* DeathStar changes topic to 'The Alien Wars 4: PAX | (Current Weekly Schedule for Main Sessions) - Tuesday - 8 EST and Thursday - 8:00 EST. | Season 8: 1 of 24 completed | Episode 2: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM | '
<Ceilidh> That was a surprisingly good Ep1
<DeathStar> -Begin Ep2-
<Ceilidh> NRP: The best part was that last line
<Elayne> NRP: Agreed
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stops outside the doors to the President's office. The man in the suit opens it for them.
<DeathStar> 6* Taking a breath, Warren moves in, taking one of the two seats across from the President.
* Chad`Winters steps back into his office and over to his terminal and sits down, beginning to type on it
* Elayne steps inside as the door is opened, moving behind Warren.
<DeathStar> 6* The door is closed on Lukutus. The man stands guard so he can't get in.
* Kane eats quiestly for a moment then glances up. "So does it taste horrible?"
<DeathStar> <President> Welcome, Captain Carmichael. Ms. Trenton.
<Elayne> *Lukutus leans against the opposite wall.
<Ceilidh> "No, it tastes great!"
<Elayne> *Elayne hows her head in greetings, "Mr. President."
<Ceilidh> NRP: "Less filling!"
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Hows?! She insults you!
<DeathStar> <President> Shall we get down to business?
<DeathStar> 6* Outside the building, a small crowd has begun to gather to get spots in line for the conference. The security personnel are making sure everyone's keeping back.
* Chad`Winters moves over to a bike shop and goes inside.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Dias
<DeathStar> 6* Warren rubs his chin as he sits there, saying nothing at this point. The President grabs some papers in front of him, glancing them over.
* Elayne sits, letting Hodges start the meeting.
* Kane smiles and exhales a sigh of relief. "Well that is good to hear. Xan said that cooking is about your own judgement, but I'm too much of a tight ass to stray away from recipes. So this was a first."
<DeathStar> <President> Now, Miss. Trenton. I am ready to make your people part of the Earth Federation, however, as we do with all our species in our government, we must identify and log every ATLEAN.
<Ceilidh> "You did really well."
<DeathStar> 6* The President cups his hands together, staring right at Elayne. A clock on the wall ticks away.
<Kane> Thank you. *he says with a grin, pulling up the juice to take a sip.* Decided what we're gonna do today?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren runs his hand along his cane, waiting.
<Elayne> "Agreeable, however, how public will this information be?"
<Elayne> "We have many issues with, what's the term... speciesists?"
<Ceilidh> "I'll leave that up to you."
<DeathStar> <President> It will be on file, but not readily available to the public. It won't be denied if a proper search is conducted. No one's species' information is classified.
* Kane chuckles and takes a bite of the bacon. "Always leaving it up to me. I've ran out of ideas."
<Elayne> "Once again reasonable sir... as members of the Earth Federation... we would like equal rights with humans, of course."
<DeathStar> <President> Naturally.
<Ceilidh> "Well.. I wonder if there are any good movies?"
<Elayne> "And Amnesty for any Atleans who were forced to go beyond the law prior to this agreement."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias steps out of the bike shop with two new tires and rims, albeit old ones. He then hops onto the bike and moves onto the street biking down it along the side.
<DeathStar> <President> All such offenses will, of course, be dropped if they are justifiably in relation to being persecuated for their species.
<Elayne> "Now to the issue of government, would we be merging our parties with your current system or would we keep to our own?"
<Kane> Hmmm. I'm not sure. I could check the holo-net. *he takes a few more bites* Actually i'll do that after I finish eating.
<DeathStar> <President> The ATLEANs would have to become a part of the Earth government system and find places in the government.
<DeathStar> <President> Provided they're properly elected.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren tilts his head a bit, as if tuning out the conversation.
* Ceilidh keeps eating
<Elayne> "It should be understood that the Atleans who would be merging into the Federation are also still citizens of the Atleanean Covenant, as we are not simply existant in Earth Space."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias uses the proper hand signals as he crosses the street towards a casino.
* Kane pauses and glances up at her. "You seemed to be having a nightmare last night."
<DeathStar> <President> In order to be part of our planets under our jurisdiction, you are offically Earth citizens. Any outside ties will not be acceptable as far as laws, orders, priorities. By agreeing to this, you are Earth citizens - hereby accountable to our laws and regulations.
* Chad`Winters continues working on paperwork, most likely being the only person working on New Year's Eve.
* Ceilidh nods. "Yeah.. I guess.."
<Kane> Anything serious? *he watches her closely*
<Ceilidh> "Just a nightmare.. nothing to worry about."
<DeathStar> 6* The President shifts in his seat, eyeing the clock.
<Elayne> "Agreed, I am simply notifying you of the dual Citizenship."
<Elayne> "We will of course, grant Earth access to our Nanotechnology."
* Elayne changes subjects ratehr quickly.
* Kane nods. "Alright. I just worry, that's all." He finally smiles after this, finishing off the food on his plate.
<DeathStar> 6* The President cups his hands together. "Our nanotechnology is acceptable as it is right now, Miss. Trenton, but any resarch you would like to share would be a fascinating read for our scientists, I'm sure."
<Ceilidh> "I'll be fine.. though, I'm glad you care."
<Elayne> "I'm sure it would." *she smiles softly* "Now as my first notion of peace, I give you my real name, it's Elienhiem Hianule."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren waves his hand past his face, staring at it.
* Kane taps the table with his left hand for a few seconds, before pulling the glass up to his mouth and finishing off the contents in there as well. He then stands and grabs his plate. "Finished?"
<DeathStar> <President> Well, Ms. Hianule, I'm sure this will be a mutual benefit in the solution of peace. 6He taps a button. "Please bring in the paperwork for us to sign." 6He releases the button. "Since we'll be integrating your people into our society - properly - this time, we will select you as the chairperson for your people in upcoming matters - until things are settled in properly."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias skids to a stop infront of the Casino and puts his beat up bike against the bike rike and makes his way inside.
* Ceilidh finishes her breakfast off. "Am now."
* Kane grins and takes her plate, then moves over and begins to wash the dishes once again.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren drops his hand after a moment. "Since various minor races in the Earth government are seeking to place representatives on the ship, I would like Hianule to select the representative for her people to go along as well." 6He goes back to eyeing nothing. "No doubt it will prove to be stimulating conversation."
<Ceilidh> "I'll wash the dishes, it's alright..."
* Elayne smiles, taking a hankerchief out of her pocket she dabs her cheek, removing some flesh colored makeup from it, revealing her natural black "claw marks".
* Ceilidh goes to help, at least
<Ceilidh> NRP: Elayne is secretly Jurian?
<DeathStar> 6* The doors open and a female secretary walks in, handing everyone a form of the agreement that is to be signed. The President pulls out a pen, signing his name to it.
* Kane laughs. "You can dry." he grabs the dish towel and tosses it to her.
<Elayne> "I believe we have a bit of time for that, I will happily speak with you on that matter later Warren."
<Elayne> NRP: ATLEANs have had black stripe marks since TAW2
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves inside the casino and over to a betting booth and begins talking to various people
<DeathStar> 6* Warren just offers a fake smile, clearly high.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: There also died too.
* Elayne reads over the form carefully.
<DeathStar> 6* He glances over his copy of the form, seeing it's acceptable to the terms he got for Elayne. He sets it down on his lap, propping his head up with his hand.
* Elayne finishes reading, smiling, "Very well prepared, it seems this is acceptable."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr opens her eyes finally, eyeing the clock. She crawls out of bed, padding around in a large shirt. She squints, not seeing anyone in the house, so she steps outside, glancing around at the snow.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren hands her a pen without even looking.
* Kane hands Ceil wet dishes as he washes them.
* Ceilidh dries the dishes, unless they're soapy, in which case she rinses them first
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias continues conversing with numerous people, apparently he's quite the talker.
<DeathStar> 6* The President sits there, eyeing her, waiting for her to sign. Warren keeps holding out the pen, apparantly unphased by holding it out
* Elayne takes it and signs her name.
<DeathStar> 6* The same woman takes the forms and steps out. The President smiles, standing up and holding out his hand to Elayne. "This is a great day for the history of our people."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren keeps his hand out, waiting for the return of his pen.
* Elayne smiles and stands, taking his hand, "Indeed it is."
<DeathStar> 6* Stepping back inside, Zephyr moves over to the cabinent, getting a glass and filling with cold water.
* Kane seems to be in quite the pleasant mood as he finished washing and grab anothe towel to dry his hands. "I"ll go grab my datapad and check the holonet." He says before turning and moving into their living room.
<DeathStar> <President> I have a few things I need to take care of, so let us meet again in 20 mins to go outside and talk with the people. 6* Warren keeps his hand out, wanting his favorite pen back.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves over to the betting booth and begins staring at the screens.
* Elayne surrenders Warren's pen to him. "Very well."
* Ceilidh finishes drying the last dish, dries her hands, and then follows
<DeathStar> 6* Warren pockets the pen and stands up. "Mr. President." 6He turns and limps back out into the hallway.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr pauses, eyeing the time, realizing she's running late. She moves back to her room, fishing out a pink sweater.
* Kane plops down onto the couch and pulls the datapad over to him from the side table, he begins to boot it up and access the holonet to look for movie listings.
* Elayne steps out after Warren and sighs, giving Luke a thumbs up.
* Ceilidh sits down next to Kane and waits
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes his watch, then moves down the hallway, working his way over to a candy machine. He fishes out some credits from his pocket.
<DeathStar> 6* Pulling on her sweater and examing herself in the mirror, Zephyr pulls on her pants, then grabs a coat, stepping outside as she brushes her hair. She begins to walk for the government building, hoping to make it in time to watch Warren glare at the cameras.
* Elayne smiles and takes a seat with her "brother"
<DeathStar> 6* Warren, aftering eyeing the cadny machine for a good 3 mins, puts in his credits, hitting his choice - a chocolate bar.
<Kane> Hmmm. Well there seems to be a typical action flick. Explosions and they like...*he reads some more* Oh here is a romantic comedy...*he glances back down then extends the datapad to Ceil* See anything you like?
<DeathStar> 6* He reaches down and grabs the candy, opening it with his teeth as he limps back over to the seats, sitting down. He chews noisely.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias stands in the same place, not moving as people move around him as he just stares at the screen.
* Ceilidh looks through it. "That romantic comedy sounds good."
* Ariel pauses, glancing at Zephyr as she walks by. She doesn't decide to interrupt her daughter.
* Chad`Winters leans back his chair, deciding to take a short break since he's ahead of schedule
<DeathStar> 6* Warren finishes the bar and tosses the wrapper away. He chews the remainder of it, eyeing Lukutus of the Borg.
<Ceilidh> <Hotaru> *yawns, waking up finally*
<Elayne> *The oversized Atlean looks back at him with mismatched color eyes, meeting Warren's gaze simply.
* Kane smiles and nods. "Looks like we have a date scheduled for 7 pm then." He says with a smirk, before glancing at the time. He moves his hand over to turn on the holo-vid. The channel is the news.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren taps his cane on the floor.
* Ceilidh watches
<DeathStar> 6* He doesn't break gaze, just staring right at him.
* Kane tilts his head, "Isn't something on the Atlean thing supposed to be coming on soon?"
<Elayne> *Airier yawns a little, not breaking the gaze either, his eyes are... incredibly lazy and impassive.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren just taps his cane, apparantly unphased. He keeps eyeing him.,
<Elayne> *Airier meets this unphased lock with yet more eyeing in return.
<DeathStar> NRP: He's a reploid clone of Darien!
<Chad`Winters> NRP: AIEEE!
<Ceilidh> NRP: <Fox> THREE Dariens?!
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias suddenly steps forward to the booth and begins fishing out money from his pockets.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren marks him as a loser and eyes something more interesting. The potted plant.
<Ariel> <Plant> ......
<Elayne> *a mouse squeaks and leaps from the potted plant, scurrying off to conitnue it's plans for world domination*
<Ceilidh> NRP: Are you pondering what I'm pondering?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren reaches into his pocket, grabbing the bottle. He taps out his pills, growing restless. His throws it back, swallowing, closing his eyes
<Elayne> Airier> "Gram pops a lot of pills too."
<DeathStar> <Warren> ...
<Elayne> *Elayne attempts, very hard, to hide the grin.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren pops an extra one just to tune out the voices.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias begins conversing with clerk at the betting station and slides his money to him and begins listing off where and how much the money goes.
<DeathStar> 6* He lets out his breath, getting up and limping his way to a window, eyeing the crowd below. He studies them.
<Elayne> "Big crowd?"
* Kane puts his arm around Ceil and pulls her in tight. "Man I couldn't be any happier." He says with a grin.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Decent.
<Ceilidh> "I couldn't either."
* Ceilidh rests against Kane
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes the reporters down there with various holocameras flying around.
<Ariel> <Setsuna> *off to the side* "So what did they blackmail you with to get you doing this job, Warren?"
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias nods to the man then turns away with his ticket stub, pocking it quickly.
<DeathStar> 6* He taps the cane, eyeing Setsuna. "Free pills."
<Ariel> <Setsuna> "Doesn't do you much good if you use all the pills during the job."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren shrugs his shoulder. "An addict doesn't consider that until after he's out."
<DeathStar> 6* He spins on his cane to glance at the President's bodyguard approaching.
<Ariel> <Setsuna> "They probally just gave you sugar tablets, you know."
<DeathStar> <Warren> Then the room just naturally spins. 6He notes flatly.
<DeathStar> 6* The bodyguard comes to a stop. "The President is ready to meet you downstairs. Please - follow me." 6He turns to walk back down the hallway.
* Elayne stands, Lukutus moving closer to Elayne, protectively, his job pretty clear.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves through the casino, eyeing various tables.
* Chad`Winters eyes the time then taps on his terminal, brining up the news about the conference
<DeathStar> 6* Warren follows after Elayne, clearly fine with her going out first and getting shot if a sniper is out there.
<Ceilidh> <Hotaru> *gets up and dressed, and idly checks that everything is good and in place*
* Elayne moves, Lukutus moving in front of her.
<Ariel> <Setsuna> *waves slightly to Warren, and makes her way off on her own*
<Ariel> <Em> *sleeps. ZzzzzZzzzZzzZzzZzz*
<DeathStar> 6* They are led to an elevator. The bodyguard steps in first, holding it open for them.
* Kane watches the holovid awaiting the upcoming Atlean annoucements. "I think I might start working on a new program today." he says outloud, to make conversation.
<DeathStar> 6* One reporter stands at the back of the ground, adjusting his fliyng camera. He wears shades.
<DeathStar> (crowd)
<Ceilidh> "Oh?"
<DeathStar> 6* Warren steps into the elevator.
* Elayne steps into the elevator, Lukutus last.
<DeathStar> 6* The bodyguard removes his arm and lets the doors shut. Warren puts a hand to steady himself as the elevator goes down.
<Kane> Yeah, my last project is technically Janus' property. So I was thinking of writing up some new planes.
<Chad`Winters> 6Hotaru would eventually find that the center cushion is missing from the couch.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr finally reaches the crowd, slightly out of breath from running the last 25 mins.
<Ceilidh> <Hotaru> *looks around for the cushion*
<Ceilidh> "That sounds good."
<DeathStar> 6* The elevator doors open. The bodyguard steps out first.
<DeathStar> 6* Stepping onto the platform outside is an introduction speaker, telling them that the President of Earth is about to step outside.
<Elayne> *Lukutus steps out, followed by Elayne.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren steps out last, grabbing his datapad with his free hand, eyeing it.
<Kane> Ahh it is finally time. *he says, focusing his attention on the holovid*
<DeathStar> <Speaker> And now, will you all stand at attention for the President. 6He steps aside as President Hodges steps out. The crowd shifts a bit as the President steps up to the podium, all smiles for the cameras.
<DeathStar> 6* The bodyguard stops them just at the door. "We'll let you out when it's time."
<Chad`Winters> 6After some detailed searching, the center cushion is nowhere to be found.
<Elayne> *Elayne nods quietly.
<DeathStar> <President> Thank you all for coming today, despite it being a holiday. We picked this day, because it is a time of endings, and new beginnings. And hopefully the new year will bring to Earth a time of great change - and prosperity. Our first step toward making a more cohesive and peaceful Earth is the inclusion of the ATLEAN people into our system.
<DeathStar> 6* The reporter in the back glances at his watch, then grabs his remote control for his camera, letting it fly up a bit. He checks the settings labeled "Wep."
<Ceilidh> NRP: WEP?
<DeathStar> <President> And now, here with me today, is Ms. Hianule. 6He motions to the door.
<DeathStar> -End Ep2-
Session Close: Tue Nov 14 22:00:15 2006