No, but something tells me he's not going to like all of these 'quest for glory' fights.
[Garland] NRP: To go into HEAVY training with him...
[Snipe] Way too many of them...and I haven't been in ONE of them.
[Snipe] Not ONE!
* Ariel nods.
[Snipe] I hate the sidelines.
[Snipe] *BAM*
* Shadow_Hunter works on the main power cell
* Snipe looks up at the loud noise and sees a broom laying on the hanger floor
[Garland] ... *looks at Snipe*
[Garland] You want to be the best?
[Garland] ...
[Garland] Ariel, I'll be in my training room. I'll have training clothes ready for you.
[Booster] Well, speaking of getting ready, I think I have an appointment to get to now that it's clear what's going on here...
* Cipher hover near Snipe, still dripping paint
[Snipe] What?  We all want to be the world's strongest
* Garland pulls off his shirt, which is only half there from the fight
[Cipher] I hate the sidelines too
* Snipe crosses his arms
[Garland] We're in space.
[Snipe] I miss the good old days where we use the gun
* Snipe points at his rifle
[Snipe] Remember THE GUN folks?
[Snipe] When it was stronger than THE FIST
* Garland throws it in the trash can, heading for his training room
[Garland] Nothing is stronger than the spirit, which is manefested in the fist.
[Gravedigger] Nah,I remember....THE SHOVEL! *whips out his shovel and starts spinning it around*
[Snipe] still USE that shovel?
[Ariel] I don't want to be the strongest...  just to be able to protect my friends and family.
[Snipe] Get with the new century.
[Snipe] We poud each other and blur around.
[Cipher] I like the Axre
* Booster can't help but laugh as he heads out...
* Gravedigger bops Snipe with the head of the shovel
[Snipe] OW!
* Snipe rubs head
[Snipe] That HURT!
[Gravedigger] But I bet you didn't see it coming!
* Snipe thwacks Grave with his gun
[Gravedigger] Ow!
[Snipe] Just like you didn't see that.
* Gravedigger slaps Snipe
[Snipe] OW!
[Ariel] Well, while you guys goof off, I'm off.
* Snipe punches Grave
* Garland takes a showers, cleaning himself of dried blood. He then puts on a white gi, which has heavy fibers and weights sewn in.
* Gravedigger bites Snipe's fist
[Snipe] OW!
[Gravedigger] Neerrraagghh!
* Snipe rubs his hand
[Snipe] That's not fair!  You're suppose to blur!
[Gravedigger] I'll give you blur!
* Cipher dips himself in terpentine and then heads back to the fight
* Snipe sees Cipher and runs off
* Gravedigger rips apart around Snipe then reforms behind him
* Snipe runs into Grace
[Snipe] (Grave
* Shadow_Hunter stopes, putting the platting back on
* Ariel starts walking to Gar's training room, stopping to check on Katrina on the way.
[Gravedigger] Bluck!
[Snipe] Katrina: *sucks on a lollipop*
* Snipe trips
[Snipe] Ow.
* Gravedigger gets caught up on Snipe
* Cipher follows Snipe
* Snipe tries to escape
[Gravedigger] Help, I've melted and can't get up!
[Ariel] *smiles* Where'd you get that?
* Garland turns the thermostat to as hot as it will go, setting the artificial gravity higher than normal.
[Snipe] I'm stuck in goo!  Goo!
[Garland] NRP: You KNEW it would happen eventually.
* Gravedigger gets caught up in Snipe's legs
[Snipe] Katrina: HE gave it to me.
[Ariel] He?
[Snipe] Hey, bad touch, Grave!  BAD Touch!
[Snipe] Katrina: The man with black hair.
[Cipher] Hey Snipe, I'm bored
[Garland] NRP: Black?
* Ariel blinks.
[Snipe] I'm being molested.
[Ariel] Which man with black hair dear?
[Gravedigger] YOU'RE being molested! Watch where you're stepping!
[Cipher] So, I'm still bored
[Snipe] Katrina: *shrugs*
[Snipe] where you ooze!
[Gravedigger] NRP: Wien: *gives Katrina a lollipop* And if anyone asks, I am NOT a stranger!
[Snipe] NRP: *falls down laughing*
* Garland tightens his boots, gloves, belt, and whatever else.
[Garland] NRP: lol
* Shadow_Hunter climes into the Mech doing another system check
[Ariel] *nods* I'm going to go train with uncle Garland for a bit, but I'll come back right after.
* Garland sighs, preparing himself for adjusting himself to electricity damage.
[Snipe] Katrina: *nods, sucking her lollipop* He told me to say hi.
[Shadow_Hunter] Mech computer] power levels at 100%
* Gravedigger crawls/oozes away
* Snipe goes to take a bath, feeling...dirty.
[Ariel] *smile* Tell him Hi for me if you see him again, 'kay?
[Snipe] Katrina: *nods and smiles*
[Snipe] (Yeger: *takes out the black hair dye* Now that I poisoined her, I can rule the world*)
* Ariel kisses Katrina on the forehead, then heads down to Gar's training room.
* Shadow_Hunter nods, geting out of the Meck. Then heading off to the control room
[Snipe] Session Ends