Session Start: Thu Jun 26 20:00:43 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080626.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-589.3.16
<DeathStar> Location: HQ
<DeathStar> 6* Another typical day at the HQ
<SPoC> 6Dias steps out of his room, wearing a sleeveless shirt and shorts on, a smug look on his face.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl does push ups in the training room
* Sally`Wolf stands in the training room, eyeing her arch enemy, the punching bag, before delivering a righteous kick to it's center.
* Marcus` sits in the medical bay by Kat's bed, head tilted back, eyes closed.
<DeathStar> 6* Caduceus walks up to Marcus. "She's dead, I'm afraid." 6* He announces, after tapping MArcus' head
* SPoC stands in the gun range, target practicing.
<DeathStar> <Caduceus> So you can quit sitting there.
* Marcus` jerks his eyes open eyes wide. "What? When?"
<DeathStar> <Caduceus> When you were asleep.
<Kit> 6Lilith resumes staring at X.
<Marcus`> Asleep, I wasn't asleep.
<DeathStar> 6* X stares back.
<DeathStar> <Caduceus> Or were you?
<Marcus`> I was resting my eyes. *he glances over at Kat quickly*
<SPoC> 6Dias pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and eyes it. 1"Eat food....Already did that."
<DeathStar> 6* The vitals are all normal.
<Kulix> *Xril stands in the hall of the HQ gazing out the window as he thinks to himself
* Marcus` visibily relaxes and glances at Duce. "Wow man. That wasn't funny."
<Myria> 6<12Myria6> *in the training room for some reason, staring at Sally as Sally trains on the punching bag.
<DeathStar> <Caduceus> Who would have thought you could read monitors.
<Marcus`> You get your ass kicked enough, you learn a thing or two.
<SPoC> <Dias> What's next...Breathing. Pfft, that does it on it's own. 6He starts walking down the hallway.
<Marcus`> * Theron sits in the mess hall, eating.
<DeathStar> <Caduceus> I'll be sure to subscribe to your school of learning
<DeathStar> 6* As Xrileshir looks out the window, Xrileshir walks past him. Looks like he has a twin
* Sally`Wolf delivers another blow to the punching back before looking up, realizing she's being watched.
<Kulix> <Xril> Trying to get my attention, Scar?
* Myria stares at Sally still.
* Sally`Wolf looks over at Myria. "Yes?"
<DeathStar> 6* Xrileshir looks at Xril. "Cover blown!" 6* He runs off
* Marcus` snorts. "I wouldn't suggest it."
<Kulix> *Xril watches him go " I dont beleive I've ever met such a motley crew. "
<SPoC> 6Dias steps into the brig, waving at the guards
<Myria> Nothing!
<DeathStar> 6* The guards ignore Dias for the most part, use to him
* Sally`Wolf raises a brow at her. "Jus watchin?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Wave at guards. Done. 6He scribbles something off his piece of paper and moves over to X's cell, eyeing the mutt sitting there.
<Myria> Uh-huh!
<Sally`Wolf> "Riiight."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Myria and Sally, and finishes her push ups, moving to a training bar, doing pull ups.
<Kit> 6Lilith eyes Dias, then goes back to staring at Dias.
<Kit> <Lilith> She still persists. Her will is strong.
* SPoC unloads her clip and slides a new one in.
* Sally`Wolf eyes her suspiciously before moving back into some kicks, dealing with the punching bag with great ferver.
<SPoC> <Dias> Stop staring at me/ Ot
<SPoC> <Dias> It's creepy.
<Kit> NRP: X >_>
<Kulix> *A few moments later, Xril enters the medbay " How is the patient? " he asks to Marcus and Caduceus, walking to the side of Kat's bed
* Marcus` glances over at Xril, then glances at Duce, since he's the doctor.
<DeathStar> 6* Caduceus glances at Xrileshir. "Now this is a new one. A Tsivrixsh coming to a medical bay volunteerily."
<DeathStar> <X> ...
<SPoC> <Dias> Maybe if you stop staring at her all the time. 6He looks over at X. 1"I can squirt her with water. Work's for cats."
<Kit> 6Dawn goes to enter the medbay. He twirls his ass around and starts walking away, flowers still in hand.
* Myria continues to study Sally.
<Kulix> <Xril> As many times as I've been here, I thought I might stop by to see my old friend Caduceus as well. Any estimate to when she'll be recovered?
<DeathStar> <Caduceus> I'm sure it'll be today if you sing in her ear.
* Marcus` arches a brow, looking interested now.
* Sally`Wolf starts punching with her left arm, she keeps dealing the same solid blow.
<Kit> <Lilith> That is unlikely.
<DeathStar> <X> ...
<SPoC> 6Dias pulls out a water spray bottle from behind his back and squirts Lilith with water.
<Kit> 6Lilith slowly turns and stares at Dias.
<Kulix> <Xril> I dont sing. Any chance of getting a straight answer?
<Marcus`> * Theron rises and tosses away his trash, then turns and steps out into the hallway.
<SPoC> <Dias> See? She stopped staring.
<DeathStar> <CAduceus> She'll wake when she wakes. It's up to her now
<DeathStar> <X> Now she looks at you. Well done, II.
<Kit> 6Lilith peers back at X.
<Marcus`> She's been through a lot, she just needs some rest.
<SPoC> <Dias> Hah, like hell. 6He squirts her again.
<Kit> 6Lilith ignores him now.
<Myria> Hrrrrrm!
<Kit> <Lilith> Will you be nice to my mistress?
<DeathStar> <X> No
* Sally`Wolf moves to left punches and stops, looking back at Myria. "Why are you staring like that?"
<Kit> <Lilith> Please be gentle with my mistress.
<DeathStar> <X> No
<SPoC> <Dias> ...Has she been doing this the entire time?
<DeathStar> <X> Yes.
<SPoC> <Dias> Want it to stop?
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer peeks into the medical bay.
<Kit> <Lilith> So she can say yes.
<DeathStar> <X> Yes.
<Kit> 6Lilith narrows her eyes.
<SPoC> 6Dias moves over and hits the comm on the wall. 1"Hey Paladin."
<Myria> No reason.
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin groans loudly, then hits the comm button. "Dias."
<Marcus`> * Theron walks down the hallway casually, arms pulled behind his back.
<SPoC> <Dias> Yo, you wanna command Lilith to stay out of the brig. She won't stop torturing X.
<Kulix> *Xril pauses for a moment, thinking. He clears his throat, as if he were about to sing, leaning over towards Kat
<Kulix> <Xril> KAT! WAKE UP!
<DeathStar> 6* Caduceus eyes Xril. "Well. I give her 1 in 100,000 odds now."
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer walks over to Katrina's bed. She nearly falls over as Xril yells.
<Kulix> *He stands upright " it was worth a try. "
<Sally`Wolf> "...No reason? Do you always stare at people?"
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin considers. "No. She can stay."
<SPoC> <Dias> Grea-Wait, what?
* Marcus` makes a face. "Make him leave."
<Kit> <Lilith> Please refrain from harming my mistress.
<DeathStar> 6* Caduceus wipes his glasses. "Well. Perhaps I can give you a job around here. I have some patients who would love your bed side manner."
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "My ears are ringing."
<DeathStar> <X> No.
<Kulix> <Xril> No need. I'm on my way out.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina groans suddenly.
<DeathStar> 6* Caduceus pauses in mid-cleaning, staring down very slowly
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "...Hey... did she make a noise?"
* Marcus` pauses and slowly turns his head over to Kat. "Kat?"
<Myria> Yes!
<Sally`Wolf> "I-I see..."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> I think Lilith would be good for her
<Kit> <Lilith> Please do not harm my mistress.
* Sally`Wolf turns back to her punching bag, looking a bit creeped out.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina opens her eyes slightly
* Marcus` stands up quickly. "Kat? Holy hell it worked."
<Kulix> *Xril grins " Well, well well. Finally decided to join us in the land of the living? "
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Hey it worked..."
<SPoC> <Dias> Like a fat chick would do good for Marcis.
<DeathStar> 6* Caduceus looks at Xrileshir, then at Katrina, then snorts. "Fucking zoo." 6* He walks off
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at them all, adjusting slowly. "Hi..?"
<DeathStar> <Paladin> I'll consider your recommendation. 6* He ends the comm.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Hello Ms. McCormick!"
* Marcus` smiles. "Jesus christ, that's a good voice to hear."
<DeathStar> <X> No
<SPoC> 6Dias just stares dumbfounded. 1"What a prick."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel wanders into the holding area, then pauses at the small crowd.
<SPoC> 6Dias turns and points at Lilith. 1"BAD DOGGY!"
<Kulix> *Xril turns to Jennifer " Greetings, small one. I take it your acquainted with Katrina? "
* Sally`Wolf looks back, eyeing MYria again as she cautiously goes to get a towel.
<Kit> 6Lilith ignores Dias. 1"Will you extend courtesy to my mistress?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks at them all. "I...take it something happened to me?"
<DeathStar> <X> No.
<SPoC> <Dias> I'll put you outside. In the rain!
<Marcus`> You've been out for a little while. How do you feel?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Not very good, honestly. My head huts.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Huh? Oh yeah, I am."
<Kit> 6Lilith looks to Dias... then turns and raises a finger, still stoic.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer looks back at Kat. "You were real bad when they brought you back."
* SPoC stands up, pulling the clip out of her rifle.
<Myria> Did you know that Billy made videos of you for helping human males mate?
<Kit> 6Lilith then shifts, making an angry expression and animatedly waving her finger at X. 1"BAD WEAPON!"
<SPoC> <Dias> UH! You'd think your owner would teach you lessons.
<Kit> <Lilith> Be nice to Lady Raquel!
* Marcus` nods. "Duce said your brain was swelling, you had a concussion and then some. But with rest you'll be alright."
<SPoC> <Dias> Or manners or something.
<Sally`Wolf> "Videos? Who the hell is Billy?"
<DeathStar> 6* X stares
<DeathStar> 6* Dumbfounded
<Ariel> 6* Raquel watches this, with a 'WTF' expression on her face.
<Myria> The evil one!
<SPoC> 6Dias moves to the other side of Lilith and starts to push her towards the door. 1"Out I say.!"
<Sally`Wolf> "Evil... that that goth kid we rescued?"
<Kit> 6Lilith slowly regresses, dropping her hands lethargically and staring expressionlessly. She shifts her eyes as Dias begins to move her, then begins adjusting gravitic force on herself to make herself heavier and heavier the further Dias pushes her.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks at Xrileshir, Marcus, and Jennifer. "Well, I'll take him up on that."
<Myria> Yes!
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> 'Well you--- oh... you want us to leave?"
<SPoC> 6Dias slows down but keeps pushing, shifting around and putting his back to her and pushing with all his legs now
* Marcus` smiles at pats her hand. "I'm glad you're ok. I was worried."
<Kit> 6Lilith scoots like a heavy dresser-- but keeps getting heavier.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl finishes her training, moving for the door of the training room
<Kit> 6Lilith's standing posture doesn't adjust during this.
<SPoC> <Dias> Sheesh, Spirit needs to lay off the doggy treats. 6He keeps pushing, sliding lower for leverage
<Ariel> 6* Raquel shakes her head a little, ignoring the other two now, and walking over to X. " are you doing, X?"
* SPoC looks down the range, eyeing her target
<DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She eyes Raquel with an blank, bored look
<DeathStar> <X> Let me out and I'll tell you.
<Kit> 6Lilith is shoved a bit further, then stops as she adjusts for Dias' strength and leverage. Her lips part, drawing in a breath from exertion.
<Sally`Wolf> "You're saying she made a video of me?"
<SPoC> 6Dias may stop but he doesn't stop trying, his face tensing now as he pushes against her.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina just smiles. "I guess you can stay, if you really want to."
<SPoC> <Dias> Heave ho. Heave ho. Heave ho.
<Kit> 6Lilith adjusts an ear and looks to Raquel, surprised suddenly. 1"Lady Raquel!" 6Her gravity manipulation ends abrubtly and she goes flying with Dias' exertion.
<SPoC> 6Dias totally not expecting that, goes barreling into Lilith
<Myria> Of everyone with a female body structure.
* Marcus` plops down back in his seat. "This seat has my butt groove in it now. It's nice." He shifts slightly.
<DeathStar> 6* The guards watch the two with expressions that say this is the most entertainment they've had all week
<DeathStar> 6* Caduceus just makes a sound of annoyance from his side of the room, still mad
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer grins a little. "I don't think I noticed him getting up from there since they brought you in."
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Have you eaten Marcus?"
<Kit> 6Lilith collapses partially in the hall, then lifts her head slightly, peering at Dias atop her.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel does her best to ignore the crash behind her. "I... really wish we didn't have to keep you in here. But... people are worried you might start blowing stuff up or trying to kill people, if we let you out."
<DeathStar> <X> Hm.
<Marcus`> Yeah, i'm fine. *he waves his hand*
<SPoC> 6Dias blinks and pushes himeslf out, lifting his face from between how boobs. 1"...Huh, from this angle. You really do have a nice rack.
<Kit> 6Lilith stares at Dias stoicly, then mouths something, uttering. 1"...Rack."
<SPoC> <Dias> Rack. Knockers. Love Mounds. Punching Bags. Tuners. Pillows. Fun Bags.
<Kit> <Lilith> ...Love mounds. Fun bags.
<Kulix> <Xril> I'm glad that you'r safe, Katrina. *He begins to leave the medbay* It would be quite hectic for this team to lose one of it's few Psions. *He passes Cad* Don't miss me, I'll be back. You can count on it. *he exits
<Ariel> 6* Raquel sighs, "...I'm trying to find something, but... well... large towers around makes it tricky. And... trying to hard to kill Dias and myself."
<DeathStar> <Caduceus> I'll wait beside myself for your return
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina watches Xril go. "Has he been here waiting for me to wake, too?"
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer gives Cad a sympathetic look.
<SPoC> <Dias> Ta-ta's. Bossoms. Boobs. Breasts. Tits.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> 'No, he's been all over. Acting emo."
<Kit> 6Dawn slips back in after Xrilreshir exits, holding a bouqet. He sighs.
<Kit> <Lilith> Bosoms.
<Kit> 6Lilith nods to Dias. 1"I have proportionable bosoms."
<DeathStar> <X> ... Perhaps the dog will kill II.
<Myria> BILLY!
<Marcus`> Nah, he just stepped in to check up on you.
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah. I said that. 6He stands up and moves back over infront of the cell. 1"Now that's she not bugging you anymore.
* Sally`Wolf just slowly turns from the lady suggesting a little kid is filming illicit materials and shrugs.
* Marcus` motions to Jennifer. "Whatever emo means. Yeah he does that."
<Kit> 6Lilith stands up slowly, then walks back over and eyes X from behind Raquel.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hm. It must be hard on him to be in this group, and to have been injured himself.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Sulking, being all grumbly, saying you're a failure in junk, emo."
<SPoC> 6Dias turns and flicks Liliths nose. 1"Starings rude."
<Kit> 6Lilith looks to Dias, then reaches up to flick at him.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel rubs her head, "...tried that once. Didn't work out."
<SPoC> 6Dias steps back, a slightly freaked out look. 1"UT!"
<DeathStar> 6* X looks at Raquel, reappraising her
<DeathStar> 6* Billy walks in, wearing a beautiful white dress, with her hair having no skulls in it. "Yes, Miss. Myria Arhnya?"
<Marcus`> I'm pretty sure since he's been beat up ever since he's got here, he feels like he's a failure. Guess he didn't expect the kind of jobs we go on.
<Kit> 6Lilith looks back to X. 1"I failed and was nearly killed. However, I did manage to nearly destroy Marcus, the wolf-ling."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm well aware of that feeling
<SPoC> <Dias> Of course you failed to kill me. I'm friggin Dias.
<Myria> Uhhhh? Sally would like to buy.
<DeathStar> 6* X just ignores Lilith. "Perhaps you should try again."
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "It's not a failure to be injured, it just shows you did your part in some way!"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Miss. Wolf would like girl scout cookies?
* Myria falls over!
<Sally`Wolf> "Ummm... sure kiddo."
<Kit> <Lilith> I believe Marcus' weakness to be bullets to the heart.
<Marcus`> Serious? You're not a failure.
<SPoC> <Dias> It was a lucky shot.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I'm referring to not expecting the jobs we go on
<DeathStar> 6* Billy gets out real, genuine girl scout cookies, and holds them out. "100 credits a cookie."
<Kit> 6Dawn walks over toward the group about Katrina.
<Marcus`> Ohhhh. Yeah, it's a shock to everyone at first, I think. *he rubs the back of his head*
<Marcus`> Dawn here has been stopping by daily. *he holds out a hand, motioning to Dawn*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles at Dawn. "Hello, Dawn."
<Kit> 6Dawn holds out the bouquet.
* Sally`Wolf looks at Kat. "..I guess it is... it's just been the norm since I got here so I'm like... dead to it, and I don't even go on missions."
<Ariel> Raquel> "Dias is... very stubborn about being killed."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> For me? They're beautiful.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer
<SPoC> 6Dias turns to face X again. 1"So what exotic food should you try today?"
<Kit> 6Dawn nods, then smiles gently and steps back.
<DeathStar> <X> I would like dog.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer smiles and looks between Dawn and Kat. "That's so sweet."
* Marcus` crosses his arms, tilting his head.
<SPoC> <Dias> Chinese it is.
<DeathStar> <X> I believe she is Japanese.
<SPoC> <Dias> Dog's can be a race?
<Kit> 6Lilith stares, blinking.
<DeathStar> 6* X looks at Lilith. "This one is."
* Myria twitches on the floor.
<SPoC> 6Dias leans close to the field, putthing his hand to his mouth. 1"Mutt."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks at Dawn. "Well. I seem to have worried everyone."
* Sally`Wolf walks over and pokes Myria with her foot.
<SPoC> 6Dias nods and steps back.
<Marcus`> You're popular around here, what can I say?
<Kit> 6Lilith nods. 1"I am an inugami. Once I was Tomoe Gozen, a ronin in service to the Miyamoto clan."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy walks off with Wolf's money, having sold her a few cookies
<DeathStar> <X> You are a dog.
* Sally`Wolf looks back at the kid and shrugs, munching a cookie.
<SPoC> <Dias> That's what I keep saying. 6He glances around then looks at Raquel. 1"You got a phone I can use quick?
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Good people get worried about."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> *laughs softly*
<Ariel> Raquel> *sighs, and hands Dias her phone* "No long distance."
* SPoC puts her rifle away and moves out of the range and into the hallway
<Kit> <Lilith> No, but I can become one.
<SPoC> <Dias> ...So much for the good food. 6He sighs and calls someone.
<DeathStar> <X> Mutt.
<Kit> 6Lilith becomes her runic malamute form.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> *smiles softly and rocks on her heels*
<Myria> She did that to mess with me!
<Sally`Wolf> "Sure... sure she did."
<Ariel> Raquel> "...why are you being rude to my friend?"
<DeathStar> <X> I don't like her
<SPoC> 6Dias puts a hand over the phone. 1"You should shave her once. I think she'd look cool."
* Marcus` lets out a breath. "Well, I guess I should go grab something to eat. Can I get you anything, Kat?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina shakes her head very slightly. "No thank you."
<Ariel> Raquel> "Well... then it's a good thing she's not your dog then."
<Kit> 6The malamute gazes between the two, then tilts her head.
<DeathStar> <X> Hm
<SPoC> 6Dias quickly puts the phone back to his ear. 1"Yeah. I'll take...Hell one of everything you got. Name? Marcus Jones. Of course I've got a holocard." 6He gives her the number.
<DeathStar> 6* Dias is rejected, since that card isn't valid or something
* Marcus` nods and stands up. "Glad you're awake." He turns and moves to step out.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer watches him go and takes a seat.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl walks the hallways, looking bored
<Kit> 6Chii backs out of Paladin's office, shouting obscenities in japanese
* Sally`Wolf begins to flee from Myria.
* SPoC tisks and fishes through his pocket, pulling out another one.
<SPoC> NRP: Dias
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin just puts a hand to his mouth like Freyja, his expression that of a cool black man
* Marcus` holds up a hand. "Hey Cheryl."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Marcus.
<Marcus`> What's up?
<Myria> B...but..I have proof!
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Eh.
<SPoC> 6Dias gives him the number for his account, grumbling afterwards
<Kulix> <Xril> Thats no way to talk to your superiors. *Says Chii as she bumps into him, not watching where she's going.
<Kulix> *Says Xrill rather
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Yes.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer looks at Kat. "So I heard you're like... a lot more powerful as a psion now."
<Kit> WHY YO--!!
<DeathStar> <Paladin> So if you got along with her, you would foil my plan
<Kit> 6Chii leans her head back, staring up at Xrilreshir. 1"...Er..."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Oh?
<Marcus`> That's always good. You seen Chii around, Kat's awake, figured i'd tell her.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hm. Off and on. Not today.
<Kit> 6Chii squints. 1"Jeez you're tall."
<Kulix> *Xril looks down at her " Size is relative. "
<SPoC> 6Dias clicks the phone off and tosses it to Raquel. 1"What kind of world is it when Marcus Jone's can out wit you..."
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Like you can fight Dark Ones with it now. Cuz most people with those powers go crazy when Dark Ones are around."
<DeathStar> <Scar> He tells that to all the girls. 6* As he walks past Chii and Xril
<Kit> 6Chii shakes her head and looks back to Paladin. 1"You're a bastard! A jerkface! A totally uncool meanie!"
<Kit> 6Chii crosses her arms and hrmphs.
<Marcus`> Ah, that's cool. I'm going to get someting to eat, want to join me?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> No thanks.
* Sally`Wolf moves through the hallway, having escaped the blue girl. At least she thinks.
<Marcus`> Alright then. I'll catch you later. *he gives a nod and moves on past her*
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin just nods, closing his door to Chii
<Ariel> 6* Raquel catches the phone, "Marcus... wow. So that means no food...?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Nah, it's coming.
<Kit> 6Chii stares at the closed door, then wildly swings at the air. 1"GRAH! SHIMATA!"
<Myria> Huh? Where did she go?! *stalks Sally*
<Kit> 6Chii then pauses, hurking, and grabs her chest before falling to a knee, heaving.
<Kulix> *Xril looks back up at Paladin through the door as he closes it " I thought you belonged to Cheryl. If Paladin's not repromanding you for your insubordinance, then you two must be mates. "
<Kit> 6Chii, in the middle of suffocating, hurks again and begins to hack
<SPoC> <Dias> I think it's coming from China tho, so it might take awhile. 6He scratches his neck
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer stretches a bit. "Hey I practically... well I do kinda live here, people talk."
<Kulix> <Xril> I on the otherhand, would have you silenced. *He swats Chii on the back to help her clear her throat
<Kit> 6Chii slams into the floor, twitching.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel sits lightly on Lilith's back, "...I hope it's not cold."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Mmmm. How have you been, Jennifer?
<SPoC> <Dias> ...Oh that was so not the response I wasn't expecting.
<Kulix> *Xril begins to walk away
<Kit> <Chii> H-... hate you... too... bastard...
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Pretty good, got good marks this year and I'm even getting good with the guitar. I'm taking a few extra courses to get a head start next year too."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> That's wonderful
<Kit> 6Chii crawls along the floor toward the hall.
* Marcus` sits down in the mess hall, eating his food.
* SPoC steps into her room for a bit than steps back out, a canvas and some paints in her hand.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl heads for the front doors
* Myria stalks after Sally, grumbling about Billy messing with her.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer smiles a bit more. "Thanks. I'm trying real hard."
<Marcus`> * Theron pauses and glances down at Chii, he tilts his head. "Are you unwell?"
<Kit> <Chii> NO!
<SPoC> <Dias> Anyways. It should be here in a few minutes. I think. I dont' listen well so.
* Sally`Wolf manuvers through the halls, seeking a sagfe haven, she ducks into the Rec room.
<Kit> 6Chii pauses. 1"...Maybe a little."
<Marcus`> So then you are well? *he tilts his head the opposite way*
<Marcus`> NRP: Theron*
<Marcus`> * Theron nods once. "Do you need assistance?"
<Kit> <Chii> ... ... ...
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina nods
<DeathStar> 6* X has taken to ignoring them all
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer looks at Kat, "Oh... am I keeping you from resting?"
<Kit> 6The malamute has resumed staring at X
* SPoC steps into the rec room and sets her stuff up.
<Marcus`> * Theron arches a brow, then kneels and stands Chii up, dusting her off. "There. Good as new."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Just a little.
<Kit> 6Chii's lip trembles a bit and she peers away.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Xrileshir as she steps outside
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer hops up. "I think I'll go get some food then. Nice talking to you Ms. McCormick."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You too, Jennifer.
<Marcus`> * Theron takes a step back, "Did I offend you?"
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer steps out, "Get well soon."
<Kit> 6Dawn has dozed off, leaning against the wall.
<Kit> <Chii> ...That's my problem, not yours.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... <Going to get beer. Want to come?>
<Marcus`> <Theron> My quarters have been looking very clean. Nice work. *he bows his head*
<Kit> 6Chii's head jerks. 1"Yeah!"
<Kit> <Chii> Err, I mean.
<Kit> <Chii> <Yeah!>
<Marcus`> * Theron jerks and eyes Chii.
<Kulix> *Xril turns to Cheryl, returning her gaze inquisitively
<Kit> 6Chii blushes, frowning, then bows slightly to Theron.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> <At the front door>
<SPoC> 6Dias slowly looks over at Lilith. 1"Raquel, tell your dog to stop that."
* Myria pokes her head into the Rec Room.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl crosses her arms, waiting, peering at Xril, then the sky
<Kit> <Chii> Um, gotta go!
<Marcus`> <Theron> Uh. Goodbye.
<Kit> 6Chii turns, limping for the front entry
<Kulix> <Xril> Is something up there interesting?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pauses, then opens the door. "What?"
<Ariel> 6* Raquel blinks, "What's she doing?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Staring at X.
<Kit> 6Chii trips out of the open door, having been reaching for it.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pauses, catching Chii with one arm
* Sally`Wolf hides her face behind a newspaper, remaining perfectly still.
* SPoC stands off to the side of the rec room, painting something
<Ariel> 6* Raquel scratches Lilith between the shoulders, "You should set a good example and be nice."
<DeathStar> <X> Hrm.
<Kit> 6Lilith slowly turns her head to Raquel, staring. Then nods.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer heads into the mess hall, getting something to eat.
<DeathStar> <X> She peed on my cell door. She is incapable of nice
<Myria> Hmmmm... *creeps inside*
<Kit> 6Lilith's form jerks slightly.
<SPoC> <Dias> HAH! VICTOR...Really? 6He looks at X
<DeathStar> <X> .... Yes.
<Marcus`> * Theron ventures off for the unknown. Mostly the hanger.
<DeathStar> 6* X eyes Lilith
<SPoC> <Dias> Did the guards rub her nose in it?
<Kit> 6Lilith turns and begins sauntering off
<DeathStar> <X> No
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You okay, Chii?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel eeps as her seat moves.
<SPoC> 6Dias looks over at Raquel now. 1"I thought you had her potty trained.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel doesn't dignify that with an answer.
* Myria walks over to the Rec Room display and then pulls out a data disc.
<Kit> 6Lilith breaks into a run, dumping Raquel
<SPoC> 6Dias looks back at X again. 1"Well atleast I got rid of her. You gotta give me that."
<Kit> 6Chii groans, then looks up at Cheryl. 1"I'm f-fine!"
<Myria> This one is titled 'Sally in the Shower'!
<DeathStar> <X> I did
<Ariel> 6* Raquel falls flat on the floor, cringing.
* SPoC looks over at Myria. 1"What is?"
* Sally`Wolf pulls the newspaper down. "Wha?"
<Myria> Got you! *points dramatically at Sally*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl helps Chii to her feet, then eyes Xril. "Want to come?"
<Kit> <Chii> Him!?
<Kulix> <Xril> Your asking me if I want to go into civilization?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yes. To you both.
* Sally`Wolf pulls the newspaper up to restore the illusion.
* Marcus` peers into the brig at Dias. "So next time you want to use my card, don't. I get notified each time it's used now." He holds up his datapad, and then pockets it.
<Kulix> <Xril> .. You dont think the civilians will cause a scene?
<DeathStar> 6* Delivery boys bring in Chinese food by the bucket loads.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'll disguise you
<SPoC> 6Dias claps his hands together gleefully. 1"Excellent!"
* Myria bounds over to Sally.
<Kulix> <Xril> I'll consider it an exploratory study. Fine then, I'll go.
* SPoC blinks then just goes back to painting again
<Kit> <Chii> Aw man!
* Marcus` peers at the bucketloads. Then steps in fully. "Dude, is that Lo Mein?"
<Kulix> <Xril> Just how did you plan on disguising me? paint?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fine. I got a disguise in my car. Come on. 6* She carries Chii with her one arm, apparantly strong enough
* Sally`Wolf remains still as a statue. As though Myria can only see by movement or something.
<Kit> 6Chii whines. 1"Cheryyyyl!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What? Do you want me to do what I did last time to you again?
<Kit> 6Chii reels, choking.
<Kulix> *Xril watches the two as Cheryl drags Chii away. " Humans are odd, odd creatures. " he follows after them
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'd be glad to give you energy. and I'm not human.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel makes her way back over, eyeing the food. "...that's... a lot of food."
<Kit> 6Chii's fox ears perk, she peers around Cheryl at Xril, holding down an eyelid and sticking her tongue out. 1"Neither am I!"
<SPoC> 6Dias looks at Marcus. 1"That's why. Who would've thought you'd catch on."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl opens the backseat, then pulls out a trench coat and a huge trim hat, holding it out to him. With sunglasses
<Kulix> <Xril> Made in the image of humanity, mind and body. I'd consider you Human, altho I'm well aware that your a Dragoon.
<Marcus`> Catch on, eh? Let's not mention that i've known about it for a long time, why do you think i've only been keeping small amounts of money in there.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Mind. Ha ha. Ha
<Kit> <Chii> I'm not a dragoon...
<SPoC> <Dias> ...I didn't think you'd notice. Ah well. But yes. It's a lot of food. X here's gonna try Chinese today.
<DeathStar> <X> I will not.
<SPoC> <Dias> You tried Ice cream.
<DeathStar> <X> Liar.
* Marcus` arches a brow and glances at X. "Oh hey X. Sup?"
<SPoC> <Dias> And cookies.
<DeathStar> <X> Hello, wolf boy who's heart is his weakness.
<Kulix> *Xril drapes himself in the cloak, raising a brow at hat. He places it on his head, sliding the sunglasses over his eyes " And your SURE this will work? "
<Kulix> *Coat
<Marcus`> I'm a lover, not a fighter.
<SPoC> 6Dias leans in close to the field again, putting his hand to his mouth. 1"Horrible lover."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't know. I think like the humans do, so it should, right? 6* She just gives him an odd look, getting in the driver seat
<Myria> ... ... ...I'm tired of acting silly now. *starts shuffling off*
<Marcus`> Better than he is at whispering.
<Sally`Wolf> "And I was just starting to have fun too."
<DeathStar> <X>
<SPoC> 6Dias eyes go wide as if caught and he steps back.
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Xril, then reluctantly sits over the center console.
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah. You know...Bow chicka bow wow. 6He motions.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel looks surprised, but says nothing.
<DeathStar> <X> ... So he's mentally ill and acts like a chicken
* Marcus` arches a brow. "Dude. She doesn't know what that is."
<Kulix> <Xril> I guess we'll find out. *He ducks down into the car, his tall body arching forward, head pressed against the ceiling " Snug fit. "
<SPoC> 6Dias claps his hands together. 1"I'll explain it to you with puppets later. But for now. Chinese food!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'm sure you tell that to all the girls.
<Myria> I can't keep this up continually. Its...getting to me.
<Sally`Wolf> "So how do you act normally?
<Kit> 6Chii hurks and reels, covering her mouth
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Something wrong, Chii?
* Kulix has left #taw
* Kulix has joined #taw
<Kit> <Chii> N-n-no!
<Kulix> <Xril> She's been doing that all day. I think she has a condition.
<Marcus`> So can I have one of this cheese wontons?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...need energy? 6* She demands to know
<Kit> <Chii> That's not it!
<SPoC> <Dias> The moon shaped things?
<DeathStar> 6* X hrmphs, crossing her arms.
<Marcus`> Uhh. *he looks around for one and holds it up*
* Kit is now known as Chii
<Myria> Let's just say that when I was younger, I had a reputation for being serious-minded.
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah, have at it. It's not like I'm short on chinese food. 6He looks at X. 1"Hey, the sooner you try everything. The faster you can get to killing me.
<Sally`Wolf> "Maybe you should try that then."
<Sally`Wolf> "Don't pretend to be somethin yer not."
<Myria> But its easier to just be silly! ...most of the time.
<DeathStar> <X> Fine.
<Sally`Wolf> "Why's that?"
<DeathStar> 6* The guards sigh and lower the shield.
<Kulix> <Xril> I was speaking of Cheryl earlier in mention of Dragoon nature. But if not Dragoon, then what, praytell, are you Chii?
<SPoC> 6Dias grabs a carton and chopsticks. Holding them out to her.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> A succubus.
<SPoC> <Dias> This is noodles with nuts in them.
<Chii> <Chii> AM NOT!
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grins her evil grin
<Marcus`> Dude, she could stab you with those chopsticks.
<Chii> 6Chii protrudes her lips at Cheryl, turning red.
<Myria> I don't know. Maybe less responsibility hetting heaped on me? Or people just trying to ignore me completely.
<SPoC> <Dias> Great, give her ideas.
<DeathStar> 6* X takes the chopsticks, looks at Marcus, then stabs at Dias' eyes
<SPoC> 6Dias freaks out and ducks.
<Kulix> <Xril> I'm unfamilliar with that term. Succubus.. Is that another human weapons program?
<Marcus`> What, it would be fun-Oh wait, that's not so funny.
<Chii> <Chii> NO!
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Oh, something like that.
* Marcus` punches on the wonton, watching them.
<DeathStar> 6* X kicks up at his face with her knee
<Sally`Wolf> "Psh, sounds like you're too afraid to come out of your shell really."
* Chii hits her palm on the console she's sitting on. 1"I'm a fox demon! a demon!"
<SPoC> 6Dias head snaps back and he stumbles, dazed.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer walks down the hall, munching on a wrap.
* Marcus` munches actually, and pauses. "Whoa, dude she got you good."
<DeathStar> 6* X stabs down at Dias' head with the chopsticks
<Myria> Maybe that's it!
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Don't believe her, Xrileshir. She's a succubus.
<SPoC> 6Dias grabs an egg roll and plops it into her mouth. His other hand grabbing her hand with the chopsticks.
<DeathStar> 6* X narrows her eyes
<Sally`Wolf> "Eh, I think you'd get on better without the act."
<Chii> 6Chii blushes furiously and claws at the console. 1"I'm not a succubus!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Really? Well, after what you did to me that one time, I was pretty---
<SPoC> <Dias> No killing until after you try things.
<Myria> I don't know. Maybe. Its hard to let go.
<Chii> NYAAA!
* Chii grabs her head.
<Ariel> Raquel> *shakes her head* "...the food is really quite good."
<Kulix> <Xril> I already discerned that she was quite mischevious. A Tsiv, Dragoon, and Succubus going out for drink. This should be quite interesting *He gazes at the surrounding city, studying its inhabitants
<DeathStar> 6* X retracts the chopsticks, then eyes the food. She expertly begins to pick it up with chopsticks, taking a bite of random food.
<Sally`Wolf> "Bull, you did it easy just now. You gotta either do it or don't."
<SPoC> 6Dias lets out a sigh of relief.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl hootd.
<Marcus`> Psst. She kicked your ass, man.
<SPoC> 6Dias moves over and swats the food out of Marcus hand. 1"No more food for you."
<Myria> You don't understand.
* Chii glares daggers at Xrilreshir
<Sally`Wolf> "Now that's presumptious."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel dishes herself out a portion, and sits down with a set of chopsticks. "...did you already know how to use chopsticks X, or are you a really really fast learner?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pulls up at a run down bar that looks rowdy and lower class. Cheryl shifts, pulling on her brown coat over her tank top and jeans, zipping it up somewhat to hide her stomach with it's lines. She places a cowboy hat on.
* Marcus` drops his mouth open. "What the fuck? I'm just pointing out the truth!"
<Myria> You're being presumptuous about being presumptuous.
<DeathStar> <X> I was trained to use similiar objects to poison and kill people.
<DeathStar> 6* X eyes the food on the floor. "The mutt can have that."
<Sally`Wolf> "You don't know me."
<SPoC> <Dias> My food, my rules. Dick. 6He looks at X. 1"And now you learned you can use to eat things with them."
* Sally`Wolf smiles and leans back. "THere's no reason to defend yourself, it's all your choices really."
* Marcus` sighs, and pulls up a sandwhich, eating on it. He had food with him all along.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, Xril and Succu, lets go in.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps out
<SPoC> 6Dias points at the a carton. 1"That's got chicken with red sauce on it. It's good."
<Chii> 6Chii hops out after Cheryl, wearing a frilly black blouse that ties over her neck and leaves her back bear, otherwise jeans and black boots. 1"...Quit calling me that!!"
<Myria> Now that is more like it, yes.
<Marcus`> By red sauce, he means sweet and sour sauce.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Make me.
<SPoC> <Dias> That's the orange sauce. This is the red sauce with the spicy things in them.
* Chii stomps, making a pouting expression.
<DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She eyes it. "Chikka bow wow?" 6* She picks it up.
<Kulix> *Xril steps out of the car, streatching his legs to his full height. His stature making the scene resembling a clown exiting a clown car as he towers over the two
<SPoC> 6Dias turns, staring at X, his jaw dropped.
<Marcus`> You mean peppers?
<DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She eyes Dias dangerously
<Sally`Wolf> "So, do you like people thinking you're a bubbleheaded weirdo all the time?"
<Myria> It amuses me for some reason.
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah...Sure. 6He blinks and shakes his head grabing a random carton.
<Kulix> <Xril> And this is an Earth bar. Rather.. Decrepid. *He heads towards the door, waiting for the Cheryl and Chii as he nears
<Sally`Wolf> "Well if it makes you happy, keep it up."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I like 'em run down
<Chii> They're usually run-down by the time she leaves anyway!
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Ho ho ho. 6* Cheryl puts an arm around Chii
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps in. Inside, a bunch of people turn to eye them, looking all brawly and surly. Even during the day. Cheryl bows to them, waving, as she moves to the counter, with Chii in tow
* Marcus` stretches his arms. "Well i'll leave you zany kids to your chinese food." He turns and steps out.
<Kulix> *He opens the door for them, dipping under to miss the top as he enters behind them
<DeathStar> 6* X dips the chicken all the way into the sauce, then eats it
<DeathStar> 6* The begins to choke
<DeathStar> *Then
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I think... I need to explain what some of the things Dias says me-!!"
<SPoC> <Dias> I'd slow down on that. That's stuff's hot.
<DeathStar> 6* Everyone eyes Xril, like they're sizing him up
* Chii peers about, looking a little timid with Cheryl latched onto her, and probably out of place in her rather ordinary 'pretty' clothes.
<DeathStar> 6* X just glares as she coughs, trying to hack it back up
<Kulix> *Xril takes a seat beside them, ignoring everyone else's gaze " What would you suggest? "
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Whiskey. Or rocket fuel
<Ariel> 6* Raquel waits a moment to see if X can handle it on her own, but she's poised to move.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits, placing Chii on one leg, since she's being timid. She orders whiskey for herself
<SPoC> 6Dias grabs a carton with some meat on a stick and pulls two out then hands her the carton.
<Myria> By the way, this really is you in the shower. Taaa! *skips out*
<DeathStar> 6* X looks like she's debating choking to death just to beat Dias to death
* Sally`Wolf raises a brow. "Alright."
<SPoC> 6Dias plops the meat on a stick in his mouth and pulls off a huge bite
<DeathStar> 6* X finally coughs up chicken into the carton, taking a deep breath
<SPoC> <Dias> You should chew first.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel winces.
<DeathStar> <X> ... .... ...6* She eyes Dias slowly, looking ready to strike
<SPoC> <Dias> Or not. 6He steps back quickly
<Ariel> 6* Raquel smacks Dias over the back of the head.
* Chii blinks, realizing where she's sitting and slowly turns to gaze at Cheryl, then anyone else.
<DeathStar> 6* A few people eye Chii and Cheryl. One of "those" couples.
* Marcus` walks along, hands behind his head.
<Kulix> <Xril> Rocket Fuel. Quaint. Surely they wouldnt serve compressed Hydrogen.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Heh. You don't know humans
<SPoC> 6Dias scowls as he's hit. 1"What the hell?"
<DeathStar> 6* Two people walk by with a datapad, watching Sally having sex with Marcus. They eye Marcus and giggle. The title is "Sally Does the Wolf Boy"
<Kulix> <Xril> So be it. Rocket Fuel.
<Chii> 6Chii jerks her head back and turns red slightly, then slowly starts to move to her own stool.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii. "What?"
* Chii pauses, then smiles at Cheryl, chuckling nervously.
* Marcus` slows to a stop and glances over his shoulder, "What's so funny?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... Hrmph
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer passes Marcus in the hall, waving a bit.
<DeathStar> 6* The whiskey and rocket fuel arrive
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl takes her whiskey, leaning her head back to guzzle it down
<DeathStar> 6* The two eye each other, then show Marcus the video
<SPoC> <Dias> Ok so maybe not that stuff. Try this. It's got noodles and some other stuff in it. And smoe more stuff. 6He holds out another carton
<Sally`Wolf> * Jenn stops, peering at the two and Marcus.
* Marcus` tilts his head then widens his eyes. "That's not me!"
<DeathStar> 6* X eyes Dias, then the carton, then Raquel. "Are you too good to eat?"
<DeathStar> <Guy 1> Sure. Sure.
<SPoC> <Dias> I have been eating. 6He chews on the stick of meat.
* Marcus` narrows his eyes. "Motherfucking Scar and Sally."
<Sally`Wolf> Jenn> "What is it?"
* Marcus` pauses and glances at Jen. "Nothing for your eyes, little lady."
<Kulix> *Xril shoots the rocket fuel, making an intrigued grimace " Interesting sensation. "
<Ariel> 6* Raquel pauses, then actually starts on her food, "...he keeps being distracting."
<DeathStar> <Man 2> Really? I heard there was a Sally Does High Schooler edition coming out
* Marcus` makes a face. "OH that's just gross, man."
<Sally`Wolf> Jenn> "What?" *she raises a brow*
<DeathStar> 6* The two move on with their datapad now
* Chii eyes the people in the bar again.
<DeathStar> 6* X eyes the carton, then tries to eat it's contents
<DeathStar> 6* They eye her back
<Kulix> *Xril slams the glass down " Another. "
* Marcus` groans. "There are some sick fucks on this base. Sick sick fucks."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl slams down her whiskey bottle. "Same."
<SPoC> <Dias> I do enjoy being the center of attention. 6He grabs a random carton and starts munching away on it
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Did... they just say what I think they said?"
<DeathStar> 6* The bartender gives them both new bottles. Cheryl eyes Xril, measuring him up, as if competing
* Myria seeks out Theron.
<Marcus`> *Theron stands in the hanger.
<Kulix> *Xril doesnt seem to notice as he downs his poison silently
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl drinks her second bottle
<DeathStar> 6* X eyes the two eating, then moves for the exit, attempting an escape
<Marcus`> You shuould be careful of Sally. And Scar. Infact, stay away fromt hem.
<SPoC> 6Dias slides over, bopping her on her head.
<DeathStar> 6* X makes a face, glaring
<SPoC> <Dias> No escaping.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Umm.. okay... why do I feel violated?"
* Chii makes it to her own seat and gingerly asks for a melon midori.
<Marcus`> Because what they're doing is wrong. And you should feel that way.
<DeathStar> 6* The man eyes her
<Chii> Wh-what!?
* Myria steps into the hangar behind Theron.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii off of her lap now, then looks at Xril. "So, got a woman back home?"
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Are they making... videos?"
<DeathStar> 6* The man givesh er something close
<SPoC> <Dias> Plus you haven't had a fortune cookie yet.
<DeathStar> <X> ... a fortune cookie?
<Marcus`> I don't Sally knows about it. But it would appear so. Which makes it even more sick.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...they brought the cookies?"
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Think Billy is involved? I keep catching her following me around with a camera."
<SPoC> <Dias> A cookie with a fortune inside it. 6He eyes all the food and rummages through it.
<DeathStar> <X> Nonsense.
<Marcus`> Probably.
<Marcus`> * Theron glances over his shoulder. "Miss Myria."
<SPoC> <Dias> I'll find them. 6He leaps over a pile of food and studies it then grabs a box with some cookies in it. He tosses one to her.
<Kulix> <Xril> Earth is my home now. And no. The Academy kept me pretty busy most of my early years, and with missions backed up, I've had little time to consider breeding.
<DeathStar> 6* X catches it on instinct, eyeing it
* Marcus` sighs. "It's sad that people actually buy that stuff anyway.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...they always forget them when I order."
<Myria> Theron...
<SPoC> <Dias> Break it open. 6He looks over at Raquel. 1"I'm just that good."
<Marcus`> * Theron arches his brow. "Is something wrong?"
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "It's creepy."
<DeathStar> 6* X breaks it open, taking a piece of paper. "My lucky numbers are...04...23...34...12...56...and 69?
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Really, really creepy."
<SPoC> 6Dias raises an eyebrow. 1"Cool. Turn it around."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods. "Yeah. Must suck. Or be a good thing. Depends."
<Kulix> *Xril sits his bottle in row with his last. " I beleive I'll try whiskey next. "
<Marcus`> Yes indeed. *he sighs* I've never had sex with Sally, so don't let anyone tell you otherswise. Stupid Scar. *he turns and grumbles, moving away from Jen*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl finishes her next bottle, setting it down. "Another whiskey for me." 6* Her words are getting a bit slower. The bartedner sets down two more whiskeys
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Oh okay... hey Marcus?"
<DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She turns it around. "You will find escape in your mind...."
<SPoC> <Dias> ...Huh?! 6He scratches the back of his head.
<DeathStar> <X> ... ... hrmph
* Marcus` pauses and glances over hsi shoulder. "Yo?"
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "You were like, really hanging on around Kat... you two seeing each other?"
<Myria> I don't know. Maybe it is.
<Ariel> Raquel> "That's... an interesting fortune."
<SPoC> <Dias> So what's that mean anyways? 6He looks at her.
* Chii peers around, then tries to order blackberry schnapps.
<DeathStar> <X> It is not a fortune. YOu need a key to escape
* Marcus` shrugs. "Dunno, honestly. But she's important to me."
<DeathStar> 6* The man eyes Chii again. Then gives her something close. But not really
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer nods, "That's cool, I was just curious."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grabs her third whiskey, drinking it
<SPoC> <Dias> Huh..Try another one. 6He tosses another one to her.
<Kulix> *Xril takes the bottle opening it " What of Dragoons? Can they carry children?" he asks, his words slowing aswell, but not as noticeable.
<Marcus`> * Theron turns to face her. "Anything I can help you with?" He tilts his head. "Do I need to harm anyone?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl twitches
* Marcus` nods. "Yep, later." He gives a wave, moving off.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> No
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer waves back and continues on her walk through the halls.
<Myria> No, not like that. I*ts...I dropped my facade in front of Sally Wolf.
<DeathStar> 6* X eyes it, then opens it. "A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step"
<Marcus`> <Theron> I see. Is that bad?
<SPoC> 6Dias opens one, and turns it upside down, reading it
<Ariel> Raquel> "...that's more of a proverb."
<DeathStar> <X> ... 6* she just throws it over her shoulder
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin steps out into the courtyard area, peering about it.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl finishes her third bottle, quickly, then slaps her hand for another
<SPoC> <Dias> Mine says. You are the man. 6He nods.
<DeathStar> <X> That is not a fortunr!
<Chii> 6Chii snorts and coughs next to Cheryl. 1"Wh-what the heck is this..?"
<Kulix> *Xril eyes her " Must suck. Or be a good thing. Depends. "
<SPoC> 6Dias shrugs and hands it to her.
<Myria> I...don't know. I almost never let my act drop.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Looks like bourbon with an olive in it.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Depends on the Dragoon, I guess.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer steps out a short while after Paladin, walking through it.
* Chii makes a face and slides it away from her.
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin stands there
<Marcus`> <Theron> Hmm. Perhaps you are growing tired of it.
<Myria> Maybe.
* Marcus` finally steps back into the medbay.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer turns her head, looking at Paladin curiously as she walks around.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina is asleep
<Marcus`> <Theron> But this troubles you?
* Marcus` glances around for Duce.
<DeathStar> 6* Caduceus isn't around
* SPoC puts her colors down and tilts her head as she eye sher painting
* Marcus` scratches the side of his face, then moves over and plops down into his chair, pulling his arms behind his head as he leans back, staring up at the ceiling.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets a fourth ball in hand, and begins to drink it
<DeathStar> *bottle
<SPoC> <Dias> See? Totally says I'm the man.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer stops walking and looks away from him and up at the sky.
<DeathStar> <X> ... ... Perhaps the next will inform you of your death coming soon
<Chii> How about um... Plum sake?
<Kulix> <Xril> Ever tried? *He asks before drinking from his bottle, appearantly having slowed down after the rocket fuel
<DeathStar> 6* The bartender pauses, then brings out plum sake.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Tried what?
<Myria> Yes, it does. And I don't know why.
<Chii> Yay!
<Kulix> <Xril> To bear child.
<SPoC> 6Dias reaches down and grabs a new one, opening it. He reads it
* Chii pours herself some and downs it, then begins repeating at a rather quick pace.
<Marcus`> <Theron> Perhaps you are maturing.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's expression goes dark, glancing to the side
<Ariel> Raquel> "...traditionally, you only get one fortuen at a time."
<SPoC> <Dias> I'm greedy tho.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer looks back down, yawning a bit.
<SPoC> 6Dias eyes it than gulps, quickly eating the fortune. He whistles.
<DeathStar> <X> What did it say?
<Myria> That's....scary.
<SPoC> 6Dias waves his hand non-chalantly. 1"Nothing important.
<DeathStar> <X> ... I told you mine!
<DeathStar> 6* X gets mad.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl finishes her fourth bottle. "What would I need a kid for?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Something about my journey's end.
<SPoC> <Dias> Coming soon or something.
<Marcus`> * Theron arches a brow. "You believe so? Maturity is generally always a welcome change in society."
<DeathStar> <X> Good.
* Chii slaps the cup down and pleads for another bottle with a wide grin
<DeathStar> 6* The man gives it to her
<Kulix> <Xril> Carry on a legacy. Its a shame when good genes go to waste. *he takes another swig from his bottle.* Looks like the succubus finally decided on a drink.
<Myria> I guess...I don't know.
<SPoC> <Dias> Pscht. I'll just start a new journey when this one ends.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah. My father would have loved your thought process. 6* She says bitterly.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "How are you sir?" *she looks over at Paladin*
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods thoughtfully, "I guess that means you might die... but it could also mean you'll make it home tonight. These things are always so vague... it's the only way they have a chance of being accurate."
<Marcus`> * Theron stares at her quietly.
<DeathStar> <X> I could make it accurate.
<DeathStar> <Paladin> I am good, Jennifer. 6* He glances over
<Myria> Ummmm?
<SPoC> <Dias> I'm too stupid to die. 6He looks at X. 1"And no killing yet.
<Marcus`> <Theron> You do not appear different to me. Perhaps this was a fluke?
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Good to hear sir."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Your studies are well?
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer nods a little. "Yes, actually trying to get a jump on them for next year, I wanna score really high."
<Myria> I don't know. *chews on her lower lip*
<DeathStar> <Paladin> That is very good.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina opens her eyes finally
<Marcus`> * Theron tilts his head. "What do you desire to do at this moment?"
<DeathStar> <X> Hrmph.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Thank you sir." *She stands a bit smartly, a bit nervous too*
* Marcus` leans his head forward, off of his hands and glances at Kat.
<DeathStar> <Paladin> I think a garden would be nice here, don't you think?
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer looks around and then nods. "It could use some sprucing up."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at Marcus. "Still here, Mr. Jones?"
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Yes. I agree.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...does this mean you're letting her kill you later?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lets her head slam against the counter
<DeathStar> <X> Yes.
<Myria> I'm not sure. M y head is all cluttered.
<SPoC> <Dias> Only if she doesn't find her life better.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel pouts.
<SPoC> <Dias> AND! I said you could try.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer smiles more. "Maybe people will use it more then... maybe somewhere to sit too..."
<DeathStar> <X> I will succeed. That is a fact.
<Marcus`> Seems that way. *he gives her a half smile*
<Kulix> <Xril> Oh? Sounds like Cheryl had daddy issues. *He grins, teasing her* Let me guess. Cold, calculative, unnurturing. Planned your existance before your conception, and never accepted you as a person, only keeping you for what you were worth as an item?
<DeathStar> <X> If IX there misses you, I can kill her as well to join you in the afterlife
<Marcus`> <Theron> I see. Do you desire an Omega Coke?
<SPoC> <Dias> She misses any weapon that dies.
* Chii peers over at Cheryl, gulping another down of sake, blinking.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Technically, I am an item
<Myria> Ummm, sure.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Xril. "But yes."
<Marcus`> * Theron widens his eyes. "Most interesting."
<Myria> What?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel ponders, "I could take his soul, but it'd probally feel dirty..."
* Marcus` pauses. "Did I wake you?"
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer smiles a little. "You've... done a good job here... sir."
<SPoC> 6Dias points at Raquel. 1"Like hell you'll take my soul
<DeathStar> <X> ....
<DeathStar> 6*X eyes the two
<Kulix> <Xril> Sounds like my mother. They might have gotten along perfectly if we werent at war. See? Our people have much in common afterall.
<Marcus`> <Theron> Would you like my opinion, or would you prefer to sort this out for yourself?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Pity the galaxy.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel eyes Dias, "Do you mean you have a better use for it?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah, like not being in you.
<Myria> What do you think?
<DeathStar> <X> Perhaps you two should battle each other for the right to Dias' soul
<Kulix> *He finishes downing his third bottle, exhaling heavily " Done and done. " he blinks a bit, removing his glasses to wipe his face. forgetting where he is " Another, please. "
<Ariel> Raquel> "But then... you'd just go and run away."
<SPoC> <Dias> I have a soft spot for beating up kids now so I can't.
* Chii spins on the barstool, sipping more, raising an ear to listen for the background, if there's any music
<DeathStar> 6* The bartender pauses, squinting at his eyes. "TSIVRISXH." 6* The bar goes into a panic.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Mmmm. I heard your mind
* Chii gets up and walks drunkenly to the center of chaos, then begins shaking her hips, her hands up. Dancing.
<Marcus`> Oh. *he frowns* I'm sorry, I'll leave and let you rest.
<Kulix> <Xril> ... was it something I said? *He asks, sliding his glasses back on calmly
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl groans as someone swings a chair at Xril's back. Cheryl grabs a bottle and smashes it over someone's head
<Marcus`> <Theron> I believe you are maturing. It is a wonderous thing.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> That's okay.
<DeathStar> <X> ... ... Kids?
<DeathStar> 6* X eyes Dias oddly, like he's a monster
* Marcus` rubs the side of his face. "Sorry, I forget you can do things like that."
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah...Wait..What did I say again?
<DeathStar> <X> You like to beat up kids.
<Kulix> *Xril growls as the chair splinters over his large frame. he stands slowly, turning to face his attacker, empty bottle still in hand as he smashes it aside his head
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer looks down.
<DeathStar> 6* Somehow, people rush around Chii to fight, not getting in the way of her dancing
<SPoC> <Dias> Totally not what I do. I don't beat up kids.
* Chii twirls around and keeps dancing, eventually moving on to things she learned from Katrina.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl punches a man in the face, and another rushes at Xril, aiming to punch him in the stomach
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii. "What the hell are you do--" 6* She gets hit in the face by a chair
<Myria> Hmmmm...maybe.
<DeathStar> <X> ...
* Chii giggles, wiggling around.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> That's okay.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...language isn't always his strong point."
<Marcus`> <Theron> I have seen it happen many a time. It is different at first. But you shall get used to it. *he tilts his head* Perhaps you're just getting tired of pretending.
<DeathStar> <X> I noticed.
<Kulix> *Xril's foot out reaches the man's fist as he runs straight into Xril's foot face first. he turns, rending a bar stool from the ground, ripping out its bolts as he cracks another attacker with it. he turns back to the bar, setting the stool down. " I asked for another whiskey. Bartender. "
<DeathStar> 6* The bartender aims a shotgun at Xril
<SPoC> <Dias> But you do have a sense of right and wrong tho. 6He look at her curiously
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets up, wiping blood from her face, and kicks a table at her own attacker. "Time to go."
<Marcus`> So. I tried to keep you awake, but it was kind of crazy. Sorry I couldn't take better care of you. *he frowns* I did at least get you back here with all your fingers and toes.
<DeathStar> <X> ... ... I do not! 6* She says hotly.
<Kulix> *Xril grabs it by the barrel, aiming it at another attacker as he punches the bartender in the face
<DeathStar> <Katrina> You did very good.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grabs Chii, holds onto her hat, and dives out the front window
<SPoC> <Dias> You got all evil eyes on me when I said I beat up kids.
<Myria> Maybe I am. Anyway...about that Omega Coke.
<Chii> Huah...? Hey... I was havin' fun...
<Ariel> Raquel> *clearly changing the topic, because it's obvious that X is lying and even Dias can tell* "So X... if you met with a sad and unfortunate end in this world, would you want to pass on, or stay for a while longer and make a difference?"
<DeathStar> <X> Pass on.
<SPoC> 6Dias slowly looks over at Raquel. 1"You're really getting creepy with that whole soul thing, ya know that?"
<Marcus`> * Theron pauses and starts to laugh. "Of course. I keep a safe full in my room for just these occassions. However this way, I am able to moderate how much you consume."
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "That's... all I wanted to say..." *she looks up, smiling*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rolls with Chii, standing. "Yeah yeah. Dancing. I remember the club."
<Ariel> 6* Raquel pouts.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves for the car
* Myria eyes him.
* Marcus` leans his head back again, glancing up. "So..."
<Kulix> *Xril rends the shotgun from the bartender, slinging it over his shoulder as he reaches behind the bar, grabbing another whiskey. He walks out of the door heading for Cheryl's car
<Marcus`> *Theron gives her a slight smile, probably a sign that he is proud of himself.
<SPoC> <Dias> Pouting totally doesn't make it any less creepier.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets into the car with Chii, powering it up
<DeathStar> <X> She wishes to gain ultimate power. Respectable.
<SPoC> <Dias> In a totally creepy way. Mine's much much better.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> YeS?
<DeathStar> <X> Yours is retarded.
<Ariel> Raquel> "I... want to keep the weapons together, as much as possible. Too many of us are dead and gone for stupid reasons..."
<Marcus`> Where do we stand...exactly? *he glances at her*
<DeathStar> <Katrina> What do you mean?
<Kulix> *Xril ducks into the backseat, setting the shotgun across his lap as he twists the bottle open " That was interesting. Seems like humans hate what they dont understand. " He says, taking another drink, holding it forward " Anyone? "
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl takes it, and begins to drink as she drives out. Her driving is wild with her being drunk
<SPoC> <Dias> That's where you're wrong. 6He crosses his arms. 1"If I can't get through it. I'll punch my way through it."
<Myria> Omega Coke.
<Marcus`> I mean, well, I guess I was just curious. Are we dating, or was that just a one time, in case we die, kind of thing between two friends?
<DeathStar> <Katrina> I don't know.
* Sally`Wolf lays back on the couch in the rec room, reading something.
<Marcus`> Oh. *he rubs his chin* Would you want to be my girlfriend, or uhh go steady or whatever they call it these days?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks at him, shifting a bit to sit up in the bed. "Do you want to go steadY?"
<DeathStar> <X> You would.
<Marcus`> * Theron arches a brow. "Have you lost the ability to form complete sentences?
<SPoC> <Dias> It's worked so far, hasn't it? 6He smiles proudly
<DeathStar> <X> Ungh.
<Chii> 6Behind them, Dawn stumbles and falls into the other bed, then jerks, looking like a deer-- Then runs out of the medbay.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina watches him go
* Marcus` gives a slight shrug. "Sounds kinda nice to me." He tilts his head to watch Dawn run away. "Though, if you'd rather not or something. I understand."
<Myria> Give me!
<Chii> Hrmph... I want to dance some more...
<Marcus`> * Theron frowns. "Perhaps you are not gaining maturity afterall."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fine. Dance in my lap or something. 6* She tosses the bottle back to Xril
<DeathStar> <Katrina> We can try. See how it feels.
<Chii> 6Chii pauses... then frowns disappointedly. 1"You're driving."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Give Xril the lap dance, then
<Chii> <Chii> ...Hm..
<SPoC> <Dias> And until someone else proves me otherwise. I'll keep punching my way through anything that gets in my way.
* Marcus` nods. "Alright. And if you decide it's not working out when you realize what a big dork I am, then we can still be friends?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii, then jerks the wheel so the card jerks
<DeathStar> *Car
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Yes. Of course, Marcus
<DeathStar> <X> ..........
<Kulix> *Xril expells the charges from the shotgun out of the window into the sky amidst Cheryl's wild driving
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl jerks, eyeing him. "Are you NUTS?"
<Kulix> <Xril> If I said yes, would it be correct?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fuck yes.
* Marcus` smiles. "Ok. Well, uh. I guess you'd like to go back to sleep."
* Myria purses her lips.
<Marcus`> * Theron crosses his arms, staring her down.
<Kulix> <Xril> Then yes.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shrugs, and pulls up into the military base, where Paladin is standing, arms crossed, eyeing the three
<Ariel> 6* Raquel lowers her head... sad that Dias has been so successful with punching things.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer blinks at the very silence Paladin. She takes a seat and watches him.
<SPoC> <Dias> It's part of the super hero code I live by. It comes with a cool decoder ring too.
<DeathStar> <X> You are stupid
<Kulix> *Xril leans forward between Cheryl and Chii, watching Paladin as they near " I somehow knew this was going to happen. "
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer observes angry silence in it's most masterful form.
<SPoC> <Dias> But very happy. 6He notes.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6Sighs. "Busted."
<DeathStar> <X> I think you're faking that, too
<SPoC> <Dias> Hardly. I'm as happy as they come.
* Myria sniffles and tries pity.
<SPoC> <Dias> I've been places, done things, and defeated enemies nobody thought could be defeated.
<Chii> Aw,,, He won't let me dance ...
<SPoC> <Dias> I even got a gold statue commemerating the defeat of the planet eating Ridarium I beat.
<Kulix> <Xril> Maybe he will if you give him one of these lap dances Cheryl keeps mentioning.
<Marcus`> * Theron shifts slightly, a smooth tactic, but it's been played too many times.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps out of the car.
<Chii> Why don't you..?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina smiles, going back to sleep
* Chii crawls out after Cheryl, stumbling
<DeathStar> <Paladin> General Cheryl, what have you been doing?
<DeathStar> <X> ......
* Sally`Wolf now observes masterful reprimanding.
<DeathStar> 6* X eyes Dias with even more annoyance
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer
<Kulix> *Xril stands out of the car in his disguise, standing over the two
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Public relations, sir. 6* She pauses, then wipes some blood off her lip
<SPoC> 6Dias stands there proudly.
<Myria> Darn it!
<Ariel> Raquel> "...did you make the statue yourself?"
* Marcus` watches her for a moment, then shifts back to his spot, closing his eyes, doing his best to keep his thoughts blank, for Kat's sake.
<SPoC> <Dias> Nope. I had a guy I know make it.
<DeathStar> <Paladin> *sighs* Just stay inside for the rest of the week
<Marcus`> <Theron> I have gained quite the experience when it comes to dealing with you, Miss Myria.
<DeathStar> <X> If you aid me, IX, we could kill him right now
<Chii> Aww! We're grounded..!?
<SPoC> 6Dias looks at X. 1"I could show it to you."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Yes. 6* He walks back inside
<DeathStar> <X> No
<SPoC> <Dias> But it's got candy inside.
* Chii crosses her arms. 1"Hrmph.." 6Then teeters backwards
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii, then snags her blouse to hold her up
<Kulix> <Xril> Think he recognized me? *He asks, tilting the glasses forward as he catches Chii with a hand. taking a swig from his bottle
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Wow... I didn't think you could get grounded after you grew up."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> No. Not at all.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl slurs her words a bit now, shifting Chii up and over her shoulder, moving inside
<Myria> Hum!
<DeathStar> <X> .... 6* She looks at RAquel, waiting to see if she accepts an alliance
* Kulix has left #taw
* Kulix has joined #taw
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer eyes the ill disgused Tsiv. "You're totally obvious."
* Chii plays a nice drapery, yawning loudly.
<Myria> May I PLEASE have an Omega Coke?
<Kulix> *Xril looks down at Jennifer " It seemed to work. " he says, offering her the bottle
<Marcus`> * Theron bows his head. "Very well." He turns and walks off towards his room.
<DeathStar> 6* X sighs
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer looks at the bottle in her hand now. "Then why'd you get in a fight?"
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "I don't think I'm allowed to have this."
<Kulix> *Xril shrugs " Humans. " he says, walking off, leaving the bottle in Jen's hands
<Ariel> Raquel> *shakes her head slowly* "It'd be more of a headache than it's worth to try to kill him."
<SPoC> <Dias> It's true. I'm hard to kill.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer follows after him. "Tsivs!"
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin enters his office again, sitting down, while Cheryl dumps herself and Chii onto Chii's bed
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fine. Dance now.
* Myria skips along after him.
<DeathStar> <X> ... hrmph
<DeathStar> 6* X just returns to her cell
<SPoC> <Dias> Next time I'll bring you candy. Lot's of candy.
<DeathStar> <X> I do not want your candy
<SPoC> <Dias> Why not?
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Hey Mr. Tsiv!"
<DeathStar> <X> You have it in a gold statue of yourself.
<Marcus`> * Theron steps into his room and then moves over to his closet, he peers over his shoulder at Myria, then opens the closet and quickly enters the right code to open the safe, stepping aside. "You may have one."
<SPoC> <Dias> Pfft. I was gonna bring other loads of candy.
<DeathStar> <X> ... Perhaps the mutt will pee on you
<SPoC> <Dias> It'd be the last thing she did.
<Kulix> *Xril enters the base, pulling the coat off, folding it over his shoulder as he removes his hat and glasses " What is it? " he asks, turning to Jennifer
<Myria> Ok. *steps in and gets an Omega Coke*
<Marcus`> * Theron closes and locks the safe after she gets her one. "You are welcome."
<Chii> 6Chii pauses, then slooowly drags herself up and resumes dancing like in the bar, only she muses about the earlier statements and draws closer to the bed and Cheryl, looking back.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "You seem to not get a lot around here..."
<Kulix> <Xril> What are you talking about?
<SPoC> <Dias> But really, the more things you try. The sooner you can try to kill me.
* Myria nods and then reaches out, entering Therons's code into the safe, sticks her tongue out at him, and then scurries off.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lays there, sitting up, watching her. Last time they were at the club, she had practically refused to dance, and merely drank
<DeathStar> <X> .... .... I can kill you whenever I want! But I will humor you for now.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Well, you handed me this." *she holds it up* "You could get in trouble for that."
<SPoC> <Dias> Ahhh. Thanks.
<Marcus`> * Theron tilts his head. "I must change this code daily, then." He nods and moves over to write that down.
<SPoC> <Dias> That makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
<DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She eyes Dias' stomach
<DeathStar> <X> Perhaps I can rip out your insides to see how that is possible
<SPoC> <Dias> No, no. I like my insides, inside.
<DeathStar> <X> ...
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin sits back at his desk
<Kulix> *He takes it from her " Why'sthat? You cause trouble when you drink? "
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "I'm just a kid, kids aren't allowed to drink."
<SPoC> <Dias> Anyways. Maybe if you're keep trying not to kill me, Raquel can take you shopping for clothes.
<DeathStar> <X> .... 6* She eyes Raquel's clothes, her nose wrinkling up
<SPoC> <Dias> Better clothes than that.
<Chii> 6Chii drops back to Cheryl and sweeps across her lap, giggling, then leaning forward to touch her ankles, swaying back and forth. Granted, her tail does, too, merrily in the air.
<Ariel> Raquel> "......"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl blinks, then stares. "Reh?! Are you seriously---"
<DeathStar> <X> .... 6* She just nods.
<SPoC> <Dias> What? Your mutt dresses you.
<Chii> 6A voice chimes from behind Raquel and Dias-- definitely not Lilith's. 1"Ohhh, so this is the newest pet of the group..?"
<Chii> 6Sounds like Chii!
<Kulix> <Xril> Well your not missing much. *He finishes the bottle, continuing his walk through the halls. He stops when he comes to a split, swaying a bit " Hrm.. not much at all. "
<SPoC> <Dias> Pet? 6He turns around, eyeing Freyja.
<Ariel> Raquel> *doesn't turn* "Hello... Freyja."
<DeathStar> 6* X peers at Freyja. "Oh. The female woman of the one I gutted."
<SPoC> <Dias> Watch your words.
<DeathStar> <X> *she eyes Dias now* Should I describe how easy it was?
<SPoC> <Dias> I was telling her to watch her words. Not you.
<DeathStar> <X> .... *she scowls at her failed attempt*
<Chii> 6Freyja leans forward slightly, playing with the end of her yukata. 1"Woman of who?"
<Sally`Wolf> Jenn> 'You're drunk."
<DeathStar> 6* X then pauses, looking at Dias again. Since Freyja was talking to her
<SPoC> 6Dias just get's a confused look.
<DeathStar> <X> You are the Dragoon's woman
<Kulix> <Xril> Likely. Is there a point your trying to make?
<SPoC> <Dias> No, that was Chii. This is her lame twin sister Freyja.
<DeathStar> <X> Really? 6* She studies Freyja now
<Ariel> Raquel> "Well... not technically."
<Chii> 6Freyja leans back up and gives her hair a toss, playing with the end of it, bound by a length of white tie. She then gazes toward X, smiling softly.
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah. She's annoying, thinks she can leap into peoples head and stuff without permission. That type of thing
<Sally`Wolf> Jenn> "No... not really."
<DeathStar> 6*X gazes back at Freyja, not smiling
<Sally`Wolf> * Jenn reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small pack of disks, she looks through them and holds out out for Xril. "Here, take this."
<SPoC> <Dias> Oh and she has a knack for showing up to say something whimsical.
<Kulix> *Xril closes his eyes, trying to concentrate, they blink open after a moment, taking the disk " Whats this? "
<Chii> <Freyja> I don't look into minds.
<SPoC> <Dias> See how she doesn't deny the doing it without permission part?
<Sally`Wolf> Jenn> "My last year's history book... on disk. Use a datapad or something to read it. When you enter a new enviroment, you should adapt to it."
<Chii> 6Freyja takes a few steps closer to the cell and looks upon X, her eyes widening along with her smirk, in clear curious interest.
<DeathStar> 6* X eyes her back. She looks like one who is evaluating an enemy
<Ariel> Raquel> "...down foxlady. She's not a toy for you."
<SPoC> 6Dias looks over at Raquel. 1"Can't you just portal her away."
<Chii> 6Freyja clasps her hands together, backing up a step. 1"Aww, she's in a pretty state. So she tried to kill you two, huh?"
<SPoC> <Dias> What's it matter to you?
<DeathStar> <X> ...
<Chii> 6Chii finishes... something, and drops back onto Cheryl, leaning back and draping an arm over her, grinning.
<DeathStar> <X> Hrmph. 6* She turns her back to Freyja. "You are as useless as the one called Chii."
<Kulix> <Xril> Wise words. Perhaps I will. What do you do here anyway? *He asks, heading for his room, deciding that training might not be the best idea under the circumstances
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her, her blue eyes widened a bit. "Hrmph"
<Chii> <Freyja> Mmh. I get that a lot. But you shouldn't be ashamed of your powerless-ness. In the end, it's the power-less ones who inherit the will of strength. If you can let go of pettiness, you might find something interesting for yourself. But I wouldn't tell you it's any better than how you feel anyway. But isn't the same old thing boring?
<SPoC> <Dias> Right nothing. Time to go. 6He shifts infront of her and starts pushing her out.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Me? I kinda live here. Natalie... ummm... you'd prolly know her as SPoC is my legal guardian."
<DeathStar> 6* X turns to eye Freyja
<DeathStar> 6* X raises her hand, trying to form a portal, but the cell room flashes and she falls to her knees
<SPoC> 6Dias turns, looking at X, growling slightly. He snaps towards Freyja. 1"WHAT THE HELL'S YOUR PROBLEM?"
<Chii> 6Freyja promptly appears behind Dias as he begins to push. 1"You probably thought these two were power-less, right? They have strength of a different kind-- something they'll offer you."
<DeathStar> <X> .... And what do THEY have?
<Chii> 6Freyja winces a bit as Dias begins shouting, cleaning one ear with a finger. 1"Something I don't have, that's for sure." 6She disappears, probably to escape further yelling.
<SPoC> 6Dias growls as she disappears, turning around the room.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel sighs, "...she seems to have powers over headaches."
<Kulix> <Xril> Yes, I know of SPoC, but not personally. *He turns to his door, ducking under to enter as it slides open. he takes a seat at a desk, setting the empty bottle down, his Xvash propped on the wall between the desk in his bed " You may enter if you wish. "
<DeathStar> <X> ...
<SPoC> <Dias> One of these days, I'll get my hands on her. 6He clenches his fists, an annoyed look on his face.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennier cautiously steps into the room, as if expecting traps.
* SPoC switches colors, working on finishing her painting.
<DeathStar> <X> Release me, and I will kill her for you
<SPoC> <Dias> Nah, that honors going to be mine. 6He sniffs the air and glances back at X.
<DeathStar> <X> ...
<Kulix> *A wire is streatched across the bottom of the door " You might want to watch your step. "
<SPoC> <Dias> Plus you can't kill anymore. Beat up tho, that's cool.
<DeathStar> <X> ...Yet you can kill her?
<DeathStar> 6*X looks at him like he's a hypocrit.
<SPoC> <Dias> When I say kill, I mean beat hardcore. Not take a life.
<DeathStar> <X> ... *she looks at Raquel* Teach him Basic.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer blinks and steps over it, a trap indeed.
<Ariel> Raquel> " may be beyond his capibilities."
<SPoC> <Dias> Eh. You guys should be happy I can see colors now.
<Kulix> *Xril slides the disk into the side of a datapad, looking over the files
<Chii> 6Freyja poomfs beside Jennifer after she evades the wire trap and reaches out to snatch her into a hug.
<Chii> <Freyja> Jennnnn, hee!
<SPoC> 6Dias rubs the back of his head, his black eyes looking at the floor
<DeathStar> <X> ...
<Kulix> *immediately thereafter the Xvash is withdrawn from its resting place, pointed at Freyja " I didnt say you could enter. "
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer eeps and gets caught in a hug. "H-Hi Freyja."
<Chii> 6Freyja peers over her shoulder-- identical in looks to Chii, yet with long hair since Chii cut her's at one point, and wearing a strange, evolved priestess' garb.
<Chii> <Freyja> Oh, right. The Tsivrixsh. ... ...
<Chii> 6Freyja eyes Jennifer. 1"What are you doing with the Tsivrixsh... in his bedroom?"
<SPoC> 6Dias looks up. 1"Huh?"
<DeathStar> <X> ... *she eyes Dias oddly*
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Huh? I was just talkin to him."
<Chii> <Freyja> In his bedroom...?
<Chii> 6Freyja deadpans, eyeing Jennifer sternly.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy pokes her head in. "It's Scar all over again!"
<SPoC> <Dias> I think I'm gonna go punch things. 6He turns, moving to leave the two behind, the intricate tattoos easily seen on his exposed skin.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy yoinks and runs away
<Kulix> *Xril stands, approaching the two of them " You can ask your questions outside. Leave. "
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Huh? What...?"
<Chii> 6Freyja stares a moment longer, then smiles brightly. 1"Ah, so that's it."
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Wh-What?"
<Chii> 6Freyja pats Jennifer on the head, then whirls around, floating upward as if she were weightless, giggling. 1"Tsivrixsh, huh...? This place has gathered even more interesting children..."
<Kulix> *Xril makes a grab for Freyja, expecting her to poomf
<DeathStar> 6* Billy sneaks into the vents to record Chii and Cheryl now
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Interesting children...?"
<Chii> 6Freyja does, to the other side of Xrilreshir, observing him from near the ceiling. 1"Mmhmm! I have one more to visit now that I've seen the two newbies."
<Chii> 6Freyja nods, then disappears once more, then walks into the medical bay.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina sleeps still
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Two... newbies...?"
<Chii> <Freyja> Troublesome one, aren't you...? Always getting in over your head-- no pun intended.
<Kulix> *Xril listens carefully to the sound of air displacement, The Xvash travels on its way to Freyja before she fully materializes, nearing her before she even finishes her first word
<Ariel> Raquel> *leans back* "So... X. Have any interests besides killing Dias?"
<DeathStar> <X> Killing you.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> *groans and holds her head* "I swear I see why Dad had a brain tumor now..."
<SPoC> 6Dias moves along the hallway, his hands behind his neck, his cheery mood no longer apparent.
<Chii> 6Xrilreshir's clubbish weapon cleaves through the girl's image, distorting it like rippling through water, dissolving it into a mist seemingly only to irritate him a bit further-- the words still echoing in the room. Once the image is dissolved, nothing more remains.
<Kulix> <Xril> Good riddance. *He spins the Xvash to the side, setting it against the floor like a cane
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Don't do that again... people get in trouble for that all the time, especially Chii."
<Ariel> Raquel> *pauses* "...why do you want me dead anyways?"
<DeathStar> <X> My mission is to kill all weapons.
<Chii> 6Chii sneezes on Cheryl, blinking.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl makes a face. "Gross."
<SPoC> 6Dias steps into the training room and moves over to a bag, quickly punching into it and following up with more punches
<DeathStar> 6* She shoves Chii away
<Ariel> Raquel> "And... why is that?"
<Chii> 6Chii erks and falls off the bed, crying. 1"..."
<DeathStar> <X> Because it was the mission given to me
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl heads to the bathroom to wash herself.
<Kulix> <Xril> Is that a fact? Personally, I can stand a little troube if thats the price of respect. *He says, sitting back in his chair, looking over the datapad more
<Ariel> Raquel> "...why would you want to follow orders from someone who intended to discard you?"
<Chii> 6Freyja gazes around the medical bay, then advances on Katrina.
<DeathStar> <X> Discard me? 6* She looks at Raquel oddly.
<Ariel> Raquel> " are a weapon, are you not?"
<DeathStar> <X> Yes.
<Ariel> Raquel> "They ordered you, amoung other things, to kill yourself..."
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "I don't think it exactly earns respect..."
<Ariel> Raquel> "We might be weapons... but we have some self respect."
<DeathStar> <X> You are weird.
* Marcus` is now known as Xan|Bed
<Ariel> Raquel> "You'll understand... some day."
<Xan|Bed> * Marcus perks open his eyes. "Leave her alone."
<Chii> <Freyja> Oh don't you start, too.
<Kulix> <Xril> She won't enter my room again without permission if I put a few holes in her. She wouldnt leave on words alone, she didnt look like the type. Reminded me alot of another earthling I know. *He says, remembering Chii
<Chii> 6Freyja peers over at him, moving to Katrina's side. 1"Protectiveness is good, overprotectiveness leads to Chii."
<Xan|Bed> <Marcus> She needs her sleep, so just let her get that. Come back when she's awake, ok?
<DeathStar> <X> We will see.
<Chii> <Freyja> Oh, I don't intend to wake her.
<Xan|Bed> * Marcus sits up. "Then leave her alone. Don't help, just leave her alone."
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Yeah, she'
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Yeah, she's Chii's sister. And I doubt blowing her up would stop her."
<Chii> 6Freyja eyes Katrina, lifting one hand and sweeping it gently over her head, not actually touching. 1"Nasty bump." 6She forms the faintest swirls of light. 1"Chii was gone recently. Very far away. I'm assuming this had something to do with that?"
<Ariel> 6* Raquel stands up, gathering up the garbage. "I'll make sure to get you something to read... do you have any preference?"
<DeathStar> <X> I...haven't read a book before.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel pauses. "Really? Oh... I guess I'll just need to get a variety. Tastes vary so much..."
<Xan|Bed> *Marcus stands up and pulls out his pistol, aiming it at her. "Look, I get it, you want to help. But no one has asked you. So don't come around here acting like you're needed. If we need you, we'll ask. Got it?"
<DeathStar> <X> ... .... And what do you like?
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin steps into the Medical Bay. "I asked her here, Marcus."
<Xan|Bed> * Marcus glances at Paladin. "You asked her mess with Kat?"
<Xan|Bed> NRP: to*
<Ariel> 6* Raquel considers, "Well... I guess I'm partial to fantasy novels. Though... that sort of thing is getting to become mundane these days."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> I asked her here, and said if there was anything she wanted to help with, she could. She is a healer.
<SPoC> 6Dias grabs the bag and starts throwing knees into it, sweat building up on him.
<Chii> <Freyja> Caduceus is brilliant, but what happened to that healing touch of his?
<DeathStar> <X> Hm.
<Xan|Bed> * Marcus narrows his eyes and lowers his pistols. "If she hurts Kat. I'll hurt her."
<DeathStar> 6* Scar sneaks up behind Dias
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin nods.
<DeathStar> <Paladin> He lost it, Freyja.
<Chii> <Freyja> Yes, yes, you do that. Keep threatening me and leaving me in the dark. I'll just deal with what I see, then.
<SPoC> 6Dias doesn't seem to notice Scar as he let's go of the bag and goes back to throwing punches into it
<Xan|Bed> <Marcus> Concussion. Swelling of the brain. Nothing that won't heal with time now that she's recovered.
<DeathStar> <Scar> SCAR SNEAK ATTACK STRIKE. 6* He kicks at Dias' back
<Chii> <Freyja> Yes, but if I remove the swelling and inflamations nearby, she'll recover faster and won't endanger herself unknowingly. She is an empath." 6She leaves out the part about actual psionics, or doesn't know.
<SPoC> 6Dias snaps around grabbing Scar's foot as it comes in, a pissed off look on his face. He blinks, then lets go. 1"Sorry."
<Chii> <Freyja> The weapon children can... lose their abilities?
<DeathStar> <Scar> Good moves.
<DeathStar> <Scar> So what's eating you?
<Ariel> Raquel> *nods* "Well, I'll try to get you something good."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Stolen from him and put it in X.
<DeathStar> <X> I see. .... I won't thank you, though
<Xan|Bed> * Marcus rubs his face and sits down.
<SPoC> <Dias> I remembered why I could see colors.
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Well... I guess I should go...?"
<DeathStar> <Scar> Ah. Corruption.
<DeathStar> <Scar> Do you know what will happen when you become fully corrupted, mate?
<Kulix> *Xril sits the pad down, turning to Jennifer " If that is what you desire. "
<SPoC> <Dias> I'm only guessing the Dark One's get full control of my body.
<DeathStar> <Scar> Pretty much spot on. You become a Dark One.
<Ariel> Raquel> *smiles* "That's okay. Orders or not... you're still family. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
<Chii> <Freyja> Mm, I don't see how that's possible-- but then, humans have done many god-like things as of late. Dragoons and their bonds... The Weapons... The Light engine..."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> All it takes is one man with a vision
<DeathStar> <X> Hrmph.
<Chii> <Freyja> And technology to do the rest, huh? Rubbish.
<Xan|Bed> <Marcus> And the name of Cran somewhere in there. *he breaths, leaning back to close his eyes*
<SPoC> <Dias> Such a bright future I have to look forward to.
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Cran may have been a very ... visionary type of man, but without him, you wouldn't have the Alphas at all. And I'm sure you have to admit they've done good.
<Chii> 6Freyja removes her hand, causing the light to vanish. She studies Katrina closely, checking for remaining scarring or mars, then nods and stands. 1"All done. The rest is up to her slumber, dear Wolf Prince."
<DeathStar> <Scar> It isn't about the end of your journey, mate. It's about how you go about reaching the end.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel gives X a small wave, and goes to deposit the trash and find some books for the other weapon.
<Xan|Bed> * Marcus salutes towards her general direction. "Thanks." Then opens one eye to peer at Paladin. "As warriors, sure. But the way they've been treated is pretty horrible."
<DeathStar> 6* X watches her go
<DeathStar> <Paladin> I can't deny that. 6* He seems to be hiding something
<Sally`Wolf> Jennifer> "Well, yeah... just look for me if you need any questions... I'm on break from school so I'm here all the time."
<Xan|Bed> * Marcus tilts his head, both eyes open now. "Must be nice, having all that insider goverment knowledge."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> No. Not at all.
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin frowns and steps back out
<Kulix> <Xril> I'll return your disk once I've read it's material.
<Chii> 6Freyja laughs pollitely behind a hand. 1"Jones, in that horrible treatment, were you including the bond and relationship with Chii?"
<SPoC> <Dias> The whole if you're gonna burn, burn as bright as possible
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer nods and smiles a little, before heading back out into the hall.
<DeathStar> <Scar> Exactly.
<Kulix> *As Jennifer turns to exit the room she notices their is a totalled engine the techs at the hangar didnt want to waste time on hanging from the ceiling infront of the door on a chain like a chandelier.. probably part of a trap
<Xan|Bed> * Marcus arches a brow at Freyja and then peers over at Freyja. "Not everything someone says about a Dragoon involves Cheryl or Chii. So no."
<Xan|Bed> NRP: Paladin the first time.
<Kulix> *there is
<Chii> <Freyja> Just my way of kidding you, Jones. Call for me if anything happens, though it shouldn't, right? But if you fall and scrape your knees, I'll be around." 6She smiles softly, then rather than disappearing, follows Paladin out of the bay.
<SPoC> <Dias> Sometimes...I'd rather my candle never burned out.
<DeathStar> <Scar> In the words of the reverand John McCormick. 6He morphs into John. "If I'm going to go down fighting, I'm going to take the entire army down with my fists and will alone."
<Xan|Bed> <Marcus> Yeah, see you. *he closes his eyes now*
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin moves down the hallway, his head tilted back, peering at the ceiling
<SPoC> <Dias> I wouldn't do it any other way. 6He smirks slightly
<Sally`Wolf> * Jenn stops and watches Paladin walk by.
<Chii> 6Freyja pats Jennifer on the head again as she passes as well.
<Sally`Wolf> * Jennifer blinks and blushes a little, smiling at Freyja.
<DeathStar> 6* Scar morphs back. "Be seeing you. And if you manage to keep that candle burning long after it's burnt out, well, then you are truly something exceptional."
<DeathStar> 6* Scar points at him and moves out
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin steps into his own room finally, moving in.
<SPoC> 6Dias turns back around and goes back to punching away the bag.
<Chii> <Freyja> Good-night, Paladin. Would you like anything in particular for breakfast?
<DeathStar> 6* Billy falls down in the training room from a vent, sighing as she eyes her camera. "All I got was her sneezing on her."
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin glances back at her. "Do you have any recommendations, Freyja?"
<SPoC> 6Dias looks over at Billy than pauses, thinking deeply. 1"I totally didn't even realize my lesdar was pinging before."
<DeathStar> <Billy> I'd sell you some videos to show if they're lesbians or not, but it would cost you 10,000 credits.
* Exio has joined #taw
<Chii> <Freyja> How about oranges and blueberries?
<SPoC> <Dias> Eh, I'm pretty sure I have an idea what's going on.
<DeathStar> <Paladin> That would be nice.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Okay. If you don't want some alone time material
<DeathStar> 6* Billy stands up and dusts herself off, skipping away
<SPoC> 6Dias snorts. 1"Like I need something to for that time. I'll just will my body."
* Kulix has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<DeathStar> 6* Billy eyes him.
<DeathStar> <Billy> .... Wow. That's...
<DeathStar> <Billy> Totally not what they meant for you to do with that, I'm sure
<SPoC> <Dias> Well I thought I could make hyperspace for an incredible new ultimate attack but no luck sofar.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy just sticks out her tongue and skips off
* Exio is now known as Kulix
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Thu Jun 26 23:54:58 2008

Session Start: Fri Jun 27 23:29:41 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080627.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: 10-589.3.16
<DeathStar> Location: HQ
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits in the messhall, eyeing some type of tour guide thing. Her sandwich ignored
<Kit> 6Freyja ambles over and sets down a plate of orange slices and blueberries in a type of sweetened heavy cream before Cheryl.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl slowly peers over the tour guide at Freyja, blinking a few times, something nagging in her head about her. She then peers down at the plate of food, then back up.
<Kit> 6Freyja just smiles at her from the other side of the table.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Paladin told me you were back on base.
<Kit> <Freyja> Oh?
<Kit> <Freyja> Any reason he would do that?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Maybe he fears I'll take up Chii's little vendetta against you being here personally.
<Kit> <Freyja> Vendetta?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just shrugs. "So why ARE you here? You don't care about fighting the enemy."
<Kit> <Freyja> Is that so..?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Am I wrong?
<Kit> <Freyja> Does it seem like it?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You've never bothered to offically join the team. You're more content to come and go as you please.
<Kit> <Freyja> Maybe it pleases me to be here, now and then.
Session Close: Sat Jun 28 00:00:00 2008

Session Start: Sat Jun 28 00:00:00 2008
Session Ident: #taw
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah? Why? 6* She asks, her tone flat. She doesn't even glance down at the food.
<Kit> 6Freyja closes her eyes. 1"...It's nostalgic."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> This place?
<Kit> <Freyja> It wants to bring back memories. Good memories I've lost, though I still can't see them clearly.
<Kit> 6Freyja puts her hands to the table and leans in, smirking. 1"Isn't it nice to have somewhere to return to-- Where someone knows your name, and welcomes you home?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stares at her blankly, not getting her first bit at all, then shifts her forehead a bit into a wrinkled state as Freyja leans in. "If you're into that sort of thing, I guess."
<Kit> <Freyja> Oh, so you like being alone?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her, then drums her fingers. "Were you the one in my head the other day?"
<Kit> <Freyja> Mmm, not your head.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl clicks her tongue against her teeth, a Chad Winters like habit, probably being that they are related. "Don't do that again."
<Kit> <Freyja> I don't believe I need to.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... Oh? Why's that?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her with a flash of danger.
<Kit> <Freyja> Because..." 6She leans in closer as if disclosing a secret.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her, stiffening slightly.
<Kit> 6Freyja whispers. 1"You're just as cute on the outside."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl jerks. "The fuck is that suppose to mean?!"
<Kit> 6Freyja leans back and heads for the wall.
<Kit> 6Freyja contacts Paladin, informing him that breakfast was ready.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grumbles now, going back to her tour guide, her mood foul.
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin on the comm. "Alright, thank you, Freyja. I'll be right there."
<Kit> 6Freyja returns in the quiet, sitting across from Cheryl and leaning on an elbow. 1"So how do you keep Chii on such a short leash?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Eh? 6* She looks up again, eyeing Freyja. She looks freaked out at the mention of a leash for some reason
<Kit> <Freyja> I must admit I'm quite curious. She would never let anything tie her up very long, yet she seems quite enthralled to you.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I--... 6* She seems to recover now. "Why don't you ask her?"
<Kit> <Freyja> Mm...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Heh. Afraid to ask her? 6* She gets a slight curl to her lips
<Kit> 6Freyja upturns her palm, closing her eyes placidly, shrugging.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What? You don't know?
<Kit> <Freyja> I suppose I was more curious to your thoughts.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her, then eyes the tour guide. "Not much to me, really. Your guess is good as mine."
<Kit> 6Elsewhere, a malamute stares at X.
<DeathStar> 6* X stares back at the dog.
<DeathStar> 6* She holds up a dog treat she somehow secured. "If you open the cell, this will be yours."
<Kit> 6Lilith whines.
<DeathStar> <X> It is good.
<Kit> 6Lilith lies down and places her paws over her head.
<DeathStar> <X> ... open the cell!
<Kit> 6Lilith whimpers and huffs.
<DeathStar> 6* X eyes her, then makes a show of going to eat it
<Kit> 6Lilith hops up, growling
<DeathStar> 6* X stops, then holds it out. Of course, the energy field prevents Lilith from getting it
<Kit> 6Lilith shifts forms, eyeing X, then the treat.
<DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She shakes it back and forth once.
<Kit> <Lilith> You will not harm mistress.
<DeathStar> <X> If you eat the treat, I will consider it.
<Kit> <Lilith> No. You will not harm mistress.
<DeathStar> <X> ... 6* Her violet eyes peer at Lilith now, curiously annoyed. "You will stop me?"
<Kit> 6Lilith eyes her vacantly, seeming to hold that fact as the only thing over her treat indulgence.
<Kit> <Lilith> If you wish to harm mistress, I will stop you. Yes.
<DeathStar> <X> You couldn't stop me. You are an outdated spirit with no purpose.
<Kit> <Lilith> There are some things only time and experience bestow.
<DeathStar> <X> Hm. You must have missed out on the experience.
<Kit> <Lilith> Such as numbing oneself to needless insult. The loss of one's temper commonly leads to violent folly.
<DeathStar> <X> ... 6* She eats the dog treat.
<Kit> 6Lilith's tail bristles, her ears jerking. 1"You are a rude youngling."
<DeathStar> <X> Mmm. I don't see you coming in here to discipline me.
<Kit> <Lilith> You are caged. Discipline is constant and unnecessary.
<DeathStar> 6* X turns her back to Lilith now
<Kit> <Lilith> I may be of a lost age, but you are of a loss of common sense. Even I know when I am defeated-- and when I am truly purposeless... Yet it is you who clings to a worthless ideal that is not even your own.
<DeathStar> 6* X turns and throws herself into the energy field, accessing her powers despite the counter measures, attempting to press through the field despite the pain it and the counter measures bestoe
<Kit> <Lilith> I am what I am because I was willing, and did, give up everything to achieve my ideals. What I have, what I can accomplish, all of this was through the strife and trials of my life at my own hands. I won, lost, lived, fought and eventually died by my own will.
<DeathStar> 6* X stumbles back, her hands smoking and she makes a pained expression, glaring at Lilith. "You have dog breath."
<Kit> <Lilith> I am content to exist eternally with 'dog breath' if I may protect what I cherish.
<DeathStar> 6* X just sits down with her back to Lilith, attempting to ignore her
<Kit> <Lilith> Please do not harm mistress. You may have my life instead.
<DeathStar> 6* X turns to eye her now. "I see. You would give up your life for her."
<Kit> 6Lilith nods slowly.
<DeathStar> <X> Fine.
<Kit> 6Lilith tilts her head.
<DeathStar> <X> I accept your trade.
<Kit> <Lilith> Very well. My life is indebted.
<DeathStar> 6* X nods once, her violet eyes locked onto Lilith's
<Kit> <Lilith> You may kill me if you desire, however, I would suggest that using me would provide a more sound strategy to your goals.
<DeathStar> <X> I will consider my options
<Kit> <Lilith> Lady Raquel is a peculiar young mistress. Even though our contract was broken to undeterminable circumstances, she has maintained me, however we have yet to re-establish a true link.
<DeathStar> <X> I see.
<Kit> <Lilith> As a term of our contract, in a bloodbinding oath to leave Lady Raquel unharmed, I would assist you in terminating Weapon II. Although I would prefer not to unintentionally harm Lady Raquel by removing one of the few remaining members of her family.
<DeathStar> 6* X nods a few times. She seems be smiling slightly. "She can have his soul when we're done."
<Kit> 6Lilith seems to consider that, then straightens her posture. 1"If she so desires this, then that would be acceptable."
<DeathStar> <X> You are most curious, Lilith. I take back my insults. 6* She nods once.
<Kit> <Lilith> Other than the relation to Lady Raquel, I have no attachments to Dias. In fact, by standards of ordinary humans, I believe I should rather dislike him due to the conduct he has shown me.
<DeathStar> <X> He is a ... strange one. 6* She mumbles this last bit
<Kit> <Lilith> He is confusing to me, as he has extended courtesy and enamoured affection for you, seemingly because of your relation by means of the Weapon project, when he has shown no such attempts with Lady Raquel and sometimes made it a purpose to directly break such a bond.
<Kit> <Lilith> Such behaviour in my time would be considered untrustworthy and dishonorable. Shameful.
<DeathStar> <X> Hm. So II and IX-Raquel- do not get along. Most curious
<Kit> <Lilith> However, since he has taken no measures to directly harm Lady Raquel permanently and Lady Raquel no longer desires his assassination, I have let him live.
<DeathStar> 6* X considers tactics.
<Kit> <Lilith> It is true I failed before, but my role as an inugami guardian comes before my previous life's honor and ethics. I have had many opportunities since to finish what was begun.
<DeathStar> <X> Well. Soon I will make my move against II.
<Kit> <Lilith> Do you desire to form the contract?
<DeathStar> <X> Yes. 6* She stands. "I do."
<Kit> 6Lilith stares at her, though at this point it seems more like she's reading into her, guaging her integrity rather than trying to bore a hole into her.
<DeathStar> 6* X peers back. While it seems she's quite capable of lying, she seems to be honestly willing to let Raquel go for the bigger picture: Dias
<Kit> 6Lilith nods once, then moves over for the controls of the cell.
<Kit> While not my place to command you, I would prefer you do not exit the cell despite my next actions.
<DeathStar> <X> I understand.
<Kit> 6Lilith shifts and removes the field. 1"It would complicate your own whims before you can organize them, I imagine, anyway." 6She moves toward the cell and X.
<DeathStar> 6* The guards seem to not notice so far. After all, everyone opens her cell at their own whims
<Kit> 6Lilith moves to X, then promptly drops to sitting on her knees, her hands on her lap. 1"Your hand, if you would."
<DeathStar> 6* X pauses, then holds out her hand. "Do I kneel?"
<Kit> 6Lilith shakes her head, then closes her eyes a moment, leaning her head back, the lines along her skin slowly fading. She opens her eyes again, the red piercing up at X before focusing on her hand; her wrist. She gently grasps the hand and arm, then opens her mouth, moving her canine teeth toward X's wrist.
<DeathStar> 6* X peers at her, her face shifting to curiousity now as she watches Lilith. She tilts her head back a milimeter as she watches
<Kit> 6Lilith bites X.
<DeathStar> 6* X jerks just slightly at the piercing of her wrist, then straightens herself, apparantly able to take pain
<Kit> 6Lilith definitely has no malice behind it, though she does seem to be drawing blood.
<DeathStar> 6* X stands there, then closes her eyes, wondering what IX thought when she did it
<Kit> 6Lilith releases her wrist, licking the wound clean and stopping it, then leans back, closing her eyes as runes begin to reform along her skin, pale ones on top of her dusky skin instead of the darker ones she had before, though when her eyes open, they're still the bold crimson.
<DeathStar> 6*X opens her eyes again. "Amazing."
<Kit> 6She raises a hand before her face, staring curiously, perhaps, since rather than the angular lines of before, the runes have taken on more curved, circular and spiral-like shapes.
* Jackieness has left #taw
<Kit> 6Lilith then peers toward X, her ears focusing on her.
<Kit> <Lilith> By your blood I heed and obey with the one condition that the inugami tsukai render no harmful or intentionally misleading occurances to Raquel, the nineth Weapon. Your word is my call, Mistress Tenth.
<DeathStar> <X> I understand. And by the terms of our contract, I will not harm Raquel in any manner. 6* She nods once.
<Kit> 6Lilith bows, touching her hands and head toward the floor.
<DeathStar> 6* X peers upward. "You should probably go do what you typically do, before someone becomes suspicious."
<Kit> <Lilith> If that is your will. You wish for me to proceed as close as I would have otherwise?
<DeathStar> <X> Yes.
<Kit> <Lilith> Very well, mistress.
<Kit> 6Lilith slowly rises and turns, heading for the panel again.
<DeathStar> 6* X sits back down.
<Kit> 6Lilith raises the field, then moves back over, eyeing X.
<DeathStar> 6*X peers back at her. "You don't typically remain here all day. You should go see Raquel for now."
<Kit> <Lilith> ...
<Kit> 6Lilith averts her eyes slightly, then locks back on X. <...I have usually remained here asking mistress not to harm Raquel. Does mistress wish for me to leave?"
<DeathStar> <X> <Yes. You can return later.>
<Kit> 6Lilith turns and immediately begins to walk off. <Yes, mistress. I will do so.> 6She exits the brig, glancing at either guard, then moves off to find Raquel.
<DeathStar> <Guard 2> At least this time they only did hanky panky. Last time she peed.
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin eats his food in the mess hall, while Cheryl remains stoicly quiet
<Kit> <Freyja> How is it, general?
<DeathStar> <Paladin> This is delicious, Freyja. 6* He says, his tone chipper as he eats. "Wonderfully done." 6* Cheryl rolls her eyes
<Kit> <Freyja> You should try it, Cheryl. It's invigorating.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Pass. 6* She eyes her tourguide
<Kit> <Freyja> It would definitely help to keep up your energy if you're going to continue keeping Chii pinned down so well.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl jerks, glancing up at Freyja with daggers. "You keep yammering, and I'll pin your ass down."
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin pauses in mid-bite, glancing at the two
<Ariel> 6* Raquel sits quietly in the mess hall, reading.
<Kit> <Freyja> Oh? That might be fun..." 6She grins cheerfully.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rises now. "Lets find out."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Cheryl. 6* He says simply. Cheryl twitches and sits.
* Kit is now known as Kitzzzune
* Kuroichigo has joined #taw
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Sat Jun 28 02:09:06 2008

Session Start: Sat Jun 28 02:54:12 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080628.log'
<DeathStar> -SAME DAY-
<DeathStar> 6* Billy sneaks down the hallway with her camera, peering both ways. Today she is wearing a skull ribbon and a black gothic lolita dress
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna was on her way towards the armoury, but pauses. Billy being sneaky is always troublesome, or interesting.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy grabs a knife and begins to climb up a wall toward a vent
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna follows quietly for now, thinking it would be best to find out what she's up to, before scolding her.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy begins to open the vent, and starts to climb in
* Chad`BadCompany is now known as Dias-Sleeeeeeeeeeeep
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna watches quietly, wondering if Billy manages to get by the base security doing this, or if they don't care.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy closes the vent behind her, then begins to slide way, heading toward the direction of Sally's room
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna waves, as Billy goes to close the vent.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy pauses, staring at Setsuna. "Um. Hi, Ninja Momma."
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna folds her arm, "You know you shouldn't be climbing around those all the time. They're dirty."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Um. .... .... what if I cleaned them?
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Are you proposing to take over cleaning duty for the base?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> No. 6* She scowls.
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Then the vents must be pretty dirty still."
<DeathStar> 6* Scar exits Sally's room. Billy sighs, looking like a ninja who just failed her mission. She climbs out of the vent, drops to the ground, and dusts her dirty black dress off
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna pauses, "...I'm surprised you just haven't hooked that up to a remote. But really... that's not the sort of paparazzi you should be doing at your age."
<DeathStar> <Billy> ... But I'm evil!
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Evil is still subject to age restrictions."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy crosses her arms, considering, then looks as if she has the answer. "What if I make myself 18 when I do it?!"
<Ariel> Setsuna> *hesitates* "Then... I guess I can't say anything about it, other than question your tastes."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy gasps. "I don't do it for me! I do it for my audience." 6* She mumbles the rest. "Andthemoney."
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Right... your audiance."
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Billy... it's alright to admit you have a problem."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Y-You don't believe me? 6* She looks flabbergasted.
<Ariel> Setsuna> "I hear a lot of girls go through a phase like that... though, usually they're a lot older."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy's jaw drops. "B-But...I have money! Lots of money!"
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Then I suppose you don't need allowance."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy goes to say something, then closes her mouth and narrows her eyes. "Oh ho ho, well played, Sneaking Momma. I see now how you got Robo Momma."
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Oh, you have a lot to learn, young one."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Like what? 6* She leans forward now, curiously. Her skull ribbon bobs once from the quick movement
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Well, if I just told you, you wouldn't have the agonizing suspence."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy eyes her, gaping. "You would do that to me?! Yo-Your cute, Japanese daughter?!"
<Ariel> Setsuna> *blinks* "Yes?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Wow. You're totally even more cool than I thought.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy moves over, grabbing Setsuna's hand with her own, and smiles up at her, like a real little girl
<Ariel> Setsuna> *smiles* "Want to grab some icecream to further blind the populous to true intent?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Sounds good. 6* She nods once, still smiling.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy walks along, still clasping Setsuna's hand. "So, um, I was wondering, Suna Momma...I mean, I have a lot of power, sure, but I was wondering if you could teach me a bit more how to move and fight like you. I mean, without access to the souls, I've lost a lot."
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna considers this a bit, "Hm... you know, I'm not fond of you fighting. But... you do seem to be put in danger quite a bit. The others... won't exactly let you be."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Well, you know. 6* She leans her head back as she walks, eerily eyeing the ceiling instead of straight ahead. "I am a tool of the Darkies. They want to use me to kill you all. Earth wants to use me to get at them. I'm quite popular."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy snaps her head back forward. "Besides, when I'm adult, I'm totally becoming a ninja and doing jobs like assassinations."
<Ariel> Setsuna> *smiles nervously* "Well... I'd think about that some more dear. The job isn't so bad, but you tend to get tangled in complicated conspiracies... and those make life a pain."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Hm. You use to get tangled in conspiracies, right? That's how you joined that group by that angry guy. Um. Darien Starr.
<Ariel> Setsuna> "...I don't get that guy. He seems to CRAVE them."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Really? Maybe his parents made him solve problems before he got breakfast.
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Those would be some twisted parents."
<DeathStar> <Billy> It takes all kinds. So, why'd you join his group again? That's where you meant Proto Momma, right?
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Originally? Well... I was a double agent back then. Let me tell you. Not worth it. The retirement plan sucks."
<DeathStar> <Billy> But you get twice the pay, right?
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Yeah... still not worth it."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy nods a few times, as if making notes for her future plans when the kids rule this story. "Okay, you were a double agent. That's pretty cool."
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Oh... another point. If an evil cultist group of political masterminds asks you to join them... disappear. It never goes well."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy stares. "You joined a cult???"
<Ariel> Setsuna> *sighs* "Might as well have..."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Wow. And here I thought you let Gundam Momma do all the exciting stuff. It's because you already did them.
<Ariel> Setsuna> *laughs* "Yeah... well... you've done the villian thing a bit yourself. Gives you perspective, doesn't it?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy considers a bit. "Yeah, I guess so. But I was a way better villain than most of the people to come along today. I didn't do the evil laugh or tell my plans bit while the heroes escaped. And seriously, this group needs those type of advantages."
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna considers a moment. "...yeah, me niether. It was funny though. They knew there was a spy."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Really? 6* She peers at Setsuna. "And they didn't consider you, the uber ninja?"
<Ariel> Setsuna> *shakes her head* "Funny that."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Hunh. Who'd they think was the spy?
<Ariel> Setsuna> "...blaim got passed around a lot. But no one EVER trusts Erevis. Well... except the cat. And... Ariel did. But that's like... it."
<DeathStar> <Billy> I've suddenly lost faith in this team when they can't trust a person who has a neurosis about lying.
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Eh, don't worry about it too bad. She's good at misdirection, or flat out not telling you anything."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Good for her! 6* It seems Billy considers those positive traits. "So, when you joined the unit, that's when you knew you loved Gear Momma?"
<Ariel> Setsuna> *laughs a little* "Well... it took a bit. But I guess something like that..."
<DeathStar> <Billy> *nods* Can I date boys?
<Ariel> Setsuna> "When you're older."
<DeathStar> <Billy> What if I MADE myself older?
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Then... we'll talk with Cass. I don't want to have to deal with pedophiles. This IS Japan you know."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Oh, I know. Marcus and Dias both asked to see me as an 18 year old again
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna shivers.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy grins at Setsuna. "So, how come you're anti-psi?"
<Ariel> Setsuna> *pauses, considering* "That... is a mystery to me even. As far as I know, I was born that way... but you don't meet many psionics as a kid usually. Maybe VI did something to me. Who knows..."
<DeathStar> <Billy> According to the grapevine, V.I. isn't dead yet.
<Ariel> Setsuna> *sighs* "Typical..."
<DeathStar> <Billy> I hear they went after that group that follows Erevis
<Ariel> Setsuna> "...that poor girl can't get a break."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy stops in front of the ice cream shop, then turns to face Setsuna, cupping her hand mischeviously behind her back. "So, maybe we should go after V.I. and find out if they made you a Super Non-Psi person. Or maybe we should have you sneak up on Katrina because she can't sense you."
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Hmm... now sure which is more dangerous."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Oh, she'd just jump, scared, then probably offer you some hugs, which would lead to groping, which-okay, I see your point
<Ariel> Setsuna> "It'd either end up with angry redhead, or angry Cass."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Hmmm. If you and Wall-E Momma were to fight, who would win?
<Ariel> Setsuna> "In a straight out fight? Probally her. But then... I hate being direct."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy grins. "That's why I want you to train me. I'm not bulky enough to fight like her. Or robotic enough. Or well shielded." 6* She motions at her own lack of breasts. Being 5.
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna nods. "Well... then I'll train you. And hopefully we'll keep you from being robotic." 6She doesn't have as much hope for the shielded. She IS Japanese afterall. And not... enchanced, like Cass.
<DeathStar> 6* No one is enhanced like Cass.
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna still fears some days that they'll come alive some day and eat her alive. ;.;
<DeathStar> <Billy> Really? Sweet. Yatta! 6* She nods, proud, then eyes all the ice cream flavors. "Can I have one of each?"
<Ariel> Setsuna> *laughs* "I'm not made of money, like someone. Let's go for one at a time, and when we're sure you won't be sick, you could try another."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Okay. I want to try the chocolates first. Um. The fudge chocolate? 6* She glances at Setsuna
<Ariel> Setsuna> *nods* "That's one flavor." *oders Billy a chocolate fudge icecream, and gets herself a tiramisu*
<DeathStar> 6* Billy takes her ice cream once delivered, moving over to sit, taking a long bite of it. "So, who taught YOU to be a ninja?"
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Mostly military training, but there was this one old guy who never gave his name, and rarely spoke, who lived on top of the mountian..."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy stops eating her ice cream turning to eye Setsuna eerily slow
<Ariel> Setsuna> "What? Not all of the military is that bad."
<DeathStar> <Billy> ... 6* She razberries Setsuna
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Sat Jun 28 04:53:18 2008

Session Start: Sat Jun 28 17:50:11 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080628.log'
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves down the hallway, having slipped out of the messhall after watching Paladin and Freyja discuss food
<DeathStar> 6* She peers down at her tour guide pamplet.
<Kit> <Chii> CHERYL!
<Kit> 6Chii comes rampaging down the hallway
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks up, then shoves the pamplet into her tank top. She eyes Chii as she approaches
<Kit> 6Chii slides to a halt before Cheryl, looking miffed, twitching.
<Kit> <Chii> So that's why you were so nice to me, wasn't it?" 6She narrows her eyes.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Huh? 6* She eyes Chii, confused
<Kit> <Chii> Paladin tells you everything! You knew Freyja was joining!
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What the fuck does her joining have to do with me being nice to you?
<Kit> 6Chii stares.
<Kit> 6Then throws her hands up. 1"Touche!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Bitch just better stay out of my head again, or I'll rearrange her's.
<Kit> <Chii> Huh?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Nothing. 6* She just waves her hand once.
<Kit> 6Chii leans inward, peering upward at Cheryl. 1"You wouldn't hurt her... would you?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> .... Well, I wouldn't kill her.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets a shifty eye glance
<Kit> 6Chii pouts. 1"I'd get angry!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You'd get angry if I punched her the face? 6* She asks Chii, deadpanned.
<DeathStar> *in
<Kit> <Chii> You shouldn't hurt her." 6She says calmly.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets a smirk, leaning in. "Does Chii not want her Freyja hurt?"
<Kit> "She's been hurt enough," 6Chii blinks blankly, then jerks backward, grinding her teeth. 1"I don't mean it like that!! But if you knock her off, I'd probably wither away!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't plan to kill her! But if she enters my head again, I'll hit her upside her's!
<Kit> 6Chii glances away shiftily and seems exasperated.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sighs. "Fine. I won't hit your Freyja."
* Dias-Sleeeeeeeeeeeep is now known as Dias`
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl crosses her arms, looking slightly miffed.
<Dias`> I will tho. 6He crosses his arms.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns to find Dias
* Disconnected
* Attempting to rejoin channel #taw
* Rejoined channel #taw
* Topic is 'TAW 4: TEP (251-present) | TAW 4: PAX has ended (1-250) | Season 16 (Journeys): 16 of 22 complete | Overall Session #325 (875) | Episode Seventeen: Poisonous Flower l | Sessions occur T/W/Th at 8 EST | Please visit our sister RPG #Erevis'
* Set by DeathStar!Gilmore@ on Sat Jun 28 15:40:48
* ChanServ sets mode: +o DeathStar
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl turns to find Dias
* Disconnected
* Attempting to rejoin channel #taw
* Rejoined channel #taw
* Topic is 'TAW 4: TEP (251-present) | TAW 4: PAX has ended (1-250) | Season 16 (Journeys): 16 of 22 complete | Overall Session #325 (875) | Episode Seventeen: Poisonous Flower l | Sessions occur T/W/Th at 8 EST | Please visit our sister RPG #Erevis'
* Set by DeathStar!Gilmore@ on Sat Jun 28 15:40:48
<DS[Gone]> 6* Cheryl turns to find Dias
* DeathStar has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by DS[Gone])))
* DS[Gone] is now known as DeathStar
* ChanServ sets mode: +o DeathStar
<Kit> <Chii> True. I guess they normally kill themselves.
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin senses Freyja's ears are burning
<Dias`> Uh huh. Remind me who seems to always find themselves full of bullets and cut up? 6He get's a smug look
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rolls her eyes. "Would you two knock it off?"
<Kit> 6Chii looks to Cheryl. Confused at the point of this conversation now.
<Dias`> She started it. 6He points at Chii.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You did.
<Dias`> That's beside the point.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl swings her hand for the back of Dias' head
<Dias`> 6Dias scowls as it connects. 1"What was that for?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Beside the point.
<Dias`> 6Dias stares at her then shrugs, nodding. 1"Totally understand."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So, what are we going to do today? 6* She asks in general. Looking bored.
<Dias`> I thought you were grounded.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So?
<Dias`> Noted. 6He nods and starts scratching the back of his head as he thinks
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii, waiting for input
<Kit> <Chii> ...I don't know.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leans forward a bit, and the pamphlet falls out. She eyes it, then attempts to put her foot on it
<Dias`> 6Dias eyes the pamphlet. 1"I thought you're boobs look odd today."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You were eyeing my breasts...?
<Kit> 6Chii stares downward at part of it sticking out from her foot
<Dias`> <Dias> You sound suprised.
<DeathStar> 6* It appears Cheryl was going over materials for a festival taking place outside Tokyo.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I just thought maybe you had better things to do than to eye my breasts all the time!
<Dias`> Sometimes I look at your ass.
<Kit> <Chii> Mat... suri...?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Huh? 6* She eyes Chii
* Dias` shrugs
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pauses, then grabs the pamphlet, shoving it into her pocket
<Kit> <Chii> Um, what was that?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Nothing.
<Dias`> Oooh, mysterious. I like mysterious
<Kit> <Chii> ..." 6Frowns.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just crosses her arms, trying to look annoyed. "Anyway."
<Dias`> Well I'm gonna head into Tokyo to pick up some stuff.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah? Porn?
<Dias`> Yeah. You want me to stop and pick up some lesbian stuff for you two?
<DeathStar> 6* Sends her fist for Dias' face.
<Dias`> 6Dias expecting to get punched for that one, slides backwards. 1"What? It's so you know what's lesbian like and you can avoid doing it."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grinds her teeth now. She sends out a side kick for Dias
<Kit> <Chii> ...
<Kit> 6Chii stares at the two.
<Dias`> 6Dias drops his elbow, letting it connect. 1"What? I'm just trying to help you stay a nonlesbian."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just twitches now. "I'm. Not. A. Lesbian."
<Dias`> Totally not a lesbian. Because Billy would never offer to sell me a lesbian tape of you two.
<Kit> <Chii> She's really not.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Wait, she's what?
<Kit> <Chii> Neither of us are, but I'm closer if you want to get pissy about it.
<Dias`> <Dias> Pissy? 6He looks at Chii. 1"Who?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Back up. Billy offered you what?
<Dias`> A video.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl twitches, then goes red faced. "Excuse me." 6* She moves off very quickly
<Kit> 6Chii turns to follow after Cheryl. 1"Huh. Wonder what she would be selling for real."
<Dias`> 6Dias kinda stares a bit then goes wide eyed. 1"So she wasn't lieing about it. Ho ho ho." He looks at Chii. 1"You dog you."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl enters her own room
<Dias`> 6Dias let's out a whistle and walks off to do what Dias' do when they're bored. Scam.
<Kit> <Chii> Whatever you're talking about, go be youtself.
<Dias`> <Dias> You can't scam a scammer Chii. 6He moves off
<Kit> 6Chii ignores Dias and his overactive win complex, eyeing in on Cheryl.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes the vents right now, looking ill
<Kit> <Chii> Something wrong?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> The idea of some little freak recording me having sex and selling the tapes is what is wrong.
<Kit> <Chii> We don't know she did-- although she's done so in the past.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Dias just said she offered him tapes.
<Kit> <Chii> Never heard of a bluff?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Dias isn't smart enough to bluff, and Billy's too frackin' evil to bluff.
<Kit> <Chii> I think it'd be pretty evil if she got Dias to buy fakes.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii. "And it doesn't bother you that maybe she has REAL tapes?!"
<Kit> 6Chii rests her hands behind her head. 1"I wouldn't push it past the twerp to have planned this all along. If Dias thinks it's true, he'd have more incentive to buy it."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy colors in the rec room. On some of SPoC's stuff.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits on the bed, reaching under and pulling out a whiskey bottle.
<Kit> <Chii> Hrmph.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She eyes Chii
<Kit> 6Chii squints, leaning over toward Cheryl slightly. 1"Get plastered and I'll definitely take advantage."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts, then opens the whiskey bottle and takes a swallow. "Pass. Right now I want to kick some 5 year old's ass."
<Kit> <Chii> Then why're you sittin' there drinking?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Because it's illegal to beat children.
<Kit> <Chii> That's why we 'punish' them.
<Kit> <Chii> Oh wait, that's not the right word.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts. "That'll be the day - Setsuna or CAssandra punishing that little shit."
<Kit> 6Chii bonks herself on the head. 1"Heheh, I was thinking of something else..."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leans her head back, draining the bottle, then tosses it into the trash, then eyes Chii
<Kit> <Chii> Discipline.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'd like to see you discipline her.
<Kit> <Chii> Oh?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah.
<Kit> 6Chii moves over to the wall terminal and calls up Paladin.
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin pauses in mid-discussion with Freyja, then leans over to tap the intercomm. "Yes, Cheryl?"
<Kit> <Chii> Yo, can you locate Billy for me?
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin raises his eyebrow, then glances. "She's in the rec room, coloring. Why?"
<Kit> <Chii> Thanks." 
<Kit> 6Chii hangs up and looks over her shoulder. 1"Coming?"
<DeathStar> <Paladin> ... Okay. 6* He shrugs, turning back to Freyja.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She gets up, a bit unbalanced from drinking a whole bottle in a minute, but shrugs. "Yeah. Sure. Lets see what you can do."
<DeathStar> 6* Scar stalks Dias, to learn his ways
<Kit> 6Chii heads for the rec room
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl follows her. "So. Yeah. I was wondering. Did you want to go to a festival? Not saying I'd dress up, but you like to do so. Might be fun. Or something."
<Kit> 6Chii pauses and glances back. 1"...Huh?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl bumps into Chii
<Kit> <Chii> What's a festival have to do with dressing up?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> don't dress up for them?
<Kit> <Chii> Well, you can...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So I figured you would.
<Kit> 6Chii blinks. 1"Well, yeah. But if you don't like that sort of thing, why make yourself go?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You like it. 6* She shrugs, shifting to move on
<Kit> <Chii> ...Eh?" 6Moves to follow her.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You like that sort of thing.
<Kit> <Chii> ... ...Oh. Heheh.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What's heheh suppose to mean?
<Kit> 6Chii snickers behind her.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glares. "What?"
<Kit> 6Chii stands there, rocking on her heels with her hands held behind her, grinning.
<Kit> <Chii> You just want to see me all dressed up again, don't you?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl jerks. "W-What?"
<Kit> <Chii> Hee hee.
<Kit> 6Chii makes a sad face. 1"I don't know though..."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She twitches once, then pauses. "You don't know?"
<Kit> <Chii> I mean, if you get excited and go ripping it off like the other night, it could get expensive.
<Kit> 6Chii relaxes her hands behind her head again, smirking as she continues past Cheryl to the Rec.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl goes red faced again, twitching more.
<DeathStar> 6* She turns and follows Chii, looking as if she might go berserk on her ass
<DeathStar> 6* Billy continues to color on SPoC's stuff, oblivious to the dangers
<Kit> 6Chii enters the rec room, peering around, then locking on Billy.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy doesn't look up. "Hello, Chii Chii."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes from the doorway, leaning on it for support
<Kit> <Chii> Billy, you're up to your old tricks.
<DeathStar> <Billy> What do you mean? 6* She turns to look at Chii.
<Kit> 6Chii gestures. 1"What's really on the videos?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> What do you mean?
<Kit> <Chii> The ones you're trying to pawn off to Dias.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Hm? You have to be more specific.
<Kit> <Chii> You know what I'm talking about, so just tell me already.
<Kit> 6Chii eyes Billy, calm and collected, not seemingly bothered by the evasiveness at all.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy leans forward. "Oh, you mean the video of you tying up a 15 year old and having your way with her?"
<Kit> <Chii> Oh, so you saw that.
<Kit> 6Chii turns slightly and eyes Cheryl. 1"Eh, no reason to bother over that."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just looks bug eyed
<Kit> <Chii> Just makes me look like a bad person. Oh well.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> .... .... that's it? "Oh well"? 6* Her tone is hard
<Kit> 6Chii crosses her arms. 1"Just look like a victim if that's what she saw. Everyone would expect me to molest you or worse, but it's not like you said 'yeah, come get me' or anything."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> *mumbles* Yeah, but afterward we....
<Kit> <Chii> Dias is convinced you're a lesbian, not a subject of rape.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy watches the two
<Kit> <Chii> You're still bothered?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> What happened between us is personal, and I don't want other people watching it and doing god knows what to it! 6* She storms out
<Kit> <Chii> Oh.
<Kit> 6Chii turns to Billy. 1"I'll have you turn everything over, then, Billy."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Can't.
<Kit> <Chii> Can't, or won't?
<DeathStar> <Billy> Well, if you put it like that.
<Kit> <Chii> To think you'd prefer we be enemies rather than friends... I'm disappointed.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Friends? 6* She just laughs at that.
<Kit> <Chii> Mh, seems like you prefer Sally's type.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy rises to her feet. "We'll never be friends, Chii Chii."
<Kit> <Chii> I'm certainly not offering if you're going to toy with whom I care about.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Lust about, is more like it.
<Kit> <Chii> Messing with me is one thing. You can drag me through mud all you like. But if you bring Cheryl into it... we're at something completely new.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy just leans forward. "Face it, Chii, you don't actually care. Your emotions are way too primitive for that."
<Kit> <Chii> Yeah, maybe I am a little primitive. So allow me to put it in a way you can equally understand.
<Kit> 6Chii leans forward, still looking bored. 1"Get rid of it. All of it. And if you mess with Cheryl in any way-- I'll make sure Marcus never sees any ounce of peace or happiness."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Right. Because that won't drive Cheryl away from you
<DeathStar> <Billy> Or hurt Katrina
<Kit> <Chii> You said yourself, I'm a little too primitive to care about things like that.
<Kit> 6Chii smiles slowly. 1"What are your feelings, Billy?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Hm. I'd almost like to see you systematically destroy your bonds with all those you care about. 6* She states with a sound of interest
<Kit> <Chii> If you fuck up this one, there's very few others I'll care about to get back at you. I know I'm at least that stupid.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Go ahead. Make Marcus miserible. You'll suffer, not me.
<Kit> <Chii> Oh, gotten over your little crush?
<DeathStar> <Billy> Long ago
<Kit> 6Chii snorts. 1"I wonder about that pure heart of yours, sometimes."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Never said I had a pure heart, Chii.
<Kit> <Chii> Innocents like you are pretty hard to come by.
<DeathStar> <Billy> I think I just made my point that I'm not innocent
<Kit> <Chii> People that follow their feelings and whims-- always. Never deviating from what makes them happy.
<DeathStar> <Billy> So if mass genocide made me happy, I'd be innocent?
<Kit> <Chii> Never thought they'd be so boring, though.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Honestly, you're the boring one. 6* She reaches into her dress, pulling out a datachip. "I mean really. I've never been less threatened or intimidated in my life." 6* She flicks it at her
<Kit> 6Chii catches it and peers at it.
<DeathStar> <Billy> All yours
<DeathStar> 6* Billy moves back to her coloring
<Kit> <Chii> What is it?
<DeathStar> <Billy> All the footage you wanted.
<Kit> <Chii> Really?
<DeathStar> <Billy> Well, if you trust my word, yes.
<Kit> <Chii> I said I'd rather be friends. Hard to be friends if you can't trust someone.
<DeathStar> <Billy> I don't want your friendship. I'm just giving you the material of you and Cheryl.
<Kit> <Chii> Good thing. Apparently I sleep with all my friends.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Hm. You must have only two friends then
<Kit> <Chii> Maybe." 6She closes her hand around the chip and turns, resting her hands again. 1"Never would have thought that'd work. Haa."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Oh? What would work?
<Kit> <Chii> Not getting pissy like I normally would.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Congrats. You're even more neutered
<Kit> <Chii> Nah." 6She starts walking out. 1"Violence and anger just never worked on you."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Heh. 6* She keeps coloring
<Dias`> 6SPoC steps into the Rec room, with more paint supplies, she stops, blinking at Billy coloring on her latest work.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy looks up. "Well, time to go." 6* She leaps up and runs off
<Dias`> 6SPoC slumps and moves over to her painting, picking it up.
<DeathStar> 6* It now has ponies drawn on it. Demon ponies
<Dias`> <SPoC> But there were no demon ponies at this time. 6She sounds defeated.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lays face first on her bed
<DeathStar> 6* Billy wanders a hallway
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Sat Jun 28 20:53:18 2008

Session Start: Sat Jun 28 23:54:52 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080628.log'
<DeathStar> 6* After dealing with a few issues regarding the psychopathic Billy, Cheryl is in the training room, working up a sweat by pounding the hell out of training bag 3
<Kulix> *Bag 4 begins recoiling as Xril delivers a set of punches, having entered silently
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances over at him, wiping some sweat from her forehead, having done up her hair in a ponytail to get out it out of the way. "No hangover?" 6* She asks, slamming her fist into her bag
<Kulix> <Xril> What is this.. hangover you speak of? *he asks, delivering a strike with hit outstreatched fingers, collapsing into a fist, palm, elbow shoulder and headbut strike in one fluid motion, he stands upright, grabbing the bag as it swings back at him, resetting it for an identicle strike with the opposite arm
Session Close: Sun Jun 29 00:00:00 2008

Session Start: Sun Jun 29 00:00:00 2008
Session Ident: #taw
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Head pains from drinking. 6* She notes.
<Kulix> <Xril> Then that would explain this throbbing headache. *he hops into a spin kick, breaking a link of chain as he lands with a thud. He doesnt seem to display any pain
<Kulix> *He looks back at Cheryl " And you? "
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Not really. When I'm at my weakest, yeah, sure. And I still get drunk faster than I use to. But the pain - not so much. It's just one of the things that I can shut off. To a degree.
<Kulix> *He nods. " So what do you do when your not training or drinking? " he asks, moving to a new bag to continue his strikes
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Sleeping. 6* She hits her bag again with her fist, sending it swinging, then steps to the side to avoid it on the rebound
<Kit> <Chii> Ain't that the truth.
<Kulix> *Xril stops his attack, grabbing the bag as he looks in the direction of Chii's voice
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances over her shoulder at Chii, squinting
<Kulix> <Xril> What about you? What do you spend your time doing when your not annoying Cheryl?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her bag again, sending her fist into it harshly
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> So, Xril, what do you do with your time?
<Kulix> *Xril eyes Cheryl, wondering if his words were what annoyed her this time. " I train. When I'm not training I'm thinking. You still havn't answered my question. "
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Which one?
<Kulix> <Xril> I was speaking to Chii, actually.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Mmmmm. 6* She glances at Chii, then Xril.
<Kit> 6Chii removes her headphones, staring. 1"Huh, you say something?"
<Kulix> *Xril stares at her, wondering how she heard their conversation before with the headphones on, but not the last question. Deciding finally she is being difficult " Nothing at all. " he muses, delivering a sidekick to the bag he had left before, finally snapping the damaged chain as he aims it's flight path at Chii
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl slams her fist into the bag, sending it swinging. She twists her body, sending her foot into the bag, knocking it further upward, then twists her body, holding up her elbow as it swings back at her full force, letting it slam into her arm. She tilts her head to eye Xril now
<Kit> 6Chii continues listening to the ear buds, brushing her hair out of her eyes before hopping over the back. 1"Careful!" 6She mumbles, leaning down on the floor. 1"...Heheh."
<Kit> <Chii> Cran does kind of look like Wiley.
<DeathStar> 6* She peers at Chii
<Kit> 6Chii rolls onto her side, giggling.
<Kulix> <Xril> I've said it once.. I'll say it again. I think she has a condition. She seems to be suffering from some form of hysteria.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hmmmm. 6* She brushes back her bangs of blonde hair, revealing her black scar on her face, from her Dark One corruption. "Say, Xrileshir. How about a spar?"
<Kulix> <Xril> I wont refuse. But first, what are the conditions? *He asks, not wanting to repeat the last incident
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'll let you decide. I'm not picky.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl circles him, watching him as she does so
<Kulix> <Xril> Then no holds barred. The only weapons I'd exclude would be firearms. *he says, standing perfectly still. he watches Cheryl out of the corner of his eye until she circles behind, closing his eyes. " Make the first move. "
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods once, then shifts her body, rushing at him. She throws an attack with her leg out for his back, aimed high at his shoulder blades, though there's something wrong about how she does it - it seems she's just opening herself up for a block and counter
<Kulix> *Xril listens to her footsteaps, his eyes snapping open as his head turns, spinning to grab her foot. He doesnt strike, instead clenching her foot and spinning, attempting to throw her into a nearby bag
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grins as he grabs, and quickly shifts her body, so that when he throws her, she twists, grabbing her arm with her own arms, using it to land on the ground, then twists, attempting to judo throw him.
<DeathStar> *his arm
<Kulix> *His arm is grabbed as cheryl finishes landing perfectly. His moves are slow, but his mind is fast. He sees what she's doing before she even makes footfall, his other arm moving to push her head asside, thowing off her center of balance so that the throw is foiled. his leg slides to the side, behind her knees as he shifts his hand, attempting to grab her face and force her backwards to slam her head into the floor
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lets go, twisting herself to the side a step so both manuevers are foiled. She grins slightly, though it isn't a pleasant one, and she spins, throwing out a spinning kick for his side as he's outstretched
<Kulix> *He grunts, exhaling as Cheryl's kick meets Xril's tensing muscle, throwing a knee upward, and elbow downward to scizzor her knee
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grunts as she's hit, retracting her body quickly
<Kulix> *Xril hops again, throwing a spinning roundhouse at Cheryl's body
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl is hit and sent backwards with it, twisting her body to land back on her feet, grimacing at herself.
<Kulix> *Xril lands, his stance resetting defensively as he eyes her " Whats the matter, Dragoon? "
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Heh. Nothing much, Tsivrixsh.
<Kulix> *Xril dashes forward, his body low as he rushes at Cheryl, at first it seems like he will uppercut her, but twists his body, sliding into a legsweep
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl tenses and leaps over Xrileshir, twisting her body to send her fist at his face as she goes over
<Kulix> *He grits his teeth, his head snapping back as he slams his palms into the ground behind him, using the reverse momentum he receives from Cheryl's punch to pop into handstand, thrusting his foot upward at her solarplexus
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl twists her arm into the path of the strike, taking the impact there, which sets her off balance as she steps back to regain it
<Kulix> *His handstand continues into a backflip as he brings his long tsiv leg down at Cheryl's shoulder, his first foot claiming the ground beneath him as she stumbles.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl is hit in the shoulder, causing her body to buckle downward from it. She takes a desperate gamble, planting her foot behind her and shoving AT Xrileshir, throwing a punch for any part of his body she can get
<Kulix> *Xril yets out a roar as he is stricken in the groin, rolling forward. he stops, spinning on his knee towards Cheryl as he holds his defensive stance. His body doesnt betray the aching, except for a trickle of blood running from his lip where Cheryl scored her last punch " Should have expected that. " he says fighting off a wince
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stands up again, adjusting her shoulder. "Nice."
<Kulix> <Xril> Same. *He leaps into the air as his brow furrows. Not angry, but serious. He spins, slamming his foot into a bag as he snaps it off the chain, flying at Cheryl. spinning into a second aerial kick as he intends to follow up
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes it coming, twisting her body back and to the side to let it fly over her, then she does a handspring backwards to avoid the follow up attack, landing back on her feet. She throws a punch for his throat, spreading her fingers out
<Kulix> *Xril continues spinning into a block as their forarms meet, landing on the ground as the strike is deflected to the side, another kick coming up at her rips on the side she struck with, his second hand striking forward at her chest
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shifts to avoid the kick, but is hit by the hand. Her eyes widen, and she seems to recoil with more pain than she should from such an attack. She grins her teeth, falling to her knees
<DeathStar> *grinds
<Kulix> *Xril holds his leg in the air, the hulking Tsiv bringing it down slowly as he eyes Cheryl, ready for a surprise attack. his furrowed brow disapearing slightly " Cheryl? "
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Heh... heh. 6* She smirks a bit, taking deep breaths. "You're pretty strong."
<Kulix> *He continues eyeing her curiously. " I'm grateful that you say so. Are you damaged? "
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Nah. 6* She stands up, dropping her hand from her chest finally, taking a few more deep breaths, then stops breathing altogether, eyeing him again. "I'll give you that match, though."
<Kulix> *Xril nods, stepping away for a moment before bowing " We should spar again. Live opponents are much more stimulating than bags. "
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You're right. Especially if they can keep up with you. 6* She crosses her arms, eyeing Chii a moment, then back at Xril. "Just don't kick bags at her anymore. She doesn't have much energy right now."
<Kit> 6Chii's ears twitch a few times and she sits up, crosslegged. Her tail flickers as she peers at the two, then takes her earphones out. 1"Huh? You talking about me?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> No
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl hides whatever pain she's feeling right now from Chii in the bond, just glancing at her boredlty
<Kulix> *Xril's gaze turns to Chii " What is this mention of energy? Is she dependant on a reserve? "
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl casually eyes the ceiling, pretending not to hear the question since Chii's earphones are out
<Kit> <Chii> ...What'd you tell him!?
<Kulix> <Xril> Well? How about it Chii? Are you battery operated?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> .. 6* She jerks as Chii says that, glancing back down. "I didn't say anything!"
<DeathStar> 6* She then glares Xril.
<Kit> <Chii> The fuck do I look like? Cassandra!?
<Kulix> <Xril> I'm not acquainted with this.. Cassandra.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> She has the E-Cupped Breasts.
<Kit> <Chii> Funny. You went on a mission with her a week ago.
<Kulix> <Xril> I've been on missions with many. So you have a dependance on energy? What type?
<Kit> 6Chii squints, twitching a bit, but looking nervous at the same time.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Mmmmm. 6* She moves to Chii, kneeling there, patting her on the head
<Kit> 6Chii frowns at Cheryl, since she's the one who pointed out her weakness.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Sorry.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks guilty.
<Kulix> *Xril watches the two silently
<Kit> 6Chii narrows her eyes at Xrilreshir. 1"I prey on souls."
<Kulix> <Xril> I'm sure.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes him. Her expression says there's no joke involved
<Kit> <Chii> So I can have yours, right?
<Kulix> *Xril's expression remains unwavered, as if he had no concept of esoterics
<Kit> <Chii> You're no Asmodeus or Xevil, but I'm sure it'd be worth at least one truth form elemental.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances at Chii, flicking her ear
<Kit> 6Chii blinks and glances toward Cheryl.
<Kit> <Chii> Wh-what!? He doesn't believe me, so clearly he doesn't need it.
<Kulix> <Xril> Truth is not an element, but a concept. As I've said, you must be suffering from hysteria.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> No threatening to eat souls. I'll be glad to give you energy my own perosnal way.
<DeathStar> 6* She shows her teeth in a smile
<Kulix> *Xril walks over towards the exit, grabbing a towel from a nearby locker/shelf. He begins to dry himself from the thin layer of sweat he gained during the spar
<Kit> <Chii> Hrmph! You just don't want me to get my own soul. You enjoy calling me a succubus!
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Well, you are. You're my succubus
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Xril. "So anyway, go easy on her for now."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer walks in, she stops when she sees the others here.
<Kit> <Chii> I am NO-- ..." 6She pauses a moment and stares at Cheryl, dumbfounded
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl looks at Chii, then leans in and kisses her on the lips, despite being there.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer blinks and stares at this. She quickly pulls out something and snaps a picture.
<Kulix> *Xril watches the two for a moment, glancing at Jennifer " greetings. "
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl points at Jennifer, without looking. She motions for Jen to come with her finger. Refusual doesn't seem to be an option
<Kit> 6Chii has since leaned back, her eyes widened-- somewhere between surprise and utter dread
<Seraphna> * Jennifer blinks a bit and taps a button on whatever it is, walking over.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds out her hand for it, turning to eye Jen
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Hey Xril... Cheryl."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer blinks and hands her the small datapad.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "I thoughht Aya might like that for her research."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her. "Pray you didn't send this anywhere else, or I'll find out. And you won't like it when I do." 6* She hits the delete button for all of Jen's files for the last week, tossing it at her
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "You're... embarrased about it?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rises, smiling really friendly like, though there is death present. She brings her hands down on Jen's shoulders. "Pray."
<DeathStar> 6* She moves out, still smiling
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Should I mention that doesn't erase mail then?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Better get to Aya's mail first. 6* She notes chipperily
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl exits.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Fat chance, though it's not like she'll give it out to anyone."
<DeathStar> 6* It would seem, that Jen's lifespan has shrunk to dies
<Seraphna> * jennifer yawns.
<DeathStar> *days
<Kit> <Chii> Did she just..?
<Kulix> <Xril> I'm somewhat baffled by the behavior of human females. *he admits, exiting after Cheryl.
<Kit> 6Chii stares at Cheryl's silhoette outline-- then jerks her head and hops up, running after her.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer shrugs a bit and goes to get dressed for training.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves down the hall, her normal expression back
<DeathStar> 6* X sits in her cell. All. X like.
<Kit> <Chii> Cheeeerrrry! WHat'd you just say back there.
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin works in his office.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances back. "Eh?"
<DeathStar> 6* And Scar eats in the messhall. Freyja's food that he found
<Kit> <Chii> What'd you say to me?
<Kit> 6Chii approaches Cheryl and balls her hands together closely, hopping up and down.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> When? 6* She watches Chii, perplexed
<Kit> 6Chii makes a swipe at the air, then kicks slightly. 1"When I said you liked calling me a succubus!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I said...uh... That you are my succubus.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stares at her now, leaning back away from her as she attacks the air
* Jackieness has left #taw
<Kit> <Chii> ...I'm your succubus?
<Kit> 6Chii squints at Cheryl.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stares back. "What? You find that insulting?"
<Seraphna> * Sally choses that moment to pass them in the hall, she raises a brow and just walks on.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Tch. Fine. I won't call you a succubus anymore.
<Kit> 6Chii turns away, crossing her arms, silently musing.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She begins to move on
<Kit> 6Chii whirls. 1"F-fine.. It's okay if you call me that..."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes Chii. "I was just teasing you. If it bothers you, I won't."
<Kit> <Chii> Hrmph, it's not so bad when you put it that way.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Tch. IF you don't like it, I'm not calling you it!
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves onward again
<Kit> 6Chii follows along behind her. 1"Hrmph... at least you said 'mine.'"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Huh? 6* She pauses, eyeing Chii
<Kit> <Chii> Said I was yours... Even though all you'll give me is rope. Tch." 6Rubs her cheek and peers away.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pauses, then jerks as she finally realizes what she said
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I, uh, meant..
<Kit> 6Chii blinks and look back at Cheryl
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just grumbles and snorts instead
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> See if I do you favors with rope again.
<Kit> <Chii> ...Hrmph.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl hrmphs back
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps into her room, since she's sweaty from fighting Xril, and moves to yank off the tank top and move into the bathroom
<Kit> 6Chii tiptoes after Cheryl, hiding in her blind spot.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps into the shower, undoes the ponytail, and begins to examine her chest thoughtfully, frowning with a look of malice, then proceeds to wash up
<Kit> 6Chii voyeurs from the corner
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl casually ignores her until she get close enough, then opens the shower and throws water at Chii's face.
<Kit> 6Chii jerks, then pauses a moment before squirting water out of her mouth. 1"..."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Serves you right!
<Kit> <Chii> C-Ch'yeah. Maybe I was just 'hungry?'" 6She sticks her tongue out at Cheryl, scowling.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her, then leans forward. "Yeah? You hungry, Succi?"
<Kit> 6Chii leans backwards, gulping, then turns her head away. 1"B-beh!" 6Begins sauntering out of the bathroom.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds up her hand. "B-Beh what?"
<Kit> 6Chii turns and pulls down an eyelid, raspberrying her. 1"Behhhh to you!"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl leans her head back. "Beh to me?"
<Kit> 6Chii turns away.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps out of the shower, slips on a towel, and moves up behind Chii, giving her a wet hug. Squeezing hard
<Kit> 6Chii hurks, then makes a wheezing sound, trying to inhale. 1"..H-hehh..?!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Beh to me? 6* She repeats in a sweet tone
<Kit> <Chii> Nngh! ...J.. j-just joking..?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl smiles widely. "Really? You were just joking?"
<Kit> <Chii> Nnh! Hnnh! Ahf c-coursh..!
* Seraphna|Out has joined #taw
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl lets her go finally
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I thought so
<Kit> 6Chii staggers forward, inhaling sharply, wobbling dizzily from the sudden rush.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl puts a hand to support her
* Seraphna has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
<Kit> 6Chii whirls quickly-- and squirts water into Cheryl's face from her lips.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl coughs, letting go, stepping back and wiping at her face. "How the hell---?"
<Kit> 6Chii giggles, covering part of her face to laugh.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glares daggers.
<Kit> <Chii> How? All I had to do was save some and wait for the opportune moment.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You've been talking with WATER in your mouth?!
<Kit> <Chii> Yes, but not too much, obviously.
<Kit> 6Chii reaches up and flicks Cheryl's forehead.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl makes a face. She reaches out to snag Chii's tail, and if successful, yank it hard
<Kit> 6Chii jerks and howls loudly, making her own face of undignity
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Mmmm. So. Did you want to do that festival thing?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds Chii's tail as she asks
<Kit> <Chii> H-huh...? W-Well, yeah, if you want to go...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I'll go if you want to go
<DeathStar> 6* She sits down on the bed, wringing out her wet hair
<Kit> <Chii> You want me to dress up..?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> If you want to dress up
<Kit> 6Chii frowns at all of Cheryls middle road answers and sits on the edge of the bed.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Look. You go out drinking with me and shit, I figure I'd do something I know YOU like to do, instead of being a complete and total bitch. But I really don't know a damn thing about dressing up.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Unless there's something else you'd rather do with my rare charity
<Kit> <Chii> ...Heheheh.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> W-What?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her oddly
<Kit> <Chii> No, nothing.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Then why did you sound like that?
<Kit> <Chii> Heheh.
<Kit> 6Chii peers over at Cheryl. 1"Then quit being so blah! What should I wear?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I just said I don't know anything about dressing up!!
<Kit> <Chii> But you should know what you like to look at." 6She twitches.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl twitches back. "You look fine in everything you wear. Even if you're sometimes odd."
<Kit> <Chii> Leather then?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl blinks. "Leather? You want to go to a festival in leather?"
<Kit> <Chii> Y-You don't think I'd look 'fine?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Huh. No. I just didn't think it would go with a festival. Well, hell then. I'll wear my leather coat and leather pants.
<Kit> 6Chii facepalms.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... What? 6* She eyes her. "You don't want me to wear that?"
<Kit> <Chii> I was teasing you. Wow. Dense.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stares, then glances away, frowning
<Kit> <Chii> Heheh.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl just shrugs her shoulders and lays down, clearly mad now
<Kit> <Chii> Was just looking forward to your reaction when you pictured me wearing a leather outfit and holding a whip.
<Kit> 6Chii shrugs. 1"But you were thinking better."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah yeah. Dense. Got it.
<Kit> 6Chii sighs.
<MiniDS> 6Dias steps back into the base, his backpack far fuller than when he left.
<DeathStar> 6* Scar, having stalked Dias for a time, is eating now
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl says nothing else, eyeing the ceiling now
<MiniDS> 6Dias walks along the hallway, heading for his room.
<Kit> 6Chii reaches over and drops the data chip on Cheryl.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl blinks, eyeing it
<Kit> <Chii> What's between us is personal.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Huh? You got Billy's files? 6 *She picks it up, eyeing it
<Kit> <Chii> Supposedly. I'm boring.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hardly. So she just gave it to you? 6* She sits up, her towel slipping down as she eyes it like were gold
<Kit> 6Chii nods slowly.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl suddenly looks so relieved, that she might just cry. "Thanks."
<MiniDS> 6Dias opens the door to his room and rummages through his back pack, throwing some stuff onto his bed.
<Kit> <Chii> Might check it before thanking me. I want to believe her-- But it is Billy.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods. "I'm not embarrassed for others to know I'm with you, but what we's..." 6* She trails off. "Between us. I guess I don't like to kiss and tell."
* Kulix is now known as KulixSleep
<Kit> <Chii> ...But... you kissed me in the training room..
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Like I said, I don't care if they know we're together. I consider sex personal and no one's business.
<Kit> <Chii> But you... said you don't kiss and tell.
<Kit> 6Chii blinks a few times.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl stares, then begins to do her huge guwaf type laughter
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> That's an expression. Talk about me being dense
<Kit> <Chii> ...Bah.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Ha ha ha... 6* She laughs harder now
<Kit> 6Chii snorts, then reaches over to bat at Cheryl with a pillow
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grabs at it after being batted. "Seriously. You can wear whatever the fuck you want. Surprise me for all I care. Go naked if you want."
<Kit> <Chii> Oh, but we have to match, don't we?
<Kit> 6Chii grins mischievously. 1"Heheh..."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes her, then narrows her eyes. "Then you can wear a leather coat and pants."
<Kit> <Chii> Changed your mind quick. What if I said 'no?'" 6Narrows her eyes back.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grinds her teeth. "Fine. But I have conditions. No fucking dresses."
<Kit> <Chii> You don't want to see me in something short and revealing..?" 6Bats her eyelashes.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> If you want me to match you, no dresses. I don't do dresses. 6* She mutters darkly
<Kit> 6Chii sprawls over the foot of the bed, leaning on an elbow. 1"Why's that?"
* Kuroichigo has joined #taw
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl glances to the side, her lip twitching as she recalls something with distinct hate. "He use to like to dress me up as a doll when I wasn't busy killing. Play the role of the daughter, before I even really knew I was made from his DNA. Wearing a dress for formal gatherings. Sick fuck. He liked things tidy. Neat. Organized. Looking respectful. Even his little biological toys."
<Kit> 6Chii tilts her head slightly, looking confused.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shakes her head. "Forget it. Lets just say I hate wearing dresses."
<Kit> <Chii> Ah, I just don't see what dresses had to do with it.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I just hate wearing a dress because it sickens me to my gut to dress up like that. I'd prefer just a simple tank top, jeans, and a coat. That's me.
<Kit> <Chii> Mh, what you said seemed to me like you'd hate business attire." 6Shrugs.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Heh. Yeah, I guess so.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sucks her teeth, eyeing the ceiling again, playing with the datachip in hand
<Kit> <Chii> Er, didn't mean to...
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> You didn't do anything wrong. My issues. 6* She taps her own skull.
<Kit> <Chii> .... ...Hrmph..
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She glances at Chii
<Kit> 6Chii lies there, frowning an drumming her fingers on the edge of the bed.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... ... Sorry. 6* She states finally
<Kit> <Chii> Eh? For what?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> For making you frown and drum
<Kit> <Chii> Tch.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ...
<Kit> <Chii> What brought the matsuri to your attention of all things?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Huh? Well,'re Japanese. So I figured you've gone to them before. And, well, figured it was something you probably liked
* Kuroichigo is now known as Chii
<Chii> ... Hmm..
* Chii lays her head down scrutinizingly gazing at its cover
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> If you'd rather go to a club or something, that's fine.
<Chii> No way! Matsuri only happen once per year
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah. You got me there.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Figured I'd should at least do one with you
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes the ceiling, looking reflective and pensive.
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Sun Jun 29 06:10:54 2008

Session Start: Mon Jun 30 00:23:42 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080630.log'
<DeathStar> 6* As Jennifer is in the training room, Scar slips in and stares all creepy like
<Seraphna> * Jennifer finishes a round of kicks against the trianing bag as she turns to stare back suspciously.
* Kulix has joined #taw
<DeathStar> 6* Scar stares at her
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "What is it?"
<DeathStar> <Scar> Just wondering if it's illegal to watch jailbaits in that type of outfit move their sweaty bodies around
<Seraphna> * Jennifer looks down at herself, then back up at him, then goes red in the face. "You're creepy."
<DeathStar> <Scar> Says the girl who's waving it all around. Bouncing it up and down.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "I'm training! And you're creepy."
<DeathStar> <Scar> At least I don't make out with other girls in order to "train" myself.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer frowns at him. "You're not the same one that kidnapped me... right?"
<DeathStar> <Scar> Psch. As if I'd want you.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Well good then."
<DeathStar> 6* Scar puts his hands into his trench coat, probably having made it before walking in to add to his creepy factor.
<DeathStar> <Scar> Though you do have your perks. 6* He nods at her breasts. "Two of them."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer crosses her arms over them and blushes more. "S-So I'm growing!"
<DeathStar> <Scar> I'll say.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer turns away, "You're really creepy Mr. Scar."
<DeathStar> <Scar> Would it make it easier if I look like Cheryl? She's into women anyway. 6* He wiggles his eyebrows
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Not when she's been putting on that creepy 'I can kill you in 50 different ways' air lately."
<DeathStar> <Scar> She's a sensitive one.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Meh..."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer looks back at the punching bag, then Scar.
<DeathStar> <Scar> What? You want to use me instead?
* Kulix has left #taw
<Seraphna> * Jennifer gives him that Warren look that might be a confirmation. "I'm considering if I should call it quits today of if I can put up with you staring."
<DeathStar> <Scar> Hey. I don't object to you continuing. 6* He holds up his hands and makes a swish swish motion with them
<Seraphna> * Jennifer sighs and delivers a roundhouse kick to the bag, twisting and delivering another kick when it rebounds.
<DeathStar> 6* Scar whistles
<Seraphna> * Jennifer nearly falls over and looks back at him. "You're just increasing the creepy!"
* Kulix has joined #taw
<DeathStar> <Scar> Oh? You don't like being objectified in men's eyes as something to behold and use for their own pleasure (and/or yours)?
<Seraphna> * Jennifer stares at him. "I'm sixteen years old."
<DeathStar> <Scar> We all have our faults. I can overlook it.
<DeathStar> <Scar> 'sides, Cheryl's like 15, and Chii nails her. And that Jones fellow hits up the youngin's. I think it's legal in this base.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "The Cheryl thing just became creepier, besides, Chii looks like she's my age and acts like she's younger. Marcus is... well... Marcus, and they doesn't make it legal!"
<DeathStar> <Scar> Well, what if I'm only 16, too?
<DeathStar> 6* Scar wiggles his eyebrows
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Aren't you seeing that new lady?"
<DeathStar> <Scar> Oh. We aren't dating. Between you and me, I think she wants that Tsiv fellow
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Is there anything you can say that doesn't register a 10 on the freaky scale?"
<DeathStar> 6* Scar stares blankly.
<DeathStar> <Scar> You have nice knock---ers? Against the bag?
<Seraphna> * Jennifer sighs and walks over to grab her towel, wiping off her face. "Thanks for trying..."
<DeathStar> <Scar> So, is your mom single?
<Seraphna> * Jennifer looks over at him, frowning. "...My mother is in another reality."
<DeathStar> <Scar> Not that one. The one who acts like she grew up in a cardboard box during her informative years.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer blinks a bit. "Why would you call her my mom?"
* Kuroichigo has joined #taw
<DeathStar> <Scar> She adopted you, right? That makes her your mom.
<DeathStar> 6* X sits in her cell, being all Hannibal Lecterish.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl is in her room. And Paladin is in his office.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer scratches her head a little, 'Didn't think of it like that... well... Mo-- Natalie is single... though I don't think she's interested in romance."
<DeathStar> <Scar> Well, she probably hasn't gotten as far as you have yet, no.
<DeathStar> <Scar> Doesn't mean she isn't ready! It's the quiet ones that are the wildest.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer blushes, "What do you mean as far as I have...?"
<DeathStar> <Scar> Well. You have had oral sex.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer looks at him strangely. "How the hell does this news get around?"
<DeathStar> <Scar> I think it's posted in the Mess Hall.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Huh?"
<DeathStar> <Scar> So, you think you can put in a good word for me?
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Oh yes, 'Mom, the creepy guy who likes staring at me when I'm half dressed and training thinks you and he would make a GREAT couple.'"
<DeathStar> <Scar> So you'll do it? 6* He looks excited.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer reels. "I... I..."
<DeathStar> <Scar> Thanks, Jailbait!
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Don't call me that..."
<DeathStar> <Scar> Sorry. Littlebait?
<Seraphna> "Jennifer."
<DeathStar> <Scar> Jennibait.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer facepalms.
* Kuroichigo is now known as Lilith
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "How about just Jenn?"
<DeathStar> <Scar> I think about it, JB.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer sighs and grabs her things. "Yeah umm... thanks I guess."
<DeathStar> <Scar> No problem. Put in that good word for me
<DeathStar> 6* Scar points at her and moves out
* Lilith enters the brig and resumes staring blankly at X
<DeathStar> 6* X stares blankly back
<Seraphna> * Jennifer goes to get a shower.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy whistles innocently outside Jen's door
<Seraphna> * Jennifer peeks out a bit and blinks, "I hear suspicious whistling."
<DeathStar> <Billy> That's just your Carmichael side talking. Continue
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "But... hey, aren't you the one behind those videos?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> No?
<Seraphna> * Jennifer frowns and pulls herself back into the shower. "Whatever..."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy studies the entrance to SPoC and JEn's room, musing
<Kulix> *Xril approaches Billy in the hallway, studying her silently for a moment " Arent you the dark child? " he asks suddenly
<Seraphna> * Jennifer enjoys her shower, stretching out sore muscles while she cleans herself off.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy lifts her head waaaay up, since she's only 5 years old. "No, I'm not black."
<Kulix> <Xril> As I recall you are filled with the darkness. Excuse me. *he knocks on Jennifer's door
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Just a minute!"
<DeathStar> <Billy> ... 6* She keeps eyeing him.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer rinses off and pulls out of the shower, startingt o dry off.
<Kulix> *Xril turns to billy, eyeing her back. Unless something is said.. it seems Xril is content to study Billy studying him
<DeathStar> 6* Billy keeps studying him. She's a petite Asian girl who wears a skull ribbon and a gothic lolita dress in black.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer peeks out again, hair in a towel, wearing a fresh t-shirt, 'Yes...?"
<Kulix> *Xril turns after the door opens, producing a small disk, holding it towards Jennifer " I'm returning your property. "
<Seraphna> * Jennifer takes it and smiles. "Was it helpful?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy eyes Jennifer now, then Xril, then Jennifer.
<Kulix> <Xril> It was insightful. Needless to say I have a firm grasp of Human history, and the development of your culture.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer grins, "You should watch the holovid, the news and such, you can get up to date on modern stuff too."
<DeathStar> <Billy> I'd say ressurect Wind and ask him.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer eyes Billy oddly. "Who?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Heathen.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Of what?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Someone should have read the military files better.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "...Military files?"
<Kulix> <Xril> As I recall, your team encountered a mysterious being called wind during a battle with the Tsivrixsh Xevil.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yep. Creator of the universe!
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "...Who created the alternate realities?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy glances to the side. "You don't want to know."
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Well if it wasn't Wind... then I wouldn't be a heathen now would I?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> True. You're much worse.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "...Okay?"
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Never been very religious."
<Kulix> <Xril> I'll let you two bicker like.. children. *he blinks, realizing they are actually children, and begins to walk away
<DeathStar> <Billy> Ha ha ha. Children
<DeathStar> 6* Billy seems amused,.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Ummm... see you later Mr. Tsiv."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy begins to stalk Xril.
<Kulix> <Xril> Can you be helped? *he asks over his shoulder
<DeathStar> 6* Billy is no longer there when Xril looks back
<Seraphna> * Jennifer ducks back in to take care of her hair and to get properly dressed.
<Kulix> <Xril> ... Odd child. *Heads to the flight simulator
<Kulix> *Xril stops infront of Paladin's door, knocking
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin eyes his datapad. "Enter."
<Kulix> *Xril opens the door, kneeling under the entryway as he enter " Sir, I'
<Kulix> 'm requesting permision to use the flight simulato. I beleive I need improvement.
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin glances up at Xrileshir. "Really? What type of flight study did you want? Gear or shuttle?"
<Kulix> <Xril> I'd prefer shuttle simulation, as I've no gear to pilot, sir.
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin nods. "Well, we have plenty of people trained to fly the shuttles, Xrileshir."
<Seraphna> * Jennifer steps out of her room and walks down the hallway, finishing tying back her hair.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy leans against the wall outside Pal's office.
<Kulix> <Xril> Then perhaps I'll begin my lessons as a gear pilot. It always helps to be versatile incase of a desperate situation, general.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer stops outside Cheryl's door, knocking.
<DeathStar> <Paladin> I cannot argue that. Though, if I allowed you to do so, the first question my superiors will ask is if I can trust you with that kind of technology. After all, you could learn our weaknesses.
<Kulix> <Xril> One must understand their own weaknesses in order to minimalize them. Just as one capitalizes on their own streangths.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl opens the door in her towel, though she's no longer wet. She eyes Jennifer.
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Poetic words, but I'm referring to when you eventually go back to your people with your knowledge of how our Gears work
<Seraphna> * Jennifer looks up, she may as well be fully clothed to Jenn. "Can we talk?"
<Kulix> <Xril> I have no intention of returning to the empire sir. But if I do, hopefully by that time our two peoples will not be at war.
* Dias` is now known as Dias-Sleeeeeep
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Do I have your word that whatever you learn does not go to your people? Even in peace time?
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah. Sure. 6* She step back in. Chii's asleep on the bed, fully clothed.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer steps in and doesn't even look around, she waits for Cheryl to be ready, remaining quiet.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits on her bed, crossing her legs
<Kulix> <Xril> Sir, you have my word as a Tsivrixsh Warrior. They will have no need of such information.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "First... I wanted to tell you that the picture didn't go anywhere... I was only fooling around. And I'm sorry."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I see. 6* She nods slowly.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Next I... well... I wanna know what I can do so I bug you less."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Very well. You're cleared.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Bug me...less? 6* She eyes her
<Seraphna> "Well... I seem to annoy you, and I don't want to do that."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Tch. You don't annoy me.
<Seraphna> "Oh... well that's good then."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Unless you ask stupid questions
* Seraphna smiles a little. "I'll try to ask questions less often then."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Good.
<Kulix> *Xrileshir nods, saluting to paladin before heading out. He looks down at Billy " Have fun eavesdropping? "
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yep.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer moves slowly for the door. "I'll get out of your hair then..." *She looks between Chii and Cheryl*
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Alright. 6* She stands up
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Can I ask just one potentially stupid question?"
<Kulix> <Xril> Why are you obsessed with observing other's lives? Dont you have your own to worry about? *he asks, heading towards the simulator
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Depends on the question
<DeathStar> <Billy> Oooh, buuuurn.
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "Just how Ben is doing."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl frowns, clearly not pleased
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> I don't know.
<Seraphna> * Jennifer looks down. "Alright... I won't ask again then."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves to the bathroom to get changed
<Seraphna> * Jennifer slips out quietly. She walks down the hall with a somber look on her face.
<Kulix> *Xril enters his ID code into the access panel, and does all else required to verify his identity " If you'll excuse me, your not permitted past this door. "
<DeathStar> 6* BIlly didn't follow him. Xril talks to air
<Seraphna> * Jennifer stops outside Paladins office and looks thoughtful.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy stares at Jen now
<Kulix> *Xril looks over his shoulder at the Billylessness. Then continues into the simulator
<Seraphna> * Jennifer blinks and comes out of her blues to stare back at Billy.
<DeathStar> <Billy> ... 6* She pulls out a sucker and sucks on it
<Seraphna> Jennifer> "...Alright..."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Mmm?
<Seraphna> * Jennifer shrugs, "Where are your parents anyways? Aren't you... Ms. Arakawa's kid?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yeah. I'm Junk Mama's kid. And Never Here's Kid
<Seraphna> "Wow, family issues galore."
<Seraphna> Jennifer>
* Seraphna is now known as Jennifer
* Jennifer is now known as Jennifer`
<DeathStar> <Billy> Mmmm
<DeathStar> 6* Billy leans forward. "So, Jenny, whatcha up to?"
<Jennifer`> "Dunno... thinking, walking, getting an urge to brun down a few mechs in the rec room."
<DeathStar> <Billy> How exciting.
<Jennifer`> "You had a better idea?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> Nope.
* Jennifer` crosses her arms under her chest and frowns. "Alright then."
* Kulix has quit IRC (Quit: Thats right. I did that.)
<DeathStar> 6* Billy skips away
* Jennifer` knocks on Paladin's door.
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Enter.
* Jennifer` steps in and looks around the office a moment, as though nostalgic. "Hello Sir."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Hello, Jennifer
* Jennifer` walks over to his desk. "I wanted to ask you a few questions..."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Alright. About what?
<Jennifer`> "I'm really considering, well, when I finish school going into the military as a career."
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin nods a few times, clasping his fingers together. "Are you sure that's what you want to do?"
* Jennifer` smiles and rubs the back of her head. "I'm pretty sure... it's kinda the family tradition."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> I see.
* Jennifer` nods a little. "Yeah... I was wondering if there was anything I could do now to sorta... well... get a jump start on it."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> Hm. Right now I would focus on your primary education. The academy will handle everything else for you after you're done. Stretching yourself thin now may jeopordize your grades in school."
* Jennifer` nods. "Alright... though like now when school isn't in session? I've been training extra and doing some side courses... but I jsut feel like I could be doing more."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> You can always go over military history, procedures, and other documents, to help you have a firm grasp on the inner workings of the military.
<Jennifer`> "Alright sir. I'll do that."
<DeathStar> 6* Paladin nods.
* Jennifer` looks around the office a little more, "Is there maybe something I can do to help out?"
<DeathStar> <Paladin> I don't think there's anything you can do, Jennifer. Just focus on your studies for now.
<Jennifer`> "Alright sir. Thank you."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> You're welcome.
* Jennifer` nods respectfully. "Have a good day."
<DeathStar> <Paladin> You too
* Jennifer` shows herself out and closes the door behind her.
<DeathStar> -END-
Session Close: Mon Jun 30 02:15:17 2008

Session Start: Tue Jul 01 00:35:11 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080701.log'
<DeathStar> Location: HQ
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl drinks her whiskey in the mess hall, still on a drunk binge.
* Angela is now known as Jennifer`
* Jennifer` steps into the mess hall, heading over to get something to eat.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl watches her
* Jennifer` piles up a bowl of food and looks around for a place to sit, heading for a lonely table.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl chugs her whiskey. "Got enough food?"
* Jennifer` blinks and looks over at her. "Huh? Oh yeah... maybe too much?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hey, if you want to get fat, go for it
* Jennifer` looks down at her bowl, then the food, then heads over to put some back, frowning. "I don't wanna..."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Suit yourself.
* Jennifer` blinks a bit more and sighs, she grabs a water while she's over there then looks for a seat again.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl drinks her whiskey, watching her boredly
* Jennifer` looks back at her and takes a seat nearby, but not too close to her.
* Chad`Winters is now known as Chad-Sleep
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl holds out the whiskey. "Want some?"
<Kulix> *Xril enters the messhall, nodding towards the both of them as he moves to acquire food, gathering just enough fuel to keep his body running optimally before turning towards the both of them " I am told children are not allowed to drink. "
* Jennifer` shakes her head. "Not allowed."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Your loss
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl guzzles
* Jennifer` eats slowly. "Why are you drinking so much?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Thirsty
<Jennifer`> "I hear alchohol doesn't actually hydrate..."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Mmm
<Kulix> *Xril stands near Cheryl's table. " Mind if I sit? "
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Go 'head
* Jennifer` frowns a little, probably because of her father's history with drinking.
<Kulix> *Xril sits " Why speak from across the room Jennifer? Join us. "
* Jennifer` gets up and moves closer, enterting Cheryl country.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl finishes her whiskey, clearly plastered
* Jennifer` looks at Cheryl in concern, knowing Cheryl to be the type to drink to wash away guilt.
<DeathStar> 6 *Cheryl reaches under the table, fumbling with something, or perhaps herself
<Kulix> <Xril> Do you drink regularly in this nature, Cheryl? *he asks, beggining to eat slowly
<Jennifer`> "What's wrong?"
* Jennifer` takes a bite of food.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yes. 6* She pulls out a smaller bottle of something else, drinking it
<Ariel> Setsuna> " be honest, this girl is going rather light today."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl jerks, having not heard Setsuna approach.
* Jennifer` sees Setsuna appear, screams in shock, and falls out of her seat.
<Jennifer`> "AMBUSH!"
<Megumi> 6Lilith stares at X.
<Kulix> <Xril> What if we were attacked? Cheryl's combat satus would be impaired. *he glances at setsuna, taking another bite
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Yeah. Then hit me, big boy. 6* She says in a sultry tone at Xril
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Eh... different people have different ways to relax." *ignores the freak out... she's used to that by now*
* Jennifer` climbs back into her chair and wobbles.
<Jennifer`> "Who are you?"
<DeathStar> 6*X stares at Lilith
<Megumi> 6Chii muses from behind Setsuna. 1"She's a rival ninja."
<Ariel> Setsuna> "...the one that doesn't rely on cheap supernatural powers."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy stares at Chii's tail, then clips a tight hair clip onto it. That's her way of ninja speaking
<Jennifer`> "N-Ninja?"
<Jennifer`> "There are still Ninja these days?"
<Megumi> <Chii> Hate to tell you this, Setsunaneechan, but I don't have any at the moment.
<Megumi> 6Chii peers back at her tail. Staring.
<DeathStar> <Billy> ... 6* Stares back
<Jennifer`> "O-Okay..."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl waves her fingers at Xril. "Come on. Hit me."
* Jennifer` gets up slowly.
<Kulix> *Xril eyes Cheryl as he chews. He swollows, then kicks out under the table, stopping his kick before it would reach Cheryl's stomach
<DeathStar> 6* Too bad for Xril, she grabs his foot, and shoves him back, thinking it was a real attack
<Kulix> *Xril releases his locked knee, jaring the table a bit as he stabs a peice of meat jumping from his plate with a fork. " Quick even while intoxicated. Impressive. " he pops it into his mouth
<Megumi> 6Chii peers at Jennifer skeptically. 1"You didn't know Setsuna or I were a kunoichi?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl drowns her alcohol
<Jennifer`> "I figured you were a fox spirit and she was a special assassination agent."
<Ariel> Setsuna> "What? Those are mutually exclusive?"
<Jennifer`> "I-I guess..."
<Jennifer`> "I thought... well... Ninja were all in black with katanas... and... yeah..."
<Megumi> 6Chii peers at Jennifer, then eyes her katanas.
<DeathStar> 6*Billy ties a skull ribbon to her tail
* Jennifer` looks at them. "You never use those!"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Bored. 6* She says loudly.
<Megumi> <Chii> ...You must be blind. Or watch the news. Or read reports.
<Megumi> <Chii> So uh. Should I discard the shurikens, kunai, guns, bombs, poisons and guns just 'cause they're not part of the stereotype?
<Ariel> Setsuna> *rolls her eyes* "Seriously."
<Megumi> 6Chii blinks back at Billy. 1"..."
<DeathStar> <Billy> ....
<Megumi> <Chii> Wh-what are you doing?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets up and walks off
<DeathStar> <Billy> Nothing
<Megumi> <Chii> ...
<Megumi> 6Chii eyes the skull ribbon
<DeathStar> 6* Billy eyes it as well
* Jennifer` shrugs, "Other people use stuff like that and aren't ninja..."
<Kulix> <Xril> I am now proficient in piloting gears. *he says as Cheryl begins to leave, ready for an acidic retort.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps out without one
<Kulix> *Xril shrugs, and finishes his food. He looks up at the conglomeration of people who have gathered
<Megumi> <Chii> People do a lot of stuff you expect ninjas to do and aren't ninja, either.
<Megumi> 6Chii eyes Jennifer. 1"It ran in my family."
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Right... and you stereotype one group based on a weapon, and just write off the rest."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy ties a second skull ribbon on the tail
<Megumi> <Chii> And actually, if you're being technical, the traditional shinobi used a straight-edge katana because it's more effective at assassination-- stabbing thrusts between armor.
<Megumi> <Chii> The word katana in japanese really just means sword and can be pretty general to refer to any number of edged blade.
<Ariel> Setsuna> "These days, a gun is usually a lot more effective."
<Megumi> 6Chii raises a finger. 1"Which is why I prefer mine short and straight, though the straight part is pretty much preference since in this age the blades are made from energy and can pierce most armor anyway."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy then ties a worm around the tail
<Megumi> 6Chii jerks a finger at Setsuna. 1"Yeah, hence my use of those-- and teaching you to shoot."
* Jennifer` looks between them, as though mentally taking notes.
<Megumi> <Chii> Though I worked on your reflexes, since that's what can keep us alive, and a quick draw can be an effective defense or attack.
<Megumi> <Chii> If I couldn't make use of my hands so quickly, it would be more of a hindrance to carry as many items and weapons as I do.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy ties a live snake around Chii's tail
<Megumi> 6Chii jerks, then hangs her head, mumbling something about ninpo. She turns and narrows her eyes at Billy.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy looks at her, innocently.
<Jennifer`> "How can I become a Ninja?"
<Kulix> *Xril watches Billy's mischeif for a moment, grinning. he stands " Why strive for the title of ninja? For each obstacle there are ways of overcoming hardships. One should strive to master each path, using them interchangeably as necessary. " he says, moving to dispose of his tray
<Megumi> 6Chii reaches over to her tail... then furiously unties the snake and worm and transfers them, binding Billy's wrists.
<Megumi> <Chii> That's what her father basically told her. And why I didn't teach her anything specific.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy eyes her wrists, then Chii
<Ariel> Setsuna> *shrugs* "Honestly, I never really tried to be a 'ninja'. That's pretty much a title that was given to me, that's stuck."
<Jennifer`> "Well... if I can learn more I can master it better."
<Megumi> <Chii> I'm not sure I could teach you much about that. I'm a pretty crummy teacher.
<Megumi> <Chii> Let alone that humans suck at focusing chi nowadays.
<Megumi> 6Chii turns, putting a hand to her hip. 1"Nor have much...."
<Megumi> <Chii> Freyja would be a better teacher-- but she focuses on the onmyoudo.
* Jennifer` frowns. "I can always try."
<Kulix> <Xril> Then try. Dont get discouraged. You'll doom yourself before you even begin. *he heads towards the exit
<Megumi> 6Chii eyes Xrilreshir as he leaves. 1"I'm confused. Is he telling her to branch out, or try harder not to?"
<Megumi> 6Lilith continues staring blankly. <No orders, mistress?>
<DeathStar> <X> <No.>
<Ariel> 6* Raquel sits quietly in her room, wondering why she hasn't seen Lilith lately... starting to worry.
<Jennifer`> "I think branch out in a Tsiv way."
* Xanatos is now known as Xan|Sleep
<Megumi> <Chii> Do you always try to take after the next new thing?
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Generally... if you have to force yourself to be something, then don't."
<Jennifer`> "Of course, how else do I learn everything?"
<Ariel> 6* Raquel goes out looking for Lilith, and though it's not the first place she checks, she heads to the holding cells.
<Kulix> *Xril stands now in the shooting range, quickly disassembling a pistol with his eyes closed. he finishes, peeking at his time. He resets the clock, closing his eyes before he reassembles the gun, bending his arm back over his shoulder to release a quick barage of shots at a distant target, before turning to check his the progress of his training.
<Kulix> *He stops the clock " Barely any progress at all. "
<Ariel> Raquel> "...what are you doing still here, Lilith?"
* Kulix has quit IRC (Quit: Client Exited)
* DeathStar is now known as DS[Gone]
<Megumi> <Lilith> Watching X until I have her assurance Lady Raquel will not be harmed.
<Megumi> <Chii> Usually through study. See, even though it runs in my family, I didn't exactly learn everything there was in the family traditions of being a shinobi or anything.
<Ariel> Raquel> *surprised by the sight of her markings* "...didn't I ask you not to do that?"
<Megumi> <Chii> Once it was discerned that Freyja had so much spiritual energy, it was decided to extend her manipulation techniques into those of a priestess rather than the guardian roles.
<Megumi> 6Lilith turns and tilts her head. 1"...Not to do what?"
<Ariel> Raquel> "...not to sit here and bother X?"
<Megumi> <Lilith> Concerning their master's safety is the utmost role of an inugami.
<Megumi> <Chii> Therefore I had to take what I knew of elemental manipulation and martial arts basics and adapt them to what I knew should become of them.
<Ariel> Raquel> "... ..." *pauses* "...Lilith, what happened to your fur?"
<Ariel> NRP: Er, markings
<Megumi> NRP: <Lilith> I've grown more fur!?
<Megumi> <Lilith> What do you mean?
<Ariel> Raquel> "...your patterns are different."
<Megumi> <Lilith> Are they?
<Ariel> Raquel> *nods* "The colors are different... and the shapes. They... don't look anything like they used to..."
<Megumi> <Lilith> I see. Perhaps there have been changes in spiritual energy signatures.
<Megumi> <Lilith> You have become stronger, Lady Raquel.
<Ariel> Raquel> "......" *tries to think of something to cause them to change 100%, when nothing that's happened previously has made them change at all*
<Megumi> <Lilith> Perhaps when you reach a new level of sanctity they may change once more.
<Megumi> 6Lilith tilts her head. 1"Are you aware of what your elemental affinity is?"
<Ariel> 6* Raquel ponders, "...I think the reports said it was 'dark'..."
* Kuroichigo has joined #taw
<Ariel> 6* Raquel ponders, "...I think the reports said it was 'dark'..." (rp)
* Kuroichigo is now known as Lilith
* Lilith inclines her head.
<Lilith> Reports?
<Ariel> Raquel> "...they had some test they did for it."
<Lilith> They?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods, "At the base..." 6She pauses, "...why do you ask?"
<Lilith> It is impossible for one to achieve a meritable strength with will alone, when unaware of their own characteristics.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel pouts, "...that's not fair. I didn't know what 'elemental affinity' was until the testing..."
<Lilith> In life, I was affinity of lightning. Often inugami take on the spiritual traits of their master, due to using their spirit for sustenance, however... With Lady Raquel that seems not always the case.
<Ariel> Raquel> "...what do you mean?"
<Lilith> My powers seem more of lightning's rule, do they not?
<Ariel> 6* Raquel nods slowly.
<Lilith> Talented inugami can sometimes make or meld their affinity to their masters, however I would not claim to be "talented." I was a simple ronin and my merits were of the sword and spear.
* Lilith has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Lexi)))
* Kuroichigo has joined #taw
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I don't understand."
* Kuroichigo is now known as Lilith`
<Lilith`> Understand what?
<Ariel> Raquel> "What one thing has to do with the other... why the sudden change... and what you're trying to say..."
* Lilith` tilts her head.
<Lilith`> We have been through much-- I am merely giving you valid reasons why my rune circuits may have changed.
<Ariel> Raquel> " you don't know why they changed?"
<Lilith`> The reasons I have stated determine their appearance you see. It is of little concern to me how they appear.
<Ariel> 6* Raquel sighs, "...I hate it when you insist on being difficult..."
<Lilith`> If they make you unhappy, then I apologise, Lady Raquel, however I cannot help that they may change to a less appealing state.
<Lilith`> Truly an inugami servant whose appearance displeases their master is a disdainful thing...
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I'm not unhappy with that. I just don't like it when you don't answer the questions I'm asking... you're usually directed, unless you don't want me to know something."
<Lilith`> There are many things little Lady Raquel does not know in this vast life.
* Lilith` pats Raquel's head.
<Ariel> Raquel> "'re doing it again."
<Lilith`> I see. I apologise I am a shameful and untrustworthy inugami...
* Lilith` hangs her head slightly
<Ariel> 6* Raquel frowns, looking obviously worried.
<Lilith`> I merely wish to protect Lady Raquel and serve my purpose.
<Lilith`> I apologise for any faults in my conduct.
* Lilith` bows her head
<Ariel> 6* Raquel blinks, "......"
<Ariel> Raquel> "...I thought you said before that your purpose was to protect me..."
<Ariel> Raquel> " you want to get something to eat Lilith?"
* Ariel is now known as Ari[AWAY]
<Megumi> -Pause-