Session Start: Wed Jul 09 20:02:45 2008
Session Ident: #taw
* Logging #taw to 'logs\EsperNet\#taw.20080709.log'
<DeathStar> Stardate: Immediately Thereafter
<DeathStar> 6* The combined team heads for the senate building
* Marcus walks along beside Kat, peering ahead, a frown on his face.
* Chad`Winters moves along, Ebony still drawn out.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves along silently now. The battle in space rages in the dark sky above them, with flares of brilliant light from explosions
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC checks her clip as she walks along.
<Marcus> * Drasek struts forward, occasionally he glances upward, letting out a whistle at a particularly bright flash.
* Sally walks along quietly, adjusting her rifle.
<Marcus> * Theron moves ahead silently, as usual. His eyes peer about, looking for potential threats.
* Myria stays close to Theron.
<DeathStar> 6* The streets are void so far of any opponents. An unsettling quiet; a deadly evil in the air eminates from the ground
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> And I was starting to enjoy colors too.
<Marcus> Ah, colors are overrated./
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav walks along so far, leading the group with Xrileshir
<DeathStar> 6* Billy bounces along, her boobs bouncing, too
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances at Billy as he moves along. 1"Didn't your mother's buy you a bra?
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> "She didn't need one this morning."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Hil-ar-ious
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> They grow so fast. 6He get's that swoon look.
<DeathStar> 6* Scar gropes Freyja. "Do you wear a bra?"
* Chad`Winters glances at Scar then ahead again.
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, in front, and behind them, Giant Dark Ones smash through some buildings.
<DeathStar> Song 01: Giant Dark Ones
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> HEads up!
* Marcus jerks, glancing behind him, then ahead of him.
* Chad`Winters spins around, quickly taking in, clicking his tongue as he eyes them.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC brings her rifle up.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr jerks, forming her guns. "Megumi we need to---" 6* She begins as a piece of debris falls down on top of Megumi, Freyja, Chii, and Xrileshir
<Marcus> * Theron pulls up his rifle and aim, then peers over his shoulder at the other one.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...Great and me without my Ultra Powered Dark Beams.
<Marcus> <Drasek> Oh bloody hell, so much for our giant mech fighting people.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr and Erevis both jerk. "Megumi!" 6* Cheryl's eyes widen and she tries to get to the debris
<DeathStar> <Darien> This is bad.
<DeathStar> 6* Scar steps back, holding up his hands in surrender.
<Chad`Winters> Very bad. 6He raises Ebony at one of the Giant Dark One's
* Sally charges her rifle.
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> *chambers a round in her rail gun*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien makes a sound of annoyance. "This will take too long. Chad, your team needs to hold them off so we can proceed."
<Marcus> * Drasek scoffs and laughs. "Right mate, we'll fight the giants why you go a skippin ahead."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina works on trying to get to Chii herself, with Cheryl.
* Chad`Winters looks at Darien, making a face. 1"We'll try."
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Decoy duty, eh?" *chambers a grenade* "Done worse."
<DeathStar> <Darien> Good luck. Those with me, run now. 6* He runs quickly ahead.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks at Darien. 1"But..."
<Marcus> Kat. You comin?
* Sally starts running.
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav pauses, and since Xrilehsir can't lead, moves after.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina hesitates. Zephyr eyes Cheryl. <Zephyr> We'll get Chii out, too
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC nods and moves after Darien.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl nods, and moves after Darien, and Katrina follows
* Myria starts running!
<Marcus> * Theron frowns and then moves after Darien.
<Ariel> 6* Em runs after Darien
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias stomps his foot and moves after them.
* Marcus frowns, "If only I still had that corruption." He shakes his head and then moves after them.
<DeathStar> 6* As the others leave, Chad's team is left surrounded by four Giant Dark Ones.
<Chad`Winters> This is going to be hell. 6He sighs, his head turning to one of them.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pauses in her digging, then forms an emerald sword. "I desire to reach Megumi Zhenmei, but I do not believe I have the time."
<Marcus> * Drasek snorts. "You could say that again, mate."
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr winces, eyeing the GDOs.
<DeathStar> 6* All four lift their hands, firing beams down at the group
* Chad`Winters twists and dashes to the side to dodge it
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> *moves to evade the incoming beams.
<Marcus> * Drasek widens his eyes and makes a mad dash to the right, diving if he has too, to get out of the way.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr flips herself to the side. Billy kneels, forming a dark shield around herself, and Erevis leaps over the debris for cover.
* Chad`Winters leaps, rolling. He quickly gets up. 1"Cass. Drasek. Both of you fire on one of them at the same time.
<DeathStar> 6* The four beams slam into the ground. Setsuna and Billy vanish into he beams and explosions
<Marcus> * Drasek stands and dusts himself off. "Right, then. Cass you pick you a target, there luv."
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> Billy! Setsuna!
<DeathStar> 6* As the smoke clears, leaving a crater, Billy is fine, but Setsuna looks a bit worse for wear.
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> *deep breathes and turns, firing into one of the Dakr Ones* Now! Just do it!
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr strains to get energy going and fires at the same one.
<Marcus> * Drasek lifts his hand and fires a hyperspace beam for the one that Cass is attacking.
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna wipes her face, standing weakly. decoy duty sucks.
<DeathStar> 6* The Giant Dark One is hit, tilting
* Chad`Winters clicks his tongue as he rests his right hand against his belt.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis rushes forward, spinning and dragging and swinging her sword into the leg, and begins to climb up it
* Marcus slips out four of the explosive knives and throws them for the leg that Erevis isn't attacking/climbing.
<DeathStar> 6* Another Giant Dark One swings it's palm down at Chad and Drasek
<Marcus> * Drasek glances up and urks, attempting to roll to the left.
<DeathStar> 6* The leg is hit by the attacks, and Erevis slashes her emerald sword into the kneecap, sending them falling back
* Chad`Winters glances up and drags his hand along his belt, dropping something as he kicks off to leap out from under it
<DeathStar> 6* The hand smashes into the ground. Erevis falls off the GDO that has fallen
<DeathStar> 6* A muffled boom is heard under the hand, and it lifts back up, undamaged motly
* Chad`Winters eyes the smoke and the lack of damage.
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> *turns, chambering another round and firing at the one Chad tried to blow up.
<Marcus> * Drasek stands and dusts himself off, glancing toward the fallen one, he shifts his attention to the one that had just attacked himself and Chad. He shifts and jumps forward to trying and snag onto the hand as it raises.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy forms a dark energy matter ball, hurling it at the chest of one. It impacts, and dark lines appear along her face now. The GDO begins to tilt backwards
<DeathStar> 6* The hand Drasek is on swings for a building, punching into it, while Cassandra hits it
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> We got one tilting! HIT IT
<DeathStar> 6* Scar runs up to the first fallen, and gourges it's eyes out
* Chad`Winters slips a blade out and quickly attaches 1 Hi energy explosive to it. He steps forward and hurls it at the one that's tilting
<Marcus> * Drasek sighs. "Oh bugger." And is slammed into a building.
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> *turns, chambering a shot then firing at the tilting one.
<DeathStar> 6* The tilting one falls back now. Scar leaps over to gourge into it, leaving only two now.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis rushes along the ground now
<DeathStar> 6* Billy pants, brimming with dark energy.
* Chad`Winters slips another blade out into his hand hand, attaching another high energy explosive to it.
<DeathStar> 6* The two Giant Dark Ones form dark matter balls the sizes of a large room
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> Not this trick again!
* Chad`Winters eyes one. 1"Drasek, fire a Hyperspace beam into one of them. Everyone take cover.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Drasek is inside a building some distance from here, Chad Winters.
<Marcus> * Drasek dissappeared into a building via a Giant Dark One hand.
<Chad`Winters> Erevis do it than.
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> *runs for cover, grabbing the wounded Setsuna along the way*
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ... If I do so, then I might not be able to use my hands properly.
<Chad`Winters> Do we have any alternative?
<DeathStar> <Erevis> Very well. I obey.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis tosses the emerald sword back toward Chad, then cups her hands together
* Chad`Winters grabs it with his right hand, shifting his blade to catch it. He begins backing up.
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr takes cover, just in case. Erevis unleashes a beam from her hands, like Gokou would, into the dark matters, hitting both, and causing an implosion in the sky.
<DeathStar> 6* The sword would turn into a weapon of Chad's heart's desire
<DeathStar> 6* The two Giant Dark Ones fall into the ground with a thud
<DeathStar> End Song 01
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis pants, falling to her knees, her face scrunched up in pain
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> Team Decoy...mission accomplished.
<Chad`Winters> Erevis. 6The blade shifts back into it's orb as he runs towards her.
<Marcus> * Drasek comes up to the hole in the building and peers down, he frowns. "Bloody hell, luv. THat was some power."
* Chad`Winters slides upto her. 1"Let me see your hands."
<DeathStar> <Erevis> ...hnnnnh. 6* Her hands are bloodied and the bone is showing
<DeathStar> 6* Zephyr rushes over, and Billy moves to Cass
<DeathStar> <Billy> Is she okaY?
<Marcus> * Drasek shifts to get down, which is most likely from jumping. He grunts in pain.
* Chad`Winters frowns as he sets the orb down and the blade, his other hand holstering Ebony. He slides his hand along his belt pulling out some bandages and begins wrapping them.
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> *checks Setsuna over*
<DeathStar> 6* She'll be okay, but in pain
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis closes her eyes. "Before we continue, I insist we unbury Megumi Zhenmei and the others."
<Marcus> * Drasek nods. "That we can do, luv."
<Chad`Winters> We will. 6He finishes wrapping up one, then moves to the other
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> She'll live, but I wouldn't want to be here right now.
<Ariel> Setsuna> "...sorry Cass..." *cringes* "...guess I've gotten rusty."
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> Setsuna, you're going to be alright. Just take it easy...we're still in a war zone.
<Marcus> * Drasek moves over to the debris and peers at it, then begins to shift stuff off.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy touches Setsuna, focusing. Her wounds heal slightly, but Billy looks slightly more ... evil
<DeathStar> 6* Scar kicks a Giant Dark One. "Yeah, take that, motherfuckers."
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> Billy, the Dark Energy!
<Ariel> Setsuna> *eyes Billy* "...don't. I'll be okay."
* Chad`Winters finishes her other hand and pulls a small injector from his belt and injects one shot in each wrist.
<DeathStar> <Billy> I know. I can't really help it - I'm swimming in this place's energy. The longer we stay, the more I get. I might as well use it productively.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis nods to Chad. "Thank you."
<Chad`Winters> You're the one that needs to be thanked, Erevis. 6He puts an arm around her and lifts her up
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis winces. She's trying to hide her pain
<Chad`Winters> I can disable the feeling in your hands, but that also means you'll run a higher chance of injuring them beyond what they are.
<DeathStar> <Erevis> I will live with the pain.
<Chad`Winters> Alright. 6He grabs the orb and shifts it into her pocket and then his blade and starts moving for the rubble
<DeathStar> 6* Scar turns, then moves over to Billy. "So, after this, you wanna---?"
<DeathStar> -SCENE SHIFT-
<DeathStar> Song 02: The Council Building
<DeathStar> 6* The team arrives just in sight of the council building, which is uphill of them.
* Marcus peers up at it. "After this, are we done?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She appears distracted, probably thinking about Chii.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hardly.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes the building. 1"That must be it."
<Marcus> Halfway?
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav shakes her head. "The Emperor and the Dark Ones' main head have to be stopped."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien begins to move up the stairs now.
<Sally> "Then let's stop them."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC starts moving up the stairs. Dias soon after
<Marcus> Well that's kinda what we're doing here, Sally.
<Marcus> * THeron moves up the stairs. Marcus moves up them too.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina moves along the stairs herself now. Cheryl follows, distractedly.
* Sally moves up the stairs, rolling her eyes a little, sarcasm on top of sarcasm rarely works.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances at Cheryl. 1"She'll be fine Cheryl. She's immortal, remember?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl shakes her head. "She's not."
* Myria moves along behind Theron.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Not if you think that way Cheryl.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... 6* She sighs, and goes to retort. If she was't so distracted, she might have had time to dodge a beam blast that comes from a turret that rises suddenly. No one else would have time to react, and she goes flying back
<DeathStar> 6* Darien jerks.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias' eyes go wide. 1"CHERYL!"
<DeathStar> 6* The turret then aims at Cassandra, firing
* Sally aims her rifle and fires at the turret.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl falls down the stairs roughly, head first, until she stops.
<DeathStar> *Myria
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC jerks her rifle up and fires a grenade at it
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias leaps down the stairs in a hurry to catch upto her.
* Marcus jerks, glancing over his should down the steps. "Ah fuck." he moves after Dias.
<Marcus> * Theron shifts and aims his rifle, firing for the turret.
* Myria drops down.
<DeathStar> 6* The turret is dmaged and explodes; however, the beam flies at Myria, but in a twist of fate, clips Theron instead, since she was behind him.
<Marcus> * Theron is clippped and does a nifty spin in air, falling down the stairs.
<DeathStar> 6* Four more turrets rise up at various points, and begin to auto-fire. Darien swings the rune blade to deflect shots aimed at him.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias lands in a crouch, his hand, reaching down for her neck for a pulse. 1"Cheryl? ANSWER ME"
* Myria is landed on top of by Theron.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC moves sideways to try and not get shot
<Ariel> Em> *throws a telekinetic blast at a turret, trying to send the barrel off*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl's pulse is weak, and she's laying face down. Her back is bleeding through the suit
<Marcus> * Theron was behind Myria, so no she doesn't.
<DeathStar> 6* Em's move actually works, and the group only has to dodge three.
* Sally moves aside of one's path, aiming her cannon.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Crap crap crap crap. Not like this. 6He presses his hand against the wound. 1"We need some medical supplies Marcus."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina gracefully dodges shots.
* Marcus attempts to get out of any incoming fire, readying his shotgun. "Dude, I don't have anything, I always relied on the corruption."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC continues trying to move, unable to load her launcher. She holds out her rifle, firing at a turret
<DeathStar> 6* Darien throws his sword at one turret, blowing it up
* Sally fires a blast at one of the turrets.
<Marcus> * Theron grunts, landing on Myria then.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl groans, trying to get up
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I...6He closes his eyes, concrentrating as he tries to force his body to heal her.
<DeathStar> 6* It doesn't work. It seems Dias' will is limited to his own body
<DeathStar> 6* Sally and SPoC manage to damage another
<DeathStar> <Darien> Em. Katrina. Get a turret to aim at another!
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias opens his eyes, slight panic on his face. 1"Don't move. That blast went through you
* Sally tosses a grenade at the damaged turret.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Not..completely.
<Marcus> * Theron glances at Myria and frowns, he struggles to lift himself up his right arm completely useless.
<DeathStar> 6* Sally's grenade blows it up.
<Marcus> Seriously Cheryl, just give it a second, then someone can heal you. *he glances up* Myria, get down here!
<Ariel> 6* Em nods, and attempts to drag one turret to face another, but... fine control isn't her specialty with kinetics
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina aids Em, and the two manage to do it. Another turret goes, leaving one left.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC charges up a shot and fires for the barrel.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl coughs up blood, then grabs her chest, despite the attack having hit her gut
<DeathStar> 6* The turret's barrel is damaged, adn it blows up after it shoots again
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Cheryl...
<Marcus> * Theron lifts up his rifle with his left hand only and stands up, bracing himself, he would fire with the grenade launcher of his rifle for the turret remaining.
<DeathStar> 6* Hopefuly not, since it's gone
<DeathStar> End Song 02.
<Myria> Theron...hold on... *starts applying First Aid to Theron's arm*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien goes to get the sword
<Marcus> * Theron shakes his head. "See to Cheryl."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks up at the others. 1"WE NEED SOME HELP DOWN HERE!"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pants irratically. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I wasn't...paying...attenton..."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves his free hand to her shoulder, squeezing it softly. 1"It's not your fault Cheryl."
* Sally looks back towards Cheryl. "General? That sword still got some magic in it?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> It does. We use it, though, to heal her, and we'll probably have no more power left.
<Myria> Ok. *moves over to help Cheryl with her first aid kit*
<Sally> "She looks pretty bad chief."
<DeathStar> 6* Myria would find there's little she can do, since Cheryl's gut is bleeding profusely, and her back as well.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> S-Save 6* She coughs up more fluid, then reaches into her tactical suit, handing a key to Dias
<Myria> ...I...she needs an emergency room.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Just...wrap some bandages around ,e.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes' go wide as he stares at the key. 1"Wh...What?"
<Marcus> * Theron slips something out of his belt and then shoves it into his injured arm, injecting himself with some Erusian nanites. Though they won't heal his wounds quickly, it'll ensure his arm will be alright.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hold that for me. .... don't need my suit fading if I go into Gear form, and that vanishing....
* Myria tries to apply bandages to at least keep the bleeding under some control.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Only if you promise to take it back from me with your own hands.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves down, and begins to use the Rune Blade to mend her wounds to the barest minimal to keep her insides in
<Ariel> Em> "Geez... that's nasty. That girl scares me some times..."
* Marcus stares down at Cheryl with a frown.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Maybe. If I can't, give it to Chii.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina watches them as well.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> No. Promise me. 6He stares into her eyes.
<Marcus> * Theron shifts to sit on a step, resting.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fine. I fuckin' promise.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias nods and takes they key, putting it away.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lowers the sword, eyeing it, then the council building. "We need to continue."
<Sally> "Let's get this done, even if it bloody well kills us."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias helps Cheryl up.
<Ariel> Em> "...let's try to avoid the dying. You know. Allergies.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Ungh...just go on without me for now. I'll catch up. You support me and you'll get us both injured more.
<Myria> That' all I can do.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> We leave you behind and they'll overpower you.
<Marcus> *Theron uses his good arm to pull himself up.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Fine. Lets go. 6* She just snaps now, and begins to walk forward
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sighs, then turns, slashing into the door with all his might, the Rune Blade cleaving it in two.
* Myria moves back behind Theron.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina glances at Marcus, then moves on
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves after Cheryl, eyeing the blood on his hands.
* Marcus sighs and moves after Kat.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoCs moves up after Darien
<DeathStar> Song 03: Inside the Council Building
* Sally follows Darien.
<DeathStar> 6* They would find a long hallway before them, stretching onward. Darien begins to move along.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC moves behind Darien.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina walks along, keeping her senses open.
<Ariel> Em> *keeps her pistol in hand as she walks, cautiously keeping herself aware of danger*
* Marcus moves along after Kat. Theron moves as well, his eyes shifting about.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves along at a slowish pace, her hand on the wlal
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias stays with Cheryl's pace, his eyes glancing around as he walks
<DeathStar> 6* The walls shift, and begin to absorb their life.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stumbles, caught off guard.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC turns, eyeing the wall as she stumbles. She fires a grenade into it.
<Sally> "Fucking shit damnit I fucking hate this..."
<DeathStar> 6* The grenade explodes, causing an explosive wave to shift back at the group
<Myria> Eeeee!
* Marcus growls, stumbling forward in his step and then backward from the explosive wave.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien falls back, using his sword as a shield as best he cna
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC turns, kneeling as she puts her back to it
* Sally fires her rifle into the wall, right before leaping back.
<Ariel> 6* Em lets out a blast to cut the shockwave, but isn't prepared for the draining
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias grabs Cheryl and shifts infront of her.
<Marcus> * Theron shifts and tenses, his back to the wave, in front of Myria.
<DeathStar> 6* SPoC is sent forward as it hits her back, though her damage is lessened by Em
<DeathStar> 6* Dias and Cheryl aren't even touched, due to her actions. The draining stops.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances behind him, blinking. He looks at Cheryl. 1"Oops?"
<Myria> Th...thank you, Theron.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ... you enjoying touching me?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien lowers the sword. A few paces ahead, tendrils shift, blocking their path onward.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias quickly drops his hands. 1"Yes?"
<Marcus> * Theron nods and turns to peer at the tendrils, he frowns.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Tch.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC slowly rises, smoke coming off her back
* Marcus pulls himself up. "Jeez." He pulls out his blades.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien rears back and swings his sword down, chopping them in half. They begin to slowly regrow
<Sally> "Fuckin cowards..."
<Ariel> Em> "You know, we need to invent light beams." *stays close behind Darien*
<DeathStar> 6* Darien runs through while he can. They will close in 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<Marcus> * Therona nd marcus Dive through.
* Sally runs through.
<Ariel> 6* Em is still behind darien
<DeathStar> -0-
<Myria> I already invented a light beam! *runs*
<DeathStar> 6* Myria runs into them.
<Myria> Oww!
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC eyes the tendrils and starts moving towards them.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina pulls out her own energy sword, slashing to try to cut. They are more resistant now
<DeathStar> 6* Darien glances back.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks ahead then backs into her, putting her on his back. He starts jogging towards the tendril wall now
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> T-The fuck?
* Marcus slips out his ripple blade and glances over his shoulder. "Stand back." He calls out.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheyl makes pained faces.
<DeathStar> 6* Marcus' voice isn't heard.
* Myria steps back.
* Marcus shifts to try and cut through the tendrils with the ripple blade.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias comes to a stop several feet away from the wall
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina slashes again. AS they both cut, their blades connect roughly.
* Marcus jerks, pulling back quickly. "Fuck!"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina stumbles. The tendrils begin to regrow
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
* Chad`Winters moves through with Cheryl and Spoc
* Marcus reaches out to pull her through.
<DeathStar> -0-
<Chad`Winters> NRP: Dias
* Myria runs!
<DeathStar> 6* Myria runs into it agian.
<Myria> Darn it!
<Ariel> Em> "Oh, come on..."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien sighs . This will take a while
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias glances back at the wall. 1"Myria."
<DeathStar> End Song 03
<DeathStar> -TIME JUMP-
<DeathStar> 6* After working their way through many barricades, which I no longer care to do, the team arrives at a pair of black doors.
* Myria mutters about stupid black tendrils.
* Marcus peers at the door, having already apologized to Kat. He steps forward, to peer at the doors.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina studies them, warily.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias sets Cheryl down.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl boinks Dias hard.
<Marcus> Should I...touch them? *he seems to recall all the other nasty surprises that Dark One items have, and just shakes his head* Maybe not.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Probably not.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias slowly looks back at Cheryl, rubbing his head. 1"Did you...?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Hit you? Yes.
<Marcus> * Theron tils his head. "Perhaps we could try to pry it open with out weapons?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien steps back, holding the rune blade. "Everyone step back."
* Myria steps back.
* Sally steps back.
<Marcus> * Marcus steps back. Theron does as well.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias and SPoc both step back
<Marcus> Hey wait, Darien. I could try to use the Earth rune. To save you some energy.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl steps back, and Katrina mvoes behind Marcus
<DeathStar> <Darien> The rune is pretty depleted.
* Marcus arches a brow. "Oh. I thought it used my own energy."
<Sally> "Couldn't we just... blast it?"
<DeathStar> <Darien> It does, but the rune itself is depleted.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Meaning, it would take more of your energy t oaccomplish a simple goal.
<Marcus> Oh. Well, I can still do it if you want to conserve its energy.
* Sally pulls up her cannon. "You know... boom boom?"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes Sal, then ignores her.
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> I have found that using explosives on Dark things is not wise.
<DeathStar> <Darien> You sure you want to put yourself in a weakened state?
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl crosses her arms, breathing irratically still
<Marcus> For the good of the mission, right?
<DeathStar> 6* Darien shrugs, taking it out and tossing it to him.
* Marcus catches it and slides it onto his hand. "As long as I can manage to walk after it, i'll be fine." He closes his eyes and steps forward, focusing.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien waits.
* Marcus attempts to form his super neat-o Rid-like armor, then he jerks forward to slam the giant rock fist for the door.
<DeathStar> 6* The door shatters, and Marcus now feels like a fat man who ran a 10 mile marathon.
<DeathStar> Song 04: Council of Unreason
* Marcus slumps, the rocks crumbling off of him, he pulls the rune off and hold it up, not enough energy to even toss it.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien takes it, slapping it back on. He moves inside, where the dark energy increases.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias moves through the doorway, clenching his fists tightly.
* Sally follows Darien, weapon primed.
<Marcus> * Theron shifts to move inside.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC steps through, sweeping with her rifle
* Myria steps inside as well.
* Marcus takes in a few deep breaths, doing his best to just walk through.
<DeathStar> 6 AS they move in ,they would notice a table with 7 chairs, each with a Tsivrixsh in them.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks ahead at the table, sizing each one up.
<DeathStar> <Tsivrixsh 1> Humans.
<DeathStar> <Tsivrixsh 3> With the gall to appear before us?
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Amigos.
<Marcus> * Theron shifts, good arm forward, raising his rifle.
<Sally> "Yep."
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina studies them, holding her sword ready.
<Ariel> Em> "What? You didn't get our RSVP?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grinds her teeth.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> We've come to offer you the chance to forgo the dark one's and join us in kicking their asses.
* Marcus moves over toward the wall, to sit down and regain his energy.
<Sally> "What he said, only in a nicer way."
<DeathStar> <Tsivrixsh 6> Join you? Hardly. 6* They all begin to glow with dark auras, dark lines appearing on them.
<Marcus> * Theron frowns. "I should have suspected this."
<DeathStar> <Tsivrixsh 4> We will kill you for trespessing on our grounds.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes the dark lines. 1"You couldn't kill us without the help of your dark powers."
<Sally> "Think about this, we managed to get past your army and onto your grounds."
<DeathStar> <Tsivrixsh 2> After we are done with your Earth, we will kill your Erusian people. And you, traitor, will suffer unimaginable pain
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav says nothing to this
* Myria twitches a bit.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias holds his hands up. 1"Alright. I'll give you guys one last chance."
<Marcus> * Theron narrows his eyes and slowly lowers his rifle, slipping it onto his back.
<DeathStar> 6* They respond by sealing the room with dark energy.
<Sally> "You've surrendered yourself to a dark power just to fill your egos."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks backwards, making a face. He looks ahead at the Dark Tsiv. 1"So that's how it's going to be?"
<DeathStar> 6* As Sally says this, dark energy wraps around her throat, jerking her into the sky. It's like atendril, but of pure energy, burning her htroat
<DeathStar> <Tsivrixsh 7> I will cut your tongue out, human
* Sally growls, refusing to scream as she strugggles. "F-FUCK YOU!"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Than come a cutting. 6He shifts into his fighting stance.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl whips out, breaking the energy conneciton
<DeathStar> Song 05: Council of Death
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC aims at a Dark Tsiv.
<DeathStar> 6* The seven Tsivrixsh council members float into the sky. They unleash beams of energy at Shretrav, all seven.
<Myria> Watch out!
<Marcus> * Theron pulls up his anti-Dark One gun and widens his eyes, he shifts and makes a dahs for Shretrav, to dive and tackle her out of the way.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien turns slowly to follow the beams, no way he can stop all seven
* Sally falls to the ground, neck burned, eyes cold with rage. She aims her cannon without even thinking to recover and lets loose a blast at the first one she can.
<Myria> Theron!
<DeathStar> 6* Theron succeeds, but is blasted instead
<Myria> THERON!
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes' go wide and he breaks into a dash for the Dark Tsiv
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav gapes as he's ripped up horriblely.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Dammit!
<DeathStar> 6* Darien rushes forward, as does Cheryl.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> W-Why would you do thta?
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC opens fire on DS1
<Chad`Winters> NRP: DT
* Myria runs over to where Theron fell.
<Marcus> * Theron lands on the ground roughly, he coughs. "No one....deserves..." he coughs ahain. "Death."
* Sally opens fire on DT1 as well.
<DeathStar> 6* The Dark Tsiv is shot, being overpowered.
<Ariel> 6* Em telepunches DT2 in the face to distract him.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> But...I am a Tsivrixsh. Our people are enemies.
* Marcus eyes the scene and struggles to pull himself up.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC continues to open fire on the DT1
<DeathStar> 6* Darien slashes at DT1.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl flips and whips down on one.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias leaps onto the table, making a dash for DT7
<Sally> "You're our allie now! YOU CAN CONTEMPLATE WHEN WE'VE BURNED THEM!"
<DeathStar> 6* DT2, eyes Em, then fires a beam at her.
* Myria pulls out he rmed kit and tries to treat Theron.
<Marcus> <Theron> Race means little....other than a...physical barrier.
<DeathStar> 6* DT1 is overpowered and falls.
* Sally aims at DT2 and opens fire.
<DeathStar> 6* Theron's life begins to slip away.
<DeathStar> 6* DT2 begins to deflect whathe can. Katrina psionically tries to hold him in place, sweat pouring down her face.
<Myria> Hang on, Theron! Please!
<Marcus> * Theron eyes' go a bit distant, and his breathing becomes labored.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC shifts her aim at DT2 and begins firing at it
<Ariel> 6* Em attempts to floor herself to avoid the shot.
* Sally pulls up her antiDO rifle and fires at DT2. "DIE MOTHERFUCKER!"
<DeathStar> 6* Darien spins, slashing with a light strike at DT2.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias leaps into the air, spin kicking at DT7
<DeathStar> 6* DT2 collapses.
<DeathStar> 6* DT7 dodges by floating to th eside
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias lands in a crouch. 1"That the best you got?!"
* Sally pulls her cahrging cannon around to DT5 and blasts away. "Your turn!"
<DeathStar> 6* The remaining DTs, 3-6, fire at Sally from all angles.
* Myria injects Theron with a stimulant.
<DeathStar> 6* DT7 attempts to uppercut Dias.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC quickly drops her clip and slaps a new one in and begins opening fire on DT3
* Marcus pulls up his anti-Dark one rifle and kneels aiming at DT7 charging the gun.
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav pulls out a medical device, jabbing it into Theron's neck, working with Myria.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias kicks up and throws his fist down to intercept the incoming uppercuty
* Sally unhooks her cannon and tosses it at one of the beams, rolling under what she hopes is an opened path.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien moves for
<DeathStar> 6* The beams hit the cannon, blowing it up.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien slashes DT3, trying to overpower.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl flips, whipping DT3 still, her movements sluggish
* Sally pulls up her anti-DO rifle and starts firing it at DT5 again. "I loved that gun, YOU MISERABLE FUCK!"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina turns her focus on DT3 as well, slwoing him down
<DeathStar> 6* DT5 dodges. Since he isn't being overp owered
<DeathStar> 6* DT7 floats back
* Marcus fires once he floats back, the fully charged anti-DO shot.
<Ariel> 6* Em pulls her pistol, shooting at DT7 as he moves back.
* Sally turns and fires at DT3.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias pushes off, landing again. He moves in after DT7, throwing a left hook for him
<DeathStar> 6* The DT7 dodges Marcus, but is shot by Em, then hit by Dias.
<DeathStar> 6* DT3 collapses.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias quickly follows it up with an uppercut for his gut
* Myria works to try to keep Theron alive.
<DeathStar> 6* DT7 dodges again
<DeathStar> 6* Darien eyes DT7, then rushes, stabbing at him.
* Marcus shakes his hand as the heat discharge burns him slightly he makes a face.
* Sally starts charging her anti-DO rifle. "So much for the league of evil."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl snorts. "As if politicians could do much."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias leaps to the side as Darien stabs and kicks out for DT7's side
<DeathStar> 6* DT7 dodges the stab, then is kicked.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl moves along, whipping out at DT7
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias lands and spins around, ducking low as he punches for DT7's gut
<DeathStar> 6* DT7 is whipped, then punched.
<Sally> "My cannon, my beautiful goddamned cannon!" *she waits with so many in melee*
* Marcus lets out a breath, and begins to charge up the Anti-DO gun again.
<DeathStar> 6* DArien spins, slashing him, and tkaing him down.
<DeathStar> 6* DT4, 5, and 6 back up, then begin to form dark matter balls.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> THAT WAS MY KILL! 6He turns, eyeing the Dark Matter balls.
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav and Myria manage to stablize Theron, but it's clear he won't be going anywhere now.
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC eyes the Dark Matter balls and switches rifles to a ADO and fires a charged shot for one of the balls
<DeathStar> <Darien> Grow up.
* Sally fires a charged shot at one of the balls.
<DeathStar> 6* The shot hits it, causing a major implosion in the room, that hits all of them, throwing everyone back
<DeathStar> End Song 05
<DeathStar> 6* Theron begins to bleed again being jolted.
* Sally stumbles back and grumbles, "I'm gonna feel this tomorrow..."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien slams into a seat.
* Marcus jerks, slamming into the wall, then falls forward.
* Sally lands on her back and skids.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina is knocked flat on her face.
<Myria> Acccck!
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias hits the table and bounces off it
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC slams into a wall
<Marcus> * Theron tumbles, leaving a trail of blood.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl hits the wall with her back, crying out
<DeathStar> 6* The remaining council members do not get up. Shretrav coughs, looking bruised.
* Sally slowly picks herself up, pulling out her side arm. "Pricks..."
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC winces as pulls herself up. 1"It would appear that was a not a good idea either.
<Ariel> Em> *gets up* "Urg... I hate politicians..."
* Myria moves over to Theron and tries to redo all he rprevious work.
<Sally> "No it was great... shitheads got what they deserved..."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias winces as he grabs the table and pulls himself up
<Marcus> * Theron makes a nifty new pool of blood while she works.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien recovers finally.
* Marcus slowly moves to lift himself up, groaning. "I'm glad I don't feel like this all the time."
* Sally gets up and walks to one of the council members, kicking him to see if he's alive.
<DeathStar> 6* Theron is finally patched up, but it's clear they will have to leave him behind.
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav speaks clearly now. "We must continue to the Imperial Building now."
<DeathStar> Song 06: To The Imperial Building
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Imperi...Wait what?! We just got here.
<Myria> Theron...can you hear me?
<Sally> "This was the damned council, the posers, the bitches of the emporer."
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> And we accomplished what we came to do. Now we have to go.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl sits there
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina rises now.
<DeathStar> 6* Theron remains unconscious
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Theron going to be safe here? 6He looks at Cheryl, eyeing her.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> I do not know, but taking him with us will be a waste of energy, and could put him in risk
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks at Darien. 1"The other team. They're following our trail right?"
<Myria> Can we hide him in the debris?
<Sally> "If they were lucky."
* Sally kicks the council member again for good measure.
<DeathStar> <Darien> They should be
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav nods to MYria, then helps her move Theron under some chairs
* Marcus slowly rubs his shoulder. "There anyway to let them know where he is?"
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias nods then looks at Cheryl. 1"You gonna be able to move with us?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rises ."Yeah."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias stares at her, running his hand through his hair. 1"Alright."
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Hm. 6* She puts a empathetic feeling at the spot, hoping Freyja can sense it
* Myria moves Theron.
* Marcus glances over at Kat. Tilting his head. "You alright?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina doesn't answer, focused
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav rises . "Let us continue."
* Sally fixes her armor a little and looks around. "Which way?"
<Marcus> Oh. *he figures she's doing something important.*
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina finishes, opening her eyes
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> Follow me.
<DeathStar> 6* She moves out the door and back into the hallways
* Sally moves to follow Shretrav.
* Myria follows after Shretrav, glancing back at where they hid Theron.
* Marcus begins to move after Shretrav, albeit slowly
<DeathStar> 6* Darien follows her as well, and Katrina gives Marcus a smile, moving along, helping him by putting an arm around him. Cheryl moves, holding her chest
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC moves after Shretrav, a little slower. Dias eyes Theron's hiding spot then turns, moving after Cheryl
* Marcus smiles at her. "Thanks."
* Sally keeps moving, adjusting the collar of the tact suit under her armor to cover the deep, brown markings of the burn around her neck.
<DeathStar> 6* They exit the building, taking a route that seems blocked off by high walls on either side. In the far, far distance, a giant building can be seen.
* Marcus squints. "Is that seriously the place? "
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Great...More walking.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Hopefully the Emperor and the Dark Leader is there.
<Ariel> Em> "So... how heavily fortified is the gothic tower supposed to be?"
<Marcus> Hopefully we can take them down with the little bit of people we have left.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> Extremely. There is a shield around it, and the only way into it is this path. Your ships would be unable to hit it
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> You'd think they'd be so arrogantly cocky that they'd come face us right here.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> The emperor is not like you, human
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Has no honor or love for battle?
<Sally> "He's a coward then?"
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> Hardly.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Or as good looking?
<DeathStar> 6* As they walk along, they would find a single Tsivrixsh female up ahead, wearing a military uniform.
<DeathStar> 6* Song 07: Personal Threat.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien blinks in surprise.
* Marcus eyes the Tsiv woman. "Friend of yours, Shretrav?"
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Tch. She's the welcome committe?
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> No. I do not know her.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias eyes teh woman, putting his hands behind his head. 1"What harm could one tsiv woman do?"
<Marcus> Guess you wouldn't. Her being military. *he reaches to up his shotgun.*
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC keeps her rifle trained on the female tsiv.
<DeathStar> 6* When they reach talking range, the female's red eyes focused on them.
<Marcus> NRP: Pull up*
<DeathStar> <Female Tsivrixsh> So these are the human scum my son has joined.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Y...Uh oh.
* Marcus winces. "Ouch."
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav pauses. "Ah."
<Sally> "...Oh god... Xril's mother huh?"
<DeathStar> <Female Tsivrixsh> I see that little grubworm of a son isn't here. Has he fallen in battle already? How like his father.
<Myria> This is going to get complicated.
<Ariel> Em> "...eating those words of yours now, Dias?"
<Sally> "Yeha we're the bad kids influencing your son into logic, reasonable thinking, and not doing Dark Ones."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias blinks than checks the woman out. 1"A woman of your caliber gave birth to that man?
<Marcus> Sally. Don't belitte her. Seriously.
<DeathStar> 6* She eyes Dias. "I think I'll suck your eyeballs out, and eat them."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...Wow. That is hot.
<DeathStar> 6* She reaches behind her, pulling out an xvash like scythe into hand. "If my son is alive, I will enjoy his expression when he sees what remains of his allies."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias lowers his hands, tightening his fists several times. 1"I'm sure he's right behind us."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Seems we can't get on withouta fight. 6* Darien sighs, and Katrina grimaces.
<DeathStar> Song 09: I Will Stop You 2
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> You could always let us by and wait for him.
<Marcus> I wouldn't be opposed to that.
<DeathStar> 6* She responds by rushes in, swinging the scythe at her chest.
<DeathStar> *his
<Myria> Watch out!
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias kicks back, curcing his body around the scythe blade to keep from getting cut.
<DeathStar> 6* She spins again rapidly s he kicks back, swinging it down vertically into his leg.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl blinks. "Dias!"
* Sally fires at the woman. "Back off bitch."
<Marcus> Oh fuck, is that thing poisoned?
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> Yes.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias howls as it slams into his leg.
<DeathStar> 6* The woman blocks with a bracer on her arm.
* Marcus groans. "I sure hope he can will himself to not be poisoned.
<DeathStar> 6* Then rips it out of Dias.
<DeathStar> 6* She leaps back.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias let's out another howl in pain as he grabs his leg.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien tchs, then dashes inward, slashing at her downwardly, parrying his blade against her scythe. "We don't have itme for this. All of you continue on."
* Sally fires several shots after the woman.
<DeathStar> 6* The woman has Darien for a shield.
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> Understood. 6She starts moving ahead
<Sally> "No, you're needed Starr. You go."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl pauses, then nods, moving onward. Katrina moves on.
<DeathStar> <Darien> Follow my orders. Now.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias tenses up as he tries to force himself to stand.
<Sally> "I made him my responsibility, I'll handle it!"
* Marcus winces. "Damnit. This is shitty." he moves to continue, grabbing Dias by the back of the neck to help drag him along.
<DeathStar> 6* The female leaps back, and he moves in after her. The two begin to trade responsibilities. "Go now."
<DeathStar> 6* Er, blows
* Myria starts moving onward.
* Sally griwls and moves onwards. "Damnit FINE."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias is dragged along, his face sweating slightly from the poison.
<Marcus> Dias, listen to me. Will the poison out of your system. You have too.
<DeathStar> 6* As they move, they would find a vehicle, probably what the woman used to meet them half-way.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Like I'd let some damn poison stop me.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina eyes the vehicle. "We might could use this."
<Marcus> Yeah, Natalie, can you drive?
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC runs upto it, quickly getting in, looking for keys
<DeathStar> 6* The vehicle is already powered on
* Marcus moves to get himself and DIas into the vehicle.
* Sally gets in as well.
<Myria> Umm, I think she means yes. *climbs into the vehicle*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl climbs in the back, and Katrina takes shotgun.
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> Yes I can drive. 6She checks her mirrors
<Ariel> Em> "You guys better catch up!" *gets in*
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias drops in and begins trying to will the poison out of his system.
<Chad`Winters> <SPoC> I recommend buckling up. 6She puts the vehicle in gear.
<DeathStar> 6* He can, but it'll take time.
<DeathStar> Song 11: Through the Imperial Building
* Sally buckles up.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> It'd be easier if someone gave me an some antitoxins.
* Marcus buckles up. "Does anyone even have those?"
<Chad`Winters> 6SPoC puts it in gear and drives forward
* Chad`Winters is now known as SPoC
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina shakes her head.
<Marcus> Why don't we have them, we knew we were coming to this planet.
* Myria digs in her med kit and pulls out an antitoxin injector.
<DeathStar> 6* AS they drive forward, tendrils begin to rip out of the ground, trying to make the path treacherous. Prepare yoruself, SPOC.
<Myria> It may or may not work.
<DeathStar> 6* Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Down
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<SPoC> rllrrllrrllrrlllrlrlrllrlrlrrllrrlrlu
<DeathStar> 6* They drive rapidly through the tendrils ripping up from the ground, smashing at them. One hits the vehicle, smashing in part of the one side, as they move along, skidding along. Finally, as they near the entrance of the palace doors, a tendril comes ripping upward, sending them flying up and over it, smashing through the doors and into a halway. Shretrav speaks up.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> He is on the top floor. CAn you drive up the stairs?
<SPoC> <SPoC> I will try. 6She heads towards the stairs
* Marcus grunts, holding on. "Shit man. She's crazier than you are."
<SPoC> 6Dias howls in pain from all the swerving and bounce. He forces his body to heal the xvash wound
<DeathStar> 6* Dark Mechs and tendrils begin to get in their way, attempting to take them out. Prepare yourself.
<DeathStar> 6* Left, right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right, LEft, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, LEft, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, RIght, Left, Left, RIght, Right, Right, Left, Left, Right, DRAMATIC STOP
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
<DeathStar> -0-
<SPoC> rllrrllrrllrrllrlrlrlrlrlrlrlllrrllrrlllrrl
* Marcus shifts and grasps his restraints, at least this gives him time to rest.
<DeathStar> 6* They weave through tendrils, moving around them as they smash into Dark Mechs to get at them. SPoC wildly drives up the stairs for each floor as they rip out of the walls and floor, trying to get them. As they near one of the upper floors, a tendril comes slamming down on the stairs, so they have to take a dramatic stop - and go through another set of doors into the floor they're on
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl grips a handle to keep herself steady. "Shit."
<Myria> At least...the place has alot of space.
<DeathStar> 6* As SPoC spaces out momentarily turning on the AC, they drive into the tendril and through the doors on a bounce, moving down a halway.
<DeathStar> 6* As they speed along, they can see a giant balcony ahead. The gap to the other side balcony will require high speed.
<DeathStar> 5
<DeathStar> 4
<DeathStar> 3
<DeathStar> 2
<DeathStar> 1
* SPoC does whatever she needs to
<DeathStar> -0-
<DeathStar> 6* SPoC would need to hit the gas, yes.
<SPoC> 6SPoC loves her gas pedal
<DeathStar> 6* As the vehicle speeds up, they smash through the balcony, going soaring through the air, and come crashing down on the other side, wehre more stair doors can be seen
<SPoC> SPoc heads for them, swerving as she regains control
<DeathStar> 6* They crash through the doors, going up the stairs, and crashing into the next set ,where they come to a stop at the throne room.
<DeathStar> End Song
<SPoC> SPoC comes to a stop.
<Myria> I feel...light headed.
<Marcus> I think I'm going to puke.
<SPoC> 6Dias leans over and vomits
<Sally> ...Can we do it again?
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina looks queazy, but Cheryl laughs
<Sally> That was fun!
<DeathStar> 6* Dias' body is better now
<Marcus> Oh dude, you really did.
<SPoC> 6Dias stands wobbly. 1"...That was....Wow."
<Ariel> Em> "...and to think I gave up being a super spy to avoid these sort of car rides..." *holds her head*
<DeathStar> 6* A Tsivrixsh in dark armor sits there ,eyeing them.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl climbs out.
<SPoC> 6SPoC steps out. 1"I hope that I did not scare any of you while I was driving."
* Sally waves at the Tsiv and gets out.
<Sally> "Seriously, I wanna do it again."
<DeathStar> Song: 12 - Emperor of the Tsivrixsh Empire
* Marcus shifts to get out of the vehicle, he looks up at the Tsiv. "Emperor, I take it?"
<DeathStar> <Emperor> So, you made it this far.
<DeathStar> 6* He has his head propped up with his fist
<SPoC> 6Dias hops off, stumbling slightly. He looks over at the emperor.
* Myria climbs out of the vehicle.
<Ariel> 6* Em gets up shakly, "We're not more than fashionably late... right?"
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina clims out as well
<DeathStar> <Emperor> Hm. You are all very amusing. And brave to come his far.
<SPoC> 6Dias moves into the throne room, putting his hands behind his head again. 1"Well since you didn't come to us, we figured we'd come to you."
<Sally> "Wow... compliments."
<DeathStar> <Emperor> And now that you are here - what will you do?
* Marcus rubs his face, "Well, you're working with the Dark Ones, right?"
<Sally> "Ask you nicely to please see reason?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Simple. Ask you to kick the Dark One's to the curb.
<DeathStar> <Emperor> Yes. I am.
<Marcus> Together we could defeat the Dark Ones, rid them of this universe. Do you realize that?
<DeathStar> 6* The emperor lowers his hand from his head, placing them on the arm rests of the throne. "And no, I will not. We are on the cusp of a new era, one that will be ruled by the Tsivrixsh people."
<SPoC> <Dias> They don't like to share their power Emp. I know first hand.
<Marcus> Really? What Tsivrixsh people? All I see are Dark Ones.
<DeathStar> <Emperor> Hardly. Do you even know what their intentions are?
<Sally> "Do you?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah, to kill us.
<Marcus> Well, I'd like to know, honestly.
<Sally> "You surrendered to them without even putting up a fight."
<SPoC> <Dias> Galactic domination, that sort of thing.
<DeathStar> 6* He rises from his seat, his cape fluttering. "Yes. Chaos. They bring chaos to the universe. They pick a race, and guide them to rule the reality, in exchange for serving them. And since there is a multitude of realities, we will get this one, while they move on and spread the chaos into the multiverse itself.
<SPoC> 6Dias eyes the Emperor now, lowering his arms. 1"You don't get it, do you?"
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl tchs. "Amibitious fucks."
<Marcus> What good is ruling a universe when everything is wiped out?
<DeathStar> <Emperor> Perhaps it is you who don't get it.
<DeathStar> <Emperor> There are only two options. Submit, and become our slaves, and survive, or resist, and be killed like cattle.
<Sally> "No, you don't get it, you fuckin fell for the biggest con ever concieved. You think you're in charge, but who really makes the decisions, who're really pullin the dman strings?"
<SPoC> <Dias> Sorry bud. I don't like grazing or slaving.
<Myria> ...but...during the last great war...they consumed all their servant races...
<Marcus> But if I had to choose, I'd rather die.
<Sally> "There's a third option."
<DeathStar> <Emperor> Last great war? There was no last great war.
<SPoC> <Dias> I'm not with him. I choose to live.
<DeathStar> <Emperor> We all know the truth about his reality.
<DeathStar> *this
<SPoC> <Dias> Yeah? And what's that?
<DeathStar> <Emperor> You may, Erusian, live under the pretenses set before you by that Progenitor, but the real world is here and now.
<DeathStar> <Emperor> And my people are stepping forth to claim it.
<SPoC> 6Dias cracks his knuckles. 1"You'll have to take me down to get it."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl activates her energy whip, almost casually.
<Sally> "And we're standing forth to live free. Claim all you want, you need to take it from us."
* Sally readies her rifle. "And we're not gonna give it up so easy."
<DeathStar> <Emperor> Hardly. It is you who need to take it from me. After all, the Sol system is just over an hour's time away from being gne forever.
<SPoC> 6Dias eyes go wide. 1"What?"
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav frowns, listening.
<Sally> "In your dreams. In less time then that it's gonna be free."
<DeathStar> <Emperor> I would like to see you try.
<DeathStar> 6* He pulls out a sword, dark lines running along his body, his red eyes flaring
<SPoC> 6Dias stomps on the ground with his right foot and presses off, moving in towards the Emperor
* Sally starts to charge her rifle. "Okay."
<Marcus> Let's see just how much corruption they have you jacked up on. *he slips out his blades*
<DeathStar> Song 13: Dark EMperor
<SPoC> 6SPoC raises her rifle, aiming
* Sally fires her rifle at the emperor.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl rushes in. The shot from the rifle just hits a dark shield uselessly.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> ... he has fallen to madness as well....
<Sally> "You just got that?"
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor waits patiently.
<SPoC> 6Dias tenses up, as he pulls his fist back, moving closer to the DE
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor continues to wait.
<Myria> Shretrav, do you know what his capaiblities were ebfore hhis deal with the Dark Ones?
* Marcus takes a breath, and begins to move to the right, strafing the Emp.
* Sally charges up her anti-DO rifle now.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> He is an extremely strong fighter, and flawless in sword combat.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina activates her own sword.
<SPoC> 6Dias kicks off, and swings his fist in, expecting to hit the shield.
<Myria> melee combat if it can be helped.
<Ariel> Em> "...we need to invest in some of this shield stuff." *attempts to form a burst of kinetic energy inside the shield, and hit him in the face to show her distaste*
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor swings his sword out in arc once Dias' body is committed to the momentum.
<Sally> "Can't be helped. Our side kicks ass in that department too."
<DeathStar> 6* Em's move fails.
<Ariel> 6* Em mutters, but didn't expect better.
<Marcus> It's a damn shame we don't have Darien with us. You know, Sword expert and all
<DeathStar> <Katrina> ... 6* She rushes in now.
<SPoC> 6Dias howls in pain as the blade cuts across his chest, sending blood flying.
<Sally> "Yeah well... he should be here."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl whips down, but the Emperor spins around past her ,slashing her across the back and kicking her to the side.
* Sally aims to get a clean shot.
* Marcus shifts to move in for the Emporer's backside.
<SPoC> 6Dias growls and kicks off the ground, throwing a right jab for the Emperors side.
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor shifts again, slashing once Dias' arm is outward, slicing it withotu removing the arm.
* Myria taps on her suit computer and scans the emperor's defenses.
<SPoC> 6Dias steps back, grabbing his arm in pain.
<DeathStar> 6* Myria's scans just detect a dark barrier around him that stops all energy attacks
* Marcus shifts to swipe out his regular blade for the Emporer's back.
<SPoC> 6Dias takes several steps back, breathing heavy from the pain.
<DeathStar> 6* He shifts, bringing his blade against Marcus, then does a slide move quickly, superior in the art form than Marcus, and slashes a deep cut into his shoulder, kicking him back.
<Myria> He's got a barrier up. Energy attacks won't work. Looks like melee and ballistic attacks are your options.
<SPoC> 6SPoC nods and drops her clip, slipping a bullet clip.
* Marcus falls back, sliding along the ground, wincing at his cut.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina slashes inward at him, and he spins, deflecting it, then goes for a quick cut himself like he did with Marcus but she somehow parries. The two begin to trade blows, and it seems for a moment, the Emperor is distracted
* Sally keeps charging the anti-DO rifle as she pulls out a gun, a standard hand gun that uses bullets.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl gets to her feet finally.
<SPoC> 6Dias takes a deep breath and throws himself in at the emperor
<Ariel> 6* Em draws her sword. She studies the emperor, making notes of his movements.
* Myria then changes her scan, recording the empreror's fighting style and feeding it though an analysis program for any weaknesses.
<SPoC> 6Dias kicks up high and twists, throwing a roundhose kick for the Emperors head
* Marcus moves to pull himself up, he holds his blades ready, despite now his left arm being a bit slower, if not useless.
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor parries Katrina by knocking her blade upward toward Disa' kick as he goes lower.
<Sally> "Too many in melee... fuckin hell..."
<DeathStar> 6* It seems that the Emperor specializes in a parry and return attack manuever.
* Marcus moves in, sliding low to cut out for the Emporer's leg, the backside of his calf.
<SPoC> 6Dias swings his other leg down to kick off the Emperor and spin his other leg away from Kat's blade
<Myria> *comm* ...guys...if you can hear me...he likes to parry and then counterattack as a maneuver.
<Sally> "They're not that far away..." *eyes Myria*
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor twists as Dias goes to kick off, doing a spin slash for him and downward to parry Marcus' blade.
<Myria> I know that...but he can hear me if I shouted!
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina slashes while he does this ,scoring an attack and slashing his armor.
<Myria> Don't tip him off that we are picking apart his moves...duh.
<SPoC> 6Dias spins from the cut, more blood flying. He hits the ground
<DeathStar> <Emperor> It would seem you brought your limbs to a sword fight, boy.
* Marcus attempts to get back away, so they can give it another try.
<DeathStar> 6* He eyes his cut armor, then begins to rapidly attack Katrina, forcing her back and having to parry.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes him, tensing her body, getting ready.
* Sally aims high, shooting for his head. "I brought a gun to a sword fight."
<DeathStar> 6* The bullet is deflected toward Marcus
<DeathStar> 6* It seems the shield can stop it
<Sally> "You said energy only!"
<SPoC> 6Dias pushes himself up. 1"Good point." 6He tenses up his body, trying to his arms into becoming thicker.
* Sally eyes Myria.
<Myria> Strange. Melee attacks can get through but bullets can't?
* Marcus tries to avoid it the best he can, but if it woudl hit him, it would be his side.
<Ariel> 6* Em moves in slashing for the emperor's chest, and releasing a telekinetic push at the emperor's arm if he tries to counter attack.
<Sally> "We gotta get that shield down..."
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor parries Em, since he was attacking i na forward motion anway. He spins to cut her throat, but his aim is pushed off. Katrina recovers ,stabbing him.
<SPoC> 6Dias takes a deep breath and dashes in at the Emperor again.
<DeathStar> <Katrina> Good thinking, Em.
<Myria> Let me try to find it... *scans to see if she can pinpoint a source for the shield*
<DeathStar> 6* Undeterminable.
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor eyes Em and Katrina now, waiting, not paying attention to Dias it seems.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl follows after Dias.
* Marcus lets out a breath and steps forward, coming in at the backside of the Emporer.
<Ariel> 6* Em flourishes her sword in a fencing stance, moving back on the defensive.
<Myria> I can't get a fix on where the shield is coming from.
<SPoC> 6Dias moves in low and than kicks off, throwing his right fist in for the Emperors' back.
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor waits, not attacking yet.
<DeathStar> 6* Then spins quickly around, aiming to cut off Dias' arm.
* Marcus leaps and twists, aiming to cut down for the Emperor's shoulders.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina shifts, attempting to stab again since he's busy. She stabs into him, and Marcus cuts down into him.
<DeathStar> 6* His shield weakens.
<SPoC> 6Dias swings his left hand across, aiming to slam it into the blade as it comes in, timing it to use his arm and his hand to soften the impact
* Marcus makes sure not to hit Kat as he soars over her and and lands, skidding along the groud.
<Myria> His shield power just dropped. It may be tied to how wounded he is.
<DeathStar> 6* The shield begins to rise again
* Xrilesher has joined #taw
<DeathStar> 6* He leaps backwards and up, landing on his feet.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl wiats, since so many people attacked.
* Marcus rotates the blade with his good arm, taking a few steps to the left.
<SPoC> 6Dias shakes his hands and punches his palm into his fist, testing it.
<Myria> Its recovering...ok, come on! Stop making me look stupid!
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor slashes at Dias' throat.
<Ariel> 6* Em slashes at the Emperor's arm as he moves for Dias
<SPoC> 6Dias jerks backwards and swings his fist upwards to try and knock the blade upwards.
<DeathStar> 6* He shifts, his bracer blocking Em.
<DeathStar> 6* Dias' fist fails.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina twists, cutting a this side again, stabbing him.
<SPoC> 6Dias eyes Kat then stares at the Emperor. 1"THAT THE BEST YOU GOT?!"
<DeathStar> 6* His shield weakens.
* Xrilesher is now known as Kulix
* Sally attempts to fire at him again with her charged anti-DO rifle.
<DeathStar> 6* He's then shot, his head snapping back and he falls
* Marcus pauses and tilts his head.
<DeathStar> End Song
<DeathStar> 6* The Emperor falls to his knees ,coughing up blood.
<Ariel> Em> "...that's sorta anti-climatic."
<DeathStar> <Emperor> Damn....
<Myria> Good shot!
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl whips down before he can recover, smashing his face in
<Marcus> No. That was perfect. GOod shot, Sally.
* Sally just smirks.
<DeathStar> <Emperor> have...only....made things worse...for your world...6* He says, then collapses, the dark energy consuming his body and soaking into the floor.
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav sighs, peering downward.
<SPoC> <Dias> It could get worse?
<Myria> I don't think the Emperor was at home. He was probably already consumed from the inside.
<Marcus> We still have the leader of the Dark Ones.
<Sally> "Typical villian."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien works his way into the room finally, panting, bloodied. Behind him is Chad's crew.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I managed to beat Xrileshir's mother...geeze...
* SPoC is now known as Chad`Winters
<DeathStar> 6* He collapses, obviously hurting
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Congrats. You beat up a woman.
<Sally> "Emperor's dead."
<Marcus> * Drasek peers about, he eyes there condition. "Bloody hell. Why'm I not with this group?"
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis steps in, her hands bandaged. They are carrying the injured bodies of Megumi, Freyja, and Xrileshir, and Chii appears to be unconscious, though in better shape.
<Chad`Winters> You'd leave Erevis' side? 6He looks at Drasek
<DeathStar> 6* Billy bounds in. Then pauses, frowning a bit.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Billy!
<Marcus> <Drasek> For a brawl as good as they had? She'd be missing out ifshe didn't come with me.
<Myria> He said that the Sol system was about to be destroyed.
<DeathStar> 6* Scar walks in, arms spread.
<Chad`Winters> What? 6He looks at Myria
<DeathStar> <Darien> We need to find the source of this. Shretrav, do you know what it could be? 6* She shakes her head.
<Sally> "Whatever Dark One ha his ear right?"
<Myria> Our only hope may be to neutralize the Dark Ones.
<DeathStar> 6* Scar drops Theron down
<DeathStar> <Scar> We found him.
<Chad`Winters> Than we need to find the head one.
<DeathStar> 6* Suddenly, dark beams strike everyone but Theron and Myria
<DeathStar> 6* And hold them in place so they can't move.
* Chad`Winters tenses up.
<DeathStar> Song 14: His Name Was Sommelier
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias growls as he tries to move. SPoC frowns.
<Myria> What?! *turns as everyone else is frozen*
<DeathStar> 6* Sommelier the Dark One Scientist emerges from the wall.
<Marcus> * Theron, being unconcious, isn't much of a threat to Sommelier, anyhow.
* Sally growls through her teeth.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis strains to try to move.
* Marcus makes a face, struggling to try and move.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien gasps in pain. Billy twitches.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Y-You!!
<Marcus> * Drasek also tries to move, but you know how that goes.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias struggles, with every ounce of his strength
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> So you've all arrived. Welcome to my greatest experiment yet.
* Myria looks around at everyone else and then at Sommelier.
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> ARgh..G-Gr-Greatest what?
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Like hell!
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> Since the Tsivrixshs are falling into disarray, we've decided to come up with a brilliant new plan.
<Sally> "Oh fuck you you bastard..."
* Chad`Winters studies Sommelier
<Marcus> <Drasek> I'm sure you'll share just what that plan is, eh Mate?
<DeathStar> <SOmmelier> I think even you, Myria, my dear, will appreciate this. We will overload this planet's dark energy, self-destructing it, and send the dark corrupting across the universe, and infect everyone with corrupton. Imagine! A universe of dark ones!!!
<DeathStar> 6* Sommelier spreads his arms, laughing.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Y-You're ins-sane.
<Ariel> Setsuna> "...psycho bastard..."
* Marcus makes a face. "Fuck."
<Sally> "Someone's been in a fuckin lab too long."
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> And when the dead die here today, my wonderful Legion will have all the power he could ever DESIRE
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Oh hell no. I will not let my actions go in vain. 6He growls as he tries to break free.
<Myria> Well, at least he's consistent with history...even if that history is technically fake.
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> Myria! I have shown that your science pales to mine!
* Sally struggles angrily, she HATES this guy.
<Myria> So you just blow up a planet and spread some stuff aorund that was already being spread anyway? Nice job, brainiac.
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> You---MOCK me?! 6* He says in an outrageous voice.
<DeathStar> 6* Dark tendrils wrap around Theron, jerking him over to him. Theron would be jolted awake, but be too weak to do much but talk
<Sally> "Oh burn."
<Myria> Your big solution is to blow up this planet? Think about it. Where is the elegance in that?
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> Perhaps I should make your Erusian dog my first snack for my glorious Legion
<Marcus> * Theron eyes snap open, then peers about.
<DeathStar> 6* Erevis strains uselessly, letting out a frustrated sound
<Myria> That's not being very logical or scientific, is it?
<Sally> "Someone has a Daddy Lovegood complex."
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> ... 6* The tendrils wrap around Theron's neck now.
<Marcus> * Theron quickly evaluates the scene, though now he starts to gasp for air.
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> ... H...he would kill...all my people...for his sick...pleasure? 6* She says, angerily,
<Sally> "Sick fucker isn't he."
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> Do you have any more choice words, Myria?
<Ariel> Setsuna> "...remind me why we haven't killed this bastard painfully yet?" *tries to pull free*
<Myria> But if this is your response, since you obviously can't compete with me... *presses some buttons on the sleeve of her suit* ...let me show you what I've been cooking up *then turns and sprays the tendrils with a gas* My functional anti-Dakr One bio weapon.
<DeathStar> 6* Sommelier begins to laugh when it does nothing.
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> As if I wouldn't create my fuctional anti-Myria shield.
* Chad`Winters clicks his tongue.
<Sally> "...That was anti-clim--- wha?"
<DeathStar> 6* Scar stares. "Are they having a ---- science off?"
<Ariel> Em> "...cheesy, but amusing at the same time."
<Marcus> * Theron gasps for what little air he can get.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Come on Myria! Out geek him!
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Myria! Kick his ass! Use that suit of yours!
<Sally> "When does plot armor come into play?"
<Myria> Oh, so I threaten you enough that you have to prepare inventions just for me? Oh, I'm touched! *then activates her light blade and slashes into the tendrils*
<DeathStar> 6* Theron is slashed free.
<Ariel> Em> "...doesn't function as well in finales, unfortuantely."
<DeathStar> Song 15: Sommelier Battle
<Sally> " what?"
<DeathStar> 6* Sommelier creates his own dark suit, then activates his dark blade.
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> My inventions are greater than yours! My Dark Mechs are creatures of BEAUTY.
<DeathStar> 6* He slashes at Myria
<Marcus> * Theron falls onto the floor, he would try to crawl aside, if he could even manage that.
* Myria then moves into a ready stance, and then leaps back to let the blade pass, then forward against to coutnerattack.
<DeathStar> 6* Sommelier parries, stumbling
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> I will make you a delicious Dark One and you can become my as-sist-tant!
<Sally> "Great the future of our reality is being determined by bookworms."
<DeathStar> <Billy> We're doomed.
<Sally> "Dunno, the one on our side has boobs. The nerd will fall to them."
<Myria> That will just give me more opportunity to do things that you cannot programming an 20th century earth VCR!
<DeathStar> 6* Sommelier steps back, and unleashes a dark wave at Myria, enraged. "I do not know what that means, but YOU WILL BOW TO MY BRAIN!"
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Myria, he's like all nerds. They can't fight! GIVE HIM AN ATOMIC WEDGIE!
<DeathStar> 6* Theron would begin to recover a bit that he might could stand up and attack one time - but if he fails, who knows what could happen
* Myria leaps back and then darts to the side and around!
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> Hold still! 6* He keeps firing dark waves ,smashing things in the room wiht htem.
<Marcus> * Theron grasps onto his Katana, waiting for the right moment.
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> Fine!! Dark My-ri-aaaaa! 6* He shouts out. A Dark version of Myria steps out, clearly mechanical. She wears only a smile.
* Myria runs a circle along the perimeter of the room.
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> Get her! 6* The Dark Myria turns to face Myria, and unleashes a series of missiles at her
* Myria throws her left hand forward and a barrier shield forms around her.
<Sally> "...Anyone else find it unsurprising he has a naked dark one myria-bot?"
<DeathStar> 6* The missiles impact, and break the shield, but it holds long enough she isn't damaged.
<DeathStar> <Scar> No, not at all. I find it kind of hot.
<DeathStar> 6* Sommelier cackles in glee, not paying attention
* Myria leaps through the smoke and light, slashing at her robo-self.
<DeathStar> 6* Robo Myria is cut in half.
<DeathStar> <Sommelier> What?! No! Her power was over 9000!
<Ariel> Setsuna> "...I'm certainly creeped."
* Myria then grabs hold of the Robo Myria half by the arm and lobs it at Sommelier.
<DeathStar> 6* Sommelier dodges
<Marcus> * Theron would finally pull himself up, slowly. Then shoves his katana forward, aiming for the back of Sommelier, aiming to impale him.
<DeathStar> 6* Sommelier is stabbed. He stares downward, open to attack from Myria
* Myria then leaps forward, light blade slashing to take Soom's head.
<Marcus> * Theron lets go and falls back, hard, since that was pretty much all of his energy.
<DeathStar> 6* Sommelier's head is slashed off. The shackles on the team vanish
<DeathStar> End Song
<Marcus> * Drasek shakes himself slightly, adjusting his suit. "Blood nice work, luv."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias pumps his fist in the air. 1"GO MYRIA!
<DeathStar> 6* Darien pants, bloodied. Xrileshir would awaken after all this
<Marcus> NRP: Bloody*
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl strains to sit up again
* Myria lets out a breath and then moves over to check on Theron.
<Marcus> * Drasek tilts his head and moves over to kneel by Darien, to check his condition.
* Chad`Winters shifts his body, not enjoying being held still ike that.
<Sally> "So... did we win yet?"
<DeathStar> 6* Shretrav falls to her knees, grasping at the floor. "But we don't know where the dark leader is - and soon our planet will be destroyed..."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy dusts herself off.
* Marcus shakes his head. "No. We'll find him. Billy. Can you find him?"
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna cracks her knuckles, "Wish there was something left but... that's good."
<DeathStar> 6* Darien seems to be stabbed several times, and probably had to take anti-toxins.
<Ariel> 6* Em makes her way over to Myria, "...think maybe I could get on of those swords?"
* Sally walks over and helps Xril up. "Come on big guy."
<Marcus> * Theron glances at Myria. "I am glad I"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy pauses, then opens herself up to the network
* Chad`Winters looks over at Billy.
<DeathStar> Song 16: Onward
<Myria> eyou going to be alright? *not even noting Em's query*
<Marcus> * Theron nods only slightly. "I am out of the fight, however."
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna eyes Billy, resting her hand on the psiamp, and readies the on button.
<DeathStar> 6* She gasps, jerking, her mouth and eyes opening in shock, almost like she were caught on an orgasm, without the orgasm.
<Ariel> 6* Em sighs.
<Myria> Alright.... *stands back up*
<Sally> "The kid alirght?"
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> Billy!
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> She can do it. 6He watches her, waiting.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy falls to her knees. "Oh. My. Lord. The power."
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl studies her.
<Chad`Winters> What did you find? 6He looks at her.
<Marcus> * Drasek glances around and then slips his hand into his coat, pulling out a small medpack. "Always knew i'd need to help one of you out." He tells Darien, working to bandage him up.
* Marcus moves over toward Billy, peering at her. "You find him and you break off from the network, alright?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> They really did it put all here. It's down below. Underground. Deep under ground. It's so...strong...I-I...we are going to blow the planet...and...rule the universe. Our moment is at hand finally.
<Chad`Winters> Figures. 6He clicks his tongue.
* Marcus reaches out to grab Billy's shoulders. "Billy break the connection!"
<DeathStar> <Katrina> .... 6* She watches, worriedly.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy is grabbed. She doesn't seem to notice Marcus.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Billy. Don't let them take you.
<Marcus> BILLY. *He shakes her, to try get some sense into her*
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna frowns, "Billy... do you know where? Precisely?"
<DeathStar> 6* Billy peers at him, and grins like she's drunk on power. "I think I'll make you my pet, too."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> She's losing it.
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna frowns and activates the amp.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias looks over at Setsuna.
* Marcus frowns instantly.
<DeathStar> 6* Billy pauses, then holds her head, in pain
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> Billy....snap out of it. When we get home, you cna stay up all night and watch Cinemax, ok?
<DeathStar> <Billy> Whoa. Ow...ow....
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias jerks to look at Cass. 1"Can I watch too?"
<DeathStar> <Billy> You have to stop doing that. I almost left half my brain back there, Ninja Momma.
<Marcus> You ok, kiddo?
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> No,'re grounded.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> What?! That's not fair.
<Ariel> Setsuna> *forces a smile, obviously worried* "Better than leaving all of it."
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yes. And yes, I can take us tere. But we have to hurry. They're almost ready.
<DeathStar> 6* Darien nods ot Drasek after he's done . "Thanks."
<Marcus> Awesome work Billy. *he smiles and steps back, letting her do her thing*
* Chad`Winters looks at Shretrav. 1"Fastest way?"
<DeathStar> <Shretrav> ... ... I don't even know how to get underground.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> ...A shuttle?
<DeathStar> <Billy> Leave it to me, old dude.
* Chad`Winters raises an eyebrow at Billy. 1"Old?"
<Marcus> <Drasek> You see mate, you should be like me, be a big ball of energy wrapped in skin, it's easier.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Old.
<DeathStar> <Darien> I'll pass.
* Chad`Winters grunts in response.
<Marcus> * Drasek shrugs and stands, reaching out a hand. "Your loss."
<DeathStar> <Cheryl> Lets end this. We kill the brain, and no more Dark Ones. Right, Billy
<DeathStar> <Billy> Yep. They literally put all their eggs in this one basket.
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> Wonder why they did that though.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> Than let's go egg smashing.
<DeathStar> 6* Scar punches his fist into his hand. "Awesome. I hope their big bad is like Sommelier there."
<Sally> "Just point me at something to shoot already."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy nods, then bounces, making her boobs bounce.
<DeathStar> <Billy> Ready to follow me?
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias' head bounces with her bouncing.
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias than looks at Cheryl. 1"Why don't you ever bounce like that?"
<Ariel> 6* Setsuna smacks Dias.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl eyes him. "Because you'd like it."
<Chad`Winters> 6Dias scowls in pain
* Marcus sighs and looks at the ground. Kat's an empath so if he looks at them, he'll get in trouble.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl scoops up Chii.
* Sally grumbles and leads Xril to the others.
<DeathStar> 6* Katrina gives him a look
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Weee. Lets do it, partner. 6* She waves Megumi's unconscious head up and down eagerly, and Erevis glares.
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> What the hell?
* Chad`Winters raises an eyebrow at Zephyr, smirking slightly
* Marcus pauses and holds up his hands. "What?"
<Ariel> Setsuna> "Eyes on the mission, not my daughter."
<DeathStar> 6* Billy begins to bounce away. "To reach the underground chamber, you have to bounce like me."
<Marcus> * Drasek moves over to Megumi and Zephyr. "I'll carry her if you need me too, bit."
<Chad`Winters> <Dias> I can't help it you breed...Oh I totally like you now. 6He looks over at Cheryl now.
<Ariel> Em> " one with self respect bounces like that." *follows Billy*
<DeathStar> <Zephyr> Sure, thanks. But you have to make her bounce like Billy.
<Myria> 6<14Cassandra6> *walks along, bouncing without meaning to.
<Marcus> * Drasek pauses. "Well I sure hope I don't bounce something loose, luv." He walks after Billy, shaking Megumi.
<DeathStar> 6* Cheryl begins to follow - without the bounce.
<DeathStar> 6* Scar looks at Cassandra, then looks up at the sky, thanking the gods.