Tsivre Xver

(My Battle)

Written By: Ryan N. Cross (Dominator, Avatar, Xrileshr)

December 25, 2174 - 6:05 A.M.
Xrilalsravri Lser'ki Tsonevrash (Command Ship Tsonevrash)
Shixajen Xri - Shixajen System

The Tsivrixsh fleet flew through the perpetual black night of space, the fourth planet of Shixajen system now in clear sight. In an attempt to prevent the Tsivrixsh fleet from arriving at their target, Shixajen Lsi (three), the Shixajen people had mustered and deployed all the ships they had here. The Tsivrixsh were using a medium sized fleet, which including three Warships, six Battleships, ten Destroyers, and over 472 total fighters capable of being deployed from those capital ships. The Shixajen's entire fleet was not quite as large as the Tsivrixsh fleet, but capable of doing formidable damage if the attack was not conducted properly.

On the bridge of the Tsonevrash, officers were concentrating on their tasks at each of their stations. In his command chair, Xrileshr absently tapped the armrest of his chair as he ran through his battle plan one more time. The Shixajen fleet would certainly put up a great deal of resistance, but he had a few surprises for them.

"Four of the capital ships, Shixajenajra class vor'lsore, Tsivrxish rating medium destroyer, have broken off to attack us. Six fighter squadrons have joined them. The rest of their fleet is moving into a defensive formation. Xrileshon shrarevrosheshr," came the report for the first officer of the Tsonevrash.

"Maintain positions," Xrileshr spoke on a channel to the rest of his fleet. "Shrar vretsorevrash dslin xvo."

"Estimated three minutes until the destroyers and fighters make contact with our fleet, Fleet Admiral," the first officer noted a moment later.

"Move two of our battleships into intercept position. Two destroyers are to provide assistance. Order them to launch fighter squadrons and assume the Tvaxsh Dslivr formation. Activate fleet control grid," Xrileshr ordered.

The first officer nodded and in a moment an illuminated grid that displayed the area of the battle surrounded the bridge. Both fleets were clearly visible, the Shaxajen fleet outlined in red, while the Tsivrixsh fleet was outlined in green. Tsivrixsh words flashed by over any particular ships that Xrileshr requested information on.

A holographic control panel appeared by Xrileshr's arm, and he tapped a quick command into it. Immediately, the orientation of the three-dimensional display grid shifted to show the approaching destroyers and the Tsivrixsh ships counterattacking. Selecting the Tsivrixsh battleship ships he ordered an attack pattern and in moments they complied. Meanwhile, he magnified another area of the grid and ordered three destroyers to launch their drone fighters.

Outside, hundreds of drone fighters flew directly into the closely packed Shixajen fleet, blasting madly. Explosions lit through the Shixajen fleet, eerily silent, as sound is not heard in space. At the same time, the Tsivrixsh destroyers and battleships decimated the attacking Shixajen ships as the rest of Shixajen fleet began to break up.

"Excellent," Xrileshr hissed under his breath, then called out. "Now we shall trap them. Computer, begin enclosure maneuver Tsiexra Tsil'xro Evrash!"

The Shixajen fleet ran directly into the attacking Tsivrixsh ships, whose planned discipline, precise formations, and superior weaponry began to massacre the fleeing Shixajen ships. Waves of Tsivrixsh fighters poured in performing hit and run attacks, and causing many a Shixajen capital ship to be destroyed in their wake. The Tsivrixsh drone fighters that had been launched were now mostly destroyed from their suicide runs, and the Tsivrixsh ships continued their enclosure.

However, the initial disarray of Shixajen fleet from the attack began to dissipate and their capital ships started to close in on the outer Tsivrixsh attackers. At first their plan seemed to work, but at the tap of a holographic button by Xrileshr, support craft moved in to defend the Tsivrixsh ships.

"Fleet Admiral, some of the Shixajen fleet is attempting to escape through the hole in our attack force. The others seem to be providing cover for those ships, at their own expense," an officer reported.

"Good, do nothing to stop them and continue the attack on the main fleet," Xrileshr ordered.

"Yes, sir," was the reply. Then, "In moments the fleeing ships will be able to move into assault positions for our rear ships."

Xrileshr whispered "now" and gave the order "Computer, perform enclosure maneuver Vriexra Tsil'xro Vri now!"

Just then, two Tsivrixsh battleships and seven fighter squadrons jumped out of hyperspace on a direct course to the fleeing Shixajen ships. The opened fire and pushed the evading ships back into the ranks of the trapped Shixajen main fleet. Only minutes later, the Shixajen fleet was surrounded and being badly beaten. Once a marauding Tsivrixsh ship began to receive a good deal of damage, another Tsivrixsh ship took its place while the damage ship repaired itself. In this way, it was nearly impossible for the Shixajen fleet to damage their Tsivrixsh attackers.

"Open a channel to the Shixajen command ship," Xrileshr ordered, and in moments the channel was open. "Shixajen command ship, this is Fleet Admiral Xrileshr of the Tsivrixsh Warship Tsonevrash. Surrender now or prepare to be obliterated."

One minute passed. The attack continued. No response. Two minutes passed. The battle raged on. No response. Three minutes passed. Still no response.

"Then they have decided their fate. Direct fire power to their command ship and pick off the remaining ships," Xrileshr commanded, and soon after the Shixajen command ship itself was ablaze and destroyed.

"End simulation," said a new voice.

Suddenly, the bridge of the Tsonevrash disappeared, as did the battle in space outside. They were replaced with the sleek sliver metallic panels of the Tsivrixsh Navy training simulator room. Xrileshr and the other cadets moved towards their instructor, who had ended the simulator. He nodded to Xrileshr.

"Excellent work, Xrileshr. Your tactics were most skillful and your command crew performed admirably," the training instructor spoke. "The enclosure maneuver is a very formidable tactic, as Xrileshr has just proven here. You destroyed the entire Shixajen fleet with very minimal losses: just two battleships, three destroyers, a few fighter squadrons, and most of your drone fighters. In comparision, you destroyed nearly six times that many total Shixajen ships."

"This advances your simulated campaign to conquer the Travron sector a good deal. Continue this work so that you can be victorious by the end of the year," the instructor continued. "Now, you're free for the rest of the day. Enjoy the time off, but report to class promptly tomorrow morning. It wouldn't be a bad idea to prepare for the next phase of your campaign, either. Dismissed."

The cadets nodded and scattered off to enjoy the time they had. Xrileshr was deep in thought, though. He'd been successful. Space strategy and tactics just came natural to him, and he know that he would make an excellent fleet commander in the Tsivrixsh Navy. He could envision himself conquering worlds and maintaining order throughout the empire, but… What good was all that glory if it were in the name of an unhonorable emperor? "Emperor," he shuddered at the word. The High Council had ruled well for centuries and that system of government should not have been changed. However, someday the emperor would be dethroned and rightful power would be returned to the High Council. Then, perhaps, he would lead great fleets for their honorable causes.

December 25th, 2199 - 7:25 AM
Deck 7, section 2B
Officers' Quarters
Xrileshr's Personal Quarters

Light from the computer screen created odd shadows throughout Xrileshr's room, which was otherwise dimly lit. It was morning, but there was no natural light on the Fury. There were little furnishings present beyond the standard furniture of this type of room; Xrileshr had seen little point to decorate the room further.

Xrileshr sat in the chair, which was slightly small for him, and tapped the computer keyboard in front of him. He had hooked up his portable computer up-link for his shuttle's computer to the standard EarthGov Armed Forces computer provided for officers. In addition to making the computer support Tsivrixsh, it also gave him access to all the data onboard his shuttle's computers. At his request, his shuttle had remained untouched by the Hunters. He preferred to let them have access to only necessary information, until he was certain he could trust them and that they would be of any use.

His eyes skimmed over reports he had received from the Ovevri Tsil'xro Tvaxsh, the Tsivrixsh resistance against the traitorous Empire Xshiaver. They were brief, of course, as they had to be to avoid detection. Included were a few items that they had thought he might find of note, but there was no real important information that might have been intercepted. This showed that even with his message about the Hunters' surprising victory against Lord Talon, the Ovevri Tsil'xro Tvaxsh still did not entirely trust the Hunters. And neither did Xrileshr. If they wanted to reap the true benefits of an alliance with the honorable Tsivrixsh resistance, then they would have to do their part and cooperate as well.

Unfortunately, the reports also noted that he was to remain at his position in the Hunters, until further notice. This meant one of two things. The first was that perhaps they deemed the Hunters are greater worth than they appeared to be. The second possible reason, and the far more likely one, was that they had yet to find a new position for Xrileshr.

Xrileshr sighed. His cover in the Tsivrixsh Navy had been lost, so this had been the only assignment for him. He knew the Ovevri Tsil'xro Tvaxsh were having trouble finding him another position for a good reason: Xrileshr was a known "traitor" to the Tsivrixsh public. Xrileshr sadly wondered what further damage would be done to his reputation for allying with the Hunters.

Why was he here anyway? Of what possible use could the so far uncooperative Hunters be to the Ovevri Tsil'xro Tvaxsh? Death Star was one of the only ones here who was very worthwhile, and he wasn't even an official member of the team yet. The others had proved apt to quarrel amongst themselves and their had been dissension in their ranks even during their "triumph" against Lord Talon, resulting in the Hunter Slash being killed in a duel with Death Star. The name "Hunters" itself had a legacy of interior animosity, with multiple betraying by the Garland and Blackjack, who apparently settled on being Hunters, as they were a members now. Other members had turned on the team for a time, and one of their old hired mercenaries ending up trying to kill Death Star, ultimately succeeding in causing the death of another Hunter. And this was among other things. He hadn't even started on the fact that the Hunters and their "largest and greatest ship in galaxy" couldn't hope to challenge the Tsivrixsh Empire alone. Even if they could establish an alliance of races against the Tsivrixsh Empire, it was delaying the inevitable. "If only they'd work with us…" Xrileshr thought.

Perhaps he'd get lucky and be a new assignment would appear for him, perhaps not. The real question was did the Hunters fight the same battle…Tsivre xver…My battle…Tsivre tsil'xro xver…My honorable battle.

Christmas Eve 9:24 AM
Deck 21, section 6C
Mid-level Urban Area - Fury

Xrileshr glanced around at the people moving back and forth from the shops. He was on security duty, but so far nothing notable had happened beyond a few petty crime attempts that he had promptly stopped. Xrileshr sighed inwardly. He was quite capable for this kind of duty, of course. A bit too capable, as it was incredibly simple. He wished he would be assigned a more challenging task, preferably one relating to starship command, tactics, fighters, or anything else he was most skilled in. But the Hunters couldn't risk giving him much authority until he had "proven" himself, which could take a long time.

In the distance beyond a restaurant, Xrileshr caught sight of some arguing teenagers. There was the possibility that a fight might break out between them, but even if it did, it wasn't very important to stop. Xrileshr marveled that his duty entailed stopping fights beyond human children. The Hunters were so far readily apparent to lie in stagnant wait for… Xrileshr had no real idea just what it was they were waiting for, and they probably didn't either. That was what worried Xrileshr as he walked forward a bit absently.

Suddenly, Xrileshr bumped into a figure, who promptly spun around, ready to defend himself. Upon seeing that he had bumped into Xrileshr, the figure stopped. Xrileshr recognized the figure was the Hunter known as Paladin.

"Oh, Tsivrixsh," Paladin said, glancing over his shoulder at something, then looking up at Xrileshr. "Pull patrol duty?"

"That's correct, human. I found there wasn't really a point not to take duty, for me, at least," Xrileshr responded, recognizing that being called by one's species names wasn't a complimentary form of address in English, just as it wasn't in Tsivrixsh. Moreover, it reminded him of how alone he was in the ship full of humans.

"Thank God somebody seems to be somewhat responsible." Apparently Paladin shared some of Xrileshr's thoughts on the Hunters. Interesting that persons like this weren't in command of the Hunters, and in their place were those like Snipe. From what Xrileshr had seen, Snipe wasn't all that skillful as a leader and certainly not disciplined. The old Hunter Death Star seemed like a better choice, but it was his combat ability had impressed Xrileshr. He command ability remained to be seen.

"Discipline is an important that is stressed in Tsivrixsh service... It is also an essential value to an honorable warrior, so I take care to be responsible in my actions. Unfortunately, my values are not entirely shared by some of the other officers here. From what I've seen, at least," replied Xrileshr, though he doubted that there was anything he had yet to see that would make him change his mind.

"They're actually getting better. But then again, there's no way they could have gotten worse . . ." Inwardly, Xrileshr frowned at this. There was no organization or unit in the Tsivrixsh this unorganized. Such a unit wouldn't have even passed training.

"You were a member of the famed older Hunters, were you not? What was their stance on discipline?" Xrileshr asked, vaguely curious.

"Let's just say that discipline and hunters are two words that don't mesh well." An interesting expression, but then languages were full of them.

"All the more impressive they succeeded against the mavericks and Tsivrixsh forces attacking, isn't it then? Of course, Xshiaver probably just wanted to get rid of Tsavra, the Elder as he called himself. Probably explaining part of that victory... It was a slightly unfortunate one though, I think. It gave your planet a bit of overconfidence," Xrileshr theorized.

"Uh, Zehshaver? And the Earth has always, for the most part, been overconfident," Paladin said. Hmm. At least Paladin had the ability to look objectively at his race, something that many found difficult. Indeed, many Tsivrixsh "patriots" were to caught up Xshiaver's promises and speeches to objectively look at the iron grip that Xshiaver was gaining on the empire.

"Most species are. A difficult flaw to overcome... Xshiaver is the self-proclaimed emperor of the Tsivrixsh Empire. He took over power from the High Council, and, I believe as does our resistance against him, that he is trying to take complete power, by getting rid of all in the High Council, save his lackeys like Shretrav," Xrileshr interrupted his inward brooding to speak. He was growing tired of having to "defend" his race, but he needed to get the point across.

"Oh. Ok, thanks for the lesson. I've got . . . shopping, yes Christmas shopping to do." That reminded Xrileshr that it was holiday for humans, a day of merriment and gift giving.

"Ah, yes. Gift giving is a human tradition on this Christmas... Perhaps I should attempt to give some gifts. Unfortunately, I'm not confident in my ability to choose appropriate gifts for human tastes..."

Just got with fruitcakes. Anyway, I have to go."

"Hmm, I see. I will have to look into these fruitcakes. Farewell for now." Xrileshr had no real idea what kind of object a "fruitcake" was, but from the name he decided it was a food most likely. "Fruit Cake," perhaps that meant it was a cake, a popular human dessert, flavored like a fruit. He would find out later though, he had more important things to do now.

Paladin was now walking away and Xrileshr wished that more of the hunters were similar to him. Paladin was not near a top notch warrior or soldier like he had seen in the Tsivrixsh military, but he had potential. Though he was opinionated, he did little to improve the situation as far as Xrileshr could tell, even with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

Xrileshr moved forward, continuing his patrol. At the sight of Xrileshr's imposing visage, the group of teenagers scattered. He wasn't sure if he would be expected to give presents to the other Hunters, but an idea had come to him. Perhaps… In the meantime, he began to recall Tsivrixsh celebrations from his past.

December 31st, 2175 - 8:30 P.M.
Outside the Tsivrixsh Xrilelser Lsen'ravri Shvore Msiatver (Tsivrixsh Starfleet Specialized Training Facility)
Xsheshraen - Inner Tsivrixsh Empire Worlds

The sunset was marvelous that evening. Variegated and luscious hues filled the sky as the great sun of the Xsheshraen system set. The training facility lie below the heavens above, built into the side of one of Xsheshraen's many and great mountain ranges. It was in this small crevice, a verdant valley in a colossal and rocky range of mountains. Small streams, divergent from the River Shaxedslin, the River Undying that followed through valleys across nearly this entire mountain range, could be heard nearby, as well as the waterfalls that bore them down.

Close to the training facility, a congregation of Tsivrixsh officers was gathered. Xrileshr stood among groups of cadets on an elevated platform, his xvash at his side and Tsivrixsh Navy uniform his apparel. Below them, but still above the crowd, a speaker, the chief training instructor of the facility, was speaking to the gathering of officers. He was now near the end of his address.

"And therefore these cadets have been deemed more than worth soldiers, officer of the Tsivrixsh Navy. Truly, their prowess as warriors cannot be argued by even the most vicious and prevaricating of preachers of deception. If you will allow me, I shall quote from the epic "Tvaxsh vre Lsratsav" (Journey of a Warrior). 'And none could rival his prowess. None could stand against his xvash. None could avoid bending to his will and words. He was a warrior. He had joined the battle. Purpose was now his. Life was now his. Tsemsavidsl tsavre xver.' Now, welcome them to the Tsivrixsh Navy," the speaker ended.

The applause was loud and given well. The cadets then pledged their fealty to the Tsivrixsh Empire and devoted themselves to becoming and living as honorable warriors. They chanted "Tsil'xro lso Tsivrixsh Shlitvo" (Honorable is the Tsivrixsh Empire.). The ceremony continued for a bit longer, then it was over. Their was a large reception, where the newly graduated officers and the others present enjoyed themselves in gray twilight of Xsheshraen, and later the cold darkness, interrupted by the piercing starlight of other worlds in their great empire.

After an hour or so of the relaxing and merriment, Xrileshr grew tired and quietly separated from the main group. He wandered for a bit, as he had a penchant for doing. Eventually, he stopped by the a stream from a small waterfall. He leaned against the rough rocks of the mountainside and drank more of his cup of wine. After a drink, he turned his cup over and the purple liquid fell from his golden cup. The wine mingled with the stream and followed into the distance.

"Everything ends," came a voice, startling Xrileshr. But then he recognized the voice, and didn't bother turning his gaze from the waters.

"You're so sure of my thoughts?" Xrileshr inquired.

"What else would you be thinking about at a time like this then?" the figure asked in reply.

"This is, at least it should be, a joyous occasion… Any other time I would glad to serve for our honorable empire…" Xrileshr trailed off.

"But Xshiaver's reign deters you," the figure noted, and Xrileshr nodded in response. "Eventually, our resistance will succeed. He will not be emperor forever. However, we have our tasks here."

"Hmm," Xrileshr glanced over at the other figure. "Interesting, isn't it, that Tsavriems tsil'xro Xverashi, the first to be first of the High Council, could predict things so accurately?"

"Yes. Remember, exile ends in his chronicles, as it will end for us. Don't forget that," with that, the figure turned and left. Leaving Xrileshr alone to his thoughts.

Christmas Eve 3:30 P.M.
Deck 33, section 2A
Urban Area - Fury

Moving past the crowds of people shopping and relaxing in this area of the Fury, Xrileshr pondered at this peculiar ship. The Hunters ventured to call it a military ship, yet civilians were transported onboard. Of course, this was probably not their original design, as the capture of their planet forced them to take those that they could. That was yet another reason for them to hate the Tsivrixsh Empire, and another reason for Xrileshr to question Xshiaver's methods. He saw no glory in this.

Yes, civilians and military ships mixed poorly. Though the Fury was billed as the "largest ship in the galaxy," in its current state even a medium sized Tsivrixsh cruiser could decimate it. Even if it had been finished, it would have been more a propaganda tool than an actually dangerous ship.

Xrileshr moved and entered the elevator. Three other humans were present inside it: a young women, an older man, and a middle-aged man. The doors closed, and they each called out their own destinations, so that the computer could determine the best path to take.

"Deck 21, section 9C," the women called out.

"Deck 19, section 2B," the older man called out.

"Deck 19, section 2B for me as well," the middle-aged man told the computer.

"Deck 4, section 1B," Xrileshr ordered, needing to report in to the security office and receive new orders. For some reason, it was required he do so in person, rather than with a communicator. Not exactly the most efficient policy, but then again the officers of the Fury had so many conflicting rules that they made up half of them when needed on the spot.

"What's the magic word?" came the computer's voice.

"What?" Xrileshr hissed, causing a few of the humans to jump back.

"I said, 'what's the magic word?'" the computer repeated.

"You're been given all the data necessary for you to perform your function," Xrileshr protested. "So, do it."

"Geeze, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed of what?" wondered the computer.

"I don't see how the side of the bed I woke up has any relevance to our current situation," Xrileshr tapped his foot, loosing his patient with this computer. Yet another problem with the Hunters was their choice in computer systems.

"Could you just take us to our destinations, computer? Please?" the women asked.

"Well, since you asked nicely…" The elevator started moving. "By the way, I'd stay away from mister grumpy over there."

Xrileshr didn't bother responding as the elevator sped up and then slowed down a halt. The woman turned to walk out, and Xrileshr moved to let here by. She then stopped in confusion. Glancing by her, Xrileshr could see the elevator doors weren't opening.

"What do we have to do for you to open the doors, computer?" Xrileshr asked.

"Well… If you say the magic word, maybe I'll tell ya," the computer replied.

"I don't see how a word could have mythical powers," Xrileshr objected.

"He means say 'please,'" the older man told Xrileshr.

"Oh, I see. Please tell me, computer." This was most tiring.

"I can't," the computer told them.

"What?" the middle-aged man asked, taken aback.

"Why not?" Xrileshr quickly inquired.

"I dunno… you tell me," at the sign of Xrileshr and the others growing more angry, the computer spoke again. "Look, for some reason we just suddenly stopped. I think there's a problem."

"You think?" Xrileshr growled.

"You know, I don't have to deal with this. I'm patching ya'll through to technical support," the computer said and then their was silence.

"So, where's the technical support, computer?" the women asked after about a minute of nothing.

"I can't patch you through to them. Something's jamming the communicator," the computer said, and Xrileshr tried his own communicator. It didn't work. "And I've been cut off from the central mainframe of the Fury…"

"Sabotage…" Xrileshr hissed.

"Sabotage?!" the computer cried. "We're all gonna die then! AHHH! We're all going to die!"

"What are you doing?" asked the women as Xrileshr pried off the panel to the computer's manual control and began to type commands into it.

"Trying to find out what our options are, and… Shutting that computer up," Xrileshr snapped a few wires, and the computer's wailing was silenced.

Xrileshr continued to work at the computer panel, unable to connect to the computer's mainframe and having little options or ways to gain data. Suddenly, a strident clang and hiss of metal and air interrupted their silence. The humans glanced around, worried.

"What was that?" the middle-aged man called out.

"The field around this elevator unit is being depressurized," Xrileshr informed them.

"Now, what does that mean?" asked the older man.

"These elevators are about to more via a forcefield of energy and air. With it, the elevators are suspended in the air or moved up or down at high speeds. However, since this field is being deactivated the elevator will plunge down over 26 decks," Xrileshr quickly told them.

"What?" cried the women. "That will kill us!"

"That's correct, and why we're leaving this elevator unit. Stand back," Xrileshr pried off the top panel of the elevator roof with his xvash. It fell to the floor with a clang, as the grading off metal became louder outside the elevator.

"As the forcefield is slowly deactivated, to avoid detection most likely, the elevator will begin to slip and rub against the sides of the elevator shaft. Of course, when the forcefield is fully deactivated, there will be nothing to slow us down," Xrileshr explained, then pointed up. "Now, I'll boost each one of you out of the elevator. You will remain on the top of the elevator and do not move if at all possible, you may upset the elevator's balance."

"You want us to do what?" the middle-aged man said in disbelief.

"Would you rather stay inside here for certain doom? If so, then be my guest!" Xrileshr responded.

"Won't that forcefield you described hit us, or…?" asked the older man.

"The forcefield's much to weak now to do serious damage, and the field surrounds the elevator at a height of over eight feet," Xrileshr said. "Now, we have no more time, hurry."

Xrileshr helped the middle-aged man out of the elevator. The man worriedly glanced around and kept low on the top of the elevator. He could see that their elevator was slowly falling and one side scraping against the side of the elevator shaft. He helped the women up and they remained frozen in place as the older man was pushed up. Xrileshr jumped up and pulled himself out, then surveyed the situation. The nearest floor was over deck 25. It would be difficult to get there, but not impossible.

"All right, stay down. We should be able to get out, I'll just…" Xrileshr was interrupted by the crackling of the energy field and the shriek of metal as their descent started to speed up.

There was no time to talk. Xrileshr blasted several shots from his rifle into the door and telekinetically pushed on it. A giant dent appeared in it, a gateway to safety. Pulling the humans telekinetically into the air, Xrileshr winced from the strain. He was pushing his psionic abilities to their limit. He managed to get the women and the older man through the doorway first, and the middle-aged man was almost there.

Suddenly, the forcefield of the elevator gave way and it started to plunge to its doom. Xrileshr lifted himself into the air and to the side of the wall, but his powers gave way from the sudden strain. The man was able to grip the gateway and was pulled up to safety, but started to fall. Instantly, he activated his Jvexrashaxav claws from his Tvaxsh'vselsor armor and dug them into the wall. He pulled himself inch by inch and managed to make it through the hole in the door.

By now, a small crowd had gathered around the doorway and Xrileshr moved through it. He called security, but knew they could do little good now. After the preliminary investigation, it was nearly certain that the elevator had been sabotaged. And there was only one person who was on that elevator that would be targeted for assassination… Someone wanted Xrileshr dead.

Late October, 2173 - 4:22 P.M.
Outside the Tsivrixsh Xrilelser Lsen'ravri Shvore Msiatver (Tsivrixsh Starfleet Specialized Training Facility)
Xsheshraen - Inner Tsivrixsh Worlds

The two xvashes clashed together with the horrific yet subdued shriek of metal. A xvash was like a metal quarterstaff with spikes covering it, save the handles. Two blades curved from the edges of the poison-coated weapon in opposite directions. Xrileshr pushed forward on his opponent's xvash, who yielded little, and then drew his xvash back, slamming it down into the other. Smiling, Vsirosh, his opponent, deflected the attack. Vsirosh pushed down, throwing Xrileshr off guard, and his hand flew in a blur. Crying in pain, Xrileshr jumped back, running his hand over the streaming blood from his face.

"Nice try, my opponent," chuckled Vsirosh. "You have a great deal of promise, but you've chosen to waste that promise and your life on your foolish…quest against the honorable Emperor Xshiaver."

"Xshiaver…" hissed Xrileshr, his own blood running into his mouth as he spoke. The blood had a slightly intoxicating taste, along with the throbbing of his head. He tried hard to stay alert and resist becoming dizzy. "Xshiaver is nothing but a fraud and insurgent himself."

"I wouldn't speak that way of Emperor Xshiaver, 1st of the High Council…" Vsirosh started to say.

"Xshiaver practically is the High Council now!" Xrileshr interrupted.

"Hmph. He's a much more honorable man than you. I'm proud to follow our great emperor and High Council. Emperor Xshiaver…" Vsirosh started again.

"Damn the rashlavri emperor!" Xrileshr ran and slashed at his enemy.

Once again, Vsirosh easily deflected it. Vsirosh then reversed the attack, and catapulted Xrileshr forward. Xrileshr recovered and returned to his stance. "Headstrong and impetuous," Vsirosh chided and Xrileshr moved his xvash to the left in a stab. Not thinking highly of Xrileshr's strategic potential, Vsirosh moved to block the feint. Grinning madly, Xrileshr reversed his attack and the xvash slammed into the side of Vsirosh's armor.

"N'rashla!" swore Vsirosh as the attack pieced his armor.

Vsirosh slammed his xvash into Xrileshr's to hold him at bay. Marshaling his strength, Xrileshr pushed into Vsirosh's xvash. Crying out in pain, Vsirosh fell back, his wound preventing him from fighting full strength. Xrileshr forced Vsirosh's xvash to the ground beside Vsirosh with a sweeping motion of his weapon. He then flipped his xvash around to gut Vsirosh, when Vsirosh's free hand grabbed onto the barrel of the xvash. Blood cursed out of Vsirosh's hand, which had been punctured by the spikes of the xvash.

Xrileshr gave a start, but he abruptly cut off as he felt a sharp pang of pain and sudden numbness invaded his right leg. Involuntarily, he fell down, supporting himself with his knee. Vsirosh was at his feet, still gripping Xrileshr's xvash, and pulled his xvash up to strike Xrileshr. But it was not to be, as Xrileshr ripped his xvash out of Vsirosh's hand at lightning speed. Vsirosh stumbled back some, as his hand was now torn to pieces nearly and his mind clouded with agony. That split moment was much too long.

Vsirosh fell to the ground, Xrileshr's xvash through his neck. Coughing up blood, Vsirosh gargled some inaudible words before Xrileshr ripped his xvash out of his enemy. With a sharp crash, Vsirosh's body was on the ground beside Xrileshr.

Xrileshr glanced grimly at the body, blood still gathering in puddles around it, and looked his over his leg's wound. His armor had prevented the xvash from completely piercing his leg, but it had gone far enough to do significant damage. The poisons of the xvash were certainly slowly making their way through Xrileshr's blood streams. Still, Xrileshr was confident he would survive without great wounds, if treated in time. However, he was loosing consciousness, his face moist, hot, and raw, probably scared now. He ripped his communicator out and called loyal resistance members to aid him. Running through meditation exercises and treating his wounds, he was determined to remain conscious.

Christmas Eve 7:59 P.M.
Deck 41, section 3A
Urban Area - Fury

Xrileshr walked forward on his security rounds through the urban areas of the Fury. He had joined the investigation for the elevator accident, but they had found little to pinpoint any particular person. So, the saboteur remained a mysterious. Xrileshr remained cautious, as always. An assassin was the last thing he wanted, but he would have to deal with him.

Meanwhile, a group of humans, obviously drunk, were moving into through the streets of this deck. They headed toward a large fountain, hooting and laughing amongst themselves. They pushed past a few people and Xrileshr could see they were make much too much noise. He moved over to intercept the leaders of the group. They glanced at him and stopped.

"What…?" hollered one of the men in the forefront of the group.

"You're group is disturbing the peace here. I'll have to ask you to return to your homes in an orderly fashion," Xrileshr told them.

"No way," another member protested. "It's Christmas Eve, man. We're gonna party for the whole night." A chorus of "yeah" and other acknowledgments erupted from the rest of the group.

"No, you are not. You are ordered to return to your homes and now," Xrileshr said loudly.

"Are you going to listen to him?" a new person pushed his way to the front. "That alien can't tell us what to do!"

"Quiet," Xrielshr called out as the group chanted in response to the newcomer's words.

"No, we won't be quiet! This alien comes in here and tries to ruin our holiday cheer," the newcomer shouted to the group. "Let's show him how we feel about that!"

The drunken group was easily swayed by the man's words and began to close in around Xrileshr, who took a step back, not wanting a confrontation that could turn violent. As the mob continued angry cries about Xrileshr, more people began to join it. Quickly, Xrileshr tried to get the group to listen to him.

"I don't want to be here anymore than you want me to, but I'm here as an ally right now," Xrileshr shouted over the noise of the mob.

"He's a spy, a Tsivrixsh spy!" called the newcomer again.

The mob closed in on Xrileshr further. All of the sudden, Xrileshr felt the laser beam of a sniper's gun pointed directly at his head. Something told him this, be it a psionic sixth sense, years of training and experience, or both, but he sprang into action at that moment. He flung himself to the side, just as a laser blast flew past his old location. The blast tore through the arm of a human, and the crowd began to break up in confusion. The newcomer who had started the riot was nowhere to be seen.

Jumping to his feet, Xrileshr ran towards the source of the beam. Above, in a maintenance shaft, he saw a figure bolt away. Xrileshr jumped into the maintenance shaft and ran after the fleeing sniper. His speed was superior to the sniper's and he soon could see the man running to escape. The sniper turned back and blasted a few wild shots at Xrileshr, a few of which were absorbed by Xrileshr's armor.

Xrileshr was nearly upon the sniper, who turned, using his rifle at a shield. Xrileshr ripped his xvash from its sheath and slashed the sniper rifle in half in one swift motion. He then grabbed the sniper and slammed him into the wall, holding the xvash to his throat to keep the man at bay.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?" Xrileshr growled.

The man spat at Xrileshr, then suddenly ducked down and rolled forward, drawing a hidden pistol and aiming it at Xrileshr. However, Xrileshr responded with a deadly swiftness built up from years of training and experience. His xvash slammed into man's lower chest area. Xrileshr ripped his xvash out, and the man doubled over from his wound. The wound was most likely fatal and the man didn't have long to live, Xrileshr guessed. He grabbed the man again.

"Answer me! Why did you attack me?" Xrileshr commanded.

"Humans…aren't the…only ones…who…hate you…" the man coughed up blood, barely keeping consciousness. "The empire…wants you…dead…too…traitor…Tsil'xro…lso…Tsivr-…"

The man was silenced when Xrileshr snapped his neck in rage, then let the body slump to the ground. Leaning against the wall, Xrileshr slowly sheathed his xvash. He'd spared the man a lingering death, but the man's words had burnt into his mind. Perhaps the sniper had been working for the Tsivrixsh Empire, perhaps not. If not, though, how would he have known preciously what to say to strike at Xrileshr the best? The traitorous Shretrav knew Xrileshr was working with the Hunters… He shook his head, confused and dismayed at this turn of events.

Christmas Eve 9:45 P.M.
Deck 5, section 1A
Xrileshr's Shuttle, Docking Bay- Fury

Xrileshr sat in a chair in his shuttle. His shuttle stood in Fury's docking bay, more advanced and sleek then the other shuttles. Inside, the panels flashed, the power to the shuttle activated to maintain the atmosphere of the shuttle. Xrileshr scrolled absently through lines of Tsivrixsh text over a computer screen. Getting up from the chair, he moved over the living area of the shuttle and laid down on his bed.

"Msaraexra, Tvaxsh vre Lsratsav, Xshiexra Lsatre: Kavrisher dslelsar xvo," Xrileshr ordered and the text of the novel appeared as a holographic image over his head.

He would put his life back together and return honor to the Tsivrixsh Empire. And it would start with the death of Xshiaver. He would kill Xshiaver with his own hands if necessary, and take pride restoring the Tsivrixsh Empire to the High Council. He began to read, ending his brooding. The text scrolled as he read, the computer scanning his eyes as they read the words.

His final thoughts before he shifted his entire attention to the book: Tselso tsivre. Tselso tsivre tsil'xro xver…tsivre xver.