Session 92: The Labyrinth Saga - Pathways

[Snipe] Time Chart: August 15th
[Snipe] Location: Yurian; The Labyrinth
* Snipe adjusts his coat as the snow blows
[Snipe] Ya know, Dias, I think it was stupid we came here alone.
* Snipe stands at the entrance, arms crossed
[Dias] ....WHat's there to be afraid of?
[X1] NRP: And off somewhere, in the desolote distance...a monkey cries for his pants.
[Snipe] Well, you heard the transmission.  The natives want us to remove this ancient evil....
[Grace] NRP: I can't join...right?
[Snipe] NRP: No..
* Snipe turns to Dias, adjusting his black coat and shaking the snow off
* Dias scratches the back of his head
[Snipe] You think the others' came across that transmission yet?  IF they learn we ran off without them.
[Dias] How evil can it be?
[Dias] I give 'em a couple hours.
[Grace] Nrp: ok
[Snipe] ...well, ancient evils usually have to do with this old, old evil that wrecks havoic on the planet.
[Dias] Hmm....well we did take on some pretty strong opponents ya know.
[Snipe] Don't remind me.  All we've been doing since my birthday is training.  Origin's dull as hell.
[Snipe] And I'm worried about Elayne's stability.
[Dias] I know....we need to throw a party.
[Dias] What's wrong with her
* Snipe listens to a moan come from the cave
* Dias turns his head towards the cave
[Snipe] First she's possessed by this...thing, then after it leaves, the next day she kills the manager, who was unable to defend himself
[Snipe] I mean, he did start the fight, but he's a cripple.
[Dias]'s gotta be takin it hard
[Snipe] She doesn't remember.
[Dias] That's good...let's hope she doesn't.
[Snipe] Plus I don't like being alone near Garland anymore.
[Dias] Garlands too uptight.
[Snipe] Garland knows I like Elayne.
[Dias] He can't accept it can he? He couldn't accept it when she liked me.
[Snipe] I still don't see why you two don't hook up.  All you have to do is apologize to her.
[Dias] It's too late...
* Snipe adjusts his coat again and leans against the cave wall
[Snipe] Nothing's too late.
[Dias] I'm a dollar short and a day late.
[Snipe] Yeah, well, my dying certainly won't be a good thing for her either.
[Dias] And she seems to be happy with you and you seem to be happy with her. I don't wanna ruin that
* Snipe fishes out the pendant Elayne gave him
* Garland comes over the hill, looking at the cave
[Dias] NRP: NEINE!
* Snipe looks up at the snowstorm
[Snipe] Doesn't this planet know it's summer?
[Garland] .oO(Those idiots... Why'd they run off here alone?.... Why'd I follow?)
[Garland] .oO(Oh yeah... Elayne likes John.)
[Dias] Planets got different season I guess
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* Snipe steps into the cave to get out of the shelter
[Snipe] (Er, to get into shelter)
[Snipe] Yeah, well, I hate snow.
[Dias] Well let us head on. *steps in with Snipe*
[Dias] I thought you came over that weakness a lil.
* Snipe walks into the darkness of the maze and goes right
[Snipe] I do, but snow brings back too many memories
* Dias grabs onto Snipes coat and follows behind him.
* Snipe puts up the pendant
[Dias] Sorry to hear that Sni...
[Pteryx] NRP: Why didn't anyone tell me the session was actually happening until itstarted?  And what's going on?
[Snipe] NRP: Snipe and Dias ran off to go on a mission without the others.
[Garland] NRP: They didn't tell me, either.
* Snipe grabs an old torch off the wall
[Dias] NRP: Ohh...oops.
[Snipe] Here, light this.
[Dias] With what?
[Snipe] ....your eye lazers?
* Garland looks back at his shuttle
[Dias] Oh yeah...*eyes glow a bright red as they fire off nailin the torch*
* Snipe watches it explode on fire and burn brightly, plus quickly
[Snipe] YEEEOW!
[Dias] Oops..
* Snipe listens to his voice echo through the labyrinth
[Pteryx] NRP: Hmm...  On second thought, I'll pass... rather work on my own RPG tonight.
[Snipe], I think everyone knows we're here.
[Dias] Well thats ok I guess
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* Garland slides down the hill, snow parting his way
[Snipe] ...oh, sure, getting ambushed in a dark, dark underground village is my idea of a good time!
* Snipe continues to walk through the maze, going left
[Dias] Heh, sounds good to me. *takes a left with Snipe*
* Garland jogs for the enterance to the maze
[Snipe] NRP: Ya know, we could play Purgatory for the amze scene.
[Garland] NRP: yep.
[Snipe] NRP: Shall wE?
[Garland] NRP: How would we log?
[Snipe] NRP: We wouldn't...
[Dias] NRP: Huh?
[Snipe] NRP: Purgatory, JK level, has a maze.
[Dias] NRP: Ohh....
[Dias] NRP: Nah...or maybe more as a side thing.
[Snipe] NRP: Lets do half the session in the JK level/half in here.
[Snipe] NRP: Besides, Part 2 of the Labyrinth Saga is the best part.
[Dias] NRP: *doesn't know where his JK cds are or has Purgatory*
[Snipe] NRP: Glance around for it.
[Dias] NRP: K
* Garland enters the cave
[Garland] Hmm.... two ways...
* Snipe waves the torch around
[Snipe] Hmmm...right or left?
* Garland goes right from the first turn
[Dias] How bout left cuz I'm a leftie.
* Snipe turns left again
[Snipe] Ya know, I did some research on this planet on the way over here.
[Dias] What did ya learn?
[Snipe] That everyone who entered this cave never came out again.  Literally, they were in the world of the dead.  
* Snipe stops at the dead end
* Garland calls out
[Snipe] Look like we head back.
[Garland] John? Dias! Where are you?
* Snipe turns around and walks straight, taking what would have been the right path
[Snipe] Also, afterward, one person managed to escape.
[Dias] What of him? *follows behind him*
[Snipe] Well, the dude was insane.  He lost his mind in here.  Said he saw demons, floating islands, the dead, his worst nightmares.
[Snipe] He died within a few months.
* Snipe stops and look at the path head left now
[Dias] You ever been in Slashers room?
* Snipe turns left
[Snipe] No, thank God.
[Dias] It can't be half as bad in here as it was there.
* Dias takes a left along with Snipe
[Snipe] GM: *spikes leap out of the wall and fly in front of them, attaching to the other side of the maze wall.  Skulls hang on them*
[Snipe] ...oh...oh...really?
[Dias] ......maybe not...
[Snipe] ...should we...head back out...?
* Garland looks around
[Dias] ....I saw...might as well finish it got anything so we can mark our way?
[Garland] John! ....  Dias!
* Garland listens for any reply
* Snipe hears a slight moaning echo saying John...Dias
[Dias] ...Ghosts?
[Snipe] Ghosts?
* Snipe sighs and groans
[Snipe] Great, maybe that insane dude was right.
[Dias] .....We can do this...
[Garland] Damnit!!! Where the hell are you guys! You'd think this was a maze with all these turns!
[Snipe] ....for a ghost, it sure is pissy.
[Dias] NRP: no stupid..a Labryinth
[Dias] Reminds me a lot of someone...shall we continue?
* Snipe grabs his rifle and shoots a design into the wall
[X1] NRP: Where's David Bowe when ya really need him?
[Snipe] Yeah, lets get out of here. 
* Snipe moves past the spikes
[Snipe] Wiendigo would make himself at home here.
* Dias makes his way past the spikes
[Snipe] I wonder who designed this place?  *keeps walking forward and comes to another left/right passage*
[Dias] Home sweet home for that nutcase
[Garland] .... Ragh... *comes to a three way*
[Dias] I wanna know how they designed it..
[Snipe] ...with toothpicks and a lot of time?
[X1] NRP: Three-way! WOOO!
[Dias] I don't know...
[Dias] Do you know how long this place has been here?
[Snipe] The natives claim it's always been here.
[Snipe] And that's about 6 thousand years.
[Dias] You think maybe an alien race before them?
[Snipe] I think something else.
[Dias] Maybe this is hell...
* Snipe goes right and suddenly the floor breaks away
[Snipe] WAAHH!
* Snipe falls
[Dias] Snipe?! *takes a stepforward, stepping where the ground used to be and starts falling*
[Dias] AHHHHHH!!!!
* Snipe grabs the side of the floor and hangs there, dangling
* Garland slams his fist into the wall, finding himself unable to backtrack
* Snipe watches dias fall toward the spikes
[Snipe] ...DIAS!
* Dias grabs onto Snipe's leg
[Snipe] UGh!
* Dias a piece of his armor flies out and attaches to the wall
* Snipe holds on with all his energy, every momvement causing the floor to giveway more
* Garland hears it, and like a flash he spins, running
* Dias tries to climb up the rope of his armor
[Garland] RAGH!!!
* Snipe loses his grip more
* Garland looks at left/right
[Garland] John!?
[Snipe] ...Garland?!
[Garland] Where are you!?
[Dias] Hold on Snipe..
[Snipe] ...past the spikes!
[Snipe] To the right!
[Snipe] And down!
[Dias] NRP: Garland: What Spik..*gets a spike in his ass* OUCH!
* Dias makesh is way back up
* Garland passes the entrance, not caring, and then hurries by the directions he heard, as much as he heard, anyway
* Snipe looks down at the spikes slowly coming up
[Dias] Snipe grab onto my hand! *reaches out*
* Garland runs
* Snipe looks at Dias
[Snipe] Ha...ha...I can't...
* Garland slides to the pit
[Snipe] If I stretch, the floor will break.
[Garland] John!
* Dias reaches over and grabs onto Snipes hand
* Garland grabs John's wrist
[Dias] ....*looks at Garland*
* Snipe looks up
* Garland starts pulling John up
[Snipe] Hi
[Garland] Hold onto John, Dias!
[Snipe] GM: *floor cracks under garland*
* Dias is away from Snipe on solid ground
[Dias] ...wait..garland can't you fly?
[Snipe] GM: *floor breaks*
* Garland floats in the air
[Garland] ...Yes.
[Dias] Bah..
[Snipe] GM: *spikes shoot down from the ceiling and impale Garland in the shoulder*
[Garland] RAGH!!!!
[Snipe] ...GAR!
[Snipe] GM: *keep going straight down, through his side*
* Garland throws John over the ledge on to solid ground
* Snipe rolls along the ground and hops back up
[Snipe] ...GARLAND!
[Dias] GARLAND!!
[Garland] Agh-----ah......spits up blood, looking for a way out of this
[Snipe] GM: *spikes attach to spikes on the bottom, making a solid line*
[Snipe] ....My God, it's gone straight through your body...!
* Dias eyes glow hot red as he releases a blast at the spikes
[Snipe] GM: *spikes shatter, breaking off in Garland*
[Garland] GAHRGH!
* Snipe flinches
[Dias] Ouch...
[Snipe] Good one, Dias..
[Dias] I tried!
[Snipe] Fly over here, Garland!
* Garland rolls over in pain, floating up. Blood is dripping from his wounds steadily
* Garland hits the ground infront of them, a spike completely through his shoulder
[Dias] Hold still Garland. *charges his eye lasers enough to melt Garlands skin and he starts firing at his wounds to seal them up*
* Snipe walks over and props Garland up against the wall and yanks the spike out
* Snipe throws it aside
[Snipe] And what are YOU doing here alone?
[Dias] We need to seal those wounds up Snipe..
[Garland] RAGH! *clenches eyes as he rips it*
[Snipe] Yeah, but leaving the spikes in him will just cause him more pain.
[Garland] Saving..... your.. asses......
[Snipe] Our asses, by yourself?
[Dias] .....think you can take them out?
* Snipe grabs his saber
* Garland throws himself agains the wall
* Snipe thumbs it on
[Snipe] Okay, Gar, this is going to hurt, like hell.
* Garland looks at John
[Garland] .... Do it.
[Snipe] NRP: *chops off Gar's head*
[Dias] I'll seal them up once you yank em out
* Snipe kneels down and does a small cut in Garland's side, splitting it open. He uses the saber to burn the skin back to reveal the next spike portion
* Garland clenches his teeth, his breath suddering as he does this
[Snipe] Hey, Dias, think you can help keep the skin pulled back for me?
[Dias] How?
[Snipe] ....good question
[Snipe] But unless I cut him REALLY far up, we're not getting that out through this small cut.
[Dias] .....*thinks* Maybe if I use my eye lasers like a cutteR?
* Snipe holds his saber in a parry position
[Snipe] Go for it.  I'll cut the spike in two and try to rip it out 
[Garland] *grunt* If you can't.... I will....
* Dias lets out a small weak shot on the spike area nd slowly splices it open
* Snipe slashes with the saber like he's going to chop Garland in two
* Snipe suddenly pulls back and cleanly hits the spike
[Snipe] Broken.
[Snipe] ...*looks at the blood oozing out and grimaces*
[Snipe] Okay, reaching in there is not my idea of fun..
[Dias] Yank it out now. *stops*
* Snipe reaches toward the wound slowly
[Garland] RAGH!!!!!!!
* Garland would hold his side, but it'd not help.
* Snipe makes a yuck sound, reaches into the wound and pulls out a portion of the spike, his hand covered in Garland's blood
[Snipe] Damn, my hand feels heavy..
* Snipe glances back in
[Snipe] Hrm, the next one is in his ribs...
[Snipe] Guess breaking it knocked it back some.
[Dias] ........then we need to seal this one up first
[Snipe] No, I can get it
[Dias] You sure?
[Snipe] ...well, if Garland passes out and dies, then I'll know I was wrong.
[Dias] Heh.....sorry.
* Snipe jabs his fist into Garland's side
[Garland] AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Snipe] Damn, this
* Snipe grabs Garland's rib on accident
[Snipe] I think I have it!
[Snipe] Okay, on 3, I'm yanking this baby out.
[Snipe] 1....
[Snipe] 2...
[Garland] *break his knocked out of him, face contorts into PURE PAIN*
[Snipe] 3...*yanks on the rib*
[Snipe] Damn, this sucker is attached.
[Garland] GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dias] ........MY EAR!!
* Snipe flinches
[Snipe] I wish we could put him under
* Snipe reaches over, grabs the actual spike, and pulls it out, cutting things on the way out
[Snipe] Done.
* Garland 's roar deafens them and shakes the labirynth
* Snipe looks at his hand covered in silver blood and covered in gore
[Snipe] ....gross....I'm going to have nightmares about this..
[Dias] My turn *Charges up his eyes and fires a blast at both spots sealing them up
* Snipe looks at dust fall from the ceiling due to the yelling
[Dias] He's gonna bring this place down
[Snipe] And bury us alive.
* Snipe shakes his head, trying to get Garland's inards off
[Dias] ....shut him up..?
[Snipe] Yuck, yuck
* Snipe wipes his hand on the wall
* Garland slouches over
[Snipe] Nah, he's quiet now
[Dias] K
[Snipe] Garland...can you hear me?
* Garland has a cold sweat, his teeth still clenched
[Snipe] Nod if you understand.
* Snipe glances at Dias
* Garland nods, though shakingly
[Snipe] I hope he isn't going into sh---there's that nod.
[Dias] Heh..
[Snipe] Okay, Garland, are you here alone?
[Garland] E..Ever......y.... one wanted....... to..... w-wait.. a...b-bit..
[Snipe] the chances of help showing up is...zlinch?
[Dias] Sigh..
* Snipe turns to Dias
[Snipe] We need to get him out of here, he needs some medical attention.
[Garland] They'll... show..... I think.
* Snipe pulls out his comm.
[Snipe] Oh, lets just see if a miracle will work
[Snipe] Comm: 'lo?  Origin?  Can you pick up this thousands upon thousands lightyear message?
* Dias listens
[Garland] I didn't...... wait because.... You might've....killed yourselves..... before we got here....
[Snipe] I doubt the comm will go through these walls.
[Dias] ...your an ass
[Snipe] Yeah, but in your heroic act, now you're in trouble.
[Snipe] Comm: Since you can't hear me, you're all stupid assholes!  NAH NAH NAH NAH
* Snipe throws his comm back into his coat pocket
* Garland glares at Snipe
[Snipe] Couldn't resist.
[Garland] ....At least we're not dead.
[Dias] ...well what do we do with gimpy here?
[Snipe] Try to get him out.
[Snipe] Of course, I don't know which way that is anymore.
[Dias] I think I know a way to try.
[Dias] If you place your hand on one wall and follow that wall we should come upto the exit.
[Snipe] ......oh?
[Dias] I'm pretty sure.
[Snipe] ...uh huh...
[Dias] So do we wanna give it a try?
[Snipe] No
[Dias] Fine.
* Snipe bends down and helps Garland up
[Snipe] We try to get out of here.
* Garland gets up
* Garland winces as his internal organs move when he walks
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[Dias] Well which way do we wanna go?
[Snipe] I don't know
[Snipe] I'm also pissed no one can hear our comm transmissions
[X1] NRP: Session
[Seraphna] NRP: Can I join in?
[Garland] NRP: SEWA!!!!
[Snipe] NRP: Not likely.
[Seraphna] NRP: I'll look for an opening
* Snipe walks straight ahead
[Dias] Well since we can't get past those spikes we should head the other way.
[Dias] NRP: Good luck.
[Snipe] NRP: Won't be one in this Part 1 of 2.
[Garland] NRP: If you start at the beginning of the maze, following Gar's shuttle
[Snipe] NRP: ... you want her to get lost and die?
* Snipe keeps his comm on
[Seraphna] NRP: What about Chiere teleport?
[Snipe] NRP: No teleporting inside the labyrinth
[Garland] NRP: No, but you won't do that, now, will you?
[Garland] NRP: Well, now I know not to try it at all.
[Snipe] So, you said the others decided to wait?  Surprised Elayne and Sera waited.
[Snipe] And Diamondback.  He's always a cocky one.
[Garland] I told them to... Don't want them lost... or worse.
[Dias] Elayne quit the Wriaths didn't she?
* Snipe turns left
* Dias turns left with Snipe
[Snipe] Yeah, still, I can't see her letting Garland march off on his own
[Dias] Good point
[Snipe] What about Ariel?  Or Wiendigo?
[Snipe] Or Ripple?
[Dias] Wien would love to see us die....Ariel I don't know. 
[Garland] They wanted to wait for the climate to warm up. Wiendigo just didn't care.
[Seraphna] NRP: *Looks around at a map...* Did he say left turn or right at Station Ap=lpha 5?
* Snipe keeps listening to the static of the comm
[Snipe] ...what would DS do in this situation...
[Dias] Use his instincts.
[Snipe] 'duck'?
[Seraphna] NRP: He'd say, "Step by STep! AGGH!! *Foot gets hit with spike*
* Dias squats down
* Snipe ducks
* Snipe eases Garland down
* Snipe kneels there, looking around
[X1] NRP: DS: ...Uh, okay, I'm all outta thoughts...Anyone have any ideas? Anyone? Helllloooo?
[Dias] Nothing?
* Garland is intense pain
[Dias] NRP: DS: *from far away* HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! *laughs at them*
[Snipe] much for my instincts...
[Garland] This isn't something that's just gonna heal... heh.....
* Snipe stands back up only to be hit by a spike in the arm
* Snipe goes flying back
* Snipe lands flat on his back
[Dias] SHIT! crawls over to Snipe
[Snipe] instinct's timing sucks..
* Snipe looks at his left arm, grimaces, and yanks it out with his right arm
* Snipe grabs the comm
* Garland pushes Snipe into the wall
* Dias looks at Garland
[Snipe] GM: *hears a click*
[Garland] That's not funny, not in th----e... least.
[Snipe] ...*spikes leap out and impale Snipe*
[Snipe] GAH!
[Dias] Oh shit...SNIPE!!! *stands up and grabs onto Snipe*
* Snipe spits out blood
* Snipe tries to mouth off a joke
[Snipe] Guhs...gyah...*passes out*
[Seraphna] NRP: *Sarlen yawns* wonder where the others are goofing off...
[Dias] ...shut up you fool. *grabs one of the spikes and rips it out of Snipe's body*
[Seraphna] NRP: Sera] Yeah... wonder where they got to... oh well PIZZA'S HERE!
[Snipe] Comm: *bounces along the ground*
[Snipe] Comm: *spins and dangles on the edge of a hole*
[Garland] ...Shi....... *doesn't finish the word*
* Dias quickly seals the wound*
* Dias turns to the comm, dives and slides towards it*
[Snipe] Comm: *falls over the edge*
* Dias tries reaching for it
[Snipe] Comm: *is...grabbed!*
[Dias] ...Shew..
[Snipe] GM: *ground breaks under Dias*
[Dias] Ahh crap...*spins around and latches onto the edge
* Garland pulls Snipe off the wall
* Snipe is still bleeding out his mouth
[Garland] Damnit.... Why does this happen to me all the time....?
* Garland is healing him for.... +1 HP/Sec....... NRP: *grumble*
[Dias] ....fuc....*dangles on the edge, one hand holding him up, the other holding the comm
[Snipe] NRP: Yeah, will, with your kidneys explodes inside of you and your spleen impaled, that won't help mcuh
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - La la la la *fizzes out*
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - Di~~~~~~~~~~?
[Dias] Comm: WERE ON A PLANET!!
[Snipe] Comm: Computer -
[Dias] Comm: WE NEED HELP! Snipes been impaled and is bleeding internally, Garlands insides are a mess and I'm hanging on an edgE!!
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - What ~~~~~~?
[Dias] Comm: YOU HEARD ME!
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - ~~~~~~anet~~~~?
* Garland sets Snipe on a -safe- wall, then sits back himself
[Garland] Ugh.....
[Garland] NRP: brb
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - ~~~~~~~iot
[Dias] Comm: ....
[Dias] Comm: WERE ON YURIAN!
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - ~~~~~peat!
[Seraphna] NRP: May I?
[Dias] Comm: YURIAN!!!!! YU! RI! AN!
[Snipe] NRP: Comm in, sure.
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - That's 7 hours away~~~~~~~no can~~~~~elp
[Seraphna] Comm: Got it DIas
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - ~~~~ry
[Garland] NRP: Back.
[Seraphna] Comm: We'll gath*** w**t we **n
[Seraphna] Comm: **ger
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - You'll~~~~~ead~~~~in~~~~~ours
* Dias continues to hang on the edge
[Dias] Comm: WHAT?!
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - According~~~~~~ounds~~~~~tioned~~~~~die~~~~~~~2~~~~~ours
[Seraphna] Comm: Ignor** com**ter
[Garland] S...Sera....?
[Dias] Comm: DIE IN 2 HOURS?!\
[Seraphna] Comm: We're ***ing
[Snipe] Comm: Computer - Igno~~~~~~Sera
[Seraphna] Comm: ****ing ***puter
[Snipe] Comm: *goes totally dead, since it's not a DS brand comm*
[Dias] GOD DAMNT PIECE OF SHIT! *Slams it down the hole*
[Seraphna] NRP: Hey Gar has one correct???
[Snipe] NRP: Yep.
* Dias reaches up with his free hand and hangs there for awhie
* Snipe slides over and hits the ground, twitching
* Dias tries to pull himself up
[Snipe] Session Paused
Session Close: Fri Nov 17 21:15:38 2000

Session Start: Fri Nov 17 21:23:18 2000
* Logging #taw to 'logs\#taw.log'
[Yeger] Location: Yurian, Skies
[Seraphna] NRP: Yes you are yes you are!!! ;)
[Yeger] Time Chart: 7 hours and 20 mins. later
* Yeger leans back in the shuttle's chair
* Seraphna looks out the viewport anooyed...
[Seraphna] We're later than expected...
[Slasher] Sigh....
[Yeger] Computer: *is a little line on a monitor on the shuttle.  Whenever he talks, the line moves in his voice* I fear that if Dias' was correct, the team would have been dead for a good 5 hours now.
[Yeger] Hianule is not dead.
[Yeger] NRP: Or is that Hinaule?
[Slasher] I don't think theyre dead.
[Yeger] NRP: *kicks himself*
[Seraphna] My husband is not dead...
[Yeger] Computer: Well, shall I do an autopilot and fly you in?
[Yeger] GM: *the blizzard wrecks havoic on the shuttle*
[Seraphna] Why the hell not... 
[Yeger] Shuttle: *tilts as the computer takes control*
* Slasher shifts his weight and doesn't move
[Yeger] Shuttle: *zooms forward, fighting the snow*
[Yeger] Can anyone tell me why they came here?
[Gravedigger] ...Joy.
[Slasher] Son.
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* Seraphna shruggs, "I wasn't briefed... as usual..."
[Yeger] Shuttle: *dips downward*
* Slasher shifts his weight again
[Gravedigger] 'Cause they're fool-hearty adventures with a death-wish thirst?
[Yeger] I took Hinaule as someone different.
[Slasher] ....He's just a moron that wants to save everyone.
[Yeger] Shuttle: *hits a snow drift and goes spinning down the hill past Gar's shoulder and hits the side of the cave*
[Yeger] Computer: Here
* Seraphna adjusts her weapons and glares at Slasher
[Yeger] (shuttle)
[Slasher] Nice landing Comp..
[Seraphna] I am in the same- GAH!
[Gravedigger] Uh, Slasher? Not the best thing to say when the guy's wife is in ear shot...
* Seraphna supports herself mentally
[Yeger] Computer: I tried to mimic Death Star's manuevers
* Slasher ignores her and walks to the door opens it and steps out
[Yeger] - 9[Gundam Wing - Last Impression.mp39] 9-9 [6.90mb 7m32s 128kbps 44khz joint stereo9]
* Yeger opens the door and hops out into the snow
* Gravedigger dives out into the snow
[Seraphna] And I wondered why Ariel hates him...
* Gravedigger giggles
* Seraphna leaps out and looks around
* Slasher makes a snowball and chucks it at Grave
[Gravedigger] This rmeinds me of home...*flops down and starts making snow angels*
* Yeger looks at the entrance of the cave
[Yeger] No time for fun.
* Gravedigger isn't hit as he plops down in the snow
[Seraphna] Hmm.. cave in snow covered lands... dosen't look very safe... or sane...
* Yeger walks into the cave entrance
* Slasher walks towards the entrance of the cave
[Gravedigger] Hey, there's always time for fun!
* Yeger looks around the dark hallways
* Slasher walks in behind Yeger
* Seraphna walks in
* Gravedigger grumbles and reluctantly follows
[Yeger] I see some ashes from a fire.
[Slasher] I advise we make a trail so we can find our way back.
* Yeger points into the dark
[Gravedigger] Wanna play in the snow...
[Seraphna] Grave... NOW!
[Gravedigger] I'm comin', I'm comin'! Yeesh, keep your scales on...
[Seraphna] The "brains" of the group actually has a good idea...
[Yeger] For those who can't see in the dark...get yourselves a light
* Yeger heads left
* Seraphna follows
[Slasher] ...if you weren't a woman...
[Seraphna] ...if Cheryl didn't like you...
* Slasher pulls out a scanner and places it over his eyes
[Yeger] Can't you people can anything but bicker?
[Yeger] Snipe's dying or dead.
[Yeger] Hinaule's close to death.
[Gravedigger] NRP: Does anyone know a 'Den-Den'?
[Seraphna] Yes.. we can argue...
[Seraphna] What?
[Yeger] And that...Di--person's claims he's hanging for dear life.
[Gravedigger] Yes, we can also banter, chortle, argue, fued...
[Slasher] That also was 7 hours ago.
[Yeger] Which proves my point of their survival being nothing.
[Slasher] Don't count my boy out ass..or Snipe for that matter
[Yeger] But you people will make so much noise that you'll alert whatever the others' came here for.  I'll find them myself.
* Yeger dashes to the right and out of sight
* Seraphna watches him
[Gravedigger] Yep, that fella's got his panties in a bunch again.
[Seraphna] Damn him!
[Yeger] GM: *sera's words echo*
[Slasher] I hope he gets lost....*quickly changes his vision to night vision and takes a right*
[Yeger] GM: *Slasher comes to a bend where he can go left or right*
* Slasher looks down both the halls
[Seraphna] Well brains.. where to?
[Seraphna] Last timew I picked we almost died...
* Slasher is away from Sera
[Seraphna] NRP: N/m then
[Yeger] Dias: Hey, dad...head right!
[Slasher] NRP: Well you could react to that.
[Slasher] RIGHT?!
[Gravedigger] Look at the groun-Oh listen to the voices...
[Yeger] Dias: I could smell ya.
[Seraphna] Grave.. stay with me...
[Slasher] I'll give ya that ass *takes a right*
* Seraphna mentally scans for Slasher
[Yeger] GM: *spikes shoot out and nail Slasher in the side*
[Slasher] GUH!!! *grabs on the spikes and pushes them out*
[Slasher] DAMNT!.
[Yeger] Dias:  What's talking you so long, old man?
* Seraphna heads towards him, stepping slowly and both smelling, and listening for danger
[Seraphna] (enhanced senses)
* Slasher living metal forms into his armor and sealing over the wounds
[Garland] Seraphna, go straight!
[Yeger] GM: *the entire labyrinth reeks of danger*
* Gravedigger follows
* Seraphna shakes her head
*** Yeger is now known as GM
[Slasher] *continues on taking his time*
[Gravedigger] NRP: Sorry, gonna be a minute, dealing with this guy
[GM] Dias: Da---GYAAAAH
* /sound: no such file 'tgc-danger.imd'
[Seraphna] That voice is too strong for someone injured... and this smell is wrong...
[Slasher] DIAS!!! *Starts runnind down the hall keeping an eye out*
[GM] *Slasher runs into a dead end*
[Slasher] *SLAM!* OOOF! *slides down the wall*
[Seraphna] WHat do I do...
[Seraphna] This is wrong...
[Seraphna] Every fiber of my being says it is...
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[Seraphna] NRP: Size of the cave?
[Slasher] DIAS!!!
[GM] NRP: It's 7 feet wide and 10 feet tall; walls touch ceiling
[Garland] Seraphna! Hurry! What are you... Stay away! *AGH!*
[Seraphna] This is wrong...
* Slasher turns back and runs watching out for those spikes
[GM] GM: *wall blocks Slasher now*
[Slasher] *SLAM!* GAH!! SON OF A BITCH!
* Seraphna tries to pick up Garland's scent in that direction
[Slasher] What in the hell....*looks around*
[GM] *Slasher is trappd in a box*
* Slasher starts pounding on the wall
[Seraphna] It smells of evil in here...
[GM] *wall shudders and begins to close some*
[Slasher] OH shit....
* Slasher stands still for awhile
[GM] *wall stops*
* Slasher sits down and waits
* Seraphna uses her Earth Art and tries to get a layout of the cavern in her mind
[GM] *Fails*
[Seraphna] This is very wrong... the spell should've responded to that...
[GM] Snipe: ...pain...*moans*
[Gravedigger] Snipe?
[Garland] SERAPHNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Slasher] NRP: Magic doesn't work..
[Gravedigger] Yo, Snipe, where are YA?
[Seraphna] ?
[GM] Snipe: ...Grave...?  I...don't know...
* Slasher sits there examining the room
* Seraphna looks in the direction of the voice
[Gravedigger] ...And what happened to Slasher?
[GM] *Snipe's voice comes from the opposite way of Gar's*
[Seraphna] NRP: Was it from another direction
[GM] Snipe: .... Slasher...?  He'
[Seraphna] Grave stay here...
[Seraphna] That voice is a trick...
* Slasher looks around the boxed room for anythign out of the ordinary
[Gravedigger] Like Garland's might not be?
[GM] *The room is...ordinary*
[Seraphna] It's a trick too...
* Slasher taps the floor
[Slasher] NRP: Garland: No it's not
[Seraphna] We can't rely on them..
[Gravedigger] Okay, here's an idea. Can you pick up any scents of blood?
[GM] Snipe: ...*grows fainter* Wish...I c...ould...have...spent...more time...with Elayne....I knew I would..die..soon...just...not...this soon...I
[Garland] A trick!? Sera!?
[GM] GM: *floor rises*
[Slasher] CRAP..
* Slasher stops tapping
[GM] GM: *floor stops, the room now 5 by 5 feet
* Seraphna sniff for blood
[Gravedigger] SNIPE?
[GM] GM: *blood comes from Snipe's direction*
[Slasher] ....what to do...
[Gravedigger] Can I have your stereo?
[GM] Snipe: *very faint, bearly heard*
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[Slasher] This has got to be just an illussion
* Seraphna turns in Snipe's direction and still shakes her head
[Seraphna] It isn't real...
* Seraphna closes her eyes, continually repeating that
[Garland] *is silent, but can be smelled*
[Seraphna] It isn't real...
[GM] Yeger: What ... is real?
*** GM is now known as Yeger
* Yeger appers
* Seraphna looks at Yeger
[Seraphna] Those voices.. teh scents.. its all wrong...
[Yeger] You?  Me?  Them?  Perhaps this labyrinth isn't here
* Slasher sits there thinking, leaning against one of the walls
[Yeger] Walls: *shudders and closes in some*
* Seraphna looks around confused
* Yeger laughs
* Slasher stops leaning
[Yeger] Walls: *stop*
[Seraphna] You find this funny?
[Yeger] Very.  You are all quite amusing.
[Slasher] ....getting kinda cramped
[Seraphna] WHAT?!
[Yeger] It's been ages since I've had people to play with.
* Seraphna looks at him, trying to read his scent
* Yeger everything tells that he is indeed Yeger
[Seraphna] You...
* Slasher charges up a Chi Ball
* Yeger smiles like a little kid
[Seraphna] This was your construction?
[Yeger] *Waves hand around* Who's to say what created the labyrinth.  Perhaps my loneliness, perhaps I found it.  I can't remember.
[Yeger] Do you like?
[Seraphna] Not at all...
[Yeger] I must say, the others quite enjoyed it.
[Yeger] Especially as they lay there, dying.
* Slasher lets it expand
* Seraphna clenches her heands into fists
[Yeger] Of course, I can't let my toys die, can I?
[Yeger] Then I would be all lonely again.
[Seraphna] Toys?
* Yeger reaches out and pats Sera's shoulder
[Yeger] Yes.
[Seraphna] WHat are you?
* Slasher lets it expand to most of what rooms left infront of him
[Yeger] Walls: *shudder*
[Seraphna] I knew you never smelled quite like a Chiere...
[Yeger] I
[Slasher] Let...*it expands* Me...*it pulses* OUT!!! *shoves it forward into the wall*
[Yeger] *Walls shudder and explode*
[Seraphna] How can you say that...
* Slasher covers his face
[Yeger] The labyrinth grants anything to anyone.
* Yeger giggles and backs away
[Yeger] My little toys have to be happy.
* Slasher coughs as the smoke clears
[Seraphna] You are a child?
* Slasher walks through the hole he just made and looks around
[Yeger] *Frowns* I am not a child!  *almost screams it*
[Yeger] *slasher is back where he was originally*
[Seraphna] Sorry...
[Seraphna] Sorry Yeger...
[Slasher] Thats it...*runs down one of the hallways*
[Yeger] You are no fun.  You don't deserve my gifts.
* Yeger turns and runs off
[Seraphna] Yeger wait!
* Seraphna looks down
[Seraphna] He has no concept of evil in him...
[Seraphna] He's innocent...
[Slasher] NRP: Yeger: Actually I do to. *tosses her Garlands head*
[Yeger] - 6[Gundam Wing - White Reflection.mp36] 6-6 [4.35mb 4m44s 128kbps 44khz joint stereo6]
[Yeger] *sounds come from toward the center of the labyrinth*
[Slasher]  DIAS!!! *runs down the hill*
[Slasher] NRP: Hall
[Yeger] Slasher: *is engulfed in a white light and vanishes*
[Seraphna] I need to handle him like I handle Lucas... young but wants to be thought of as a grown man...
[Slasher] EERRAAHHHH!!!!
[Slasher] NRP: What if it's a she..
[Seraphna] NRP: We'll find out...
[Yeger] NRP: What if it's DS?
* Yeger giggles from nearby Sera
[Slasher] NRP: Sera: Ok...NOW DROP YOUR PANTS!!! *kid drops his pants* PAT?
* Seraphna turns towards the sound
[Yeger] Ooooh, Seraaaaa
* Yeger waves and dashes to the right
* Seraphna watches him, turning to follow with her gaze
* Yeger is in some other hallway now
[Seraphna] Yeger, I'm sorry...
[Yeger] *labyrinth grows quiet as Sera is...all by herself now*
[Seraphna] WHat in the lights name is going on here...
* Seraphna runs after Yeger
* Yeger watches Sera round the corner and dashes down a left hallway
[Yeger] Come and catch me.
[Seraphna] Want to play huh...
* Seraphna chases after him
[Yeger] GM: *a white light engulfs Sera as she runs and she too vanishes from the labyrinth*
[Yeger] Session Ends