Session Start: Tue Sep 05 19:27:39 2006
Session Ident: #PAXSeason7-3TeamDarien
* Now talking in #PAXSeason7-3TeamDarien
* Xanatos has joined #PAXSeason7-3TeamDarien
* Kane has joined #PAXSeason7-3TeamDarien
* Cassandra`Arakawa has joined #PAXSeason7-3TeamDarien
* Neko has joined #PAXSeason7-3TeamDarien
<MiniGM> 6
<MiniGM> 9
<MiniGM> 1
<MiniGM> 3
<MiniGM> -0-
<MiniGM> Stardate 10-584.4.17
<MiniGM> 6The team has gathered in Darien's conference room for information on their next assignment.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps into the room, a gray shirt and jeans. He shifts through his folders as he steps inside.
* Ceilidh has joined #PAXSeason7-3TeamDarien
* Xanatos sits in his chair, eyes focused onto Darien as he waits for his next orders.
<Ceilidh> NRP: Aww, guess I'll have to wait 'til next session to join here?
* Kane steps into the room from a different door than the one Darien used, he slides up to a chair and takes a seat.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> So what's the word today?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr watches a fly buzz around.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shifts through his folder. "Due to the uncanny amount of bullet holes Xanatos received last time, I've decided to hire us a medic. 6He glances toward the door he came through.
<Xanatos> I only got two. *he said with a frown*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Uncanny. Since no one else got hsot.
* Kane arches a brow, glancing from Xanatos to the door.
<Xanatos> It was a Sniper. I was lucky he chose me. *he said with the frown remaining*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grunts, much like Warren use to do. He sits down at the table.
* Ceilidh knocks on the door
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> You were lucky to get hsot?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien leans his head back. "Come on in, Ceilidh."
<Xanatos> I was being sarcastic. *he said as his eyes moved over to Zephyr, before moving toward the door now*
* Ceilidh heads in, a little nervously. "Ceilidh Hughes, reporting for duty sir."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien motions to an empty seat beside Xanatos. "You can sit next to target boy."
<Xanatos> Oh? She's a cute one. *he notes*
* Ceilidh nods, and sits down. "I.. guess you see a lot of action."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> He is very lucky in that regard.
<Ceilidh> "I hope no-one's been hsot."
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL
<Xanatos> No, being surrounded by all these girls and Kane, I'm the sensible target. Even though they could probably kick my ass. *his eyes trail to Cass and Zephyr.*
<Kane> Thanks alot you ass. *he said dryly to Xan*
<DeathStar> <Darien> Only if your attackers consider it polite to shoot the male. 6He notes dryly.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Someone speaks highly of himself.
* Ceilidh looks over Cass and Zephyr, noting Cass' cybernetics
<DeathStar> <Darien> However, quite frankly, I'd be afraid of someone shooting you in the chest these days, Cassandra. It might pop something. Do they REALLY need to be that big?"
* Xanatos smirks, glancing at Cassandra.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> I'mn overcompensating for being nearly 90% off the assemblyline. Big deal!
<Kane> Those are way past the handful rule.
* Ceilidh says nothing, looking embarrassed, and suddenly feeling inadequate
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr tilts her head toward her own boobs again.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> now you're just exagerrating.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien leans back in his seat, cupping his hands together. "I tend to agree. I mean, I'd be afraid I'd be suffocated."
<Xanatos> Whats wrong with a good set of petite breasts anyway?
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Quit ragging on me!
<Xanatos> You know we love you Cass. *he said with a chuckle*
<DeathStar> <Darien> And you'll love this next assignment.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien leans forward, setting a folder down, opening it up. It shows Elayne Trenton's picture.
<Ceilidh> "Who is that?"
<Xanatos> Oh damn, my old flame. *he said with a smirk*
<Kane> Old flame? *he glances at Xanatos* I didn't know you liked alien reporter?
<DeathStar> <Darien> You must not watch the news. 6He notes to Ceildih. "Chip is still busy decoding the hard drive you guys got for me, so think of this as a side exercise. Trenton's being transported to the Senate building to question her on the ATLEANs. They want her to give up all the names. And since V.I attacked her earlier this year, there's a good chance they'll use this to their advantage."
<Kane> So we'll be protecting her?
<Ceilidh> "Oh, Elayne Trenton?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> I like to think of her as bait, but yeah, keep her alive. We need whatever information she can provide. Also, there's already a large crowd of demonstrators outside the Senate building. If there's trouble, it's crowds."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> If its not one thing...
<Xanatos> So how are we going to be providing protection? Blend in with the crowd and wait for an attack?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Basically, meet Trenton at her apartment and escort her to the Senate building. Simple as that.
* Xanatos nods and pulls himself up to his feet. "Is it the same place that V.I. trashed?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> They moved her to another building for her "protection". The address is in the folder.
* Xanatos nods and leans over to get the address from the folder.
<Ceilidh> "Something tells me that there'll be trouble."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Reporters are troublesome, so I am told by John.
<Kane> Is there any location that I could set up a sniping position?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Across from the Senate building, perhaps. But with a crowd that size, I wouldn't trust your sniping abilities.
* Xanatos leans back up and turns to go towards the Van.
<Kane> I understand. I wouldn't want to accidently hit an innocent. *he stands and turns to leave&
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr stands and follows.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at Ceilidh. "Have fun with your teammates. Get to know them."
* Ceilidh nods, standing and following
<DeathStar> <Darien> Also, decide if you're going to bunk with them or be anti-social like Kane.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr gets into the van, leaning back all casual like.
* Xanatos sits in the driver's seat, waiting.
<Ceilidh> "Well..."
* Kane slides into the van, sitting near Zephyr, he glances out of the window, his hand slides to scratch his wrist.
* Ceilidh pauses, unsure what to say, and just gets in
<Ceilidh> NRP: Emo-Kane!
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Alright, let's get moving. *climbs into the van*
<Xanatos> NRP: LOL
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr turns to study Kane
* Xanatos puts it in drive and backs out of the parking spot, sliding the van into drive, he pulls off toward Trenton's new place.
* Kane glances at Zephyr, his hand stops scratching. "Yeah?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Why are you scratching your wrist? Are you holding suidicial feelings?
* Ceilidh glances over
* Kane chuckles. "No, it itches."
<Xanatos> Living with Serena, I would understand if he did.
<Kane> Can it Xanatos. *he said in a glare*
<MiniGM> NRP: Be itchy? He probably has crabs.
<Ceilidh> NRP: <Xanatos> Living with Serena, I would understand if he did.
<Xanatos> NRP: LOL
<Neko> NRP: ;.;
* Xanatos glances at Ceilidh in the mirror, "So. Why don't you tell us about yourself?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks between Kane and Xanatos, then at Ceilidh.
* Neko is now known as Elayne
<MiniGM> 6They drive out onto the highway and towards their 1st stop, Elayne Trenton's house.
* Ceilidh looks a little shy. "Well.. there's not too much to tell.. I joined the military because of my father.. and isn't this our stop?"
<MiniGM> 6It would appear not, as they are still on the highway.
<Ceilidh> NRP: Oh. Curses
<Ceilidh> NRP: :P
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> You did not want to be in the military?
<Xanatos> No, we'll be there soon enough. Please continue. *he says, still on the path to Elayne's.*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks out as they pass a bar
* Xanatos glances at the bar as well.
<MiniGM> 6A blue car pulls onto the highway from the on-ramp.
<Ceilidh> "It's not that.. it's just that I look up to him."
<Ceilidh> "I'm not much of a fighter though, so I joined the medical division instead."
* Xanatos slides his eyes to look at the blue car, moving over a lane to allow access to the highway.
<Kane> Ahh the alternatives to fighting. *he said with a grin*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr watches the blue car silently.
* MiniGM the blue car pulls in safely thanks to Xanato's good driving habits.
<Ceilidh> NRP: Our car now has a name!
<Ceilidh> NRP: And it's a GM! Or maybe a Mini
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL
<Cassandra`Arakawa> NRP: :o
* Xanatos glances over at the blue car, seeing if he recognizes the driver.
<MiniGM> 6The driver in the blue car looks over at Xanatos, curious as to why he would be looking at him.
<Ceilidh> NRP: I think our car's the blue one
<Ceilidh> NRP: Or not
<Cassandra`Arakawa> What is it?
<MiniGM> NRP: No, you're in a van.
* Xanatos just glances back ahead, shrugging. "I was just seeing if I knew them."
<Ceilidh> "And do you?"
<MiniGM> 6Other colored cars begin speeding by Xanatos off and on.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... 6She tilts her head to look at a candy wrapper on the floorboard of the van
* Xanatos shakes his head. "Not that I can remember." He gets in the right lane, awaiting his exit.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Stay alert, but don't be jumping at shadows either.
<Ceilidh> "Alright."
<MiniGM> 6The finally come upto the exit, but it's in the left lane and approaching fast.
<Xanatos> NRP: An exit in the left lane? You're retarded.
<MiniGM> NRP: It's a split bi-way.
* Xanatos glances back to see if he'll clear other cars before jerking the van into the left lane to take the exit. "Damn I hate these highways."
<Kane> Jeez! *he grabs ahold of the seat* Who let him drive!?
<MiniGM> 6He makes it safely and they soon turn off on the off-ramp leading them into the main part of a sub-burb
<MiniGM> 6Several cars turn off behind him.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I am incapable of driving, but I could attempt it.
* Xanatos keeps on his way to Elayne's. His eyes constantly checkign about to make sure he wont hit anyone and all of that.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> No thank you.
<Kane> I bet that would be fun. *He said with a smirk*
<MiniGM> 6After several minutes of driving them pull into a smaller sub-urb.
* Xanatos keeps on his way, closing in on her address. "They really put her out of the way, didn't they?"
<MiniGM> 6The finally pull upto a quaint little house, small, nothing specific.
<Ceilidh> "Seems so."
<Ceilidh> "In a way, it seems like nice security."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Typical safe house.
* Xanatos puts the van in park and glances over at Cass. "Who's going to go get her?"
* Ceilidh looks between the others.
<Kane> I thought you were the one who was "involved" with her Xan?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sits there calmly, her attention obviously elsewhere.
<Xanatos> I was being sarcastic, dumbass.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Not to alarm anyone, but we have been followed. 6She notes calmly.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> How many?
* Xanatos glances back at Zephyr. "We what?" He checks his mirror.
<MiniGM> 6There are no cars behind him anymore, maybe if he checked them earlier, he would've noticed.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Two vehicles.
<Xanatos> Do you know how many people were inside them?
* Cassandra`Arakawa nods.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Um, no. 6She wrinkles her forehead. "Should I have?"
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Would have helped. Where did they go?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I lost sight of them half a block away.
* Kane glances back, "What should we do Cass?"
<Ceilidh> "Well.. maybe they're not watching us right now."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Would help if we knew exactly where they are. Keep her out of the open if you can.
<MiniGM> NRP: 6And so Elayne is slaughtered inside the house as they try to decide who grabs her.
<Xanatos> Zephyr, can you keep a lookout and make sure no one is trying to move in on the house? *he opens the door* I'll go get her I guess.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Of course.
<MiniGM> 6The house looms before them, waiting.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Get a satelite feed of this area if we can. I want to know who is where.
* Kane pulls up his datapad and starts to do that
* Xanatos steps towards the door and knocks on it.
* Elayne opens the door, almost as if expected, in a state of half-dress, "Umm, hello."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Wish I had Setsuna here to hit the rooftops...someone keep an eye on the rooftops.
<Xanatos> Hello? You ready to go? *he glances over her state of "half-dress"
<Ceilidh> "Alright."
* Ceilidh watches the roofs
<MiniGM> 6Kane, after a few minutes of working, get's the access he wants, and it's already focused on their location. He can see plenty of cars parked on the street they turned off of with cars driving down that street also, so far it would appear to be very clear.
* Elayne closes her shirt, buttoning it slowly, "So... you're my bodyguard?"
* Elayne appears to only be in underwear, and a dress shirt.
<Xanatos> If by bodyguard you mean walking target? Yes. There's a whole van full of us. *he motions towards the van parked in the drive-way.*
<Elayne> "Ah, come in, it'll only be a few minutes."
* Kane keeps watching on the satellite feed.
* Xanatos nods. "Please hurry. Theres a good chance we were followed." He steps inside.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Taking too damn long...
<MiniGM> 6Another car passed along the street they turned off of.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Shall I go and give "proper incentive"?
* Ceilidh looks to Zephyr, blinking.
<Kane> Proper incentive?
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Zephy, get in there. Drag out her naked rear if you need to. She was in that doorway too long.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I've read up on how to make peopel sing like canaries.
* Elayne heads into her room to get dressed, there sounds like there's another person in there, talking in a bit of an unclear voice.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr nods, stepping out of the van. She puts on her best game face, then walks to the house, moving inside.
<Xanatos> Is there someone else in here?
<Cassandra`Arakawa> What type of operating are they running out here...?
<Kane> Huh? *glances up to look at Cass, but quickly looks back to the feed*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steps into Elayne's room without knocking. "Hello. I am here to encourage you to come ito the van."
<Elayne> "Hmm? No no one else."
* Elayne comes out shortly after clothed, fixing something that doesn't seemt o be there, "Shall we go then?"
<Cassandra`Arakawa> No signs of protection...geeze....
<MiniGM> 6Elayne slams into Zephyr, who's now in her room.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr tilts her head, studying Elayne curiously. She steps aside for Elayne to proceed.
<Elayne> "Oh, Dragoon Zephyr, hello."
* Xanatos glances at Zephyr walk by him. "Guess I was too slow. We should leave then." He turns to leave.
* Ceilidh keeps watching the rooftops cautiously
<Kane> They probably have hidden operatives or something.
* Elayne steps out and heads for the door.
<MiniGM> 6A Squirrel chitters from the rooftop, staring at Ceilidh.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr follows along, still studying Elayne carefully.
* Xanatos glances around cautiously as he steps outside, his eye moves about, searching for any dangers.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> They let her answer the door herself.
* Elayne walks along as if it were a sunday walk, not a care in the world.
<Ceilidh> NRP: <Ceilidh> AHHHHHH! *shoots the squirrel*
<Kane> She has windows, she could tell it was us...
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr walks along beside Elayne, clearly ready to grab Elayne if something happens.
* Elayne stops before she reaches the cars and smiles softly, "Well well... Darien."
<MiniGM> NRP: *only a van*
<Kane> NRP: *no Darien*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr opens the van door for Elayne.
* Xanatos slides into the drivers seat and waits for Zephyr to get in so he can head toward the senate building.
* Elayne gets in, "He's in charge of this is he?"
<Cassandra`Arakawa> That doesn't matter...
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr gets in next, closing the van door.
<Ceilidh> "You know each other?"
<Xanatos> Your life is all that matters. *he pulls out, making his way for their next desitnation*
<Elayne> "Never thought I'd hear that."
<Ceilidh> "Where are we heading now?"
<Xanatos> Never thought i'd say it doll. *he keeps check as he drives now, looking for people that would be following him* Senate Building.
* Kane sets it so that the sattelite feed follows them as they make their new drive to the senate.
* MiniGM as the pull out onto the main strip heading to the highway, a black car slams into their side, sending them into a spin.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> And here it comes!
<Ceilidh> "This is one of the cars that followed us, yes?"
* Xanatos jerks on the wheel, aiming to get control of the van.
* Ceilidh clings to the seat
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Affirmative. 6She grabs the seat in front of her.
<Ceilidh> "Figures that they'd be waiting.."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Get us under control and take evasive action.
* MiniGM the black car quickly spins to the side of the van and a window rolls down, with a man leaing out from it. He begins firing a the van's side, pelting the armored van.
* Elayne holds on carefully, "Never easy..."
* Xanatos gets control and slams on the brakes so that the car will keep going, "Cass, shoot that son of a bitch."
* MiniGM the car zooms past them then locks it's rear brakes up, sliding infront of them. Several men get out and begin opening fire onto the front of the van.
* Ceilidh keeps down low, trying to keep Elayne out of the line of fire too
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Permission to engage?
<Xanatos> Do it.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr opens the side of the van door and leaps out, throwing it shut after herself. She forms a Sera's weapon, then dives away from the van, opening fire at the enemy and their van.
* Xanatos is still MOVING, he moves to the van to the right, aiming to run over one of the men on the right.
* Xanatos makes sure to let Zephyr out before he does the previous action.
<MiniGM> 6The man leaps off to the side as Xanatos swerves by, they turn to keep firing, not noticing Zephyr, whos attack causes the car to explode, taking it and the attackers out.
<Ceilidh> "Elayne.. please keep your head down.."
* Xanatos slides to a stop and puts the van in reverse, sliding to a stop, allow Zephyr to jump back inside.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr rushes back, opening the van door and sliding in, closing it.
<MiniGM> 6Another car can be seen approaching very quickly, intent on slamming into the back of their van.
* Elayne keeps her head down, not protesting,
* Xanatos slams on the gas. "Someone lean out of the window and fire at that cars front tires."
<MiniGM> 6The on-ramp to the highway is coming up.
* Cassandra`Arakawa opens a window and leans out, firing a couple rounds into the car's tires.
* Xanatos moves for the on-ramp, since he has to go that way to get to their destination.
* MiniGM the tires pfft and the front end begins swerving, it suddenly loses controls and slams into another driver, causing it to explode.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Civilian casualities. 6She notes mournfully.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Damn...
<MiniGM> 6They make it onto the on-ramp with no problems and onto the busy bi-way.
* Xanatos makes a face. "I sure hope you're worth this, Miss Trenton."
<MiniGM> 6A car infront of them suddenly locks it's breaks infront of their van.
<Elayne> "Frankly, I don't."
* Xanatos slams on the brakes himself, he glances to his left to make sure it is ok to jerk the van over into that lane.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steadies herself by pushing her hand against a seat.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Be careful...we lost speed...most vulnerable time.
<MiniGM> 6It's clear, but the gap is closing quickly. A truck behind them, gaining speed in an attempt to slam Xan's rear.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Should I slow down the enemy?
* Xanatos slams the gas, aiming to get away from that truck. "How?"
<MiniGM> NRP: So did you change lanes?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I shall disable the truck.
<Kane> NRP: Yeah, I was thinking I did it in the previous action, but now that I read I didn't. Sooo yes, I did.
* MiniGM the two vehicles slam into each other.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Proceed.
* Xanatos moves onward, weaving in and out of traffic.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr yanks open the van door after the impact, then pulls herself up onto the roof the van, steadying herself. She rushes forward, leaping off the van to land on the truck. She rears back to fire her gun at the engine.
* Elayne sighs quietly, "No not yet..."
<Ceilidh> "What?"
<Kane> What the hell are you going on about? *he glances at Elayne*
<Elayne> "Hmmm? Nothing."
<MiniGM> 6The trucks engine kills as smoke rises from it. A man points through the windshield and fires at gun towards Zephyr.
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr leaps back and away onto the road. She reaches out to try to snag another moving vehicle to use it to catch up to Xan's van.
<MiniGM> 6Succeeds, her body jerking around like a rag doll.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr winces in pain.
<Ceilidh> "Oh, really..."
<MiniGM> 6Three vehicles pull up from the on-ramps and begin to pick up speed as they heads towards the van.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Can you get us moving or not?!
<MiniGM> 6They already are moving.
<DeathStar> <Chip on Comm> Um, guys. We have a situation.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> *c* No kidding!
<Kane> <Comm> Something else, Chip?
* Xanatos tries to move the van so Zephyr can get back inside.
<DeathStar> <Chip on Comm> Um, bigger than that. Darien's caught onto another problem. It seems that V.I. has taken over one of the subway trains that runs under the Senate building.
<Xanatos> <Comm> Oh god, they aren't going to try and blow it up or something, are they?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr, catching a ride elsewhere, is in no position to get into the van before it's rammed by the new threats.
* Xanatos frowns and keeps going, glancing over at Cass. "Keep those cars off of me."
<MiniGM> 6The owner of the vehicle Zephyr is on begins freaking out that someone is holding onto their car and begins swirving madly to try and get her off.
* Elayne sighs tiredly, as if frustrated with someone incredibly slow.
<Ceilidh> NRP: <Ceilidh> This isn't Nov 5th, is it?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr waves at the person, only to be jerked madly.
* Cassandra`Arakawa nods and then leans out the window, firing at the pursuing vehicles.
<MiniGM> 6The three cars quickly catch up with the Van. One of the cars pulls in behind their van while the other two make an attempt to drive along side the van.
<DeathStar> <Chip on Comm> Darien suspects that might be the case.
* Kane moves to lean out the left side of the van, firing at the car coming up the left side.
<MiniGM> 6The owner, a female, begins screaming bloody murder at the side and continues swerving.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr is thrown off, never to be seen again by the others.
<Xanatos> <Comm> What can we do? We're technically getting attacked right now.
<DeathStar> <Chip on Comm> Think of something . That's why we pay oyu1
<MiniGM> 6The shots bounce off, these cars appear to be more armored this time.
<Ceilidh> "Can't we lose them?"
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Time to switch arms. *ducks back inside*
<MiniGM> 6Zephyr falls off and slams into the windshield of the car behind her.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr grunts.
* Xanatos glances down at his speed, if he can go faster, he would.
* Kane tosses out two silver discs at the car, if they stick he would push a button and the discs would explode.
<Xanatos> <Comm> Which subway is the one that they took over?
<MiniGM> 6One of the car's passes by Xanatos since he doesn't make an attempt to cut him off. Soon enough that car swerves infront of the Van. The second one is nailed by the silver discs and explodes, sending shrapnel behind them. It would appear they are in a pincer now.
<DeathStar> 6* Chip uploads the subway track to Kane's datapad.
* Elayne whispers something in an odd language.
* Ceilidh eyes Elayne
<MiniGM> 6The shrapnel from the exploded vehicle slams into several cars behind them, causing a pile up to begin. The car with Zephyr zooms by, apparently in his own little world in an attempt to ingore that a girl slammed into his windshield.
* Xanatos continues on his way. "I'm going to need you all to clear my way if we're going to make it to that subway.' He says to the three in the van.
* MiniGM the car infront of them suddenly slams his brakes while the other one swerves to the other land and speeds up.
* Xanatos slams on his breaks as well, since the other lane is blocked off by the car that was behind him.
<MiniGM> 6The other car suddenly swerves off to the side and into the side of their van.
* Xanatos was expecting this and turned into it. "Damn. Glad you are helping out." He curses at everyone else in the van.
<MiniGM> 6The car Zephyr is in suddenly slams on it's breaks. The person freaks out and runs off to the side of the highway.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> If I shoot forward, we pile into wreckage...if I shoot to the wide...I blow out our wall!
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sits forward, and leaps off onto Xan's van since he stopped. She lands on the roof with a thud.
<MiniGM> 6Sadly now, Xan has been forced into a stall.
* Ceilidh prepares to jump out
<MiniGM> 6Windows begin opening up and the enemy begins to fire into the side of the van.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Cover me! *leaps out through one of the windows and tumbles on to the ground*
* Kane tosses a silver disk for the inside of the car beside them. He would press a button on his watch to make it explode if it succeeds in its flight.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr stands, blood all over her back and her arm hanging limply. She aims her good hand at the enemy and fires her weapon.
* Cassandra`Arakawa rolls back on to her feet, packing a rail gun.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Say good night, gracie.
* MiniGM the car to the side of them explodes, sending shrapnel into the side of their van, since they were next to them, several pieces slam through the wrecked door and into the people inside.
<MiniGM> 6The car infront of them explodes also thanks to Zephyr's part.
* Ceilidh leaps out, buffetted by the explosion
* Kane makes sure he takes the shrapnel that was headed for Elayne. Grunting slightly.
* Elayne blinks in surprise, "Enough..."
* Xanatos raises an arm and takes some shrapnel in the arm and in the side. "..."
<MiniGM> 6Kane, not moving quick enough only takes part of the shrapnel, several of the pieces slam into Elayne's back.
<Elayne> "Rrrr..."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr avoids damage from on top of the van.
<Xanatos> Get in! *he calls to the people outside the van, he would back up and proceed forward again*
<MiniGM> 6The two wrecks begin smoking.
<Xanatos> *after they got inside of course.*
* Ceilidh heads in quick, wincing
* Cassandra`Arakawa climbs back in!
<MiniGM> 6The van's wheel's spin as the shrapnel has ripped about the left tires.
<MiniGM> 6A shuttle drops infront above and a man leans out of it, holding a rocket launcher.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr, still on the van roof, glances up and fires her weapons at the man.
<Ceilidh> "... oh, you have to be kidding..."
<MiniGM> 6The man twists and contors, falling to the ground below, the rocket launcher clattering beside him.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr picks up the rocket launcher, tilting her head.
<DeathStar> 6* She then tenses and leaps up for the ramp of the shutle.
* Elayne pants a little in pain, but seems a bit tougher then usual, she moves off to the side, pulling out a weapon from what seems to be nowhere.
* Kane slides back and checks his datapad, he calls out the location of the subway.
<MiniGM> 6The shuttle swirves, but is too late as Zephyr lands inside.
* Ceilidh checks the map on her datapad
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr gets to her feet, ignoring the pain for now as she hurries toward the cockpit.
<MiniGM> 6Zephyr succeeds in taking over the shuttle as she sends the pilot slamming to the pavement below.
<Xanatos> <Comm> We'll switch off to that shuttle, Zeph.
<MiniGM> 6The van after several attemps from Xanatos, finally creeks out of it's trapped spot.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr brings the shuttle back down to the ground for the others to get on.
<Xanatos> We're switching off people. Let's move it. *he hops ou and begins to move for the shuttle*
<MiniGM> 6According to Kane's information, the subway train is approaching their position and fast, and it won't be long before it reaches the Senate building.
* Ceilidh follows Xan, helping Elayne if needed
* Kane moves to get out, also helping Elayne if she needs it.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr offers Cassandra the rocket launcher once she gets on, and offers Xan the pilot seat. She doesn't seem to be in any shape to fly.
* Xanatos moves to the pilot's seat. "Take a rest Zephyr. You've did more than enough today." He telles her, getting a feel for the shuttle before he would lift off and head toward the subway.
* Elayne gets aboard and adjsuts the strange weapon in her hand, Xan;s seen it before.
<MiniGM> 6Off to the side they can see the tracks for the brief time that the subway train is above city.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sits down gingerly, not wanting to touch her back against anything. She sits there, wincing a bit.
* Kane studies the weapons as he closes the ramp and sits down.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Nice...make explodey...
* Ceilidh takes deep breaths
* Elayne carefully works the shards ou of her back, grunting, some strange noise oming from about her, seeming soothing as she works.
* Kane just eyes Elayne. "So weird..."
<MiniGM> 6The subway train emerges from underground and begins moving along quickly.
<Ceilidh> "... this doesn't seem right, somehow."
* Ceilidh tries to determine what language the strange whisper was in
<Elayne> "VI is against order and peace forming on Earth. They want me dead, I wish people would consider the facts."
<DeathStar> 6* There appears to be two figures on top of the train
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Should I just blast here?
* Xanatos zooms down after the train. "We need to secure that train and secure the bomb inside of it. Make sure those are hostile target and take them out."
<MiniGM> It appears that there's about 100 miles left of open track before they head back down.
<Kane> What the hell are you going on about? *he looks to Elayne*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr glances out a window. "There appears to be passangers on the subway train."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Make it fast then.
<DeathStar> 6* One of the figures vanishes and appears behind the other figure, knocking them along the train surface.
* Cassandra`Arakawa tries to make out who they are...
<Xanatos> Is that Adam? Who the hell is he fighting?
<MiniGM> 6After some hefty looking, it appears to be Adam and....Darien?
<Xanatos> Darien!? Shit we need to help them out.
<Xanatos> NRP: him*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien activates his energy sword, swinging it against Adam, who blocks with his arm.
<Ceilidh> "What can we do?"
<Xanatos> Get close enough and we can drop Cass down to help Darien, while the rest of us go for that bomb.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam dropkicks Darien, sending him falling along the train surface, digging his sword into the roof to keep from going over.
<MiniGM> 6Another 60 miles, at the pace their going, they've got less than a minute to get on that shuttle.
<MiniGM> NRP: Subway train
<DeathStar> 6* Adam spreads his arms out, obviously ranting about something.
<Ceilidh> "Alright.. shouldn't someone keep an eye on Elayne, though?"
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Darien...and Adam...?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I will watch Elayne.
<Ceilidh> "Thanks."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Yeah...get me into drop position.
* Xanatos zooms closer. "Everyone get ready. Zephyr, you can pilot the shuttle and Elayne away." He motions for her to take the piloting position.
<MiniGM> 6 45 seconds.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moves over despite her pain and does so.
* Kane runs towards the back and opens the ramp, he jogs down it and jumps down onto the train, upon landing, he would roll and slide to a knee.
* Xanatos nods to Zephyr and runs towards the back, jumping down onto the top of the train, stumbling and falling back.
<MiniGM> 6 25 seconds, the tunnel can be seen fast approaching.
* Cassandra`Arakawa gets ready to jump once she's over Darien and Adam's position...
<DeathStar> 6* Adam eyes Kane landing. "Ho ho ho. Kane!"
<MiniGM> 10 Seconds, the shuttle better move quickly.
<MiniGM> 6 10 seconds, the shuttle better get out of their.
* Cassandra`Arakawa jumps down to land behind Adam!
* Elayne looks to Zephyr
<DeathStar> <Adam> I was hoping we could meet so we could discuss Seraphna's hot, tight vagina. 6He tilts his head to look behind him. "Oh, gee. Girls just ruined our convo."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr appears dazed, but alert.
<MiniGM> 6 5 seconds.
<MiniGM> 6 4 Seconds
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pulls himself up. "Glad you guys could make it."
<Elayne> "We're going to hit..."
<MiniGM> 6 3 Seconds
<MiniGM> 6 2 Seconds
* Kane gets a grim face, "I'll kill you Adam."
* Ceilidh getss out
<MiniGM> 6 1 seconds
<Cassandra`Arakawa> I get to use the head for kickball.
<DeathStar> <Adam> Did you know she was a screamer, Kane? 6He shouts out.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Don't let him get under your skin...
* Kane pulls up his pistol and begins firing at Adam.
* Ceilidh lands somewhat unceremoniously on the train
<DeathStar> 6* Adam jerks out of the way, leting the shots head for Cass.
<MiniGM> 6 The train enters the tunnel.
* Xanatos looks towards Kane. "Calm down damnit!"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pulls away at the last second.
* Xanatos motions to Ceil and Kane to come on as they are supposed to move and get that bomb.
* Elayne looks over Zephyr's wounds carefully
* Cassandra`Arakawa ducks down to evade the shots!
* Ceilidh climbs up and starts towards where the bomb is
<DeathStar> <Adam> She moaned and wiggled under me as I fucked her again and again.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Kane! Mission! Now!
<Kane> Yeah. I'm happy for you, you pathetic piece of shit. *he turns and move after Xan and Ceil.*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands finally, holding his saber ready, in front of Adam, while Cass is behind. Adam laughs.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr's left arm appears to be useless and her back is torn up pretty good.
<MiniGM> 6It would appear they have about 7 minutes to disarm the bomb before they hit their destination.
<DeathStar> <Adam> Well, Cassie. 6He turns to face her. "Have you missed me?"
* Xanatos moves to get inside the train, he glances back at Kane. "Get a schematics of this train and find out a good spot for the bomb to be."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Not really. You're in the same category as a fungal infection.
* Kane nods and does so once inside, he pulls up his datapad and gets to work.
<DeathStar> <Adam> I'll remember that as I'm fucking you next. 6Darien charges him from behind. Adam whirls around in a blur and punches Darien in the guts, knocking him to his knees.
<DeathStar> <Adam> Stay out of mommy and daddy's conversations.
<Ceilidh> "Do you have any experience with bombs?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> We will...get you to the Senate building. 6She notes to Elayne drowsily.
<MiniGM> 6If Kane's any time of genius, there would be two good locations to place a bomb. The center of the train, or the front where the Electric Generator rests.
<Xanatos> Not as much as i'll probley need to be...
* Kane tells Xanatos and Ceilidh. "Center of the train looks like a good spot."
* Elayne shakes her head and pulls out a small pack, opening it and rubbing a strange salve over Zephyr's arm, the nanites in the salve begin to work on Zephyr's injuries.
<Ceilidh> "Then lets go there."
* Xanatos nods and begins to move quickly towards their destination.
* Ceilidh follows
* Cassandra`Arakawa dashes forward, moving to punch Adam in the small of the back while he's engaging Darien.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... What are you doing? 6She asks.
* Kane moves after them as well, his face still tight and grim.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam is hit with a grunt, pressing his weight to keep from tipping over. He responds with a kick at Cass's gut.
<Elayne> "Fixing you. Alpha's are a mixture of biological and mechanical materials that common restorative nanites can handle."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Gah... *jerks back before punches at Adam's neck*
<DeathStar> 6* Adam attempts to grab Cassandra's fist, grinning. "It's been a while since we've seen who's the better bio-human."
<MiniGM> 6The shuttles comm begins buzzing.
<MiniGM> 6 4 minutes remain.
* Xanatos moves quickly, checking to see how much longer till they are there.
<MiniGM> 6Luckily they dropped off near the center so they're only about 4 cars away.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr brings the shuttle down near the Senate building, as much as the crowd/police force will permit. It seems the police are trying to get the crowd out of there.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> We should wait here until we can be sure the train is successfully stopped.
* Cassandra`Arakawa lets him grab her fist and then punches for his elbow with the other fist.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Not a pissing contest.
* Xanatos breaks into a run, Kane picks up speed as well.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam lets go, jerking back away. He grins, his eyes almost wild. "You're going to be mine, Cassie."
<MiniGM> 6The comm cuts out on the shuttle again.
<MiniGM> 6They finally reach the center car, people look around confused as hell.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pauses, eyeing the shuttle.
* Xanatos begins to look around for a potential bomb.
* Ceilidh darts into the center car, eyeing the area
<MiniGM> 63 minutes.
* Kane begins to look around for one as well.
<MiniGM> 6 3 minutes.
<MiniGM> <Man> What are you looking for?!
<DeathStar> 6* Darien begins to recover from the punch.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> does the term...go suck a lemon, have any meaning for you?
<Xanatos> Don't worry about it. Just move out of our way.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam dashes forward, throwing a punch at her face.
<Ceilidh> "Are you sure it's here?"
* Ceilidh checks her datapad for anywhere else it might be
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr keeps watching Elayne.
<Kane> Could be the front. I'll go check there. *moves off toward the front in a run*
* Cassandra`Arakawa bobs her head to the side and moves to grab his arm, giving a sharp twist.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam attempts to bring his knee right into her stomach.
* Ceilidh keeps searching
<MiniGM> 6Something catches Ceilidh's attention through the corner of her eye, something small, but blinking
* Elayne looks back at her, "Something you want to ask?"
<Ceilidh> "I think I found it."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I am merely observing you in order to help protect you.
* Ceilidh examines it more closely, to see if it is the bomb, and how to disarm it
<MiniGM> 6 2 minutes.
<Elayne> "I see."
* Cassandra`Arakawa doubles over as Adam's knee impacts her stomach.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I am curious. What do you speak to?
<MiniGM> 6Under the seat of young girl appears to be the bomb, blinking, signifying it's active.
* Xanatos moves over to look at it.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam follows up on his advantage to try to punch her with his other hand.
<DeathStar> 6* IN THE FACE.
<Xanatos> Get everyone away.
* Kane slides to a stop and moves over to Xanatos. "You know what you're doing?"
<Ceilidh> "Everyone, please move to the car to the rear in an orderly fashion..."
* Cassandra`Arakawa takes the punch in the face, falling over.
* Cassandra`Arakawa takes the punch in the face, falling over.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam walks over, grabbing Cass by her hair and yanking her face up toward his own. "Cassie, Cassie."
<MiniGM> <MAN> OH MY GOD A BOMB! *leaps out of his chair and begins running down the hallway to the back of the tram, immediately afterwards, others begin panicing. The poor little guy begins shaking in fear.
<MiniGM> 6 1 Minute, it's crunch time.
* Ceilidh sighs. "Please stay calm, our experts are defusing it as we speak.."
<Elayne> "My DATA Unit."
* Xanatos checks the bomb, searching for a way to open it up.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... 6She tilts her head in confusion.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> ...go to hell...
<MiniGM> 6 The bomb opens easily, revealing 10 white wires.
<Xanatos> Oh fuck me.
<Elayne> "It is a regulatory system that councils me, regulates my body and energy flow, and performs several other tasks for me."
<DeathStar> <Adam> My, I have to say I love the size of your breasts. I mean, how much do these COST? 6He grabs one, as if sizing it up. Suddenly, an iron pipe slams into his face, causing him to let go. Darien takes deep breaths. <Darien> You are one cocky son of a bitch.
<MiniGM> <Child> 6Looks down at Xanatos, scared shitless now*
* Kane moves to pick up the child and carry her away.
* Ceilidh eyes the bomb, trying to remember what little she knows about defusing them
<MiniGM> 30 seconds.
<MiniGM> 6 30 seconds.
* Xanatos makes a face, he then moves to grab the bomb and open the window to toss it outside.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam sneers. "Oh, Darien Starr." 6He grabs Darien by the throat.
<Ceilidh> "Well... that works."
<MiniGM> 6It's picked up easily. 10 seconds.
* Xanatos moves to the window to throw it out, again.
* Cassandra`Arakawa then moves, wires zipping out from her fingerneck and going to loop around Adam's neck.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam grabs at his throat.
<DeathStar> <Adam> You BITCH.
<MiniGM> 6The bomb flies out of the window, several seconds it hits the ground, exploding, ripping into the all the car's behind the one their in.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam, Darien, and Cassandra are jerked by the explosion.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> You made tactical mistake number one...looking down...DAMN IT!
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr grips the shuttle as the ground rumbles.
<DeathStar> 6* Adam sneers. "Time to go!" 6He teleports as the explosion begins to work it's damage.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Oh hell...
* Xanatos tenses up, "Damnit."
<Ceilidh> "... I hope no-one was hurt..."
<Xanatos> I"m sure plenty were. *he says as he sinks down to a sitting position*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien grabs Cassandra, grabbing somethin gon his belt. The cars in front of them are about to go and pile up.
<MiniGM> 6The back cars begin disconnecting as the explosion derails them.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hang on. 6He fires a grappling hook into the ceiling of the tunnel, jerking them both off the train. Darien's arm is yanked out of socket and he cries out in pain.
<Ceilidh> "I hope I did the right thing telling them to leave."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr lowers the ramp of the shuttle. "They appear to have succeed. Let us get you inside the building."
<MiniGM> 6The front car's begin screeching to a halt as the emergency brakes kick in.
<Ceilidh> "... anyway, we need to get back to the others."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> You alright?!
<Xanatos> I doubt we'll be able to get to them for right now. *he notes*
<DeathStar> <Darien> You know...what I'd give for one of your arms right now...
* Kane slides back up to Xanatos and Ceilidh. " least you saved part of the train."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Get yourself blown up, then you might get one.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien snorts, hanging there as things continue to wreck.
* Ceilidh nods. "What now? If we can't get back to the others..."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> ...and have I said how much I hate that perverted slime?
<Xanatos> <Comm> Darien....are you alive?
<MiniGM> 6 Coicendently they are right below the senate building.
<DeathStar> <Darien> He does have good taste in your breasts. 6He laughs painfully.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steps off first.
* Elayne nods and sighs, following after her
<DeathStar> 6* Darien motions to his his comm. "Can you answer Xan for me? I'm afraid to lower us."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Alright *comm* We're in one piece.
<Xanatos> <Comm> Sorry I couldn't disable the bomb compeltely...
<MiniGM> 6The crowds begin staring at Elayne, the ATLEAN, many carrying signs of hate towards them.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr eyes them darkly, clearly not liking them.
<MiniGM> NRP: Completely?! AT ALL is more like it.
<Ceilidh> .oO(Well, that's technically accurate...)
<MiniGM> 6Several people even have rag dolls made to look like Elayne, hanging from nooses, with Alien written across it's chest.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> How ... rude. 6She states, keeping them away from Elayne, forced to do crowd control alone.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> *comm* Keep to the mission. We'll get ourselves out of this.
<MiniGM> 6And suddenly a shot rings out, the entire crowd goes silent. Elayne would feel a pain in her chest, inches from her heart.
<DeathStar> 6 *Zephyr whips around to grab Elayne.
* Ceilidh sighs, and pulls out a magazine. Apparently the main story is 'Aliens amongst us?'
<DeathStar> 6* Darien swings them down after a moment when he sees a safe spot. He detaches the grappling hook, then rams his shoulder into the wall, wincing.
<Xanatos> <Comm> How the hell are we supposed to get to the surface?
<Cassandra`Arakawa> *comm* Find a way.
<DeathStar> <Chip on Comm> Find a service tunnel for the tunnel workers.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Darien, let me take care of that.
<MiniGM> 6There's an service tunnel further down the track, that should lead them to right outside the senate building.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at her, then nods, turning toward her.
* Xanatos nods and moves off to train, looking for a service tunnel, Kane follows him and they both move up the tunnel.
* Cassandra`Arakawa takes a hold of Darien's arm and then gives it a jerk, righting the bone into the socket.
<DeathStar> <Darien> GYRAAH! 6He twitches once. "Thanks."
* Elayne looks down in shock, gasping.
<MiniGM> 6Blood begins to soak through her clothes.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> So...what are your orders?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr cradles Elayne, glancing for the shooter.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Lets find a service tunnel and get the hell out of here.
* Ceilidh follows Kane and Xan down the service tunnel
<MiniGM> 6Zephyr can see someone moving away from a rooftop.
* Cassandra`Arakawa nods and starts moving.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr on Comm> Elayne Trenton has been shot by a sniper.
* Elayne gasps, coughing, groaning, "J-Just get me a doctor... missed... organs... hurts..."
* Xanatos hurries after Zephyr, Kane right behind him.
<Ceilidh> NRP: Do I have a comm yet?
<Xanatos> NRP: I'd say so.
<Ceilidh> <Comm> How badly is she injured?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr cradles Elayne in her arms, turning to break into a run for an ambulance nearby for medical emergencies.
* Ceilidh hurries after Kane
<DeathStar> 6* Darien walks along the service tunnel, quiet in thought. He glances toward Cass. "Are you going to be okay?" 6He asks.
<MiniGM> 6If Zephyr were to scan her body, she'd notice that she's got atleast 4 broken ribs, bloods seeping into a lung, yet she's losing very little blood.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Adam hits like a girl. *sand offhandedly*
<Elayne> "Wasn't...meant to kill... just... take me out of commissss..."
<DeathStar> 6* Draien idlely wishes his comm was working in this particular tunnel, so he could hear what's going on.
* Ceilidh hopefully catches up with the others
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... I understand.
<DeathStar> <Darien> He hits like a pretty strong girl. 6He notes, still hurting from his punches.
<Elayne> "P-Protect... me..."
* Xanatos comes sliding up to Zephyr, with Kane and Ceilidh. "This Ceil girl here is a doctor person."
* Ceilidh looks Elayne over quickly, to see how much she can do right now
<Cassandra`Arakawa> I'm a pretty strong girl, you know.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I've gathered that.
<DeathStar> And next episode picks up on a totally unrelated topic!
<Kane> LOL
<MiniGM> Sex with Blueberrys.
* Kane has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Xanatos is now known as Xan|Gone
<Ceilidh> Awww... no chance to ask about physiological differences.
* MiniGM runs off
<Xan|Gone> Calculus time.
* MiniGM has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Ceilidh> Seeya
* Xan|Gone has left #PAXSeason7-3TeamDarien
* Ceilidh has quit IRC (Quit: )
Session Close: Tue Sep 05 22:41:32 2006

Session Start: Tue Sep 05 19:27:45 2006
Session Ident: #PAXSeason7-3TeamJohn
* Now talking in #PAXSeason7-3TeamJohn
* Jackieness has joined #PAXSeason7-3TeamJohn
* Alicia has joined #PAXSeason7-3TeamJohn
* Alicia is now known as Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru
* Jackieness is now known as Myria
* Dias claps his hands together.
<Dias> 2
<Dias> 1.
<Dias> 1.5
<Dias> -0-
<Dias> Stardate 10-584.4.17
<DeathStar> 6* John sits at the small table that makes up the dining room. He bites into a biscuit, chewing it thoughtfully. He's prepared the meals for yet the 7th day.
* Myria walks into the dining room, past John, and into the galley.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru sits quietly, occasionally nibbling at a biscuit
* Dias grabs a biscuit and gnaws on it as he reaches for a piece of chicken with his free hand.
<DeathStar> <John> So, tell me Hotaru. I've been curious. 6He leans forward seriously. "Can Dragoons have sex?"
* Dias 's head perks up at John's comment and he looks over at Hotaru, a look of eagerness on his face.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru eyes John uncertainly. "Well.. that was out of nowhere."
* Myria comes back out with a plate and moves to sit.
<Dias> Sex, yes or no?
* Dias moves over and takes a bite from his chicken, ripping off a huge piece.
<DeathStar> 6* John gives Myria polite smile. He wonders if that dictionary he lent her is doing any good.
<Myria> From where comes this obssession with reproductive functions?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Well.. it's possible.. but why the sudden interest?"
<DeathStar> <John> Well, you see Myria... sex just feels good. 6He shrugs. "And it's great exercise. I was merely curious if Dragoons could do it."
* Dias looks back over at Hotaru. 1"Want to?"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> ".. no thankyou."
<Dias> Oh...6He resumes gnawing on his biscuit again, working on finishing the last bit of it.
<DeathStar> 6* John quirks his eye toward Dias.
* Dias pops the last piece of the biscuit in his mouth and swallows it.
<Myria> Erusian biological functions are different than those of humans, with definite mating periods.
<DeathStar> <John> How dull. 6He notes. "A human can have sex any time, any where."
<Dias> What's a mating period?
<DeathStar> <John> It means she can only have sex during a certain amount of days
<Myria> The period during which Erusian females need to mate.
<Dias> Oh...Why?
<Myria> Natural population control.
<DeathStar> <John> Prudes.
<Dias> Why? 6He begins munching on his chicken drumstick.
<Myria> The average life expectancy of an Erusian is five of your centuries.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: Must... resist... urge to make Ponn-Farr joke...
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL
<Myria> NRP: what do you think gave me the idea? :p
<Dias> Oh...6He suddenly seems disinterested as if her words no longer have any meaning to him.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: *idly wonders if Dragoons can breed*
<DeathStar> NRP: Nope.
<Myria> However...we are fully capable of engaging in mating rituals outside of our mating cycles...
<Dias> NRP: So have as much sex as possible.
<DeathStar> 6* John raises a brow.
* Dias turns to Myria, chicken hanging from his mouth.
<Dias> I hear it's ok for two girls to have sex.
<DeathStar> 6* John freezes.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "You probably shouldn't say things like that around John." *grins*
<Myria> What? Relatively speaking, you would consider me a teenager.
<Dias> NRP: LOL
<DeathStar> 6* John looks at Myria. "You're a teenager?"
<Myria> An 88 year old teenager. the math...I would be....mmm....roughly 18 human years.
<DeathStar> <John> Hunh. 6He shrugs. "You're a pretty well preserved teenager."
<Myria> I'm an Erusian.
<DeathStar> <John> We got that part, Blue. 6He notes with a wink.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "So, do you have anyone that you like?"
<DeathStar> 6* John glances at Myria for her answer.
<Myria> That I like? No...I am not in any relationships.
* Dias begins gnawing on the bone of the drumstick.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Well, I guess you wouldn't be here if you were."
<Myria> But I do like human rockaroll. *nod nods*
<DeathStar> <John> So, what? We're a bunch of pathetic losers who have no one waiting for us at home?
<Dias> Chad is waiting for me.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... that... wasn't what I meant."
<Dias> Oh...
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "John, you don't strike me as the 'relationship' type."
<DeathStar> <John> I avoid them like a plague.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I'm not in any, Myria already said she isn't.. somehow, I don't think Dias is, either."
<Myria> You pursue...what is the phrase? Casual sex?
<DeathStar> <John> I've been known to engage in sexual activities with beautiful women.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: Suddenly, he reminds me of Kirk
* Dias reaches over for the last biscuit
<Myria> Am I beautiful then?
<DeathStar> 6* John chokes on his biscuit.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... it's not 'that time', is it?"
<DeathStar> <John> Well, *wheeze*, um, yeah, you're a knock out.
<Myria> I'm not saying. *grins impishly*
* Dias eyes Myria as he takes a bite of the biscuit.
<DeathStar> <John> Wow. I've totally brought this conversation into a raunchy area. So, um, what do you guys think of ... ... my ship?
<Myria> NRP: AFK
<Dias> Need's color.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru just eyes the group.
<DeathStar> <John> You can't see color, dumbass! I've figured that out!
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> .oO(What's with the sexmania? Is this Pirates gone Wild?)
* Dias scrunches his face in anger at point his biscuit at John. 1"I'm not dumbass!
<DeathStar> 6* John leans forward. "You don't even know what a dumbass is, do you?"
<Dias> ...No.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru just stays quiet, nibbling her biscuit
<DeathStar> 6* John leans back. "I rest my case."
* Dias crosses his arms, a look of annoyance on his face.
<DeathStar> <John> So, tell me Hotaru. 6He leans forward a bit. "Why DID you come on this trip? You seem utterly out of place around me."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I... want to see what's out here."
<Myria> NRP: Back
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: WB
<DeathStar> <John> And so you're desperate enough to ride with a crude human like me to do it?
<Dias> Very crude! 6He says as he attempts to insult John back.
<DeathStar> <John> Pipsqueak.
<Dias> Fairy.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Well.. it looks like it."
<DeathStar> <John> ... 6He just stares at Dias.
* Dias sticks his tongue out at John.
<DeathStar> 6* John chuckles a bit, grabbing his plate and moving over to the dish cleaner.
<Myria> Is this a mating ritual between the two of you? *looks from John to Dias*
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "..."
* Dias grabs his plate and then stops, looking at Myria.
<DeathStar> 6* John roars with laughter.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> .oO(It obviously IS 'her time'.)
<DeathStar> <John> Oh, man. This is going to be a long trip.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "My feelings exactly."
<DeathStar> 6* John glances at Hotaru, a strange look in his eyes, but he turns around quickly, wiping his hands on his brown long coat. "Well, we should be arriving at our destination soon." 6He moves to step down the hallway with the rooms onto the bridge.
* Dias moves over to the dishwasher and begins cleaning his plate.
<Myria> Strange...
* Dias makes his way to the bridge quickly.
<DeathStar> 6* John plops down in his seat, grabbing the controls as he pilots the Aquarius toward a large asteroid.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads to the bridge shortly
* Myria also heads to the bridge.
* Dias steps up behind John and eyes the large asteroid.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Is there a reason that we're heading for that asteroid?"
<DeathStar> <John> ... 6He reaches up, clicking a switch, causing a picture to drop. He catches it.
<DeathStar> <John> Well, you see... it's a smuggler's den. We're going to sell supplies to get money to keep this boat running. 6He glances at the red head in the picture, then puts her photo back up.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "And who was that?"
<DeathStar> 6* John waves his hand in dismissal.
<Dias> Don't we need supplies to survive?
<DeathStar> <John> Tut tut. No personal details.
<DeathStar> <John> Not all supplies. I got stuff on this boat to sell for profit to keep up repairs on it. I should also find an engineer.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Just another conquest, then?"
<DeathStar> 6* John's face darkens a little.
<Myria> Engineer?
<DeathStar> <John> ... Look, I'm trying to fly here. Questions later. 6He snaps suddenly.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... fine."
<DeathStar> 6* The Aquarius zooms into a hole in the asteroid, flying through the rock caverns toward what appears to be a series of buildings. They pass through a force field that causes a pop in their ears.
* Dias grabs his ears, a look of confusion on his face.
<DeathStar> <John> We're passing through a field that keeps oxygen inside the asteroid. 6He notes to Dias.
<Dias> Why it hurt?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "That explains the pressure difference."
<DeathStar> <John> To make you ask why it hurt.
<Dias> Oooh.
<DeathStar> 6* John radios with the docking bay crew, sweet talking his way into a cheap landing spot.
<DeathStar> 6* He then grabs the controls and flies the Aquarius to a docking area, landing on the pad. He powers down the Aquarius.
<DeathStar> <John> Try not to get into trouble kids.
<Myria> What are we to do in the meantime?
<Dias> YAY! 6He turns and runs thought ship, heading to the hanger bay and over to the ramp switch, hitting it.
<DeathStar> <John> Um, explore? 6He shrugs as he stands up. He begins to calmly walk for the hanger.
* Myria nods and moves for the hangar as well.
<DeathStar> 6* John hands Myria some credits to spend.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru starts for the hangar
* Dias stands at the top of the ramp, giddy as a school girl.
* Myria takes the credits and looks out at the asteroid station.
<DeathStar> 6* John moves away from the Aquarius, shoving his hands into his pockets. He heads for a seedy bar.
* Dias runs down the ramp and looks around.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads out of the Aquarius shortly after, looking around
* Myria moves out into the base to explore on her own.
<DeathStar> 6* Pushing opening the swinging doors, John moves into the bar, scanning the crowd of various alien races.
* Dias heads down a hallway, running by people.
<Dias> 6A group of people begin throwing out cat calls to Myria as they walk by.
<DeathStar> 6* John steps into the bar, tilting his neck and ordering some alien drink. He leans against the bar, scanning the crowd.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru pauses, the heads for the nearest bar.
* Myria turns, looking at the people catcalling at her.
<DeathStar> 6* John gets his drink, throwing it back. He begins to see spots.
<Dias> <Man> Hey blue lady, how but you and I make a blueberry shake?
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru scans the crowd, as if looking for something
<Myria> Blueberry shake...?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: BTW, how close is Myria?
<DeathStar> 6* John eyes Hotaru in the bar. He raises a brow
<Dias> 6Aliens are drinking plenty of beer, some are playing games of chance in the corner for money.
<Dias> <Man> Yeah, me, you and some whip cream.
<Myria> I do not comprehend...
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru sighs a little, heading back out, obviously not having found whatever she was looking for
<Dias> <Man> ...*scratches the back of his head* How bout me and you's fucks?
<DeathStar> <John> Right. 6He's suddenly barrelled into by another human. "RED?"
<Myria> I'm afraid I am unfamiliar with that word.
<DeathStar> <Red> John? JOHN! Thank God. 6He grabs John's arm, jerking him toward a table.
<Dias> <Man> ....You're kidding me right?
<Dias> 6The others in his group look at each other confused.
<Myria> I just learned your language.
<Dias> <Man> Well, I can teach your more out fucking than.
<Dias> NRP: About not out.
<DeathStar> <Red> John. 6He sits down quickly. John sits down after him, puzzled. "Listen, man, I've found something out about the Cartel you're not going to believe. HUGE. I'm talking the entire galaxy is going to be in an uproar over this. And I got a disk that contains everything. We can make billions."
<Myria> Oh? I'd really like to learn.
<Dias> <Man> Really now? 6He looks at the others, nudging them. 1"Well, my little blue lady, then just follow me.
<DeathStar> <John> Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down, Red. What are you talking about?
* Myria follows after them.
<DeathStar> <Red> This goes all the way to the top. I'm talking the top of the Cartel. The real organization behind them. 6He orders a drink.
<Dias> 6Suddenly a fight breaks out in the bar and quickly begins escalating.
<DeathStar> 6* John tilts his head toward the fight, as does Red.
<Dias> 6The fight suddenly moves over towards John and Red.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads back in at the sound of a fight, worried
<DeathStar> <John> Never gets dull around here. 6He mutters.
<Dias> 6Chaos begins to ensue, and suddenly Red's face goes pale.
<DeathStar> <John> Red....? 6He glances toward him
<DeathStar> 6* John's eyes widen as Red slumps forward, blood appearing on the man's back. He jerks to his feet and moves over to grab Red, but it's clear he's already dead. A wound straight into his heart.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru tries to break up the fight, though it's a futile gesture
<DeathStar> <John> .... Jesus .... 6He mutters, eyeing the blood on his hand. He quickly reaches into Red's pockets, feeling around until he pulls out a data disk.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "There's no need to fight..."
<Dias> 6The fight continues to ensue, obviously, it's not going to stop by Hotaru's means.
<DeathStar> 6* John grabs the disk, shoving it into his pocket. He looks around for a possible suspect when he sees a man staring at him from the doorway. The man's eyes narrow a bit, his brown eyes focusing on John. He runs a hand through his black hair, turning away. If Hotaru spots him, she would recognize him as he steps into the back room.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru blinks a little, and tries to head to the back room
<DeathStar> 6* John rushes forward ahead of Hotaru, slamming open the back room. He glances around, seeing another door open.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru follows John
<DeathStar> 6* John hurries out into the back alley, glancing around. His hand is still stained in blood.
<Dias> <Man> *slaps a man's hand and walks over to Myria* Let us head back to one of the alleys...
<Myria> Alleys? Why?
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru steps out after John, looking around
<DeathStar> <John> Dammit.... Red. 6He shouts, rushing through the alleys. He looks up as he sees a figure climbing onto the top of a building. John leaps up, footkicking off the walls in the alley to bound up toward the roof. He falls short, grabbing the edge of the roof and dangling.
<Dias> <Man> It's romantic. 6He begisn to lead her to one of the back alleys*
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru keeps following John, wondering what the connection is
<DeathStar> 6* John pulls himself only to get kicked in the chest by a boot, causing him to crash down into some trashcans.
<DeathStar> 6* The figure lenas over to look at Hotaru. It's her ex-pilot. He turns and moves on.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "WAIT!"
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru rushes after
<DeathStar> 6* The figure rushes forward, leaping from rooftop to rooftop.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru leaps after, hoping not to lose him
<Myria> I do not think your intentions are what I believed them to be...
<DeathStar> 6* The ex-pilot dive off a rooftop into a crowded area of the smuggler's den. He begins to fade into the crowd.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru follows him in, if possible, searching the crowd
<DeathStar> 6* The crowd of various alien cultures do not make it easy for Hotaru to proceed, and after a few moments, it becomes clear she's lost sight of the man.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru sighs, and heads back, for now, to check on John
<DeathStar> 6* John emerges from the trash, covered in it. He staggers away and bumps into the men around Myria.
<Dias> <Man> Oh but they are my little blueberry.
<Myria> What?
<Dias> <Man> HEY! *shoves John away* I'm trying to get laid heres.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads to the trash where John fell, noting the lack of John
<DeathStar> 6* John stares a moment, then swings a fist at the man's face. "Back of."
<DeathStar> (off)
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru searches the area, hoping to find him
<Dias> <Man> *the man is easily decked and stumbles backwards, hitting a wall.
<DeathStar> <John> Anyone else want some blueberry? 6He asks hoarsely, eyeing them.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru wanders over to the alley shortly, eyeing the proceedings
<Dias> 6The others look at each other, than eye John, then eye each other, then there friend. They shake their heads and move to pick up their buddy.
<DeathStar> 6* John reaches over, yanking off some trash from his shoulder.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... Is everyone alright...?"
<Myria> That is one way of taking care of them.
<DeathStar> <John> .... 6He eyes the blood on his hand. "Red..."
<Myria> Red?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... someone you know...?"
<DeathStar> <John> Come on. We're going. 6He hurries through the alleys, realizing this can't be a coincidence. "Our lives are in danger."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Where?"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "We can't just leave..."
* Dias stands on the ramp, several things under his arms.
<DeathStar> <John> The Aquarius. Come on.
<DeathStar> 6* John hurries along, eyeing the rooftops.
* Myria nods and follows after John.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "But.. there's..."
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru follows, uncertainly
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "What the hell happened, anyway?!"
<DeathStar> <John> Someone murdered a friend. 6He notes. "And they're likely going to come after me next."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... this isn't making sense. How do you know that man?"
<DeathStar> 6* John steps onto the Aquarius, motioning to Dias. "Get this boat turned on, Dias. Like I showed you."
<DeathStar> 6* John glances at Hotaru. "I've known Red for years."
<Dias> Aye aye Captain! 6He quickly runs up the ramp, setting his stuff down. He begins moving towards the bridge quickly.
<DeathStar> <John> How do you know his killer?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "..."
<DeathStar> 6* John's jaw sets grimly.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "This is all wrong..."
<DeathStar> 6* John slams his palm against the ramp button, causing it to close. "A long journey indeed."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: I'm on, I hope?
* Dias leaps into the captains seat and begins flicking switches, the engines whirring to life.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru sighs, leaning against the inside of the hangar
<DeathStar> NRP: If you were following/talking to John.
<DeathStar> 6* John punches the wall of the hanger in frustration, turning to run up toward the bridge.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru follows, seemingly in shock
* Dias grabs the controls and begins lifting the Aquarius up and turns it althought rather unsmoothly towards the exit.
<DeathStar> 6* John rushes up the stairs, then stumbles as the Aquarius turns roughly. He grabs the railing
<DeathStar> <John> Jesus, he's going to try to fly in here.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Oh joy. We're all going to die.."
<Myria> What is happening?!
<DeathStar> 6* John reaches the kitchen/galley, rushing for the bridge.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru also heads for the bridge. "Why...?"
<DeathStar> 6* John rushes in and slides over ,grabbing the controls from Dias. "I got this."
* Dias eyes John then moves off to the side, saddened now. 1"I can fly.
<DeathStar> 6* John takes a deep breath, his hands still shaking. He suddenly zooms the ship forward, getting them out of the asteroid. "Forget it. We might have been followed by what passes as authorities."
<Dias> It's ok...
<Myria> What is the situation?
<DeathStar> 6* John takes a deep breath and lets it out, once they're cleared of the asteroid. "..." 6He eyes Hotaru. "Who WAS that man?"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... someone I used to know..."
<DeathStar> <John> ... 6He pulls out a data disk, shoving it into the computer. "Well, my friend died today after learning something about the Cartel. And your man ran from us. He's my number 1 suspect."
<DeathStar> <John> What is his name?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: Damn it, trying to think of a surname, and all I come up with is Light x.x
<Myria> What about the Cartel?
<DeathStar> NRP: *Eyes you*
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: LOL, tempted to use Thomas Garland as his name
<DeathStar> <John> I don't know. He said he learned what they were really doing, then he got killed. This disk supposedly will tell us everything.
<DeathStar> NRP: Approved.
<DeathStar> NRP: PAX needs a Garland, he might as well be a junkie human
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Thomas Garland..."
<Myria> ...then let us see what this disk holds...
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "He... isn't the sort to do that, though..."
<DeathStar> <John> ... Garland.... 6He repeats as the information on the disk appears. It's all scrambled letters. He stares.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Encoded?"
<DeathStar> <John> Uh, guess so. Fuck.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... I thought he was dead..."
<DeathStar> <John> It appears Garland doesn't know when to stay dead....if I get my hands on him...
<Myria> Hmmm...
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... tell me... who did you lose?"
<Dias> We'll beat him up.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "And how would YOU react if they came back a completely different person?"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: Yay irony
<DeathStar> <John> ... I lost a friend. That's enough for me. 6He begins to program in a new location.
<DeathStar> <John> If I can't decode this, then I'm going to someone who can give me answers.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... so did I, it looks like..."
<DeathStar> 6* John pauses, placing his hand on a lever. He hestitates long enough to yank the lever, sending them into hyperspace. He stands up, grabbing the picture and shoving it into his pocket. "I'm going to wash up real quick." 6He turns to step off the bridge and into his room.
<Myria> Hmmm...
<DeathStar> 6* He begins to pull off his clothes, then puts his picture up on the wall. He touches it once. "Kat...what am I going to do...?"
* Myria moves and stops to wait outside John's door...
<DeathStar> 6* John takes a deep breath, then grabs a wet rag to start wiping himself clean, getting the blood off.
* Dias scratches the back of his head as he stares out into hyperspace.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Why did it turn out this way..?"
* Dias leaves the bridge and sprints down towards the Hanger bay.
<DeathStar> 6* After finishing with cleaning himself up, John pauses and turns on some music. He sits on his bed, rubbing his face.
* Myria moves and then knocks on John's door...
<DeathStar> 6* John glances up, then pulls on some pants. He taps the door open button, leaning against the side of the doorframe. "Yeah, Myria?"
<Myria> You are not well...
<DeathStar> <John> I'm not? 6He raises a brow.
<Myria> Your friend...
<DeathStar> <John> ... Yeah. 6He withdraws a bit from the door, stepping into the room. "Red didn't deserve to go out like that."
<Myria> No one does.
<DeathStar> 6* John crosses his arms, showing off his well muscled arms. "You're right. I just have trouble thinking when I have a buzz."
<Myria> Do you need someone to talk to?
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru sighs and heads down to look for someone to talk to
<DeathStar> <John> To talk to? 6He blinks in surprise, caught off guard. "Uh, I've never been one to really talk about things. I'm usually the guy who punches people."
<Myria> But you need to talk to someone...
<DeathStar> <John> Yeah. 6He motions for her to come on in.
* Myria steps into the room.
<DeathStar> 6* John punches the door shut as Hotaru passes.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "..."
<Myria> NRP: This is going to look bad!
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: Was it in response to me passing?
<DeathStar> 6* John moves over to sit on the bed
<DeathStar> NRP: No. He was just shutting it.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru knocks, uncertainly
<DeathStar> 6* John pauses, then stands up, hitting the door open button. "Hotaru?"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I'm sorry that I was so harsh.. I... somehow feel responsible."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "If.. you need someone to talk to..."
<DeathStar> <John> Think nothing about it. You, um, want to come in? 6He motions to where Myria is at."
* Dias grabs onto one of the overhead railings and begins doing pull-ups to pass the time.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru nods, and heads in, not even commenting on Myria being inside
<DeathStar> 6* John closes the door, moving to get a box to sit on so the girls can have the bed.
* Myria sits down.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru sits down solemnly
<DeathStar> <John> So, um... 6He rubs his hands together.
<DeathStar> <John> How do we do this talk thing?
<Myria> Just speak your mind.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Well.. I sort of have a confession. I said I was out to see the universe.. that wasn't entirely true. I was... looking for someone."
<DeathStar> 6* John looks at Hotaru. "Who?"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... back when I was in the military, I was impressed by a soldier who became my pilot.. while he was moody and irresponsible, he really seemed to care about people..."
<DeathStar> <John> Ah. Thomas Garland?
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru nods.
<DeathStar> <John> What happened, then? 6He asks her.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "On one mission.. things went badly, we crashlanded... I was retrieved.. he wasn't. They never found him."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I couldn't fight after that."
<DeathStar> <John> I see.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "This isn't the way I hoped to find him.."
<DeathStar> <John> ... yeah. .... 6He hangs his head a bit. "I didn't actually see him kill Red. He might not have been involved. Whoever did it was a professional. Red never knew what happened.
<Myria> It is...very sad...
<DeathStar> <John> Yeah. Red was a kind, gentle soul, who only wished to pleasure all the women in the universe.
<Myria> My aunt knew him...
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru sighs. "You sound like good friends.."
<DeathStar> <John> Your aunt? Who's your aunt?
<Myria> Arhn Arhnya.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Oh. My mother knows her."
<DeathStar> 6* John blinks. "Wow. SHE's your aunt? ... dude."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Isn't she someone big on Erusia?"
* Myria nods.
<DeathStar> <John> Yeah. Did you know, that I hear she had sex with a human. 6He leans forward knowingly.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru smiles a little. "You don't change, do you?"
<DeathStar> <John> Hey, I'm on good authority on this one.
<Myria> It is her choice.
<DeathStar> <John> True. 6He sits back, laughing sadly. "Red was the one who told me that story."
<Myria> My aunt does not know what she wants.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I know what that feels like.."
<DeathStar> <John> Do any of us truly know what we want?
<Myria> There are those who know what they want, and when they have achieved it...they find they have no direction in life.
<DeathStar> <John> Then you can say I'll always have a direction.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I almost know what that feels like, too... but I want to know the truth."
<Myria> And what is the truth? The truth that is or the truth you want to hear?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... I'm hoping that they're the same... but I expect not."
<DeathStar> 6* John glances at Hotaru. "Perhaps you shouldn't find the truth then and keep living your fantasy.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "That's... not something I can do."
<DeathStar> 6* John grins. "I always like to write my own story and truths, anyway. Maybe you will, too."
<Dias> I see no 3-some coming.
Session Close: Tue Sep 05 22:35:01 2006