Session Start: Tue Aug 29 19:52:42 2006
Session Ident: #PAXSeason7-1Darien
* Now talking in #PAXSeason7-1Darien
* Jackieness has joined #PAXSeason7-1Darien
<Jackieness> Oh wait...let me switch...
* Jackieness has left #PAXSeason7-1Darien
* Cassandra`Arakawa has joined #PAXSeason7-1Darien
* Xanatos has joined #PAXSeason7-1Darien
<MiniGM> Excellent, you're here in time for your death.
* Kane has joined #paxseason7-1Darien
* Cassandra`Arakawa weeps
<Xanatos> I did my part and PMed the idle people.
<MiniGM> Well we're missing Setsuna, but I can start it without her.
* Setsuna` has joined #PAXSeason7-1Darien
<MiniGM> Excellent!
<MiniGM> 10
<MiniGM> 4
<MiniGM> 1
<MiniGM> -0-
<MiniGM> Time: 10-584.4.10
<MiniGM> 6In a secluded warehouse section of Moscow, the team has prepared an elaborate trap to take down the drug ring. Cassandra, now disguised as the White Queen stands inside the warehouse with Sestuna and Xanatos on her side as her body guards.
* Xanatos is drabbed in the old disguise he had ages ago, bald head, glass eye with a scar vertically over the eye and a goatee. He stands there menacingly.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> 6Stands before the White Queen, staring down at her. 1"I see the rumors of your demise are false..."
* Setsuna` keeps her same disguise as well... just resting her hands in her pockets, while presenting the attitude that she'd kill quickly and without hesitation. Then again, that's not THAT far off for her.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Hmmmph...I intend to live forever.
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> Only if that pretty little brain of yours keeps going. 6He chimes in Cass' ear.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> That is good business then. The deal still stands then?
<Cassandra`Arakawa> I intend to see all my dealings go forward.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> 6Motions to a guy with him who steps up, tossing down a brief case.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Open it.
* MiniGM grabs the brief case and turns it around, and unlocks it, he opens it and turns it back around, showing her the money.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> And it is all here?
* Kane is propped up at the edge of the building next to the warehouse, sniper rifle in his hand, as he looks through a large window at the transaction taking place.
<MiniGM> All 1.2 Million credits.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> All 1.2 Million credits
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr monitors beside Kane.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Excellent. Are we secure here?
<MiniGM> <Ivan> I am shocked that you would choose a different location than normal.
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> Make sure he's not testing you. 6He warns to Cass.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> I asked you a question. Close brushes with death have not done wonders for my personlity. Business is business.
<MiniGM> 6Four of the body guards look outside through the windows.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> The credits are clean if that is what your main concern is.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Good. Then you won't mind one of my associatesverifying that fact. *nods to Xan*
* Kane ducks back around the side of the building so he wont be seen by the guards.
* Xanatos steps forward, eyeing Ivan.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> Of course not, I want this deal done as quickly as possible just like you. 6He picks up a credit and slides it across the table towards Xanatos.
* Xanatos grabs it and picks it up, he removes a device from his pocket to scan the credit.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> *watches the White Queen as he waits*
<MiniGM> 6The Credit passes as real.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> Satisfied?
* Xanatos places it back on the table and slides it back, he nods to Cass and steps back.
<MiniGM> 6One of the Guards moves over to the window, looking down the side streets.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Satisfactory.
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> 'Satisfactory'? You sound so stiff.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> ...6Eyes White Queen oddly.
* Setsuna` frowns a little, eyeing the stray guard
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Make the exchange.
<MiniGM> 6The Guard looks up wards towards the roof top where Kane and Zephyr are.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moves down behind some of the bricks on the side of the roof, sensing the guard coming to look
* Kane was already hiding, since the guards were looking around earlier.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> 6Motions to his guards to grab the drugs.
<MiniGM> 6The guard, satisified that coast is clear, turns back towards the inside.
<MiniGM> 6The 3 guards move over to pick up the drugs.
* Kane watches Zephyr, using her to judge whenever it is clear.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moves back up, nodding to Kane.
* Kane leans back up to keep and eye on the transaction.
* Xanatos looms close to Cass, doing the bodyguard thing nicely.
<MiniGM> 6The 3 guards pull out scanners and begins scanning the cases of drugs.
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> Oh hell.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> Of course you understand my concern too.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Of coruse, of course. Scan away.
<Kane> Oh damn that isn't good...*he says under his breath, moving his rifle to take aim for one of the guards*
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> And how come you're SO calm?
<MiniGM> <Guard> Ivan, we have a problem, I'm picking up tracers...6They immediately pull out their guns aiming them towards the Whiter Queen, but make no attempts to shoot.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> What is this?!
* Setsuna` glances between Queen and Ivan.
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> Alright. Kane, get that rifle ready. Do you have a clear shot?
<Kane> I already have a bead. I just need orders. *He breathes into his comm*
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> Cassie, see if you can talk your way out of this.
* Xanatos turns to slide in the way of the guards, eyeing them as he stands there, silent.
<MiniGM> 6The guards, confident enough that they'll mow through Xanatos to get to the Queen don't move to get a better shot.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Well...this is certainly awkward. My reputation as a supplier will simply not allow this to stand. *looks at Setsuna* Find the handlers who let this happen...I do not like being embarassed.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> You have me believe that your 'handlers' placed tracers? You insult me with this!
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> Steady, Kane. Fire on my mark.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> The deal is off White Queen, we will take our business elsewhere. He grabs the suitcase of credits and slams it shut.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> The deal is off White Queen, we will take our business elsewhere. 6 He grabs the suitcase of credits and slams it shut.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> They are supposed to ensure that things like this do not make it down the supply chain. Of course, they can be bribed or coerced...take your pick.
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> Take Ivan out. I want that man alive, if possible.
<MiniGM> <Ivan> Regardless, the deal is off. If I cannot trust your handlers, then how am I to trust you?
* Setsuna` rolls her shoulders a little, not liking where this is going.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Of course. I won't take your money if I cannot deliver. My professionalism simply will not abide that.
* MiniGM grabs the suitcase and begins walking off. 1Guards, we're gone.
* Kane redirects his aim to Ivan and aims for his shoulder. He fires.
* Xanatos slides his hands to his pistols and pulls them up immediately, firing at the 3 guards in front of him.
* Cassandra`Arakawa darts forward suddenly, aiming a nerve strike at the side of Ivan's neck.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Good shot. 6She notes to Kane.
<MiniGM> 6The shot slams through the window, causing it shatter, and the shot slams into Ivan's shoulder causing him to spiral towarsd the ground. The three guards fire back as they're shot. The one guard off to the side quickly turns an fires towards Cassandra as she darts forward.
* Setsuna` moves quickly, sliding a knife out of her sleeve and throwing it at the guard that focuses on Cass
* Kane redirects his fire to one of the guards aiming at Xan, he fires.
<MiniGM> 6The Guard is nailed and goes down but his shots are still fired, along with stray shots as he fals to the ground.
<MiniGM> 6The 3 guards are quickly taken down.
* Xanatos gets hit in the shoulder and grimaces, watching the guards go down.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Secure the perimeter.
* Kane is already searching the outer perimeter for guards, he glances at Zephyr.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr scans the surrounding area.
* Xanatos moves forward, left gun ready as he begins to search for any stray guards.
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> What is Ivan's condition?
<MiniGM> <Ivan> What is this treac...*he falls unconcious*
<MiniGM> 6The coast is clear, obviously they placed trust in this deal.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> *comm* Out cold.
<Kane> <Comm> Outer Perimeter is clear as well.
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> Secure him. I'll bring in transportation.
* Xanatos slides back over to Ivan and begins to restain him, wincing everytime he moves his arm a certain way.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> You take a hit?
<Xanatos> Just a little healing and i'll be ok. *He says as he finishes securing Ivan and pulls him up to carry over his shoulder.*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sits on the side of the roof, looking out quietly.
<MiniGM> 6Outside a shuttle pull into land beside the building.
* Kane glances at Zephyr. "You ok?"
<Setsuna`> <Comm> Do we want any of the others? If they're still alive? Or do we want them to be not?
* Xanatos pulls up his comm. "That shuttle you, Boss?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yes. 6She runs her hand through her brown hair, having let it grow since joining the team. "I was just thinking how it was a shame we had to use violence."
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> Yeah, it's one of mine.
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> I suppose we should, if they're alive, bring them along, too.
* Xanatos nods to Cass and Set and leaves the rest to them, heading for the shuttle.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Alright, let's zip 'em up and haul them out!
* Setsuna` checks for any surviving guards, and drags off any that are. The rest? Meh.
* Kane nods his head. "I understand." He glances down and pulls up his comm. "Darien, can you have the shuttle pick us up here, thats a long walk back down to the ground level."
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> What? You can't jump. Zephyr could jump.
<Kane> <Comm> Maybe I have too much pride to let Zephyr hold me while she jumps to ground level.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr smiles modestly at Kane.
<DeathStar> <Darien on Comm> Oh, you girl. Fine.
* Kane laughs and winks at Zephyr. "I think its better if you don't have to overexert yourself."
* Xanatos places Ivan on the shuttle as he steps up the ramp, he glances at the Pilot.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> You do not think I am able to carry you? I assure you, my strength can easily accomodate your body weight.
<MiniGM> <Pilot> *is piloting*
<Xanatos> NPR: LOL.
* Xanatos nods as he moves over to sit down, waiting on Cass and Setsuna.
* Setsuna` deposits the deadweight, and flops into a seat.
<MiniGM> <Pilot> 6Flicks Durran off as he finally moves to pick up Kane and Zephyr.
<Kane> Let them come to us. Shows that we're important. *He says in a joking tone.*
* Cassandra`Arakawa boards the shuttle and straps herself in.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... important?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr hops up the ramp when the shuttle arrives.
<Kane> Yeah. Important. *he repeats as he hops up the ramp*
<MiniGM> <Pilot> *looks back* Is that baby on yet?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> If you are referring to Kane, then yes, he is indeed on.
<Kane> Yeah this baby is on. *he says at he hits the ramp button to close*
<MiniGM> <Pilot> Good. 6Flies back towards home base.*
<MiniGM> 6Time Skip
<MiniGM> Back at the base, the team meets back up to go over their mission.
<MiniGM> 6Back at the base, the team meets back up to go over their mission.
* Xanatos steps into the meeting room, holding Ivan over his shoulder. "What do you want me to do with him?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien motions to some guards . "They'll put them in the cell. Jesus, do you just carry people around with you, Xanatos?"
<Xanatos> Least I know they aren't going to escape. *he gives Ivan to the guards*
<Setsuna`> "I didn't know you had one of those carrying fetishes, Xanatos."
<Setsuna`> "...not that I ever WANTED to know."
<DeathStar> 6* Chip moves over to adjust Cassandra's looks.
<Xanatos> Of course you don't. *he winks, sitting down and pulling off his diguise*
* Kane takes a seat, crossing his arms, he looks ahead at Darien.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Get this stuff off of me...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien tosses down some folders. "Good work everyone. With Ivan behind bars, we crack open his drug ring and bring down the drug supply in Asia.
<MiniGM> 6On A Holovid off to the side the new's plays mentioning how Earth has decided not to declare war on Erusia and how the ATLEAN's are the current hot issue with people debating on how to deal with them.
* Xanatos glances over at the holovid as he finished removing the disguise stuff. "How did that information leak anyway?" He glances at Darien.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Why don't you just come out and say what you really mean, Xan. 6He says, eyeing him.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> The real White Queen really dead?
<Xanatos> I was asking a question Darien. Jesus.
<DeathStar> <Darien> The White Queen's alive and well in jail. 6He says to Cassandra.
* Kane arches a brow as he looks from Darien to Xan, he remains quiet, his eyes now drifting to Cassandra.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves over to look at the news, knocking it toward a science station. The station is discussing a scientists' theory of building a machine that will allow dimensional travel to help transvere the galaxy quicker.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Anyway, we'll work on getting information out of Ivan. You can all go home for the day. 6He notes.
<Xanatos> Right. *he stands and leaves for the van without another word*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Dimensional travel. 6Snorts. "Hopping out of the reality and back in. Fun fun."
* Kane taps his fingers on the desk. "Oh by the way Darien, I just moved into a new apartment. Do you need the address and all that or will you just keep in contact with me by communicator?
<Kane> "
* Setsuna` waves, "Have fun boss." She starts towards the motorcade.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yeah, I'll need your address. Why you can't live with the others is beyond me.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Someone's anti-social.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien watches Xanatos specifically, his back mostly. He moves over to a desk and opens up a folder, glancing at a picture of a man with brown hair.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr stands up. "I will ride with XAnatos." 6She hurries after him.
<Kane> Well, I didn't figure you would want Sera around your secret house place. *he said as he stood up*
<DeathStar> <Chip> All done, Cass. 6He steps back.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Oh, she's a sweet kid, Kane.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Back to normal? Say...are my boobs bigger?
<DeathStar> <Chip> ... I could measure them if you like
<Kane> One that has no one. *he says with a frown* Anyway here. *he sends Darien the information over datapad.*
* Xanatos taps the steering wheel as he glances at Zephyr. "The others finding their own way?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr hops up in the back, leaning over the seat. "I do not know. I do not know how to drive."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien tkaes the datapad, ndoding his head.
* Setsuna` is sitting next to Zephyr.
<Xanatos> I'll give them 5 minutes. *he says, his eyes glance over to her* You don't so much curious anymore, anything happen?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Curious about what?
<Xanatos> Everything.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... That's illogical. I cannot know about everything.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Yeah, measure them! I think they are bigger.
<Xanatos> Back on the station you acted as if you wanted to know as much as possible. Now you seem so...quiet. I thought maybe something happened. Perhaps i'm just looking into it too much.
* Kane glances at Darien. "I honestly don't want anything to do with her right now. Does that make me a bad person?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I am always curious. Do you have information to share?
<Xanatos> I could teach how to drive one day. *he notes and glances down at his watch* <Comm> 2 more minutes and then i'm leaving you Cass.
<DeathStar> 6* Chip measures them. "They are the maximum size possible."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Not in my book.
<Kane> But I feel horrible if I just leave her all does that make me weak?
<Cassandra`Arakawa> I didn't know there was a maximum size...
<DeathStar> <Darien> It makes you human, I'd say.
<DeathStar> <Chip> Yes. Unless I overclock them.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Right...oh crap! I gotta go. See ya! *heads out to the car*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr nods. "I would like that."
* Kane nods, "Yeah I guess so. Anyway, i'll try to keep Sera out of your business." He turns to leave.
* Xanatos glances at the clock as Cass gets in, "1:59. You're so damn lucky." He smirks as he puts the van in reverse and heads home.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Alright. 6He waits for Kane to go, then moves over and types in a name into the computer: Tyler McCabe. He scowls at the image of the man on his desk. "I'm going to find you "McCabe"."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> I know where you live, Xan...
<Xanatos> Oh baby don't be that way. *he says in a oddly light tone, rounding a curve headed for the house*
* Kane makes that walk toward his apartment.
<MiniGM> 6Kane's comm suddenly beeps.
* Neko has joined #PAXSeason7-1Darien
* Neko is now known as Seraphna
<Setsuna`> "Sometimes I wish I didn't."
* Kane pulls up his comm, "Yeah?"
<Seraphna> "Kane?"
<Seraphna> *Over comms
<Kane> <Comm> Yeah Sera?
<Seraphna> "Hi... I umm... just checking up..."
<Xanatos> Ouch. I sure feel the love from this group. *he slows to a stop outside the house, putting the van in park*
<Kane> <Comm> Checking up?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr hops out of the van, taking a deep breath of the air, moving to a flower garden she planted.
<Seraphna> "Yeah... you know... how are you...?"
<Kane> <Comm> Oh, i'm fine. I just got finished with a mission, on my way home. Umm by the way, it would be safe if from now on, you sent me a message on my datapad first. If youw ere to comm me in a mission where i'm trying to be sneaky, it could cause problems.
* Setsuna` hops out, moving straight to the fridge.
<Seraphna> "O-Oh, sure... sorry... I'm umm... making dinner."
* Xanatos gets out of the van and glances at the flowers. "Pretty." He comments, before moving on.
<Kane> <Comm> Really? What are you making?
<Seraphna> "Spagetti... I think I got it right..."
* Cassandra`Arakawa steps out of the van.
<MiniGM> 6A small explosion can be heard in the background of Kane's comm
<Kane> <Comm> Sera? You alright?
* Seraphna turns, reaching for her gun, "I ummm..."
* Kane breaks into a run, a couple blocks from his apartment.
<MiniGM> On Sera's end, spaghetti is plastered all over the walls.
<MiniGM> 6On Sera's end, spaghetti is plastered all over the walls.
<Seraphna> "Great... now I need to start over..."
* Kane slows himself down to a walk. "Ummm. What was that?"
* Seraphna puts the gun down and sighs, grabbing a dishrag...
<Seraphna> "The Spagetti exploded."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr finishes with the flowers, stepping inside. She glances around. "What are we doing tonight for fun?"
* Xanatos was in the kitchen cooking, "I'm making dinner.' He calls out.
<Kane> "Oh...well i'll be there in 5 minutes. We can order something."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr puts a finger to her lips. "But Setsuna said you making dinner was boring."
<Seraphna> "A-Alright..."
<Kane> <Comm> Unless you want to try again. I can help I guess."
<Seraphna> "You will...?"
<Xanatos> Well Setsuna can kiss my ass. *he calls back out*
<Kane> <Comm> Unless you want to order out." He adds, moving up to the door to his apartment.
<Kane> **
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr turns to look at Setsuna.
<Seraphna> "I'd like to cook with you..."
<Kane> <Comm> Alright, we'll cook something. I'm in the building now. *he moves over to the elevator.*
<Seraphna> "Okies... see you soon..."
* Kane closes the comm and sighs to himself, hitting the button for his floor.
<Setsuna`> "You can kick your ass you mean!" *calls out from the living room*
<Cassandra`Arakawa> I'll be in my room. *heads upstairs*
<Setsuna`> NRP: You = I
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr tilts her head. "You do not wish to watch them fight again?"
<Xanatos> Hah! In your dreams, silent and creepy.
<Setsuna`> "...silent and creepy?"
<Xanatos> Make sounds when you step! *he calls back out*
<Setsuna`> "Hey, just because I'm not a clumbsy oaf!"
* Kane steps out of the elevator and moves over to the door, using a keycard to open the door, he steps in. "Hello?"
<Xanatos> Oh them's fightin words tiny!
<Seraphna> "In the kitchen..."
* Kane steps towards the kitchem, he glances in as he rounds the corner.
<MiniGM> 6A knock can be heard outside Kane and Sera's door.
* Seraphna is busy cleaning
<Kane> Hmm. Be right back. *he says as he turns to walk toward the door, he peeks through the eyehole*
<MiniGM> A man in his 30's stands there in, it's the landlord.
* Kane opens the door. "Umm, hello?"
<Setsuna`> "...tiny? What the fuck are you on, anyways?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr watches the two arguing, wondering if it's a sign of love.
<Xanatos> Nothing illegal. *he chimes in, plating the food* Food is done! *he calls out*
<MiniGM> <Landlord> You're month's rent payment fell through. I figured there was a mistake being a Cran and all so I checked with your bank. Her account is gone.
<Kane> R...really? Umm, hold on a minute, let me go ask her. *he turns to move back into the kitchen* Sera...your bank account is gone.
* Seraphna looks up, blinking, "Wh-What?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr stares at the food, then at the others, waiting. "When shall we have a dinner together?"
<Seraphna> "There has to be a mistake or soemthing..."
<Xanatos> I don't think they do that. *he says as he puts the plates down, he moves over to the stairs* CASS! Dinner!
<Kane> Think you could find out?
* Cassandra`Arakawa comes down the stairs.
* Seraphna nods and goes to call her bank
* Kane moves back to the door, "She is going to find out what the problem is. Sorry about this."
<MiniGM> <Landlord> *stands there tapping his foot*
* Xanatos motins to Setsuna. "Get your ass over here and eat." He moves over to sit down and eat his meal.
* Seraphna dials up the bank, "Hello?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sits down, eyeing the food. She takes a bite slowly, chewing.
* Cassandra`Arakawa heads over and takes a seat.
* Setsuna` sticks her tongue out at Xanatos, and grabs a plate of food, and a beer to wash it down.
<Xanatos> Hows the chicken? *he tilts his head, having made a real southern meal, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans..*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr begins to choke on a bone.
<MiniGM> <Banker> This is Bank One, how may I help you>?
<Seraphna> "That's impossible, I haven't left the house all day!"
<MiniGM> NRP: Scratch that.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr swallows the bone whole. "Painful."
<Xanatos> Uhhh....uhhhh...any of you know the heimlich?
<Seraphna> "It was a trick, notify the authorities, because I am."
* Xanatos coughs. "Ummm. You aren't supposed to eat the bone...just the meat on the bone.."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... Oh.
<Kane> So....ummm...hows the business going?
<Seraphna> "I'm coming now."
* Cassandra`Arakawa stares at Zephyr...
* Seraphna walks over and grabs her jacket, "We'll have the rent soon."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> What is it, Cassandra? 6She asks her.
<Setsuna`> "...and I thought our old crew was freaky."
<MiniGM> <Landlord> I'll let it slide this time, but I will need it by the weeks end.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> ...nothing!
<Seraphna> "Sure thing."
* Seraphna looks to Kane, "Gonna come along?"
* Kane nods his head. "Thanks, worse case scenario I can pay with some of the money I saved up from Janus." He glances at Sera. "Of course."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr lowers her head a bit. "Well, since I do not require food, I think I will pass up on this unusual meal. Thank you." 6She stands up, moving out to be with her flowers.
* Seraphna heads out to the bank
* Xanatos glares at the other two. "Way to be welcoming you asses."
* Kane just walks along with her. "This sure is weird."
* Setsuna` shrugs a little.
<Seraphna> "I don't know... I've seen wierder, and the possibility of another clone is always out there."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> I just need a chocolate bar anyway...
* Xanatos sighs. "I give up." He stands and walks outside.
<Kane> ...I'm sure you would have been told.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr kneels there, shoveling out some weeds, and handling the small flowers with care.
<Seraphna> That or the worse possibility...
<Kane> The worse possibility?
<MiniGM> 6The two finally reach the bank after some time.
* Xanatos glances down at Zephyr. "Sorry those two aren't exactly friendly."
<Seraphna> Chad.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> It's okay. I am rather 'freaky', I suppose.
<Kane> I was under the impression that he couldn't touch your assets. Only you can. *he notes, walking into the bank*
<Seraphna> Apparently I came in and took my own money.
<MiniGM> 6The bank stands before them, waiting.
* Seraphna walks into the bank, looking aroung.
<Seraphna> *around
<Kane> NRP: I walked into the bank you ass.
<Kane> Could have been an impersonator. *he nods*
<Seraphna> "Yes it could..."
* Seraphna looks for a manager
<MiniGM> 6It's quite a busy bank, people depositing checks, old man cashing in their life savings of change.
* Xanatos frowns. "No, they aren't really ones to talk, so don't worry about them."
* Seraphna finds one anyways
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I am not worried. 6She notes, smiling at him
<MiniGM> <Manager> May I help you?
<Seraphna> "Yes, I'd like to discuss my account that was just stolen from this bank."
<MiniGM> <Manager> Ahh miss Serena Cran....Like my associate stated before, you came into the bank asked to withdraw all you're money. You signed the proper paperwork and provided us with a retinal scan and DNA sample.
<Kane> DNA sample?
<Seraphna> "Unfortunately I did not."
<Xanatos> Alright then. *he leans against house, watching her* You enjoy gardening?
<Seraphna> "You were had, now I'd like you to contact the authorities and get this resolved."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I find it a valuable learning experience.
<Xanatos> How so?
<MiniGM> <Manager> *types on his terminal bringing up the copies of the paperwork and turns his terminal towards her, showing the signature, it's an exact match.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> It is quite difficult to keep flowers alive. You have to show them care and attention.
<Seraphna> "That's nice, you don't need to prove to me you were tricked."
* Seraphna gets out her datapad and starts to call the proper authorities.
* Kane coughs. "Sera. You don't have proof that you weren't the one to do it."
* Kane glances at the manager, do you happen to have a video feed of the transaction?
<Kane> ""
<Seraphna> "My lack of funds actually, and since I was logged into the library all day, proof I wasn;t here."
<MiniGM> <Manager> Look...if you don't believe me...6He types more on his datapad and brings up footage of the transaction. Serena appears on the video feed talking and then filing out the paperwork. She shakes the mans hand then leaves moments later with the money in hand.
<Seraphna> "It's not me."
<Seraphna> "I wasn't here."
* Kane stares. "...But there you are.."
<MiniGM> <Manager> But you were mam, and it's right here. Look, we'll call the local authorities and have them look into it, but we followed protocol and everything passed.
<Seraphna> "I'm nto blaming you, yet."
<MiniGM> <Manager> I mean, how do I not know that this isn't an attempt at fraud by your part?
<Kane> Hmmm, maybe you were brainwashed again?
* Seraphna shakes her head, "Unlikely, and here."
<Kane> But it happened before. *he points out*
* Seraphna pulls out a slip of paper from her jacket and hands it to him, "My reciept from the library, if you'll note I was there until about 30 mnites prior to my call."
<MiniGM> <Manager> We've been handling part of Cran's assets for awhile now. We've done everything by the books and then some at his request...But this happened an hour prior to that Ms. Cran.
<Seraphna> "Correct, which means I wasn't here when I supposedly did this."
<Seraphna> "Ask yourself sir, why would I take out ALL of my assets?"
<MiniGM> <Manager> Look, it's not my business why you would want to do it. Maybe you felt like transferring the funds somewhere else, it's not our concern.
<Seraphna> "It is now."
* Kane eyes Sera. "Threatening this man when he clearly went by the books isn't going to solve anything."
<Kane> Get ahold of the cops and claim your case, thats all you can do.
* Seraphna presses the call, and waits for a response fromt eh authorities
<MiniGM> <Manager> I'm sorry Ms. Cran, but under the terms of agreement alongside the fact that everything was fallen by the books, this is out of our hands.
<MiniGM> 6The cops to busy with other things curretnyl put her on hold.
* Seraphna ignores him, waiting for the response
<MiniGM> 6And so concludes this segway.
<Xanatos> You seemed pretty damn excited about it being done.
* Setsuna` laughs
* Kane has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Xanatos applauds Chad.
<MiniGM> I apparently didn't realize how long the leash I was using was.
<Xanatos> Apparently....*punches Chad*
* Cassandra`Arakawa has left #PAXSeason7-1Darien
<Xanatos> Now I can go play games! *excitedly runs away*
* MiniGM has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Xanatos has left #PAXSeason7-1Darien
Session Close: Tue Aug 29 22:28:51 2006

Session Start: Tue Aug 29 19:52:53 2006
Session Ident: #PAXSeason7-1John
* Now talking in #PAXSeason7-1John
* Chad`Winters pats DeathStar
* Cole has joined #paxseason7-1John
<Chad`Winters> -0-
<Chad`Winters> Time: 10-584.4.10
* Jackieness is now known as Myria
* Ariel has joined #PAXSeason7-1John
<Chad`Winters> 6On a landing pad in the center of the city, is our intrepid group loading the Aquarius with supplies gathered by John.
<DeathStar> 6* John steps up the ramp that leads directly into the Aquarius' hanger, wearing a long brown coat, brown pants, and a brown shirt. He currently has own gloves as he carries a crate of food.
* Chad`Winters sprints down the ramp running quickly towards a crate and grabbing onto it.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: BAH!
* Chad`Winters is now known as Dias
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru helps out with the loading, carrying crates of assorted supplies
* Cole has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Dias lifts up the smaller crate, struggling. He turns and waddles towards the ramp, heading up it.
<DeathStar> <John> Well, this should be enough to last us a few weeks. 6He notes, shoving the crates up. The Progneitor teleporter is almost half-buried in the hanger.
* Dias makes it up the ramp finally and sets the crate down.
<Dias> 6Off in the distance sirens can be heard going off.
<DeathStar> 6* John glances up, biting his lower lip. He turns, moving quickly up the stairs in the hanger that leads to hallways running toward the bridge.
* Dias looks down at one last crate and moves down to it to pick it up.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... the sirens are nothing to do with us, I hope...?"
<DeathStar> <John> Us? 6He laughs, motioning to his chest. "Would anyone sound a siren over me?"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... considering your background..."
<DeathStar> <John> I'm wounded. Hurt, even. 6He moves out of the hanger into the hallways.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Well.. I guess you did put all that behind you..."
<DeathStar> 6* John is out of earshot now of Hotaru.
* Dias grabs the crate and lifts but doesn't budge it.
<Dias> ...Heavy...
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads over to Dias. "Need a hand?"
<DeathStar> 6* John walks through the hallway directly into the kitchen/dining room, past it through the crews quarters hallway, and up onto the bridge. He takes a seat, moving over to hit a button to see if he can catch police radio waves.
<Dias> Yes...Heavy.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru nods, and helps Dias pick up the crate
<Dias> 6Several cops can be seen looking around two blocks down.
* Dias lifts, struggling. For some reason this crate is heavier than the others.
<Dias> 6The two manage to get the crate into the Aquarius Hanger finally.
<DeathStar> 6* John moves over, powering up the Aquarius slowly, listening to the purr of power surging through the systems.
* Dias suddenly drops the crate, no longer able to hold the weight of it anymore, it thudding in response alongside another peculuar noise.
<DeathStar> 6* John moves over to the intercomm. "Say, you two. I think it's time we get this boat moving. One of you mind closing the ramp?"
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads over to close the ramp, all the time thinking how strange it is
<Dias> 6The sirens can be heard again, this time moving towards John.
<Dias> NRP: the Aquarius
<Myria> NRP: <John> She told me she was 18!
<DeathStar> 6* John grunts, asking for launch for clearance on the comm channel. "This is the Aquarius. We'd like to get off the ground."
<Dias> <Comm> Understood Aquarius, then next opening will be in 5 minutes.
<DeathStar> 6* John spins around in his chair, throwing up his boots onto the controls. "Understood. Aquarius out."
* Dias scratches the back of his head, looking closely at the crate
* Dias turns to look over at Hotaru. 1"Why you not go home iwth Ariel?
<DeathStar> 6* John reaches into his pocket and pulls out a picture, glancing at the familiar redhead on it. He moves and sticks it up between some of the control knobs.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I guess I just want to see the universe."
<DeathStar> 6* Turning around, John eyes how much time is left on the launch window.
<Dias> Oh...Why?
<Dias> 3 Minutes and counting.
<DeathStar> NRP: THAT was helpful
* Retrieving #PAXSeason7-1John modes...
<DeathStar> NRP: Luckily, I know that was 3.
<Dias> NRP: 3...
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Curiosity, mostly."
<Dias> And home world isn't important?
<DeathStar> 6* John hits the intercomm. "This is your Captain speaking. We will be launching in 3 minutes. I hope you enjoy McCormick flights."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "It is.. but they can handle things on their own."
<Dias> You different.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru blinks, surprised, then nods a little. "I guess I am.."
<Dias> <Comm> Aquarius, this is Control Tower 5, you are clear for launch in 1 minute.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "And why did you come?"
<Dias> 6Two police cars can be seen outside of John's position, and they're obviously seraching for something.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru eyes the crate idly
<DeathStar> 6* John leans forward. "I swear, you cops are always busting on me." 6He looks out the window.
<DeathStar> 6* John grabs the thruster lever, holding his grip on it. He eyes the countdown, slowly pushing it forward. The Aquarius rumbles.
<Dias> <Comm> This is Control Tower 5, Aquarius you are clear for launch.
<DeathStar> <John> Understood. Have a good day. 6He grins a bit, yanking the controls and lifting the Aquarius up, then shifting it so it flies forward.
<Dias> 6The Crate, not having been secured slides along the hanger floor and hits a piece of metal, causing it to tip over and open.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru hurries over to check on it.. and its contents
<DeathStar> 6* John flies the Aquarius up toward the clouds.
<Ariel> 6* A girl in her late teens falls out of the crate with a whimper. She's dressed mostly in denim, with an old cap over her face.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... wonderful."
<DeathStar> 6* John flies them up into space, rolling the craft a little away from Earth
<Ariel> <Girl> *is suddenly VERY still, hearing Hotaru*
* Dias runs over to the girl, sliding to a stop by her. 1"John has woman as supplies?
<Ariel> <Girl> "..."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Are you a stowaway, or..." *eyes Dias* "... or do I need to have a WORD with John?"
<Ariel> <Girl> *sits up, and clasps her hands together* "...please don't tell anyone I'm here. I'll be quiet, and I won't get in the way."
<DeathStar> 6* John begins to fly out of SOL space, glancing at his communication station oddly.
<Dias> Not a supply?
<Ariel> <Girl> *pauses at Dias' comment* "I can work if you need me to!"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "A stowaway then." *sighs a little* "This is going to be a drag on our supplies... but.. the help is appreciated."
<Dias> I need someone to wash feet.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... can't you wash your own?"
* Dias looks at Hotaru. 1"Yes."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Somehow, getting someone to wash your feet for you seems a little excessive.."
<Dias> She said she work tho.
<DeathStar> 6* John turns up the communication network, trying to see what he's hearing.
<Ariel> <Girl> *frowns* "I... could do it. But..."
* Dias smiles, beaming with joy. 1"YAY!"
* Dias grabs the girl's arm and begins pulling her towards the bridge.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "You don't have to..."
<Ariel> 6* The girl reluctantly lets herself be dragged
<Myria> *an SOS in Erusian is being broadcast from a damage shuttle*
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Umm... didn't she say not to tell anyone about her? Though... I guess John would hardly complain about having another girl on board."
<Dias> 6Slides into the bridge with the girl. 1"I found a girl to wash my feet John!
<DeathStar> 6* John, eyeing the strange alien gibberish, turns to face Dias. "Now Dias, what did Chad tell you about bringing dates on my ship?"
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru follows Dias onto the bridge. "She's NOT here to WASH YOUR FEET!"
* Dias sticks his lower lip out, twisting his left foot. 1"To give you first dibs..."
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru just stares blankly, not sure if Dias is serious. "..."
<DeathStar> <John> Oh, that Chad. Now I remember wh I agreed to bring you on my ship.
<Ariel> <Girl> *bows her head* "I'm sorry for the trouble. I just need transportation, Mr.McCormick. I won't get in the way."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: Dias, not Chad?
<DeathStar> 6* John tilts his head, studying the girl seriously now. He points. "Those sirens - that was YOU.
<Dias> Can she be my foot washer still?
<Ariel> <Girl> *stares* "W-why would they be after me?"
<DeathStar> <John> That's a good question. 6He claps his hands together, leaning forward. "Mind telling me?"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I guess you're off the hook, John."
<Ariel> <Girl> "How should I know. Maybe they were after you for all I know?" *pauses a moment, then regards John, tilting her head* "...again?"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "We haven't done anything wrong."
<DeathStar> <John> ... 6He pauses, glancing left, then right. "Fine. You pull your weight, you can stay. What's your name?"
<DeathStar> 6* John leans forward, listening to the Erusian transmission. "Okay, if I remember my Rylon conversations, this is....I need sex. Immediately. Please come assistant."
<Ariel> <Girl> *hesitates a moment* "...everyone calls me Em."
<Dias> YAY! 6Quickly pulls off his shoes, then his socks and wiggles his toes.
<DeathStar> <John> Okay, Em. Your job is to keep ... 6He eyes Dias. "Away from the freak."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "It's a very important job."
<DeathStar> 6* John turns the Aquarius, angling course to find the source of the distress signal. "Now, I think someone needs my assistance."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Are you sure that they're asking for sex?"
<DeathStar> <John> Of course. What else can that word mean?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "..."
* Ariel backs away from both John and Dias. Away from the freak.
<Ariel> NRP: Ack!
<Ariel> 6* Em backs away from both John and Dias. Away from the freak.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: Ariel snook on board!
<Dias> Joke! 6Smiles.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru just has a "what have I gotten myself into" look
<DeathStar> 6* John sits in the chair. The bridge, apparantly, only has 3 chairs. Pilot, co-pilot, and passenger.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: And a crew of four!
<DeathStar> 6* John leans forward. "Anyone see our mystery shuttle?" 6He notes.
<Myria> 6* The damaged shuttle is dead in space...a variant of Erusian design.
* Dias stares out the viewscreen. 1"There." 6He points.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I think they were asking for repairs."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "NOT sex."
<DeathStar> <John> Well, you win the grand prize, Hotaru. 6He winks at her, angling the ship toward the shuttle. "Man, the shuttle's too big to put in the hanger."
* Dias turns back to face Emily and studies her this time. 1"My name Dias."
<DeathStar> 6* John eyes his scanners. He hits random buttons, trying to find a life sign button
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I just hope we don't have a self-destruct button."
<DeathStar> <John> Oh, clever.
<Myria> 6* There is only one life sign on board the shuttle.
<Ariel> <Em> *sounds nervous* "...I think I chose the wrong ship."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Where are you wanting to go?"
<DeathStar> <John> One life sign. Well, since this is a Erusian shuttle, lets use the teleporter. 6He leaps up, gleefully.
<Ariel> <Em> "Just... away." *sighs and shakes her head* "Don't ask."
<DeathStar> 6* John moves out of the bridge and past the crew quarters, through the kitchen area, down the hallway, and into the hanger. He moves to the teleporter.
* Dias follows behind John very intent on watching.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "That's good. I don't think we have a set destination."
<Dias> What's teleporter?
<DeathStar> <John> A teleporter scrambles a person's atoms and reassembles them in a new location
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Want to go see who we're rescuing?"
<Dias> Oh...How?
<DeathStar> <John> Like I know. I just push the button
<DeathStar> 6* John hits the button
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Don't worry too much, by the way. John's a savant."
* Dias turns to watch the new person get teleported. He ooh's in astonishment
<Myria> 6* The teleporter assemble emits a light and then reforms into a person...a young Yloi female with shoulder length violet hair streaked with silver. She is currently out cold.
<Ariel> 6 * Em cringes.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Okay, that wasn't as comforting as it was meant to be."
<Dias> Another girl!
<DeathStar> <John> Wow, this is like some sitcom.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I don't get how, but he's managed to keep this ship in good shape through a war.. or so I hear."
<DeathStar> <John> Hmmm. I think we have a room for medical treatment. 6He picks her up, straining as he walks up the stairs.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "And... he managed to save my little sister's life, so... he's not as bad as he appears. Nowhere near."
<DeathStar> 6* John shuffles down the hallway, but instead heading up toward the kitchen/quarters/bridge, he moves past to the medical room, which is covered in dust. He lays the girl down.
<DeathStar> <John> Now...Dias. You know how to be a doctor?
<Dias> No, do you?
<DeathStar> <John> ... no
<Dias> ...6Moves over and places his finger against her head.
<DeathStar> <John> ... what the hell are you doing?
* Ariel speaks up. "I know... a little bit, from my brother. I might be able to help some."
* Ariel is now known as Em
* Em speaks up. "I know... a little bit, from my brother. I might be able to help some."
<Em> NRP: That's it =P
<DeathStar> 6* John jerks around, eyeing the doorway. "When the hell did you get here?"
* Dias spins around shocked. 1"GAH!
* Em pauses, "...I could just be going?" She moves back towards the door.
* Neko has joined #PAXSeason7-1John
<DeathStar> <John> No, no. 6He motions to the girl. "You can help her."
<DeathStar> <John> I'm going to go rob her ship of supplies. 6He nods, stepping out.
* Neko is now known as Seraphna
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru eyes John at that last comment
* Seraphna was kicked by Dias (SHOO!)
<DeathStar> 6* John hurries back into the hanger, grabbing a space suit from a closet. He begins to get in it
* Dias quickly follows behind John. 1"What do I do?"
* Em hooks the girl up to the medical scanner, trying to get a good idea of her condition. Hoping it's something she reconizes
<DeathStar> <John> You push the button once I'm on the transporter. 6He puts on a helmet, giving a thumbs up to Dias as he moves to the teleporter with a bag.
* Dias reaches over eyeing the button, a wide eyed look, he then taps it.
* Myria is suffering signs of cold, suggestng that the shuttle's environmental controls were damaged. Also, there are some signs of trauma brought on presumably by whatever damaged the shuttle to begin with.
* Em gets her a thermal blanket, and checks for signs of concussion, if there's no obvious wounds.
<DeathStar> 6* John fades away
<Myria> 6* Minor external injuries.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I doubt I'm as good as you here, but... if you need any assistance..."
* Dias pauses. 1"How do I bring back...
* Em gives her something to keep the pressure down, and then smiles contently at a job well done.
<DeathStar> <John on Comm> Anyone here me? Hello? Anyone? 6He calls out on the bridge. "Oh fuck. There's no one on the bridge."
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru smiles. "You did great."
* Dias stares back at the button, eyeing it.
* Dias looks around then hits it again.
<DeathStar> 6* John appears with a bag of stuff. "Oh thank God."
<Dias> Oooh...*
* Dias moves to hit the button again.
<DeathStar> 6* John vanishes.
<Dias> Hoohoo...6He hits it again
<DeathStar> 6* John appears, reaching out to grab Dias' throat.
<Dias> GACK!
<Dias> No?
<DeathStar> 6* John hangs head, pulling off his helmet. "Just...go store the goodies I stole."
<Dias> Isn't stealing bad?
<DeathStar> <John> I'm a pirate!
<Dias> Can I be a pirate?
<DeathStar> <John> Only if you store my booty.
<Dias> YAY! I can steal now! 6Grabs the goods and quickly runs off to the storage room.
* Em heads back to the bridge.
<DeathStar> 6* John pulls off the uniform. "I swear, that kid will kill me." 6He kicks it off, heading for the bridge.
<DeathStar> 6* John steps onto the bridge after traveling the distance, sliding up to his pilot seat. He looks at Em. "So, kiddo, where do I drop you off?"
<Em> "Hmm?"
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru has followed Em back to the bridge
* Em pauses a moment, then looks at a star chart, "Well..."
<DeathStar> 6* John turns the Aquarius back from the shuttle, aiming it back toward space.
<DeathStar> <John> Shall I pick for you?
* Em eyes John a moment, as if analyzing his motives.
<Em> "...can I think about it a little bit?"
* Dias steps up into the bridge finally.
<DeathStar> 6* John raises a brow, then grabs his controls. "Sure. I'll just make a few drop offs first."
<DeathStar> <John> How's the Eru girl?
<Em> "Mild concussion, but she's resting fine now."
<DeathStar> <John> Hmmm. Unconscious...
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "For someone who knows 'a little', she did very well."
<Dias> I stored your booty.
<DeathStar> <John> That's my first mate. 6He goes a half-grin.
<Em> *pauses* "'re not REALLY pirates, are you?"
<Dias> Yar?
<DeathStar> <John> Arr, you be walkin' with pirates, lady.
<DeathStar> <John> But really, I'm more of a mercenary with a heart of gold.
<Em> "But... you said you were pirates before."
<Dias> Pirate Mercenaries?
<DeathStar> 6* John puts his hands behind his head. "So, aren't you glad you picked this ship?"
* Em smiles nervously, like she's ready to bolt.
<DeathStar> <John> If you want to run, I suggest not going out the airlock.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Well.. it is good to know I'm not the only one worried about this."
<DeathStar> 6* John smirks, turning back to the bridge. "Why don't you all pick our your rooms or something?" 6He waves a hand to them almost dismissively.
<DeathStar> (out)
* Em quietly slips out, going to check on the injured.
<DeathStar> 6* John loses his smile once his back is turned. He fiddles with the controls, glancing out the window.
* Dias stands behind a chair, glancing over at John.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru also quietly slips out, suddenly a little uneasy
<DeathStar> 6* John listens to the bridge door close after they step out. "Wow. THAT wasn't awkward, now WAS it?"
<Dias> Awkward....Yes it was.
<DeathStar> <John> I need to teach you sarcasm.
<Dias> Will it help me be a man?
<DeathStar> <John> No, but it makes you a fabulous asshole.
<Dias> Is that good?
<DeathStar> <John> Depends on who you're being an asshole, to
<Dias> I'd like to learn then.
<DeathStar> <John> I'll see what I can do. 6He leans back in his seat, rubbing his chin.