Session Start: Tue Oct 17 18:54:50 2006
Session Ident: #PAXSeason7-18TeamDarien
* Now talking in #PAXSeason7-18TeamDarien
* Kane has joined #PAXSeason7-18TeamDarien
* Jackieness has joined #PAXSeason7-18TeamDarien
* Jackieness has left #PAXSeason7-18TeamDarien
* Cassandra`Arakawa has joined #PAXSeason7-18TeamDarien
* Alicia has joined #PAXSeason7-18TeamDarien
* Alicia is now known as Ceilidh
<MiniGM> Stardate 10-584.6.14
<MiniGM> 6Darien has gathered the team at a nearby Military Base for their next briefing.
<Ceilidh> NRP: BRB
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr stands about, still wearing her leather coat attire, which covers some light, durable clothing. She looks around, showing little interest. Darien, meanwhile, seems to be standing near a large, bulking hunk of a man, who has General stars on his uniform.
* Kane stands there with his arms crossed, not really looking anywhere in particular.
<MiniGM> 6The General can be soon jamming his finger into Darien's chest as he talks to him, obviously not happy with the conversation.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien jabs the man back.
* Ceilidh stands next to Kane
* Cassandra`Arakawa waiting around for something to happen...
<Kane> This looks fun. *he said with a bemused smirk, glancing at Ceil*
<Ceilidh> "Yeah.."
<MiniGM> 6The General looks down at Darien's hand, his face growing visibly red with anger.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien gives him "The look".
<MiniGM> NRP: *The General stares at him, wondering how much X chromosome he got instead of Y.
<MiniGM> 6The General holds one finger up, pointing it directly at Darien's face as he stares at him.
<MiniGM> MTP: And it's his pointer finger...
<DeathStar> 6* Darien holds up his arm, and taps his watch, then turns back to walk toward the group, obviously intending for the General to follow.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> ...wonder what's up...
<MiniGM> 6The General follows behind Darien, and it can be seen that he is nowhere happy at all.
<Kane> Bout to find out. *he says under his breath to the three around him.*
<DeathStar> <Darien> I have something I need to take care of so I've assigned you all to take some training under General Steel. Since our battles with V.I. are getting progressively nastier, we can't afford to let combat techniques slip. Steel here will shape you all up to be better thinkers and fighters than you were previously.
* Ceilidh nods, a little uncertainly
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Alright.
* Kane arches a brow, glancing at Steel, then back to Darien. "..."
<DeathStar> <Darien> They're yours, General Steel. 6He tells the man, moving away.
* Kane exhales slowly and looks to General Steel now, he starts to say something, but stops, thinking maybe he should let the general speak fisrt.
<MiniGM> 6Steel turns, looking down at Darien's team, sizing each and everyone one of them up. He scoffs as he see's Zephyr and Kane.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr narrows her eyes. "You got somethin' to say?"
<Ceilidh> .oO(Wow, I made the cut?)
<MiniGM> NRP: Ceil who?
<MiniGM> <Steel> The toddler has a tongue...How you've managed to survive so far is shock in itself...
<Ceilidh> .oO(How I'VE survived so far is a shock...)
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Care for me to show you. 6She steps forward.
* Kane glances over at Zephyr, he can't help but wonder why he was scoffed at.
<MiniGM> <Steel> You'll have plenty of time to show me if you can make it through Orions Gauntlet.
<Kane> Sounds rough. *he says, after a moment*
* Ceilidh nods. "Yeah..."
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ...
<MiniGM> <Steel> 6Bellows out in laughter then turns, heading towards a Storage building
<Ceilidh> "I wouldn't worry about Zephyr though."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr shoves her hands into the coat, walking after Steel.
* Ceilidh looks to Kane
* Kane places a hand on her shoulder. "Least we wont die....maybe." He says with a chuckle, moving on after Zephyr.
* Ceilidh gulps, and heads after Kane
<MiniGM> 6Steel stops before the building, turning to look at everyone again as they gather.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr stops, looking disinterested in his Gauntlet.
<MiniGM> 6Steel hits a button on the building, and the front door slides open, revealing an automated training course. He moves inside, obviously intent on getting this over with quickly.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr follows him.
* Kane slides inside, looking at the gauntlet. Evaluating how tough it is.
* Cassandra`Arakawa moves inside as well.
* Ceilidh heads in, evaluating the course. Tough, Extremely tough, or Impossible.
<MiniGM> 6It seems like your typical drill set-up. At the start is a 2x4 sized beam that leads across a water filled mud-hole, on it's other side is a rope to swing across a make believe pit of barbwire and then 30 feet of crawling through real barbwire.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... I evaluate this course to be... inadequate.
* Ceilidh breathes a sigh of relief. She might actually make it through this one.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Standard boot camp by look. Don't trust your eyes.
<Kane> I think I've did this course before. *he says after a moment, rubbing his chin*
<MiniGM> 6Steel eyes Zephyr then reaches behind him, twisting a knob. 6Electricity begins arcing across the beam every 2 seconds, with a total length of 20ft of beam. The barbwire pit opens up, and several logs jut up from the floor in sporadic places, the rope raising into the cieling. The barbwire field itself begins to glow differenct colors. Some of the wire glowing a bright red, obviously having raised in temperature while other
<Ceilidh> "I hate the"
<Ceilidh> NRP: while other
<MiniGM> 6buzzing with electricity. At the end of it, a 50ft wall begins rising from the cieling and then begins to change, leaving gaps and holes in it along it's way up.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> ... 6Seh itlts her head.
* Kane rubs his face. "..."
<Ceilidh> "... how hot are the hot wires... and what voltage on the electricity...?"
<MiniGM> 6Steel laughs, crossing his arms.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steps up to he beam, watching it carefully.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> That takes away the fun if they tell you.
<Ceilidh> "... fun...?"
<MiniGM> 6Electricity arcs across it, then falls still for 2 seconds, then arcs across it again for 1 second.
* Ceilidh eyes Cass as if she's insane
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Yep. Spec Ops field has live fire rounds too.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> When do we go?
* Kane tilts his head, glancing at Cass, "How long can a person remain in the air if they jump?"
<MiniGM> 6The beam continues that pattern.
<MiniGM> <Steel> 6Eyes Zephyr. "It starts now.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr tenses her body, waiting for the electricity to move, then leaps onto the beam.
<MiniGM> 6Two seconds tick by and electricity begins to arc across the beam.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr rushes and leaps up to move up and over, attempting to stay in the air long enough for it to arch past.
<MiniGM> 6It arcs past then dies down, time begins ticking away again
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Depends...
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr lands, balancing herself as she moves along. As she reaches the end, she attempts to jump out and land on one of the logs.
<Kane> Let's hope I can stay airborne for 1 second. *he said with a smile, rubbing the back of his neck*
<MiniGM> 6She lands on the log and it suddenly begins to sink.
* Ceilidh takes deep breaths
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr leaps for the next log, then the next, working her away across the pit.
<MiniGM> 6AS she hits the next one it suddenly begin to raise upwards.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steadies herself so she can time her jump to account for her ascent.
<MiniGM> 6It continues to rise, not making any attempt to stop.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr jumps after making the calculations in her head.
<Ceilidh> "... cruel and unusual punishment..."
* Ceilidh does calculations in her head also
* Kane puts a hand on Ceil's shoulder, to calm her down.
<Ceilidh> .oO(Darien's trying to kill us...)
<MiniGM> 6Zephyr lands on a log below her and it begins to drop again, she's 3/4ths the way there.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr immediately makes her next jump, needing the height.
<MiniGM> 6The log she jumps for begins to shoot upwards, making it nearly impossible for her to land on with her feet.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr reaches out to grab the log, even if it's a bear hug.
<MiniGM> 6She succeeds and begins to rise upwards in the air.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr, not having the time to climb it, moves around the log, and then kicks off of it toward the next landing spot.
<MiniGM> 6Zephyr manages to land on the other end. Before her now is the 30ft of heated and electrified barbwire.
* Ceilidh attempts to calculate her maximum jump distance
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr eyes the barbwire, then begins to form her gun, firing into it, attempting to shoot herself ap ath.
<MiniGM> 6The ground tears up as barbwire is strewn apart, soon enough an effective pathway is made through the barbwire field..
<Kane> Uhhh. Is that legal?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr walks across.
<MiniGM> 6Steel watches Zephyr, a slight smile appearing on his face.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Alls fair in war.
<MiniGM> 6Before Zephyr is, what now appears to be a 75ft wall. There appears to be gaps here and there as it makes it's way up with a deck on the top.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr leans her head back, studying the gaps.
<MiniGM> 6Their sporadic, some obviously leading to one way directions. It doesn't appear to be more than a test of endurance.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr begins to climb, keeping her senses on the gaps for now.
<MiniGM> 6As she begins climbing a section of the wall suddenly begins spinning horizontally, swinging her lower half towards the wall and her upper half towards a gap
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr throws back her feet and reaches out for a gap.
<MiniGM> 6The section swings full around and she fits between the gap, now she's on the other side and everything seems at norm.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Cute.
<MiniGM> 6Steel having made his way behind Ceil and Kane, shoves Ceil towards the beam, which begins to arc with electricity.
<Ceilidh> "..."
* Ceilidh watches the beam, waiting for the electricity to stop...
<MiniGM> 6It stops, times begins tickign away again
* Ceilidh races across, jumping when she reaches the limit of her jump distance to go
<MiniGM> 6Current begins to arc across again as she jumps.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr begins her climb again, but attempts to do more propelling jumps.
* Ceilidh , hopefully, lands unceremoniously on the other side
* Kane watches Ceil closely.
<MiniGM> 6As she jumps, a sections spins around, it's timing leaving it right infront of her as she reaches it.
<Ceilidh> NRP: *has trouble visualising this*
* Ceilidh scrabbles to her feet and darts for a safe area, even if that's the end of the beam
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr grabs it, then makes another quick climb.
<MiniGM> 6She makes it across.
* Ceilidh takes deep breaths again, obviously scared that she wouldn't
<MiniGM> 6The board swings around, allowing her to continue her climb, a section she grabs on begins to rotated horizontally, this tie sending her downwards.
<MiniGM> 6Infront of Ceil is moat of moving logs.
<MiniGM> NRP: err..vertically sorry
* Ceilidh pauses, waiting for them to be in the right positions, then starts to jump across
<MiniGM> 6The logs don't move except up or down when they're landed on.
<MiniGM> 6As she progresses, a log begins to shoot upwards.
<MiniGM> 6Steel grabs Kane by the collar and tosses him onto the beam as current arcs across
* Ceilidh jumps for the next as soon as it's at the right height
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr reaches the top finally, glancing way down.
* Ceilidh tries to bounce from the ones that move downwards as she lands on them
* Kane begins to run forward, jumping up into the air to avoid getting electrified.
<MiniGM> 6After a bit Kane makes it across and has the logs infront him with Ceil making her way across.
<MiniGM> 6A log Ceil lands on begins to drop quickly.
* Ceilidh jumps quickly
* Kane slides to a stop, giving Ceil a bit of time to make it across before he stops.
* Ceilidh seems to be having a lot less difficulty on this than the beam
<MiniGM> 6Eventually Ceil makes it across to the now ruined barbwire field.
* Kane waits for the logs to normalize before jumping onto the first log, prepared to jump to the next one.
* Ceilidh shrugs, and walks across
<MiniGM> 6Kane begins making his way across until a log he lands suddenly begins sinking fast
<MiniGM> 6Ceil makes it to the wall, which seems to have stopped moving, the gaps obviously still there.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pops up behind Cassandra.
<MiniGM> <Steel> And is the pop princess going to sit this one out?
<Cassandra`Arakawa> Alright then. *heads on into the obstacle course*
* Ceilidh starts up the wall, keeping her mind on the gaps, and any areas that moved for Zephyr
* Kane kneels down and presses off from the log, if he has enough time he would grab onto the ledge of the log and pull himself up, if not, he would grasp the side much like Zephyr did before, then he would move to jump to the next one.
<MiniGM> 6A section off wall that Ceil grabs onto begins to fall vertically sending her falling foward, it stops creating a platform.
* Ceilidh pauses, standing up, and moving to her side to continue climbing
<MiniGM> 6Another section begins to rotate horizontally, obviously intent on pinching her against the lower wall
<MiniGM> 6As Kane leaps ono the next log it begins shooting upwards.
* Ceilidh moves a gap quickly
<Ceilidh> NRP: TO a gap
<MiniGM> 6Ceil squeezes through and the piece continues to spin.
<MiniGM> 6Current surges across the beam then dies down
* Kane hops off of it, falling down onto the next log, if it would begin to drop, he would quickly hop to the next one.
* Ceilidh moves to the main wall, trying to climb higher, looking for bits of wall that seem unconnected
<MiniGM> 6The one he leaps onto, instead of dropping shoots upto collid with him.
* Kane didn't expect this and lands onto the log roughly, he would scramble to jump to the next log.
<MiniGM> 6Ceil after much struggling makes it to the top. On the other side is rope to slide down.
* Ceilidh takes a breath, then slides down the rope
<MiniGM> NRP: *The rope explodes*
<MiniGM> 6Kane finally makes it across.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr watches Cass staring at the electrical beam.
* Kane steps past the the electrical and heated wire, a bit glad that Zephyr made a path. He comes up to the wall and waits for it to move back to normal before starting his way up.
<Cassandra`Arakawa> NRP: I'm a trifle bit busy right now.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr sits down, reaching into her coat and pulling out a pack of the cigs. She pulls one out, putting it between her lips.
<MiniGM> 6A section above Kane begins to drop downwards towards him, aiming to smash into him.
<MiniGM> 6Steel looks over at Zephy, eyeing her. "You're too young to smoke.
* Kane releases, dropping down out of harms way, grasping at the wall to keep from falling all the way back to the bottom.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> And you're old. 6She notes to him, lighting it up.
* Ceilidh grins a little, wanting to laugh but being too afraid to
<MiniGM> <Steel> Sounds like you need your diaper changed, maybe your mother here. 6He points at Cass. "Can help you with that?
* Kane continues to climb up, aware of the changes of the wall.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Big talk. 6She lets out a drag. "Got anything to back them up?"
* Cassandra`Arakawa showing off her abailities....she's run these types of courses before.
<MiniGM> 6Steel turns to Zephyr, pulling off his hat and tossing it to the ground.
<MiniGM> 6After some moderate difficulty Kane makes it to the top, the top hangs there ominously for him to slide down
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr stands up, tossing the cig down.
* Kane slides down now, making his way back for the others.
<MiniGM> 6Steel rotates his shoulders, sliding his feet apart. He waves Zephyr towards him.
* Ceilidh waits for Kane to return. "So.. how long do you think it'll take?"
<Kane> How long will what take? *he tilts his head, wiping at his brow*
<Ceilidh> "This fight."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr steps forward towrad Steel, getting in range of his punch.
<MiniGM> 6Steel just stands there, obviously waiting for Zephyr to make the first move.
* Kane looks around, then notices Steel and Zephyr. "Oh, I dunno..." A smirk slides across his face. He is seriously interested in this.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr yawns.
<MiniGM> <Steel> Afraid to make the first move runt?
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> I think you are. Are you afraid of a little girl? 6She notes mockingly.
<MiniGM> 6Steel clenches his fists, eyeing her dangerously now.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Please, 'General Steel', teach me something. 6She notes mockingly.
<MiniGM> 6Steps forward, hurling his left fist downwards at Zephyr's shoulder.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr ducks low, letting the fist shoot past her even at it's downward angle. She attempts to drive her fist into his balls.
<MiniGM> 6The fist connects it's mark, but instead of causing any damage, a thud noise can be heard. Steel, twists his upperbody then swings his elbow, driving it towards Zephyr's ear drum.
<DeathStar> 6* Getting hit, Zephyr stumbles off balance.
* Kane glances at Ceil. "Did he just take a nutshot and now even makes a face?"
<MiniGM> 6Steel reaches over to grab Zephyr by the coat collar and pull her in for a clothesline
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr hits the ground roughly.
<Ceilidh> "From the sound, I'd say it's armoured."
* Kane makes the thinking face. "Maybe Steel is ment to be taken literally?"
<MiniGM> 6Steel slides over Zephyr and picks her up by the collar and swings his fist towards her gut
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr is hit in the stomach, her eyes widening in pain. "Tha---that your best shot, General?" 6She wheezes.
<MiniGM> <Steel> Hrmm...6Steel rears his head back, snapping it forward to head butt her.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr is hit in the face, blood trinkling down her nose. She just laughs
<MiniGM> <Steel> You've got balls kid...That's for sure. 6He drops her by the collar, slamming his knee upwards towards her jaw as it reaches waist height.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr's head snaps back and she hit the ground with a thud. She rolls onto her side, starting to get up.
* Ceilidh winces
<Kane> General. *he speaks up* Why don't you stop beating up on our teammate.
<MiniGM> 6Steel walks upto Zephyr, picking her up again. "And what the hell are you going to do about it runt?" 6He lifts her up and grabs her by the neck, ramming his knee into her gut
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr winces in pain, not even crying out.
<Ceilidh> "..."
* Kane pulls out a pistol and aims it towards Steel, "I will put a hole in your head, Sir."
<MiniGM> <Steel> Like hell you will. 6He let's go of her neck and cups his hands together, hammerblowing her across the back and driving her deeper into his knee.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr gags, twitching once.
<Ceilidh> "... that's enough..."
* Kane sighs and puts the gun away. "I believe she is done, General."
<MiniGM> <Steel> 6Looks over at Ceil and Kane both. He grabs Zephyr, standing her upright. "You two digust me beyond belief. You call yourselfs a team, but you won't even come to your team mates aid?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr weakly grabs his arm, perhaps to keep standing, or perhaps just to steady herself so she can attack.
<Ceilidh> "Do you expect me to shoot you?"
* Cassandra`Arakawa currently hopping cylinders.
<Ceilidh> .oO(I probably would've, had this continued...)
* Kane watches Steel, he says nothing, knowing he should have helped her.
<MiniGM> <Steel> I expect you to fight with your lives to make sure everyone get's out alive. How you made it this far without everyone on your team dieing is beyond my scope of belief.
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Can..still 6She mumbles weakly.
<Ceilidh> "..."
<Kane> You've got me. *he says after a moment, actually thinking about it, after a moment he looks to Zephyr* Zephyr, you've lost. Stand down or you'll just get hurt.
<MiniGM> <Steel> 6Before Zephyr can respond, Steel grabs her by the back of her head and clotheslines her again.
* Ceilidh does pull out her gun now
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr hits the ground yet again, laying there, too dazed to get up.
<Kane> General what the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you see she is beaten.
<Ceilidh> "If you keep this up, I will shoot..."
<MiniGM> <Steel> She said it herself that she didn't plan on giving up...6He looks over at Ceil. "You'll shoot a General for doing his job?"
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr rolls slowly onto her stomach, pushing up off the ground.
<Ceilidh> "..."
<MiniGM> 6Steel swings his foot around, shoving Zephyr back onto the ground and begins to apply pressure on her back.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr is shoved back into the ground, eating dirt.
* Ceilidh fires a warning shot. "Both of you, stop this now."
* Kane breaks into a run a jumps sending a kick for Steel's side, to get him off of Zephyr.
<MiniGM> 6Steel stumbles back from Kane's kick, stepping off of Zephyr. "Is that all you have shit stain?
<Ceilidh> NRP: Do these weapons have a stun setting?
<MiniGM> NRP: Depends on what it is.
<MiniGM> NRP: Bullets only stun if you shoot them in the head
<MiniGM> NRP: Or atleast the ! above their head.
<Ceilidh> NRP: LOL
<Ceilidh> NRP: I figured it was an energy weapon, but I just figured whatever the most common pistol is
<MiniGM> NRP: Shooting a general isn't wise.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr just lays there, pretty much beaten
<Ceilidh> NRP: And beating him up is?
* Kane moves to pull Zephyr up and move away. "You aren't doing your job. You're taking out your anger against Darien on us."
<MiniGM> NRP: It is when he's obviously asking for it.
<MiniGM> <Steel> Hardly, I'm just doing what I was told and trained to do.
<Ceilidh> NRP: Yeah, but... Ceil in hand-to-hand combat... that's a REALLY pathetic sight
<Kane> NRP: Don't move then, Grab Zephyr and heal her shit up or something. :D
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr coughs up some fluids, not looking up from the ground. She trembles with anger.
<Ceilidh> "Told and trained to send your trainees to the hospital?"
<MiniGM> <Steel> If you fucktards would've used your heads and teamed up on me the second I started to beat the living piss out of her, you might have stood a chance.
<MiniGM> <Steel> I train Soldiers, not pussys.
* Ceilidh heads over to Zephyr to treat her
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr waves Ceilidh off, getting into a kneeling position.
* Kane pulls Zephyr over to Ceil. "Keep a check on her." He turns to the General. "Hmph, some training."
<Ceilidh> "... I'll try..."
<Kane> NRP: oops.
<MiniGM> <Steel> Do your enemies show you mercy?! 6It's obviousy his anger is rising now.
<Ceilidh> "Zephyr, stay back, you're injured..."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr gets to her feet, eyeing Steel. "I can beat him." 6She notes stubbornly.
<Ceilidh> "Not like that..."
<Kane> Do you think you are teaching me anything I don't already know? There is not mercy on the field of battle, but when it comes to a battle, brute strength isn't everything." He glances back at Zephyr, saying nothing.
<Kane> **
<MiniGM> <Steel> If there's no mercy on the battlefield, then why should I show you any?
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr holds her stomach tenderly, eyeing Steel.
<Kane> When did I ask you to show me mercy?
<MiniGM> <Steel> When you told me to back off you fucking maggot.
* Kane crosses his arms, watching the general, "Are we finished here or do you want to yell at us some more?"
<MiniGM> 6Steel looks over at Zephyr, eyeing her.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr stares back.
* Kane glances back at Zephyr. "Be smart about this." He says lowly, though he is sure she wont listen.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr frowns at that, turning and just walking off - though it's more of a limp.
* Ceilidh looks relieved, turning and walking away too
<Kane> Thank you for the training General. *he turns to walk off, not waiting on Cass who is taking forever with the course*
<MiniGM> 6Steel turns, walking away.
<MiniGM> Session End
* Cassandra`Arakawa has left #PAXSeason7-18TeamDarien
* Kane has left #PAXSeason7-18TeamDarien
* MiniGM has left #PAXSeason7-18TeamDarien
Session Close: Tue Oct 17 22:26:00 2006

Session Start: Tue Oct 17 18:54:57 2006
Session Ident: #PAXSeason7-18-TeamJanus
* Now talking in #PAXSeason7-18-TeamJanus
* Lia` has joined #PAXSeason7-18-TeamJanus
* Lia` is now known as Seraphna
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-584.6.14
<DeathStar> Cran Manor
<MiniGM> 6Chad sits down at the dining room table, eating an omelet he prepared himself
<DeathStar> 6* Eve is in her lab, having made a sandwich as she works all night on projects. She takes a bite, staring over equations.
* Seraphna steps into the room holding a plate of what appears to possibly be toast and a glass of juice.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis wanders about the house, clearly not having visited the dining room to eat with them. It appears she'd rather eat on her own time. If she eats.
* Seraphna sits down with her food and looks over to Chad, "Morning."
<MiniGM> 6Chad takes another bite of his omellet, waving his fork dismissively at Sera.
* Seraphna sighs a bit and eats quietly
<DeathStar> NRP: I'm giving you two your own sitcom.
<MiniGM> NRP: Good.
* Seraphna finishes and sits back, looking up at the cieling, "You've kept the place up very well..."
<MiniGM> <Chad> I find I have enough free time.
<Seraphna> "Still designing any machines?"
<MiniGM> <Chad> In my spare time, yes.
<Seraphna> "Can I see some maybe?"
<DeathStar> 6* The intercomm outside the gate is pressed. "Starr here."
<MiniGM> <Chad> ...6Begins to speak then stops, eyeing his datapad. "What the hell do you want?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> I have information for you and Serena.
* Seraphna looks down at her plate, then grabs it and the cup, standing, freezing a bit, surprised he knows she's here.
<MiniGM> 6Chad's eyes narrow as he looks down at his datapad, a visual feed of Darien on it. He tapes his datapad, the gate opening up for Darien.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien drives his car up into the drive way, stopping outside the manor.
* Seraphna goes to put her dishes away quickly.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps out of the car, slamming the door shut. He walks for the front door.
* Seraphna walks out to join her brother.
<DeathStar> 6* Stopping outside the front door, Darien waits.
<MiniGM> 6Chad having waited to finish his food, finally stands up, leaving his plate and fork there. He turns, making his way to the front door.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien patiently stands there.
* Seraphna waits for her brother to answer the door
<DeathStar> 6* The cat clock's tail swishes for each second.
<DeathStar> 6* Swish. Swish. Swish.
<MiniGM> 6Opens the door, looking out at Darien.
<DeathStar> <Darien> You like to make your enemies wait. So notd.
<MiniGM> <Chad> You interupted my breakfest.
* Seraphna peeks out from behind, well back though
<DeathStar> <Darien> Well, are you going to invite me?
<DeathStar> (in)
<MiniGM> <Chad> 6Takes a step back, waving Darien in.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves inside, glancing around. "Nice place."
* Seraphna crosses her arms under her chest and waits quietly, where a few weeks ago she'd be greeting him and trying to get him to spill the info by now.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien studies the cat clock. "I have information for you, but I have one condition about handing it over."
<MiniGM> <Chad> I'm sure it invovled Erevis.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'm coming with you to follow this up.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien turns to look at Chad.
<MiniGM> 6Chad eyes Darien, obviously not expecting this at all.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien stares at him.
<MiniGM> <Chad> Deal.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves over to sit on a couch, pulling out a folder and opening it up.
* Seraphna walks over and takes a seat on another couch
<MiniGM> 6Chad follows behind, standing there with his arms crossed.
<DeathStar> <Darien> An associate sent these photos to me. They are dated almost 3 months ago. 6He tosses down photos of a man, turned away from the camera, with a broken arm, and his face obviouly bandaged up.
* Seraphna looks at them, getting an odd feeling, "Who... who is that?"
<MiniGM> 6Chad eyes the man, eyeing the wounds on him, his eyes narrowing.
<DeathStar> <Darien> They look familiar, no?
* Seraphna stares at it, not wanting to say it, as if it won't be true if she does.
<DeathStar> 6* He reaches in and pulls out his datapad. "This is the footage I took from V.I. 3 months ago."
<DeathStar> 6* He plays it and it shows Sera breaking Cran's arm and shooting him in the face . However, the angle of the camera cannot show what happens afterwards.
<Seraphna> "Daddy..."
<MiniGM> <Chad> Hmmm...
<Seraphna> "A-Are you trying to say he might be alive...?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> And here's something of interest. 6He grabs a magnifying glass and holds it over the fingers of the man in the photo. A ring can be seen - with the symbol of the House of Cran.
* Seraphna stares, putting a hand on the locket around her neck
<MiniGM> <Chad> Where did you find this photo?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Someone in V.I. sent it to me. Apparantly this photo is taken from a private airport in Manchuria
<MiniGM> <Chad> V.I. you say?
<DeathStar> <Darien> Yep. Long story, I don't want to go into it. The photo's legit, in any case.
<MiniGM> <Chad> How old is the photo?
<DeathStar> <Darien> 3 months. 6He repeats.
<MiniGM> <Chad> And how are we supposed to go off from this? We have a possible shot of Alexander Cran alive, but it's still 3 months old.
<DeathStar> <Darien> That's why I booked my shuttle to take us to Manchuria and follow up on it.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Real investigator work, Chad.
* Seraphna sits in silence, not liking something it seems
<MiniGM> <Chad> Then let's go.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hey, why don't you bring Erevis along? We could use her in this web.
<DeathStar> 6* He gives an innocent grin.
<MiniGM> <Chad> I need to tell Eve I'm leaving. I'll be back in 4 minu...6He eyes Darien dangerously.
<Seraphna> "I'll wait here with him Chad."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien thumbs at Seraphna. "She'll wait here with me."
<MiniGM> 6Chad walks away, obviously not giving a reply to Darien. As he disappears into the hallway.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis stands there as Chad enters the hallway.
* Seraphna sits quietly, looking at Darien
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sits there calmly.
<MiniGM> <Chad> Erevis, Darien has requested that you come with us to find Alexander Cran. He obviously has hidden agendas that invovle you, but as I stated earlier, you're free to do as you will.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I was listening.
<MiniGM> <Chad> And you're decision?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I will go.
<MiniGM> <Chad> Even knowing that Darien may plan on using you?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I am more than he could handle.
<MiniGM> <Chad> That's good to hear. If you'll excuse me, I need to talk to one last person.
<MiniGM> 6Chad bows his head and begins walking
<Seraphna> "Why?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hmmm?
<Seraphna> "Why are you doing this...? What's your gain...?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> Learning the truth about what Alexander Cran is doing? I think that's pretty much the crux of this entire Origin bit.
* Seraphna looks down, "If he's not dead... then..."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Then you've been played like puppets by your dear father.
* Seraphna shakes her head, "Dad will have his reasons..."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Of course. 6He says, clearly just patronizing her.
* Seraphna glowers
<MiniGM> 6Chad steps into Eve's lab, moving up behind her and wrapping his arms around her.
<DeathStar> 6* Eve glances up, smiling at him. "Hey, sweetie."
<MiniGM> <Chad> I've got some business I need to attend to. Darien thinks that Cran's still alive and showed us a picture for proof...
<DeathStar> <Eve> ... Do you think your father's alive?
<MiniGM> <Chad> It is possible...Either the shot to the head caused amnesia or he's been working with V.I. for awhile now...
<DeathStar> <Eve> ... 6She frowns a bit. "I hope the latter isn't true."
<MiniGM> <Chad> So do I...I'm sure he has his reasons for not reappearing, and hopefully we'll find out why ifh e's alive.
<DeathStar> 6* Eve nods.
<MiniGM> 6Chad leans in, kissing Eve on the neck. "I trust you'll be safe by yourself?
<DeathStar> <Eve> I'll just entertain myself by inviting all my old boyfriends over.
<MiniGM> <Chad> I guess that means I've gotta turn on the chastity field before I leave then huh?
<DeathStar> <Eve> Like you know how to invent one of those.
<MiniGM> <Chad> No...but I'm close to one...Instead I'll just activate the turrets.
<DeathStar> <Eve> That's my genius. 6She kisses him on the cheek. "Be safe."
<MiniGM> <Chad> You too. 6He kisses her on the lips, lingering for awhile before he breaks it off and turns to leave
<DeathStar> 6* Eve watches him go, giving a dreamy sigh.
* Seraphna waits, studying Darien cautiously, as if he might be the one setting up a trap!
<DeathStar> 6* Darien is asleep.
<MiniGM> 6Chad steps into the room. "I'm ready."
* Seraphna looks about, pulling out a marker
* Seraphna hides it.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien opens his eyes. "Lets go then." 6He heads for the front door. Erevis appears quietly behind Chad.
<MiniGM> 6Turns, almost stepping into Erevis. He stops, takinga step back. "Sorry about that Erevis."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ... it is fine.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps outside as his shuttle lands on the shuttle pad.
* Seraphna follows behind them
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves up the ramp and takes his pilot seat. Erevis walks along slowly.
* MiniGM steps onto the shuttle, taking a seat int he back
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sits down across from MinigM
<DeathStar> <Darien> Everyone ready? 6He calls back.
* Seraphna gets in and takes a seat, not caring where, she nods quietly
<DeathStar> 6* Darien closes the ramp and lifts the shuttle up into the air, flying off!
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sits there quietly, glancing toward Seraphna. Can she read Sera's mind yet? Who knows.
<MiniGM> <Chad> Manchuria huh...
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ... 6She glances back at Chad.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Is there something wrong with MAnchuria?
<MiniGM> <Chad> The picture was 3 months old, Cran was supposedly killed around that time too...The timing is too close for me.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Too what way?
<MiniGM> <Chad> Manchuria is almost on the other side of the globe in relations to where Cran was supposedly killed.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> It takes mere minutes to go from one part of Earth to another.
<Seraphna> "She's right... and I really still don't remember what happened on that day..."
<Seraphna> "There's another thing too..."
<MiniGM> <Chad> The pictures denote he was walking...Something you don't do after being shot in the face last time I checked.
<Seraphna> "He's been shot in the head before... or so we thought..."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Perhaps the gun was not loaded.
<Seraphna> "Also a deed carried out by VI..."
<Seraphna> "Blanks?"
<MiniGM> <Chad> ....6Eyes Erevis, then glances at Serena with narrowed eyes.
* Seraphna looks back at him, for once meeting his eyes
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis sits there calmly.
<Seraphna> "I don't know..."
<MiniGM> <Chad> The gun used was energy based...It's hard to tell if it hit him head on from the angle, but he fell from the shot.
<Seraphna> "Stunners are also energy based..."
<Seraphna> "Damnit I wish I could remember..."
<MiniGM> <Chad> You said something bugged you about the picture...what was it.
<Seraphna> "The bandage around his face was clean."
* Seraphna sighs wearily, shuddering a little, "...I'm afraid to ask the questiosn we're both thinking..."
<MiniGM> 6Leans back, closing his eyes. "You're right it was clean...
<MiniGM> <Chad> That Cran has been working behind the scenes for awhile now?
<Seraphna> "That he's munipuated the both of us since the incident, made us act exactly how he wants."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lands the shuttle craft, bringing it in for a slow stop. The airfield looks deserted for a while now.
* Seraphna gets up slowly.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien powers down, getting up and moving to the back. "You three ready?"
* Seraphna is wearing casual but respectable clothes, comforterable and stylish, part of her wardrobe from Spade's place.
<Seraphna> "Ready as I can be."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lowers the ramp, stepping off onto the airfield. He glances around.
<MiniGM> 6Chad's stands up, a white shirt on with a skin tight long sleeve piece of clothing on under it
* Seraphna gets out of the shuttle and looks around.
<MiniGM> 6Chad moves to the shuttle ramp's end and glances around, studying the area.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hmmm. This place was suppose to be operational.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis moves down, glancing around.
<MiniGM> <Chad> And you trust your source?
<DeathStar> <Darien> .... 6Suddenly a rocket flies out, slamming into the shuttle and blowing it up.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien is thrown, slamming into the ground roughly. "...Yeah."
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis is thrown back by the force, hitting the ground and sliding to a crumpled spot.
<MiniGM> 6Chad is thrown from the explosion, causing him to roll across the ground.
<DeathStar> 6* V.I. troops begin to surge froward
<DeathStar> Session Ends
<Seraphna> I'll fill in Sera's reaction next session.
<DeathStar> 6* Sera hits the ground
<MiniGM> Haha
<Seraphna> :P pretty much
Session Close: Tue Oct 17 22:25:58 2006

Session Start: Tue Oct 17 18:56:33 2006
Session Ident: #PAXSeason7-18TeamJohn
* Now talking in #PAXSeason7-18TeamJohn
* Jackieness has joined #PAXSeason7-18TeamJohn
* Kio has joined #PAXSeason7-18TeamJohn
<MiniGM> Stardate: Right after the last.
* Kio is now known as Rylon
<DeathStar> 6* John crosses his arms. "So, we have the Cartel wanting money, the Tsivrixsh have shown up, Rylon's found his own money source, Dias slept in my bed, and Arhn's not changed any. ... was that a good enough recap?"
<MiniGM> <Dias> And boy was it a nice bed.
<DeathStar> 6* The Tsivrixsh ship hails them, demanding to speak with Arhnya immediately.
<Myria> ... ... ... *stares wordlessly at Dias*
<Myria> <Arhn> I am her.
<Myria> here
<DeathStar> <Shretav on Comm> I demand to see you in personally. I will be transferring down in 5 mins. Standby. 6She cuts off the transmission. John raises a brow.
<Myria> <Arhn> This should be interesting...
<DeathStar> <John> You know, they say Tsivrixsh make strange bedfellows. If you like being stabbed in the middle of the night.
<DeathStar> <John> Who's idea was it to invite Tsivrixsh here? 6He stares obviously at Rylon.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru eyes Rylon suspiciously
<MiniGM> 6Dias looks at John then over at Rylon, giving him the same look too.
<Rylon> 14"Don't look at me, it's the last I think I wanted"
<DeathStar> <John> You just had to play nice with Xevil, didn't you?
<Rylon> 14"It hurts thinking about it, but yes..I felt it was necessary"
<MiniGM> <Dias> Who's Xevil? 6The word comes out awkward, obviously not having heard or used it before till now.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Tsivrixsh bigwig."
<DeathStar> <John> Very big. I hear he got a huge promotion after the Erusian campaign.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Do we get to fight him?! 6An eager look appears on his face.
<Rylon> 14"Doubtful"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "I don't want to anyway."
<DeathStar> 6* A Tsivrixsh Shuttle docks at the space platform they're on.
<DeathStar> <John> But Hotaru, you gotta live big!
<DeathStar> 6* The shuttle doors open and Shretrav walks out, her red eyes glaring angerily. She's followed by 2 other Tsivrixsh in full armor.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> I demand an explanation of the Erusian's traitorous actions!
<Rylon> 2He stares at John. 14"Did I miss something?"
<DeathStar> <John> You missed Arhn showing us her boobs.
<MiniGM> 6Dias eyes the two armored Tsiv, his hands clenching eagerly, obvioousy anticipating a fight.
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav stops in front of Arhn, using her height advantage to glower down at the woman.
<Myria> ...excuse me?
* Rylon raises a hand to his face for what would be his anticipation..getting the hell out of here.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Traitorous actions?"
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> The Erusian Ascendency has been sending spies into our military complexes!
<Myria> With all due respect, I have not authorized any such operations nor do I know who could have done so.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> You DENY it?
<Myria> <Arhn> I deny any knowledge of this. If some rogue elements in the Ascendancy are causing you problems, then we will hunt them down.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> There is no need. We caught your spy and he confirmed his orders. 6She snaps her fingers and two more Tsivrixsh soldiers step out carrying Aielin Tollrem
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: Who?
<DeathStar> 6* John stares blankly
<MiniGM> NRP: That's what's his name
<Rylon> 14" gotta be kidding me..that Psycho?"
<DeathStar> <John> Who?
<Myria> <Arhn> ... ...this pariah?
<DeathStar> <Aielin> Oh, Lady Arhn! I apologize for being caught!
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "..."
<Myria> <Arhn> ...did I order you to do this before or after you tried to kill me?
<MiniGM> <Dias> ....What's going on John?
<DeathStar> <Aielin> I-I saved your life, Lady Arhn!
<DeathStar> <John> Erusian stuff.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Ooooh...
<Myria> <Arhn> You are supposed to be in exile!
<DeathStar> <Aielin> But...La-Lady Shiva sent me back here to perform operations for you. Operations that if I was caught you could disavow knowledge of.
<Rylon> 14"Oh fantastic"
<Myria> <Arhn> ...what?! Shiva?! That...
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "That bitch."
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> ... Enough of these lies! This is your operative!
<MiniGM> 6Dias looks between them, eyeing them.
<Myria> <Arhn> The Cartel sent him. Besides...look at him. I have more sense than to send someone like this.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "He's too lousy to be a real spy."
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> So you accuse the Cartel of sending this vagabond to us? 6She notes.
<Rylon> 14"I actually need to agree, He couldn't infiltrate his way into a paper bag."
<DeathStar> <Aielin> H-Hwey.
<Myria> <Arhn> It is my understanding that Shiva Sevintes and several of her associates have been arrested by the Cartel for rogue operations. I ahve not yet confirmed this, however.
<MiniGM> NRP: *coughs, 8, coughs*
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> ... 6She considers this. "Since we are allies with the Erusian Ascendency, we will accept your word. However, our retribution against the Cartel will be swift. We suggest you end any alliances with them for your sakes." 6She walks back for her shuttle, and the soldiers yank Aielin with them
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru waits for Shretrav to leave, then says "For once, I agree with the Tsiv."
<DeathStar> <John> This doesn't make any sense.
<Myria> <Arhn> No, it does not.
<MiniGM> <Dias> ...Why do I have a feeling someone just caused a war?
<Rylon> 14"Because they did"
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "... somehow, I knew this would happen."
<DeathStar> <John> What are you going to do about this? 6He asks Arhn.
<Myria> <Arhn> I do not know...this situation...someone put us in it...where either the Ascendancy or the Cartel would suffer. The question is, who benefits?
<DeathStar> <John> The Cartel's going through so much upheaval that the Tsivrixsh, if they begin a war with them, will steamroll them over.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Uhh...just a hunch here...but them.
<MiniGM> 6Dias points to the Tsiv.
<DeathStar> 6* The tsivrixsh shuttle takes off.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Well, one way or the other, this is bad."
<Rylon> 14"They get land, they get more's about right actually"
<Myria> <Arhn> That still does not explain Aielin.
<DeathStar> <John> Who IS Aielin?
<Rylon> 14"It's Aielin, he's mentally unstable on top of other things..the boy could very well have been told what to say..and he'd believe it. If he were actually special operations, he would have killed himself upon being discovered..leaving no trace of a body"
<Myria> <Arhn> Nor is he competent enough to be a real operative.
<DeathStar> <John> So he was set up?
<Rylon> 14"It's entirely plausible"
<Myria> <Arhn> And he seemed to believe it was by Shiva. John McCormick...are you willing to do a job for the Ascendancy...? Nay...the entire galaxy?
<DeathStar> <John> Do I get a gold bar?
<DeathStar> NRP: <Arhn> Yes. Now, your ship's repairs will cost 1 gold bar. <John> Oh you bitch
<Myria> <Arhn> Yes, since you volunteered it. And free repairs...
<DeathStar> <John> Alright. I'm up for it. What's my job?!
<Myria> <Arhn> Move quickly. You must get down to the bottom of this mystery before all hell breaks loose upon the galaxy.
<DeathStar> <John> Alright. 6He nods his head. "Sounds like it's time for the legendary hero Snipe to save the world again."
<Rylon> 14"..Snipe?"
<MiniGM> <Dias> comes the hero complex again.
<DeathStar> 6* John looks at Rylon seriously. "I'm a super hero."
<Myria> <Arhn> We all need a hero now.
<Rylon> 14"Anyway" 2He shook his head
<DeathStar> <John> Alright, I'll definitely get to the bottom of this. 6He looks at Ry. "Looks like I get all the fun, old man."
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Thrusts his hand up into the air. "This is gonna kick ass!"
<Myria> <Arhn> Rylon, what of you?
<Rylon> 14"I intend on doing what I set out to do first off"
<DeathStar> <John> He's too lazy to go on a real mission.
<Myria> <Arhn> Then speed be with you all.
<MiniGM> <Dias> ...Guess that means all the fun for us.
<DeathStar> 6* John grabs a gold bar from Ry's shuttle, smiling as he moves back for his ship. He waves his group along.
<Rylon> 14"Yeah, good luck with that and all"
<MiniGM> 6Dias hops after John.
<DeathStar> NRP: Well, Ry. It was good to have you. *holds out hand*
<Rylon> NRP: LOL..that's it? :P
<DeathStar> NRP: Since you're doing your gold stuff, sure is!
<MiniGM> NRP: Yeah, you know you should come with us...but noooo
<DeathStar> 6* John stops outside his ship, glancing at Myria and Hotaru. "Anything you two want to do here on the planet?"
<Rylon> NRP: I should, but I gotta do the whole..get the transport route established..dumb shit
<MiniGM> NRP: Says who?!
<MiniGM> NRP: That's all background stuff
<DeathStar> NRP: I'm sure your pilots know the route.
<Rylon> NRP: *takes DS to MSN for a moment!*
<Myria> No...
<DeathStar> <John> You don't want to talk with your Aunt?
<DeathStar> <John> The ship could use a good 30 more mins of repairs.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads after John
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Well... actually... if we're needing repairs, maybe."
<Myria> Ummm...ok...I be back. *shuffles off*
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> *quietly, once Myria's gone* "Unless you just want to get rid of her..."
<DeathStar> <John> Get rid of Myria?
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Ah, silly thought. Never mind."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "See you back here in a while."
<DeathStar> 6* John stares, glancing at Dias oddly.
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Looks over at John. "So what did you do with that Elayne girl anyways? You never really told me how you got her off the ship.
<DeathStar> <John> I persuaded her with a teleporter.
<DeathStar> <John> And burned my sheets.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Uhh...But those were nice sheets.
<DeathStar> <John> Not after you had sex on them.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Did you burn your chair too?
<DeathStar> <John> Oh for the love of God.
<MiniGM> <Dias> And then there was the pillows...Your door...6He tilts his head, tapping his chin. "Oh and don't forget small table.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads off, to explore
<DeathStar> <John> ...
<DeathStar> <John> God I hate you so.
<DeathStar> 6* John walks off to get in his ship.
<DeathStar> 6* He moves over to the safe and opens it up, tossing his gold bar inside.
<MiniGM> 6Dias smiles then follows inside
<DeathStar> <John> You know, I find something odd, Dias.
<DeathStar> 6* He closes the safe bars.
<MiniGM> <Dias> That I had sex on the safe too and you didn't notice?
<DeathStar> <John> ... The fact Arhn and Myria barely reacted to each other.
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Pauses, thinking back. "....They're family aren't they?
<DeathStar> <John> Yeah.
<DeathStar> 6* John eyes his safe, dusting it off.
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Scratches the back of his head as he looks down at the floor. "So...they should be happier to see each other right?
<DeathStar> <John> The Erusians are really odd. They're so stiff. I mean, after all, Arhn pretty much let Warren walk out of here.
<DeathStar> 6* John sits down on the stairs, glancing at Dias.
<MiniGM> <Dias> I don't know them enough I guess...
<DeathStar> <John> And Ry's gay. 6He notes seriously.
<MiniGM> <Dias> ...So I should give him the Justice Punch if he touches me?
<DeathStar> <John> Exactly.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Understood! 6He punches the at the air.
<DeathStar> <John> ... 6He leans back, sitting there quietly.
<MiniGM> <Dias> ...What's bugging y0ou?
<DeathStar> <John> I've just been thinking back over everything that's happened the last few months.
<MiniGM> <Chad> And?
<DeathStar> <John> Well, Chad...
<MiniGM> NRP: *punches you*
<DeathStar> NRPO OW!
* Rylon has quit IRC (Quit: *tear!*)
<DeathStar> <John> I don't know. I really don't know.
<DeathStar> <John> I guess I'm just waiting for it all to end.
<MiniGM> <Dias> I don't want it to end...This is too much fun.
<DeathStar> <John> All things end.
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6A saddened look appears on his face as he plops onto his ass. "Why?"
<DeathStar> <John> It's the way of the world.
<MiniGM> 6Dias places with his shoe laces, obviously not wanting to believe it. "Oh..."
<DeathStar> <John> I'm ready for the end, I think. 6He notes suddenly.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Really? 6He obviously can't believe it.
<DeathStar> <John> Really. 6He says with a nod of his head.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Oh....6He leans back on his hands looking over at John. "Then what?"
<DeathStar> <John> Then what what?
<MiniGM> <Dias> You said you were ready for the end...Then what?
<DeathStar> <John> There is nothing beyond the end.
<MiniGM> <Dias> ...I don't understand...6He scratches the back of his head. obviously lost to it all
<DeathStar> <John> Yeah... 6He glances up as the repairs are finished. "Lets get this boat into the air."
<MiniGM> <Dias> So are we really going to help the Cartel?
<DeathStar> <John> I don't know. 6He stands up. "But I know Hotaru wants to find that Garland guy and he's tied to the Cartel, so for her sake, I'm going to investigate this."
<MiniGM> 6Dias begins to stand up
<DeathStar> 6* John reaches the cockpit of the Aquarius, hitting the comm button. "Hotaru. Myria. We're taking off."
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads back quickly
* Myria heads back to the ship, and immeidately goes to engineering.
<DeathStar> 6* John activates the Aquarius, lifting it up off the ground.
<DeathStar> 6* He sits on the bridge, aiming the Aquarius around to follow the energy signature of the Tsivrixsh ship.
* Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru heads for the bridge
* MiniGM stands beside John.
<MiniGM> NRP: Dias does
<DeathStar> <John> Alright, lets stalk this bad boy. 6He flips a few switches.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> NRP: <Hotaru> We have the GM on our side, lets go.
<DeathStar> 6* John leans back in his seat, glancing at Hotaru as she enters. "Hey."
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Where are we off to?"
<DeathStar> <John> We're following that Tsivrixsh battle ship.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "You thought it was strange too, then."
<DeathStar> <John> I don't see Shiva doing this.
<DeathStar> <John> Despite being a manipulative bitch.
<MiniGM> <Dias> 6Watches the two, talk, more learning what he can than anything else
<DeathStar> <John> And I plan to figure out exactly what this is about. By beaming Aielin onto this ship.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Nice plan."
<MiniGM> <Dias> Won't they declare that an act of war against us?
<DeathStar> <John> We're affiliated with no one.
<DeathStar> <John> The only real problem is, um, beating a Tsivrixsh Battleship.
<MiniGM> <Dias> Sweet...We're gonna take on the Tsiv Empire!
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "Can we outrun them?"
<DeathStar> <John> Probably not.
<Dragoon_Alpha_Hotaru> "This is a dangerous game..."
<DeathStar> <John> I only play for the big bucks. Lets do it, Team Snipe. 6He hits the thrusters on max
<DeathStar> Session Ends
* Myria is now known as Jackieness
Session Close: Tue Oct 17 22:25:55 2006