Session Start: Thu Dec 20 20:13:07 2007
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20071220.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: Immediately Thereafter Last Episode Resuming At The Exact Moment The Other Ended At the Exact Point and Place It Ended
<DeathStar> Location: Secret Base #4342
<Cassandra`> ...Cheryl...this is your mission...orders...?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds up a hand as the wall comes blasting in, sending pieces of debris and machine around. Standing there, with energy wings, is Weapon VIII
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> This thing just interrupted a heart warming scene. I say we kick it's ass.
<Kit> 6Chii slips back, her fingers twitching at preparation for any of her myriad of weapons or techniques. 1"...I didn't sense it.." 6She eyes the newcomer, trying to guage its intentions from within.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel stands protectively in front of her friend.
* Dias` shifts his feets as he studies Seraphim
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura kneels there, staring at the newcomer, her red eyes twitching slightly.
* Marcus` lets out a whistle. "That was a fancy entrance."
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> Kick my ass. 6* She puts a hand to her mouth, laughing.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> Delightful.
<Cassandra`> I think she's mocking us.
<Kit> Cheryl, there's a possibility it's reacting in favor of red-eyes there.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grinds her teeth. "Bitch."
<Marcus`> Real astute Cassie.
<Dias`> What do you want?
<Kit> 6Lilith eyes Seraphim blankly, moving backwards, but closer to Raquel.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> *puts a hand on her hip* Why, I want you, Weapon II. And IX there. And of course, VII
<Kit> 6Chii grins widely. 1"Hey, she's kind of amusing."
<Dias`> Why do you need us?
* Marcus` glances at Cheryl. "We still excercising that no killing policy?"
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> Well, let me show you. 6* She touches down on the ground, her wings vanishing, and strolls seductively toward Dias
<Kit> <Chii> But she's like Dias, red-eyes, and the midget. Aside from surface feelings I can't feel a damn thing. She's got less on her than ghosty.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl goes to speak, but she seems to be having trouble grasping things.
* Dias` takes a step back, his hands rising instinctively into a fighting stance.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel tenses, holding her blade defensively.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim stops, crossing her arms, tilting her head back. "Are you...afraid of me?"
<Marcus`> Cheryl?
<Seraphna> * Darce looks between Seraphim and Dias, arcing an eyebrow slightly.
<Kit> <Chii> Should we be?
<Ariel> Raquel> " blew up a wall... to enter..."
<Dias`> I'm cautious. I don't know you.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We'll start with bone breaking, then work our way up depending on the threat level.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura instinctively has gotten the hell across the room
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim laughs, her tone light and sweet. "Don't know me? Think harder."
<DeathStar> 6* Dias would have a flashback of a green hair girl kicking his ass in training, and laughing at his weakness.
<Marcus`> Right. No weapons for me, then. *he rubs his wrist, flexing his hands into fists*
* Dias` steps back again from the flashback, a look of nervousness flashing on his face.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl activates her energy whip, sliding behind Seraphim. "Something about this woman rubs me wrong."
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim takes another step forward toward Dias, apparantly enjoying herself.
* Dias` takes in a deep breath and let's it out, his body relaxing. 1"Sorry sis, I go my own way."
* Cassandra` slides her assault rifle on her back and then swings out her rail gun...
<Kit> 6Chii waves her right hand at Seraphim. 1"Oy, midorichan. You don't seem to take a hint very well. He's saying he's not interested."
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim rolls her eyes, then holds out her hand, catching Dias with a beam of light, beginning to extract something from her. "You always were a reject in our little family."
<DeathStar> NRP: Him
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Move on her, people!
* Dias` growls as he tries to move his hand.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> I'll just take your life energy. And become stronger so I can deal with our enemy.
<Seraphna> * Darce launches a dart at her foot.
<Kit> 6Chii straightens the outstretched hand and clenches her fingers. 1"Katon!" 6And converges the tracer black flames.
<DeathStar> 6* The dart hits the boot, and does nothing
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim holds up her hand and unleashes a wave of destructive holy energy at Chii and Darce.
* Marcus` just walks around Dias and Seraphim. He eyes the light. "Dias. Can you move?"
<Seraphna> Darce> "...Nice armor... that peg was goin faster then a gunshot..."
* Dias` stands there unable to move. 1"Would I still be here if I could?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves in fast, swinging her whip. Seraphim tilts her head backwards to let it swing over, then she blasts Cheryl through the hole in the wall and down to a lower level from the observation area
<Seraphna> * Darce leaps off to one side, growling as he holds a charred leg.
<Marcus`> Good point. *he moves forward and dashes in, attempting to dive at Sera's side.
* Cassandra` then chambers a round and fires at Seraphim!
* Marcus` skids and hops back.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel moves back, using a portal to stab at Seraphim's back.
<Marcus`> Jesus christ Cassie! Say heads up or something!
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim steps to the side to avoid the shot, and thankfully misses being stabbed on luck alone.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stands, her armor smoking
<Kit> 6Chii curses loudly and leaps almost to the ceiling to avoid the wave, taking a while to land, so flings a couple shurikens at her.
* Marcus` moves back in again, kicking out for Seraphim's head.
<Kit> <Chii> You know, she's using that light stuff. That could really fuck me up.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim holds up her hand and fires her holy attack at Marcus' foot.
<Cassandra`> You survived, didn't you?! *slides away the rail gun*
<Dias`> I guess it can't be helped...6He growls slightly, then his eyes go wide. 1"What the hell..."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl dashes in next, going low to try to trip Seraphim. Seraphim leaps up.
* Marcus` slides back hopping, "Motherfucker." His foot is smoking.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hit her now!
* Marcus` pulls up his shotgun and slides it to stunning, firing at her.
<Seraphna> * Darce blasts Seraphim with a wave of TK.
<Kit> 6Chii lands and keeps her hands on the ground as they lay. 1"Doton!" 6And raises spires up from the floor of the various materials from the plating in the floor itself.
* Cassandra` fires at Seraphim with her assault rifle.
<DeathStar> 6* All attacks --- hit a shield
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim lands, her energy shield vanishing
* Dias` begins struggling to free himself.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim hops backwards, then exits out the door Caesura took.
<Ariel> Raquel> "......"
<DeathStar> 6* Dias is freed.
<Seraphna> Darce> "Bloody hell I'm charging fucking overtime for this crap."
* Dias` stumbles forward and falls to his knees, panting.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel darts after Seraphim.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim unleashes a holy way, destroying the entrance
<Cassandra`> Look out!
* Dias` slowly rises and he eyes Raquel moving towards her.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks down at Dias. "You alive?"
<Marcus`> I plan on investing in a personal shield just as soon as we get back. *he glances at Dias* You alright, man?
<Kit> 6Chii hits a trigger, blowing the explosives near the door when she goes to destroy it anyway.
<Kit> <Chii> ...God, she's a bitch.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim took a new set of doors, thank God.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel ripples backwards, glaring at the collapsed doorway
<Kit> 6Chii waves her hands at Cheryl. 1"You know, she reminds me of me. With a fucking shield.
<Dias`> Raquel, open a ripple to the other side now.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So you liek her then?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods and does so. Holding it open for the others.
<Kit> <Chii> Yeah! She's awesome.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl dashes through
* Dias` crouches and leaps in, rolling
* Cassandra` moves after Cheryl.
* Marcus` sits down and rubs his foot. "I'm going to need new shoes." He hops up and moves after Dias.
<DeathStar> 6* They end up in a room with cake.
<Kit> 6Chii leaps through, while Lilith hangs back staring at Raquel for some reason.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...what is it, Lilith?"
<Cassandra`> ...what...the....?
<Kit> <Chii> Of course I needed a good slap around before we joined up, right?
<Marcus`> Cake, sweet. I'm hungry.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Ungh. There's no time to stuff your faces.
* Dias` hits and lands rolling. He stands and looks around.
<DeathStar> 6* They're in a hallway, which leads to another set of stairs - one going up, one going down
<Marcus`> Well, it's probably old anyway.
* Seraphna has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<DeathStar> 6* And so Darce was never heard from again
<Dias`> Raquel, can you sense Caesura? 6He glances at her as he moves down the hall
* Seraphna has joined #taw
<Kit> <Chii> If we can route her back to the cafeteria I can end this.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks along, holding her chest a bit.
<Kit> <Chii> That is, of course, probably using red-eyes as bait.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes the two set of stairs.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...Are you sure of this, ojousama? I am supposed to keep you from danger, yet we are always moving towards the point of most.
* Dias` slides to a stop as he see's the two sets.
<Cassandra`> ...up..or down?
* Seraphna has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Nick kill enforced)))
<Kit> 6Lilith moves through the ripple, likely with Raquel so they can continue on with the chase.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We can't be sure, really. I guess we'd have to split up.
* Dias` fishes out a coin and he eyes. He than flips it and staches it out o the air.
<Ariel> Raquel> "This... is important to me Lilith. I... need to do what I can."
<Kit> <Lilith> Journeys to your origins can often lead to the undoing of what has been done. Be careful.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So, who feels like going up?
* Dias` eyes it. He starts dashing upstairs now.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Down it is then. Who wants to go down with me?
<Marcus`> I guess i'll go with Dias. He'd be upset if I didn't. *he moves after him*
<Kit> 6Chii leaps downward, not bothering walking and begins darting forward.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves down
* Cassandra` heads downward...
<Kit> <Lilith> Upwards, ojousama.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods, and heads up.
<Kit> 6Lilith follows her. 
<Kit> <Lilith> This 'important' something is found with the roots you share with that noisey one.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I'll be careful."
* Marcus` glances at Dias as he moves along. "You should pace yourself. Don't let your excitement for finding her cause you to exhaust yourself."
<DeathStar> 6* The Up stairs take them to a security door that seems locked still. The Down Stairs lead the team into a playroom, full of old toys.
<Kit> <Chii> Eh... wrong turn, maybe?
<Dias`> It's not that. 6He moves to the security door and begins fishing through his pockets.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel creates a portal 3' behind the door.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> We can't be sure where they are.
<Kit> 6Lilith holds up her hand as they reach the door and fries the mechanism before eying Raquel.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks through the playroom, thankfully having no flashbacks.
<Kit> <Chii> Yeah, bugs me. Even if she wants to toast us, your little Weapon friends for some reason don't emit the killing intent others do.
* Cassandra` proceeds forward as well...
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes two exits - one leading back toward the children's dorms, another leading further in
<Marcus`> Whatever she did to you, you look exhausted, I know this is important, but you need to be careful.
* Dias` grabs the door and starts to pull it open now
<DeathStar> 6* Either way, the team manages to get through the door into a security room, full of computers and equipment. It appears this was where the data security was at as well
<Kit> 6Lilith moves through the ripple, changing her persona appropriate to the one calm in a fight. 1"She will not be able to retreat easily with the secure frames disabled."
* Seraphna has joined #taw
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So, what do you think, Cass? Further in, or loop?
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Seraphna
<Kit> <Chii> Aren't we just in luck with the forked roads today. Hrmph.
* Dias` glances around the room frantically
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I think Seraphim just shoots through walls."
<Kit> <Lilith> She wastes energy doing so.
* Marcus` shifts his eyes about. "One shot could kill one of us. She doesn't really need to conserve the energy."
<Cassandra`> Hmmm...further in...
<Kit> <Lilith> Either method shall leave a trail to follow. We will overcome.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves for the next door
<Dias`> I don't care. 6He moves to see if the computers are up.
<Kit> 6Chii rests for a moment, or at least laces the new doorframes, then follows Cheryl.
<DeathStar> 6* They are all offline.
<Ariel> Raquel> *nods*
<Dias`> I hate computers...6He looks around for a power on button.
<DeathStar> 6* There's a power button, indeed! It screams "hit me!"
* Dias` hits it.
* Marcus` glances to see if there are any files that may be of use.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's team moves into another hallway, which seems to be more high tech than before. Cheryl frowns
<DeathStar> 6* The computer begins to boot up.
<Cassandra`> ...what?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What could be back here?
<Dias`> Screw this. 6He turns, moving back down the stairs.
<Kit> <Chii> As we progress it seems like things are becoming more sophisticated.
<DeathStar> 6* She begins to say something, when suddenly Cheryl, Chii, and Cassandra are hit by a powerful sound wave from behind
* Seraphna has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Kit> 6Chii gestures in irritance as she moves. 1"You know, that puppy was carrying around something that said it was the 'ultimate Weapo--agh!"
* Marcus` glances at Dias. He then looks to the two. "Well if you want to peruse the computers, have at it." He moves out after Dias.
<Cassandra`> Gah! *knocked off her feet*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> YAHGH. 6* She's falls on her face.
* Seraphna has joined #taw
* Dias` grabs the railings and flips over them to drop down faster.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods, and stays for now.
<DeathStar> 6* The computer finishes booting up. It requires a password and ID.
<Kit> 6Lilith turns her head at something, then gazes back to the others.
<Kit> 6Chii flips and lands to her feet, spinning. 1"..."
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura keeps unleashing her attack on the three. Cheryl holds her ears.
* Seraphna has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (Nick kill enforced)))
* Marcus` sighs and does so to keep up with Dias, "I'm going to refrain from telling you to take it easy, since you aren't listening anyway."
* Cassandra` cuts off her auditory sensors, but is still kept down by the force of the wave.
<DeathStar> 6* Dias and Marcus run into the playroom
* Angela has joined #taw
<Dias`> Noted. 6He grunts, moving into the playroom
<Kit> 6Chii shakes her head and growls quietly before shaking it off again and peering intently at Caesura. She gazes and just slowly shakes her head, then turns away.
<DeathStar> 6* Dias has a flashback of him as a kid playing with toys like a dopey retard, a happy retard smile on his face
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks around the room for anything that might hint at the login
* Angela has quit IRC (Quit: )
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura keeps her mouth open. Cheryl strains, falling over, blood leaking from her ears
<DeathStar> 6* There doesn't appear to be anything out in the open. Just a calendary on the wall that's seriously outdated.
* Dias` stumbles as the flashback hits him, he shakes his head as he keeps moving
* Marcus` catches Dias as he stumbles, and helps him keep pressing on, saying nothing now.
<Kit> 6Chii turns slightly, twitching visibly, then shakes her head again and screams loudly. 1"WE AIN'T TRYING TO HURT YOU SO SHUT UP ALREADY! SHUT UP! SHUT UP, GOD DAMN IT!"
<DeathStar> 6* Dias and Marcus could hear something loud just on the other side of the door - in fact, they probably could see Caesura
* Dias` moves through the door. 1"Caesurea stop!"
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura turns, her mouth still open, hitting Dias and Marcus now. Thankfully, the other three are safe again
* Marcus` widens his eyes and rolls to the right.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel flips through the calendar... but if there's nothing odd there, she's going to head back.
* Dias` is sent into a wall, his hands covering his ears in pain.
<Kit> 6Chii moves to check on Cheryl, but keeps darting her eyes elsewhere, worried more about the green blasting Weapon.
<DeathStar> 6* There's a number written on one day on one month, along with FATE
* Cassandra` takes the opportunity to change her ammo to adhesive rounds and then aims for Caesura's head.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura closes her mouth.
* Dias` falls to her knees as he clutches his head.
<Dias`> NRP: his
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl groans, looking quite dazed
* Marcus` pulls himself up and moves over to check on Dias.
<DeathStar> 6* A holy blast would hit Lilith suddenly, aiming to remove her from this fight completely.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel tries the date as a login, with fate as the password... then the reverse.
* Cassandra` lowers her gun...
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> Hello, little Spirit.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim steps in.
* Dias` breathes heavily as he lies there.
<DeathStar> 6* The computer accepts her login, bringing up all the Weapon files.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel turns slowly. "You..."
<Kit> 6Lilith jerks, sensing something, but not being spiritual or anything, has little to rely on but hearing vibrations before being slammed into a wall aside Raquel's studying.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> *puts a hand to her chin, smiling kindly* My old friend.
<Ariel> Raquel> " hurt my friend."
* Marcus` frowns and pats Dias, then stands and moves for Caesura.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> You were always more worthy than the others, despite your age. It sickens me to see you've gotten weak.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura begins to back away, as if afraid
<Kit> 6Lilith, in this state of mind, sits there and glumly states. 1"I will be fine."
<Kit> <Lilith> ...I believe.
* Dias` tries to push himself up, his body resisting.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I am not weak."
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> Are you now? Then why are you surrended by those people? This - thing? 6* She waves her hand. "I can't begin describe that."
* Marcus` kneels down, holding out his hand. "It's alright Darlin. We don't want to hurt you."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stands up finally, holding her head. "Ungh. Need booze."
<Kit> 6Lilith studies herself and sighs. 1"...Perhaps not." 6She glances slowly at Seraphim, studying her. 1"...Ojousama's spirit maintains not just herself but myself as well. She is not weak."
<Cassandra`> look already have a hangover...
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> You are a waste. 6* She holds up her hand. "I'll eliminate you and take whatever energy Spirit put into you into myself." 6* She hits Lilith with her beam.
* Dias` slowly stands, his legs shaking slightly
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl manages a scary smile. "This ain't...nothi'"
<Ariel> 6* Raquel moves to stab Seraphim.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim lets her shield take the impact. "I see you have Ripple's powers. I'll take that off of you, too, when I'm done. You're a disgrace to the Weapon name, Spirit. At least Ripple knew better than to work with commoners."
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura eyes his hand.
<Kit> <Lilith> You want what ojousama put inside me? You can have it." 6Materializes the rail blade from short range, then passes out.
* Marcus` just continues to hold it out extended. "Dias, and little Spirit are weapons. But they are our friends. Who says you can't be our friend too?"
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura just eyes him, making no move to take the hand
* Dias` slowly moves towards Caesura
<Ariel> 6* Raquel moves to Lilith's side, as if daring Seraphim to come close.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura keeps her attack going - having not ended it
<DeathStar> 6* She seems to be doing what she did to Dias
<Kit> 6After using the rail gun, or at least manifesting it, Lilith reverts to her runic malamute form in a crumpled state.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura just puts her head into her knees, as if trying to remain unnoticed. Cheryl stands up, eyeing her
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, now what?
<Cassandra`> ...good question...
<Dias`> We need to get out of here...He slowly looks around
* Marcus` stands. "We should get back to Spirit and head out."
<Kit> <Chii> Hey Cheryl, there's a slight issue with that.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What did you say?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii, squinting.
* Dias` moves over to Caesura and holds his hand out to her. 1"Come on."
<Kit> <Chii> They left girly behind? Midorichan, the green one ain't here.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm not girly!
<Kit> <Chii> So if she's a smart killer sort, where's she going to be attacking?
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim talks to Raquel as she blasts Lilith's mutt form.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What did you say?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel is standing between Seraphim and Lilith
<DeathStar> NRP: Oooooooh
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim drains Raquel now
<Kit> 6Chii facepalms.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel drains Seraphim back
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim sneers. "You'll never beat me."
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> I'll dispose of you and get the other two.
<Kit> <Chii> You're deaf. Gr...
<Cassandra`> Where are they?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm not dead.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura doesn't look up. She appears to be tuning out the outside world right now.
* Dias` kneels down painfuly and he puts his hand on Caesura's shoulder
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura jerks, opening her mouth and blasting Dias at point blank.
* Dias` goes flying back and then tumbling into a wall
<Kit> 6Chii taps toward her ears, then moves toward where Dias and Marcus arrived from to ...sort of save the day.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl winces again, but thankfully Caesura closes her mouth
<Ariel> 6* Raquel winces, " the time... you can get me... you won't have any defenses left..."
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> It won' you any good... if you're dead!
<Marcus`> Well that was just stupid. *he says with a sigh*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl follows after Chii, assuming something isu p.
<Cassandra`> ...hey...we need to find the others...
<Ariel> Raquel> "...if you can't win... make sure your enemy looses..."
* Cassandra` starts moving.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim holds out a free hand. "I don't plan to die." 6* She fires a holy blast at a console near Raquel and Lilith
* Dias` sits up, a dazed look on his face.
<Marcus`> Dias. She's too dangerous, we can't risk trying the friend approach anymore.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks along beside Chii, looking like she's having trouble being deaf and moving
<Kit> 6Chii gazes at her silently, then drags an arm up under one of Cheryl's and around her shoulder to support her.
* Dias` looks over at Marcus. 1"We can't leave her here."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> If you're making any innuedos, I'll kick your ass. 6* She warns Chii deafly.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel can't do anything about the heat... but she opens a ripple to spray the shrapnel into Seraphim's back and not hit her and Lilith.
<Marcus`> Well I know that. But you touch her, and she's just going to attack you.
<Kit> 6Chii gazes at Cheryl again before looking forward without a word. She moves a bit further, then laughs slightly. 1"Maybe later."
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim stumbles, her attack momentarily broken and Raquel freed. "Fine. Bitch." 6* She begins to fire a holy blast into the main computer. "Blow the fuck up."
<Dias`> I'm not going to leave her. 6He finally stands, resting against the wall.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel grabs Lilith and drops them both into a portal, taking them down stairs
<Marcus`> Right, let her kill you in the process. *he says with a sigh*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl runs into Raquel, and feels the vibrations of an explosion
<Dias`> Super Hero Code. 6He looks meekly at Marcus.
<Cassandra`> What's going on?!
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura stands again, as if forgetting Dias and Marcus exists, and moves off down the hallway, further into the complex.
<Ariel> Raquel> "'re... late."
<Kit> 6Chii pauses, gazing upward, then peering at the appearance of Raquel and a singed dog. 1"...Yeah."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You hate?
* Dias` pushes off and moves after Caesure again.
<Dias`> NRP: sura.
* Marcus` glances and curiously follows with Dias.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel speaks to them telepathically... speaking was difficult enough anyways. <...Seraphim destroyed the computers.>
<Kit> <Chii> What about her?
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura moves into a new room, full of devices and chairs. Here is where experiments occurred, no doubt, to give them their abilities. Caesura circles the chair, her twitch visible.
* Marcus` frowns, figuring out what this place is for, he focus' on Cae, curious if she's going to fly off the handle again.
* Dias` steps into the room, he looks around than at her. 1"This is where they did stuff ot us...
<Dias`> NRP: to us.
<DeathStar> 6* Dias has a flashback of him in the chair. Voices talking about his progress can be heard, but not made out. Only one word can be made out: fearsome
* Dias` grabs his head again a look of pain flashing across his face.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks up to the ruined computer room, but sees no sign of a body
* Marcus` jerks his hand to grab Dias' shoulder.
<DeathStar> 6* A hand pats Marcus' sympathically on the shoulder, then tightens and throws him across the room into a console.
* Dias` shakes his head glancing over at Marcus with one eye. 1"It's alright." He looks over at the chair."
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> I have business with the boy.
* Dias` twists, snapping out his fist for Seraphims face.
* Marcus` slams into the console and plops onto the floor, groaning.
<Cassandra`> where?
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim catches the fist, tightening. "You sicken me the worst. You turned your back on your hertiage. But I'll take your life and powers just the same."
<Kit> 6Chii crosses her arms, narrowing her eyes with annoyance. 1"...Can she really get around that easy? How is she?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't know if she's easy. She's pretty tough
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim throws Dias backwards into the chair.
<Kit> 6Chii groans slightly at Cheryl. 1"...The others."
<Dias`> This is my life. 6He goes to kick her and he slams into the chair
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim fires a holy beam at him. "Some life."
* Dias` tries to flip backwards and over the chair.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura watches the two fighting, wobbling. Dias would suffer another flashback of him and Seraphim in a fight, and Caesura watching like a scaredy cat
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> Thankfully, I have one of those personal teleporters. I can do this all day
* Dias` stumbles from the flashback, causing him to lose his balance.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim appears behind Dias, firing a holy blast at his back.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl squints at Cassandra, then shrugs. "Lets check on Dias."
<Kit> 6Chii begins moving back toward Raquel, grumbling. 1"Can she move like you or something? This doesn't have another hallway and I sure as hell didn't let her past."
* Dias` slams into the back of the chair now, his body hung over it.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl heads back down the stairs.
* Cassandra` nod and follows Cheryl.
<Dias`> can't be helped.
<Kit> <Chii> Seems like your pet could use a good vet, too.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim fires her life draining beam, trying to snag Dias
* Marcus` slowly pulls himself up, rubbing his head. "...come'on mutemouth, help Dias out." He says to Caes.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks over Lilith, checking if anything's wrong with her besides the lack of energy. "...she doesn't have Ripple's powers... but she might have some other way."
* Dias` darts and rolls to the side, black beginning to creep up his neck.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> .... ?
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura doesn't respond.
<Kit> <Chii> What a pain..." 6She begins to hurry now that Cheryl's on her own feet.
* Dias` stands up, sliding into his fighting stance again. The black twisting along his face and into his eyes.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> Well. So you learned some moves, Dias.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim puts a hand to her hip
* Marcus` sighs slightly and looks between Dias and Seraphim. "Tag me in, anytime." He says to Dias.
<Kit> 6Lilith does have her injuries, although they seem to be rebuilding themselves at a slow rate, the fatigue would settle on Raquel anytime they are. Granted if she were conscious she'd be stopping it from doing that, but being totally out of it, it's on autopilot.
<Dias`> I'll take on anything infront of me and nothing will stand in my way. My fist will pierce the heavens themselves.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> Do you talk to hear yourself speak?
* Dias` snaps his left hand out, firing a dark beam towards her.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel holds Lilith... she doesn't dare wake her up or she'd stop healing.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim is hit, flying back into a wall. She grunts.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves through the playroom.
* Dias` dashes in moving faster than before towards Seraphim
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> You know. All our names mean something. Except yours, Dias. You know why? Because you mean nothing
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim fires a holy beam at him
* Dias` crouchs and twists, leaping to the side a Dark beam flinging out along the ground towards her.
<Marcus`> Chad means something? *he seems confused*
<Kit> <Chii> Cheryl, I'm glad we're friends and all, but do you think that optimistic kind of crap always works?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Huh? What did you say?
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim flips over the beam. Dias' corruption level is 5%
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura retreats to a corner.
* Dias` lands and holds both hands out, firing two dark beams as she flips over the beam
<Cassandra`> Geeze....
<Marcus`> Oh come'on, how afraid can you be? He could really use your help right now.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim holds out a hand, forming a mini shield to take the hits. She lands, forming her energy wings, then takes off, flying around.
* Marcus` says to the scared weapons.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura covers her ears to try to tune out Marcus
<Kit> 6Chii turns to face Cheryl slightly as she moves. 1"...The weapons can obviously make themselves better and all. These new ones, though. Can they really... wake up to that?"
* Dias` spins around as he tries to keep Seraphim in his sights. 1"I won't let her harm you Caesura."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Wake up to what?
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim fires two holy beams at Dias. "You should worry about yourself instead of that failure."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl and Chii and Cassandra, the Three Cs, arrive at the battle!
<Kit> 6Chii thinks about it a moment then shrugs. 1"Kindness."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't know. Headsup.
<Cassandra`> Looks like we didn't miss the action afterall...
* Dias` kicks off, twisting coolly between the two holy beams. A Dark Matter ball forming in his hands.
<Kit> 6Chii slides to a halt, wincing almost immediately upon exposure to the darkling-touched Dias.
* Marcus` moves over to kneel infront of her. He glances and tries to position himself so that if she attacked him, it would be at the one flying above. He moves to remove her hands from her ears. "You'll never be anything if you don't stand up for yourself."
<Cassandra`> NRP: AKA Charlie's Angels.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel starts in the direction C&C went, now that she's had time to rest a bit.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura freaks out and opens her mouth, unleashing her sonic attack
* Marcus` figures that would happen and grabs his ears, falling back, actually flying back.
<DeathStar> 6* As Raquel enters the playroom, she would have a flashback of an older teen with green hair holding out a toy to her. "You should be stronger and not let people take your stuff."
<Kit> 6Lilith stands up slowly, shakily after Raquel begins moving off-- conscious, but not letting Raquel know as she slowly slinks afterward with unknown intents.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim is hit by the sound wave, spinning out
* Dias` is nailed by the sonic wave and sent flying the dark Matter ball flying off into the cieling.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... What in the world? Who's fighting who?
<Kit> <Chii> I don't know. Should we bother?
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura closes her mouth again
<Ariel> 6* Raquel was taking Lilith with her... not about to abandon her in poor condition.
* Cassandra` shrugs.
<DeathStar> 6* The ceiling is hit, taking a direct hit, and pieces of debris down
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Move!
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rolls back so she isn't crushed.
<DeathStar> 6* Dias is 6% corrupt.
* Marcus` groans, pulling himself up, then stumbles back away from the debris.
<Kit> 6Chii slips to the side, still having her arms crossed.
* Dias` stands up again, hel ooks over at Caesura than Seraphim. 1"Caesura, she can't handle your powers. Help me."
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim shakes her head, standing up. "Give it up, already. She never stood up to anyone in her life."
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim fires a holy beam at Dias.
<Cassandra`> ...should something?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You have permission to use your rail gun if you can avoid shooting Dias.
<Kit> <Chii> I'm thinking.
* Dias` throws his hands up, forming a dark beam in his hands to intercept her holy beam. 1"She can and she will!"
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim pushes against his dark beam, wincing
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim begins to push his dark beam back.
<DeathStar> 6* Her beam beats Dias' beam, flooring him
* Dias` slides back slightly from her push then goes flying by.
* Cassandra` nods and readies her rail gun, chambering around and waiting for an opening...
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> Weak.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> Even with that new power.
* Dias` slowly rises. 1"Weak?!"
* Cassandra` then fires at Seraphim as Dias is floored.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim sneers at him coldly, putting a hand to her mouth amusedly. "yes, weak."
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim holds up her hand, forming her shield. IT shatters, but stops the attack
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim eyes her.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> That wasn't very nice.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl activates her whip.
<Kit> <Chii> Heheh. I really want to eat her. One way or another.
* Marcus` stands there, arms crossed. He's itching to get into this, but doesn't seem to move without Dias' nod.
* Dias` holds his hands together, forming another Dark Beam attack. 1"Watch me Caesura, watch me closely. This is how you stand upto a bully."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I got a plan. Cassandra, wait for Dias' attack.
* Cassandra` nods as she cycles her rail gun...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I love it when I get plans. 6* She grins sadistically
<Kit> 6Raquel would notice the taxing fatigue sensation end after she's done reminiscing about toys.
<DeathStar> 6* Raquel would, after having her flashback, reach the room!
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura watches.
* Dias` shifts his feet then thrusts his hands forward, sending a Dark Beam at her again.
<DeathStar> 6* Reluctnatly.
<DeathStar> 6 *Seraphim forms her holy beam, throwing out her attack into Dias' beam. "This. AGAIN?"
* Cassandra` aims...waiting for Dias to attack....
<Cassandra`> Now?
<Marcus`> NRP: Too bad he just did.
<Kit> 6Chii grins. 1"Now, Cheryl?" 6She reaches both hands back, then swipes them in a cross, using the ranged claw strike she hasn't since the space station.
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, Dias' beam intensifies, and his corruption reaches 11% as he taps more into powers. The beam floors through the holy beam right into Seraphim, causing her to scream
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Now.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel gently puts Lilith to the side. She opens a portal on the ground, reaching her hand through and grabbing Seraphim's ankle. Draining her energy.
* Cassandra` fires!
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim howls in a panic as she's grabbed.
<DeathStar> 6* Her armor is burnt and broken, and she seems - afraid.
* Marcus` slides forward and shift his left arm forward, it glows in dark energy and he extends his hand out, firing his own dark beam toward the screaming girl.
<DeathStar> 6* And then, the rail gun pierces her gut, tearing through it.
<Kit> <Chii> Eh, overkill.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim is hit by the beam, and she falls over ont othe ground
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl deactivates her whip. Caesura stares in horror.
* Marcus` lets out a low whistle. "I thought it was just us two attacking her..."
* Dias` falls to his knee, the black quickly retreating from his face.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel attempts to take Seraphim's spirit... if this is the only way some of the weapons will join them... well, then so be it.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim sneers. "Never...Raquel..."
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim kicks her hand off of her
<DeathStar> 6* She strains to to her knees, holding her insides in.
<Ariel> Raquel> " won't last."
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> You project...
<Dias`> I've told you before, this is the life I've chosen. 6He looks defiantly at her.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim stumbles, leaning on the wall, smearing blood. "And our enemy...will destroy you." 6* She lets out a bloody smile.
<Kit> 6Chii moves over slowly. 1"Hey, it's pretty disgusting. Not knowing when to consider the brighter side of things."
* Marcus` steps over to help Dias up.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl watches, looking a little less bloodthristy now
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim pulls out a device, holding it.
* Dias` nods to Marcus as he's helped up. 1"I don't care who it is who stands in my way, nothing will hold me back."
<DeathStar> 6* She thumbs a button on it.
<DeathStar> <Computer> Warning. The Self-Destruct Sequence as been activated
<Kit> 6Chii squints. 1"Oh come on. The wings and everything-- Don't you have any grace?"
<Kit> <Chii> God damn it.
* Dias` eye's go wide and he moves over to Caesura, stumbling.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim slides down into a sitting position. "Can't let..the secrets of this place...get out." 6* Her wings are gone now.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Dammit. Lets go.
* Cassandra` nods and starts withdrawing...
<Kit> <Chii> News. I already stringed the place. We could have done this from outside.
* Dias` kneels down infront of Caesura, his hand held out. 1"Please come with me."
<DeathStar> <Computer> You have 2 minutes. Repeat. 2 minutes.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura shakes her head.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel waits until the others leave the room, watching Seraphim.
<Kit> 6Chii leans forward on one knee, staring glumly at Seraphim. 1"You're not just going to sit there, are you?"
<Marcus`> Dias. We don't have time for this. Either knock her out and bring her, or leave her.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim, holding her instines in, stares at Chii like she's crazy
<Dias`> I won't let anyone hurt you Caesura. 6He stands there.
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura shakes her head again. She seems resigned to stay here.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Come on, Chii. Raquel. Dias. Marcus. We got to go.
<Marcus`> Yeah, well unfortunately Dias is being stupid and I can't leave without him.
<Dias`> Marcus go.
<DeathStar> <Comuter> You have 1 minute and 45 seconds.
<Marcus`> And let you stay her and blow up?
<Kit> <Chii> I want to bring the crazy girl.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Which one?
<Kit> <Chii> Touch・
<Dias`> I'm to stupid to die. 6He smiles at him
<Ariel> 6* Raquel grabs Seraphim and looks to Lilith.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim winces.
<Marcus`> ...right. Well you heard him Cheryl. Let's go. *he moves to walk off*
* Dias` grabs Caesuras hand gently
<Kit> 6Chii blinks at Raquel. 1"Oy, get your pup, little one."
<DeathStar> 6* Caesura opens her mouth to nail Dias.
<DeathStar> <Computer> 1 minute and 30 seconds.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...I am fine.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl hisses through her teeth, moving to forcefully grab Dias.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...hurry then." *opens a portal*
<Kit> 6Lilith retains her human form somehow and grumbles, walking holding her ribs.
* Dias` slides back from the hit and is grabbed by Cheryl, he struggles
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl carries him toward the portal.
<DeathStar> <Computer> 1 minute and 15 seconds.
* Marcus` pauses and just moves to get into the portal.
<Kit> 6Chii reaches down to pick up Seraphim in a manner a bit less painful than a child trying to carry an adult with a gut wound.
* Dias` continues to struggle staring out at Caesura, his hand held out.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel entes the portal with Seraphim
<DeathStar> NRP: *Cassandra runs dramatically through the base*
<Kit> <Chii> These gate things are pretty handy, kid.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl drags him through
<Dias`> CAESURA! 6He yells out.
<Kit> 6Lilith peers at Caaesura and Dias, before loosing her bearings to platform Caesura like she did for Warren and Cassandra-- then moves through the ripple while using a tax on Raquel to move her.
<DeathStar> 6* And so the team escapes into the sewers
<DeathStar> 6* Lilith gets nailed by a sonic wave before she can try any moving shit, and is sent flying into the portal and into the sewer.
<Kit> 6Lilith lies there for a while, then gives a long sigh. 1"...That did not work well."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks around
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Close the portal, Raquel. We don't want an explosion to come through it
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods... but still keeps it open until the last second.
<Kit> 6Lilith sits up and eyes Dias.
<Cassandra`> mean....i ran all this way...and you...took the...short cut?
<Kit> <Chii> Pretty much.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl counts in her head outloud. "15 seconds."
<Ariel> Raquel> "...yes."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> 10 seconds.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> 5 seconds.
<Kit> 6Chii opts to use what she has on hand to um. At least plug Seraphim while Raquel's portalling.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel closes the portal at 0.
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim lays around, dying painfully.
* Marcus` scratches the back of his head, frowning.
* Dias` slumps slightly as the portal closes
<DeathStar> 6* The base explodes, causing the sewers to shudder
<Ariel> 6* Raquel closes her eyes.
<DeathStar> <Seraphim> ... is this our..fate?
<DeathStar> 6* Seraphim laughs, her head falling to the side.
* Marcus` steps over and kneels beside Dias, placing a hand on his shoulder, frowning sympathetically.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds onto Dias.
<Kit> 6Chii twitches slightly, feeling at Seraphim's throat.
<DeathStar> 6* Dead. Or within seconds of death
<Ariel> 6* Raquel turns to Seraphim quickly, trying to catch her before her spirit is completely gone... she wants to keep the weapons together within some shape or form.
<Kit> <Chii> Conventional methods out the window, anyone have those nanite things handy?
<DeathStar> 6* Raquel retrieves the soul
<Kit> 6Chii squints at Raquel. 1"Never mind."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel falls to her knees, "'s... too late for that..."
<Kit> <Chii> Uh-huh." 6She stands, dusting her hands.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds Dias in a hug. "It'll be okay. It's what she wanted."
<Dias`> Let's go home. 6He stares down at the sewage beneath them
<Cassandra`> There is alot that went on that I don't know...
<Kit> 6Chii glances toward Cheryl. 1"...I was wanting to say that, but coming from me, haa."
<Ariel> Raquel> "They... were family..."
<Marcus`> Now that's something I wanted to hear. *he stands up.*
* Seraphna has joined #taw
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Seraphna
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> It's a shame Darce was lost in the explosion
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stands up, sighing. "We'll never know why he showed up."
<Kit> <Chii> Because someone we know talks too much.
* Marcus` holds out a hand to help Dias up.
<Kit> 6Chii crosses her arms and steps away from Raquel, moving to leave the sewers. 1"This sucks. No soul, no new friends, nothing."
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I guess... you get the next one..."
* Cassandra` pinches the bridge of her nose...
<Kit> 6Chii pauses and glances over her shoulder. 1"Eh? Who cares about that."
* Dias` rises himself and he turns, moving towards the entrance they came in
<Ariel> 6* Raquel does sound appologetic.
<Kit> <Chii> Calling dibs on things like that is worthless. I only cared because we had things in common.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl exits the sewers, taking a deep breath of apoclayptic air. "I feel kinda depressed after all this."
* Marcus` just shrugs and walks along himself.
* Cassandra` pulls herself out of the sewers next.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel pulls herself to her feet, " brother... wanted to unite the weapons... but we only seem to kill each other..."
<Seraphna> Darce> "A shame darlin, nice to know I'd be missed."
<Kit> 6Chii hangs an arm around Cheryl. 1"You know. I should take a look at you when we get back."
<Seraphna> * Darce stands there, hands in his pockets.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hm? 6* She eyes her damaged chest, and touches her bloodied ears. "I guess I could use some medical examining.
<Marcus`> You hear that Cheryl? Chii wants to take a look at you. Naked I bet.
<DeathStar> <Voice> It would appear that I am too late again.
<Kit> 6Lilith rises out of the sewer, glaring at Darce like some sewage-seraph of death. 1"..."
* Dias` slowly turns to try and find the voice
* Marcus` pulls himself out of the sewers, glancing around for the voice.
<Seraphna> Darce> "Nice to see you too... mmm?" *he looks around*
<DeathStar> 6* Standing there is a woman with shorter purple hair than the other person they fought, with one red eye, and one blue eye. She wears a brown trench coat.
<Cassandra`> ...who is this...?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl jerks her head up.
* Marcus` stares. "Purple dye must be on sale."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel eyes the woman cautiously.
<DeathStar> <Voice> You can call me Virulent.
<Kit> 6Chii grumbles, observing the new person. 1"Don't tell me. A weapon?"
<DeathStar> <Virulent> It is a day of reunions.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...The ultimate weapon.
<Marcus`> Seriously. Why can't they name you all normal names, like Pam.
* Dias` clenches his fists as he watches the man. 1"What the hell do you want?"
<Ariel> Raquel> "...are you here to kill us too...?"
<Kit> 6Chii raises a hand and waves nonchalantly. 1"Hello, Vi."
<DeathStar> <Virulent> *laughs, musically* Oh, you think too highly of me.
<Kit> 6Lilith shakes her head, holding up the paper that has it written on it.
<DeathStar> <Virulent> I had come to try to save my sister, but I see I was too late.
<DeathStar> 6* The amusement leaves her tone.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> This must be VI. Unless there's a number I'm missing.
<Dias`> I'm not in the mood for anymore family reunions. 6He eyes her dangerously.
* Marcus` pulls himself up to his feet now, frowning at the sewage on his pants, he glances up at Virulent. "...."
<DeathStar> <Virulent> Is that so? 6* She leaps off standing place and lands in front of Dias.
<DeathStar> <Virulent> You who don't even remember your family.
<Marcus`> You his sister too?
<Kit> <Chii> I don't see a resemblance.
<Dias`> Let me guess, you bullied me all the time too? Looked down upon me, right?
<Seraphna> Darce> "Bloody family quarrels..."
<Ariel> Raquel> "......"
<DeathStar> <Virulent> No. My sister was infatuated with your ideals of heroism when you were children. I don't see much of a hero today.
* Dias` snorts. 1"She had a strange way of showing it."
<DeathStar> <Virulent> They broke her. Not that you would remember.
<Ariel> Raquel> "We... tried to help her..."
<DeathStar> <Virulent> Stay out of this, Soul Eater.
<Dias`> I'm beginning to enjoy not remembering my past.
<Kit> <Chii> He was more of a hero for her than you'd know, bitch. If miss wingly hadn't come to crash the party we might have had more time.
<Seraphna> Darce> "Soul Eater? Not too far a leap for you is it?"
<DeathStar> <Virulent> ... 6* She suddenly blasts Chii with some sort of dust, right in the face. "Stay out of this."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel seems to take offense to that nickname.
<Seraphna> * Darce steps away from Chii.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl blinks. "Hey!"
<Kit> 6Chii blinks. 1"...Hey, that's one of my tricks."
<DeathStar> 6* Chii suddenly begins to run a fever.
<Cassandra`> ...with a name like Virulent...
<Kit> <Chii> ...And I know it... well... damn it...
<Seraphna> Darce> "Looks like you don't little lady."
* Dias` snatches his hand out to grab Virulents collar. 1"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?"
<Kit> 6Chii goes to toss a kunai at her, but it doesn't make four feet before she collapses.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl checks Chii's pulse.
<DeathStar> 6* Virulent looks at Dias. "Don't remember your past. I don't care. But your past crimes will haunt you. I'll kill you one day, Dias. Now let me go before I infect you, too."
<Seraphna> Darce> "Virulent, I love how they named you kids."
<DeathStar> 6* Virulent moves to knock off his grip.
* Dias` 's body quivers for a split second before he shoves her away.
* Marcus` stares. His hand on the butt of his shotgun.
<DeathStar> 6* Virulent turns and walks away, then looks back. "She'll live. The virus will just weaken all her powers and make it harder for her to use them. Think of it as bitchy slap."
<DeathStar> 6* Virulent moves off into the ruined city.
<Marcus`> I kinda like her. *he notes*
<Ariel> Raquel> " your respects to Caesura... she should know you came."
<DeathStar> 6* Virulent stares at Raquel harshly, looking as if she might infect her, too.
* Dias` clenches his fists tightly as he watches her walk off. He slowly looks over at Chii. 1"We should get back to the base just in case."
<DeathStar> 6* Virulent then turns and moves off, probably doing just that.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl scoops up Chii. "Back to the shuttle."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel is being genuinely sympathetic when she says that.
<Cassandra`> Let's move out.
* Marcus` moves toward to shuttle now.
<Seraphna> * Darce smiles a little and walks towards the shuttle.
<Kit> 6Lilith moves beyond the group from behind toward the shuttle, sure to take a good look and remember the encounter.
* Dias` watches Virulen move off then turns heading to the shuttle
* Cassandra` moves for the shuttle...
<Ariel> 6* Raquel moves to the shuttle, "...I... I'm sorry we couldn't help her Dias... I really wanted to..."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lays Chii down, leaning in close. "You still with us?'
<Seraphna> * Darce kneels down by Chii and pulls out a vial. "Drink this."
<Kit> 6Chii looks as irritable as ever, but sweating and swollen at the joints. 1"..Ye ..ah. ...Been ...ages since... I need-ed... to worry about shit like... that."
<Kit> <Chii> Heh-heh. M-my bad. Should have ...prepared...
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl puts a damp cloth on Chii's forehead. "Keep being irritable. It'll make you feel better."
<Dias`> It's fine. 6He just walks past Raquel.
<Seraphna> Darce> "It won't cure you, but it should calm the fever."
* Marcus` steps onto the shuttle and glances out at the city, closing the ramp after everyone gets on.
<Cassandra`> Did you get any intel on Virulent before the computer was destroyed?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel shakes her head, "...Seraphim attacked us before I could do more than log in."
* Marcus` moves over and sits down in the co-pilot's chair.
<Cassandra`> ...damn...some data might have given us some clue how to treat Chii.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> One day we'll run into Virulent, and find an antibody from her body, if we have to
<Seraphna> * Darce slowly treats Chii with the medication.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl goes to take the pilot seat.
<DeathStar> Location: HQ
<DeathStar> 6* Warren reads over the report, letting out his breath. "So a new player has entered the field."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sits with Chii in the infirmary. Her fever is mostly under control, and it seems that as long as she doesn't overdo her powers, it won't affect her
<Seraphna> * Jessica looks up from her book, "Atleans are annoying."
<Seraphna> * JENNIFER
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah. I'm worried about how Dias is taking this
* Seraphna is now known as Jennifer`
* Marcus` stands is the infirmary, arms crossed.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel hasn't spoke much since they headed back, curled up holding a diary.
<Kit> 6Lilith has snuck out to an undisclosed area beyond the base where she stands over a grave, one hand up respectfully to her face.
<Marcus`> Look on the bright side, Chii. You're alive.
<Kit> <Chii> Eh? Bright side? I feel great.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "She should feel great, though she should be careful. Stay in bed lady."
<Kit> <Chii> Tch, screw you. Screw you and your seltzer-tasting medicine.
<Marcus`> Great, since you're back to normal, i'm leaving. *he waves slightly, then steps out*
<Kit> 6Chii stretches, then places her hands behind her head. 1"See you."
<Kit> <Chii> What do I look like? Freyja? ...Bah, don't answer that.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pats Chii's hand. "Glad you're feeling better."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves out of the debriefing into the medical bay, having not gotten examined yet
<Kit> <Chii> But really. It's not like I rely on my spiritual crap that much. I don't have to use my ninpo as much, it's just handy.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy pops up behind Raquel, then gives her a hug
<Jennifer`> "So should we burn Chii to prevent the plague?"
* Jennifer` looks back down at her book.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks up slowly at Billy
<DeathStar> <Billy> Tell no one.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *pops up behind Cheryl in her nurse's outfit*
<Jennifer`> * Darce follows after her, "You really should take it easy."
<Kit> 6Chii grins at Katrina. 1"What's creepy is that it affects the spirit. Weapons really are irritating."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel smiles and nods.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Don't let Dias hear you say that. I'm going to go have dinner with Marcus. Rest, okay?
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> What seems to be the problem today?
<DeathStar> 6* Billy slinks back into the shadows.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You. Are not. Touching. Me.
<Kit> <Chii> Beh, fine, whatever.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits beside Chii's bed.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina kisses her forehead and steps after him.
<Kit> 6Lilith re-enters the halls of the base, as quietly as ever.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> But why not? *rocks on her heels*
* Marcus` seems to have been waiting in the hallway for Katrina, he tilts his head to glance over his shoulder. "She'll be fine." He says with a nod.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren steps into the hanger, crossing his arms.
<DeathStar> <Warren> You did everything you could.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I know. Though I'm worried about long term effects of the virus.
* Jennifer` walks behind them, book in her face.
<Kit> <Chii> I totally should have diverted this to Dias.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> It would take too long to tell you all the reasons. 6* She looks at Chii. "So you aren't dead yet. Congrats."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> And who are you going to get to fix your ears then, hmmm?
<Jennifer`> Darce> "She might have done something to cure her brother."
<Kit> 6Chii grins at Cheryl in response. 1"Yeah, but he would have done something stupid and come out of it alright."
<Dias`> Is there no place a boy can find peace? 6He calls from his spot.
<Jennifer`> * Darce looks between the two.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'll do it myself.
<Marcus`> Hmm. Yes, I know what you mean. *he glances down*
<DeathStar> <Warren> There's rarely peace in this life. Even for heroes.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren leans against the shuttle, never looking up.
<Kit> <Chii> It would have become some tear-jerking story about how he overcame the virus, then cured it and because of working under the strain, become stronger than ever. You know, because he does that sort of thing.
<DeathStar> <Warren> You have to learn the hardest lesson ever: You can't save everyone.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> I can be serious too, you know.
* Jennifer` looks up from her book, "THough we try to... right?"
<Marcus`> *Theron steps into the medical bay, glancing around at those there.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pats Chii. "Go easy on Dias. He's hurting."
<Kit> 6Chii peers at Myria. 1"Hey, you, be useful. Come here so I can hug you. Otherwise I'll have to bite you or something."
* Marcus` glances up after a moment. "Anyway, it's...Mero mero day or whatever. We should make the best of it."
<Jennifer`> * Darce looks at Myria, eyeing her up and down.
<Dias`> I could've saved her though Warren, I could've.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yeah. Mero Mero Day.
<DeathStar> <Warren> She didn't want to be saved, Dias.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *moves over to Chii*
* Marcus` places an arm around Katrina. "So what did you cook for me?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I thought you were cooking for me.
<Dias`> I know. 6There's a short pause. 1"How do you save someone who doesn't want to be saved."
<Kit> 6Chii reaches down and yanks Myria up like a plush animal. 1"So Cheryl, when do you want to go another round, eh?"
<Marcus`> But I was on a mission. I'm exhausted. *he notes with a frown*
<Kit> <Chii> I was looking forward to duking with the crazy girl but she gave up.
<DeathStar> <Warren> You can't. Sooner or later, they'll find a way to die. You could have saved her, but how would she have adjusted to the real world?
<Dias`> You know what hurts the most?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I think I'll wait until I can hear gain
<Marcus`> *Theron stands there silently, looking from Chii to Cheryl.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *goes limp*
<Kit> <Chii> Heheh. Sharp. I thought maybe I'd get an advantage.
<DeathStar> <Warren> You had a connection to your past, someone who appeared to remember and need you, and you lost that. And your regret is you don't even remember it to begin with
<Kit> 6Lilith enters her room with Raquel quietly, shutting it after herself and eyeing Billy with Raquel.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks up as Lilith enters.
<Marcus`> <Theron> And will the two of you be alright? *he asks the two after a pause*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What did you say? 6* She looks up.
<Marcus`> *Theron pauses and pulls out his datapad writing out, "Will you be alright?" then shows it to Cheryl.
<Kit> 6Chii turns slightly to Theron, refraining from saying aloud, as if Cheryl asked what she was going to.
<Dias`> Yeah.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *thumbs up* Yeah. I self-medicate. 6* She pulls out a flask and drinks from it
<DeathStar> <Warren> Dias. You might not remember your past, but it's there. And all of your fellow people in the Weapon Project appear to be hurting, searching for answers for what was done to them. Perhaps it's time you found answers, so you can better understand them, and in turn, better understand yourself.
<Kit> 6Lilith gazes quietly at Raquel, her focused yet vacant persona still in charge, not speaking a word but looking as if something is left unspoken. She moves to a corner and sits silently, as if not wanting to interrupt the diary or Billy's consoling.
* Marcus` laughs and writes out, "Call on me if you need anything." He and shows it to here, then pauses and writes out, "More alcohol if you need it." He shows her again.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *wiggles*
<DeathStar> 6* Billy takes her cue and sneaks off
<Marcus`> NRP: Theron*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hm. I guess I'll make pizza.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel watches Lilith, "...the seat here is more comfortable."
<Kit> <Lilith> Biriisan... you do not need to go.
<DeathStar> <Billy> I have to go rob Chii. Besides, this is bor-ring. 6* She bounces out
<Marcus`> Oh? You know how to make pizza?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yep
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl thumbs up
<Kit> 6Lilith frowns after Billy, then looks to Raquel, not moving.
<Dias`> All my past does is bring me pain, why should I care?
* Jennifer` looks at Dias, deep in thought.
<Dias`> 6Can't be seen.
<Marcus`> *Theron nods and looks to Chii. "Call on me if you need anything." He turns and then steps out.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Because you care anyway. For a girl you don't remember.
<Kit> <Chii> Oy, Theron!
<Ariel> Raquel> "...please?"
<Marcus`> I somehow feel that since it is Valentine's day, it's my resposiblity to do everything.
<Marcus`> *Theron pauses and glances over his shoulder.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I agree.
<Dias`> I don't even know where to start. The only place I had a chance to learn something from was blown up.
<Kit> 6Chii grins widely. 1"I know it's stupid, but it just doesn't seem right. Do the vanish thing, the vanish!"
<DeathStar> <Warren> Then I will aid you. If you want it.
<Kit> 6Lilith nods slightly, getting up and moving to be beside Raquel, but still silent.
<Marcus`> <Theron> I cannot if you're looking at me."
<Marcus`> Alright, well let's go raid the kitchen and see what we have to work with. *he walks along with Kat towards the mess hall*
<Kit> 6Chii seems to think on that. 1"Okay, but only for a second!" 6She closes her eyes briefly.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets happily drunk, not really remembering Myria is around
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> This 150% alcohol thing really is good.
<Marcus`> *Theron just steps out, albeit quickly and quietly.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel leans against Lilith, "...are you mad at me?"
<Dias`> Superhero Rule #101 - Accept help as long as it doesn't stop you from looking cool.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grunts, perhaps slightly amused. "I'm proud of you today, Dias." 6* He begins to walk out.
<Kit> <Lilith> No.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Can I go now?
<Kit> 6Chii opens her eyes. 1"Damn he's good."
<Kit> 6Chii looks down at Myria. 1"...Fine, be that way." 6She loosens her grip.
<Marcus`> So aren't you jealous that you missed an amazingly depressing mission? *he glances at Kat*
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *wiggles out*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> No.
* Jennifer` smiles a bit and follows after Warren, looking back at Dias.
<Dias`> 6Again, can't be seen.
* Marcus` nods his head with a frown. "I wish there was something I could do for Dias. But he just needs his time alone."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Be there for him, so he can retain a sense of normality
<Kit> <Chii> There, no more blue girl to bug Cheryl.
<Ariel> Raquel> *hugs Lilith* "...what's bothering you then?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods. "She's a tricky one."
<Marcus`> Well I do plan on kicking his ass later. *he smiles at her*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm sure that will cheer him up.
* Marcus` steps into the mess hall and pulls his arm off of her shoulder once he steps into the kitchen, shifting about to look through their food stocks. "Anything in particular you would like to have? I could do that Chocolate Mousse again, you seemed to like that."
<Kit> <Lilith> You wish to know thoroughly?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Surprise me.
<Jennifer`> "Hey Warren?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> YeS?
<Marcus`> I recall you said that last time too. *He says with a smile, beginning to set different ingrediants out.*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm consistent.
<Jennifer`> "I think I found something else I can learn from Mr. Dias."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *thne pops up behind Darce*
<DeathStar> <Warren> What is that?
<Jennifer`> * Darce grins, "Allo bluebird."
<Marcus`> It's good to have something consistent in life.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Why were you looking at Myria?
<Jennifer`> "How to be brave."
<DeathStar> <Warren> Hm. Just don't confuse it with stupidity
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Because I think Myria is quite nice to look at."
<Kit> 6Warren's comm chirps a particular band.
<Jennifer`> "Gotcha."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes his comm oddly.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods, "...I would like to, if you'll tell me."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren holds it out to Jennifer. "Tell them I'm not home."
* Marcus` whistles and he begins to chop up the ingrediants for a modest salad. "Would you like to know the secret of cooking?" He glances at her.
* Jennifer` takes the comm. "Warren's office speaking!"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Love?
<Kit> 6The voice over the comm seems indistinct and monotone. 1"Cute, but Warren doesn't have a secretary."
<Marcus`> Not likely, or else my food would be amazing. It's just plain ol experience.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Ohhhhh *poses*
<Jennifer`> "This isn't his secretary, it's his annoying brat."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Of course.
* Jennifer` grins.
<Jennifer`> * Darce admires Myria.
<Kit> <Comm> Which is why I said cute.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Another question...
<Marcus`> That's why grandma's are the best cooks in the world. Or so i've heard. *he waves a hand, gathering the ingrediants up into a bowl*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles.
<Marcus`> *Theron lurks near Myria and Darce.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl slumps into a drunken stupor; apparantly this is how she heals. Or not.
* Dias` steps into the messhall and moves into the kitchen to get a bottle of water.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hey, Dias.
<Dias`> Yo. 6He nods to her and opens the fridge.
<Jennifer`> "I'm sorry but Warren isn't in right now, may I take a message?"
<Marcus`> Sup, buddy. *he slides the bowl in the fridge to crips while he cooks other things*
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Anything doll."
<Kit> <Comm> Warren is beside you, but being Warren. However, I will not speak with others at this time.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Why are you really here?
<Kit> <Lilith> Although I am an ayakashi and therefore still technically living, I am still akin to a ghost. I have my regrets, my sorrows that I linger with. As we progress this path, ojousama, I am finding myself more and more reminscent.
<Dias`> Eh. 6He closes the fridge and opens the bottle of water.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren takes the comm. "The annoying brat's father."
* Jennifer` pouts, mocking hurt.
<Kit> <Comm> I'm sure she's proud.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Why do you ask darlin?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> What do you want?
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Cause you seem sketchy.
* Marcus` moves over and begins to season some type of meat. "You hungry?"
<Jennifer`> Darce> "I live for sketchy."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Soooo?
<Kit> <Comm> Good evening, Warren. It has been some time. I have been hearing interesting things of two particular locations recently. So I could not help myself from asking-- Are things for the better?
<DeathStar> <Warren> They are what they are.
<Ariel> Raquel> "You're worried... things will go bad?"
<Kit> <Lilith> Observing you in these times, it is hard to remain myself. ...I could fade away if things persist and become a true ghost.
<Kit> <Comm> Sometimes that's for the best. Are the children energetic?
* Jennifer` hops on one foot.
<DeathStar> <Warren> *grunts*
<Kit> <Comm> None of them got hurt playing outside, I hope.
<DeathStar> <Warren> *grunts*
<Jennifer`> Darce> "I'm here to keep an eye on you all. The PAX ambassadors want to see this play through."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren writes Jennifer a note: Bring Darce t ome
<Dias`> Not really.
<Jennifer`> * Darce smiles, "I'll keep my eye on you especially though Dove."
<Kit> <Comm> You have any uninvited houseguests lately? From out of town?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel hesitates, "...what I'm doing is hurting you...?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes.
* Jennifer` reads it and nods, rushing off to find him.
<Kit> <Comm> I thought as much. His family's pretty nosey, isn't it?
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Why? *rocks on her heels*
<Kit> <Comm> Well, that's how in-laws tend to be. Just because they bought into something, even if they're divorced they keep a foot in the door if it suits them.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Did you have a purpose for calling?
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Because I hate my job and you make it bearable." *he grins*
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Kaaaay.
* Marcus` places chicken in a pan and begins to sear it. "Alright man. Let me know if you want some."
<Kit> <Comm> Well, the extendeds are causing trouble, so I have to wonder if the kids aren't alright with the illnesses going around.
<DeathStar> <Warren> They'll live.
* Jennifer` tugs on Darce's coat.
<Kit> <Comm> Good to hear. Should I speak with the in-laws and see what they want?
<DeathStar> <Warren> No.
<Jennifer`> * Darce looks down at the kid. "...Whatcha want little lady?"
<Dias`> I'd hate to intrude on your guys dinner. 6He turns to leave.
<Jennifer`> "Dad wants to see you."
<Kit> <Comm> Not worried. Like you. Well, dinner break's over. Later.
<Marcus`> It's no problem, i'm sure Kat wouldn't mind. *he glances over at her* Would you?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grunts, then clicks off.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Not at all.
<Jennifer`> * Darce stares at her a little and grins. "Carmichael... he had another kid eh?"
<Marcus`> By the way, are you allergic to spinach?
<Jennifer`> "...Hey you're supposed to ask!"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Not me.
<Marcus`> Good. You do eat it though?
* Dias` waves his hand dismissively. 1"It's fine."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Not typically, but I don't mind
<Kit> 6Chii pats Cheryl's head, making sure she's alive at least.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Then stop screamin your thoughts shrimp.
<DeathStar> 6* Alive and merry.
<Jennifer`> "I'm not a shrimp!"
* Jennifer` crosses her arms and glares.
* Marcus` frowns slightly then glances at Dias. "Hey, I need a bit more practice with those beam sabers, real awkward. Think you can help me out later?"
<Jennifer`> "Go see Warren, now!"
<Kit> 6Lilith eyes Raquel after a time. 1"...Do not worry. For all masters it is an eventuality. With all living things, the past eventually catches up."
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Demanding little runt..."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel hugs Lilith, "'re family. I don't want to hurt you."
<Dias`> Kat's better with them than me. You know I prefer my fists."
<Jennifer`> * Darce looks at Myria, "Well Dove, I need to go see the Man at Arms here."
<Marcus`> I need someone to swing at.
<Kit> <Lilith> As much as I may want that... My family. I never had one. I remember now.
<Dias`> Oh hey, you can have the Ripple blade.
<Jennifer`> * Darce excuses himself and heads for the office.
* Marcus` pauses, arching a brow. "But I broke mine."
* Jennifer` huffs. "Jerkface."
<Dias`> I still have mine tho.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands there, waiting for Darce. He holds out a chip to him.
<DeathStar> <Warren> You will implant this up your nose.
<Marcus`> Well. If that's what you want to do.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Theron.
<Ariel> Raquel> " do now."
<Marcus`> *Theron steps out of the shadows. "Yes?"
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Why would I do that?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> I will not have you reporting back to others without me knowing it. Either take the chip, or walk out the door.
<Dias`> Swords are for wimps. 6He looks at Kat. 1"No offense Kit.
<Dias`> NRP Kat
<Marcus`> MRP: LOL
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL
<Kit> NRP: None taken.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> None taken.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "I've got a better proposition."
<Kit> NRP: Bam.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> ...careful around that one...he's not shy when it comes to looking into your head...
<DeathStar> <Warren> I don't negotiate.
<Kit> 6Lilith's somber gaze continues at Raquel, distance in her own right, even if she's always looked that way. 1"Your family is here. Even now, it needs you."
* Marcus` nods, "Alright. Don't forget we have training in the morning, it's high time I kick your ass." He slides the spinach away when he thinks Kat isn't looking.
<Dias`> It's the sword like object holding up by table in my room.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "You're a bit hastey General. My superiors don't care if you know what I'm doin or not. You can help me send my reports."
<DeathStar> <Warren> This is my ballgame.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I don't let others monitor it.
<Marcus`> <Theron> There is nothing in my head that I would not say aloud. *he says with a nod*
<DeathStar> <Warren> You want in on this, you play my rules.
* Dias` looks at Marcus. 1"Alright, 7 sharp."
* Marcus` nods. "I'll get it later, then." He works on preparing his side dishes.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "...Alright, you can still bloody well help, I hate paperwork."
<Jennifer`> * Darce puts it up his nose.
<DeathStar> 6* The chip attaches to his brain. It seems now Darce can't read select people's minds either. Especially Warren
<Marcus`> Be ready for an ass kicking. I don't think i'll be holding back tomorrow.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> ...he didn't try getting in my head...maybe he knows better than to try it...
<Ariel> Raquel> "...if I loose you... because you're acting silly......"
<Jennifer`> * Darce smirks, "Bastard."
<Marcus`> <Theron> Say the word, and I will have his head. *he says with a nod*
<Kit> 6Lilith inclines her head. 1"I do not act silly."
<Dias`> Well that's if Kat doesn't tire you out.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Acknowledged.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Tire him out?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren takes a seat.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6>'ll seee what he does. If he represents PAX, someone didn't bother sharing with me.
* Marcus` shakes his head. "Go rest."
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Alright, you haven't even asked me who sent me yet."
<Marcus`> *Theron nods once. "Very well."
<DeathStar> <Warren> I haven't, no.
<Dias`> Uh, nothing. Just depressed talk. 6He waves his hands.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Don't you wanna know who's spectatin?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> If you want to say the name, you can
<DeathStar> 6* Warren picks up his datapad, going back to work
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Time to go back to being the kuko let's celebrate...with a delicious Omega Coke!
<Kit> 6Lilith sets her hand on top of Raquel's head and messes her hair. She's seen Cheryl do this to Chii and such. 1"Do not worry. If things continue as is, it is not by fault of yourself that I pass."
<Jennifer`> Darce> "PAX and the AA."
<Dias`> Well you two have fun. 6He turns and steps out
<Marcus`> *Theron smiles slightly. "I shall return to my book. It is very rivetting." He moves to walk off.
<Kit> <Lilith> Remember that, because as I forfeit my life to become as I am now, I would forfeit it again to take it back. I was human.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Alcoholics Anonymous. They never do leave me alone.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *skips to go drink Omega Cokes*
<Kit> <Chii> Cheryl, if you drink so much, I can't be held responsible for whatever happens to you.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "...THat's right, you humans have that... no, Atlantean Ascendants. They contracted me on top of PAX."
* Marcus` glances to Kat after his leaves, he sets out the two plates, then rubs his chin as he sets to start making the dessert.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Like what?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel just latches onto Lilith, not saying anything.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grunts. H e clearly knew that.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina shifts in her seat. "Tire you out, eh?"
<Marcus`> Hey, I never said anything.
<Jennifer`> * Darce looks back over his shoulder. "So you have a second one."
<Kit> <Lilith> ...Ojousama?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks at his datapad. "I always have a second one."
<Kit> <Chii> I don't know! Bad things so terrible they're good?
* Dias` moves along the hallways, his hands in his hoody pocket
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Witty. She's training with your team members?"
<Kit> 6Chii glances over the edge of her examination bed to smirk at Cheryl.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel doesn't answer, burrying her face against Lilith.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts. "I can still kill ten men without blinking an eye."
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Did you block her too?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Pity, I coulda taught her some resistance."
<DeathStar> <Warren> Pity.
<Kit> <Chii> Good thing you see me as a woman. Does that mean your guard's down around me? Ooo...
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Spunk in that one though..."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stares at her drunkenly.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So sad.
<Kit> <Chii> Hm?
* Marcus` steps back and moves over to the fridge, pulling out the salad, he places it on the counter next to the main dish, then moves to get the proper china for each portion of the meal. "Though in all honesty, I think me and you hooking up might cheer Dias up. You know?" He winks at her.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *pats her on the cheek, then laughs drunkenly* I like you
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Is that right?
<Marcus`> He has to see that anything is possible, right? *he pulls up one large red candle from one of the cabinets and places it on the counter as well.*
<Kit> 6Chii grins softly at Cheryl, not as wily as normal and leans back. 1"Thanks."
<Kit> <Lilith> If I were to begin to pass, would that mean you would claim my soul as well, ojousama?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I see. I'll keep this in mind when considering his fragile state.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pulls off her damaged tactical suit finally.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Alright, bother me when something interesting happens." *he steps out*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I think I'll go find get some nanomachines
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stumbles over to look at the needles.
<DeathStar> <Warren> *watches him go, narrowing his eyes*
<Marcus`> Fair enough. *he steps back and eyes his work* Well I guess we should get this to a table.
<Kit> <Chii> That might be a good idea, Cheryl.
<Ariel> Raquel> *looks at Lilith* "...only... if you'd like me to. I... I couldn't... force you.. to stay with me..." 6She was crying.
* Jennifer` walks in as he leaves, glaring at him, Darce flees the anger in search of sexy blue women.
* Dias` turns down a hallway.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I guess so
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl injects herself with something, then flops down on a bed in the medical room
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Passing out now
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snores
<Kit> <Chii> Sweet dreams, so I hear.
<Marcus`> Course we could just eat it right here, leaning against the counter. Rebelling against the uhh, something or other. I never was good at those motivational type of speeches. *he smiles*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Lets do a table.
<Marcus`> A table it is, then. *he lifts up the stuff and begins to move it to the table, making trips of course, but he manages to get it all to a table, which he places a table cloth on, and sets the red candle in the middle, lighting it.
<DeathStar> -E.N.D.-
Session Close: Thu Dec 20 23:14:50 2007

Session Start: Thu Dec 20 23:33:01 2007
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20071220.log'
<DeathStar> -RESUMATION-
<Kit> <Lilith> I would wish for ojousama to do as she pleases, however... It is impossible for me to remain with ojousama forever. This process of fading, the recollecting memories... It is the same as with all previous masters, do not despair.
<Ariel> <Raquel> "...I don't want to loose you... Ripple... Caesura... Seraphim... All of my family keeps..."
* Kane has joined #taw
<Kit> <Lilith> It is something I chose. By the rules, I should have passed on already-- However, you breached the normality of the contract. I do not understand how, but you were within my very soul, tampering with its metaphysical being.
* Marcus` has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Kit> <Lilith> When an ayakashi, an inugami or something similar to myself, learns of its past, it starts the process over. An inugami follows a new master with no recollection of what was left behind.
<Ariel> <Raquel> "...I'll fight it... some how..."
<Kit> <Lilith> That is not possible, ojousama.
<Ariel> <Raquel> *looks at Lilith* "...what good is a weapon if they can't protect anyone important to them?"
<Kit> <Lilith> You are not a weapon.
<Ariel> <Raquel> "...I am, if you'll admit it or not."
<Kit> 6Lilith fights with an emotion she's not sure how to respresent, a mix of confusion and disdain. 1"Turning on reality itself. The only way to undo what I am would be to literally undo what I am. I am long past being human."
<Kit> <Lilith> It is as likely as yourself becoming identical to other human beings.
<Ariel> <Raquel> "...then it's not impossible."
<Kit> <Lilith> ...
<Jackieness> NRP: Night all
<Kit> 6Lilith leans back, unable to contest that as much as support it.
<Kit> NRP: Night Jackie.
* Jackieness has left #taw
* Kane is now known as Marcus`
<Ariel> <Raquel> "...I won't give up on saving what family I can. If there's any chance..."
<Kit> 6Lilith closes her eyes. 1"...You are the most peculiar master I have served-- as are the people around you."
* Marcus` gets the table set up finally and pulls Kat's chair out, motioning with his hand. "Your seat, madam."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes a seat. "Thank you very much, Mr. Jones."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snores louder.
<Ariel> <Raquel> "'re family. Not a servant..."
<DeathStar> 6* Drake lays nearby, brain dead. He would shed a tear, but he can't.
<Kit> <Lilith> Even when I was alive, I was serving others, but then and now, none have come close to the sheer number of anomalies that are caused or contradictories in character I find. I would not be logical to say that out of you and your companions illogical circumstances, that it is impossible to reverse.
<Kit> <Lilith> No manner I am aware of, however, would succeed. Even if you could stop the event from happening it would, in turn, erase us having ever met.
Session Close: Fri Dec 21 00:00:00 2007

Session Start: Fri Dec 21 00:00:00 2007
Session Ident: #taw
* Marcus` slides the seat under Katrina and then places the salad in front of her. "Dressing preference?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Ranch
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rolls over on her side, snoring in Chii's direction; making restful sleep impossible
<Marcus`> Ooh, seems we have something in common. That's important, right? *he smiles, clearly joking around, he places a cup of dressing infront of her, then sits down at his side of the table*
<Ariel> 6* Raquel frowns. She doesn't like that either. She curls up... it seems impossible to keep any family.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> They say opposites attract, actually.
* Dias` steps into the training room and he plops down against the wall and leans against it
<DeathStar> 6* Billy walks by and slaps a baby pacifier into Dias' mouth
<Marcus`> Then we are doomed. *he says with a frown*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> At least we can enjoy the salad together
* Dias` slowly opens his eyes and spits out the pacifier. He takes a sip of his water.
<DeathStar> 6* Nothing else happens to Dias
<Marcus`> Very true. We might even get to enjoy the whole dinner. Unless you're allergic to something that I put in the food.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles, biting into a salad
<Kit> <Lilith> Ojousama." 6Firmly.
* Dias` has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Marcus`> I'm serious. You're not allergic to anything I should know of, right?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Not that I can recall
<Kit> 6Lilith lies a hand on Raquel's shoulder, staring at her intently. 1"For your sake I bid you not despair, but for both of our sakes you should not. My life was of accomplishments but its end was out of a desparity in the loss of honor and pride. Sorrow only begets sorrow, and in my case, brings memories more clear."
* Marcus` exhales. "Good. Now I can be worry free." He smiles, eating some of his salad, there's water for her by the way, since i'm dumb and didn't post that.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sips her newly acquired water
* Dias` has joined #taw
-> [DeathStar] PING
* Marcus` munches along quietly, before taking a sip of water, he wipes his mouth with a napkin and tilts his head. "Everyone seems to be wound pretty tight lately. I mean, you'd think we had a next to impossible task ahead of us or something."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel shakes her head. She doesn't know how to deal with this.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina chews on her salad, swallowing before speaking. "I'm glad you don't see it as impossible. Very optimistic."
<Kit> <Lilith> Perhaps we should visit it.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...visit what...?"
<Marcus`> I'm no so stupid that I think it's going to be easy. But hey, we've done some pretty impossible things before.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> A healthy attitude.
<Kit> <Lilith> Your reality before you. I would invite Dias, but he seems to deal with his pain differently.
<Marcus`> What about you?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> What about me?
<Marcus`> You don't seem as wound up, unless you just deal with that kind of stress some other way.
<Kit> 6Lilith rises to her feet, glancing down at Raquel. 1"However, if you believe him capable, it might bridge the difference between him and you."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hm. I deal with stress in all sorts of ways, but I'll leave them off the table, since we're eating.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods slowly and lets Lilith make her own decision on the matter.
* Marcus` arches a brow. "Fair enough. Maybe you can enlighten me after our meal."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stops snoring
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hm. Probably not. 6* She offers a smile.
<Kit> 6Lilith shakes her head and stares intently at Raquel, bending over to do so at an equal level. 1"That is a choice for you. Dias is a part of your family. Shall we bring him?"
<Kit> 6Chii glances over toward Cheryl's bed.
* Marcus` laughs. "Alright." He resumes eating the salad.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina does as well.
* Marcus` finishes his salad, and wipes his mouth again. "So. I sadly don't see a kiss in the future, what with the ranch dressing breath that we have."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel pauses, "...ask him."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hm. A shame. You should have put more thought into this
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lays there, sleeping like an angel. Or dead like one.
<Marcus`> It was very sneaky of you, i'll give you that.
<Kit> 6Lilith nods slowly. 1"We shall, then." 6She extends her hand to Raquel.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina finishes her glass of water
<Ariel> 6* Raquel uncertainly takes Lilith's hand.
* Marcus` stands. "Are you reading for the main course?"
<Kit> 6Lilith leads Raquel to the door, then shuts it behind them and glances upwards, silent for a moment. She nods, then heads for the hangar.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yes, please.
* Angela has quit IRC (Quit: )
* Marcus` moves to clear the table and then bring out the main course, seared chicken, seasoned rice, and grilled green beans. Also for the drink he pours a modest glass of ginger ale. Then he sits back down. "I decided to go simple this time. Hope it's not too simple for your tastes."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> It's looks positively wonderful, Marcus.
<Marcus`> Well don't say that until you've tried it. *he smiles*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes her fork and stabs the food, taking a bite.
* Marcus` watches her, slowly closing one eye as if he it awaiting her to spit it out. "Well?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Delicious.
<Kit> 6Lilith leads Raquel to the hangar, where she pauses, then leads them back the way they came. To the entrance of Warren's office, then back to the hangar. About the time one would wonder if she knew where the hell she's going, she retraces back down the hallway toward the training room.
* Marcus` relaxes visibly. "Excellent. It's been a long time since I made this."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina offers another smile, and eats her food.
* Marcus` eats his, taking a drink from his ginger ale. "I can't believe you forgot it was Valentine's Day. Most ladies live for the day."
* X1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<DeathStar> <Katrina> It's been a crazy year. 6* She notes, her tone a little more somber.
<Marcus`> That it really has. *he tilts his head back, glancing up, then looks back down to her* Do you remember the first time we ever met?
<Kit> <Chii> ...Are you really asleep?
<DeathStar> 6* No answer
<Kit> 6Chii squints, but laughs nervously. 1"...Creepy..."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hm. Wasn't it during that incident when we took back Mega City?
<DeathStar> 6* Creepy indeed. A rare moment when Cheryl doesn't seem to have a sadistic look on her face
<Kit> <Chii> But very cute.
<Kit> 6Lilith ventures into the training room, leading doll-like Raquel, opening her eyes that were closed for some reason, she huffs audibly, then glances around.
<Marcus`> Hmmm. I guess it was. I guess I was thinking of another time, when I accidentally mistook you for Erevis.
* Dias` glances up to look at Lilith and Raquel.
<DeathStar> 6* Thank God for Chii that Cheryl is asleep.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Oh. 6* Her tone loses all warmth
<Marcus`> Yeah, you reacted about the same way then. *he tilts his head in the opposite direction, hand resting on his glass* I guess alot has changed since then though. I'd like to think i've changed at least. For better or worse.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I think we've all changed.
<Marcus`> It'd kinda be hard not too, really. I mean, I could've stayed the same, but then I would just be dead. And clearly that is an unfavorable outcome.
<Kit> <Lilith> Dias." 6She bows halfway, solemn as ever. 1"We request your presence."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Clearly.
<Dias`> What for? 6He doesn't move
<Kit> <Lilith> Paying respects.
* Marcus` smiles slightly. "Sorry for mentioning her, should've realize that was a sore topic."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *waves her hand* Don't worry about it
* Dias` slowly pushes himself up. 1"Maybe another time."
<Marcus`> Alright. Then I won't. *he smiles again, going back to his meal*
<DeathStar> 6* Billy sneaks in and sets a glass full of red juice next to Chii's bed, then sneaks out
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina does the same.
<Kit> <Chii> ...Billy, like I'm going to drink anything from you anytime soon..
<Kit> 6Chii stares at the glass.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy looks upset. "I just wanted to do something nice for you since you were hurt."
<Ariel> Raquel> *looks at Dias* "...are you certain?"
<Kit> <Chii> ...Weird. Why do I feel like it's beckoning me.
<Kit> 6Lilith goes to nod, then looks to Raquel and moves aside.
* Marcus` finishes after a bit and sits back, "Unfortanately the dessert isn't chocolate, but you'll forgive me, right?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'll try.
<Kit> 6Chii turns to Billy slowly and smiles weakly. 1"...Hee hee. Bless your innocent heart."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy smiles weakly back. "Hee hee. You know me.'
<Kit> 6Chii suddenly narrows her eyes, lips flat.
<Dias`> I'm not good with the whole paying respects thing so I'll just do what I always do.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy does the same, her Killing Intent rising
<Kit> 6Chii smiles widely. 1"Nice aura."
* Marcus` smiles and stands, then clears the table and moves off to the kitchen to retrieve the dessert.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy smiles. "Enjoy the drink, Chii-san!" 6* She scurries out
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina finishes her ale first
<Kit> 6Chii turns and eyes Cheryl, then the glass. Then looks upward with a slightly smirk. 1"Hmm... Die, die outright, or die in heaven..?"
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods, and then looks to Lilith.
<Kit> 6Lilith gives Raquel a disappointed look before gazing toward Dias. 1"...Ojousama lacks in this area as well, which is why we are going."
<Kit> <Lilith> In order for her to grow, and in order for her 'family' to have a chance.
* Marcus` comes back out with two small glasses and a spoon, then sets it down infront of her, sitting back down, infront of her would be a raspberry sorbet.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles. "It looks great."
<Dias`> Good luck with it than.
<Marcus`> Well that's good. Since taste is 40% looks. *he smiles*
<DeathStar> 6* No one answers Chii's question
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes a spoon and takes a spoonful, then takes a bite. "Mmmm."
* Marcus` pauses, as she took a spoonful. "Uhh. Since Sorbet is supposed to be so cold, taking a spoonful is uhh..." He frowns, since it'd be really cold, and you're supposed to take modest bits.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles, apparantly not too phased. "Surprised?"
* Marcus` arches a brow. "Well I would be lying if I said no, and then you'd know." He taps his head.
<Kit> <Lilith> This is the answer I expected, but I have faith in ojousama's wishes.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina does take a slower pace.
* Marcus` tries his now, "Hot damn. I should open up a retaurant."
<Kit> <Lilith> I will not feign to understand your feelings, but it does not seem to me that you share ojousama's desire in this concept of family. Perhaps a forgotten past is best forgotten. I should know.
<Dias`> I have my own way of living, nothing will change that.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina laughs lightly.
<Kit> <Lilith> Perhaps, this is your problem, Dias. ...
<Dias`> And I'll deal with it my way.
<Kit> <Lilith> And you'll deal with it alone, in your own way. Living, alone, in your own way.
<Kit> 6Lilith frowns slightly and looks downward. Probably feeling as if that was too much from her. 1"...If your mind changes, then ojousama will not turn you away, I should imagine."
<Dias`> You're starting to annoy me.
* Marcus` smiles. "You'd come work for me, wouldn't you? I can see it now, people flying from across earth just to be waited on by Katrina McCormick."
<Kit> 6Lilith turns and begins out, no longer holding Raquel's hand.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm afraid I prefer my typical occupation of being a counselor.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina offers a sympathetic smile
<Marcus`> Fine fine. I see how it is.
* Dias` sits back down and crosses his arms. His eyes close
<Ariel> 6* Raquel follows close behind Lilith.
<Kit> 6Lilith continues on her way, never turning or speaking, making for the exit of the facility they reside in and making her way outside, immediately toward the edges of the base.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes another smaller bite.
* Marcus` smiles again after a moment of eating. "So come'on admit, you're just using my for my talents in the kitchen, aren't you?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy plots evil with her red fruit, eyeing Marcus and Katrina. She wonders if she can get it into the dessert.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Pretty much, yes.
* Marcus` sighs sadly, nodding his head. "Well, I guess that'll have to do. I at least get to sit with you for a whole meal and chat about this and that."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm glad you find my company worth it, then
<Kit> 6Lilith finally stops before a grassy knoll dividing the base from a woodland sparse.
<Marcus`> Well look at me options, really. *he smiles again*
<Marcus`> NRP: my*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina studies him. "What options?"
<Ariel> 6* Raquel pauses, not sure what they're doing.
<Marcus`> That's exactly the point. Everyone else is either under the age of 18, or just...out there. Plus, I could never get Cheryl to actually talk back if I placed food in front of her.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Try booze and food.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts half-awake, as if sensing bad mouthing about her
* Marcus` arches a brow. "Ooh, i'll remember that. Though I also find you easier on the eyes."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Better not let Cheryl hear that.
<Marcus`> Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of it.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy clicks off her tape recorder and rushes to the medical bay.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> That's good.
* Marcus` hears the pitter patter of feet and tilts his head, glancing towards the door, then back to Katrina. "Uh oh."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Uh oh?
<Marcus`> When you hear a click, and the sound of little feet rushing off in the direction of the medical bay, what do you first think of?
<Kit> 6Lilith turns to Raquel, then moves out of her way, revealing what could be none other than a grave seeing the ground recently tilled, marked with a discarded door likely from some disarray part of the base. Beside it is another marker of sort, a pile of stones, but no dirt tossed-- likely because there was nothing to place in it.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Um. I'm not sure.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy busts in and puts the tape recorder next to Cheryl's bed. With a note saying: Play me
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks to Lilith, " made this?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy rushes out
<Marcus`> Well my past experiences tell me only one thing. *he says with a confident nod, almost as if he is deducing this in a detective like manner*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> What's that?
<Marcus`> Billy. *he says with a simple nod, as if that explains all*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Ahhhh. Oh.
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Billy strange, then peers at the tape recorder curiously.
<Kit> 6Lilith simply nods.
<Marcus`> So if by chance you see me walking around with a black eye, just remember how handsome I am at this moment. *he says dramatically, smiling*
<DeathStar> 6* The tape recorder looms
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I will, for your sake.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel bows her head. "...thank you."
* Marcus` finishes his sorbet and places his hands on the table. "And it would seem your forced moment of Marcus is over." He pauses and then chuckles slightly, "Jesus christ that was lame."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina offers a smile. "Don't be too hard on yourself."
<Kit> <Lilith> There is no need to thank me. In time, all will return to the earth, continuously becoming life in new forms.
<Marcus`> Well the whole moment of Marcus thing just sounded too cheesy.
<Kit> <Lilith> Some of us linger." 6She seems to be signifying herself. 1"It would be more fulfilling if I could find more than dandelions to offer them."
<Kit> 6Chii reaches over and grabs the recorder, playing it for herself.
<DeathStar> 6* Marcus' tantalizing line comes out
<Kit> 6Chii stares, then bursts out laughing. She sets the recorder back.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy decides to take her glass back and use it on some other sucker
<Kit> <Chii> Hey! That's mine!
<DeathStar> <Billy> Oh?!
<Kit> 6Chii makes a pouting face. 1"You gave it to me because I was ill, right?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yeaaaaaah.
<Ariel> <Raquel> "I'm sure... Caesura... would be happy to see this. And... I know Seraphim knows..."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> A bit.
<Kit> 6Lilith closes her eyes and steps back, unsure what to say in regards to such things.
<Kit> <Chii> So don't take it back...
<Kit> 6Chii makes water eyes.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy sighs and sets it back down. "Fine!"
<Marcus`> Maybe that was plan all along. You know, since dorky guys are more approachable, and such.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Is that correct? How do you know this?
<Marcus`> I read it somewhere. That, and I wasn't always the 'coolest' of people.
<Kit> 6Chii quirks her lips slightly. 1"Will you drink it with me, Billy?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> I would, but I wouldn't want you to miss out on any of it
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Really? That's hard to imagine.
<Kit> <Chii> Really? So I shouldn't offer any to Cheryl?
<DeathStar> <Billy> *cough*yourfuneral*cough*
<Kit> <Chii> Not if I'm elsewhere.
<Kit> 6Chii grins widely.
<DeathStar> <Billy> You're an evil, evil person. I approve.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy nods her head proudly.
<Marcus`> Oh come'on, you saw how I was when we first met. I had the looks, sure. But on the inside I was the biggest geek you'd ever meet.
<Kit> <Chii> You're a bad influence. You and your aura of mischief.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy smiles as if she takes that as a compliment.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I hadn't noticed, really.
<Kit> 6Chii spreads her arms. 1"Come here, will you, Billy? Give me more?"
<Marcus`> Well i'll take that as a compliment then. Though in all honest it's just because we didn't really speak to each other before took over Cass' team. *he grins*
<Marcus`> NRP: honesty*
<DeathStar> <Billy> Do I look like I was born yesterday?
<Kit> <Chii> Honestly?
<DeathStar> <Billy> ...
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, here we are now, still teammates.
<Kit> <Chii> Looks can be deceiving.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Indeed.
<Marcus`> Which is a feat in itself. It's not like we've had it easy, that's for sure.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina nods.
<Kit> 6Chii hrmphs. 1"No evil cuddles for me."
<Ariel> <Raquel> *kneels by the graves, closing her eyes*
<Kit> <Chii> Did you think about anthropology any?
<DeathStar> <Billy> Tch. I'm too busy spreading goodwill.
<Kit> <Chii> Say it isn't so.
* Marcus` stands and moves to clear off the table. "I wonder if I can con Lilith into doing the dishes."
<DeathStar> <Billy> *reaches to take her drink back*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> That's mean.
<Kit> 6Chii swats Billy's hand.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy sulks
<Kit> <Chii> Tell you what.
<Marcus`> I know, I know. I just really hate doing dishes. I did it for the first 2 years of my initial career, you see.
<DeathStar> <Billy> *peers at her*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> For two years? Wow. You must be really good at it
<Kit> 6Chii looks around, then reaches into one of her satchels next to the bed. Removing a flask, she fills it, being smaller, and hands the cup with most of it back to Billy.
<Kit> <Chii> Now we're both happy.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy tilts her head. "Kay."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy sneaks off to go do evil. Lets see if Drake gets horny being brain dead.
<Marcus`> Heh, that or at the time I was willing to do it because I needed the money, and no one else wanted to do it.
<Kit> 6Lilith observes Raquel, then walks off in silence, only to return within a few minutes. She kneels as well.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles. "Well, I had a wonderful time, Marcus. Thank you."
* Marcus` sets a glass aside and smiles back. "Good. I'm here to please." He says with a bow of his head.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stretches a bit in her seat.
* Marcus` tilts his head. "Getting tired?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> A little. I should check on, Chii, too
* Marcus` nods his head. "Well I guess I don't have a legitimate arguement to keep you here." He rubs his chin. "Though I could be coy and ask for something before your departure."
<Ariel> <Raquel> "...I hope Caesura finds what she wanted... Seraphim wasn't supposed to go yet..."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands up and gives Marcus a kiss on his cheek. "Your kiss."
* Marcus` slides a hand to his chest, smiling. "If by chance to see a tape recorded in med-bay. Do me a favor and accidentally break it?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'll try to remember.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina waves and heads off to check on Chii
<Marcus`> The intergrity of my facial structure depends on you. *he winks at her*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina magically warps to the medical bay and steps in. "How are you feeling?"
<Kit> <Lilith> I believe Caesura merely wanted something I should liken I did in my own age as well.
* Marcus` just works on cleaning up.
<Kit> <Chii> Dandy, I think you say.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Dandy,mmm? Need anything?
<Kit> <Chii> I need some loving. That's why you're here, right?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Aww. 6* She pats Chii affectionately on the head.
<Kit> 6Chii peers upward at the hand. 1"...Touch・ mon ami."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina reaches over to take the tape recorder, too
<Kit> <Chii> Aww. You're actually going to get rid of it?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yeah. I wouldn't want her to hurt Marcus.
<Kit> <Chii> Damn. Would have been hilarious.
* Marcus` is now known as Xan|Gone
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina tisks. "Do you need anything, though." 6* She sniffs, as if seeing if Chii has been drinking, smelling something unusual.
<Kit> 6Chii eyes her, smirking. 1"Something wrong?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Mmm. Just making sure you're not getting in trouble. You don't have alcohol on you, do you?
<Kit> <Chii> No, but Cheryl's loaded.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Cheryl's always loaded.
<Kit> <Chii> Yeah, so what makes you ask me?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Just making sure she isn't getting you drunk, too. You need to rest
<Kit> 6Chii waves her hand dismissingly. 1"Eh, I'm fine, really."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Okay. 6* She kisses Chii's cheek. "Night, then."
<Kit> <Chii> Leaving already?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yes. I'm going to turn in early and get a good night sleep.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'll be back by in the morning.
<Kit> <Chii> Tch.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina studies her. "That wasn't very nice. Are you trying to make me feel guilty?"
<Kit> <Chii> Guilty over what?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Leaving you here aaaaall alone.
<Kit> <Chii> Pff, whatever.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, if you won't be lonely, I guess I'll go. 6* She waves and steps out
<Kit> 6Chii balances the flask on the end of her finger, juggling it back and forth, cheeks puffed. 1"Hrmph.."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina is gone, leaving Chii's balancing act to be a solo one
<Kit> 6Chii sets the flask away and leans back, hand over her forehead. 1"...So fucking boring."
<DeathStar> Dragon Ball Z Announcer: What will Chii do with the mysterious red liquid? And will Marcus be able to clean up all the dishes in time for his favorite HoloVid show? And what revelations will come to Raquel at the gravesite of her two weapon pals? Stay tuned for another exciting episode of The. Alien. Wars. 4.
<DeathStar> -END OFF
Session Close: Fri Dec 21 01:50:26 2007

Session Start: Tue Dec 25 21:10:22 2007
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20071225.log'
<DS[Gooooone]> Stardate: 10-588.2.15
<DS[Gooooone]> Location: New HQ
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> *Tinkering in her makeshift workshop/lab
<Seraphna> * Darce is peeking inside, watching Myria.
<Seraphna> * Jenn watches Cass quietly.
* Jackieness is now known as Cassandra`
* Cassandra` is working out in the training room.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> ... ... ...whaaaaaaaat?
<Kit> 6Lilith closes the door to Raquel's room and silently makes her way toward the base's exterior, a wicker basket hanging from her elbow.
* Seraphna is now known as Jennifer`
* Jennifer` watches her movements, studying her.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Nothin lov', keep workin."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Talk! *crosses her arms and pushes out her lower lip*
<Kit> 6Chii appears in the entryway to the training room, but winces visibly and grimaces, slowly tracing her steps backwards to escape detection.
* Cassandra` slams her fists into a punching bag before twisting around to kick it.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Alright, I'm in my prime, single, enjoy high speed flights, and think you're beautiful."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Muh?
* Jennifer` stands and goes to another punching bag, working on mimicing Cassandra.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "You said talk."
* Cassandra` kicks straight into the bag again, pushing back with her foot into a backflip.
<Jennifer`> * Darce smiles at her.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Why are you spying on me?!
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *flails*
<Jennifer`> Darce> "I ain't spyin, I just like watchin."
* Jennifer` attempts this, nearly breaking her leg on the flip. "Ack!"
<Kit> 6Lilith finishes her rounds and kneels aside the graves, decorating them with more dandelions and daisies. Simple, but all to be found nearby thus far.
<Kit> 6Chii interrupts her escape by holding a hand up to stifle ineffectively the laughter pouring from her reaction to Jennifer.
<Cassandra`> ...what are you doing?
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *eyes him*
<Dias`> I'd say she's copying you. 6He steps in, eyeing Chii as he passes her
* Dias` moves over and holds his hand out to help Jen up
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Dias and calms, rubbing her neck before straightening her posture and crossing her arms.
* Jennifer` takes Dias' hand and smiles.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "What>"
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *eyes him suspiciously*
<Cassandra`> Why were you trying to copy me?
* Dias` eyes Cass, quirking his eyebrow.
* Jennifer` shrugs, "I thought I could pick up a few moves."
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Why so suspicious dove?"
<Dias`> Because imitating is the quickest way to learn something.
<Cassandra`> the best move you can pick up is how to use your head.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Cause you're a spy!
<Dias`> I assume. 6He rubs the back of his neck. 1"Unless she has some kind of mirror mirror disease."
<Jennifer`> Darce> "An open one."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Uh-huh!
<Jennifer`> "Mirror mirror?"
<Jennifer`> Darce> "If I wasn't, how would you know?"
<Dias`> Uh nothing. 6He just waves his hand dismissively
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Cause you're not a very good spy?
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Quite a blow dove... I'm not here to cause you any harm."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Then explain yourself.
<Jennifer`> "Umm... right..." *she rubs her head a little* "I just need to learn from everyone."
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Explain myself?"
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *nod nods*
<Dias`> You need to build a foundation before trying certain things.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "I'm here to be the eyes for Vertex, they're interested in the Dark Ones on Earth."
<Cassandra`> Well, I just gave you your lesson there. The battle is won before you first step on the battlefield. Sun Tzu.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Vertex?
* Jennifer` rubs the back of her head.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "That's what we refer to the Atlantean Home Base as."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> ... ... ...that makes no sense at all.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Why?"
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Why not Atlantis or something in theme? *rocks on her heels*
<Dias`> Guy sounds like a jackass.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "We're more then just Earth-bound."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Sooooo?
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Atlantis was just one ship..."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Sooooooooooo?
<Jennifer`> "So... anyone wanna help me train more?"
<Kit> 6Chii lightly rubs the end of her nose with a finger tip. 1"I wonder how that applies to natural disasters interfering."
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Oi... I dunno. I don't make the names here."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *purses her lips*
<Jennifer`> * Darce looks her up and down again, "Come on now... I just wanna be your friend dove."
<Kit> <Chii> Last time I was 'helping' you did weird things like running through fire or thinking a bullet would stop me.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> "Well...ok..."
<Jennifer`> "It put you down good last time... for a while."
* Dias` eyes Chii then leans in close to Jen. 1"She seem's full of herself, eh?"
* Jennifer` nods slightly.
* Cassandra` turns, going to town on the bag again.
* Jennifer` watches Cass again. "I just figure... Cass could teach me something about fighting with cyborg parts..."
<Dias`> Pscht, if you can fight with your fist, a cyborg parts nothing different.
<Cassandra`> World of differenc ebetween have one hand...I have an entire body.
* Jennifer` looks forward a little, moving her fake hand's fingers slowly. "I know it's a world of difference, but I figure any advice can help."
<Kit> <Chii> Put me down a while? That wasn't -a- bullet, kiddo.
<Cassandra`> For you, fight as a full body human would do.
* Jennifer` looks at Chii, "Scar shot you with a gun..."
* Dias` leans back, his hands on his hips.
<Jennifer`> * Darce smiles, "So whatcha workin on?"
<Kit> <Chii> And?
<Kit> 6Chii raises an eyebrow. 1"Would remaining standing have done me any good?"
* DS[Gooooone] is now known as DeathStar
<Jennifer`> "Are you a zombie?"
<Dias`> And here I thought I was the only one too stupid to die.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Something for my new test subject! *pose*
<DeathStar> 6* Billy watches Chii, waiting to see who her victim will be to the drink
<Kit> <Chii> It's called a feint, dear. If I had kept standing and allowed them to shoot me full of holes then and there I wouldn't have been back later to get you.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Test subject?"
<Jennifer`> "So... how do you survive gunshots?"
<Dias`> I personally avoid them. 6He chimes in
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Mmmm-hmmm!
<Kit> 6Chii jerks a thumb at Dias. 1"That's the preferrable method."
<Kit> <Chii> If that's not possible, there's only a handful more options.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Who's that?"
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> The Booby Lady!
<Jennifer`> Darce> "I... see..."
<Jennifer`> "Like what?"
<Kit> <Chii> If you have something at your disposal, like the puppy, you can repel them. If that's not an option, then you must defend them. However someone like me who doesn't wear armor and had little time to react...
<Kit> <Chii> The only thing you can do is make sure they miss vital spots.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *rocks on her heels*
<Dias`> Armor doesn't always stop bullets.
<Kit> 6Chii waves her hands dismissingly. 1"Granted if you're shot that many times you could just bleed out and it'd be pointless anyway."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina reads a book in her room. A good book.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Tired?"
<Dias`> Most humans can't take that many bullets and not go into shock.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Booooo
* Jennifer` is taking notes. Looking up from a small notebook.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Boo?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl is probably still sleeping off being drunk in the medical bay.
<Dias`> Only idiots rush in and fight head on instead of using guns.
<Kit> 6Chii inclines her head at Dias. 1"...You do that."
<Kit> <Chii> Even I use guns.
<Dias`> Your point being? 6He looks at her, his arms crossed now.
* Jennifer` looks at Dias, as though afraid to ask the question.
<Kit> 6Chii waves her hand at Dias. 1"Anyway, yes. Not many people can live through near death encounters, especially not as many as I. My will to live is better than most normal people even if I am in a bad spot, so..."
<Jennifer`> "I don't see how you wanna live more then me or Dias..."
<Kit> <Chii> Like I was saying, Jennifer. Running through fire and the likes is a bad idea. You're not as interchangeable or replaceable as a cheap shuttle like Cassandra there.
<Dias`> She's gotta point, I kinda do like living. A lot.
* Jennifer` looks at Cassandra, wondering if she heard Chii likening her to a cheap shuttle.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Booooooo
<Jennifer`> Darce> "...You okay?"
<Cassandra`> ... *eyes Chii*
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Mmm-hmmm.
* Dias` coughs and steps away, making sure there's plenty of head room for Cass to charge in and defend her pride.
<Cassandra`> *crosses her arms*
* Jennifer` steps away with Dias.
<Dias`> 10 on the cheap shuttle. 6He looks at Jen
<Jennifer`> Same.
<Kit> <Chii> Ah, face it, Cass. Your limbs have been replaced more than a backwater taxi's lift fins.
* Dias` eyes Jen again. 1"30."
* Cassandra` sighs.
<Jennifer`> "35"
<Dias`> Risk taker. I like that.
<Jennifer`> "No pain no gain."
<Kit> <Chii> On the other hand, I bet you're an absolute machine in bed nowadays, despite the pun.
<Kit> <Chii> Setsuna must have it nice.
<Dias`> She's just trying to suck upto you now Cass. She's scared.
<Cassandra`> I get no complaints...
<Kit> 6Chii nods her head firmly.
<Jennifer`> Yes... this is an interesting survival tactic.
<Dias`> Bah, it's actually working.
<Cassandra`> ...though I worry what the crazy little blue girl will do next...
<Kit> <Chii> Turn you into a cheesy sci-fi apocalyptic villian.
<Cassandra`> I'm already worried about getting raped by my own armor.
* Jennifer` starts giggling.
<Kit> 6Chii raises a finger. 1"Hey, I'm sure you'd like it."
<Kit> <Chii> Besides, beats disposables.
<Dias`> OOOoooooh. 6He stares at Cass now
<Cassandra`> ...whaaaaaat?
<Dias`> She said you'd like being raped. You going to take that?
<Kit> <Chii> Is it really rape if she puts on the armor willingly?
<Dias`> Semantics. 6He waves his hands dismissively
* Jennifer` blinks, suddenly getting a mental image, she makes an icky face.
<Kit> 6Chii rubs her chin. 1"I wonder if Setsuna gets the mission recap recordings."
<Cassandra`> Look its... *gets cocooned in silver metal again...falls over*
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *from her lab* Oops... *pushing the shiny, red button*
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Damn... that was bright."
<Kit> <Chii> It's starting!
* Jennifer` walks over and pokes the cocoon.
* Dias` rubs the back of his head and just moves over towards the exit
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> The button was so shiny...
<Kit> 6Lilith pauses, eyeing Dias, then continues down the hallway toward Raquel's room.
<Kit> 6Chii knocks on the cocoon. 1"Oy, portable privacy. That's great!"
* Jennifer` turns, watching Dias go.
<Cassandra`> 6* Cocoon wriggles.
* Dias` eyes Lilith for being weird and pausing to stare at him and keeps moving.
* Jennifer` realsies she's staring and stands up straight, looking back at the Cassandrcoon.
<Kit> 6Chii continues to tap, then pulls out one of her shortblades and stabs the cocoon.
<Dias`> 6Chii hits her brain and kills her instantly.
<Dias`> 6Or not.
* Cassandra` flops out of the coccoon, which dissolves into a metal bikini.
<Cassandra`> ...this is just humiliating...
<Kit> <Chii> Why?
* Cassandra` opens her mouth to say something...then closes it.
<Kit> 6Chii's head tilts.
* Jennifer` eyes Cass and shrugs, "Looks cold."
* Dias` steps into the medical bay and glances inside.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snores on a bed, face down.
<Cassandra`> is...
* Dias` plops onto a bed next to hers and she looks over at Cheryl
<Kit> NRP: Ranma Dias.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl remains oblivious
* Cassandra` stands up..
<Cassandra`> I need to have a talk with a certain blue girl right now...
* Dias` crosses his arms and lifts his foot up. He nudges the bed with it
<Kit> <Chii> Okay. Something else to be replaced now?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stops snoring, but doesn't open her eyes.
<Cassandra`> ...I think she's messing with me.
<Kit> <Chii> Probably.
<DeathStar> <Warren on intercomm> I don't see why you care. You wore less before, March.
* Jennifer` giggles
<Kit> <Chii> March?
* Cassandra` eye twitches...
<Dias`> You plan on sleeping all day?
<Cassandra`> I ever going to live that one down...?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You're lucky you nudged my bed. 6* She sits up, yawning.
<DeathStar> <Warren on intercomm> No.
<Cassandra`> What is with you?!
<Dias`> It's luck in cases like this but when I win games of chance it's cheating. 6He rolls his eyes.
<Kit> <Chii> Heheh, now I want to know. That tone of desperation is delightful.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren remains silent over the intercomm, like an omni-potent God.
<Cassandra`> ....muh?
* Dias` is now known as Chad`Winters
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Chad`Winters
<DeathStar> 6* Silence.
* Chad`Winters lays across the bed, his head dangling off it. 1"You're actually pretty good in the leader role, ya know that?"
* Cassandra` then eyes Chii.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Don't make me hurt you.
<Chad`Winters> Have I ever learned from physical violence?
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Dias
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *sigh* No.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I just prefer to be a grunt. Didn't care for being an Admiral, don't care playing Tactical Squad Leader. Not my thing.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Nobody really listens that well in this group anyways.
<Kit> 6Chii stares down Cassandra. 1"What?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> True.
<Cassandra`> ..ok...I was Miss March in Plyboy...
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Plyboy, the nudey magazine for Lumberjacks.
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL
<Kit> <Chii> Oh.
<Kit> 6Chii clasps her hands behind her and grins widely in a girlish manner. 1"You're awesome."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Warren said he was proud of me. Should I be worried?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Seriously?
* Jennifer` looks between Chii and Cass, taking notes.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Yeah...
<Cassandra`> ...yes.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Huh. Take it as a compliment. But turn down leadership roles.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Could you even see me as a leader?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> If you ever got your act together.
<DeathStar> <Warren on Intercomm> Good thing you're taken, Arakawa.
<Chad`Winters> Eh, 6He kicks his legs waving his hand in the air above him. 1"I'm not good at leadering people."
<Cassandra`> ...yeah, yeah...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Neither am I.
<Jennifer`> "Do girls normally date each other?"
<DeathStar> <Warren on Intercomm> In this game.
* Cassandra` pinches the bridge of her nose.
<Kit> <Chii> Why, are you considering dating some girl, Jen?
<Jennifer`> "No... just wondering, I rarely see a girl and a boy hooking up around here."
<Cassandra`> The men around ehre are not exactly the prime picks...
<DeathStar> <Warren on Intercomm> ...
<Kit> <Chii> That's true, I guess.
<Cassandra`> Come on, you're not even in the running! You've made that clear plenty of times!
<Jennifer`> "I think you hurt Dad's feelings."
<Kit> 6Chii shrugs once. 1"That wouldn't stop Freyja."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So you think she's happy?
<Kit> <Chii> I kind of like Theron.
<DeathStar> 6* I'm Holding Out For a Hero plays over the intercomm
<Kit> 6Chii eyes the intercom, leaning back.
<DeathStar> <Song> Where have all the good men gone, and where are all the gods?
* Cassandra` face palms.
<Kit> <Chii> Retro.
* Jennifer` bursts out laughing.
<Cassandra`> ...shutting up now...
<DeathStar> 6* The song cuts off, as if that was enough
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Who?
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Caesura.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Oh. I--I don't know. I guess?
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> God you suck at motivational things.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You shouldn't come to me for motivation. I'm not the team counselor.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> All I wanted was a yes.
<Cassandra`> ..just...going to deal with blue girl now.. *heads to deal with Myria*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fine. 'Yes'.
<Kit> <Chii> Bai-bai, well-endowed mecha woman.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well it's a little late for that.
<Jennifer`> * Darce is still with Myria, observing her.
* Jennifer` looks at Chii.
<Cassandra`> Ok, little blue glirl, what is with this?!
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Its a silver metal micro bikini.
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Jennifer. 1"...What? Want a date, or something?"
<Jennifer`> "I don't like girls..."
<Kit> <Chii> You don't like yourself? Shame.
<Jennifer`> Darce> *is grinning* Nice demonstation dove.
<Jennifer`> "I mean I don't like girls in a... ummm... dating way."
<DeathStar> <Warren on Intercomm> Do not tease my daughter.
<DeathStar> <Warren on Intercomm> I have guns.
* Jennifer` smiles a little.
<Cassandra`> I know that! Why am I wearing it?!
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Cause...
<Cassandra`> Cause...?
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> I dunno.
<Kit> <Chii> Eh? So we can't mix a little social training in with the combat? How boring.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias stretches and finally sits up to look at Cheryl again.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits there, clearly being quiet now
<Jennifer`> "I think it's fine as long as you don't make me wierd."
<DeathStar> <Warren on Intercomm> Her social training would.
<Kit> <Chii> Make you weird?
<Jennifer`> "I guess so."
<Chad`Winters> Do you think I failed her?
<Kit> 6Chii looks away, scratching her cheek and holding back laughter.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: dias.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *shrugs* It was her choice, Dias. Not yours.
<Cassandra`> This is giving me a headache... *pinches the bridge of her nose*
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Yeah. 6He rubs the back of his head.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl fidgets with her fingers.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> It feels wierd not having you hit me during a conversation.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *measuring Cass with a measuring tape now...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You want me to hit you?
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> No. No, that'd be weird.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Oh. Okay. I can, though, if you want.
* Jennifer` eyes Chii.
<Cassandra`> ...what...are you doing?
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Measurements for experimenting with programmable armor forms!
<Cassandra`> ...riiiiight.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> You, you think that'd knock myselfs back into perspective? 6He rubs the back of his head
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... I dunno.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Yeah probably not.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shifts a little, drumming her fingers on her leg.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well this has gotten just awkward. 6He hops off the bed.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stands up as well now.
<Kit> <Chii> Right, well. You obviously don't need me, I'll just go rest up more.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I've decided to find out who I was. 6He looks over at her.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Oh? Well, that's good.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I'm scared tho. 6He crosses his arms.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah, I can imagine. But hey. It won't change who you are now, right?
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So you're saying you actually like me the way I am, eh?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah. Well. You grow on people, like some sort of mold.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well you could lick me and see if you start tripping.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'd rather not.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I assure you, I'm kosher.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Ungh.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias chuckles light heartedly. 1"That actually worked on a jewish girl once."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Even more ungh.
* Jennifer` is now known as Angela
<Kit> 6Chii slips off while Jennifer stares blankly into space.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I still can't believe you compared me to mold.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah, well. Deal with it
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sniffs herself. "God, I need a shower."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So that's what that smell was.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Ha ha ha.
<Angela> * Jennifer just keeps staring at her.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Next time you pass out in the med bay, I'll be sure to give you a sponge bath so you don't stink.
<Kit> NRP: She's following her to stare?
<Kit> NRP: ...Creepy.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'd hate to have to hurt you
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Oh you'd love to hurt me.
<Angela> * Jennifer pouts when she discovers she cannot defeat Chii with staring powers like her Dad can.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You haven't been hurt in the manner you would be if you gave me a sponge bath
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I'd close my eyes. Scouts promise.
<Kit> 6Chii leans her head in the medbay door. 1"...What manner would that be?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *eyes Chii* Oh, I'd have to break every bone in his hand.
* Chad`Winters glances over at Chii. 1"Oh, it's just you."
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Dias
<Kit> <Chii> There's a lot of bones in a hand.
<Kit> <Chii> Yep, just me.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I know.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> That's why it'd be painful.
<Angela> * Jenn leans in under Chii, peeking at Cheryl and Dias.
<Kit> <Chii> Would you stop at the carpals?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Depends on where he gave me the bath.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Tee-hee..behold my new and improved Cassandra!
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well it'd be the entire body. I'd hate to have you break something else for not finishing the job.
<Kit> <Chii> In the medbay with the door wide open, obviously.
<Angela> * Jenn slips into the medbay and takes a seat.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You're funny.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl smiles, showing her teeth
<Cassandra`> improvement...over...micro-bikini girl...
<Angela> Darce> "I guess it is."
<Angela> "Feeling okay Cheryl?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah, I'm fine. How about you, Chii>?
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias shifts slightly, his body not as relaxed anymore.
<Kit> <Chii> I'm fine. Queasy, I suppose, but that's not the right word for it.
* Cassandra` poses in a silvery kimono accssorized by a standard-issue Big Gun.
<DeathStar> <Warren on Intercomm> I'm leaving you behind on missions now
<Cassandra`> Huh?
<Angela> Darce> "Aww, but the eye candy!"
<Kit> 6Chii moves in, arms still crossed and shrugs her shoulders gently. 1"Physically I'm fine. Whatever that quack blew through my system only seems to mess with me if I try to tap spiritual energy. Which really sucks, since I don't have a soul."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I see. That sucks
<Kit> <Chii> Eh, more than you'd think.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fair enough
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I personaly don't see what having a soul has to do with anything myself, but I'm not a soulologist.
<Kit> <Chii> It affects me twice as quick if I try to use what I've amassed over time.
<Kit> <Chii> That's okay, though, since I feel like beating her face in the old-fashioned way for that sort of thing.
<Cassandra`> What do you mean by that?!
<DeathStar> 6* Warren is all silent again
* Cassandra` eyes the speaker...
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Don't take them lightly Chii.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> They are powerful opponents.
<Kit> 6Chii gazes between the two, quiet a moment as she stares, then looks away with an irritated expression before squinting. 1"Yeah, yeah, I know..."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pats Chii roughly on the shoulder. "Don't fret. We'll beat her up for it.'
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Word.
<Kit> 6Chii tenses and jerks, quite obviously not perfectly healed just yet from previous injuries, grinning nervously at Cheryl, then Dias. 1"...Heheh.."
<Angela> * Jenn looks at all three of them quietly.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, I need to shower
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I smell like day old booze
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks out.
<Kit> 6Chii glances at the doorway, smirking. 1"Tempting, tempting." 6Instead she moves toward her exam bed and lies down, hand over her forehead.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Tempting? 6He just rolls his eyes. 1"And I'm the idiot."
<Cassandra`> ...he's just waiting to antagonize me...
<Angela> * Jenn giggles a bit and hops up, "She'd have to come back to the medical bay in a body bag."
<Kit> <Chii> Ehh...?
<Kit> 6Chii glances at the two. 1"You really think so?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> She likes cock's.
<Kit> <Chii> She told me.
<Angela> Jenn> "She... ummm... yeah, what he said."
<Chad`Winters> I mean, maybe if you got her too drunk to think about what she's doing you'd stand a chance.
<Kit> <Chii> I don't need to get her drunk to clean up with her.
<Angela> Jenn> "I don't think she's going to let you into her shower."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> But I'm not sure there's enough booze for it.
<Kit> 6Chii doubletakes, then puffs her cheeks. 1"Wait, what? You think I'm going to try to put moves on her?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well last time I checked, showering alone wasn't a tempting action
<Kit> <Chii> It's fun.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> You suck at hiding things. 6He moves over to a medical locker and digs through it
<Kit> 6Chii raises a finger toward the ceiling. 1"She said we were friends. I'm not hiding anything."
<Angela> Jenn> "You've got some odd viewpoints on privacy..."
<Kit> <Chii> If you think I'm going to hit on Cheryl when she's told me herself she isn't for that sort of thing, you really are retarded. I just like teasing her. She likes fighting with me. We have hobbies.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Teasing her isn't wise. 6He steps back with a roll of bandage wrap in his hands
<Kit> <Chii> Why? She doesn't care.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Of course not. 6He gives Jen a sarcastic wink
<Angela> Jenn> *just grins*
<Kit> <Chii> You two are weird. She must have a different reaction amongst you if you're acting so funny.
* Chad`Winters unrolls the bandage wrap and begins to wrap his hands up, working up the fingers and stopping at the nails
<Chad`Winters> NRP: dias
<Angela> Jennifer> "All I know is if you showed up in my shower naked I'd scream."
<Kit> <Chii> It's too bad that boy's gone and lost his mind. He'd have been funny to play with, too.
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Jennifer oddly. 1"You're nothing like Cheryl."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Because you find Cheryl attractive.
<Angela> Jennifer> "I'm too young for that stuff."
<Kit> <Chii> Cheryl wouldn't scream. She'd try to take my head off, until she realized it was me.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Damn right you are. 6He points at Jen
<Kit> <Chii> Jennifer I can't treat like a little sister. Warren'd cut off my ammo supply.
<Angela> Jennifer> "...Why would a little sister role do that?"
<Kit> 6Chii yawns behind her hand. 1"Why else would I show up in your shower?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Why would you show up in someones shower in the first place? Specially someone your not screwing.
<Kit> <Chii> Bonding and kindness.
<DeathStar> <Warren on Intercomm> Don't show up in my shower.
<Angela> "Sisters shower together?"
<Angela> * Jenn>
<Kit> <Chii> Sometimes.
<Kit> 6Chii eyes the intercom. 1"Me, or Jenn?"
<Angela> Jennifer> "Mmm... interesting." *she takes notes*
<DeathStar> <Warren on Intercomm> Either.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> That just effectively killed any erection I'll get for a couple of days.
<Kit> <Chii> What do you know? I love nature after all. I just saved some trees.
<Angela> "Ummm... right."
<Angela> * JEN
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I don't get it.
<Kit> <Chii> You don't have to. Now run along, kids. I need rest.
<Angela> Jenn> "Wanna spar, Dias?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Sure. 6He looks at Chii. 1"Don't you have a room to rest in?
<Kit> <Chii> That's a wonderful idea! Just don't give her anymore dark eyes, alright, Dias.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Dark eyes? 6He stares at Chii
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Dias strangely. 1"It's only been fourteen hours, kiddo. I was poisoned, remember?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Dark eyes.
<Angela> * Jenn looks at them, she still has a bit of a black mark around her eye.
<Angela> Jenn> "She means the whammy you gave me to my left eye."
* Chad`Winters looks at Jen now. 1"Oh. I can't make that kind of promise."
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Dias
<Angela> Jenn> "I never asked for one." *grins*
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I-Why are you grinning?
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias finishes wrapping up his right hand now.
<Kit> 6Chii rolls over, sighing. 1"Masochist.."
<Angela> Jennifer> "I--- dunno."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Creepy.
<Angela> Jennifer> "I guess I just like training."
Session Close: Wed Dec 26 00:00:00 2007

Session Start: Wed Dec 26 00:00:00 2007
Session Ident: #taw
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well, I'm gonna go out for a run. When I get back I'll help you train.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl returns, smelling clean. "And I'm bac."
<Angela> Jenn> "Cool!"
<Angela> * Jenn smiles at Cheryl. "Hey!"
<Kit> 6Chii rolls back over, twitching at Jennifer.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances at Chii. "I think you developed a twitch from the virus."
<Angela> Jenn> "Sounds bad."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I think she's just grumpy.
<Kit> <Chii> Grumpy is a good word.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Some might say it's sexual deprivation
<Angela> Jenn> "Are adults that dependant on it?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Usually.
<Angela> Jenn> "Sounds scarey."
<Kit> <Chii> Sleeping next to a semi-loud snoozing angel is one thing. Having everyone camp out and remark about you when you want to nap is another.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Angel?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Oh, hey, I get it. Wait, angel?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl, who was turning to go, pauses and glares.
<Kit> <Chii> Totally. And there's no reason to glare about that-- There are angels who have destroyed entire cities. Doesn't mean they can't make it look good.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You better be comparing me to Lucifer.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks voer at Cheryl then at Chii again. 1"Angels."
<Kit> <Chii> Lucifer was supposedly the brightest of all, eh?
<Angela> Jenn> "...THe Devil?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Lucifer? 6He scratches the back of his head.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Anyway, clear out people. She wants her sleep
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl motions for the two to get out
<Kit> <Chii> Pale horse, all that jazz.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias shrugs, obvioulsy not following the sick lady. He steps outside and stretches then starts jogging through the hallways
<Angela> * Jennifer hops up and walks out of the room.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks out as well.
* Chad`Winters is now known as Dias-Sweep
<Kit> <Chii> Night, Cheryl." 6Rolls over again.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Later. 6* She does a quick gesture and exits
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Wed Dec 26 00:16:48 2007

Session Start: Thu Dec 27 20:42:29 2007
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20071227.log'
<Kit> Location: New Headquarters.
* Xanatos is now known as Marcus
* Angela has joined #taw
* Kane has joined #taw
* Dias` throws a punch out for Marcus head, his right hand moving back.
* Kane is now known as Marcus`
* Marcus` pulls up an arm to block Dias' punch.
* Dias` swings his right hand in going for Marcus' ribs
* Seraphna has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Marcus` umphs when the punch strikes his ribs, then slams his head forward to smash into Dias'.
* Marcus has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Kit> 6Lilith stares at the two, having silently arrived. Her eyes narrowed and bored, she has apparently taken on the persona of the inugami and left little to read from her expression.
<Kit> 6A knock resounds on Raquel's dormitory, just two slight knocks with little intent behind them and no further inquiries.
* Dias` head snaps back and he takes several steps back from the blow, his hands moving up infront of him
<Ariel> 6* Raquel goes and opens her door, quietly looking at whoever knocked.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *in her lab, tinkering with Cassandra...
* Cassandra` suffering Myria's whims...
<Kit> 6Chii stands there, her arms crossed as she stares down at Raquel with a perturbed look, but refrains from speaking immediately.
* Marcus` moves in to knee Dias in the gut.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...hello."
* Dias` snaps his hands down and pushes off the incoming knee. He lands and slides now.
<Kit> <Chii> Oy, would you tell your pup to stay away from me? I'm not dying, so I don't appreciate all the questions about mortality.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...she has been bothering you?"
<Kit> 6Chii twitches visibly. 1"That's an understatement. She's so boring, it's annoying."
<Kit> <Chii> I told her to go ask Freyja, but she keeps telling me that since Freyja's gone, I'm the next best idea.
* Marcus` takes a step back, shaking his hands, he shakes his hands and laughs. "You seem to be losing your touch man."
<Dias`> Think so? 6He looks at him.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...unless Freyja is here, it would be difficult to ask her."
<Marcus`> Maybe. You'd think you were in mourning or somethin. *he waves a hand*
<Kit> <Chii> Then she should wait." 6Waves her hand dismissingly.
<Kit> <Chii> Anyway, she's your pet, so put a leash on her." 6Turns to walk off.
<Dias`> It's almost noon tho. 6He looks at him a confused look on his face.
<Marcus`> Fair enough. *he slides into his stance and motions*
* Cassandra` pulls herself out of the lab, looking traumatized...
<Ariel> Raquel> *coldly* "...Lilith is not a pet."
<Marcus`> *Theron reads silently before glancing up at Cassandra as she passes by. "What did she do this time?"
* Dias` shifts into his stance, his body relaxed as he studies Marcus
<Kit> <Chii> If a dog follows a master, then it's only natural.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...if you want her to stop asking, maybe you should get her in contact with Freyja."
<Kit> 6Chii reaches the end of the corridor and heads back the direction of the infirmary. In her absence, at the nook of the doorframe a kunai secures the strap to the recorder originally containing Marcus' doom.
<Cassandra`> ...d...dont'...ask...
* Marcus` stands there in a stance that's simple, his body is slightly tense, and his arms are out before him. "It my turn to make the first move?"
<Dias`> We're taking turns now? 6He darts in, his body hung low
<Marcus`> <Theron> Very well. I shall not. For my sake.
* Marcus` awaits Dias move, studying him carefully.
<Cassandra`> ...really?
* Dias` hops forward and drops low, spin kicking at Marcus' feet
<Kit> 6Chii gazes at Theron and then to Cassandra as she makes her way through. 1"Hah, did you get armor-molested already?"
<Kit> 6Lilith finally interrupts Dias' and Marcus' sparring match with a simple. 1"This is a friendly match, is it not?"
<Cassandra`> No...
* Marcus has joined #taw
<Kit> <Chii> Eh? Then why do you look so melodramatic? The best is yet to come.
* Marcus blinks and glances up, then gets tripped by Dias, hitting the floor with a thud.
* Marcus` has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Cassandra` eyes Chii...
<Marcus> *Theron peers over his book at the two.
* Dias` comes fully around and brings his hand down to crack Marcus but locks his hand and stops before he connects.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel heads off to find Lilith
* Marcus slowly looks over to Lilith, then looks down to Dias' hand looming over him. "Well that sucked." he says with a sigh.
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Cassandra back. 1"Yeees?"
* Dias` stands up and hold shis hand out to Marcus. 1"Pscht, I call intereference."
* Marcus grabs Dias' hand and pulls himself up. "We'll take a rain check then."
<Kit> <Lilith> It would be more specifically a distraction. However, it appears I was correct. This will not do.
<Kit> 6Lilith turns away, frowning slightly, and leaves the training room.
* Dias` twists his body and Marcus' hand, moving to flip him over his shoulder.
<Cassandra`> Are you a party to something I am not aware of?
* Marcus is flipped and hits the ground hard again, he groans this time. "...oh that's dirty.."
* Dias` smirks cockily. 1"Damn right." 6He holds his hand out again.
<Kit> <Chii> A party? I can certainly be a party to myself, if that's what you mean.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...Lilith."
<Kit> 6Chii leans a hand on a hip and swoons toward Cassandra. 1"Otherwise I'm not sure what you're talking about."
<Kit> 6Lilith pauses, then slowly turns her head. 1"...Ojousama."
* Marcus pulls himself up. "I think I broke my back."
<Marcus> *Theron silently judges Chii.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...what have you been talking with Chii about?"
* Dias` pats Marcus on the shoulder. 1"So you still think I'm slipping?"
<Cassandra`> ...this is making me paranoid...
<Kit> 6Lilith turns more toward Raquel, but refuses to say anything.
<Marcus> Eh, not bad. I'll give you that. *he shifts to elbow Dias in the gut*
* Dias` hurks and grabs his gut. 1"Nice." 6He coughs
<Ariel> Raquel> "...Lilith?"
<Kit> <Lilith> Yes, ojousama?
<Ariel> Raquel> "...will you tell me?"
<Kit> <Lilith> If I must.
<Marcus> Not good either. *he laughs and moves over to pick up the towell to wipe his face off.*
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I won't force you. But I would appreciate it."
<Kit> <Lilith> I know this.
<Kit> 6Lilith turns, her hands at her sides complacently. 1"However, you would just as likely misunderstand."
<Ariel> Raquel> "...please?"
* Dias` shifts his foot and hooks Marcus foot to trip him up as he steps away
<Kit> 6Lilith narrows her eyes slightly, then looks elsewhere. 1"I am seeking death's judgement."
* Marcus rolls forward and presses his hand against the ground, doing a full handspring around to his feet. "Haha, close one."
<Ariel> Raquel> "...death's judgement?"
<Kit> 6Lilith nods once.
<DeathStar> 6* As Lilith and Raquel talk, Drake walks past them like a zombie.
<Kit> 6Lilith then turns and eyes Drake, the shift in her expression evident of the persona switch. 1"...Drake?"
<Cassandra`> Anyway...she's been...'upgrading' her own way...
<DeathStar> 6* Drake lumbers down the hall toward the rooms, then enters his room.
<Ariel> Raquel> "... ... ..."
<Marcus> <Theron> I imagine it is interesting. *he says simply, his eyes back on his book*
<Kit> 6Lilith moves down the hallway, following, peering within Drake's 'room.'
<Dias`> Better. 6He rubs the back of his neck.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake is on his bed, laying there, looking brain dead
<Cassandra`> I still don't have any idea what the point of he rupgrades are except for her to try things...
<Ariel> <Raquel> *walks over to Lilith* "...did we just see...?"
<Kit> 6Lilith nods once, then runs down the hallway for Warren's office.
<Marcus> <Theron> Perhaps one day they will save your life, though.
<Kit> <Chii> Just be glad she's not updating you on aesthetic terms.
<Ariel> Raquel> *follows after*
* Cassandra` eyes Chii...
<Kit> 6Chii rubs her neck, then begins to continue her lurch toward the medbay.
<Dias`> So when's your next big date with Kat?
<Cassandra`> I hope she doesn't give Myria any new ideas..
* Marcus lifts up the towel to dry his forehead off. "Who knows. Hopefully soon."
<Marcus> <Theron> I will talk with Myria about keeping away from her.
<Kit> 6Chii waves her hand dismissingly. 1"The little blue girl? Psh, all I do is hug her. She runs from me."
<Dias`> As long as you promise not to have kids. 6He looks at him now
<Kit> 6Lilith glances to see if the office is occupied, but either way, doesn't wait for a reprieve before entering, focused on the surveilance monitors.
<Cassandra`> Alright...
<DeathStar> 6* The office is empty. Who knows about traps
<Ariel> Raquel> "...maybe Drake is just a zombie?"
<Kit> 6Lilith moves for the terminals and sets about activating them, wanting to pull up the hallway footage from moments ago. 1"This is unlikely."
<DeathStar> 6* The footage pops up, showing Lilith and Raquel in the hallway talking. And just that. After a moment, the screen blips, and then they can be seen moving off to Drake's room
<Marcus> Hey that's one mistake I will not repeat.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...As is this. The only other explanation I know of is as unlikely as Drake being undead.
<Kit> 6Lilith then glances at Raquel.
<Kit> <Lilith> However.
<Cassandra`> Anyway, Theron, she's been rebuilding all my limbs.
<Dias`> Well atleast you know that Kat would be a good mother. 6He moves over and grabs his bottle of water and takes a drink from it
<Kit> 6The water is pink.
<Marcus> <Theron> Well that is good. She is at least doing an adaquate job?
<Ariel> Raquel> "...the footage is deleted?"
* Dias` eyes the pink water before drinking it. He than tosses it to Marcus.
<Cassandra`> I assume so...feels a bit strange. She has all sorts of unorthodox ideas.
<Marcus> Well I'm sure Angie would be too. *he leans against the wall, then catches the water, he eyes it* Do you think...?
<Kit> <Lilith> Although more probably than my suggestion, that is unlikely as well.
<Dias`> What color is the water? 6He looks at him.
<Ariel> Raquel> " was set not to record Drake?"
<Dias`> Eh, I don't think she would. She doesn't seem like she knows what she wants in life.
<Kit> 6Lilith points to Raquel. 1"...He could possess or currently be subject to astral projection. A less advanced type than Ojousama's."
<Marcus> It's Pink. And I think if anything, I know Angie really wanted those kids.
<Dias`> Just because you want something, doesn't mean you're ready for it tho. 6He tilts his head. 1"Pink? When's water pink?"
<Marcus> <Theron> Most Genius' seem insane. *he says after a long silence of searching for the right words*
<Cassandra`> Mmmm-hmm...
<Marcus> Don't ask me, it's your water. *he tosses it back* I dunno, though. I won't give Angie much credit, but i'll give her credit for the being a good mother bit.
<Dias`> You really think so? 6He opens the bottle and sniffs it.
<Kit> <Lilith> If that is the case, however, I should wonder what it is he is subject to in such encounters...
<Marcus> I honestly think that having children and being put into the role of being a mother is just the thing she needs to give her life some meaning. Now...well..
<Kit> 6Lilith suddenly bows to Raquel. 1"Forgive me, Ojousama, but I must speak with Chiikun again."
<Kit> 6Lilith exits Warren's office and looks upward before moving toward the medbay.
<Marcus> <Theron> And how exactly are you and Setsuna?
<Ariel> Raquel> *heads after Chii, wondering what this is all about
* Dias` shrugs then caps the bottle of water, tossing it to the side. 1"It's possible."
<Cassandra`> That's...private.
<Marcus> <Theron> I did not ask how your sex life was. I asked how you were. If I am not even allowed to know that, then this conversation is over.
<Kit> 6Chii returns to her bed and lies down with a sigh, taking only a moment's rest before she jerks, victim to a voice she's learned to despise the last three nights.
<Cassandra`> We are good as always. We have a connection.
<Kit> <Lilith> Chiikun.
<Marcus> Is it bad that i'm a bit relieved that it happened though? I mean. I feel pretty shitty about feeling that way, but that's just how I feel.
<Dias`> Oh, I'm sure you're probably going to hell for it.
<Marcus> Eh, I'll add it to the list.
<Marcus> <Theron> That is wonderful to hear. I would hate to hear that you may had lost your...spark.
<Kit> 6Chii's head turns, eyes wide and mouth forced to smile in a sinister manner. 1"Yes, pup?"
<Dias`> But we always walk forward Marcus. To let something in the behind you take a step back will only keep you from becoming great.
<Dias`> NRP: -in the
<Cassandra`> Though I think she's afraid tht Myria is going to do somethign weird to my body...
<Ariel> Raquel> *stays quiet, not making her presence known*
* Marcus laughs. "That was a bit inspiring. sick or something?"
<Ariel> Setsuna> *is very much afraid of that*
<Dias`> Something like that. 6He smirks to Marcus.
<Kit> <Chii> What is it this time, mutt?
<Kit> <Lilith> You sense killing intent, right? The scent of death.
<Kit> 6Chii pauses to blink a moment, then shakes her head. 1"...Okay, so still on the death thing, but that's a different approach. Yeah, I can normally, what of it?"
<Marcus> <Theron> Then I understand her plight. *he turns a page in his book* Do you think I am too nosey about your life?
<Marcus> You'll be alright man. You know?
<Kit> <Lilith> I wish to find something as this.
<Cassandra`> Well, you're the only one who seems to take any interest.
<Kit> <Chii> ...Huh? You want what?
<Marcus> <Theron> I believe myself you friend, Cassie. I only wish to see my friends happy.
<Marcus> NRP: your*
<Kit> <Lilith> I..." 6She huffs, closing her eyes, as if having a hard time discerning the way to ask. 1"I need to find imminent death. Expectant end."
<Dias`> I have to be alright. For her.
<Marcus> It's a shame there's not an ample supply of booze around here. I wouldn't mind getting shitfaced.
<Dias`> We could just ask Cheryl. She always seems to know where some is.
<Kit> <Chii> What the hell are you talking about? You're starting to sound like the dumbass sister who's off and disappeared on me. I'm not helping anyone find Niffleheim, if you want to die, go off and find your own end.
<Cassandra`> Thank you.
<Kit> 6Lilith shakes her head. 1"It is not the realm of the dead I am looking for, it is the messenger."
<Marcus> If she's awake. Last I saw she was pretty plastered.
<Kit> 6Chii deadpans. 1"Have you lost it?"
<Kit> 6Lilith opens her eyes, just as emotionless. 1"...You do not understand?"
<Marcus> <Theron> If you feel I am too personal. Inform me so I may stop.
<Dias`> We could check Med-Bay or the Mess-hall.
<Cassandra`> Its alright.
<Kit> <Chii> No, I understand perfectly. You're looking to meet a guardian diety. Worse yet, a reaper. Wanting to die is far simpler than seeking out a spirit of death.
* Marcus claps his hands together. "Well I don't have any other plans."
<Dias`> Let's see what we can find then, ni? 6He turns, moving out of the training room.
* Marcus tosses the towel over his shoulder and moves out after Dias.
<Kit> <Lilith> Do not make me repeat myself, please, Chiikun. I am not seeking death, only to break my mantra.
<Kit> 6Chii sits up on her elbows and grumbles. 1"What's wrong with being an inugami. You're dependable lots. More than I can say for most ayakashi."
<Kit> <Chii> Besides, I thought you couldn't do anything against the mantra in favor of a master's creed.
<Kit> <Lilith> It is because of my current tsukai that I need to break it, or I will let her wishes down.
<Marcus> *Theron falls silent, reading his book still.
* Dias` steps into the med-bay and glances around
<Kit> 6Chii stares, then whistles.
* Cassandra` eyes Theron...
<Ariel> Raquel> *listens quietly outside the door*
<Kit> <Chii> Yo, Dias.
<Marcus> *Theron glances over his book at Cassandra, "Yes?"
<Dias`> Ni 6He nods to Chii and moves arond looking for something
<Kit> 6Chii waves casually to Dias before looking back at the serious Lilith. 1"Well, you're out of luck, you know. It's been ages since shinigami had anything to do with the realm of souls in this place."
* Marcus steps in after Dias, moving in the opposite direction to look.
<Kit> 6Lilith shifts slightly and looks at the floor at a loss.
<Kit> <Chii> What's it worth to you?
<Cassandra`> Nothing...
<Kit> 6Lilith looks up to Chii again and inclines her head slightly, not saying anything.
<Kit> 6Chii jerks her thumb toward Marcus and Dias. 1"Hey, these guys'll jump into hell apparently for a chance to show off to their friends. What's it worth to you, breaking the mantra? It's for your master, right?"
<Marcus> We were showing off? *he peers around a cabinet at Dias*
<Dias`> Showing off? 6He looks up from a table at Marcus.
* Marcus shrugs and goes back to rummaging through the cabinet.
* Dias` shrugs himself and begins rummaging through cabinets now
<Kit> <Lilith> It is worth my life.
<Kit> 6Chii gives Lilith a bored expression in return. 1"I somehow figured that." 6She grins happily. 1"But oh good. I suppose I could let you meet one, then."
<Dias`> I only see rubbing alcohol. 6He pops up again and looks over at Marcus
<Marcus> I don't think that'll get us drunk. *he says with a sigh*
<Dias`> It'll probably kill us.
* Cassandra` heads off to the training room.
<Kit> <Chii> I would recommend bringing your pint-sized master, though, pup.
<Marcus> <Theron> Very well. *he looks back to his book as Cassandra walks off*
<Kit> <Lilith> ...I cannot endanger her for my needs.
* Marcus sighs. "Hey. You two. Where is Cheryl?"
* Retrieving #taw modes...
<Kit> 6Chii glances back at Marcus. 1"...Probably her room, why? What the hell are you looking for?"
<Marcus> Nothing. *he nods to Dias and moves to walk out*
* Dias` nods and hops over a table and moves out after Marcus
<Kit> 6Chii twitches slightly and flicks a paper shuriken for Marcus' head.
* Marcus gets hit and pauses, glancing over his shoulder at Chii. "Seriously, how old are you?"
<Kit> <Chii> Is that a serious question? How old's Dias?
<Marcus> Mentally. *he glances at Dias* Older than you. *He turns and moves off again.*
<Kit> <Chii> Well duh he's mentally older than me.
* Dias` glances back at Chii. 1"Burn."
<Kit> 6Chii gestures her hands blankly at Dias. 1"Freeze?"
* Dias` rolls his eyes and moves off with Marcus
<Kit> 6Chii looks back to Lilith and stares. 1"...Your runt can-opener isn't here. So shoo."
<Kit> <Lilith> ...Yes, ojousama is here.
<Ariel> Raquel> *tenses*
<Kit> 6Lilith turns slightly and gazes blankly toward the doorframe.
<Kit> <Chii> ...Damn. I thought I'd at least catch a soap beforehand.
<Ariel> Raquel> *sheepishly steps into the room*
<Dias`> Wonder what her problem was. 6He rests his hands against the back of his head
<Kit> 6Chii glares at Raquel. 1"Good job keeping her tied up, kid."
* Marcus shrugs. "Who knows."
<Ariel> Raquel> "... I was working on it. Then we saw a dead guy that wasn't there."
<Kit> <Chii> ...Is anyone sane around here?
<Kit> 6Chii moves to sit on the edge of the bed, cracking her knuckles. 1"Whatever. I hope neither of you are afraid of the dark."
* Marcus is now known as Xan|Gone
<Kit> 6Chii waves her hand, staring in irritance. 1"...Yo. Wake up."
<Kit> <Lilith> I did not realize it was a question.
<Kit> <Chii> ...Shut up.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...why would we be afraid of the dark?
<Kit> <Lilith> ..Did you not just wish for us to sp--
<Kit> <Chii> Argh! Close your eyes.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel closes her eyes
<Kit> 6Lilith stares a while longer. 1"I not supportive of Ojousama's involvement."
<Kit> 6Chii holds out her hand. 1"I'm not supportive of pets barking after nightfall." 6Her yellow eyes glower briefly, and she forms runic designs beneath the feet of both Raquel and Lilith. It's over as quickly as it begins, and Chii hops to her feet. 1"Well, time to get something to eat, I gu-- urgh..!" 6She falls to a knee, heaving. 1"..."
<Kit> 6Lilith reaches over and shakes Raquel's shoulder.
<DeathStar> 6* Chii's now 25% poisoned.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel quickly checks on Chii to see how she's doing
<Kit> 6Raquel can see a wonderous amount of nothing. Pitch black, perhaps she's blind?
<Ariel> Raquel> *mutters about this not being funny*
<Kit> 6A pair of semi-glowing red eyes within the void stare back, however, contending that possibility. 1"...Ojousama."
<Ariel> Raquel> "...Lilith?"
<Kit> 6Chii, on the other hand, rests against the hallway wall, twitching insistently as she feels her forehead. 1"...I want to punch her."
<Kit> 6Lilith's eyes duck from sight as she nods her head in response, but then she realizes that may not be the best way to communicate in darkness and audibly affirms. "1Mmh."
<Kit> <Lilith> Are you unharmed?
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I can't see."
<Kit> <Lilith> That is logical considering this... area.
<DeathStar> 6* Chii developes some rashes and other viral things. She's like a mini plague!
<Ariel> Raquel> "...where are we?"
<Kit> 6Chii stands slowly and mumbles down the hallway looking for Cheryl's. 1"...Helping people sucks."
<Kit> <Lilith> Well... that is...
<Kit> 6Some sounds echo throughout as Lilith seems to move and fiddle with something unseen, a click and the sound of a metal drum moving pound, then blindingly white light filters through a small crescent as Lilith opens a hatch of some sort.
<Ariel> Raquel> *carefully moves towards the sound*
<Kit> 6Lilith's tail disappears up through the halo of light, a ladder now visible.
<Ariel> Raquel> *climbs up
<Kit> 6After a moment of adjustment to light, the two appear to be in a room with a scrubbed wooden floor. Many of the walls appear to be thin like papyrus, grained with red wooden edges and pillars set to hold them, a high ceiling presents itself.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...The cellar.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...where are we?"
<Kit> <Lilith> Kyoto.
<Kit> 6Lilith stands fully and glances around, as if observing something from a window pane.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...It is wrong, however.
<Ariel> Raquel> " so?"
<Kit> <Lilith> If this is as I suspect, Kyoto was the capital. This would be the palace and it was never this empty-- Especially not when I was here. We were at war. Tell me, do you hear anything? Anyone?"
<Ariel> Raquel> *listens*
<Kit> 6There's nothing to be heard. Not even insects, assuming there would have been any of those as well. No voices, footsteps, no creaking of wood, nothing burning, no airflow, nothing.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...What did she mean? Let me see one. Afraid of the dark.
<Kit> 6Lilith narrows her eyes slightly, then turns, to move toward one of the two exits around one of the paper walls to an adjacent room.
<Ariel> Raquel> this real?
<Kit> <Lilith> It depends on ...what you are referring to as 'real.'
<Ariel> Raquel> "...what do you mean?"
<Kit> 6Lilith pauses and withdraws the paper walls aside, eyeing the new room, a courtyard of sorts in the open. A stone pedestal rests in the center of a tame garden of small plants in rings, half-filled with unmoving, still water. None of the plants move or wave, no indication of air movement.
<Kit> 6Lilith moves into the open and gazes at a blatantly grey sky, and even in the open, the air is stagnant. 1"...This is not the world as you know it, but I would not feign to call this fake."
<Ariel> Raquel> *nods slowly*
<Kit> 6Lilith inclines her head slightly and mumbles almost inaudibly. 1"This is where it was. It should be here."
<Ariel> Raquel> *nods, though she has no clue
<Kit> 6Lilith holds her hands around her sides. 1"...Ojousama, do you know?"
<Kit> <Lilith> Where you found me. The new capital-- Another time and place, but long in the past, I actually became a legend.
<Ariel> Raquel> "I... did not know."
<Kit> 6Lilith moves further into the garden, standing on the grass and peering at the fountain with lost interest. 1"...It was an accident, of course. But to this day there is a simple stone marker within Tokyo to my honor. I had forgotten about it-- Perhaps that was where I was heading when you found me. A spirit interfered when I was returning the inukami to my link point."
<Kit> 6Her steps stop. 1"...A fox spirit, actually. Hrmph." 6She turns and crosses her arms, head dropped in thought.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...them?"
<Kit> <Lilith> It does not matter. This is where it started. That marker became an eventuality from the actions prior and at this point in my life. My actual life.
<Ariel> Raquel> *nods... not sure what they're doing here*
<Kit> <Lilith> All my life I strove to help put down the different factions and struggles in my native country, hoping to suppress the wars. They might have been the key to the country's rebirth, but at the same time they destroyed every good thing I had come to care about.
<Cassandra`> NRP: Night night
* Cassandra` has left #taw
<Kit> NRP: Night Ja-- bah.
<Kit> 6She raises her head, fixing her eyes on Raquel. 6"Except I found that every time I succeeded in my attempts, the results of my good fortune tended to bring about the karma from those I had to destroy in turn for my own peace. It went on for a long time, a life shorter than those found these days, but in those, a full life of strife. I had all I could stand.
<Ariel> Raquel> *nods again*
<Kit> <Lilith> Fed up with everything, I was desperate for some way to make sure I could make a difference. Do something to protect and quit burning away the countryside. At this time I was hidden in the cellar-- Something later called the genpei was happening, and my charge, Minamoto no Yoshinaka, was losing.
<Kit> <Lilith> It was his intent that I did not die in a losing battle, he was quite fond of me, I suppose you could say. I would hear later that apparently it was quite widely believed we were consorts, but it was not as if we had time for such things during a three fold war.
<Kit> 6Lilith keeps her back to the fountain, but points toward it. 1"I did receive an answer to my wish, however. Against Yoshinaka's wishes I forfeit my life here to a shinigami and began my life as an ayakashi instead. Yoshinaka would be my first master-- and the shortest lived.
<Kit> <Lilith> Stories would be told about this place for eons, and my actions would grant me fame, it seems. But I failed miserably. Yoshinaka, even with an inugami, still lost his heart to an arrow and the capital to his bretheren.
<Ariel> Raquel> *listens quietly... she has nothing to interject at this point
<Kit> <Lilith> I have served dozens since, but you see, this was truly when I stopped being myself. Even with a completely different life and power beyond that of a human, I still failed something so simple. This is where it began, it should be here...
<Kit> 6Lilith blinks a few times and outstretches her hands to Raquel. 1"Ojousama, I have remembered. Do you not recall? When I remember..." 6Behind her, Lilith's own shadow rises from being cast on the grass and stands behind her, holding a curved-blade spear.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...what's happening?"
<Kit> <Lilith> ...You really do not recall... Ojousama, when I fully remember my past, the decree forces me to move on.
<Kit> 6The shadow withdraws a step, as if moving for a better position to strike with the blade atop the spear.
<Ariel> Raquel> "Then... why... did we come here?" *moves between Lilith and the shadow*
<Kit> 6Lilith follows Raquel's movement, then wide-eyes-- Having apparently not known about the shadow at all. She jerks backwards and goes to leap aside as the spear moves right through Raquel, immaterially, and inneffectively slices into Lilith's side.
<Ariel> Raquel> *looks shocked as the weapon didn't even touch her. She attempts to lash out at it with her blade*
<Kit> 6The sword passes directly through. Being little more than a lack of light, the form is impossible to discern as far as expression or detail, the shape alone visible. It moves, passing right through Raquel herself, leaving her with a chilly feeling as it moves to pursue Lilith herself, backing away.
<Ariel> Raquel> "Lilith!"
<Kit> <Lilith> ...I.. I do not know! Chiikun said she would... allow me to see a shinigami, not..
<Kit> 6Lilith narrow avoids another swipe from the shadow's weapon, then dashes along the eastern rim of the garden, leaping to avoid further lashes of the polearm.
<Kit> <Lilith> She... was insistent on you... coming...!
<Kit> 6Lilith leaves over the weapon, avoiding the blade, yet when she grazes the shadow itself trying to move past it and get away, she jerks as if struck.
<Ariel> Raquel> *tries to make contact with the shadow, and see if her energy drain can affect it
<Kit> 6It feels almost the same as physical contact, nothing seemingly there, just a chilly sensation entering Raquel's body with the intent.
<Kit> 6Lilith calls out her inukami, striking and parrying the next swing as she juggle the dominant pose next to the fountain. However, even this seems to be affecting her prowess, the blade in her hands seeming to decay at the point it touches the shadow's naginata.
<Ariel> Raquel> *attempts to provide Lilith with more of her energy... as there's nothing she can do to fight it*
<Kit> 6Lilith turns and goes back to retreating, since even with channeled energy her weapon's decay is increasing.
<DeathStar> <Voice> That won't work. 6* Comes from behind Raquel.
<Ariel> Raquel> *turns, hesitant to look away*
<DeathStar> 6* Drake stands there, as if this were a perfectly logical hangout place for brain dead people. His sword is strapped to his back as always.
<Ariel> Raquel> "... ... ..."
<Kit> 6Lilith goes to gape, then gets stabbed again and returns to desperate acrobatics, looking quite weary.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...what can I do?"
<DeathStar> <Drake> In a realm of the spirit, what is something only you can do, Spirit?
<Kit> 6Lilith parries another shot, holding it back, yet the rune blade's decadence hits a new point and the glimmer of the metal dulls and turns to nothing more than aged stone, cracking. It breaks in half and Lilith gasps, falling backwards.
<Ariel> Raquel> *hesitates... then tries using her bracellet... since she's tried her other abilities*
<Kit> 6Raquel's lovely body falls toward Drake.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake catches it awkwardly.
<Kit> 6Lilith shimmies backwards, throwing her legs to the side, staring a spear between her thighs. She whines and rolls back to her feet.
<Ariel> Raquel> *goes to try stabbing the shadow... since that's the first instinct of a good weapon*
<DeathStar> 6* Drake lays her down, rubbing the back of his head.
Session Close: Fri Dec 28 00:00:00 2007

Session Start: Fri Dec 28 00:00:00 2007
Session Ident: #taw
<Kit> 6The shadow goes to stab at Lilith when its thrown offcourse by a nasty stab wound, bleeding filtered light throughout the garden.
<Kit> 6It staggers back, finally deciding Raquel is a threat.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...Ojousama, you..
<Ariel> Raquel> "... I said I would protect you." *tries to land another hit*
<Kit> 6There's something awkward about protecting someone by stabbing its shape, but nontheless the shadow falls back, another wound bleeding luminescence. Each time its wounded, light pours from the strike and the garden lights up, the sky becoming that much less false.
<Kit> 6Lilith rubs her forehead, looking away-- apparently embarassed despite the circumstances. 1"So this is why she insisted ojousama come along."
<Ariel> Raquel> "'re not taking her away... whatever you are." *aiming for where the heart should be*
<Kit> 6The shadow holds the spear up to guard, and the sword pierces through the handle, splitting it in two before doing the same to the shadow. The garden brightens to the point of being unbearable, and Lilith winces, glancing away and spotting Drake, apalled-- but only for a moment.
<Ariel> Raquel> *shields her eyes... what else could she do?*
<Kit> 6Lilith opens her eyes, peering at the semi-brightness of the medbay, and to Raquel standing beside her. It might take a moment to realize, but she's lacking her ears and tail, though the runes remain.
<Kit> 6Chii rests on her medical bed, rashes and spots and speckles and rings under the eyes and whatnot, holding a bottle of rum or something. 1"...Great, now get lost."
<Kit> <Lilith> ...I am human?
<Kit> <Chii> Hell no. But if you ever do meet a shinigami in the future, you'll know what to do-- rather than running away with your tail between your legs-- ...Well, when you have one again.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...
<Ariel> Raquel> *hugs Lilith, just glad she's still here*
<Kit> 6Lilith peers down at Raquel, wrapping her arms around her, then looks up. 1"Chiikun... what..?"
<Kit> <Chii> Look, I'm not Freyja, but I can still screw with you a bit. I just devoured--" 6She peers at Raquel and decides to rephrase. 1"...I cut away some of the strings holding up some things. To put it simply so you morons can understand..."
<Ariel> Raquel> "...thank you."
<Kit> <Chii> You've beaten down that snobby inugami you've become a bit, so the human side is going to reign on the throne for a while. You're not human, but the inugami's creed will need time to recover before it can do anything big. Just hope you find your way to become human before then.
<Kit> 6She waves her hand. 1"...Now get lost. I don't feel well."
<Kit> 6Lilith stares, then bows her head slightly and picks Raquel up, exiting the medbay.
<Kit> <Lilith> I do not understand. ...We have some time now, though, right? I will find a way to remain with you, Lady Raquel.
<Ariel> Raquel> *just hugs Lilith, resting her head on her shoulder*
<Kit> -END-
Session Close: Fri Dec 28 00:11:55 2007

Session Start: Sat Dec 29 21:24:41 2007
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20071229.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.2.20
<DeathStar> Location: The New HQ
* Jackieness is now known as Cassandra`
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sits in his office; brooding.
* Cassandra` in the training room, slamming her fists into the punching bag.
<Kit> 6Chii bursts into the office, seemingly raving mad, for a second.
<Kit> <Chii> Warren! Save me! Shoot her, shoot her!
<Kit> 6Lilith floats in after a second, staring incredulously.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl is asleep in the training room. Apparantly she was doing something in here last night.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes the diseased Chii, then his monitor. "If you infect me, I'll shoot you."
* Cassandra` stops then eyes Cheryl.
<Kit> 6Chii gestures at Lilith. 1"Shoot heeeer!"
<Kit> <Lilith> ...
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks up at Lilith.
<Kit> <Lilith> Hello, Sir Carmichael.
<DeathStar> <Warren> *grunts in approval*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snores a bit. Next to her are the parts to a training drone robot.
<Kit> 6Chii gapes. 1"...Favoritism isn't cool, man. She won't leave me alone."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes Lilith, waiting for an explanation.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...I merely wish to know the secret to balance without a tail. You have lost yours, so clearly you must understand how to adjust.
<Kit> <Chii> Like hell. It's naturally for me to have one or not.
<Kit> <Lilith> This is unsatisfactory and unhelpful.
<Cassandra`> Ok...riiiiight. *kicks the bag*
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sighs, taking out a pain pill and throwing it into his mouth, swallowing
<DeathStar> <Warren> Go talk to Myria.
<Kit> 6Lilith continues levitating off the floor, crossing her arms stubbornly. One knee raised comfortably as if her levitation is her answer to whatever her problem is.
<Kit> <Lilith> Lady Myria...?
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes.
<Kit> 6Although not shifting her expression toward anything that might suggest something other than boredom, she tilts her head. Skeptical.
<Kit> <Chii> Yeees. Go see the blue shrimp.
<Kit> 6Lilith clothes her eyes and lets a moment of emotion escape-- a sigh. 1"If you insist, Sir Carmichael."
<DeathStar> <Warren> I don't. You wanted information. I gave you a source.
<Kit> 6Lilith turns and levitates her way out and down the halls. Chii turns and strikes a hand upward. 1"Alright! Now I can... rest... damn it."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren goes back to brooding.
<Kit> 6Chii gazes over a shoulder at Warren, narrowing her eyes, slowly crossing her arms. 1"I still don't think I'm contagious-- Unless I bite you or something. God I feel miserable though. Does helping people always turn out like this?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes.
<Kit> <Chii> Teh. Figures." 6She waves her hand and exits the office, ambling down the hallway at awkward angles and swivels.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Chii. 6* He calls out before she's out of range.
<Kit> <Chii> ..Hm?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren tosses her a vicodin.
<Kit> 6Lilith hovers before Myria's acquired lab, eyeing the door. She sighs again, then presses the buzzer.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> YessssssS?
<Kit> 6Chii turns briefly and catches it before it hits her in the face. She gazes at it sleepily, then grins to Warren and walks off.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...It is Lilith, Lady Myria.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> You must pay the toll to enter!
<Kit> 6Lilith stares upward, distraught. 1"...Toll?"
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Yes! *a small hole opens up next to the door with the Omega Coke logo*
<Kit> <Lilith> I do not know where to acquire such things.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Whaaaaaaaaat>
<Kit> <Lilith> Your addiction suits you-- However, an inugami has no need of material possessions.
<Kit> 6Lilith squints. 1"...Your addiction eludes my possession."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Ok...I'll let you have a freebie. *door opens*
<Kit> 6Lilith hovers in after a reluctant pause and gazes around. A first time being here, the red eyes study everything-- likely for threats to her well-being.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snores louder, defying all sense of ladylike qualities
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> How may I help you?
<Kit> <Lilith> I was directed to your expertise in correcting my imbalance issues.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Now, SPoC, what do you do when someone asks you what your name is.
<Kit> 6Lilith remains hovering above the floor, arms crossed still with a blank expression. She has human ears and lacks a tail for whatever reason, but retains the runes along her face and body.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Your imbalance issues?
* Dias` is now known as SPoC
<Kit> <Lilith> I am having trouble walking. It has been a very long time since I was human in form.
<SPoC> Pull a knife out and interrogate them because they obviously are a threat.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Wrong. You tell them your name. Well, that's all for today.
* SPoC rights that down.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stands up. "We'll continue tomorrow." 6* She walks off.
* X1 has joined #taw
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Hmmm...I don't recall dogs using their tails for balance. *rocks on her heels*
* Kit is now known as Megumi
<Megumi> <Lilith> ...Do you mean to insult me? It is not necessary if you wish to offer a differing opinion.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Well, you need to remember that human balance is all in the ear! *poses*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina walks along the hallways, looking a bit bored.
<Megumi> <Lilith> ...The ear?
<Megumi> 6Lilith gazes upward, then feels for something that's not there. She searches lower, finally feeling her human ears. 1"...Hm.."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> *pulls out a chart of the interior of the human ear* This structure here... *points* is responsible for regulating the human sense of balance.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl continues snoring, almost if she's there solely to interrupt Cassandra's training
<Megumi> <Lilith> I see. There is fluid in these canals, and the nerves detect where its location is and relay it to the brain as a sense.
* Cassandra` eyes Cheryl...
<DeathStar> 6* The blonde looks cute - in a stereotyical anime girl way with her mouth opening and closing to exaggerate each snore.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> These little hairs here take care of the sensory part. *nod nods*
<Megumi> 6Lilith squints. 1"Such a thing in the Heian era would be unthinkable to comprehend."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Science marched on! *pose*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pokes her head into the medical bay.
<Megumi> 6Chii snores happily on her examination bed.
<Megumi> <Lilith> Weapons have no use of science beyond practical application.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina moves over, smiling softly at Chii. She brushes the back of her hand over Chii's forehead, then turns on the life reading machines to check her condition
<Megumi> 6Lilith hangs her head in shame. 1"...I have lost my status as a learned person in this world. Advancements have left me as per a relic of the old age."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Can you think for yourself? *crosses ehr arms*
<DeathStar> 6* Drake lays in the medical bed - brain dead. Machines are hooked up to monitor him. Apparantly Warren decided to listen to Lilith and Raquel.
<Megumi> 6Chii shifts slightly and moves onto her back rather than her side, breathing shallowly.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You poor thing. 6* She tells Chii sympathically. Having a small amount of medical expertise, she takes a neelde and gives Chii a shot of nanomachines to help deal with the viruses in her and make her feel better as she sleeps.
* Cassandra` tries to work out AROUND Cheryl.
<DeathStar> 6* The half-put together drone cries out. "ATTACK MODE LEVEL 1!"
<Megumi> 6Chii's eyes snap open, wide, then narrow and focus. She slowly gazes toward Katrina with a bit of a glare.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina gives her best smile
<Megumi> <Chii> ...I hate needles.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts away, then slaps the drone so it's head slumps forward
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm sorry. 6* She sounds like she means it. She takes a seat next to the bed, still smiling
<DeathStar> *awake
<Cassandra`> What the?!
<Cassandra`> NRP: *pokes Lilith*
<Megumi> NRP: ...She responded with something privvy beforehand.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What? 6* She looks at Cassandra tiredly.
<Megumi> <Lilith> ...Although I was no noble, I was quite read in my day. I am merely ashamed of this revelation. I am primitive.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Then it is time to catch you up!
<Megumi> 6Chii puts a hand to her forehead. 1"...What're you up to, Katrina?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Just checking on you. Do you feel better?
<Megumi> <Chii> Compared to before? Hell no. Compared to last night? ...Yeah, a little.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, that's good.
<Cassandra`> ...that thing moved...
<Megumi> <Lilith> Catch... up?
<Megumi> <Lilith> With all due respect, Lady Myria, I am from an age far too ancestral to merely rise to the occasion.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, duh. 6* She grabs a screwdriver. "I'm building a training drone."
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> I shall teach you!
<Cassandra`> Uh-huh...
<Megumi> <Chii> Mh, that pup wouldn't leave me alone, so... I did something about her. Not sure if it was the right thing to do, though.
<Megumi> <Lilith> ...
<Megumi> 6Lilith inclines her head at Myria, emotionless, but skeptical.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Does she seem pleased?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl works on prying open a panel, then adjusts some wires.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Whaaaaaat?
<Megumi> <Chii> Eh..." 6Squints. 1"...I don't know. She has expressions to read?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You didn't ask?
<Megumi> <Chii> She left. Good enough for me. But she came back-- hence the dark rings under my eyes, heheh.
<Megumi> 6Chii sits up and leans on her elbows. 1"...I guess I don't feel as much despair."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Maybe she was pleased, and wished to let you know.
<Megumi> <Chii> ...She was whining about stumbling around. Pup's disoriented.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hm. Maybe since you helped her before, she sought out your wisdom again?
<Megumi> <Chii> I knew I should have knocked her out the first night.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> That's not very nice, Chii.
<Megumi> 6Chii grins widely.
* Cassandra` gets back to the punching bag...
<SPoC> 6Dias steps into the Medbay, his face bloodied from a gash on his forehead.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl works on the training drone, apparantly not bothered about Cassandra hitting on a bag as she works with delicate equipment.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances over her shoulder. "What happened to you?" 6* She asks in concern.
<Megumi> <Chii> Huh? I've always been kind of cruel.
<SPoC> <Dias> I dropped my guard and Marcus sent me face first into the corner of our impromptu training room. 6He moves over to a med cabinet and opens it, staring at the contents
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You two really should fight without hurting each other.
<Megumi> <Chii> Oh, him. Sorry, I've been ignoring his existence.
<Megumi> <Chii> Woah! He's bleeding, cool.
<SPoC> <Dias> Eh, it was an accident. 6He waves his hand dismissively. 1"It was my fault for not being ready.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Still. You should be more careful. I don't want you two getting hurt needlessly.
<Megumi> <Chii> Oy, not everything's a battle, kiddo. You don't always need to be 'ready.' Sometimes you and Marcus should just, you know, do something because you feel like it instead of trying to one up the other.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> There we go. 6* She works on attaching the arm.
<Cassandra`> ..why do you need a training droid?
<SPoC> 6Dias rubs the back of his neck, a rather meek look on his face. 1"Like I said, we were just sparring, nothing serious. I'll be sure to be more careful next time tho Kat.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Because hitting the bag is useless. If we want to get better, we need to fight something that can learn and adapt to us. The more we fight this, the better it gets. Plus this place had so many Beta parts laying around, it would be criminal not to use them.
<Megumi> 6Chii turns over and puffs her cheeks toward the far wall. 1"I feel like -my- existence is being ignored, tch."
<SPoC> NRP: <Cheryl> Or you know smash them all up. Stupid Angela.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Why's that, Chii?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina studies her.
<Cassandra`> Makes sense, I suppose.
<Megumi> 6Chii raises one hand and shakes it. 1"I'm not giving advice for -my- health!" 6Suddenly coughs and hacks.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> No supposing to it. Unless hitting that bag is actually doing you any good, Ms. Cyborg.
<SPoC> 6Dias goes back to looking at the supplies. He rummages through and grabs some sanitizer and some gauze. 1"You were giving me advice?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl studies her.
<Megumi> <Lilith> ...How do you propose to teach one such as me all that I may have missed over the eons?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I should probably get back into sparring. *sighs* I've been neglecting it.
<Megumi> <Chii> Hrmph. Allow me to put it in words you understand. 'Go goof off, it's good for youngsters. Quit fighting so much because there's other things in life and there'll be plenty of fights along the way.'
<SPoC> <Dias> Well I always have free time.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I think you're out of my league, Dias. No offense.
<Megumi> <Chii> I don't think you should be fighting anyway, Katrina.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Why's that? 6* She looks at Chii in confusion
<Cassandra`> ...what?
<SPoC> <Dias> I'm not a youngster. 6He rolls his eyes and leans his head back, deciding to just pour the sanitizer on his head.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> With my new teaching unit!
<Megumi> <Chii> Younger than me, squirt.
<SPoC> <Dias> None taken Kat. But really, I enjoy a change of pace. If I spend all my time just sparring with Marcus I'll only get so far.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just decides it's not worth explaining, and works on the arm. "When it's done, feel free to fight it. It'll be able to do a program for anyone."
<SPoC> 6Dias winces slightly then leans forward, letting the liquid drip on to the floor. He grabs some gauze and presses it against the wound. 1"Whatever Chii."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I suppose that's true.
<Megumi> NRP: Cassandra "Activate Program C--" Billy runs by "heryl!" Cassandra "NOOO!" runs for life
<SPoC> <Dias> And I promise my hands will only be fists. 6He flashes his cocky smile at her.
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL
<DeathStar> <Katrina> That's ... somewhat comforting.
<Cassandra`> Well, as a matter of does help me.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> How so?
<Megumi> 6Chii turns over and looks to Katrina glumly. 1"You're too kind."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I shouldn't fight because I'm too kind? 6* She laughs, truly amused.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm not that kind.
<Cassandra`> Myria's upgrades.
<SPoC> <Dias> Kat can fight like the best of them.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Ah.
<SPoC> <Dias> Hell, she should. She's John's sister.
<Megumi> <Chii> Hmph, laugh all you want. It's no slander to your skills or anything. It just doesn't feel right. You're not like Freyja. She's just nice because she's trying to make up for her past.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina nods, a slightly sad smile, though it's not one that means she's deeply hurt; just that she misses her brother.
<Megumi> 6Chii taps her chest with her thumb. 1"That and you feel what others usually don't."
<Cassandra`> Right now, my right arm, its corresponding shoulder and my right leg have been upgraded.
<SPoC> 6Dias moves over to Kat with a needle and some thread. 1"Sow me?"
<SPoC> NRP: Sew.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, when you get better, I'll have a spar match with you, Chii, and we'll see if you think I'm too kind. 6* She runs her hand through Chii's hair affectionately, then turns to take the needle and thread.
<Megumi> NRP: * Katrina hits Dias with a female pig.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Interesting. I bet I could still beat you, upgrades or not. 6* She flashes a smile, saying that she's just picking, despite meaning it
<SPoC> 6Dias grabs a stool and sits on it. He pulls the gauze away.
<Megumi> <Chii> Whenever the hell I get better. Besides, even if you beat me into the ground it won't change how I feel.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> So, even if I was really, really mean to you, you'd still think I was too kind? 6* She begins to patch up Dias.
<SPoC> <Dias> Are all woman smitten by your rugged charms Kat? 6He winces slightly as he smiles at her.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Rugged? I'm quite dainty, thank you.
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah but dainty charms doesn't roll off the tongue well.
<Megumi> <Chii> I've already met you." 6She squints. 1"Anything from hereon would just be an act to prove me wrong."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hmph. I'm always very lady like. I can't help if it both genders find that appealing
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina winks at Chii.
<Cassandra`> Right...anywya...the thing with these 'upgrades' is that the new muscle structure needs exercise just like real muscles.
<Megumi> <Chii> Katrina's quite lady-like. You should have seen her expression when I was strangling Freyja.
<Megumi> 6Chii raises a finger. 1"Distressed maiden."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just looks a bit put off that Cassandra just brushed off that off. "I see. That's advanced."
<Megumi> <Lilith> ...Teaching unit.
<SPoC> 6Dias winces again. 1"I dated a girl who was into strangling. Needless to say, I "passed" out right away.
<Cassandra`> still rying to pick a fight?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Eh.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina goes to do something when Chii says that, but then stops to peer at Dias awkwardly.
<Megumi> 6Lilith closes her eyes. 1"...This straying from helping my balance issues. Perhaps I merely have to get used to these changes." 6She drops to the floor and attempts to take a step-- and falls right over gracelessly.
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah, I don't like to talk about that girl. 6He shudders.
<Megumi> <Chii> Then don't. I was trying to kill Freyja, not make love in perverse manners.
<SPoC> <Dias> Well, I'd assume you making love to Freyja would be perverse no matter how it was done.
<Megumi> <Chii> This is true.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina blushes a bit.
<Megumi> 6Chii eyes Katrina with a curious expression.
<Cassandra`> Let's make a deal then...once Myria finishes getting all the bugs worked out, we'll throw down.
<Megumi> <Chii> Heheh. A perverted maiden.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Sounds like a date.
<Cassandra`> Date then.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gives a feral grin. "See? Now we can do that female bonding thing."
<Megumi> 6Lilith struggles to her feet, like a new fawn, then collapses onto her face again.
<SPoC> <Dias> Awkward. 6He chime sout
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *coughs* Almost done. Hold still.
<SPoC> 6Dias winces, he eyes Kat.
<Megumi> <Chii> There was nothing awkward about our triangle.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina's hand twitches a bit thanks to Chii's last line
<Megumi> 6Chii grins cheshirely, wondering what Kat was about to do.
<SPoC> 6Dias quirks an eyebrow at Chii then looks Kat, he winces again.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> S-Sorry.
<Megumi> <Chii> Completely equilateral. Beautiful!
<Cassandra`> Sure.
<SPoC> <Dias> Three girls huh? And two of them being sisters. 6He pauses glancing up.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Its all in your head. Mind over body.
<Megumi> 6Lilith struggles up, but then slams into the ground face first again before even standing.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl finishes the arm, then stands up, wiping some grease off her face. "Well, I think I'll take a break here and find something to eat."
<Megumi> <Lilith> ...Grrr..." 6The lights flickers and power reaches critically low states in brief intermittent pauses, then goes back to normal as she calms.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Think about the Buddhist monks who can control their breathing and body temperature through force of will.
<SPoC> <Dias> Sounds boring.
<Cassandra`> Not exactly a gourmet spot here.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Boring? 6* She shakes her head. "You really have been with too many women. You should find one girl and settle down."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> True. At least Warren can cook if I bug him.
<Megumi> <Chii> Hah, so Katrina did enjoy it.
<SPoC> <Dias> Eh, it's boring because it's three girls and no guy. 6He shrugs.
<SPoC> <Dias> What's the point of ordering a foot long hot dog and getting only the bun.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *turns a bit redder* Trust me, men's penises can be overrated.
<Megumi> 6Chii gazes at Dias with disappointment.
<Megumi> <Lilith> ...My sword would cut Buddha, but my mind would not lift a rock.
<SPoC> <Dias> Well obviously. But woman who say that have normally have had one to many bad nights.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Not really. I've just found that you men can be easily replaced
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina finishes patching up Dias.
<SPoC> <Dias> Fancy that. I have the same theory but with woman. 6He rubs the back of his neck. 1"My only reason is that I think all woman shouldn't go through life not knowing what's it like to sleep with me.
<Cassandra`> Shall we bug him then?
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Even a dull sword can still kill a man with enough force behind it. The true challenge in the confrontation with one's own will.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, I've had the joy of both. Chii, on the other hand, should try it out
<DeathStar> 6* Katirna peers at Chii
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You plan to bug Warren, too, then?
<Megumi> <Chii> Eh? Me? There's men around worth experiencing?
<Cassandra`> Well, I'm off of my routine here now.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Still. Warren could make your life hell. It's very risky. Though his breakfast is to die for.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yes. Of course.
<SPoC> 6Dias hops off the chair and wipes off the left over blood. 1"Sure there is."
<Cassandra`> So how do you pull it off?
<Megumi> <Lilith> I see... However, this does not help my physical adaption.
<Megumi> <Chii> ...Like who?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, lets just say you don't have that option of manipulation. But come on. Might as well get some food, too
* Cassandra` nods.
<SPoC> <Dias> A leper? 6He looks at Kat curiously
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks along. "So, tell me, Cass. How does it feel to be back under Warren's command, on the run, like an outlaw?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, there's...Warren? ... you know, Dias if he gets his act together. Theron looks cute.
<Cassandra`> I miss my house...and my car...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> That's it?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl peers at her oddly.
<SPoC> <Dias> Woh, don't toss my name into the ring. She's already insulted me one to many times.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You're suppose to forgive and forget, aren't you, Dias? Superhero rule # something?
<Cassandra`> Setsuna and Billy are both here. *shrugs*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You're very simple, Cassandra. I like that.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Why? You just need to let go and let your ears take over.
<Cassandra`> Something in life needs to be simple.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> A-men. Though, personally, I rather be fighting the whole Dark One force then being an Admiral.
<SPoC> <Dias> #108. BUT, under Sub Law 12, Paragraph 1a of the Rules of Dating. And I qoute. If a woman insults you on repeat occasions she is not worthy of recieving your manhood unless she does anal.
<Cassandra`> WEll, you're not exactly an Admiral right now.
<SPoC> <Dias> So, do you do anal? 6He looks at Chii now.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Don't be crude.
<Megumi> 6Chii blinks and recoils backwards, eyeing Katrina. 1"...Can I k-kill him? That's none of his damn business."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks annoyed at Dias.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hence why I prefer this.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl enters Warren's office. "Can you make us some of your breakfast? We're hungry."
* Cassandra` follows after Cheryl.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks up, a hint of annoyance, then raises a brow when he sees Cassandra as well
<SPoC> <Dias> Sorry. 6He rubs the back of his head.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Apologize to her.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stares at Cassandra, then Cheryl, then Cassandra.
<SPoC> <Dias> It loses it's meaning now. 6He crosses his arms.
<SPoC> <Dias> Plus, really, she wouldn't even know. She's never had sex with a man. And you were her first weren't you.
<Cassandra`> For troop morale.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *shakes her head* Fine. If you don't apologize, I'll just hold a grudge in a way only a woman can
<Megumi> 6Chii gulps. 1"...Doesn't mean I wou-- oh get lost you ecchi yarou!"
<SPoC> 6Dias rolls his eyes and looks at Chii. 1"Sorry."
<DeathStar> <Warren> Troop morale. To make you two breakfast.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina reads his emotional state to see if he means it
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles and kisses Dias on the cheek.
<Megumi> <Chii> I wouldn't do it with him.
<SPoC> <Dias> Since she called me a itchy yoohoo, do I get an apology?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> She meant you were a perv, I think. Do you really deny being one?
<Cassandra`> My morale would be better, yes.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake lays there, willing to provide sexual satisfaction - okay, lying.
<SPoC> <Dias> Doesn't stop it from cutting deep.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *reads his emotions to see if that's true*
<DeathStar> 6* Warren snorts.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Did your stomach even survive?
<Megumi> 6Lilith lies on the floor for a while before mumbling. 1"...Ears take over."
<Megumi> 6Lilith slowly rises to her knees, then struggles to stand before slamming onto her face again.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, you don't feel too hurt. But, if you really want Chii to apologize, I'm sure she can
<Megumi> <Chii> Yeah. Sorry I called you ecchi. Yarou.
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> You're not even trying.
<Megumi> <Lilith> You doubt my honor?
<SPoC> 6Dias looks over at Kat. 1"I'm sorry, I dont' understand what she's saying. Did she insult me again?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers at Chii
<Cassandra`> My brain still needs nourishment. And taste still triggers pleasure centers if its good.
<Megumi> 6Chii glares at Katrina, but that's normal. ...Isn't it?
<Cassandra`> 6<12Myria6> Walk over me and show me!
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm sure she means it in some way.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren threads his fingers together, interlocking them. "I don't recall you ever making me food."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I tried, once. You forbade me from ever doing it again. 6* Warren eyes her, then eyes Cassandra.
<Cassandra`> Do heated MREs count?
<DeathStar> <Warren> No.
<SPoC> <Dias> Whatever. 6He shrugs and runs his hand through his hair. 1"So do these stiches make me look like a badass?
<Cassandra`> There you have it then.
<Megumi> <Chii> Sure.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> They just look painful.
<Megumi> 6* Warren's comm chirps!
<DeathStar> 6* Warren pauses, holding up one hand, then clicks on the comm. He looks resigned.
<Megumi> <Comm> Confirm.
<DeathStar> <Warren> ...
<Megumi> <Comm> Good enough. ...So... anything new with the family?
<DeathStar> <Warren> ... *he eyes the medical bay monitors* She is talking anal sex with Dias. Are we done?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl peers at the comm curiously, then Cassandra.
* Cassandra` shrugs.
<SPoC> <Dias> Great. 6He sighs and moves over to the cabinet he was in and shuts it
<Megumi> <Comm> What about the other kid?
<DeathStar> <Warren> You have another persona here?
<Megumi> <Comm> Depends on what you mean. So cold. I'm only lonely.
<DeathStar> <Warren> If I recall, you opted to leave.
<Megumi> <Comm> Eh, if it was easy to do so at the moment, I would do so.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina watches Dias
<DeathStar> <Warren> Hm.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Well, talk away as I make breakfast
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands up to go make breakfast.
<Megumi> <Comm> ...Breakfast?
<Megumi> <Comm> Wow. Okay, you have me wondering what the hell.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren walks out to do so.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes the comm on the desk, then Warren
<Megumi> <Comm> Clearly this means others are listening. Hi!" 6It clicks off.
<Cassandra`> ...that was...weird.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Really weird. 6* She walks over, then hits redial.
<SPoC> 6Dias turns and looks at Kat and Chii.
<Megumi> 6The signal indicates the has connected, but there's no audible answer.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Wow. No wonder these two talk. They act totally alike
<Megumi> <Comm> Ah, Cheryl.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I never knew Warren had a long distance love affair
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl winks at Cassandra.
<Megumi> <Comm> Ah haa haa-- oh shi--" 6A hold signal.
* Cassandra` covers her mouth as she giggles.
<SPoC> <Dias> You two got awfully quiet.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, I have to say, I see Warren in a new light now.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, I was waiting for you to say something witty.
<SPoC> <Dias> I got nothing. 6He shrugs
<Megumi> 6It clicks. 1"Oy, Cheryl, do you know anything about Class A turbines?"
<Megumi> <Chii> Heheh.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> That's disappointing. So, um, Dias. What do you think about Marcus?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Uh, for what?
<Megumi> <Comm> ...Let's say hypothetically I'm side one, and just fell through one of the parallel maintenance ducts, but climbing out isn't an option. Is there a heat dispensement corridor?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Right. You and him. 6He nods. 1"He's a good guy who's had a lot of bad things happen to him. But you can expect him to be there when he's needed.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I wouldn't know. Sorry.
<Megumi> 6The comm emits a long sigh.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Really? 6* She seems doubtful.
<Megumi> <Chii> Really?
<Megumi> <Comm> So..." 6A series of clangs and dull thrum. 1"...Why's Warren cooking? Troop morale?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Well yeah. Your obviously thinking about the whole Angela getting knocked up thing.
* Cassandra` face palms.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I swear, it's like this one has a God mode.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I don't know. Marcus seems to ... not be ready to settle down. Like you.
<Megumi> <Comm> Eh, somehow I don't think the cheat code will affect the guys topside.
<SPoC> <Dias> He has spent too much time around me.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *sighs* I guess that's my problem. If he didn't want to settle with Angela, even after she was pregnant, I certainly don't see him settling for me, outside a quick thrill.
<Megumi> <Chii> Settling down's overrated.
<Megumi> 6Chii glances away annoyed. 1"...I think."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina inclines her head the other way. Perhaps, in part, this is one reason she's distant sexually from Chii, too
<SPoC> <Dias> I'll tell you what Kat. He makes the wrong move and I'll bash his head in for you.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *smiles softly* I just think he should probably spend his efforts elsewhere. If that makes sense.
<SPoC> <Dias> I'll talk to him for you. 6He looks at her.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Thanks. I like him a lot, but--you know. 6* She gestures with hand.
<SPoC> <Dias> To make sure your not investing your time in a waste...of time.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *nods*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles, looking relaxed.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> But yeah, Warren's making eggs, grits, bacon, and toast.
<Megumi> <Comm> 6A long pause. 1"That sounds good. Western."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> West what?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl clips the comm on her shirt and leads Cassandra to the mess hall.
<Megumi> <Comm> Western breakfast. Things I don't make often.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What's a western breakfast?
<DeathStar> NRP: <Chii> Stop picking on the past people!
<Megumi> <Comm> Tch. The stuff you mentioned is western. Whatever.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> It is?
<Megumi> <Comm> Hey, just because I live in the past...
* Cassandra` sits at one of the mess hall tables.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren is wearing a "Kiss the chef" apron.
<SPoC> <Dias> And if it doesn't work out, I'll be glad to be a rebound nighty for you. 6He smiles cockily at her.
<Megumi> <Chii> Hey... back off..
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Not happening. 6* She smiles
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sets down two plates of food.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Oh, food. Got to go. Good luck
<Cassandra`> Thank you.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl clicks off and grabs a fork
<SPoC> <Dias> I know, it just wouldn't be me if I didn't throw it out there. 6He steps past her, patting her on her shoulder.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at Chii's stats, satisfied when they're more normal
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks back at Dias. "Be more careful."
<SPoC> <Dias> No promises. 6He holds his hands up.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, if you want to come visit Chii that much in the medical bay, I understand
<SPoC> <Dias> She's too cold and get's too much joy at bashing my frail ego.
* Cassandra` starts eatting.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands there, still wearing his apron, eyeing Cassandra and Cheryl
<Megumi> <Chii> F-Frail!?
<SPoC> <Dias> See?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *laughs lightly, her tone almost musical*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stabs her eggs, mixing it into the grits, adn takes a bite.
<Megumi> <Chii> U-Urusai, you perverted maiden!
<SPoC> 6Dias turns around. 1"Is she insulting me again?!
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Maiden..?
<Megumi> 6Chii sadly is staring unhappily at Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks at Chad confused
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm perverted?
<SPoC> 6Dias shrugs. 1"Ni." 6He walks off.
<SPoC> <Chad> Yeah.
<DeathStar> NRP: o.o
<SPoC> NRP: Katrina looks at Chad confused
<DeathStar> NRP: Er, Chii
<DeathStar> 6* Cassandra would find the food surprisingly good
<DeathStar> <Warren> Well?
<Cassandra`> My compliments.
<Megumi> <Chii> You're totally perverted. I saw that blush about me and Freyja!
<DeathStar> <Warren> *points at the apron*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, you two did... 6* She looks a bit red in the cheeks. "And I...forget it."
<Megumi> 6Chii senses victory and grins widely.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina hmphs and stands up. "I think it's time you got more rest."
<Megumi> <Chii> I'd feel rested for sure if you had your way with me.
<Megumi> 6Chii waves her hand. 1"Then again."
<Cassandra`>'re kidding.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks dead serious, making it impossible to tell
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl keeps eating, since Cassandra is the focus of this
* Cassandra` looks at Cheryl...
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl provides no aid.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina makes a tisk sound. "I'm sure you would, but being a frail, perverted girl, I might get sick."
<Megumi> <Chii> Perverted girls don't get sick.
<Megumi> 6Chii taps her lip. 1"Wait.."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hmph! You're sick, aren't you?
* Cassandra` sighs and stands up, walking over toward Warren.
<Megumi> <Chii> H-hey!
<DeathStar> 6* Warren raises a brow, clearly not expecting this. He narrows his eyes
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *waves her hand* Unless you're faking it.
<Cassandra`> ...what? You asked for this?
<Megumi> <Chii> Freyja look like she was faking it?
<DeathStar> <Warren> Well played, Arakawa. 6* He takes off his apron.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I think she enjoyed herself quite a lot when you did that thing.
<Megumi> <Chii> So I totally enjoyed when you did that thing.
<Cassandra`> So, still want to kiss the lesbian?
<DeathStar> <Warren> You're a lesbian, then?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sighs, throwing up her hands. "You're terrible. Clearly you're feeling better if you have this much energy."
<Megumi> <Chii> Yeah. The hell was in the needle?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> A concoction of nanomachines designed to deal with a variety of viruses and diseases.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You should be sure to take it whenever your viral infection goes over 25%.
<Megumi> 6Chii raises an eyebrow. 1"...Nanomachines?"
<DeathStar> NRP: <Katrina> It'll slow down your infection rate, but be sure to finish the level before you hit 100
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yep. Little machines.
<Megumi> <Chii> ...What do they do... when they're done?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Dissolve and exit the body in your waste.
<Cassandra`> ...well...I thin k that's a given...
<Megumi> 6Chii shivers.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I see. I suppose Rylon was just an experimental phase
<DeathStar> 6* Warren nods, then walks out
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grabs a piece of Cassandra's bacon, taking a bite.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Something wrong?
<Cassandra`> Don't...go there...
* Cassandra` sits back down...
<Megumi> <Chii> It's just creepy.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stops in mid-bite. "Sorry."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *laughs* You find that creepy?
<Megumi> <Chii> ...Yeah. They're little... mecha bugs inside me. That's ...ugh.
<Megumi> 6Chii shivers again.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You're cute, Chii.
<Megumi> 6Chii recoils, looking forlorn. 1"...Wh-what!?"
* Cassandra` continues eatting in silence...
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *just smiles*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... Want some alcohol?
<Megumi> NRP: * Dias and Marcus swing in on a vine, swiping it.
<Cassandra`> No....I'm fine...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You don't sound it. A lot of pauses in your vocal speech
<Cassandra`> The Rylon thing is a bit below the belt.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> YeaH?
<Megumi> NRP: <Cassandra> I mean, Rylon's why I am.
<DeathStar> NRP: LOL!
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, as much as he acts like our Warren, you have to remember, he's not. So, there are times his lack of tact shows, especially when it comes to past things.
<Cassandra`> ...right...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I forget sometimes, myself. Since he seems to remember so much
<Megumi> <Chii> ...I'm not cute." 6Her cheeks puff indignantly.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yes you are. Especially when you do that.
<Megumi> <Chii> Am not! The innocent whelp is cute.
* Cassandra` nods.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl swallows some more food. "You have to admit, this is good."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> And even cuter when you try to shift it to someone else.
<Cassandra`> It is...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Still upset? Here.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pours some vodka into the orange juice.
* Cassandra` takes it and drinks it down.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pockets the vodka.
<Megumi> <Chii> I... I--
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Mm, yes?
<Megumi> 6Chii bunches her fists. 1"P-Perverted maiden!"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles. "Cute whelp."
<Megumi> 6Chii reels back into her pillow.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So, Cassandra. How's Billy been doing living in this crisis? 6* She thinks of Ben briefly.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina laughs.
<Megumi> <Chii> ..." 6Almost looks ready to sob, biting her lip as she glares at Katrina childishly.
<Cassandra`> Billy is doing better than we grown ups are...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Really? That's good.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy peers over Chii from the other side. "Katrina sure looks thirsty to me."
<Megumi> 6Chii squeals uncharacteriscally, then peers frantically at Billy. 1"...B-Billy!?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yes? 6* She seems to have enjoyed that. A lot.
* Cassandra` nods.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina blinks, not having expected that
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl finishes her food, sliding the plate away.
Session Close: Sun Dec 30 00:00:00 2007

Session Start: Sun Dec 30 00:00:00 2007
Session Ident: #taw
<Cassandra`> She is probably somewhere right now...I don't know...tormenting Chii and Katrina.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What makes you be that specific?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren returns to his office to brood.
<Cassandra`> Oh, no reason.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl peers at her skeptically.
<Megumi> 6Chii glares at Billy. Being more sick lately threw off her ninja alertness skills probably.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy looks hurt that she's being glared at
<Megumi> <Chii> ...Katrina doesn't need that sort of thing.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Oh? Well, okay. If you're happy with just laying here and not giving her anything good to drink, fine by me
<Cassandra`> What?
<DeathStar> 6* Billy sinks back down out of sight
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks confused.
<Megumi> <Chii> Little connosieur.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Nothing. Well, I guess I should get back to working on the drone. 6* She slaps Cassandra on the shoulder. "Been nice hanging out with you."
<Cassandra`> You too.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stands up and moves out
<Megumi> <Chii> I conned some aphrodesiac off her.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Oh. Oh! King Red's fruit?
<Megumi> 6Chii tilts her head. 1"You know about it? .." 6Twitch. 1"Did you know, then? Back then?"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Back when?
<Megumi> <Chii> Guess not." 6Relief. 1"It's probably the same thing Freyja pawned the effects off of to me back on the ship."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> It's an interesting drink, from what I understand. No man, or woman, can resist it's affects.
<Megumi> <Chii> Huh. I gave some of it to Dias.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> From what I understand, he drank it every day for a year, so he's always horny, and it doesn't effect him
<Cassandra`> NRP: And its downright dangerous to give to an Erusian female.
<DeathStar> NRP: Damn straightr
<Megumi> <Chii> I see. Maybe I should slip some to the other shinobis.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Other shinobis?
<Megumi> <Chii> Setsuna and Theron, heheh.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, Setsuna would just take it out on Cassandra, I think
<DeathStar> <Katrina> And they don't exactly have a problem there, from what I can tell of their emotional states.
<Megumi> <Chii> Of course. The cyber girl looks like she could use a pick me up.
<Megumi> <Chii> Overdoing it is always good." 6Gives an okay hand sign.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> As for Theron, that might just be mean. I don't think he has a girlfriend.
<Megumi> <Chii> My point exactly.
<Megumi> <Chii> Boooring~
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You ---want to be mean?
<Megumi> <Chii> Maybe. I just think it would be interesting. He's so. Him.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *sighs* And what will you do if he can't find anyone to allievate his needs?
<Megumi> <Chii> Totally laugh quietly in the shadows. Fufufu.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *shakes her head*
<Megumi> <Chii> ...What?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Nothing. Just shaking my head at how cute you are when you try to be evil.
<Megumi> <Chii> I'm not trying to be evil!
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Oh? 6* She sounds skeptical.
<Megumi> 6Chii crosses her arms stubbornly. 1"Billy tries to be evil."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yes, she does.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> But you go and use the things she gives you
<Megumi> <Chii> Hrmph. Just two.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks amused.
<Megumi> <Chii> What, are you telling me that she's better than I am?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pokes her head into the medical bay before Katrina can answer. "Hey, you. I brought you some bacon."
<Megumi> 6Chii purses her lips. 1"I'm not a puppet, I'm a true da-- e-eh!? Ch-Cheryl.."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl seems to have cleaned up a bit before going to deal with the robot.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at Cheryl, then at Chii, perhaps spying on Chii's emotions.
<Megumi> 6Chii softens considerably out of her defensive means when she peers at Cheryl. 1"Bacon? You cook?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Warren. 6* She holds up a bacon and egg sandwich.
<Megumi> <Chii> Wo-- ...Just, wow.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What?
<Megumi> 6Chii grins widely. 1"Thanks, Cheryl."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina keeps reading each of their emotions, like a little spy.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shrugs, then puts the sandwich on the dresser next to Chii, so she can eat it when she wants.
<Megumi> 6Chii takes ahold of it quite ravenously.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Well, I should get going. I have to do some things. You two have fun. 6* She winks at Chii and nods to Cheryl, stepping out
<Cassandra`> NRP: Night night
<DeathStar> NRP: Night, my little ho
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl watches her go.
* Cassandra` has left #taw
<Megumi> NRP: Ni-goddamnit
<Megumi> 6Chii peers upward, mid-bite of the sandwich. She takes the bite, chews and swallows. 1"What's that all about?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I was about to ask you.
<Megumi> 6Chii shrugs and chews more of the sandwich happily.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So, you feeling better? You look like crap.
<Megumi> 6Chii jerks, a shot to the chest. 1"...Haa, thanks..."
<Megumi> <Chii> Better than a while ago, that's for sure.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *waves her hand* I call it like I see it
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> That's good.
<Megumi> <Chii> Mh, it just sucks. I can't be my confident self knowing I don't have everything at my fingertips, you know.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, do what I do.
<Megumi> <Chii> What's that?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Rewrite the rules so you can keep kicking everyone's ass.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> And get drunk.
<Megumi> <Chii> Eh? How do I rewrite a virus so I can use all of my own potential again?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, until you can do that, just use bigger weapons.
<Megumi> 6Chii inclines her head slightly. 1"Eh, that won't fix anything, but it sure takes the edge off."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl puts the vodka down on the dresser, too, in case Chii wants that edge gone.
<Megumi> <Chii> Bigger weapons, eh? I use anything I know I can use. Blades, guns, explosives, poisons.
<Megumi> <Chii> When you use anything, what's left, huh?
<Megumi> 6Chii eyes the vodka,.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hm. A giant mecha.
<Megumi> 6Chii peers back at Cheryl. 
<Megumi> <Chii> ...Haah?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Nothing. Anyway, I'm building a training drone. You can practice on it, and see what your limits are now with the virus.
<Megumi> 6Chii mouths the words over again. 1"I guess I haven't used -everything-."
<Megumi> <Chii> A training drone? Sounds like a good idea.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *I* think so.
<DeathStar> -END for now-
Session Close: Sun Dec 30 00:52:13 2007

Session Start: Sun Dec 30 22:17:47 2007
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20071230.log'
<Dias`> Yeah, a real shame. 6He fae doesn't seem to back it up
<Marcus`> That really hurts man. *he frowns*
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> *peers over the edge of the table at the pair*
<Marcus`> She might be interested in Threesomes. *he raises his left hand, winking at Myria*
* Dias` looks over at Myria. 1"She is a blast in bed tho."
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> You mean you two aren't gay?!
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks past them, making a snorting sound.
* Marcus` eyes his left hand being the highest and the puts his hands down. "No. We're not gay."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> A threesome. 6* She just shakes her head as she pulls out some alcohol from a secret stash.
<Dias`> He is, I'm not.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Ohhhhhhh *looks at Marcus*
<Marcus`> He is. I'm not. *he motions, nodding toward Dias*
<Dias`> You wish. 6He looks over at Cheryl. 1"They're not all their cracked upto be.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Then you're both gay and still in the closet. *rocks on her heels*
* Marcus` eyes Cheryl, then the alcohol, he narrows his eyes.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts again, as if not going to waste actual words on the topic
<Dias`> How's that training bot of your's coming along?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pockets her alcohol into her engineer vest she's wearing. "Slowly."
* Marcus` glances at Myria. "Unlike every other person around here. We're not gay. It's surprising i'm sure."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So I'm gay?
<Dias`> Would a gay guy screw you Myria? 6He looks at her curiously
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> I'm not gay! *puffs out her cheeks*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sips her drink, eyeing Marcus.
<Marcus`> Yes, be a woman and take my words literally. *he shakes his head*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm sorry. Would you rather I act like a man? 6* She asks, her voice completely neutral.
<Marcus`> Well I guess not. *he sighs* No Cheryl. You are not gay. Though i'm sure Chii wishes that you were.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *waves her hand* I'm sure she's gotten over that.
<Dias`> You need any help roughing it up Cheryl? 6He looks at her now
<Marcus`> You think so? She still isn't over Kat, though.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl debates responding sarcastically to Marcus, but just opts to be nice. This time. "I'm good, Dias."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps out of the messhall.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> must have been after my money!
* Dias` looks at Myria again. 1"Hardly. You came after me."
* Marcus` waves bye to Cheryl, then glances at Myria. "So you two got it on?"
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> You gave me delicious red fruit!
<Marcus`> Oooh. I see. *he shakes his head with a frown*
<Dias`> Eh. 6He shrugs
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> ...idea! *squee!*
* Marcus` eyes Myria and stands, then pats Dias on the shoulder. "Have fun, Chief." He moves towards the exit.
<Dias`> I suddenly fear for my life.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Red Fruit-flavor Omega Coke! *pose!*
<Dias`> ...Your more sadistic than me.
* Marcus` laughs as he walks out, moving down the hallway.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Ohhhhhh?
* Dias` nods
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Well, I've been messing with the Booby Lady *rocks on her heels*
<Dias`> How's that been going?
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> My new designs are superior! *poses*
<Dias`> You sure it's laright with Sets that your messing with her woman's body?
* Marcus` walks back in, moving over and picking up his spoon. "Superior to what, exactly?"
* DeathStar is now known as DS[Moody]
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> The breasts now feel real! *pose!*
<Dias`> Well that should make Sets happier.
<Marcus`> God knows it's made me happier. *he places the spoon on his nose, balancing it onto it*
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> My new biomimetic constructs now function more like natural human organs! *poses*
<Marcus`> Nice work. *he gives her a thumbs up*
<Dias`> I prefer the real thing personally.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Its as good as the real thing...and she can keep going and going and going...
<Marcus`> Like that bunny?
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> ...and going...and going....and going...
<Dias`> Creepy, I'm only like that when I'm drunk.
<Marcus`> I don't think i'm ever like that.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Anyway, that's it! And of course, she now integrates my new liquid armor! *pose*
<Dias`> Even creepier.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Whyyyy?
<Dias`> I don't know, I just feel creeped out I guess.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Whyyyyyyyyy?
* Marcus` whistles casually, as balances the spoon on his nose.
* Dias` reaches over and bops Myria on the head
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Waaah!
<Marcus`> What'd you make her cry for??
* Dias` shrugs. 1"I thought this would stop her from asking me why."
<Marcus`> *Theron lands beside Myria, crossing his arms. "What is going on here?"
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
* Marcus` slowly backs towards the door.
<Dias`> I bopped her on the head to get her to stop asking me why.
<Marcus`> *Theron tilts his head and then looks at Myria. "Hit him back."
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Ok! *flying kicks at Dias, flashing lights in the background!*
* DS[Moody] is now known as DeathStar
* Dias` goes tumbling over a table and lands on his back
<Marcus`> *Theron nods and walks off.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> I feel better!
* Marcus` steps up to Dias and nudges him. "You dead?"
* Dias` slowly rises a dazed look on his face.
<Marcus`> Nice hit, Myria. How'd you get the flashing lights to go off in time with the kick?
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> *looks around conspiratorially thne holds up a sign that read 'MAGIC'*
* Marcus` sighs. "Right." He thawps Dias to knock some sense into him.
* Dias` shakes his head. 1"What the hell happened?"
<Marcus`> Myria kicked your ass.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> *poses!*
<Dias`> I...Had my guard down. 6He stares with a confused look on his face
<Marcus`> Look. Now she's rubbing it in.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> *poses some more*
<Dias`> She got lucky. 6He crosses his arms in defiance now
<Marcus`> Sure sure. She kicked your ass.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl works on the training drone some more, attaching another limb to it. She seems to work even better with a buzz.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> It was witnessed!
<Marcus`> By two people. *he says with a nod*
<Dias`> Yeah yeah. 6He sighs and moves over to get some more water.
* Marcus` eyes Dias, then glances at Myria. "I think he likes you."
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Ohhhhh...
<Marcus`> Do you like him? Yes or No?
<DeathStar> NRP: Circle Yes or No.
* Dias` grabs another bottle of water and moves into the messhall
<Marcus`> Hurry. Yes or no. Make your choice!
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> *biiiihs Marcus*
* Dias` just chuckles to himself and moves into the hallway
<Marcus`> What the fuck does that mean"?
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> *spins on place, glittery sparkles flying everywhere*
* Marcus` scratches his cheek with his finger. "So, I think this is why people don't talk to you."
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> *stops long enough to pull up a changing screen and then hops out in a magical girl costume!*
<Marcus`> Yep. Definitely why most people don't talk to you. *he nods, taking the spoon off of his nose*
* Marcus` reaches out and pokes Myria's nose.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> I'm a Pretty Warrior!
<Marcus`> You'd be much more appealing if you weren't always pretending to be something else.
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Huh?
<Marcus`> Who is Myria? Is Myria really the person that runs about flailing her arms and flipping flashlights on and off to make dramatic effects?
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> *eyes him*
* Marcus` crosses his arms. "There's more to you than that. And I won't resond to you until you show me that."
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Myria Arhnya was a serious-minded girl who sufferred greatly when her family was wiped out because someone had to satisfy their ego with a civil war.
<DeathStar> NRP: Damn that Cole!
* Marcus` tilts his head. "And so you put on this facade. For what end?"
* Kit[Work] is now known as Kit
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Its easier than screaming.
<Marcus`> There are always two roads that from our choices. And not always is the easist road, the best road.
<Marcus`> NRP: that come*
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> Beep beep beep... *rocks on her heels*
* Marcus` eyes her. "If you're going to scream or blow up. Warn me first."
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> ...don't tell anyone what was discussed here. *turns around*
<DeathStar> 6* Warren already knows what was discussed, through his spywaerwe.
<Marcus`> Maybe we can play checkers later. *he says with a shrug and a smirk, moving to take his dirty spoon to the kitchen*
<Jackieness> 6<12Myria6> *walks out*
<Marcus`> NRP: We'll end it here, unless someone else wants to do something.
<DeathStar> NRP: *Cheryl sheds a silent tear in the training room*
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Sun Dec 30 23:39:02 2007

Session Start: Mon Dec 31 00:35:42 2007
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20071231.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: Same day.
* Marcus` steps out of the kitchen and makes that long journey through the messhall.
<Kit> 6Lilith eyes Marcus silently from the doorway. 1"...Has Lady Myra been here?"
<Marcus`> *Theron has since disappeared after his exit from the messhall, probably off stalking Myria.
* Marcus` shrugs slightly. "Maybe. You need something?"
<DeathStar> 6* All of DS' characters are doing whatever they typically do, probably.
<Marcus`> NRP: *Being lame, I mean, What? Being awesome. Yeah. Awesome.
<DeathStar> NRP: Zing!
<Kit> <Lilith> ...She insisted I was capable of becoming comparably educated once more.
<Kit> 6Lilith hovers, still failing to comprehend her unaided walking, and crosses her arms with a forlorn expression. 1"...I was considering, but perhaps I am having second thoughts."
<Marcus`> Educated? *he slides to a stop, leaning against a table* Educated how?
<Kit> <Lilith> ...Merely well-learned. In my day I was second only to pure scholars despite being a ronin.
<Marcus`> So. I don't understand what you're wanting to learn.
<Kit> <Lilith> I am afraid that I am at a loss to the specifics as well. It is merely a disadvantage, even for a warrior, to remain naive to the state of the world.
<Marcus`> So you just want to learn the ways of the world, then?
<Kit> <Lilith> Perhaps. It has changed much.
<Marcus`> I might be able to help. I am a very wordly fellow after all.
<Kit> 6Lilith floats over to one of the tables and sets down to take a seat, perhaps to relieve the tax of using her abilities consistently even in a casual manner. 1"An inugami has no need of such things, merely being a tool. However, for ojousama, I must find a way to become human."
<Kit> <Lilith> A human who casually does things halfway is despicable.
<Marcus`> I casually do things halfway?
<Kit> <Lilith> Huh?
<Kit> 6Lilith turns her head and peers at Marcus blankly. The red eyes speak of nothing. 1"...Was I to make a comparison to you?"
<Marcus`> Well normally when a person speaks outloud and another person was currently in a conversation about them, the words spoken aloud are usually in reference to that person.
<Kit> <Lilith> I was not aware this conversation was about you, Sir Marcus. I will, however, keep that in mind.
* Marcus` crosses his arms. "Right, i'll ignore that and get right to the point. What do you want to learn?"
<Kit> 6Lilith crosses her arms again, brooding silently, then nods to no one in particular. 1"...I was not sure, however, it seems prudent to learn best how to act in a human manner once more. It was as I was originally, and as I will be again, once the way presents itself."
<Marcus`> First thing's first. Stop floating, it's weird.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...I cannot walk.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Someone take her for a walk. 6* She hits the drums go a baching.
<Marcus`> Then I guess you're going to have to learn.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy drops her sticks and walks out
<Kit> <Lilith> I am trying, though Lady Myria insults me by telling me I am not.
* Marcus` glances at Billy. Then looks back to Lilith.
<Marcus`> Maybe you're not trying as hard as you should?
<Kit> 6Lilith's eyes follow Billy, then traverse back to Marcus. 1"...Even if I was once nimble, those who have not walked 'normally' for a long period of time take time to adjust, do they not? Am I strange for not adapting within one day?"
* Marcus` shrugs. "Who am I to judge?"
<Kit> <Lilith> Yourself.
<Marcus`> What?
<Kit> <Lilith> You are yourself to judge.
<Marcus`> I...guess.
<Kit> 6Lilith stares toward the floor before rising up of the seat and gradually setting herself on her feet. She wobbles there as if using stilts, then seems to adjust for a moment as her body tenses suggesting her ability is deactivated. She gazes at Marcus stubbornly, takes one step and falls as if she put her foot upon a bar of soap.
* Marcus` steps over and helps her up, grasping onto her arm to give her support. "Get used to friction, it's the main point of walking."
<Kit> <Lilith> ...Friction?" 6Her head angles curiously at the floor before eyeing Marcus again.
<Marcus`> It's from...Physics. Press your foot againt the floor and then push away from yourself, friction is what keeps your foot from slipping, enabling you to propel yourself forward.
<Kit> <Lilith> Ah. Yes, this I know. I can create friction, however when I shift my weight I do not feel properly centers and merely fall.
<Marcus`> Then keep trying and adjust yourself to keep yourself centered, don't lean too far forward and don't lean too far backward.
<Kit> 6Lilith huffs. 1"I am relearning, not learning. I am not a clueless child."
<Marcus`> Then you obviously don't need my help. *he lets go and moves to walk off*
<Kit> 6Lilith crashes to the floor with a squeal. Chii, her arms crossed and leaning in the doorway, smirks at Marcus as she turns her direction. 1"You're a dog walker now?"
<Marcus`> So the pathetic leper that haunts the halls?
<Marcus`> NRP: You* not So.
<Kit> 6Chii just stares. 1"...Haah?"
<Kit> <Lilith> ..." 6Embarassedly pushes up onto her hands and knees and crawls over to one of the table seats again.
<Marcus`> I offered my help and she decided to get pissy, so there goes my help. Maybe you should help her, you seem to love negatice emotions. *he motions*
<Kit> <Chii> I get plenty eavesdropping.
<Kit> 6Lilith sits and slumps to place her chin on the table, having a pitiful expression of hurt pride as she observes the two.
* X1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<DeathStar> NRP: Negatice emotions are very dangerous!
<Marcus`> I'm sure you do. *he slides to a stop, eyeing Chii* But you can make yourself useful. So you should do it.
<Kit> <Chii> I've already helped her out plenty lately. It's hazardous to my health.
<Marcus`> So I've heard. *he falls silent, eyeing the pitiful expression of Lilith's*
<Kit> 6Lilith is truly playing the part of 'puppy.'
<Kit> <Chii> I was really just wondering if you're that paranoid about me being with Katrina.
<Marcus`> No. I don't really care what you do, Kat's a big girl. *He steps over and grabs Lilith's arm, motioning her to stand up again*
<Kit> 6Lilith blinks blankly, but complies by standing like a rickety puppet.
<Marcus`> Walk. *he says simply, albeit giving her support*
<Kit> <Chii> Not really what I mean, you know. Whining about me being plague-ridden. If you're uncomfortable with it..." 6She trails off. 1"I'll stay away from her again."
<Marcus`> Since when did you start caring about what I have to say?
<Kit> 6Chii pulls down an eyelid and gives an annoyed stare. 1"Who says I do?"
<Kit> 6Lilith stares sternly at the floor and moves a foot forward, instantly shifting her weight radically and would collapse if not supported.
<Marcus`> Shift your weight slowly. *he tells lilith before glancing at Chii.* Like I said, "Kat's a big girl, and if she wants you to be part of her life, I have no right to object."
<Kit> <Chii> Why not?" 6She relaxes and peers with sincere curiousity. 1"If I didn't like you I sure as hell would."
<Kit> 6Lilith moves her left foot, her expression leaking slight pride at making a single step. The shift is still too sudden, but she makes an effort at moderation.
<Marcus`> So because you don't like me is the only reason you're hanging around Kat?
<Kit> <Chii> ...Huh?
<Kit> <Chii> What the hell are you talking about? When you started fawning her I kept away from her. I'm saying if I didn't like you I sure as hell wouldn't let Kat run around with you. That'd piss me off.
<Marcus`> Oh wait. *he nods* Well, you try to force someone to do something, and they'll hte you for it.
<Kit> <Lilith> This is true." 6She nods and tries a third step, improving but would still completely topple unaided.
<Kit> <Chii> Eh... I just do what I want.
<Marcus`> And you're alone. *he notes, shifting to move with Lilith*
<Kit> <Chii> ...Alone?
<Marcus`> Alone.
<Kit> <Chii> I'm not alone. What do you mean?
<Marcus`> You don't have anyone in your life currently that plays the part of a sibling, a significant other, hell you barely keep friends.
<Kit> 6Chii suddenly turns sours. 1"Tch, who needs siblings or others, and Cheryl said she's my friend.."
<Kit> 6Lilith stumbles slightly, then catches herself-- without using her hand. 1"I think I am... adapting."
<Marcus`> I just made a statement. Take it how you will. *he smiles and nods at Lilith*
<Kit> <Chii> Then what about you?" 6Bitter.
<Marcus`> Dias is my best friend. And there's Angie, Megumi even though she doesn't like me all the time, and Erevis. And then there's Kat.
<Kit> <Chii> ...Kidding me? The only one you mentioned worthy of being called sane was Katrina.
<DeathStar> NRP: Ouch. Poor Erevis.
<Marcus`> And that's your opinion.
<Kit> <Chii> Damn straight. A toddler that dances around trying to embody the heart of darkness, a manic-depressive who dwells on the past more than an alcoholic historian, a wayward fringe alien that went psychotic when she was left alone and some holier-than-thou woman with a dutiful reality blender in her?
<Kit> <Chii> Come on.
<Marcus`> And just what the fuck is so great about you? What makes you special, more special than them?
<Kit> <Chii> Heheh. Special?
<Kit> 6Lilith has escaped to stand on her own, although not the most stable in the world, however, tension has caused her to back up a bit and peer between the two.
<Marcus`> Everyone is different, special, and that's what makes them interesting people to know as friends and allies. Perhaps if you fell off of your fucking high horse you would have some more friends?
<Kit> <Chii> I don't know what you're talking about, really. If I really cared to think about something like that, I would have said I was the least special of all. Until recently I never stood up to anyone and tried to live my own life in favor of being a useful extension.
<Kit> <Chii> There's nothing to relate to.
<Kit> 6Chii gestures nonchalantly with her hands. 1"Friends relate, right?"
<Marcus`> Very well, Chii. Keep that attitude. Just because you don't see something that you have in common doesn't mean you can't be that person's friend. Hell I would be Warren's friend if he didn't hate me. And we have nothing in common.
<Kit> <Chii> You were both born alive, in the light, at least you have that much.
<Marcus`> That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard.
<Kit> 6Lilith moves forward shakily and balances with her hands out a bit to steady. 1"...You have feelings unique to yourself now, do you not? Sometimes that is all it takes. I am only Ojousama's tool by creed, however, she... insists I am family."
<Kit> 6Chii twitches visibly. 1"..You know, it's really odd seeing you two standing side by side. Wasn't she trying to off you a while ago?"
<Marcus`> Things change.
<Kit> <Chii> Right, so you can too.
<Marcus`> And so can you.
<Kit> <Chii> Whatever... I know what I want to do.
<Marcus`> And what do you want to do, Chii?
<Kit> <Lilith> When you were sleeping you said you wished t--" 6Her voice is cut off by an odd hacking sound. She falls back, a ball caught in her mouth.
<Kit> 6Chii's hand raises back to resume being crossed under her chest. 1"Heheh, fetch, good girl."
* Marcus` narrows his eyes and kneels over Lilith, helping her keep from choking to death.
<Kit> 6Lilith stares emotionlessly at the ball on the floor as she sits up. 1"...I have fallen." 6Sullen tone.
* Marcus` lifts her up, turning back to Chii. "It's really about time you mature a bit."
<Kit> <Chii> Before I'm done I'll do just that-- after being completely selfish and immature.
<Kit> 6Chii closes her eyes and stops leaning on the doorframe. 1"...I just wanted to know your position with Katrina."
<Marcus`> I really like Katrina.
<Kit> <Chii> That's fine, I guess.
<Kit> 6Chii opens one eye and stares curiously again. 1"...What about kids?"
<Marcus`> Not now. We're fighting a war here.
<Kit> <Chii> Never mind the war." 6Persistent.
<Marcus`> Not now. *he repeats* I would never bring a child into this violence.
<Kit> 6Chii's eyes open and she blinks, looking almost normal for a change. 1"Huh. That's a pretty nice answer."
<Kit> 6Chii turns. 1"I guess that'll do. You know Cheryl's working on something neat, right?"
<Marcus`> I didn't know you were judging my answer. And yes, but I don't want to interrupt her.
<Kit> 6Lilith gets back up after a few failed attempts and wobbles about a small area like a toddler.
<Kit> <Chii> ...Judging isn't the right word. More like being cautious.
<Kit> 6Chii walks out, heading for the training area. Lilith nods to nothing in particular. 1"...I am mastering this." 6She falls face first.
* Marcus` crosses his arms, watching Lilith.
* Marcus` taps his arm, then moves out after Chii.
<Kit> 6Lilith eventually staggers to her feet and gazes around blankly. 1"I am alone." 6Sad.
<Marcus`> Why exactly do you care how I feel about Kat? *he steps into the training room*
<Kit> <Chii> Eh? That's none of your business..
<Marcus`> I think it is. Since you're asking about my feelings.
<Kit> <Chii> Tch.
<Kit> 6Chii turns her head away after frowning in irritation.
* Marcus` crosses his arms. "You still have a thing for Kat."
<Kit> <Chii> Haa. That'd be an easy answer, right? Sure, that's it.
<Marcus`> Well enlighten me then. Why do you care?
<Kit> 6Chii peers over her shoulders unamused. 1"Fine. It might affect and/or ruin pieces of my master scheme?"
<Marcus`> Oh your master scheme, eh?
<Kit> <Chii> Of course. Evil masterminds have grand schemes, don't they?
<Marcus`> If you're evil, I'm satan himself.
<Kit> 6Chii grimaces, forcing a smile. 1"...Wh-Why do you all do that..?"
<Marcus`> That's right, just call me Beelz. *he waves his hand again*
<Kit> 6Chii glares, pouting a bit. 6"I'm born from darkness. I'm not good-natured or cute!"
<Marcus`> Well you've sure got the cute faces down. *he notes with a shrug*
<Kit> <Chii> Grr. Only Freyja's supposed to be delusional enough to dress me up and say such things.
<Marcus`> Funny, since ii'm not delusional at all.
<Kit> 6Chii visibly staggers. 1"Urgh. Should find Billy or Myria... I need comfort."
<Marcus`> You could hug that punching bag. *he motions*
<Kit> 6Chii turns toward it, then punches it quite viciously. So much so, that she cries and clutches her hand.
<Marcus`> Well that was intellegent.
<Kit> <Chii> Served its purpose.
<Kit> 6Chii gazes around the punching bag, looking for Cheryl and her drone, having successfully diverted the conversation away from undesireable territory.
<DeathStar> 6* No sign of either.
<Kit> <Chii> Damn. Relocated.
* Marcus` taps his shoulder.
<Marcus`> I'm still waiting for your answer. Why do you care?
<Kit> <Chii> I told you why.
<Kit> 6Chii deftly swishes around Marcus and heads out of the training room and ponders checking the maintenance bays where Cheryl tinkers with tanks and the likes.
<Marcus`> How would it affect your master scheme then?
<Kit> <Chii> Could give it a sad ending.
* Marcus` shifts to step in her way. "How so?"
<Kit> 6Chii twists into supreme annoyance at being barred. 1"Look. I don't really feel like telling you. Telling Katrina was dumb enough on my part and now I have this fucking virus to deal with before I can even consider pulling it off."
<Kit> <Chii> Suffice to say, I'm not always going to be around to look after the few people I might admit to giving a damn about, though, alright? Katrina's one of them. I don't plan on going anywhere, but... it might be different.
<Marcus`> So you just want to make sure I'll keep an eye out for Kat, then? That's easy enough. Why is that so hard to say?
<Kit> <Chii> Because I don't trust you.
<Marcus`> Fair enough. Well have fun talking to Cheryl. *he motions, stepping out of her way*
<Kit> <Chii> See? You're too easy.
<Kit> 6Chii gestures loosely before continuing on her way. 1"It's nothing personal. I'm not sure how much I trust anyone, and being poisoned, I can't even trust myself."
<Kit> <Chii> Not going to talk, anyway. I want to give the gadget a go.
<Marcus`> I'm not easy. I just don't stand around and talk to people that have issues with me.
<Kit> 6Chii pauses and glances over a shoulder. 1"That's why you're easy."
<Kit> <Chii> Can always count on Marcus to be Marcus.
<Marcus`> I am who I am. *he says with a shrug, obviously taking that as a compliment*
<Marcus`> Never pretend to be otherwise, either.
<Kit> 6Chii squints slightly. 1"The hell would you do if Katrina asked you to sleep with us?"
<Marcus`> I wouldn't.
<Kit> <Chii> Because of me?
<Marcus`> Perhaps. *he shrugs* Or because I don't think your first guy experience should be with someone like me.
<Kit> <Chii> What's wrong with you?
* Marcus` shrugs. "Nothing. Besides, threesome's are overrated. Why would I want to upset two females instead of one, right?"
<Kit> <Chii> You plan on upsetting Katrina alone?
<Kit> 6Chii's stance becomes a bit more aggressive.
<Marcus`> If it happens, it happens. But I'm not pursuing just that.
<Kit> 6Chii relaxes slightly. 1"Ah. Huh, well, whatever. I'd have figured you might like two kneeling."
<Kit> <Chii> So you off to find Dias again?
<Marcus`> Two kneeling?
<Kit> 6Chii takes on a bored expression and leans backwards. 1"What, do I need to pull out a diagram for you? You stand, we kneel."
<Kit> 6She mumbles. 1"I'm sure Myria could make one."
<Marcus`> I highly doubt Katrina would ever kneel before me.
<Kit> <Chii> For that sort of thing? Haa haa.
<Marcus`> You're a perverted little thing. That's for sure.
<Kit> <Chii> It's fun. Besides, I learned most of it from her.
<Marcus`> I doubt you learned about blowjobs from her.
<Kit> <Chii> You do, huh? Well, where else would I have?
<Marcus`> You can read can't you?
<Kit> 6Chii blinks. 1"You know, I don't know."
<Marcus`> I didn't. But you should learn.
<Kit> <Chii> Maybe. I never tried-- But then, I never learned to speak, either. I guess I should be able to.
<Marcus`> ...and I think my wierd quota has been met for the day.
<Kit> <Chii> Tch. We've been over this. I was born of darkness, yet Freyja's existence and I are simultaneous. I gained her memories, so it's not that weird.
<Kit> 6Chii crosses her arms stubbornly. 1"I'm sure I can read."
* Marcus` sighs. "What does my shirt say?"
<Kit> 6Chii observes his shirt for words.
<Marcus`> 6*His shirt says....Nike?
<Kit> <Chii> ...A name brand? Ahaha.
<Marcus`> What does it say?
<Kit> <Chii> I didn't really take you for the Nike sort.
<Marcus`> It's comfortable.
<Kit> <Chii> True.
<Marcus`> And it's not my battle gear anyway.
<Kit> 6Chii raises an eyebrow and nods. 1"Eh, neither is this. I guess I should change before I try fighting Cheryl's concoction." 6She peers down, a form-fitting tank top that ends before her stomach and some shorts cut awful short. She's still wearing the crossing four belts holding her guns and short swords, though.
* Marcus` shrugs now. "Well. I guess I'm going to go get another snack."
<Kit> <Chii> Mh. Later, Marcus.
<Kit> 6Chii rolls her head to the other side, then turns back and continues down the corridor, looking for Cheryl.
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Mon Dec 31 02:56:57 2007