Session Start: Thu Feb 21 20:02:08 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080221.log'
* Xanatos is now known as Marcus`
<DeathStar> Stardate: Unknnown
<DeathStar> Location: Unknown
<DeathStar> 6* The area is surrounded by a firery like background, as if things were burning, though there's no real flames that can be made out. The buildings seem to be old fashioned, by a few thousand years. However, it is not the background or locale that is important, but the two figures in the middle.
<DeathStar> 6* Standing there, with a sword plunged into their chest, is none other than Lilith. The blood runs down the black blade that glows, as if feeding off her life force, and standing there, holding the hilt, is Drake, with a strange expression, his device on his temple damaged. It would seem that Drake has killed Lilith.
<DeathStar> 6* But how did this occur? Well, to find that out, we must travel back some time
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.6.27
<DeathStar> Location: HQ
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl throws a punch out at Theron. It seems they are sparring like they said they would. Warren has even come to watch as the two titans clash. Drake stands around, eating chips.
<Jennifer`> * Jenn watches with interest.
<Jennifer`> * Darce snoozes in a corner.
<Kit> 6Chii sits around listening to an mp3 player.
<SPoC> 6Dias stands off to the side, holding credits. 1"It's 3 to 1 on Cheryl"
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances at Dias.
<SPoC> 6Dias looks at Warren. 1"What? I go with the house favorite here."
<Kit> 6Lilith observes her gear, nodding with satisfaction.
<Marcus`> *Theron knocks the punch up and to the right, swinging his own left hand inward towards her stomach.
<SPoC> Is it normal for people to fight for 40 minutes straight like this?
<DeathStar> <Drake> No. No it's not.
* Myria sits on the sidelines, drinking a delicious Omega Coke.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grabs his fist with her other hand, sliding back from the force of his swing. She grips down on his hand.
<SPoC> 6Dias, taking bets down from some NPC's
<SPoC> NRP: turns
* Ariel watches silently, paying more attention to how Cheryl's doing, than Theron.
<Jennifer`> Jennifer> "How do they keep going like this?"
* Marcus` watches silently, perhaps he's asleep.
<Marcus`> *Theron stands there with his arm captured. He shifts his hand quickly to catpure Cheryl's arm before she pulls it away, them each holding the other's arm.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl has taken quite some damage throughout the fight. Her face has a few bruises, and her breathing is quicker, despite the fact she doesn't need air. And she's favoring her right side. She brings her knee up into his stomach before he can capture her arm, counting on such a tactic
<Marcus`> *Theron takes the hit and grunts, he is also in similar shape to Cheryl. Instead of dropping back from the blow, however, he attemps to press the advantage, jerking down with his captured arm, twisting from the odd movement to pull his elbow up for Cheryl's chin.
<Marcus`> Who did I bet on, Dias?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's head snaps back. She stumbles back, lets go of Theron, and does a roundhouse kick out for Theron's head.
<SPoC> Uh. 6He glances down at his notebook. 1"You've got 150 down on Theron and 80 down on Cheryl."
<SPoC> NRP: Dias
<Kit> 6Lilith drops down from a platform near the gear and exits the hangar, leaving the rest to whatever crew Pope has on it, going to retrieve Raquel.
<Marcus`> *Theron narrowly avoids the kick with a duck, spinning around with the duck to deliver a roundhouse of his own.
<Myria> Go Team Erus. *waves a little penant*
<Marcus`> I bet on both of them? Well that wasn't smart. I take it all back.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds up her arm, letting it impact against it.
<SPoC> It is astounding at both of their stamina. 6She nods
<Ariel> 6* Raquel sits quietly outside the base, trying to meditate... she's not very good at it honestly.
<Marcus`> *Theron hops back, though there isn't a specific place he is favoring, it's more of the fact that he is hiding in abnormalities in his stance. Cheryl on the otherhand may notice the varying strength of blows from each limb.
<Jennifer`> * Jenn sits down near Warren, getting tired just watching.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lowers her arm. She doesn't even seem to have any energy left.
<SPoC> <Dias> FINISH HIM OFF CHERYL! 6He pumps his fist into the air
<Kit> <Chii> Hey, shut up. I can't hear Kisako.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren crosses his arms, glancing over at Ariel once.
* Jennifer` watches intently, not noticing much else around her.
<Marcus`> *Theron tilts his head, he realizes this is most likely a feint to lower his guard so he kicks out for Cheryl's right leg, the lower part of it.
<Kit> 6Lilith approaches Raquel, leaning over. 1"Lady Raquel, it is almost finished. Would you like to see?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leaps up and over the kick, lands, and throws all her remaining strenght and stamina for a punch to his jaw, aiming to end this fight here and now.
* Ariel gives Warren a small shrug, watching Cheryl's technique.
<Ariel> Raquel> ""
<Kit> <Lilith> The modified Gear.
<Ariel> Raquel> "Oh..."
<Marcus`> *Theron expected some type of action so he follows her with his head as she jumps overtop of him, but what he didn't except was the power of her punch. He's clocked in the jaw and stumbles back, falling to one knee.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps back, then kicks out at his head.
<SPoC> 6Dias roars louldy. 1"NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!"
<Kit> <Lilith> I sense not.
<Kit> 6Lilith moves instead to kneel beside Raquel, gazing at the empty space about.
<Marcus`> *Theron barely gets his arm up to soften the blow, sliding sideways across the floor.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stands there, taking this moment to rest.
* Jennifer` seems to be studying CHeryl's movements intently, making little motions with her hands and legs.
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Jennifer blankly.
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, a high pitch sound causes intense pain in Lilith's ears. To some degree, Chii can feel it, too. Dias and Marcus, too, can feel something, though it's not painful.
<Marcus`> *Theron slowly rises, wiping a bit at his nose.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake pauses, glancing up. "Anyone hear that?"
* Marcus` tilts his head and glances around.
<Kit> 6Chii peers around, taking her headphones out. 1"...Eh, what was it?"
<SPoC> 6Dias quirks his eyes, his arms lowering. He looks around a confused look on his face. 1"Yeah, kinda."
<Jennifer`> "So does Cheryl win?"
<Marcus`> It's not just me?
<Kit> 6Lilith keels over, writing on the grass.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...Lilith! What's wrong...?!"
<Kit> <Lilith> ...Hurts... it... the noise. It hurts..!
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances. "What are you talking about?'
<DeathStar> 6* The pain subsides. However, something is calling Lilith. Calling her to it.
<DeathStar> 6* Or at least, calling to something in her.
<SPoC> <Dias> I coulda swore I heard something.
<Kit> 6Chii peers toward Drake, perhaps suspiciously.
<Marcus`> Maybe we're all just losing it.
<DeathStar> <Drake> I don't think so.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake rubs his chin thoughtfully.
<SPoC> <Dias> You heard it too? 6He looks over at Drake
<Kit> 6Lilith shakes her head, then stares off in a rather exact direction, standing.
<Marcus`> *Theron turns back to Cheryl now. "Do we continue?" He asks, something he has done before during this fight.
<SPoC> I do not hear anything besides Theron and Cheryl's heavy breathing
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shrugs, looking at the others.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...are you alright?"
<Kit> <Chii> A summon? Geas?
* Jennifer` yawns a bit. "Great, people are hearing things."
<Marcus`> Maybe there was a fly buzzing around.
<Kit> <Lilith> ..." 6Slowly gazes toward Raquel, her eyes narrowed, expression completely blank in the inugami persona. 1"I must go."
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes. After all we've seen and done, let's just assume it's a fly.
<SPoC> <Dias> A fly that all four of us hear?
<Ariel> Raquel> "...go where? Why?"
<SPoC> NRP: heard
<Kit> <Lilith> Because I must." 6She turns and lifts slightly, floating toward where she was looking.
<DeathStar> <Drake> I think there's something out there. But, I'm just guessing. I mean. What do I know, right?
<Kit> 6Chii throws an empty can at Drake.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake is hit and recoils. "OW"
<Myria> Or an airborne nano-bomb.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel latches onto Lilith's arm, "...that's not an answer."
<Kit> <Chii> Punk. If you're involved somehow again, I swear...
* Marcus` shrugs once. "Pudding brains is probabaly right."
<SPoC> 6Dias looks over at Chii. 1"What the hell was that for?
* Jennifer` just watches them all talking.
<DeathStar> <Drake> Involved again? 6* He looks baffled.
<Kit> 6Chii narrows her eyes at Drake. 1"You could hear it better than me. I'll hug you."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren takes his datapad, doing some searching.
* SPoC stares at Theron and Cheryl, her hands clenches in eagerness
<Jennifer`> * Darce grumbles. "Can you people think quieter."
<DeathStar> <Drake> Like I know what it is. I just heard something that sounded like a beckoning.
<SPoC> <Dias> A beaca-what?
<Marcus`> Like someone was calling out.
<Kit> 6Lilith pauses a moment, staring at Raquel with a bite of ire, then turning again, insistently moving on. 1"I will not stop you if you choose to follow, Lady Raquel."
<Kit> <Chii> Calling to what?
<DeathStar> <Drake> Like I know.
<Marcus`> <Theron> Perhaps we should label this a draw until this matter is solved? *he says to Cheryl*
<DeathStar> 6* Drake crosses his arms, looking somewhat annoyed.
<Kit> <Chii> Well, hey, for once I'm not freaking out or something.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I guess so.
<Jennifer`> "So is this like... one of your supernatural things, a spook page?"
<SPoC> <Dias> A calling?! I heard a call? God I think I have brain cancer. 6He suddenly looks over at the two. 1"A draw. God damn't Warren." 6He sighs and begins counting the money
<DeathStar> <Warren> Is everyone accounted for? 6* He questions
* SPoC snaps out of her look and then looks at Warren. 1"I do not see Raquel or Lilith.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl limps over to take a seat.
<Ariel> Raquel> "......"
<DeathStar> 6 *Warren pauses, then touches his comm piece in his ear. "Raquel, do you hear me?"
* Jennifer` looks around. "Where's the dog girl?"
<Marcus`> *Theron moves over and offers out his hand, "You are more fiersome than I previously imagined. A true warrior."
<Kit> <Chii> It shouldn't matter unless those missing are attuned to the par--... aw, hell.
<SPoC> 6Dias moves over to Warren and holds out half the cred's he has.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shakes his hand once.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren just motions for Dias to set them down
<Ariel> 6* Raquel closes her eyes, then answers the comm. "...yes."
<Kit> 6Lilith pulls Raquel along.
<Myria> Ok, Theron, now you have to fight me! *goes into kung fu movie style crane stance*
<DeathStar> <Warren> Have you two observed anything unusal?
<SPoC> 6Dias nods and sets them down, he moves over to Theron and Cheryl, handing them each half of the remaining half. 1"Here's your guy's share of the pot."
<Marcus`> *Theron pauses and glances at Myria. "I do not wish to break you. Miss Myria."
<Marcus`> *Theron refuses. "I fight not for money."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel glances at Lilith as she follows, "...Lilith has found something more important than me again."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl takes the money.
<Myria> What? Afraid?! *kicks at the air!*
<DeathStar> <Warren> Try to keep the childish emotional drama out of it. What, exactly?
<SPoC> <Dias> Ya sure? 6He looks at Theron questiongly. 1"You did earn it
* Jennifer` rolls her eyes.
<Ariel> Raquel> *comm* "...she won't tell me."
<Marcus`> *Theron just gives Dias a look, and then glances at Myria. "Perhaps."
<DeathStar> <Warren> ... Halt her advancement. I will be there when I can.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren clicks off.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Chii. Can you tell what this "beckoning call" is?
<Myria> You better watch out! I've been reading the Tao of Jeet Kun Do!
<SPoC> 6Dias shrugs and places the remaining credits in his pocket. He plops down beside Cheryl. 1"Nice fight."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel latches onto Lilith's arm and attempts to anchor. "'ve been ordered to stop."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds her side. "Yeah."
<Kit> <Chii> Hey, I'm no priestess like Freyja. I'm just good at channeling and devouring.
<Kit> 6Chii rubs at an ear. 1"It's fucking annoying, I'll give you that."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grunts.
<SPoC> <Dias> Atleast he didn't damage your good looks. 6He looks her over
<Marcus`> <Theron> I will keep that in mind. *he takes a seat, relaxing slightly*
<Jennifer`> Darce> "You tellin me the dog hear a whistle and wants to run off?"
<DeathStar> 6* Warren goes to ask Drake, but pauses when he sees the man is gone.
<Jennifer`> * Darce pulls himself up and yawns.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *snorts*
<Myria> And a winner is me!
<Kit> 6Lilith continues floating along, towing Raquel with her. 1"..."
<Kit> <Chii> ...Hey. Where'd comaboy go?
<DeathStar> <Warren> ..
<Ariel> Raquel> *opens a ripple in front of Lilith that leads back towards the base*
<DeathStar> 6* Warren heads for the computer room now.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Oh, off on an adventure I suppose, that or he's unconcious under a bench.
* SPoC tilts her head and she turns, moving after Warren
<Marcus`> <Theron> Yes. A winner is you. *He closes his eyes slightly. It seems that if anyone knew him, they could tell his is exhausted.*
* Jennifer` follows after her Dad.
<Kit> 6Lilith raises over the ripple, then lowers back to barely above the ground, continuing.
<SPoC> <Dias> You guys went at it for almost an hour. Impressive.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lays down on the bench, closing her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Get back to me tomorrow."
<Ariel> Raquel> "...Lilith... stop." *cold, warning voice*
* Marcus` plops down on the other side of Cheryl. "I didn't even know people could fight that long."
<Kit> 6Chii raises and wanders over, handing Cheryl the remainder of a bottle.
<SPoC> <Dias> Well besides us. 6He smirks at Marcus
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl appears to be asleep. Or unconscious.
* Ariel heads after Warren, "What do you think is happening?" Cheryl has too many fans right now.
<Kit> 6Lilith pauses briefly, then turns to gaze at Raquel just as coldly, a certain amount of concern in her expression.
* Myria pops over and rubs Theron's shoulders.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I don't know. But if all our resident supernatural beings are hearing something, I imagine it is not good
* Marcus` slides on down the bench so Cheryl doesn't lay her head on his lap. "Yeah but we don't have anything better to do."
* Jennifer` shakes her head a little.
<Marcus`> *Theron jerks startled, he openes his eyes. He pauses and makes an odd tilt of his head. "I...thank you, Miss Myria." He closes his eyes again.
<SPoC> 6Dias glances down at Cheryl and just chuckles to himself. He stands up. 1"Let's leave her be."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren steps into the computer. He leans over, bringing up satelites and runs a scan of the area in and around Tokyo.
* SPoC steps in herself now, her hands remain behind her back as she watches.
<Kit> <Lilith> You must not hinder me.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...Warren said to stop... you won't tell me what it is. I can't let you go on like this."
* Jennifer` takes a seat in the computer room, kicking her legs out a little.
* Marcus` stands. "We should probably check out this whole beckoning thing."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel tightens her grip.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren brings up a moving dot.
<Myria> I can be sensitive too, you know...
<SPoC> <Dias> Who knows? Maybe we'll find a good fight, ni? 6He looks at Marcus
<Ariel> " what are we looking at?"
<SPoC> I believe it is a computer screen.
<Kit> <Lilith> It matters little what the humans say. I must go, and you will not stop me." 6Her eyes narrow.
<DeathStar> <Warren> That's Lilith. 6* He watches the direction she's moving, then narrows his scans to the area in the same direction
<Marcus`> <Theron> I apologize. *he says, though perhaps it is just instinct, or perhaps he means it.*
* Jennifer` giggles a little. "You've got a way of tracking everyone, don't you."
* Marcus` nods his head. "Maybe. Come'on Chii-Chii. Leave her alone." He turns to move towards the exit.
<SPoC> 6Dias moves after Marcus
<Kit> 6Chii stares at Marcus. 1"...Problem with me listening to music here?"
<DeathStar> 6* The scanner brings up something up ahead. Outside the main area of Tokyo, near the ritual sites that Freyja and Chii use to like to play at.
<DeathStar> 6* However, they cannot make out what it is - it's unlike anything the computer has encountered.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel shakes her head, "...if that's the case..." 6She stops the flow of energy from her to Lilith, and starts to drain the energy Lilith has.
<Myria> For what?
<Marcus`> You so attached to Cheryl that you can go anywhere without her? *he says with a glance over his shoulder*
<DeathStar> 6* Warren frowns. His eyes narrow.
<Ariel> "So... we're dealing with... Something."
<DeathStar> <Warren> I hate supernatural forces.
<Kit> 6Lilith's eyes widen briefly, then solidify into the calm, calculating manner. After a moment's pause she reaches out and puts her hands on Raquel's shoulders. 1"...Lady Raquel..."
* SPoC slowly looks at Ariel, then over at Warren. 1"I do not recognize these readings."
<Marcus`> <Theron> For. *he pauses* Doubting your sensitivity.
<Myria> Ohhhhh
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks at Ariel. "We should probably investigate it. If Lilith is going out there, it may be only a matter of time before the others decide to go, too."
<Kit> 6Chii stands, following Marcus, grumbling. 1"Oh screw you, Jones."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel mumbles under her breath, hating to do this, "...I won't let you run off and do something stupid..."
* Marcus` smiles widely. "Only of you get me drunk, Chii-Chii."
<Ariel> "Something is calling people to it, likely dangerous... so we run into it head first. I understand."
* Jennifer` stretches a little.
<Kit> 6Lilith closes her eyes and gives a long sigh. 1"Forgive me." 6Then sets off an electromagnetic pulse centered on Raquel herself. Turning to leave.
<Jennifer`> "That or wait till people go anyways."
<SPoC> We do know where she is heading, this gives us an advantage
<DeathStar> <Warren> Well, if it isn't calling us, we have better odds.
<Marcus`> *Theron goes back to be silent, though from the look on his face, the rubbing of his shoulders is pleasant.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren moves for the hanger.
* SPoC steps out after Warren
<Jennifer`> * Darce pushes himself off the hallway wall and follows Warren.
<Myria> Ummm...where did everyone go?
<Kit> 6Chii growls louder at Marcus, looking away. 1"Tch."
* Marcus` meet up with Warren along the way. "You think we'll get to fight something?"
* Jennifer` looks up at Ariel from her seat. "You going Miss. Ariel?"
<Marcus`> <Theron> I do not know.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grunts.
<SPoC> <Dias> I like that kind of grunt.
* Ariel nods and heads for the hangar.
<Marcus`> It had a bit of a nice sound to it. I'll agree. *He chuckles*
* Jennifer` sits back and watches the computer.
<Jennifer`> * Darce rubs the back of his head, walking along with the others.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes his datapad. His tracking of Lilith is gone.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Damn
<DeathStar> 6* Warren moves quicker, stepping into the hanger.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel falls over for plot reasons, apparently having had a heart attack
<DeathStar> 6* Warren moves to the Warren Jet
<Myria> NRP: Which includes an auxilary rocket shaped like a giant guitar
<Marcus`> Oooh. Can I fly?
<DeathStar> <Warren No.
* Ariel sits on the warren jet, really hating all of this freaky mumbojumbo.
<Marcus`> Good. I suck at it.
* SPoC steps in and moves over to the weapons rack, pulling a rifle off.
<Jennifer`> * Darce boards the Warren Jet.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sits beside Ariel. He looks just as annoyed. He's like Batman fighting magic.
<SPoC> 6Dias steps on and plops into a seat
<DeathStar> <Warren> Dias, you fly.
* Marcus` pauses and grabs his shotgun, getting into the Warren jet.
<Myria> Well, I've been doing my research...
<Marcus`> *Theron stirs, apparently he had dozed off. "Pardon?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Really? Sweet. 6He gets up and moves to the pilot seat and sits down, powering up the jet
<DeathStar> 6* Warren frowns. "I don't like this."
<Myria> My research.
<Marcus`> Me either. Dias flying. It's scary.
<DeathStar> <Warren> ...
<Kit> <Chii> Hey, he did fine last time.
* Marcus` frowns. "Ok, i'm done joking." He sits back.
<Marcus`> <Theron> I see. It is going well?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren tries to raise Raquel on the comm, but gets no signal.
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> 6* Raquel would awaken to someone shaking her.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel opens her eyes slowly, trying to remember what happened
<DeathStar> 6* Drake looks down, worried. "You okay?"
<Ariel> Raquel> "...she... zapped me..."
<DeathStar> <Drake> Lilith?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods slowly
<DeathStar> 6* Drake looks concerned, and helps Raquel to her feet. "It's not her fault."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel stands shakily, wincing. Her chest aches, and her limbs don't feel right. "...what's... going on?"
<DeathStar> <Drake> There's some oblisek nearby that's affecting things of a different nature. Maybe some sort of hidden back up system in this universe that was built to deal with the unnatural supernatural.
<DeathStar> <Drake> Maybe it's just the Dark Ones, seeing if they can use them.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake shrugs
<Ariel> Raquel> " it's controlling her?"
<DeathStar> <Drake> Lets put it like this. Imagine you put a juicy steak in front of a hungry dog that hasn't eaten in a week
<Ariel> Raquel> "...she wouldn't listen to me... she wouldn't talk to me..."
<DeathStar> <Drake> She's an inugami, Raquel.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake begins to move in the direction Lilith went, motioning for Raquel to follow.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...she's supposed to be MY Inugami... my friend..." *Follows disheartedly*
<DeathStar> <Drake> Lilith ... in a way, is your friend, isn't she? But she's also an Inugami. That's like two sides of nature. I mean, you remember the last time she conflicted with herself, right?
<Ariel> Raquel> "...the inugami side is the one that's normally friendly with me."
<DeathStar> 6* Drake peers at Raquel. "Is it?"
<Ariel> Raquel> "...her other side is the one that always wants to run off and do other things."
<DeathStar> 6* Drake shakes his head.
<DeathStar> <Drake> You don't get it.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks down, "...let's... just find her..."
<DeathStar> 6* Drake crosses his arms, turning to face her.
<DeathStar> <Drake> Tell me something first.
<DeathStar> <Drake> What do you expect from Lilith?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks at Drake uncertainly.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake seems to be waiting for an answer, but doesn't look impatient.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...what do you mean?"
<DeathStar> <Drake> What do you want from Lilith? That should be...simple enough. You do know what you want from her, don't you?
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I just want her to be my friend."
<DeathStar> <Drake> An inugami cannot be your friend. It obeys you. It does what you tell it to do. It listens to you. You say that's the side you want, but that doesn't sound like a friend to me. The other part of her may be clueless and run off alot, but at least that side of her does things that isn't a result of orders.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...niether side seems to listen very well."
<DeathStar> 6* Drake kneels down, glancing at her. "I don't know much about you, except what I picked up on from others. I know you have had it hard with the Weapons thing and the fact your friend Nipple died. But listen." 6* He puts a hand on her shoulder. "Life isn't easy. Sometimes, you have to fight for what you want, and lose something at the same time. Lilith and her other side are in conflict. In the end
<DeathStar> <Drake> it might come down to you who decided who is going to be the Lilith you know.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods slowly, "...his name was Ripple. And he died. Like my other siblings..."
<DeathStar> <Drake> And you fear loneliness, right?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel hesitates, "...I just want my family."
<DeathStar> <Drake> Raquel. I know what you mean. I know very well what you mean. I've lost...people I care about. And I want nothing more to have them back. It hurts. I know. But... an inugami, outside things like this, might obey your every word, and might seem like the perfect friend, the best pal, but there's no heart to it. No love.
<DeathStar> <Drake> However, while it might be more difficult, I'd take a goofy, run away klutz, who could give love, than someone who blindly did what I wanted.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods slowly, but doesn't think they're talking about the same Inugami.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake stands and begins to move on
<Ariel> 6* Raquel follows quietly, as fast as she can manage after being messed up by Lilith.
<DeathStar> <Drake> I'm going to give you some energy. We'll use your ripples to get there.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake pulls out his sword, cutting his hand, then reaches over, cutting Raquel's hand. He grips his hand with hers.
<DeathStar> <Drake> Lets hope this will be enough
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> 6* The Warren Jet streaks through the sky.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I still can't reach Raquel or Lilith
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Damn."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren reaches into his pocket and pulls out a vicodin, popping it.
* SPoC sits with her eyes closed
<Marcus`> There's a good chance their comms were fried. If Lilith used that one ability of hers.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I concur.
<SPoC> <Dias> And she loves to use her abilities
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks at his datapad, as if debating calling in Freyja on this one.
<Ariel> "Why would Lilith use her abilities?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> If she's being mind controlled, it would be the best way to prevent us from tracking her.
<Marcus`> And if she isn't being mind controlled, then they are in a fight with someone or something.
<DeathStar> <Warren> What do we know about Lilith? 6* He asks.
<Marcus`> She and Raquel have this retarded relationship where they can't be friends with anyone else.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Act your age, Jones.
* Ariel pauses. She really doesn't have a clue.
<SPoC> <Dias> She's some sort of servant.
<Marcus`> Ok ok. Inugami I think is what they called it.
<DeathStar> <Warren> An inugami. I've done some research on them.
<Marcus`> Her abilities range from electronic pulses, to controlling ball bearings that she carries around with her. She can summon this large rail gun type of thing, very strong.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Do we know how she became an inugami?
<SPoC> <Dias> I assume she died at one point in the past
<DeathStar> <Warren> How?
<SPoC> <Dias> Either killed or old age. I don't know
<DeathStar> <Warren> She appears to be young. Not old.
* Marcus` tilts his head. "I'd assume killed."
<SPoC> <Dias> Killed than.
<DeathStar> <Warren> What made her pick Raquel?
<Marcus`> Do the Inugami choose their master?
<DeathStar> <Warren> A contract is formed, so yes.
<Marcus`> Then it's probably because Raquel was alone and Lilith wanted to help her get revenge on me and Dias.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Hm. If only we all had inugamis, then.
<Ariel> ", we're not mass producing them."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances at Ariel, perhaps to see if she made a joke
* SPoC stares at Ariel, confused.
<SPoC> <Dias> But how is it that Raquel could form a contract? I dont' see any of us forming them
<Jennifer`> * Darce just rubs his face and shakes his head.
* Ariel shakes her head. She expected Warren to at least understand.
<Marcus`> It's not like Lilith is going to be a problem when it comes to a fight, we have experience. I'm more concerned about whatever could be controlling her or whatever they are fighting.
<DeathStar> <Warren> What does Raquel get out of the contract now? I mean, you two are alive.
<SPoC> <Dias> How long does the normal contract last?
<DeathStar> <Warren> I don't know.
<SPoC> <Dias> So maybe it's like a cell phone plan and it's ran out of minutes.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Hm.
<DeathStar> <Warren> If that's the case, what happens to Lilith?
<Marcus`> She probably moves on to make another contract.
<SPoC> <Dias> She get's shut off?
<Ariel> "You make her sound like a contract killer."
<DeathStar> <Warren> In a sense.
<SPoC> <Dias> Well she DID try to kill me and Marcus
<DeathStar> <Warren> Depends on the master's intentions, I imagine.
<Marcus`> And most people hell bent on revenge aint thinking about having a cup of tea.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grunts.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Tea sounds nice about now."
<SPoC> <Dias> What about this Warren. Let's say she ran out of minutes awhile ago but no one's needed her number. Until now.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Then we have a problem.
<Marcus`> One question on that. Why would we feel it?
<SPoC> <Dias> Well, we aren't normal.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I don't know. Do you two have super natural elements we aren't aware of?
<Marcus`> Yeah but we aren't inugamis.
<Kit> 6Chii remains oblivious, still listening to music.
<SPoC> 6Dias looks at Marcus than at Warren. 1"Not that we know of."
<DeathStar> <Warren> ...
<Jennifer`> Darce> "I was pretty sure that one of them was a werewolf."
<SPoC> <Dias> He got bit when he was a kid.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "I see, terrible tragedy."
<Ariel> "Last I heard, werewolves weren't natural."
<SPoC> <Dias> Oh, thanks. Make us feel like freaks and outcasts. 6He sniffles
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Warren, you blocked me from the wolf boy?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> No.
<Jennifer`> Darce> "Mind if I?"
<Marcus`> Last you heard? You part of some mystical hotline or something?
<DeathStar> <Warren> No.
<Marcus`> I do. I will shoot you in the face.
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah man, leaping into a person's head is just wrong.
<SPoC> <Dias> And what does it have to do with our current situation anyways.
<Jennifer`> "I wouldn't try it, I might leave you a mindless shell."
<Jennifer`> *Darce>
<DeathStar> <Warren> Nothing. We're about to arrive. Everyone, get ready.
* Jennifer` is now known as Darce
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
* Marcus` narrows his eyes and pulls out his gun aims it at Darce.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake and Raquel arrive outside a lake shrine. Before them is a glowing obsterik, with Lilith in front of it, and a Dark One, Asmodeus, present.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel frowns... right. Now this is a time she wished she had a guardian dog.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake stares. "This is bad."
<DeathStar> 6* A beam hits Lilith
<DeathStar> 6* Drake unsheathes his sword.
<Kit> 6Lilith stares up at the obelisk.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel draws her blade and looks to Drake, her legs still shakey. She's waiting for his lead.
<DeathStar> <Drake> Raquel. How effective are you against Dark Ones?
<Ariel> Raquel> " depends if I can get my sister to help me."
<DeathStar> <Drake> Hm. We have to get him from that object.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I'll try to convince her to help."
<DeathStar> 6* Drake nods. He begins to move in at Asmodeus, pulling back his sword.
<DeathStar> 6* He leaps out, slashing the Dark One. Asmodeus steps back, grabbing his arm. "What is this? What are you?" 6* Drake responds by swinging his sword again, but the Dark One leaps back. "Inugami. Kill this man."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel holds out her hands and concentrates, trying to build up the energy for a holy blast.
<Kit> 6Lilith turns slowly, focusing on Drake. 1"...Very well."
<DeathStar> 6* Drake swings at Asmodeus, who dodges and smacks Drake into range of Lilith
<DeathStar> 6* It seems Raquel is in favor today.
<Kit> 6Lilith leans forward and sends a high sidekick for Drake as he stumbles toward her.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake is hit by the kick. He yelps in pain, stumbling. "Lilith..."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel smiles a little, thankful for her sister's aid, and releases the blast at Asmodeus while he's distracted by the fight.
<DeathStar> 6* Asmodeus is hit by the blast, and he slides along. He roars in anger, turning to face Raquel
<Kit> 6Lilith turns, kicking with the other foot. Her hands steady, leaningward to punch.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake clumbsily dodges the kick, and leans back from the punch. "H-Hey!"
<DeathStar> 6* He swings the broadside of his sword from her head, to whack her
<DeathStar> 6* Asmodeus forms a dark matter ball, throwing it at Raquel
<Kit> 6Lilith holds her hand up, slamming her palm against it, causing it to vibrate. 1"...You have wielded a weapon against me." 6Her eyes narrow at Drake menacingly.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake grits his teeth as he vibrates.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel hops back through a ripple, coming out behind Asmodeus and slashing at him.
<DeathStar> 6* Asmodeus is slashed. He roars in anger, more than in pain, and swings around with a tentacle, trying to stab Raquel
<Kit> 6Lilith holds her hand to her chest, reaching... into it. Literally.
<DeathStar> <Drake> This is bad. You don't have to tell me this is bad. I know this is bad.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel attempts to parry with her blade. She has been practicing.
<DeathStar> 6* Asmodeus snears, then launches a second tendril at her.
<Kit> 6Lilith begins pulling the hilt of a katana-style weapon out of her own body, shoving Drake's blade up and away from her.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake takes several steps back, getting distance.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel jumps forward, past the tentacle, and slashes at Asmodeus, "...what do you want with Lilith?"
<DeathStar> <Asmodeus> She is a test to see if we can control the supernatural forces of this world.
<DeathStar> 6* Asmodeus dodges the slash. He forms five dark matter balls all around Raquel, and launches them all in at her.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel jumps into a ripple before she's obliterated by the attack. Reappearing a small distance off.
<DeathStar> 6* Asmodeus narrows his eyes. "That move of yours is quite unique."
<Kit> 6Lilith keeps pulling, the blade just keeps getting longer. She gives it a good last yank and steadies it to her side, twisting it in her palm and gripping with her other hand at the end of a hilt a foot in length. It's.. an exceptionally long nodachi. She leans it over a shoulder and brings her lead foot forward. Clearing a stabbing stance.
<DeathStar> <Drake> What do you mean I should attack? Fuck that. No. No. Fuck you.
<Ariel> Raquel> ", you can't have it." *stabs into the ground, sending the blade up at Asmodeus' feet*
<DeathStar> 6* Asmodeus, as he begins to feel impalement, teleports.
<DeathStar> 6* Asmodeus appears in the sky, right in front of..THE WARREN JET
<Kit> <Lilith> You should listen to them." 6She moves her other foot forward, then snaps the lead foot forward, lunging her whole body forward, thrusting at Drake with the height and a quarter length blade tinted in an ashy colour.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake swings his sword, roaring and unleashing a dark wave of energy at Lilith
<DeathStar> 6* Asmodeus turns to stare at Dias.
<Marcus`> Uh. Dias. Heads up.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks up at the jet trying to steal her kill.
<SPoC> 6Dias smiles and arms the weapons, firing
<Kit> 6Lilith leans, pinning the end of her sword into the ground and leaping upward. She edges her weight forward and flips, yanking the blade out of the ground and making a downward strike at Drake.
<DeathStar> 6* Asmodeus is shot, then hit by the jet.
<Ariel> "...did we just hit something?"
<DeathStar> 6* Drake holds up his sword, as if to parry
<DeathStar> <Drake> This is going to suck
<DeathStar> <Warren> *grunts* It was nothing important.
<SPoC> <Dias> It was in my way.
<Marcus`> Right. Because this is YOUR sky, Mr. Hotshot.
<Ariel> "Alright."
<Kit> 6Lilith widens her eyes in a relatively feral manner, her tail lashing behind her as she lands downward. The blade darkens, and it becomes apparent she's laced the blade itself with sinks of her gravity well ability to manipulate its mass into something heavier.
<SPoC> <Dias> It is when I'm flying
<Marcus`> I can tell you're an only child.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel turns her attention to the other fight, "LILITH!"
<SPoC> <Dias> What are you talking about? Apparently I have 9 brothers and sisters
<DeathStar> 6* Drake roars, and begins to expand a black mass around his sword into the well. "I call upon you, souls of the damned. Strength my blade so that I may strike true."
<DeathStar> <Drake> My life blood is yours, and yours is mine.
<Marcus`> Well fine. We'll just call you a selfish person instead.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks down at the fight and glowing object. "We should hurrt."
<SPoC> <Dias> Roger roger. 6He jerks the controls, bringing them down to land
<Kit> 6Lilith peers down at Drake, tilting her head slightly, but emotionlessly. Perhaps she's surprised by being resisted, perhaps she doesn't care. She leans to the left, sending her own weight around and uses her matched blade as a pole to swing down and kick at Drake.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake is kicked and sent bouncing back.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel hurries towards the fight.
<SPoC> 6Dias brings the jet in and lands it.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren hits the ramp open button
<DeathStar> 6 *Drake stubbornly holds onto his sword as he rises.
<Kit> 6Lilith digs her striking and following foot into the ground, and twirls, the darkness of the blade brightening as she whirls it around her and sends a diagonally slash for the falling Drake, its hue darkening to black.
<Kit> <Lilith> Curious prey.
<Darce> * Darce glares silently at Marcus, getting up.
<Kit> 6Chii pulls out one of her headphones. 1"Hey, we there yet?"
<DeathStar> 6* Drake swings his sword up, letting it impact. He flies back into the lake.
<SPoC> <Dias> Thank you for flying Dias airlines. 6He flicks several switches and stands up.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren steps out. He stares at Lilith, then the object.
<Kit> 6Chii takes a moment to pause, gazing around as if looking for that 'fly' from earlier. 1"Eh..?"
* Marcus` gives Chii a thumbs up and stands, turning to walk down the ramp.
<SPoC> <Dias> Next time, try the mile high club. It's all the rage.
* SPoC moves down the ramp and stands beside Warren. 1"Orders."
<DeathStar> <Warren> We have to subdue Lilith.
<Kit> 6Lilith floats swiftly over the ground, heading for the lake with the longsword dragging behind her.
* SPoC switches her rifle to stun and raises her gun and begins firing automatic fire at Lilith
<DeathStar> 6* Drake surfaces
<Kit> 6Lilith swings for his bobbing head.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake aieeyees and ducks.
<Marcus`> Watch out for those gravity wells. They are annoying as hell.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren aims at Lilith, firing stun shots.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake surfaces on the other side of the lake. He leaps out.
<SPoC> 6Dias steps down punching his fists together. 1"Let's do this."
<Darce> * Darce eyes the scene, he reaches out and tries to hinder Lilith mentally.
* Marcus` twirls up his shotgun and switches it to stun.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel stops and backs off, so she doesn't get shot.
<Kit> 6Lilith's ears twitch, and she makes subtle movements to slip between them in an elegant, dramatic twirl.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake shakes his body off.
* SPoC narrows her eyes and begins moving forward as she fires at Lilith.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake turns to face Lilith, then does a bring it motion.
<Kit> 6Lilith eyes the new ground, moving quickly to evade firing, she brings up her hand, perhaps intent to deal with the electronic weaponry.
<DeathStar> <Drake> I hope you know what we're doing.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Evade.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake swings his sword, throwing a dark ball of energy at Lilith's head.
* SPoC lowers her rifle and she begins running to the side
<Kit> 6Lilith narrows her eyes at Warren and snaps her fingers, setting off a pulse in the ground shortly before him.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren throws himself back with the impulse.
<Darce> * Darce sighs and leaps to the side, he focuses and sends a mental attack out at Lilith.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel pauses a moment to concentrate, and tries to hold Lilith down with telekinesis.
<SPoC> 6Dias begins running towards the lake.
<Kit> 6Lilith's ears twitch again and she leans back, barely missing the ball, her focus turns back to Drake.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake dashes toward the glowing object.
<Kit> 6Darce is greeted by a semi-high, cheerful voice of. "Hiiii!"
* Ariel holds back for the moment, as she doesn't have a lot of non-lethal weapons.
* Marcus` coughs and puts the shotgun on his back, he begins to walk forward.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stumbles to his feet.
* SPoC turns as she runs and fires at Lilith again
<Darce> * Darce blinks a bit, "What the hell."
<SPoC> 6Dias looks around then begins dashing along the lake edge towards Lilith
<Darce> * Darce shrugs it off and tries again.
<Kit> 6Lilith sinks slowly, peering at Raquel, but then gazes toward Drake approaching the obelisk. Her hand goes out and she forms a well in front of him
<Kit> 6The same voice greets Darce. 1"Um... what do you want?"
<DeathStar> 6* Drake throws the sword out into the obelisk, and it stabs into it, turning it a shade of black. Everything goes black for everyone.
<Darce> Darce> What the hell... *he sends out* "Stop attacking."
<Kit> 6...The voice screams in Darce's head.
<DeathStar> 6* The team, minus Drake and Lilith, would find themselves in a Japanese city. Modern.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks around.
* SPoC stands there, her rifle held up. Her eyes looking around. 1"What has happened?"
<Darce> * Darce rubs his head. "She SCREAMED."
* Marcus` sighs and glances around. "Oh god, what now?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> Were we teleported?
<SPoC> 6Dias runs into a street sign and is knocked onto his back
* Ariel looks around uncertainly, looking for landmarks
<SPoC> 6Dias groans as he rubs his face
* Marcus` pauses and takes this time to promptly point and laugh at Dias.
<SPoC> <Dias> When were street signs installed on mountains.
<DeathStar> 6* There's the sound of gun fire nearby.
* SPoC jerks towards the gun fire.
<DeathStar> 6 *Warren glances around.
<SPoC> 6Dias slowly gets up, rubbing his face even more. He shakes his head as he looks around
* Marcus` glances around quickly. "..."
* Ariel moves towards the gunfire quickly. Something's up.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren follows Ariel.
<Darce> * Darce heads after them.
* SPoC follows after Warren. She lowers her gun.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I would comment that this is too cliched, but I will refrain.
<SPoC> 6Dias just scratches the back of his head as he walks after them
<Ariel> 6* Raquel was about to go to the top of a building for a better view, but heads after the others
* Marcus` moves after them too. "I'm just waiting on the Yakuza to jump out."
<DeathStar> 6* They arrive on a side street, where they can see a younger girl, in her early teens, has been gunned down, and an older woman, most likely her mother, is also laying down in her own blood. A vehicle drives off. Near the two bodies is Drake, holding his stomach, bleeding out.
<Marcus`> Is that Drake? *he pauses* Oh shit that's Drake.
<SPoC> <Dias> Drake?
<SPoC> He is injured. We must move quickly
<Ariel> Raquel> "...this isn't right."
<DeathStar> <Drake> two...6* He bleeds weakly, shaking the bodies. "NOOOOOOO!"
* Ariel looks around for more attackers, making sure the area is safe.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake coughs up blood. It's clear he's about to die.
<DeathStar> 6* IT appears to be. So far, no one even appears to be taking notice of them.
<Ariel> Raquel> "......
* Marcus` glances around, he doesn't know the first thing about proper first aid, other than wrapping a bandage around a wound.
<DeathStar> <Voice> Do you seek power to avenge your loss? 6* Drake lifts his head up. Nearby is the sword he always carries. "Do you wish power to avenge your loss?" 6 It repeats.
* SPoC tilts her head slightly. 1"I do not understand."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stares himself.
<Darce> Darce> "Is this a bloody memory?"
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I... think so..."
* Ariel mutters under her breath.
<DeathStar> <Drake> Yes.... 6* He manages to say. "Yes." 6* He repeats. <Sword> Then you will become my servant. Your body will be mine to use. And in return, I will grant you the power you seek.
<SPoC> <Dias> So this is how it all started for him?
<Darce> Darce> "This might explain how he sometimes helped us out while in a coma, if the sword is sentient."
<Marcus`> Seems like. Tough break.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Hrm.
<DeathStar> 6* The area shifts. Feudal Japan.
<Darce> Darce> "A weapon with a mental existance... interesting..."
<DeathStar> 6* Standing there before them, is Lilith, corrupted by Dark One like veins. And on the other side, is ...well, Lilith?
* Ariel gives Darce an odd look.
<Ariel> Raquel> "Lilith!"
<Marcus`> Two...liliths.
<SPoC> 6Dias stares oddly. 1"There's two of them."
<Darce> * Darce looks back at her. "Something... on your mind?"
<DeathStar> 6* Warren eyes them both
<Ariel> 6* Raquel doesn't seem to think two Liliths is anything odd
<SPoC> <Dias> Well I'm gonna go out on a hunch her and say the one with the dark veins is the bad one.
* SPoC just stares, her gun held tight
<Kit> 6The 'normal' one shakes her head. 1"She's not bad. She's a good girl."
<Kit> <Lilith> ...Only does what she's told, anyway.
<DeathStar> <Warren> What is going on, Raquel?
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I... I'm not sure."
<Kit> 6The darker one peers around, studying each of them in turn with cold eyes, apparently searching. 1"He is not here."
<SPoC> <Dias> I say you should let me beat both of them down.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Who is not here?
<Kit> <Lilith> How crude. ...And you make me sad, Raquel. You have seen this... before. Right..? Am I not your friend? Tomoe?
<Kit> 6The dark pauses, eyeing Warren. 1"...The one I must kill. Where is he?"
<Marcus`> Pssst. Is that me or Dias?
<Ariel> Raquel> "What happened to... your other you...?"
<SPoC> I think she is referring to Drake.
<DeathStar> <Warren> This this Lilith is still under control.
<Kit> 6The dark one snaps, locking onto SPoC.
* SPoC jerks her rifle up, aiming it at the dark Lilith, her eyes instantly focusing
<Kit> <Tomoe> ...Well, as we have discussed. Since regaining my memories, I am... not very stable. Easily swayed. Our contract is void, so to speak so... another one can be formed. That being. The dark being from before... he has forced one.
* Ariel refuses to participate in this fight. Last time she was in a situation like this, she killed off part of one of her friends.
* Marcus` hmmms a bit loudly. "A contract with a dark one. Well that makes her evil, right?"
<Ariel> Raquel> "But...! But you're still supposed to be in service to me!"
<SPoC> <Dias> According to the rules and regulations of Super Villians, yes
<Kit> 6Tomoe gazes at the ground, holding an arm in a sad manner. 1"...Evil? She is... just doing what she is told."
<Kit> <Lilith> Tell me where 'Drake' is.
<Darce> Darce> "Couldn't we... use dog treats or something?"
<Marcus`> Can't someone just break the contract?
<Kit> <Tomoe> No. I do not believe so. You would just die.
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah, I'm not up for the dieing part.
<SPoC> I do not know where he is.  6She keeps her rifle trained
<Kit> <Tomoe> ...Before the end came..
<Kit> 6Lilith narrows her eyes at the rifle, reaching to her chest defensively.
<Marcus`> Yeah. Dieing is bad.
<Kit> <Tomoe> I made a contract with death itself. To watch over everything. Everything I knew. For eternity.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel steps towards the dark Lilith, "You're an Inugami! What happened to our contract? A... are you turning your back on me?!"
<DeathStar> <Warren> You made a contract with deaht?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren appears somewhat curious
<Kit> 6Tomoe nods to Warren. 1"Yes. I gave my soul to its service and became a deitic spirit of this land itself."
<DeathStar> <Warren> And there's no way you can free yourself from the Inugami?
<SPoC> 6Dias get's a blank stare on his face.
<Kit> 6Lilith stares at Raquel emptily, backing away, beginning to draw out her sword with a confused look.
* SPoC shifts, stepping sideways to get a better shot at Lilith.
<Kit> 6Tomoe appears troubled and steps back. 1"...Turn back its existence, or destroy it. To face death and live? Its representative will surely harvest my life and soul, however. For breaking the ammends, not obeying the word."
* Marcus` rubs his shoulder. "Yeah i'm lost."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks defiantly at the Inugami, "You swore you'd protect me...! I gave you my life... and... and you do this?!"
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks at Tomoe, then at Raquel arguing with the Inugami, then at the others.
<Kit> <Tomoe> ...Raquel, I understand not your anger... do you mean to argue with death incarnate?
<Kit> <Tomoe> I am sorry it became this way, but...
<Darce> * Darce holds out a vicoden to Warren.
<Kit> 6The inugami reels the sword out and poises with it, backing away from Raquel with a stoic look. 1"...You are not part of the terms, where is 'Drake?'"
<Ariel> 6* Raquel crosses her arms, "...if death itself made an oath to me, yes!" 6She looks sadly to Tomoe.
<Kit> 6Tomoe smiles sadly. 1"Our oath has passed. Your heart mended, so mine must as well. I will not let you face something like that shadow."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances at the others.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I think we should stand here silently. This is not our scene.
* SPoC stands, ready for a fight
* Xan|Goners has joined #taw
<Ariel> 6* Raquel shakes her head slowly... Tomoe just doesn't understand...
<Darce> Darce> "I'm for this plan Warren."
<Xan|Goners> Plan? We have a plan?
<Xan|Goners> NRP: Marcus*
<Darce> Darce> "Yes, watch."
* Xan|Goners is now known as Marcus-
* Marcus` has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Ariel> 6* Raquel tries to steady herself, "The oath... it hasn't passed... not unless you're breaking it... an Inugami isn't allowed to do that, are they...?"
<Kit> <Tomoe> ...Raquel, what do you want from me? You asked me to help you avenge your family, but that is no longer your aim. The oath is done. I have my memories.
<Kit> 6The inugami turns, since Raquel is no longer in her face, eyeing the surroundings.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I asked you to protect me..."
<Ariel> Raquel> " keep me from getting hurt..."
<Kit> <Tomoe> B-But that is..." 6She looks exasperated. 1"Not the original contract!"
<Kit> <Tomoe> Please do not do that, Raquel. Whether I want it or not, the shadow of death will come.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake steps out, his sword on his shoulder. Timing it with Shadow of Death
<Kit> 6The inugami glares toward Drake. 1"You have arrived."
<DeathStar> <Drake> Yes.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel closes her eyes. She can't do this any more...
<Kit> 6Lilith's nodachi is poised again, she faces off with Drake.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances at Drake.
<SPoC> 6Dias continues to stare blankly, most likely broken from all the confusing talk
<Kit> 6Tomoe frowns at Drake, perhaps troubled by the coincidence. 1"...That is impossible. You are no shinigami."
<DeathStar> <Drake> Tell me something, Raquel? Have you decided what you want from Lilith? A friend, or an Inugami?
<Kit> 6Lilith lets go of the sword with one hand, loosing her bracers, dropping the bearings across the ground, then grips the sword, swiping it, levitating them about its blade.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel is quiet, looking down. Niether seems to want to help her. She's hesitant to choose one over the other.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake aims his sword. "The Inugami cannot protect you, because of the Tomoe memories. Tomoe doesn't want you to suffer because of the Inugami."
<DeathStar> <Drake> A cruel circle, isn't it?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods slowly.
<DeathStar> <Drake> So. Which is more important?
* Marcus- snorts. "Please tell me this isn't a hard decision."
<Kit> 6Tomoe puts a hand to her mouth and winces, stepping back.
<Kit> 6Lilith on the other hand, takes a breath and dashes at Drake, swinging the longsword, sending a rather nasty wave of ball bearing at him in succession.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...niether listens... niether wants to help..."
<DeathStar> 6* Drake dashes to the side. One of the ball bearings smashes into his device.
<Marcus-> But one is contracted to a fucking dark one.
<DeathStar> <Warren> *crosses his arms* Are you that selfish, that it only matters if they want to help you?
<Marcus-> Apparently having her as a friend is just out of the question.
<Darce> "Blind as a bat at this age..."
<Kit> 6Lilith swings the sword the other way, manipulating the wave of ball bearings back for Drake again, moving quickly to be with him. She's no amateur in swordplay.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake tries to parry them out of the way, but stumbles.
<Kit> 6Lilith poises, dragging the sword fully to one side, her hand to the other. The ball bearings sift to start forming a semisphere around and above Drake.
<Ariel> Raquel> " but you want me to kill one or the other..."
<Marcus-> Then don't choose and lose the both of them.
<DeathStar> <Drake> There has to be a balance, Raquel. You're her master. Her friend. Should it not be you that chooses?
<DeathStar> 6* Drake looks around at the balls, frowning
<Ariel> Raquel> " I?"
<Kit> <Lilith> Bear me no ire, one called Drake. This is not of desire, but of ill-drawn fate that you must die." 6She peers at Drake blankly, her fingers twitch, about the close the maelstrom move.
<DeathStar> <Drake> ....
* Marcus- just throws his hands up and turns so that he doesn't have to watch.
<DeathStar> <Warren> ...this is about to end in blood.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grimaces.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...promises made as an inugami... promises made as a friend... both broken so regularly that I'm nothing more than a meal ticket."
<Kit> 6Lilith goes to close her hand and finish the move, when she stumbles forward, kicked solidly in the back by Tomoe, who lunges forward, grabbing the wrist holding the nodachi.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks up at Drake, crying, "'re the important one... you decide."
* Darce shakes his head. "Weak kid."
<DeathStar> <Drake> .... 6* He swings his sword out. "Raquel. Do you truly feel she doesn't care about you?"
<Marcus-> Can I decide? I'll decide. *he turns around, agitated*
<DeathStar> 6* Warren watches. "I think...Tomoe is deciding."
<Kit> <Tomoe> Yes, that is why I wished to help her. She is weak." 6She strains, fighting with Lilith, finally wrenching the sword away, backing off from the dog girl who paces and turns, narrowing her eyes at her.
<Kit> <Tomoe> She is just a child. She should not have to make such decisions. Life, death, all a game from a time long ago. It should have ended in our age, but instead it repeats. All for the eternity I did not wish for.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake digs his feet into the ground, and dashes forward.
<Kit> 6Tomoe does as well, gathering herself low and slashing with the longsword. Lilith stares and lifts her leg, parrying the blade with the wreath of ball bearings around her ankle. Twisting her other foot over to step on the sword.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...Interfering is not recommended.
<DeathStar> 6* And just like that, whether it be anyone's real decision or fate, Drake stabs Lilith the Inugami with his sword, sinking it into her chest.
<Kit> 6Lilith's eyes widen, turning to stare at Drake. 1"..."
<DeathStar> 6* Drake holds the sword there, watching the blood run down the blade.
* Marcus- has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Marcus` has joined #taw
<Kit> 6Tomoe seems especially affected by watching, well minus some dog features and runes, watching herself impaled and bleeding.
<Kit> <Lilith> Hm. I have failed, Asmodeus.
<DeathStar> 6* Everyone appears back on the lake shrine pond. Drake is laying face first on the ground, looking dead. His sword far away. The glowing light gone. And Lilith is laying about, with no impalement marks
<DeathStar> 6* Warren pauses, glancing about
<Darce> "Is it over now? Yes? Good."
* Marcus` moves over and kneels beside Drake, he feels for a pulse.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel lays there quietly.
<DeathStar> 6* There appears to be no pulse.
<Kit> 6Chii stands over between Drake and Lilith. 1"...About time you guys woke up."
* Marcus` frowns. "Drake's dead."
<SPoC> <Dias> Maybe we should bring him his sword.
<Kit> <Chii> I told you guys that shit doesn't work on me, so don't take all day."
<Ariel> " know. When you figure the bit about being dragged into someone's soul being a one time, or maybe a two time thing... they prove you wrong."
* Marcus` tilts his head. "Bring the sword here."
<DeathStar> <Warren> I find it ... conflicting.
<Kit> 6Chii frowns and goes over to retrieve the sword. 1"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
<Kit> <Chii> This ...sword is creepy.
<Marcus`> Just put it into his hands.
<Kit> <Chii> It feels alive.
<Kit> 6Chii begins dragging it back toward Drake.
<Darce> "Just give it to Drake."
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah, that's because it is alive.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren checks on Lilith.
* SPoC lowers her gun
<Kit> 6Lilith sits up suddenly like in some horror movie. She eyes Warren.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren twitches once, perhaps surprised.
<Kit> <Lilith> Good morning, Sir Carmichael.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Lilith.
<SPoC> <Dias> Well atleast I got to fly something today. 6He sighs.
* Marcus- has joined #taw
<Kit> 6Lilith stands slowly and brushes herself off. She gazes around and goes to check on Raquel. 1"Lady Raquel, are you well?"
* Marcus` has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Ariel> Raquel> "......"
<Kit> <Lilith> It is unwise to oversleep. It is bad for the skin.
<Marcus-> Alive you say? That's just weird Chii. *he takes the sword and puts it into Drake's hand.*
<Kit> <Chii> Yeah, whatever. You know more than me.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake lays there, then rolls over, gazing up at the sky. "What happened?"
<Ariel> 6* Raquel curls up, not facing Lilith.
<Kit> 6Chii puts her headphones back in and moves for the shuttle.
<Marcus-> You died. But of course you already knew that.
<DeathStar> <Drake> I did? 6* He looks confused
<DeathStar> 6* Drake sits up, sheathing his sword.
<Kit> 6Lilith moves her hand out, gesturing a platform of ball bearings, picks Raquel up and sets her on it. Then moves off toward the shuttle, humming with the bearings floating next to her.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren glances at Dias. "Go power the jet."
<SPoC> <Dias> Cool. Take his sword back and see if he dies again
* Marcus- shrugs. "You killed Lilith."
<SPoC> 6Dias turns and looks at Warren, looking dejected. He moves off to the jet
<DeathStar> <Drake> ... But Lilith's right there. 6* He points.
<Kit> 6Lilith's tail wags to the song she hums.
<Marcus-> Oh. *he shrugs* Then nothing happened. Get on the jet. *he thumbs towards it*
<Ariel> "...don't pester him about it. He probally doesn't remember a thing."
<DeathStar> 6* Drake stands up, rubbing the back of his head.
* SPoC makes her way onto the jet
<Marcus-> Which is why I told him to get on the jet. *he says to Ariel*
* Darce gets on the jet, shaking his head.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks at Ariel. "Remind me to put Cheryl in charge of the next soul jumping assignment that comes our way."
* Ariel nods, "Remind me to call in sick."
<DeathStar> <Warren> Done.
* Marcus- pats Drake on the shoulder, then gets onto the Jet.
<DeathStar> Location: HQ
<DeathStar> 6* Later that day.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eats some food in the mess hall. She seems to have awakened from her sparring match and decided to eat everything in sight
<Kit> 6Lilith forcibly holds Raquel like a small child in front of the gear she's been modifying. 
* Darce is now known as Jennifer1
* Jennifer1 is now known as Jennifer`
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sits in his office, speaking into his log. "There appears to be no change in Lilith Tomoe's personality, but what we can't see is what is beneath the surface. At this time, my evaluation is to continue watching her."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel stands silently.
<Kit> <Lilith> I think I will call it Anubis. I have added a secondary restraint seat in the event that you ...use you weird bracelet object again, you are far more protected, even if I am weak."
<SPoC> 6Dias plops down infront of Cheryl and slowly reaches for some of her food
<Ariel> Raquel> "...that's a nice name..."
<Marcus-> *Theron steps into the mess hall and shifts his eyes about then moves to get himself something to eat.
<DeathStar> <Warren> As for Raquel. She appears to be withdrawn and distant. She may need to be watched to see if she is capable of performing duties on the unit.
<Kit> 6Lilith points toward the gear's 'head.' 1"It seemed to make sense, considering the changes I have made."
<Jennifer`> * Darce sits in front of his own mech, working on a large cannon, large for him, not the mech, which appears to have no handle.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren clicks off his log.
<DeathStar> 6* He then turns to look at his camera of the hanger. It appears he literally meant watched.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods slowly...
<Kit> <Lilith> Anubis is... a being with a jackal's head, is it not?" 6She nods.
* Jennifer` doesn't look up, reading in her usual spot.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl smashes his hand with her fist
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods again...
<Kit> <Lilith> Lady Raquel, you must accompany me here more often. From here on, I must learn to fly it, and as my partner, you must as well.
<SPoC> 6Dias scowls as he pulls his hand back, waving it. 1"Not even one piece?"
<Marcus-> *Theron sits down at the same table as Dias and CHeryl, having a modest portion of food, he begins to eat it quietly.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> No
* Myria pops up behind Lilith and Raquel!
<SPoC> <Dias> So cruel.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel pauses, "...I need to learn to fly now?"
<Myria> You require piloting lessons?
<Kit> 6Lilith nods sternly at Raquel.
<Kit> <Lilith> Naturally, as my master you may take over its control at any point you wish, but if I am incapacitated in any way, we can share its functions, partitioned, or entirely.
<Jennifer`> "So another day, another creepily weird incident?" *she looks up at Warren from her book, another one on Mechs*
* Ariel looks to Cheryl, "So... as I was saying. You don't realize how lucky you are to have slept through that."
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Ariel. Then looks to Cheryl. 1"So as you can see, all they do is bitch about it and it was so easy. I listened to music the whole time, even though Asmodeus was around."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel hesitates, nodding uncertainly.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Sounds like it. 6* She takes a bite of a sandwich.
<Kit> 6Lilith turns halfway, eyeing Myria suspiciously.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I bet Warren tried to OD.
* Ariel gestures at Chii, "She didn't even come on the annoying part."
<SPoC> <Dias> I got to fly atleast.
* Marcus- is actually doing some work, he is in the sims, working on learning to be a good gear pilot.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks at Chii.
<Myria> What?
<Kit> <Lilith> Little blue creature, we do require lessons, but I must ask you to not come close to Lady Raquel. You have... odd habits and I do not approve of your proximity to Lady Raquel.
<Kit> <Chii> What? I'm immune to having my heart played with. I don't have one.
<Kit> 6Chii hrmphs.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leans in closer to Chii. "Oh? You don't have a heart?"
<Myria> I won't do anything to her. *crosses her arms, pushing pouting*
<Kit> 6Chii twitches. 1"Another way to refer to the soul, damn it."
<Marcus-> *Theron takes a sip of his water and looks between the two.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leans back, looking smug. She glances at Ariel.
* Ariel looks away awkwardly.
<Kit> <Chii> What the fuck's that supposed to mean?
* Jennifer` sighs and looks back down at her book, there's no breaking her father's focus when he's got something on his mind.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So, uh, how have you been, ARiel? 6* She asks in a round about way.
<Kit> 6Lilith narrows her eyes to Myria, then gazes toward Raquel. 1"What do you wish, Lady Raquel?"
<Kit> <Chii> Cheryl! Don't ignore me!
<Ariel> 6* Raquel hesitates, "...what do you mean?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl ignores her.
<Ariel> "I've been..." *shrugs*
<Kit> <Lilith> Shall we learn from the little blue creature?
<SPoC> 6Dias reaches for the food again
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods once. She smashes Dias' hand
<Kit> <Chii> Cheryl! I swear! I'll imagine you naked and creep it over the bond!
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl ... just stares.
<SPoC> 6Dias 's jaw drops as he silently screams in pain.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Can she do that?
<Ariel> Raquel> "I... don't know..."
<DeathStar> 6* She asks Ariel
<Kit> 6Chii makes one of her trademark not-so-good grins.
<Ariel> "...if she tries. Shouldn't be hard to block out."
<Kit> <Chii> You clearly don't know me well, Ariel.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods. "True." 6* She sips her drink. She appears distant, like she wants to ask something, but doesn't know how to ask
<Kit> 6Chii turns and smiles pleasantly at Ariel.
<Kit> <Chii> Hey, if I'm bonded to a dragoon, can I call you 'mama?'
<Ariel> "No."
<Kit> <Lilith> Very well. Then we shall find another teacher.
<SPoC> <Dias> Can I seriously have like a grape or something?" 6He looks at Cheryl
<Kit> 6Lilith bows her head to Myria. 1"My apologies little blue creature."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stares at Dias, then plucks off the smallest grape, and tosses it at him.
<Kit> <Chii> Eh. Maybe I'll call you mama anyway.
<SPoC> 6Dias grabs it and looks at it. He just slumps and munches on it slowly
<Myria> You do realize I'm the most experienced gear pilot in this group, right?
<Marcus-> 6*Theron finishes his meal and pats his chin.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks at Chii, deadly serious. "Leave her alone, Chii."
<Kit> <Lilith> If Lady Raquel does not wish to learn from you, I have no interest, I am afraid.
<Kit> <Chii> ..." 6Peers at Cheryl. 1"...Oh, right. She's your mama, so I can't make jokes like that." 6She gazes away, twitching slightly.
<Myria> She just said she doesn't know, implying that she hasn't made up her mind. *crosses her arms* Of course, does she even want to pilot a gear to begin with?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She just gets up and shoves her food toward Dias. "I'm going to get some sleep."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks off.
<SPoC> <Dias> Ya sure Cheryl? 6He asks her curiously
<Marcus-> <Theron> Rest well. *he says with a nod of his head*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just makes a hand gesture and steps out
* Ariel gives Chii a flat look. So vacant and cold that it could well unsettle a darkone, or worse. "......"
<Kit> <Lilith> ...I... I admit I do not know. Lady Raquel is very hesitant to make decisions, but I have already modified the Gear to ensure her safety...
* SPoC reaches over and begins eating the left over food. 1"So Ariel, how's things going?"
* SPoC is now known as Dias`
<Dias`> NRP: Dias
<Ariel> Raquel> "I... we could... I guess..."
<Myria> She's being indecisive Maybe she's only agreeing to keep you happy?
<Kit> <Lilith> Hm. Is this true, Lady Raquel?
<Kit> 6Chii stares after Cheryl, ignoring Ariel for a moment, then gazes toward her, blinking. After a moment, she mimics the look right back, probably just testing it.
<Myria> And didn't you used to liek to hold me like that?
<Ariel> "...please don't do that again, Chii." *doesn't seem to have heard Dias*
<Kit> <Chii> So you're the infamous Mother? Ariel, right? Can I see your armor?" 6She grins widely. 1"I'd like to see the sword, too."
<Dias`> <Dias> Oh that's cold Ariel. So cold
<Ariel> Raquel> *looks down* "I... don't know..."
<Kit> <Lilith> ...No, I did not, little blue creature. I believe the fox spirits did.
<Marcus-> *Theron clears his throat. "Chii. Perhaps you and I should go spar."
<Myria> spirits.
<Ariel> "'d like to see... my sword?"
<Dias`> No, let them go at it, this is interesting. 6He munches on a grape
* Jennifer` walks over and leans over the desk, looking at the monitor.
<Marcus-> <Theron> Very well. But I will not stand by and watch. *He stands and turns to walk out.*
<Myria> Anyway, I think you need to help her get back her self-confidence.
<Kit> 6Chii nods earnestly. Though peers toward Theron in a bored manner. Then back to Ariel. It's the first time she's really gotten to sit down and study the woman.
* Ariel holds out her hand, and then closes it sharply. A blade of crystal forms rapidly, coming close enough to Chii's throat to make a small cut... if she trys to get back out of the way.
<Kit> <Lilith> We shall wait until you reach a decision, then, Lady Raquel.
* Myria nod nods.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods slowly, "...I guess... we could start with the simulator."
<Dias`> 6Dias get's a smug look as he watches, shoving an entire roll into his mouth
<Kit> 6Chii's reaction speed kicks in and she leans her chair back onto two legs, grinning at the blade. 1"Not too shabby."
<Kit> <Chii> Doesn't really compare to the blurry one in my memory, though.
<Dias`> I bet she could wave it around real fast for ya
<Kit> <Lilith> As you wish, Raquel. I would like for you to join me in any way you want.
<Marcus-> *Theron steps into the hanger and walks towards his gear.
<Kit> <Chii> Eh? Training with her wouldn't be very fun. She's too serious, so I prefer Cheryl.
* Dias` just stares at Chii than starts laughing
<Myria> Good, start with what makes you feel comfortable.
<Dias`> Cheryl's not serious. Hahahaha
<Kit> 6Chii gazes at Dias like he's dumb. 1"Yeah, that's what I said. Ariel here's too serious, so I prefer Cheryl." 6Rolls her eyes.
* Ariel stands slowly, casually holding the sword in one hand. She walks over, resting a hand on Chi's shoulder, "You think I'm too serious...?" There's a preditory laziness to the question.
<Dias`> That was sarcasm.
<Dias`> Cheryl's far more serious than Ariel.
<Kit> 6Chii leans her chair back down to normal and peers up at Ariel. There's a pause as she studies Ariel's face, then smiles genuinely. 1"That look doesn't suit you, lady."
<Kit> <Chii> You're much cuter when you're truly sincere. When you're with Cheryl. I shouldn't have run her off, sorry. But I was curious what the almighty Ariel was like.
* Ariel tightens her grip sharply without changing her stance, rolling her head slowly to the side. "...that's not an answer, is it?"
* Marcus- is now known as Xanatos
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Xanatos
* Dias` grabs a banana and peels it. He starts shoving it in his mouth.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods slowly, "...a-alright..."
<Kit> 6Chii stands slowly, continuing to smile at Ariel. Her smile is... real, which is rare. 1"You're a straightforward person, huh? I learned from the most unstraightforward bitch on the planet, so maybe she rubbed off. If you don't understand, I'm saying..."
* Dias` stops munching on the banana, and slowly leans forward, it hangs from his mouth, look of astonishment on his face
<Kit> 6Chii reaches up, her hand raising to Ariel's chin with her thumb and forefinger. 1"Yes, you're far too serious. You've let life get to you and stopped paying attention to life."
* Ariel smiles as if taking in the advice, and leans closer to Chii. She whispers quietly into the foxspirit's ear, "...please don't call me 'Mama' again." She stabs Chii through the side with her blade. It doesn't hit any major organs... but she leaves the blade there as she releases Chii.
<Dias`> 6Dias' mouth drops, the banana hitting the table
<Kit> 6Chii whispers into Ariel's ear. 1"I don't think I ever want a mother who'd run me through, lady. Too honest?"
* Ariel sends a pulse of plasma through the crystal, and then lets it disintergrate, just to make sure it'll scar nicely. And for that extra oomfph. Then, she just leaves Chii there, injured.
<Dias`> <Dias> Ok, you're right. She is far more serious than Cheryl
<Kit> 6Chii does wince at that, stepping back. 1"Hrmph."
<Myria> NRP: And I'm heaidng out now. Night night
* Ariel decides to head home for the day. She doesn't feel like being here.
<Dias`> Bye Ariel.
<Kit> <Chii> I take it back, Ariel. I thought you were kind, but you're a bigger bitch than I am.
* Myria has left #taw
<Kit> 6Chii sits back down at the table, taking her bottle and pouring a small amount over her stomach, then drinks the rest.
<Dias`> You should really go see the doc.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren stands there as Ariel moves to exit. He glances down at the hallway. "Ariel."
<Kit> <Chii> I will. Have to let the knight have her little moment of sunshine.
* Ariel considers turning around... but no. She'll file that away for future reference. She pauses seeing Warren though, "Warren."
<DeathStar> <Warren> If you ever need to talk. My door is always open. 6* He doesn't bother to mention Chii at all. That seems irrelevant.
<Dias`> <Dias> Right, because bleeding to death internally is obviously more important.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren moves down the hallway.
<Dias`> ...Less important
* Jennifer` hides slightly nearby Warren, watching Ariel. She moves after Warren when he moves.
<Kit> <Chii> Uh. She fried me. Whatever that was? Plasma? Yeah. I can feel most things cauterized.
<Ariel> "...thank you Warren. I'll see you tomorrow."
<Dias`> Hey, I'm just saying. 6He holds his hands up. 1"You probaly just have a giant cauterized hole in your side now
* Jennifer` turns and waves slightly at Ariel. "Have a good evening."
<Kit> 6Chii scowls toward Dias. 1"Yes, thank you Mr. Obvious."
<Kit> <Chii> She failed miserably.
<Dias`> Failed? I don't know, that giant hole in your side looks like she succeeded.
<Kit> <Chii> You dumbass.
* Ariel bows her head to Jennifer, but there's something about that smile as she heads out.
* Dias` looks at then stands up. 1"Fine, if your gonna call people jerks than you can just be by yourself. 6He hrmps and turns, moving off
<Kit> 6Chii stands again, rubbing her neck. 1"I'm well aware of Ariel's circumstances, but she needs to move on. It pisses me off seeing people like Freyja."
* Jennifer` blinks a bit and shrugs, walking after Warren. "Why does Ariel smiling give me a chill up my spine?"
<DeathStar> <Warren> Because it should.
<Jennifer`> "Oh, okay."
<Dias`> <Dias> I'm not listening to someone who calls me a dumbass. 6He moves towards the hallway
<Kit> 6Chii turns to leave as well, though heading for the infirmary. 1"She's lingering too much. It'll hurt her in the long run, and the living dead are weird."
<Dias`> 6Dias suddenly brings his knuckles down on Chii's head.
<Kit> 6Chii cries miserably. "Wh-What the fuck, Dias?!"
<Dias`> Stop trying to solve everyone's problems.
<Kit> <Chii> ...Everyone's?
<Dias`> You heard me. 6He crosses his arms as he walks.
<Kit> 6Chii rubs her head, keeping the other at her side. 1"...She's related to Cheryl, isn't she? Otherwise I wouldn't care." 6Stares after Dias, then turns and continues. 1"Whatever.."
* Jennifer` shakes her head a bit,
<Jennifer`> "Why is she the only Dragoon that ever creeped me out?"
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Thu Feb 21 23:51:11 2008

Session Start: Fri Feb 22 00:08:49 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080222.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: Later
<DeathStar> Location: HQ
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps into the medical bay room, perhaps having finally decided to see Chii after she got stabbed.
<Kit> 6Chii is lying back on one of the examination tables, hands behind her head, listening to the mp3 player.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks over, then pokes the wounded spot.
<Kit> 6Chii snaps upward, eyesing opening. She reaches for guns that aren't there due to wearing short jean shorts and a tank top instead of her gear.
<Kit> <Chii> ...Cheryl.
* Dias` has quit IRC (Quit: )
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I see you'll live.
<Kit> <Chii> Yeah. She didn't hit anything important, she just wanted to make it hurt.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
* Dias` has joined #taw
<Kit> <Chii> ...I don't really feel like saying sorry, but I do realize I was being a bitch.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You were.
<Kit> 6Chii blinks at Cheryl, as if just trying to break the silence.
<Kit> <Chii> She reminded me of someone.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks angry. "Yeah? So you decide to just push her buttons?"
<Kit> <Chii> She's not like the one I know. The one I know runs away. She's weak.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, Ariel isn't weak.
<Kit> 6Chii stares blankly. 1"I know."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Just don't bother her anymore. IF you do, you and I are going to have problems. Got it?
<Kit> <Chii> Eh, I doubt I'll bother her anymore.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods. "Good."
<Kit> 6Chii purses her lips. 1"Not that I'm afraid, or anything, but..."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances at Chii.
<Kit> <Chii> She's sad, but... There's nothing between us. No matter how many times I slap her, she wouldn't change. I'd probably die before changing her mind about it.
<Kit> <Chii> I can't do anything, as usual. Someone should, though.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> She lost her daughter.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You don't just spring back from that.
<Kit> 6Chii leans back and stares at the ceiling. 1"I know. Or at least... I know, but I don't, you know?"
<Kit> <Chii> Not like I have a daughter or whatever. Hell, I've never had family. I wonder if it feels anything like losing a sister."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shrugs her shoulders, as if she can't answer that
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Losing sisters hurt. Yes. I imagine..a daughter hurts more.
<Kit> <Chii> Mh. I hate seeing people like her." 6Again says 'her' in a way that probably doesn't refer to Ariel.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just rubs her arms, having a distant look. "Well. As long as you leave her alone, everything's fine."
<Kit> <Chii> I think I understand what you mean.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances at Chii.
<Kit> <Chii> I wouldn't mess with her anyway, but ...You know, the entire reason I thought I'd try was because you two are... well, she's one of the few people you would want close, right?
<Kit> <Chii> ...Sorry I pissed her off. I failed, too, heh.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> My relationship with Ariel is something I can handle on my own just fine.
<Kit> 6Chii leans back, sighing. 1"...Alright."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns to go, apparnatly not having anything to add now
* Xanatos has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Kit> <Chii> Hey?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah...? 6* She glances back.
<Kit> 6Chii frowns slightly. 1"...Are you still mad at me?"
* Marcus` has joined #taw
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah, I'm mad at you. But I'll get over it.
* Marcus` is now known as Xanatos
<Kit> 6Chii glances off, looking uncomfortable, then turns over and puts in her music again, sighing.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks at her doing that, then just walks out
* Dias` is now known as Dias`Bed
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* Marcus` has joined #taw
<DeathStar> 6* Duce works on his stuff, ignoring Chii
* Marcus` is now known as Xanatos`
<Kit> 6Chii pulls out one earpiece. 1"Uh. Is there anything to be done, or am I just 'resting up?'"
<DeathStar> <Duce> You can go whenever you want.
<Kit> 6Chii slides off the table, wincing, puts the earpiece back in and walks out, hands hooked on her shorts, gazing mostly at the floor.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake walks past Chii. He freaks and tries to hide by not moving
<Kit> 6Chii stops and stares at Drake, then twitches and continues walking.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake sighs in relief.
<Kit> <Chii> I did see you." 6Continues on.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy swings down from the ceiling, to peer at Chii.
* Xanatos` is now known as Xan|Gone
<Kit> 6Chii stops and stares at Billy. 1"Huh, haven't seen that runt in a while."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Sexy scar. 6* She replies
<Kit> 6Chii pulls out one earpiece. 1"Huh?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Sexy scar. 6* She repeats
<Kit> <Chii> I thought the idea was to avoid such things.
<DeathStar> <Billy> I don't know. I bet Cheryl finds scars sexy
<Kit> <Chii> I guess I could ask her, but why would that matter? She's straight.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Doesn't stop you from flirting
<Kit> <Chii> Damn straight.
<DeathStar> <Billy> *sways back and forth* Miss me?
<Kit> <Chii> I don't think you're here to apologise.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Nope.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy sways some more.
<Kit> <Chii> Well, then I'm still pissed even if I wanted to see you.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Psch. Like YOU'D apologize.
<Kit> <Chii> Depends.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Oh? On what? 6* She gets this devil smile.
<Kit> 6Chii shrugs slightly. 1"I said I was sorry to Cheryl."
<DeathStar> <Billy> *Crosses her arms* But not her mommy.
<Kit> <Chii> Eh." 6Gestures to the stab wound. 1"I think we're even, really, but even so, I wasn't wrong in my intentions. She just won't get it from an outsider."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Well, fine. If you don't want to see me because you're pissy. 6* She begins to pulls herself back up
<Kit> <Chii> You did the same thing to me, but I don't think you had any good intentions behind it, Billy.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy looks down at Chii. "And since when have you been about good intentions?"
<Kit> 6Chii gazes at her, though for whatever reason looks slightly hurt. After a moment she puts the other earpiece back in, continuing to stare.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy says something, but who knows what, and pulls herself up and out of sight
<Kit> 6Chii tilts her head, quite able of reading lips, but maybe she said it in DARK ONE TONGUE! Little brat. She sighs and moves on.
<Kit> <Chii> Man that girl needs a spanking.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy lowers her head nearby Lilith
<Kit> 6Lilith blinks and startles slightly. 1"...Mistress Billy?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> *sniffs* Hi, Lilith
<Kit> 6Lilith peers at her. 1"...What is wrong, Mistress Billy?"
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<DeathStar> <Billy> You smell different.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...I do?
<DeathStar> 6* Billy sniffs again
<Kit> <Lilith> I have been learning of Anubis and how to operate it. Is that the difference?
<DeathStar> <Billy> Maybe. 6* She sways thoughtfully.
<Kit> 6Lilith nods once. 1"Have you a task for Lady Raquel and I?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> I thought I'd say hi.
<Kit> 6Lilith bows her head. 1"It has been some time, Mistress Billy. I thank you for doing so."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy sways. Perhaps she is a bit lonely. "Wanna play?"
<Kit> <Lilith> I may spare the time. What do you wish to do?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy thinks. "Wanna play hide and seek?"
<Kit> <Lilith> Very well. Shall I hide or seek?
<DeathStar> <Billy> You can hide first. 6* She has that evil smile.
<Kit> 6Lilith nods, then stares blankly.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy stares back
<Kit> <Lilith> ...
<DeathStar> <Billy> ..
<Kit> 6Lilith blinks.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy blinks back.
<Kit> <Lilith> How do we begin?
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<DeathStar> <Billy> I close my eyes, aaaand I count. And while I'm doing that, you hide somewhere. When I count to 20, I hunt you and out find you.
<Kit> <Lilith> Very well.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy closes her eyes.
<Kit> 6Lilith turns and floats over to Anubis. She enters the piloting bay and closes it.
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* Kitzzzune has joined #taw
<DeathStar> 6* Billy finishes counting and glances around
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<DeathStar> 6* Billy finishes counting and glances around
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith peers at Billy from afar, through Anubis' one-way view.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy walks around, her hands behind her. Her black dress swishes as she leans over to peer under things
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith stares blankly, eventually looking upward and wondering if Raquel would enjoy such things.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy approaches Anubis slowly, still looking as if she hasn't thought to look at it
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith studies Billy, tilting her head.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy stops at the feet of Anubis, glancing around
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith skitters back in her seat slightly, even though she cannot be seen.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy peers about, then tries to climb up the Gear.
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith blinks and stares at Billy doing so.
<DeathStar> 6* She strains
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith leans forward to get a better look. "1..."
<DeathStar> 6* She pauses, then pulls out her knife to help her climb.
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith frowns slightly. Surely the workers will not like the scratches.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy finally reaches the top, then peers at the head of Anubis.
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith gazes upward at Billy. There are important things in the head!
<DeathStar> 6* Billy hmms thoughtfully, then whacks a few things, as if seeing how to get inside
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith winces considerably.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy moves out of sight
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith leans further forward, trying to see where she went.
<DeathStar> 6* No sign of the girl demon.
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith sits back, blinking.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy lowers down, upside down, and stares eye level with Lilith, though she can't see her. "Boo."
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith stares, then opens the cockpit.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy falls off.
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith reaches out and snatches her out of the air. 1"...How did you know?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy hangs there. "You were talking about your Gear earlier."
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith nods. 1"This is true."
<DeathStar> <Billy> So I win!
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith nods again. 1"You win, Mistress Billy."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy hangs there some more.
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith turns and sets Billy down inside the cockpit.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy pauses, then peers about it
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith peers around as well. Seems she kept it as basic as possible, despite some layout changes and the additon of the second seating. It's the exterior and probably the peripheral functions that changed drastically, obviously, from the appearance.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Are you and Raquel going to use this to take over the world?
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> Hm. It is a possibility.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy nods.
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> Anubis' full potential would only be brought out while I am with Lady Raquel...
<DeathStar> <Billy> Well, yeah. 6* She looks at Lilith oddly.
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith inclines her head toward Billy. 1"...Oh? You... know?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Well, I figured. You two do everything together.
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> ...Mh. I am referring to its combat potential, however. Although I told Lady Raquel that it is the best way to protect her when she uses her strange powers, and that is true, many of the modifications I made incoporated her controlling it with me.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy listens, taking notes
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> The manifests on the back, which the mechanic calls the wings, can not only be manipulated by my magnetic powers and used as independent, seperated weapons or defenses, but the ends contain optical equipment." 6She gestures to the displays set about the extra chair. 1"She can monitor anything they observe, whether that be the rear of Anubis or wherever they are deployed."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy continues to write it all down
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> Anubis' weaponry consists mainly of short blades at the wrist joins and of a longer energy blade since that is my specialty, but they obviously have more effectiveness if Lady Raquel manipulates their attack points with her power.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy nods, still writing. "How much did this all cost and how many several favors did you have to promise Warren to get it?"
<DeathStar> *sexual
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith stares blankly. 1"Mistress Billy, I have given no such things. I merely cooperated with Sir Pope and his tradition."
<DeathStar> <Billy> I see. 6* She pauses, then writes that down
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> However, I do not recall any of the things that happened. Lady Raquel was angry, although I think I felt mostly amusement.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy eagerly writes that last bit
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> What... have you done to occupy yourself so frequently, Mistress Billy?
<DeathStar> 6* Billy shrugs, closing her notepad. "I've been taking over the HoloNet."
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> Taking... over the HoloNet?
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yep. 6* She notes cheerfully.
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> ..." 6She headtilts.
<DeathStar> <Billy> ... 6* She pulls out a datapad and shows her some of the websites. Provocative, and of people Lilith knows!
<DeathStar> <Billy> It's very profitable.
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<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> Hm. These seem of rare and unlikely portrayal..
<DeathStar> <Billy> *looks innocent*
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<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> They make you happy?
<DeathStar> <Billy> They make me rich
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith inclines her head the other way. 1"However, they do not make you happy?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy shrugs, then tries to change the subject. "I bet I could get a lot of money if you posed in your maid oufit."
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> ... ..." 6Stares sternly at Billy. 1"...Would it make Mistress Billy happy?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy squirms.
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> If so, then I will, however if it will not, there is no point that I see. Mistress Billy is already capable of income.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy makes a face, then glances at her watch. "I gotta go before they notice I'm gone."
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> ...Very well, Mistress Billy. Please visit again.
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith bows her head.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy reaches into her pocket and hands over a biscuit
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith peers at the biscuit.
<DeathStar> <Billy> For you.
<Kitzzzune> 6Lilith bows her head again. 1"You have my thanks."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy climbs down slowly.
<Kitzzzune> <Lilith> Rest easy, Mistress Billy.
<DeathStar> 6* And so, the camera pans over to see what Chii is doing
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii continues listening to music, kicking a set of ten cans in the lobby.
<Kitzzzune> <Chii> ...Dias." 6Kick.
<Kitzzzune> <Chii> Chad." 6Kick. 1"Marcus." 6Kicks.
<DeathStar> 6* A voice speaks up. "Naming cans, Chii?"
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii pauses. Then kicks another can. 1"Theron."
<DeathStar> 6* The person moves up behind Chii.
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii moves and kicks another. 1"Freyja."
<DeathStar> 6* Now they seem interested to find out who all is being kicked.
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii kicks the next with a vengeance. 1"Alexander."
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii moves on. 1"Billy." 6Kicks another. 1"Angela."
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii finishes the last two off in one kick. 1"Hawaiian and 1960s Warren."
<DeathStar> 6* A hand touches Chii's shoulder.
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii jumps slightly, but gazes over it.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina peers at Chii, waving
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii pulls out the earpieces. 1"Katrina!"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hi. Should I be glad I wasn't a can?
<Kitzzzune> <Chii> Oh. Just people that've annoyed me lately. No big deal.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I see. Want to tell me why?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes a seat.
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii collapses next to her. 1"Eh..."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Okay. Want to talk about something else?
<Kitzzzune> <Chii> Like what?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I don't know. What would you like to talk about?
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<Kitzzzune> <Chii> Hey, ever heard of the Raging Fuzz?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I don't think so. A music band?
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii nods, and holds up one of the earpieces for Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina takes it, putting it to her ear.
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii grins, then sits back, wincing and holding her stomach while Katrina's assaulted by metal backed by classical instruments.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina listens, glancing down at Chii, as if taking note of the gesture
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii sets the other piece on her opposite ear, sighing softly.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You okay? 6* She asks over the loud music.
<Kitzzzune> <Chii> I'll live.
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<DeathStar> 6* Katrina runs her hand along Chii's stomach.
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii jerks, and eyes Katrina.
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<DeathStar> <Katrina> ... 6* She appears to be studying her stomach
<Kitzzzune> <Chii> ...I'm... fine.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> ... 6* She looks at Chii seriously, then smiles. "I think I like the Raging Fuzz."
<Kitzzzune> <Chii> Yeah. They're cool.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at Chii, studying her with some concern. "Want to go back to my place tonight? We can order pizza and watch a movie."
<Kitzzzune> <Chii> Mh. Yeah, sure. I'm broke though.
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<DeathStar> <Katrina> You're always broke. 6* She notes playfully.
<Kitzzzune> <Chii> Drinking's expensive. Especially what Cheryl likes... Hrmph.."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks at her curiously, but refrains from asking a question. She stands up. "Well. Lets go."
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii blinks and stands up before Katrina's earpiece yanks her. 1"...Thanks."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pauses, then hands her part of the earpiece.
<Kitzzzune> <Chii> No, I mean. Thanks. I feel like shit.
<Kitzzzune> 6Chii rubs her neck.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina goes to respond, but the network cancels the progrma
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Fri Feb 22 03:26:33 2008

Session Start: Sat Feb 23 17:55:12 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080223.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.6.28
<DeathStar> Location: Wherever Dias and Marcus Are At
<Xanatos> *Marcus walks through the base, having just finished up a round of gear training.
<Dias`> 6Dias sits down in the messhall, munching away on free food. For that's what bum's do
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<Kuroichigo> NRP: lmao
<Kuroichigo> NRP: That was worth seeing before I went back to work.
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* ChanServ sets mode: +o Xanatos
* Xanatos is now known as Marcus`
* Marcus` steps into the mess hall and moves over to sit by Dias, grabbing some of his food and shoving it into his mouth.
* Dias` just pauses. He slowly looks over at Marcus stealing his food.
* Marcus` motions behind Dias.
* Dias` slowly looks behind himself
* Marcus` grabs more food and eats it quickly.
* Dias` looks ahead then stares over at Marcus again. 1"Dude!"
<Marcus`> Whagh? *he says with a mouth full of food*
<Dias`> That's just cold man. Cold. 6He shakes his head and grabs some of his food, munching on it
<Marcus`> Bah. You don't pay for it. *he says after he swallows it* What's up?
<Dias`> I find it easier for me to read confusing books on how to pilot stuff on a full stomach.
<Marcus`> Wait. You read books?
<Dias`> I have to, if I'm gonna pilot a gear. 6He frowns, obvioulsy not happy about it. 1"All the words are upside down anyways."
<Marcus`> Uhhh. Maybe that's why I keep failing the sims. *he taps his chin, glancing up*
<Dias`> No, I'm sure you keep failing the sim's because your an idiot.
<Marcus`> Ha Ha Ha. You're hilarious. Really. Actually i'm not doing too bad.
<Dias`> Really? I thought dogs only knew how to bury bones and hump legs.
* Marcus` narrows his eyes. "You're pushing it."
<Dias`> You ever notice how quick you are to get angry lately? 6He glances over at Marcus
<Marcus`> Call me short tempered. *he says with a slight shrug*
<Dias`> Ya, but you never were this short tempered.
<Marcus`> I'm probably just getting old and hateful.
<Dias`> I'd almost think you were old man Chad. 6He pops a grape into his mouth
* Marcus` pauses and starts to laugh.
<Marcus`> I'll be sure to make out extreme plans so that any of my allies turns against me, I can get back at them.
<Dias`> Hah, you can't even plan out what you're going to wear.
<DeathStar> 6* A girl awkwardly clears her throat behind Marcus and Dias
* Marcus` pauses and glances over his shoulder.
* Dias` glances behind him.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya is standing there, beside Chad Winters. They have visitor passes on them
* Marcus` arches a brow. "Howdy Aya."
<Dias`> Ahh crap. How much did you hear? 6He stares at Chad and Aya.
* Dias` is now known as Chad`Winters
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Chad`Winters
<DeathStar> 6* Aya glances up at Chad. Judging by her reaction - all of it
* Chad`Winters stands there, his arms crossed.
* Marcus` slides a smile on his face. "No point in getting all tight over the truth. Eh, Chad?"
* Chad`Winters grunts.
* Marcus` nods his head once. "So what brings the two of you onto our great Dark One fighting force base of doom."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So uh...6He rubs the back of his neck. 1"Yeah what he said."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya shifts, glancing at Chad
<Chad`Winters> I'm teaching her how to use a gun, for self defense. 6He eyes Marcus now.
<Marcus`> Oh yeah? That's good, really good. *he glances at Aya* I hope you have a better time training with your dad than I did.
<DeathStar> <Aya> You trained with Dad? 6* She asks dubiously
<Marcus`> He watches me die over 200 times in a Sim. So I don't really guess you could call it training.
<Chad`Winters> It helped my thesis.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias munches on a piece of bread
<Marcus`> Thesis, eh? Is everyone working on a Thesis these days?
<DeathStar> <Aya> I'mn ot.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> What's a thesis?
<Marcus`> You're already in high school, though. So that means you should start thinking about it. *he glances at Dias* You ask that, even though you obviously knew what it was the other day when I said I was doing mine on you.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Obviously I lied.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren steps into the mess hall, popping a vicodin
<Marcus`> Then liars don't get answers. *he says with a shrug, tilting his head to glance at Warren.*
<DeathStar> <Warren> When you said shooting practice, did you want live targets? 6* He asks Chad, skipping greetings
<DeathStar> 6* He glances at Marcus and Dias
<Marcus`> Ha Ha Ha.
<Chad`Winters> She will have to learn how to shoot a living thing. 6He muses, rubbing his chin
<DeathStar> 6* Aya seems to be looking over at Marcus curiously.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias' jaw just drops
<DeathStar> <Warren> Agreed.
<Marcus`> Not it. *he says quickly, then turns to look at Dias*
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias seems to be gone, or hiding under the table
<DeathStar> 6* Aya looks under the table at Dias.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias reaches up from under the table and grabs some food, pulling it back down. He just waves at Aya as he munches on it
<DeathStar> 6* Aya giggles and waves back.
<Marcus`> Hey. I said Not it first. That's the rule. You lose, Dias.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Chad, come with me and we'll get some paperwork done so Aya can use the facilities. Marcus. Dias. You watch Aya.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren turns to walk out
* Marcus` smiles. "Roger, roger."
<Chad`Winters> Aya, keep an eye on the two while I'm gone. 6He turns and heads out with Warren.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya nods, watches them go, then looks at Marcus and Dias. "I won't shoot you." 6* She adds, as if worried they believe she wold.
<Marcus`> Of course not. You're too cool to do that. *he tilts his head and glances at Aya* Excited about shooting a gun?
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias sticks his head out from under the table. 1"I didn't think you'd actually shoot us."
<DeathStar> <Aya> Scared. 6* She replies honestly.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I'm still learning how to fight.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Eh, it's no biggy.
* Marcus` nods his head once. "You'll be alright though." He motions to Dias, then leans forward. "If you get brave enough, you should ask to shoot a shotgun." He wiggles his brow.
<DeathStar> <Aya> I would ask if you two could show me anything, but I'm sure everyone asks you that.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren walks along the hallway silently.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Not as often as you'd think anymore.
<Marcus`> You'd think that everyone thought we stunk or something. *he frowns*
<DeathStar> 6* Aya pauses, then sniffs once.
* Chad`Winters walks behind Warren. 1"So Ariel stabbed Chii."
* Marcus` pauses and sniffs himself. "Well."
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes. It's disconcerning.
<DeathStar> <Warren> I imagine Starr told you?
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I don't stink. 6He climbs out from under the table.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Um. So... 6* She seems nervous, like trying to think of something to say.
<Chad`Winters> In a roundabout way. 6He glances at a wall. 1"I suppose it was only a matter of time before the stress of everything finally hit her.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> But if ya want, I can show you how to fight anytime.
<DeathStar> <Aya> O-Okay. 6* She looks at Dias eagerly.
<DeathStar> <Warren> It's also disconcerning that Cheryl is willing to let her get away with it
<Marcus`> And I'm an all around guy, I can show you melee or ranged weapons. Even fighting, even though Dias is a bit better than me. *he whispers* Don't tell him though.
<Chad`Winters> Ariel's still her mother, as lousy as one as she is.
<DeathStar> <Warren> That is just it.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Neither of them have that relationship
<DeathStar> 6* Warren steps into his office, moving over and pulling out a folder with the paperwork organized inside.
* Chad`Winters moves over and sits down. 1"Maybe Cheryl wants one."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren shrugs.
<DeathStar> 6* He slides over the folder.
* Chad`Winters grabs the folder and opens it. He studies it
<DeathStar> <Warren> I think we all knew how special Zephyr was. Some things just cannot be competed with.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> A bit? 6He looks over at Marcus
<DeathStar> 6* Aya watches them both
<Marcus`> I can do more than hold my own against you, so don't even start.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> But you'd still lose, since I am a bit better than you
* Chad`Winters leans back in his seat. 1"The way Ariel talks, you'd think she only had one daughter."
<Marcus`> I would argue and get us thrown into a fight where I eventually win because I make you cry or something but Aya is here and that's not nice. Right Aya?
<DeathStar> <Warren> Cran took 26 of her eggs and basically made 26 children without her permission or her consent. She choose to hold one in a special place in heart because she was the youngest appearance wise and personality wise. It is logical.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> But that wouldn't happen, since you did say I was a bit better. 6He looks at Ay. 1"Right?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya is gone.
* Marcus` pauses. "Oh son of a bitch."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Great, way to let her go ya twit. 6He quickly looks around.
<Marcus`> I let her go!? If we weren
<Marcus`> I let her go!? If we weren't going to be in huge trouble, I woudl kick your ass.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> We better find her quickly. 6He quickly moves out of the messhall and looks down the halls
<DeathStar> 6* The halls look empty.
<Marcus`> You check the training room, I'll check the hanger. *he says when he steps out, turning to run off towards the hanger*
<Chad`Winters> Even though she didn't take that until after Zephyr was reborn.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias turns and moves heading down to the training room.
<DeathStar> <Warren> It went back as far as the first PAX. 6* He notes.
* Chad`Winters glances at Warren. 1"Guess I never noticed it."
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sits there quietly now
<DeathStar> 6* Aya steps back out from the bathroom, glancing around as everyone is gone. "Oh man. Dad's going to be mad now..." 6* She eyes the empty spots Marcus and Dias were at.
* Chad`Winters shrugs and grabs a pen off Warren's desk and signs the papers.
* Marcus` frantically looks around in the hanger.
* Chad`Winters slides into the training room. He looks around quickly. 1"AYA?!"
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Dias
<DeathStar> 6* Warren watches him sign it.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya paces back and forth, wondering what she's going to do.
* Chad`Winters slides it back over to Warren. 1"And about the chip I requested?"
<DeathStar> 6* Warren reaches into his vest and hands it over.
<DeathStar> <Warren> That will be 25,000 credits.
<Chad`Winters> You're charging me? 6He studies Warren now
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes.
<Chad`Winters> 25,000 credits.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Yes.
* Chad`Winters sighs and reaches into his pocket, he pulls out a holocard and slides it over.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren takes it, studies it, then runs it through a machine.
<DeathStar> 6* He then hits a button, and hands the card back over.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Crap, she's not here. 6He turns and heads out of the training room and moves back into the hallway
* Marcus` comes walking back out of the hallway, he pauses and then opts to hide in his room.
* Chad`Winters takes the card, sliding it back into his pocket. 1"I'm hurt that you'd charge me."
<DeathStar> <Warren> The government doesn't look kindly on expensive chips being handed out for free.
<Chad`Winters> 25,000 is expensive? 6He eyes Warren quizzically
<DeathStar> 6* Warren looks back at Chad Warrenly.
* Chad`Winters grunts and holds his hand out for the chip.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren already handed it over.
* Chad`Winters shifts his hand and grabs the pen and leans back. 1"So what do you plan on doing with Ariel than? It's obvious if she get's next to Legion she won't hold back."
<DeathStar> <Warren> At this time, I plan to do nothing
* Marcus` is now known as Xan|Gone
<Chad`Winters> And if she chooses to kill herself in the process of trying to take down Ariel?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grunts. "We will have to see."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias sprints by the messhall on his way to the rec room
* Chad`Winters tilts his head slightly as he studies Warren
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Sat Feb 23 19:11:47 2008

Session Start: Sat Feb 23 22:25:33 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080223.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: RESUMATION!
<DeathStar> 6* Warren hands Chad some cards to let him into the training area
* Chad`Winters takes them, sliding them into his pocket.
<DeathStar> <Warren> Who do you intend to use the chip on?
<Chad`Winters> Dawn Alighieri.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren raises his brow slightly.
* Chad`Winters holds his neutral expression
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias resumes his panicing having just ran by the messhall
<DeathStar> 6* Warren holds his raised brow expression
<Seraphna> * Darce looks up from his meal, shaking his head.
<Kit> 6Chii stares at Dias panicking, and sticks her foot out to trip him.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias manages to step right over it and keeps running down the hallway.
<Chad`Winters> It'll cost you 25,000 credits. 6He states simply
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grunts, apparantly not interested.
* Chad`Winters leans back now, satisfied.
<DeathStar> 6* Warren sits there, just staring at him
<Seraphna> * Darce is working on his gear, his previous location challenged by reality.
<Kit> 6Lilith floats nearby, levitating around the edge of her own Gear, polishing the plates forming the jackal-like head.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias comes running back by the same hallway again, he runs into the messhall, a panicked look on his face.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya looks up from sitting at a table.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> AYA!
<Seraphna> * Darce's own work seems simple, the gear slowly taking on the strange wave-spike designs of his people's preference.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya ... stares at him yelling. She winces.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias let's out a massive sigh. 1"I lose you, I was worried."
<DeathStar> <Aya> I've been here the entire time.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer is in the training room, excersizing.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias just blinks. 1"Wow. You were?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya nods slowly.
<Kit> 6Chii leans in the doorway of the mess hall, staring boredly.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I swear I'd lose my own head if it wasn't attached
<Kit> <Chii> Probably true. What's the winter shortcake doing here?
<DeathStar> <Aya> Short...cake..?
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias turns around to look at Chii. 1"So rude."
<Kit> 6Chii blinks, then comes to a realization and pulls out one of her ear pieces. 1"Eh?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I said I'd tell Cheryl you're being rude to her neice
<Kit> <Chii> Oh, that's right. They say they're siblings or something. What're you doing here, Aya?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya just looks at Chii quietly. And a bit nervously.
<Chad`Winters> I never realized you cared what nefarious plans I had.
<Kit> <Chii> Wow, she's shy?
<DeathStar> 6* Warren grunts.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> No, she's most likely been taught never talk to strangers. And you are as strange as they get.
<Kit> <Chii> Huh. We've met before. Warren just told me to get lost and I was on an errand for Cheryl.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya keeps staring at Chii quietly.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks over at Aya. 1"Yeah, she's strange.
<Kit> <Chii> I'm a soul-less half of a nature demon, what do you expect?
<DeathStar> 6* Aya shifts back behind Dias at that
<Kit> <Chii> So you think Ariel's feeling any better, Dias?
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances behind him at Aya then ahead at Aya. 1"How would I know?"
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Chii
<Seraphna> * Jen just keeps on working out, moving into practice kicks and punches on a punching bag.
<Kit> <Chii> She stabbed me. That has to count for something, right? A vent?
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Hey, if you wanna risk it again, go ahead. 6He puts his hands up helplessly.
<Kit> <Chii> I didn't say I was going to talk to her again. She kind of pissed me off.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well she did stab you
<DeathStar> 6* Aya listens, a curious expression now
-> [DeathStar] PING
<Kit> <Chii> Well, duh. I did intend to push her to the edge.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances over his shoulder at Aya. 1"See? Pushing somebody to their breaking point can get you stabbed."
<Kit> 6Chii leans back against the doorway and crosses her arms. 1"I can't stand being around people like that. Absorbed in self-pity and despair."
<Kit> <Chii> It tastes bitter.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Than stop tasting.
<Kit> <Chii> Stop breathing.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya frowns a bit.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias holds his breathe
<Kit> 6Chii stares for a moment, then glares at Dias. 1"You moron."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya slides away quietly for the exit while the two bicker.
<Kit> <Chii> I'm saying I can't. It's like a sixth sense for me. You can't just turn them off. You can cover your ears for a while, but eventually something will happen to knock you off your feet if you do.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias crosses his arms, his cheeks puffed out while he holds his breath
<Kit> 6Chii looks to Aya and stares at her as she approaches the doorway since she's standing in it. 1"...Am I really freaking you out?"
<DeathStar> 6* Aya pauses awkwardly.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias plops down against a chair and stares at the two
<Kit> 6Chii pauses awkwardly as well, her back foot failing her and she stumbles into the hallway. 1"...You don't seem as old as you look, really. It's weird."
<Chad`Winters> 6A cough can be heard from behind Chii
<Kit> <Chii> I like kids, Cheryl says, so... If you don't like me, I'll just go." 6She peers over her shoulder.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya stares at her, her eyes widening slightly.
* Chad`Winters stands there, his arms crossed.
<Kit> 6Chii ignores him, it seems, and peers back at Aya.
<Chad`Winters> I've got the passes Aya.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya appears to be staring at Chad awwkardly now.
<DeathStar> <Aya> Oh. Okay.
<Kit> <Chii> ...Passes?
<Chad`Winters> That would be what I said.
<Kit> <Chii> What do you need passes for? Aren't you already inside the base?
<Chad`Winters> You ready Aya? 6He looks down at her now
<DeathStar> 6* Aya nods slowly.
<Chad`Winters> Let's get started. 6He smiles at her
<DeathStar> 6* Aya looks back at Chii, gives her an awkward smile, and steps past her
<Kit> 6Chii moves aside and lets Aya by, smiling softly back. Something rare for her, except to kids.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Creepy. 6He stares at Chii
<DeathStar> 6* Aya seems to relax at the smile, and moves on with Chad
<Kit> 6Chii stares toward Dias. 1"What?" 6Then moves, putting her earpiece back in and following Chad and Aya.
* Chad`Winters moves along the hall with Aya. 1"Did you enjoy your time with Marcus and Dias?"
<DeathStar> <Aya> They, uh. Yeah. 6* She just lies.
<Chad`Winters> They lost you didn't they?
<DeathStar> <Aya> Um. Sorta.
<Kit> 6Lilith finishes polishing and floats down to stand on the platform before it. Staring at it. Perhaps because she dedicated herself to being a group maid, the gear shines brilliantly.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya peers behind her at Chii.
<Chad`Winters> Typical. 6He takes a left down a hall.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya pauses, about to overshoot, then takes the left.
<Kit> 6Chii gazes at her curiously, then smiles once, before going back before looking forward. She pauses when Aya misses slightly, making sure to not get too close.
* Chad`Winters glances back at Chii. 1"Why are you following us?"
<Kit> 6Chii stares blankly, listening to her music again. It takes her a moment, then she smirks. 1"Following you? Because you ignored me when I asked what you needed passes for. If you ignore me, then I just have to find out for myself."
<Chad`Winters> You don't know you own base? 6He stops outside the gunrange.
<Kit> <Chii> You need a pass for the hangar, armouries and the main offices and private rooms. Frankly, since you brought shortcake, I didn't think you'd bring her here." 6She takes the earbuds out.
<Kit> <Chii> You're... giving her weapons lessons?
<DeathStar> 6* Aya frowns at being called shortcake. "I'm not a shortcake."
<Chad`Winters> You're an idiot. You need a pass to fire off weapons on the base.
<Kit> <Chii> Sticks and stones, Chadoh.
<Chad`Winters> Good now you know why were here. So you can leave us now. 6He hands Aya her pass.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya takes it.
* Chad`Winters swipes his pass and opens the door for Aya to enter
<DeathStar> 6* Aya steps inside.
<Kit> <Chii> Yup. Y'know, Chadoh." 6She puts the earpieces back in. 1"It's kind of sad how you get along with people. I may have born talent, but you're brilliant, so... figure it out. Maybe for her sake." 6Turns and walks off, thumbs hooked in her shorts.
* Chad`Winters just shakes his head, not one to listen to a person's leftovers opinions. He steps inside
* Chad`Winters steps into the room and moves over to the weapons rack. 1"I'll start you with a pistol."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya nods.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake lounges about in the rec room.
* Chad`Winters pulls off a pistol and checks the clip. He than switches it to stun and moves over to Aya, handing it to her.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias plops down in the rec room, tossing it legs up on the chair. 1"What's up Drake?"
<DeathStar> <Drake> Nothing much. 6* He peers down at a book
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So how're you and Lilly doing?
<DeathStar> <Drake> Lilly...? 6* He looks up slowly, confused.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya takes the pistol, holding it awkwardly.
<Chad`Winters> Like this. 6He reaches over and helps her hold it right
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> The dog chick
<DeathStar> <Aya> Oh. 6* She holds it like he shows her.
<DeathStar> <Drake> The dog..oh, Lilith. Um. Okay, I guess? 6* He looks like he doesn't get the question
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So ya gonna kiss her?
<DeathStar> <Drake> Kis-- 6* He looks at Dias again oddly, a blank expression slowly filtering out. "What?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Drake and Lilith sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
<DeathStar> 6* Drake stares at him.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias makes kissy faces
<DeathStar> 6* Drake closes his book and stands, moving out of the rec room
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias just laughs to himself
<Kit> 6Lilith stares at Drake exiting the recreational room.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake pauses as he sees Lilith. "Oh. Hi."
* Chad`Winters begins to explain the basics to to Aya
<DeathStar> 6* Aya listens to the basic from Chad.
<Chad`Winters> Now go ahead and try. 6He reaches over and brings up a target that's 50 yards out.
<DeathStar> 6* Aya stares, then lifts the gun and aims, pulling the trigger. She misses completely.
* Chad`Winters steps behind her and adjusts her stances slightly. 1"Try again
<DeathStar> 6* Aya shifts and pulls the trigger, hitting parts of the target.
<Chad`Winters> Much better.
<Kit> <Lilith> Hello, Sir Drake. I wish to speak with you, but, will you accept a proposal?
<DeathStar> <Drake> Uh. 6* He stares confused, then rubs the back of his head. "What sort of proposal?"
<Chad`Winters> Remember to control your breathing. Now try again
<DeathStar> 6* Aya makes an odd expression, and pulls the trigger again, getting the same results
<Kit> <Lilith> Will you help me revive my old skills?
<DeathStar> <Drake> Your old skills? 6* He seems confused again
* Chad`Winters moves over and grabs a pistol himself. He then moves over beside Aya. 1"Watch and study me closely."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya looks at him.
<Kit> 6Lilith gives a gentle smile, then nods her head in a pollite bow. 1"Perhaps I have overgone a step. Please, I am Mitsuki Tomoe. Pleased to meet you."
* Chad`Winters reaches over and flips a switch, dropping down all the targets. He takes in a deep breath and jerks his gun up, firing a round into each target
<DeathStar> <Drake> Oh, uh. Hi. Nice to, uh, meet you.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake rubs the back of his head.
* Chad`Winters let's his breath out and lowers his gun, setting it on the counter. 1"Now try."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya stares at him, then lifts her gun, firing at only one target again. With the same mixed results. What did you expect? It's her first try.
<Kit> <Lilith> However." 6She raises her head, still smiling. Although it seems genuine enough, her eyes seem barren. Distant.1"If it is too much trouble to distinguish... You may continue to refer to me as 'Lilith' as all times. I wish to have a friendly match with you."
<DeathStar> <Drake> You want to have a, uh, match with me? 6* He repeats, as if he didn't hear her right
* Chad`Winters looks down at her and nods. 1"Not bad for your first time."
<DeathStar> 6* Aya looks at him quietly, then at the targets.
<Chad`Winters> So what do you think about it than?
<DeathStar> <Aya> I don't know.
<Kit> <Lilith> Yes. If you will. Or do you find my abilities too weak to bother?
<Chad`Winters> Do you want to continue? 6He looks at her curiously
<DeathStar> 6* Aya peers at the targets thoughtfully, then shrugs. "I guess."
<DeathStar> <Drake> Your, uh. 6* He rubs his head nervously. "I guess if you want, we, uh, can. I just never really...sparred much."
* Chad`Winters nods and me motions for her to continue. He grabs his gun and steps over to another section and raises his gun, firing down the range
<DeathStar> 6* Aya quietly practices with her gun
<Kit> <Lilith> Very well, lead the way then?" 6She motions with her hand toward the halls.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake pauses, then awkwardly moves for the training room
<Kit> 6Lilith follows at a pollite distance.
Session Close: Sun Feb 24 00:00:00 2008 Session Start: Sun Feb 24 00:00:00 2008
Session Ident: #taw
<DeathStar> 6* Drake steps into the training room. He turns to glance at Lilith.
<Kit> 6Lilith walks in quietly and stands across, bowing to him pollitely, then holds a hand to her chest, seeming to concentrate.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake watches curiously.
<Kit> 6Lilith's hand reaches in through her chest and grasps the hilt of something, slowly pulling it out.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake's eyes widen slightly as he watches.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl is outside on the base grounds, working on pummeling things with her fists - primarily, scraps of Gear parts.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias leans over a piece of scrap gear parts. He looks down at Cheryl. 1"Yo yo."
<Kit> 6Chii watches her quietly, sitting against a wall near a doorway, but content to listen to music and watch Cheryl beat things. She blinks when Dias approaches, smirking.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl punches her fist through some of the metal. "Dias." 6* She says simply, then rips her fist free.
<Kit> 6Lilith pulls the obscenely long nodachi out, though its blade is bright and silvery-white, rather than the obsidian colour from before linked with Asmodeus.
<Chad`Winters> So ya miss me? 6He smiles down at her.
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Dias
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You were gone? 6* She counters, punching her fist through a thicker part of the metal. A crunch is heard.
<Kit> 6Lilith takes a step back, turning sideways and leans the handle over a shoulder, gesturing the end of the blade upside-down toward Drake. 1"Forgive me, the field sword is my best."
<Chad`Winters> So cruel. 6He hangs his head
<DeathStar> 6* Drake unsheathes his black sword.
<DeathStar> <Drake> Uh, sure. No problem. 6* He gives her a smile.
<Kit> <Lilith> Are you ready?
<DeathStar> <Drake> I guess so. 6* He holds the sword awkwardly.
<Kit> 6Lilith nods and jerks, bringing the point of the sword end over end, slashing in a wide horizontal arc that doesn't bring her within range of any conventional weapon, even some spears.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake stumbles back.
<Kit> 6Lilith dances a step forward and uses her other hand to yank the blade around and back, quite quickly for something of that length, offering little methods to move except back over over it.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So what ya doin? 6He looks at her
<DeathStar> 6* Drake tries to parry, as if he could stop it
<Kit> 6Lilith is paused with a little give. She's not using her magnetics or gravity, so the mass of the sword takes a second to stop, but added with Drake's weapon's own size, is stopped with a bit of effort. She spins and sends the nodachi for him from the other direction. 1"So, Sir Drake. I will ask you. Should a time come that I... am driven against Lady Raquel as I was. I have something... a request to ask of you."
<DeathStar> <Drake> A request? 6* He does an unconventional tactic of hitting the ground to dodge.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hitting on Gear parts. What does it look like. 6* She punches the same spot again, with another crunch
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So that's what it is?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* Doesn't bother with a reply, punching again, this time a crunch, but a crack appears in the Gear part.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias falls off the scrap gear piece and lands with a thud
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl doesn't glance at him. Poor, ignored Dias.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias pops up from behind the gear piece and leans against it.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So something on your mind?
<Kit> 6Lilith yanks the hilt back, over her shoulder, taking a step, clearly a thrust, which would be faster than another horizontal slash. 1"Yes, Sir Drake. If a time like that should ever come. Do not hesitate. Kill me."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Nothing
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl punches again, her hand punching into the part completely.
<Chad`Winters> Nice. 6He whistles
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Dias
<DeathStar> 6* Drake stumbles to the side to avoid, he brings his sword down on the blade after it's extended past him. ".... I'd rather not have to kill you."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rips her hand out, eyeing some blood coming off of it. "Thanks."
<Kit> 6Lilith leans forward, dropping the sword and turning, grabbing the hilt backwards, and sending her outside leg around for a shallow kick.
<Kit> <Lilith> Do you not respect me?
<DeathStar> 6* Drake is kicked and he stumbles ungracefully. "I respect you. Doesn't mean I want to kill you."
<Kit> 6Lilith pulls her sword back and around, holding the blade in both hands reversed. 1"Then perhaps you do not understand. My honor is horrendously twisted, an ugly thing. I should forfeit my life as is, but it would only cause Lady Raquel more pain."
<Kit> <Lilith> As a warrior, I refuse to become a pawn of my enemy. A tool against my charge. Should it happen, I would rather die.
<DeathStar> <Drake> .... Oh.
<Kit> <Lilith> Do you understand?
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes the blood on her hand. 1"I just hope you weren't thinking of me when you did that."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Don't worry.
<DeathStar> <Drake> Yeah, I guess I do.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Shew.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I rarely think about you. 6* She adds, as if that were comforting.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias slumps. 1"So cruel."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl goes back to pummeling the Gear piece.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well, I think about you atleast.
<Kit> 6Lilith smiles, putting her hands together and bowing her head. 1"Thank you, Sir Drake."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She peers at Dias slowly.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake pauses, then awkwardly bows back. "You're, uh, welcome."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias stares off upwards.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *snorts* Yeah.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I thought I told you I wasn't lieing to you.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *waving her hand* Oh, I believe you. IF you want to spar, we can do it later.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> You really like to lose don't ya? 6He looks over at Cheryl, smirking innocently
<Kit> 6Lilith nods once, then brings the sword around, stabbing herself in the chest with it.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl responds by punching into the Gear Part.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake winces.
<Kit> 6Lilith just pushes the whole length into her, then sets the hilt away and smiles.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake rubs the back of his head, and sheathes his own blade.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well when you're ready for your daily beating, just give me shout.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fine. Lets do it now. 6* She rips her fist free, and suddenly launches her whip out at Dias.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias ducks, letting the whip sail over his head
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snaps her wrist, so it comes back around. She dashes forward, throwing up her foot for a kick to Dias' chin
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias shifts to dodge the whip coming back around ahd he throws up his forearm, leting her foot slam into it. He slides back
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl presses her advantage by planting her foot and whipping straight out at Dias.
<Kit> <Lilith> So, Sir Drake. Are you hungry?
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias jerks his upper body back, letting it sail over his body.
<DeathStar> <Drake> Huh? 6* He seems to momentarily confused by the change in thought. "I guess so."
<Kit> <Lilith> What should I make for you?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl kicks out as he jerks, aiming to kick him.
<DeathStar> 6* Drake pauses. "I, uh. Well. You don't have to, if you don't want. But, if you really want, uh, anything is fine by me."
<Kit> <Lilith> I will prepare curry, then." 6She nods and turns.
<DeathStar> <Drake> Oh. Okay. 6* He nods once, then stops himself from rubbing the back of his head
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias is kicked and knocked over onto his back
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl brings her foot up and moves to stomp down on his back.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias jerks his foot back and up, slamming it into her's. He tries to shove it hard and knock her off balance
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl doesn't budge. She snaps her whip down at him.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias kicks off and rolls to the side and into a piece of scrap metal
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes it, then snaps out at the metal with her whip.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias ducks again, letting the whip slam into the metal he's against.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl begins to look bored.
<Kit> <Chii> Yo, cauliflower-head. Be more passionate, will you?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks toward Chii.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias pushes himselfup. 1"I think she's talking to you."
<Kit> <Chii> Yeah, 'cause she has hair like milk.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ....
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> She's blonde. 6He kicks off, using the metal to push harder and twists, spin kicking at Cheryl's side
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl howls in pain, having been staring a Chii.
<Kit> <Chii> ... ..." 6Annoyed twitch. 1"Cauliflower's white, damn it."
<DeathStar> 6* She suddenly reaches out to snag Dias' by the throat, tighten her grip, and lift him up and smash him face first into a jagged piece of metal
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias' face slams face first into the jagged piece of metal, his head bouncing off and leaving a red stain on it
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shuts off her whip. "Bastard." 6* She swears, muttering other curses. It appears she doesn't really care she injured his head.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias stumbles back as he looks at her. 1"Bastard? Why am I the bastard?" 6Blood begins to drip down from a nasty cut on his forehead
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I wasn't looking!
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well, I suppose that's fair. 6He rubs the back of his head.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sneers.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So you paying attention now?
<Jackieness> NRP: Ni ni
* Jackieness has left #taw
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> If you want to get your ass handed to you again, yeah.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias kicks off and throws two quick jabs towards her, the blood moving down the side of his face now.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grabs his fist for the first jab, twists to avoid the second, then tries to bring her elbow down on his extended arm before he can retract or do his damn Thai crap
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias howls in pain as her elbow slams in. He swings his right leg in to kick her shin
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grits her teeth, and turns to throw Dias toward Chii
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias swings his foot in and tries to hook his leg behind her's to keep her from throwing him
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl threw him high
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias goes flying now
<Kit> 6Chii snaps her fingers oblivious. Seems she's still listening to music.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias crashes into her.
<Kit> 6Chii lets out a curdling scream.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns to face them both, her hands on her hips, a satisfied expression on her face
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias coughs and pushes off her breasts to get up
<Kit> 6Chii stares at Dias, her eyes watering, heaving after screaming so loud.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias turns and starts moving towards Cheryl again, half his face covered in blood now
<Kit> 6Chii stands slowly, staggering, then takes a step and lunges her heel for the center of Dias' back.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias is kicked and he stumbles into another chuck of scrap metal, his head slamming into it again, more blood gushing out.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just stares.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias stumbles back. He takes a step forward towards Cheryl then stumbles
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fight's over.
<Kit> 6Chii turns, setting her foot back on the ground and goes to stomp off, but instead holds her stomach and limps back into the base, glaring like never before.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I-I should probably see the doc. 6He stares down at the ground were a small pool of blood has formed already
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... Yeah. PRobably.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias places his hand against the giant open cut and turns, moving inside and heading towards the Medical Bay
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl wataches them both go, then turns and goes back to pummeling Gear Parts.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias steps into medical bay. 1"HEY DOC!"
<Kit> 6Chii stares at Dias as he appears in the medical bay entry. Her eyes instantly narrow to a killing intent being obvious.
<DeathStar> 6* The poor nurse on duty looks at them both, then looks nervous
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks over at the nurse. 1"Doc's not on duty?
<DeathStar> <Nurse> N-Not right now.
<DeathStar> 6* She motions him over to treat him. Though Chii's KI might make that hard
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias sighs and lowers his hand, blood gushing out again. He just motions to it and moves over towards her
<Kit> 6Chii hrmphs, sets her earpieces back in and rolls over on one of the exam beds.
<DeathStar> 6* The nurse begins to stitch him up
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias is stitched upon without much of a flinch, making it obvious this isn't the first time. 1"So this isn't gonna take away from my good looks is it?"
<DeathStar> <Nurse> N-No. 6* She blushes.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Thank god. I don't have much to spare.
<DeathStar> <Nurse> You look fine to me.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Ah, thanks.
<DeathStar> <Nurse> All done. 6* She finishes, then moves to check on the pouty Chii
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias rubs his face and hops off, moving over to a mirror to look at his face.
<Kit> 6Chii mostly came to check out her stomach wound after being collapsed on and performing a vigored side kick.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Another dodged bullet. Thanks a lot nurse. 6He waves at her and moves out.
<DeathStar> 6* She gives Chii a lollipop. "It's okay."
<Kit> 6Chii gives the nurse a blank look, staring at the lollipop.
<DeathStar> <Nurse> You can have it!
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves through the halls, rotating his shoulder.
<Kit> 6Chii takes it and stuffs it in her mouth, rolling over.
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Sun Feb 24 02:13:27 2008

Session Start: Mon Feb 25 01:20:16 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080225.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.6.30
<DeathStar> Location: HQ
<Kit> NRP: Ohhh, the time, too. Whee.
<DeathStar> NRP: Uh, you can pick.
<DeathStar> NRP: Evening? After Chad's gne?
<Kit> NRP: I meant the date. it reminded me.
<Kit> 6Chii rolls over on the exam bed, pulling out her earpieces. Seems the device's power supply finally drained dead. She sits up, sighing, glancing around to see who might be present in the medical bay.
<DeathStar> 6* The Doctor seems to have returned at some point.
<Kit> <Chii> Oy, Truce.
<DeathStar> 6* The Doctor doesn't glance at her . "Yes?"
<Kit> <Chii> You got a good look at the virus, right?" 6Rubs her head. 1"I know it's... paranormal. But what do you make of it?
<DeathStar> <Doctor> What do you mean?
<Kit> <Chii> ...What does it compare to, if anything? I mean. You have some idea if you thought you could cure it, right? Any behaviour? What does it... do?
<DeathStar> <Doctor> It would take too long to explain it.
<Kit> <Chii> Summarize, damn it.
<DeathStar> 6* The Doctor begins to summarize, using all the medical, technical terms, and psychobabble only people of his field would understand. Probably to annoy Chii.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias comes walking in, his forehead bleeding from the spot the nurse gave him stitches..
<Kit> 6Chii falls silent, twitching at Dias.
<DeathStar> 6* The Doctor pauses, glancing up at Dias.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Yeah, I. 6He motions. 1"Long story short, Marcus."
<DeathStar> 6* The Doctor motions for him to sit, and he pulls out his tools.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves over and sits down. 1"You're not gonna yell at me or give me a speech about how I shouldn't spar with a freshly fixed wound?"
<DeathStar> <Doctor> That would imply I cared.
<DeathStar> 6* He begins to stitch him up.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I thought all doctors cared about their patients.
<DeathStar> <Doctor> Hardly.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias scratches the back of his head. 1"Oh, I didn't know that."
<DeathStar> <Doctor> As I was saying, Chii, the virus is designed specifically to attack your body when it gives off certain indicators that is produced as a byproduct of you using your abilities.
<DeathStar> <Doctor> In a sense, your own system is attacking itself.
<Kit> <Chii> ...I have Spirit AIDS?
<DeathStar> 6* The Doctor doesn't bother replying to that, and just tightens a stitch on Dias' forehead.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias winces in pain
<DeathStar> 6* The Doctor continues his work.
<DeathStar> <Doctor> As your immune system is currently being worked by this 'bond' with Cheryl, curing you is difficult with it in place. But since you are more concerned with it than your health, well. That is your decision.
<DeathStar> 6* He tightens another stitch in a non-gentle manner
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias howls again. 1"Hey! That kinda hurts ya know."
<DeathStar> <Doctor> Then you shouldn't hurt yourself.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well I gotta keep myself in shape to take on the Dark Ones."
<DeathStar> 6* The Doctor doesn't bother replying to him, now, either.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Ya know, I thought you were gonna be a cool doctor.
<DeathStar> 6* He tightens a stitch in response.
<Kit> <Chii> Eh, more than cool, seems like he's appropriate for us.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Gah!
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Ya know I don't remember the nurse causing me this much pain.
<DeathStar> 6* The doctor goes back to his desk. "I'm done."
<Kit> 6Chii shifts and puts her feet to the floor, standing with a bit of difficulty, then moves to pass Dias and head down the hall quietly.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Thank god. 6He hops off. 1"I'll be sure to just glue it shut next time.
<DeathStar> 6* The Doctor watches them both go
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> See ya later doc. 6He just waves casually and walks out
<Kit> 6Chii heads for Cheryl's, figuring she might not be there, but hey, check anyway.
<DeathStar> 6* It'll be a long walk. However, thanks to the power of time skip...
<DeathStar> 6* Chii arrives outside Cheryl's apartment building
<Kit> 6Chii rings the bell. Ring-a-ling.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's impatient, annoyed voice comes on. "What?"
<Kit> <Chii> Morning, sunshine.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> It's evening. 6* She notes.
<Kit> <Chii> Yep. And I'm a night owl.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just buzzes her up.
<Kit> 6Chii pushes through the door and walks along up at a casual pace.
<DeathStar> 6* The door is unlocked by the time she gets up there. Apparantly Cheryl wasn't going to wait around
<Kit> 6Chii enters and shuts the door behind her, leaning against it to do so; and rest.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl is laying on the couch, wearing a tanktop and shorts. A bottle of booze is already out beside her,.
<Kit> <Chii> Yo.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Eh. Yo.
<Kit> 6Chii winces and leans back onto her feet properly, going to check on Ben's room.
<DeathStar> 6* Ben's taking an early sleep, or a late nap, it appears.
<Kit> 6Chii takes a few steps back and turns, returning to the living room and sitting on the floor.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just drinks her booze.
<Kit> <Chii> So Cheryl...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah...?
<Kit> <Chii> Tell me about Ariel, would you?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... Lets not go there, Chii. 6* She notes, her tone dropping a few levels in warmth to frigid.
<Kit> <Chii> I'm not asking for trouble, I just want to know. I realize I went too far and I'm not starting anything. I just want to understand her better. The only thing I ... 'know' about her.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> And I don't want to talk about it. 6* She interrupts.
<Kit> 6Chii peers upward at the ceiling, boredly. 1"Is the image from Centerpoint. That blurry woman in armor. A fairy tale knight.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl finishes off the entire bottle in one fell swoop.
<Kit> <Chii> You respect her. I thought it was worth knowing.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> And I said I don't want to talk about it
<Kit> <Chii> ...Whatever, then..
* Chad`Winters is now known as Chad`Sleep
<Kit> 6Chii rubs her head and sighs, leaning back on her palms.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stands up and moves off to the kitchen area.
<DeathStar> 6* After snagging some booze, Cheryl moves into her own bedroom instead of the living room
<Kit> 6Chii twitches at that, and moves to stare at Ben from that doorway, then.
<DeathStar> 6* Ben sleeps like an angel. Well, as much of an angel as you can be when you were spawned from Warren and Cheryl
* Seraphna is now known as Sera|Sleep
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Mon Feb 25 02:39:29 2008

Session Start: Mon Feb 25 19:38:03 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080225.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-588.7.1
<DeathStar> Location: HQ
<Xanatos> *Marcus seems to be in the gear sims, probably about finished.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias jogs through the halls, wearing a sleeveless shirt.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC sits training room, working through a routine of calestethics
<Xanatos> *Marcus apparently loses and steps out groaning, he looks for something to throw and just throws a wrench, it making a loud ding.
* Kuroichigo has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias stops infront of the hanger entryway, his shirt full of sweat. He puts his arms to his sides and looks over at Marcus. 1"Temper temper."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> I almost had that, then a fucking squad of tsiv showed up out of nowhere. *he says still upset*
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So what if they did? You just beat them down.
<Xanatos> Squad. Of 5 to be exact. I'm still a beginner, I can barely handle 2 against 1.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Pscht. That's why you're in a squad.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Well that's the next step. If I can't learn to work a gear in a single formation, I'll just hamper the squad i'm in.
* Kuroichigo has joined #taw
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I'm sure you could ask Warren just to put you in the rear, you know. Where you won't do any harm
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Ha. Ha. Ha. No, I'm going to get better, just you wait.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Oh, of course you will. 6He gives Marcus a big thumbs up and a giant smile
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Thought about asking Theron to teach me some things, dunno though. He's kinda boring to talk too.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> You don't talk to yourself that often, do ya?
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Ah ha ha. O
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Ah ha ha. I'll have you know that i'm a hilarious and awesome person. Mind want to mark that down.
<Xanatos> NRP: Might*
<DeathStar> 6* Marcus might notice that Dias has stiches on his face. Stitches he says MArcus helped put there during a training bout
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Oh I definetly will. 6He just nods his head mockingly
* Xanatos pauses. "You had to get stiches for that? You're just a pussy sometimes." He just starts to laugh.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I already had stitches there.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> ...well you're still a pussy. That just can't be helped. *he gives a slight shrug* Better luck next year, champ
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> That's cold man. 6He points at his chest and makes a pained look.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> You'll be alright. *he stretches his arms out* I'm hungry. *he moves to walk towards the mess hall.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias turns and walks along side him. 1"You're always hungry."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Seems that the longer I stay out of wold form, the more my hunger increases.
* Jackieness has joined #taw
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Jackieness
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> That doesn't make any sense
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl punches a training bag around in the training room.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> It probably has nothing to do with the wolf thing, but I need an excuse. Right?
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well maybe you're just growing.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> I thought you stopped growing around 20.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> How the hell would I know? 6He stops as he passes by the training room and he peeks his head in at Cheryl. He whistles at her.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pauses, turning to look at him slowly. She appears to be in a bad mood.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> What's up Cheryl?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Your spine if you whistle at me again
<Xanatos> *Marcus tilts his head over Dias' shoulder. "Hey Boss."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Don't call me Boss.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Fair enough. So what's with the fiery temp?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> This is my normal attitude.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> She is quite fiery 24/7.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Quite hot.
* Kuroichigo has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl punches the training bag off it's chains, then does a finger motion for them to come to her
<Xanatos> *Marcus lets out a whistle and shoves DIas towards her.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias smirks at Marcus and moves over to her
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You really don't learn. 6* She notes, staring at Dias with a look of exasperation
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Can't say I do. 6He stops infront of her and looks down at the fallen bag, making a wow face.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts and goes back to pounding on something else.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Don't you love how he pretends to be amazed at how strong you are. It's pretty annoying, isn't it? *he says stepping fulling into the training room*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Marcus now.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Who said I was pretending? 6He moves over to a different punching bag and hangs against it with one hand.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Considering I've seen you do the same before, I'm saying it.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Doesn't mean I'm not amazed when I see it happen.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Right. Right. *he just nods, before glancing at Cheryl* You been doing alright?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm fine. 6* She says, moving to sit down and mess with some weights.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Awesome. You check out Dias' scar?
<Xanatos> NRP: stitches*
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias rolls his eyes
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I gave it to him
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Did he cry when you gave it too him? Because he did when I opened it back up.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I didn't cry ya dick.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grunts, lifting some weights.
* Sera|Working is now known as Seraphna
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> And if you go around telling people that, I'll start telling everyone you wet your bed.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Well I guess we can't go about lying to people. That'd be lame.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias pushes off lightly with his feet and hangs on the bag completely now with one hand, swaying lightly
<Xanatos> *Marcus props himself against the wall near Cheryl. "So where's Chii-Chii?'
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Who knows. 6* She says, some snip to her tone.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Ah. I'm just used to her hanging onto your leg. Odd that she's off on her own.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias remains quiet as he watches the two, apparently picking up on her tone
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer steps into the training room, stretching a bit.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> HO! 6He nods at Jennifer
<Seraphna> * Jennifer blinks, looking at Dias, "Ummm, hey Mister Dias."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> It's Dias. D-I-A-S. Dias
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "O-Okay, Dias."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> You save titles for people of high status. And I'm definetly on the lower tier of things
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> 'Mr'. 6* She snort laughs.
<Xanatos> *Marcus stares at Cheryl for a moment before watching Dias and Jennifer.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> See? 6He points with his free hand at Cheryl.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Alright. Sorry, they actually get really strict about that in Japanese schools."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> School is for chumps. That want to be rich. *he says with a ha*
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias shifts his weight and swings around on the punching bag. 1"Nope, not in a japanese school."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer sets her bag down and starts to do some stretching. "Habits."
* Kit[Away] is now known as Kit
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> What do you mean by habits?
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Formed a habit of calling everyone with proper names."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer keeps stretching.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Uh huh. Sounds lame. What do you think Marcus?
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Aya doesn't do it. So obviously Jen is lame.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Cheryl? What's your take on it?
<Kit> <Chii> The dog girl gives everyone honoraries.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts. "Leave me out of it."
<Kit> 6Chii leans in the doorway. 1"Where's she measure to Jen?"
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances over at Marcus and nods. 1"That didn't take long."
<Kit> <Chii> I've been alone quite a bit lately. You're just not very observant when you're not landing on me.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus gives a slight shrug and falls silent now.
<Seraphna> * Jen just shakes her head and heads over to a punching bag, working her punches and kicks on it. "Aya doesn't talk much though."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well you are surprisingly soft for someone who comes off so rugged.
<Kit> <Chii> Sh-shut up!
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Like a soft velvety teddy bear.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Haha. Teddy bear. *he chuckles*
<Kit> <Chii> I wonder if anyone would miss you.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Even your threats are cute.
<Kit> 6Chii studies Dias, as if measuring a hole in the desert.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Aya talks to me all the time, Jen.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer rolls her eyes and moves into kicks. "CHatterbox to you huh?"
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Well, whenever I see her. You know, her pap being an evil tyrant.
<Kit> <Chii> A prick.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well you did have a thing for the underage, can't blame him
<Kit> <Chii> True.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
<DeathStar> 6* She stands up and moves out
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Right. Besides Angela, and that was a fluke. Seriously. Don't start with me.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Hey, you married Billy.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer stops mid kick. "He what?"
<Kit> 6Chii measures Marcus now. Apparently she doesn't have a side in that. She shifts her gaze to stop Cheryl. 1"Hey, when you're free I'd like to go eat somewhere."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks over at Cheryl. 1"Hey Cheryl."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just leaves.
<Xanatos> 6*Marcus just laughs.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Ah, I miss the good ol days.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias sighs. 1"Well atleast with her not present...Dont' forget you hitting on Zephyer."
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "He married BILLY?"
<Seraphna> * Jen eyes Marcus warily now.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks aT Jen and with the most plain voice ever. 1"Yeah."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I assure you Jen. It was all Billy's doings.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> 1. I was only 3 years older than Zephyr. 2. Zeph got older and much hotter.
<Kit> 6Chii's head jerks at mention of Zephyr, she gets a distant look, then peers at Jennifer a moment. 1"If you ever need more help I have a lot of boredom to kill, Jen." 6Then turns and walks off.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Dude, she was 15.
<Seraphna> * Jen looks a bit creeped out. "I'm 15."
<Xanatos> I was 18 at the time.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So?
<Xanatos> 3 years. Not a big deal.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Ewww.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Of shut the fuck up.
<Xanatos> NRP: oh*
<Seraphna> * Jen sighs, "Now I know why Dad told me to be careful around you two."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...HEY! Don't group me with cradle boy here.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Don't group me with Mr. TheRapist here.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Oooh. 6He points at Marcus, an amused look on his face. 1"She was awake, so it wasn't rape."
<Seraphna> Jen> "Well didn't you do something that made Dad tag you too?"
<Xanatos> <Marcus> She was half-asleep and thought it was me, so yeah it was.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> No, she told me she knew it was me. Said I was big too.
<Seraphna> * Jen raises a brow. "Your state of conciousness matters?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I just assumed she was being her normal easy flattering self.
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Man I'm completely not hungry anymore.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Good, you could stand to lose some weight. Fatty.
<Seraphna> * Jen shrugs, "Eh, she is... loose, I think is the term."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks over at Jen. 1"You shouldn't talk about people like that."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> That's it, motherfucker. I'm putting you on the aquiantence list. No longer friend list for you." *he walks off*
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Ahh come on! I worked so hard to get there too.
<Seraphna> * Jen eyes Dias. "Pot. Kettle. Black."
<Xanatos> <Marcus> Maybe next time you won't fall me fat, you asshole!
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Great, there goes my christmas card. 6He sighs and then looks over at Jen. 1"What. The. Hell?
<Seraphna> * Jen shakes her head and goes into some punches. "Boys..."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Oh I know, word association game. Lemon. Banana. Yellow.
<Seraphna> * Jen just shakes her head and giggles.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Your turn.
<Seraphna> Jen> "Lime. Muscat. Green."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> What the hell's a muscat?
<Seraphna> * Jen blinks a bit. "You've never heard of a muscat?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> No, why? Should've?
<Chad`Winters> NRP: I
<Seraphna> Jen> "They're a type of grape. The green kind."
<Xanatos> *Marcus steps into the mess hall, he gathers him up some food and sits down.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> They why don't they just call it a green grape.
<Seraphna> Jen> "Dunno, but a lot of candies around here with grape flavor are labelled that."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> That's just retarded.
<Seraphna> * Jen shrugs. "Not my rule."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Well it is my rule. From now on you call them green grapes.
<Seraphna> * Jen goes into a few kicks, she's getting a lot more graceful with her movements and less of the attempting to move like a guy.
<Seraphna> Jen> "Alrighty."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Muscat. Hah. 6He laughs
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> So you beat anyone up in school yet?
<Seraphna> * Jen blinks and nearly misses her kick. "Who, me?"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Uh, unless there's someone behind you. 6He looks past Jen
<Seraphna> * Jen looks behind her. "GUess me. Nope, not me." *she smiles a little and punches the bag squarely* "Though some guys have been giving me looks."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I'd punch them. Than tell them you like them.
<Seraphna> "Doesn't that make it not work as well? Sides, I'm not allowed to date."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Says who?
<Kit> 6Chii sits in the lobby, donning her earpieces. She pulls out a retractable cable from the device and plugs it in to recharge while she sits back to listen to it and rest.
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Mon Feb 25 20:59:45 2008