Session Start: Wed Oct 04 19:53:56 2006
Session Ident: #PAXSeason7-13TeamXanatos
* Now talking in #PAXSeason7-13TeamXanatos
* Xanatos has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamXanatos
<MiniGM> -0-
<MiniGM> Stardate: 10-584.5.26
<MiniGM> 6And so it starts.
* Xanatos stands on the side of the street, he punches a message into his datapad and hits send.
* Xanatos pops his fingers, glancing up at the sky while he waits.
<MiniGM> 6Xan's datapad finally beeps a message appearing from Serena. "You know we were told not to help you, right?"
* Xanatos sighs and then punches in his reply. "Yes, I know. But you're the only one that can help me right now. Please."
<MiniGM> 6His datapad beeps once again, the message. "I'll get back to you."
* Xanatos sighs and glances around. He pockets the datapad and thrusts his hands into his pockets, moving down the street.
* Xanatos slides to a stop and pulls up his comm, he patches into the Janus headquarters, waiting for a response.
<MiniGM> <Operator> Janus Corp. this is Linda, what can I do for you today?
<Xanatos> "Yes I was wondering if I could get speak to Chad Winters, Please?"
<MiniGM> <Operator> Let me see if he's in today...6A long pause occurs. "I'm sorry, he seems to have taken the day off."
<Xanatos> "Oh alright, you wouldn't happen to have his address would you? I'm a friend from PAX and I was just wanting to speak to him."
<MiniGM> <Operator> I'm not allowed to give out private information. But I can give you his Message address.
<Xanatos> "That would be wonderful, thank you."
<MiniGM> <Operator> I'll patch it through to you. 6She does so. "And thank you for calling Janus Corp."
<Xanatos> "Thank you very much." *he takes the Message address and quickly punches in a message to Chad.* "Hey Chad, this is Xan, I was just curious if the name Tyle McCabe ment anything to you."
<MiniGM> 6Seconds later a message appears. "Last time we met, you tried to kill me"
* Xanatos sighs and punches his reply. "Only because it was my job, Darien kicked me off the team and he has decided to tell Katrina's family to take her off life support. But if I can find out just who McCabe is and how I can find him, I might be able to bring her back."
<MiniGM> 6A response appears. "You're still hunting a fool's dream...The name is familiar but why should I waste my time helping you."
* Xanatos shakes his head and punches in a response, "Because no one else will help me. And once upon a time we were all friends. Me, You and Katrina."
<MiniGM> 6Another response. "Katrina's been dead for awhile now, deal with it."
* Xanatos makes a face, "Look, I've never really asked you for anything, why don't you help me out? Giving me a little bit of information wont hurt you."
<MiniGM> 6Again another response. "And it gets me nothing in return..."
* Xanatos sighs. "Damnit Chad, I don't have the time, please just help me out a little. If I can't find McCabe and get Erevis' power back from him, they're gonna take Katrina off life support."
<MiniGM> 6A minute passes. "All I have are two old adresses. 15891 East Napolean St. and 5931 North Caribou Ave.
* Xanatos smiles and replies, "Thanks Chad." He pockets the datapad and moves towards the closest address, East Napolean St.
<MiniGM> 6Time passes as he makes his way to the address, but eventually he makes it. It appears to be a for a studio apartment above a coffee shop.
* Xanatos moves into the coffee shop and moves over to the counter. "Excuse me, can you tell me who lives in the studio upstairs? I was wanting to ask if they were interested in selling?"
<MiniGM> 6The attendent shrugs.
* Xanatos nods. "I'll just go ask." He moves towards the door to the apartment and knocks.
<DeathStar> 6* No answer.
* Xanatos knocks one more time, if no one answers he would move down the steps and begins to make his way for the second address. Not having time to figure out if McCabe really lives there still.
* Xanatos slides to a stop once he gets to the base of the steps, then glances back up at the door.
* Xanatos moves up toward the door quickly, aiming to knock it down.
<MiniGM> 6The door flies open as Xan breaks it open.
* Xanatos looks around and immediately moves around, searching for something that would give him information on McCabe.
<DeathStar> 6* The apartment is tidy and well picked up. A desk is full of paperwork.
* Xanatos begins to look through the paperwork quickly, knowing that someone probably heard him break in.
<DeathStar> 6* A computer sits on the desk, apparantly waitin to be turned on.
* Xanatos turns on the computer, after it loads up he would begin to search for anythign that would provide him furthur information on McCabe, Erevis and her powers.
<DeathStar> 6* It explodes upon boot up.
* Xanatos falls back from the explosion, quickly throwing off his flaming coat as he moved his arms up to take a brunt of the blast. He pulls himself up to his feet, and after grabbing the papers, he moves to take a back exit out of the building.
<DeathStar> 6* A shot flies out from another part of the room as he tries to escape.
* Xanatos gets clipped in the side as he slides to a stop, he pulls out his pistol in his left hand as he looks to see who fired at him.
<DeathStar> 6* Nobody there, except an open window.
* Xanatos moves toward the window, looking out it to see if there was someone across the street with a rifle or something of that nature.
<DeathStar> 6* A gun swings right for his nose
* Xanatos gets hit in the nose and stumbles back, blood moving down his lip, he grits his teeth and moves to grab the arm and pull the person inside the building.
<DeathStar> 6* There's no arm to grab after he stumbles back.
* Xanatos makes a face, and moves to look out and up and around, for whoever is attacking him, prepared to get hit in the face again.
<DeathStar> 6* As Xan moves to look out, a gun fires right up for his chin.
* Xanatos was expeacting to get attacked so he leaned his head back, the shot barely scrapping on his chin as he pulls his gun around and fires down.
<DeathStar> NRP: *McCabe dies. Xan loses*
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe is hit and falls to the ground, hitting it
* Xanatos glances to see how far down the drop is.
<MiniGM> 6It only appears to be a one story drop.
* Xanatos moves to hop down, since he has taken harder falls, upon hitting the ground he would roll to lessen the impact, once upon his feet he would move over to McCabe, holding a pistol for his face.
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe fires up at Xan as soon as he lands.
* Xanatos jumps back, shots moving past him as he rolls around a dumpster, he leans around the corner and fires a few shots out at McCabe.
<DeathStar> 6 * McCabe is shot and fals over.
* Xanatos slides closer towards McCabe, gun on the ready, he aims it at McCabe, and nudges him with his foot.
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe doesn't move.
* Xanatos holds his left hand ready with the gun and check's McCabe's pulse.
<Xanatos> NRP: *with his right hand*
<DeathStar> 6* Dead.
* Xanatos makes a face and lowers his head, "Damnit." He murmurs aloud looking around. He searches for a place to store the body.
* Xanatos looks to see where exactly the shot hit McCabe, knowing he wasn't shooting to kill.
<DeathStar> 6* Chest shot.
* Xanatos shakes his head with a frown, his luck, hitting a guy in the chest even though he was just trying to get him to run away. He looks over at the dumpster and makes a face, trying to decide what to do.
<MiniGM> 6And so without a viable lead Xanatos is left unable to fufill his lifes goal.
<MiniGM> Session End
<MiniGM> Session Resumes.
<DeathStar> NRP: For the record, resuming was not MY idea.
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe has been gunned down.
* Xanatos rubs his face and decides to try to pump some air back into McCabe and get his heart beating.
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe appears unresponsive at first, his chest turning a dark shade of red.
* Xanatos rips his shirt and ties off McCabe's chest, trying to stop the bloodflow.
<DeathStar> NRP: *turns to Dias to see if CPR works*
<MiniGM> NRP: I'll allow it.
<DeathStar> * McCabe coughs up, air returning to his lungs.
* Xanatos has since moved McCabe's gun away from his hand and sits there staring down at him. "Holy hell, did that work?"
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe keeps coughing, opening his eyes.
<Xanatos> McCabe, you and I need to talk. *he says, trying to keep focused*
<DeathStar> <McCabe> For--get it. 6He coughs up some blood.
<Xanatos> Careful. I think I might of damaged something internally. That was an accident by the way, didn't mean to shoot you up...*he sighs and looks to the right befor elooking back down at McCabe* Tell me how to bring her back.
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe just stares.
<Xanatos> Silent treatment? *he rubs his chin* Maybe i'm going in the wrong direction. Ok, you were the one that tricked John McCormick, right?
<DeathStar> <McCabe> I have nothing to say to you.
<Xanatos> I just saved your life, the least you could do is work with me here...
<DeathStar> <McCabe> You shot me. I'll just have you arrested.
* Xanatos nods, knowing it is all true. "I can't deny that, but you see, i'm a man with little left in life, and it just so happens you can help me out, why not do that?"
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe puts pressure on his shoulder. "You're a goddamn idiot. I'll just send you to jail and call it a day."
<Xanatos> Listen, you know something I need to know and i'm in the position where I can just let you die, now tell me what I need to know, how did you know about Erevis and how did you know how to pull her from Katrina's body?
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe snorts. "Go to hell."
<Xanatos> I'm sure you'll be going there first. *he sneers, edging closer to McCabe* You tell me what I need to know and i'll leave and you wont have to worry about me anymore, now talk.
<DeathStar> <McCabe> You're a pathetic little man. Hurt or kill me, you learn nothing. I'm not afraid of you. You have nothing to offer me."
<MiniGM> 6Sirens can be heard off int he distance.
<Xanatos> I've heard that alot today. *he muses, looking back in the directions of the sirens* Now you hear that, i'm out of time. *He looks at McCabe* Now tell me what I need to know, or i'll blow both of your fucking nuts off.
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Go ahead. 6He shrugs, clearly unphased.
<DeathStar> <McCabe> I'm not the one with a time restraint.
* Xanatos grabs McCabe by the shirt collar and pulls him up to his feet, "True, but now you're mine." He moves his other hand to his datapad and an unmarked shuttle moves down into the street in front of him, he loads McCabe up onto the shuttle a blasts off, away from the scene.
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe doesn't resist, clearly not bothered.
* Xanatos moves to bound McCabe to the seat he placed him in, letting the shuttle be on autopilot. "Alright. Now we have plenty of time. Let's chat."
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe sits there, not saying anything.
* Xanatos taps the side of his chin and pulls out a knife. "Come'on now, I don't want this to get messy."
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Go ahead. You said it yourself. You have nothing left. You hold no cards. And I will not give to torture. You lose.
* Xanatos sighs and sits back, putting the knife back into its holster. "You're right...maybe we can come to some sort of deal...or maybe there is something you need done that I cna do?"
<DeathStar> <McCabe> And what could you possiblely do for me?
<Xanatos> You seem to be a smart man, i'm sure there is something in your mind that I can do for a little bit of a trade of information?
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Hardly. You offer nothing.
<Xanatos> You underestimate me, I killed you, so it is pretty clear I'm an efficent soldier. So maybe you could use my techniques for something?
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Fine. If you're so good at killing people, kill someone for me.
<Xanatos> Give me a name.
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Darien Starr.
* Xanatos widens his eyes. "Darien Starr you say? And why do you want him dead?"
<DeathStar> <McCabe> I just do
* Xanatos glances down at the time. "Maybe we can arrange something then." He moves over to the controls and rerouts his shuttle for Katrina's hospital, knowing what is coming up.
<DeathStar> <McCabe> You kill him first.
* Xanatos doesn't respond, he just brings a hand to his face and rubs it gently.
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Besides, you need something from him anyway.
<Xanatos> I do? *he glances back*
<DeathStar> <McCabe> An Origin sample.
* Xanatos eyes McCabe, "All his samples were stolen."
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Hardly. You think Starr would put them all in one place"
<Xanatos> That lying bastard...
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe sits there calmly, boredly even
<DeathStar> <McCabe> And you need the energy I stole from Erevis. But I won't tell you until Darien's dead.
* Xanatos tightens his grip on the controls.
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Why not just use this shuttle and fire a missile at him?
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Effective, and not so personal.
<Xanatos> And how will I get the sample by doing that?
<DeathStar> <McCabe> I'm sure Darien keeps it in his apartment. Raid it.
* Xanatos redirects his path for Darien's apartment, deciding he needs to find the stuff.
<MiniGM> 6Down below him, he can see Darien riding his bike.
* Xanatos sees Darien and makes a face, he targets Darien and fires a missle at him.
<DeathStar> NRP: Are you NUTS?
<Xanatos> NRP: LOL
<Xanatos> NRP: Ok, ok, that was bad.
<DeathStar> 6* BOOM. The highway explodes, and cars begin to wreck. Darien's gone from ight
<Xanatos> Alright, now tell me. *he says, moving toward Darien's place*
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Hunh. You actually are willing to murder people..?
* Xanatos glances back at him. "Tell me what I need to know."
<DeathStar> <McCabe> ... Fascinating.
<Xanatos> Tell me now! *he is clearly angry*
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Fine. 6He begins to describe the ritual to Xanatos, of having to put the Origin sample all over Katrina's body in a symbol shape, and then cutting into her flesh so it mixes in her blood. Then, he will have to break the Erevis energy from the cannister that McCabe stored it in right next to the body.
<Xanatos> Now where is the energy?
<DeathStar> <McCabe> I'll show you after we the Origin sample. And once I do, I want to be as far away as possible from you.
<Xanatos> And why is that?
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe just gives him an unfriendly smile. "You'll see if you try it."
* Xanatos narrows his eyes. "You going to tell me that Erevis will be pissed and go crazy and kill everyone?"
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Who knows. I mean, you DID get lucky the first time and she got some of your dead girl's personality, but since she got ripped away, puttin gher back in might not get the same results. After all, Katrina's brain was ACTIVE the first time. Now she's a vegetable. You might get one very angry God.
<DeathStar> <McCabe> However, I doubt YOU will even survive the ritual.
<Xanatos> And why wont I survive the ritual?
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Do it and find out. Or you could just walk away now.
<Xanatos> I just killed a man McCabe. You think I can go back now?
<DeathStar> <McCabe> Killing another man is different then putting a gun to your own head.
<Xanatos> I said it earlier. What else do I have left? *he moves closer for Darien's apartment, a determined look on his face*
<MiniGM> 6They finally feach the apartmetnt
* Xanatos spins the shuttle, ramp lowering, he leaves the shuttle on over and dives from the lamp into Darien's apartment from the window, he immediately moves around, searching for the Origin sample.
<MiniGM> Time Jump
<MiniGM> 6Xanatos stands outside the hospital, the Origin sample in his one hand and Erevis' energy source in his other.
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe stares. "Well, this is where I go."
* Xanatos moves into the building, making his way towards Katrina's room.
<DeathStar> 6* McCabe, having patched himself up, watches Xanatos walk off. "Fucking idiot." 6He walks off.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina's mom sits outside Kat's room, rubbing her hands together, about to end her daughter's life.
* Xanatos steps off of the elevator and spots Katrina's mom, he makes a face and slides his hands behind his back.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina's mom looks up, standing.
<Xanatos> NRP: Did you ever say her name, I don't remember.
<DeathStar> NRP: Sherry, I think
<Xanatos> Sherry...*he frowns*
<DeathStar> <Katrina's Mom> Oh, so you came. I-...I know it must be hard. 6She looks at the door to Katrina's room.
* Xanatos nods, "Do you care if I...have a minute alone with her?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina's Mom> Of course. Go ahead.
* Xanatos nods to her. "Thank you." He moves past her to slide inside the room.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina's on lifesupport, as per usual.
* Xanatos inhales and exhales, watching her closely, it is clear on his face that he is scared to death. He hesitates a moment then slides over to her side. "What the hell am I do Kat?"
<DeathStar> 6* No response.
<Xanatos> NRP: LOL.
* Xanatos places the origin sample and the energy of Erevis on the side table, he stands there with a frown, looking down. "I just killed Darien, how would that make you feel? I'm not so sure how I feel about it honestly.."
<MiniGM> 6Xanatos Comm clicks on. ""Do'"
* Xanatos looks down at his comm, he taps the side of his chin, "Well...maybe I didn't kill Darien...but i'll be going to jail for sure..." He sighs and looks up.
* Xanatos moves over to the door and opens it. "Sherry, can I talk to you for a second?"
<DeathStar> 6* Sherry looks up. "Yes."
* Xanatos motions for her to come inside.
<DeathStar> 6* Sherry walks in, confused.
* Xanatos rubs his face and then begins to tell her what happened to Katrina, about Erevis and about them keeping it from her so that she wouldn't have to be in anymore pain. He then proceeds to tell her about McCabe and about the reason why Katrina is in the state she is in now. "I'm sorry Sherry, I should have told you. You are her mother and you had every right to know. On this table are the vials for origin and the energy of Erevis, a
<DeathStar> 6* She just stares at him.
<Xanatos> I could technically bring her back, but i'm not sure if that is the right thing to do anymore. She wouldn't be Katrina, she would be Erevis...*he trails off, losing the thought of what else to say*
<DeathStar> <Sherry> 6She stares at him, a mixture of emotions. "Stay the HELL away from my daughter. GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HERE."
* Xanatos nods his head once. "You're right...I'm insane...and you know...i'm glad you hate me...I hate me. I"m sorry sherry. *he leaves the vial and the energy and turns to leave*
<DeathStar> 6* Sherry just watches him go, recoiled away from him like he's a snake.
* Xanatos moves to leave the hospital, he would get to his shuttle and he would leave. It seems that right when it came down to it, he just couldn't do it.
<MiniGM> Session Ends
* DeathStar stands there, speechless.
* DeathStar looks around.
* MiniGM has left #PAXSeason7-13TeamXanatos
* Xanatos has quit IRC (Quit: )
Session Close: Wed Oct 04 23:13:08 2006


Session Start: Wed Oct 04 19:05:57 2006
Session Ident: #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
* Now talking in #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
* Kane has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
* Seraphna has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
* Cassandra`Arakawa has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
* MiniGM has sex with one plucky person in this room
* DeathStar watches Sera and MiniGM hook up
* Cassandra`Arakawa watches MiniGM and Kane go at it.
* Seraphna needs a cigarette
* MiniGM needs a brain enema
* Kane needs a napkin.
<MiniGM> Disgusting.
* Xanatos has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
* Xanatos has left #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
<MiniGM> 2 more minutes everyone.
<MiniGM> Alrighty, I'm going to start.
<MiniGM> I'm serial too.
* Alicia has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
<MiniGM> 3
<MiniGM> 2
<MiniGM> 1
<MiniGM> -0-
<MiniGM> Stardate 10-584.5.26
<MiniGM> 6The team, not have been given any orders for the day, have been left to their own devices.
* Cassandra`Arakawa is in her room, door locked up...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stands in the HQ, running through various files on David Fury and Stella Akai
* Kane is reclined in a chair, typing on his datapad out of boredom, the holovid playing the news in the background.
* Seraphna sits in the living room, reading once again.
* Alicia , having run through files on David Fury and Stella Akai, runs through files on the team
* Alicia is now known as Ceilidh
<MiniGM> 6Serena's datapad suddenly beeps.
* Ceilidh , having run through files on David Fury and Stella Akai, runs through files on the team
<Ceilidh> NRP: AHHH, Alicia, my nemesis!
* Seraphna takes it out, checking it.
<Ceilidh> NRP: Remember to fill me in on the files on Fury? ^^;
* Kane glances over at Sera, but just looks back at his datapad.
* Seraphna sighs and rubs her face a little
* Seraphna gets up and walks up to her room
* Ceilidh takes more care on viewing Sera's file than anyone elses
<Kane> Those wont tell you anything useful. *he says outloud, it directed toward Ceil*
* Seraphna types out a reply
<Ceilidh> "Can you find more?"
<MiniGM> 6Serena's datapad beeps once again.
* Seraphna looks down at it, fussing with a stuffed dragon on her bed
<DeathStar> 6* Darien hits a button to everyone's datapad, informing them to get to the HQ
* Ceilidh sighs. "I guess research has to wait..?"
* Seraphna types anotehr reply before heading outside.
* Kane pulls himself up to his feet. "Time to go to work." He said with a bemused grin, moving out to get in the van, driving now since Xan is gone.
* Ceilidh follows Kane, keeping her datapad by her side
* Cassandra`Arakawa comes out of her room, heading down to the van whil grumbling.
* Kane starts up the van and waits for Sera and Zephyr.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Of all the bad timing...
* Kane glances back at Cass. "You ok?"
* Seraphna gets into the van, fixing her coat a little.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr is already in the van, ala Setsuna
* Kane pulls out and redirects the van toward the HQ.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Yeah...just was...busy.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr >Busy doing what?
* Kane glances up at the mirror, looking back at Cass. He rounds a corner and comes to a stop sign. He stops then continues on, moving for HQ.
* Ceilidh looks over to Cass. "Something you don't want to tell Zephyr about?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr blinks.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> ...thigh high boots and a bustier. *cross her arms behind her head*
* Setsuna` has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Bustier?
<Ceilidh> "Oh, modelling."
* Kane shakes his head. "What a hobby," he murmurs.
<Ceilidh> "Well... she gets paid for it..."
* Kane pulls into HQ and shuts the van off. He slides out and moves inside.
* Ceilidh sighs a little
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Cover identity. *climbs out of the van and ehads into HQ*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr hops out, heading inside. As they work their way in, Darien is setting up folders at the conference tables.
* Ceilidh follows Zephyr in
* Setsuna` lounges at the HQ, because she's lazy like that.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr takes a seat.
* Ceilidh takes a seat too
<DeathStar> <Darien> Okay, I'll make this quick. I want you all to break into a house.
* Seraphna heads in after the others
<Kane> A house?
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Not our usual work. Whose house?
* Ceilidh eyes Darien
<DeathStar> <Darien> Fury's mansion. 6He opens his own folder, glancing at the outside photos taken. "Essentially, I want you all to get in and go through his personal files and folders, see if you can learn what he's really up to. However, you cannot afford to be caught or seen doing it."
<Ceilidh> "Got it."
<Kane> Alright, do we know if he is home right now?
<DeathStar> <Darien> He's currently in a meeting with the President.
<Ceilidh> "Does he have a routine?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes his watch. "For the next hour."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Then let's move.
* Seraphna nods quietly, and smiles softly at Darien
<DeathStar> <Darien> Good luck. I don't know what's inside. So this will be tricky.
* Kane pulls himself up to his feet and double checks the address before moving out to the van.
<Ceilidh> "Do we have any details on the security?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Knowing Fury, everything from personal home security to video cameras with guns.
<MiniGM> NRP: And sharks with lasers.
<Setsuna`> "I'd be insulted if he had less."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods. "You can do it."
* Kane starts up the van and waits for the others.
<Ceilidh> "And it's better if there's no evidence of a break-in at all..."
* Ceilidh starts for the van again
<MiniGM> NRP: *They reach his house, which appears to be a quantum singularity*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr gets up, moving after the others.
* Cassandra`Arakawa boards the van.
* Ceilidh also boards the van
* Kane waits till everyone is in before he pulls out and moves for the location. "I'm not very stealthy, so I dunno how helpful I'll be."
<Ceilidh> "I'm not sure how useful I'll be, either.. I might be able to help with the security system, though."
* Seraphna sighs and muses, "Yeah but you'll be needed to get into his computers."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> I'll take point. My stealth capabilities can get me in and I can chart out the defenses, as it were.
* Setsuna` sits in the back of the van. "Good thing we have someone here who knows what they're doing."
<MiniGM> 6They pull upto the street leading to Furys house.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr remains quiet.
* Kane slows the van toward a stop, just a ways from the house, so it wont be too obvious. "Alright, do we wait for Cass?"
<Ceilidh> "Well, it'll all be for nothing if any of us are noticed."
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Inspect the perimeter, but be cautious. I'll give you a data packet when I'm in deep. *fades from view..the door opens and closes as she leaves the van and heads for the house*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr glances at the huge mansion, with it's tall brick wall surrounding it
* Kane pulls some binocs out from under the seat, he pulls them up and begins to inspect the mansion.
* Seraphna opens a book and begins to read again, "How are you feeling Zephyr?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Um, okay. 6She glances at Sera.
* Cassandra`Arakawa moves along the perimeter of the mansion, looking for an infiltration point.
<MiniGM> 6At the back end, there appears to be a small grate just big enough for a person to fit through with it removed.
* Cassandra`Arakawa moves for the grate, scans it for security trips.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Why do we always have to sit around while Cass does the work?
* Setsuna` lounges in her seat. Cass told her to wait, so she'll wait.
<Kane> She can go invisible...we can't.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... 6She pouts, sitting back in the seat.
<Setsuna`> "Invisibility is overrated."
<MiniGM> 6There appears to be a small wire on one bar.
<Ceilidh> "If we knew where the cameras were..."
* Cassandra`Arakawa examines the wire.
<MiniGM> 6A simple trip wire.
* Seraphna smiles and pat's Zephyr's shoulder, "Save your tricks for when they'll be most effective."
* Cassandra`Arakawa works to isolate the trip wire before moving the grate away...then she moves in, carefully past her re-rigged trip wire.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> So, what do we do then? 6She asks, playing with her rabbit plushie.
<Seraphna> "Let Cassandra do what she can."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I meant in the van.
<Kane> ...I wish there was something else I could do...*he said with a sigh*
<MiniGM> 6The grate moves without troubles
<Ceilidh> "I know how you feel.."
* Cassandra`Arakawa transmits a brief update in an encrypted data burst in a channel behind the ambient frequencies.
<Kane> Alright, so do we move out now? *he looks around, unsure what to do*
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr plays with Setsuna's hair.
<MiniGM> 6Inside are several guards walking around. There appears to be two cameras sweeping the main entrance.
<Setsuna`> "...."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I think you'd look good with this. 6She moves to make a pony tail of sorts.
* Seraphna smiles and looks down at her book
* Setsuna` puts up with it, for now.
* Cassandra`Arakawa looks at where she can go from this point.
<MiniGM> 6There appears to be an open window across the way leading into library
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr finishes, putting her chin on Setsuna's shoulder to peer at her.
<Setsuna`> "...are you bored?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yep.
* Cassandra`Arakawa looks at the ground, switching her vision across several spectrums to see if there are any surprises before she makes her move.
<Ceilidh> "Not really surprised."
<MiniGM> 6Everythings clear.
* Cassandra`Arakawa makes her move to the window.
<MiniGM> 6Cassandra makes it to the window with ease.
* Kane looks down at the time.
* Cassandra`Arakawa then checks for security measure before climbing inside.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr is asleep
<MiniGM> 6There appears to be a small trip beam at the base.
* Cassandra`Arakawa moves over the beam before sending the team back her recon of the mansion's exterior.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr mumbles in her sleep.
* Kane looks back at Setsuna, and the others. "Should we try to go in now?"
<Seraphna> "We should wait for the data, I think." *she notes the collected recon*
<Ceilidh> "Don't we have it?"
<Setsuna`> "...what exact data are you waiting for?"
<MiniGM> 6It's your standarized military trip beam.
* Cassandra`Arakawa then proceeds forward, looking for the security center.
<Kane> We have information right here, of the general layout and a way into the base and of the small traps, isn't that enough?
<Seraphna> "I'm no expert on breaking into houses, you tell me."
* Setsuna` sighs, and gets out of the vehicle. "I'm bored out of my mind."
<MiniGM> 6As she procceeds around the backside of the base she finds what would appear to be the security shack.
<Ceilidh> "As long as we know where the cameras are, it should be enough."
<Seraphna> "So why are we still sitting here?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr is still asleep.
* Setsuna` has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Cassandra`Arakawa surveys the shack.
<MiniGM> 6There's two guards inside.
* Setsuna` has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
* Cassandra`Arakawa then makes her move to secure the shack. Once she gets in, she moves to knock the pair out with nerve strikes.
* Ceilidh gets out of the van.
<MiniGM> 6The guards drops to the ground.
* Seraphna attemtps to wake her sister
* Kane glances back at Setsuna and Zephyr and Sera. "What the hell are we doing? Sitting here or what?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr wakes up.
<Seraphna> "Time to have some fun dear."
* Setsuna` quickly goes to catch up with Cass. Unlike the others sitting around, she's still an infiltration specialist. Even if she's more commonly refered to as a ninja.
* Ceilidh heads for the grate.. unless there's an easier entrance
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr follows them
* Kane moves along quietly.
* Cassandra`Arakawa taps into the security system and starts relaying them data in real time on the security of the facility.
* Seraphna gets out and fixes her gloves, yawning a bit.
<MiniGM> 6The grates the safest way in.
<DeathStar> * Zephyr glances at her datapad as they get the layout. She pauses, eyeing the time . "Um, it's been an hour."
* Ceilidh heads in via the grate, being very careful not to trip the tripwire
* Seraphna sighs, "We need to move fast then."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Then some of us should wait out here. If we all go in, we will slow ourselves down.
<Kane> Alright. I'll be watchout, I'd just slow you down.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I will remain outside as well.
<Ceilidh> NRP: Wow, and Ceil is on infiltration ^^;
<Seraphna> "Zephyr, give me a silent warning then if we're in trouble."
<MiniGM> 6From what Cass can decipher from the video feed. Fury has a computer in the library that with the window open.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Yes.
<Seraphna> "Let's move."
* Setsuna` boredly checks the data for any sentries that might have been found in an inconvient place.
<MiniGM> 6Sets can see two guards towards in the upstairs
* Kane stands there watching them go, he looks back out at the road.
<Ceilidh> NRP: The grate is to get into the complex, not the house?
<MiniGM> NRP: aye.
<MiniGM> NRP: There's an open window leading to the library tho.
* Ceilidh heads for the window cautiously
* Setsuna` takes notes of all the cameras, and starts towards the guards.
* Ceilidh takes special care to stay out of camera sight
* Seraphna follows Ceil, keeping careful as well.
<DeathStar> 6* Fury's vehicle begins to leave the President's building. Darien sends a datapad warning.
* Ceilidh climbs in, and starts to check the computer for Fury's personal data
* Seraphna keeps a watch
<MiniGM> 6There appears to be a lot of files, it would probably be best to copy them and leave
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> We are running low on time. 6She announces, sending the warning
* Ceilidh does that, then, pulling out a disk to copy them too
<Ceilidh> NRP: Does he have a burner? ^.~
* Setsuna` checks the posistions again. She moves up behind the more isolated of the two, and quickly moves in with a knockout hit to the spine
<MiniGM> NRP: Sure.
<MiniGM> 6The one begins to drop tot he ground
* Seraphna taps her shoulder, signalling we have to go soon.
* Ceilidh uses whatever the quickest way is to get all the files, anyway
* Ceilidh prepares to bolt when they're done
* Setsuna` lowers the guard slowly, and then locks him in a closet.
<MiniGM> 50%....55%
<Ceilidh> *comm* "... how much longer do I have...?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> 5 mins.
<MiniGM> 6 65%, 76%
* Kane moves to his datapad to triangulate the estimated time till Fury arrives.
<Kane> NRP: Nevermind.
<MiniGM> 6 86%....90%....100%
* Ceilidh switches off the computer once it's done, then moves to leave as quickly as she can without being seen.
* Seraphna nods to her and signals urgently
* Seraphna follows after her.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> *c* Ceil has cleared. Begin withdrawal.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moves back to the van.
* Cassandra`Arakawa withdraws to the getaway vehicle as well.
* Ceilidh heads for the van also
* Setsuna` considers the time... then decides to drug the second guard and put him in the bathroom, before retreating.
* Seraphna sends back that they're safe and heads to the van.
* Kane mvoes towards the van, sliding into the drivers seat.
* Ceilidh carefully heads back through the grate, then into the van
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Are we all accounted for?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Aye aye, Cap'n.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> The get us the hell out of here.
* Kane glances around. "I do believe so." He then starts up the van and turns it around to drive back to HQ.
* Ceilidh does a quick headcount to make sure
* Setsuna` is sitting in the back like normal. "Well, that was fun."
<Ceilidh> "I think I got everything."
<Seraphna> "Good, let's report back."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr readjusts Setsuna's pony tail, making it two.
* Kane moves back for HQ, eventually they get there and he puts the van in park.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien is at the HQ, gathering his things. It's clear he has somewhere to be.
* Kane moves in to see Darien. "We got the info." He motions to Ceil.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien looks up. "Excellent job you guys. This should be useful and estabishing just who or what David Fury is.:
* Seraphna smiles at Darien, "Where you heading boss?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'm going to be there when they take Katrina off life support. 6He notes, glancing at his watch. "I figured I would pay my respects."
<Seraphna> "I see.... may I join you?"
<Ceilidh> NRP: Did I get the memo on Katrina and Erevis?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Of course.
<Kane> ...Me too. *he said with a frown*
<Setsuna`> "Wait... they're..." *looks to Darien*
* Cassandra`Arakawa just sighs...
<Ceilidh> "..."
<DeathStar> <Darien> It's for Xanatos' own damn good. 6He says solomnly.
* Kane glances at Darien. "I don't understand, how is destroying the only thing he cherishes for his own good?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Because a life for a life is pointless and he needs to realize it. 6He takes the info from Ceil.
<Setsuna`> "Hey, I know HE needs to get over this. But is this the best way?"
<Ceilidh> "So you think that just killing someone will help?"
* Ceilidh sounds too shocked to hold her tongue
<DeathStar> <Darien> Katrina's been dead, people. Katrina isn't coming back. Bringing back Erevis will only lead to more pointless deaths.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'm pulling the plug on a vegetable so Katrina's mom and John himself can move on, and hopefully Xanatos will as well.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien puts down the datapad on a table.
* Seraphna crosses her arms, "Did... Kat's mom approve?"
* Kane rubs his chin, thinking about this. "How will bringing back Erevis lead to more death? You don't think Erevis herself would cause these deaths do you?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> I talked with her last night. She agreed.
<Seraphna> "Alright then..."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Death will be involved. How, I'm not sure, but I'm sure death will be there. And I'm not going to let that happen.
<Seraphna> "I heard the Vapaad nearly broke all ties with earth over her very existence. Many would take that as a bad omen."
<Ceilidh> "..."
<Setsuna`> "Yeah, but they suck, and she was a friend."
* Kane smirks at Setsuna. "Erevis seemed pretty pure to me..."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances at a watch. "I'm going to my apartment to change and shave." 6He turns and walks out.
<Kane> How much longer till we have to be there? *he calls out to Darien*
<Ceilidh> "What reason do you have to think that Erevis will cause death?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> An hour.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps out, closing the door after him.
* Seraphna follows after him.
<Seraphna> "Mind if I come along for the ride?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'd rather be alone.
<Ceilidh> "... I'm... going to the funeral too..."
<Kane> It's not a funeral yet. *he said, glancing down at his datapad*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> We should go back to the house and change. 6She points out.
<Ceilidh> "But..." *looks at her datapad too*
<Kane> Good point. *he turns to move toward the van*
* Setsuna` mutters under her breath, and heads to the van
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr follows Setsuna.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien gets on his motorcycle, turning it on and driving off.
<Seraphna> "Alright then..."
* Seraphna heads to the van.
* Kane gets in the van and starts it up, after everyone gets inside he would move off toward the house.
* Ceilidh sits in the van and waits
<Ceilidh> "... Kane... you're not planning to intervene, are you?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ...
<Kane> It isn't my place.
* Seraphna sighs and looks down quietly
<DeathStar> 6* Darien drives along the open streets for his apartment.
* Kane drives along, he glances out the window toward the sky.
<Seraphna> "Back when I first joined PAX... she was the only one who tried to even interact with me... and beyond her job..."
<Ceilidh> "... I... can't help but hope that... somehow... something happens... to save her."
* Kane rubs his temples gently. "She wasn't the only one Sera." He said with a sigh, but leaving it at that.
<DeathStar> NRP: Fight! Fight!
<Ceilidh> NRP: <Fox> Yeah... WTF?!
* Seraphna blushes, "You were too shy in the beginning... I didn't mean..."
* Ceilidh looks over to Kane, then back to Sera. "... he was?"
<Kane> It's alright...*he pulls into the driveway and shuts the van off, sliding out of the van he moves in to change*
<DeathStar> NRP: You guys stay in that house if you want to keep RPing for now. Xan's a slow mother fucker.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moves to her room, getting out of the clothes she used on the mission for something more respectable.
* Kane changes in his own room, Xan's old one.
* Cassandra`Arakawa heads up to her room...
* Ceilidh heads to her room, thinking over things
* Seraphna heads to her own room, switching to a very respectable outfit, though she doesn't seem to keep much there, for that matter, she hasn't slept at the house very often.
* Setsuna` changes to... a rather unusual look for her. A rather professional, almost buisness attire. Though still black. Her hair tied back in a single ponytail.
* Setsuna` then hits the fridge and grabs half a pack of beer.
* Ceilidh changes to a semi-formal black dress
<MiniGM> 6Suddenly ENN flashes on the HoloVid describing an unidentified shuttle having just attacked a highway.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moves down, wearing white, but equally professional. She glances at the holovid.
* Ceilidh looks over the TV, curiously
<Ceilidh> NRP: Holovid, blah
* Kane slides to a stop in front of the holovid...he eyes the shuttle carefully.
<DeathStar> 6* The remains of Darien's bike can be seen littering the highway.
* Setsuna` pauses, looking at the TV
<Kane> Holy....shit. Is that Darien's bike?
* Seraphna steps downstairs and then looks over, "Hmmm?"
<Ceilidh> "... yes. Or a similar make."
* Kane rubs his face. "....Wow."
<Setsuna`> NRP: <Setsuna> Dammit! Now we have TWO funerals to worry about.
<Setsuna`> "......"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Oh My God...
<Ceilidh> "... do you think...?"
* Kane glances around, unsure on if they should go to the hospital or go check out the attack.
* Ceilidh trails off, as if saying the words could cause it to happen
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr busts out the door, clearly going for the attack.
* Setsuna` heads after Zephyr
* Kane sighs and moves after Zephyr and Setsuna.
* Ceilidh follows, looking worried
* Seraphna attempts to dial up his datapad.
<DeathStar> 6* No response.
<Seraphna> "Shit shit shit..."
<Kane> Aw jesus, what the hell is going on?
<DeathStar> 6* Those who managed to get away eventually reach the highway, which is being policed off. It seems there's tons of injured people.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr comes to a stop, her eyes widening.
* Kane looks around at the chaos, "Jesus....christ..."
* Ceilidh moves forward to try to help the wounded
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr busts past police lines, looking over the wreckage, finding pieces of Darien's bike everywhere.
* Kane glances around, moving up beside Zephyr. "You see his body anywhere?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> N-No. It might have been vaporized. 6She puts a hand to her mouth.
<Kane> I don't think that would be the looked like a missle attack, I'm pretty sure those don't vamporize...
<MiniGM> NRP: No thank god, we don't need a Vampire Darien
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moves along, looking around.
* Kane also moves around, looking around.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> DARIEN!
<DeathStar> 6* As they search, they would find a body laying off to the side, under some wrecked cars. Darien Starr.
* Ceilidh heads towards Darien's body, doing a check of his lifesigns
* Seraphna rushes over, staring in horror, "I-Is he...?"
<Kane> ...Oh he? *he looksat Zephyr*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... 6She grabs the car, straining. Despite her size, she begins to push the car up.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I-I can't hold it up...much longer...
* Ceilidh pulls the body out
* Setsuna` trys to get Darien out underneth
<DeathStar> 6* Darien slides out, leaving a blood trail. In his right hand is his datapad - with a warning from Chad on the screen.
* Kane glances down to check the warning.
* Ceilidh eyes the datapad quickly
<DeathStar> 6* It seems Chad was warning him about Xanatos' looking into Tyler McCabe and having come to him with questions.
* Kane makes a face. "..."
* Ceilidh stores that bit of information
* Cassandra`Arakawa has left #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
<MiniGM> 6A man can be seen rushing past the police lines and towards the group. It's Chad Winters.
* Kane mvoes his hand over to check Darien's life signs.
* Ceilidh has been trying to do that for some time. :P
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr drops the car and grabs Darien's helmet, pulling it off. Blood runs down the man's face. But he's alive.
<Seraphna> "We need to get him to a hospital."
* Setsuna` has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Ceilidh> "... yes... we do."
* Kane looks up to see Chad, he frowns and stands. "We need to get to Katrina's room. Now."
<MiniGM> 6Chad comes upto a stop, looking down at Darien. "I thought I recognized that bike...What the hell happened?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stirs, opening his eyes in obvious pain.
<DeathStar> 6* He opens his mouth, trying to speak.
* Kane looks to Darien. Trying to make out what he is trying to say.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien waves for his comm.
<MiniGM> 6Chad kneels down beside Darien and grabs his comm, handing it to him.
* Kane stands there watching Darien closely.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien takes the comm., bringing it up to his mouth. He clicks it onto Xanaos' frequency. 6"Do'"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr watches him, her eyes widening. She looks at Kane. "Xan did this?"
* Setsuna` has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
<Seraphna> "..."
* Kane rubs his facem "I...I didn't want to think...but why would he attack Darien?"
<Ceilidh> "..."
<MiniGM> <Chad> 6Looks over at Zephyr, a confused look on his face. "Xanatos?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr looks at Chad, dropping her gaze, then nods. The shuttle had to be his, she knows.
<MiniGM> <Chad> It had to do with McCabe, that's the only logical reasoning...
<Ceilidh> "Why is that?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien licks his cracked and bloodied lips, clearly trying to stay awake.
<MiniGM> <Chad> Because Darien's death means nothing to Xanatos.
<Kane> We need to get him to the hospital...*he glances at Darien*
<Ceilidh> "Anyway, we need to get Darien to a hospital."
<MiniGM> 6Medical crews begin to pour in
<Setsuna`> "Well, unless he knew what Darien was going to do..."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien drops his comm, closing his eyes.
* MiniGM leans over, checking Darien's pusle
<DeathStar> 6* Weak. He's most likely dying.
<Ceilidh> NRP: Wow, the GM enters!
* Seraphna has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<MiniGM> <Chad> He's not gonna make it here. 6He whistles at a nearby Medical Personal who comes running over and begins to work on him.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr puts her hands to her face. "Does this mean Xan is the traitor?"
<Setsuna`> "...not nessisarily. But... maybe."
<MiniGM> <Chad> He will be punished for his actions undoubtedly.
<MiniGM> <Chad> Even if he please insanity...
<Kane> He'll have to stand for his crimes. He knew what he was getting into...
<Ceilidh> "..."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr watches them work on Darien, unable to look away.
<MiniGM> <Chad> 6Glances over at Zephyr, checking her over to make sure she wasn't harmed.
* Seraphna has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
* Setsuna` looks at Zephyr and Chad, frowns, and goes to see what she can make out of Darien's condition
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pays little attention to Chad, watching them work on saving Darien's life.
<MiniGM> <Chad> 6Stands upright, turning around to survery the area for any more survivors*
* Kane checks the time.
<DeathStar> 6* The time has come to pull the plug. None of them will be there to see it now.
* Kane frowns. "It is time..." He says aloud to everyone else.
<MiniGM> <Chad> 6Turns eyeing Kane, then lowers his head.
<Ceilidh> "... do you think the medical team will be able to handle this...?"
<Seraphna> "Katrina is being taken off life support..."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien is patched up and stablized.
* Kane puts a hand to the back of his neck and sighs. "..."
<MiniGM> 6Suddenly off in the distance a massive explosion can be heard.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr jerks her head up.
* Ceilidh looks over
* Kane jerks his head up as well. "What the hell was that?"
* Setsuna` tenses.
<MiniGM> 6Smoke can be seen rising from a building off in the distance. The Medical crew around them suddenly begin freaking out.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr glances around, trying to figure out what happened.
* Kane grabs one of the medical crew, "What's going on? What is in that direction?"
<MiniGM> <Medical> The hospital just blew up...
* Kane looks over at Chad and the others. "....I think...a friend might be back."
* Ceilidh just stares
<MiniGM> <Chad> 6Looks over at Kane. "What the hell are you talking about?!"
* Kane shakes his head. "What was Xan looking for? A way to bring Erevis back...don't you think it is an odd coincidence that the hospital explodes?"
<Ceilidh> "... she's back...?"
<MiniGM> <Chad> That fucking idiot...
* Kane shakes his head, "...I don't really know...i'm just assuming..." He turns to move toward the hospital now.
<Ceilidh> "... what's the problem, anyway...?"
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> An explosion like that would kill everyone in the hospital.
<MiniGM> <Chad> I agree with Zephyr, from the sounds of that explosion, there isn't going to be anything left. 6He turns moving towards his bike.
<Ceilidh> "... I meant with... oh."
<Ceilidh> "... she's the type to destroy hospitals?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr hurries over to the bike. "I want a ride now."
<Ceilidh> "Lets go."
* Seraphna smiles a little at Zephyr
<Setsuna`> "...I'll stay here."
<MiniGM> <Chad> Hop on then. 6He hops onto it, quickly starting it up.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr gets on the bike.
<Ceilidh> "Wait, what about me?"
* Kane has broken into a job to get to the hospital, but of course Chad and Zephyr would get there before them.
<Kane> NRP: job*
<Kane> NRP: FUCK
<Kane> NRP: Jog
<DeathStar> NRP: You want a job?!
<MiniGM> 6Cracks the throttle taking off in a burnout towards the off ramp
* Ceilidh RUNS for the hospital
* Seraphna runs as well.
<MiniGM> 6Chad and Zephyr quickly reach their destination, only to find a crater where the Hospital once stood.
<Kane> NRP: Seems that way.
<MiniGM> <Chad> Jesus christ....6He quickly steps off his the bike, looking around.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steps off, glancing around at the ruins. Cries of the survivors - however few - echo around.
<MiniGM> <Chad> 6Looks back at Zephyr. "Can you find any survivors?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien is left mostly alone, so Setsuna is there beside him by herself.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I'll try...
<MiniGM> <Chad> 6Quickly moves over to the edge of where the crater starts and begins sliding down it into the ruins below.
<DeathStar> 6* A piece of rubble is suddenly pitched up into the air. Zephyr grabs Chad outof the way as it smashes down.
<MiniGM> <Chad> Woh...6Is pulled back by Zephyr. "Where the hell did that come from?"
* Kane comes running up to the scene, he slides to a stop a deep frown on his face, upon seeing the rubble attack Chad and Zephyr, Kane shakes his head. "Xan...what the hell have you done?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina turns to face them, her eyes glowing dangeroulsy. She's completely nude and appears to be standing over a body.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Her.
* Ceilidh runs up shortly after Kane
<MiniGM> <Chad> It's Erevis...And something tells me she's not happy.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... she's standing over someone...
* Seraphna catches up with Ceil
* Ceilidh tries to identify the someone
* Kane strains to see who the body is.
<DeathStar> 6* Stella McCormick.
<MiniGM> NRP: I thought it was Sherry.
<DeathStar> nRP: ER, yes.
<DeathStar> NRP: I was thinking Akai married John.
* Kane moves his hand to his mouth. "Dear god..."
<Ceilidh> "... Erevis...?"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis clenches her hand in a rage. She suddenly begins to throw more rubble at them.
<Ceilidh> "What?"
<MiniGM> <Chad> 6Turns shoving Zephyr out of the way of some rubble.
* Ceilidh ducks under the rubble quickly
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr jerks away as she's shoved.
* Kane dives to the right out of the path of rubble.
<MiniGM> 6Chad flies backwards as a chunk of rubble slams into him as he pushes Zephyr out of the way, sending him into the crater wall.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis turns back to the body, kneeling there beside it, still throwing more rubble at them without even looking
<Ceilidh> "... please... calm down..."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr moves behind some shelter of the hospital remains, turning to try to see what's going on.
<Kane> * Xanatos appears on the scene, a look of horror on his face,
<MiniGM> <Chad> 6Coughs as he tries to regain his breathe. "She's...she's protecting Kat's mother..."
<Ceilidh> "... from who...?"
<MiniGM> <Chad> I'd...say us...
<Ceilidh> "I'm no threat..."
<Kane> <Xanatos> " did this happen? What the hell happened!? I..." *He looks around frantically at the chaos*
<MiniGM> 6Chad shoves off the crater wall as a piece of rubble slams into it.
<DeathStar> <Voice> All she knows is everyone dead. And she probably wants to kill the person who did it.
<Ceilidh> "Who did it...?"
* Kane jerks to toward the voice, so does Xan.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands there with a cane. "It would seem someone was very, very stupid."
<DeathStar> Session Ends
<Kane> Betcha can't guess who the stupid person was. :P
<Ceilidh> Xan? :P
* Setsuna` has left #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
* MiniGM has left #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
* Kane has left #PAXSeason7-13TeamDarien
Session Close: Wed Oct 04 23:20:22 2006

Session Start: Wed Oct 04 19:06:00 2006
Session Ident: #PAXSeason7-13TeamJohn
* Now talking in #PAXSeason7-13TeamJohn
* Jackieness has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamJohn
* DeathStar has wild sex with Jackie
<MiniGM> Stardate: 10-584.5.28
<MiniGM> 6The Aquarius drops it's cloak, appearing underneath a Pirate Ship.
<DeathStar> 6* John sits in the Captain's chair, looking out the window. "There it is! Our target!"
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru looks eager suddenly
<DeathStar> 6* John flips some switches, getting his one energy cannon ready to power up. "A pirate robbing a pirate."
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Stands behind John, an crudely made pirates hat made from a piece of paper sits atop his head.
* Myria is scurrying around engineering, keeping the stuff working. She is not allowed to steal thunder anymore.
<MiniGM> 6The pirate ship suddenly begins to raise it's shield and begins to hit it's boosters.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I like that irony."
<MiniGM> <Dias> Our supplies are getting away John!
<DeathStar> <John> Fire at their engines!
<MiniGM> <Dias> "Oh shit!" 6He runs past John and takes the weapons console and begins to target their engines.
<MiniGM> 6The Pirate Ship begins to arc upwards in an attempt to get around the Aquarius.
<DeathStar> <John> Fire, Dias! FIRE
<MiniGM> <Dias> ....Got it. 6He fires the cannons, the shot flies towards the Pirate Ships engines as it hit's its boosters, taking out one of their thrusters only.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Nice shot."
<MiniGM> 6The Pirate Ship's right thruster begins billowing out smoke as it spins around to face the Aquarius, it begins to fire on it with it's own weapons.
<DeathStar> 6* John grips the controls as the Aquarius shakes, the shields buckling. He hits a comm button. "Myria, I need more power to the shields."
<Myria> Coming! *reroutes power*
<MiniGM> 6The Pirate Ship begins to fly towards the Aquarius, but at half speed. Two missiles launch out of it and begin spiraling towards the Aquarius.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Incoming. 6He begins to desperately try to lock onto one of the missiles and fires towards it. Missing it several times until finally clipping it and taking it out.
<DeathStar> 6* John begins to navigate the Aquarius in a pattern to bring them in a half-circle in regards to the pirate ship.
<MiniGM> 6The Pirate Ship begins backing up now, continuing to fire on the Aquarius.
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Locks back onto the Pirate ship and begins firing on it again, the shots slamming into its' shields.
<DeathStar> <John> Man, I need more weapons! 6He howls
<MiniGM> <Dias> Yeah...I'm beginning to think attacking a pirate ship....not such a good idea.
<DeathStar> <John> Oh come on! This is fun!
* Myria scurrying about, trying to maximize power manually.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Also dangerous... but yes."
<DeathStar> <John> Alright, new plan!
<DeathStar> 6* John grabs the controls, aiming the Aquarius right for the pirate ship.
* Kimera has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamJohn
<MiniGM> 6The Pirate Ship continues it's assault on the Aquarius, not letting up.
* Kimera is now known as Ariel
<DeathStar> <John> Myria, I want the shields focused on forward and right side.
<Myria> Doing it! *modifies the coverage of the shields*
<DeathStar> <John> Okay, Dias. Charge the laser cannon but don't fire.
<MiniGM> 6Dias nods and begins to charge up the laser cannon.
<Ariel> <Em> *makes her way to the bridge* "Is there anything I can do?"
<DeathStar> <John> Yes. 6He narrows his eyes dramatically. "I need tea."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I'm not even going to ask."
<DeathStar> 6* John keeps heading right for the pirate ship, as if planning to ram it.
<MiniGM> <Dias> I could use a back rub.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Dias!"
<Ariel> <Em> *pauses. Considers her options* "...I'll get the tea." *slips out*
<MiniGM> 6The Aquarius with fully functional thrusters quickly closes the gap, the Pirate Ship begins to turn to try and get away.
<DeathStar> 6* John keeps right at them, begins to pass so they're passing each other - with the pirate ship on the right. "FIRE!"
<MiniGM> 6Dias hits the button, launching the fully charged cannon's blast into the Pirate ship's side.
<Ariel> <Em> *makes tea*
<MiniGM> 6The pirate ship's shield fails as the blast slams into it the end of the blast ripping apart part of the pirate ships hull.
<DeathStar> <John> Now, target those engines! Myria, get the teleporter ready.
<MiniGM> 6Dias quickly locks onto the Pirate Ships last thruster and fires on it, causing it to explode. The pirate ship loses all propulsion and begins drifting.
<Myria> Teleport ready!
<DeathStar> <John> Hotaru, you may hail the enemy.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru hails
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Attention Pirates! This is the Aquarius." *pauses* "Effectively, we're taking your stuff."
<DeathStar> 6* John gives Dias an impressed look.
<DeathStar> <John> She sounds like me now.
<MiniGM> 6Seconds later their screen lights up. A burly man appearing on the otherside. "If you want our goods, you're going to have to get them yourselves." 6The transmission ends.
<DeathStar> <John> Oh, I so do love it whe nthey tell me to take stuff. 6He spins in his seat, standing up. "Alright, you scurvy dogs, we're boarding the ship."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Arrr!"
<MiniGM> 6Dias leaps out of his chair, thrusting his fist into the air. "YARRR!"
<Ariel> <Em> *sighs from the kitchen*
<DeathStar> <John> Arrr! 6He marches for the galley.
<MiniGM> 6Dias follows behind John.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads after
<DeathStar> <John> So, Em, want to fight pirates?
<Ariel> <Em> "Fight... pirates?"
<DeathStar> <John> Fiiiight pirates!
<Ariel> <Em> "'re serious."
<DeathStar> <John> Well, YEAH.
<DeathStar> 6* John pulls out a classic Earth pirate sword.
<Ariel> <Em> "You'll get shot. Again."
<DeathStar> <John> Oh, fine. You stay here and operate the teleporter. 6He grabs his comm. "Myria, want to fight pirates?!"
<Myria> *c* tell me no more stealing thunder.
<DeathStar> <John> Oh, fine! You women stay here. Me, Hotaru, and Dias will do the fighting.
<DeathStar> 6* John marches for the teleporter, a swaggered walk
<MiniGM> <Dias> YARR!!! 6Dias marches after John, adjusting his paper pirate hate.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru blinks at John. "And I'm not one?"
<MiniGM> NRP: Hat
<DeathStar> <John> Well, you're different. You're one of us.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Ahh."
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads for the teleporter
<DeathStar> 6* John nods, moving to the loading bay, walking up to the teleporter.
<MiniGM> 6Dias steps on after him.
* Myria sets the teleporter coordinates.
<MiniGM> <Dias> They'll never know we're sneaking in this way.
<DeathStar> <John> Oh, it will be GLORIOUS. 6He points at Myria. "En-er-gize."
* Myria activates the teleporter.
<DeathStar> 6* John is teleported, only to be surrounded by a dozen angry pirates. "...Um... surrender?" 6He offers them.
<MiniGM> 6Dias turns around. "Oh that soooo sucks.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "This isn't going to be as easy as we thought."
<DeathStar> <John> If you give up now, .... we'll let you live! 6He offers.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "And without serious injury."
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru actually sounds confident?
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6His paper hat falls off to the ground as he looks up at a taller pirate.
<MiniGM> 6The pirates begin laughing.
<DeathStar> 6* John holds up he sword. "This IS your last chance."
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru summons her scythe, sighing
<Ariel> <Em> *heads to the bridge to monitor things*
<MiniGM> 6Dias tightens his fists.
<MiniGM> 6A pirate lifts up his gun, aiming it at Johns face and clicks the safety off.
<DeathStar> <John> ... 6Drops the sword and holds up his hand. "Well, when you put it THAT way."
<MiniGM> 6A bald man pushes through the pirates and steps up next to the one holding hte gun. "And what was this about you taking out goods?
<DeathStar> <John> Well, you know, we just thought you might like to SHARE.
<MiniGM> <BaldMan> Oh so now you want to share with us....If that's the case, maybe you should start with your woman over there...
<DeathStar> 6* John tilts his head, considering it.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... I'm not up for grabs."
<Myria> *c* Why taking so long?!
<DeathStar> <John> How much we talking about here? 6He asks the pirtae, leaning in close.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Like I said, I'm not up for grabs."
<MiniGM> <Baldman> I could give you two crates of supplies for her I'd say.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Are you deaf or just dumb?"
<DeathStar> <John> Two crates. Not bad. 6He nods his head, rubbing his chin. "Two crates, DIas, you hear that?"
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Eyes John then smiles. "That's more than we got for the last girl."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "..."
<DeathStar> <John> Truly.
<DeathStar> <John> Well, here, we'll shake on it. 6He holds out his hand to the bald piate.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Do you WANT to die?!"
<MiniGM> 6The pirate eyes the hand then begins to reach for Johns then stops. "On second thought...I think we'll be taking the woman and you're ship.
<DeathStar> <John> Oh come on. I have over a hundred men on that ship. This is a good deal. 6He holds out his hand.
<MiniGM> <BaldMan> You can't fit a hundred men on that ship."
<MiniGM> <BaldMan> 6The pirate pulls out his pistol, pressing int against John's forehead. "That I am..
<DeathStar> 6* John leans against the gun. "MY SHIP IS NOT SMALL!"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... I wouldn't usually say anything after THAT kind of deal, but... if we don't all leave here with what we want... lets just say you won't have a ship much longer."
<MiniGM> <BaldMan> The girl for two crates then...6He flashes a dangerous smile.
<DeathStar> <John> Better. 6He turns away, then suddenly swings his hand out to knock the gun away, kicking up at the pirate to knock him into his men.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "You weren't listening. If we don't ALL leave. That means me too." *kicks John*
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru doesn't kick John then
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL! *John falls in mid attack*
<Ariel> <Em> "...what do you think they're doing? Does it take a long time to raid a ship?"
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru readies her scythe threateningly, ready to cut into the pirates if need be.. though better if she can just cut their weapons in half
<MiniGM> 6The Pirate stumbles back into 5 of his men. The other 3 of the pirates leap towards john while two leap at Dias and the last throws a punch towards Hotaru.
<DeathStar> 6* John is tackeld into the ground, grunting as he tries to throw them off.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru sidesteps the punch, grabbing the arm and twisting
<Myria> They may be in trouble...
<Ariel> <Em> *looks towards the monitor* "...they're not attacking us yet, so they're probally okay."
<Myria> But it take too long!
<MiniGM> 6The Pirate's arm is twisted and he recoils in pain, dropping to the ground.
<MiniGM> 6The three pirates use their weight to keep John down as the begin to pummel him.
<DeathStar> 6* John is pummeled.
<Ariel> <Em> "Well... I guess they're not as good pirates as they think."
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru throws her pirate at the three
<MiniGM> 6Dias flips into the air spin kicking one in the face only to get tackled into a wall by the other one.
<MiniGM> 6The pirate slams into the three knocking them off.
<DeathStar> 6* John leaps to his feet, then spins and kicks out at a pirate's face.
<MiniGM> 6The pirates spirals to the ground as one pulls out a sword swinging for John's stomach horizontally.
<DeathStar> 6* John hops back out of the way, kicking up his own sword and swinging it out.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru activates her scythe, cutting at the sword
<Myria> What we do then?
<MiniGM> 6Dias hammer blows the one pinning him to the wall, causing him to drop.
<Ariel> <Em> "Wait... and if they don't finish, steal the show?"
<MiniGM> 6The pirate stares over at Hotaru then begins to back away.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru smiles innocently at the pirate
<MiniGM> 6A pirate tackles Hotaru from behind.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru is blindsided, and knocked to the floor
<DeathStar> 6* John swings his sword around, daring pirates to advance.
<Myria> Ok.
<MiniGM> 6The three remaining conscious ones eye each other then John
<DeathStar> <John> Come on, you scurvy dogs!
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru spins, elbowing the tackling pirate off her
<Ariel> <Em> *considers* "We could beam one back, to see how they're doing?"
<Myria> Ummm...should we?
<DeathStar> 6* John charges the pirates, swinging his sword wildly.
<MiniGM> 6One pirates pulls ups his gun and fires at John's sword
<DeathStar> <John> JESUS! 6He jerks away after losing the sword.
<Ariel> <Em> "They've broke radio contact."
<MiniGM> 6Dias leaps down from an over head tube and slams into the one with the gun, taking him to the ground
<Myria> Then we do it?
<DeathStar> 6* John grabs his own gun and fires at the pirates.
<Ariel> <Em> "Mmhmm! You can pick one."
<MiniGM> 6The last two pirates drop to the ground.
<DeathStar> <John> Take THAT!
<MiniGM> <BaldPirate> 6Begins to stir awake.
<DeathStar> 6* John puts a boot on the pirate's back, leaning over. "Well, Captain, it seems this fight is over."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "So... where do you keep your stuff."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: ?
<MiniGM> <BaldPirate> In the cargo bay down the hall...6He grumbles
* Myria nod nods and then sets the teleporter to recover one of the team.
<DeathStar> NRP: Uh, which one?
<Myria> NRP: John works.
<DeathStar> 6* John teleports, appearing in the loading bay. He looks around. "What..the...FUCK?"
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru starts down the hall to the cargo bay, failing to notice John's disappearance
<DeathStar> <John> WHAT THE HELL?!?!? 6He grabs his comm. "WHAT.THE.HELL?"
<MiniGM> <BaldPirate> 6Stands up eyeing Dias, who begins backing up in fear.
<Ariel> <Em> "Did you miss?"
<DeathStar> 6* John marches up to the bridge, aiming his gun at the two. "WHAT THE HELL?"
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Leaps forward to throw a punch at the BaldPirate only to get backhanded into the wall.
<Ariel> <Em> "...okay. You're not dead. That's a good sign."
<DeathStar> 6* John smacks his gun against his head. "I was fighting pirates!!!"
* Kimera has joined #PAXSeason7-13TeamJohn
<MiniGM> <BaldPirate> You little shit, I'm going to kill you. 6The pirate moves over to Dias and picks him up by the collar, punching him with his other hand in the gut, causing Dias to curl over in pain.
* Ariel has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Myria> We thought you in trouble!
* Kimera is now known as Ariel
* Myria presses buttons, sending John back!
<DeathStar> <John> WOMEN! 6He says with a roar, teleporting back.
<MiniGM> 6The Bald Pirates tosses Dias up and punches him in the gut again, this time a sickening cracking noise can be heard
<DeathStar> 6* John appears, then just shoots the pirate in the back, too annoyed to fight properly now.
<MiniGM> 6The pirate drops to the ground, dead.
<DeathStar> 6* John holsters his gun, sniffing a bit and glancing around. "Yeah, who's my bitches now?"
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru eyes the cargo hold
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Coughs violently as he kneels on the ground.
<MiniGM> 6Inside are about 10 crates obviously filled
<DeathStar> 6* John moves over to Dias, checking on his condition.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Where the...gah...hell did you go?!
<MiniGM> 6Besides some broken ribs, and being beaten, he'll live
<DeathStar> <John> Oh, the girls wanted me over to chat.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Remind me to...kill them.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> *comm* Okay, I've found the goodies. Want to beam them up?
<Myria> *c* Ok!
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru gives the co-ords if needed, then heads back to where she left Dias... and John, sortof
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Okay, we've got the goods."
<DeathStar> 6* John nods. He picks up his comm. "Okay, beam us over."
<Ariel> <Em> "He better not yell at us this time."
* Myria beams the team and the cargo over.
<DeathStar> 6* John appears back on the Aquarius. He motions Hotaru to take Dias up to the medical room.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Will...kill...girls...
<DeathStar> <John> Yeah yeah. Ask for sexual favors because they hurt you instead.
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Perks up. "Really?" 6Dias suddenly grabs his chest in pain. " tlak..
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... as long as you don't ask me."
<DeathStar> 6* John grabs his comm. "Hey, Em, you got a patient who wants you to heal him."
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru just carries Dias to the medbay
<Ariel> <Em> *sighs, and heads down to the medbay*
<DeathStar> 6* John stands there, rubbing the back of his head. "Jesus..."
* Myria heads back to engineering...
<DeathStar> 6* John eyes Myria as she pops up for engineering.
<Ariel> <Em> *looks to Dias* " what's wrong with you?" *sets up the scanner*
<MiniGM> <Dias> Broken...Gah...Heart.
* Retrieving #PAXSeason7-13TeamJohn modes...
<Myria> Was worried about you! *flails her arms*
<DeathStar> 6* John eyes her flailing her arms, then begins to laugh. He slaps his knee.
<Myria> Muh?
<Ariel> <Em> *pauses*
<Ariel> <Em> "...did John tell you to say that?"
<DeathStar> 6* John mimics her flailing, then laughs again. "You look like a crazed blueberry."
<MiniGM> <Dias> No..Aieee...6He grabs his chest again in pain. "My ideeaiiii
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru looks amused at that
<Ariel> <Em> *sighs* "You can stop faking, I know he told you to ham it up." *pauses, then adds* "...the broken heart was a cheesy addition."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "The injury is real, though."
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6He stares at Em, pain obviously in his face.
<Myria> Blueberry?
<DeathStar> <John> Yes, a blueberry.
<Ariel> <Em> *offers a smile, then gives Dias a seditive*
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Suddenly breathes easily.
* Myria blink blinks
<DeathStar> <John> It's an Earth fruit.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Gah...My chest pain is about the one between my thighs.
<Myria> Ohhhhh
<Ariel> <Em> "Hmm... I might need a bigger dose for that." *grabs a larger needle of seditive*
<DeathStar> 6* John stands there, then nods. "Well, I should go find my tea."
<MiniGM> <Dias>'s gone!
<Ariel> <Em> *smiles* "You sure?"
<MiniGM> <Dias> Unless you're going to administer it with a salve, yes.
<Ariel> <Em> *considers* "Salve only comes with amputation."
<DeathStar> 6* John heads up to the galley to get his tea.
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6He looks down at his crotch then at Em, then at his crotch again, then at Em again.
<Ariel> <Em> "Salve comes after amputation."
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru laughs a little, despite herself
* Myria nods and goes into engineering.
<MiniGM> <Dias> What's amputation?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "They cut it off."
<MiniGM> <Dias> But I pee from there!
<DeathStar> 6* John finishes his tea, sighing contently.
<Ariel> <Em> "Oh, you'd adjust."
* Myria tinkers in engineering.
<MiniGM> <Dias> ...NO! You not amputate!
<Ariel> <Em> *smirks, and gives Dias a shot* "This should help the real damage you've took. Just try to take it easy a little bit, okay?"
<MiniGM> <Dias> Why my chest hurt?"
<Ariel> <Em> "Because they hurt it pretty badly."
<MiniGM> <Dias>
<MiniGM> <Dias> How?
<Ariel> <Em> "Not sure. Certainly an amount of blunt force trauma. It's not like I'm a doctor."
<MiniGM> <Dias> Wait...If you're not a doctor...Then what the hell did you give me?!
<Ariel> <Em> "Which one?
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Suddenly get's that scared look on his face. "I don't feel safe anymoer.
<Ariel> <Em> *shakes her head* "It's okay. I can manage field medicine, but don't expect much more than that from me."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Yeah, it's not like we'd let a complete novice do medicine."
<Ariel> <Em> "Let me know if you start growing an extra hand on your chest or something though? I'll know to use less regenerative next time."
<MiniGM> <Dias> So no strip dancing?
<Ariel> <Em> "Strip dancing isn't a proven medical practice." *sticks out her tongue*
<Ariel> <Em> "And don't let John tell you otherwise."
<MiniGM> <Dias> It is in Night Shift Nurses 12
<Ariel> <Em> "...and stay out of John's porn." *shivers*
<MiniGM> <Dias> But Holovids are my teacher.
<Ariel> <Em> "You won't learn anything good from them."
<MiniGM> <Dias> I won't?
<Ariel> <Em> "You won't."
<MiniGM> <Dias> You sure? Cuz on the front it says..."Learn how the Night Shift Nurses heal the masses..."
<Ariel> <Em> "It's fiction."
<MiniGM> <Dias> What's fiction?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "John's porn."
<Ariel> <Em> "Stories made up to entertain."
<MiniGM> <Dias> Oh....So I shouldn't read fiction then. Gotcha.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Well, fiction is alright as long as you realise that it's fiction."
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Scratches the back of his head, an odd smile on his face, obviously the pain killers are kicking in. "Soo...kay
* Myria has left #PAXSeason7-13TeamJohn
* MiniGM has left #PAXSeason7-13TeamJohn
Session Close: Wed Oct 04 22:34:45 2006