Full Name: John McCormick

Age: 22

DOB: Unknown

Race: Human


Weapon of Choice: His Heart


John McCormick was a man who lived by his principles of right and wrong, and followed through with them to whatever end may await him. Deciding he would be a hero of his own style, John became involved with the battles against the Tsvirixsh and Dark Ones, leading the way in what he considered justice. He even taught his sister, Katrina McCormick, everything he knew, as well as the young Weapon Dias, grooming him to be a man of his own as well. However, heroics were a literal thing for him, and he ended up dying when he sacrificed himself to save the team.

However, this all changed when the team encountered an alternate reality version of John McCormick who was going around stealing the reality cystals with his own version of Dias. But it was clear he didn't think killing his opponents was the correct method, despite his following his Dias, in a strange twist on the real John and Dias' relation. When he was defeated by this reality's Dias, he surrended and agreed to help them to a point, deciding he didn't want to do things like he had been doing, desiring to forge his own path like their John McCormick did. It's yet to be seen if he can achieve this goal, but currently John is signed up to help lead them through the multiverse to discover more crystals and stop the organization that he once worked for from gathering them all.